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Forwards Addl Info on Two Open Items Identified in Encl 13 to Util 810130 Ltr Re Environ Qualification of safety- Related Electrical Equipment Required for Cold Shutdown
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 02/27/1981
From: William Jones
To: Seyfrit K
NUDOCS 8104290434
Download: ML20003G440 (3)




  • POR

'. b q LPDR NSIC Omaha Public Power District DM/TIF 1623 HARNEY a OMAHA. NESRASKA 68102 2 TELEPHONE 536 4000 AREA COQE 40' February 27, 1981 Mr. K. V. Seyfrit, Director U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission @g~(;Q ,,-

Office of Inspection and Enforcement b hpg -

Region IV c 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 ' ,

Arlington, Texas 76011 gj #iER 2 d 198l% 3 .


Docket No. 50-285 D"3

Dear Mr. Seyfrit:

g p 0maha Public Power District's letter dated January 30, 1981, addressed environmental qualification of safety-related electrical equipment required for cold shutdown. Enclosure 13 to that letter identified several items to be resolved. Additional information on two of the open items is attached as discussed below.

Item 7 concerned the ability of solenoids on valves HCV-238 and HCV-239 to survive submergence. The solenoids for these valves were installed at an elevation slightly above the projected flood level. To provide additienal assurance of operability, these solenoids have been elevated two feet above the flood level and a revised qualification worksheet is attached as Enclosure 1.

Open Item 6 concerned qualification of the Conax instrument and cable penetrations. Enclosure 2 provides a description of the Dis-trict's program to resolve this concern.

Sincerely, W. C. Jones Division Manager Production Operations <

WCJ/KJM/TLP:jmm Enclosures cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Washington, D.C. 20555 LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.

20036 p Washington, D.C.


Facility: Fort Calhoun 1 ,

Docket No.: 50-285 ,

C-128 '.


CATION ING EQUIPHENT DESCRIPTION Specifi- Qualif- Specifi- Qualifi- tlETil0D ITEtis Parameter cation cation cation cation System: Chemical and Volume Operating Control System Time Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 2 Type Test NONE Item No.: llCV-238, 239 See Enclosure 18 Tempera-ture *F 288*F 340*F 1 2 Type Test NONE Component: Solenoid Pressure PSig 60 psig 110 psig 1 2 Type Test NONE Manufacturer: ASCO Relative Model No.. NP8320A185E ilumidity % 100% 100% 1 2 Type Test NONE n, 5

Function: Remote Operation Chemical 1700 ppm 3000 ppm cf of valves Spray lloric Acid Pillo 1 2 Type Test NONE E 5

Accuracy - Spec: N/A -

Demon: N/A Radiation 9.9 x 10 6 2x10sH 1 2 Type Test NONE Service: See Function 10 yrs Location: Containment Aging N/A 10 yrs N/A 3 Type Test NONE Flood Level Elev: 1000.9' Submer-Above Flood Level: Yes gence N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NONE Documentation



1) Enclosure 31. 1) 1000 lir operation
2) ASCO Test Report Model AQS 21678 ITR 2) No special installation required coils
3) ASCO letter dated July 10, 1980 operable post LOCA with moisture.

r Enclosure 2 The District has completed its records file search with the Conax Corporation, the Fort Calhoun Station electrical penetration vendor.

The results of this records search revealed information that substanti-ates the test summary report IPS-435 on radiation. It is the District's opinion that, based on the test summary and the LOCA test, the Fort Calhoun Station penetrations are adequately qualified to continue oper-a tion. However, due to industry information which indicates Teflon is sensitive to radiation, the District feels that a sequential test of the penetrations, as outlined in the 00R Guidelines, is in order to insure that the penetrations are completely cualified. The District is pre-sently investigating what testing is required. It is expected that the test plan will be completed, a testing laboratory selected, and a test schedule will be completed within 60 days. The District will provide the NRC with a test plan and schedule when completed.

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