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Crane Design Evaluation for Crystal River Unit 3: Comparison to NUREG-0612
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Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1982
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FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION 3201 Thirty Fourth Street South St. Petersburg, FL 33733 January 1982 TERA CORPORATON S

7101 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20014 (30I) 654-8960 Berkeley, California Dollas, Texas Bethesda, Maryland Washington, D.C.

New York, New York Del Mar. Calif ornia Boton Rouge, Louisimo Denver, Colorado 8206210538 820615 h Antmio, Texas L s Angeles, California

$DRADOCK 05000302 Pnp




1.0 Introduction . . . . .................. l-l 1

l l.1 Background . .................. 1-1 l.2 Basis for Review ...... .......... 1-2 l.3 Deviations . . .................. 1-3 1.4 Recommended Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 i 2.0 NRC Submi t tal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 4

APPENDICES Appendix A - Crone Evoluotions i

Appendix B - Supplemental Calculations i



1.1 Background

in August 1980, the NRC issued NUREG-0612, " Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants--Resolution of Generic Task A-36." By letter of December 22,1980, the NRC requested licensees to evaluate load handling operations at their plants against the criteria in NUREG-0612, to identify areas of nonconformance, and to describe octions that would be taken to satisfy the criteria of NUREG-0612. This letter required that the evoluotions be provided in two reports; the first report addressing compliance with general criteria such as definition of safe load paths, development of load handling procedures, procedures pertaining to the inspection and maintenance of crones, crane operator training and qualification, and the evaluation of crane and handling device design against criteria in general industry standards. The second report is to address the potential safety consequences of load handling c.ccidents and preventive or mitigative features that would be implemented so that conse-quences would be within defined safety criteria.

One of the elements of the first report is to be on evoluotion of the crane design against the criterio in CMAA 70-1975, " Specifications for Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes," and the criteria in ANSI B30.2-1976, " Overhead and Gontry Cranes." These crane evoluotions were to be performed for those handling systems that were identified as being of potential safety concern; that is, o load drop from one of these crones potentially could impact irradiated fuel, the reactor vessel, the spent fuel pool, or equipment required for safe shutdown or decay heat removal. The criteria in these standards include guidelines repre-senting good engineering practice that in most cases all crane manufacturers have followed for many years; however, the standards also include several spsecific design parameters in order to assure adequate safety margins.

For the Crystal River Unit 3 plant, it was determined that the handling systems of potential safety concern are the containment polar crane and the refueling 1-1 TERA CORPORATION

1 building crane. At the request of Florida Power Corporation, TERA has performed a comparison of the design of these two crenes against the criteria in CMAA 70 and ANSI B30.2. This report describes that evaluation, identifies creas of nonconformance with these two standards, provides on evaluation of the significance of these nonconformances, and describes recommended actions in order to satisfy the intent of these two standards.

1.2 Basis for Review in order to evoluote the containment polar crane and the refueling building crane, various documentation was obtained which described the design of these two cranes. The information obtained included: original procurement specifi-cations by Gilbert Associates which specify the criteria that these two cranes were to satisfy; the Whiting crane operation and maintenance manuals which included dato sheets of various vendor supplied components and also included certain ossembly level drawings; and additional drawings obtained from Whiting Corporation which provided details on the fabrication and materials of various crane structural components. A summary of the references used in this evaluation is included in Appendix A of this report.

The original procurement specification on this crone required that the crane be designed and fabricated in accordance with EOCl 61-1961, " Specifications for Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes." EOCl 61 was subsequently replaced by CMAA 70-1970; and CMAA 70-1970 was subsequently revised and reissued as CMAA 70-1975. Due to the interrelationship of these standards, many of the criteria in EOCl 61 are the same or very similar to those contained in CMAA 70-1975. Accordingly, the first step in this review was to perform a point-by-point comparison between the criteria in EOCl 61 and CMAA 70-1975, and then to include any additional criteria which may be contained in ANSI B30.2, Chapter 2-1. Where the criterio in EOCl 61 and the current standards are the some, it was deemed unnecessary to perform a detailed evaluation against the criterio in CMAA 70-1975 and ANSI B30.2-1976. The next step in the review required a detailed evaluation of the compliance of the containment polar crone 1-2 TERA CO?PORATON

, and the refueling building crane to the criteria in CMAA 70-1975 and ANSI B30.2- 1976 which were different than or went beyond what as contained in EOCl 61. A similar approach was used by TERA and accepted by the NRC in the evaluation of the cranes at Indian Point Units 2 and 3. In addition, certain other criteria in CMAA 70-1975 address items that may be important in defining interfaces between purchaser and the supplier; however, they do not contribute to load handling reliability or prevention of unsafe conditions. In the evaluation, such criteria were identified as not applicable to load handling reliability, and compliance with these criteria was not evaluated. A summary of this point-by-point comparison is contained in Appendix A to this report.

In the performance of the evaluation of the containment polar crane and the refueling building crane, several calculations had to be performed. For example, in determining moments of inertia, design safety factors, maximum tensile and compressive stresses, shear stresses, gear strength and durability, and holding brake torque safety margins, calculations were performed in accordance with TERA quality assurance procedures, and have been included in Appendix B to this

, report.

l.3 Deviations The comparison of the crane designs to CMAA 70-1975 and ANSI B30.2-1976 identified several deviations from the criteria in these standards. Deviations from these standards do not necesarily represent safety concerns; the signifi-conce of these deviations has been evaluated. The following summarize the deviations that have been identified in this review and provide on assessment of the significance of these deviations in terms of load handling reliability.

(a) Welding. CMAA 70 requires that welding be performed in accordance with AWS Dl4.l; ANSI B30.2 requires that welding be performed in accordance with AWS Dl.1 and AWS Dl4.l. At the time of the fabrication of the Crystal River 3 containment polar crane and fuel handling build-ing crane, AWS Dl4.1 had not been issued. These two cranes were fabricated by Whiting Corporation using the 1-3 T;Da rnCDnO ATirAE _._

AWS DI.I specifications current at the time of fabrico-


tion. The criteria that eventually become incorporated into AWS Dl4.! represent a more detailed identification of those aspects of the standard structural welding code, AWS DI.1, that are applicable to the welding of industrial and mill cranes. We have clso learned from Whiting engineers that the Whiting shop practices used at the time of the fabrication of the Crystal River cranes become the basis for what was to become AWS Dl4.l. Additionally, the welders were qualified to AWS criteria, and all welds were visually inspected. It is judged that although these cranes were not welded specifically to AWS Dl4.1, the procedures and practices that were used in their fabrica-tion are equivalent to the criteria contained in the current AWS standards, and no corrective actions are required.

(b) Longitudinal Stiffeners. CMAA 70 provides specific criterio for determining the minimum value of the moment of inertia for longitudinal stiffeners that are welded in the compression region of girder web plates.

This criterion is satisfied by the containment polar crane; however, the fuel handling building crane does not satisfy this criterion. Using the CMAA 70 formulo, o minimum value for the moment of inertia of the longitudinal stiffener should be lo = 1.715 in.4; however, the actual moment of inertia of the stiffener is calculated to be Ix = .676 in.4 This failure to satisfy the criteria in CMAA 70 represents a lower than normal margin to the prevention of buckling of the web plate. It is not possible using the CMAA 70 formula and guidelines to actually determine what the safety margin is to prevention of buckling. It is recommended that further more detailed stress analyses be performed in order to evolvate the potential for buckling and the adequacy of the design of the longitudinal stiffeners that are used. If these more detailed evaluations show that a potential does exist for buckling in the web plates, modifications may be required such as the installation of additional stiffeners in the compression region of the web plates. It is not possible at this time to judge whether such modifications are octually required.

(c) Hoist Drum. The containment polar crane satisfies CMAA 70 criteria for hoist drum groove depth and pitch; however, the fuel handling building crane only satisfied the criteria for drum groove pitch, but did not satisfy the criteria for the rope groove depth. For the refueling building crane, CMAA 70 requires a minimum drum groove depth of 0.516 in.; however, the actual dimension of this groove is 0.500 in. This criterion is very nearly i

l j 1-4 l


met; the deviation represents only a 3% variation from

., the CMAA recommendation. Since the CMAA guideline of Section is identified as a recommended item os compared to many of the other guidelines in CMAA 70 which are more rigidly stated as "shalls," it is not judged that this deviation is significant. .A smaller than recom-mended groove depth results in less surface support for the hoisting rope and could potentially lead to increased wear of the rope. However, in light of the small deviation from the recommended guideline and considering the crone inspection program which is in place at Crystal River 3, it is judged that this minor variation will not lead to any appreciable rope degradiation or potential for failure if the inspection program is properly carried out.

The current inspection program calls for a monthly general rope inspection and a detailed foot-by-foot inspection and examination including dimensional checks on a quarterly basis.

(d) Trolley Bumpers. CMAA 70 requires that trolley bumpers be installed on all trolleys in order to limit the decelero-tion of the trolley and the resulting lateral loads when the trolley comes to the end of its travel. This standard also establishes criteria on maximum deceleration rates for the bumpers. EOCl 61 did not require the use of bumpers.

Neither the Crystal River containment polar crane nor the fuel handling building crane have been provided with trolley bumpers. These crones do have wheel stops at the end of the trolley travel; however, such wheel stops will result in iorger lateral dynamic loads when the trolley comes to its limits of travel as compared to what would result if bumpers were used. It appears that a number of alternatives are available for resolving this deviation, such as:

(1) Performing analyses to determine what laterol dynamic loads would result from running the trolley into the wheel stops and evaluating the potential effects of such loads; (2) Modifying both of these cranes to install bumpers on the trolleys and to provide bumper stops on the girders; or (3) install travel limit switches on the girders to inter-rupt power to the trolley drive motor resulting in application of the trolley holding broke prior to the trolley coming in contact with the trolley wheel stops.


(e) Trolley Wheels. CMAA 70 provides criteria that specify a

maximum wheel loods for various sizes of wheels and crone rails. The bridge and trolley wheel loads for the containment polar crone are well within the maximum established in CMAA 70. The refueling building crane bridge wheel loads satisfy the criteria in CMAA 70; however, the trolley wheel loads do not quite satisfy the criteria in the standard. For the size wheels and crone rail for the refueling building trolley, the recommended maximum load for the trolley wheels is 86,400 lbs.; the maximum wheel load when handling the rated load is actually 87,500 lbs. This represents a variation of only Ik% from the CMAA 70 recommendation. -This minor variation is not considered significant. It should also be noted that the guidelines in CMAA 70, Table 4.11.3, are referred to os a guide and are not firm specifications, as compared to most of the other guidelines in CMAA 70 which are referred to as "shalls." No corrective actions are recommended for this item.

l.4 Recommended Actions As a result of the crane design evaluations that have been performed and the assessment of the significance of deviations, TERA recommends that Florida Power Corporation take certain actions in order to satisfy the intent of these standards. The following summarizes the recommended actions that have been discussed in this report:

(1) Perform further evaluations to investigate the potential for buckling of the refueling building crane web plates os discussed in item b of Section 1.3 of this report.

(2) Consider modification of the crane trolleys to either include bumpers or travel limit switches for both cranes as described in item (e) of Section 1.3 of this report. (An alternative to these modifications would be to perform detailed evaluations to determine the lateral dynamic loads that would result from the trolleys impacting the wheel stops and to evaluate the effect of these lateral dynamic loads on load handling reliability; however, such evaluations could very well result in a determination that bumpers or limit switches should be installed).


With the exception of the two items identified above, TERA's evaluation has determined that the Crystal River 3 containment polar crane and refueling building crane either fully satisfy or at least meet the intent of the criterio in CMAA 70-l975 and ANSI B30.2-l976, Chapter 2-1.


, 2.0 tilC SUBMITTAL The NRC letter of December 20,1980 requested that verification be provided that the crane design complies with the guidelines of CMAA 70 and Chapter 2-1 of ANSI B30.2. In previous evaluations that TERA bas performed, the NRC has requested supplemental information to address certain items, particularly where the crane was designed to EOCl 61. This section includes o draft submittal to the NRC that includes for the Crystal River cranes the information which, from our experience, the NRC will be looking for in their review. This section is organized so that the remainder of the section may be removed and ottoched to a letter from Florida Power Corporation to the NRC.


ITEM 3.f: Verification that crane design complies with the guidelines of CMAA Specificatien 70 and Chapter 2-1 of ANSI B30.2-1976, including the demonstra-tion of equivalency of actual design requirements for instances where specific compliance with these standards is not provided.

The Crystal River Polar Crane and Refueling Building Crane were built prior to the issuance of ANSI B30.2-1976 and CMAA 70-1975. These cranes were designed and fabricated by Whiting Corporation in accordance with EOCl-61,

" Specifications for Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes-1961," and additional criteria contained in Gilbert Associates Specification RO-2690, September 1968.

These specifications addressed certain, but not all, of the criteria in ANSI B30.2-1976 and CMAA 70-1975. Accordingly, additional drawings and design details were obtained from Whiting Corporation and Florida Power Corporation, and a detailed point-by-point comparison performed of the Crystal River Polar Crane and Refueling Building Crane design with the criteria in ANSI B30.2-1976 and CMAA 70-1975. This comparison considered only those components that are load bearing or are necessary to prevent conditions that could lead to a load drop.

The components 7sidered are those listed in Table 3.f-l. In performing this comparison it as necessary to calculate stress levels in various components, moments of inertia, gear ratings (strength and durability), dimensional propor-tions, factors of safety, and other mechnanical characteristics in order to verify compliance with ANSI B30.2-1976 and CMAA 70-1975. The following summa-rizes our findings for those areas where EOCI-61 criteria are different from those in CMAA 70-1975 or ANSI B30.2-1976 for the Refueling Building Crane and the Containment Polar Crane:

1. Refueling Building Crane
a. Welding - CMAA 70-1975 and ANSI B30.2-1976 require that welding be performed in accordance with the latest edition of AWS D.I.1,

" Structural Welding Code" and AWS Dl4.1, " Specifications for Weld-ing :ndustrial and Mill Cranes." These current standards are more recent and were nct available at the time of the fabrication of the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane; however, the welding pro-edures used for the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane are I



judged to be equivalent to the welding criteria in ANSI B30.2-1976 and CMAA 70-1975 based on the following:

(I) Welding was performed in accordance with the version of AWS DI.! " Structural Welding Code" that was current at that time; (2) AWS Dl4.1 " Specification for Welding industrial and Mill Cranes" was not issued at that time; however, the Whiting practices and procedures used for the welding were equivalent to what was later issued as AWS Dl4.l; (3) The welders were qualified to AWS criteria; and (4) All welds were visually inspected.

b. Impact Allowance - CMAA 70-1975 requires use of e impact allow-ance of Y2% of the load per foot per minute of hoisting speed, but not less than 15% of the rated capacity. EOCl-61 only specified use of 15% for the impact allowance. For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane (hoist speeds of 5.3 and 23 fpm for the main and auxiliary hoists respectively), the CMAA 70 specification is still met.
c. Lateral Forces - EOCl-61 is more conservative than CMAA 70-1975 for consideration of lateral loads due to acceleration or deceleration; therefore CMAA 70 is satisfied.
d. Torsional Forces - CMAA 70 specifies that twisting moments be determined based on the horizontal distance between the center of gravity and the shear center of the girder section. EOCl-61 requires twisting moments to be based on the distance between the load center of gravity and the beam center of gravity. Since the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane girders are symmetrical box sections, I

these two requirements are the same. Since the trolley rails are located over the centerline of the girders, there are no appreciable torsional forces on the girders.

l 2

,- e. Box Girder Proportions - CMAA 70 specifies that 1/h (i = girder spon; h = web height) should be less than 25; EOCl-61 hos no limit on I/h. For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane, I/h = 552 in./

75 in. = 7.4. Therefore, CMAA 70 is satisfied.

In addition, CMAA 70 specifies that h/t be less than 17.6 C(K+ 1) and less than M, where:

IC t = web thickness = 5/16 in.

C = (162 Crystal River Refueling Building Crone has one longitudinal stiffener)

K = f t/fc = 1.0 f t= max. tensile stress = 16.0 ksi fc = max. compressive stress = 16.0 ksi M = 376 Therefore according to CMAA 70, h/t should be less than 339.5 and less than 376. h/t = 75/(5/16) = 240. Therefore, CMAA 70 is satisfied.

f. Longitudinal Stiffeners - CMAA 70 specifies a minimum moment of inertio for longitudinal stiffeners, maximum width to thickness ratio, and stiffener location along the web plate. EOCl does not provide similar guidance. For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane, the moment of inertio should be greater than lo = 1.715- in.4, the width to thickness ratio should be less than 38, and the stiffener should be located 0.4 of the distance from the compression plate to the web neutral oxis. The actual moment of inertio is .676- in.4, the stiffener width to thickness ratio is 26, and the stiffener centerline is located 0.47 of the distance from the compression plate to the web neutral oxis. The moment of inertia criterion is not satisfied for this crane. We are performing a more detailed analysis to determine the potential for buckling of the web, even though the CMAA criteria are not satisfied.


. e

g. Basic Allowable Stresses - EOCl-61 is more conservative than CMAA 70 for allowable tension, compression, and shear stresses, if b/c is less than 38 (b is distance between web plates and c is the thickness of the cover plate). For the Crystal River Refueling 4 Building Crane, b/c is 10.25 in./l.0 in. = 10.25. Therefore, CMAA 70 is satisfied.


CMAA 70 also specifies on allowable stress range for crane structural .

members that are subject to cyclic loading of greater than 20,000 '/

over the life of the crane. The number of cycles for any of the crane members will be less than 2,000 over the life of the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane. Based on this, failure due to cyclic fatigue should not be of concern for this crane.

h. Transverse Stiffeners - CMAA 70 specifies a minimum moment of inertio for transverse stiffeners about their interface with the web plate; this is not addressed in EOCl 61. For the Crystol- River Refueling Building Crane, this criterion is not applicable os full depth diaphragms are used,
i. Bridge End Trucks and Trolley Frames - CMAA 70 specifies maxi-mum tension (14.4 ksi), compression (14.4 ksi), and shear (10.8 ksi) stresses in bridge end trucks and trolley frames; while EOCl does not specify allowable vertical stresses for these members. CMAA 70 also specifies maximum drop height (l in. max.) in case of oxle failure in the bridge truck or trolley. For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane, the maximum stresses with the rated load are 4.0 ksi. for tension and compression and 9.7 ksi shear for the trolley frame, and Il.5 ksi tension and compression and 5.6 ksi shear for the bridge and end trucks. The maximum drop would be less than I in, for a bridge truck or trolley oxie failure. Therefore the crc,e satisfies CMAA 70.
j. Hoisting Ropes - CMAA 70 specifies a 5:1 hoisting rope safety factor for the rated load plus bottom block divided by the number of 4


,x /

, parts of rope. For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane main hoist:

bottom block = 12,000 lbs.

rated load = 240,000 lbs.

ports of rope = 16 (1-3/8" each) rope published breaking strength = 155,400 lbs.

resulting safety factor = 9.8:1 For the aux. hoist:

block = 3,000 lbs.

lood = 30,000 lbs.

ports of rope = 12 (9/16" each) rope published breaking strength = 27,000 lbs.

resulting safety factor = 9.8:1 Therefore the rope satisfies the criteria in CMAA 70.

k. Hoist Drum - CMAA 70 specifies that drum design should consider combined crushing and bending loads; however, EOCl 61 is not as
specific. The Gilbert Associates procurement specification for this crane required the design to consider combined crushing and bending loads. Therefore CMAA 70 is satisfied.

CMAA 70 also specifies minimum drum groove depth and drum groove pitch; EOCl 61 does not provide such specific guidance. For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane, this guidance would require minimum drum groove depth and pitch of 0.516 in. and 1.50 in. respectively for the main hoi::t, and 0.21 in. and 0.64 in. for the aux.'.ndpt. The actual dimensions are 0.500 in. and 1.50 in. for the nain hoist and 0.375 in. and 0.688 in. for the aux. hoist. Thus, the criteria are sStisfied with the exception of the main hoist groove depth (0.500 in..vs. a minimum of C.516 in.). This deviation is not considered sigrrificant for the following reasons:


l (1) The criterion is very nearly met; the deviation

!- represents only a 3% variance from the CMAA l


i (2) The CMAA guideline of Section is identified as a " recommended" item, os compared to most of the other guidelines in CMAA 70 which are more rigidly stated as "shalls."

(3) Any wear in the rope that might result will be detected during periodic rope inspections. Proce-dures have recently revised to require o thorough rope inspection every quarter; and the rope is to be e

' reploced if kinking, crushing or birdcaging is detected, if a specified number of broken wires are noted, if specified reductions in nominal diameter are noted, if broken wires are noted at sockets, or if o.,

,Je individuel wires have a reduction of 1/3 from the original diameter.

Based on the above, the drum groove depth and pitch for the refueling building crane main and auxiliary hoists are judged to be adequate.

I. Georing - CMAA 70 provides specific criteria for establishing allow-able strength horsepower and allowable durability horsepower for hoist georing, and also specifies a factor for estimating the octual horsepower imposed on the gearing. For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane, the following values apply:

Main Hoist Aux. Hoist Np 1,200 rpm 1,200 rp:n F 4 in. 4 in.

J 0.44 (motor pinion) 0.45 Sat 36,000 psi 36,000 psi Km 2.0 2.0 Pd 4.0 in. 5.0 in.

d .i.0 in. 3.0 in.

Ky 0.84 0.84 6

Main Holst Aux. Hoist

. 1 0.69 0.67 Cy 0.72 0.72 Cm 1.35 1.35 Cc 0.4 0.4 Soc 85,000 psi 85,000 psi Ch I.0 1.0 Cp 2300 2300 Applied horsepower factor - 75%

These result in the following gear ratings:

Main Hoist Aux. Hoist Pat (allowable strength h.p.) 190 155 Pac (allowable durability h.p.) 430 417 The applied horsepower is 38 for the main hoist and lo for the aux.

hoist. Based on the above the gearing satisfies CMAA 70 criteria,

m. Bridge Parking Broke - CMAA 70 requires the brake to be at least 75% of bridge motor torque, for cab on trolley controls,100% if cab on bridge, and 50% if remote or floor control; EOCl 61 only requires 50%. For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane, the bridge motor torque is 43.75 f t.- Ibs. To satisfy CMAA 70 the broke should be at least 50% of the motor torque, or 22 ft-Ibs. The actual rating l is 50 f t.-Ibs., therefore CMAA 70 is satisfied.
n. Hoist Holding Brakes - CMAA 70 and ANSI B30.2 include the follow-ing criteria for holding brakes that are not addressed in EOCl 61:

i i

7 i

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- _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ _ _ . _ , _ _ . _ _ ,m,-. . _ , ._ . . . , _. _ _ - , - . . . , , _ . _ , -

. (l) Minimum torque ratings (relative to motor torque) of 125% if used with control braking other than mechanical; 100% if used with mechanical control braking; (2) Thermal capacity for the frequency of operation required by the service; and (3) Wearing surfaces free of defects that may interfere with operation.

For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane, the following holding broke characteristics are provided:

(1) This crane uses mechanical-friction dirk type brak-ing for lowering of the load with the main hoist. A magnetic type (spring set and solenoid released) holding broke is used for the main hoist. This brake has a torque rating of 250% of the full load torque of the motor. The aux. hoist uses a similar load broke method, and has two holding brakes of the some type as the mein hoist brakes, with a torque rating of 180% of the full load torque of the motor.

(2) These brakes are rated for 1/2 hour continuous duty.

Due to the intermittent use of the holding brakes and the short time interval that the brakes are subject to friction, this rating is more than adequate for the Crystal River Refueling Building Crone.

(3) Wearing surfaces are designed free of defects; periodic inspection will verify continued compliance and assure replacement of worn components.

Therefore, the holding brakes satisfy CMAA 70.

. o. Bridge Bumpers - CMAA 70 has the following specific criteria on bridge bumpers and stops that are not included in EOCl 61:

(1) Max. deceleration of 3 ft./sec2 when bridge is travelling at 20% of rated load speed; (2) Capable of stopping crane when travelling at 40% of rated load speed:

(3) No direct shear on bolts; 8 <

(4) Installed to minimize ports falling; (5) Runway stops attoched to resist force opplied; and (6) Stops engoging tread of wheel not recommended.

For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crone, the following bridge bumper features are provided:

(1) Bridge deceleration from 20% of rated lood speed is less than I f t./sec2; ,

(2) Bumpers have odequate capacity to stop bridge from 40% of full speed in 1/3 of bumper travel; (3) Bridge bumper mounting bolts are not in shear; (4) Bumpers are provided with safety cable to retain bumper if it comes loose; (5),(6) Runway stops are not used; bumpers serve to limit travel at ends of runway.

Based on the above, the bridge bumper design satisfies CMAA 70.

p. Trolley Bumpers - CMAA 70 establishes the following design crite-ria for trolley bumpers that are addressed in EOCl 61:

i (1) Maximum deceleration of 4.7 f t./sec2 when trolley is traveling at 1/3 of rated load speed; (2) Bumpers shall be designed and installed to minimize parts from folling; (3) Attaching bolts should not be in shear.

For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crone, bumpers are not provided; however, wheel stops are provided at the ends of the trolley 1

rails. We are performing further evaluations to assess the signifi-

conce of not using bumpers and to assess alternatives if modifications i are deemed necessary.

I l 9

e q. Wheels - CMAA 70 specifies that wheel food be determined based on the trolley handling the rated load in the position to produce the maximum food, and that a total clearance of 3/4" to I" be provided between wheel flanges and rail head. EOCl 61 does not include these specific criteria. For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane, the bridge truck and the trolley wheels have a clearance of .82" and

.90", respectively. The octual maximum wheel loads and the recom-mended maximum by Table 4.ll.3 of CMAA 70 are os follows:

Rail Recommended Max. Wheel Wheel Section Max. Load Load Trolley 132# 86,400# 87,500#

Bridge 175# 120,000# 85,000#

The trolley wheels do not satisfy the CMAA 70 recommendations for the size rail that is used; however, the recommendations in CMAA 70, Table 4.11.3, are only a guide and are not firm specifica-tions. The change required in order to satisfy CMAA 70 would be to replace the bridge rail with a rail that has on effective rail head that is only 0.03 in, wider. This change does not appear warranted, particularly since a failure of one of these wheels would result in a drop of less than I inch.

r. Static Controh - CMAA 70 includes various criteria for crane static controls; EOCl only addresses crone magnetic controls. Since the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane uses a magnetic control system, the criteria on static controls are not applicable.
s. Resistors - CMAA 70 requires resistors used for control broking to have o thermal capacity of Class 160 or better; EOCl 61 does not specify resistor requirements for control braking applications. The Crystal River Refueling Building Crone uses mechanical control braking; therefore, resistor thermal capacity is not applicable.


t. Restort Protection - CMAA 70 establishes criteria for restort protection for crones not provided with spring-return controllers or momentary contact pushbottons; this is not addressed in EOCl 61.

These criteria are not applicable to the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane since this crone has spring-return pushbutton controls.

2. Containment Polar Crone
o. Welding - CMAA 70-197S and ANSI B30.2-1976 require that welding be performed in accordance with the latest edition of AWS D.I.1,

" Structural Welding Code" and AWS Dl4.1, " Specifications for Weld-ing Industrial and Mill Cranes." These current standards are more recent and were not available at the time of the fabrication of the Crystal River Containment Polar Crone; however, the welding proce-dures used for the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane are judged to be equivalent to the welding criterio in ANSI B30.2-1976 and CMAA 70-197S based on the following:

(1) Welding was performed in accordance with the version of AWS DI.] " Structural Welding Code" that was current of that time; (2) AWS Dl4.1 " Specification for Welding Industrial and Mill Cranes" was not issued at that time; however, the Whiting practices and procedures used for the welding were equivalent to what was later issued as AWS Dl4.l; (3) The welders were qualified to AWS critreia; and (4) All welds were visually inspected.

b. Impact Allowance - CMAA 70-197S requires use of an impact allow-once of Y2% of the load per foot per minute of hoisting speed, but not less than IS% of the rated capacity. EOCI-61 only specified use of 15% for the impact allowance. For the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane (hoist speeds of 4.0 and 26 fpm for the main and auxiliary hoists respectively), the CMAA 70 specification is still met.



' Lateral Forces - EOCl-61 is more conservative than CMAA 70-1975 for consideration of lateral loods due to occeleration or deceleration; therefore CMAA 70 is satisfied.


Torsional Forces - CMAA 70 specifies that twisting moments be determined based on the horizontal distance between the center of gravity and the shear center of the girder section. EOCl-61 requires twisting moments to be based on the distance between the load center of gravity and the beam center of gravity. Since the Crystal River Refueling Building Crane girders are symmetrical box sections, these two requirements are the same. Since the trolley rails are located over the centerline of the girders, there are no appreciable torsional forces on the girders.


Box Girder Proportions - CMAA 70 specifies that 1/h (i = girder spon; h = web height) should be less than 25; EOCl-61 has no limit on I/h. For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane, I/h = 1,480 in./I10 in. = 13.5. Therefore, CMAA 70 is satisfied.

In oddition, CMAA 70 specifies that h/t be less than 7

C(K+ 1) f[ ond less than M, where:

t = web thickness = 5/16 in.

C = 162 (Crystal River Containment Polar Crone has one longitudinal stiffener)

K = f t/fc = 1.0 f t= max. tensile stress = 12.4 ksi fe = max. compressive stress = 12.4 ksi M = 376 Therefore according to CMAA 70, h/t should be less than 386 and less than 376. h/t = 110/(5/16) = 352. Therefore, CMAA 70 is satisfied.


f. Longitudinal Stiffeners - CMAA 70 specifies a minimum moment of inertio for longitudinal stiffeners, maximum width to thickness ratio, and stiffener location along the web plate. EOCl does not provide similar guidance. For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane, the moment of inertio should be greater than lo = 2.33 in.4, the width to thickness ratio should be less than 38, and the stiffener should be located 0.4 of the distance from the compression plate to the web neutral oxis. The octual moment of inertio is 16.5- in.4, the stiffener width to thickness ratio is 28.3, and the stiffener centerline is located 0.44 of the distance from the compression plate to the web neutral oxis. Therefore CMAA 70 is satisfied.
g. Basic Allowable Stresses - EOCl-61 is more conservative than CMAA 70 for allowable tension, compression, and shear stresses, if b/c is less than 38 (b is distance between web plates and c is the thickness of the cover plate). For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane, b/c is 27 in./2.0 in. = 13.5. Therefore, CMAA 70 is

.' satisfied.

4 CMAA 70 also specifies on allowable stress range for crane structural members that are subject to cyclic loading of greater than 20,000 over the life of the crane. The number of cycles for any of the crane members will be less than 2,000 over the life of the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane. Based on this, failure due to cyclic fatigue should not be of concern for this crane.

h. Transverse Stiffeners - CMAA 70 specifies a minimum moment of inertio for transverse stiffeners about their interface with the web plate; this is not addressed in EOCl 61. For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane, this criterion is not applicable os full depth diaphragms are used.
i. Bridge End Trucks and Trolley Frames - CMAA 70 specifies maxi-mum tension (14.4 ksi), compression (14.4 ksi), and shear (10.8 ksi) 13 l

, stresses in bridge end trucks and trolley frames; while EOCl does not specify allowable vertical st'resses for these members. CMAA 70 also specifies maximum drop height (1 in. max.) in case of axle failure in the bridge truck or trolley. For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane, the maximum stresses with the rated load are 12.9 ksi for tension and compression and 8.0 ksi shear for the trolley frame, and 10.5 ksi tension and compression and 8.1 ksi shear for the bridge and end trucks. The maximum drop would be less than I in, for a bridge truck or trolley oxie failure. Therefore the crane satisfies CMAA 70.

j. Hoisting Ropes - CMAA 70 specif es a 5:1 hoisting rope safety factor for the rated load plus bottom block divided by the number of parts of rope. For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane main hoist:

bottom block = o ~00 lbs.

rated load = 360,000 lbs, parts of rope = 16 (l k" each) rope published breaking strength = 129,200 lbs.

resulting safety factor = 5.6:1 For the aux. hoist:

block = 3,000 lbs.

load = 60,000 lbs.

parts of rope = 12 (9/16" each) rope published breaking strength = 27,000 ibs.

resulting safety factor = 5.14:1 Therefore the rope satisfies the criteria in CMAA 70.

k. Hoist Drum - CMAA 70 specifies that drum design should consider combined crushing and bending loads; however, EOCl 61 is not as specific. The Gilbert Associates procurement specification for this crane required the design to consider combined crushing and bending loads. Therefore CMAA 70 is satisfied.



CMAA 70 also specifies minimum drum groove depth and drum groove pitch; EOCl 61 does not provide such specific guidance. For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane, this guidance would require minimum drum groove depth and pitch of 0.47 in, and 1.375 in respectively for the main hoist, and 0.21 in. and 0.64 in. for the aux. hoist. The octual dimensions are 0.47 in. and 1.375 in. for the main hoist and 0.250 in. and 0.688 in. for the oux. hoist. There-fore, CMAA 70 is satisfied.

1. Cearing - CMAA 70 provides specific criteria for establishing allow-oble strength horsepower and allowable durability horsepower for hoist gearing, and also specifies a factor for estimating the octual horsepower imposed on the gearing. For the Crystal River Contain-ment Polar Crane, the following values apply:

Main Hoist Aux. Hoist i Np I,200 rpm 1,200 rpm F 4 in. 4 in.

J 0.44 (motor pinion) 0.43 Sat 36,000 psi 36,000 psi Km 2.0 2.0 Pd 4.0 in. 4.0 in.

d 3.25 in. 2.57 in.

Ky 0.84 0.85 l 1 0.68 0.65 Cy 0.715 0.735 Cm I.35 1.35 Cc 0.4 0.4 Sac 85,000 psi 85,000 psi l

Ch 1.0 1.0 Cp 2,300 2,300 Applied horsepower factor - 75%

l l 15


These result in the following gear ratings:

Main Hoist Aux. Hoist Pat (allowable strength h.p.) 205 172 Poc (allowable durability h.p.) 498 348 The applied horsepower is 45 for the main hoist and 8 for the aux.

hoist. Based on the above the gearing satisfies CMAA 70 criterio.

m. Bridge Parking Broke - CMAA 70 requires the broke to be ct least 75% of bridge motor torque, for ' cob on trolley designs,100% if cab on bridge, and 50% for floor or remote contro!; EOCl 61 only requires 50%. For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane, the bridge motor torque is 65.6 f t.- Ibs. To satisfy CMAA 70 the broke should be 50% of the motor torque or 32.8 ft.-Ibs. The actual rating is 35 ft.- Ibs.; therefore, CMAA 70 is satisfied.
n. Hoist Holding Brakes - CMAA 70 and ANSI B30.2 include the follow-ing criteria for holding brakes that are not addressed in EOCl 61:

(1) Minimum torque ratings (relative to motor torque) of 125% if used with control braking other than mechanical; 100% if used with mechanical control broking; (2) Thermal capacity for the frequency of operation required by the service; and (3) Wearing surfaces free of defects that may interfere with operation.

For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane, the following holding broke characteristics are provided:

(1) This crone uses mechanical-friction disk type brok-ing for lowering of the load with the main hoist. A l magnetic type (spring set and solenoid released) 16

l l holding broke is used for the main hoist. This broke l

of the motor. The oux. hoist uses a similar load broke method, and has a holding broke of the some type os the main hoist broke, with a torque rating of 315% of the full lood torque of the motor.

(2) These brakes are rated for 1/2 hour continuous duty.

Due to the intermittent use of the holding brakes and the short time interval that the brakes are subject to friction, this rating is more than adequate for the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane.

(3) Wearing surfaces are designed free of defects; periodic inspection will verify continued compliance and assure replacement of worn components.

Therefore, CMAA 70 is satisfied for the holding brakes.

o. Bridae Bumpers - CMAA 70 has the following specific criteria that are not included in EOCl 61 for bridge bumpers and stops; however, bridge bumpers or stops are not applicable to o polar crane,
p. Trolley Bumpers - CMAA 70 establishes the following design crite-rio for trolley bumpers that are addressed in EOCl 61:

(1) Maximum deceleration of 4.7 f t./sec2 when trolley is traveling at 1/3 of rated load speed; (2) Bumpers shall be designed and installed to minimize parts from falling; (3) Attaching bolts should not be in shear.

For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane, bumpers are not provided; however, wheel stops are provided at the ends of the trolley rails. We are performing further evaluations to assess the signifi-cance of not using bumpers and to ossess alternatives if modifications are deemed necessary.

q. Wheels - CMAA 70 specifies that wheel load be determined based on the trolley handling the rated load in the position to produce the 17

.. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . i

. maximum. load, and that a total clearance of 3/4" to la be provided between wheel flanges and rail head. EOCl 61 does not include these specific criteria. For the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane, the bridge truck and the trolley wheels have a clearance of .95" and

.80", respectively. The actual maximum wheel loads and the recom-mended maximum by Table 4.11.3 of CMAA 70 are as follows:

Rail Recommended Max. Wheel Wheel Section Max. Load Load Trolley 171# 151,200# 123,500#

Bridge 171# 168,000# 154,300#

Based on the above, the wheel load satisfies CMAA 70 criteria.

r. Static Controls - CMAA 70 includes various criteria for crane static controls; EOCl only addresses crane magnetic controls. Since the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane uses a magnetic control system, the criteria on static controls are not applicable.
s. Resistors - CMAA 70 requires resistors used for control braking to have a thermal capacity of Class 160 or better; EOCl 61 does not specify resistor requirements for control braking applications. The Crystal River Containment Polar Crane uses mechanical control braking; therefore, resistor thermal capacity is not oppicable.
t. Restart Protection - CMAA 70 establishes criteria for restart protection for cranes not provided with spring-return controllers or momentary contact pushbottons; this is not addressed in EOCl 61.

These criteria are not applicable to the Crystal River Containment Polar Crane since this crane has spring-return pushbutton controls.


TABLE 3.f-l CRITICAL CRATE COMPONENTS Critical load bearing parts are those parts whose failure as a single component would result in a drop of the load, or would result in conditions that could lead to a load drop.

l. Holst Gear Case Units All the gearing and shaf ts are critical including mechani-col broke parts.
2. Extra Reduction Gearing .

The gearing and the pinion shaf t, also the pinion bearing housing structure and pedestal, including their related welds, are critical.

3. Hoisting Cable The hoisting cable is critical.
4. Drum The drum bearings and drum bearing housing structure and pedestal are critical. So are their related welds. The drum tube, hub, shaft and all welds are critical, as well as the cable clamp.

S. The Block The book, nut, swivel, sheaves, and hanger plates are critical.

6. Sheave Nest The sheave pins, equalizer sheave hanger and the major parts of the structural sheave nest including welds are critical.
7. Trolley Frame The load girts and connecting angles including their related welds and the trolley truck frames are critical.



8. Bridge The girders, related cover plate and web plate welds, stiffeners, and bridge trucks are critical.
9. Girder End Connections The structural girder end connection and welds are critical.
10. Brakes Hoist motion holding brakes are critical.

I1. Motor Shaf ts and Couplings Motor shafts and couplings required to hold the load under braking are critical.

12. Bridge and Trolley Wheels Bridge and trolley wheels and their axles are critical.
13. Controller The controller pendant, cabling, and hoisting upper limit switches are critical.

l i

l t

l 20 l

l t


APPEtolX A CRANE EVALUATION This appendix contains the more detailed backup information to support the conclusions and summary in the response to item 3.f of the NRC request for information (see Section 2.0 of this report). This information is provided for Florida Power Corporation's files and is not required for submittal to the NRC. -

Material reviewed to perform the point-by-point comparison ottoched in this appendix is listed on the next page.

Since this crone was designed and fabricated in accordance with EOCl-61, this evoluotion included a comparison of that specification to current stonderds in CMAA 70 and ANSI B30.2. Where CMAA 70 and ANSI B30.2 are more restrictive than EOCl-61, or cover creas not addressed by EOCl-61, point-by-point comparisons of the Crystal River 3 Containment Polar Crane and Refueling Building Crane design to the crifieria in CMAA 70 and ANSI B30.2 were performed.

As a result of these evoluotions, certain deviations were identified. These deviations, on evoluotion of their significance, and recommended corrective actions ora contained in Section 1.0 of this report.



1. Gilbert Associates' Specification RO-2690, " Detailed Specification for Cranes, Containment Vessel Crane, Turbine Room Crane, Refueling Build-ing Crane, Crystal River Unit 3," September,1968 with Addenda A, B, and C
2. Whiting 180/30 Ton Containment Vessel Crane (Serial No.10076)

" Operation and Maintenance Manual," May 1971

3. Whiting 120/15 Ton Refueling Crane (Serial No.10078) " Operation and Maintenance Manual," May 1971
4. CMAA 70-1975, " Specifications for Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes,"

Crane Manufacturers Association of America S. ANSI B3.20-1976, " Overhead and Contry Granes," American Society of Mechanical Engineers

6. EOCl 61-1965, " Specifications for Electric Overhead Traveling Crones,"

Crane Manufacturers Association of America

7. " Whiting Crane Handbook," Whiting Corporation,1979
8. Whiting Drawings:

Drawing No. Sheet No. Rev.No. Title U-62944 I I Girder Detail U-62777 l 2 Structural Truck Fixed Bogie Type for Circular Crone T-50280 1 2 40" D. Welded Drum T-46345 1 2 21" O.D. Welded Drum U-62673 1 2 Structural Truck Details U-62656 I 3 Structural Load Girt Details U-62657 1 1 Structural Load Girt Details (Sects. & Dets.)

S-62410 1 3 Motor Pinion with Double Ext.

Shaft for #25 Hoist Unit A-2

8. Whiting Drawings (continued):

Drowing No. Sheet No. Rev.No. Title -

S-46376 1 3 Mech. Brake Gear Style 20-30 "RH" Trolley #25 Unit #20 Unit S-21428 1 12 L.H. Brake S-22819 1 3 Ring Gear for Type RH Trolley Style #20 and #25 Units S-61422 I I Stub Tooth Ring Gear S-59380 l l Stub Tooth Pinion S-62409 I I Motor Pinion With Double Ext.

Shaft for #25 Hoist Unit S-22991 1 10 R.H. Brake Screw Shaf t &

Pinion for #25 Hoist Unit Type "RH" Trolley S-8545 1 4 Ring Gear for Type "RH" Trolley Style #20 and #25 Units U-63718 I I Girder Details U-63706 I i Structural Bogie Truck Style 27T (24" Wheel) Timken Brg.

48290-48220 T-45765 1 4 48" O.D. Welded Drum (Rolled Plate)

T-50965 1 4 17" O.D. Welded Drurn for # 10 Hoist Unit - Stub Shaf ts U-57850 1 2 Truck for 3 Motor Type "RH" Trolley U-57628 l 2 Main and Aux. Load Girt S-48450 1 2 Motor Pinion & Shaf t for #25 Hoist Unit Type "RH" Trolley.

S-2424 1 9 Mech. Brake Gear Style 20-30 "RH" Trolley #25 Unit, #20 Unit S-21429 1 12 LH Brake Screen A-3 TPDA r nDP^DATinN

== ,-


8. Whiting Drawings (continued;: . , ,

Drawing No. Sheet No. Rev.No. Title

  • S-61422 I I Stub Tooth Ring Gear .

S-52495 I I Stub Tooth Pinion S-2416 1 6 Hoist Motor Pinion & Shaft for -

Type "RH" Trolley - 14 ' ' '-- -

  1. 10 Hoist Unit 7' ,;



S-2417 1 6 Mech. Broke Gear for Type .

"RH" Trolley Style 10-15


S-13909 l 12 Mech. Brake Screw RH Style #10 ',.-

Hoist Unit Semi-Chicago Load Brake .: .

S-2419 I 7 Drurn Ring Gear for Style 10 .

Type RH Trolley .. < r e- 8


- , 1 1


.R ..



as. '_f

, .;-' l

~ '

. J 3

- ( (


  • OVERHEAD CRANE EVALUATION Location: Crystal River Crane: Refueling Building Crane Type: Rectilinear-Traveling Overhead Crane Rating (Main / Aux Hoist): Main 150 T/ Aux. 15 tons .

Manufacturer: Whiting Hoist Speed: Main - 5.3 FPM/ Aux. 23 FPM Trolley Speed: 40 fpm Bridge Speed: 50 fpm


Design Criteria: EOCI-61 and Gilbert Associates Specification Evaluation Criteria: CMAA 70-1975 and ANSI B30.2 - 1976 i


1 \



1976 (SECT 2-1) crane l

1.2 tulLDING DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS No additional criteria Same as CMAA-10 CompilesI IJ CLEARANCE No additional criteria Requires 6" for wide Crane has a minimum butidings clearance of 4" between 1.3.1 in the case of narrow width buildings where truss seg may be ignored, a minimum clearance of trolley htgh point and 3 inches between the highest pomt of the crane and the lowest overhead obstruction shall be roof low point.


) provided. For wider buildings where truss seg becomes a factor, this clearance should be I l increened. CO*PII'5 ] I l

1.3.2 The clearance between the end of the crane and the building columns, knee braces or any other No addit 1onal criteria obstructions shall be not less than 2 anches with crane centered on runway reds. For wide Same as CMAA-70 Crane is provided wlth l buildings or where hoevy capacity cranes are used, not less than 3 inches clearance should b* a minimum side clearance i provided. Pipes, conduits, etc., must not reduce this clearance. of 5-5/8 in.


1.3.3 The accuracy of building dimensions shall be the responsibility of the purchaser. Not addressed N/A to preventing a Not addressed load drop.

1.4 RUNWAY fio additional criterta Same as CMAA-10 Complies '

1.4.1 The crane runway, runway rails, and crane stope shell be furnished by the purchener unless otherwise specified. The crane stops furnished by the purchaser shall be designed to suit the specific crane to be installed.

1.4.2 The runway rails shall be straight, parallel, level, and at the some elevation. The distance Crane runways and sup- Same as CMAA-70 except Complies center to center and the elevation es specified by the purchaser to the crane manufacturer porting structures de- E0CI-61 requires exact (EOCI more restrictive) shall be within a tolerance of plus or minus 1/8 The runway rails should be standard signed to withstand distance, center to rail sections of a proper size for the crane to be installed and must be provided with loads imposed by the center of rails, proper rail sphces. Floating rails are not recommended crane. Ruriway columns anchored to foundation.

1.4.3 The crene runway shall be designed with sufficient strength and rigidity to prevent detrimental Structure free from Same as CMAA-70 Compiles '

lateral or vertical deflection. detrimental vibration.

1.5 RUNWAY CONDUCTORS No additional criteria I Same as CMAA-70 Comp 11es 1.8 RATED CAPACITY Rated load to be marked Same as CHAA-70 Complies I on the crane.

1.7 DESIGN STRESSES No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Comp 11es I

1.7.1 Materials shall be properly selected for the stresses to which they will be subjected. Load carrying parts, except structural members and hoisting ropes and gearing. shall be des:gned so that the calculated static stress in the material, based on rated load, shall not exceed 20% of the pubbshed average ultimate strength of the material. This hmitation of stress provides a margin of strength to allow for variations in the properties of materials, manufacturing and operating conditions, and design assumptions, and under no condition should imply authorization or protection for users loading the crane beyond rated capacity. Structural members shall be designed en accordance with the data given m Section 70 3. Hoisting ropes shall be in accord-ance with Paragraph 4 2.

I ANSI-B30.2 CRYSTALmVER 3 EOCl 61 CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS 1976 (SECT 2-1) filEL HANDL BullDING l CRANE No additional criteria Same as CHAA-70 Conglies I 1.8.1 All apparatus covered by this specification shall be constructed in a thorough and work manlike manner. Due regard shall be given in the design for safety of operation, accessibility, interchangeatulity and durability of parts.

1.8.2 This specification includes the safety features of ANSI B30.2.0 Safety Code.

1.9 PAINTING 2 N/A N/A N/A 1.9.1 Before shipment, the cr7ne shall be cleaned and painted with the crane manufacturer's standard paint, unless otherwise specified in the purchaser's inquiry, 1.10 ASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I 1.10.1 The crane shall be assembled in the manufacturer's plant unless otherwise stated in the proposal. When feasible the trolley shall be placed on the girders. but it is unnecessary to reeve the hoist blocks. The crane shall be taken apart only to the extent necessary for shipment and all parts shall be carefully match-marked. All exposed finished parts and electrical equipment shall be properly protected for shipment. If outside storage is a n t icipated, the purchaser shall make arrangements with the manufacturer if extra protection is required.

f;o additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I

1.11.1 Testing shall be conducted according to the manufacturer's commercial testing procedure.

1.11.2 Any performance of non-destructive testing such as X-ray, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, etc., shall be considered as an extra item and will be done only if specified by the purchaser.

2 1.12 DRAWINGS N/A N/A N/A 1.12.1 Two copies of the manufacturer's clearance diagrams shall be submitted for approval. One copy shall be approved by the purchaser or his representative and returned to the crane manufacturer. Two sets of operating instructions and spare parts information shall be fumished. Detail drawings shall not be furnished.

1.13 ERECTION No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 except Spec. 322-C1.3. Section no statement on protect- 3:15 specifies protec-1.13.1 The crane shall be erected (including assembly, field wiring. Installation and starting) by ing crane after receipt tion of crane, the purchaser. Supervision of field assembly may be negotiated separately between the but prior to use, purchaser and the manufacturer. The purchaser shall protect the crane from the time of Compiles its receipt until it is placed in service. If the crane is used by another contractor prior to acceptance by the purchaser, the other contractor shall be responsible to the purchaser.

1.14 LUBRICATION Lube points are access- ANSI B30.2 criteria is Whiting operation and ible from walkways. 2nly difference. maintenance manual 1.14.1 The crane shall be provided w,tn all necessary lubrication fittings. Before putting the floors, or platforms. chart 1-D specifies crane in operation, the purchaser shall lubricate all bearings, gears, etc. en accordance with lube pts.

the crane manufacturer's recommendations.



1.15.1 For warranty, refer to the manufacturer's hterature or proposal forms.

2.2.1 Class A1 (Standby Servical Not Addressed This comparison performed Not Addressed This service class covers cranes used in installations such as; power houses, public utihtees- to verify compliance with turbine rooms. motor rooms and transformer stations. where precise handling of valuable C145s Al requirements in CMAA-10 and ANSI B30.2.

machinery at slow speeds with long idle periods between hits is required. Capacity loads may be handled for initial installation of machinery and for infrequent maintenance. Complies 703 STRUCTURAL DESIGN A-7 steel has a minimum ultimate capacity of 3.1 MATERI AL Not addressed EOCI-61 requires use of 60 ksi, compared to A-36 ASTM A-7 steel. with a minimum of 58 ksi.

All structural steel used shall conform to ASTM A36 specifications or shall be an accepted type Therefore EOCI criteria for the purposa for which the steel is to be used and for the operations to be performed on it.

are adequate. Gilbert specified use of A-36 Other suitable materials may be used provided parts are proportioned to give comparable design steel. Crane complies.


32 CELDING AWS D1.1 except as mod- EOCl-61 specifies welding Welding performed IAW ified by AUS D14.1. according to AWS but no Whiting shop practices All welding design and procedures shall conform to the current issue of AWS D14.1 " Specification specific standard is and AWS D1.1. See for Celding Industrial and Mall Cranes", with the exception of Section 705, which shall be in accord. referenced. NRC response, anca with the Crane Manufacturer's standard tolerances for deviation from trecified camber and sweep, with all such measurements taken at the manufacturer's plant prior to shipment.

3.3 GIRDERS No additional criteria same as CMAA-70 Complies I 3 3.1 Generel (Girders to meet CitAA-

70) ,

The crane girders shall be w=elded structural steel box sections. wide flange beams, standard "1" Beams. reinforced beams, or box sections fabricated from structural shapes.

The manufacturer shall specify the type and construction of the girdens to be furnished.

3.3.2 Loadmes Crane girders shall be proportioned to resist all vertical, lateral and torsional forces combined as specified in Section and as defirwd below:

3.3 2.1.1 Vertical Forces 3.3 Dead Load: The weight of all effective parts of the bridge structure, the machinery parts, and the fixed equipment supported by the structure.

3.3 Live Load: The weight of the trolley and the lifted load (rated capacity) shall be considered as concentrated moving loads at the wheels and located in such positions as to produce the maximum moment and shear.

I ANSI-830.2 CRYSTAL 9ER 3 CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS 1976 (SICT 2-1) EOCl 61 FEL MANL a BillLDING CRANE For hoisting speeds of 5.3 fpm main hoist and 23 fpm auxiliary hoist. Impact allowance of 1/2% of 3 3 these speeds is less Impact Allowance: For crenes operstme on runwsys es described in Section 1.4. the No additional criteria Requires minimum 15% of than 15% minimum require-impact allowance of the rated capacity shall be taken as %% of the load per foot pet rated Capacity. ments. Therefore, minute of hoesting speed. but not less than 15% ncr more than 50%. tacept for bucket complies, erd magnet cranes for which the impact value shall be taken as 50% of the rated capacity. Lateral Forces No additional criteria Requires a lateral load EOCI-61 is more con-allowance of 5% of the servative than CMAA-70 Lateral load due to acceleration or deceleration shall be considered as 2%% of the leve load and the crane bridge, exclusive of end tri:ks ard end ties for Class A live load for all cranes. In this area. There-fore, complies, cranes. 5% for crane Classes B. C and D and as 10% for Class E cranes. The hve load shall be considered as a a>ncentrated load, located in the same position as when calculating the vertical moment. The lateral moment shaft be equally divided between the two girders and the mornent of inertia of the entire girder section about its vertical amis shall be used to determme the stresses due to the lateral forces. Lateral load due to wind shall be considered as 5 pounds per square foot of P!o additional criteria projected area. The wind load on the trolley shall be considered as equally divided Requires lateral load Wind load not appil-between the two girders. Where multiple surfaces are exposed to the wind. such as of 10 PSF on projeMed cable to this crane, area. Crane is located in-bridge girders where the horizontal distance between surfaces is greater than the depth of a girder, a wind area shall be considered to be 1.6 times the projected area doors.

of one girder. For single surfaces such es cabs or machinery enclosures, a projected Complies area shall be considered to be 1.2 times the projected area to account for negative pressure on the far sede of the enclosure.

3.3 2.1.3 Torsional Forces The twisting moment due to starting and stopping of the bridge motor shall be No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Compiles I considered as the starting torque of the bridge motor at 200% of full load torque multiphed by the gear ratio between the motor and the cross shaft. The twisting moments due to overhanging loads on the side of the girder shall ba Pio additional criteria Requires distance to be Loads do not overhang.

taken as their respective weights multiplied by the horizontal distances between the respective centers of gravity and the shear center of the girder section.

center of load to center Girders are box construc-of gravity of girder. tions. Therefore, complies.

3.3 The twisting moments due to lateral forces acting eccentric to the horizontal neutral amis of the girder shall be considered as those forces multiplied by the vertical flo additional criteria Rtquires distance to be Box girder is synsnetri-distance between the center line of force and the shear center of the girder. between centerline of cal about neutral axis; force and center of therefore, shear center gravity of girder rather and center of gravity than to shear center of are essentially girder. identical.


I ANSI-B30.2 CRYSIAL RIVER 3 CMAA40 SPECIFICAll0NS 1976 (SECT 2-1) E0Cl 61 FUEL MA! 'lC BilllDIN L:nNE Complies I 3.3 2.2 The combmed bendmg stress shall be taken as the larger of the following two des'gs.  ?!o additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 cases, includmg a wind load of 5 pounds per sque.e foot for outdoor cranes:

3 The sum of the maximum stresses due to dead load, weeght of trolley, rated load and impact allowance.

3 The sum of the maximum stresses due to dead load, weight of trolley, tated load and lateral forces. The combined shear stress shall be taken as the sum of the maximum shear due to No additional criterfa Same as CMAA-10 Complies I dead load, weight of trolley, rated load, impact allowance and net twisting moment.

3.3.3 DESIGN LlMITATIONS fio additional criteria Requires also that maximum EOCI 61 more conserva- Weided Box Girders. stress be 20% of ultimate. tive than CMAA-10.

Welded box girders shall be fabricated of str'uctural steel with continuous longitudinal Complies welds running the full length ri the girGer. All welds shall be ample to develop the beam section for the maximum shca, and bendmg.

3.3.3 1.1 Proportions No additional criteria Requires: 1/b (55 1/b= 552" = 53.9460 t/h should not exceed 25 '

1/b should not exceed I h nt b/c should not exceed 60 spectfled) b/c= 10.25" = 10.25 < 60 1/h= 552"/15"=7.36( 25 The h/t ratio of the web plate, when provided with transverse stiffeners or tio additional criteria EOCI-61 requires Complies.

diaphragms as specified in Section is limited by the use of longitudinal h/t ?40 or, stiffeners, as follows: t = 5/16 h = 75" The h/t ratio of the web shall not exceed:

h/t 116,000 ' ~ 1.0 85(k+1)y f c = 162 (one longitudinal h = C(k+1) B nor shall it exceed M C #" N

  • I C "P55IU" t

c whichever is less zone)

Where: The coefficients C and M are as tabulated below:

f 416 (max. allowed by Longitudinal stiffeners C M None 81 188* H = 376 One 162 376 Two 243 564 I17

  • For other values of M at reduceo wess levels, see the following table.


t 162(1+1) g.6' Man Yt for 16.3 ksi compression stress 188* = 339.8 Man h/t for 12.0 ksi compression stress 520 Man h/t for 10 0 or less compression b = 75 stress 240 /t y = 240 Where:

Comp 1ies I = Span in inches b = Distance between web plates in inches c = Thickness of top cover r ate in inches fc = Maximum compressive stress (k.sil fg = Maximum tensile stress (k.s il h = Depth of web in irw.hes k = f g/f c t = ThickIr3 of web in inches

! ANSI-B30.2 EOCl 61 CR F M 3 CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS 1976 (SECT 2-1) F M L liAh m.4C BUIL9416G CRANE The longitudinal stiffener 3 3.3.1 2 Longitudenal Stiffeners Not addressed

  • Not addressed f , g,, a ggs when one longitudinal stiffener is used it shall be placed so that its centerline is 0.4 to the top of the web.

times the distance from the inner surface of the compression flange plate to the The momerrt of inertia of the stiffener is*

neutral exis. It shall have a rnoment of enertia no less than:

4 l


= .676 IN I =1.715 IN 4 f, = 1.2 0.4+06f+0. 2+ 8 ht3 - in.# D es not comply 3 If f is See NRC submittal c greater than f . a g distance equal to twice the distance from the inner surface of the compression flange to the neutral axis shall be substituted in place of **h" in I equation for I . l When two longitudinal stiffeners are used they shall be placed so that their flot addressed Not addressed N/A (this trane has centerfines are 0 25 and 0 55 times the distance, respectively, from the inner surface one stiffener in the of the compression flange plate to the neutral axis. They shall ear.h have a moment compression region).

of inertia no less than:

I, = 1.2 1.


+ 14 h:3 , ;,,4 0.3 + 0.4 { +

If f is c greater than f , a t distance equal to twice the distance from the inner surface of the compression flange to the neutral axis shall be substituted in place of **h" in

! equation for I,.

Where; a - The longitudinal distance between full depth diaphragms or transverse stiffeners in inches.

As= Area of one longitudinal stiHener in pare inches.

~ The moment of inertia of longitudinal stiffeners welded to one side of a plate shall flot addressed Not addressed The moment of inertia be calculated about the interface of the plate adjacent to the stiffener. calculated above was determined about the For elements of the stiffeners supported along one edge, the maximum width to interface of the plate ,

thickness ratio shall not be greater than 12, and for elements supported along both h s fener edges, the maximum width to thickness ratio shall not be greater than 38. If the along both edges and has ratio of 12 is exceeded for the eierr.ent of the stiffener supported along one edge, a width to thickness but a portion of the stiffener element conforms to the maximum width thickness ratio of 11.3.

ratio and meets the stress requirements with the excess considered as removed, the member wifl be acceptable. . Compiles

L ANSI-BC CRYSIP 'tVER 3 CMAA-70 SPEClflCATIONS 1976 (SECT 2-1) E0Cl 61 Fut uANL A MilDING CRANE Stiffened Plates in Compression:

No additional criteria Not addressed Not applicable. There When one, two or three longitudinal stiffeners are added to a pla's under uniform are no longitudinal cornpresseon, dividing et into segments having equal unsupported wedths, full edge stiffeners added to the support well be provided by the longitudinal stiffeners, and the provissons of Section Compression plate.

3 3 3.1.3 may be applied to the design of the plate snaterial when stiffeners meet menimum requirements as follows: For one longitudmal stiffener at the center of the compression plate, where b/2 is the unsupported half width between web and staf fener, the moment of inertia of the stiffener shall be no less than:

lo = 2 3 0.6 f + 0.2 + 30 bt in.4 The moment of inertia need not be greater in any case than as given by the following equation:

Io a 2.2 + 10.3 1+ 3 bt in.4 For two longitudinal stiffeners at the third points of the compression flange, where b/3 is the unsupported width, and As the area of one stiffener, the rnoment of inertia of each of th,e two stiffeners shall be no less than:

la = 2 '

0.4 f + 0.8 + 8.0 bt 3 - in.4 The moment of inertia need not be greater in any case than:

lo =

9 + 56 + 90 bt3 - in.4 For three longitudsnal stiffeners, spaced equidistant at the one fourth width locations where b/4 is the unsupported width, and limited to a/b less than three, the moment of inertia of each of the three stif feners shall be no less than:

lo =

0.35 f + 1.10 2+ 12 bt 3


4 Where: a = The longitudinal distance between diaphragms or transverse stilleners ~ in.

As= The area of the stiffener - sq. in, t = The thickness of the stiffened plate - in. Stiffeners shall be designed to the provisions of Section

1976 (SECT 2-1)

E0Cl 61 FEL llE .C MILDiH CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS CMAK 3 Bas.c Allowabie Stresses fio additional criteria Requires maxinum tensile EOCl-61 is more conserva-stress of 16.0 ksi tive. Therefore, complies Tension = 17.6 ksa Compression = 17.6 ksi when the ratio of b/c is equal to or less than 38. No additional criteria Requir. s maxima compres- E0Cl-61 is sure conserva-sive stress of 16.0 ksi tive in this requirement.

When the rat.o of b/c enceeds 38, the allowable compressive stress for b/c ratios exceeding Therefore, complies, shall be computed from the following formula: 41, the allowable com-pressive stress in the (b/c = 10.25 438) top flange is reduced.

fc = 17.6 b/c = 40. fc = 16.3 ksi b/c = 52: fc = 110 ksi '

b/c = 44: fc = 14.1 ksi b/c = 56: fc = 9.8 ksa b/c = 48: fc = 12.4 ksi b/c = 60: fc = 8.9 ksi Magimum shear is 12.0 ksi EOCI-61 is more conserva-Shear = 13.2 ks- No additional criteria tive. Therefore, complies Bearing = 26.4 ksi on plates in contm fio additional criteria Bearing stress is not Complies since [0CI is specifically addressed. more conservative.

Allowable Stress Range . Repeated Loads: No additional criteria Stress range for repeated This crane is designed loads not addressed. to EOCl-61 which limits Members and festeners subject to repeated load shall be designed so that the stresses to 16 ksi, maximum stress does not exceed that shown above, nor shall the stress range Since there is no pre-(maximum stress minus minimum stress) exceed allowable values for various stressing of components categories as listed in table 1. The minimum stress is considered as negative end no reversal of stress if it is opposite in sign to the maximum stress. The categories are described in when load is applied, the Section 3.10 with sketches included. The allowable stress range is to be based on Crane design stresses the condition most nearly approximated by the description and sketch. are less than CMAA-70.

Therefore, complies.

TABLE Allowable Stress Range. F , - ksi Ccane Service Classifecation A and B l C and D l E l F Category Number of loading Cycles 20.000 to 100.000 to 500.000 to Over

( 100.000 500.000 2.000.000 2.000.000 l

A 40 32 24 8 33 25 17 C 28 21 14 Steel Mill D 24 17 10 Service E 17 12 7 A.I .S .E.

F 17 14 11 Spec.

G 15 12 9




' CRad No additional criteria Requires closer spacing E0CI is more conservative, 3 3 3.1 5 Diaphragms and Vertical Stif feners for same stress levels Therefore, complies.

compared to CMAA-70.

3 1 The spacing of the vertical web stiffeners in inches shall not eneed the amount given by the formula:

a -

350 t Where: t = Thickness of web an inches v= Shear stress in web plates (k.s.i.)

3 Nor shall the spacing exceed 72 inches or h. the depth of the web, whichever is No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70. Complies greater.

Complies I

Full depth diaphragms may tu included as vertical web stif feners toward meeting ho additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 3.3 3.1 5 2 this requirement.

The moment of inertia of any transverse stiffener about the interface of the web No additional criteria Not addressed Does not apply. Full depth diaphrages are plate, if used in the absence of diaphragms, shaft be no less than: tased in welded box girders, 1.2 h3 t o 3

, n.4 aoS Where: so = The required distance between stiffeners in.

t - The minimum required web thickness . in.

o Stiffener elements shall be proportioned to the provisions of Section

Web plates shall be suitably reinforced with full depth diaphragms or stiffeners at all No additlonal criteria Same as CHAA-70 Complies I maior load points.

No additional criteria Requires diaphragra plate EOCI is more conserva- All diaphragms shall bear against the top cover plate and shall be welded to the web adequate to transfer tive. Therefore, plates. The thickness of the diaphragrn plate shall be sufficient to resist the trolley load to web with maximum complies.

wheel load in bearing at 26.4 ksi. on the assumption that the wheel load is of 16.0 ksi compressive distributed over a distance equal to the width of the rail base plus twice the and 12.0 ksi shear stress .

distance from the rail base to the top of the diaphragm plate.

Complies I Short diaphragms shall be placed between full depth diaphragms so that the maximum No additional criteria formula is same as CHAA-70, only in distance between adjacent diaphragms will limit the maximum bending stress in the different for1a.

trolley rail without impact to 18.0 ksi based on:

18 0 kai = { trolley wheel load) (distance between diaphragms) 6 (section rnodulus of rail) Dellection and Camber flo additional criteria Same as CHAA-10 Complies I The maximum vertical deflection of the girder produced by the dead load, the weight of the trolley and the rated load shall not exceed .00125" per inch of span.

Impact shall not be considered in determining deflection. Garders shall be cambered an amount equal to the dead load deflection plus one half the hve load deflection. -

CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS EOCl 61 FEL NAE  ; MitalNG 1976 (SECT 2-1) crane 2

3.3 3 2 Welded Torsion Box Girders: N/A N/A N/A 3.3.3 3 Smgle Web Girders 3 3.3 4 Box Section Girders Built of Two Beams 3.4 IRlDGE END TRUCKS No additional criteria in addition to CHAA-70 Double flanged wheels are requirements, EOCI-61 provided. EOCl-61 more 3.4.1 The crane bridge shall be carried on end trucks of ample site to carry the rated load requires double flanged Conservative, when lifted at one end of the crane bridge. The wheel base of the end truck shall be 1/7 wheels.

of the span or greater. Complies 3.4.2 End trucks may be of the rotating axle or fixed axle type as specified by the crane No additional criteria Same as CMAA-10 Complies 3 manufacturer.

3.4.3 The bridge end trucks shall be constructed of structural steel providmg a rigid structure. Provisions should be Does not specify the Overturn lock support Provision shall be made to prevent a drop of more than one inch in case of axle failure, made to limit drop of allowable vertical prevents truck from Substantial guards shall be provided in front of each outside wheel and shall project below the trolley and bridge stresses for bridge dropping more than I".

top of the runway rail. trucks to one (1) inch end trucks. Max. tension = 11.45 ksi in case of wheel or axle Max. shear = 5.63 ksi Allowable vertical stresses without impact:

3 **

3 Tension = 14.4 ksi Compression = 14.4 kai Shear = 10.8 ksi For Class D and E cranes, consideration should be given to impact loading and repeated duty cycle.

2 3 5 FOOTWALKS AND HANDRAILS N/A N/A N/A 3.6 OPERATOR'S CAB gjg 4 3.7 TROLLEY FRAMES Ho additional criteria Does not permit use of Frame is welded steel The trolley itame shall be welded steel, cast rteel, or ductile iron construction or a combination thereof. ductile iron; otherwise p! ate. Compiles it shall be of rigid cx>nstruction designed to transmit the load to the bridge rails without undue deflec.

tion. Provisions should be made to prevent a drop of more than one inch in case of axle failure.

Allowable vertical stresses, without impact (steel) Provisions should be Does not specify verti. Clearance from bottom of Tension = 14.4 ks.i made to limit drop of cal stress limits. trolley to top of rail trolley to one inch is 6 1". Overturn locks Compresrion = 14.4 ksi when the ratio of b/c is equal to or less than 38 in case of wheel or prevent greater than 1" axle failure. drop of trolley in case Wnen the ratio b/c exceeds 3B, the allowable compressive stress is to be i proportioned from the salues shown in Section in the ratio of 14.4 +

f wheel cr axle failure.

17.6 Max. tension = 4 ksi Sherr = 10.8 ks Max. compression = 4 ksi Mas. shear = 9.66 ksi For Class D and E cranes, consideration should be given to impact loading and regwated duty 3 cycle. Compiies


CMAA-70 SPECIFICAll0NS .N6 (SECT 2-1) E0Cl 61 ggtlumou. 'AILDiliG CRAWL

.8 CALLS Na additional criteria N/A N/A bridge rail failure will not result in a load drop.

No additional criterie Gantry cranes not N/A (crane is not Design of leg end tie, strut, and s:ll members shall conform to applicable sectio. s of the current addressed in E0CI. a gantry type).

edition of the Manual of Steel Construction as pubhshed by the American Institute of Stael C,onstruction, at a unit stress proputtioned to that used for garder design in Section of the C.M.A.A. Specsfication.

I LOAD BLOCKS No additional criteria Along only forged steel Block frame is welded 0.1.1 The load block frames shall be of steel construction. The hook shall be of rolled steel, for the hook. Otherwise and bolted steel; hook forged steel or a certified material, supported on a ball or roller thrust bearing. The hook same. is forged; hook 5

shall rotate freely on this bearing.

t t be r g.


& HOISTING ROPES Rope end shall be Does not include weight Main hoist rope has G.2.1 The hoisting ropes shall be of propcr design and construction for crane service. The rated anchored by a clamp to of bottom block, safety factor of 9.8:1 c pacity load plus the bottom block divided by the number of parts of rope shall not the drum. and aux. hoist rope also 0

szceed 20% of the pubhshed breaking strength of the rope.

53*{8 y load block is 3.2.2 Thi cable construction shall be as specified by the crane manufacturer. When entra strength Considered.

sttil or were center rope is used the crane manufacturers specifications shall so state.

SHEAVES No additional criteria Requires steel or cast Sheaves are cast iron, iron. Class 40.

3.3.1 The sheaves shall be steel or minimum ASTM grade A48 64, or later, Class #0 cast iron gg,pyg,3 or equal as specified by the crane manufacturer.

3.3.2 The pitch diameter of the running sheaves shall be not less than 24 times the rope No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I '

diameter when 6x37 rope is furnished or 30 times the rope diameter when 6x19 rope is furnished.

I J.3.3 Tb pitch diameter of idler sheaves shall be not less than one half of the diameter of No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies running sheaves.

.3.4 t*! hen special clearance ar.d hft or low headroom is required, it may be necessary to I No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies devirte from these limitations.

i 1

iDRUM No additional criteria Requires use of high Drum is centrifugally I

grade cast f ron or cast steel tube.

b.4.1 The drum shall be steel or minimum ASTM Grade A48 64 or later, Class 40 cast iron or equal matersal.

equal material as specified by the crane manufacturer. It shall be designed to withstand Complies combined crushing a d bending loads.

4.2 The drum shall be so designed that not less than two complete wraps of hoisting rope No additional criteria Sanie as CMAA-7; Complies will rernain in the grooves when the hook is at the lowest position for the lift specified and not require overlapping of the rope when the hook is at its highest point.

. _ _ _ _ _ . - ~-

ANSI f,0.2 CRYSTF 7VER I CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS 1976 (;ECT 2-1) EOCl 61 FUEL MAND 2 tillLDINC CRANE 4 4.3 Drum grooves shall be machined. Grooving shall be right and lef t hand unless otherwise specified by the crane rnanufacturer.

No additional criteria Sane as CMAA-70 Complies I Recommended minimum drum groove depth is 3/8 x rope diameter-No additional criteria No spectfic depth or de h pth r , Recommended minimum drum groove pitch is either 1.14 x rope diameter or rope f i diameter + 1/8 inch, whichever is smaller. 70 d c eri 4.4.4 See NRC response.

The p.;ch dieneter of the drum shall be not less, than 24 times the rope diameter when No addih onal criteria Same as CHAA-70 6 37 rope is furnished or 30 the rope dianieter when 6x19 rope is furnished. Compiles l

4.4.5 When special clearance and hft or low headroom is required it may be necessary to deviate from these limiations.

4.5 GEARING No additional criteria Same as CMAA-10 Complies I 4.5.1 All gears and pinions shall be constructed of steel or other material of adequate strength and durabihty to rneet the requirements for the intended class of service.

4.5.2 The horsepower reting for all spur, helical and herringbone gearing shall be based upon Arnerican Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) Standards: 220.02, August 1966, No additional criteria Not addressed The following apply to the Crystal River re-

" Rating the Strength of Spur Gear Teeth". 210.02. January 1965, " Surface Durability fueling building crane:

(Pitting) of Spur Gear Teeth". 221.02 July 1965, " Rating the Strength of Helical and Herringbone Gear Teeth", and 211.02 February 1%9, " Surface Durabihty (Pitting) of Hehcal and Herringbone Gear Teeth". For the purpose of this specification the power formula may be written: Main Holst Aux. Holst N 1200 rpm 1200 rpm p

F 4 in. 4 in.

Allowable Strength Horsepower-NdKgp p S,, j J .44 .45 p -

at 126.000 KmPd S 36,000pst 36,000 psi at and Allowable Durability Horsepower- k 2.0 2.0 p .

NpFICy SacdCh 2 ac Cp p 4.0 5.0 126.000 Cm Cc , ,

d 3.0 in 3.0 in Where N y O P,: - allowable strength horsepower P ac - allowable durabihty horsepower i .69 .67 Np - panion speed - RPM C *72 72 d v

- pitch diameter of pinion - inches K, - Dynamic factor (strength)

C, - Dynamic factor (durabihtyi C 1.35 1.35 m

F - Net face width of the narrowest of the mating gears Km - Load distribution factor (strength) C .4 .4 C

Cc - Crane Service Factor (durabihty) (See Table 4.5.2)

S g

85,000 85,000 Cm - Lodd d'stribution factor (durabihty)

C 1.0 1.0 h

r n00 7300

I ANSI-830.2 CRYSTAL llVER 3 1976 (SECT 2-1) EOCl 61 FEL MAN G BillLDING CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS CknNE Based on the above, the Cp - Elastic Coetticient allowable strength &

Cg - Hardness factor (durability) dura are:gilityhorsepower J - Geometry factor (strength)

I - Geornetty f actor (deabihtyl Main Holst Aux. Hoist-Pd - Diametral pitch P,g= 190 155 San - Allowable bending stress for material - P.S.I. (strength)

  • Sac - Allowable contact stress number idurabitatyl 430 417 The values for K,. Cy. Km. Cm. C p. J, I. S and S,c can be determined frorn the tables P"=

and curves in :he appropriate AGMA specification previously rnentioned, the value for Cc will be found in table 4 5.2 and the remaining values will be physical characteristics pertaining to the gears or their operating characteristics.

TABLE 4.5.2 CRANE SERVICE FACTOR Crane Class A1 & A2 ,8 C D E Cc .4 .5 .55 .6 .7 The actual horsepower imposed on the gearing shall be considered as the rated horsepower tio additional criteria Not addressed The refueling building 4.53 crane is Class A; there-cf the rnotor involved, at its normal time rating rnultiplied by the factors shown in table fore the multiplier is 4.5.3 for the various classes of crane service. 0.75.

TA8l.E 4.53 Main hoist motor gearing sees .75 (50 h.p.)=37.5 -

Class Multipleer for Apphed Aux. hoist motor gearing Crane Motor Horsepower sees .75 (25)= 18.75 A1 75% These are well below the allowables determined in A2 75% 4.5.2 al,ove. Therefore B 85% crane complies.

C 90%

D 95%

E 100%

No additional criteria Not addressed N/A (no worm gearing is 4.5.4 When worm geuing is called for, it shall be rated by the gear manufacturer with used) tppropnate service factors.

I 4.5.5 The type of gearing shall be specified by the crane manufacturer- fio additional criteria Same as CHAA-70 Complies Gearboxes are provided w/

Means shall be provided to insure adequate and proper lubrication on all gearing. All flo additional criteria Requires oil bath or grease 4.5 6 for high speed gearing. g g gearing except the fmal reduction at the drum or wheels shall run in oil or be splash lubricated.

flo additional criteria Requires seviceability (in- Lube points provided on 4.5.7 All gearing not enclosed in gear boxes shall be guarded, with provision for lubrication and spection &~1ube) in Sec. 14. maintenance.

crane; & accessible for Complies inspection.

ANSF530.Z mm = <

EOCl 61 CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS 1976 (SECT 2-1) FUEL MANDk..A BUILDING CRANE N/A N/A N/A 2 4.6 CEARINGS Brake torque capacity Complies 4.7 BRAKES See below on hoist holding brakes. addressed specifically Brakes will be supplied for the anotion concerned. and will have rated torque capacities as for different type 4.7.1 specified in the following paragraphs. Brake torque capacities will be based on applicable brakes.

r:ted anotor torques. both of which will be for the sarne tirne period. For multiple motors the required brake torques will be increased proportionally.

4.7.2 Bridge Motion N/A N/A N/A 2f*N"Se$ "[ko[N i t satisfy NR position) 2 4.7.3 Trolley Motion N/A N/A N/A 4.7.4 Hoist Motion. Holding Brakes in addition, B30.2 re- Sections, Whiting SESA brakes pro-quires:, & of vided as holding brakes Each independent hoisting unit shall have at least one holding brake, which will be applied CMAA-70 are not addressed (one each on main &

cutomatically on power removal. This brake will be mounted on the motor shaf t or on a (1) Holding brakes shall in EC01-61. Also, the aux. hoists). Main hoist Caf t en the hoist gear train. have a therrnal capa- two requirements of B30.2 brake has capacity of city for the fre- are not addressed. 250% of motor torque.

en of ope ation x s brak has Minimum torque ratings of holding brakes, in relation to motor torque, at point of application. service; wp M@ Wu 125% when used with a control braking rneans other than mechanical. (2) The wearing surface are adjustable. Holst uses of brake wheels, mechanical control braking.

100% when used with a mechanical control braking rneans.

drums, or discs shall Complies 3 100% for each brake if two holding brakes are provided. be free of defects .

that interfere with Where necessary, hoist holding brakes shall be provided with adjustment to compensate operation.

for wear.

2 Each independent hoisting unit of a hot metal crane having power control braking. shall have at N/A N/A N/A least two holding brakes.


1976 (SECT 2-1) EOCl 61 FEL HAND .BullDING.


4 7.5 Hoist Motum, Control Brakes The control braking Same as CMAA-70. except A mechanical control I shall have a thermal for the additional B30.2 brake is provided for Each andependent hoist unit shall also have cxmtrol braking means to prevent capacity for the f.e. requirement on thermal each hoist. See opera-over speeding, unless worm gearing with an efficiency suitable to prevent acceleration of quency of operation capacity. tions and maintenance the load an the lowering direction is used. required by the services manual provided by Whiting. j Control braking may be power, such as addy current, dynamic or countertorque, or may be mechanical. Either must be capable of maintaanang safe lowering speeds of rated loads. Comp 1tes 4.3 BRIDGE DRIVES N/A N/A 2 N/A 4.9 SHAFTS fio additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 with res- Complies I pect to shafts other than 4.9.1 AH shafts, except the bridge cross shaft sections which do not carry gears, shall be cross shafts.

machined at bearing and gear fits. Intarmediate bridge cross shafts may be commercial shafting. The spacing between bridge crostshaft bearings shall be as shown in table 4.9.1.

TABLE 4.9.1 "^ "IA Maxirnum Spacing 8etween Line Cross shaf ts are not Shaft Shaft Bearings at Speeds of applicable to preventing Diameter 0 to 100 101 to 300 a load drop.

301 to 400 ilnches) RPM RPM RPM 1% 8'4 8'4 8' O 2 10'4 10'4" 10'-6" 24 15'4 15'-0 13'4 3 17'4" 16'4 14'4" 3% 19'O 16'4 15'6" 4 21'4 16*4 16'4 When the shaft speed exceeds 400 RPM the bearing spacing shall not exceed that determined by the following formula, or the Table 4.9.1, whichever is less, in order to avoid objectionable vibration at critical shaft speeds.

4,760.000 m D 1.2 x N L = Distance between bearing centers - inches D = Shaf t diameter - inches N = Maximum shaft speed - RPM '

e I

I ggg-gjg g mm 5mn w CMAA40 SPECIFICATIONS 1976 (SECT 2-1) EOCl 61 FELNANI BUILDlHG crane


4.10 COUPLINGS N/A N/A 4.10.1 Cross shaf t couplings, other than flexible type, shall be steel or minimum ASTM Grade A48 64, or later, Class 40 cast iron or equal material as specif 6ed by the crane manufacturer. The type of coupling (other than flexible) may be compression, sleeve, or flange type. Flexible couplings shall be the crane manufacturer's standard type. Couphngs shalf be provided at each end truck and each side of the motor gear reducer. Additional couphngs may be installed as necessary.

4.10 3 Motor couplings shall be as specified by the crane manufacturer. No additlonal criteria Same as CMAA-73 Complies I 4.11 WHEELS Same as CMAA-10 except Complies I

tio additional criteria 4.11.1 Unless other means of restricting lateral movement is provided, wheels shall be double tolerance on drive wheel ,

flanged with treads accurately machined. Bridge wheels may have either straight treads or is not specified. (Tolerance on drive tapered treads assembled with the large diameter toward the center of the span. TrolleV wh el diameter is wheels should have straight treads. Drive wheels shall be matched pairs within .001 inches not critical to pre-per inch of diameter or a total of .010 inches on the diameter which ever is smaller. venting a load drop).

When flangeless wheel and side roller assembhes are provided they shall be of a type and design recommended by the crane manufacturer.

4.11.2 Wheels shall be rolled or forged from open hearth, basic oxygen or electric furnace steel, flo additional criteria Requires chilled iron, Specification R0 2690, ce cast of an acuptable cast or nodular iron, or cast of an acceptable carbon or alloy forged or cast steel. Addendum B requires '

forged or rolled steel steel unless otherwise specified. Wheels shall be heat treated if speofied on the wheels.

information sheets. Compiles 4.11.3 Wheels shall be designed to carry the maximum wheel load under normal ceditions flo additional criteria Essentially same as Bridge wheel load criteria without undue wear. The recommended wheel load shown in table 4.11.3 is that load CMAA-70. Only dif- are satisfied.3 Trolley produced with trolley handling the rated load in the position to produce the maximum ference is location of wheel load criteria are

- load and may be used as a guide for wheel sites. Impact is not included in these figures- trolley for maximum not satisfied. See NRC For unusual conditions, consideration should be given to other factors which are not load. response, included in the simple formula on which table 4.11.3 is based.

4.11.4 Proper clearance (a total of approximately 3/4" to 1" wider than rail head) shall be No additional criteria No clearance Wheel clearai.ce criteria are satisfied, provided between the wheel flanges and rail head. Tapered tread wheels for bridges ..'ay specified.

have a clearance over the rail head of 150% of the clearance provided for straight tread Complies wheels as recommended by the crane manufacturer.

4.11.5 When rotating axles are used, wheels shall be mounted on the axle with a press fit akme, gio additional criteria Requires press, tapered- Rotating axle, key mounted, press fit and keys, or with keys alone. All wheels shall have sufficient hub thickness to drawn, or keyed fit. Complies permit the use of keys.

4.12 (DtNPERS AND STOPS fio additional criteria Not addressed Bridge bumpers are pro-vided that have the 4.12.1 Budge bumpers-li) A crane shall be provided with bumpers or other automatic means pro- following; viding equivalent effect, unless the crane is not operated near the ends of bridge and trolley travel, or is restricted to a limited $ stance by the nature of the crane operation and there is no (a) man. deceleration of less than 1 ft/sec2 hazard of striking any object in this limited distance, or is used in similar operating conditions. U"

  • The bumpers shall be capable of stopping the crane (not including the hf ted load) at an average rate of deceleration not to exceed 3 ft/s/s when travehng in either direction at 20 percent of in 1/3 of bumper travel the rated load speed. from 40% speed.

(A) The bumpers shall have sufficient energy absorbing capacity to stop the crane when (c) Bumpers mounted so bolts travehng at a speed of at least 40 percent of rated load speed. are not in shear.

(B) The bumper shall be so mounted that there is no direct shear on bolts. (d) safety cables used to hold bumper if it (ii) Bumpers shall be so designed and installed as to minimize parts falling from the crane in s.nm ca

l ANSI-B30>2 I CRYST 8' 51VER 3 CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS 19?6 (SECT 2-1) EOCl 61 FUELBAh ;C BUILDING CRANE 4.* .1.1 Bridge bumpers shah be rigidly mounted in such a manner that the attaching bolts are flo additional criteria Not addressed Bridge bumpers mounted not in shear and they shall be designed and installed 16 minimize parts f alling from the 50 bolts are not in uane in case of breakage. Shear. Compiles a---- Bumpers shall be of sufficient length that no part of either crane will be damaged when N/A N/A N/A 2

two cranes come together and the bumpers are fully compressed. Heights of bridge bumpers above the runway rail shall be as specified by the crane fio additional Criteria Not addressed U rgaregnstall{ don eYaY a N Runway stops shall be provided by the purchaser and shall be located at the limits of the flo additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I bridge travel.

ouvryersinstaiieagoserve 4.122.2 Punway stops shall be attached to resist the force apphed when contacted. flo additional criteria Not addressed rung g; ge omoiIes Runway stops engaging the tread of the wheel are not recommended. flo additional criteria Not addressed Bumpers do not engage wheels. Complies 4.12 3 Trolley bumpers-til A trolley shall be provided with bumpers or other automatic means of f!o additional Criteria Trolley bumpers are not Not addressed equivalent of fact, unless the trolley is not operated near the ends of bridge and trolley travel, or installed; wheel stops are is restricted to a hmited distance of the runway and there is no hazard of striking any object in used at end of trolley this limited distance, or is used in similar operating conditions. The bumpers shall be capable of travel. Further evalua-stopping the trolley (not including the lifted load) at an average rate of deceleration not to tions should be performed exceed 4 7 ft/s/s when traveling in either direction at one third of the rated load speed. to evaluate alternatives.

(n) When more than one trolley is operated on the same bridge, each shall be equipped with (See Section 1.3 of repor$

bumpers or equivalent on their adjacent ends.

ini) Bumpers or equivalent shall be designed and installed to minimize parts fathng from the trolley in case of age. Also apphed to wood, rubber, polyurethane, etc. bumpers. ,

2 When more than one trolley is operated on the same bridge, each shall be equipped with N/A N/A N/A bumpers on adjacent ends and they shall Le of sufficient length that no part of either trolley will be damaged when two trolleys come together and the bumpers are fully compressed. Bumpers shall be rigidly mounted in such a manner that the attaching bolts are not in flo additional criteria Not addressed Bumpers not installed on shear and they shall be designed and installed to minimize parts falling from the crane in trolley (See 4.12.3 above) case of breakage.




!MAA-70 SPECIflCAT10NS ~ ~ ~ 1916 (SECT 2-II EOCl 61 FUEL MANDLI. AILDING CRANE L RESISTORS No additiv 21 criteria Same as CMAA-70 for N/A (Mechanical load b.5.1 Class A, B, and C brakes are used).

Resistors (except those in permanent sections) shall have a thermal capacity of not less cranes.

than Class 150 series for CMAA crane service classes A, B and C and not less than Class 160 series for CMAA service classes D and E.

5.5.2 R sistors used with power electrical braking systems on hoists not equipped with No additional criteria Not addressed Brakes of this type mechanical load brakes shall have a thermal capacity of not less than Class 160 series.

are not used.

5.5.'l RIsistors shall be designed with the proper first point stalled torque as required by the N/A control system used.

b.5.4 Resistors shall be installed with adequate ventilation, and with proper supports to N R s r a withstand vibration. No additional criteria Not specifically t addressed $rakinaisuseb 5 PROTECTION fio additional criteria Requires pendant con- ECCI more restrictive.

5.6.2 Cranes not equipped with spring return controllers, or momentary contact pushbuttons, trollers to be spring Controllers are spring shall be provided with a device which will disconnect all motors from the bne on failure returned to the "off" return to the "off" position. position.

cf power and will not pe<mit any motor to be restarted until the controller handle is brought to the OFF" position, or a reset switch or. button is operated. Complies 5.6 5 Overload relays shall be provided for each motor either as a function of each control or :No additional criteria N/A N/A 2 by an enclosed protective panel. Overloads are required in two phases of A. C. mottws D. .

C. cranes require one inverse time element overload for each motor.

b.6 6 A line contactor shall be provided with each motor control of D. C. CMAA Service 2

Clisses A1, C, D and E cab operated cranes. N/A N/A N/A B.6.7 On remote radio cranes, if the contros signal for any crane motion becomes ineffective, that motion shall stop.

B.6.B On remote radio cranes, purchaser shall specify if other radio equipment is operating or planned as future installation in the vicinity where the crane will operate.

36.9 On automatic cranes, all motions shall fait safe if any malfunction of operation occurs. No additional criteria Not addressed N/A Crane is not automatic B.6.10 Electrical safety features shall be in accordance y ith the ANSI B30.2 Safety Code. Compliance with B30.2 is Same Not addressed addressed by this evaluation CAB MASTER SWITCHES 2 fio additional criteria N/A N/A The arrangement of cab master switches, or their operating handles, and the resultant direction cf book rr:overrent shall be as shown in Sketch 5.7.





CRANt 8 FLOOR OPERATED PENDANT PUSHBUTTON STATIONS No additional criteria Not addressed Complies. See opera-5 8.1 Unless otherwiw specified the arrangement of a pendant pushbutton station if in a vertical tions and maintenance manual furnished by hne should read from top to bottom: Stop start, Up Down (Main Hoist) (Aum. Hosst); Whiting.

Reght Lett (Trolley), Forward Reverse (Bridge).

i 5 8.2 when start stop pushbuttons are arranged horizontally, start should be on the lef t, and stop should be on the right. No additional criteria Not addressed N/A (Controls are {

located vertically) a 5.8.3 Stop pushbuttons shall be red, f!et spect fied Not specified 5.8 4 Tha trolley and bridge direction markings may be right, lef t, forward, reverse or compass vi d byenE !ina.

manu ro-directions, as appbcable, or as specified.

N/A 2 N/A N/A 5.8.5 Pindant pushbutton station shall have a grounding conductor between a ground terminal in the station and the crane.

5.8 6 P2ndant pushbutton stations shall be supported to protect the electrical conductors against Crane control has cable to stran. No additional criteria Not addressed support pendant.

Complies 5.8.7 Pendant pushbuttons shall be spring return to off.

No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I 5.8.8 The maximum voltage in pendant pushbutton stations shall be 150 volts A. C. or 300 Volts D. C. N/A #

N/A N/A 9 HOIST LIMIT SWITCH fio additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 5 9.1 Complies I The hoist limit switch shall limit the upward travel of the load block by terrowing power from the motor and applying the hold ng brake. The hmit switch shall be either power circuit or control circuit type. A power circuit limit switch shall interrupt the hoist motor power circuit directly. A control circuit hmit switch shall indirectly open the hoist motor power circuit through a contactor in its control circuit.

5.9 2 Intstruption of the hoisting motion shall not interfere with the lowering motion. Lowering of the block shall automatically reset the limit switch.

5.9.3 The crane manufacturer shall state whether the hoist limit switch will be power circuit or control circuit type. N/A 2 N/A N/A 10 INSTALLAllON A10.1 Electrical equipment shall be so located or enclosed to prevent the operator from accidental contact with live parts under normal operating conditions. ,

.s 5.10.2 Electrical equipment shall be installed in accessible locations and protected from dirt.

grzase oil and moisture, as required. No additional criteria Hot addressed Equipment is accessible ,

and protected.

Complies B.10.3 Hut shields shal. be provided when requested by purchaser to protect control panels.

racbways, etc., in areas of high radiant heat. N/A N/A 2


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OVERHEAD CRANE EVALUATION Location: Crystal River Crane: Reactor Building Containment Vessel Type: Polar Rating (Main / Aux Hoist): Main - 180 tons Auxiliary - 30 tons Manufacturer: Whiting Hoist Speed: Main - 4 fpm, Auxiliary - 20 fpm Trolley Speed: 40 fpm Bridge Speed: 75 fpm Design Criteria: E0CI-61 and Gilbert Associaties Specifications Evaluation Criteria: CMAA-70-1975 and ANSI B30.2-1976


No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I

.2 CUILDING DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS fio additional criteria Requires 6" for wide Drawing V-62220 in

.3 CLE ARANCE buildings Operation and Maintenance Manual shows 16" required 1.3.1 in the case of narrow width buildings where truss sag may be ignored, a minimum clearance of Clearance.

3 inches between the highest point of the crar:e and the lowest overhead obstructeon shall be provided For weder buildmgs where truss seg becomes a factor, this clearance should be Complies increased.

No addittonal criteria Same as CMAA-70 Minimum side clearance 1.3.2 The clearance beteveen the end of the crane and the building columns linee braces or any other is 12".

obstructions shall be not less than 2 inches with crane centered on runway rails. For wide buildings or where heavy capacity cranes are used, not less than 3 inches clearance should be Compiles provided. Pipes, conduits, etc. must not reduce this clearance.

Not addressed Not addressed N/A to preventing a 1.3.3 The accuracy of building dimensions shall be the responsibility of the purchaser. load drop Same as CMAA-70 Complies 3 l.4 RUNZAY flo additional criteria 1.4.1 The crane runway, runway rails, and crane stops shall be furnished by the purchaser unless otherwise specified. The crane stops furnished by the purchaser shall be designed to suit the specific crane to be installed.

Crane runways and sup- Same as CMAA-70 except Complies 1.4.2 The runway rails shall be straight, parallel, level, and at the same elevation. The distance center to center and the elevation es specified by the purchaser to the crane manufacturer porting structures de- EOCI-61 requires exact shall be within a tolerance of plus or minus 1/8". The runway rails should be standard signed to withstand distance center to (E0CI is more restrictive) loads imposed by the center.

rail sections of a proper size for the crane to be installed and must be provided with crane. Runway columns proper rail splices. Floating rails are not recommended. anchored to foundation.

Compiles I

1.4.3 The crane runway shall be designed with sufficient strength and rigidity to prevent detrimental Structure free frora Same as CMAA-70 laterat or vertical deflecte. detrimental vibration.

I No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies 1.5 f.UNOAY CONDUCTORS y

Rated load to be marked Same as CMAA-10 :omplies 1.6 RATED CAPACITY on the crane.

No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 :ompiles I 1.7 DESIGN STRESSES 1.7.1 Materials shall be properly selected for the stresses to which they will be subjected. Load carrying parts, except structural members and hoistmg ropes and gearing. shall be designed so that the calculated static stress in the material, based on rated load, shall not exceed 20% of the published average ultimate strength of the material. This limitation of stress provides a margin of strength to allow for variations in the properties of materials, manuf acturing and operating conditions, and design assumptions, and under no condition should imply authorization or protection for users loadmg the crano beyond rated capacity. Structural members shall be designed m accordance with the data given in Section 70 3. Hoisting ropes shall be in accord-ance with Paragraph 4.2.

m , ,.

CMAA-70 SPECIFICAll0NS .976 (SECT 2-1) gj Same as CMAA-70 Compitas I NE N No additional criteria t

1.8.1 All apparatus covered by this specification shall be constructed in a thorough and ' manner. Due regard shall be given in the design for safety of operation, cccessibility, interchangeabihty and durability of parts.

1.8.2 This specification includes the safety features of ANSI B30.2.0 Safety Code.

9 PAINTING N/A N/A N/A 1.9.1 Before shipment, the crane shall be cleaned and painted with the crane manufacturer's s sendard paint, unless otherwise specified in the purchaser's inquiry, I

.10 ASSEM"LY AND PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies 1.10.1 The :rane shall be assembled in the manufacturer's plant unless otherwise stated in the proposal When feasible the trolley shall be placed on the girders. but it is unnecessary to reeve the hoist blocks. The crane shall be taken apart only to the extent necessary for shipment and all parts shall be carefully match marked. All exposed finished parts and tiectrical equipment shall be properly protected for shipment, if outside storage is enticipated, the purchaser shall make arrangements with the manufacturer if extra pr:tection is required.

I l.11 TESTING l'o additional criteria same as CMAA-70 Complies l

1.11.1 Tasting shall be conducted according to the manufacturer's commercial testing procedure.

1.11.2 Any performance of non<sestructive testing such as X-ray, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, etc., shall be considered as an extra item and will be done only if specified by the purchaser.

2 N/A N/A N/A 9.12 DRArlNGS 1.12.1 Two copies of the manufacturer's clearance diagrams shall be submitted for approval. One copy shall be approved by the purchaser or his representative and returned to the crane manufacturer. Two sets of operating instructions and spare parts information shall be fumished. Detail drawings shall not be furnished.

No additional criteria Same as CHAA-70 except Spec. 322-C1.1 1.13 ERECTION Section 3:15 specifies no statement cn protect-1.13.1 The crane shall be erected (including assembly, field wiring. Installation and starting) by ing crane after receipt protection of the crane, but prior to use, the purchaser. Supervision of field assembly rney be negotiated separately between the Complies purchaser and the manufacturer. The purchaser shall protect the crane from the time of its receipt until it is placed in service. If the crane is used by another contractor prior to acceptanca by the purchaser, the other contractor shall be responsible to the purchaser.

1.14 LUBRICATION Lube points are access. ANSI B30.2 criteria is Whiting Operation and

' 1.14.1 The crane shall be provided with all necessary lubrication fittings. Before putting the rs rp fo s, t p s lube f

crane in operation, the purchaser shall lubricate all bearings, gears, etc. in accordance with points.

the crane manufacturer's recommendations. Complies



l ANSI-830.2 '

1976 (SECT 2-1)



2 1.15 C'ARRANTY N/A N/A N/A 1.15.1 For warranty, refer to the manufacturer's literature or proposal forms.

2.2.1 Class A1 (Standby Service) This comparison performed Not addressed Not addressed to verify compliance with This service class covers cranes used in installations such as; power houses. public utilities. Class Al requirements in turbine rooms. motor rooms and transformer stations where precise handling of valuable CMAA 70 and ANS 830.2.

machsnery at slow speeds with long idle periods between lif ts es requered. Capacsty loads may be handled for initial installation of machinery and for infrequent maintenance. Complies ,

7053 STRUCTURAL DESIGN Designed and fabricated to EOCI-61 which requires A-7 E0CI-61 requires use steel. A-7 has minianam 3.1 MATERIAL Not addressed ultimate of 60 ksi, as of ASTM A-7 steel. compared to A-36 with mint All structural steel used shall conform to ASTM.A36 specifications or shall be an accepted type sum of 58 ksi. Therefore for the purpose for which the steel is to be used and for the operations to be performed on it. EOCl criteria are adequate.

Other suitable matwials may be used provided parts we proportioned to give comparable design Gilbert specified use of factors. A-36 steel. Crane compiles.

32 C:ELDING AWS D1.1 except as mod- EOCI-61 specifies welding Welding performed in ified by AUS D14.1. according to AWS, but no accordance with Whiting All welding design and procedures shall conform to the current issue of AWS D14.1 " Specification specific standard is shop practices and AWS referenced. 01.1. See NRC response.

for Weldmg Industrial and Mill Cranes" with the exception of Section 706, which shall be in accord.

anca with the Crane Manufacturer's standard tolerances for deviation from specified cember and sweep, with all such measurements taken at the manufacturer's plant prior to shipment. .

Complies I

3.3 GIRDERS No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 (Girders to meet Ct1AA-3.3.1 General yo)

The crane girders shall be rvelded structurel steel bon sections, wide flange beams, standard **l" Beams, reinforced beams, or bom sections fabricated from structural shapes.

The manufacturer shall specify the type and construction of the girders to be furnished.

3.3.2 Loadmes Crane girdus shall be proportioned to resist all vertical, latwal and torsional forces combined as specified in Section and as defined below: Vertical Forces Dead Load: The weight of all effective parts of the bridge structure, the machinery parts, and the fixed equipment supported by the structure.

3.3 Live Load: The weight of the trolley and the lifted load trated capacity) shall be considered as concentrated moving loads at the wheels and located in such positions as to produce the maximum rnoment and shew.

y m w w .z W CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS E0Cl 61 1976 (SECT 2-1) REACE] LDING

_ P0lf] s...sdE For hoisting speeds of 4 fpe, main hoist, and 20 fpm auxi-liary hoist, impact allowances of 1% of these Impact Allowance: speeds is less than the For cranes operating on runweys as described in SectH>n 1.4, the No additional criteria Requires minimum 15% of 15% minimum requirement.

impact allowance of the rated capacity shall be taken es %% of the load per foot per rated capacity. Therefore, complies.

{ mmute of hoisting speed, but not less than 15% nor more than 50% except for bucket and magnet cranes for whech the impact value shall be taken as 50% of the rated capacity. Lateral Forces No additional cr teria Requires a lateral load EOCI 61 is more conserva- allowance of 5% of the tive than CMAA-70 in this Lateral load due to acceleration or deceleration shall be considered as 2%% of the line load for all cranes. area. Crane is designed live load and the crane bridge, exclusive of end trucks and end ties for Class A to EOCI 61; therefore, cranes, 5% for crane Classes B, C and D and as 10% for Class E cranes. The live complies.

Road shall be considered as a concentrated load, located in the same position as when calculating the vertical rnoment. The lateral moment shall be equally divided between the two girders and the moment of inertia of the entire girder section about its vertical axis shall be used to determine the stresses due to the lateral forces. Lateral load due to wind shall be considered as 5 pounds per square foot of projected area. The wind load on the trolley shall be considered as equally divided No additional criteria Requires lateral load of Wind load not applicable 10 PSF on projected area to this crane, between the two girders. Where anultiple surfaces are exposed to the wind, such as -

bridge girders where the horizontal distance between surfaces is greater than the depth of a girder, a wind area shall be considered to be 1.6 times the projected area of one girder. For single surfaces, such as cabs or machinery enclosures, a projected area shall be considered to be 1.2 times the projected area to account for negative pressure on the for side of the enclosure. Torsional Forces The twisting moment due to starting and stopping of the bridge motor shall be considered as the starting torque of the bridge motor at 200% of full load torque No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Compiles I multipned by the gear ratio between the motor and the cross shaft. The twisting moments due to overhanging loads on the side of the girder shall be taken as their respective weipts multiphed by the horizontal distances between the No additional criteria Requires distance to be Loads do not overhang.

center of load to center Girders are box construc-respective centers of gravity and the sheer center of the girder section. of gravity of girder, tion. Therefore, 3.3 complies.

The twist;ng moments due to lateral forces acting ecrentric to the horizontal neutral axis of the girder shall be considered as those forces multiplied bf the vertical Ho additional criteria Requires distance to be Box girder is symetrical distance between the center line of force and the st. ear center of the girder. between centerline of about neutral axis; force and center of therefore, shear center gravity of girder rather and center of gravity than to shear center of are essentially identical.

girder. Therefore the crane compiles.

CMAA40 SPECIFICAIl0NS 976 (SECT 2-1) E0Cl 61 REACLJ 'I. DING POLO U E 132.2 The cornbined bending streu shril be taksn as the larger of the following two design fio additional critsria 5tme as CMAA-70 Comp 11:s I cases, including a wind load of 5 pounds per square foot for outdoor cranes:

L3 2.2.1 The sum of the maximum stresses due to dead load, weight of trolley, rated load and impact allowance.

L3.2.2.2 The sum of the maximum stresses due to osed load, weight of trolley, rated load and lateral forces.

3.2.3 The combined shear stress shall be taken as the sum of the maximum shear due to No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I dead load, weight of trolley, rated load, impact allowance and net twisting moment.

L3.3 DESIGN LIMITATIONS No additional criterta Requires also that auximum EOCI 61 more conserva- k 3 3.3.1 t*!elded Box Girders. stress be 20% of ultimate. tive than CMAA 70. -

Welded box girders shall "u e fabricated of structural steel with continuous longitudinal Therefore crane complies.

welds running the full length of the girder. All welds shall be ample to develop the beam section for the maximum shear and tending. Proportions No additional criteria Pequires: 1/b455 1/b= 1480/27"=54.8 4 60 1/h should not exceed 25 1/b should not exceed 60 ( t b/c= 27"/2" =13.5 460 b/c should not exceed 60 spectfled) 1/h= 1480/110*=13.45< 25 Complies The h/t ratio of the web plate, when provided with transverse stiffeners or diaphragms as specified in Section is limited by the use of longitudinal flo additional criteria E0Cl requires h/t< 240 t = 5/16" = .3125" stiffeners, as follows: h = 110" or k = 1.0 (girder is The h/t ratio of the web shall not exceed:

h/t(85(k+1)6000' t n h E nor shall it exceed M


C(k+ 1) c c = 162 i f c M = 376 whichever is less. f c= 12.4 (footnote 3) Where: The coefficients C and M are as tabulated below: Longitudinal stiffeners C M " * *' "" f4one 81 188' c(k+1) , One 162 376 f Two 243 564 c

  • For other values of M at reducea weu levels, see the following table. 162 (1+1) = 386 Max h/t for 16.3 ksi compression stress 188*

Man h/t for 12.0 ksi comprenion stres - 220 Man h/t for 10.0 or less compreuion Additionally h/t should streu - 240 be less than M= 376 Where: 1 - Span in inches Actual h/t=5

  • 30 b = Distance between web plates in inches c = Therefore crane compiles Theckness of top cover plate in inches f, = Maximum compreuive streu (k.s.i.)

f, = Maximum tensile stress (k.s.l.) h = Depth of web in inches k = f g/f c t - Thickness of web in inches

I CRYSTAL.BlVER 3 ANSI-830.2 EOCl 61 REACTOR LDING CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS 1976 (SECT 2-1) P01.AR UnANE Ihe longitudinal stiffener is located .44 times the Longitudinal Stiffeners Not addressed Not addressed distance from the neutral axis to the bottom of the When one longitudinal stiffener is used it shall be placed so that its centerline is 0.4 :ompression flange. times the distance from the inner surface of the compression flange plate to the neutral axis. It shail have a moment of inertia no less than: [he moment of inertia was

alculated to be n

lo = 1.2 0.4 + 0.6 f + 0.9 2+ 8 h:3  ;,,4 3 Complies If f is c greater than fg, a distance equal to twice the distance from the inner surf ace of the compression flange to the neutral axis shall be substituted in place of **h" in equation for Io. When two longitudinal stiffeners are used they shall be placed so that their Not addressed Not addressed Criterion not applicable centerlines are 0 25 and 0.55 times the distance, respectively, from the inner surface to this crane. Crane of the compression flange plate to the neutral axis. They shall each have a moment has one stiffener in of inertia no less than: the conpression region. Io = 1.2 1. 2+ 14 ht 3, ;,,4 0.3 + 0.4 { + if f is c s. eater than fg a distance equal to twice the distance from the inner surface of the compression flange to the neutral axis shall be substituted in place of **h" in equation for Io. Where: a - The longitudinal distance between full depth diaphragms or transverse stiffeners in inches. A,= Area of one longitudinal stiffener in square inches. The moment of inertia of longitudinal stiffeners welded to one side of a plate shall flot addressed Not addressed Moment of inertia calculafr be calculated about the interface of the plate adjacent to the stiffener. ed above was determined about the interface of For elements of the stiffeners supported along one edge, the maximum width to the plate with the stif-thickness ratio shall not be greater than 12, and for elements supported along both fener. Stiffener is edges, the maximum width to thickness ratio shall not be greater than 38. If the supported along both ratio of 12 is exceeded for the element of the stiffener supported along one edge, edges and has a width to but a portion of the stiffener element conforms to the maximum width-thickness thickness ratio of 28.3. ratio and anects the stress requirements with the excess considered as removed, the Complies member will be acceptable.

                                                                                                   ' INE (SECT Z-1)                      EDEI El              utmluu         nLJ---

POLAR L,,edE Basic Allowable Stresses No additional critcria Requires maximum E0Cl 61 is sore constrva-3.3 3.1.3 tensile stress of tive. Therefore, Tensson = 17.6 ksi 16.0 kst complies. Compress.on = 17.6 ksi when the ratio of b/c is equal to or less than 38. No additional criteria Requires maxisum com- EOCI 61 is more conserva-pressive stress of 16.0 tive in this requirement When the ratio of b/c excecds 38, the allowable ccmpressive stress ksi. For b/c ratios than CMAA-70. Therefore, shall be computed from the following formula: exceeding 41, the allow- complies. l able compressive stress in the top flange is (b = 27 = 13.5( 38) g3 reduced. c T~ b/c b/c = 40: fc - 16.3 ksi b/c = 52: Ic = 11.0 ksi b/c = 44: fc = 14.1 ksi b/c = 56: fc = 9 8 ksi b/c = 48: fc = 12.4 ksi b/c = 60: fc = 8.9 ksi Maximum shear is 12.0 ks' EOCI 61 is more conserva-Shear = 13.2 ksi No additional criteria tive. Therefore, complies Bearing = 26.4 ksi on plates in contact No additional criteria Bearing stress not spect Complies since E0CI is fically addressed. more conservative. Allowable Stress Range . Repeated Loads: No additional criteria Stress range for repeat- This crane is designed ed loads not addressed. to EOCl 61 which limits Members and fasteners subject to repeated load shall be designed so that the stresses to 16.0 ksi. maximum strvss does not exceed that shown above, nor shall the stress range Since there is no pre-imaximum stress minus minimum stress) exceed allowable values for various stressing of components categories as listed in table 1. The minimum stress is considered as negative and no reversal of stress if it is opposite in sign to the maximum stress. The categories are described in when load is applied, the Section 3.10 with sketches included. The allowable stress range is to be based on crane design stresses are the condition most nearly approximated by the description and sketch. less than CMAA-70. Therefore, complies. TABLE Allowable Stress Range. F , - ksi Crane Service Classification A and B l C and D l E l F Category Number of Loading Cycles 20.000 to 100.000 o 500.000 to Over 100.000 500.000 2.000.000 2.000,000 A 40 32 24 8 33 25 17 C 28 21 14 Steel Mill D 24 17 10 Service E 17 12 7 A . I .S. E . F 17 14 11 Sp,c, G 15 12 9

                                                                                                             . = _ _ _   _ . . . .

I ANSI-830.2 CRYSTAL "'VER 3 CMAA-70 SPECIFICAll0NS EOCl 61 REACT] .LDillC 1976 (SECT 2-1) P01.AR CRANE Stiffened Plates in Compression: No additional criteria Not addressed. Not applicable. Dis crane has no Ngi-When one, two or three longitudinal stiffeners are added to a plate under uniform tudinal stifseners compression, dividing it into segments having equal unsupported widths, full edge added to the compression support will be provided by the longitudinal stiffeners, and the provisions of Section plate. may be applied to the design of the plate material when stiffeners meet minimum requirements as follows: For one longitudinal stiffener at the center of the compression plate, where b/2 is the unsupported half width between web and stiffener, the moment of inertia of the stiffener shall be no less than: 2 3 la = + 3.0 bt in.4 0.6 f + 0.2 The moment of inertia need not be greater in any case than as given by the following equation: 3 ;o,4 Io = 2.2 + 10.3 1+ bt For two longitudinal stiffeners at the third points of the compression flange, where b/3 is the unsupported width, and As the area of one stiffener, the moment of inertia of each of the two stiffeners shall be no less than: 2 lo = + 8.0 bt 3 - in.4 0.4 f + 0.8 The moment of inertia need not be greater in any case than: la = 9 + 56 + 90 bt 3, ;o,4 For three longitudinal stif feners, spaced equidistant at the one fourth width locations where b/4 is the unsupported width, and limited to a/b less than three, the moment of inertia of each of the three stilfeners shall be no less than: I, = 0.35 h + 1.10 2+ 12 bs3, ;,,4 Where: a = The longitudinal distance between diaphragms or transverse stiffeners - in. As= The area of the stiffener - sq. in. t = The thickness of the stiffened plate - in. I ! 3.3.3 1.4.4 Stiffeners shall be designed to the provisions of Section 3.3 l

CRYSTAL RIVER 3 l ANSI-830.2 1976 (SECT 2-1) EOCl 61 REACEO 'lLDING CMAA-70 SPECIFICAil0NS POEl JE 3 3.3, f 5 Diaptwagms and Vertecal Steffeners No additional criteria Requires closer spacing E0CI is more conservative, for same stress levels Therefore, co<npiles. compared to CMAA-70. 333.1.5.1 The spacmg of the vertical web stiffeners in inches shall not exceed the amount given by the formula: a = 350 t Where: t = Thickness of web in inches v= Shear stress in web plates (k.s.i.) 3 Not shall the spacing exceed 72 inches or h. the depth of the web, whichever is flo additional criteria Some as CMAA-70 Complies greater. I 2 Full depth diaphragms may be included as vertical web stif feners toward meeting fio additional criteria Same as CHAA-70 Complies this requirement. The anoment of inertia of any transverse stiffener about the interface of the web No additional criteria Not addressed Does not apply to this crane since full depth plate, if used in the absence of diaphragms, shall be no less than: diaphragms are used in 1.2 h 3 3 the welded box girders. t o  ;,,4 So Where: so - The required distance between stiffeners in. to - The minirnum required web thickness - in. Stiffener elements shall be poportioned to the provisions of Section . Web plates shall be suitably reinforced with full depth diaphragms or stiffeners at all No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I major load points. tio additfonal criteria Requires Diaphragm plate EOCI 61 more conservative. All diaphragms shall bear against the top cover plate and shall be welded to the web adequate to transfer load Therefore, compiles. plates. The thickness of the diaphragm plate shall be sufficient to resist the trolley to web with maximum of wheel load in bearing at 26.4 ksi, on the assumption that the wheef load is 16.0 ksi compressive & distributed over a distance aquel to the width of the rail base plus twice the 12.0 ksi shear stress. distance from the rail base to the top of the diaphragm plate. No additional criteria formula is same as Complies I Short diaphragms shall be placed between full depth diaphragms so that the maximum CMAA-70, only in distance between adjacent diaphragms will limit the maximum bending stress in the dif ferent form. trolley rail without irnpact to 18.0 ksi based on: 18.0 ksi = It'olley wheel load) (distance between diaphragms) 6 (section anodulus of raill Complies I Deflection and Camber flo additional criteria Same as CMAP-70 The maximum vertical deflection of the girder produced by the dead load, the , weight of the trolley and the rated load shall not exceed .00125** per inch of span. impact shall not be considered in determining deflection. Gwders shall be cambered an amount equal to the dead load deflection plus one half the hve load deflection, e

CMAA-70 SPECIFICAll0NS 1976 (SECT 2-1) EOCl 61 I REACT ] [ ") LNG POLAR Ck:WE Welded Torsion Box Girders: N/A N/A N/A 3.3 3.3 Single Web Girders 3 3.3 4 Bon Section Girders Built of Two Beams 3.4 BRIDGE END TRUCKS No additional criteria in addition to CMAA-70 Double flanged wheels requirements. E0Cl 61 are provided. E0Cl 61 3.4.1 The crane bridge shall be carried on end trucks of ample size to carry the rated load requires double flanged more Conservative. when lifted at one end of the crane bridge. The wheel base of the end truck shall be 1/7


wheels. Complies of the span or greater. 3.4.2 End trucks may be of the rotating axle or fixed axle type as specified by the crane No additional criteria Same as CHAA-70 Complies I manufacturer. 3.4.3 The bridge end trucks shall be constructed of structural steel providing a rigid structure. Provisions should be Does not specify the Overturn lock support pre-Provision shall be made to prevent a drop of more than one inch in case of axle f ailure. made to limit drop of allowable vertical vents truck from dropping Substantial guards shall be provided in front of each outside wheel and shall project below the trolley and bridge stresses for bridge more than 1". top of the runway rail. trucks to one (1) inch end trucks. Max. Tension = 10.5 ksi in case of wheel or axle Max. Compr. = 10.5 ksi Allowable vertical stresses without impact: failure- Max. Shear = 8.1 ksi Tension = 14.4 ksi Crane compiles 3 Comp.ession = 14.4 ksi Shear = 10.8 ksi For Class D and E cranes, consideration should be given to impact loading and repeated duty cycle. 2 3.5 FOOTCALKS AND HANDRAILS N/A N/A N/A 3.6 OPERATOR'S CAB fl/A N/A N/A ' No additional criteria Does not permit use of Frame is welded steel ductile iron; other- plate. Compiles The tr:Iley ita ne shall be welded steel, cast steel, or ductile iron construction or a combination thereof. $

  • 11 sh ll be of rigid mnstruction designed to transmit the load to the bridge rails without undue deflec.

tion. Provisions should be made to prevent a drop of more than one inch in case of axle f ailure. Allowable vertical stresses, without impact (steel) Provisions should be Does not specify verti- Clearance under trolley made to limit drop of cal stress limits for is 11". Overturn locks Tsnsion = 14.4 ksi trolley to one inch the trolley frame. prevent greater than 1" Compression = 14.4 kai when the ratio of b/c is equal to or less than 38 in case of wheel or drop of trolley in case When the ratio b/c exceeds 38, the allowable compressive stress is to be axle failure. of wheel or axle failure. proportioned from the values shown in Section in the ratio of 14.4 + 17.6 Max. Tension = 12.9 ksi Max. Compr. = 12.9 ksi Shear = 10.8 ksi Max. Shear = 8.0 ksi For Class D and E cranes, consideration should be given to impact loading and repeated duty 3 cycle. Compiles

                                                                                                            ]     ANSI-830.2                                    CRYSTAL ENER 3 CMAA-70 SPEClflCATIONS                                                     1976 (SECT 2-1)         EOCl 61               REAC O          LDING POLO CNANE 3.8 RAILS                                                                                                                              (N/A)

No additional criteria (N/A) 2 Bridge rail failure will not result in a load. drop. 3.9 GANTRY CRANES Therefore. complies. No additional criteria Gantry cranes not N/A (Crane is not a Design of leg. end tie, strut, and sill rnernbers shall conform to apphcable sectio.'s of the current addressed in E0CI. gantry type) edition of the Manual of Steel Construction as pubhshed by the Americari institute of Stael Const'uction, at a unit stress proportioned to that used for girder design in Section of the C.M.A.A. Specification. 4.1 LOAD BLOCKS No additional criteria Allows only forged Block frame is welded and 4.1.1 The load block frames shall be of steel construction. The hook shall be of rolled steel. steel for the hook. bolted steel; hook is forged steel or a certified material, supported on a ball or roller thrust bearing. The hook shall rotate freely on this bearing. 9yh 0 (' Complies 4.2 HOISTING ROPES Rope end shall be Does not include weight Main hoist rope has a 4.2.1 The hoisting ropes shall be of proper design and constructi've for crane service. The rated anchored by a clamp to of bottom block. safety factor of 5.6:1 capacity load plus the bottom block divided by the nurnber of parts of rope shall not the drum. and a tr e has exceed 20% of the published breaking strength of the rope. 5.14: , when weight of 4.2.2 The cable construction shall be as specified by the crane manufacturer. When extra strength load t: lock is considered. steel or wire center rope is used the crane manufacturers specifications shall so state. Comp)les 4.3 SHEAVES No additional criteria Requires steel or cast Sheaves are cast iron. 4.3.1 iron. Class 4u. The sheaves shall be steel or minimum ASTM grade A48 64, or later, Class 40 cast iron or equal as specified by the crane manufacturer. Complies 4.3.2 The pitch rb neter of the running si. eaves shall be not less than 24 times the rope diameter when 6x37 rope is furnished or 30 times the rope diameter when 6x19 rope is No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I furnished. 4.3.3 The pitch diameter of idler sheaves shall be not less than one half of the diameter of No additional criteria Same as CHAA-70 Complies I running sheaves. 4.3.4 When special clearance and lift or low headroom is required, it may be necessary to No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I deviate from these limitations. O.4 DRUM No additional criteria Requires use of high Drum is centrifugally 4.4.1 The drum shall be steel or minimum ASTM Grade A48 64 or later, Class 40 cast iron or grade cast iron or cast steel tube. equal material as specified by the crane manufacturer. It shall be designed to withstand equal material. combined crushing and bending loads. Compiles 4.4.2 The drum shall be so designed that not less than two complete wraps of hoisting rope will remain in the grooves when the hook is at the lowest position for the lift specified No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies ,

                                                                                                                                                                                         ,s and not reqcire overlapping of the rope when the hook is at its highest point.

CMAA-10 SPECIFICAll0NS 1976 (SECT 2-1) NF'I REACT 0. .dlLDING POLO CRANE 4.4.3 Drum grooves shall be machined. Grooving shah be right and lef t hand unless otherwise No addit ional c ri te-ria Saane as CMAA-70 CompIt:s specifeed by the crane manufacturer. Recommended minimum drum groove depth is 3/8 x rope diameter-No additional criteria No specific depth or Nin hoist and aux, pitch criteria specified. hoist drum groove Recommended minimum drum groove pitch is either 1.14 x tope diameter or rope depth and pitch satisfy diameter + 1/8 inch, whichever is smaller. CMAA criteria. Complies 3 4.4.4 The pitch diameter of the drum shall be not less than 24 times the rope diameter when 6 37 rope is furnished or 30 times the rope diameter when 6x19 rope is furnished. No additional criteria Same as CHAA-70 co,pjg,3 1 4.4.5 When special clearana and lift or low headroom is required it may be necessary to deviate from these limiations. 4.5 GEARING No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies ' 4.5.1 All gears and pinions shall be constructed of steel or other rnatorial of adequate strength and durability to meet the requirements for the intended class of service. 4.5.2 The horsepower rating for all spur, hehcal and herringbone gearing shall be based upon American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) Standards: 220.02, August 1966, No additional criteria Not addressed The following apply to the Crystal River reac-

             " Rating the Strength of Spur Gear Teeth **, 210.02, January 1965,  Surface Durability                                                            tor building polar crane (Pitting) of Spur Gear Teeth", 221.02 July 1965, " Rating the Strength of Helical and Herringbone Gear Teeth", and 211.02 February 1969, ~~ Surface Durability (Pitting) of                                                                  Main Holst Aux. Holst Helical and Herringbone Gear Teeth". For the purpose of this specification the power                                              -

formula may be written: Np 1200 rpm 1200 rpm F 4.0" 4.0" Allowable Strength Horsepower- J .44 .43 NdK, p p S,, j S 36,000 psi 36,000pst 8% P ,, = 126.000 Km Pd b

  • and Allowable Durability Horsepower- P 4.0 4.0
                                             ~                                                                                                                   d NpFICv              Sacd Ch      2 ac       176.000 Cm Cc            Cp                                                                                                            d    3.25         2.75 l

K v

                                                                                                                                                                     .84         .85 Where I     .68         .65 P,    - allowable strength horsepower Pac   - allowable durability horsepower                                                                                                     C,    .715        .735 Np    - pinion speed - RPM d     - pitch diameter of pinion - inches                                                                                                   Cg   1.35         13 K,    - Dynamic factor (strength)                                                                                                           C     .4          .4 C,     - Dynamic factor (durabihty)                                                                                                            c F     - Net face width of the narrowest of the mating gears                                                                                 S'C 85,000        85,000 Km    - Load distribution factor (strength)

Cc C 1* *

                         - Crane Service Factor (durabilitvl (See Table 4.5.2)                                                                                   h Cm     - Lo*d d'stribution factor (durabihty)                                                                                                C p

2300 2300

I ANSI-830.2 CRYSIAL R'IVW3 EOCl 61 REACT 0f 1ILDING ChlAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS 1976 (SECT 2-1) POLO SANE 3asedontheabed Cp - Elassic Coefficient Main. Aux. Ch - Hardness factor (durability) J - Geometry factor (strength) P,g 205 h.p. 172 h.p. 1 - Geometry f actor (durabilityi Pd - Diametral pitch P 498 h.p. 348 h.p. S,g - Allowable bending stress for material - P.S.l. istrength) aC S,c - Allowable contact stress number iduratwisty) The values for K,. C,. Km. Cm C .pJ, I. S and S,c can be determined from the tables cad curves in the appropriate AGMA specification previously mentioned, the value for Cc will be found in table 4.5 2 and the remaining values will be pnysical characteristics pertaining to the gears or their operstmg characteristics. TABLE 4.5.2 CRANE SERVICE FACTOR Crane Class A1 & A2 _B C D E Cc .4 .5 .55 .6 .7 4.5.3 The actual horsepour imposed on the gearing shall be considered as the rated horsepower flo additional criteria Not addressed The reactor building cf the motor involved. at its normal time rating multiplied by the factors shown in table crane is Class A1. there 4.5.3 for the various classes of crane service. fore the sultiplier is 0.75. TABLE 4.5.3 Main hoist motor gearing sees 60HPx.75 = 45 HP Class Mutteplier for Applied Crane Motor Horsepower Aux. hoist motor gearing sees 40HP x .75 = 30 HP A1 75% A2 75% These are well within the

  • D 85%

allowables calculated in 4.5.2 above. , C 90% Crane complies. D 95% E 100% 4.5.4 Chen worm gearing is called for, it shall be rated by the gear manufacturer with No additional criteria Not addreised N/A (no worm gearing appropriate service factors. used) 4.5.5 The type of gearing shall be specified by the crane manufacturer. flo additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies Means shall be provided to insure adequate and proper lubrication on all gearing. All flo additional criteria Requires oil bath or Gearboxes provided with 4.5.6 grease for high speed oil bath for gear & bear-gearing except the fmal reduction at the drum or wheels shall run in oil or be splash gearing. ing lubrication. Complies lubricated. Requires severiceability Lube points are provided 4.5.7 All gearing not enclosed in gear boxes shall be guarded, with provision for lubrication and flo additional criteria (inspection and lube) on Crane, & acccasible inspection. ir Section 14. for maintenance. Complies


                                                                                                                                                               .        POLO CRANE N/A                        N/A 2 4.6 BE ARINGS 4.7 BR AKES                                                                                                      See below on hoist        Brake torque capacity       Complies holding brakes.           addressed specifically for 4.7.1    Brakes will be supplied for the rnotion concerned. and will have rated torque capacities as                              different type brakes.

specified in the following paragraphs. Brake torque capacities will be based on applicable rated motor torques, both of which will be for the same tirne penod. For multiple rnotors the required brake torques will be increased proportionally. 4.7.2 Bridge Motion N/A N/A N/A h paskion I. f Sh i$ 4.7.3 Trolley Motion 2 4.7.4 Hoist Motion. Holding Brakes in addition, B30.2 re- Sections,, The holding brakes quires: and of CMAA-70 are are Whiting SESA, one Each independent hoisting unit shall have at least one holding brake. which will be applied not addressed in E0CI 61. each on main & aux. automatically on power removal. This brake will be mounted on the motor shaf t or on a (1) Holding brakes shall Also the two requirements hoists. Main hoist shaf t en the hoist gear train, have a thermal capa- of B30.2 are not addressed. brake has capacity of city for the fre- 2101 motor torque; en o op a ton ax o has capac ty Minimum torque ratings of holding brakes, in relation to motor torque, at point of , applicasson: service; Holst uses mechanical 125% when used with a control braking rneans other than mechanical. (2) The wearing surface control braking. 100% when used with a mechanical control braking means. of aew s. 3 100% for .iach brake if two holding brakes are provided. be free of defects that interfere with Whete necessary, hoist holding brakes shall be provided with adjustment to compensate operation, g , I ' "* provided. Complies Each independent hoisting unit of a hot metal crane having power control braking. shall have at least two holdmg brakes. N/A N/A N/A

T ~ANSF830.2 CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS EOCl 61 REACTOR LDING 1976 (SECT 2-1) l t POLO c ANE 4.7.5 Hoest Motaon. Control Brakes The control braking Same as CHAA-70 except Mechanical control brake shall have a thermal for the additional provided. See opera- Each independent hoist unit shall aho have control braking means to prevent capacity for the fre- B30.2 requirement on tions and maintenance over speeding. unless worm gearing with an effeciency suitable to prevent acceleration of quency of operation thermal capacity. eunual provided by the kad an the lowering direction is used. required by the services Whiting. Control braking may be power, such as eddy current dynamic or countertorque, or may be Complies mechanical. Either must be capable of maintaining safe lowering speeds of rated loads. 4.s BRIDGE DRIVES 2 4.9 SHAFTS No additional criteria Same as CHAA-70 with Compliesl respect to shafts other 4.9.1 All shafts, extapt the bridge cross shaft sections which do not carry gears, shall be than cross shafts, machined at bearing and gear fits. Intermediate bridge cross shafts may be commercial shafting. The spacing between bridge crostshaf t bearings shall be as shown in table 4.9.1. TABLE 4.9.1 "!^  !^ Maximum Spacing Between Line a phc g, att n , Shaft Bearings at Speeds of ing load drops. Diameter 0 to 100 101 to 300 301 to 400 (Inchool RPM RPM RPM 1% 84 8'4 8'-O 2 10'4"* 10'4" 10' 6 2% 15'O 15'O 13*0 3 17'4* 16'4 14'-6" 3% 19'O 16'O 15'-6" 4 21'4 16~-0 16'4 When the shaft speed exceeds 400 HPM the bearing spacing shall not exceed that determined by the following formuta, or the Table 4.9.1, whichever is less, in order to avoid objectionable vibration at critical shaft speeds.

                                    ,        4.760.000 m D 1.2 x N L = Distance between bearing centers - incho D = Shaf t diameter - inches N = Maximum shaft speed - RPM                                                                                                                       ~

r.. APPEbolX B SUPPLEMENTAL CALCULATIONS in performing the comparisc.i of the containment polar crane and the fuel handling building crane designs to the criteria in CMAA 70-197S and ANSI B30.2- 1976, certain supplemental calculations were required in order to derive the information necessary to perform the comparisons. This appendix contains copies of the supplemental calculations that were performed for these evalua-tions. The results of these calculations have been incorporated into the comparison sheets of Appendix A and, in many cases, the results have been included in the NRC submittal. These calculations are provided for Florida Power Corporation's files to provide a record of the work that was performed in this siudy. l B-1 TFRA PORPORATION


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LUit v .1  % 61 E L T- :_ I ' > ,- J f ro . DATE ' / ' ' ,l 1 PROJECT NO. 73 p) PREPARED BY - -


CONTROL LD. NO  ? / v ' - N CHECKED BY  ? r DATE ' ' /-


Y.A (e_a.3-) 3, p .a . h r .4 - e rke car. k e ul I.- .-/ / 6 e A i<.  ; d. . - . , . -

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         ' ,!;. INS G. AM r + "o c f) Ts . In V. I' .1                                                                        OF .3,,                                          ,

i PROJECT NO. 80ly PREPARED BY 'N DATE ' / ,/*: [ ' CONTROL I D. NO. 7 ' ' t' ' ' ~ t ' * ' CHECKED BY /c - - #r

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                          # ~ "/- " V T 't                                                                                A-            2                        '

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                                                                  - ( G ca rc           .< v e  h er<.~gbrac (a !)

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SUBJECT Cp > :rtit RI y0L fffuFtifri y SHEET /a OF  ? t- SHEETS f u IL 1 'is._>

                   . Y ln M: L./3 f J ' W ~ ' ')  .           .



CONTROL LD. NO 8 0 ' ('- r S I ':SU CHECKED BY /-i I ' <DATE

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                         . P . . J '-- t S Dth E t e. t i a:9 f t. rU                                                        SHEETS

PROJECT NO. 7ClL/ PREPARED BY 5 V4 C / DATE -> CONTROL l.D. NO. Io'u-0>t m-V CHECKED BY f /r v d e DATE {k )fuawiL h L lt '.* - Ny

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  • I r -e :: $.,ce(i..d-(ss e . .

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SUhJECT W lW L fMA 5?5LIEL /JO /7 D*

                                                  ,,p)        SHEET          OF                    SHEETS IC\llOl!JG Dir;. c. Dest +v fo;ar  n
                                                                            ~'I' / ~'     ' l' PROJECT NO.       EON                                      PREPARED BY                             DATE CONTROL l D. NO. 7 0 /0' e o 7 - o o </                  CHECKED BY    d--        '
                                                                                                'DATE Tke \; -../.,. 3              u s hoc ek I     w .c a f d } c 4Le Ic w: '

va fue e b &kc LC co Ic ulahd 5cc 1 !/ g n <!. iu a .:< . .  ! r.. , a . TA 8_LE r-3 (I) v v . nc 1J , .,

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( ) (-> l rc ' a ~ t u e z J z , ,- a ; .se G.~ , . .

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SUBJECT CdyffdL rWf M Nt# i/ h /Mi g bla ?!f)6 G 14 fJZ he ~d,,) F wh . . i T o(i rj - SHEET I ls OF ?r SHEETS PROJECT NO. fCl 4 PREPARED BY ' ?/ ' N ~ - DATE /~ CONTROL LD. NO. > 0 ' F " V'T - F V CHECKED BY '- -

                                                                                                                 ' DATE h y~. ..< s     . ; e Fat ltw ( 'u v . l; N !j ) - C ,

Fe $ a r- e 6 o1 A G A R // o a , M !? & T . ;- !c u Led ho be lc r mi me (. y . Cayoc 3 u.. . t.:- u: c: ] c]l !c r v u a e sja l a es te!rv2 , g) , e i bo s b. c v ' .s I r Ctu N$ i m. "

                                                         .t      C c v s e r J.*  *we va l t< c eh (y            ,

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L = 1. 3[ ( AM - > - sI a u s . keisls , i s ' etjut I, . Y ).s t . 4 4 w:d4L,elLer e clue /te e s le u / s ; l : - ;o )

SURJECT CWVM L kl bf d i kftf $ ll/k l~7

                                                                                          ~                        TEfM SHEET           OF                 SHEETS cliIt bi U6 C*sn! amsl GvAtv.: wtJ NEPARED BY 'D '4/ ' v' /*              DATE        E-WOJECT NO.       EOli CONTROL ID NO. S 0 / 4'#M e o tl                         CHECKED BY                _
                                                                                               ' ' DATE              _

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  • N t" 6. ) Uf h c .- $;- t G f :-2 303

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                              ? . ef                                              PREPARED BY                  '

N DATE ' " '> : PROJECT NO. ' ' CONTROL I D. NO. 'I "'Y' C0 7 - 0 0 7 CHECKED BY N . /nATE 52 Y?2 2 e , .-l 1 e '~.n..-. .

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47-- .' .I . , f ,, . r. - ;. ~ = ll *. .. . . , .,- 1 1

SUBJECT C*'V3'u l' f/&L F F ' F /'N TERA t'.'IIi D % Ci<f;'d CP!IGAl & L.e A Vt)7lo Al SHEET l9 OF 47 SHEETS 1 PROJECT NO. @l() PREPARED BV 'Y DATE // T 'b f l ' CONTROL LD. NO  ! 0 /V -f CI 00 7 CHECKED B/ DATE__.'l ' l '

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l ANSI-830,2 CRYSTAL HVER 3 ChlAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS 1976 (SECT 2-1) EOCl 61 REACT 0. JILDING POI.AR GRANE 4.10 COUPLINGS 2 N/A N/A 4.10.1 Cross shaft couplings, other than flexible type, shall be steel or minimum ASTM Grade A48 64, or later. Class 40 cast iron or equal material as specified by the crane manufacturer. The type of coupling (other than flexible) may be compression, sleeve. or flange type Flexible couplings shall be the crane manufacturer's standard type. Couphngs shall be provided at e.sch end truck and each side of the motor gear reducer. Additional couphngs may be installed as riecessary 4.10.2 Motor couplings shall be es specified by the crane manufacturer. No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Complies I 4.11 WHEELS flo additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 except Complies I 4.11.1 Unless other rneens of restricting lateral movement es provided, wheels shall be double tolerance on drive flanged with treads accurately machined. Bridge wheels may have either straight treads or wheels not specified. (Tolerance on drive wheel tapered treads assembled with the large diameter toward the center of the span. Trolley diameter is not critical wheels should have straight treads. Drive wheels shall be matched pairs within .001 inches to preventing a load per inch of diameter or a total of .010 inches on the diameter which ever is smaller. drop). When flangeless wheel and side roller assemblies are prov' %d they shall be of a type and design recommended by the crane manufacturer. 4.11.2 Wheels shall be rolled or forged from open hearth, basic oxygen or electric fumace steel, flo additional criteria Requires chilled iron, Spec.' 322-C1.1 Section or cast of an acceptable cast or nodular iron, or cast of an acceptable carbon or alloy forged or cast steel. 4:01.2 requires SAE 1045 steel unless otherwise specified. Wheels shall be heat treated if specified on the forged or rolled steel, information sheets- Complies 4.11.3 Wheels shall be designed to carry the maximum wheel load under normal conditions flo additional ciiteria Essentially same as Bridge and trolley wheel without undue wear. The recommended wheel load shown in table 4.11.3 is that load CHAA-70. Only difference load criteria are produced with trolley handling the rated load in the position to produce the maximum is location of trolley satisfied, load and may be used as a guide for wheel sires. Impact is not included in these figures. for mininum load. For unusual ex>nditions. consideration should be given to other factors which are not 3 Complies included in the simple formula on which table 4.11.3 is based. 4.11.4 Proper clearance (a total of approximately 3/4" to 1" wider than rail head) shall be No additional criteria No clearance specified. Wheel clearance criteria provided between the wheel flanges and rail head. Tapered tread wheels for bridges maY are satisfied, have a clearance over the rail head of 150% of the clearance provided for straight tread 3 wheels as recornmended by the crane manufacturer. 4.11.5 When rotating axles are used. wheels shall be mounted on the axle with a press fit alone. No additional criteria Requires press, tapered- Rotating axle, key l press fit and keys, or with keys alone. All wheels shall have sufficient hub thickness to drawn, or keyed fit. mounted. Complies permet the use of keys. 4.12 BUMPERS AND STOPS flo additional criteria Not addressed N/A - Crane Bridge is circular,therefore 4.12.1 Brsdge bumpers-(i) A crane shall be provided with bumpers or other automatic means pro-bumpers at end of viding equivalent effect, unless the crane is not operated near the ends of bridge and trolley travel are not applicable. travel, or is restricted to a hmited distance by the nature of the crane operation and there is no hazard of striking any object in this limited distance or is used in similar operating conditions. The bumpers shall be capable of stopping the crane (not including the hf ted load) at an average rate of deceleration not to exceed 3 ft/s/s when travehng in either direction at 20 percent of the rated load speed. (A) The bumpers shall have sufficient energy absorbing capacity to stop the crane when travehng at a speed of at least 40 percent of rated load speed. (B) The bumper shall be so mounted that there is no direct shear on bolts. (ii) Bumpe shall be so designed and installed as to minimize parts f alling from the crane in

                                                                                                                  'l       ANSI-830.2                                CRYSTAL *HR 3 EOCl 61      REACTOR       .LDING CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS                                                                  1976 (SECT 2-1)

POLAR CNANE Bridge bumpers shall be rigidly mounted in su<_h a manner that the attaching bolts are fio additional criteria Not addressed N/A (polar crane) not in shear and they shall be designed and installed t6 minimize parts falkng from the crane in case of breakage. Bumpers shall be of sufficient length that no part of either crane will be damaged when l N/A (polar crane) two cranes come together and the bumpers are fully compressed. N/A lN/A Heights of bridge bumpers above the runway rail shall be as specified by the crane flo additional criteria lNotaddressed N/A (polar crane) manufacturer. Runway stops shall be provided by the purchaser and shall be located at the limits of the No additional criteria Same as EMAA-70 N/A (polar crane) bridge travel. Runway stops shall be attached to resist the force applied when contacted. fio additional criteria Not addressed N/A (polar crane) Runway stops engeging the tread of the wheel are not recommended flo additional criteria Not addressed N/A (polar crane) 4.12.3 Trolley bumpers-li) A trolley shall be provided with bumpers or other automatic means of f!o additional criteria Not addressed No bumpers are pro-equivalent etfact, unless the trolley is not operated near the ends of bridge and trolley travel, or vided on the trolley. is restricted to a limited distance of the runway and there is no hazard of striking any object in However, wheel stops this hmited distance, or is used in similar operating conditions. The bumpers shall be capable of are provided at the stopping the trolley (not including the htted load) at an average rate of deceleration not to end of the rails. exceed 4.7 ft/s/s when travehng in either direction at one third of the rated load speed. Further evaluations liil when more than one trolley is operated on the same bridge, each shall be equipped with should be perforined to evaluate alternatives. bumpers or equivalent on their adjacent ends. laid Bumpers or equivalent shall be designed and hstalled to minimize parts falling from the (See section 1.3 of trolley en case of age. Also apphed to wood. rubber, polyurethane, etc. bumpers. report). 2 When more than one trolley is operated on the same bridge, each shall be equipped with N/A N/A N/A bumpers on adjacent ends and they shall be of sufficient length that no part of either trolley will be damaged when two troHeys come together and the bumpers are fully compressed. 4.12.3 2 Bumpers shall be rigidly mounted in such a manner that the attaching bolts are not in flo additional criteria Not addressed No bumpers are provided, shear and they shall be designed and installed to minimite parts falling from the crane in (see 4.12.3 above) 70L5 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 2 N/A N/A N/A 6.1 GENERAL 62 MOTORS. ALTERNATING CURRENT AND DIRECT CURRENT 5.3 MOTOR BRAKES. ALTERNATING AND DIRECT CURRENT 5.4 CONTROLLERS ALTERNATING AND DIRECT CURRENT


                                                                                                  . _ _ .                                                          P01.C] GRANE 5.5 RESISTORS No additional criteria  Same as CMAA-70 for     N/A (mechanical load 5 5.1 Class A, B, and C Resistors (except those in permanent sections) shall have a thermal capacity of not less                                 cranes.                      brakes are used) than Class 150 series for CMAA crane service classes A, B and C and not less than Class 160 series for CMAA service classes D and E.

5.5.2 Resistors used with power electrical braking systems on hoists not equipped with No additional criteria Not addressed N/A (mechanical load mechamcal load brakes shall have a thermal capacity of not less than Class 160 series. brakes are used) 5.5.3 Resistcws shall be designed with the proper first point stalled torque as required by the contre! system used. 5.5.4 Re sistors shall be installed with adequate ventitation, and with proper supports to withstand vibration. No additional criterfa Not addressed N/A (mechanical load Specifically brakes are used) 5.6 PROTECTION flo additional criteria Requires pendant con- EOCI more restrictive 5.6.2 Cranes not equipped with spring return controllers, or momentary contact pushbuttons, trollers to be spring shall be provided with a device which will disconnect all motors from the line on f ailure returr.ed to the "off" Complies posi'. ion . of power and will not permit any motor to be restarted until the controller handle is brought to the OFF" position, or a reset switch or button is operated. 5.6.5 Overinad relays shall be provided for each motor either as a function of each control or i No additional criteria N/A N/A 2 by an enclosed protective panel. Overloads are required in two phases of A. C. motors D. , C. cranes require one inverse time element overload for each rnotor. 5.6.6 A line contactor shall be provided with each motor control of D. C. CMAA Service ' Classes A1, C, D and E cab operated cranes. 2 N/A N/A N/A 5.63 On remote radm cranes, if the contros signal for any crane motion becomes ineffective, that motion shall stop. 568 On remote radio cranes, purchaser shall specify if other radio equipment is operating or planned as future installation in the vicinity where the crane will operate. 5 6.9 On automatic cranes, all motions snalt fait safe if any malfunction of operation occurs. No additfonal criteria Not addressed N/A - Crane not automatic 5 6.10 Electrical safety features shall be in accordance with the ANSI 830.2 Safety Code. Comp 11ance with B30.2 is Same Not addressed addressed by this evaluation 5.7 CAB MASTER SWITCHES flo additional criteria N/A N/A2 The arrangement of cab master switches, or their operating handles, and the resultant direction of book movernent shall be as shown in Sketch 5.7. l

ANSI-830.2 CRYSTP NVER 3 CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS EOCl 61 REACT 0. JILDING 1976 (SECT 2-1) POLO CRANE 5.8 FLOOR OPERATED PENDANT PtJSHBUTTON STATIONS No additional criteria Not addressed Complies, see operation and maintenance manual 5.8.1 Unless otherwise specified the arrangement of a pendant pushbutton station if in a vertical furnished by Whiting. hne should read from top to bottom: Stop start; Up Down (Main Hoist) (Aux. Hoist); Right Lef t (Trolley); Forward Reverse (Bredge). 5.8.2 When start stop pushbuttons are arranged horizontally, start should be on the lef t, and No additional Criteria Not addressed N/A (Controls are stop should be on the right. located vertically) 5.8.3 Stop pushbuttons shall be red. Not spectfled Not specified n nten n e ma 5.8.4 The trolley and bridge direction markings may be right, left, forward, reverse or compass 2 directions, as applicable, or as speCfied. N/A N/A N/A 5.8.5 Pendant pushbutton station shall have a grounding conductor between a ground terminal in the station and the crane. 5.8 6 Pendant pushbutton stations shall be supported to protect the electrical conductors against No additional criteria Not addressed Crane control has cable strain. to support pendant. Complies 5.8.7 Pendant pushbuttons shall be spring-return to off. No additional criteria Same as CHAA-10 Complies I 5.8.8 The maximum voltage in pendant pushbutton stations shall be 150 volts A. C. or 300 2 N/A N/A N/A Volts D. C. 5.9 HOIST LIMIT SWITCH No additional criteria Same as CMAA-70 Compliesl 5.9.1 The hoist limit switch shall limit the upward travel of the load block by removing power from the motor and applying the holding brake. The hmit switch shall be either power circuit or control circuit type. A power circuit limit switch shall interrupt the hoist motor power circuit directly. A control circuit limit switch shall indirectly open the hoist motor power circuit through a contactor in its control circuit. 5 9.2 Interruption of the hoisting motion shall not interfere with the lowering motion. Lowering e of the block shall automatically reset the limit switch. , 5 9.3 The crane manufacturer shall state whether the hoist limit switch will be power circuit or nfg gjg 2 control circuit type. 5.10 INSTALLATION 5.10.1 Electrical equipment shall be so located or enclosed to prevent the operator from accidental contact with live parts under normal operating conditions. 5.10.2 Electrical equipment shall be installed in accessible locations and protected from dirt, No additional criteria Not addressed qu n a cess e grease. oil and moisture, as required. g 5.10.3 Heat shields shall be provided when requested by purchaser to protect control panels, 2 raceways, etc., in areas of high radiant heat. N/A N/A

d ANSI-830.2 E0Cl 61 CRYSTAL g'lVER 3 CMAA-70 SPECIFICATIONS 1976 (SECT 2-1) REACT 0' llLDING POLO ulANE 2 N/A N/A N/A 5.11 BRIDGE CONDUCTORS 5.12 RUNWAY CONDUCTORS 5.13 VOLTAGE DROPS } 5.14 CURRENT COLLECTORS f Footnotes to Crystal River Crane Evaluations 1 - Crane complies by virtue of EOCI-61 being same as CMAA-10 and ANSI B30.2 and since crane was designed to EOCI-61. 2 - N/A in notes means not applicable to load handling reliability. 3 - Supporting calculations have been performed for these items; calculations are included in Appendix B.}}