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Final Deficiency Rept Re Welder Qualification,Initially Reported on 810211.Questionable Welds Are to Be Reviewed & Accepted or Repaired as Indicated Before Fuel Loading.Welder Qualification Is to Be Certified to Applicable Code
Person / Time
Site: Bellefonte  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/24/1981
From: Mills L
To: James O'Reilly
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, NUDOCS 8106300293
Download: ML20005A406 (3)



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k' 400 Chestnut Street Tower II s f$  ; j


June 24, 1981 o ga BLRD-50-438/81-21 i

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/ l b .- f .k. Y Mr. James P. O' Reil , Director Office of Inspect and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear He tory Coemsisoion Region II - Su e 3100 101 Marietta t Atlanta, Geo sia 30303

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:


BLED-50-438/81-21, BLRD-50-439/81 FINAL REPORT The subject deficiency was initially reported to NRC-OIE Inspector F. S. Cantrell on February 11,19'tl, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55(e) as NCR 1366. An extension for a:Saltting our 30-day report um,s discussed ,

with R. V. Celenjak by telephone a March 11, 1981. This was followed by our first interim report dated !*cch 25, 1981. Enclosed is our final report.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please get in touch with D. L. Lambert at FIS 857-2581.

Very truly yours, TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY L. M. Mills, Manager Muolear Regulation and Safety Enclosure 00: Mr. Victor Stello, Jr., Director (Enclosure) /

Office of Inspectial and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Esgulatory Coseission Washington, DC 20555 g ~)~

.s ll1 P00R ORIGINAL l 81063002 73 3

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, e E C DSURE BmRENTE NUCLEAR PIRTP UNITS 1 AND 2 WEIDER QUALIFICATIOT BLRD-50-438/81-21, ELRD-50-439/81-22 FINAL REPORP g scriotion of Deficien T This deficiency identifies the failure of the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TIA's) Division of Construction (C01ST) at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (BLNP) to conform to criteria stated in TVA's General Construction Specification G-29C, " Process Specification for Welding, Heat Treat:nent, Nondestructive Examination, and Allied Field Fabrication Operations." BINP welding employees were not properly qualified in accordance with the requirements of AIG Dl.1 as required by Section 5.0 of Process Specification 1.C.2.2(as of G-29C for performing fabrication of TVA Class I (Limited) seismic pipe supports at the BLNP site. All welders involved were, however, qualified to the requirements of ASME Code for pipe and/or plate of various thicknesses.

Safety Imolications .

The seismic pipe supports, fabricated by the improperly qualified employees, support mechanical piping systems which are not essential for safe shutdown of the plant. However, failure of the pipe supports and the related failure of the piping system could result in physical damage to a system essential to the safe shutdown of the plant.

  • TVA has investigated this matter for generic implication at its other nuclear facilities. A similar deficiency has been identified at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant and reported to NRC-OIE Region II, R. V. Crlenjak, on May 8,1981, as NCR 3248R. No other facilities reported generic implications to their plant.

Corrective Action The welds in question may be used as-is subject to meeting applicable examination requirements and Cle provisions of 1 through 5 below.

1. Fillet welds of any size made by welders, qualified to G-29M Test Descriptions SM-4-B-L, %3-0-3-L, SM-4-B-3-L, %4- 3-1-L, GP-%6-4-0-1-L, or GT-SM-6-4-0-3-L are acceptable per Process Specification 1.C.2.2, Addendum No. II of G-29C.
2. Groove welds of any thickness nude by welders qualified to G-29M Test Descriptions % 3-0-3-L, % 4-B-3-L, or GT-SM-6-4-0-3-L are acceptable.
3. Groove welds of 7/8 inch and less in thickness made by welders qua'tified to G-29M Test Description SM-4-B-1-L are acceptable.
4. Groove welds of 5/8 inch and less in thickness made by welders qualified to G-29M Test Description GT-SM-6-4-0-1-L are acceptable.

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5. 'Ihe groove weld thickness limits of 3 and 4 above are not applic*able for welds made by welders who, in addition to testing to either of *he test descriptions listed, had or have since made production pipe welda using E7018 electrode which ha e been accepted by radiography. In this case, groove welds of any thic mess are acceptable.
6. All fillet welds were made by welders qualified to one of the G-29M test descriptions listed above; therefore, no repair to fillet welds is required.
7. Groove welds not meeting the provisions of 2, 3, 4, or 5 above shall eithar (a) be proven sound by volumetri; examination to the requirements of G-29C Process Specification 3.C.3.l(a) or 3.C.7.l(a) or (b) have weld metal removed to a depth such that the remaining weld is within the qualified thickness limits given above and rewelded by a qualified welder.

The provisions of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 above reflect 'IVA's interpretatioa of the qualification limits of the AWS Code as they related to the test coupons actually welded for qualification to the requirements of ASME Section IX. Item 5 reflects 'LVA's position that a welder who has demonstrated his ability to weld small diameter pipe by test and production pipe of any diameter by radiography has unquestionably established his ability to make sound welds. Likewise, volumetric examination of the welds in question obviously establishes their soundness. TVA does not believe the integrity of the subject welds or the structural supports of which chey are a part to have been compromised when made or examined as discussed

. above. -

All the questionable mids under this nonconformance report are to be reviewed and accepted or repaired as indicated above before fuel loading.

In addition, the welder's qualification is to be properly certified to the applicable code required before welding to that code.

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