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Request for Information, Inspection Date: July 20-24, 2020
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/04/2020
Division of Nuclear Materials Safety IV
IR 2020411
Download: ML20125A380 (4)


ADAMS Accession No. ML20125A380 PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT This letter contains mandatory information collections that are subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved these information collections (approval number 3150-0011). Send comments regarding this information collection to the Information Services Branch, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Mail Stop: T6 A10M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by e-mail to, and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202 (3150-0011), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503.

Public Protection Notification The NRC may not conduct nor sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid OMB control number.


ADAMS Accession No. ML20125A380 Information Request Grand Gulf Nuclear Station May 4, 2020 NRC Inspection Report 05000416/2020411 Inspection Date: July 20-24, 2020 Please provide information to the inspector for in-office inspection and review by July 8, 2020.

It is preferable that Items be provided electronically, disc, email or Inspection Management System (IMS)-Certrec. Please do not send any safeguard information (SGI) documents, they will be reviewed by the inspectors on site. If you find any information that will be difficult to obtain due to COVID-19 Center for Disease Control (CDC) or site restrictions please contact Mike Chambers, 305-338-3038, or Chris Jewett, 817-200-1582, by phone or email to resolve.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Send to: Attention: Mick Chambers / Chris Jewett U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1600 E. Lamar Blvd.

Arlington Texas 76011-4125 To keep the requested information organized please submit the information to us using the same lettering system below. For example, all contacts and phone numbers in a General.

Corrective report summaries should be in a file/folder titled 1- A, inspection procedures in file/folder 1- B, etc.

General: All Security Event Log entries since October 1, 2018, (the last inspection). Security Program Procedure index for all procedures, instructions, desk-top guides, standing orders, etc.,

State the date and revision of your current Plant Security Plan (PSP). Include a contacts list for the inspection, the current security department org chart and the current station management org chart.

1. Security Training (Inspection Procedure (IP)71130.07 January 1, 2019)

A Condition report (CR) summaries related to security training from October 1, 2018 to July 11, 2020. Any CR summaries after July 11, 2020, need to be provided for review on site. Provide the full CR, investigation and corrective actions (CAs) for the CR associated with Security Operating Experience Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS)-

2020-01-06, dated January 15, 2020, Unintentional Discharge at Firing Range.

Provide the full CR, any investigation and CAs for CR-Grand Gulf Nuclear (GGN)-2019-07516, -2019-06647, -2020-5638, -2019-07193, and -2019-07418, B Provide any security training-related policy, procedure, desk-top guide, or any other type of lower tier instruction type document. Include a contacts list for the inspection, the current security department org chart and the current station management org chart.

C A current exhaustive list of all Armed Response Officers (AROs), Armed Security Officers (ASOs), Security Officers (SOs), security trainers, and watch persons. Include a break down by shift. Please include certificates held by armorers and/or weapons trainers.


ADAMS Accession No. ML20125A380 D Any audits or program reviews associated with the security training program since October 18, 2018.

E All courses of fire for all weapons required to support your physical protection programs.


2. Equipment Performance, Testing, and Maintenance (IP71130.04)

A Corrective action (CA) summaries related to security equipment performance, testing, and maintenance from October 1, 2018, to July 11, 2020. Any Condition Report (CR) summaries after July 11, 2020, need to be provided for review on site. Provide the full CR, any investigation and corrective actions for CR-GGN-1-2019-06805, -2019-07309, -

2019-07513, -2019-07515, -2019-07516, -2019-07527, -2019-07529, -2019-07536, -

2019-08781, -2019-09067 (provide any x-ray images if available.) If any of these CRs were closed to work documents, please provide the work document status.

B Provide any equipment testing and maintenance related policy, procedure, desk-top guide, or any other type of lower tier instruction type document for all equipment, devices or barriers that support your physical protection program.

C Provide any audits or program reviews associated with equipment testing and maintenance since October 18, 2018.

D Be prepared to provide records of testing and maintenance on any generator or other uninterruptable power source that supports your physical protection program, including transfer of power testing that show intrusion detection systems and security communication continued to function. (Please include your work orders and any corrective actions from any security loss of power testing in 2019).

E. Please have personnel available to perform uninterruptible power supply testing where applicable, along with appropriate personnel to open panels, remove microwave heads, card reader testing to include removal of covers, testing of power loss to receive various indicators to the operators at the alarm stations and that non-portable communication equipment remains functional. Provide documentation of your most recent testing regarding the above items.

F. Be prepared to provide available vendor/manufacturer manuals on any piece of equipment or device that supports your physical protection program.

G. Be prepared to provide any compensatory measures procedures that support your Physical Security Plan, to include walls or buildings that comprise any portion of your protected area.

H. Provide a listing of all firearms maintenance/history activities, both in and out of service since the last inspection (i.e., semi-annual cleaning, firing, how many rounds fired, repairs). Provide procedures and verification that all firearms maintenance (beyond standard cleaning) repairs and modifications are performed by certified armorer(s). Also include Armorer Certificates and armorer training since the last inspection.


ADAMS Accession No. ML20125A380 I. Be prepared to provide your analysis conducted of areas where communication may be an issue and your methods to ensure continued communication, and that there are no activities impeding alarm station operators or any locations that security equipment can be over-ridden.

J. Provide documentation of your most recent security/emergency generator battery testing and the loads used during the testing.

K. Provide documentation regarding new (since the last inspection) equipment related to security, to include the analysis and acceptance testing.

LAST ITEM FOR SECTION 2 OF REQUEST Following arrival on site the inspectors would like to discuss support for items that typically impact normal operations:

TBD- Access Control/Search Equipment Testing TBD- Times and Days for Warehouse Package Search; Vehicle Search; Personnel Search TBD All proposed interviews involving key personnel TBD Though typically Thursday afternoon the actual exit meeting will be based upon inspection procedure sample completion 4