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Forwards Revision to 780928 Cable Separation Analysis, Responses to Questions Re Cable Analysis & on 790108 Fire Detector Analysis.W/O Oversized Drawings
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 07/09/1979
From: Short T
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7907160310
Download: ML19308A364 (42)


{{#Wiki_filter:r - Omaha Public Power District 1623 HARNEY a OMANA. NESRASKA 681C2 a T E L, EP H O N E 536 4000 AREA C O D E 4 C '2 July 9, 1979 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation AffN: Mr. Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555


Docket No. 50-285 Gentlemen: As a result of a conference call held on May 23, 1979 between the Omaha Public Pcver District and members of the Commission's staff, five (5) copies of the following information is provided by attachment: Attachment 1 - Revision 1 to the Fort Calhoun cable separation analysis dated September 28, 1978 Attachment 2 - Pesponses to questions regarding the cable separation analysis - Attachment 3 - Responses to questions regarding the Fort Calhoun fire detector analysis dated January 8, 1979 -, Sincerely, b '\> - ., V l


O. T. E.,Short y

  • Assistant General Manager TIS /KJM/BJH:cb Attachments I

[. cc, _ _ ,. _ , 1 1,, , acRa. 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. 9 w h %a Washington, D. C. 20036 Lh( 0





l .

33 FORT CALHOUN UNIT 11 Revisions to Cable _ Separation Analysis y Dated September 28, 1978 R i l Please substitute attached sheets in place of Page 4 of the Cable Separation Analysis submitted September,1978. NOTES: 1. This revision is a result of detailed design effort, which is under progress for this modification.

2. The revisions'from the previous submittal are noted with vertical bar in the side margin.

s f t L(1)-

Revision 1, June 22, 1979 II. Fire Areas Not Meeting All Safe Shutdown Cable Separation Requirements The following fire areas contain some redundant cables ~ required for safe shutdown where there are no alternate methods (including manual operation of valves) of performing the same safe shutdown function: FIRE AREA No. Title and Description 6 Cable and Personnel Corridor Area Redundant cables of Low Pressure Safety Injection Pumps SI-1 A and -1B and Con-tainment Spray Pumps SI-3A, -3B, and -3C have 5 feet minimum horizontal separation and 0 feet minimum vertical separation.* Cables ED-lll, ED-112, ED-4189, ED-4191, ED-4192, ED-9384, ED-9385, ED-4159, ED-9531 will be protected or rerouted to make SI-3C available to perform the plant shut-down cooling function in case of a fire in area 6. 31 Intake Structure Redundant cables of Raw Water Pumps AC-10A,

                                            -10B, -10C and -10D are routed in this fire area. AC-10A and AC-10D are located in two separate concrete cells. AC-10B and AC-10C are located in third concrete cell. Power and control cables for these pumps have 4

1 foot minimum horizontal separation and 0 feet minimum vertical separation

  • at ele-vation 985' in recirculating water pump area-(part of intake structure). Redundant cables of raw water valves HCV-2850, -2851, -2852,
                                           -2853, -2874A, -2874B, -2876A, and -2876B, which are also routed in this fire area, have 1 foot minimum horizontal separation and 1 foot minimum vertical separation in recirculating water-pump area'(part of intake structure) at-elevation 985'.
  • Conduits, cables or trays installed at-same elevation are considered to have 0 feet ~ vertical separation.


3, r s Revision -1,- June,' 22, :1979-1 I FIRE AREA No. Titie'and Description i 31 Intake Structure (Continued) b Necessary cables will be protected to make Raw Water Pump AC-10B and related valves available' to provide the required plant-i shutdown cooling capability in case-of j fire in Area 31. The cables involved are 4 as follows: { EB-67, EB-7309E, 7310, EB-7309, EA-7306 f-EA-7306A, EB-7307 and EB-7307A I EB-67 is power feed for raw-water pump and i shall be protected. I EB 7309E and EB-7307A are control cables j s of small-lengths routed within concrete cell provided for AC-10B and AC-10C and have sufficient separation from' cables of AC-10A


i and AC-10D which are located in two separate l concrete cells. 4 [ 7310 is a non safety related power. feed for 1 ~ motor space heater and is not considered - necessary-fo safe shutdown and as such no protection is required. EB-7309, EA-7305 and .EB-7307 are' control cables which are necessary for plant shut-t down and will also be protected. EA-7306A is cable of small leng*th, required 1 for operation of valve HG'20/4a , and is -r

routed within concrete cell provided for' AC-10A and has sufficient separation from AC-10D cables. Because of sufficient ~ ~ ~

! separation no further protection is required. ' In summary cables EB-67, EB-7309, EA-7306-i- and EB-7307 need to be protected. _ All these cables are routed in conduitst 3 hr.Efire rated enclosure will. be -provided around - l these conduits to protect them from' area - fire. - Cables -EB-7309E, EB-7307A and EA-7606A i


have sufficient separation. Cablec7310 is; not required for plant' shutdown. ! *This valve'alsoL has fail safe feature. "


(3)- ,


1 1, W . a . , u . - - , , , , _ , . , , , . ,, , , . - 4

         ~~ "'- -~a-e *-_.a ma._m , ___              -------i-~-_ _ , _

f l t I f 1 1 I s ATTACHMENT 2 1 l l l i

                                    @_ Separation Analys_fs_   s              _

R.esppnsp Jo,1LRC__questipns 1.) QUESTION: Fire Areas 6 and 31

                                               - Since in th is so minimal, we recommend that these cases the separa to reroute the cables ED-lll-3" EB-7309, EA-7306, EA-7306A, e licensee be required EB-73077310, RESP                                         , EB-67, EB-7309E,
                   ~~~~                                           , and EB-7307A.

Fire Area conduit 6 --Fire through Cable Area 6.ED-llle This cabl is rout in a 3"drigid steel

     '                    operation of containment spray pump SI 3Ce is required f while  doing detailed design it wasIn dis ED-112, ED-4189, ED-4190, ED-4191 addition, ED-9385, ED-4159, ED-9431,covered            whichthat     ar,cables ED-4192, ED-9384, Fire Area are also required for o    e routed through this Revision 1 dated ' June 22,1979 attperation of SI-3C.                 (See achment #1).

Relative positionAll these cables are routed in rigid steel conduit. and SI-1B 11405-E-61 which are redundant (attached). - s shown on drawing to SI 3C iof We are proposing to provide 3 hr the conduits as per drawing #13007. fire rated enclosure , The enclosure will utilize .37-SD-36A-2 a fir (attached).' Pyrocrete). construction c (see attached litera is of standard UL by providing 2" Pyrocrete a over met lThe necessary 3 h s achieved lath. Also, all cables meet the require (Reference SER Section this area is only 27 minutes, ments 4.8) of' IEEE 383-1974 estimated fire loading for is limited to cable, insulation combustible material (R f in this area Considering that cables are e . SER routed Sec.i5.4.2). small portion of cable run is exposed tn conduit, and only it is our engineering judgement o Firethat Area 6 3 hour be rated adequately fire barrier protected after anded,the a isi inst the these propos,ed ll cables shall requirements of IEEE-384-1977 nstallation parag raph 5.1.4 will exceed (4) - . _



(cont.) Fire Area 31 (Intake Structure) -- As explained in our revised submittal for this fire area raw water pumps AC-10A and AC-10D are(Attachment #1), located in two in third concrete cell (see drawingseparate concrete ce The cells are interconnected through 13007.37-E-4033 door sizeattached). open,ings These cables are EB-67, EB-7309E, 7310, E EA-7306A, EB-7307 and EB-7307A. , which are routed in conduits.EB-67, EB-7309, EA-7306, E These conduits run together other conduits, carrying cables for raw wate

                 -10C, -100 (see attached drawing 13007.37-E-4033).

Fire 14 loading minutes. for intake structure (Fire Area 31) is only s protect these cables from an area fire.We are propos will be similar to Fire Area 6 and will be as shown onThe barrier des drawings SD-30C-2. 13007.37-E-4034 and 13007.37-SD-30A-3, SD-30B 2 , EB-7309E, EB-7307A and EA-7306A are control cables of small lengths routed within concrete cell provided for AC-10B and AC-10C and have sufficient separation from cables for AC-10A is considered necessary. and AC-10D and as such no further protect heater and is not required for plant shutdown.731 Considering that fire loading for this area is limited to only 14 minutes, meet requirementsallofcables IEEE are routed in conduits, and cables 383-1974; it is our engineering judgement that after 3 hour fire rated barrier is installed themeet will cables will be adequately requirements of IEEE protected and theoninstallati 384-1977. (5) ~

2.) \ QUESTION; Fire Areas 32, 34A, 34B and 36 -- In general

                                                              , these solutions sketches to show what types of barrier,             , and um        fire coatings will be installed so that the fire protection capabilities of these materials can be evaluated  .

RESPONSE; Typical detail for the fire barriers i 13007.37-ES-378-1. The barrier design incorporates metals shown o lath covered with Pyrocrete which is of standard OL of Pyrocrete). construction The (see attachedareliterature barrier dimensions per IEEE from manufac

384-1977 .

Fire OctoLar dated stops where 18, 1978 necessary shall be designed r letter per ou 1 Reactor Regulation. addressed to Director of fl uclear (6) ...

7.. d ' . e


ATTACHMENT 3 i s em i i

e , s. Fire Detector Analysis Response to NRC Questions

1. ) QUESTION:' The detectors to-be installed _in the safety injection and containment spray pump area (Fire Area 2) are shown to be upstream of a cable tray in the room. (DrawingNo.

13007-SK-3) _Because of the air flow in this room, a fire in the tray might not readily be detected, unless there are additional considerations which are not included in-the licensee's analysis. A better location for the two detectors between columns 6E and 8A would be west of the tray. RESPONSE: The District located the detectors in an effort to comply with NFPA spacing requirements of 0.7 times the listed spacing for the detector head (NFPA 72E-78 Section 3-5.1) in conjunction with fire loading concentration, air flow, e etc. N The bases for locating the detectors as shown on Drawing No.13007-SK-3 of the analysis is as follows: a.) The detectors are centrally located in compliance with NFPA 72E-78.

b. ) The detectors are located above the safety injection (SI) pumps.

c.) The subject tray contains only two (2)-non-safety - control cables compared to the twenty-eight (28) controls (24 are safety related) and six (6) power (4 are safety related) cables located in- the tray on the east side of the room. Thus, the District considers the detectors-acceptable as proposed. i i l (7) t

(..- .T 4


2.) ' QUESTION: The criteria' used in the licensee's fire detector analysis.

                                          - are generally more liberal than those in NFPA 72E and-
                                         - will probably result in delayed detection of fire, relative to that achievable by compliance with NFPA 72E.'

ANSWER: The District's' analysis conforms to the criteria of NFPA : 72E described.below: a.) NFPA 72E-78, Section 4-4.6, states if beam depths ' exceed eighteen' (18) inches an'd the beams are more: than eight (8) feet on centers, each bay is to be treated as a' separate area: requiring at least one detector. The analysis conforms to this criteria, but in addition, acknowledged that; if the beam centers are

  • 1ess than eight (8) feet, the detectors would be.
  • l spaced in alternating bays; and if the beam depths 1 exceea twenty-four. (24) inches, each bay would be treated as a separate area requiring at least one.

detector, regardless of the on center distance. b.) Relative to beam depths between eight (8) and *

eighteen (18) inches, NFPA 72E-.Section 4-4.6' states; j- if beams are eight (8) inches or less in depth, the

construction can be considered equivalent to a


smooth ceiling; and if beam construction is greater ~ ! than eight (8) inches in depth, spacing shall be' reduced. j' The analysis conforms to this criteria, but since the NFPA standard does not state what the reduced-spacing should be, engineering judgement was used'to determine the reduced spacing. The analysis , -in L every applicable case, did reduce the spacing to-i less than the. 30 feet, as recommended by NFPA# for a- ~ smooth ceiling. configuration. E Thus, the District considers the' analysis is in conformance with NFPA 72E-78 criteria.. l l: . w 4 .. ( s d j d

                                    \         ~;e                 ?

je . o , s . 1: ,

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L;u - ;- ., , . .
                                                                                                      ; :a u .; :, w, :     .
r. t C
3. ) QUESTION: Fire Areas 10 and 31 have essentially smooth ceilings, and the detector. location and spacing is satisfactory, except detectors proposed for the operating . level of the intake structure (Fire Area 31) do not appear to be located well with respect to fire locations and air flows.

RESPONSE: The District located the detectors relative to.the con-centration of fire loadings in the area. The bases for locating the detectors as shown on Drawing No.13007-SK-31 of the analysis is as follows: a.) The two (2) photoelectric detectors in the ceiling at the south end of the intake structure between - trusses 101 and 102 are located above the major con-centration of the fire loading, such as, exposed cables (i.e. , cable trays), motor control centers and the electric fire pump. b.) The two (2) photoelectric detectors in the. ceiling at the north end of the intake structure between-trusses 105 and 106 are located above the diesel fire pump, which is the only major fire loading in the area. c.) The open area between the two. (2) sets of detectors, that is between trusses 102 and 105, contains no significant fire loadings. This area consists primarily of the travelling water screens. Thus, the District considers the detector location acceptable as proposed. 1 i 1:


(9) u I

a*w% 4.) QUESTION:'The type, number, and location of detectors above the operating level (1045'-0") of the containment should

        ..                     be determined on the basis of ceiling area and height.

Also, other fire areas in containment should be re-evaluated with reference to floor gratings and resultant fire plume passage through the floor grating and resultant fire detection capability. RESPONSE: Since the conference call with the flRC on May 23,1979, the District's engineers have made a containment entry and . completed a detailed field inspection determining exact locations of the detectors with respect to beams, grating and fire loadings. Attached drawings 11405-S-18 and 11405-S-19 have been highlighted to illustrate all the pertinent in fromation. For purposes of clarity and discussion the following description of each level is provided. a.) _ As illustrated on District's Drawing 11405-S-18, thirteen (13) high voltage Pyrotronics detectors are located on the bottom face of the beam at floor elevation 1013'-0". s The detectors are located in the immediate area of the fire loadings, between the fire loadings (i.e. cable trays) and the grating. Any fire generated would be detected, since the detectors are in the path of the plume, b.) As illustrated on District's Drawing 11405-S-19, a I similar arrangement exists as delineated above. Again, thirteen (13) detectors are located on the bottom face of the beam at floor elevatioa 1045'-0". In addition, three (3) detectors are located below a partial landing at elevation 1060'-0". All the detectors are located in the immediate area of the fire loadings providing adequate coverage. c.) As illustrated on District's Drawing 11405-S-19 and Pyrotronics Drawing EK-3070, Sheet 1, one (1) flame detector and one (1) ionization detector are located in the cavity above each main coolant pump. This combination of detectors provide optimum protection coverage against a lube oil fire which is' the ma.jor fire loading in this area. d.) Further fire detection coverage is obtained via eight (8) duct ' detectors located throughout the containment HVAC system as illustrated on Pyro-

                                       ~ tronics Drawing EK-3070, Sheet 1.

! Thus, the District considers that the existing fire detection system - in the containment is. acceptable as delineated above, since all of the i fire-loadings ~are below the operating level . (1045'-0"), which have

                    . adequate detection coverage.-


   ~        .s
    ..    ,                                                       APPLICATION                                                      . PRODUCT C aPLO C d me,i INSTRUCTIONS                                                   PYROCRETEe 102 350 HAM.EY pousiseALCr. Si LOUG MO 63144 These instructions are not intended to show product recommendations for specific service. They are issued as an aid in determining correct surface preparation, mixing instruchons, and application procedure, it is assumed that the proper product recommendations have been made. These instruc-tions should be followed close8/ to obtain the maximum service from the materials.

Pyrocrete 102, as manufactured by Carboline Company, is a proprietary formulation of __ catalyzed mognesium oxychloride fireproofing developed to meet the U.S. Environmental E Protection Agency requirements offecting the use of asbestos in fireproofing materials. Pyroc ete 102 has been tested in accordance with ASTM E-Il9 by the Factory Mutual Research Corporation under beam design IFC-206, and Underwriters' Lobosatories Design I X -716, X-719. Eoch bog carries both the U.L. label and the FM Approval logo. Pyrocrete 102 has been approved by the major code bodies as a substitution for Pyrocrete f2 in U.L. Design D-717. Consult Pagel0 for design and specific thickness requirements to provide the fire ratings specified. I. SURFACE PREPARATION AND PRIMING General: All surfaces must be cleaned free of oil or grease. Rust, glossy surfaces, loose or floking point, or similar conditions which would offect adhesion, must be properly prepared.

2. LATHING AND STUDDING shall be required to comply with the following installation specifications:

A. BEAM opplications in accordance with Factory Mutual Design #FC-206 require the use of 3.4 galvanized or pointed expanded metal loth (1.85 kg/sq.m.) to box the beam. If applied to contour of beams, as per the Design #D -717, Carboline requires that you wrap loth around the edges and fiat surface of the bottom flange and inward toward the web about li inches (38 mm) before instoMing Pyrocrete 102. On web arcos of contoured beams greater than 12-inches, see "C", Pg. 2. See details "A", "C", "D" and "E" on Page 10. l B. COLUMN opplications in accordance with U.L. Design #X-716 requires 3.4 ' i galvanized or pointed reinforcing metal loth (1.85 kg/sq.m.) over edges and flat I surfaces of both outer flanges. Wrap the metal loth around the Gange edge and inward toward the web about I inches (38 mm) before installing Pyrocrete 102.  ! If boxed column is desired, in accordonce with U.L. Design X-719, wrap loth  ! over edges of flanges and secure with galvanized tie wire to the steel, spanning  ; both open web and flange faces with loth. The loth must be rigidly fostened to I support Pyrocrete 102. On web areas of contoured columns greater than 12-inches, l see "C", Pg.2. Refer to column details "B" and "D" on Page 10. l Mar. 79 Replaces Nov. 78

C. .

   ,     ' Pyrocrete IC2
           .                               g                             .      Page 2 C. TOWER SKIRTS ND FLAT SURFACES: Such as walls, ceilings and decks require ilie use of QL4 golvanized or pointed expanded metal lath overall, secured with approved onchoring methods on 12 to 24-inch (30.5-61.0 cm) centers depending on stress analysis. Electri cIly welded, pneumatic or self-topping screws or studs nny be used. On pressure vesse!e or pre-stressed steel or where welding or sparking is prohibited, use adhesive, backed anchors.

Contoured appih.stions on structural members with weiz greater than 12 :nches (30.5 cm) deep requi.? strips of loth one-third the webwidth onchored in the center of the web. The widih ef Als strip should be increased so that the Pyrocrete 102 does not bridgeon uniothed width of greater than 12 inches (30.5 cm). Webs of over 36" (90 cm) should be fathed overall for greater support during expansion / contraction of the steel.


A. Priming is required for all applications, and over existing points or primers which are not compatible with Pyrocrete 102. Some specific opplications under controlled low relative humidity environments nmynot require priming, and upon ) request, Carboline Company will provide written recommendations in these cases. B. Priming Recommendations:

1. On clean steel surfaces apply Carbolinee 193 Primer in accordance with Carboline's printed instructions. Pyroprime 772 may be used for interior opplications.
2. On galvanized steel surfaces use Pyroprep 773 plus Carboline 190 HB. All galvanized surfaces which come in contact with Pyrocrete require priming.

However, galvanize metal loth does not require priming.

3. If Carbo Zince, or any other inorganic zine primer, has been applied, it must be topcooted with Carboline 190 HB.

4 Sproyed-in place urethane foam requires Carboline Pyroprime/ Tie-Coat 775 WB or Pyroprime/ Tie-Coat 774, mixed and applied in accordance with Carboline's printed instructions, prior to applying Pyrocrete 102. C. *

                      . mtection Adiocent Surfaces Finished surfaces, such as pointed walls, floors, exposed ceilings, tile windows and in place equipment shall be protected from domoge and overspray. Metal switch boxes, junction boxes, conduits, sprinkler leads and similar units must be primed and/or masked to protect from overspray of wet Pyrocrete.
                                                                     .                                             I

Pymerete 102 , Page 3

        .           A    Miscall 2neous
1. All non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum and copper shall be separated from Pyrocrete by wrapping with tape or installation of coulking compound, or pointing with at least 15 mils of a heavy mastic type coating.
2. Stainless steel shall always be protected and pennonently separated from i

Pyrocrete 102.

3. Wood must be sealed before securing expanded metal loth over it and applying Pyrocrete 102.

Use a heavy-duty morter mixer with rubber tipped blades of sufficient capacity to handle the number of kits to be mixed simultaneously. The most efficient mixing action is obtained when mixer is filled to appmximately one-half capacity. Each 100 pound (45.36 kg) kit of Pyrocrete 102 yields 2 cu. ft. (.057 cu.m.) o,f mixed material or opproximately 15 gallons (56.78 liters) of mixed material. Typical Mixers Essick Model 66 Goldblott Model 07-700-E3 Muller Model 110 Thomsen - Model 110 or equivalents P. APPLICATION EQUIPMENT: Installation con be mode either by trowel or 5Proy.

l. Trowels: Standard plasterer's trowels or swimming pool trowels have been successfully used with Pyrocrete 102. Selection of hols should be left up to the individual craftsmen.
2. Pumps: Information on suitable pumps is listed below. Other pumps with similar chorocteristics may be used at contractors' discretion. Outputs are listed only as o guide and is not a guarantee that these outputs con hobtained., Temperature, hose size, mixing water, gun type, etc. will offect pump output. Consult Carboline Technical Service for specific details.

P Mar. 79 Replaces Nov. 78

Pyrocrete 102 Page 4 Mfg. & (a)* (b)** (c)*

  • i Model Glover Graco 5:1 Graco 10:1 ,
                                          .              Stallion or      Bulldog                President "Pyrocreter"

Pump Screw Wyno Piston Piston (2L3 or 2L4) Power Gas or Comp. Comp. l Electric Air . Air Wximum I-5 gpm 4.6 gpm 1.7 gpm Output 3 . 79-18 . 9 17 liters / min. 6.4 liters / min. liters / min. Wximum Theoretical Output 4-15 18 7 Kit /hr. (a) Rubber stator, chromed steel rotor. Gasoline powered pumps require insulation between hopper and engine to prevent overheating material in hopper.. I

                                        *Other manufacturers include Essick (FM-9) & (FM-5E), Muller (AG-4), and Goldblatt Supertex (2L3) or (2L4), Strong knufac-turing Company, Inc. (Spray-Mate).

(b &c) Chromed piston, cylinder and check volves. For pump modifico-tion to handle Pyrocrete, consult Carboline Technical Service Department.

                                        **Other manufacturers are acceptable with proper equipment modifications.
3. Compressor: Air volume and pressures required depend on equipment used.

For air-operated pumps air supply must provided minimum output 75 cfm (2124 liters / min.) at 100 psi (6.8 atmg). For Rotor-Stator pumps with

               ~       ~

electric or gas motors, air supply must be at least 22 cfm (623 liters / min.) ot 100 psi (6.8 atmg). Wny Rotor Stator pumps come equipped with smaller compressors and will require a supplementary compressor to provide adequate material break-up or else ordered with the larger compressor.

4. %terial Line: Minimum I inch (25.4 mm) 1.D. hose is recommended For hose over 50 feet (15 meters) in length, li inch (38 mm) 1.D. is recommended. A 10' (3 meters) length of 3/4" (19 mm) 1.D. hose may be added at the gun to facilitate ease of handling.

L. l

Pyrocrete 102 Page 5

      .                         Air Line: Use 3/8' (9.5 mm) or la (12.7 mm) 1.D. line from gun to compressor to take 100 psi (6.8 atmg).
5. Guns: Plasterer's pole gun or heavy duty mastic spray guns listed below are recommended. Consult Carboline Technical Service for specific modifications.

Model Fluid Tip Air Cop Binks T 47 3/8 and 3/8F 49 V2 Graco 204-000 167-331 160-658 Speeflo 701 3/8" (9.5 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) Plasterer's Gun N/A 3/8" - 1/2" N/A (9.5 mm) - (12.7 mm)

6. Miscellaneous: Trowels, brushes, short nop' rollers, etc. may be required.

A hopper with minimum 2 inch (50 mm) bottom outlet will be needed for use with air motor pumps. . Hong pump outside hopper and rig bottom outlet to feed into bottom of pump shaft.


= Dust from the mixing operation may be contained by erecting a polyethylane wind shield ground mixer. i MIX IN A VENTILATED AREA Woor a 3M Respirator / Dust Mosk (08710) Approval No. TC-2lC-132 or its equivalent when adding Pyrocrete Crystal component to water (Step 2 above) and when adding Pyrocrete Powder to the solution. l I A 100 pound (45.36 kg) kit of Pyrocrete 102 consists of one small bog of crystals and o larger bog of powder. Mix as follows: A. Into the mixer place 7

  • 4 gallons (28.4
  • 2 liters)of cool, potable water for each 100 pound (45.3 kg) kit to be mixed. Start the mixer and add one bog of crystals for each kit to be mixed. Mix for at least 3 minutes, making sure all crystals are dissolved. Pot life con be lengthened by using cooler water and mixing in shaded areas. Storage of material in a shaded area to keep powder and crystal cooler con also lengthen pot life.

i l l Mar. 79 Replaces Nov. 78 l

     . ..gWe 102                                                          Page 6                    .




   .        8. With the mix:r still running, S-L-O-W-L-Y add one bog of powder to crystal solution for each kit to be mixed. After all powder is added, continue mixing for 5-10 minutes until o homogeneous, mortar-like consistency is obtained. The            -

iopplicator should stort with 7f gallons of water (28.4 liters)and adjust the level for differing conditions and odd no more water than needed to obtain good spray and film build chorocteristics. Total water MUST NOT exceed 8 gallons (30.5 liters) per 100 pound (43 kg) kit. , NOTE: The pot life of Pyrocrete 102 is 2 hours at 75'F (24*C) or I hour at 95'F (35'C). Do not mix more than con be opplied within the pot life. Pyrocrete 102 should not be retempered, trowelled or re-used after storting to set. Clean mixer with water every 2 hours to prevent set material from contaminating fresh material. Consult Carboline Technical Service for opplico-tions of Pyrocrete 102 at higher temperatures. Exterior applications con be trade at temperature as low as 35'F (2*C). , CAUTION: Never store freshly mixed Pyrocrete to be discorded in sealed metal containers. Discard unused material in shipping bogs or cardboard boxes. In sealed containers Pyrocrete 102 builds'up pressure os it sets.

6. APPLICATION A. Application and Cure Conditions: -

Surface or Ambient Temp. Relative Humidity Min. Max. Min. Max. Interior or 20*F 95'F 0% 90% sheltered (-6.7aC) (35'C) Exterior 35*F 95'F 0% 90 % (2 *C) (35'C) Pyrocrete 102 may be opplied by trowel or spray to thickness required to obtain  ! specified fire roting. Apply material promptly after mixing and continue until all mixed material is used. When stopping work ciways stop at a natural break such as on inside corner or screed. When resuming work after a stoppage, the adjacent surface should be damp or dampened with water mist. Do not feather Pyrocrete 102 into cured m 'terial. Apply entire thickness in one mono-lithic coat. Adjust air volume anc pressure to assure maximum breakup of material flow for an attractive spray-texture finish. B. Trowel Application or Finishing:

1. In some cases a sprayed finish will be acceptable. Normally, a sprayed finish con be smoothed with a dampened whitewash brush, short-nap roller, steel trowel or screed if required to meet a finish specification.

L , ,

           . Pyrocreh 102                                                            poge 7 Complete the smoothing or finishing operation within the pot life of the mixture. Smoothing the sprayed finish is especially recommended to assure proper II!m coverage where the Pyrocrate installation is to be topcooted. Allowir.g the wet Pyrocrete to set 1-2 hours prior to finishing yields o more easily wwked and finished surfoce. Hawk and steel trowel application is to be,used on Pyrocrete projects requiring a very smooth surface. See Page 11 for details of t'ie screed technique used for aiding smooth applications.
2. A smooth, level finish con be obtained by boxing with metal loth, using .

plastic nose corner beads to form straight, sharp comers, and as a screed and depth gauge. If standard galvanized corner beads are used, the corner bead must be prirned with Carbomastice 15 offer installation of the Pyrocrete to replace the golvanized scraped off by the trowels during. opplication. See detail drawing "D" on Page 10. See detail ."G" on Page 11 for box design without corner b_ ads. C. Spray Applicat on: Before starting, lubricate the equipment by pumping water ' through tne pump and material hose. Start pump and odiust atomizing air to give proper breakup of Pyrocrete 102. Hold gun 12 (304 ram) to 18 inches l'

                         .(457 mm) from surface. Cover edges first. Avoid excessive buildup in inside corners. Smooth surface of Pyrocrete ofter spray is recommended for oesthetic reasons.

Keep mixer, pur ,., and material in shode to prolong pot life. l When stopping for lunch and at day's end, cleon mixer and pump thoroughly , with fresh water. Pump a sponge with water back flush through material hose, { offer removing the gun, to cleon out all residual Pyrocrete. In worm weather, l flush clean water through the equipment every 2 hours to prevent residual l material from setting up. When preparing pump for storage follow equipment ' manufacturer's recommendation. D. Curing: Like all water based materials, No rcpid drying will interfere with  ! proper hydration of Pyrocrete 102. In low humidity, high temperature or direct l sun or wind, keep Pyrocrete surface damp for at least 6 hours. Apply a fine mist l water spray as needed, or wrap in polyethylene sheets. ' Fresh Pyrocrete 102 must be protected from soaking rain or running water for 24 hours at 70*F (21*C) to prevent leaching of catalyst. E. Miscellaneous:

1. If multiple coat opplicot' as of Pyrocrete are equired, apply oil coots of material within 6-8 hours.
2. At no time shall Pyrocrete be used as a wash coat nor opplied at a thickness
 .                               less than A inch.

Mar. 79 Replaces Nov. 78 l

@a,44012 Page 8 . . . . . . .

CAUTION: Do noEMort work if ambient or surface temperature 's expected to dIEp below . 20'F (:6*C) for a period of 8 hours following _opplication. - _ n. = =- . E. TopcoatimpePyrocrete 102 must be protected from excessive humidity, weather

                  ..       and chemical fume exposures by topcoating. Unless otherwise specified, topcoat.

with Pyrocote 787 or Pyrocote Elastomer 788 Aluminuni. The Pyrocrete 102 must be cleo#erddry when topcooted. Topcoat cannot be applied at surface tempero-tures below.40*F (4*C). li The surface hardness should be a minimum of Short D "55", os measured with a Durometer, prior to topcoating. Normally minimum drying time before applying protective or color topcoating is 5 days at 70*F (21*C). l.ess time is required at hotter temperatures and more at lower temperatures. The Pyrocrete surface must be dry and shall not have been ruined on for 48 hours prior to topcoating.

2. Do not opply Pyrocrete 102 on exterior locations if weather or twnperature  !
                             ._. below 40*F (4*C) will prevent topcoating for.30 days.

F. Coulking: On exterior or unprotected applications, coulk joints and seems, hangers and braces with Carboline Acrilost 570 or equivalent to prevent water - seeping behind Pyrocrete 102. Design should allow for adequate drainoge. See Detail "E" and "F", Page 10. Do not use coulking cornpounds that are not compatible with Pyrocrete 102. ' G. Clean Up: Wet Pyrocrete overspray or dripping must always be cleaned up with soopy or fresh water before it sets. Cured Pyrocrete overspray may require chipping and/or scroping to remove. _ H. Storage: All containers must be completely sealed and stored under waterproof cover and off the ground. Storage in shaded, cool areas will yield cooler material and help lengthen pot life of mixed material. Nominoi shelf life is I year. Pyrocrete powder which has been exposed to dompness and allowed to become lumpy shall be discarded. STORAGE CONDITIONS Temperature telative Humidity j

                                  -20 to 150*F Max.                                   0% Min to 90% Max.                         J

(-29 to o6*C) Max. l

7. SAFE 1Y A. Do not breathe dust Pyrocrete 102 is coustic and will irritate mucous membranes.

Use on opproved breathing mask while mixing Pyrocrete 102. Mar. 79 Replaces Nov. 78 i

    .   .    .       , Pyrocrete 102
                      ..                                                                                             .3    Page 9 B.       For eye contact, flush eyes with plenty of clean water and rinse with boric acid eyewash. Goggles or safety glasses are always recommended.

l C. Wash off skin with clean water to prevent irritation. D. MIX IN A VENTILATED AREA  ! Wear a 3M Respirator / Dust Mask (08710) Approval No. TC-2lC-132 or its equivalent when adding Pyrocrete Crystal component to water (Step 2 above) and when adding Pyrocrete Powder to the solution (Step 3 above). Mar. 79 ReplOces Nov. 78 To the best of our knowledge the technical data contained herein are true and accurate at the caste of issuance and are subject to change without preer notoce. User must contact Carbolene to verify correctness tWore spec 6fying or erwme. No guerentes of accuracy is given or impiled. We guarantee our products to conform to Carbolitio quality control. We assume no re : 1'Isty for coverage, performance or iniurses roeutting from use. LiebiHty, if any, is lan6ted to roolecament of products. Proces and cost data le shown, are subsect to change without or6er not6ce. NO OTHE R WARR ANTY OR GUARANTE E OF ANY KIND 15 MADE SY THE SE LLER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OR LAW, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING MERCH ANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. e l 4 l l


i I



Page 10



       @ BASED SERIAL                              ONNO.FACTORY     23188 MUTUALDESIGN FC-206 8                                                       COLUMN ASSEMBLIES
                   ~**. .  .[-.. N.'.IN.9. A . . ..
u. L. Desse n X.716
                                                                                                ,                                                                       U. L. Demon X 719 Pyrocrete 102                          .,,e             c. s
                                   ;%                                            st-i noor om*                g_

4 ., h 5 9 Concrete M__; N A (b - . Thickness of coverage Beam Roteng ' 3/8" (1.0 cm) 4 hrs. Thickness ' Rating

                                                          -                        -                                                M t.: .

z 6" ('14 ) Hrs'.

g. .

Pyrocrete 102 7/8" (2.2 cm) 3 Hrs.

                                                              ..                                                                    Tie were               1-3/16" (3.o em)            4 Hrs.

[ I f(h Beem Firring Cleo,'actionall %

                                                        ., cc '
                                                                             "gS "


           . . c. '                        ...      j                Qi stees seem                                                                             I Steel Member
                            ,y                                       G) Pyrocrete e2
                          -                                          G DECK Assembly
  • l {

l g d @ met.: a.:.

                                                                                                                       .f                          .

j d rh.ekness Rai.n, I Optional Plastic Nose s  % In' une sfned M. .\"h . Corner Bead " Pyrocrete' 1/2" (1.3 cm) on 3 Hrs. Restrained j deck Assembly / g 9/16"(1.4 cm)  ; on beam

  • Code approved substitution of Pyrocrete 102 re- ,

queres metat fath reinforcement on lower flange of beam as shown.

                                                                                                             , , g ,n ,,            g,               ,,
       @                             TYPICt.u BEAM DETAll ON PIPE RACK TYPICAL TOWER SKIRT OR WALL DETAll Caulking                                                            caulking
                                                                                                                                                                         + Cladding ka b ,, v.kY,                                                        .g
                                                                                  .,         fN 6

t Insulat. es w! k IUm-df 4h.[: I \ Steel D i O i 2'e"#f;,"; is lef t unprotected.


i '5 Weatherproof

                                                                                                                                                                                 '"   ."9 x                                                                            Pyrocrete*
                   ..                                                          f                                                                      -

Steel - s ~ ~. 9. i

                     -4 l'                                       Pyrocrete               Mesh                                                    ~

s .i Metallath

      <_           J Metal lath                                                                                [  .l-         '

Attached with studs Or lnsulation Clips over edge and bottom D*. ?, . . 24, (.31 meters) On Center of lower flange only, s. . . . Mar. 79 ReploCes June 78

         '                                                                                                  A l.
    .Py'r.ocrcta 102 SCREED METHOD DETAILS K  CONTOUR APPLICATION Spacer blocks (C) cut to required thickness and A              held in place. InstaN screeds (B), precut to twice required thickness plus flange thickness and cen-
                                                  @ tered on spacer blocks, held in place with clamps.

Apply Pyrocrete by spray or trowel and strike off excess Pyrocrete and apply this to web area. .


Remove screeds and spacer blocks after approxi-mately 8 - 12 hours and fill void left by spacer . blocks with Pyrocrete. A - Structural Members B - Wood Screeds Do not overwork the Pyrocrete. C - Wood Spacer Block , D - Pyrocrete NOTE: Lath may be required l on Flange Faces and webs. 'l D x x BOXED APPLICATION Precut wood screeds (8) and use spacer blocks if A required to obtain the required thickness of Pyrocrete. C Clamp screeds on flange face only. Apply scratch

                     ,                              coat by spray or trowel to web area first.

Continue full appliastion of Pyrocrete to flange faces before returning to web area. Entire thickness Q** ~*~ Q of Pyrocrete must be made within the same day.

                 \                      !           Do not overwork the Pyrocrete.

A - Structural Member B - Wood Screeds

  .              C - Metal Lath D - Pyrocrete
                                                        @M*F.- t hn afrQ{.y6n
                                                        - %. u                                           s s & b-: ?
  • T e *. - Pagr12 ,

6: a.- 3 r. .u

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e .3*, pump . ~

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l Spraying PYROCRETE with plasterer's spray gun permits PYROCRETE spray-texture finish can be readily smoothed scsy access to parking garage beams without need for scaf- by rolling with a smooth paint roller. striking with a trowel folding. Nozzles may be varied to provide wide range of or screed. wiping wish a teflon strip or any similar mechan-spray patterns. Same gun is available with short handle to ical finishing technispee where a smooth finish is specified. 1 facilitate working in close quarters. '

                                                                                                     ~s T
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s Q -Q&w ~ k + B M W v _ ly_ M_  !.V y ~--<.~ ~ r -

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f i d,. Q %' ' Nm*/ f= .. )* -

                                                                                                                                                                                                $                       k              j t
                                                                                                                                                                .':                    i                                       .?

r - - PYROCRETE powder is fed into the mixing solution to make PYROCRETE " spreads like butter". Experienced trowel i a stiff mortar-type batter. To speed production. the catalyz- men can make quick. clean installations. Materialdoes not ing mixing water can be prepared in advance in bulk and shrink when setting. so applications as heavy as 1%" (38 , drawn off as required. Mixer must be cleaned out regularly mm) can be installed in a single stage. Lath and corner beads I to avoid s antamination from " set-up" material which can can be quickly and easily installed. as desired, to frame

   ,         clog spray guns.                                                                                            structual members.                                                                                         -

1 (See inset) l l 1

                                                 . ,m.



(I,";m*T. .' . . July 20, 19'76 '. - 4 car bCIIne -

                                                                                                                              .b 1

THERMAL TRANSMISSION OF PYROCRETE AT VARYING THICKNESSES FURPOSE: To experimentally dete wine the time the back side temper-ature of Pyrocrete reached 250*F above ambient, when applied , f at varying thicknesses, and exposed to the standard ASTM. E-119 time / temperature., , .


Johns-Manville Research Center . Denver, Colorado

                                            .                                                                                        i CONCLUSION:        The following thicknesses of Pyrocrete reached 250*F above                                                 '

ambient, at the time periods shown:

1. 1/4" 12 to 13 minutes . -
2. 1/2" 15 minutes *
3. 1" 46 minutes '-
4. 2" 195 minutes -

(See Figure 1 - Best Fit Curve.) PROCEDURE: 1. System " A. Steel Plate 2' x 2' (16 gauge') , B. 3.4 galvanired metal lath spot welded to the ' steel panel. C. Pyrocrete 102 'at varying thicknesses i

2. Application -
         ',                  A.       Pyrocrete spray applied at the following thick-nesses:. 1/4", 1/2", 1" and 2".                Screeds were used to obtain exact thicknesses.'
3. Cure Pyrocrete 30 days ambient laboratory. l
4. Tests '

A. Expose Pyrocrete to standard ASTM E-119 time / i temperature curve. t B. Measure the temperature of the uMxposed unin- . sulated back side of the steel panel with four , thermocouples. Three thermocouples to be positioned so that an overall' temperature is obtained, and insulated with a 2" asbestos disc. The remaining thermocouple to be uninsulated and 7 r.

                                   . positioned in the center of the panel.                                                    -

I g-1

e e - 2.. .o . .

  . ' , . .i *-                        .

July 20,1970 -

) ..'.

o s 1 5. R""ultst 4 p s' r-- x & - n if [

                              .: ?

1 TABI.E I - - - 3' i


( 1/4 Inch Thick Pyrocrate , a e (Sample) .


Average Tem- Temperature (*F) Furnace . Time parature ('F) of Uninsulated Temperature . (Minutes) 3 Thermocouples Thermocouple *F 5 205 200' 975 bs 10  ; 215 - 210 1375

                    . a ,.

J 16 325 350 1430 , O


I i

                                                                         .                                                                                                            .                  r l
                                                                                                                                             \.                                                        .

D l: e a. Ib

                                                                                         '                                                                                                              I I


4. '


                                                                                                                                                            .                               ~

2 * *

                  .            .                                                                                           ~
                                                                                                                                            . haly 20,19'/6                    "
5. ',R'*ultor .~ -


                                        ..?~=u.                       .
          ,                                                                    TABLE II                      -
                                                                                                                                                                       !         ~
p. .

_ .1/2 Inch Thick Pyrocrete (Sample)

                                                                                               - . . . . .                                                                 . e.

t . .

                                                                                                                                                  .            ~

Average Tem- Temperature (*F) Furnace Time ~ perature (*F) of Uninsulated Temperature . (Minutes) 3 Thermocouples Tnermocouple 'F . 5 215 210.- 970 -


.Cr - 10

                      *    .                            1 265             .                     ~

1360 - 15 325 325 . 1420 l 1 { g t N

                ...  .             .                                                       .                                                                                                 l .


                                                                                                                    -                                                                        ]

{ { 1, , e

                             *                                                                                                                                                         ;t f
s. * ,


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F t e

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     .         .- '                                                                                                                       Jt.tly 20, 1976                           .
5. . Re ulen1 -


                                                                                                                                                                             .c  I e'                                                                      -                                      -


  • 1 Inch Thick Pyrocrete l (Sample) J 9 . .

Average Tem- Temperature (*F) Furnace Time parature (*F) of Uninsulated Temperature - (Minutes) 3 Thermocouples Thermocouple 'T - l 1

  • 1 5 100 110.. ,1010  ;

t# - 15 a 210 . 200 1420 .


30 230 230 - 1570 1

                                                                                                              . u.


  • 260 260 1610 47 325 325 1650  !


 ~                                                                                                                        '

50 ,p 333 345 1660

m. .. .

e a

  • O I -
                                                                 .                                                                                                                           l c

I - i i 1 N l

  • l
                                                                                                          .                                                                                  l
                                .                                                                               ,,                                                                           1
                                                          .                                                                                                                                   1 t                                                                                                          .

4 s . C Sa

                  %       e
                                                                                     '9                                                -                 _

o,' . - , -}.

           ,                   5.      Resulta                                                                                       A'lI 20' 19                      I
              ~                                                                                                                                    .

I( - 1 TABLE IV . _ 4 . . - 2 Inch Thick Pyrocrete

                                                                                                                                                            .       g f                                   .
      '                                                  Average Tem-               Temperature (*F) .                            Furnace

Time perature"(*F) of . Uninsulated Temperature * ' (Minutes) 3 Thermocouples Thermocouple 'F .

                       .            15                             100                             100 1370 2

,,- 20 120 110 1490 - k

  • f.  !

l 25 o 150 140 .i- s.540 33' 200 180 1630 l 40 210 - 180 1620 - h 50 210 180 1670 60

                                                                                                                                                                                ,h 210
  • 180 1710 75 205 180
                  !                                                                                                        ',     1740                                             6, 90                             205                              180             ,             1 1780                                 -
               ..                                                                                                                                                                  p 105                             205                                                                                                               I 180     .                       1850                                              [

r d 120 205 180

  • 1860 C
                         ,'     150                             220                               190 P
                                                                                                               ,                 1880 4
                             ' 180                              270                              '250                            1900 2

1 200 316 280 1930 ',' a. 205 325 280 1930 4 P.

 .                                                                                                                                                                                wl 210                            330                                300                                                                              $
  • 1930 a.


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              $1$cUssIon h0'tEgsULTs:                           Th2 racults of tha 1/4" and 1/2" thickn2co cf Pyracre to cppa trad ts have performed equivalently. In the panel preparation, screeds were' b                                             used so that the exact thickness was obtained. 'There is no technical reason for the similar results, therefore I anst consider these as experimental error.                                                                                                    ,-

P . The remaining test specimens of 1" and'2" resulted in accepta'ble - - data. - Plotting the end point temperatures of 325'F versus time, a best fit - curve was drawn that shows the finish rating resistance at varying


thicknesses. , The temperatures of the three uninsulated thermocouples, did not f.g l differ significantly when compared to the uninsulated thermocouple. , r ,

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Q ' ,rv( & Q- x *_- - Chris F. Maeda14n Fireproofing Group Leader 1 i CFM/jt:9768 ~

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