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Responds to NRC 800107 Ltr Re QA Requirements for Diesel Generator Fuel Oil.Encl Outline,Comparing Procedures in Use at Facility to Reg Guide 1.137,assures Quality of Diesel Fuel Oil
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 05/02/1980
From: William Jones
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8005150406
Download: ML19323C366 (3)



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Omaha Public Power District .

1623 MARNEY s OMAMA. NE5RASMA 68102 s TELEPHONE S36 4000 ARE A CODE 402 May 2, 1980 Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Acting Director U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Operating Reactors Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Eisenhut:

The Omaha Public Power District received the Commission's letter dated January 7,1980, regarding quality assurance requirements for diesel generator fuel oil.

Procedures in use at Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1, as described and compared to Regulatory Guide 1.137 guidance in the attachment, will assure the quality of diesel fuel oil. The District maintains that this existing program has proven effective; thus, there is no need for changes to existing procedures.


, ; . A" W. C.' Jones Division Manager Production Operations WCJ/KJM/3JH/lp Attachment cc: LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20036

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USNRC-Regulatory Guide 1.137 Similar Items in Present Program Remarks ,

1. Determine and log the quantity of The fuel oil levels in the fuel oil checking the fuel oil level daily fuel available in stcrage after storage tank, both wall mounted rather than after each operation each operation of the diesel for auxiliary day tanks and both engine of a diesel generator for one one hour or longer. This deter- mounted day tanks are checked daily hour or longer is adequate since mination shall be made at least per surveillance test ST-DG-1 in the fuel oil storage system con-monthly. ace'rdance with Technical' Specification tains enough fuel for one. week 3.2, Table 3-5, Item 9 running of a diesel generator at full safeguards load.
2. Sample and analyze the fuel oil Every month a sample of fuel oil is The sampling of the auxiliary

. -from every supply tank at least obtained from the auxiliary day tank day tanks on a monthly basis is once every three months. (not the main storage tank) of each adequate since both diesel gener-diesel generator. The samples are ators are run for one hour each analyzed to determine specific gravity month and any impurities in the

% water content, % sediment content, main fuel oil tank would be flash point and the 90% distillation carried over to the auxiliary temperature, tanks and detected there.

3. Analyze the fuel oil before loading None There have been minimal problems it into the storage tanks to ensure encountered with the present fuel that it meets certain minimum re- handling and sampling program.

quirements. Our diesel vendors have always supplied clean, high quality fuel as verified by the monthly sseples.

To sample the fuel before it is l loaded into the main storage tank, would require an extensive modi-fication to provide a holding tank and transfer pump with as-sociated piping and wiring.

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USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.137 Similar Items in Present Program Remarks

4. Remove accumulated condensate The main storage tank is checked for Sampics taken on a monthly basis from storage tanks on a monthly water on a six month basis under the from the auxiliary day tanks will preventative maintenance program. Indicate whether there is sig-basis and one day after the addition of new fuel. Any water found will be removed, nificant condensate accumulation.

As stated in item 3 above, there has been no problem in the past l

with any contaminates in fuel delivered to the Station.

l S. Day tanks and integral tanks Condensate is drained from the fuel Same at item 4 above.

should be checked for water oil day tank every year per surveillance monthly, as a minimum, and after test ST-ESF-6, F.5 each operation of the diesel for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> or more. Inmediately remove any water.

6. Drain, clean and inspect the sup- Supply tanks are drained, cleaned and The present program of cleaning ply tanks at least every ten years. inspected when the monthly sample shows the supply tanks when the monthly that there is a significant amount of sample shows evidence of sediment sediment in the fuel oil. This item in tank is adequate to comply was last completed in January 1980. with the intent of this require-ment.
7. Ensure that fuel oil can be added With the present fill arrangement we There have been no problems identi-to the supply tank without stirring cannot be sure that the addition of fled by the present sampling pro-up the sediment in the bottom of fuel oil will not stir up sediment. gram of sediment being stirred up the tank. in the bottom of the storage tank while it is being filled.
8. Perform surveillance tests on Portions of the cathodic protection Performing this test on the pre-

' cathodic protection system. system are included in a weekly pre- ventative maintenance program ventative maintenance program. rather than the surveillance testing program complies with the intent of the regulatory guide

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