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Forwards Responses to NRC 800109 Questions on XN-NF-79-79, Facility Cycle 6 Reload Plant Transient Analysis Rept, as Suppl Matl in Support of 790719 Applications for Amend to License DPR-40.Revised Tech Specs Page 2-50 Encl
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/1980
From: William Jones
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19290D913 List:
NUDOCS 8002290317
Download: ML19290D912 (35)


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Omaha Public Power District 1G23 HARNEY e OMAHA. NEBRASKA 68102 u TE LEPHON E 536-4000 AREA CODE 402 February 25, 1980 Directcr of I;uclear Reactor Regulaticn ATT:J : ' Ir . Robert 'd. Heid , Chie f

. .. i Operat u r.eactors Brane.n .4 0. 4 U. G. !uclear Eegulatory Conmission Aachincton, D. C. 20555


Docket i;o. 50-285 Gentlemen:

C t" 1 Public Fower District hereby cubnits cupplemental material in cuppert of (1) the Applicaticn for !ccendrent of Operating Licence

("3tretch Applicaticn"), filed July 17, 1979, which ceeks to amend Facility Cperating License :;o. DFR LO to permit Cycle 6 operaticn followa ; e are reload at an increased power level of 1500 IGt, and (2) the Application for /enendment of Operating License ("Relcau Applicaticn"), filed July 17, 1979, which ceeks to permit Cycle 6 cr;ratice following core reload. Forty (h0) copies of the follow-inz- material are enclosed:

Pecpences tu 'iRC Questions on " Fort Calhoun Cycle 6 Reload Plant Trancient Analycia Report, X:i-:iF-79-79" (reference letter fror.:;RC to 0FFD dated January 9, 1980).

'haula you desire additional. informatien, pleace advice us.

Sincerely, s

i, ^ j, 7,

M. 'd.' C . Jone s Division "anacer Production Operationc WCJ/KJ: /EJH:jm n Enclocures ec: Lerreut, Lamb, Leib;, & MacBae 12;3 wrnpchire avenue , a. .,.

.1chincten, D. C. 20036

41. Feter 3. Erickcon U. 3. ..uclear Re;alatory e Cc:cniccion 7920 :iorfolk Avenue Bethecda, Maryland 8002000 3 -

ITEM 1 llJJ ic decay haa calculated for non LOCA Accidentc? If thic infc2-nation has alreaay becn cu:mitted, pleaca reference.


Decay heat is calculated for non-LOCA occurrences consistent with the methodology used in the analysis of LOCA occurrences (XN-75-43).

ITEM 2 Tabic . 4 of Gl-;;F-70 7:) licto a val:w of -2.3 10 for the M C uccd for ti:a anal .t cia. iloucvar, the propocad Technical Specificationc will alico a more ncgativa value. Plcace clarify.

RES P0tiSE The value for MTC should be -2.30 x 10 in the proposed Technical Speci fica tion . The revised Technical Specification page is attached.