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Provides Addl Info,In Response to TMI-related Tasks III.D.3.4,I.C.1 & II.D.1.C-E Owners Group Proposed Emergency Procedures,Delay in EPRI Program Schedule for Testing Safety/Relief Valves & Mod Schedule Described
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 08/07/1981
From: William Jones
To: Clark R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TASK-1.C.1, TASK-2.D.1, TASK-3.D.3.4, TASK-TM NUDOCS 8108140159
Download: ML20010B160 (2)


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Omaha Public Power District 1623 H A R P. E y e OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68102 m TELEPHONE S36 4000 AREA CODE 402 August 7, 1981 e o o A g.,

Mr. Robert A. Clark, Chief U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  : JU b Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation I ggg 13198W Division of Licensing Operating Reactors Branch No. 3 Washing ^on, D. C. 20555


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Docket No. 50-285 sg h

Dear Mr. Clark:

The Commission's letter dated July 10, 1981 transmitted an order confirming Omaha Public Power District's commitments for TMI-related requirements for the Fort Calhoun Station. The confirmatory order accepted District positions detailed in letters to the Commission dated December 12 and 31, 1980; January 6 and 26, 1981; and February 27, 1981.

However, additional information has been submitted on two of the tasks that modifies what was committed to in the above letters. The Dis-trict's review of the above letter also revealed that we failed te provide a schedule for completing the modifications for control room habitability requirements (Task III.D.3.4). The additional information related to these tasks is provided velow.

In response to Task I.C.1, Accident Procedures, the District's~

letter to the Commission dated December 31, 1980 committed to parti-cipate in the Combustion Engineering Owners Group (CE0G) effort. The CE0G proposed emergency procedure guidelines in response to this task have now been submitted to the Commission by letter dated June 30, 1981 (K. P. Baskin, CE0G Chairman from Southern California < Edison, to Mr.

Darrell G. Eisenhut). It is the District's understanding that upon the Commission's approval of these guidelines, they must be implemented during the first refueling outage commencing six months after Commission approval. The District expects to meet this schedule.

The EPRI program schedule for testing of safety and relief valves, Task II.D.1, has been substantially delayed. The revised valve testing schedule was provided to the Commission by the Consumers Power Company letter (R. C. Youngdahl to Mr. Harold Denton, dated July 24,1981). The District as a participant in the EPRI program endorses the revised schedule. The District also fully supports the EPRI position on block valve testing detailed in the July 24, 1981 letter.

I 8108140109 810807 /

,gllr PDR ADOCK 05 COO 285 f P PDR 'ssl0

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-Mr. Robert A. Clark August 7, 1981 Page Two i- In response to Task III.D.3.4, the District conducted an evaluation of accidents that could degrade control room habitability. As a result 4' of this evaluation several needed modifications were identifiea, as i detailed in the District's letter dated January 26, 1981. The District expects to complete these modifications in accordance with the following schedule: ,

o M_odification Scheduled Completion

1. Radiation shielding 1/1/82
2. Instrumentation for detection of airborne 6/31/83-l iodine radiation in the control room I
3. Electrical-and mechanical modifications- 6/31/83 <

] to the HVAC system-i .-

4. Instrumentation for monitoring of toxic .1/1/84
-chemical gases Sincer ly, ,

IN f

W. C. Jones Divisidn Manager-Production Operations WCJ/KJM/TLP/RWS/jmm

, cc: LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby 1. MacRae 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 s

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