ML20027A538 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Bailly |
Issue date: | 12/15/1978 |
To: | Boyd R Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
NUDOCS 7812200142 | |
Download: ML20027A538 (45) | |
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Jem'. n... Ntar't,hern Infllana Ptshllu Uttr'vice lh!rnpant; - t( y .- Jew. ;m .s _ 5-m.-or-/ r m o. w - j;s j 0ue . EM Sue
... c, ., t.. t . c-. C e c e rh r ' 5, 143 M r. R ge r S. E v, d, D;r e ct e r Divis n of Projec t Ma:ia g -m .*
Office of Nucht Reacte r Eep!atic .s U. S. Nuclea r Reg :lator Cur.rnte sian
. . _
- in g t ;n, D. C.
. 2>55 RE: Nort'r e rn :nd ana Pibite Se rvice Company Eailly Ger.e rating Statisn Nuclea r 1 Docket No. 50-3(,7
Dear M r. B oyd:
Flease f;nd ancl: sed forty < 40) cap;es each of Revision 1 and Report E rrata f or "Suppiernenta ry Inf ormatwn en Driven H. Pile F andations" Report f ar Bailly Cer.e rating Station, Nucle ar 1. No rthern Ir.itana Patlic Se rvice Ccmpany date d r 4, 1978. The Revisier., con sist.r.g af raplacerm t page s, contains details and re sults of L quifacti:n Analyse s pe rf ,r:r.ed fo r preccnstructicn Area s A through D, as well as the inclustan of several partions of the test that we re ir.adve rtently cmttte d f r:m the submittal. The Reprt E rrata carrects t epag rapr.tcal, spelling and pracf reading e rror s. We a coid appre ciate early concurrence in cur proceed;ng with pro. ducti n piles. Very raly yo r s, j 1 1 ))~ o EM3:co O Enci t e u re MQA
~,s L....s.o - s e
, c ,'F"; ( ng aded , . . . , - . m.a. w e- , , o es s e m . g ge mo weiy .e 4 e . maw .~ /mst*s b-a w n% -L9ry M n151m. _ "w* MM
a 4
" ' T"*W- ..: s.
s.a [ .- 2-- - z - < = _m. - - --vawe - w-=--- -- = - m : e = ""w .-+' K2F1r t2 ili[ p M ' SARGENT & LUNDY Decerher 13, 1378 s h c, r % c a s s ca.K a # 3 iEPOPT EPP3TA "S apple: entary Inf orr.s ti:n on Driven H-Pil a Foundaticr.s" 31111*/ ~ener2Gnq 5tation - :;uclear . Northern Indiana Public Ser*/ic' Corpsny Cecerter 4, 1979 c..-s r. . _ .x
,r_. r_ .o
- 1. Fefise the fifth ';ne cf this letter ta .hc. 21 a d d i t io r, s l Lc r ir.g s ha/;r.g r.een perfet ed in t r ep tr ir. ; this -r ort.
. A e , e_ u.
nr ~...r...c.
- 2. Ps;e i
- a. The first sub sec tion ur section 2.3.2 " soil : .m;. rov ere r. t "
shcu d ce not 2.2.3 1
- b. Sec tion 2. 3. 2. 3 " Driving Fe s s t ance" does not appear in the text and should te deleted.
- 3. Page i:
Su section shcull be t tled "S;rcey Precision n r.d Accuracy."
....,.r n.e . D s 's. ---r.') ' s ' . * * .
- 5. Page . . !.
F1;;re 3-7A ;1're s t h r- plots of ". . desce ers.s -' i e " for piles t l i, 23 ar.d 36, i.e., pile 19 nc t p;1e 9.
- 5. Page ix F1;ure 4' is t;"le1 "Fedrive Pesastan:o ersas :nitial Or;v;ng Fesistnr. e" n:t 3s c w r. .
r..: m . .s .p . e_. ,. .
- 2. rs:< .-:
" I- e f . '-5" s..culd ce "?e' -4" ra;- 1~
l'en 1 - " s.1 pi.os whl;h ex er -re 1- ncess" shculd he, "All piles wr.10 n e.V p e r l er.0" - e .s v e in e .<.c e s '.
?. Fa:s :-1 station: "+ 23 inches
- thaull L . 27; c r : r, ,"
Yr & T' MLTJ .. . . . , ~ . .n,. ,.,..,,-~~,.,-~~nr c~.a-,, , ,.- ~ u :w . . s .. + . . U."1."$1 JM$ -
e t dEk
- y"*",W, R
s.%, m,c f. %
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g - a / -- -- -_ :2 2, -w w m m -. m, ,, SARGENT & LUNDY ENGINEE99
< c.2a TdPORT ERRATA (cont'd)
- 9. Page 2-9 Fifth line in middle paragraph," Pef. 2-2" should be "Ref. 2-3"
- 10. Pa7e 2-11 First paragraph of section 2.2.3, seven lines down, "Fef. 2-3" snould te " Pef 2-2" 11 Taga 2-12 Change the elevaticn given tn the first line cf ! ten 4 from
-100 to -110.
- 12. Page 2-15 First paragraph of section 2.2.4, six lines down, "Ref, 2-3* should be "Ref. 2-2"
- 13. Page 2-16 Pevise the fifth line from the tc p of the page to shcw that the auger hole at pile locatior. 25 was advanced to elevatien
-117, no t -115.
- 14. Page 2-17 The .-values N given in the n; nth line from the tc p c f the page vary from 23 t r.r t 3' to 41.
- 15. Page 2-21 Eight lines d:wn from the tap c f p sa e, "S ;sp ec tittle" should te "Sasceptable"
- 16. P3;e 2-23 Seventh line up fro- t.
- tc
- t:5 s' page,"Ref 2-l*
sh?;1d be "Ref 1-1 l' T1;e 2-32 Five lines up fr:m tctt:n of page, "83" .hcald be " 32" -
.3 T 1 ? -' ;-33 The drill r;; drop . enti: re d .- the last .ine :n the page was 4',not 2.5' - . - eama nw ma mm y , mew;mm e my,ygm,_ , ,q m y m, gpgm _ ~.r a r -4 '1'* ,, Jar ..
t- %Eb
**ry,w W W W . ,cq f,WQ.w! z y-- guam a ma ar-~.- -- a.ssmama-u xe wam.wam --nwu wwwa rasgrz I
S ARGENT & LUNOY E N csG I.>N.s. E a s PETCRT EPRATA (cor t ' d!
- 19. Fage 2-34 Fevise the second sente::ce on the psao to rend "This zene...
of nearcy Piles No. 3E-70 and 3E-73 wn:ch were driven to. . *
- 20. Page 2-44 Fevise the first lir.e of Iter 5 to c'st+
- hat 3 (not 21 verifica tion horin;s w114 be drill
21 Fne 2-4*
- a. Substatate EorinJ F2L-7 for I2E e t. a f02rth line from the top of *he pige.
- b. Change elevation -133 te -133 in t'r fif* and seventh lines frcm the top of the page.
- 22. Tele 2-2 Driving f A;-) cccurred from eitvaticn *40 to -48 ( no t - 5 4 ) .
- 23. Tatle 2-5 Under pile *T pe", there should te tw2 asterisks. c.o t o ne ,
ad acent to 14::1117 i.e , 14HPil7**
- 24. Fi. re 2-3 T, h. e ti:w ccunt at elevati:n -36,
, ;1 ve r. 2s 112, shculd he 22 F1;ure :-)
- a. Zelete
- 4, 2,
e r.e 3 4
.u u,t. .-r. *eted productitn ,cile sy-tols at pile 1ccations L.
T.5 e 22* J cas;ng at location 6 was i stalled to elevation -12.5.
- c. Latel sich.
- .le 1 ation 4 (the only .ccst.on wit, ne nurter; as
- d. Plesse r.c' te u r. de r , i le 3 that na - ir: .ss perforsed.
e. Add the . a r.e l , dis urtsn; " ::ne 2r. -ne rcrrescording N-value at el(vat.on -96 f:r ??r : f-2. This dist2rt ance is referrei t3 or page 2-15 cf **e
- 26. Fijare 2-12 2ne. 3;ser ne. .l e d ( . w MM.
at p;1e 1:catian 25 .is r: r e to elevata:n
.' Il 'a r 9 2*14 "he here.
t;0w O c u r. . at eleva t.: n - ;* as . , ct 43 as olattel p... J7, ."nTPF ' ' ~ 4
- w. .*sW' bil;M . . - . . . .~...we. . = . > . . . -...,c-=_. s - 2 m e as.. c w a c: .. i U2d m nsk
- momeM
6 INb e . m*pu a y--.- 3 -_ i Q w ts? 7 }-
-.. -.._--. -- m - - . ~ . ~ , - - . . .n . _ __.wa a, m e
SARGENT&LUNCY E N Gis z t e a cmca.O REPCRT ERFATA (cont'd) .
- 23. 71gure 2-15
- a. The tip elevation of Pile 3E-9 3 is -133 I no t -132),
- b. Jetting was conducted to elevation -122 ( no t -112) on Pile SE-61.
- c. In the Key, " Jetted ( el eva t io n ) " should be " Jetted ( Low'e s t Elevaticn;."
- 29. Figure 2-19 The nunter "1" (for note 1) shc ald appear beside the point a t eleva tion -115 (blow count of 23) since this sarple was taken with a 2.5" I.O. split spoon.
- 30. Figure 2-24 The sarple taken at elecation -54 in borina 72W-1 itlow count of 14) should have c nly 1 asterisk (*) after it since sarpling was done with a 2.5" I.D. split spoon.
- 31. Fi;ure 2-34 Add " weight o f rod" drop from 91 to 95 feet. This W.O.R. is shown in Figure 2-19 and the bor' ng log (Appendix 2A).
- 32. Figure 2-42 Add " weight o f rod" dr p f ran 91 to 95 feet This W.O.R. is shown in Figure 2-19 and the boring log (Appendix 2A' s 32 ri;ure 2-51A The labels fcr Strings P2E-5 and T2E-7 are reversed, i.e.,
F2E-5 is located east of P2E-7
- 34. Figure 2-519
- a. Last line of title, add "7 reconstruction tres E".
- b. Scrings P2E-5 and F 2E-7 have been interchanged!
- 35. Firure 2-SIC
- a. Last line cf :;o t e 2, " liqui ;cstion" should te " liq 2ef ac tion"
- b. Bor in gs P2E-5 and P2E-7 have been interchanged.
- 36. Fi;ures 2 '2A and 2-320 TF-6 is still in place. Thus, it will te necessary to prcvide a crout hole on eitter side of the web instead c f cne hele J0wn the . middle as shown.
+ b .. e s, Afeww e e.wegs .w g - m,.g ymyggew . .pyypu gg - y , ygg ,
4{. . m ,.a - i MAIerJ
a .b
~ ma:.m g Jvsr %f *1 : .,.
Q- W * ':. - - - - _ uw ,m --- - ---- - - - - meewe. - --m-m a anm*wm =~ s ww-' acaiG;E SARGENT& LUNDY r%on etas c .s .<.o REPORT ERRATA (cont'd) 37 _F i.c.u_r e s 2-55A snd 2-5%C Grouting will need to extend to elevation -122 since jetting was carried out to -117.
- 39. Firures 2 *!3 snd 2-55C Oelete note in lower left hind corner of these fisures.
- 39. Table 3-1 The column heading which reads "H mme r E F-ee d in Llows Per inch /. should be changed to rend * ?; eed in Slows Per Minute /. ."
- 40. Table 3-4
, Pile A3-156 received only 55 blows at full stroke not the 121 blows listed here. The adJiticnal 66 tiows (121 - 55) shculd be noted in the " Blows with Chort Str0ke" colt:en, and the redrive ratio for short stroke blows changed to 3.2.
- 41. T12ure 1-2
- a. '.'s e the sirbol indicated in the legend to shaw that Piles 3A-3 and SA-ll were 1 cad test piles.
i b. Ise tne syrtol i r.d ic a ted in the le:end to show t h '. t File AE-lis was instru ented with a tell-tale.
- 42. rigare 3-5A
- a. The pile in r;w 3 with 3.22 inches of heave shculd te labeled as Pile 17 'not li?
- t. Meave of Pile 2 snculd te changed to 2.24 inches.
- 43. Fig Ira 3-58
- a. I1ie U" h *? r HeiV* 35. T.O W 3hC%n yavigej FeIV 5 0.46 C.53 6 0.5) C.5s la 0.E' O.65 27 C.59 2.53 42 -0.06 0.;0
- b. Delete the 3.. Inca contsur l i r.e aroun! P;1e !
' ,Wm%!, % yy1 *gu -p r .hrauga . .--.......----.--~~=---as--e-= %-- NC
e 'Ts S h, [ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . - - - - - - - -
---Yru N i
e SARGENT & LUNDY t%osNEres Cw'C 4+0 PIPOP.T ERRATA (cont'd) J' Figure 3-9B Re"ise the "Fenetration into Bearing Stratum" for Pile 33 to 5 feet.
- 45. Figure 3-143 The maximum butt defle:ticn is 1.077 inches.
- 46. Figure 3-159 The maximum butt deflecticn is 0.916 inches.
CHAPTER 4 47 Page 4-12 Change butt deflection given for Pile SA-ll in the fifth line f rom the top of the page f rom 0.89 to 0.92 inches.
- 49. Pace 4-17 La s t line before section 4.5, Delete "Will be provided".
- 49. Table 4-1 The " Cushion Thickness Before Test" for the fresh cushion is 4.9 (not 4.62) inches.
- 50. Page 5-2
!nsert a plus (+) sign between FLL and To in the equaticn given on this page.
51 Pn;e 5-12 Substitute " relative to" for " change in" in the first line on the page. REFERENCES
- 52. Reference 1-3 Indicate the NIPSCo submittal to the ':PC on Jaly 20, 1973, in addition to July 14 text.
1978, as noted on Fage 1-1 in the gg _ _ _. -- _- __- -_ -- - r==
a 3
__.__--_w - - - - - ---
---we=== wee suw sE2sx2 SANGENTEkLUNDY eNaimaeas c ecaso REPORT ERRATA (cont'd)
- 53. Reference 2-2 Repcrt SL-3205 was dated Septerter 15, 1975, not Septerter 17, 1975. Include docket date of July 14, 1978.
- 54. Reference 2-10
. Note that Or, Seed provided the inform sticn f rcr. the tris terways Experimental Station which is used in this Feport.
5f Appendix 23 Change the word " production" to "prcduct" in the tentn line of the second paragraph on the fourth page.
- 56. Appendix 2B, Pigures 2 B- 2 a nd 23-4 Add " Area E" to the title block.
- 57. Appendix 20 Add tho following to the title page "(Displacement Piles)."
- 58. Appendix 2C - Pile No. 11 Delete the *8 blows /2 inches" from this plot,
- 59. Appe nd ix 20 Add the follOwing to the title page "(Displacement Files)."
- 60. Appendix 30 Second page. The piles listed in the second line of item 3 should be TP-3 (not TP-b) and Q-94 (not C-96s.
- 61. Appendix 30 - Figure 3-G-2 Change " dense silt" f rom 16 to 30 f eet, to "very stiff clay"
-g. M1M _w ,9 cmeem. w- 6 8947- -- M*Wh O ' , ][L'TA f
e .
** W Q .?[q-i f 't'3 _m__ __ _ - . _ . - - _ - - - - - - - - i rh-w%mers-av mh.VGT' EEEEMMEI e
a S ARGENT & LUNDY esoi~cr., 12/15/79 c ~asa FE*/ISION 1 "Supplecer.tary Infernation en Driven h-Pile Fcundations" Bailly Generating Station-::cclear 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Ccepsny Oece.Ther 4, 1975 Crigins! Fage Feplace ant Psce :*) 1-4 1; Scne 2-22A 2-37 2-37 2-40 2-4C 2-48 2-48 2-49 2-49 and 2-49A 2-50 2-50 2-51 2-51 and 2-51A 2-52 2-52 2-53 2-53 and 2-53A 2-54 2-54 2-55 2-55 and 2-55A Fig. 2-49 Fig. 2-49 None Fig. 2-520 None Fig. 2-530 None Fig. 2-54D None Fig. 2-55D None 3-19a 3-34 3-34 App. 28, p.1 App. 29, p.1 None App. 23, Fig. 23-5 None Arp. 23, Fig. 2B-6 Ncne App. 23, Fig. 23-7 Ncne App. 23. Fig. 22-2 None App. 23, Fig. 23-9 Nene App. 23, Fig. 2P-10 Ncne Arp. 29, "ig. 23-11 Ncne App. 28, Fig. 23-12 None App. 25, Fig. 25-13 Ncne App. 29, Fig. 23-14 Sene App. 29, "ig. 23-15 None A; p . 23, r;g. 22-16 __._ .. _ _- - _ . -- --- --- --- ~ ~ =~ mamma m= -4g gy w---
l i j
- h , . , puer,s'( l p.4 b*% $* t .%
44d2N ' & . --- my. s - m m e s,.,,r,,,,w.:,w = m w e s, g - m - w.,ca_r e e w m m u u p l 1
- v. < .o traticn Test (S PT) N-valaes ere ased as a basi to evaluate the in-situ soil conditions and tne ef fects of the preccnstarction activities. A comparison of SPT N-values obtained within the areas of precon-straction activities to SFT N-valaes obtained within the s a m.e strata in arets whera na sach activities too< place indicatei that the sar.dy 30113 have been disturted/ loosened.
Liquefaction an a ly se s were perforced using state-of-the-art techniques to establish ligaefaction potential criteria. Based en consaltation with Dr. H. B. Seed, at was cor.cluded that a factor o $ P.1 safety of 1.5, based on the SPT N-valaes, shoJld be maintained to prevent liquefacticn. The SPT N-valaes, required to prevent liquefacticn. are ceing develeped for each preconstruction area. The liquef action studies in Area E ( southwest corner of Service Bailding) indicated tnat soils fredi-ately in between jetted plies were loosened suffi-ciently sach that the factor of sa f e ty against ligaefaction was less than 1.5. As a resalt, closely-spaced H-piles were driven, completely enclosing portions af the jette 3 piles in Area E, to de te rmi..e the feasibility c f Ja tng drive . H-p.les as 1-4 ze? ,. n , M .. 's N p ( NM -4%M e er .-e w m e+W* erme s umsm1lsp* 7 emeraN, = v W.*m m e re 9 M4lwP 2"9 F& 4 *YrW *tM ,5T # s FJ~ *PT. . WPr 4 s' $ ~
, , i p,w-y-G l.f- 9)a - .__n_.---..----~- - - - - - - - - . . -- - ,m . ..- - ~~> =~~wxm sansa 6
S ARGENT & LUNDY E % Gi N E E #1 c .c. m disturbed soll are 91w:n the strain de;.endent shear l moduit and ccmptrg ratios of the or i g i r4 a ' 31 undistorted soil layers as repcrted ir Report SL-3629 IRet. 1-1). Ecr the disturted zcne, shear modait and de ping ration were taken as equivalent 4 - e 2-2Ja revistan . 12/15 !s N..y7 kk.. .-. P g. , E...- . . . . - _ ._ __ . m .. . _,- . ._ .- . .m . ~ . m , w . v m.s eme . u u , tar 7m; J*u'OA;
- e fA ,g_f;g}
gyr .__ _ _ . _ . _ . . , _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - - ---- --- - -- --- %-m w .:; usuus:e b e ! SARGENT & LUNDY rNGe%CERs caicaso might also have filled disturbed zones similar to that
. enccuntered in Boring PZE-5 telow the depth cf previous jetting activiti,s. Based on the resalts of the Birdwell 3-ars Caliper survey, the average torehole diameter for Borings IZE-6 and PZE-7 was about 5 incnes. It would require apptcximat:ly 40 cubic feet of the cciored drilling flutd to fill these two torings. Therefore, approximately 40 cubic f eet out of t.* e 80 cucic feet of the colored drilling tlund were lost due to corr.municattcn R1 and/or filling adjacent dtsturted zenes.
The ccesunication is telteved to occur mostly in the upper por tien of the boring, especially irrzediately below the upper glacial lacustrine clay where the top portion of the sand layer was eroded or loosened due to the jetting and drilling activities. This mode of communication is demonstrated by the Birdwell 3- arm caliper measurements in Bor angs PZE-6 and P E-7, as shown en Figures 2-47 and 2-50, respectively. Limited zones having a larger diameter were recorded in both torings at the same elevatien (elevation -22) L:rrediately telow the upper glacial lacustrine clays. 2- 17
.Se n stsn i 12 c'15 /
- a 2aw* **8 im 9e* ene 499- M*WFT N
- bpm h are= m .,_sg6Mg4*,6463rfgg Ngeg , y a.r e rl
- s k, . +., ,.__ __ -. . - _ - . -
asem m a,s.;r m 6 e d SARGENT&LUNDY s re G a se E E a s c esic ae a sand / clay bearing stratam is reached. 15ereafter, the SPT N-values will be obtained at 2 ig -f oot intervals. These borings will Le drille$ approximately 10 feet beyond the maximum expected depth of disturbance in each area. Where the preconstruction activities extand to bedrock, the borings will be terminned at the beirock surface. Liquefaction analyses have been performed in each preconstruction area ( Sec t ions 2.3.1 and 2.4.3), using procedures similar to those described in Section 2.3.1 for Area E, to establish the minimum required N g -values to prevent liquefaction, with a factor of safety of 1.5. A plot of SPT N-values versus depth has been prepared for each area (Sections and 2.4.3), corresponding to the effective overburden pressure for various ;round water conditions, in accordance with the procedure presented in Step 4 of Section If the SPT N-values from the borings exceed the analytical values, i.e., factor of safety greater than 1.5, densification piles within the proximity of the supplemental borings arr not required. If the factor of safety is less than 1.5, Step 3 (driving densification piles) will be carriad oct at predetermined locations. Also, additi0nal supplementary torings will te subsequently drilled 2-40 Pev: s 4.:n 1 12/12 73
- h. 3 d.-a . e ,m une - - sup mass a tasaure aw w etess** N mJWW1 M 4 - - .M5h';*@ d
a. r O@'JWi,.x;
%f,} - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - . - - . . _ - -- _ - - -
_-___,u,, L b SARGENTin LUNDY e E N G.i mc. o c.E E = s Se curves on Figure 2-51D are established based on the very conservative model of analysia (Approach 1, Sectien 2.3.1) and for various field groundwater conditions. Tne field personnel can use the groundwater level and SPT N-vakes for sandy soils encoant ? red in each bcring and ccmpare the data with the appropriate c2rve to assess whether the sandy soils possess a factor cf safety against liquefaction of 1.5 or greater 2.4.3 Proerse for Other Preconstruction Areas Based on the nature and extent of the preconstruction
+ activities and the soil conditices revealed by borings and indicator piles (as presented in Section 2. 2) ,
remedial programs for Preconstruction 1reas A, B, C, and D have also been developed utilizing the principles and concepts described in Section 2.4.1. Applicable steps in R1 the program will be implemented in any ancmalous areas identified by the driving of prod;ction piling. The programs were designed on the basis of the methods and precedures used in Area E which have proven successful in densifying the sand strata which were disturbed by the precor.struction activities. The results obtained give confidence that succestful results wt11 te cttained in other preconstruction aress as well. 2-48 Pevision 1 12/15/':
* .wp v su.*'v * - _ _ _ - L- .1asswmm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , ,y g,g g
a 4- e. . i
- s. u ---,
_w_ . ~ .amm_e . - -- - _,n _ _ _ _ _ nur m e SARGENT &LUNDY r%c1%(ras c ( m e ;,, The following subsections presant the cere31al programs for Areas A through D; however, for siPplicity, some of the details, sach as trcse present?d i tne general remedial disussion (Section 2. 4 .1) and the discussion of Area E (Section 2.4.2), naie not been el.itarated. 2.4.3.. Araa N The tackground inf ormation for Are s A has teen surrarized in Figure 2-2. Figares 2-52A through 2-520 present the plans for different [Aares of the reredial program. Liquefaction analyres have teen perforred utilizing 91 analytical techniques similar to those presented fer Area E (Section 2.3.1). The disturbed zone was modeled I R1 assuming disturbance from the tcp of the intertedded bearing stratum to a depth several feet beyond the maximum depth of jettin3 Appendix 2-B presents the two different approaches used to model the soil in the disturbed zone (Figures 23-5 and 2B-6) and the corresponding Ny -valaet required for esch apprcach so that tne factor cf safety agairst liquefaction is 1.5 (Figure 2B-7). 3ase3 cn the N ' -values obtained for the i R1 very conservitive zodal analysis (Apptes:5 I, as discussei in Section 2. 3.1) , the liquefa:: ten potential criteria fer Area A are presented on Fi;;re 2-520 (in tne f:rmat of MT N-v a l u e s varsas depth, similar t0 that presented f:r Ar a a E in 2e c t i c a. a r. d cn Fi;;re 2-510). The procram is u t '. ' r o d a s fallcws 2-43 m ' _ . . _~ tWMM h6.W %s*r b .4 E h _ as { Mbl we 'u d. *'iara "W WN @f' .- _ _ _ _ ._.966-_-
%,. .m y ~ - ' nu'.4 J
" E,
- p. %!@_. m4 _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _____ _
6 S A RG E.N T %LUNDY ENGsNEE45 C touG prey
- 1. Drill 4-inch diameter grout holes and groot at the locations shown in Figure 2-52A. At the locations where the piles have been extracted, a primary grout hole will be installed. Four secondary grout holes will te installed approximately 1.5 feet from each i
.evis; n ; 12/15/'3 * ' ~ T.hWW4 4 ewm .4 a . ___ _- -- e.Ser NJGT-- W *i.L h Jrtc _. A YY T . -' 1--
Ql 4 1+,,A"l, wt a.i 'L
b .. _gpy:m*_/M, a"q$_, . __ --- - . - - - -
- _mmn, m 6
SARGENr & LUNOY ENGNttas cas.cs o of the primary grout holes. At the location of TP-6, wnere the jetted pile is still in place, primary grout Poles will be drilled in het*.een the pile flanges, one on each side of the web. Four secondary great holes will be installed abo;tl.5 feet from the center of TP-6. The depth of groating at each location is shown on Figure 2-52A
- 2. Drill six rupplementary borings to the elevation cf the nearest grout hole, as shown en Figure 2-52B.
Liqueftetion potential will be evaluated based cn the liquefaction potential criteria developed for this area. (Figure 2-52D).
- 3. Drive densification piles at the locations and to t the depths shcwn on Figure 2-528. Contingency 9
densification piles may be installed at the locations as shown, on the basis of results obtained from the supplementary torings. 4 Drill three verification torings at the locatior.s shown on Figure 2-52B to confirm that SPT N-values meet the minimum required, according to the liquefaction analysis perferred for this area (Figure 2-52D). Fig;te 2-52C presents a corpesite hi drawing shcwing the total remedial prcgrsm for Area A. 2-50 Fe tincn . 12'.5/73
~ ;#'..g'l F' y - '
t' ' 'N 4seM A g jggy gg a - . -
, , a g . . .> _,. .]
D .__
" r,V4q.c
- c. =* '3j{agg
% _L . - - _ - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - ~
mamame=m.mam m g W - e S ARGENT Si LUNCY e%si%sc=s cama,a Area B The background information for Area S has been summarized in Figure 2-6. Figures 2-53A through 2-53C present the plans for different phases of the re~edial program. I 6 Liquefaction analyser have been performed utilizing i P1 analytical techniques similar to those prezanted fer Area E (Section 2. 3.1) . The disturbed zone was modeled R1 assuming disturbance frcm the top cf *he interbedded bearing stratum to a depth several feet beyond the maximum depth of jetting. Appendix 2-B presents the f
, two different approaches used to model the soil in the disturted zone (Figure 2B-9 and 2B-9) and the F1 corresponding Ny -values required for each approach so that the factor of safety against liquefaction is 1.5 (Figure 2P-lC). Based on the Ng -values obtained for the very ccnservative rodel analysis (Approach I, as discussed in Section 2. 3.1) , the liquefaction potential criteria for Area B are prosented on Figure 2-53D (in the format of SPT N-values versas depth, similar to that presented for Area E in Section and on Figure 2-51D). The program is outlined as follows:
- 1. Crill 4-inch diameter grout holes and grout at the locations shown in Figure 2-53A. At all tht locations where the piles have bee 7 extracted, a primary grout hole will be installed. Four secondary greut holes will be installed 2-51 Fe n s:on i 12 /15 M 3
- - ==e w ly gg SM.4g g-pgg maim gg,gggggpagg gg ,q s p % , p, 55Y.,a m m . wJ ^[%L{
- o <= -
,,, n 7[. m ,2 jhik__ _ , _ __ - - . - - - . - ._mv--wwar gsmuses 6
SARGENTa LUNDY ENG%CLM$ cast mas approximately 1.5 feet frem each of the primary grout holes. S.e depth of grouting at each 1ccation is shown on Figure 2-53A.
- 2. Drill seven supplementary borings to t?.c elevatien of the nearest greuting depth, as shewn en Figure 2-533. Lig;efsetion rotential will be evaluated 2-51A P e '.u s i : n . 1 ';5 73
e, y.g - - " ' LW a., m MM N9Na +* M MC --- ' %--# wn , . s, , 4 g .--- _ _ - -
, ;QG.2 A.t
,, . p we. r a : y
[*E '"*i - w. w...,u~n.-- - - - - - - - - ----,m w hee wwes-,n2,,,a m t a e SARGENT & LONOV ENG6NEEa5 cw c.sw based on the liquefaction potential criteria developed for this area (Figure 2-f3D).
- 3. Drive densification piles .i t the locations and depths shown on Figure 2-533. Contingency densifi-cation piles ma'/ ba inctalled at 'he locatiens as shewn, on *he tasis of reSJit! OCtained fro 9 the supplementary borings.
- 4. Drill twc verifiration borings at the 1ccations shown en FigJte 2-53B to confirm that SFT N-valces meet the :ni n iraum required, according to the liquefaction analysis performed for this area (Figure 2-53D). Figure 2-!30 presents a composite i R1 drawing showing the total re.?edial program for Area B. Area C The backgrOJad information f Or Area C has been s an.marized in Figare 2.9. Figures 2-54A threagh 2-540 present the plans for dif'erent phases of the remedial progra=. Lig;efaction analys*s have been performed utilizing l El analytical techniques similar to those presented for Area E (3ecticn 2. 3.1) . ine distarted zone was modeled ! R1 a s s J ?. i n g distJrb3nce frOS the top of *he interiedded , bearing strat;P to the bedreck sarface. Appendix 2-3 I l presents the two different approaches pe3 to redel the f El t soll in t.9 e 31 start.ed zone (Figure 25-11 and 2-52 Fe:.a.:- . . . ' . i
, "' , - - h*W.seNmhmN 4*FN 'FSP aggeh. . Y J '4Fr. AJ s ' '. . 'NI..f"W.Sud N 7. .
f 9 e
*Tm&y . t 7 gQQL - _,___
_ _ - - _ - _ - . . . . - - - --- ------ - = -- -, ,- ~~ssa- .w= w.: .w metus SARGENT & LUNOY E ps G I N E E 4 5
^ =s'C a 4 3 23-12) and the corresponding N y -values required for each ,
I approach so that the factor of safety against liquefaction is 1.5fFigure 2B-13). Based on the ; l N -values obtained for the very conservative :rodel : P.1 analysis (Appraach I, as dise;ssed in Section 2.3.11, the l 1 liquefaction potential cetteria for Area C are presented on Figure 2-54D (in the format of SFT N-valaes versas depth, similar to that presented for Area E in Section i and on Figure 2-51D). The program is outlined as follows:
- 1. Drill 4-inch diameter grout holes and grout at the locations and to the depths shcwn on Figure 2-54A. At locations where preaugering without jetting t oo '<
place and where piles have been installed, enly two primary grout holes will te drilled: one en each side of the pile web. At locations of augered holes where no pile wae installed (locations 4 and 15), 4 secondary groot holes will be used around the primary grout hole to grout the predrilled he'e, as _ shown in Figure 2-54A. At locations where piles were installed by Jetting ( loca t icr.s 5 rd 9), two pri.?ary grout holes will be used tr -een the flanges, en each side of the pi.' .r, and 4 secondary groat h c '.e s 3rcund the pile. ~he secondary groat hole s wi.1 te locat ed abo;t 1.5 feet from the center of the pile or the center of the primary great holes. 2-53 Fec; sten . .1 - ';
%, . . .. r'"*2v-* - - . - - _. . ._ me mmm _ y. ., . m L*r*'-7 e Gab .
F 0
$, *a"hV% *, _6
_. f--- y '*
, r -~.. - _ _ . _ _ _ .m w w._ _ __s-_ __._.-__- - ,w,,uas._. g i
e 4 S ARGENT & LUNDY rue. ~tcas c=ma. a y 2. Drill six supplementary borings at the locations shown in Figure 2-54B. The will extend to a depth of 140 feet (elevation -13 2) . Liquefaction t i
;-33A Ps v i n :- . 1;f;5/ s .7'- 'M"'8'".D msnsen _ & m, - _ _.4 FF, sS hM s M g *4 sS.;A . 1,_ a w . b?$*h'
e e NsW.. $1_ , ~ _ . . _ p . - . . _ . m ,,wwesu g e e SARGENT & LUNov sNGIN5E*$ Cahs aw potential will be evaluated based on the liquefaction potential criteria developed for this area. (Figure -5431
- 3. Drive densification pilss to improve soil conditions. The densification piles are planned at the locations shown in Figure 2-54B. Supplementary densification piles will te driven, if required, at the locations shcwn. The need for densificaticn piles at these locations will be determined on the basis of the results of the supplementary borin;s.
- 4. Drill four verificatien borings at the locations shown in Figure 2-54B to ecnfirm that SPT ibvalues meet the mini &2m required according to the liquefaction analyses performed for this area. !,
R Figure 2-54C is a composite drawing showing the !. total remedial program fer Area C. Area D The background infor:raticn for Area D has been sum:tarized in Figure 2-12. Figures 2-55A through 2-55C present the plans for different phases of the renedial program. Ligaefaction analyses have been perforred utilizing El analytical techniques similar to those presented fcr Area E (Section 2.3.1). Tne disturbed zcne was modeled R1 assaming distartance from the t0p of the interbedded
.'-54 Rev;sicn . 12.'15/73 T y,- K = Nu mesmemenwupe _-- . _ _ _ . mm mmwswu yh a w ant, h . amp m dSe
e .
"" W N 'h e o _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ __ --mm%' masses SA RGE NT & LUNDY e % o n e. r. r a s c as c a 4o bearing stratum to bedrock. Appendix 2-B presents the two different approaches usc3 to moiel the soil in the disturbed zone (Figure 23-14 and 2B-15) and the corresponding Ng -values required for each approach so R1 that the factor of safety against ligaefacticn is 1.5 (Figur e 2B-16) . Based on the Ny -values obtained for the very conservative model analysis (Approach I, as discussed in Secticn 2.3.1), the liquefaction potential criteria for Area D are presented on Figure 2-550 (in the format of SPT N--v a lu e s versus depth, similar to that presented for Area E in Section and en Figure , 2-51D) . The program is outlined as follows:
- 1. Drill 4-inch diameter grout holes and grout at thc locations and to the depths shown in Figure 2-55A.
Primary grout holes will be drilled in between the pile flanges, on each side of the pile web. Four secondary grout holes will te drilled around each pile location, approximately 1.5 feet fron the center of the pile.
- 2. On the basis of the very high penetration resis-tances recorded in Borings P:D-1 and F D-2, it appears that soil densification is not required in this areat however, to eliminate any concerns relative to the density of the sand lenses within the interbedded deposit, two supplerentary borings will te drilled at the locaticns shcwn in Figure 2-55B. If the 2-55 '3 Fevist:n 1 12/15.'73 I(5ml. m m _ N
-n-a W>e:Lgy' m mr;n u .,_ .-~ ...___
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- I l 1 ! ;
10 - { GL ACI AL- L ACUSTR.NE CLAY I i l i y- , a _f - - -.- e e a i 1 e s A-
- G W. AT ELEVAT!CN _6-0 .
(e) 43 .
-,g a _ _ _ - ~
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x 70 - 4,na
' i I - 80 t - - - -
" l ' - -- a , 90 - - -- -
z LOWER GL ACiAL-L ACUST9:t.C CL AY I E 100 - - - - - 8 no * -- 12 0 - GLAC:AL T:LL 83 0 1- - - - I ROCK 140 e . _ . _ _ . _
;50 - ' --- -
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.w. ....;
en i u/- t l
%e. , " ..__.-._ _ _._---.- _ _ _ . -- . - ..-_.u- rz:zes J'e cy.48
a e 6 p:a u l _ o --_ ; ,,- m w w m e STA NCARD FENETRATICN RESISTA".CE. N- 9s0 4S PER FOCT O 10 20 30 40 *0 0 . 1 i i
io - 8 '--- -- I 20 - GL A01 AL - L A00ST R.NE CLAY [ 30 . _ 4;_._.__... _ , . _ . . - - _e_.\ d.g. A _ _ _ ( e j 3 n a-j E,E 4*(N _f 3 N AT El dT CN- 6 0 (Al
- "O - - - - -
9- --- - co - D:STuSDED ZONE (INTERar0CEO
;,;' ig , 27 i ' ELE'47C% 10 60 E*EE I C LU I -- t 2 1. ~~ > n . . . _.--_- -.
INTERBE00ED y_ 80 4 . SAND /CLAf ,
- t , go __ . ._ _ _ _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ . _ , -
w I w s E ,co .,_ _ . _ . LO*ER 3 ACI AL-5 LACUST A:NE CL AY a nc - - - - - - - - -
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'30 - - - - - -
3 4.) - 7 4GCK . i
,5c __ .._ -. .___2 ._
'5 CE*E: VINE 0 US.N3 APCS 0 A0H CRITEP A FOP UOUEMCTICN 2 - N . AaE is LESS TH AN N SE 0u a EO ' MEN POTE T AL-P E^Cf.STPUCTC4 AFEA 0 .CLEr::'CN AN A.YSEi At.L SE SE AF:AW BA LLy ag.i P ASC CN ;Cf.; 7CN$ %ATEuST hE1. H cpa.G 74cg7sgpq g,g ;.,4 ggj I EE;U GEO N .A LES AAE Cv6TE^ ASSLv NG SE9'/ CE CC?pANY F9).CATO. 3EACE t ELE.AT:CN.6 01 =AS SEEN EwTVE3 RCA TO CAL.AG THE BCE No. ' SARGENT %LUNDY N :sa t ;;.1; n =~+~====-
M ,. >e.'e<- ms er m.m segw ev mm m mm.a i.p m .,gg
. . .-+ -w' r yf . h_ I' me,.n A
e e
W N f d.I ..___m._ __ _-___ - - __.___ _.__ __ _ _-.._ w -----_-- - _ , m%w, -
t e STANOARD PE N E TRAT.vN RE01 STANCE , N - 2L O AS FER FOCT O 10, 20 3,0 40 50 _ __ _ _ .60 , c, 7.._ g 7 EEACd SAND ' gg, -s. , - - - - - - - GL A0;A.- L ACUSTR.M CLAf 20+ -
-f-- - - - - - - - - - - ,,_ .o_._ .-
o el A O.STL9EE0 20NE %. A to) ac. e..9 A -G A AT ELE'sATO4. 2 O . . - - - - - _ ea
, , GA A' E.E .A*.O N . 0 0 t e l as A ^
e eA -- -3 4 AT E.E .A'iCN.14 0 (A) 60 - - r
- - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - -
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' y(",,
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STAND AR PENETRATiCN RES: STANCE N-LC AS Pest FOOT 10 20 30 40 50 C, e e s , ! l l l art s -+ gg
, -~ SAND i t j
i ! x .- , - . ~ 7' 3u A D AL - LA VSTR NE l i ! l CLAY i
----- + - - - - - - -
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- x. . - - . . - - - - -.
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; 7: -- -+ a a---- , - l e i s ._ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . 2 _ . _ . _ @' g -G w AT -
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- i isitR9EO
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- I._
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$A AT a ELEva'CS C O (a ) t 12 0 + - - - - --If i.
3: .- -
} --. ---._
o A , ;
! , I ,4c 4_. , al h U i 3: . .g _ _ _ . . ,4; _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _. FIGU AE 2-55D , n:cx l i ! CRtTEta FCo UOUEF1.CTION DOTENT:AL.
s m'T Y i :s.rtu Es Ae.s4: r:= es -!;E*E=vsta _v.wmce.c4: ca E:C NST =uCT ON acEa D 2 r N. .a .E :s LEst r- AN s *E;uSE: *-E*. L LErt.:7 cs Aw!Es gruy N.,
- 6. sE mr:avt 3AsE: cN ce cNs NA:E < s r s E .o, acna negy gey ,y;,1.NA DUBUC 3 ot;zato v.a.LEs AaE :cve.?E: Assiv .3c:_.:Ar :s su:E S LP\~,"
- C M"*. .IY
- .E.A' CN - 9 ; -AI PEEN A:* E .'E3 ca :o -o :g,y; %g g;p s3
, SARGENT h LUNDY ii .u i 1.< , 7i .. .....J .'. . , ' *^ ' ,. w, . _wm . ,mm ,. , ,. _ __
A*. c. ; ' U{ "~ ' ' * "
a . w , q QD. if.b._. 4_4 _ _ . . . . . . . _ --- -. - -.
-_ _ _ ._-.,w,,a m 6
<=an=reas emoso strated on Figures 3-SA and 3-38, whten snew plots of heave increment due to driving of two categ:ry a and two category A piles, respectively, versas center-to-center distance from the driven piles. The heave incre=ent is highest at ene pile spacing and decreases with increasing distance away from the driven pile. Tne two figares are censidered representative of the targe of :tserved varia-tions in neave increments within the heave test cluster.
Plots of incremental heave versus distance away from other piles are presented in Appendix 3-F. Pile Tip Heave - Six piles (Nos. 10, 15, 19, 24, 29 and
- 33) were instrumented with tell-tales installed at the pile tip. The tops of the tell-tale rods -ere surveyed, thereby providing a record of pile tip movement. The heave data from the tell-tale readings are included in R1 Tacle 3-2.
In general, t..- ;;te tips heaved slightly less than the pile batts. This is demonstrated on Figures 3-9A and 3-9B, which present heave versas time for the six piles wnsen sete instrumented with tell-tales. File tip heave is also snown fer the six piles. F gare 3-i] picts pile tip heave versus pile batt heave. File tip heave is seen to te 30 to 95 percent of the alle tatt heave. This small difference in f. eave shows that tre pties el:ngated ce:aase of heave. The elcngation ind t sted :y these data is reasonable far tre length of pales in this claster. 3-16a Fevist:n i 11/15/'6 g_ ,
. ,M'G /M W- - O^' _ .-.-M___ _.M_ ,, i W%, ..-f WDM*g d% e y .-,.M.
QAg_t e..,1I'
~ . . - . - __
e .
v e%,r --
v' p.s%y:2)A.. n -_.-,.m .__,y-- . . _ _ . . - - - -__ - _.,.%_.m mm fw a t S ARGENT a LUNOY a a.: o.e
.r..u~ r a = .
the bearing strat2m (and met the spec if ied dr iv ing criteria). Such detailed heave records were obtained dJring driving Of 9 piles in the heave test . laster. The results cf the pile load tests anl the heave ressarements from the 9 piles described acove are evaluated telow. Evaluationn of Pile :zat Tas* Resalts figure 3-20 s um.ta r i z e s the load-deflectica Oehavior cf the three piles tested as part of the heave progran. Tne load-deflection behavior of Pile 0-94, .hich was loao tested in October 1s77 (Ref. 1-1) is also ir cl uded fcr comparison. It can be seen from Figure 3-2G, the icad-deflecticn diagrats are practically identical for all f our piles up to the t.aximum applied lo ud. Variaticns in pile heave of 0.5 to 1.04 inches apparently have no noticeable effect en the load-deflection behavict of these pales. The load deflecticn cehavior of Pile A3-155 was analyzed using the procedures develered by Reese (Fef. 3-4). Dr. Reese was retained as consaltant to the pro,'ect to provide an independent review cf the wcr< presented - herein. His letter documenting the revied is inciaded trr. ed iately fellowing Chapter 6 of tnis report Dr. Reese condacted similar analyces fcr Pila A3-155 and Pale SA-Il as part of his evalaattan. The ie.eral procedare for cc.?p a t i ng 1 :a d deflection tenavtar of axially 1cai?d p11es usino t".e prared.:e develcped by lP1 Peese as well as 3-34 Ee ca nen 1 12/15/ 3
~ .4rhe a e h 4 m ---W w y M 'rt = h ' 4 'M
e i I gw. I. . y, ~- _.-.- _ . .. - - , ._ _ -. l e S ARGENT & LONDY E N CGa.1.caso NEER$ APPENDIX 2B This Appendix describes tre seismic inpat to the 5 HAKE analysis and the two approaches used to co:tpute indaced cyclic shear stresses throughout the disturred zone, using Area E as the example (Figures 28-1 througn 28-4). Corresponding fagares for Areas A t rcegh D gl are presented en Piqures 23-5 througn 23-16. I. SEISM:C IN P""* TO SHW: IdALYSES As disc;ssed in the Bailly PSAR (Ref. 2-5), the design Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) magnitude is 6 and the maximum SSE ground acceleration is 0.29 at the site. For the liquefaction potential evaluation of the disturbed soils at Area E, the SSE input is defined in terms of a number of sJitable acceleration time histories of recorded earthqaase motions and is applied at the ground surface i+40 elevation). The time nistories are scaled to have a peas acceleration of 0.29 To select appropriate time nisteries ta be used for the analysis, a nutter of earthgea<e time histories were reviewed. In selecting nataral records, the following criteria ideally shoald te satisfied: l l 3=/14;cn 1 12 '15 /M a l l l l l l YM HP %M 9en.'df 4p s,-- - - _ _ _ . _
._g ,y_
l l __
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- 4. )
WM VU'l :>Fout.3 GU .E AA?th LE'<E. 0-P.% L Y . g5 p; A.N! PECJN r------ SANO
'13-BEACM SAND BOTTuv GF r;j a. y, .g V A* a AU.;*gp 3; L;m -- --. --
St AC 2. '
. A;. 5 ?; r.t CLAY . .S u.
r 19 ; 't: : . .E s v $ E_E: F LN?ikr.;;t. 5:.'. . 45:,t - :. s~p.v.CE s L v f 2:
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- E TT % '
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- EL .N e f;9' S* * ?429
- 3. S-E A; VC0 w A'.; Ct.v& M E A* 0' r . R : s'uA&EO I'_ NE AAE ASSuYE0 ~0 EE *-E SAVE A5 Tr*0SE JSE; ,1 t.A E A E ANA VSES ( SE;T C'4 2.5 t t )
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- s. EAR STR A NS i'#SCO LA*LM. SeEAR 5?iE35ES OPCUNO "..eFACE FW4 T O E Q A* C N t. .,y__
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- 9 .,, / . s.
-i22-i AL At t ': L. GLACAL TfLL . .s' Ni ROCK A- E E RCC4 M' t' C A A . .e ;5m.: A EAif: Of. GE'.E C A _ Z E O STW M.J = L C rf/ N N EAC*C& 9J LO N3 AREA AND S;f;;r.S*SsC ';;N APEA 6dMS 2 p4y;E E s -E SAVE As F GAE 29-5 2 N T / E; E58E :'"~ E C*'.u 5 E11- S*SA Ni !# E C.y. % E , c:e c-:r;E A .5 % ,?*AaE Ae 5%E: v1. s v . *.e .s LN ; A;;LEsa CN ' ; e g , '-E
- No.- *** L E . A*:CN
- 4 ) .. ,c E 2 c.- e,.
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g 10 o f 12 0 - l GLACIAL TILL 13 0 t I i' 14 0 i ROCK . I I 15 0 LEGEND FIGURE 28 -7 0 EL CENTRO,1940/ EL CENTRO. OEPTH VS. RECUtREO N. VALUES X SAN FE9NANCO ,1971/ HCLLY *0CO. A LCwE.9 CALIFCRNA,1934 / EL CENTRO. PCECCNSTRLCTCN ARE A C g4l(Ly N.g whERE: EARTH OUAKE / RECCRDiNG STATtCN. NORTHERN ;NDIANA PUBLC SERVICE CCMPANY [ SAAGENT =.- &lUlf DY l[ Fefist:n i 12/;3/-; S g- is m1 -- s-31m________
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