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Notice of Exceptions to 710323 Initial Decision Granting CP to Toledo Edison Co & Cleveland Electric Co.Aec Should Set Aside Findings & Conclusions Except to Reopen Hearings Re Nonradiological Environ Factors.Brief Encl
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/09/1971
From: Bleicher B
Shared Package
ML19326B055 List:
NUDOCS 8003060832
Download: ML19326B054 (2)


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POOR QUALITY PAGES 9 a l ATES OF AFErtICA D C ENERGY C3ttm1SSIdN In the matter of ) Docke t N o. 50-346



AND THE CLEVELAND ELECTitIC cu r W W ons to IttUC14ATING C0ftPANY ) Initial Deelsion (Osvis-Gesso Nucis>4e Posar )

) 9' 7l Gtation) .


Living in a finst Environ'nent end Jilliam E, Reeny intoruanors (Jointly cororred to ao LIrt) except to the follouing parts or the initici daciclon of the Atomic Safety and Licansing Board, duted I.crch 23, 1971, which granted 'a constructico permit to the Toludo Lotucn Lampany and the Cleveland Clactric Illuminating Cordpeny $n th2 not!.cr of the Deviu-03ase Nuclear Pocer S tation:

i 1 Faragrcph 49 -- in chich tha 8 card Tir.ds that "the porition tn',en by 1.IFE in this proceeding aas for;n:cily and 2:r.prensl[ urged upon the Cor,miosion a cignificcnt period esf tims prior to Daceabor '. 1970."

1 Perugraph 50 ~ in which t1a 03ard finds ' there 13 nothing nuu of cuch nutatonce hura scusented to uarrant the-Dourd to cons. ludo the namo inuua should cgain bo referzea lo the Com.ission.

m LIFE has not custained the haavy bardon of shading the Come,:iccion abusod its discretien in prorr.ule;ating 4ppendix D,"

3, Parua[raph 51 --- ir uhich ena Ucurd finde "no requin c.snt in the Corsaincien

  • 2 ro c.ula ti en c- that the unvironmental :tatu-mant of canniderctione muct to cads part of t h'.s eviden tiary record," and that tho "proroduto required by Aprendix D of april 2, 197 0, no revised June 3, 1970, aca folloced by the Applicento and tho Starr. Accordingly, the Board finda no cubstantial chailonga to 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 0.."

4, Pacagraph 55 (4) -- in chich tro Board concludou that

" T he ircuan:o of a po rm3 t for the cannt: ection of the Nei !.i t y A ll not bo initaical to the common da ronec and coeurity l

c '. to the health unti cafoty o f the public e" 5, Parcgraph 57 -- in which tha Board orderu that "the Diracto.

GT .logulation insuo a construction perr91t"end that "tnj u Initial Deciulen shall ba o f fectivo ime.ediataly upon iccuenco."

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