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Test Rept:Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Endurance Run
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1980
Shared Package
ML19340B532 List:
NUDOCS 8011110242
Download: ML19340B533 (37)



O i



Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Endurance Run October 31,1980 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS POOR QUAUTY PAGES

3 We auxiliary feedwater pumps at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant unit 1 were subjected to a 48-hour endurance test as required by NEC Task Action Plan item II.E.1.1 and operating license condition 2.C.22.E.

%e pumps were run at normal conditions: speed, flow, suction and discharge pressure, and steam generator pressure. Data was rece ;ed every eight hours. %e data sheets are included as Tables 1 through 27.

During the endurance test the pumps and rooms were instrumented with permanently instrument systems (pressures, flows, and nuclear power), portable contact pyrmeter for measuring bearing temperatures at the top of the bearing, and humidity / temperature chart recorders for measuring ambient room conditions. %e location of the pump flow and pressure instrumentation listed on the data sheets by instrument number can be found on Figure 1.

%e performance of the auxiliary feedwater pumps during the endurance test were evaluated by cm, paring the data recorded versus the acceptance criteria.

Ibth sets of values are included on the data sheets. Cmparison of the data to the pump head curves provided by the manufacturer yielded good agreement.

%e data for the 24-hour interval and the ccrresponding pump head curve values for each pmp are cmpared below.

RMP DATA AT 24-HOUR INTERVAL InvP CURVE FIDiS GB1 Disch Press Feet of (Flow Without (PSI)

Head Recirc.)

GRi - RTIRC FID1 1AS 1099 2532 890 1020 - 60 = 960 1A-A 1230 2834 425 485 - 25 = 460 1B-B 1250 2880 435 490 - 25 = 465 Sme of the bearing temperatures were higher than the acceptance criteria.

Preliminary indications frm the manufacturer is that the bearing temperature limit for the notor driven pumps can be increased to 1800 F.

%e motor driven pump bearing temperatures did not exceed this new value. TVA will get formal documentation frm the vendor regarding the temperature limit increase.

TVA is still evaluating the turbine driven pump bearing performance and will report the resolution of the problem at a later date. Figures 2 through 4 are plots of bearing temperature versus time for each pump. Figures 5 and 6 are plots of humidity and temperature versus time for the different pump roms.

We temperature differential between the inlet and exhaust of the auxiliary turbine pump rom exhaust fan was 12.70 F initially tnd later stabilized at 20.350 F.

All pump vibrations were within specified limits.


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'During the endurance. test for the turbine driven pump, a failure occurred on the electronic speed controller. - TVA suspects that the controller overheated.

We failure caused a reduction in speed which resulted in low flow. %is condition lasted for 30 minutes. We control panel door was opened to cool the controller. We endurance test proceeded with the panel door open and the 1

turbine stablized at rated speed.

i Several modifications were made as a result of the control deficiency. Wey included venting and relocation of the control panel, enclosing and relocating heat-producing components, and insulating pipes. An additional 8-hour endurance test was run after empletion of the modifications. Additional thermocouples were added to monitor temperatures around the control panel.

% e turbine maintained stable conditions at rated speed in 1250F rom heat after the controller temperature stabilized. TVA believes that the 30-minute speed reduction does not affect the validity of the 48-hour endurance test.

We 8-hour test denonstrates the effectiveness of the modifications made to correct the controller temperature problem.





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,A Changa Shea:

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J Page 10 c f I 8 qq Change No. 52 1 4


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Time T-O hrs (43o Ebr MEASUREMENT INSTTd.'MER.


Ic SO Discharge Pressure PI-3-138 O L e g Info Info Suetien Pressure PI-3-137 gg D'b iEroe o-gooo 2 3750 RPM gg gM w


e.c 1 4 c.-us:

p Y

S Rec = Te:perature l $6 84 %

l o '2, #E

[p 77f 3Co

-< 100,.

3(, 7, Eu=1dity cf Contact l

Bearing No. 1 Terp Pyrere te r I

(O ).F 4.160 F C) S*f


Centact Searing No. 2 Terp Pyrc=eter (O(p y

<160 F FF Contact l

3 earing No. 3 Te:P Pyroceter i

(4I p

< 160'3F 15l*F Contact i

3eari=g No. 4 Te=P Pyrometer l

(fZop 4.16 0F f330p I"f

% Nuclear

', fg,3 2-50o1 4 i.

Pe=p Flow FjC. M-M MN 2 800 ppm S.

G. 01 Press Log PO400A

[oo g,g 7 500 psi d

/ 9/7/b Searings are nu bered frc= the pu=p cutboard bearing tS. arb5 dri.;cr.

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O Data Sheet 5.7.3 h_biU i


Page 11 of 48 V

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5/5/S3 t.

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Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AFU 1A-S Ti=e T-p hrs M3 0 Euo V7/fa a


Discharge Pressure PI-3-138.

//jf Info Info Suetica Pressure PI-3-137 pf R?M

/-f/-p'6' Syc ' Md O O

~7iw p recu d.*r jg

-< 120 F noc= le=perature

_ gnn,

//c m fee f 100%

Eu=idity i.

y [4

$$j Contact 3 earing No. l'Te=p Pvrene te r

/(pf 4.160 %



<.160 F 3 earing No. 2 Te=p Pyro =eter Centact 3 earing No. 3 Te=p pyroreter 6.8

<160oF Contact 3 earing No. 4 Te=P Pyroneter

/ p

<160 F Inf

% Nuclear ?cwer

)((). cp gy,

yg g

Pu=p Flow f/gu//,-77 pfg '


g 800 gpm~

S. G. fl Press Log PO400A

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'7 500 psi Ist VU"S Ecarings are nunbered frc= the pu=p outbcard bearing toward_the driver.

hPf, l(,if Utf f gg w,.J a d e p s h ' 7 NY A



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Test No. TVA-22 O[-

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pypjigijED FOR USE

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Change No. 52 :

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Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AKP 1A-S Time T /g hrs


//M O Info Info Suction Pressure PI-3-137 g/'

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.i co c)

Rcca Temperature yfygg f / 2 [.

-< 120 F Euridity 4'/ 7/ 7 y


-< 100%

Contact 3 earing No. 1 Te:p Pvrc eter 4.160 F Contact


<,160 F Searing No. 2 Te:p Pyrcreter

/ 'f

< 160 F


3 earing No. 3 Te:p Pr er Contact



4.160 F 3 caring No. 4 Te:P Pyroteter I"

  • ' Nuclear Pever


Pu=P Flev My -yg.g ffd '

g 800 gpm S. G. f1 Press Los P0400A f f f, 7 500 psi

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/Y d

Bearings are numbered f rom the pe=p outboard bearing toward the d' river.

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[h'DDO'jpp p Data Sheet 5.7.3 V't i

d Page 13 of 43

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Cha:Se No. 52 1 l


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Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AI'G 1A-S Tina T-2-[ hrs fA-50


Discharge Pressure PI-3-138 ll2O h

Info 1

Info Suetica Pressure PI-3-137 2l

.PM l-CC-46-5Cs

4. m o 1 -> 3750 PSM


t n

M DwN l l' 2 f

-< 120 F o

Roca Te perature Etnidity seg 'fgm 3 I 7,

-< 100%


10] f 4.160 F 3 earing No. I Te:p Pvre e er Contac:

3 earing No. 2 Temp Pyrcrecer (OI F

<160 F C}


\\ /

,3 earing No. 3 Te:P Pyrcrecer IQ p


p '

  • 3 earing No. 4 Te:P Contac:

p Pyrore:er llo 5 f i <160 F Lo h

% Nucles.: Pc er Info g,g,g,


Pt=p Flcv J. FT-C-gg

$36 g S00 gpm S. G. (1 Press Log P0400A

[ 0 0 '2. '2.


'7 500 psi ~


/5/r/so 3 earings are ::=bered fre the pu=p cutbca:d ben:E.cs MIthe driver.

Co~mtr Rw cesa-417 l 94 f4t.,

le /2LhD h ut.

to125 /s a Nosibtv iTone Restz..

  • 3noW cou 7 li 7 tso be., J, ; /3, gp p

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Test No. TVA-2 2

Change Shrat f i

, g (T r

i Data Sheet 5.7.3 V



Ce y${ PaSe 14 of 48 hgkk t![p w a Change No. 52 : g20 q ^, 5/5/.80 Data Sheet: 5.7.3 An?? 1A-S Ti=e T-g hrs ?.?U $N< ! ['--Q ff NLf EASUREENT INSTRUMENT DATA ACCIPTA' ICE CRITERIA //pf Info Discharge Pressure PI-3 38 I"f Suction Pressure PI-3-137 Md PJM 5 / -w-rce <4>s?> -.> 3750 RPM Roo= Te=perature Sw &4,o //2 g 120 v Eu=idity $ct 8<Sh<> Jf --< 100% Contact ./d 3 4.160 F 3 earing No. 1 Te=p pyrcre:g r Contact 3 earing No. 2 Te=p Pyro =eter 7 <160 F /fd <160 F 3 earing No. 3 Te=p .e er Contact Bearing No. 4 Tet? Pyrometer /ff-~~ <160 F k[_C/p-h/ g Infc

  • Nuclear ?cuer Pt=p Flow g y_ _ g, _7 fd

g 800 gpm S. G. f1 Press Log PO400A jg g g '7 500 psi - YL'h i S~ f ~ Pb t t t. 's Searings are nu=hered fro: the pu=p outboard bearing toward the driver. I A ELE-5' Cendad 9% & 1 l lof M k"f -0c<fAubf(C nas- - 4Y h jpC h(itWW S g ~ W 3m /50 g', h'<A 1 CAunAand& p w gedew y. y A f f b a 6,,,. ' re e i /24 c L '2 Cd

Test No. TVA-22 Change Sheet pg q [L k 7.D [ PaSe 15 of 48 Data Sheet 57 I I d 3 pm!Q OP ) hi ItV V W Cht ge Ho. 52 : ,A t, t. ) ..h, lJ lJ \\ 5/5/e0 .s t ~s s Data Sheet: 5.7.3 Ara lA-S Ti=e T-h hrs O(,3 o 8l 9l% MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENT DATA ACCEPTA5CE CRITI?L Discharge ?ressure PI-3-138 l[fo Info Suetica Pressure PI-3-137 20,6 Info ?2M f.51. 4C-6(,6 klC0 N OIE0 E# 5 Rec: Te=perature $gg g4w [ d} #% Eu=idity 38 ), -< 100% Contact 3 earing No. 1 Te=p S S.F <.160or Pvrere te r Contact Bearing No. 2 Terp ryrc=eter 9 8 'F e.160 F Oi Cc-- I~ - 3 earing No. 3 Te=p p $ac~' l 660% <160 F y eter Contact 3eari:g No. 4 Te=? Pyrcreter 169 F <I60 F 7, g,g,p 31 Info % Nuclear Pcwer Pu=p Flow /-F7C-fle 67 88O 2 800 gpm S. G. fl Press Log ?0400A /005.O 7 500 psi ~ D L % / 6/s/Fo Bearings are nc=bered f rc= the pu=p outboard bearing % war [_the driver. k[ ~l Icyk Qg,. Icl24 /19 but. Le[y: /BO ' Dut%T 4 A o e t-w z _ fk-1 I^l l8' u4. 1ll2 l$/ Y u Mtt>ti% ( TLHe,((cyg 5 $010 [ e 5 TA6LE% 8 i /

Test No. TyA -22 P Chang 2 Sheet, Q pJF f y q r [I f Data Sheet 5.7.3 L 7

d I EpqiM h Page 16 of 48 L

g..- n QQfy,QV d.Q Change No. 52 : pJ b j}' ,,.gh i Data Sheet: 5.7.3 A~n'? 1A-S Tina T- $lphrs MEASUREMENT INST?r.ENT DATA ACCE?TA' ICE CRITERI.; Discharge ?ressure PI-3-138 [ /@ Info Suction Pressure PI-3-137 Info g, g R?M l-S.I-g[,-64f3 fd6d 2 3M O RPM ~ Room Tenperature _qgg Eg% /()f S I Eu=idity 3 () ~~< 100% Contact Bearing No. 1 Terp /Ob 4.160 F p,re em Contact [6 / <.160 F 3 earing No. 2 Tc:p p receter y ['3' Centact (s 3 earing No. 3 Tc=p pyre:eter [gd <160 F Contact 3 earing No. 4 Ter? Pyroneter /dd <160 F Nuclear ?ever l_yg,Sg ggog h Info I-FK-@-6 1 hh ? :P Flev 2 800 gpm S. G. fl Press Log PO400A jg 7 500 psi * '\\ Il / 'f~ f6 the pump outbeard bearing toward_t'NT Scarings are numbered frc: driver. Co ~ a P<umswa

  • 4n 1% cn rotzs t,3 h a} 6 d o @

1.tu t w bd. ? t7/So be. /f7/ai .l Astury f E p. Rese e 3870 45 o T4SLE 7 fm

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Test No. TVA--22 g p.LI [ Change Shaet $8 v J fl p rs' !p. Data Sheet 5.7.3 gM. f.J Page 17 of 48 qp gY Change No. 52 : .) I 1 5/5/80 ('J) JJi I ..w u Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AIW lA-S Ti=e T-o hrs kclW MEASURI}EST INSTRO' INT DATA ACCI?TA';C2 CRITIRIA Discharge Pressure PI-3-138 //2o Info Q Info Suetica Pressure PI-3-137 Kru 9 40 gg g 3990 ~ Roo: Te=perature [ / 7 / 6/ [ 8[F S E ddity ~~< 100% Contact 3 earing No. 1 Te=p Pvrc=e t e r /d o 4.160 F Contact Searing No. 2 Te=p Pyro =eter /o c) 4.160 F (m Centact $3 <160oF (,) 3 earing No. 3 Te=P Pyro =eter Contact Bearing No. 4 Terp Pyroneter /33 4.160 F g-f f 3.7p Info % Nuclear ?cuer Pt=p Flov [ Mfd - Qg' ~ g 800 gpra '7 500 psi

  • S. G. fl Press

-ic; FO'O^A- ' Pr-I 'J n lM0 / Bearings are nu=bered frc= the pu=p cutbcard bearing tcward the driver. 9 9 6 TABLE - O n L) 1

.y p 3-Test No, 7y[. :, hhhh-Da he 5.7 Page 18 of'4g lP , 5/5/80 Change No. 32 ; V ,s .atis Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AFWP 1A-S %.k % Time T-Q hrs C MEASUREMENT INSTROENT DATA ACCIFTANCE CRITEFS Discharge Pressure PI-3-138 //2o Info Suction Pressure FI-3-137 gg Info N 3I50 M b[-fg._%g }y[6 E?M h/[f g10F Roca Temperature E=idity 3770Vf' ([ ~< 100% Contact Pvrereter /O] 4.160 F 3 earing Sc. 1 Te=p 0 Contact p reneter ff <160 F 3 earing No. 2 Terp y Centact ' 5 3 earing No. 3 Te=? Pyrcreter /g g <160 F Contact p roneter f gg < 160 F Searing No. 4 Terp y % Nuclear Power )(R-97-%/ F.75~' I"f Pu=p Flow {f g,g ffd 2 800 gpm S. G. El Press LF'N/-1 "2A /poo '7 500 psi * '04 0 0A- / 3 earings are cunbered frc rhe pu=p cuthcard bearing tcward the driver. yt?I 9</ Di7 77xr &, M-2G * &U1 hc 3 6 7 0 'l 5' S I ' I) ~ 'I O g TA BLE ci 1 0

y') n q1 1 Test No. TVA-22 ) \\ Change Sheet 1 d s' V i Data Sheet 5.7.3 0,0 ,Q Page 19 of 48 I l

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v o c-Change No. 52 .s h, hi Ch I, )L DU 5/5/80 i Data Sheet: 5.7.3 (5 ; /g AIVP 1 A -A gg Time T-d hrs 9, ,g

u. a O Ed T 5'-V - t'o MEASUREENT INSTRUENT DATA ACCEPT /SCE CRITERI' Discharge Pressure PI-3-122B

/86f info /g g /g p. Suction Pressure PI-3-ll7 g f' info f Room Te=perature 3 P 7 o [ 5'~ h6~ { 120 F b littidity y1 { 100% yA g /// 7 PE34160 F M. Bearing No. 1 Te p Cen. Pyrometer b Searing No. 2 Temp Con. Pyroteter /00 4.1600 F ye/ S i ( ]), 3 earing No. 3 Temp TI 120B' /pp 4,160 F ~/p /cf[ Bearing No. 4 Temp TI-3-120A <160 F 74 l

  • Nuclear Power M.97-9o )

23' info 4[.[ Pu=p Flow te SGl FI-3-163A j/8 2 200 GPM Joo. Pucp Flow to SG2 FI-3-155A h%d 2 200 GPM F-do N Vfdk/ 7-2b76 Eearings are nu=bered f roc the pu=p outbcard b $nhoYard.t ekriver, g,. $,-/s / /hom V / ~/ / T V -Z (-l0 '

  • N b / d " 24 ~ 0),0N

-2 w 3 E90 9'S D'l)~U b Il'70 g,yp f hymid8; MCudu m T46LE - 10 7s / J

Test No. TVA-22 f Chant,e Sheet Qj,j,qr Data Sheet 5.7.3 k<- Page 20 of 48 t p n.,, h( Of} ,gy, I siUi,,d [hk hy{ (^'s Ch a ge No. 52 : 5/5/80 gy Data Sheet: 5.7.3 D - ) i ?_ afb'? 1 A -A gg Tire T- $ hrs $,-g-j'3 MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENT DATA ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Discharge Pressure PI-3-122B- [34o info / c3.5 T' )yf suction Pressure PI-3-1,17 l [,,C) info its; i R j %, ' Roc = Te:perature $ g g% { 120 F /ed g .( O I au=1aty 43 < loo % M 3 Bearing No. 1 Terp Con. Pyrometer } ) "2_ 4160 F !b f Searing No. 2 Terp Con. Pyro =eter l O'S 4.1600F Fr l (,i R.< U gy4 3 earing No. 3 Tenp TI 120B 17 7. 4160 F /26 3 earing No. 4 Te=p TI-3-120A ]7 ) <1600F I7/ D ,18 p

f. yg.cjg, goo,

3.76 info % Nuclear Power ?u=p Flow to SGI FI-3-163A 200 2 200 GPM M/d / Pump Flow to SG2 FI-3-155 A 7,g 2 200 GPM [/g W 1,I n ts. Ecarings are nu=bered fre the pu=p outboard bearing toward the driver. itGih T E c.m o u s. n R.

  • 4I ~7194 CAL 8 ollCl73 h us-lo (~2-(. /3o

{ NumATT f Mme. fcbg.# 3$7045 C 'c 7 l/7 /3s b t/('l(8/ A \\ TA6LE - 11

l]J ~ I F Fig, t Test No. TVA-22 ~ Change Sheet l Jj \\ Data Sheet 5.7.3 Du

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-.o 1 Change No. 52 : L_) p,hiI t 5/5/50 Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AL7 1 A--A Ti=e T-16, hrs 08co Ob i-~ MEAS'.'REMENT INSTRUMENT DATA ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Discharge Pressure PI-3-122B [~2.4o info Suction Pressure PI-3-117 info g g,[ Foo= Te perature k 13c. % 30f { 120 F Eu=idity

I67, S1 Bearing No. 1 Te:P Con. Pyro =eter (OTI 4160 F Bearing No. 2 Te=p Con. Pyro =eter C)7p 4.1600F j

'd ,g Bearing No. 3 Te=p TI-3-1203 l J(,*g 4.160 F (g Bearing No. 4 Te=p TI-3-120A l7p*F <160 F % Nuclear Power l_ g,g L sg 41 info \\ Pu=p Flev to SGI FI-3-163A 210 2 200 GPM l Pu=p Flow to SG2 FI-3-155 A 2IO 2 / % llolBo Searings are numbered fro = the pu=p outboard bearing to mrd.the driver. Co % cx,uz E 41719 f Cp . lc I24179 1 06. to l% /Bo NvWh rry f Msr. [240..

  • Eg 7o 45 - Q 7 /17 [ 6 o uf. i/l7 / DI To 8LE -I2

_~ m '(( O Test No. TVA-22 l J Change Sheet t Data Sheet 5.7.3 { PaSe 22 of 48 ,. s U APPiTOM)r0 RUSE l737E " Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AIVF 1A A Ti=e T ~24 hrs lG.oo EbT MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENT DATA ACCEPTASCE CRITERIA Discharge Pressure PI-3-122B J246 info Suetica Pressure PI-3-ll 7 l7,3 info Roca Te=perature nc gc 90 7 { 120 F 1 Hunidity 4 $ 7, { 100% y Bearing No. 1 Te=P Con. Pyroneter IOb@ 4160 F Bearing No. 2 Te=p Con. Pyro =eter NY 41600F g Searing lio. 3 Te=p TI 120B llTT 4.160 F p 3 earing.No. 4 Te=p TI-3-120A ( ll I <160 F % Nuclear Pcwer gqq_g.t so R52 info Pu=p Flo - to SGl FI-3-163A llO 2 200 GPM Pu=p Flow to SG2 FI-3-155A 2gf 2 200 GPM / 6 /to/h Bearings are nu=bered frc= the pu-p outboard bearing to-/ard.the driver. 9mrctte

  • Tr7 t h CA'. iol2c./7 S h w)zc ts 6w Nm I' % e. Rcu.4gsw4e L,/nt% 6,ln(y

{ I TAGLE-13 9

Test No. TVA-22 Change Sheet APPROVED FOR liSE

^;" Sir,5 l 3 g

g Change No. 52 : q 5/5/SO F o-l i d Data Sheet: 5.7.3 ATa'? 1 A -A qn 32 hrs T1 e Tb4w Gt)f i y UU Cdo ja --// -yn MEASUREVENT INSTRUYENT DATA ACCEPT /d;CE CRITERIA / Discharge Pressure PI-3-1223 /J2T cf info Suction Pressure PI-3-117 info 7g 7 Roo: Te perature 3Dnc/ p-9d { 120 F fp { 100% /, Eu=idity ~ Bearing No. 1 Te P Con. Pyro =eter /h)$ 2160 F Bearing No. 2 Te=p Con. Pyroteter f[ 41600F t t 3 earing No. 3 Te=p TI 120B /77 4160 F Bearing No. 4 Te=p TI-3-120A /7/ <160 F 0 % Nuclear Power info [/O Pu=p Flow to SGl FI-3-163A 2 200 GPM Pu=p Flow to SG2, FI-3-155A /g 2 200 GPM Y / C'-/J " fd ascor.A9 Eearings are nt=bered frc= the pu=p outboard bearing toward.the driver. 9 e e TA 8LLE -l4

i Test No. TVA-22 Change Sheet Data Sheet 5.7.3 ?,.. ' Page 24 of 48 7' ,D I.M Change No. 52 {he E' 5/5/80 Data Sheet: 5.7.3 ig1 An'? 1A -A Tf Tite T-40 hrs [ idi l sea MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENT DATA ACCEPTA' ICE CRITERIA Discharge Pressure PI-3-122B [246 info info Suction Pressure PI-3-117 p,3 From Te=perature 6cc & 9@ { 120 F Eu=idity dgQ ( 100% y Bearing No. 1 Te=p Con. Pyroteter [037 4160 F Bearing No. 2 Te=p Con. Pyroteter 9YF c160er i 1 3 earing No. 3 Te=p TI-3-120B 177"F 4.160 F~ 3 earing No. 4 Te=p TI-3 120A [7o*F <1600F % Nuclear Power l-YR-91-5ool 41 info ~ Pu=p Flow to SGl FI-3-163A yo 2 200 GPM Pu=p Flow to SG2 FI-3-155A 2 200 GPM & L I slul% Searings are nu=bered frc= the pu=p outboard bear'ing t d.the driver. Counc r Pvaorc u $ 4n<g cg w(ul,s bcwInh NMAnY f' Tire. Rcie.

  • 337 eks Ca t 7/n/ro b dn/w rA6LE -/f 1

e (,). ~ %d 9

- ~ - - ,;,, _ e 1 Test No. TVA-22 Change Sheet t-D Data Shee: 5.7.3 ~~ ,fh g n g f g g it Page 2 Change n,5,cf 48

o. 52 ;

Data Sheet: 5.7.3 J, AT.i? 1A A r/ qq Ti=e T-4 @ rs I i .UV .l A MEASUREMENT INSTED' INT DATA ACCE?TANCE CRITI.C Discharge Pressure PI-3-1223' /17[ info Suction Pressure PI 117 ff, y info Eco: Te=perature d.c.< f du? [I) s_ 120 F =. < da.y / { 100% Bearing No. 1 Te=p Con. Pyroceter /d O 4160 F Searing No. 2 re=p Co Pyroneter 7C. 41600F s /M 4,160 F Scaring No. 3 Te=p TI-3-1203 Bearing-No. 4 Te=p TI-3-120A /6 7 <1600F

  • Nuclear Power

]'T info Pu=p Flow to SG1 FI-3-163A 2dC 2 200 GPM Pu=p Flow to SG2 FI-3-155A - 200 GPM SdC k.,W$bi / $~I'/-Ed Bearings are nu=bered frc= the pu=p c,atboard oea=ing tcvard.the driver. 4 ,yyh }fipyus f$'!JC-A'J1^ IMLL7 W W Lr+-m ( a

Test No. TVA-22 Change Sheet cc,n ME o te sweet 5.7.3 9 ) twd Page 26 of 48

  • e'

('~s) Change No. 52 1 5/5/80 g < q,' \\l Data Sheet: 5.7.3 g j g i ji ATn7 1A-A O9h Time T-O hrs rt3 lbli So V E I *- / lEASURElENT INSTRUMENT DATA ACCE?TANCE C?ITERIA Discharge Pressure PI-3-122B l3)O info Suction Pressure PI-3-117 g g, 6 info Ecom Temperature Q6 { 120 F Hu=idity [ ( 100% 3 earing No. 1 Te=P Con. Pyroceter 87 F 4160or Bearing No. 2 Te=p Con. Pyrometer h7"f 41600F v 3 earing No. 3 Temp TI-3-120B gg'p 4,160 F l3 earing-No. 4 Te=p TI-3-120A {7 /V <1600F 3 '/. 7o Nuclear Power I.)(C -37.-$ool 2 info Punp Flow to SGl FI-3-163A pg 2 200 GPM Pucp Flow to SG2 FI-3-155A ha 2 200 GPM / /6/'jb 3 earings are nu=bered frca the pu=p outboard bearing toward.the driver. e \\ rA SLE - 1 7 ' \\ e i ~ l ' l o L

y e;. Te s t No. ITA_'2[ Change Sheet 6,Pi<. 4 Data Sheet 5.7.3 - 'APPFIVEB M Id "%seSo.'52 c rG d _' 5/5/60 hI-Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AIW 1A -A a l i Ti=e T- / hrs u U ]\\ s. gq ,,j; do" ,i355~ /D '/-9 I W ASUREMENT INSTELENT DATA ACCIPTA';CE CRITERIA 1 Discharge Pressure PI-3-1223 /327 info Suction Pressure PI-3-117 26,4, info ?ce: Te=perature k { 120 F Hu=idity 1 ( 100% ~ 3 earing No. 1 Te=p Con. Pyro =eter [,.3 4160 F Bearing No. 2 Te=p Con. Pyrc=eter f/) 4.1600F O 3 earing No. 3 Te=p TI-3-120B /7/ 4,160 F Bearing No. 4 Te=p TI-3-120A / 7 i <160 F 0 % Nuclear Power [N Stc) hfo info o g 2 200 GPM Pu=p Flow to SG1 FI-3-163A Pu=p Flow to SG2 FI-3-155A gOg z 200 GPM < hk /6~/-SO Bearings are nu=bered fro = the pu=p outboard becring toward the driver. 9 TAbCE -\\b' V

Test Sn. TVA-22 Chang; Shnet Data Sheet 5.7.3 P3Se 28 of 48 Change No. 52 {,,lh 5/5/80 t k V l l *2-Data Sheet: 5.7.3 r3 p g,g g AFli? 1B-B Qg g ,g,, Ti=e T-O hrs knd4 ) d$u[. Jui ,.8 FEASURE}ZNT INSTRLTENT DATA ACCEPTA'?CE CRITERIA Discharge Pressure PI.3-132B l t J c-- info / !2-2r? Suetien Pressure PI 12 7 )(/,'f' jj j info l 'l, Room Te=perature 14c de'$u) M --< 120 F g 8G, 5.100% {gg Hunidity 5 n (46: 47 Bearing No. 1 Te=p gfp//cM ff 6 <1600F ~ 8 >f Bearing No. 2 Te=p (h/.te/ / hun. /00 <.160 F Jf Searing No. 3 Te=p TI-3-130B' [67 i <1600F /g. } Eearing No. 4 Te=p TI-3-130A '/ 2 $~ <160 F ~74 f.7,% b*

  • Nuclear Power info

, c l. d.25' l 2 200 cPn Pu=p Flow to SG3 FI-3-14 7A s o c' Pu=p Flow to SG4 FI-3-170A [ s'g y 200 GPM 97,) h/&fh / l-ZI$ Eearings are numbered f rc= the pu=p outboard bearing toward the driver. t:$ k SuJup)u-nwh.' YI,9 l'{ Ul { l0 -LC - 79 /c f,rI> luw i& .s k ~ is - u s) tw Q-n 99612 l-r?-r))k7t ?M p-zeTL m h SI TA6LE 9 e.,


,f_ 6 / b.

e Test No. TVA-22 Change Sheet Ecta Sheet 5.7.3 Page 29 of 43 C ppp;mus FOR USE che=se No. 32 ~ 5/5/80 Dl~h 9\\ O // 2. Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AFh'? IB-B Vl l Vl /92<d Ti=e T-6 hrs p-pgd g h

; d EW A*/

V i EASUREENT INSTRUMENT DATA ACCEPTANCE CRITIRIA /2f[ Discharge Pressure PI-3-1323 l 3 7 3-info Suction Pressure PI-3-127 i"f /6. O /d R l Roo= Te=perature ..Itt I O)4 S.120 F N f, Hu=idity .366 3$ b l I /O. G,' 3 earing No. 1 Te:p b(' d[M l'/O <160c? 9 )p2 <e 160 F W/ 0 3 earing No. 2 Terp C' /G F h3 g Searing No. 3 Te:p TI-3-1303 % 7/zs <1600F /k : gt. Bearing No. 4 Temp TI-3-130A l ~ld- <160 F /7f, % Nuclear Power

1. )(4. g.r;ool 3,~7 6 info

Pu=p Flev to SG3 FI-3-147A 7.40 2 200 GPM jf0 Pu=p Flow to SG4 FI-3-170A 7;o E 200 GPM y 3, b I,tt3 Iso htL}nJ Bearings are nu:bered fro = the pu=p outboard bearing t6. card the driver. 7/p 'Tu<tmeu.

  • 417 I34 Cu

&/zcI7s h>( volzc. Iso, A.,[ e o e TABLE -2.0 n%) e

~ taat Test No. TVA-22 Change Sheet Data Sheet 5.7 3 h h h' d Page 30 of 48 c 3 J Change n,o. 52 5/5/80 Ih I ' (& k V l Data Sheet: 5.7.3 9 y ATn7 1E-3 G T1=a T- /C hrs q CSoo I:bT I UL FI AS UFI.'.:.NT INSTRUMENT DATA ACCEPTA';CE CRITERI.' Discharge Pressure PI-3-132B 1250 info Sucrien Pressure PI-3-127 [17 info __ 120 F Reca Te=perature Qg jg% % *p f

237, 5 100%

Eu=idi'. G(( j o 2T <1600F [ 3 earing No. 1 Tc p 3 earing No. 2 Temp

  • )'? V

<.160 F g Bearing No. 3 Te :p TI 1303 ld7#f <1600F 3 earing No. 4 Tc=p TI-3-130A l14 F <160 F

Nuclear Power

[.g q_ cyL_. 9, i fQ info l e.". Fu P Flev to SG3 FI-3-147A 2 '2o g 200 GPM Pu p Flev to SG4 FI-3-170A 7(4 t 200 GPM i b llo l $o the pump outboard ben-h. Ward.the driver. Scarings are nu bered frc: ,o[btl7S 1oL lo }2 L (3a C o a T A c.T h:20mcwf2, E4 O 19i cat._ lbs,rv3 ( ihp. ha. *4'1 i 13 3 ' Cnu 7InIG ha ch7 h/

Test No. TVA-22 Change Sheet Data Sheet 5.7.3 -r 3 PPituau r0R LISE rese u or 43 m.,,,,

  • w Change Eo. 52 a

S/5/80 ktaSheet: 5.7.3 AT.i? 1B-B Ti=eT-Z4 hrs O hy J(poo GbT Vvl 1 EASUEEMENT INSTPENT DATA ACCEPTANCE CRITIEIA Discharge Pressure PI-3-132B l2 50 info Suction Pressure FI-1-127 l2.f info Kot : Te=perature Qg 9h

6. 120 F Hu=idity
307, 51%%

sf 3 earing No. 1 Te:p "[^[g lO 2 *E <1600F SB'F <.160 F 3 earing No. 2 Te:p g g3 3 earing No. 3 Temp TI-3-130B l(,3*p <1600F Scaring No. 4 Te p TI-3-130A M$f <160 F g % Nuclear Power l.y g 7, 3,3 % info .s Pu=p Flow to SG3 FI-3-14 7A 2'Z,0 > 200 GPM Pu=p Flow to SG4 FI-3-170A ggg ?. 200 GPM b_ / A //o/So T Eearings are nu=bered f rc= the pu=p outboard bearing toward_the driver. Co-wr P % c.n a

  • 4 n 1 5 4 E <o12cI n b io12cIn Nmo,y

( ~Iiur. he. * $71789 cne 7/t7 /so % oc. /i 7/si p TABLE - 22. ~ O =

~ Test No. TVA-22 Change Sheet i i LW.,f C D CAD l]${ Data Sheet 5.7.3 DD.T W a Una Page 32 of 43 (,g) Change No. 52 : /T n., p: 5/5/80 V l l sV E l'ata Sheet: 5.7.3 f AW? 1B-B ) AtN,j cglp l Ti=e T-7 ghrs gg


/M M info Suction Pressure PI-3-127 /g g info C[ __ 120 F / Rec = Te=perature Hu=1dity N 1 Bearing No. 1 Te=p /Oh <1600F '3 3 earing No. 2 Te=p 7 <.160 F g-tj i 3 earing No. 3 Te=p TI-3-1303 / [o 7 <1600F 3 earing'No. 4 Te=p TI-3-130A /77 <160 F % Nuclear Power $'Of info M. Pt=p Flow to SG3 FI-3-14 ;'A /d 2 200 CPM Pu=p Flow to SG4 FI-3-170A hp g 200 GPM /Iff/f4 / f' //'W cie.*asu Searings are nu=bered frc= the pu=p outboard bearing tcvard the driver. TA6LE -2b 1 O v

< t; c Test 50 TVI-22 Change Shee: APPROVED FOR USt geesheu1.2.3 S-33 of 43 pg'j Change. No. n : 5/5/E0 r { 1 I vJ JL~ Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AFL7 IS-B n] Ti=e T-4 0 hrs 080o $bT } EASUREEST INSTRCMENT DATA ACCEPTA'?CE CF TEFulX Discharge Pressure PI-3-132B 12 go info Suction Pressure PI-3-127 [4,4 info Roo Te=perature Qgg g og __ 120 F Hutidity 30 [, I c ~ Bearing No. 1 Te=p ggg [O Z.f <160cy C 3 earing No. 2 Te=p )$ F <.160 F C% ggg Bearing No. 3 Te=p TI 1303 lle 7 F <16coF C 3 earing No. 4 Te=p TI-3-130A l~]5 p <160 F % Nuclear Power l.g,9g.g p 4Q info i. Pu=p Flow to SG3 FI-3-14 7A 7.7.o 2.200 CPM Pu=p Flow to SG4 FI-3-170A yg g 200 GPM A M k / BIniso Bearings are nu=bered frc= the pu=p outboard bearing tcva-d ne driver, k m c.,- Pvacrena 4 n t39 cat iolic hS h le12(./80 Nebw I'TEse. R6e. *47 l 7 F9. (A t, 7 / n/go h,/f7[gj 'w/

Test No. TVA-22 Change Sheet ADQpy Data Sheet 5.7.3 hansib.,!**p.

ng [jeC h

a t/h L.0 L Page 34 of 43 ( Change Ho. 52 : 5/5/80 ]RC~~{'=' R A Data Sheet: 5.7.3 ATn'P 1B-B, Ti=e T 9/ hrs N } 7 JJ lEASUFIMINT INSTRUSINT DATA ACCEPT /.NCE CRITERIA Discharge Pressure PI-3-132B" ((C info kg Suction Pressure PI-3-127 info Recs Te=perature .gl._,, jfg g,,, 6;/ f g 120 F Eu=idity 80 1 3 earing No. 1 Te=P Y [O4 <1600F Bearing No. 2 Te=p 4, $/ <.160 F .U, ((ff,Q' <1600F l Bearing No. 3 Te=p TI-3-1303 /7d <160 F 3 earing No. 4 Te=p TI-3-130A % Nuclear Power ] info 4 Pu=p Flow to SG3 FI-3-147A 2 /C 2 200 GPM Pu=p Flow to SG4 FI-3-170A E 200 GPM gg bbt l/b*/ WF/Vb Bearings are nu=bered frc= the pt$=p outboard bearing tcward the driver. &Grsu RJs f.LW4c5 AJuY. h5U V'J' TA6LE - 2.7 skv

-~- Te s t No. T7J.-22 Change Shet- ,-w en,lC Data Sheet 5.7,3 ~ fx C-1Ja 'khnn,N[.J i'QR UQ Page 35 of _; 5~'j L%#J hC f 2 p.-Wg) Cha=se lio. 3: 5/5/50 m ,q i Data Sheet: 5.7.3 I ~ AIW IB-3 Tire T-O hrs On* V (o l e tto g l 1GASUFI!ENT INSTFD'ENT DATA ACCEPT.GCE CEITI3l. Discharge Pressure PI-3-1323 (3co info Suction Pressure PI-3-12 7 )6,] info Room Temperature ggug g 120 F Eu=idity h 5 100% Searing No. 1 Terp Q"f <1600F r Bearing No. 2 Te p $~5 [ <160 F f)' Searing No. 3 Temp TI-3-1303 $ P. F <I60oF i 3 earing No. 4 Terp TI-3-130A B7'r <160 F I .I I.' Nuclear Power p A2. *>2 -$9 01 .3k Z info 6. Pu=p Flow to SG3 FI-3-147A 7,O'O 2 200 GPM Pu=p Flow to SG4 FI-3-170A 7o0 E 200 GN Y. M, Olh 0-/-Pd Bearings are nu=bered frc the pump outboard bearing toward_the driver. i . - 2. fo TABLE ( } iv'

Test No. TVA-22 Chanse Sheet g Data Sheet 5.7.3 ,d I [av 1 E.O $".n o k u t. Page 36 of 48 gg: Jew lie Change Ko. 52 5/5/80 n- \\ni Data Sheet: 5.7.3 AWP IB-B V d t. Time T- / hrs qq l'56 5 /c'l'N JN I lEASURE1SNT INSTRO'ENT DATA ACCEPTA';CE CRITERIA /8$p7g info Discharge Pressure PI-3-132B rd 5gg info Suction Pressure PI-3-127 Roo= Te:perature h1 g 120 F Eunidity 4.29<. 51 3 earing No. 1 Temp hg <1600F Bearing No. 2 Te:p (( <.160 F g s, \\ ) 3 earing No. 3 Te:p TI-3-130B [7[ <160 F 3 earing Nc. 4 Te:p TI-3-130A /78 <160 F

  • Nuclear Power dh info

,V. ~ zoo Pu=p Flow to SG3 FI-3-147A gy[f.po 2 200 GPM Pu=p Flow to SG4 FI-3-170A $OC E 200 GPM n W. 8lbEbfi &/-9b Bearingsarenu=beredfogthepu=poutboardbearingtavard_thedriver. TsupV ^ Kee.47/797 pae / '7 -@' TA SLE - 2.7 3m

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