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Forwards 800725 Fr Notice Re Procedural Assistance Change in Adjudicatory Licensing Proceedings
Person / Time
Site: Black Fox
Issue date: 08/15/1980
From: Paton W
To: Purdom P, Shon F, Wolfe S
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8008260040
Download: ML19344B256 (4)


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s %g+, N'), /l WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 August 15, 1980


In the Matter of Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. and Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc.

(Black Fox Station, Units 1 and 2)

Docket Nos. STN 50-556 and STN 50-557 To the Black Fox Service List:

Attached is a copy of the Federal Register notice (45 Fed. Rea. 49535, July 25, 1980) addressing a change in NRC regulations conceF6Ing pro-cedural assistance in adjudicatory licensing proceedings.

Sincerely William D. Paton Counsel for NRC Staff


As stated cc w/ enclosure:

cc w/o enclosure:

Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Mr. Frederick J. Shon Board Panel Dr. Paul W. Purdom Atomic Safety ed Licensing Joseph Gallo, Esq.

Appeal Board Panel Mrs. Ilene H. Younghein Docketing and Service Section Michael I. Miller, Esq.

Mrs. Carrie Dickerson Mr. Clyde Wisner Andrew T. Dalton, Jr., Esq.

Mr. Lawrence Burrell Mr. Gerald F. Diddle Mr. Vaughn L. Conrad Joseph R. Farris, Esq.

l Alan P. Bielawski, Esq.

I Mr. Maynard Human l

Mr. T. N. Ewing Dr. M. J. Robinson Jan Eric Cartwright, Esq.

Mr. Richard B. Hubbard Martha E. Gibbs, Esq.

8008260 o g o g

e l

Tt 4 ral Et,;i+r / Vol. 45. Na.145 / Tr;dey J iy / Tans end Ee;4tions

' C35 t

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i+ t i'r a s a rtsult of an days prior to the anniureary date of the jo seduce cost bardens far per*i Is -

0 Cornmisson adjudict. tory lict nd.3 i.

< : u d(cision.


d en epp!!.atio ts for lixnsts U,i C.T.'c c ATt; July 25.1Grn i.-

j : t r. te i r.r or.tri.Tiw cogTAct:

Ext &t A (Drtcte:r)

UPora!8 WUr Co':tI&t* d i'* I[2


.F tv g Cal O 0;if.d. Farm Real Estate Imn We4s estLashuner h ed context of the S4 rul:n.iking c.a *.*.e 9

l D*Crin. liome Administration. in act.ordance with 7 07 Part thn. Sebprt uranium fuel cyde. See 42 }R 13:2 r


j LiSDA.14th end Independence Awnue, c,-EnvironmentalImracs statmnts It la (March 13,1W7) 43 FR c15 (Act:114..

tj 5%'. Y,Mirg'on. DC 2fC50. Telephone:

the detenninetion of rvHA that t) e p sed 3

."2) 4 (N 572.

action Gee not cce.stitue ar nia pr Fe lir8). t:nd 44 FR 45*>^2 (Aug:st T2.1W9).

I (deuribYg t!.e options considered in The Final Irnpact Statement action signir. canth affectig the stataty of From that proceeding the Ccm'.dtsion

,ji hurnan enviro um nt and la e xnh.e ms:h hoped to gain spec:fic espericace with the Encrin. : a! pe'q Act cl provid;r.g fii e s< nice of doeunaots and

? d..t!.;:;, tks fmal rule and the Ircract 1M M 1. m an Fmitm ',1 I=pa:2 in e traracripts and to use the I r4 r;h. r.ths esth optson is es aileble * * ' * "' U 8 * *d-experience to desetcp general policy on ti cest fw:n the Off;ce of the Chief.

p U S C.1989 detegs son of att%crity by the with respect to adjudicatory.

D.. ctact h! anal,ement Branth. Farmers

!!:nc Administration. Roorn fG48 South d

  1. ]*

...] '


g A nculture Ilcilding.14th and Des etopment. 7 OR 2.N)

IT;;ibility for NPC Pmcedural' 4

Inh;.i ndtnee Asenue.SW, Dated # m u Asdstam

% e t hmgt t'n. DC 20250.

Casa Q One alteruat.ive with respect to t'APtD*t riirJiY IMORM AtlON:Wis fir:al colion has been rebiewed under procedural assistance is to provide it to

"' N full participants. I e parties, who submit USDA procedures established in Seuetary's hitmorandum 1955 to an affidavit to the IIcaring Board I

' ststing, with brief factual support. that j*


C00* **'*'

implement Ihecutive Order 1%54, and'

- their abilit to participate wvuld be het bee n clas riffd "not signi'icant".



This action will save time and reduce NUCLEAR REGULATO*1Y assistance. Under this attemative the paperwork. If the exhibit were to stay in COMMISSION Commission would have had to provide the Fedaal Register, each time the the Boards and parties with some intuest rate changed it would be 10 CFR Part 2 necessary to bring this exhibit up-to.

guidance as to wbo would orthnarily -

qualify for assistance under this date. Removing this exhibit and makin8 Procedurst Assistancein Adlud;catory standard. Ilowever. offering procedural r

it asalfable in any Fm!!A office is the Ucens!ng Procccd;ngs assistance to allintervenors without most prompt wey to provide information on intm et rate changes.

AGEMCv:U.S. Nudear Regulatory qualification might offer enough savings.

The Farmers liome Administration Commission [NRC).

from not having to decide who was smrnds the Tab!c of Contents and

, ACT1onc Effective rule.

qualified to receive aisistance, to be,

worth the extra expense of assisting a section 1951.25{a)(2) and deletes Exhibit


  • . NRC ts amendir g its few additional inten enors. On the other A from Sabpart A. part 1951. Chapter regulations in order to provide a me-hand, it is Incongruous to charge an XVllt. Title 7 in the Code of Federal Regula tions.

year puot program of procedural applicant from $50.000 to $1 m2Dinn for it is the policy of this Department that assistance in adjudicatory proceedings processing an ap;1ication, and then to ru*cs relating to public property, loans, on applications for licenses and o'fer it a free transcript worth on the amendments thereto, except for antitrust order of $1.uJa.

grants. benefits. or contracts shall be Published for comment notwithstanding Proceedings, to parties other than the On balance. the Commission haa the esemption in 5 U.S C. 553 with apphcant by (a) upon a party's request, decided that the better alternative is to respect to such rules. nis action, Providing one transcript without charge provide procedural assistance to all hew es er. is not published for pmposal-to that party and (b) upon a party's parties other than an applicant in ru!rmaking since the purpose of the request, copying and serving withwt adjudicatory proceedings on cher,c is administrative in nature and charge that party a testimony (including applications for and rsbhcation for comment is unaccessary, anaclanents). l roposed findings of fact

. amendments theleto.

i Therefore. the Table of Contents and and condusions oflaw and responses i195125;a)[2] are amended and Exhibit to discoverry requests. In addition, the NRC Provision of Free Transcripts t

A is deleted as fo!!ows:

regulations are amended to regelre that Transcripts are usually expensive.

'lI parties. Includmg an applicant. file with especially when fast copy is requested.

g, g%

NRC an onginal plus two copies of esch A typical transcript for one day of a P*C" 8 "# * #

I' **

Ed. bit H As silable in auy FedtA Ofr.cs) o g na d

ty op original of such a transcript, prvvided l !

EFFECTtVE DATC Jtdy 25.1931.

the uest morning, costs about $L000; oupplementary cripies txMt about $100.

(1951.25 flevte= of Umited Resources FOR FURTHCA IUCRMATIO*d CONT ACT:

l I

7 0 and 01. toans.

Romas F. Dorian. Esq Off;ce of the in the S-3 proceeding, transcripts were i

Esecutis e legal Dde clor. U.S. Nucle ar requested by most public interest (3). rapency of seriews.

Regulatory Commission. Washington, groups, industr) representatives and

[z] T.

(2) The interest rate on FO !aans will D C. 20555 (Telephone: (301)+t'-4690).

utilities ne principal evnclusion that SUPPt1MENTARY D.FOAU ATsO6C In order can be drawn from that proreeding is


l be increepd in accordance with the S;hedute n Eshibit A of this Subpart to belp pe-ties assist the Commission in almost scIf-evident, namely, that NRC's (as ai!able in an) Tml(A office.) We artising at its decisions, the Commission offer to provide an expensis e service j

lar.s will then be reviewed at least on several occasions our the past (transcripts)is att; active to most partica.

e p

rt t in, n

te assist CNe eser) tw o ) ears. approsimetely 60 ses eral ycars has co u

.. ; g g


~~ '

.1 C@br / Vcl. <5. No.105 / Tr:i y. h!y :.5.1!'a / Etdes r.r.3 Ey;iti'ns

_m s

t': C:

Mn in erriving at Its N W Co r.mittion. Cont.em I a d been' V 2.*r*

program of fae cop >ing and ecrvice.

3 t &c nn.

yi expressed that free senice would Copying end senice have been W:c it no n aion why free encourage abuse:In the form of requested by in'cn enon In a number of


ta.:.n: ;c cnid not be made t.vailable everlong ur,ed;ted or unnecenary -.

Instances and the salue of the -

in edjud: cations to parties, other than filings In general. for those who, " '" assistance, both to intervenors and the the applicant. at the same time and ultimatefy requested cop 3 nfcantand - {

quality of Commission decisionmaking.

1 foration e: they are made available to '

service. there were no sign:

may be worth the modest de!ay entailed.

the NKC stdi If transcripts are mai!ed diffcrences in leqth or f:rquency A ene ycar p!!ot prog sm would allow to the staff. they would also be mailed to between filings conied and sened by NRC to obtain Information on this effort intenenors nis senice could repface the parties themselves end tho?e copied and on eny prob!sms such a prograrn pasent ;;r ctice where rncmbcrs of the end sened by NRC et a p.rty's request.

may p tsent.ce wc!! as answer whether s'r ff or the lju r.r mg Bard fu quently This experience s:cpgests tf:st a NRC copying and senice of testimony is lend an inteninor an extra copy of the prugram of free NRC cop >1rg and an Incentis e to timely filing.

transcript, el' hough on.a necest,arily service is not lii e!y to be irregular basis. Transcripts are "

Commisshn does not wieb to assume N.g f 00 mth 6e Conston particularly important to the man *y this responsibility for all c! anes of Parties in licens!ng proceed'ngs. under intonenors who attempt to make their documents, s!nc.e this wou!d create 10 CFR 2.7Mdj. file or serve docaments cases on cross-esamination.

substantial de!ay. It has h:weser, -

as follows: the original and 20 copies Herefore, the Commission has -

identified sucral categories of with the Commission, and one copy on de cided to initiate a one. year pilot

'docurnents which are bully. but do not each party and on raembers of the.

pmgram to preside free transcripts on arise frequently. Reir senice by the hearing pan'el in question. The 20 copfes Commission would thus re!ieve parties filed with Doc.keting and SenIce are for the basis presiously described.

1.lcensing Boards will havo tM of a substantial burden without the Commission's cons entence for din.;rtion toI:untrol the distribution of introducing s ubstantial delay. Rese intarnal informational distribution; the transcripts to parties-for example to categories are:(1) testimeny (including appre$ntiate Bard and the parties are limit datribution to some but not all of a attachments). (2) proposed findings of sen e separctely, consolidated group of inten enors, or to fact and conclusions of law, and (3)

%cse 20 copics are not adequate for on!) those phaes of a heanns in which responses to discovery requests. In internal NRC distribution needs. In an inten enor intends to participate.

relatis e terms, senice of these practice. Docketing and Sen ice documents need n t be as rapid as items cistributes some copies upon receipt:

. NRC.Presis!on of Free Cop}Ing and such as briefs or motions. A rough look makmg additional copies creates a time N " "*

at filings in licensing proceedings, lag of up to several days.Since the Afost licensing proceedings produce indicates that these documents tend to copies Docketing and Service sends out dozens of filings. It should be noted that. be relatisely bulky. A!so dacuments are infonaational, the Commission I

frequently. parties in complex containing testi nony and exhibits Perceives no tight time corystraint 'on proceedings routinely sene more people centafn substantise contentions ar:d are, internal irformation distribution; the than necessary. Particu!arly in those in effect the " essence" of NHC normal tir e lag neccssary to a!!ow NRC proceedings in which cerfain aspects of proceedings. By processing them.NRC to do all copying ofinternal distribution an issue hase been heard before all would be copying and sening a documents would not cause

!cs els of NRC e3 judicatory boards.

substantial amount of the number of inconvenienct Therefore, the parties tend to cornpile senice lists pages filed, a service which would have Commission has decided that all parties.

which rcflect the entire history of the high pa3offin terms of red. icing costs to including opplicants. need file with the pmceeding. rather than being tailored to inten enors, without substantially Commission on!) en original and two the particular paper being filed. Random impeding the progress of the. ~

copies, the original would go to the n

checks of service lists show that this

- adjudicatory process.

docket file, one copy would go directly sort of error accotints for between 3 and - Copying and senice of these to the Public Document Room, and the 7 extra copies made and distributed.

documents by the commission may other copy would be used for l

. De Commission wishes to emphasize cause some sery small delay in the reproduction.

I that parties should be aware that hearing procest A licensing proceeding Antitrust P.bcedings senice is required on!y on the may require seseral rounds of testimony I

i Commission 'or the pertinent

'and an opportunity to file proposed NRC will not provide free transcripts adjudicatory board and the parties, and findings of fact and conclusions oflaw, and free copying and senice in antitrust that parties endeavonng to hold down Proceedings.The studies of filings have their costs should carefully monitor their. a(Responses to discovery requests are.

ensironmentallicensing proceedings.

lso filed. but not on a tight time been confined to health. safety. and sc-vice lists.


l In December 1977, the Commission At least five days would be required While the Commission belies es that the l

authnrized the Docketing and Service for each set of documents to reach the changes wot Id substantially assist Branch to cops and serve submissions in Commission and be copied and maihd interrenors in those proceedinss without the S-3 proceeding. if requested to do so to the parties and board reembers.

Introducing substantial delay,it does b parties to the proceeding. Each parti ' nerefore, the rule pmvides that not know whether these conclusions can 3

requesting this assistance served an documents filed with Docketing and be extended to antitrust pmceedings.

orig:nal and tw o copies on NRC. Others Senice in the three catego-ies There ma) be,in fact. substantial fo'iewed normal procedures, namely, pnctiously desenbed should be filed not differences in the extent and general senice on other parties and an original

'less than fise.da3 s bc fore the date at bulk of discosery between the twe kinds" plus 20 copies cn NRC.

which they are submitted to en of proceedings in addition, the I

ne resu!:s show that the availabihty adjudicatcq board, un'ess the presiding Commission does not know whether l

of free copying and senice had no officer provides otherwise.

parties in antitrust proceedings are discernibic impact on the length or On balance. the Commission has likely to need such assistance as decidedtoun.900R' lot 05n ilNalth, safe frequenc) of filings with the AL


37 M 5 / T : ' '. y [. y 0 5. 2'. 3 / 1. '.,..

m n m.a Lnts.,e,:. m.


t:,.:'.' ri v0h t! e in!ctml nt y m t,. i'-o,~

tur.x ors.w.1.,1.

a6!nirtruti:n o' L*,e O. 2i tv a. 2e?*

T l

o p c oftccr ma) a.rrar.;
is e !; m: n:s.
  • 1'! pne s*,; chanp cirteea:c

' Fo.h. ion of roe free t;ec: :r.;rt to s

...w. r c sq. r.4. the Cerd...mtst., f e this 6:r f nh:r b:k' p arty, other than the : ppi:.r.nt. t;onarty.The trenn::ipt wi!!

rt sicwed in 19"6. Co::sequently, snany of the forrns previous!y ustd hose fc!'ca *.,

  • m. 4 0 d argis.

rt. quest by that p!c to a party at the scme pcas.s Scu a:..r.her's it' 'e bto disuse or has e been food to be o Le made avellab t;me and location as it is made asaLbleto the NRC staf s:'e!) to a;a*cy procchre tr,d prectice.

de Curemian h:s fond that good a nurr.ber of new forms been i

to the staff,it wtB also be c:aaledlo the um for o. i: ting no'i:e of edepted to acco:nmodate ocw statutory


requesting party. A presiding officer has m

cpm d rn mking and p;h!
c,.adwe thuwn, as unr.ecessary, and
. ;se e regairements and supersinory needs.

the d;scretion to control the dhtribution or.AFTsNG thf 0RM AT Opc Th f;r mdi g the amendments effectsve of transcripts to parties, act3 sid) w,thout the cvsfomary 30 (5-c.1'1p..INb L eMc3. es amendel caStat. % as ac tnded 82 Inin. Senior Atto ney.Ofnce of the Pata:.nt to the Ata:me Enc gy Act of O ' "#

Dated atWashirfon.DC tLa 21st Ja d ComptroUa of the Corrency.,.

(tz U.S c i l.. et s g;12 U.S C or,5 U.S.C.

n A 6s amended.the FeergFeor an zation Act o!1974,es amended' july. mo.

W l

l 5 of the For the Nottear Residatory Coc=ission.

ad arctiens 552 and 551 of Tit e e

S***!j.C W Adop* don of Amendmed i s'6tes Code. the foll: *ingr.4nd ncr.ts so hile 10. Chapter 1. Code Seu'40'10/ ff' Co#'*l"i" I

of Ft duol Rt guiations, Part 2 is in n= eme rw t-a.m s as i g,,12 CFR 413 is amended to rea 3,wy 5.bbshed as a document subject toamo coot r>***-88 l 4.13 Forms emf httruc*.wis.

(a)N.emberedforms.The followbg.




numbered forens of the OfEce of tha


curicntly in use:

ComptroUer of the Currtney wie 1.Sectwn 2.rgd)is amended to read:

CC 14n4X: 0%rs.h-ect end Indwet

-8 CurtencY indebtedriees s'nd/or other E.nks Forma! reg /esmuits for C1422-OL Nat malknk beminers Sea I

( 2.7C4 12 CFR Part 4 CC 14:s-OX. Assets to be Cha ged Of by I Coeur,a nta.

  • x (d) Deept as otherwise provided by a i m'*I h 'A D *"'i"comwepoes d N ' t*

this part or by order, a pieedit:g (or Description of Offko,Procedarea, b eminat a oder document) other than Pubnc Informatio(L Forms end CC 14M hambers WMst Gme correspondence shad be filed in an Ib 8

W original and two confonned copies.2. Section 2J12 is sinended by adding Actiecr Osce of the CotnptroUcr of the C

CC hamination CC142rOX. Report of LaminationC a ntw f aregraph(f)es follows:


Service of papers,rnethods, proof. AcDost Final rule.


the Comptroller of the C4.cocy Dis amendment resises 12 CC 14r.7-On Voh.ntary Chege-Offs d i 2.712 (f) Tree ccpying and service. Except in CR 4.13. the regulation which identifies


Ins:stm 2rt of Visitation

<s au forms used by the Office of the CC14:8-G en antitrust procca ding,in any adjudg ator) proceeding on an ComptroIIer of the Currency (-Office'*).

CCism p d baunah The purpo.= of the amendment is to of 6 Cood. tion d the apphcetion for a hcense fit anamendment thereto, the Commission.

CC 4 L

Trust Derannwnt c Da W deletions and additJons made in recent W

G wiU co a se e w L.

u hamination Report CC 1451-OX Biegraphical Data Work Sheet ccst to that party].at party. lestimony EFrtcnyt D ATE:luly 1.5.1980, II can a

y,,g C W4X Report of Nat ooal Barth (in:!cding attachments), ro;iosedf.nd.ags of fact and conc usions oflaw*

FOR FURT)tER INFORM.ATIO#t CONTACT 1 Dominer for Y,d Eni.g -

Jonathan L Levin, Semor Attorney.

CC145-OX:Inv estment Sheet (Trust and rr spr.scs to dermery requests, Office of the Comptroner of tbc These documents shculd be fi!cd with cepan::. cat)

CC WO-AX. Demiser's CrnLt une She Currency. 490 LT.nfant P! ara East. S.W.,

Dodeting and Savice notless than fiveWashington. D C. 20::19.Tc!cphone:

m w1-OL pumah Fann or Kands,

day s before they are due to besubmi.ted to an adjudicato y board.

tec.aIInterior Statement (202) 447-1171.

sWPfVatENT ARY INFoR11ADOIC Die CC m: OX. mancia! Statement-Buunes CC1 unicss the presiding o&cr provides amendment conforms to the requir-ment m a n O X. N alIn h of 5 U.S C. 552 that each egency p.:bitsh otherwi. e.'3. Section 2.750,ts amended by adding CC 1res-OL Ke al f.a:a'e,M.rtgageC a

in the Federal Repster descriptions of a new paragraph (c) as foDows-CC icar OX: Consum Ease-Past Due egency forms and instructions which are available to. and may be obtair.ed by 12.750 Of f=dal re portor, transcitpt CCite-OX:Fue Comments Trede Loans the public.The amendment revisesthose portions of 12 Checking.CredaInsestganons. A erage (c)Trer transcript. Escept in an Batances. etc.

antitrust preceeding in any adjudicatory the numbered sad unnabered ferms

, CC 1mOL Beds-Cmription proccedtrg on en application for a CC1rm4X Cotatual Sheet C"C 3 M'

mendmeM prcvides more spmfic CC let:wL Direct I.c sse Finandng

'n-a pv ed i%t t.e in ehet for one sea, infortnation for obtatmng copics of T 1011-OX:Cotateralline shp the fvm 14 :w o v1.u e orM t3ca..iics wtu et an eeen.on m:! a; pear in Omcr forms.

ise redera: s ercer.

