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Forwards Response to 790502 Request for Addl Info Re Steam Generator Water Mass,Signals Which Originate ECCS & Setpoint Values
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 05/02/1979
From: Morris K
To: Erickson P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7905080446
Download: ML19291A423 (6)


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Omaha Public Power District 1623 HARNEY a OMAHA, NE8RASKA 68102 s TELEPMONE 536 4000 AREA CODE 402 May 2, 1979 Mr. Peter Ericksca Project Manager U. S. I!uclear Regulatory Conaission 7920 :!crfolk Avenue Bethesda, Maryland

Dear fir. Erickson:

Attached are responses to the three questions received from you on May 2, 1979 Sincerely,

. J. Morris Manager - Administrative Services c:JM/J:=a Attach.

( 7 96.3 08 0 '/f6 /s

Question 1: What is the steam generator water mass (secondary side): a) for nominal 100% power level and b) value of water mass at low level trip setpoint.


Condition Steam Generator 'later Mass Full Power Th,h10 lba Lov Steam Generator Level Trip Setpoint 50,600 lbr Lov Steam Generator Level Trip Setpoint, hh,h00 lba Including 10" Trip Uncertainty 6 9

Question 2: Provide a table of all signals which initiate the emergency core cooling system. F.esponse: Either of the following signals start emergency core cooling system. Signal Source Setpoint Lov Pressuri::er Pressure Transmitter 11600 psia Pressure Centainment Pressure Pressure Svitch 15 psia High

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Question 3: Provide a table of reactor trip signals, signal sources, and set-point values. Re spo".ce : REACTOR TRIP SIGNAL, SOURCE, AND SE" POINT Sienal Sienal Source Trio Setnoint High Rate-of-Change of Power Wide Range Excore Detectors 2.6 decades / min Variable High Pcver Level High Auctieneered Nuclear a) <1075 of rated h-Pump Operation Delta T Power on Linear power Pcver Excore Detectors b) Between 205 and 975 of rated power

                                                                                       <105 above
                                                                                       .-operating power level c) Belev 20% of rated power

__20% of rated power Low Reactor Coolant Flow Steam Generator Differential 195% of h-pump h-Pump Operation Pre ssure Tran:mitter flow Low Steas Generator Water Level Level Transmitters 31.2% of scale (RC-2A) Top of feedvater ring (h'-10" belev normal water level) Low Steam Generator Water Level level Transmitte;s 31.25 of scale (RC-23) Top of feedvater ring ( h '-10" below norcal water level) Low Stea Generator Pressure Fressure Transmitters 1500 psia ( RC-2A) Low Steam Generater Fressure Pressure Transmitters 2j00 roi (RC-2B) Hi,-h Pressuriner Fressure Fressure Trins :itter 12h00 psi 1 Thermal "ar -i: .. ressure lene r ite.i ..c- .cteti.neere1 P y3r = PC( M

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                                                                                 -.o.res-surizer pressure trip occurs Loss of Load                         Turbine Stop 7alves         2/h stop valves shut Manual Tr'                                                       ---

Containment Pressure High Pressure Switches 15 psig Axial Power Distribution High Auctioneered Power (Technical Specifi-and Axial Shape Indices cation Figure 1 L) From Excore Linear Channels

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