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Document Request - GG 95001 - August 2 2019
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/29/2019
From: Dan Bradley
NRC Region 4
Young, Cale
IR 2019040
Download: ML19302E108 (3)


Additional Request for Information Supplemental Inspection Grand Gulf Inspection Report: 05000416/2019040 Inspection Dates: August 26 - 30, 2019 October 15 - 18, 2019 Inspection Procedure: IP 95001, IP 71152, IP 71153 Lead Inspector: Dan Bradley, Senior Resident Inspector, Callaway Team Members: Rick Deese, Senior Reactor Analyst, Region IV Greg Kolcum, Senior Resident Inspector, Columbia Generating Station Information Requested The following information should be sent in electronic format (for example, online data portal) to the attention of the lead inspector and team members. Please provide requested documentation electronically in pdf files, Excel, or other searchable formats, if possible. The file/folder names should contain descriptive information and be indexed or hyperlinked, if possible, to facilitate ease of use. If requested documents are large and/or only hard copy formats are available, please inform the inspector for clarification.

Please provide the following information.

For the 9/14/2018 Scram:

1. EC 23022
2. ECN 29237
3. P&ID depicting Feedwater heater 6A and 6B with associated level instrumentation and level controls
4. System Description document describing controls of Feedwater Heater #6 and Heater Drain Tank level controls
5. CR-GGN-2018-10600
6. CR-GGN-2018-09679
7. CR-GGN-2016-4850
8. CR-GGN-2016-5737
9. CR-GGN-2017-9910
10. CR-GGN-2018-9725
11. CR-GGN-2018-10117
12. CR-GGN-2014-5906
13. CR-GGN-2014-06277
14. CR-GGN-2014-07429
15. CR-GGN-2015-00416
16. CR-GGN-2015-00462
17. CR-GGN-2017-1299
18. CR-GGN-2018-9281


19. Operator logs from 9/12/2018 at 0000 to 9/14/2018 at 2359
20. WO 509173
21. STI-1803
22. Clearance 1R19-1 Tagout N23-002
23. WO 486066
24. Vendor Manual or system description describing how INFI-90 inputs control HPFWH level and control of heater drain tank level
25. Condensate Booster Pump curves (all 3 CBPs running, just B&C running along with system curves)

For the 12/12/2018 Scram:

1. Operator logs from 0000 to 2359 on 12/12/2018
2. Plot of Bypass Valve A position, unit thermal power readings, reactor pressure, MWe, from 1100 to 1500 on 12/12/2018
3. CR-GGN-2018-11055
4. CR-GGN-2016-4834
5. CR-GGN-2016-6067
6. ONEP 05-1-02-V-21, Rev. 0; revision in effect on 12/12/2018; and revision in effect today
7. System Description document discussing how the controls for the Bypass Valves work, including how they integrate inputs For the 2/23/2019 Scram:
1. EC 67304 and EN 75440
2. Calculation EC-N1N41-17001
3. Temporary Modification EC 81801
4. WO 00519151
5. EC 7471
6. Calculation PR0204, Revision 000, 001, and 002
7. EC 20838 per ECN 37075
8. CR-GGN-2015-02495
9. CR-GGN-2015-02846
10. EC 62000
11. CR-GGN-2016-01186
12. Operator logs from the day before, the day of, and the day after the scram For the 5/12/2019 Scram:
1. P&ID of PSW (including radial wells)
2. P&ID of TBCW
3. Electrical load list for Bus 28AG
4. Temporary Modification EC 6556
5. Operator logs from the day before, the day of, and the day after the scram

3 Inspector Contact Information:

Dan Bradley 817-200-1926 Rick Deese 817-200-1573 Greg Kolcum 817-200-1932