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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures,Including Procedures AD 1827.04 Re Overexposure/ Internal Contamination & AD 1850.04 Re post-accident Radiological Sampling & Counting.Revision Index Encl
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Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/22/1982
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ML20041A190 List:
PROC-820122-01, NUDOCS 8202190257
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{{#Wiki_filter:n-; o, Q .s g THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY 7 DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION s EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES REVISION INDEX r, s { PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS t. 1 5 HP 1602.01 10 HP 1604.01 2 AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 T-5917 AD 1827.03 1 AD 1827.04 1 T-6019 AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 2 AD 1827.07 2 AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1


AD 1827.10 10 [' AD 1827.1I 2 AD 1827.12 6 AD 1827.13 4 AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15 3 AD 1827.16 1' AD 1827.17 1 AD 1850.04 2 T-6022 4 AD 1850.05 4 m ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION t No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone'N,mbers 25 No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 i No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 No. 41 - Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 22 No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMT) 13 Revision 130 January 1982 8202190257 820211 PDR ADOCK 05000346 F PDR ~~

e e ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ ,] u ltyT RiiUTION Crfginsi. Responsible Section Head Act!On L pr,yp _ P l. c.p.. M..te, P ile ccPES TO SE MCCIPIED PCR IMMEDI ATE IMPLEMENTATICN [~ DAVIS.DESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION.. UNIT 1 2 - Shift Supervicors TEMPORARY MODIFICATION REQUEST 2 - Control Room I 1 - Emercency Plannine Eo ss2e ~ SECTION 1 f-PROCEDURE TITLE AND NUMBER b AD 1827.04, Over-exposure / Internal Contamination REASON POR CH ANGE F To upgrade reference to Medical Consultant. 1 i ( *T 4 ~ CHANGE See attached sheet. i t f l$ PROCEDURE REVISION REQUIRED Yes No if no, this enodlfication is valid until T/5] /[] DATE [!T PREPARED 8Y 1 /29/81 Ron Durdel, Emergency Planning /g X.4 2 'A/rt DATE ./ cd'7.-L' APPROVEO BY DATE APPROVED /BY 2/db/ M n i-is DATE SUBMITTED SY (Sectio 9 Hood) R. La M_ 1/ n / 8t RECCVMENDEO SY (SR B Chairenan) l' DATE M M d _ ' --- Y / j Y,w f / ffYf~ 3 DATE QA APPROVED S't (Manager of Qual ty As ranc P W 4/ DATE TQ % _= } ll elW G,Y' ROVED BY (Station Superlatencent) I o ~

-+ t r Temporary Moditication - AD 1827.04 - Overexposure / Internal Contamination The following areas snould be changed to read as follows: Page 2. Section 4.1.1, - 1, 2 and Section 4.2.1 - 1, 2 on Pages 2 and 3 4.1 External Exposure ] 4.1.1 An over-external exposure is defined when it is known or suspected that an individual has been exposed in excess of the limits specified by 10CFR20.101, an i==ediate investigation will be conducted by p, i Chemistry & Health Physics S 3ction personnel and such reports or notifications as required by 10 CFR 20 vill be submitted. 1. The services of REMS Corporation may be utilized to determine the magnitude of any excessive exposure, its cause, and effective preventive measures. 2. If an exposure comes within the definition of 10 CFR 20.403(a), the Station Superintendent will immediately obtain medical consultation from REMS Corporation. REMS Corporation, in turn, e-I will assure that the exposed individuals are promptly evaluated I and treated if treatment is indicated. 4.2 Internal Exposure 4.2.1 If an over-exposure resulting from internal contamination is known or suspected in excess of the limits specified by 10 CFR 20.103, an investigation will be conducted in accordance with HP 1605.06. i 1. The services of REMS Corporation may be utilized to determine the magnitude of any excessive exposure, its cause, and effective preventive measures. L l 2. If there is a reasonable probability that any individual incurred l an internal deposition of one or more radionuclides exceeding the I respective Maximum Permissible Body Burden, as defined in ICRP 2, the Station Superintendent will i=cediately obtain medical con-l [' sultation from REMS Corporation <_. REMS Corporation, in turn, will j assure that the exposed individuals are promptly evaluated and I created if treatment is indicatcd. On Page 7 Enclosure 1, Sheet 3 of 3, 2nd paragraph: If the answer to either of the above questions is yes, contact the REMS Corporation for further treatment of the individual and make reports NR.. NR-6, or NR-7 as required in accordance with AD 1804.00, " Reports Managemen. l i o ~ .m_. 1

l cesTRcur:ON origin a R con.4mi. Section H. d Action i p [. j,f. _ Psi. Copy, M.ter Pit. COPIES 70 BE MCQtPIED PCR IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATICN.d g.-

  • g {Q,*

i DAVIS-EE3SE NUCLEAR PC'.*/ER STATION. UNIT 1 TEMPORARY MODIFICATION REQUEST ED 6926 SECTION 1 r-. PROCEDURE TITLE AND NUM8ER 7 r3 L\\ t-aJ RcjXAxuJ S~t_1J tmdtem Am u n. m.o d REASON POR CHANGE .) .) ' O \\ M O db l b Q g 5. t. A - G.i. G b p %Di.Q. l -- ,s-u. o n aa kttC 6 %W+ l., ukAL~. vD ~ %. l' CHANGE N T-i i i i l i


l IS PROCEDURE REVISION REQUIMED Yes No if no, this modification is welld until DATE PREPARED SY s 3-U. b.L, ) /\\3 / 8 '2 Mk J-/3-TA. 1 APPROViiO BY DATE ~ APPROVED BY DATE SUBMf fTED BY (Section Head) DATE D.w s2 L \\/1s lez- -\\ I RECCMMENDED BY (SRB Chairman) DATE cl osin-1 mnm 2___ a.,L/.vtr /ance!h /// c/r z - A APPROVEO 8Y (Menes[of Quailty Ass OATE ~ l e_ L 1 APPROVED SY (Station Supertnt DATE 1 ~ i ~ "

3 AD 1850.04.2

  • I
2. At RE 2024.and RE 2025, the radiation could be 100 - 1000 R/br if EVS system is operating.

2 4.5.3 RCS Sampling

1. Sacple system ccould be4.1---S.Rfb I


2. Hallway to sample system could be 15 - 100

.mR/hr. 5. PROCEDURE 5.1 Containment Atmosphere Sampling. ~ ~ . The normal sa pling point for Containment atmosphere at RE 5030 cannot be used because the radiation level in Mechanical Penetration Room No. 3 will be excessive due to the radiation from the containment spray line in the room. When a high pressure sample is collected, only. radioactive noble gases and iodines' are determined. Particulates are not applicable based on Lessons Learned Item 2.1.6.b. 5.1.1 Connect a 75cc high pressure sanpler (HPS) to I tap CV 337 (342) inside the Hydrogen Analyzer [_ C'abinet on 585' Elevation as in Figure 1shown ,below; excluding the vacuum pump. f NOTE: The sampler is evacuated prior by connect-ing a vacuum pump at the quick disconnect at v-2 with v-2 open, and v-1 closed, l evacuate the sampler, then close v-2 ~ e-75cc CV 337 E8 f, v-1 Gauge, 30"-0" Rg or CV 2 m and 0-100 psig / v-2 Quick Disconnects ss r !Y3CUumPumpf Figure 1 5.1.2 Open valve v-1 and v-2 on the sampler. 5.1.3 Slowly open valve CV 337 (CV 342). After the pressure indication has stabilized as indicated en the pressure gauge, close CV 337 (CV 342) and V-1. Then disconnect the quick dirconnects., w O g .66

4 .~=w. .-..e==- 4 AD 1850.04.1 _y a. pips (WfA[o.,the x 5.1.4 on-t t c high res.sur ehy sse:q} sh3 b z q: am o Sa=Se ,/ Q*SJ 7 1 SampletTee n f'\\ wfth,Setum f U -2 ~ f .\\ L \\ Gas Bubbler F4 e '2 1 i -1 t ure a thro the .\\5 $1 ly opgnas indi' ated by f ov through the\\ shmpig teeg \\ \\ ubblec. \\ \\ \\ l \\x \\ \\e.e \\ k h i's st adygflow, co lect a 5.1 6 \\ wn daddinjec'eintoa1-c'cevacuMdviah s [ a==a sMtruaINinalysis. L 5.2 Station Vent Sampling t The station vent is continuously monitored by RE 2024 and i RE 2025, however, they do not meet the range required by January 1, 1981, frem Items 2.1.8,.b of NUREG 0578. During a post accident condition, noble gas readings can be obtained every 15 minutes by the use of a portable high range survey instrument next to the sampling line. Interference from noble gases for ceasuring radioiodine can be reduced by using silver neolite filters. l I If RE 2024C and RE 2025C readings are off scale, 5.2.1 the emergency, station vent sacpling assembly located in the non-radwaste ventilation. room on Elev. 623' is put into service. r % a_m L O 3 % + v ~' ~ 4 %d s-i ). I / 7

- ~ .----4 D IBSD 0 4,3 ~ g g. d @ tu d evT 9 G cq,,% $ QAC4NEUMb n a Sacple No. Description Sample Date and Time I-' Counting Date and Ti=e Decay Time c:n l. Volume ml Count Ti=e sec Detector Geometry ~ m i Nuclide Energy key I B x( - + ) A 2 uCi/ml = 3.7 x 104 x E x F x G x H x J 4 i Where: 1 A = Counts in total peak area B = Number of channels integrated f' ~ C = Counts in first channel of peak D = Counts in last channel of peak E = Ef ficiency for the detector and geometry used i F = Volu=e of sample in mill 111ters H = Decay factor e'AC'. photopeak (decimal fraction) G = Gamma abundance of Where A equals 0.693147 divided by the half-life and J=(1-e'ghedecayti=einthesa=eunitsasthehalf-life. time in seconds and A is in inv ti is D ) where c2 is the count l l i A seconds. If the count ti=e is less than 10% of the half-life, si= ply enter the count time in seconds for "J". i l t e e I o e.



Davis-Besse _ EMERGENCY. PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual Changes This letter transmits additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy [O, Instructions for the material are as follows: REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT Revision 127 Revision 128 This revision pertains to Admin. Memo No. 37, which was removed from your controlled copy with Rev. 117. Date Revision Entered Addressee Signature RETURN TO THE OFFICE MANAGER STOP #3050 l l l I t

. _.~. A Il. THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES REVISION INDEX [- PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS i 5 HP 1602.01 10 HP 1604.01 2 i AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 T-5917 AD 1827.03 1 I AD 1827.04 1 ~ l AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 2 r AD 1827.07 2 { AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 10 i AD 1827.11' 2 AD 1827.12 6 AD 1827.13 4 i AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15 2 T-5851 AD 1827.16 1 AD 1827.17 1 AD 1850.04 2 AD 1850.05 4 ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION {~ No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 23 No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 1-No. 41 - Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 22 No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMI) 13 t Revis'ie'n 128 January 1982 -e ,.g g*g., -p9 .r-g

  • 9--C-^


- - - - ~ ~ - - - - 7 DAVIS-BESSE REVISION COVER SHEET Lecember 31, 1981 DATE r TO: YM ll'8

  • G4 009 -



Davis-Besse EMERCENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES _ Manual Changes l This letter transmits additions and revisions'to the Davis-Besse l EMERCENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy hO Instructions for the material are as follows: REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT l l Revision 126 Revision 127 T-5917 in front of AD 1827.02 l I l Date Revision Entered Addressee Slanature j RETURN TO THE OFFICE MANAGER STOP #3050 1 O D ._...m m

.-.n- = ~ ~ - - - - - E:lLTL


'I Orleinea, Responsible Section Hee, Action File Copy, Master File i COPIES TO 8E MOOtPIED FOR IMMEDI ATE IMPLEMENTATION davis BESSE NUCt. EAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 Shift Supervisors Office - 2 g TEMPORARY MODIFICATION REQUEST Control Room -2; Emergency Planning - 1 EO 6926 SECTION 1 PRO 6EQURE TITLE AND NUMBER AD182'/.02 Medical Treatment of Injuries i-REASON FOR CHANGE Equipment Relocation -from the control room vestibule and service #1 b1dg, to a centralized cabinet on the 623' level. Cabinet will have a plastic lock tag & intended for emergency response use only. I i CHANGE Sec. 3 6..... "First Aid Equipment in the form of First Aid Bag, Splints, Backboards, j Scott Air Pack, Resuscitator and Stretcher is located in the hall outside the control room. " Change to First Aid Response Equipment in the form of a First Aid Trauma Kit, First Aid Suitcase, Splints, Backboards, Resuscitator and Stretcher

  1. '/-Ay///

are located in a cabinet JAside the cafeteria on the Turbine Deck 623 ' level. l IS PROCEDURE REVISION REQUIREO PREPAREO GY DATE l APPROVEO BY ' S ht.v c nned i m + n, / M NI Judy Hielev. ~ ( /~ DATE 2+n alzelm APPROVED DATE SU8MITTE D Sh (Section ye'd) a DATE bWYP /.2./.J 'I/ V/ l RECOMMENDEO SY (SR8 Cheirrne/ OATE \\ $/YW /.-/ 2 9/R CA APPROVED SY (Manager of Questry Assurl(nc's) ~ DATE A APPROVED SY (Station Swoerintendea OATE l / 2.,M 'f [8/

,,ta, ._,...---._a-- -j, THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY ~ DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES REVISION INDEX PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS i 5 HP 1602.01 10 HP 1604.01 2 F. AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 T-5917 AD 1827.03 1 AD 1827.04 1 AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 2 r AD 1827.07 2 l AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 10 AD 1827.1I 2 AD 1827.12 6 AD 1827.13 4 I, AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15 2 T-5851 AD 1827.16 1 AD 1827.17 1 AD 1850.04 2 AD 1850.05 4 f I i.. { ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 24 No. 38 - First Aid Team -10 { No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 E-No. 41 - Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 22 No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMI) 13 1 Revision 127 December 1981 e O m =p-

    • u==**



Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual Changes This letter transmits additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy b. Instructions for the material are as follows: REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT Revision 128 Revision 129 This revision pertains to AD 1827.15, which was removed from your controlled copy with Rev. 121. i Date Revision Entered Addressee Signature RETuld TO Tite OFFICE MANAGER STOP #3050 Y l y i L

t THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION ~ EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES REVISION IIGEX ~ PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS 1 5 HP 1602.01 10 HP 1604.01 2 ~ AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 T-5917 AD 1827.03 1 AD 1827.04 1 AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 2 AD 1827.07 2 AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 10 F' AD 1827.1I 2 l AD 1827.12 6 AD 1827.13 4 AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15 3, AD 1827.16 1 AD 1827.17 1 AD 1850.04 2 AD 1850.05 4 ( ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 25 No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 No. 41.- Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 22 ~' No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMT) 13 I l L i l i.. Revis' ion 129 January 1982 m-t e e&



Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual Changes This letter transmits additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy $O Instructions for the material are as follows: REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT Revision 125 Revision 126 AD 1827.10.9 AD 1827.10.10 Admin Memo 41-21 Admin Memo 41-22 Date Revision Entered Addecuace Signaturo RETURN TO THE OFFICE MANAGER - STOP 43050 4

{ f THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY ,{ DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES 1. REVISION INDEX e '-~ PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION-TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS i 5 HP 1602.01 10 HP 1604.01 2 AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 AD 1827.03 1 AD 1827.04 "1 AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 2 AD 1827.07 2 . AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 10 ~ AD 1827.11 2 AD 1827.12 6 AD 1827.13 4 AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15 2 T-5851 AD 1827.16 1 AD 1827.17 1 AD 1850.04 2 AD 1850.05 4 ,.4 REVISION ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Nu=bers 24 No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 10 No. 39 - Fire Brigade 22 No. 41 - Ecer8ency Duty Of ficer (EDO) No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Tes=s (RMI) 13-IL i~ Revicion 126 t _. December 1981 9 e m g y .g

L AD 1827.10 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station r Unic N~d? 1 Administrative Procedure AD 1827.10 r Emergency Off-Site Dose Estimates I'g l .. n 1 r- _Jh C; y .aL L.~ Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by C. Doyel, W. Green 2/6/76 Date t-Submitted by D. W. Briden 3/3/76 Section Head Date t' (, Racommended by Jack Evans 5/18/76 SRB Chairman Date f' QA Approved J.D. Lenardson/JCB 6/3/76 l Manager of Quality Assurance Date l [ Approved by Jack Evans 6/4/76 I i_ Station Superintendent Date r-i Revision SRB QA S ta. S up t. No. Recot=endatien Date Approved Date Approved Date 2 4/24/79 M '! U 3

  1. ss ya wau & Ah>/~hs K^ -^

6 " fpe p.:gi, 49,-u-o f pay w a,,g ~ f offf 0 W Y ',",'} [ '; ". ,,,,y pen c s w 2 ~~. r_a 4%g5/4e re"vpe @" 7 ,3. u. pA 4n o / s, g p-it,,iea v D#i%@M wm 'Mn. c pm a a) sj m l a&W4b "4' lit ~/0 M'" 2 ' ' 4' yy .j.gtyyg, wo 12./ 9 /y. l0 An y >>lv)2 s . e e m-

~ t I.4 ,P. 1 AD 1827.10.7 Ls 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE i~ 1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to estimate off-site whole body exposure rates from Xenon-133, and thyroid exposure ' rates to adults and children from 1-131 for r-accidental, uncontrolled releases. ) s. 1.2 Radioactive particulate material is not addressed because [' protective actions are based on assuming the iodine t i-exposure pathway is critical, and should provide suf-ficient protection from radioactive particulate material. (Based on information from Section 5.1.2 of EPA-520/1-r' (; 15-001, Revised 6/79.) 2. REFERENCES 2.1 NRC Regulatory Guide 1.4, Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident f" for Pressurized Water Reactors l.. 2.2 Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incident EPA-520/1-75-001, September 1975 r { (Revised June 1979) 2.3 Criteria for Preparation anel Evaluation of Radiological a I Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of.. (- Nuclear Power Plants, NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1 [- 2.4 NRC Regulatory Guide 1.23, Onsite Meteorological Programs t" 2.5 The Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan and El 1300 Series, Implementing Procedures i 2.6 AD 1827.12, Protective Action Guidelines {" 2.7 AD 1839.00, Station Operations s. 2.8 TECo NQAM r-(, 2.9 FSAR, Section 17.2 7 2.10 Admin. Memo 37, ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers-l. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES in the event of the accidental release of gaseous radioactivity, Lhc Shi rL Supervisor shall make an initial evaluation of the situa-Lion ~and classify the emergency in accordance with EP 1202.37, High Airborne Activity. 3.1 For local releases, any calculation of release rates ~ and dose rates shall be done under the direction of the Shif t Supervisor. Requirements for notification of other 4

~_ . -. - ~... 3 2 AD 1827.10.7 ,l persons to deal with these types of releases are found in [J the EI 1300 series, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, and EP 1202.37, High Airborne Activity, and AD 1839.00, Station Operations. 3.2 i i For conditions that require Emergency Plan implementation, release rates and dose rates shall be performed under the , direction of the Emergency Duty Officer (EDO). 4. PROCEDURE 7l CAUTION: This procedure only addresses releases from the Station Vent. For release from the MSIV's, Auxiliary Feed Pump Turbine Exhaust, and, Atmospheric Vent Valves, see EP 1202.57. ~ 4.1 Complete Data Sheets No. I and No. 2. Instructions for completing the required information are provided on the Data Sheets. I 7 NOTE: If data cannot be obtained from the site meteorological tower, backup data to perform ^ Offsite Dose Calculations may be obtained by calling the agencies listed in Attaciunent 2, Section IX.6 of Admin. Memo No. 37. NOTE: A programmable calculator and its printer (located in the Emergency Control Center) may be used in place of Data Sheets No. I and 2. See Attachment I for instructions. 7l 4.2 Use AD 1827.12 Protective Guidelines to determine the protective actions to be initiated. 4.3 If an evacuation is initiated, it should include an area 7l 22 1/2* to 45* each side of the plume center line (Based on Appendix ! from NUREC-0654/ FEMA-HEP-1). 4.4 If evaluations or RMT sample results indicate ingestion 1 exposure that exceeds the plume exposure evacuation area, j recommendations for further evacuation should be made in acccedance with ingestion exposure Protective Action Guidelines given in AD 1827.12. 7 4.5 Should the NHC reeptest direct contact with the individual performing of fsite dose calculations, it is the respon- [ sibility of the Emergency Duty Of ficer to ensure that the requesLing NHC official is cenLacLed directly by an appropriate cognizant individual. Any available phone could be used for this purpose. t

.,_..__s (7 t, r~ 3 AD 1827.10.9 DATA SHEET No. 1 Estimated Downwind Whole Body Exposure from Xenon-133 r~ (1.) Record the date Date Time and time (2.) Record Xe-133 activity RE 2024C reading being released from CPM the appropriate meters RE 2025C reading CPM for RE 2024C and RE 2025C i (' 9 NOTE: If these readings are off scale, the Xe-133 in the Sta- [ tion Vent is to be obtained using the Emergency Station t Vent sampler described in AD 1850.04. (3.) From Figure 2, record RE 2024C cone'n pCi/cc the corresponding concentration in RE 2025C cone'n pCi/cc pCi/cc 4 l I (4.) Record the flow rate {. through the Unit Vent KCFM x 10 3ffM CFM = 3 i from Computer Point F885-Flow rate r-and convert to CFM from F885 (5.) Convert Unit Vent flow CFM (4.72x10') = cc/sec rate to ec/sec l (6.) Calculate the estimateel l. t release rate for Ci x cc/sec = t. Xe-133 by multiplying From (3.), C# .From (5.) the highest value-highest gCi j~ -from (3.) times (S.) value sec (7.) Convert release rate i (Q).in (6.) to Ci/see Effx(1x10 8 -f-f) = Vrom___, _.(E:5 1 ( I t ( Ci/sec l (8.) Record the wind direction j~ (use 612' elev. if avail-t,, abic) from meters at the i 180* = ECC or Control Room or Wind direction Downwind { computer points _ in Control direction t Room (See Tabic 1). Then add or subtract 180* to obtain the downwind dir-i ection l L. (9.) Record the wind speed ~ (use 612' elev, i r avail-able) ' from meters in the F.CC or Control Room or mph x 0.447 "!EE# m/sce = computer points in the Wind mph Control Room (See Table Speed 1). Then convert the wind speed from mph to ~ l m/sec b ( l w I i e,w y y --9 -m cw t t u 9-. ~ t o,- ,,.e ,---,*.e >a --+-n--,u-. a ,e4 . e i,m. e

a 4 AD 1827.10.10 t DATA SHEET No. 1 (Continued) (10.) Determine Stability Class by any of the following Stability Class (a) Read the Standard 9 Deviation of Wind Direction at the 35 meter level (612' e elev.) from the PDP 11/03 printout (Column SD under 35M) then from Table 2-A, record the Stability Class, or, if not available, (b) Fead the Standard Deviation of Wind Direction at the 75 meter level (821' elev.) from the PDP 10 11/03 printout * (Column SD under 75M) then from Table 2-A, record the Stability Class, or, if not available, (c) Read 6T from computer point A698 then from Table 2-B, record the Stability Class, or (d) Determine 6T by 821'

  • F versus 612' *F

-.g then from Table 2-B, record the Stability [ Class. ) l (11.) Using Table 3, enter Xp/Q (m 2) for distances of 1, 2, 5,10, l and 20 miles for the stability class in (10.), and enter in l Column A. (NOTE: Real time X p/Q can be used if known) (12.) Divide Column A by the windspeed (m/sec) from (9.), and enter in Column B. (13.) Multiply Column B by the Xe-133 (Ci/sec) from (7.) and enter in Column C, which are the concentrations at 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 miles downwind. t I (14.) Multiply Column C by 3.3 x 104^to calculate the estimated whole body dose rate from Xc-133 and enter in Column D. (Based on Regulatorv Guide 1.109, table B-1) l

  • See Attachment 2, Instructions for Accessing DEC PDP 11/03 on G.E. Time j

l Sharing. l .a Page 2 of 3 1 l %d l

. ~. _. . _... ~ . _... ~ l ~,i, l .4 I THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY I DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION I L-EMERCENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES e REVISION INDEX c PACE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION _ TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS i 5 HP 1602.01 10 HP 1604.01 2 AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 AD 1827.03 1 AD 1827.04 1 AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 2 AD 1827.07 2 AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 9 AD 1827.11 2 AD 1827.12 6 r AD 1827.13 4 l AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15 2 T-5851 AD 1827.16 1 r I AD 1827.17 1 I AD 1850.04 2 l AD 1850.05 4 1 j ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 24 No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 10 l No. 39 - Fire Brigade ( No. 41 - Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 21 l l No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMI) 13 i i_ l I [.. t ^ Revision 125 December 1981 l O S l

.. _... _.. ~. -... .._ -.a_.. .u..-.... ,q lh_ i 1 - 5 AD 1827.10.7 L. DATA SHEET No. 1 (Continued) Column A Column B Column C Column D c~ Downwind Xp Xp-Xe-133 Whole body g" Distance Q Q (wind speed) concentrations exposure from (miles) (m 2) (3,ef,3) (pci/ce) Xe-133 (mR/hr) 1, 1 c' 2 [.. 5 10 20 I t.. f L.. I t.. .i \\c. t' t.. i L 4 i. s. Page 3 of 3 ~

i a 6 AD 1827.10.3 DATA SHEET No. 2 Estimated Downwind Thyroid Dose to Adults and Children from I-131 (1.) Record the date and time Date Time (2.) Record the I-131 activity RE 2024B: from RE 2024B and RE 2025B (1) Ist count: time cpm CAUTION: Noble gases can (a) (b) make the I-131 (ii) 2nd count: time cpm appear falsely (c) (d) high. Have C&HP personnel verify the I-131 de-tected. If the (iii) *EE* = ( ~(C'*) = incident con- = tinues, insert silver zeolite filters. (i) Record the time and cpm for RE 2024B and RE 2025B RE 2025B: (ii) Approximately 10 (i) Ist count: time ___ _,, cpm minutes later, re-(a) (b) ~ cord the time and (ii) 2nd count: time cpm cpm for RE 20240 (c) (d) and RE 2025B (iii) Subtract epm in (i) (iii) *E4* = ((d-b) _ C'*) from (ii) and di-vide by the dif-ference in minutes to obtain epm / min for RE 2024B and RE 2025B (3.) From Figure 1, record RE'2024B cone'n,,,, _,,, _ pCi/cc the enrrespointing concen t ra t i on in RK 202511 cone'n pCi/cc pCi/cc (4.) Calculate,the estimated release rate for Ebb x 4.44x10 7 cc/sec = I-131 by multiplying from (3.), "" the highest value highest Eb1 from (3.) times 4.44x107 value (5.) Convert release rate (Q) in (6.) to Ci/sce x (1 x 10~8 )= From [4.) Ci/sec (6.) Same as (8.) on Data Sheet No. 1 Downwind direction (7.) Same as (9.) on Data m/sec .J Sheet No. I wind speed Page 1 of 2

. _ _. ~ .-- - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - s 7 AD 1827.10.7 a DATA SHEET No. 2 (Continued) 7] (8.) Same as (10.) on Data Sheet No. 1 Stability Class r' (9.) Using Table 3 enter Xp/Q (m 2) for distances of 1, 2, 5,10, and 20 miles for the stabilty class in (8.), and enter in Column r-A. (NOTE: Real time X p/Q can be used if known) (10.) Divide Column A by the windspeed (m/sec) from (7.), and enter in Column B. [ (11.) Multiply Column B by the I-131 (Ci/sec) from (5.) and enter in Column C, which are the concentrations at 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 miles downwind. { (12.) Multiply Column C by 1.1 x 10* to determine the estimated adult (, thyroid dose rate from I-131 in mR/hr and enter in Column D. (13.) Multiply Column D by 2 to determine the estimated child thyroid dose rate from I-131 mR/hr and enter in Column E. r~ h The constants used in (12.) and (13.) above have a maximum differ-ence of 120% from time zero to 120 hours af ter reactor shutdown; r this error is acceptable. The actual values are shown in Figure 3 1, for information. 4. Column A Column B Column C Column D l Column E Downwind Xp Xp I-131 Adult Child Distance Q Q (wind concen-thyroid thyroid dose speed) tra tions dose rate rate f rc, ( from 1-131 1-131 t-(miles) (m 2) (sec/m ) (pCi/ce) (mR/hr) (mR/hr) 3 { 1 L. 2 5 t. 10 i 20 s.. l l l l l Page 2 of 2 T

~ 4 c= 8 AD 1827.10.7 o TABLE 1 Panel at ECC 0-50 0-360* j l -4 to +8 l i 1 MPH

  • F SI966B ZI997B TDI998 Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temp 821' Elev.

821' Elev. 821'-612' l 0-100 l l 0-360* l l-20 to 100 1 MPH

  • F SI996 ZI997A TI998A Wind Velocity Wind Direction Tempera ture 612' Elev.

612' Elev. 612'.Elev. Panel in Control Room .[ 0-100 l 0-360* -4 to +8 l SI996 ZI997 TD1998D Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temp 612' Elev. 612' Elev. 821'-612' Computer Points in Control Room Computer Point Wind Velocity, 612' Elev., in MPl! A901 7 Wind Velocity, 821' Elev., in MPli A902 Wind Direction, 612' Elev., in degrees A900 Wind Direction, 821' Elev., in alegrees A'303 Tempe ra tu re, 612' Elev., in *F T699 Tempe ra tu rc 821 ' Elev. in *F _ _,,_ T697 Temp. D i IT. 821 ' -612 ', in *F T698 Station Vent Flow, in KCFM F885 eN

e ._ _ -....~. 4 L IJ f, 9 AD 1827.10.7 TABLE 2-A d r Classification of Atmospheric Stability -by Standard Deviation of Wind Direction f Stability Pasquill SD

  • i.

Classification Categories (degrees) l 7 Extremely unstable A SD > 22.5 ~ Moderately unstable B 22.5 > SD > 17.5 Slightly unstable C 17.5 > SD > 12.5 Neutral D 12.5 > SD > 7.5 Slightly stable E 7.5 > SD > 3.8 i Moderately stable F 3.8 > SD > 2.1 I Extremely stable G 2.1 > SD i l 1 I. \\ 1 f ,I l _. i. l I i-La l 7

  • Standard deviation of horizontal wind direction fluctuation over a

.l period of 15 minutes to I hour.

  • 1 we 9

10 AD 1827.10.7 7 TABLE 2-B Pasquill Stability Class vs. AT Class AT = 821'*F minus 612'*F A Extremely unstable < -2.2*F B Moderately unstable -2.2*F to -2.0*F C Slightly unstable -2.0*F to -1.8*F D Neutral -1.8*F to -0.6*F E Slightly st+.,le -0.6*F to 1.8*F F Moderately stable 1.8*F to 4.7*F G Extremely stable 4.7*F (Derived from NRC Regulatory Guide 1.23) 4 m

t__ g Ij 11 AD 1827.10.8 e TABLE 3' Xp/Q (m 2) for Stability Classes as a Function of Downwind Distances of 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 miles A B C D E F 6 6 5 5 4 4 1 1 1.2x10 5.5x10 2.1x10 7.0x10 1.3x10 3.0x10 '~ 7 6 6 5 5 4 2 6.0x10 1.4x10 5.0x10 2.2x10 4.6x10 1.0x10 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 2.9x10 3.8x10 1.1x10 6.0x10 2.2x10 3.0x10 7 7 7 6 6 5 10 1.7x10 2.1x10 3.2x10 2.0x10 4.7x10 1.1x10 4 8 7 7 7 6 6 20 9.0x10 1.2x10 1.7x10 6.8x10 2.0x10 5.1x10 l This table was derived from Figure 5-3, Page 5.22 of EPA-520/1-75-001, Revised 6/79. The values assumed an inversion lid at 1000 meters 8 altitude and a ground level release. [ t 4 I l I.. ( ' i


N\\ \\

-. 7 ] 4 t-J 12 AD 1827.10.5 ~ FIGURE 1 ' Conversion Chart for Iodine Releases (RE 2024 B and RE 2025 B) 4 ~ ~ ~ .:=::g 3 7,... ; e n iii. i i, o.m. ..m.- i,,o,.. .. i, n., lillh l I lillF i l illi!! l 1 I!!!!! IIillib !Iilvil io-s l l l I' i $ l I kli l l 1 l l t II l l 80I!3 f i l e llIlt l l I ? I; l!! I'l ll!!!; I l lliliil l l !Illl: I l !!!!!!! l Ilill -c to .3 . nin i ! : n;,. ..,iii.n i i i nne i i n o, .e i n: i Ill!! I I !lill' l I llilli l l Illii' Illlilil/IIIiil! dju.- ..-t ./- *- m niji i i sinn i i e i J.i , i i ni 1 .A i n o i i i.c .Illll!( l Il!Illi l I lill!!! l lIll!Fl/ Ilil!El l Illill. ,,- 3 g _y- / j I t itle: I ! t e !!!! I i I l li!; t/s s itT 8 : t i..l - , i :::: 6. l 11ll!:1 1Iiilin i Iil!!!vi !11111:l ! lill!vi r llnie s y __y------ i. y, il ,e.. .....t i a 1 # l!!' I i etth. i/: e s iis-i i i i :ii. i i s iis t 6 e !::; go ),,-. Il!!!: i ! IIllii /i I !!ill: 1 I I!llh i i ll!I!l i i lli!D s .... -.y ,/-, _r / lip-IA t e rie . i e i. a !., i : i, :.: . e i i ii! i in (lO 8 0' " --- a.:.w= ::.: :.. - a-- /,.:D... . ~, . r-. A t liiO i !. ili. 1 i i ! t ii! I i i ! ii.6 i. ! i t;:1 i i e i t::: (io4),,-,z / I illl!! i I ill!'i l i 11!!!! I I !!!!i. I I lill!il l I Hl!!i s 2 o.o 1 o,\\ \\ s, 10 - \\o to God) 0o) (fo9 5 c.p / ~. n 4 (Copied from the Victoreen Calibration Manual) t 1 i'=*

J .l T.E... _. =. u .s e L n t-t' 13 AD 1827.10.5 FIGURE'2. Conversion Chart for Noble Gas Releases (RE 2024C and RE 2025 C) r-* ~C ;;; 22.- _ _. r. - 5b-2 ~ ~ T;- - 7.1 2.'~-~ ~ W )3 [* e i i i,es ,e sit i ....s..t .a e l l 'les I ! I t!'i l i e 18 ie! l ! 38 tl i i li 'bl ! i i !!. I li llillE -l i !lilli I l l!!!!- i I liliiil I lipir =- 2 , i... cri i o,.., ni-ii - i : i n n, I l i,.in Ill! l!Ii!!!: I IIlil!! I I Il'li!I 1 ll l IJfit


=, 7 + 3 6 4 /. ,,..,t i f. .i I:l l t i i!:ri I i. i f ilil Ii

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t it. SO.2 - I l lil l l lilli! l l ill!!f Il lill lMlil j liih m e ~

  • r k-

/ t o .....e .......i, ,,,,,.if s X t t'l 1-I : i l '.'t I t ! e illi i iiIt'f a l i t t l:1 161;i i hl' ! l l! h l l llll!l XCt-133..blbl l !Ii!!! !I b -3 \\O I; ,,.... - /, --*, c.. .r .,i s ,...4 r. l ] li f *' t i + gl l e i l il/ l l litsi 8 l llllfi ll: g ,,-4 llilh I i 1lll l IMll


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I. l ...f. }, . l l lll'Y I L 0 lllll } l 3 lllii il OI i 'I ! l l ll li'. O $ l $Ii' I-l!kilii I IIll!!!! l l !!!!ii ! !!ii!!! I Ill !!i I ilili!. .c N _-.j,..,__......., , v.w-n t,i

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' + P.b".- . a.,. n. _s I !. r g' . I' t:t L.t.;.:n; i ll{ l ifI l'i ) i 8 ill: I: (I l { llt; I i i t i. go-1 IIN I I!I IN Ilil!I !lil !l llb Il Ib 10 10' \\O 10 \\o \\O' \\O 5 l tpm (Copied from Victoreen Calibration Manual) I 5 i =. =.a*i+h+ .-m,g

p -. - - ~ b 14 AD 1827.10.6 c4 FIGURE 3-1 Radioiodine Dose Rate Factors for Infant Thyroid Dose Rate d vs. . Time After Reactor Shutdown ,1 m i n 1 I s =lu. i:::i=n n t ..nt= a=imi:.:}: :.4n.c = _ ln. :n= ma - nin:itil==p=uln::ln a:h=-: =n!= n?l nnp v In e a 20 =s a.. : =n=In : c n nn n n-!=hr-nin ~.n d n = c n n: = _... =... =... =..... . w:.:.:

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\\20 1, i 1100RS Af7ER REACTOR Cl!UTDOWN J The const. ant 2.2 x 109 has a maximum difference. of 120% from time zero to 120 hours af ter reactor shutdown for the infant thyroid dose rate. This i is ' based on the worst case of-radiciodine activities in the fuel core 90 ] days af ter irradiation, Regulatory Guide 1.109 and NUREG-0133. 0 f .e e A

-~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - --- ~ - - - J [' L.I 15 AD 1827.10.8 m 0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONS USING TI PROGRAM!ABLE CALCULATOR A miniprogram for the TI programmable calculator and its printer has been developed to simplify the offsite dose calculations. The program is r-divided into six sections which are discussed below. Samples of runs of cach section are attached; circled items are inputs. Each section r l-performs a different type of calculation, and each can be performed independently with the exception that either the noble gas of iodine release rate calculation must be performed once before any other section is run. The program is not permanently stored and must be loaded into the cal-culator prior to use. LOADING PROGRAM: The program is encoded on both sides of two magnetic cards kept with the calculator. Handle these cards only by the edges. The sides are marked F 1-4. To load the program, perform the following steps in order: l 8 1) Turn on calculator and printer (printer switch on right side), then j press; 1, 2nd, OP, 17 on the calculator, the calculator should dis-play 879.09. 2) Press "1" and "+/ " NOTE: If the calculator read the card properly, the (-1) will be shown in the display. l 3) Feed the end of the magnetic card labeled "1" into the program slot on calculator side - the calculator will automatically feed the card through the calculator and out the other side pull the card out by the edges. 4) Press "2" and "+/ " 5) Repeat the feeding process with side 2 of first card 6) Press "3" and "+/ " + 7) Repeat the feeding process with side 3 of second card { 8) Press "4" and "+/ " m 9) Repeat the feeding process with side 4 of second cart 10) Proceed by pressing A for noble gas or 11 for iodine release rate calentations, either program will print a line of output on the printer which finalizes the program within the calculator. 11) Finally, run programs (E and 2nd A') to test that each of the main programs will run with fixed data. These test routines ensure A t ta chmen t 1 Page 1 of 8

f 16 AD 1827.10.6 that the program was loaded in the correct sequence into the calculator memory. Compare your printout with the output listed below each of the programs (E and 2nd A'). If an error (an incor-rect output line or a flashing display) was encountered during either of the test runs, the user can reload the program (follow the above procedure) or if the error continues contact the cal-culator programmer for assistance. To start any of the calculations, press the A, B, C, or D buttons (top row of calculator) corresponding to the action described below: NOTE: To enter data in any of the following, simply input the values in standard or scientific format. (If an error is mdde in the entry, press "CE" and reenter the value) and then press "R/S". Also note that the calculator may be used in the normal manual mode without affecting the programming; when manual calculations are complete, simply press the button (s) corresponding to the desired calculation. A - NOBLE GAS RELEASE RATE This program calculates the noble gas release rates in curies /sec from the stack. As input, it requi res the countrate from the noble gas monitors (RE2024C, 2025C) and the stack flow rate in KCFM. N CPM ENTER COUNTRATE IN CPM FROM RE2024C OR 2025C ~ ('5.52 06 ENTIRE STACK FLOW RATE IN KCFM FROM COMPUTER 6 S FLO KCFM POINT F885 98. 6.383328 00 C/SC >--0UTPUT IS IN CURIES /SEC 11 - IODINE ItELEASE RATE This program calculates the iodine release rate in curies /sec from the stack. As input, it requires the countrate from the iodine monitors 6 (RE2024B, 2025B) at two different times and the time span between the readings. 1 CPM - ENTER THE INITIAL COUNTRATE FROM RE2024B OR 2025B T MIN - ENTER THE TIME SPAN BETWEEN READINGS ( 1 CPM - ENTER THE FINAL COUNTRATE FLOW RE2024B OR 2025B 1.9243116-03 C/SC


- - - - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .I 17 AD 1827.10.8 C - PREDICTED OFFSITE DOSE RATES - NOBLE GAS This program calculates the whole body dose rates due to noble gases at various distances from the station. Required inputs are wind speed, stability class, and noble gas release rate. l-Note that stability class input is numerical with A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6. g.. i i WND SP MPH ENTER THE WIND SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR 12. STBCL ENTER THE STABILITY CLASS (NUMERICAL VALUE) 5. C/SEC - ENTER THE NOBLE GAS RELEASE RATE IN CURIES /SEC 5.364 M/SC --->- THIS OUTPUT IS WIND SPEED IN METERS /SEC ~ PREDICTED NOBLE GAS CONCENTRATION AT 1 MILE IN y 1.5462342-04 UC/C pCi/cc WBDR= y WHOLE BODY DOSE RATE AT 1 MILE IN MILLIREM / HOUR 5.1025727 00 MR/H + 5.4712901-05 UC/C WBDR= g SAME AS ABOVE 2 MILES 1.8055257 00 MR/H J 2.616704-05 UC/C 8 WBDR= SAME AS ABOVE AT 5 MILES 8.635123-01 Mit/fl ( 5.5902312-06 UC/C } WBDR= SAME AS ABOVE AT 10 MILES 1.8447763-01 MR/ll ] r l" 2.3788218-06 UC/C WBDR= SAME AS ABOVE AT 20 MILES 7.8501119-02 MR/H ~ V Page 3 of 8 .w 6 4

18 AD 1827.10.6 D - PREDICTED OFFSITE DOSE RATES - IODINE ~ This program calculates the adult and child thyroid dose rates due to iodine at various distances from the plant. Required inputs are wind speed, stability class, and iodine release rate. Note that stability class input is numerical with A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6. WD SP MP ENTER WIND SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR STBCL ENTER STABILITY CLASS (NUMERICAL VALUE) C/SEC _ ENTER IODINE RELEASE RATE IN CURIES /SEC (_1.92-03 5.364 M/SC 7 THIS OUTPUT IS WIND SPEED IN METERS /SEC 4.6532438-08 UC/C ATDR_ IODINE CONCENTRATION AT 1 MILE IN pCi/cc 5.11856t,2 01 MR/H CTDR-ADULT THYROID DOSE RATE IN tm/HR AT 1 MILE 1.0237136 02 MR/H CHil.D THYRO 10 DOSE RATE IN MR/HR AT 1 MILE 1.6465324-08 UC/C ATDR= 1.8111857 01 MR/H SAME AS AB0VE AT 2 MILES CTDR= 3.6223714 01 MR/H I 7.8747204-09 UC/C 6 ATDR= 8.6621924 00 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 5 MILES CTDR= 1 1.7324385 01 MR/H j 1.6823266-09 UC/C ATDR= 1.8505593 00 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 10 MILES CTDR= 3.7011186 00 MR/H 7.1588367-10 UC/C ATDR= 7.8747204-01 MR/il SAME AS ABOVE AT 20 MILES CTDR= 1.5749441 00 MR/H Page 4 of 8

I 'G. ~ ~ u 19 AD 1827.10.8 s. d E - TEST ROUTINE C - THE PREDICTED OFTSITE DOSE RATES NOBLE GAS This program calculates the whole body dose rates due to noble gases at various distances from the station. The calculator will generate the e input from this test run of routine C, so no additional input is needed. Compare your output with the printout listed below. l. r-- TEST C=N G TEST ROUTINE C [- WND SP MPH > THE WIND SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR i 1. STBCL + THE STABILITY CLASS E=5 (NUMERIC VALUE)

5. -


1. -

0.447 M/SC + THIS OUTPUT IS WIND SPEED IN METERS /SEC 2.9082774-04 UC/C -->- PREDICTED NOBLE GAS CONCENTRATION AT I MILE IN WBDR= pCi/cc [ WHOLE BODY DOSE RATE AT 1 MILE IN MILLIREM / HOUR 1.0290828-04 UC/C WBDR= SAME AS ABOVE AT 2 MILES 3.3959732 00 MR/H j 8 4.9217002-05 UC/C } WBDR= g SAME AS ABOVE AT 5 MILES 1.6241611 00 MR/H j 1.0514541-05 UC/C '( i Wiluit= f SAME AS A110VE AT 10 MILES 3.4697987-01 MR/H _) r 4.4742729-06 UC/C { WBDR= SAME AS A!!OVE AT 20 MILES i h 1.4765101-01 MR/H l l 1 l Le o t ^ Page 5 of 8 u

] . _ _. _. _ _ ~... _ _. _. _ 2 __ _ 1. J ~ e 20 AD 1827.10.6 (2nd, A') TEST ROUTINE D - THE PREDICTED OFFSITE DOSE RATES - IODINE [ This program calculates the adult and child thyroid dose rates due to iodine at various distancer from the plant. The calculator will generate the input for this test rur. of routine D, so no additional input is needed. Compare your output with the printout listed below. TEST D = IDN TEST ROUTINE D WND SP MPH 1. A - THE WIND SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR STBCL 6. > THE STABILITY CLASS F=6 (NUMERIC VALUE) q C/SEC 1. > THE IODINE RELEASE RATE IN CURIES /SEC 0.447 M/SC -->- THIS OUTPUT IS WIND SPEED IN METERS /SEC 6.7114094-04 UC/C --> IODINE CONCENTRATION AT 1 MILE IN pCi/cc ATDR= 7.3825503 05 MR/H + ADULT TIIYROTD DOSE RATE IN MR/IIR AT I MIT.E CTDR= 1.4765101 06 MR/II -B>- CllTLD TilYROID DOSE RATE IN MR/flR AT 1 Mlf.E 2.2371365-04 UC/C ATDR= 2.4608501 05 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 2 MILES CTDR= 4.9217002 05 MR/H 6.7114094-05 UC/C ATDR= ~ 7.3825503 04 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 5 MILES 6 CTDR= 1.4765101 05 MR/H d 2.4608501-05 UC/C ATDR= 2.7069351 04 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 10 MILES CTDR= 5.4138702 04 MR/H a 1.1409396-05 UC/C ) ATDR= i 1.2550336 04 MR/il SAME AS ABOVE AT 20 MILES CTDR= 2.5100671 04 MR/H = = =. Page 6 of 8

.-. 1 O] 1 f.i 21 AD 1827.10.8 a OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONS WITH TI PROGRATIABLE CALCULATOR LOAD: 8 1) Turn on printer and calculator, then press; 1, 2nd, OP, 17 on the [, calculator, the calculator should display 879.09. 2) Press "1" and "+/ ", load side 1 N0iE: If the calculator read the card properly, the (-1) will be shown in the display. 3) Repeat step 2, pressing the corresponding number for side 2, 3, and 4 {~ 4) Press either "A" or "B"; then press "E" and then "2nd A'" below, to test the program of errors (compare your printout with the one listed with this procedure). PRESS "A" FOR NOBLE GAS RELEASE RATE Enter: Countrate from RE2024C or 2025C Enter: Stack flow in KCFM Output: Noble gas release rate in curies /sec PHESS "H" FOR IODINE RELEASE RATE Enter: Initial countrate from RE2024B or 2025B l' Enter: Time between readings f. Enter: Final countrate from RE2024B or 2025B Output: Iodine reletse rate in curies /see PRESS "C" FOR WilOf.E BODY DOSE HATES FROM NOBLE CASES Enter: Wind speed in miles per hour Enter: Stability class

  • Enter:

Release rate in curies /sec Output: Pind speed in meters /see r Output: Noble gas concentration in pCi/cc and whole body dose rate in j mr/hr at 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 miles PRESS "D" FOR THYROID DOSE RATES FROM IODINE I L. Enter: Wind speed in miles per hour En te r: Stability class

  • Enter:

Helease rate in curies /sec Output: Winel speed i t: me te rs/ sce l Output: lodine concentration in pC1/cc, adult thyroid dose rate in mr/hr and child thyroid dose rate in mr/hr at 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 miles

  • Use numerical value for stability class:

A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6 ~ Page 7 of 8

a 22 AD 1827.10.5 PRESS "E" TO TEST "C" FOR WHOLE BODY DOSE RATES.FRCM NOBLE GASES [ Enter: No Data Input is needed Output: Whole body dose rate in mr/hr PRESS "2nd, A'" TO TEST "D" FOR THYROID DOSE RATES FROM IODINE = Enter: No~ Data Input is needed Output: Adult and child thyroid dose rates, both in ar/hr ~ r Page 8 of 8 a,.

r ~- .a.._._-...


f. 23 AD 1827.10.10 sa x Instructions for Accessing DEC PDP 11/03 on G E Time Sharing NOTE: Data for PDP 11/03 is read from the Med Tower and stored for three days only. If Med Tower is down only previous information can be accessed. 1 i 1. Turn unit on. 2. Press the LOCAL / TALK button. 3. Check three options: DUPLES - FULL (do'wn) PARITY - 0FF (down) BAUD - 300 or 30 CPS (up) 4. Dial phone number: Dial 9, wait for dial tone, dial 898-6240. Immediately after dial tone press DATA button. r 5. Correspondence between Computer and Terminal Operator: I Computer WHO ARE YOU? Opera tor A (This symbol - up arrow - is usually on the 6 key j or N key-use shif t key). Computer H=HR, M: MIN, C= CAL Operator H, M, or C (type one for hourly, minute, or calibra-i l tion check). Computer ACCESSED COMPUTER. TYPE JULIAN DATE REQ. Operator Type in required julian date. (Example Jan. 1 is 001, Dec. 31 is 365, date can be found on Shift Supervisor's desk calender) Computer Will print out data requested. Computer TRANSMISSION COMPLETE. 1,, ALL DONE?... Y OR N L. Operator Y r Computer Terminating Communication., Good Day. Operator Hang up phone and turn unit off, restore Parity up, Duplex up, and Baud is still up. END Page 1 of 1 +%ew e a

__ _.j.,,. _ _ _. - - - _ _.. _.. _ -. _ _ _ _ _ _.. .s. i. oATE JTRA. COMPANY MEMORANDUM December 16, 1981 - Rev. 22 3 6214 2 ' ""' ^ TO All Davis-Besse Station Personnel FRCM Terry Murray. ~

i. vencT V

Emergency Duty Officer (ED0) and Other Emergency Duties ~ ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUM NO. 41-22 l. Emergency Duty Officers (ED0's) 1.1 In accordance with the Davis-Besse Station Emergency Plan, the following named individuals are qualified Emergency Duty Officers: [ L. A. Grime D. A. Huffman i. 2,, B. A. Franta B. L. Geddes W. T. O'Connor S. A. Hall j W. C. Roules J. Hirsch [ C. T. Daft L F. Peters C. J. Greer D. L. Rhodes l 1.2 The following named individuals are assigned as designated Emergency L Duty Officers: l L. A. Grime D. A. Huffman i B. A. Franca B. L. Ceddes W. T. O'Connor S. A. Hall 22 W. C. Rowles J. Hirsch C. T. Daft R. F. Peters C. J. Greer D. L. Rhodes 1.3 Emergency Duty Officers, in addition to the requirements in the Station Ec.crgency Plan, are responsible for the administrative items as given in Section 5 of El 1300.12, Ad=inistrative Controls. I 1. 1.4 The follouing persons have been trained and are qualified as Emergency Assistants, to assist the EDO in the Emergency Control Center (ECC), if necessary: { 22 Gary Downing Ronald Durdel James Faris Kathy A. Hatcher Rex Rutledge Richard C. Voll=ar Stephen G. Wideman O "h e e

.I r i; L.., f Admin. Memo No. 41-22 Rev. 22 - December 16, 1981 L.i Page 2 ) .I 2. Other Emergency Duties L. 2.1 The Station Superintendent or his designee is to be notified by the Shift Supervisor of any condition which requires an immediate report and/or notification to the NRC. 22 A revised EDO Schedule for'the first quarter of 1982 is attached. 4 t i r {~ TDM:nif Attachment ,.4 In t i mm O e O

. *- = =. i s Admin. Memo No. 41-22 Rev. 22 - December 16, 1981 Attachment 7 Page 3 3 '- 6 EDO lst OUARTER SCHEDULE - 1982 Weekly Dates Individual Assigned } Nov. 30 Dec. 7

  • Dick' Brown Dec. 14 Jim Greer Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Bruce Franta r-Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Dave Huffman o

~ Dec, 28 Jan. 4 Bill Rowles Jan. 11

  • Chuck Daft Jan. 4 Jan, 11 Jan. 18 Bill O'Cor.nor Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Larry Grime Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Jim Greer Feb. 8
  • Bruce Franta Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Dave Huffman i

Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Judy Hirsch Feb. 22 March 1 Bruce Geddes March 8

  • Bob Peters March 1 March 8 March 15 Stu Hall March 15 -

March 22 Don Rhodes March 22 March 29 Bill Rowles I t Denotes that week in which the EDO must perform the Monthly Communications Link Test, in accordance with PT 5199.12. The Emergency Planning Group will be present to assist with the Communications Test each month. i w b$ O ~ O e b + me O 4+esii +- e p



Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual Changes This letter transmits additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy b. Instructions for the material are as follows: REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT Revision 124 Revision 125 This revision pertains to AD 1827.15, which was removed from your controlled copies with Rev. 121. i Date Revision Entered Addressee Signature RETURN TO THE OFFICE MANAGER - STOP 83050 e-O. .d



Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual Changes t Thi: letter tr - its additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse bO EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy Instruction = for the==terisi are as follows: REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT Revision 123 Revision 124 AD 1850.04.1 AD 1850.04.2 l l I i .Date Revision Entered Addressee Signature RETURN TO THE OFFICE MA'IAGER I e l x i l l ,,-e

l J THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY l DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION b EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES REVIS. ION INDEX f" PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS i L. I i 5 HP 1602.01 10 HP 1604.01 2 AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 AD 1827.03 1 ~ AD 1827.04 1 AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 2 r i AD 1827.07 2 AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 9 A AD 1827.11 2 AD 1827.12 6 ~ AD 1827.13 4 AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15 2 AD 1827.16 1 AD 1827.17 3 [' AD 1850.04 2 AD 1850.05 4 f REVISION ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Nu=bers 24 10 No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 No. 39 - Fire Brigade 21 No. 41 - E=ergency Duty Officer (EDO) l_, No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMT) 13 l-Revisien 124 Nove=ber 1981 Q

j' i. AD 1850.04 Davis-Besse Nucicar Pcwer Station Unit No. 1 Administrative Procedure AD 1850.04 L Post Accident Radiological Sanpling and Counting i = l l Record of Approval and Changes s i i l Prepared by Dave Briden 12/19/79 Date i l~ ~ Submitted by b ;.D - 1/17 / 8 0 L Section Head Date ~ l l^ Recoc= ended by a x. //.s.a/.$b L 4 RB Chairnan Dai:e

  • _)~ ~ - l.

I 1 QA Approved e Er9 wo e / Manager of Quality Assurance Date Approved by W ^ ~ 1 / Station Superint ent Date Revision SR3 QA Sta. Supt. No. Recc==endation Date roved Date Approved Date a j ffj 7lf/2.> w==Y'rltefna YONYlpfYO . D.y/ 0 A to v n, oi,-> 14 p,y yp,m 9 g 4> ed 9 = 4 glum e e. wm m 4-4 g e 4 4-%

. ~.. _. ~ 4 2 lj; r 1 AD 1i50.04.2 a l. PUP. POSE The purpose of this procedure is to address short-term pre-paredness in responding to radiological sampling and counting for r a potential accident which would make normal sampling and counting e {j impractical. [ p, 2. SCOPE il 2.1 Gamma Spectral counting capability 2.1.1 In the event of such an accident, the existing counting room could not be used.

c, 2.1.2 A temporary counting room would be set up in the Water Plant lab or other suitable location for gross counting, and gamma spectroscopy.

2.2 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) sampling 2.2.1 Depending on Radiation exposure, the normal sampling system can be used. .L 2.2.2 A shielded high pressure sampling. sampler can be 2 used for pressurizer samples when the normal I s.ampling system cannot be used. i. 2.3 Containment atmosphere sampling i b. 2.3.1 The normal sampling assembly on Containment Monitor RE5030 is in an area where the expected i radiation levels would be too high to enter. i i } 2.3.2 A high pressure sampling assembly will be used for sampling at the Containment Hydrogen r j Analyzers. L 2.4 Station ve t sampling 2.4.1 Silver zeolite fiiters should be used for iodine sampling. l 2 2.4.2 If RE 2024C or RE 2025C indications are off l scale, direct radiation dose rates frem a Noble l Case Tube are converted to uCi/cc. l 3. REFERENCES 3.1 NUREG-0578, July, 1979, TMI-2 Lesson Learned Task Force Status Report and Short-Term Recommendations l l ~ l l ~ _.... _.....

~~ a 1 2 AD 1850.04.2 3.2 NUREG-0585, October, 1979, TMI-2 Lesson Learned Task Force Final Report 3.3 NRC September 13, 1979 Letter (Followup Actions Resulting from the NRC Staff Reviews Regarding the TMI-2 Accident) 3.4 TEco September 23, 1979 Letter,(TECo Response to NRC September 13, 1979 Letter for DBNPS) 3.5 NRC October 30, 1979 Letter (Discussion of Lessons Learned Short-Term Requirements) 3.6 TECo November 21, 1979, Letter (TEco Response to NRC October 30, 1979 Letter for DENPS) 4. PRECAUTIONS 4.1 Individuals collecting samples shall not receive in excess of 3 and 18 3/4 rems to the whole body or extrem-ities, respectively. 4.2 The requirements for exceeding 1.25 rem to the whole body during a quarter should be followed as defined in Section 6.10 of HP 1601.01 (Guides and Limits for Exposures to Radiation) ~ 4.3 No entries shall be made into areas exceeding 100 mR/hr without a high range survey instrument, and an individual qualified to evaluate radiological conditions. Unless airborne activities are known, respiratory equipment is to be worn. 2 4.4 Since Chemistry and Health Physics personnel will collect the samples, new REP's are not required. 4.5 WARNING WHEN COLLECTING SAMPLES l Potential radiation levels during accident conditions are: 4.5.1 Containment Atmosphere Sampling l

1. 585' elevation in front of the high pressure sampler may be 0.1 - 5 R/hr.
2. Hallway on 585' elevation adjacent to sampling may be 5 - 50 R/hr.

4.5.2 Station Vent Sampling

1. Inside the Non-Radwaste Ventilation Room by sampling system =ay be 5 R/br.

-= .-..n -~- m

_.- _.7 q.,_

i l L5 7'

3 AD 1850.04.2

2. At RE 2024.and RE 2025, the radiation could

' ~i be 100 - l'000 R/hr if EVS system is operating. 2 4.5.3 RCS Sampling

1. Sample system could be 0.1 - 5 R/hr..

I r-,

2. Hallway to sample system could be 15 - 100
j mR/hr.

t i. . ~ 5. PROCEDURE 5.1 Containment Atmosphere Sampling


The normal sampling point for Containme'nt atmosphere at RE 5030 cannot be used because the radiation level in Mechanical Penetration Room No. 3 will be excessive due to the radiation frcm the containment spray line in the room. When a high pressure sample is collected, only radioactive noble gases and iodines are determined. F Particulates are not applicable based on Lessons Learned Item 2.1.6.b. .L 5.1.1 Connect a 75cc high pressure sampler (HPS) to r tap CV 337 (342) inside the Hydrogen Analyzer .L C'abinet on 585' Elevation as in Figure 1shown .below; excluding the vacuum pump. NOTE: The sampler is evacuated prior by connect-ing a vacuum pump at the quick disconnect at v-2 with v-2 open, and v-1 closed, evacuate the sampler, then close v-2 s. CV 337 75cc c. or CV 342 m f v-1 HPS Gauge, 30"-0" Hg v-2 and 0-100 psig Quick Disconnects m Vacuum pumps Figure 1 5.1.2 Open valve v-1 and v-2 on the sampler. 5.1.3 Slowly open valve CV 337 (CV 342). After the pressure indication has stabili=ed as indicated on the pressure gauge, close CV 337 (CV 342) and V-1. Then disconnect the quick disconnects. l l

  • O l


c p 4 AD 1850.04.1 1 5.1.4 Connect the high pressure sampler (HPS) to the x sampling assembly shown in Figure 2: Sample HPS ~ ~ V-1 Sample Tee 4W with Septum V-2 / v Gas Bubbler ~ ~ c 1 Figure 2 5.1.5 Slowly open V-1 to ensure a flow through the sample tee as indicated by flow through the bubbler. 5.1.6 When there is steady flow, collect a 1-cc sample, and inject into a 14-ce evacuated vial for gamma spectrual analysis. 5.2 Station Vent Sampling The station vent is continuously monitored by RE 2024 and RE 2025, however, they do not meet the range required by January 1, 1981, from Items 2.1.8.b of NUREG 0578. During a post accident condition, noble gas readings can be obtained every 15 minutes by the use of a portable high range survey instrument next to the sampling line. Interference from noble gases for measuring radioiodine can be reduced by using silver zeolite filters. 5.2.1 If RE 2024C and RE 2025C readings are off scale, the emergency station vent sampling assembly located in the non-radwaste ventilation. room on 4 Elev. 623' is put into service.

  • b e

t. ll.b 5,~ 5 AD 1850.04.2 Grab sampler N Non-Radwaste Ventilation j assembly on A Room off the RE 2024 (RE 2025) Turbine Deck .:j, Grab F . Sample g\\ 1 "~ c.V 2024H Filter b !li To (CV 2025H) Pump < 74 L 5.- SS 227 Particulate-l SS228-[ (SS 231) Silver Flow (SS 232) l P/52 i i M 4 Zeolite meter ,1 1P Filter A - Assembly .m g e v }lTNoble Gas TubeI { For k r 7 N l


s HP-270 PROBE or HP-270 P OBE or \\ RD'17A PROBE RD-17APROBEk E kNwxxxxNx m w m m m w m s w w s L 2 NOTE: The RD-17A Probe is positioned 12-inches from the Noble Gas Tube, and the HP-270 Probe is in contact with the Noble Gas 4 Tube. i Figure 3

1. Set up the interim station vent monitoring assembly as shown in Figure 3.

(Either RE f 2024 or RE 2025 may be used for connecting up to the normal grab sampling valves.) t.,

2. Remove the particulate and charcoal filters in RE 2024 (RE 2025) grab sampler, and recon-nect.
3. Close valve CV-2024H (CV-2025H)
4. Connect the tygon tubing labeled " Inlet".to valve SS-227 (SS-231).
5. Connect the tygon tubing labeled " OUTLET" to valve SS-228 (SS-232).
6. Open valves SS-227 (SS-231) and SS-228 (SS-232).

e 4 OaM8 9 P4 8 9-9 6 + 9 4'O dWe4ee emar 4 4 W.we., 6 ,,q w.g.,

. ~ - -.., ~ 6 AD 1850.04.2 i 7.. Noble gases are monitored by a HP-270 Probe 1 for Xe-133 concentrations between 0.054 to540uCi/ce,andaRD-17AProbeforge-133 concentrations between 520 to 5.2 x 10 uCi/cc. Readouts are shown in Figure 4. NOTE: RE 2024C and 2025C have ranges of 1 x 10"I to 0.02 uCi/ce. High Range Low Range RM-16 Recorder RM-16 O.01-100 R/hr 0.02-200 mR/hr Connected to Sample Probes High Ranges Low Range T RM-16 Recorder RM-16 e


Background P Connected to Background Probes .) Figure 4, m.

8. Determine the net close rate for the appro-priate monitors used to monitor the Noble Gas Tube using Attachment 1.
9. Calculate the Xe-133 concentrations using.
10. If RE 2024C or 2025C reading are of scale, then readings from emergency high range or low range probes are to be given to the Shift Supervisor or Emergency Duty Officer every 15 minutes.

5.2.2 Iodine analyses can be collected at the interim ] Station Vent Samples.

1. Silver zeolite cartridges are used for iodine sampling with a particulate filter infront of i

the cartridge. i

2. Calculate the volume of air that passed through the particulate-silver zeolite filter assembly by multiplying the sample flow rate times the collection period.

i ~

3. Iodine analyses and calculations can be performed by:

(1) Normal computerized gamma spectroscopy counting. i l A. ~ +..



7 AD 1850.04.2 (2) Emergency on site. counting cescribed in e " ~~ Section 5.4. (3) SAM-2 operation described in AD 1850.05. I' 5.3 Reactor Coolant Liquid Sampling ..a ~ During post accident conditions the letdown system would .Il be isolated to prevent excessive radiation levels in the .L Auxiliary Building resulting from high levels of radio-activity in the reactor coolant liquid. In the interim, until the permanent RCS sampling system is available, a r- ,f ' pressurizer sample will be collected at the normal sample point, provided the radiation levels within th~e room can be controlled with shielding. 5.3'1 Interim RCS Sampling 2 The R. C. System Accident Sampling System shown f~ in Attachment 2 is designed to obtain a reactor s_ coolant sample from the pressurizer vapor or water space following an accident, which renders


,{ the normal sample room inaccessible, while maintaining the radiation exposure to personnel as low as practicable. 3

t -

The system consists of tubing and valves ta obtain the sample and return it to the Quench f Tank, a sample panel with a cooler for con-ditioning the sample, solenoid valves for recirculation, sampling, and flushing and a shielded sample cylinder which collects the sample. The sample panel and its associated control station are designed for storage until required. The demineralized water, for cooling the sample, and the sample tubing are per-manently installed at the same location. t-2

1. Open demineralized water valve to the emer-gency sample cooler located at approximately head level at the entrance to the room.where the cooler is installed.
2. Using quick disconnects, attach the shielded sample container to the sample panel.
3. Open the manual inlet and isolation valves SV-10 and SV-11 on the shielded sample con-tainer.
4. Open manual sample inlet and outlet isolation valves SV-8 and SV-9.

(These are located on the wall above the sample panel).

  • e 9

4 g D-M

  • hem

+ em<- ew eee a w e t ma e ae e ese***'e-m a de ma= 4m v

p 8 AD 1850.04.1

5. From the Control Room, open control valves EV-239C (pressurizer water sample), HV-240A, and HV-240B.

(This pressurizes the sample system up to solenoid valves SV-3 and SV-4.)

6. At the remote control panel, place switch SW-1 (sample low).to "0N".

(This opens cooling water valve SV-2, the low sample valve SV-3, and sample cylinder inlet and l outlet valves SV-5 and SV-6.) 4

7. Allow the system to circulate for 2 hours.

1 NOTE: Recirculation can also be accomplished with the high sample switch SW-2 which is provided to sampling at low system pressure. SW-2 opens SV-2, SV-4, SV-5 and SV-6.

8. To collect the sample in the cylinder, place SW-1 (SW-2) in the "0FF" position to trap the liquid.
9. From the Control Room, close valves HV-240A and HV-240B to isolate the sample system from the pressurizer.


10. At the remote station, place'SV-3 (flush) in the "0N" position.

(This opens valves SV-1, demineralized water flush; SV-4, high sample; and SV-7, sample cylinder bypass.)

11. Flush until radiation levels are reduced to the lowest level.
12. Close inlet and outlet manual isolations valves SV-10 and SV-11 on the sample cylinder and disconnect the quick disconnects.
13. After disconnecting the sample cylinder, switch SW-3 (flush) should be placed to "0FF".

5.4 Onsite Counting Facility In order to meet the 2-hour post-accident radiological analysis requirement for RCS and containment atmosphere samples, an operational, adequately equipped, onsite counting facility must be available. _c a.

J .,-.m...,... .._.m., ,,m__. m.,,,_ ;. .,,_,.,g._.,.,

t; f r-9 AD 1850.04.0

.J The location chosen for the Onsite Counting Facility must be set up.where the radiation level is low, such as the 5" entrance lobby on the east side of the Office Building ~ (585 ft. elevation)or in the Water Plant Lab. x s +y,. 5.4.1 Equipment s i, r. A Canberra Model 8100 or 8180 multichannel pulse l .dL height analyzer (MCA),' presently onsite, has Ill been assigned for use in the Onsite Counting j Facility in the event of an accident. Should .f' . utilization of the Facility be required, a '(, Ge(Li) detector assembly will be removed from the Counting Room (603 ft. elevation) and relo-cated in a low radiation area where it will be .c-I; connected with'the Canberra MCA and1other neces- ,6 sary equipment to provide the required gamma q_, spectral analysis capability. 4 Efficiency charts and/or data tables are avail-able in the counting room manual to provide _f ~ necessary counting information for each of the ,[, following samples:

1. Reactor
2. Containment atmosphere (noble *
3. Stack exhaust (noble gases)


4. Stack particulates filter l

~ l S. Stack iodine cartridge. 5.4.2 Procedure Upon declaration of an emergency requiring t-activation of the.Onsite Counting Facility, the F-following procedure will be followed:

1. Transport ' Canberra Model 8100 or 8180 to a d

suitable location. s s

2. In Counting Room, gradually reduce high voltage to the Ge(Li) detector until high voltage is off. Turn off power to the NIM bin in which the high voltage supply and amplifier are located.
3. Disconnect cables at the Ge(Li) detector,

~ amplifier, and MCA. P s' 1 e ~ 4 .=4 gw *h q. y e,,.,

}', G i 10 AD 1850.04.2 s

4. Remove Ge(Li) detector frwm shield and q

immediately place in a dewar of LN ' ~ 2 Relocate in a low radiation area with NIM bin containing high voltage and amplifier. Bring a sample shelf assembly along.

5. Reconnect high vol,tage, pre-amp power, and signal cables between the NIM bin components 2

and the Ge(Li) detector per Attachment 3. q i

6. Turn on NIM bin power and gradually bring high voltage up to normal operating voltage (3000 volts). Allow about 15 minutes for the system to stabilize.
7. To achieve 0.5 kev / channel energy calibra-tion, adjust the amplifier fine gain until the number of channels between two reference peaks is two times the difference between the peaks in key.

Then adjust the baseline until a reference peak is in the channel equal to two times the energy in key. It is not necessary to have exactly 0.5 kev / channel.

8. Determine background spectrum before counting samples. Good operating practice would recommend the stationing of an operating thin-window G-M survey meter with audible output at the Onsite Counting Facility. This would alert personnel to high atmospheric noble gas activity which could disrupt count-ing.
9. After counting appropriate samples, the data reduction necessary to determine the activity for each principal gamma emitter will be performed per RC 4502.00, Gamma Spectral 2

Analysis. Use Attachment 4 for radionuclide data and Attachment 5 for efficiencies. These efficiencies in Attachment 5 are for counting at 1 1/4 inches between the eon-tainer (at the collimator) and the detector edge with the collimator centered on the center of the detector. To get efficiencies for one foot divide the 1 1/4 inch efficien-cies by 116. To get three foot efficiencies, divide the 1 1/4 inch efficiencies by 1208. I r t I i I -~.

},,,_ _ ..J_..... 'r.

1 '

[ 11 AD 1850.04.2 I t. Data. Sheet for Calculating the Xe-133 Concentration in the Station Vent - If the low range probe (HP-270) is used: .4Il-Date RM-16 Sample Rti-16 Background . Net dose Xe-133 in , '4 time Reading in mR/hr Reading in mR/hr rate in uCi/cc equals .i 1l~ mR/hr net mR/hr times 2.7 -t t .o e-i. i f L. L If the high range probe (RD-17A) is used: c pate RM-16 Sample RM-16 Background Net dose Xe-133 in time Reading in R/hr . Reading in R/hr rate in uCi/cc equals R/hr net R/hr 4 times 5.2 x 10 L t -4. s. .4e g 9e' i ~ l ~

~ ~ } .I .i p, gena ert. Fgom PRG55MW G1b j snmpt.E <-_g ' (M-OSO CC- 0 ( sj g e s u tt. \\_sntu o 76t cu c-nos g3451 ,gp3cq j E' .,/ s-

  • b/s TU61NC*


3 Y

M,g ("' 's01 SAMi'LE sv Jg 3 5 CYLINPEp SV l j s r =Si iSJ LO g $>4, I{.F - ++464 i i V LEAD GHIE NC, g 3 $ TUBING l i. (M-10 / .4 4 {3 gj sv g g 'sV 4 3 I I "A TOhHCh.BC, GUEt4CH 7A14X, f, RETURN t tNE '5/dTUBING ' \\- - (M 04dMF 5) ( f PE MIN. WTR. . SUPPLY s,1 E ME1CGEOC.Y REACTO R CootAWT h? 09 C2 ,e l 1.. . _ _ _-[ t i' [ i +k I k 1 I e i

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  • 1 143E-06
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-"1200 -- 9. 9 00E-07

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an 1300 v.206E-07 9 200E-07 9.194E-07 9.107E-07 9.101E-07 9.175E-07 9.160C-07 9.142E-07 9.156C-07 9.149E-07 j l y 1310 9.143C-07 9.137E-07 9.131C-07 9.124E-07 9.110E-07 9.112E-07 9.106E-07 9.0990-07 9.093E-07 9.007C-07 g* 8 w y 1320-- 9.001E-07 9.075C-07 " 9.069E-07 -- 9.062E 9.056C-07 ~ 9.050E-0 7"" ?.0 4 4C-07 --9.030E-07"~ 9.032E-07 -9.026E-07 La 4 1330 9.020E-07 9.013E-07 9.007E-07 9.001E-07 0.995E-07 6.909C-07 0.903E-07 0.977C-07 8.971E-07 0.965C-07 P l i 3. mD 1340 8.959E-07 8.953E-07 0.947E-07 8.941C-07 8.935C-07 8.929E-07 0.923E-07 0.917E-07 8.912E-07 8.906E-07 o f p" - 1350 - 8.900E-07 8.094E-07 0.000E-07 8.002E-07 0.076E-07~ 0.070E-07 0.065C-07-0.059C-07 8.853E-07 8.017E f' I { La 1360 0.841E-07 8.035E-07 8.830C-07 8.024E-07 8.010E-07 8.012E-07 0 007E-07 0.001E-07 8.79SE-07 0.709E-07 N 0 1370 D.704E-07 8.770E-07. 0.772C-07 8.747E-07 8.761E-07 0.755E-07 0.749E-07 0.744C-07 8.730C-07 0.733E-07 1300 0.727E-07 0.721E-07 0.716E-07 0.710E-07 8.704E-07 0.699C-07 'O.693E-07~0.600E 0.602E-07 " 0.677C ! 8 1390 0.671E-07 8.665E-07 8.660E-07 0.654E-07 0.649E-07 0.643E-07 8.430E-07 0.432E-07 8.627E-07 0.621E-07 f j 1400 0.616E-07 0.610E-07 0.605E-07 8.600E-07 8.594C-07 0.509E-07 0.503E-07 8.570E-07 8.572E-07 8.567E-07 ( - 1410 - 0.562E-07 0.556E-07 '8.5SIE-07 0.516E-07 0.540E-07 0.535E-07 ' O.529C 8.524E-07 8.519E-07 0.513E r 1420 0.500E-07 0.503E-07 0.4V0E-07 0.492E-07 0.407E-07 0.402E-07 8.476E-07 0.471E-07 0.466C-07 0.461C-07 1430 0.45GE-07 8.450E-07 0.445E-07 0.440C 8.435E-07 8.429E-07 0.424C-07 0.419E-07 0.414E-07 8.409C-07 3]I -1440 0.404E 0.390E-07 0.393E 0.300E-07~ 0.303E-07 0.37DE-07 0.373C D.360E 8.363C-07 0.357E

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  • 6.935C-07 ~ 6.932E-07--

1000 6.929E-07 6.926E-07 6.922E-07 6.919E-V7 6.914E-07 6.913E-07 4.909E-07 6.906E-07 6.903E-07 6.900E-07 1010 6.096E-07 6.093E-07 4.090E-07 6.007E-07 6.004C-07 6 000E-07 6.077E-07 6.074E-07

6. 0 71 E-07
6. 06tlE-0 7

-1820 ~ 6.06 4 E 6.061E 6.050E 6.055E 6.052E 6.04 9E-07"-6.045E-07 -6 0 42C-07 -6 039E 6.036E I Ms >- 1030 6.033E-07 6.030E-07 4 026E-07 6.023E-07 6.020E-07 6 017E-07 6.014E-07 6.011E-07 6 000C-07 6.005E-07 g $ N 1040 6.001E-07 6.790E-07 6.795E-07 6.792E-07 6.709E-07 6.7R6E-07 6.703E-07 4.700E-07 6.777E-07 6.774E-07

  • - 10SO - 6.770E 6.767E-07 " 6.764E-07 6.761E 6.750E-07 6.755E 4.752E-07 -- 6.749E-07 ~ 6 746E-07 ~4.7 4 3E **

s. 1060 6.740E-07 6.737E-07 6.734E-07 6.731E-07 6.720E-07 6.725E-07 6.722E-07 6.719C-07 6.716E-07 4.713E-07 0! S sh70 4.710E-07 6.707E-07 6.704E-07 6.701E-07 6.690E-07 6.695E-07 4.692E-07 6.609E-07 6.606E-07 6.603C-07 P rw p -1000 - 6.600E-07 6.677E 4.474E 6.671E-07 -4.660E 6.665C-07--6.662E 6 & d59C-07"-6 & 656E-07-- 6.653E c2 i p" 1990 6.650E-07 6.647E-07 6.644E-07 6.641E-07 6 6300-07 6.635E-07 6.632E-07 6.629E-07 6 627E-07 6.624E-07 [' sj Ln 1900 6.621E-07 6.610E-07 6.615E-07 4.612C 4.609E-07 6 606E-07 4.603E-07 6.600E-07 6.597E-07 6.5V5E-07 Fa - IV10 - 6.592E 6.509E-07 /4 506E-07 6.503E-07 6.500E 6.577E-07 6.574E-07' 4.572E-07 " 6.569E-07 " 6.566E * ' 1920 6.563E-07 6.560E-07 6 557E-07 6.554E-07 6.552E-07 6.549E-07 4.546E-07 6.543E-07 6.540E-07 6.537C-07 1930 4.535E-07 6.532E-07 6.529E-07 6.5?6E-07 6.523E-07 4.520C-07 6.518E-07 6.515C-07 6.512E-07 6.50VE-07 1940 6.506E-07 -6.504E-07 ~ 6.501E-07

  • 6.490E-07-6.495E-07 6.493E-07 6.490E-07-~6.407E-07 6.404E-07 4.401E-07
  • 1950 6.479E-07 4.476E-07 6.473E-07 6.470E-07 6.460E-07 6.465E-07 6.462E-07 6.459C-07 4.457E-07 6.454E-07 1960 6.451E-07 6.440E-07 6.446E-07 4.443E-07 6 440E-07 6 43HC-07 6.435E-07 6.432E-07 6.429E-07 4.427E-07

-1970 6.424E-07 6.421E-07.6 419E-Q7 6.416E-07 6 413E 6.410E-07 6.400E 6.405E 6.402E 4. 400E IV00 6.397E-07 6 394E-07 6.392E-07 6.30VE-07 6 306E-07 6.304E-07 6.301E-07 6 310E-07 6.374E-07

6. 3 7.!E -0 7 1990 6.370C-07 6.36HE-07 6.345E-07 6.362E-07 6 360E-07 6.3S7E-07 6.351C-07 6.332E-07 6.3 49E -0 7 4.1170 07

-2000 6.344E-07 6.341E-07 6 339E-07 6.336E 6.333E-07 ~ 4 331E-07 6.320E-07--6.326E-07 ~ 6.323E 6.320E. e u + &_ g _ _ _ f



AD 1827.06 2 AD 1827.07 2 AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 9 AD 1827.11 2 AD 1827.12 6 AD 1827.13 4 I AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15- .2 l' AD 1827.16 1 AD 1827.17 1 AD 1850.04 1 AD,1850.05 4 1 1 1.. ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Nu=bers 24 [ No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 No. 41 - E=ergency Duty Of ficer (EDO) 21 i { No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMT) 13 + 4 0 Revisica 123 November 1981 6 e h



Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual Changes - This letter transmits additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse EMERCENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy hO ~ Instructions for the material are as follows: 4 REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT Revision 122 Revision 123 HP 1602.01.9 HP 1602.01.10 i Date Revision Entered Addressee Signature RETURN TO THE OFFICE MANAGER \\ i i N'*

    • 'w e amee__


HP 1602001 ~~ L- ~ Davis-Besse Nuclear Pcwer Station Unit No. 1 Health Physics Procedure EP 1602.01 t.. External Personnel Radiation Exposure Monitoring l

  • )

Q '*1 I Th "i l f n!1 un$e -?!rp q u g u'n p;Eu F' L m ilh "- fa i* i Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by Ron Scott and John Tapley 11/28/73 Date f I Subnitted by D.W. Briden-5/17/74 Section Head Date l Recoc:nended by Jack Evans 5/17/74 SRB Chairman Date QA Approved NA f) o 8 Manager of Quality Assurance Date Approved by Jack Evans 5/17/74 Station Superintendent Date i Revision SRB QA Sta. Sup,t. No. Recc==endation Date Approved Date Approved Date J. QO 1Mrr HA A08 ,, /,,, - / I M NASW6 /' $lNN NADwB ', 48 ?? i '~ g g N- =y n- /c. / 77 / 2./7/ 7, g4 3g p f df/AW 7/ W 7/ NA m "l.L'On

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.~ t - ._____._._..u___._ L., [~ 1 HP 1602.01.8 1. PURPOSE a 1.1 This procedure describes the monitoring and recording of external personnel radiation exposure and the monitoring for personnel contamination. 2. REFERENCES i ' r-2.1 Hea'lth Physics Procedures - Guides and Limits for Radia- [, tion Exposure, HP 1601.01. 2.2 Title 10 CFR Part 20 (Standards for Protection Against [- Radiation). j. 2.3 FSAR, Section 12.3 (Health Physics). (TS) 2.4 Technical Specifications Section 6.10.2 (Station Operat 6 ing Records). ~ i, 2.5 American National Standards INSI N13.6 - 1966 (R1972), Practice for Occupational Radiation Exposure Records p. System. 2.6 AD 1808.08 Access Control I' 2.7 HP 1601.03 Radiation Exposure Permits l. 8 2.8 NCRP Statement on Dose Limit for Neutrons, February 21, t F-1980 I 3. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED l l 3.1 Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD's) L. 3.2 Self-reading pocket dosimeters 3.3 Dosimeter chargers i l l 3.4 Neutron sensitive dosimeters '~ 3.5 Health physics personnel contamination monitoring equip-ment L-3.5.1 Pcrtal monitors l 3.5.2 Hand and foot counters 3.5.3 Hand-held friskers 4. DATA SHEETS REQUIRED l 4.1 NRC Form 4 (Attschment 1) 9 m ..t

a s 2 HP 1602.01.10 4.2 NRC Form 5 (Attachment 2) 4.3 Radiation Exposure Record, ED 6458 (Attachment 3) 4.4 Dosimeter Record, ED 6547 (Attachment 4) 4.5 Visitors TLD Log (Attachment 5) 4.6 Temporary TLD Exposure Record (Attachment 6) 4.7 Extremity Badge Log (Attachment 7) 4.8 Toledo Edison Temporary TLD Issue (Attachment 8) 4.9 Current Radiation 2xposure Record (Attachment 9) ] 4.10 Dosimeter Record for Neutron Calculation (Attachment 10) 5. PRECAUTIONS AND SAFETY 5.1 TLD's and self-reading dosimeters must be protected against loss or damage. Report any loss or damage to the Chemistry and Health Physics Section immediately. Badges and dosimeters must not be removed from the site. 5.2 Care should be exercised not to jar, or drop pocket dosi-meters as false readings may be obtained. Dropping a ~ dosimeter discharges the electroscope which may give an off scale reading indicative of a high exposure dose. Return a pocket dosimeter to the Health Physics Monitor Room immediately when an offscale reading is observed. An estimate of the dose received will be made and the dosi-meter rezeroed. ~ 6. PROCEDURE 6.1 Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Badges (for beta and gamma dosimetry) NOTE: For neutron dosimetry, see Section 6.1.5. 4 6.1.1 Personnel assigned to the station and any person likely to receive a dose in any calendar quarter in excess of 25 percent of the quarterly dose limit for whole body, extremities, or skin of whole body shall be given a " permanent" or a i " temporary" TLD Badge. l 10

1. Any individual likely to receive an exposure to his extremities in excess of 5 times his whole body exposure, his extremities shall I.

be monitored if a significant dose is expected. Aq\\ ..m .e. m -= e e e -9 ~ m

t_ _2 _ 3 HP 1602.01.10 10

2. Special attention must be given to nonuniform

' radiation fields so that the region of body (head, chest, or gonadal area) is monitored, whichever receives the highest exposure. ~~

3. Personnel with " permanent" TLD badges will pick up their badges at the gate office upon entering the station and return them to the gate office when leaving the station. Badges r-are supplied by the Chemistry and Health Physics Section.
4. Personnel with " temporary" TLD badges will

.t-pick up their badges at the entrance to RACA whenever entering RACA or any other REP controlled area. They will return them to the RACA entrance whenever leaving RACA or any other REP controlled area. Temporary TLD's are issued by Chemistry and Health Physics personnel at the beginning of each month or whenever needed. NOTE: A self-reading dosimeter or an alternate means of estimating personnel exposure approved by l-the Chemist & Health Physicist or his designee may be sub-stituted for a TLD. 10

5. For personnel issued permanent TLD's, the following must be done by Chemistry & Health Physics personnel.

(1) An NRC Form 4 (Attachment 1) must be com-n i pleted as instructed on the form. I i l l (2) Past radiation exposure records must be l ~ obtained before the quarterly whole body l exposure is permitted to exceed 1.25 Rem. 1 [ (3) A radiation exposure record must be kept (NRC Form 5, Attachment 2). This record l shall be updated quarterly from monthly l TLD readouts. This record must be pre-l served indefinitely and the data reported annually within the first calendar quarter to the NRC as required in 10 CFR l 20.401 and 20.407. l (4) Upon termination of employment or work, or in the event of overexposure, the NRC and the individual must be furnished a e e b e = ^ .m*..a

^ '~ 4 4 HP 1602.01.9 report of personnel exposure as required in 10 CFR 20.405, 20.408, and 20.409. Upon request, the individual must be furnished a report of his exposure. 6.1.2 Other persons required to enter RACA shall be issued a " visitor" or " temporary" TLD badge. For g these persons, the following applies: m

1. Continuing visitors, contractors, and other utility personnel not assigned to DBNPS who will be entering known radiation areas shall be issued a " temporary" TLD badge by the Chemistry and Health Physics Section. "Tempor-ary" TLD badges are to be read monthly.
2. " Temporary" TLD's shall be issued the first time an individual enters RACA for the cur-rent calendar month. Attachment Nos. 6 9

and 8, " Temporary TLD Issue Log"and " Toledo Edison Temporary TLD Issue Report", shall be filled out for each Temporary TLD as it is issued. The Temporary TLD will be removed from use at the end of each month. These individuals requiring a Temporary TLD shall have Chemistry and Health Physics re-issue them a new Temporary TLD each month. 9

3. Attachment No. 8 shall contain all required

.. information and is to be updated from monthly TLD readouts with each indi-vidual's monthly exposure recorded. This i record must be preserved indefinitely and the i data reported annually within the first calendar quarter to the'NRC as required in 10 CFR 20.401 and 20.407.

4. Upon termination of empicyment or work, or in the event of overexposure, the NRC and the individual must be furnished a report of personnel exposure as required in 10 CFR 20.405, 20.408, and 20.409. Upon request, the individual must be furnished a report of his exposure.
5. Visitors who are at DBNPS for only a few days and who will be entering RACA, shall be issued a " visitor's" TLD. The visitor's TLD will be issued at the entrance to RACA the first time the visitor enters RACA and returned to the RACA entrance when exiting.

h a

o_. e t. ' r' 5 HP 1602.01.7 NOTE: Persons wearing a " VISITOR" TLD badge'and have completed GOT-2 may enter RACA unes-corted. Those persons who do not have current GOT-2 train- ~~ ing must be escorted by an individual who has current 3 training. This does not - r-remove necessity for excorts j for security reasons.

6. When " visitor" TLD is issued, the visitor shall supply the information requested in, Visitor's TLD Log. The

" visitor" TLD badge may be reused by another visitor unless a radiation exposure is known or suspected. If an exposure is suspected, the " visitor's" badge is to be retained for readout (ie., a net exposure on self-reading dosimeter in excess of 20 MREM). (,

7. The visitor's TLD's shall be read out monthly and the dose recorded according to TLD badge L

number only. I CAUTION: Individuals who have " visitor" [. TLD badges should receive essentially no dose; the Chemistry and Health i Physics Section should be notified when visitors will be allowed to enter radiation areas to determine whether a " permanent" or " temporary" TLD L-badge should be issued. Under (i no circumstances should " visitor" (, badged individuals be permit-ted to receive a dose in any calendar quarter in excess of r-25% of the quarterly dose t limit for the whole body. I 7

8. Individuals using Visitor TLD's being t-being escorted are not required to sign in on an REP. The escort is responsible to verbally inform his visitor (s) of the conditiocs and health physics requirements in the area. The dosimeter readings and times are entered on the Visitor Badge Record Sheet (Attachment 5).

6.1.3 Personnel shall wear the TLD badge on the front .e a M6 g .*e

e---- c 6 HP 1602.01.10 of the body between the waist and neck so that an accurate measurement of whole-body dose can be made. A. When worn in an area of high contamination, the TLD badge should be worn under the outer ~ pair of coveralls so that it is protected from contamination. B. TLD badges must be secured so that there is ~c no chance for loss. 6.1.4 Extr5mity TLD's shall be used when specified as a requirement on a Radiation Exposure Permit (REP). They should be worn on the hand which is likely to receive the highest radiation dose. They should be worn so that the TLD is not shielded by the hand nor by any material not also shielding the hand. NOTE: If extremity monitoring is to be provided then the Extremity Monitoring Log Sheet (Attachment 7) must be filled out and placed in the Temporary Badge Issue book for that month. 6.1.5 Neutron Dosimetry

l. There are three methods which can be used to assign personnel exposures from neutrons:

(1) Multiply the self-reading dosimeter reading times five (5); or 10 (2) Multiply the time exposed to neutrons times the neutron dose rate determined from the measurement of a Neutron Rem-Counter; or (3) Use the integrated neutron dose deter-mined with the RASCAL Neutron Rem-Counter.

2. When working in areas where there is a potential for neutron exposures, each individ-ual is to sign-in on Attachment 9 (Dosimeter Record for Neutron Calculation). Send the completed Attachment 10 to the Health Physics Supervisor to ensure that the individual's neutron exposure is added to his exposure record.

v 6.2 Self-Reading Dosimeters 06m

. _.. ~. > 7' HP 1602.01.6 .r-6.2.1 The self-reading dosimeter is used as a day-by-day indication of. personnel gamma exposure so that exposure guide values given in HP 1601.01 will not be inadvertently exceeded. In the event that a TLD badge is lost or damaged, the dosimeter readings are used to replace the lost ~' 't. TLD badge official records. r-- 6.2.2 All personnel entering RACA shall wear a self-l reading dosimeter. Personnel are to wear the dosimeter in close proximity to the TLD badge. 6.2.3 Persons requiring access to the Radiation Access L. Control Area (RACA) shall be issued a self-reading pocket dosimeter for which they shall be responsible. These dosimeters shall be located in a rack outside of the entrance to the RACA. .t 6.2.4 Before entering the RACA, personnel may "zero" their own dosimeter by inserting it in the dosimeter charger and adjusted the control until the hairline is on zero. NOTE: After the dosimeter is removed from the i charger, the zero position should be checked because the hairline may shift its position when the dosimeter is removed from the charger. If this hap-pens, the dosimeter should be replaced in { the charger and adjusted below zero to compensate for the shift. 6 6.2.5 At the end of each work day when the RACA was entered, " permanent and temporary" TLD badge wearers shall read their dosimeter and record the radiation dose received on their Radiation Exposure Record, ED 6458 (Attachment 3).

1. The Radiation Exposure Record is signed the first time an entry is made for each month.
2. An individual's daily dose is recorded in the

" Daily" column next to the number correspond-l- ing to the day of the month.

3. The " Daily" dose is added to the accumulated whole-body exposure and recorded in the

" Quarter" column.

4. Radiation Exposure Record cards are admin--

istered by the C&HP Section. When the ^ monthly TLD results are received, the cards will be corrected. l 6 g

  • e

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.... _ _ ~ _.. .....a 8 HP 1602.01.10 (1) When the dose for the " running total calendar quarter" from TLD results ex- [ ceeds 300 mrem, the current Radiation Exposure Record card shall be corrected to agree with the TLD record. (2) Corrected entries are made on the card by Chemistry and Health Physics personnel who will initial and date any correc-tions. (3) In addition, a log shall be maictained recording the monthly TLD vs. self-read-ing dosimeter values when the dose for the " running total calendar quarter" from TLD results exceeds 300 mrem.

5. The C&HP Section will provide assistance in zeroing dosimeters, readings, and recording exposures.

6.2.6 Four models of the self-reading dosimeter are used. Selected according to REP requirements. 10

1. 0-200 or 0-500 mR range - for normal use i
2. 0-1R range - dosimeter used for entering highradiation areas
3. 0-5R range - dos'imeter used when the quar-terly dose is approached for a single exposure
4. 0-100R range - dosimeter for lifesaving NOTE:

The 0-1R and higher dosimeters are used only on a planned basis. 6.2.7 Personnel zero their own dosimeters before entering the RACA when the reading is greater 10 than 20% (40 mR for 0-200 mR, and 100 mR for 0-500) of full scale. On the Dosimeter Record ED 6547 (Attachment 4), enter the information required. The issuance and use of the Dosimeter Record is covered in HP 1601.03, Radiation Expo-sure Permits. 6.2.8 Personnel will periodically check the reading (exposure)'on their dosimeters during the course of a day. When working in a high radiation M 4

r-9 KP 1602.01.10

~ area, personnel shall check their dosimeter readings (exposures) before entering, during occupancy, and upon leaving the area. 10 6.2.9 If at any time during the course of a day, a 0-200 or 0-500 mR range dosimeter exceeds 80% of the full scale reading (160 mR for 0-200 mR m; range, or 400 mR for 0-500 mR range), the wearer r, shall return to the Health Physics Monitor Room


to have C&HP personnel record the dose, check his quarterly accumulated dose, and rezero the 6-_ dosimeter before re-entering the RACA. 6.2.10 If at any time a personnel dosimeter is found to be off scale, a read-out of the individual's TLD Badge is required before an individual is allowed to return to RACA, unless the Chemist & HP or his designee determines that the off scale reading is not due to over exposure. r-6.2.11 Personnel who are working in contaminated areas shall not read dosimeters by holding with con-taminated gloves. Gloves shall be removed care-fully or clean gloves placed on over contam-inated gloves before handling personnel dosi-F meter. A second individual who is known to have (., " clean" non-contaminated gloves may read other persons' dosimeters in order to determine exposures. ~ 6.2.12 Every effort should be made to prevent contam-ination of personal dosimeters. When it is known or suspected that they have become con-taminated, they shall be delivered to C&HP Section for surveying and de-contamination if neces sa ry. 6.2.13 Whenever personal dosimeters are lost or damaged, the individual shall,immediately leave the RACA and notify C&HP Section. A reasonable estimate of the dose received by the lost or damaged dosimeters will be made for record purpose. u. 6.3 Friskers ~~ 10 6.3.1 The NRC and INPO guideline fog personnel con-tamination is 5000 dpm/100 cm. A frisker is the only type of personael monitor capable of detecting contamination at 5000 dpm (or 500 epm as read from the rate meter). Anyone ~ leaving a Contamination or High Contamination 4 9 e

  • #wW pe ga e

s -c v-.-

F 10 HP 1602.01.10 10 Area must frisk as described in this section before leaving RACA. 6.3.2 count-rate meters (friskers) will be installed in locations in the station where monitoring for personnel contamination is deemed necessary. The monitors will be set up and the alarm point set by the Chemistry and Health Physics Section.

  • The alarm setting and range selection switch g

sust not be changed by personnel using the monitor. Personnel other than Chemistry & HP should use only the volume control and the reset button. 4 6.3.3 Approach to probe (detector) of the unit with the hands, but don't pick it up until the hands ~ are moved slowly near the probe (as close to the probe as possible without touching it). If the alarm sounds, de-contaminate the hands before touching the probe. e 6.3.4 Once hands are shown to be free from contamina-tion, pick up the probe. 6.3.5 Survey the rest of the body by passing the probe slowly over the body. Make an thorough survey 10 of the bottoms of shoes, elbows, knees, face, and rear. A. If no increase in the clicking rate is heard, no significant contamination is present. B. If clicking rate increases, survey that area even more carefully. If the alarm does not ~ sound, no significant contamination is pre-sent. ~ C. If the alarm sounds, contamination is present and must be removed. Put on the clean gloves or shoe covers provided if the hands or feet are contaminated. Reset the alarm. Go to decontamination area and decontaminate until clean. Seek assistance from Chemistry & HP if necessary. Restrict movements until the source of contamination is determined and cleaned up. NOTE: Persons must not leave the RACA with contamination on their bodies, clothing, or equipment. ~ s .m v.n.


  • -.-~;-

i_ sa f r-11 HP 1602.01.9 6.4 Hand and Foot Monitor 6.4.1 A beta-gamma hand and foot monitor, located at 9 the Radiation Access Control Area at Door 415, will provide a means of detecting the presence and general location of contamination on hands and shoes. After removing protective clothing and washing hands, the hand and foot monitor r-shall be used before leaving the Radiation [, 9 Access Control Area at Door 415. 6.4.2 To use the hand and foot monitor, stand on the front apron and place hands in the slots pro-vided. I' 6.4.3 Wait for the time period indicated on the mon-itor. If there is no alarm response, the hands and shoe bottoms may be considered free of contamination. 6.4.4 If there is an alarm response, observe the various meters to determine which hand or foot has the high count rate. Proceed as in Part C of Section 6.3.4. Reset the alarm. 6.4.5 A hand-held frisker is located on the side of the unit to detect contamination on clothing and localized areas of the body. Use it as des-cribed in step 6.3. l 6.5 Portal Monitor 6.5.1 A portal monitor (walk-thru) containing eight 1 detector channels provides complete head to foot monitoring for beta gamma contamination detec-tion. All personnel must pass through the portal i. 9 monitor as they exit the RACA through Door 415 and as they pass through the gate office when l leaving the station. 6.5.2 Enter the portal monitor and stand for the pre-determined count time. If at the end of the counting time, there has been no alarm response, no contamination is present. 6.5.3 If the alarm sounds, contamination is present. Observe the various meters to determine the general location of the contamination. Proceed as in Part C in Section 6.3.4. Reset the alarm. l ~ m. l l

g 3 12 HP 1602.01.3 s ATTACIDfENT 1 s mas.e asu a c.e

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13. CALC.JLATIONs. etnurssi4LE DOSE Vn40LE BOOY:

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t i 4 13 HP 1602.01.7 ATTACIDfENT 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF NRC FORM 4 of the wed as esewlaise wisse Secten m.orm e. clear ed le,b.e essere,an me The form er e er, th.s form n r. De essa saiO2.oenee.eto - re. Imenese of one fousisar me,daierv Comn=es.en one. ovre an se Seseen 24101, preouses to e.eeen me es se a rad assen

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d 14 HP 1602.01.7 ATTACIDIENT 2 s .. ~~" .y. s n 11 & mucLaan asevtatonT ccnan.ssaios w ss e as CURRENT OCCUPATIONA1. EXTERNAL RADIATION EXPOSURE s - -== ICUf71FICATION

1. MAME FRINT = Ls.q. (not, ams meedwl
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m s s ~ ~.,. _.. c 9 J 15 HP 1602.01*7 e ATTACHMENT 2 v.. The enseees.en sad safeteesmo of the fean er a c*eer aae teg.e6e evens 9 Seef esotaastery. The. awes ne se he, m eem

  1. assmee mae.ents are fe es entersteten.a f9e eest racere a89 ee sa8ermetaga een. red e.g raes eerst.s re.

10 aae Ag esteth, rem w where cae.waan.ea.e en accerosare sa Prayse e, nee av e,ans se Seestoa ?J =Of of *1: sasses ter Peetect oo 18. a aa r ae maae se eenerene sese. a seuw es Aeamse en. 10 C7 8120. as a swereat enare es oceveauenal new es ans maa 10*a es sae sae m e,an eme as.eas.e,s meaemaes w emiensa reem.ea essenum. $wca a enwe mwu n,e mamaa.aee sus mee. aa e es =ame se a pe=, ser esca enon.awm ser =aem seemannes mea seeuw 4 ectwnee m.10 Ital. tae ",les snen IG*.ya ve a Para 44.+ e e eer $eseen 20 20L Nees saat a weasee F erae N AC S as to to n enee se determs sa wese far m esteraes seeeswee so III see =nese neev. 8.sia of a.a.wwen v eer etems 9.10 aae i18sr naeasm e= e. (2) ene se maene 838 neaes wie serenes;er e44 eeet ane se esseiere a e recer.e une setre= em,e 4e.eacn see ee A e enmies as er Isme 12. Ase one a eresey er e see av leem S e=o. a ene Lessee es ous av eein me meinen.orie and asemanal informaease "Tetas" sov enerv 7e tasa 10 *** me re ehereamese easas to Seraetsemag snes ferosi. items 13. The tetas es te se ma. ave.aos en ee ase.s se f' gg,, emenda annarters Parayamm 20 Jias 44e r=8mes saseadar,y ra.e e. e e eusreer. fue e,s 1. t.e r.sseemaeory,f e.e eeerv..eest e... e a. ne.o. weeme Aes,~etee oe. m ee..edvi es. e es s em


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  • 30. Id62e.

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  • h32 146 s

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2. PeteCIPat Puer 05E til 7as safe **es.ea e mee av sae 4 # C.* as -

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    • we.aserme.en. metweeg in.e seewee a=*ee; assever, saw mesaw. me esmann pero a AC S sa sete me e.a. 'e maem sere==e e e

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  • ass wo.

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m Birth Date Home Mailing (9

Address i Company v Date of GOT-2 Completion n Current Quarterly Exposure MREM (actual or estimated) u Lifetime Exposure MREM (actual or estirnated) ' (3 Security Badge Number t' I hereby certify the above information is correct and accurate to the {, . best of my knowledge. o . r~ f Signature Date i' Temporary TLD Issued # Issued By L e *% e < 4 9 4 ' W m =w e 6 e ed 4 4 g em 9 M g- -y e+-*--. 3-y-- y, .,v.~,r= ,y.,y- - -, y, w -,.y- -,,v.,-, .y y- -.-v y y

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1. NAME tPRINT - LJtt twst aas moedet
2. SCCIAL $4CualTY NO.

s 1 OATE C# as ATM 6Menes ear. rws


.5 Ca ca up ~ ~.DCSE RECCADED 70A 45ceo#,: wnow coav: & wwcLE fCQY CC5g

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  • 1/1/ to 1/31/

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s ~~' ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ig 1 13 HP 1602.01.9 q I ,. I' 9 ATTACHMENT 10 I r D Avis.BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION i


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Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES. Manual Changes This letter transmits additions and revicions to the Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy b. i Instructions for the material are as follows: REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT 4 Revision 121 Revision 122 i AD 1827.10.8 AD 1827.10.9. AD 1827.13.3 AD 1827.13.4 Date Revision Entered Addressee Signature RETURN TO THE OFFICE MANAGER



S ~! REVISION INDEX .1 !U ~ PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS i '5 HP 1602.01 9 ~ HP 1604.01~ 2 AD 1827.01 2 J.! ~ AD 1827.02 7 AD 1827.03 1 3 AD 1827.04 1 AD 1827.05 2 1 AD 1827.06 2 ~ AD 1827.07 2 AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 9 AD 1827.11 2 AD 1827.12 6 AD 1827.13 4 l AD 1827,14 1

J AD 1827.15 2

AD 1827.16 1 l AD 1827.17 1 j AD 1850.04 1 AD 1850.05 4 s ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION J No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers .24 l No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 a No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 No. 41 - Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 21 p No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMI) 13 U I," d F J Revision 122 November 1981 e.e 9 tusen

0, U AD 1827.10 m Eavis-Besse Nuclear Power Station v Unit.@ 1 O 1 lU Administrative Procedure AD 1827.10 Emergency Off-Site Dose Estimates L ~ = i,L k- (~ I*L Record of Approval and Changes nd Prepared by C. Doyel, W. Green 2/6/76 Date b Submitted by D. W. Briden 3/3/76 Section Head Date .y Recor.nended by Jack Evans 5/18/76 SRB Chairman Date h QA Approved J.D. Lenardson/JCB 6/3/76 u Manager of Quality Assurance Date D Approved by ' Jack Evans 6/4/76 d Station Superintendent Date ~ n I! Revision SRB QA Sta. Supt. No. Reco=nendaticn Date Approved Date Approved Date 2 4/24/79 M 3 sg A>/cHa m q,,,f f p a,/ . e e n, \\pp OPm -n w ^- a m,& y,,,, DJ<>- To~^2'~u y gm +9n c u ~~, e m "'" 6 $fEI W lN p, p, QL bl\\ ol %I LO Y g pn -q,ng i eA 09A47 /n r-m !=v'n h ~ cy p a) q m l.aD5/%b 'ch'lit y C ""= n ' "a' 6

..g g-1 1 AD 1827.10.7 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE ntj 1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to estimate off-site whole body exposure rates from Xenon-133, and thyroid exposure rates to adults and children from I-131 for accidental, uncontrolled releases. ,' l ' 1.2 Radioactive particulate material is not a'ddressed because i protective actions are based on assuming the iodine exposure pathway is critical, and should provide suf-ficient protection from radioactive particulate material. (Based on information from Section 5.1.2 of EPA-520/1-75-001, Revised 6/79.) 2. REFERENCES v 2.1 NRC Regulatory Guide 1.4, Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident [] for Pressurized Water Reactors !J 2.2 Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions r7 for Nuclear Incident EPA-520/1-75-001, September 1975 i* ta (Revised June 1979) 2.3 Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological () Emergency Response. Plans and. Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants, NURIG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1 L] NRC Regulatory Guide 1.23, Onsite Meteorological Programs [ 2.4 2.5 The Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan and 7, EI 1300 Series, Implementing Procedures t 2.6 AD 1827.12, Protective Action Guidelines 2.7 AD 1839.00, Station Operations 2.8 TECo NQAM r, 2.9 FSAR, Section 17.2' e, 7 2.10 Admin. Memo 37, ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers .' - ~ 3. RESPONSIBILITIES In the event of the accidental release of gaseous radioactivity, the Shift Supervisor shall make an initial evaluation of the situa-tion and classify the emergency in accordance with EP 1202.37, High Airborne Activity. 3.1 For local releases, any calculation of release rates and dose rates shall be done under the direction of the Shif t Supervisor. Requirements for notification of other Y b e. y-m .n

~. 1 i 2 AD 1827.10.7 persons to deal with these types of releases are found in the EI 1300 series, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, and EP 1202.37, High Airborne Activity, and AD 1839.00, Station Operations. 3.2 For conditions that require Emergency Plan implementation, release rates and dose rates shall be performed under the , direction of the Emergency Duty Officer (EDO). 4. PROCEDURE 7l CAUTION: This procedure only addresses releases from the 4 Station Vent. For release from the MSIV's, Auxiliary i Feed Pump Turbine Exhaust, and Atmospheric Vent Valves, see EP 1202.57. 4.1 Complete Data Sheets No. I a nd No. - 2. Instructions for completing the required information are provided on the Data Sheets. 7 NOTE: If data cannot be obtained from the site meteorological tower, backup data to perform Offsite Dose Calculations may be obtained by l calling the agencies listed in Attachment 2, Section IX.6 of Admin. Hemo No. 37. NOTE: A programmable calculator and its printer (located in the Emergency Control Center) may be used in place of Data Sheets No. I and 2. See Attachment I for instructions. 7l 4.2 Use AD 1827.12 Protectiv Guidelines to determine the protective actions to be initiated. 4.3 If an evacuation is initiated, it should include an area 7[ 22 1/2* to 45' each side of the plume center line (Based on Appendix I from NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1). 4.4 If evaluations or RMT sample results indicate i'ngestion exposure that exceeds the plume exposure evacuation area, recommendations for further evacuation should be made in accordance with ingestion exposure Protective Action Guidelines given in AD 1827.12. 7 4.5 Should the NRC request direct contact with the individual performing offsite dose calculations, it is the respon-sibility of the Emergency Duty Officer to ensure that the requesting NRC official is contacted directly by an appropriate cognizant individual. Any available phone could be used for this purpose.

t t LJ I' . il-3 AD 1827.10.9 Lj DATA SHEET No. 1 0

j Estimated Downwind Whole Body Exposure from Xenon-133 (1.) Record the date Date Time I,

and time (2.) Record Xe-133 activity RE 2024C reading CPM 3 being released from + L] the appropriate meters RE 2025C reading CPM-for RE 2024C and RE 2025C I 9 !.0TE: If these readings are off scale, the Xe-133 in the Sta-(][) tion Vent is to be itained using the Emergency Station Vent sanpler described in AD 1850.04. (3.).From Figure 2, record RE 2024C conc'n pCi/cc i the corresponding -I concentration in RE 2025C conc'n pCi/cc pCi/cc f' (4.) Record the flow rate ~ through the Unit Vent KCFM x 103 CFM from Computer Point F885 Flow rate KCFM and' convert to CFM from F885 (5.) Convert Unit Vent flow CFM (4.72x10") = cc/sec "~ rate to ec/sec (6.) Calculate the estimated release rate for Y *. x cc/sec = u-~ Xe-133 by multiplying From (3.), # From (5.) the highest value highest pCi f' from (3. ) times (5.) value sec (7.) Convert release rate (Q) in (6.) to Ci/see hbl x (1 x 10 s pCi), Ci From (6.) see Ci/sec (8.) Record the wind direction (use.612' elev, if avail-able) from meters at the 180* = ECC or Control Room or Wind direction Downwind computer points in Control direction Room (See Table 1). Then add or subtract 180* to obtain the downwind dir-ection (9.) Record the wind speed (use 612' elev. if avail-able) from ceters in the ECC or Control Room or mph x 0.447

  • h 8"

m/sec = computer points in the Wind mP Control Room (See Table Speed 1). Then convert the wind speed from mph to m/sec W .-r..

t 4 AD 1827.10.8 i i ' DATA SHEET No. 1 (Continued) (10.) Determine Stability Class by any of th-following Stability Class ') j (a) Read the Standard .} Deviation of Wind

t Direction at the 35

?" meter level (612' elev.) from the PDP j 11/03 printout (Column SD under 35M) .i. then from Table 2-A, ?! record the Stability 4 ( Class, or, if not i available, (b) Read the Stan'ard d Deviation of Wind Direction at the 75 meter level. (821' elev.) from the PDP 11/03 printout (Column SD under 75M) then from Table 2-A, {' record the Stability Class, or, if not available, (c) Read 6T from computer point A698 then from Table 2-B, record the Stability Class, or (d) Determine 6T by 821'

  • F versus 612' 'F 3

then from Table 2-B, record the Stability Class. (11.) Using Table 3, enter Xp/Q (m 2) for distances of 1, 2, 5,10, and 20 miles for the stability class in (10.), and enter in Column A. (NOTE: Real time X p/Q can be used if known) (12.) Divide Column A by the windspeed (m/sec) from (9.), and enter in Column B. (13.) Multiply Column B by the Xe-133 (Ci/sec) from (7.) and r.rter in Column C, which are the concentrations at 1, 2, 5, 10,.ad 20 miles downwind. 8 (14.) Multiply Column C by 3.3 x 10 to calculate the estimated whole 4 body dose rate from Xe-133 and enter in Column D. (Based on Regulatorv Guide 1.109, table B-1) Page 2 of 3

- -.... - ~. -.... ~ ..s._.- 4


w 5 AD 1827.10.7 DATA SHEET No. 1 (Continued) J. Column A Column B Column C ' Column D

  • 1 Downwind X3 X p' Xe-133 k' hole body Distance Q

Q (wind speed) concentrations exposure from (miles) (m 2) (3,cfa ) (pCi/ce) Xe-133 (mR/hr) s t !,j 1 2 .i 'I. 5 s 10 J 20 g, t,u f *' s1U ,.e. I t. u 7.,.: L n U e, i u r' L <~ S el8 r, %4 f. Page 3 of 3

6 AD 1827.10.3 DATA SHEET.No.~2 Estimated Downwind Thyroid Dose to Adults and Children from I-131 (1.) Record the date and aime Date Time _[ (2.) Record the I-131 activity RE 2024B: i from RE 2024B and RE 2025B (1) Ist count: time 1[ CAUTION: Noble gases can (a) (b) cpm make the I-131 (ii) 2nd count: time cpm I: appear falsely (c) (d) high. Have C&HP d1 personnel verify the I-131 de-tected. If the incident con-(iii) min = ((d-b) = cpm c-a) 7,t = tinues, insert silver zeolite filters. (1) Record the time and cpm for RE 2024B and RE 2025B RE 2025B: (ii) Approximately 10 (1) Ist count: time cpm; j minutes later, re-(a) (b) cord the time and (ii) 2nd count: time cpm epm for RE 2024B (c) (d) and RE 2025B (iii) Subtract epm in (i) (iii) '{" = d] = = - from (ii) and di-vide by the dif-ference in minutes to obtain cpm /mi'n for RE 2024B and RE 2025B (3.) From Figure 1, record RE 2024B conc'n pCi/cc the corresponding concentration in RE 2025B conc'n pCi/cc pCi/cc (4.) Calculate the estimated release rate for YI x 4.44x107 cc/sec = I-131 by multiplying From (3.), " the hiehest value highest Ebb from (3.) times 4.44x107 value sec (5.) Convert release rate (Q) in (6.) to C1/sec x (1 x 10 s )= C. e From (4.) Ci/sec (6.) Same as (8.) on Data Sheet No. I Downwind direction (7.) Same as (9.) on Data m/sec Sheet No. I wind speed Page 1 of 2

, L


7 AD 1827.10.7 v DATA SHEET No. 2 (Continued) n{j 7} (8.) Same as (10.) on Data Sheet No. 1 Stability Class '~ (9.) Using Table 3 enter Xp/Q (m 2) for distances of 1, 2, 5,10, and 20 miles for the stabilty class in (8.), and enter in Column A. (NOTE: Real time X p/Q can be used if known) (10.) Divide Column A by the windspeed (m/sec) from (7.), and enter in Column B. ~Q (11.) Multiply Column B by the I-131 (Ci/sec) from (5.) and enter in ' U Column C, which are the concentrations at 1, 2, 5,10, and 20 miles downwind. (12.) Multiply Column C by 1.1 x 108 to determine the estimated adult 7.j thyroid dose rate from I-131 in mR/hr and enter in Column D. (13.) Multiply Column D by 2 to determine the estimated child thyroid dose rate from I-131 mR/hr and enter in Column E. g b The constants used in (12.) and (13.) above have a maximum differ-ence of 20% from time zero to 120 hours after reactor shutdown; this error is acceptable. The actual values are shown in Figure 3 i for information. L { U Column A Column B 1 Colu in C Column D Column E L Downwind Xp Xy I-131 Adult Child Distance Q Q (wind 'concen-thyroid thyroid dose speed) trations dose rate rate from from I-131 I-131 (miles) (m'2) (sec/m ) (pCi/cc) (mR/hr) (mR/hr) 3 1 u 2 5 10 20 Page 2 of 2

4 -- ~ -~~ t i 8 AD 1827.10.7 ^ I- [ TABI.E 1 Panel at ECC .i 0-50 0-360* - l -4 to +8 1 1 4 MPH

  • F 1

j, SI966B ZI997B TDI998 Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temp 821' Elev. 821' Elev. 821'-612' .a 0-100 ) [ 0-360* I -20 to 100 l s MPH

  • F u

SI996 ZI997A TI998A Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature 612' Elev. 612' Elev. 612' Elev. ~ Panel in Control Room 0-100 0-360* -4 to +8 SI996 ZI997 TDI998D Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temp 612' Elev. 612' Elev. 821'-612' Computer Points in Control Room Computer Point Wind Velocity, 612' Elev., in MPH A901 7 Wind Velocity, 821' Elev., in MPH A902 Wind Direction, 612' Elev., in degrees A900 Wind Direction, 821' Elev., in degrees A903 Temperature, 612' Elev., in F T699 Temperature 821' Elev. in *F T697 Temp. Diff. 821'-612', in *F T698 Station Vent Flow, in KCFM F885 v.

- =. ~ - - " ~ ^ ' ~ ~ -...-.. _.........~,,... -.... M


l 9 AD 1827.10.7 L TABLE 2-A Classification of Atmosnheric Stability by Standard Deviation of Wind Direction Stability Pasquill SD

  • a Classification Categories (degrees)

S 7 Extremely unstable A SD > 22.5 i a Moderately unstable B 22.5 > SD > 17.5

lJ Slightly unstable C

17.5 > SD.>. 12.5 ' Neutral D 12.5 > SD > 7.5 J Slightly stable E 7.5 > SD > 3.8 ~p Moderately stable F 3.8 > SD > 2.1 - C Extremely stable G 2.1 > SD 3 1. t. , ; [** = b i r, L. l - t I t., t. ~ -, m. 7

  • Standard deviation of horizontal wind direction fluctuation over a l

period of 15 minutes to I hour. p ,---y 9 7 5 y .,e,, yq p-QwS9+. 7 9.-,4y-g -,,.y-. iy -ry_y e ,,% w g g.yc.->. s.v.

. - ~. t 10 AD 1827.10.7 7 TABLE 2-B i Pasquill Stability Class vs. AT Class AT = 821'*F minus 612'*F A Extremely unstable < -2.2*F B Moderately unstable -2.2*F to -2.0*F C Slightly unstable f -2.0*F to -1.8 F i s D . Neutral -1.8*F to -0.6*F E Slightly stable -0.6*F to-1.8*F F Hodarately stable 1.8*F to 4.7*F G Extremely stable 4.7*F (Derived from NRC Regulatory Guide 1.23) N E 4

,v.<. -,, -, _,,

-+-.-..-,.--s ~ ~.. - - -, .s, c,

- - ~ '-~- " ~* i i! 7' '1 [~} 11 AD 1827.10.8 J TABLE 3 ~. Xp/Q (m 2) for Stability Classes as a Function of Downwind Distances of 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 miles A B C D E F ggy,,_ 6 6 5 1 1.2x10 5.5x10 2.1x10 7.0x10.5 .4 4 1.3x10 3.0x10 7 6 6 5 5 4 s 2 6.0x10 1.4x10 5.0x10 2.2x10 4.6x10 1.0x10 * .7 7 6 6 5 5 a.. 5

7. 9x10 3.8x10 1.1x10 6.0x10 2.2x10 3.0x10 7

7 7 10 1.7x10 2.1x10 3.2x10 2.0x10.6 6 5 4.7x10 1.1x10 m 8 7 7 7 6 6 20 9.0x10 1.2x10 1.7x10 6.8x10 2.0x10 5.1x10 s q This table was derived from Figure 5-3, Page 5.22 of EPA-520/1-75-001, j Revised 6/79. The values assumed an inversion lid at 1000 meters 8 altitude and a ground level release. 1 I 9 l n I n IL M s l ~ r ~ ,,y-- w p -p ,7 -+6.w g mm-ee- --c---,r*,-9 -y -m~~ g nm - 3


.I l 12 AD 1827.10.5 FIGURE 1 Conversion Chart for Iodine Releases (RE 2024 B and RE 2025 B) 10' 4 i.:. i.... - j ..e. .....i i.. i i l ill. I $ i 8 ! f.i 3 i iisi ! l i ! i t!!' i l 6 4 tili ! { l 4 !!!:1 10 k t ,e..: i e ,ei... ..e: i ,....4 i l l l il-1 li kii: l t I iliit i l i f !!!: ! I i iI:!'I J l l t 1:: 10 (l, l l l f I! 9 l ~' s' ~ .f I 1 lll: i l I I!!!i: I i iilill I l i 111!' e l l l j il!i 8/i j llir l l y l l ll Ifk l l lllll l l l flll f ll!!! s e e s. .,,i i N ./. llll. i l i iliti l I f i flill l l 1 l II::i e/ I l ill.. I I I lit. ~8 10 g ... -j ./[.


.s... 4 e ,s. ~ i 'lllD l ! ! !!!!! I i i i li!: l/s ! ! t 11.1 i i l i111-l } 4 I I fl3 l lll!i l l !lilli l l Illl!!!/l l lllll: ! l ll!ll!l f l ll!!l',! x ,,- 9 d ^ -~ 4 l .li...l 6., s..i- ~ i: 6. .f. .a. 4 l ll10 l I t I lli, af; 4 l i l s - l 1 1 I ili.

) ;lig l

, i e !:l;. gg ),,-,. l~ l!!lt i l Illl!il/! l !!!il!. I I Ill!!i i l lilli- !Ilil!! a .l 1 r - i / i...,i, ii.. ..e ~.' l l llll') l/ ! !!8s.l ! I et.88 l l r l iil..

I t i li"l l 1 I t il!

h0-5} io-n l lNIN/l I II!!!!l l l Il!Il; l ! !!lll5 ! l lllll!l l ll[ '/ s'5, i e./... s e l / lieill J l ! ' f il:l l i 1 ! lii! ! l } l Ill.l l l l l I;l'l i i i i rii' (io c),,-,z /l I i!ll!! l I ill!!!l l Ilill!r l !llli, I Illilli l I lll!!i 3 O.01 o,\\ \\ \\O 10 10 10 (10 ) (f0) (10') 8 5 c.e / m.,n (Copied from the Victorcen Calibration Manual)

d 13 AD 1827.10.5 FIGURE 2 y Conversica Chart for Noble Gas Releases (RE 2024C and RE 2025 C) 10 ~ 1, =.. ~ - - .I , a. ,...i. 6 e ille ! ! ! I ti i ie a i siet I ! i e t e s: i i i 1 .I ! 6 i :!; I e 1 ll li i i Iill!! I I!lill! l I I!!!!- ! I liliii i I iiiir ] . P t.,. 4 . i.... ' l ill'l l l t i 6il:l l ! t ill!i ) i I!!i w l l '!! I 1 I te8/ 7 _) l I e -~ -~ .4. f 66.t i. e.... a... ...i... e ic e / f I l 'iri i : I!tih I i, l illi i i t illil 1 II/ l l81 CO 3 D 7. t I r9 ,F i d.o G 6 4 e s.6 9 .,. t a.. t at ( , l 3 ets / s e e e..t i 3 I; X l ll'l l l if I fi!$ i t i iilill l3'll'g I l 'l i ll8 l l il;' i l g-3

h l l!.

l !ll l Xc-133lfI!.!l l l llll lllb d ~~: ~ .r, p N ......,,f. [ l l 8 6' l I 8 'lill l 4 Il}I ' l i lil l ll li l ' l: l lllli l 1 !. llll l l'1N l lllll l l ll ' l' l ll@ , K 30-4 ..... ; I , '......l f [ '.....l . i i,.. 6.. l p i l i lIli I 4 ' l i l t'.V ! i lillh i { l i:ll: I ' ll i i i : elii Ill !b l l klll l l lllll!. l l !l!lll l lh l lll!li. i s g-3 .t ,, /. .6. i..... 'I ll.IV 1 t illlii } l i lillil I i l 'l!! lll l l l. I 1 l i lli' -~ - C, ./ l f l ~ i'. /, . i4..) e e i,ii.- ( l ill Illi ! i i Illii l i iilit" I : e li! ( 1 till; I l } l Ili: go-I l ll l l llllN llllb lllb ! l llll:l lll N 1 3 d 5 7 10 10 10 no to to' to Cpm (Copieti from Victoreen Calibration Manual) 5

. a. i .i [ 14 AD 1827 10.6 b FICURE 3 Radioiodine Dose Rate Factors for Infant Thyroid Dose Rate vs. Time After Reactor Shutdown ? .I t. l 2. t 1 , _ lu_...

==:=p =;='="';"=" _ _4_3". :n= $..._._- ~ ~ ~ " - ~ " " '=:= q==' j: n=:n,==:=


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--tn -- 46 Y2. IL 20 24 'Z5 32 K 4 0 dB 6o 17. 89 o) (,, 10 8 yn HOURS AFTER REACTOR SHUTDOWN The constant 2.2 x 109 has a maximum difference of 120*. from time ::ero to I i 120 hours af ter reactor shutdown for the infant thyroid dose rate. This is based on the worst case of radioiodine activities in the fuel core 90 days after irradiation, Regulatory Guide 1.109 and NUREG-0133. i l l

o 4 -{ 15 AD 1827.10.8 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONS USING TI PROGRAMIABLE CALCULATOR r} l A miniprogram for the TI programmable calculator and its printer has been U developed to simplify the offsite dose calculations. The program is divided into six sections which are discussed below. Samples of runs Of M each section tre attached; circled items are inputs. Each section performs a different type of calculation, and each can be performed ,a 3 independently with the exception that either the noble gas of iodine. release rate calculation must be performed once before any other section m _] is run. ] The program is not permanently stored and must be loaded into the cal-culator prior to use. J LOADING PROGRAM: q b The program is encoded on both sides of two magnetic cards kept with the calculator. Handle these cards only by the edges. The sides are marked r. 1-4. To load the program, perform the following steps in order: r-C 8 1) Turn on calculator and printer (printer switch on right side), then press; 1, 2nd, OP,17 on the calculator, the calculator should dis-r play 879.09. U 2) Press "1" and "+/ " I- }j NOTE: If the calculator read the card properly, the (-1) will be shown in the display. 7, - t. 3) Feed the end of the magnetic card labeled "1" into the program slot on calculator side - the calculator will automatically feed the card through the calculator and out the other side pull the card out by the edges.. 3;L 4) Press "2" and "+/ " u 5) Repeat the feeding process with side 2 of first card r-6) Press "3" and "+/ " 7) Repeat the feeding process with side 3 of second card r-8) Press "4" and "+/ " u 9) Repeat the feeding process with side 4 of second card 10) Proceed by pressing A for noble gas or B _ for iodine release rate calculations, either program will print a line of output on the printer which finalizes the program within the calculator. 11) Finally, run programs (E and 2nd A') to test that each of the main programs vill run with fixed data. These test routines ensure Page 1 of 8 g w w- +-p-w y 4 y

~ m. j 16 AD 1827.10.6 i that the program was loaded in the correct sequence into the calculator memory. Compare your printout with the output listed below each of the programs (E and 2nd A'). If an error (an incor-rect output line or a flashing display) was encountered during either of the test runs, the user can reload the program (follow the above procedure) or if the error continues contact the cal-l culator programmer for assistance. . t To start any of the calculations, press the A, B, C, or D buttons (top row of calculator)' corresponding to the action described p below: 4 NOTE: To enter data in any of the following, simply input the values in standard or scientific format. (If an error is made in the entry, press "CE" and reenter the value) and then press "R/S". Also note that the calculator may be used in the normal manual mode without affecting the programming; when manual calculations are complete, simply press the button (s) corresponding to the desired calculation. A - NOBLE GAS RELEASE RATE This program calculates the noble gas release rates in curies /see from s the stack. As input, it requires the countrate front the noble gas monitors (RE2024C, 2025C) and the stack flow rate in KCFM. N CPM ENTER COUNTRATE IN CPM FROM RE2024C OR 20n c (5.52 06 ENTIRE STACK FLOW RATE IN KCFM FROM COMPUTER 6 S FLO KCFM POINT F885 98. 6.383328 00 C/SC > OUTPUT IS IN CURIES /SEC B - IODINE RELEASE RATE This prog' ram calculates the iodine release rate in curies /sec from the stack. As input, it requires the countrate from the iodine monitors 6 (RE2024B, 2025B) at two different times and the time span between the readings. l I CPM - ENTER THE INITIAL COUNTRATE FROM RE2024B OR 2025B T MIN - ENTER THE TIME SPAN BETWEEN READINGS I CPM - ENTER THE FINAL COUNTRATE FLOW RE2024B OR 2025B 5 56 OT 1.9243116-03 C/SC ?.- OUTPUT IS IN CURIES /SEC 5 Page 2 of 8 -v-

. ~ ~ -~ ~ f

  • L 17 AD 1827.10.8 C - PREDICTED OFFSITE DOSE RATES - NOBLE GAS This program calculates the whole body dose ' rates due to noble gases at various distances from the station. Required inputs'are wind speed, i

stability class, and noble gas release rate. Note that stability class input is numerical with A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, i, E=5, F=6. e ~ WND SP MPH ENTER THE WIND SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR 1 12. ,j STBCL ENTER THE STABILITY CLASS (NUMERICAL VALUE) 5. q C/SEC ENTER THE NOBLE GAS RELEASE RATE IN CURIES /SEC (6.38 5.364 M/SC THIS OUTPUT IS WIND SPEED IN METERS /SEC T PREDICTED NOBLE GAS CONCENTRATION AT 1 MILE IN f 1.5462342-04 UC/C-pCi/cc 7 WBDR= y WHOLE BODY DOSE RATE AT I MILE IN MILLIREM / HOUR ,j 5.1025727 00 MR/H i, 5.4712901-05 UC/C WBDR= ( SAME AS ABOVE 2 MILES 1.8055257 00 MR/H J Ia 2.616704-05 UC/C 8 WBDR= SAME AS ABOVE AT 5 MILES q 8.635123-01 MR/H 5.5902312-06 UC/C WBDR b-SAME AS ABOVE AT 10 MILES 1.8447763-01 MR/H u 2.3788218-06 UC/C C WBDR= SAME AS ABOVE AT 20 MILES !a 7.8501119-02 MR/H n L i j 1. e. T Page 3 of 8 ~ i l i

lh !}. 'l. -l 18 AD 1827.10.6. -[ D - PREDICTED OFFSITE DOSE RATES - IODINE ~ This program calculates the adult and child thyroid dose rates due to iodine at various distances,from the plant. Required. inputs are wind speed, stability class, and iodine release rate. y lt Note that stability class input is numerical with A=1, B=2, C=3,-D=4, E=5, F=6. e ~ + WND SP MPH - ENTER WIND SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR ~ STBCL - ENTER STABILITY CLASS (NUMERICAL VALUE) C/SEC - ENTER IODINE RELEASE RATE IN CURIES /SEC .92-0 5.364 M/SC > THIS OUTPUT IS WIND SPEED IN METERS /SEC 4.6532438-08 UC/C ATDR= IODINE. CONCENTRATION AT 1 MILE IN pCi/cc 5.1185682 01 MR/H CTDR= ADULT THYROID DOSE RATE IN MR/HR AT 1 MILE 1.0237136 02 MR/H CHILD THYROID DOSE RATE IN MR/HR AT 1 MILE 1.6465324-08 UC/C ATDR= 1.8111857 01 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 2 MILES CTDR= 3.6223714 01 MR/H j 7.3747204-09 UC/C 6 ATDR= 8.6621924 00 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE Al'5 MILES CTDR= I 1.7324385 01 MR/H j 1.6823266-09 UC/C ATDR= 1.8505593 00 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 10 MILES CTDR= 3.7011186 00 MR/H 7.1588367-10 UC/C ATDR= 7.8747204-01 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 20 MILES CTDR= 1.5749441 00 MR/H Attachc:ent 1 Page 4 of 8

j- -

. j, -lJ l, 19-AD 1827.10.8 y l E - TEST ROUTINE C - THE PREDICTED OFFSITE DOSE RATES - NOBLE GAS This program calculates the whole body dose rates due to noble ga;;es at various distances from the station. The. calculator will generate the input from this test run of reutine C, so no additional input is needed. ] Compare your output with the printout listed below. 'I s. [f } TEST C=N G TEST ROUTINE C a I. i_ ,i WND SP MPH > THE WIND SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR 1. STBCL y THE STABILITY CLASS E=5 (NUMERIC VALUE)

5. -


1. -

0.447 M/SC > THIS OUTPUT IS WIND SPEED IN METERS /SEC Dy 2.9082774-04 UC/C -->- PREDICTED NOBLE GAS CONCENTRATION AT I MILE IN WBDR= pCi/cc 9.5973154 00 MR/H WHOLE BODY DOSE RATE AT 1 MILE IN MILLIREM / HOUR ~ 1.0290828-04 UC/C WBDR= SAME AS ABOVE AT 2 MILES fj 3.3959732 00 MR/H u UC/C } 8 4.9217002-05 D WBDR= SAME AS ABOVE AT 5 MILES U I.6241611 00 MR/H n 1.0514541-05 UC/C { WBDR= SAME AS ABOVE AT 10 MILES 3.4697987-01 MR/H U{ 4.4742729-06 UC/C WBDR= g SAME AS ABOVE AT 20 MILES 1.4765101-01 MR/H ) Uu E L n iG m Page 5 of 8

._2___._. ] i. l i ^ 20 AD 1827.10.6 (2nd, A')' TEST ROUTINE D - THE PEEDICTED OFFSITE DOSE RATES - IODINE This program calculates the adult and child thyroid dose rates due to iodine at various distances from the plant. The calculator will generate the input for this test run of routine D, so no additional input is needed. Compare your output with the printout listed below. i D TEST D = IDN TEST ROUTINE D WND SP MPH 1. 1 THE WIND SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR STBCL C/SEC STABILI H CLASS F=6 (NUMERIC VALUE) 1. > THE IODINE RELEASE RATE IN CURIES /SEC U 0.447 M/SC --.>- THIS OUTPUT IS WIND SPEED IN METERS /SEC 6.7114094-04 UC/C + IODINE CONCENTRATION AT 1 MILE IN pCi/cc ATDR= 7.3825503 05 MR/H + ADULT THYROID DOSE RATE IN MR/HR AT 1 MILE CTDR= 1.4765101 06 MR/H + CHILD THYROID DOSE RATE IN MR/HR AT 1 MILE 2.2371365-04 UC/C ATDR= 2.4608501 05 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 2 MILES CTDR= 4.9217002 05 MR/H s 6.7114094-05 UC/C ATDR= l 7.3825503 04 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 5 MILES J 6 CTDR= 1.4765101 05 MR/H ~, 2.4608501-05 UC/C 7 ATDR= 2.7069351 04 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 10 MILES CTDR= 5.4138702 04 MR/H 1.1409396-05 UC/C ATDR= 1.2550336 04 MR/H SAME AS ABOVE AT 20 MILES CTDR= 2.5100671 04 MR/H Page 6 of 8

L. 21 AD 1827.10.8 v OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONS WITH TI PROGRAMMABLE CALCULATOR- 't e, l LOAD: a ,j, 8 1) Turn on printer and calculator, then press; 1, 2nd, OP, 17 on the

I ' j calculator, the calculator should display 879.09.

..a fj 2) Press "1" and "+/ ", load side 1 is a ii j NOTE: t. If the calculator read the card properly, the (-1) will (j be shown in the display. I: i} 3) Repeat step 2, pressing the corresponding number for side 2, 3, and 4 l 4) Press either "A" or "B"; then press "E" and then "2nd A'" below, J to test the program of errors (compare your printout with the one listed with this procedure). PRESS "A" FOR NOBLE GAS RELEASE RATE Enter: Countrate from RE2024C or 2025C Enter: Stack flow in KCFM Output: Noble gas release rate in curies /sec { PRESS "B" FOR IODINE RELEASE RATE u Enter: Initial countrate from RE2024B or 2025B t' Enter: Time between readings [ Enter: Final countrate from RE2024B or 2025B Output: Iodine release rate in curies /sec f *f { PRESS "C" FOR WHOLE BODY DOSE RATES FROM NOBLE GASES Enter: Wind speed in miles per hour { Enter: Stability class

  • L Enter:

Release rate in curies /sec Output: Wind speed in meters /sec r-Output: Noble gas concentration in pCi/cc and whole body dose rate in- ',j mr/br at 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 miles PRESS "D" FOR THYROID DOSE RATES FROM IODINE i Enter: Wind speed in miles per hour Enter: Stability class

  • j' Enter:

Release rate in curies /se'c L Output: Wind speed in meters /sec Output: Iodine concentration in pCi/cc, adult thyroid dose rate in mr/hr and child thyroid dose rate in mr/hr at 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 miles

  • Use numerical value for stability class:

A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6 Attachment I s Page 7 of 8

.~. [ 1, l-i; I ' 22 AD 1827.10.5 j PRESS "E" TO TEST "C" FOR WHOLE BODY DOSE RATES FROM NOBLE GASES - Enter: No Data Input is needed Output: Whole body dose. rate in mr/hr PRESS "2nd, A'" TO TEST "D" FOR THYROID DOSE RATES FROM IODINE ~' _i i Enter: . No Data Input is needed Output: Adult and child thyroid dose rates, both in mr/hr a 4 .b ~1 .J ~. ~ l ? 4 i i 4 t i i I a END Page 8 of 8 w--g- -,,,m p,,., ---,-,-,an, ,,.,,,,n.- --n,--.- ,v

....~ ' I"' AD 1827,13 L , p Davic-3csce Nuclear Power Station b Unit No. 1 OU Administrative Procedure AD 1827.13 1j Containment Evacuation W' Qv p3 .i f y n .i LL


,l .... a U Record of Appraval and Changes I b-Prepared by R. P. Wathen/W. H. Green 12/30/75 (. Date L Submitted by b. C. @ hM_tw d/4 / 76 Section !!ead Date Recommended by O 6!7C SRB Chairdan 'Date QA Approved NA MB ~ Mancs r o.f-7;urI1tv Assurance Dat h Approved by ((/ u ~ Station Superintendent 4 ' Date/ / 8 / p U Revision SRB QA Sta. Sept. ~ No. Reco==endation Date Approved Date Approved Date f$P hY z).f '=$. ? Y "lgpd f?.5 j fW ' f & p n a w -- gl,c /20 S f /l.'7/80Lh ' {ltr/tt T o n' VI='/*1 qy ) MO' g Bl5l8i w b ,,4n1 J : -q 3ln)a; C0 ' h'*/2ffr/ ~~TDJY W '- sein th m o e af ie, .= bd g

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l b in iU .n .U 1 AD 1827.13.4 e 1. PURPOSE & SCOPE This procedure sets forth the actions and measures which assure that Containment (the area enclosed by the Containment Vessel and d. the Shield Building) is safely evacuated by station personnel + working inside, in case of emergency, or increase in radiation .c:; levels in Containment beyond allowable levels. The procedure '7 further describes actions which assure that decontamination of 'j exposed and contaminated personnel, is accomplished. 2. REFERENCES q U 2.1 10 CFR 50 Appendix E, " Emergency Plans for Production and Utilization Facilities" O U 2.2 DBNPS-FSAR, Appendix 13D, " Emergency Plan" Section 7.8, " Nuclear Instrumentation" p Section 11.4, " Radioactive Waste Monitors" y Section 12.0, " Radiation Protection" m 2.3 SP 1104.21, " Containment Purge System Procedures" b 2.4 SP 1104.41, " Containment Vessel Hatches" 2.5 MP 1402.06, " Equipment Hatch Removal and Replacement" y 2.6 HP 1601.01, " Guides and Limits for Exposure to Radiation" m { 4l 2.7 IP 1601.04, " Radiation, Contamination and Airborne Radio-activity Areas" I,i 2.8 O HP 1601.03, " Radiation Exposure Permit Procedure" 2.9 HP 1602.01, " External Personnel Radiation Exposure Mon-C itoring" d 2.10 PT 5179.01, " Area Radiation Surveys" Oy 2.11 PT 5179.02, " Contamination Surveys" 2.12 PT 5179.03, " Airborne Radioactivity Surveys" g 2.13 HP 1604.01, " Personnel Decontamination Procedure" 4l 2.14 AD 1827.11, " Station Evacuation" L 2.15 AD 1827.12, " Protective Action Guidelines" (* 3. ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES u 3.1 Working Personnel L. .m.8

'I f .i + 2 AD 1827.13.2 Containment evacuation is the responsibility of the personnel working inside the Containment. The personnel in the Containment shall take prompt action to remove themselves from Containment whenever the Containment [ Evacuation Alarm is sounded or their personnel monitoring ') equipment indicates that a dose limit has been reached or i an excessive level of radiation or airborne activity exists. i 3.2 Shift Supervisor 2 The supervision of the control room operation, par-ticularly as regards radiological monitoring during work in Containment, is the responsibility of the Shift Super-visor. He shall evaluate any changes reported by the Control Room Operator (CRO) and the Chemist and Health Physicist (C&HP) in order to coordinate emergency activ-ities relating to the evacuation of Containment. He is responsible for keeping the Station Superintendent informed of emergency conditions and announcing the location and nature of emergencies over the PA System. 3.3 Control Room Operator Ti e constant monitoring of radiation conditions in Con- ~ tainment is the responsibility of the CRO, particularly when personnel are working inside containment. He shall evaluate changes in radiation levels detected by con-tainment atmosphere detectors as well as out of core neutron instrumentation in order to be able to signal evacuation. 3.4 Work Supervisor / Foreman t 1 The leader or foreman of each work group present in Containment shall assure the evacuation of any or all personnel upon hearing evacuation alarms, or upon per-sonal verification that excessive radiation lev ~els exist. The working supervisor will normally be the last man out of Containment. 3.5 Chemist and Health Physicist (C&HP) The monitoring of radiation dose and exposure for all personnel working in Containment is the responsibility of the C&HP in accordance with HP 1602.01, " External Per-sonnel Radiation Exposure Monitoring". As part of the personnel monitoring program, REP and personnel dosi-meters are issued by the C&HP to all personnel entering Containment in accordance with HP 1601.03, "Radiatiou Exposure Permit Procedure". w ~,

~ ~^ " ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ,y. m__-_..._____ b G U I$ a :_ y 3 AD,I827.13.4 [% t 1 4 p The C&HP will not monitor or check containment during reactor cperation due to the high neutron and gar ma radia-i(j L tion levels. With special permission of C&HP management, i entry can be made into containment for very short periods 2 L' of time, according to the FSAR, Section 12.0,'" Radiation 'h Protection", to evaluate containment radiation levels in S accordance with PT 5179.01, " Area Radiation Surveys", PT 5179.02, " Containment Surveys," and PT 5179.03, " Air- [' . borne Radioactivity Surveys". . '. L i The C&HP is further responsible for the monitoring and/or


decontamination of personnel after evacuation from Con- ' y tainment in accordance with Section 12.3 of the FSAR, HP 1602.01, " External Personnel Radiation Exposure Mon-p itoring", and HP 1604.01, " Personal Decontamination f .g Procedures". i 4. CONTAINMENT ACCESS m n u' s The following paragraphs describe the accesses to the Containment which may be used -.C or evacuation with the limitations as noted. U 4.1 Personnel lock - Elevation 603, southeast side of Con-tainment. This is the: normal access for personnel enter-l , L,, ing and leaving the Containment during operation and ~ d shutdown. The lock area has room for about ten pers'ons with an automatic pressurization and purging system. Ref: SP 1104.41, " Containment Vessel Hatches". (See ], and Enclosure 4.) { v 4.2 Emergency Lock - Elevation 585, northwest side of Con-m tainment. j This exit is a 5' diameter pressurized ves'el s for emergency access only, for personnel working at level 585, and for personnel working at lower levels during l shutdown. The lock area will facilitate only 2 or 3 l h personnel since the access doors swing inward. (See l u.) Q 4.3 Equipment Hatch - Elevation 603, southeast side of the L Containment. This hatch can be used for evacuation only during reactor shutdown when the hatch has been opened r, for equi.;,.ent handling. The hatch is normally secured l y and loiked and is removed and replaced in accordance with MP 140.:.06, " Equipment Hatch Removal and Replacement". g (See Enclosure 1.) l 4.4 w Mechanical Penetration Hatches (205A & 201B) - Elevation 565, east and west side of the Containment and (308A & n 307A) - Elevation 585 - southeast and southwest sides of Containment. (See Enclosure 2 and 3). These doors m [ o, e I c-4

.m. u l1 4 .'I .~ 4 AD 1827.13.4 provide access and exit to and'from the annulus area only l but do NOT provide access to the containment vessel, and-are normally secured and locked. During shutdown or emergencies, these doors may be opened for access and shall be used for evacuation from the annulus area during these periods. Since the annulus may be a high radiation area during reactor operation, these doors can be opened only in emergencies and for short periods after purging y in accordance with SP 1104.21, " Containment Purge System Procedure". 3 5. EVACUATION AI. ARM AND PROCEDURE 5.1 Alarm Criteria 5.1.1 Manual System 1 The control room operator shall monitor con-tainment radiation instrumentation at all times during reactor operation as described in the FSAR, Section 12.0, " Radiation Protection", whenever personnel are in Containment. He shall initiate the Containment Evacuation Alarm and announce verbally the extent of evacuation required when the following symptoms are veri- ~ fied: Alarm for high gamma radiation on any con-o tainment radiation monitors. High count rate in the source range instru-o mentation Increasing count rate (3 dpm) in the criti- ~ l o l cality monitoring system during startup (refueling only) High radiation level in the gaseous / airborne o monitoring instrument in the containment ventilation system. 4 NOTE: Operator needs to verify that the readings are valid before evacua-ting Containment. Setpoints will va.ry with plant conditions and age. 5.1.2 Automatic Alarm System The affected radi~ation monitor will automatically sound an alarm outside the entrance to the per-t 1

~ ~ ~ ~ i C7 j L'a j' 1 J 5 AD 1827.13.4 sonnel hatch or outside the entrance to the equip-t! ment hatch. The Control Room Operator will receive an alarm at the FDS/RMS Console CRT and Printer. fi The monitors also provide a readout in the Control kJ Room and at -the personnel / equipment hatch entrance for ve.rifying conditions. IS 5.2 Personnel Evacuation Procedure i.L i 5.2.1 Upon hearing the Containment Evacuation Alarm, r, personnel will immediately lay down all work ![j equipment, secure, open, or close any critical switches or valves and proceed tu the personnel [I lock at level 603 and/or evacuate through the equipment hatch at level 603, if open. (See LJ ). f' 5.2.2 [j Evacuation will commence immediately through the personnel lock which will be operated in accordance with SP 11C4.41, " Containment Vessel Hatches". ~ 5.2.3 The foreman / leader / supervisor persent in each work group shall assure that his personnel have 'J been accounted for and/or entered the personnel lock before the inner door is closed and secured. He shall leave Containment only when-(~ all of his personnel have been accounted for. L, 5.2.4 Upon exiting the persennel lock, all personnel shall proceed immediately to the Disrobing Area for a contamination check in accordance with HP 1602.01, " External Personnel Radiation Exposure M nit ring". At this time, the foreman / leader r, shall notify the control room by phone that s. Containment has been evacuated, and to await action by the C&HP personnel regarding their r' exposure and conditions in and around Con-t, tainment. 5.2.5 The emergency lock-at level 585 may be used for r-evacuation only if the route to the personnel lock is cut-off or impassable. Procedure for I use of the emergency lock is also described in i,' SP 1104.41. 4 Personnel exiting by the Emergency Lock should stay in that area until released by C&HP, notify the Shif t Supervisor of their evacuation and the conditions inside Containment. (See Enclosure 2). 5.3 Control Room Action W

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6 AD 1827.13.2 5.3.1 The control room operator monitoring an unsafe condition in Containment shall: 4

1. Check the instrumentation readout (s) for j.

supporting evidence of the condition. ~

2. Check the alarm for failure.


3. Upon confirming the emergency condition, initiate the Containment Evacuation Alarm.

j' 5.3.2 The control room operator, after the evacuation l alarm sounds, shall take immediate action to correct the situation, reduce the radiation levels and restore the station to normal con-2 ditions in accordance with the Emergency Imple-menting Procedures, EI 1300 series. 2 5.3.3 Notify the Shift Supervisor, Station Super- 'a { intendent or his designee and/or the EDO of the evacuation and reasons for th-alarm. 5.3.4 Log all data pertaining to the evacuation includ-ing the reports verifying evacuation of affected \\ personnel and conditions inside Containment. 5.4 Shif t Supervisor Action 5.4.1 Verify the conditions reported by the control room operator and announce the emergency over the PA System. 2 NOTE: Check Emergency Plan Activation, EI I .i 1300.01 to ensure the proper emergency I classification and the actions accord-ingly. 5.4.2 Determine if it is necessary to evacuate other areas of the station in accordance with AD .1827.11, "Statica Evacuation Procedure". 5.4.3 Ensure that no one re-enters Containment until it has been determined safe by Chemistry & j Health Physics personnel. 5.4.4 Coordinate and monitor station recovery activity 2 in accordance with the Emergency Implementing Procedures, EI 1300 series, and applicable operating proced res and assure that conditions are restored to normal in Containment.

... 1, __.1, 2 - ~ - - - - _a ' s, O .0 l .,) 7 AD 1827.13.1 p 5.5 ' Action of Radiation Monitoring Team U 5.5.1 Report to the Health Physics Monitoring Room for instructions. L-j ?b 5.5.2. Survey area immediately adjacent to the Con-- tainment personnel lock and other areas which 'l

i; d were used for evacuation as determined by the EDO and/or CSHP.

p 5.5.3 Check evacuated personnel for contamination in f (# accordance with HP 1602.01, " External Personnel Radiation Exposure Monitoring," and decontami-I nate, as necessary, in accordance with HP a 1604.01, " Personnel Decontamination". LJ 5.5.4 Report results of surveys and personnel mon-C b itoring to the C&HP or EDO and the control room for evaluation. 1 L r: L 4 G C U 4.# I l l

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-..~-- ..:.~- $ {- DAVIS-BESSE PIVISION COVER SHEET October S, 1981 DATE t' To: WO It*ff 02 000 ' 03 ' E12RGE' ICY PI.A"NI :G



Davis-Besse E}IRGE'?CY PLC SUPPOR*"ING PROCEDL"lES Manual Changes This letter transmits additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse ESIRGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDUPIS Manual. Control Copy hO Instructions for the material are as follows: REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT Revision 120 Revision 121

  • T-5465 from HP 1602.01 AD 1827.15.1,2&3 Admin Memo 41-20 Admin Memo 41-21
  • This T-Mod should have been removed with last revision.

i Please return if it's stillinyour book. 1. 1 i i Date Revision Entered E d d T 2.i $ de S i ".a t'.*.T O f

a l :.'.

.~J i:ih G : : w ,*


  • fa i

5 HP 1602.01 9 HP 1604.01 2 j'.; 'AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 AD 1827.03 1 AD 1827.04 1 AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 2 i AD 1827.07 2 AD 1827.08 1 v AD 1827.09 1 7 AD 1827.10 8 AD 1827.11 2 AD 1827.12 6 AD 1827.13 3 AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15 2 AD 1827.16 1 .AD 1827.17 1 AD 1850.04 1 a AD 1850.05 4 i


No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Nu=bers 23 '{ No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 a. No. 41 - E=ergency Duty Officer (EDO) 21 No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RFl) 13 ~ i .g -u T' L Rev

  • sa 121 October 1981 r

? m t" M

. ~...... i Docket No. 50-346 l License No. NPF-3 .I Serial No. 761 i DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR P0iv7.R STATION, UNIT NO.1 Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures H n The procedures which would appear in this section of the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures contain proprietary information per 10 CFR 2.790(d) and is being withheld from public disclosure. Copies of this information are filed with the Emergency Planning and Preparedness Group of the Toledo Edison Company and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspector at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Oak Harbor, Ohio.

Docket No. 50-34G . License No. NPF-3 i Serial No. 761 ' Attachment 2 Controlled copies of the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures are issued to the following persons: i Controlled Copy No. Designee 50 Executive Officer for Operations Support, Office of Inspection and Enforcement 50A Harold R. Denton, Director 50B Nuclear Reactor Regulation 50C 50D 50E 50F 50G 50H 50I 50] 50K Paul Psomas, Emergency Preparedness 24 James G. Keppl' r, Director e 24A Region III 24B

-~~ ~ ^ Dockat No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 761 The following procedures from the Davis-Be'sse Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures will be deleted because they contain proprietary information per 10 CFR 2.790(d): i AD 1827.03 AD 1827.15 AD 1827.17 AD 1850.05 Administrative Memorandum No. 37 i i i e l I I 4 4 4 6 4 ,,-.__--._e_p4 y.,.. ,,~,,y+-% -.c .,-y. .-~~,_. c. ,m.,..

. ~.. i iJ DATE I R COMPANY MEMORANDUM September 29, 1981 - Rev. 21 "n.s All Davis-Besse Station Personnel r k.u Terry Murray wc, u Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) and Other Emergency Duties It u ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUM NO. 41-21 7 i) 1. Emergency Duty Officers (ED0's) 1.1 In accordance with the Davis-desse Station Emergency Plan, the following named men are qualified Emergency Duty Officers: L. A. Grime W. C. Rowles J. M. Hickey C. T. Daft B. A. Franta C. J. Greer i W. T. O'Connor D. A. Huffman j R. A. Brown 1.2 The following named men are assigned as designated Emergency Duty Officers: L. A. Crime W. C. Rowles J. M. Hickey C. T. Daft B. A. Franta C. J. Greer J W. T. O'Connor D. A. Huffman R. A. Brown J 1.3 Emergency Duty Officers, in addition to the requirements in the Station Emergency Plan, are responsible for the administrative items as given in Section 5 of EI 1300.12, Administrative Controls. 2. Other Emercency Duties 2.1 The Station Superintendent or his designee is to be notified by the Shift Sapervisor of any condition which requires an immediate report and/or notification to the NRC. 21 A re. vised EDO Schedule for the fourth quarter of 1981 is attached. TDM:nif Attachment

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.. ~. - -. .i i 7 I Admin. Meno No.'41-21 Rev. 21 - September 29, 1981-Attachment Page 2 EDO 4th OUARTER SCHEDULE - 1981 WeekIv Dates t Individual Assigned 1 August 31 Sept. 7

  • Dick Brown j

Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Bill O'Connor Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Bill Rowles Sept. 21 Sept. 28 Dave Huffman Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Jim Hickey Oct. 5 Oct. 12

  • Bruce Franta Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Jim Greer Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Dick Brown Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Chuck Daft Nov. 2 Nov. 9
  • Bill O'Connor.

Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Larry Grime Nov. 16 Nov. 23 _ Dave Huffman Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Bill Rowles ~ Nov. 30 Dec. 7

  • Dick Brown Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Jim Greer Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Bruce Franta Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Dave Huffman
  • Denotes that week in which the EDO must perform the Monthly Communications Link Test, in accordance with PT 5199.12. The Emergency Planning Group will be present to assist with the Communications Test each month.



Davis-Besse EXERGC;CY PIET SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual Changes si This letter transmits additions and revision's to the Davis-Besse i EMERGENCY PIET SUPPORTING PROCEDL"4ES Manual. Control Copy hO Instructions for the material are as follows: REMOVE A'ID RETUR'i INSERT Revision 119 Revision 120 EP 1602.01.8 HP 1602.01.9'- T-5483 l-r Date Revision Entered j Addressee Signat re RETURN TO THE OFFICE."E?AGER O n_, + en.,,


i HP 1604.01 2

AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 AD 1827.03 1 AD 1827.04 1 AD 1827.05 2 ~ AD 1827.06 2 AD 1827.07 2 AD 1827.08 1 3 AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 8 ~ AD 1827.11 2 AD 1827.12 6 i AD 1827.13 3 AD 1827.14 1 l AD 1827.15 1 ] AD 1827.16 1-AD 1827.17 1 ~ AD 1850.04 1 AD 1850.05 4 u Dd g MINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Nu=bers 23 [q No. 30 - First Aid Team 10 3 No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 r No. 41 - E=ergency Duty Officer (EDO) 20 lj No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMT)- 13 L PU T' u r-Revision 120 October 1981 9 .e5 -n.

,....____y_...... .;g IO HP 1602.01 .i j _,i Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 i] Health Physics Procedure HP 1602.01


!t, External Personnel Radiation Exposure Monitoring ,; v i {lD a Ie M! QE*!tN]I b qJ e1 _ d. d,{ g [1} I k ! b. q ' = 6* j, r h, a L Record of Approval and Changes J Prepared by Ron Scott and John Tapley 11/28/73 7 Date ,j Submitted by D.W. Briden 5/17/74 Section Head Date i ',t ,j Recou: mended by Jack Evans 5/17/74 SRB Chairman Date QA Approved NA _M 9 8 L Manager of Quality Assurance Date ] Approved by Jack Evans S/17/74 O Station Superintendent Data f C U Revision SRB QA S ta. S up.t. No. Recommendation Date Approved Date A Date ,}pproved 1 ho zh/1.s-HA bldB {, - 3 i N A.00 6 / - !il 3 7/W87 NA StJB 88 u q 1 N= g I'- /c / *77 g3 p na / 2./7/ 73 0 f dfW V /"2/7/ NA m ",'i n F 4 /M ^VMr Ko

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_. _...~ 1i ':s "7 1 HP 1602.01.8 {] i 1. PURPOSE i 1.1 This procedure describes the monitoring and recording of external personnel radiation exposure and the monitoring i for personnel contamination. i

jd 2.

REFERENCES ik m ~ 2.1 Health Physics Procedures - Guides and Limits for Radia-l}.j tion Exposure, HP 1601.01. l f c) 2.2 Title 10 CFR Part 20 (Standards for Protection Against ' i.* Radiation). II;j 2.3 FSAR, Section 12.3 (Health Physics). L (TS) 2.4 Technical Specifications Section 6.10.2 (Station Operat ing Records). 7 2.5 American National Standards INSI N13.6 - 1966 (R1972), Practice for Occupational Radiation Exposure Records System. 2.6 AD 1808.08 Access Control 2.7 HP 1601.03 Radiation Exposure Permits 8 2.8 NCRP Statement on Dose Limit for Neutrons, February 21,


1980 3. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED t' i* 3.1 Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD's) J 3.2 Self-reading pocket dosimeters ij 3.3 Dosimeter chargers r, 3.4 Neutron sensitive dosimeters 3.5 Health physics personnel contamination monitoring equip-ment 3.5.1 Portal monitors .s 3.5.2 Hand and foot counters 3.5.3 Hand-held friskers DATA SHEETS REQUIRED 4.1 NRC Form 4 (Attachment 1) W

  • 8 i)

J 2 HP 1602.01.9 4.2 NRC Form 5 (Attachment 2) 4.3 Radiation Exposure Record, ED 6458 (Attachment 3) 4.4 Dosimeter Record, ED 6547 (Attachment 4) 'r.) 4.5 Visitors TLD Log (Attachment 5) l ', p 4.6 Temporary TLD Exposure Record (Attachment 6) h 4.7 Extremity Badge Log (Attachment 7) i; 4.8 Toledo Edison Temporary TLD Issue (Attachment 8) ~ i' 9 4.9 Current Radiation Exposure Record (Attachment 9) 4.10 Dosimeter Record for Neutron Calculation (Attachment 10) 5. PRECAUTIONS AND SAFETY 5.1 TLD's and self-reading dosimeters must be protected against loss or damage. Report any loss or damage to the Chemistry and Health Physics Section immediately. Badges and dosimeters must not be removed from the site. 5.2 Care should be exercised not-to jar, or drop pocket dosi-meters as false readings may be obtained. Dropping a dosimeter discharges the electroscope which may give an-off scale reading indicative of a high exposure dose. Return a p aket dosimeter to the Health Physics Monitor Room immediately when an offscale reading is observed. An estimate of the dose received will be made and the dosi-meter rezerced. 6. PROCEDURE 6.1 Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Badges (for beta and gamma dosimetry) NOTE: For neutron dosimetry, see Section 6.1.5. 6.1.1 Personnel assigned to the station and any person likely to receive a dose in any calendar quarter in excess of 25 percent of the quarterly dose limit for whole body, extremities, or skin of whole body shall be given a " permanent" or a " temporary" TLD Badge. NOTE: Any individual likely to receive an exposure to his extremities in excess of 5 times his whole body exposure, his extremities shall be monitored if a significant dose is expected.

--..,~.:. 1 9 lbj 3 HP 1602.01.6 et

1. Personnel 'ith " permanent" TLD badges will w

pick up their badges at the gate office upon entering the station and return them to the 'a gate office when leaving the station. Badges are supplied by the Chemistry and Health

M Physics Section.
2. Personnel with " temporary" TLD badges will pick up their badges at the entrance to RACA whenever entering RACA or any other REP controlled area. They will return them to Il the RACA entrance whenever leaving RACA or any other REP controlled area. Temporary U

TLD's are issued by Chemistry and Health Physics personnel at the beginning of each 'p month or whenever needed. (J NOTE: A self-reading dosimeter or an alternate means of estimating r, personnel exposure approved by the Chemist & Health Physicist or his designee may be sub-stituted for a TLD.

3. following must be done by Chemistry & Health Physics personnel.

(1) An NRC Form 4 (Attachment 1) must be com-pleted as instructed on the form. (2) Past radiation exposure records obtained before the quarterly whole body exposure is permitted to exceed 1.25 Rem. ,.J (3) A radiation exposure record must be kept 9 (NRC Form 5, Attachment 2). This record l shall be updated quarterly from monthly TLD readouts. This record must be pre-served indefinitely and the data reported annually within the first calendar l quarter to the NRC as required in 10 CFR 20.401 and 20.407. (4) Upon termination of employment or work, or in the event of overexposure, the NRC s and the individual must be furnished a report of personnel exposure as required in 10 CFR 20.405, 20.408, and 20.409. Upon request, the individual must be furnished a report of his exposure. 6.1.2 Other persons required to enter RACA shall be 1 7 l'

a. -.~.- ~i d' 'l 4 HP 1602.01.9 issued a " visitor" or " temporary" TLD badge. For these persons, the following applies:

1. Continuing visitors, contractors, and other utility personnel not assigned to DBNPS who i

will be entering known radiation areas shall g. be issued a " temporary" TLD badge by the .g Chemistry and Health Physics Section. "Tempor- -t ary" TLD badges are'to be read monthly. g i3

2. " Temporary" TLD's shall be issued the first time an individual enters RACA for the cur-1 rent calendar month. Attachment Nos. 6 9

and 8, " Temporary TLD Issue Lc3"and " Toledo Edison Temporary TLD Issue Report", shall be filled out for each Temporary TLD as it is issued. The Temporary TLD will be removed from use at the end of each month. These individuals requiring a Temporary TLD shall have Chemistry and Health Physics re-issue them a new Temporary TLD each month. 9

3. Attachment No. 8 shall contain all required information and is to be updated from monthly TLD readouts with each indi-vidual's monthly exposure recorded. This record must be preserved indefinitely and the data reported annually within the first calendar quarter to the NRC as required in 10 CFR 20.401 and 20.407.
4. Upon termination of employment or work, or in the event of overexposure, the NRC and the individual must be furnished a report of personnel exposure as required in 10 CFR 20.405, 20.408, and 20.409.

Upon request, the individual must be furnished a report of his exposure.

5. Visitors who are at DBNPS for caly a few days and who will be entering RACA, shall be issued a " visitor's" TLD. The visitor's TLD will be issued at the entrance to RACA the first time the visitor enters RACA and returned to the RACA entrance when exiting.

NOTE: Persons wearing a " VISITOR" TLD badge and have completed GOT-2 may enter RACA unes-corted. Those persons who do not have current GOT-2 train-ing must be escorted by an

m.._ n I .I ra '{} 5 HP 1602.01.7 J individual who has current training. This does not remove necessity for excorts for security reasons. . ['

6. When " visitor" TLD is issued, the visitor

', L] shall supply the information requested in ,, Visitor's TLD Log. The -m " visitor" TLD badge may be reused by another visitor unless a radiation exposure is known or suspected. If c.n exposure 'is suspected, ,3 the " visitor's" badge is to be retained for. j] readout (ie., a net exposure on self-reading dosimeter in excer of 20 MREM). l

7. The visitor's TLD's shall be read out monthly i,c and the dose recorded according to TLD badge number only.

CAUTION: Individuals who have " visitor" TLD badges should receive i essentially no dose; the Chemistry and Health Physics Section should be notified when visitors will be allowed to enter radiation areas to determine whether a " permanent" or " temporary" TLD badge should be issued. Under no circumstances should " visitor" badged individuals be permit-ted to receive a dose in any J, calendar quarter in excess of 25% of the quarterly dose limit for the whole body. q.j 7

8. Individuals using Visitor TLD's being being escorted are not required to sign in on an REP. The esco.-t is responsible to verbally inform his visitor (s) of the.

conditions and health physics requirements in the area. The dosimeter readings and times are entered on the Visitor Badge Record Sheet (Attachment 5). 6.1.3 Personnel shall wear the TLD badge on the front of the body between the waist and neck so that an accurate measurement of whole-body dose can be made. A. When worn in an area of high contamination, the TLD badge should be worn under the outer m

.. ~. -. c 5 \\ 6 KP 1602.01.9 pair of coveralls so that it is protected from contamination. B. TLD badges must be secured so that there is no chance for loss. 6.1.4 Extremity TLD's shall be used when specified as a requirement on a Radiation Exposure Permit

j (REP). They should be worn on the haad which is

'g ~ likely to receive the highest radiation dose. , j, They should be worn so that the TLD is not j shielded by the hand nor by any material not also shielding the hand. t NOTE: 9l If extremity monitoring is to be provided i then the Extremity Monitoring Log Sheet (Attachment 7) must be filled out and, placed in the Temporary Badge Issue book for that month. 6.1.5 Neutron Dosimetry

1. There are three methods which can be used to assign personnel exposures from neutrons:

(1) Multiply the self-reading dosimeter reading times fifteen (15); or (2) Multiply the time exposed to neutrons times the neutron dose rate determined from the measurement of a Neutron Rem-Counter times three (3); or (3) Use the integrated neutron dose deter-mined with the RASCAL Neutron Rem-Counter, and multiply by three (3).

2. When working in areas where there is a potential for neutron exposures, each individ-ual is to sign-in on Attachment 9 (Dosimeter Record for Neutron Calculation). Send the 9

completed Attachment 10 to the Health Physica Supervisor to ensure that the individual's neutron exposure is added to his exposure record. 6.2 Self-Reading Dosimeters 6.2.1 The self-reading dosimeter is used as a day-by-day indication of personnel gamma exposure so that exposure guide values given in HP 1601.01 will not be inadvertently exceeded. In the event that a TLD badge is lost or damaged, the

~ ^ ~ ..~. F1 12 ,s 7 HP 1602.01.6 - l} dosimeter readings are used to replace the lost TLD badge official records. 6.2.2 All personnel entering RACA shall wear a self-reading dosimeter. Personnel are to wear the dosimeter in close proximity to the TLD badge. t )i w 6.2.3 Persons requiring access to the Radiation Access q, Control Area (RACA) shall be issued a self-

j reading pocket dosimeter for which they shall be responsible. These dosimeters shall be located in a rack outside of the entrance to the RACA.

I' i' Cs 6.2.4 Before entering the RACA, personnel may "zero" their own dosime.ter by inserting it in the f' dosimeter charger and adjusted the control until [ the hairline is on zero. NOTE: After the dosimeter is removed from the charger, the zero position should be checked because the hairline may shift its position when the dosimeter is removed from the charger. If this hap-pens, the dosimeter should be replaced in the charger and adjusted below zero to compensate for-the shift. 6 6.2.5 At the end of each work day when the RACA was entered, " permanent and temporary" TLD badge wearers shall read their dosimeter and record the radiation dose received on their Radiation Exposure Record, ED 6458 (Attachment 3). uj

1. The Radiation Exposure Record is signed the first time an entry is made for each month.
2. An individual's daily dose is recorded in the

" Daily" column next to the number correspond-s ing to the day of the month. ~

3. The " Daily" dose is added to the accumulated-whole-body exposure and recorded in the

" Quarter" column.

4. Radiation Exposure Record cards are admin-istered by the C&HP Section. When the monthly TLD results are received, the cards

~ will be corrected. (1) When the dose for the " running total calendar quarter" from TLD results ex-ceeds 300 mrem, the current Radiation 46

i i l 9 8 HP 1602.01.6 Exposure Record card shall be corrected . to agree with the TLD record. (2) Corrected entries are made'on the card by Chemistry and Health Physics personnel who will initial and date any correc-tions. -t ,j (3) In addition, a log shall be maintained 2ecording the monthly TLD vs. self-read-ing dosimeter values when the dose for the " running total calendar quarter" from TLD results exceeds 300 mrem.

5. The C&HP Section will provide assistance in zeroing dosimeters, readings, and recording exposures.

6 6.2.6 Four models of the self-reading dosimeter are used. Selected according to REP requirements.

1. 0-500 mR range - for normal use
2. 0-1R range - dosimeter used for entering highradiation areas
3. 0-5R range - dosimeter used when the quar-terly dose is approached for a single exposure
4. 0-100R range - dosimeter for lifesaving NOTE:

The 0-IR and higher dosimeters are used only on a planned basis. 6.2.7 .?ersonnel zero their own dosimeters before entering the RACA when the reading is greater than 20% (100 MR) of full scale. On the Dosi-neter Record ED 6547 (Attachment 4), enter the information required. The issuance and use of the Dosimeter Record is covered in HP 1601.03, Radiation Exposure Permits. 6.2.8 Personnel will periodically check the reading (exposure) on their dosimeters during the course of a day. When working in a high radiation area, personnel shall check their dosimeter readings (exposures) before entering, during occupancy, and upon leaving the area. 6.2.9 If at any time during the course of a day, a 0-500 mR range dosimeter exceeds 80% of the full

'fl '.g 7 9 HP 1602.01.3 1 i scale reading (400 MR), the wearer shall return to the Health Physics Monitor Room to have C&HP ~ personnel record the dose, check his quarterly accumulated dose, and rezero the dosimeter before re-entering the RACA. m ,3 6.2.10 If at any time a personnel dosimeter is found to L be off scale, a read-out of the individual's TLD Badge is required before an individual is allowed to return to RACA, unless the Chemist & ~ HP or his designee determines that the off scale F1 reading is not due to over exposure. 6.2.11 Personnel who are working in contaminated areas shall not read dosimeters by holding with con-I] taminated gloves. Gloves shall be removed care-u fully or clean gloves placed on over contam-inated gloves before handling personnel dosi- ~- meter. A second individual who is known to have " clean" non-contaminated gloves may read other persons' dosimeters in order to determine exposures. 6.2.12 Every effort should be made to prevent contam-ination of personal dosimeters..When it is known or suspected that they have become con-taminated, they shall be delivered to C&HP Section for surveying and de-contamination if necessary. ~ 6.2.13 Whenever personal dosimeters are lost or damaged, the individual shall immediately leave the RACA and notify C&HP Section. A reasonable estimate of the dose received by the lost or damaged dosimeters will be made for record purpose. 6.3 Friskers 6.3.1 Count-rate meters (friskers) will be installed ~ in locations in the station where monitoring for personnel contamination is deemed necessary. l The monitors will be set up and the alarm point set by the Chemistry and Health Physics Section. The alarm setting and range selection switch must not be changed by personnel using the ( monitor. Personnel other than Chemistry & HP should use only the volume control and the reset button. i 6.3.2 Approach to probe (detector) of the unit with I the hands, but don't pick it up until the hands l. 1 L

- -. ~. --~ 1 I ~ l. 10 HP 1602.01.9 i are oved slowly near the probe (as close to the .. as possible without touching it). If the alarm sounds,- de-contaminate the hands before touching the probe. 6.3.3 Once hands are shown to be free from contamina- ~ j' tion, pick up the probe. ~ -I 6.3.4 Survey the rest of the body by passing the probe slowly over the body. Make an extra thorough survey of the bottoms of shoes. A. If no increase in the clicking rate is heard, j no significant contamination is present. B. If clicking rate increases, survey that area even more carefully. If the alarm does not sound, no significant contamination is pre-sent. C. If the alarm sounds, contamination is present and must be removed. Put on the clean gloves or shoe covers provided if the hands or feet are contaminated. Reset the alarm. Go to decontamination area and decontaminate until clean. ' Seek assistance from Chemistry & HP if necessary. Restrict movements until the source of contamination is determined and cleaned up. NOTE: Persons must not leave the RACA with contamination on their bodies, clothing, or equipment. 6.4 Hand and Foot Monitor 6.4.1 A beta gamma hand and foot monitor, located at 9l the Radiation Access Control Area at Door 415, will provide a means of detecting the presence and general location of contamination on hands and shoes. After removing protective clothing and washing hands, the hand and foot monitor shall be used before leaving the Radiation 9l Access Control Area at Door 415. 6.4.2 To use the hand and foot monitor, stand on the front apron and place hands in the slots pro-vided. 6.4.3 Wait for the time period indicated on the mon-itor. If tr.ere is no alarm response, the hands

- - ~.. . ~. - " ~ - --~ ~~ ~' ~ ifM i{} 11 HP 1602.01.9 u and shoe bottoms may be considered free of contamination. 1 2 6.4.4 If there is an alarm response, observe the various meters to determine which hand or foot I II has the high count rate. Proceed as in Part C ) LJ of Section 6.3.4. Reset the alarm. - 0,, 6.4.5 A hand-held frisker is located on the side of the unit to detect contamination on clothing and localized areas of the body. Use it as des- , py cribed in step 6.3. U 6.5 Portal Monitor "1 6.5.1 A portal monitor (walk-thru) containing eight detector channels provides complete head to foot t; monitoring for beta gamma contamination detec-tion. All personnel must pass through the portal 9l monitor as they exit the RACA through Door 415 and as they pass through the gate office when leaving the station. 6.5.2 Enter the portal monitor and stand for the pre-determined count time. If at the end of the counting time, there has been no alaon response, no contamination is present. 6.5.3 If the alarm sounds, contamination is present. Observe the various meters to determine the ~~ general location of the contamination. Proceed as in Part C in Section 6.3.4. Reset the alarm. J m l ~ ~ -a 'eer n 444 -n, ,-e-, y --v

. _.. u. s t - 1, f 12 HP 1602.01.3 ATTACIDENT 1 .a No a et L mucLaas arcutaroe? Ccamassacas _., m


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i~-.. e.-. e E o l ? 13 HP 1602.01.7 8 ATTAClfMENT 1 l INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF NRC FORM 4 s Thes form er a citar and leg.08e record casta.nsag all the of the endaridual as Calmalated under Section ~"* anform ssen reewered on thes form es%sst be preDared by each 2Q 102. Done es to be given in eest e 3 8.cas e os one feuclear Aes 6atory Comn= won =no. ouro ant to Section 2Q108. proturses to esoons an vtthwadual to a radesteert "Does to the tehole body" mail be deerned to are done en escens of the amounts specified en Paragraon 20.101(al csude any done to the ano4e bocv, ganaos. actrve of the regulatoong an Part 2R "Standaros for Protection Agaenst bi ed formeng organs, head and truna, or tens of t st" 10 CFP The reoverement for comoneteen of tres eye. I form o contawind a section 2at02 of that regusation. The . I? ansormaten contamed en tres form es used for entwaareg the frem 1 After eacn entry in tresi 8 ind cate we item 9 ' L, estemas accumulated occusat.ones done of the widevioual for whether voie es octained froat 'ecores or ca. cur ushent the form a cornpietetL A seuarate Form N AC-4 enait ce taud an accordance witn Section 21102.~ somosetset for eacn woo.mauas to tie essened to a radiatoon done siem.10. Self espiar.etory. in escess of me twe=es specafed in Paragraon 20.101fa6 of Part 20 of the Commess.on's recelsteent* L sfod beoow by stem are e Total bumuleud hncond b h Bodd e, , wueructaans and aedet.onas enformatson darsctly periment to com. 8'**"I ** I*'*; laam 11., The total for the whole body es cetained by orv> mar on of as walwes en item S. 9 jdentrosat on Certficanon ,j tism 1. Seif eaa. sanatory. Item 2. Seit anotanatory escent that. if iaceviewas has no srvai netwnty nua.eer, the word "none" sneel be item 82. Upon comotet.on of the report. the emosevee must -~ eser ad, certty that tne edarmation en Casumas 5. 6. aad 7 tone 3. Seif esplosatory. is accurare and complete to the best of his know-som 4. Enter tne age en full yeart This es caned "h" waen iedge. N cate is the date of his signature. ~ used in caiculaiang sne Permiss twe Cone. N e6 eoual to me nurnber of years of a9e of tne end.vedwal on n.s tast termdev. , Calculatoons 8"* U' eacn nd.".'.'uai and the perp=ss tn dow under N

      • "'""'*"d*****'d'"'*'

Occupesonas Esposure e d Paragraoh 2a1011b4 are notained by carry a'2 out imm 5. Lest if= name and address of eacti previous em. the fouo ng stems The vas e for N sr.ould be u onover and the aedress of employment. Start in taken from stem 4. Subtract 18 from N ano nsult.. Irw most recent ernosover and. ors bact. pey me defference by 5 re ri. (For esamose Jonn u. Sawan, age 32. N = 32. PAO e 5(3218) e 70 rem) Inctuae onay those periods of emosovraeni s.nce Entee totaa esposure to date from stem 11 Sun, the eignreene bortaseav ocewoananas tract (b) from la6 and eater the differeace unoer escoeure to rad.ation. For pereds of neif*moeoy. (cl. The edue en (c) represents the un wd part of u erwat. enwrt tPe word "wif ea.peoved." the permess.bie accuenuested dose. Thst e**ue for Itent 6. Gewe the d stes of each emonovment i+sted in item 5. permesseDae dose as to be carr ed forward to 7orm fiam 7. Last per.eds during whecn occusatenas esposure N AC.S. "Curren Occusas.onse adiation to rad.aten orcurred. Emoomare (wwo.e SodvL" item 8. Let the done recorced for eacn per ed of esoosure from the recoros of premous occupat.onal esoonure item 14. Se6f-espianatory. evne een==eme se se es e -= _ _ l ~ PmVACY ACT STATEMENT rumiga. = s u s C ss2cee tsu=ie. 9.e. me me a s ~ er., an.e iva... e L,. n s7st ce e =eie-ees a.. ese 'e e*-*.-s e one e. sear Wo.=m.ea es e=e seeeenees,.4,ceau enre, nac,4 Th.e u.aer.sienea se me.aia.ces en a evne.= ef recess e**,wme a fu A C 27 **e emer.ees es a0 f ees,. me, essas suctemer t. It?st 1 ~

1. aufs.09 TY seemeas 53 U. 4s. 48.10110s 141res. or.e seties es e ase.e f ae.eeaci er 1954. ae e eaees 42 u s C. 20712CT1.795. 2111 l

l 21312 34 220t t3L eae 220taese f nese ee.g me ownev a,*eer.e 80 CFa Pers 21 1 remeravuaeoses. T e.a - see se e. eC..e. e.e,.e. ee -e,. e.,ee. a ese..,e e-ee ~ <~. e eew= m eeee saanearv.meeameats to mea.ser e.e ree eee re nesaw aae *ee= e erven of.e s. ceases The se+a ser=. e s.eea aviws swase ee* of eem surreas one teageers= ensee.eace one.g twee of e.ceanees one energ sweamos en.a seen teos Casa en vase ese**.se se re*e*** * ***. ease se you wage re=== 3 noviaseg usgs The esemenea sae, ee were to e, wie see se eene, peo,.e. e seme name =ee e.c =eweg eme/or e=esseseg room ea es. owe 8

v. wee se iae.m.e,e.e om.gagees as reestga.eeeerg et e sea te8.s e er te"aeeert hat.e See Geseteate rete'.e ese.or.seree e.eerg Ihe a ee aims se s. eases to m. seemer o.e 8 e-es. stue. er seus e,.ar,'e ew e. eat ww v.ew m.en a. se.en er esaeat.mee sa of se ene se une I

l am.ree of en ess==.scresee er.een erecereas s l a wittwE a ossCLCsusE es waN0aT0av Ca vowsf aav aNO EF8ECT C's mcovicuaL OF NOT Hovicia o mfo,avaTiON n et is een,*. l .s., me. .-ee W.,.e.. ~ e.a. .ee


-e, e e,. ~. so. e.- aCa e e. e 4.o e se esta.a eae eem.eewe m'er*enen sete.e.e -.,..a on e -ee e.. ~ ea.e.e, 0 C,0 to t s a naea me hcoaese ereseiro ce e.eme se a ecoes.o. none m e.eeen er me emoween nose. nee a ac cea 7 e r e la m 7,e.e.-e.e .r. a -.e ee se ese,,e .e.. C, e. m s.o.a.m ...e.en e -e e, -.e. -e. e, e ,e. -e,., e.e.e,0, --e e, -.e en ~ em.e -.m-~e i i sestiu uauacipesu o acoaass 0 ne.. esse e --.e a one Cem,. a u s. muriser ee, eiary Ceram emoa. **vuegrea. C C. 20S55 l l Page 2 of 2 i

..~.-. , i

  • ,.i i

14 HP 1602.01.7 ATTAClfMENT 2 . =. - m ~ u - -......myo.y a ue., CURRENT OCCUPATIONA1. EXTERNAL RACIAT10N EXPOSURE s -.a s IDE PtTIF CATION 1.MAME WRINT-Last, farst and medcael 15CCIALSECURITY Aa I 1 CATE C7 BIRTM g*tane. osv. year) 4, NAME OF UCENSEE S. DCSE RECCRCED FCR L5c.aty:Whoe nocy-t wMCLE SCDY CCSE 7.METHC3 CF uCNaTC. SNG (=S. Fem Geogr= sawe of whoes beoy:.r hanos and forearms. STATUS (rom) F B; Portet Cherno.r = PC; Caniste.ns - Cav.) is.: and actini X CR CAMMA SE' A T NEUTRCNt 8.PERICC CF EMCSURE DCSE.FOR THE PERICO tr.m) 11 RUNNfmG TCTAL FCR IE'*'n - TW CALENDAR CUANTE4


U8 E Tia.8E ACCUuutA f f 3 CCSE =-...,..~.--F =,... ~,.. -. ......,.....u ,,.....c......- ro,...=.~ -.-e- .o Page 1 of 2

.. _.. ~ 4-. ..s. a m,. 3 i f 2i ] 15 HP 1602.01e7 .f .J ATTACHM13T 2 -~, .w{ The oreosseien saa ute6*om etra sad te ewee coma.a ae ass me eneormai.e of taes form or a.s term es re g.cie atses s. Seef eessanatory. 73.e,an es,e te sw v.ea sa tem w eanewneeenta 10ane As eneam,rements we to me onwrae ene.res oweasaae to Sect.ea 20 401 ee taasares for Provectise 14. memes snown aae a useresnee ev.ed.= me twee m Pateraca 22 die.l Age ns ftsemasa.%lo CF R 20. as a cutrees ansaas Saseraad fee.a.taea esogewres. Se#Ca a f ecore.tornen of occus. neewhere esicwiat.eae me maoe te eeterm.t coa.wstetsoft.serft ww sou. a soww e utwed ne sutastsa for esca eau. sm.m ser =aem eermaanee *=ea eorme es reeweee hdCfB caeCulatecas.e,s te ne futa aebate e O inesrecere. la n eese mace t=e cow eer a c*,a.w waser $act.en 20202. Note Inas a teoarate Ferm NRC $ es te ne ptarter es less maa 10* et me wa4e spa.eeeeg m Pya passa .e unse ter escore enterase essesure to t tI the wao e ensev; a r (2) na e se asse 133 maaes sie foreams; or t48 pees arW 8.u.101tal, iae o*iraes 7es taan IC'. saa, no eneereis.a sw of a awenericas.amee. eenes. as oremose asem#esi S beso=. Item 12. Aee tae.mwes wooer seems s.10 aae i1 for esca ocese v Lause nose = ev are eaurwet eas and aseteenal informanom

    • encensre aan recere me totr sa escwates tae erecey pertesas to comomme ene serm.

Teeas~ se ener meu taan so r en .T ~,, t v.s te m., m.aec..e.,ew evean.c,es. p ,e,,,,,,a,e, u. es ~m esever. No eaw, awa ne maae a vars nem.e o.s., e e.r .. roar.

a. ee,.~s e e, L

seen 1. hf esseswerv. w seen 2. Ims eeoinieser, naos snat..# ias es,as has ao samat ceasaear e,arter ese.ateen sous me recoreee ei was s. wewr tv numeer, me were aore* snee ne wineriaat 10.11 aae 12. Iten 3. Sehessmasory. Lifessne Acessa iane Dem fehese Seevi (o Iten 4. Sat esesemary. w 9 Ouesessensa Empeare NOTE: If sne linaise caoons to asee tne me owars i essesure ne+me pas seemettee en Paragrasa 20 foisan. etwas ig tien L to time.ei.ose hoev" s.ewaee to,in,cswe.e say e uw 3 o.r et-2 ow.,v.., eones - e a w14 I:wo.we.n la nees,not ne,com me., ec,..a,,m.,,et em a e,u e to tae.e.e e e.. ,,e s.t .. e.c.os. o - so.. v,.e. a et neenoe cow or a ca easa m = it.o rces teres. o,- e,,es-,ee m oe smeses. eew e.e e ese t~ to eo . ee e a : e..see i i.4 re """*'a**.*"e** "- m*** a ~e-a w-- ~ -as of a-2e $0i 30a r,e" '"*"ro's',,le,*a* **" *T;~eJ',',s e, e n e ess m.e .e~s o, m = =~= " ems m~~e 's a ~ ene o"-a c-e-m a E.u e eow e eyes are see

  • i

== eaa -a me eat a ~ mecame'of a camadar evaw, a'q.e vai es e et- '2. - e .a meawn in sum 14.m st be are4W toise a.eas e.canew of at seast 700 rawcras. sow recorood as maese noor cesa u U unewee saduce ene eens ces=eree facew are to Ma e seen for ma men.owat samereer nar ng a m.cmaem of I.000 m,crt a tissue eeuwevet stani 14 Eater Ene erecows sotas accu cm2 or m m aates eene trem ore w v ess eow recores for t=e naemewas ee.darm AtC 4 e from e em 18 Dee recordee as cose to me sa.a of me wesee besv. hanea se F orm AEC S or NaC 5 or seem i1 e and forearms or teet aae sanies mowere saetwee noe cose or NACJL ine tot acewoatsons cose entweree enrowe.g/cm3 or sess Tae cose to s9e sm.a oe av sne ne a.m,as m a testue eav=seeat assaroer a truesness of 7 a ws ce eateree sa ums eseat. eac%e ag any occusaponas ease twe=ee tesw scurces tne maae nooy naacs ano tarearms ce teet aae samars of rae au.we act s.seaws av we Co=mamen. se me ~, snesse ne recarces on senarate cores vasess tae cose to woe.w.ewas was essewe to so,eces et cae.apea not mote carrs et tae coev nas esea meween as oose to tae licenese av tae, Coma =m ea emaae aaAerm AEC 4 or 3 AC4 aae eers v c*easar z.ertee woose noev ca a form me.ata.aed for rwareeg waee noey atser ceaoiena raea torieg ees oraeat was not wo.ra ov. ewe =nor.o.awa: espon ee. team 6. Th.s eten need tie coraoseteo easy waen me saeet es waes tae e es w* esse ne eim,mee mas tae me..e a e41 e now to racere name noey essesu es eac me 6.ceasee is of 1114 rems awam,esca suca ca eacar cuarter. r e.oewae ene me=. awes waose tae proves.ons se Paragreca 1 tem 15. Eater me totes sa:eacar cwarter acte reom seem I3 ior 20.101lb) easows we to 3 rem; per awarter to see from item 12 et cwarter mesese acswmweates some tas en from orw oars of per. ano the ease ces.triassa,ov sows are eateres*ai sum 121 anose noes. Eatee.a m.s stem tae wawnee me eae ce tae ca

  • ar cua-w aws re-eres of Ada item Ia ano.*e tem I$ se s. '4arca 33,1462..

m t*e cow was ace = escoewee. e.e stem t a ce ine erecemag F orm AEC 5 or turet 16. e eater maa suna. N4C.S or etem 13 et Form AiC4 or **AC-e f tie mew-lien 12. Onsa.ataePe-one Acewmwastes eowass's e.sconvre eweeg emoseveens w.ta sne p.ceasse for me WnOLE 800v. "N," a ec.a.. Cone sP AO) e r=m to tae averoe.* eeges w m ina ncore. Veers of age e,e the eu.ce.w on n.s est twee. 5.a lesse 2. tas. case me messee wwe for monetoreag sne wie. euars tract 14 from N and muet oey tae a."O

  • weace av $ rem fe g..Jona 5mem. age 32.N
  • 22. FA 6632 14)-

esnoeure to ear twee or twma oa to ae is esposee ei ee course of are eut 70 re*J tamm 4. Cows rece=ee over a.,pe'es. Acerecas oas raav oe wwe. ned on aos tasa a ca.ea44 ouarter Itr's 18. Devemme the wawsee part of me 7 AS be s aos ne separ entered en sae term creveaed taat lieae 16 fron stem 17. fee wassec gars se tae PAD rese.ceasse mam ate tre me e ne.v.ewas ma.s a cuttent recere of me cases rece=ee as met portica of ee Ufetwae Acc.* Gese for the 6 a.a farm. Tae perios et enoonere snowse soe:sev ee eav ee toew'norr.awsa at tee eae of tne ser co ca a.e not es wet mees enteres on ene me s ee by mes meet meanutement of met eseoswee men m.t.a.e.e onev esarterey ee aae tae eav a on et was term.aate.e. For esamenews are enteree, tae ;er od of essenwee let tr.e first ca.eaoar owarter of 1962 m. gas ce taasa as runa at twa one =ci ee ce me. cates 2. tarasers Fricav. '.sarea 40 t 997, Moneev..aawar,1.196 a in s etem as ama. l.1962 Mar.33 1962. Mones,et weeniv seses are eaterse a f*im esege asawarv 1.1961. sae pectee we Enesy Jeauery S.1962. =owee ce iae. cates as sen 1.1S62 Jas.). 1962. PRIVACY ACT staff ef th? Pwe=see se l U $ C.152akt (3)

  • ecies mee iam e er pea 3 es en Ast et 13N iP 48.s Les 93 675). me lese =mg stew =eas e swagaea to me m.s.

as i

m. sees eteraepea se s== laus=ar Aep aen e Ce==.uena en f em e aC l. Ihe etw=es**.s maniewee se a s,mma es eneren an.gaswe n m #C 2 7 sae ance. nee a sa f essee Revuee 45344 sottean I.11753.
1. AVfM08'fY Semeat l3. 63. El. 81.103.10e st ernt. sae isteet es tae ato s tae.g. Act et 1964. e ameace a42 U3 C. 2273. 2013. 2C15. 2ttt.2133.

2134 229ttu. and 2201 sees 7ao m,.nor te var see. cam, en oce psease awaeer 4 et C7 a pye 20 l z,s.,Cm,o seows, 1 ee e,*e..C.a e e.a .a e, t*e aos e. r.o.t.ea e.e.s*,e ee,a~a.e v

t. sae.a

~ esee~.e.s ses or r-eas ..e a.=,se sae ee, .e ru.s .e nemn et es e-rn oava -- s a ~.a.a.,e# .e... reae saa nea, em es es. eena.eae emea, evees of 1.ceawei aae emeag hteawen e4am rett evee 0303 emetw espes.t. to cas. Mea 4 a.e atte to ens. sea eeer fee 848 t 1 acutletust$ Tme.atercat.ea== te ines to ere=ee esa is etae* Feeem aae tram seeaves m.ewee = e eawereg aae er reec4. nan e een.we e,.ae eweg==n.e..e n ese.aosa== sea se a s.==saeas or w=sene same a*e naeswe ene ee se =ea.eeeee . ors f ae =a, use se esiesre es se oaememe 7ees si Eise. er sece ageace se tae emas one a me.c.ea et sewa*.as om.e. es saa sae a rae soww s sa e se=.= en.. es e.e.a.e. roweseas a mattate O'StiCL;et es ma40af 087 Ga votustany A8so Ef Ftti CM t9ervs0 VAL OF Not pe0viernc mtDavat:C4 6e s sei a.are m s** e.cea*. esaaew f er= met 6 se esca me. e.a tee aea t%se ee tw%a==.eeneews maar=m.e mcs.emg irewwe eeer e penee=e. =eaweems. e.ewee see= to Cf A 20 202 f a.are to se se an m ent t*e heeawe to **erre**ae act.ea.a assesaare =.en 13 Cf R 20 831 fne a = nee 4 aise to mu met has sa seewem.seae.e** aat see.ect to en et om asass w samaves a=ea, **e mar a maa et.= seas se. awn ama s esmee==e s 5 $vsfIu uanactneu a40 ACCA153 0.actee. et vaaes.aeae sneer.pnea e e Fregram Ceares u 5 4.s., ae,.me,, Ce==m.a. a. ea o C 2ml i I l Page 2 of 2 t l

~~ i i 16 HP 1602.01.0 l - l ATTACHMLVI 3 a '? 8 t. 5, i .I i RAOfATICN EXPCSURE RECORD E, g-ED Sete TOTAL EST. WMCLE SCCY EXPOSURE tm A:7Jr.'l gy maus. FLo sacca me. M l Owww ase x== Tessi From Frans . accsak sac, peo. uomTM vtan 18 + p surenveson TLo, u., 17 0 tot Me. O 3rd. Mo. l 1, TOTAL EST. WHOLE 800Y EXPCSURE fan MREM 5 OAY I

ceu, l o

,,.e a. .w 19 l Amewmutated C.arter Doea 3 l 1 f M 3 D l = l 4 24 S 25 8 28 7 27 S 3 l s l ~ n 10 30 11 31 + 12 13 Nosefy Health es,Meve GOO,12M, arid 25C0 MRui for :n2 cuarm rias teen.-es:stac. 14 l tur6QvCE saGt4A TU A4 15 l 10wer? i Tronc t

~.., ~... - ,t m ~ j . i i

i 17 HP 1602.01.0 s

ATTACEfENT 4 e davis 8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION DOslMETER RECORD PAGE fv0. UNIT NO. REP W t o e64 C1 C2 O ,,C DESCA17 TION TIME DOSIMETER REAteNGS Imfu g E 84 g 4- . k.* ? E lb [J o 'I fg i J a 5 4 i .4 '9 4 i

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  • ms DRl l

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c uuu a a cAu ta N s

wf Au wA oN c v i snoR c( ee N O sm l tu A SAN l c T o S d - s l r l E o Wc O e m P R li A e ,y E g L d C a U B N E y tm,- S S i E C lI e o S I r - vc Vt 4u x n 0s A s DE i 1 >l1i:1 !l1, l! i l l1 1 1ll

4 21 HP 1602.01.9 9 ATTACHMENT 8 .) TOLEDO EDISON TEMPORARY TLD ISSUE RECORD NAME lj] (Last, First, Middle) '.n S.S. No. -)J' .t Birth Date f Home Mailing L Address 1 L3 Company Date of GOT-2 Completion Current Quarterly Exposure MREM (actual or estimated) Lifetime Exposure MREM (actual or estimated) Security Badge Number I hereby certify the above information is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature Date Temporary TLD Issued # Issued By 0 9 9 n ed ~4 ed 4 4 e

e 3 I 1 22 HP 1602.01.9 Ct*RRINT RADIATION EXFCSUF2 RICCRD 9 Amc3~r :- 9

t. Maut LPMINT = LJR fast, saa m.eews
2. 5CC3AL $1 Cum TY ho.

u0 1 DATE OP 88RTM (Measm, osv. red'8 4, esAME G7 UCEN541 W 3 1 Mdress City scata 4Ap ~ 5.0054 mEccR010 FOR 61oes>8v: waede coev; E wHOLE 200Y OC5E E METHC0 07 nacN6TORING kg, FWR Seege e A se es maese boer; er naaes sad forestat STATUS 1,ema 7 3; eecs es Chameer - PC: C4acetaiseas - Case, p x ca cAuuA _ICL, ogTA TLD ~'ithole Body Neufacus cateulation s.ransco or urcsuat TLD cc5E Fon THE etnico << =a i:t muusisc TOTAL ses 17, - Tes No. stLaETA tt. NEUTRON 12.TQTAL leems CALENcAn cus srTre s.x CR cAuua l .

  • 1/1/ to 1/31/

~ 4/1/ to 2/28/ I i 3/1/ to 3/31/ I i ~4/1/ to 4/30/ I i S/1/ to 5/311 1 6/1/ to 6/30/ i 7/1/ to 7/31/ l 8/1/ to 8/31/ o i I l 9/1/ to 9/30/ - 10/1/ to 10/31/ I I 11/ 1 / to 11/30/ I i 8 12/1/ to 12/W o i f I t 1 1 1 I i 1emark's (iecordExtremithMonitorineHere) e e L ' 6 i

  • wt aC CW:.tu t.a r t C OC 5 6 ea... eve r st as e==e et tovas maa te as,

,e,...c ;,.w., s e se essan acc ams tes :s. .e w-wsa e ce a s e* *e==.nessa DOld DOSS emune aCEnsenhetAlI S Omt es===e mes.

== 6 e W 4 e

'l GJ a 23 HP 1602.01.9 ~ 9 ATTACMIENT 10 DAVIS.8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION DOSIMETER RECORD FOR NEUTRON CALCULATION =Act wue6= we wunts a m ac= wL w as .w no tes __ __ :_ w ...O. i O2 03 a .9 U w- - ,_m.. E._, m su ne I f *). J t (9 I e a I r me w atMAAe$ 6 CALCULATED SY l AEVtEWED DV l ENTE 8ED ON afco*35 msTIAL DATE C&MP Surt avi5aCN CATE lC&MP ECREMAN ,3 ATE { l END

..._, -,.w. -~-~ l i DAVIS-BESSE REVISION COVER SHEET ~ September 25, 1981 DATE ffe 0 fff 0(% GUWCd* f&$ TO:




Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual Changes This letter transmits additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy bd Instructions for the material are as follows: REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT Revision 118 Revision 119 AD 1827.06.1 AD 1827.06.2 Date Revision Entered Addressee Signature RETURN TO THE OFFICE MANAGER l y w vy7 r ysw w-

eue .l l .a THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY 7 l DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR P0 tier STATION EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDLTES [ REVISION ItiDEX !t LJ i n ,y PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS i 5 HP 1602.01 8 T-5465. T5483 - i HP 1604.01 2 J AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 7 AD 1827.03 1 j AD 1827.04 1 AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 2 l AD 1827.07 2 AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 Il AD 1827.10 8 La AD 1827.11 2 AD 1827.12 6 ~ AD 1827.13 3 AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15 1 AD 1827.16 1 AD 1827.17 1 ~~ AD 1850.04 1 AD 1850.05 4 c. i t r? L ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION r-No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 23 f No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 No. 41 - E=ergency Duty Officer (EDO) 20 No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Tea =s (RMT) 13 i n. Revisien 110 Septe=ber 1981 S te Gan=@ 9 1-- e y

] a AD 1827.06 (Supersedes EP 1202.38) Davis-Besse Nuc1 car Power Station L Unit No. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE AD 1827.06 a DM c, b t.t.E b E (=i p e=* S T ~~ k...,3 g'[" r g O E W.g E5 { i tt

'5 N.V((i6 ihdh $ f L1

[*{kJ;]; ,31 U1:,3 h a i 5 c3 Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by Bill Green 12/20/75 Date Wa tD /$ (?!lf Submittsd by I O Se - if E

  1. Date Recomended by

[ ' p[#8 /!/d!'/d .-s ~ RB Chairm 'Date W ~lf I' QA Approved d //-7 * " Manager-f 'e ity Assurance Date /!/eff 9M Approved by /.

  • w L

Station Superintendent ' Date ~ Revision SRB QA Sta Supt. No. Reco=endation Date Ap *,e4 Date Approved Date ^ gggy yy'so s w v nv' elklb 3 g y g splrn b3 ' /*]h & d -ro"' i j 9fr*/'t O 4 S

p g,M g4g m - ' ' - - - ---- - - - -- _ wm, wang,- - .ggemm 4 - --- gg sg_,_,,,mym-a me, ---p g----y 4e@ 4WW6rp. ey,_, aWem> -a e #

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. -... ~.. + (b ~ t i LJ


( 1 AD 1827.06.2 ~ i


1. SYMPTOMS Load Dispatcher notifies Davis-Besse Station that a tornado watch or a tornado warning exists for the vicinity of the Davis-Besse El Station. b 1.1 Tornado Watch ] ] 1.1.1 Meteorological ccaditions are favorable for the formation of a tornado. r, 11 1.2 Tornado Warning t.) 1.2.1 [] A tornado has been sighted in the vicinity of the Davis-Besse Station. La 2. REFERENCES I' [j 2.1 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan 3 2.2 EI-1300 series, Emergency Implementing Procedures i 2 3. AUTOMATIC ACTION .m None 2l 4. IMMEDIATE OPERATOR ACTION ~ 4.1 Load Dispatcher 4.1.1 Keep the Davis-Besse Station informed until tornado conditions have abated. 4.2 Control Room Operators 4.2.1 Notify the Shift Supervisor if a tornado watch or tornado warning is received. 4.2.2 Monitor the control boards to determine any effects on instrumentation, controls or station operations. 4.3 Shift Supervisor NOTE: Check Emergency Plan Activation, EI 1300.01, to determine proper emergency classification and take actions accordingly. 4.3.1 Tornado Watch

1. Assign station personnel to look and listen

J j s [ -f i i i 2 AD 1827.06.2 for a tornado and to report any sightings to ( the Control Room. 4.3.2 Tornado Warning i, 0 1

1. Order all fuel handling operations susperded di
2. If fuel is being supported from a crane or a bridge, order that it is to be stowed in a g

secure place l

3. If plant is in power operation, instruct l

station personnel to standby to prepare I for emergency shutdown

4. Order all noh-essential station operations t

halted 3

5. Order the diesel generators started and j,

prepare for loading

6. Notify the Station Superintendent and/or the Operations Engineer.

i)..- 1l S. SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIONS i None 2 6. DISCUSSION 6.1 ' Meteorological conditions that could result in a tornado would be determined by the Weather Bureau. ) J 6.2 Weather Bureat services are available to the TECo Load Dispatcher through a teletype. ] 6.3 TECo also maintains a radar weather surveillance system covering a 64 mile radius of Toledo. 1 i 6.4 The plant should be prepared in such a way to mitigate the consequences of tornado damage. The Shift Super-visor, in the absence of the Station Superintendent, j. shall take on the additional measure.s he feels necessary a to protact the station and the public. 4 v V-9 < 1 o.-

_9 _...__.. _. L i DAVIS-BESSE REVISION COVER SHEET - / cEP 4 1981 v DATE ?f tW It7Q ' I h f ? ROM: EMERGENCY PLANNING TD PRE DNESS SUPERVISOR { SU3 JECT: Davis-Besse rMcRCFN'CY PT AM S19PORTTMc PuncvmmpS Manual Changes i This letter transmits additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse Ij f EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PRCCEDURES Manual. Control Copy b. Instructions for the material are as follows: REM 07E AND RETURN INSERT ~ Revision 116 Revision 117 . [. '.w.,! Admin Memo 37-22, 2 & 3 4 v Admin Mer.o 41-19 Admin Memo 41-20 AD 1827.03 AD 1827.17 ) AD 1850.05 .J i t Date Revision Entercd l Addressee Signature RETURN TO THE OFFICE ETAGER I

4 ' w. u...- -.--en .,,.w.. ....m__ ~ l-THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION O, EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES 4/ REVISION INDEX-i { PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS L i 5 HP 1602.01 8 T-5465. T5483 HP 1604.01 2 y AD 1827.01 2 J AD 1827.02 7 2 AD 1827.03 1 L]J [ AD 1827.04 1 AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 1 [] ^"l:' AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 8 r. { AD 1827.11 2 AD 1827.12 6 AD 1827.13 2 f AD 1827.14 1 L. AD 1827.15 1 s AD 1827.16 - 1 [ AD 1827.17 1 j,, AD 1850.04 1 AD 1850.05 4 l ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION u No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 23 r' No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 l No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 No. 41 - Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 20 l No. 42 - Radiation bbnitoring Teams (RMT)- 13 I u Revision 117 September 1981 l m %4

s Docket No. 50-346' License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 761 ,t j t DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT NO. 1 Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures The procedures which would appear in this section of the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures contain proprietary information per 10 CFR 2.790(d) and is being withheld from public disclosure. Copies of this information are filed with the Emergency Planning and Preparedness Group of the Toledo Edison Company and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident (^. Inspector at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Oak Harbor, Ohio. \\,' l l e -w-

? Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 761 ) Controlled copies of the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures are issued to the following persons: Controlled Copy No. Designee 50 Executive Officer for Operations Support, Office of Inspection and Enforcement 50A Harold R. Denton, Director 50B Nuclear Reactor Regulation 50C 50D SOE 50F 50G ~ SOH o 50I 50J SOK Paul Psomas, Emergency Preparedness () 24 James G. Keppl' r, Director e 24A Region III 24B i l l i I

.. ~ -.. D2ckat No. 50-346 j License No. :IPF-3 i Serial No. 761 .w -) The following procedures from the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures will be deleted because they contain proprietary information per 10 CFR 2.790(d): AD 1827.03 AD 1827.15 AD 1827.17 AD 1850.05 Administrative Memorandum No. 37 I r lC I l e

., _ -.. u.


~ I DATE [,'N]R,A,OMPANY MEMORANDUM August 24, 1981 - Rev. 20 L. si "J All Davis-Besse Station Personnel i L.b aou Terry Murray ]g [qw uEc7 ,() Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) and Other Emergency Duties ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUM No. 41-20 m ! l} LJ 1. Emergency Duty Officers (ED0's) lG l 1.1 In accordance with the Davis-Besse Station Emergency Plan, the following named men are qualified Emergency Duty Officers: L. A. Grime W. C. Rowles 20 J. M. Hickey C. T. Daf t is B. A. Franta C. J. Greer ^ W. T. O'Connor D. A. Huffman L; R. A. Brown i c.,-, 1.2 The following named men are assigned as designated Emergency Duty i Officers: v v) L. A. Grime W. C. Rowles t 20 i J. M. Hickey C. T. Daft B. A. Franta C. J. Greer W. T. O'Connor D. A. Huffman '~' R. A. Brown U j 1.3 Emergency Duty-Officers, in addition to the requirements in the '7 Station Emergency Plan, are responsible for the administrative [ items as given in Section 5 of EI 1300.12, Administrative Controls, 2. Other Emergency Duties r, l 2.1 The Station Superintendent or his designee is to be notified by the Shift Supervisor of any condition which requires an immediate report l and/or notification to the NRC. L t' 20 A revised EDO Schedule for the third quarter of 1981 is attached. t be t TDM:nif ( ci- .rtachment l

.w ' 2.' L ~ ^ a= ' j -Aemiri. 'Mamo No. 41-20 Rzv. 20 August 24,1981 s l jj j Attachment is

Page 2

) EDO 3rd OUARTER SCHEDULE - 1981 ~ n Weekly Dates' Individual Assigned June 1 June 8

  • Chuck Daft j

June,8 June 15 Dick Brown J June 15 June 22 Larry Grime + June 22 June 29 Jim Hickey i ] June 29' July 6 . Bill O'Connor F J 4 i. i : 1 July 6 July 13

  • Dave Huffman d

July 13 . July 20 Bill Rowles July 20 July 27 George Reed 1 July 27 August 3 Jim Greer ? IJ r' August 3 August 10

  • Bruce Franca t

August 10 August 17-Chuck Daft August 17 - August 24 Dick Brown August 24 - August 31 Larry Grime p.d. August 31 Sept. 7

  • Dick Brown l, Sept.

Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Bill O'(,annor 29 14 Sept. 21 Bill Rowlt.s Sept. 21' Sept. 28 Dave Huff =en l Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Jim nickey u 1 and w [ .p i

  • Denotes that week in which the EDO must perform the Monthly Com=unications

'J' Link Test, in accordance with PT 5199 12 The Emergency Planning Group will be present to assist with the Co==unications Test each month. u i. 9

  • I L.

i 'a S.4 p 8 y ,,s 1 .e e ,.,.n .,.n. ..n-..,

m_ - Docket No. 50-346 / PM-7 d3 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 761 ) DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR P0iv7.R STATION, UNIT NO.1 Emerge:2cy Plan Supporting Procedures The procedures which would appear in this section of the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures contain proprietary information per 10 CFR 2.790(d) and is being withheld from public disclosure. Copies of this information are filed with the Emergency Planning and Preparedness Group of the Toledo Edison Company and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspector at the Davis-.Besse Nuclear Power Station,. O'ak Harbor, Ohio. 5 4 I l ~. -. - -. - .-,r ,e, .,.-cn _.,.-.,__..r-.

.... ~. -. Docket No. 50 -345 /() 7 /7 j; ' License No. NPF-3 si Serial No. 761 Attachment i sv) ~ DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT NO. 1 Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures i T The procedures which would appear in this section of the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures contain proprietary information per 10 CFR 2.790(d) and is being withheld from public disclosure. Copies of this information are filed with the Emergency Planning and Preparedness Group of the Toledo Edison Company and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspector at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Oak Harbor, Ohio. f~1 G' s

. ~ Docket No. 50-346 / E'J~# License No. NPT-3 ') Serial No. 761 Attachment i .A/ DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT NO. ! Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures The procedures which would appear in this section of the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures contain proprietary information per 10 CFR 2.790(d) and is being withheld from public disclosure. Copies of this information are filed with the Emergency Planning and Preparedness Group of the Toledo Edison Company and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Resident Inspector at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Oak Harbor, Ohio. %y s



Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual Changes This letter transmits additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PI21 SI'PPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy [O Instructions for the material are as follows: REMOVE AND RETURN INSERT Revisien 117 Revision 118 AD 1827.13.2, AD 1827.13.3 1 f, Date Revision Entered Addressee Signsture Ii REIURN TO THE OFTICE MANAGER l h

U f]J THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION u EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES REVISION INDEX J i"* PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS i 5 HP 1602.01 -8 T-5465. T5483 HP 1604.01 2 AD 1827.01 2 AD 1827.02 7 j AD 1827.03 1 AD 1827.04 1 AD 1827.05 2 ..) l AD 1827.06 1 AD 1827.07 2 AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 j AD 1827.10 8 AD 1827.11 2 [' AD 1827.12 6 [; AD 1827.13 3 AD 1827.14 1 AD 1827.15 1 r l AD 1827.16 1 AD 1827.17 1 AD 1850.04 1 ,I" AD 1850.05 4 t-l"~ ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION r' No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 23 3-No. 38 - First Aid Team 10 No. 39 - Fire Brigade 10 [' No. 41 - Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 20 No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMT) 13 m. f ' r-Revision its September 1981

!} U AD 1827.13 i!n fO Davic-Ecsce !!uclear Pc.scr Station ~ Unit No. 1 a l Administrative Procedure AD 1827.13

a. J Containment Evacuation it mI r a. n wrI !

qpL jj f.,41 vern ',i!! < 3 i '. .1 dtU Lia;h] U41 Lll 11LunLd 14 J. :,- ] Record of Approval and Changes o Prepared by R. P. Wathen/U. H. Creen 12/30/75 Date Submitted by b. I). @ E.S tw d/4/76 i-Section Head Date L Recon = tended by O ' @kbe 6[ZC f., SRS Chsird:n 'Date NA hl,) B QA Approved Managgr of Quality Assurance Daty 5 Approved by [h / / Station Superintrndent ~ 4Date/ I t'I s-r l Revision SRB QA S ta. S ep t. No. Recc=cndation Date Approved Date Approved Date ~ l fff [l/fl,7[ g, l ~.A E NTDNq}p,3lu/n Ogt,1%%mvann16b rv n,vi, en p- / 4' r Yovso 3 m-g abo ca rhrin a u e e* ]

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r-LJ if fl . LJ 1 AD-1827.13.2 'I 1. PURPOSE & SCOPE This procedure sets forth the actions and measures which assure [] that Containment (the area enclosed by the Containment Vessel and Lj the Shield Building) is safely evacuated by station personnel working inside, in case of emergency, or increase in radiation levels'in Containment beyond allowable levels. The procedure further describes actions which assure that decontamination of ~2 exposed and contaminated personnel is accomplished. s 2. REFERENCES ] 2.1 10 CFR 50 Appendix E, " Emergency Plans for Production and ~ Utilization Facilities" 2 2.2 DBNPS-FSAR, Appendix 13D, " Emergency Plan" r; Section 7.8, " Nuclear Instrumentation" {-i Section 11.4, " Radioactive Waste Monitors" Section 12.0, " Radiation Protection" 2.3 SP 1104.21, " Containment Purge System Procedures" 2.4 SP 1104.41, " Containment Vessel Hatches" 2.5 MP 1402.06; " Equipment Hatch Removal and-Replacement" 2.6 HP 1601.01, " Guides and Limits for Exposure to Radiation" 2.7 HP 1601.02, " Guides and Limits for Airborne Radio-activity" 2.8 HP 1601.03, " Radiation Exposure Permit Procedure" 2.9 HP 1602.01, " External Personnel Radiation Exposure Mon-itoring" l 2.10 PT 5179.01, " Area Radiation Surveys" '~ 2.11 PT 5179.02, " Contamination Surveys" 2.12 PT 5179.03, " Airborne Radioactivity Surveys" 2.13 HP 1604.01, " Personnel Decontamination Procedure" 2.14 HP 1605.03, " Contamination Areas" 2.15 AD 1827.11, " Station Evacuation" ~ 2.16 AD 1827.12, " Protective Action Guidelines" i

. ~ _. _ .] j i: i I I 2 AD 1827.13.2 2 3. ORGANIZATICN AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Working Personnel l Containment evacuation is the responsibility of the personnel working inside the Containment. The personnel in the Containment suall take prcmpt action to remove i themselves from Containment whenever the Containment .j e Evacuation Alarm is sounded or their personnel monitoring ~ equipment indicates that a dose limit has been reached or an excessive level of radiation or airborne activity exists. 3.2 Shift Supervisor 1 2 The supervision of the control room operation, par-ticularly as regards radiological monitoring during work l in Containment, is the responsibility of the Shift Super- ~] visor. He shall evaluate any changes reported by the Control Room Operator (CRO) and the Chemist and Health Physicist (C&HP) in order to coordinate emergency activ-ities relating to the evacuation of Containment. He is responsible for keeping the Station Superintendent informed of emergency conditions and announcing the location and nature of emergencies over the PA System. j 3.3 Control Room Operator i ~] The constant monitoring of radiation conditions in Con-tainment is the responsibility of the CRO, particularly l when personnel are working inside containment. He shall evaluate changes in radiation levels detected by con-d tainment atmosphere detectors as well as out of core neutron instrumentation in order to be able to signal 4 evacuation. ] 3.4 Work Supervisor / Foreman 1 The leader or foreman of each work group 'present in Containment shall assure the evacuation of any or all personnel upon hearing evacuation alarms, or upon per-sonal verification that excessive radiation levels exist. The working supervisor will normally be the last man out of Containment. t 3.5 Chemist and Health Physicist (C&HP) The monitoring of radiation dose and exposure for all personnel working in Containment is the responsibility of the C&HP in accordance with HP 1602.01, " External Per-sonnel Radiation Exposure Monitoring". As part of the i


. -.2 rn ji u

n u 3 AD 1827.13.2 personnel monitoring program, REP and personnel dcsi- ~" meters are issued by the C&HP to all personnel entering Containment in accordance with HP 1601.03, " Radiation

q Exposure Permit Procedure".

y a The C&HP is also responsible for monitoring and checking the Containment access area periodically during reactor operation according to the FSAR, Section 12.0, " Radiation Protection", and to evaluate containment radiation levels in accordance with PT 5179.01, " Area Radiation Surveys", PT 5179.02, " Containment Surveys,".and PT 5179.03, " Air-2 borne Radioactivity Surveys". The C&HP is further responsible for the monitoring and/or decontamination of peraonnel after evacuation from Con-tainment in accordance with Section 12.3 of the FSAR, HP [l 1602.01, " External Personnel Radiation Exposure Mon-sj itoring", and HP 1604.C1, " Personal Decontamination Procedures". Il y 4. CONTAINMENT ACCESS The following paragraphs describe the accesses to the Containment [ which may be used for evacuation with the limitations as noted. 4.1 Personnel lock - Elevation 603, southeast side of Con-l tainment. This is the normal access for personnel enter-ing and leaving the Containment during operation and o shutcown. The lock area has room for about ten persons with an automatic pressurization and purging system. Ref: SP 1104.41, " Containment Vessel Hatches". (See ,, and Enclosure 4.) t' I 4.2 Emergency Lock - Elevation 585, northwest side of Con-tainment. This exit is a 5' diameter pressurized vessel for emergency access only, for personnel working at level [,- 585, and for personnel working at lower levels during L shutdown. The lock area will facilitate.only 2 or 3 personnel since the access doors swing inward. (See .) m 4.3 Equipment Hatch - Elevation 603, southeast side of the r-Containment. This hatch can be used for evacuation only during reactor shutdown when the hatch has been opened for equipment handling. The hatch is normally secured and locked and is removed and replaced in accordance with MP 1402.06, " Equipment Hatch Removal and Replacement". (See Enclosure 1.) 4.4 Mechanical Penetration Hatches (205A & 201B) - Elevation 565, east and west side of the Containment and (308A &

._.._~m t .i. l . r 4 AD 1827.13.3 y 307A) - Elevation 585 - southeast and. southwest sides of Containment. (See Enclosure 2 and 3). These doors provide access and exit to and from the annulus area only ~ but do NOT provide access to the containment vessel, and j are normally secured and locked. During shutdown or emergencies, these doors may be opened for access and .shall be used for evacuation from the annulus area during 71 these periods. Since the annulus may be a high radiation' i .i area during reactor operation, these doors can be opened only in emergencies and for short periods after purging in accordance with SP.1104.21, " Containment Purge System Procedure". 5. EVACUATION ALARM AND PROCEDURE 5.1 Alarm Criteria 5.1.1 Manual System j The control room operator shall monitor con-tainment, radiation instrumentation at all times ~ 1 during reactor operation as described in the 4 FEAR, Section 12.0, " Radiation Protection", 4 whenever personnel are in Containment..He.shall initiate the Containment Evacuation Alarm and ~ ~ 3 .announce verbally the extent of evacuation required when the following symptoms are veri- ]- fied: ? o Alarm for.high gamma radiation on any con-tainment radiation monitors. m o High count rate in the source range instru-mentation. o Increasing count rate (3 dpm) in the criti-cality monitoring system during startup (refueling only) I o High radiation level in the gaseous / airborne monitoring instrument in the containment ventilation system. 5.1.2 Automatic Alarm System The affected radiation monitor will automatically j sound an ala rm outside the entrance to the per-sonnel hatch or outside 'the entrance to the equip-3 ment hatch. The Control. Room Operator will receive an alarm at the FDS/RMS Console CRT and Printer. The monitors also provide a readout Lin the Control 6 ~ e-.--,- -w, ~.. ~ y

.n_a_i -__ E _i _,.- .__.Z T l . 92 _. 1 ..d:, w 1- ![- 5 AD 1827.13.3 6 I3 Room and at the personnel / equipment hatch entrance L-for verifying cond,itions. 7 .2 Personnel Evacuation Procedure' 5 5.2.1 Upon hearing the Containment Evacuation Alarm, personnel will immediately' lay down all work equipment, secure, open, or-close any critical. switches or valves and proceed to the personnel lock at level 603 and/or evacuate through the-equipment hatch at level.603, if open. (See ). s 5.2.2 Evacuation will commence immediately-through the-personnel lock which will-be operated _in accordance with SP 1104.41, " Containment Vessel Hatches". 5.2.3 The foreman / leader / supervisor persent in each work group shall assure that his personnel have [} been accounted for and/or entered the personnel LJ lock before the inner door is closed and secured. He shall leave Containment only when all of his personnel have been accounted for. 5.2.4 Upon exiting the personnel lock, all personnel shall proceed immediately to the Disrobing Area for a contamination check in accordance with HP- ~" 1602.01,' " External Personnel. Radiation Exposure Monitoring". At this time, the foreman / leader 'I, l-shall notify the control room by phone that Containment has been evacuated, and to await action by the C&HP personnel regarding their [' exposure and conditions in and around Con-L. tainment. 5.2.5 The emergency lock at level 585 may be used for evacuation only if the route to the personnel ~ lock is cut-off or impassable. Procedure for use of the emergency lock'is also described in SP 1104.41. Personnel exiting by the Emergency Lock shall proceed to the outside Diesel Gen-erator Room and notify the Shif t Supervisor of their evacuation and conditions inside Con-tainment. (See Enclosure 2). 5.3 Control Room Action ~ 5.3.1 The control room operator monitoring an unsafe . condition in Containment shall:

o I! L .1 l 6 AD 1827.13.2 d

1. Check the instrumentation readout (s) for supporting evidence of.the condition.


2. Check the alarm for failure.

l .i

3. Upon confirming the emergency condition, initiate the Containment Evacuation Alarm.

~7 ~ ] .5 3.2 The control room operator, after the evacuation alarm sounds, shall. take immediate action to correct the situation, reduce the radiation levels and restore the station to normal con-2 ditions in accordance with the Emergency Imple-menting Procedures, EI 1300 series. 2 5.3.3 Notify the Shift Supervisor, Station Super-intendent or his designee and/or the EDO of the evacuation and reasons for the alarm. 5.3.4 Log all data pertaining to the evacuation includ-ing the reports verifying evacuation of affected I personnel and conditions inside Containment. 3 4 5.4 Shift Supervisor. Action l t 5.4.1 Verify the conditions reported by the control room operator and announce the emergency over the PA System. 2 NOTE: Check Emergency Plan Activation, EI 1300.91 to ensure the proper emergency classification and the actions accord-ingly. 5.4.2 Determine if it is necessary to evacuate other areas of the station in accordance with AD 1827.11, " Station Evacuation Procedure". l 5.4.3 Ensure that no one re-enters Containment until it has been determined safe by Chemistry & Health Physics personnel. ] 5.4.4 Coordinate and monitor station recovery activity 3 in accordance with the Emergency Implementing Procedures, EI 1300 series, and applicable operating procedures and assure that conditions are restored to normal in Containment. 5.5 Action of Radiation Monitoring Team 5.5.1 Report to the Health Physics Monitoring Room for instructions.

.-~. .-...---.:....~..- q' !,3 ' 1 1 i' 7 AD 1827.13.1 5.5.2 Survey area immediately adjacent to the Con-a tainment personnel lock and other areas which were used for evacuation as determined by the EDO and/or C&HP. 5.5.3 Check evacuated personnel for contamination in accordance with HP 1602.01, " External Personnel i Radiation Exposure Monitoring," and decontami- '~ nate, as necessary, in accordance with HP i-1604.01, " Personnel Decontamination". 5.5.4 Report results of surveys and personnel mon-itoring to the C&HP or EDO and the control room for evaluation. 4 x ?" 'a s a 1 t l' i E i !w f-* L. t'* h4 em i.e ' m____-._.___

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i I i [ ' ~i i. t. 4 L 3 6. 2 C.~ ~ l E."-] t __f, L,J t__J - Cy [_] t ,;-) ' 2 i Primary.E0acuation Route: Penctration Use stairs up to llatch 303A Personnel Hatch at Elev. 603',. as --.-. Use hatches 307A 6 308A I

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b 3[ b ._,,cl I' for Annulus Evacuation, h ~ then go up stair AB-2 n, 3 J ![~7g. a to CF.llP Area for ara c ,3, g,.. _y,; " *" ~ l ;. b'p decontanination. F i P ' g/e N_ I.s I Il C}m/ / i - l = '- \\s\\ i ; },I I sa e ,i sei mn es C3 3 isQQ-Q-Q.- 't -.Di ~ n\\.a C ,i j =hh.ihw. '1 r.12if l} ' j A A a I l sa i l!A-e.ue :.H. I. l.._I I e EU f o i I c c;/ .S':c.-<-<-- m.=,.! z.s ie Y~L-.O. 1 im,. ): " ;C .w Emergency 9,.. & jj;, y\\ L Ilatch N /' /- k' % ['i. ._ Y.:: . ' Penetration (Secondary Exit- 'd# i" s s ,'l :=iEEgL. __ l. Hatch 307A Routc) =3 E t Ek E\\l bl$2 - I 77 ca n % W ~... _ s o t a DAVIS-8 ESSE NUCLEAR P0KER ST R, y RADI ATION ZONES FOR NORHAL O -w ELEVATION 585 I I. caw W La3 4 4

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