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Responds to NRC 790910 Ltr Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-285/79-10.Corrective Actions:All Present Members of Emergency Monitoring Team Have Received 1979 Annual Retraining
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1979
From: William Jones
To: Madsen G
Shared Package
ML19260A209 List:
NUDOCS 7911080180
Download: ML19260A212 (3)



Omaha Public Power District -

1623 HARNEY a OMAHA. NEBRASMA 68102 e TELEPHONE 536-4000 AREA CODE 402 September 28, 1979 Mr. Glen L. Madsen U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Pagion IV 611 ayan Plaza Drive Suite 1000 Arlingten, Texas 76011 Re ference : Inspectica Report 50-285/79-10

Dear Mr. Madsen:

In response to the above-referenced inspection report, the Omaha Public Power District herein submits coc=ents to indicate the status of the repcrted ite= of non-cc=pliance.

Infraction Based en the results of an NRC inspection conducted July 30-31, 1979, it appears that ene of your activities was not conducted in full ec=pliance with NRC requirements as indicated belev:

Item H of Appendix E to 10 CFR 50 requires that training be pro-vided to c=plcyees who are assigned specific authority and responsibi-lities in the event of an emergency. This requirement is further a=pli-fled by Section VII-VIII of your E=ergency Plan which states , in part:

"All plant cperation, technical end maintenance personnel are trained in energency procedures and monitoring duties. . . . Annual retraining vill be conducted in order to maintain personnel proficiencies."

Centrary to the above, retraining was not conducted for two Emer-gency Duty Officers and two E;.:e/gency Mcnitoring Ten = embers for the period December 1,1977, through July 30, 1979 Festonse (1) Corrective steps which have been or vill be taken by you and the results achieved.

At the ti=e of the E=ergency Duty Officer (EDO) retraining class, the two designated ED0's in questien were unable to attend. They were to be retrained at a later date; hcVever, their retraining was subse-quently overlocked. Since the date of the inspecticn, one of the desig-nated ED0's in questien has been promoted to another pcsit t 0

7 9110 8 01 f0

Mr. Glen L. Madsen

' September 28, 1979 Page Two the District and is nc longer a member of the Plant Staff. His replace-ment is presently a trained EDO. The need of the second designated EDO in question to act 4 ally be a trained EDO has been reviewed and the deter-mination made that he should be removed from the EDO roster. As a result of his position, S rpervisor - Field Maintenance, it was determined that he vould be more reful as a maintenance censultant in an accident situ-ation.

At the ti=e of the inspection, no record of retraining could be found for the two Energency Monitoring Team cembers in question. Even though no particular retraining records could be found, a memorandum frem the Health Physics group to the Training Coordinator dated June 25, 1979, was found which stated that all monitor team retraining for 1979 had been ec=pleted. Since the date of the inspection, discussion with tne instructor and the two team members in question indicates that the retraining was conducted and that a lecture record was forwarded to the Training Ccordinator. Apparently, the lecture record was misplaced.

Since completion of the retraining has been verified by several persons ,

a duplicate lecture record has been placed in the appropriate training files.

(2) Corrective steps which vill be taken to avoid further violations.

As noted in item (1) above, a review of designated EDO personnel has indicated that the position of Supervisor - Field Maintenance should be removed from the ELO roster. The necessary procedure changes will be made to effect this deletion. In order to ensure that all ED0's receive their annual retraining in the future, the Training Coordinator vill maintain a running list of all ED0's and their training; the goal is to ensure that all ED0's receive annual retraining and that the training records are maintained cccplete.

In order to ensure that all E=ergency Monitor Team members receive their annual retraining and that the trainicg records are maintained co=plete, the training department will audit the training records fol-loving the completion of all scheduled Mcnitor Team retraining. The goal of the audit vill be to verify that all pcrsonnel on the Emergency Mcnitor Tess roster have received their annual retraining and that the training records are complete.

( 3) The date when full ..cepliance vill be achieved.

All present me=bers of the Emergency Monitor Team have received their 1979 annual retraining.

1295 29

Mr. Glen L. Madsen

. September 28, 1979 Page Three The necessary procedure changes to correct the Emergency Duty Officer deficiency will be co=pleted by October 15, 1979 At that time, the Dis-trict vill be in full cc=pliance.


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W. C. bnes Divis on Manager Produbtion Operations WCJ/SCS/LTK:j=s cc: IeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 1333 New Hampshire Avenue , H. W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 1295 232

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