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Forwards Response to NRC Generic Ltr 81-14 Re Seismic Qualification of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys.Four Identified Deficiencies & Planned Corrective Action Provided
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 07/14/1981
From: William Jones
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GL-81-14, NUDOCS 8107230015
Download: ML20009D047 (17)


- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Omaha Public Power District 1623 HARNEY e OMAHA. NEBRASMA 68102 m TELEPHONE S36.4000 AR E A CODE 402 July 14, 1981 -

4 Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Q U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission f: g4 d Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 6 g 7 Division of Licensing i h /j>

Washington, D.C. 20555 Y.O d' y/


Docket No. 50-285 bke _. aie'/

Dear Mr. Eisenhut:

In response to the Commission's letter dated February 10, 1981 (Generic Letter No. 81-14) regarding seismic qualification of the auxiliary feedwater (AFW) system, Omaha Public Power Districc submits the attached report. The attached evaluation report (Attachment 1) on the seismic qualification of the auxiliary feedwater system was per-formed for the District by Gilbert / Commonwealth engineering consultants, and the results and recommended actions are summarized below. Attach-ment 2 provides a sunnary listing of the qualification status of each AFW component.

Qualified personnel experienced in the analysis, design and evalu-ation of the AFW structures, systems, and components performed the walkdowns to identify potential seismic deficiencies of the system.

From these wali.down inspections Gilbert / Commonwealth (G/C) has concluded that our AFW system (including mechanical and electrical equipment and components including battery racks, co'*.rols, instruments, motors, compressors, tanks, electrical supplie and the cabinets containing these items) is seismically qualified except for the four deficiencies outlined below.

The four identified deficiencies, along with the planned corrective actions, are as follows:

1. Electrical Supply Conduit to the AFW Pump FW-6 Motor--The conduit was found to be inadequately restrained. An addi- /g/ yg tional support will be added by the end of 1981 to increase 3 j

the conduit resistance to seismic movements.

2. Valve Operators on Small Bore Piping--The current operator supports were found to be unstable. Modification work will involve removing the existing support rods and replacing them with a more stable support by the end of 1981.
3. Small Bore Piping (Cold System)--The rigidity of this piping was found to be inadequate due to improper support spacing.

Pipe restraints will be added as per the G/C recommendations by the end of 1981.

8107230015 810714" PDR ADOCK 0500028F P F D<

Ln Mr. Darrell G. Eis:nhet, Dircctor July 14, 1981 Page 2

4. Small Bore Piping (Hot System)--The rigidity of this piping also appeared to be inadequate although the high operating temperatures (3500F) of this piping makes it critical to consider potential negative impacts of additional restraints on thermal displacements and loads. The District is currently perfonning a detailed pipe stress analysis to determine detrimental impact of additional pipe restraints. This analysis is expected to be completed by September 30, 1981.

Modifications as needed will be completed by the end of 1981.

After the four deficiencies have been modified, the entire AFW system will provide. substantial resistance to movement cessed by seismically induced forces. Since the schedule for resolving these deficiencies is consistent with the schedule for the overall upgrade of the AFW system, as required by NUREG-0737, the District believes there is adequate justification for continued plant operation.

Sincerely, l


I 6)(

W. C. . ones Divisi n Manager Production Operations WCJ/KJM/TLP:jmm Attachments cc: LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036

' Gilbert / Ccmmonwezith rs t Aewn w .2 w w se .

INSPECTION FVALUATION REPORT The following is an evaluation report of the inspection performed in response to the NRC's Generic Letter No. 81-14 (OPPD Task ES-81-01) .

Upon investigation of the Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) System it was determined through the use of Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (PSID) that the AFW system is seismically qualified. This system was included in the inspection and analysis performed within the scope of the NRC's I & E Bulletins 79-02 and 79-14. The remaining mechanical and electrical equipment which was not included in Bulletins 79-02 and 79-14 was inspec-ted and deficiencies were numbered and red tagged for identification.

There were only four areas in which the inspection indicated defi-ciencies.

1. Electrical supply (Conduit) to Auxiliary Feedwater Pump FW-6 motor: The conduit was not adequately restrained seismically. The recommendation is to add a support to increase resistance to seismic movements (see Attach-ment 1).

Support No. Sheet MW-5 253

2. Valve Operators: This deficiency is for the valve operators on small bore piping. The operators supports were found to be unstable as currently installed. The recommendation la to modify existing supports (see Attacinent 1).

Support No. Sheet AFW-1 2&3 AFW-15 6&7 AFW-18 6&7

9 E SMbert/ Commemmeath

. acsan e .emaoem

'Page 2 INSPECTION EVALUATION REPORT 37 Pipe rigidity - (Cold. Systems): This deficiency involves small bore piping 2 inch and -smaller which was not with-in.the scope of the NRC's I & E Bulletin 79-14 and was, therefore, not analyzed or inspected during the bulletin work. - This piping was inspected and evaluated within the scope of this work to comply with the NRC's Generic Letter No. 81-14.

The evaluation of this piping was based on frequency, rigidity, and stability of the system during inspection.

The frequency of the piping was analyzed using a nomograph

. furnished by the District, which was the original design basis of Gibbs and Hill Inc. during construction.

Using this nomograph (see Attachment 1, Sheat 8) the supoort spacing was found to be inadequate to achieve first mode fre-quencies' of 18 CPS for vertical and- 6 CPS for the horizontal.

The following support modifications and additions are recom-mended to increase rigidity under seismic conditions. Also, the relative frequency is estimated for both as found and with proposed modifications (see Attachment 1).

Support No. Sheet AW-2 2&3 AFW-3 2&3 AFW-4 2&3 AFW-6 2&3 AFW-7 2&3 AFW-8 2&3 AFW 2&3 AFW-10 2&3 AFW-ll 4&5 AFW-20 6&7

r _ _ - _ - - - _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ __

1Mbert/Commemmeseth xe n aa,m.a m

'Page 3 l


4. ' Pipe Rigidity .(Hot Systems): The same analysis was done on additional piping of the same description as item No.

3 above, with one important difference. This piping could reach or operates at temperatures above 3000F. At these temperatures it is critical to consider thermal displace--

ment and thermal loads.

Due to the complexity of the piping involved, which appears to need additional supports for rigidity, G/C recocnends that a detafled pipe stress analysis be performed for the '

steam drive and condensate portions of the Auxiliary Feed-

. water piping associated with pump FW-10. This analysis

'should be performed to assure that additional supports do not have a -detrimental thermal impact on the system. The following. support additions should not be incorporated until approved by pipe stress analysis (see Attachment 1).

Support No1 Sheet

'AFW-12 4&5 AFW-13 4&5 AFW-14 4&5 AFW-15 4&5 AFW-16 4&5


AFW-17 4&5 AFW-18 4&5 AFW-19 4&5 AFW-22 6&7

, All other mechanical and electrical equipment and compo-nents including battery racks, controls, instruments, motors, compressors, tanks, electrical supplies and the cabinets containing such items, associated with the Auxi-liary Feedwater System were found to be securely attached to.tbeir supporting structures, such that substantici resistarce to movement. caused by seismically induced forces would be'provided.


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aos : *.egs a .- a a Page 4 1- INSPECTION EVALUATIDd REPORT _

This inspection and evaluation was accomplished using personnel exper-ienced in the analysis, design, and evaluation of structures, systems, and components. .These personnel were familiar with the plant and the require-mnts for other seismically qualified systems. This was due to their

-direct involvement with the NRC's I & E Bulletins 79-02 and 79-14.

. Asidescribed previously, all large bore piping (21s and larger) assoc-

This piping was analyzed during the work performed as a result of the NRC's I & E Bulletin 79-14. The analysis of the Auxiliary Feedwater piping and as'sociated~ equipment was accomplished by the dynamic computer code entitled

T-Pipe. The appropriate response spectra, as described in the Fort Calhoun Station Unit #1 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Appendix F, Section F.2.5, was used as input for the seismic analysis. Also, the loading com-binations and stress limits used for analysis were taken from the FSAR,

. Appendix F, Table F-1. Detailed information concerning input and analysis results are available through Gilbert /Comn.anwealth's documentation of the 1

NRC's.I "ulletin 79-14.

Also, includedlin this evaluation are the support designs which were requested by the District, and are associated with the Auxiliary Feedwater system. .These supports were-designed in order to replace mechanical anub-bers with Hydraulic' Snubbers (see Attachment 1).


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Support No. Sheet' qi ..

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AFW-26' 6&7 1

.~AFW-27? -6 & 7.


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[ ] Commonw;:lth Associrt:s Inc.

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pO ER D TRIT FT. CALHOUN, UNIT 1 64o285 400 ,


' Commcruea@ DESIGN OF PIPE SUPPORT Ccmpames SHEET _ OF R&v6EW BYiOATE Adwiliaev Fe, Awafe e- Boos so. Attels. 1 lREV.

Tabula 6n h anal ysis of dn.degodecl leng+ks of small bore p', ping 8er evalcistien of Adxiliary Facclwafe.- 6ys.lem.

hr Valdes are 2", l'2 and I" f line s will, d wiH,od f insulatien.

(14. - 18) (6- M K l va'lde lisirw3 Freq0ency l Wetica1 decir.onta 1 2*/,sch.Ao, w/o insulatien Feef- Avg. Feet Avo . I 6- 6 1417 to'- 8'2' (1'.19' F- 6 22(2 (3'- 11'2 (2' 21'- 181' 2d F-F 3222 ts'- 14' 2G'- 24' 2"4,, w/ 'inodlalien '

6-6 189 9 9' - 8' 19'- 14' F-6 1809 12'- Id 11' 19'- F1'd 18' P- F '2G 35 15'i- (2'i 22'i- 21' l

[I2~ , F31. 40, w[o en$dishion 6-6 It91 9' l'd 19'.iA' F-6 l19 1 t2'- t o' II' 19'- t 8' i8' I:- F 2418 14'- I2'i 23'- 21' l'2'd,6ch.Ao, w/ inedlation 66 885 S' l' lis'- (2'2' F- 6 (5 l'1 Id- 8'd 9'2 ' tT-tr/ tG' F-F 2ee8 12'i- I t ' 2d- IS'd I'/,ecl.4o, 3 w/o insula tion 6-6 Sc9 8'- T IS'- (2' F-6 1269 cl*- 8' cl' ic.'- id ' 15' i

P - P' (841 (2'- Id Ict '.16' l'd, scis. Jo, w/ insulshon 66 @80 G'2'-6'I t l ' - I c' F6 9o(, S' - 1 ' 8 (4'- (3' IS' FF \$10 Id - 8'1' IG'- IS' Above (VQ valdes fabdlafed accord;ng do e end co n di fio ns-binvie hele Fixe d h ele Piggd - FiAtb

, - = + . , - - - - - - - - - , - . - , , . - . . ,,,,..-..--,-w,,.y -

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[ ] Commnnwealth Associatas Inc.

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. Comcanies aEview aviOATE SHEET NF REV.

80 fro 2T fi /s Feaqde,acy 12eou 6drecer Wd nqi/E st %ze Wo. 6:ecgE/AWcv AF -I l '2 Y N/A N Olve cP*rdto" i* d" stable in tJ direction AFW -2 l'2' / S.6 19 dn6dpfortec5 riser bran (t2')

AFW-3 l '2" M d/A 19 d.6 elf is not resfraindq [Agd AFW 4 l'2N 9.9 l'1 dnedryerfed riser $pon (I4')

Ar=W 9 7"p conduit W/A 19 dwr io dnefable in 60 direction

~ '

Af W - fo l'24 7.9 94 dneurrorted riser cysn (12'2)


AFW-7 l's 4 9.9 81 dnsoryorted riur sgan (11')

AFW 8 i 'C' 4 ll.o 8) dnedpforfecI run 6psn ( lo')

AF%l -9 2" / '5.9 8' dnoopycried cernb. riser 5 run (2l'i)

AFW - Io '2"/ 8.9 96 dnsupperted riser span (15')



[ ] Commnnwerith Associat s Inc.

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,c no. 64o285400 Gee CALC BY/DATF SUBJFCT Commcnwealth 3mpames REylEW SY/DATE DESIGN OF PIPE SUPPORT 3ggg7 3 g, 9 Ng LY [ nev.


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$dffol21 AC. Vd0fottQ (Mc9tFC CAftosJ AFW-I 8erv,ove existing red i replace w/ +fedt A Fi4 *2 Add pipe resfrainf in the (v. 4 m) clireclions increasing kre(dency to = d2 ( reduce *F8" I* G' A FIA 9 Tightsi, d.16 elf do re+frain pipe AFW-4 Add gig resfraint in fhe (t ? 7.) directions increasing (Werk w/ AFW-li) fregdency lo  :: So i redJce span lo ~1' AFW-9 Add reefraini fe conclait in the G) clirecfien

! AFW-6 AJJ rire reofraini in ihe (x i a) direc3 ions increa+ing '

(Werk w/ AfW*) freqdency to 2O f rec ldce Span fo (o '2 l

l AFIA -1 Add pipe restroint in the (x) direction cm run a bove rise r l increaeing s frequency fo % % h reddca 6ran to II' APW-8 AJJ give restraint in, the (a) direcfien increasing frequency f'o Al  ? redace span lo 9 l

AFtJ-9 Adcl directions ai AFW giye1 restraint location- incerasig in the (x i y) jregdency to i = 29 { reddce +gan fo lo' l



AFIA 10 AJJ pipe erotroinf in , the (x i r.) Jicecfion* increasing to e 94 f redace sgon lo C2 (work w/ freqdency AFW-6)


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] Commcnwedth Associates Inc.

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6erroef five Faaedaucy foom 6dvroser Llornber Site ido. 9 scigeFAWCY A F W -11 2" p il 19 dnsopported comb. riser i run (n'2 )

2' /

AFWt2 Insulafed 4.9 ici da*erveried comb. riseri run (is') l l

2*f  :

AFW-l+ Insulafed M 81 Ex;ehncy supperf is dnefabla l


AFW-14 (nsulated 6.9 Si dnedygerted eun cyan (id')

AFW -19 2" 4 4/A Si Va' lve operator i* dnsfable insulafed in (x) direc4iert  :

AFW - IG 2'/ Le* tl'an 81 dnsoyerfecl run epsn insulated 2 (to') Vert f (2T) lloria.

t*f Lt.s % sn AFIA- t 1 Insulated 2 81 Idorb w/ AFtJ- l(o  !

I i


AFLJ - t6 2- 4 W/A 81 V'alva oper.rAor is onedable l (x.) direction Insulated in i

A F W -Ici 24 3.9 SI uneuFForted comb. run !

Insulateel ri+tr (n')

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[ ] Commonwe.atth Associat:s Inc.

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FT. CALHOUN, UNIT 1 64c285 coo ca c.svioare sus;

@ S&tes RE VIEW BY/DATE Aonib,y Feedwa+c,- ,00, so Mch 1 bJ N 's hY [ aav.

a \x

-ferroer kJo. 9sorcego tilove/ICA1'ICW J

AFW- II Add pipt restraint on riser in (x i a) directions ,

increasing DJack w/Af*4) frquency to = 47 f redoce +ran lo s'2 AFW 12

  • Add giFe retfroint in (a) direcf;on increasing

%dency to e fo ? reduce 6ron lo l '2 '

AFW-19 demow exi+1ing +0rrert h replace w/ new (xiy) reefraint AFW-14* Add pipe reofemin4 in (x) diradion increa$ig

%dencylo= 22.9 ? reduce span lo T AfW 19 femove rod re+fraint i replace w/ Mrol in (x) direc4 ion AFW-16

  • Add pipe re+trainf in (x i a) directions al 2 p*. f i in (y) , direction at i pf. increasing %oency to

= 14 ? recidce span lo @


AFW n* Add pire ec+fraint so worb w/ AFW- IG AFtJ - (8 Ifamon rod re+frainf i replace w/ +1 rot in (x) direc4 fen AFW- 19 e Add ein er+4rairst in (a i y) clic clions increasing ,

% dency l o e 19 ? redace span fo 8'2

  • n Add only after detailed pigt *Mnr>+ analyois v.- - - w-.e--me--*-g--,.--.+,y y- -,--.v----. 9-9ym,,,w,,em ,.,,,,w,yy,mg-,,ywm,_.w--we---,v--ep--,p------mv,----w--m+--y,,

-py-wm-- --+yr,ywy-ey.-+-p,,._y-y,-y,w--w,,gy,-,gmw---

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[ ] Comm:nwsdth Associates Inc.

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FT. CALHOUN, UNIT 1 64c28sao C E%eac DESIGN OF PIPE SUPPORT G 9 gggg7 n,

( Ccmcames j REVIEW BY/DATC l nsv.

id/folff IIfE ICEqdeWCY doet 4 hd/fcM Mumbat 617.E W o. bi4cCE/AWc.Y AFW 7o . 2' p W/A 81 Valve l>ypass i+ dnsfable in %e (a) direcfien AFW-21 2" 4 W/A 19 Yalve oprafer is dnsfalsfe (n+olafed in ne- (a) chrection AFW-77 l'/ 2.0 19 dnsegrerted riser span (fo')

AFy'- 23 2'M W/A 81 of RG reque+f to remove Insulated machen; cal $ndbber f replace w/ dyclemulic endbber f.gfnyfif Cesign 6-t 1

AFW- 24 de[tr do AFLJ 73 ff.efrofit dc+lgn 62 AFLJ- 29 # fofro[if desyn 63 6/er Io Al W 75 AFW-2G 6[er to AFW-23 Refrofit design 64 l

i AFW-27 k'ar fo AFLJ 23 fafr.fil de+ign 39 l

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] commonwzatth Associat:s Inc.

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pO FT. CALHOUN, UNIT 1 RD RI 64c285cco

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s E X N H (!C t f d o. Vdofo@BG YModiftC.AftoM AFW 20 &mov'e exi+fing red j nrF ac8 l */'Ardl AFW - 21 fam.x exishng ved { replace w/ sfM AFW- 22

  • Add yiye reedraint in (a) direction on rieer.

Other reelesin45 required AFW-29 & design 6ogyorf : 6 move exi+4iq mecksnical 6ndWer

? (SplaCG w/ hydredlic 6Mdbfper

((fecip complete es 0 l AFW- 24 6ce AFW-23 (6 2)

AFW27 6et AFW-23 (6. @

AM% bee AftJ 23 (6-4)

AFW 27 6te AfW -23 (69)

  • = AJJ .nly aber defa; led gire +fers> analysie i

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-- Attachment 2



- FEEDWATER SEISMIC QUALIFICATION (1) Pumps / Motors - Adequately restrained for seismic qualification.

(2): Piping .2" diameter and under piping requires additional restraint to-be seismically qualified.-

.(3)f Valves / Actuators - Some valves and actuators require modifications

' to-their restraints to be seismically qualified.

~ . (4) ~ Power. Supplies ~ - One span of conduit was identified as needing additional restraints to be seismically qualified.

(5). Primary. Water and Supply Path - Storage tanks, major components, and structures are seismically qualified except as noted in items (2),(3),and-(4).

(6) . Secondary Water and Supply Path - Not applicable to Fort Calhoun

' Statforr Unit No.1.

i(7) Initiation and Control System - Instrument air tubing is adequately restrained seismically.

(8) Structures Supporting or Housing ~These AFW Items - Adequately restrained and sturdily. constructed for seismic qualification.
