MONTHYEARML18011B1361994-12-13013 December 1994 Responds to NRC RAI Re BWR Core Shroud Generic Safety Assessment Re Conductivity by Fuel Cycle.Ge Rept Providing Info W/Alpha Designations in Place of Plant Names Encl.Ge Ltr,Also Encl,Provides Plant Names.Encl Withheld ML20058M0361993-04-12012 April 1993 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Records in App L Which Are Being Withheld Partially for Listed Reasons,(Ref FOIA Exemptions 5) ML20059M8421990-06-13013 June 1990 Forwards NRC Performance Indicators for First Quarter 1990. W/O Encl ML20151V9791988-07-28028 July 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Plant.App a Documents Encl & Available in PDR ML20206F3261986-06-13013 June 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for Six Categories of Documents Re Facilities.App a Documents Available in Pdr.App B & C Documents Encl.Documents Also Available in Pdr.W/O App B & C Documents ML20206F3301986-06-13013 June 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for Six Categories of Documents Re Facilities.App a Documents Available in Pdr.App B & C Documents Encl.Documents Also Available in PDR ML20099J8141984-04-25025 April 1984 FOIA Request for Documents Re Electrical Relay Failures Including Class 1E Relay Failures at Listed Plants & Utilization of GE Type Hfa 51 Series Ac Relays or Other Relays Using Lexan as Coil Spool Matl ML20027A8911982-09-22022 September 1982 FOIA Request for NRC Preliminary & Final Calculations of Reactor Accident Consequence Results for Facilities ML20086Q7091982-07-28028 July 1982 Forwards Analyses of Antirotation Pin & Impeller Ring Wear, Per Request.Encl Info Should Be Treated as company- Sensitive ML20055A2601982-05-28028 May 1982 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Requests by Licensees for Exemption or Extension Beyond 820201 Date Specified by Final Rule,Commission Analysis,Comments,Or Actions Re Emergency Planning.Forwards App a Documents ML20051P0041982-05-0707 May 1982 Advises of Util Position Declining to Pay Charges Asserted in NRC .Charges W/O Regulatory Basis.Other Reasons for Declining Asserted in Pending Case of New England Power Co Vs NRC ML20054C9951982-04-15015 April 1982 Requests Fee Be Remitted for Review of Withdrawn Application ML20042B7141982-03-19019 March 1982 Forwards Endorsements 66 & 67 to Nelia Policy NF-188 ML20042B4561982-03-19019 March 1982 Ack Receipt of Response to 820203 Ltr.Requests NRC Evaluation of Revised Emergency Plans & Any Addl Public Documents Re Communications Between Util & NRC Concerning Emergency Plans ML20042B7091982-03-16016 March 1982 Forwards Endorsement 8 to Nelia Binder EB-31 & Endorsement 65 to Nelia Policy NF-188 ML20041B2091982-02-17017 February 1982 Forwards Endorsement 50 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML20010J4681981-09-30030 September 1981 Forwards Endorsements 47 & 48 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML20010F8911981-09-10010 September 1981 Forwards Documents Supplementing NRC Prior Production Per Util 810701 Document Request 1 Re Emergency Planning. W/O Encl ML20010G1131981-09-10010 September 1981 Forwards Documents to Aid in Preparing Testimony.W/O Encl ML20030D2381981-08-28028 August 1981 Forwards NRC & Commonwealth of Ma 810820 Agreement, Inadvertently Omitted from NRC 810827 Motion for Protective Order ML20010D1151981-08-20020 August 1981 Confirms Ground Rules for 810820 Informal Questioning of NRC Personnel.Also Confirms Agreement That All Motions Re First Set of Interrogatories Are Moot & Essentially Withdrawn ML20010C1211981-08-14014 August 1981 Requests That ASLB Defer Any Ruling on NRC 810710 Motion for Protective Order & Commonwealth of Ma 810724 Response to Motion.Nrc & Commonwealth of Ma Are Consulting Informally Re Interrogatories & Document Requests ML20010B3281981-08-0505 August 1981 Advises of Issue Raised in CP Proceeding Re Feasibility of Developing Adequate Emergency Plan by OL Stage of Proceeding.Fema Testimony Will Be Needed ML20009H6841981-08-0303 August 1981 Forwards Updated Population Data & Description of Road Network Improvements Projected During First Yr of Plant Operation,In Response to NRC 810724 Request Re Evacuation Time & Population Estimates ML20010C2431981-07-28028 July 1981 Forwards All Matl Re Evaluation of Facility Evacuation Time Estimates Per Request ML20010B5371981-07-0909 July 1981 Confirms 810701 Conversation.Licensee Has Revised Population Data Used in Evaluation of Evacuation Time Estimates ML20010C5851981-05-27027 May 1981 Advises That Because of M Cleeton Medical History,Any Extra Radiation Would Pose Risk.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20004B6901981-05-19019 May 1981 Forwards AR & MW Cleeton Exceptions to ASLB Partial Initial Decision ML19347E9231981-05-11011 May 1981 Forwards Endorsements 45 & 46 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML20008F9011981-05-0606 May 1981 Clarifies Response to 10CFR50.34(e) Provided in PSAR Amend 43 Per 810506 Request.Test Date & Analysis Will Include Igniter Performance & Endurance Characteristics If Option Chosen Continues to Be Deliberate Ignition Sys ML19347E5171981-05-0505 May 1981 Clarifies Statement in 810429 PSAR Amend 43 Re Containment Sys Design Integrity,In Response to NRC 810505 Telcon Request ML20004F3831981-04-30030 April 1981 Forwards Util Latest Annual Rept,Portions of Which May Be Pertinent to Issues in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl. W/O Rept.Related Correspondence ML19347D8511981-03-31031 March 1981 Forwards Endorsements 5 & 6 to Nelia Binder EB-31, Endorsement 5 to Maelu Binder XB-31,Endorsement 44 to Maelu Policy MF-58 & Endorsement 58 to Nelia Policy NF-188 ML19350C7931981-03-19019 March 1981 Informs That Commonwealth of Ma Reviewed Parties' Responses to ASLB 810219 Order.Aslb Should Schedule Hearings on Emergency Planning & Other TMI-related Issues for Sept 1981 ML19343D5261981-03-0404 March 1981 Advises of Review of Evacuation Roadway Network Re Facility. Traffic Control Beyond Emergency Planning Zone Will Avoid Congestion within Zone.Effective Traffic Mgt Plan Is Needed ML19350B5321981-02-27027 February 1981 Informs That Commonwealth of Ma Needs Time to Evaluate Suppl to SER Re Emergency Planning,To Prepare New Interrogatories, to Evaluate Answers to Interrogatories & to Prepare Written Testimony.W/Notice of Appearance & Certificate of Svc ML19341D4641981-02-25025 February 1981 Forwards Intervenors Cleeton Exceptions to ASLB 810202 Partial Initial Decision ML19341C4871981-02-24024 February 1981 Forwards Endorsement 43 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML19341C9131981-02-23023 February 1981 Requests Svc of Documents Upon Util Be Made to Tg Dignan Instead of Gh Lewald.Address Unchanged ML20003C1181981-02-18018 February 1981 Forwards Commonwealth of Ma 810218 Exceptions to ASLB 810202 Partial Initial Decision ML20003B4821981-02-0909 February 1981 Forwards Endorsements 56,57 & 4 to ANI Policies NF-188, NF-188 & Binder EB-31,respectively & Endorsement 4 to Maelu Binder XB-31 ML19341B2671981-01-23023 January 1981 Informs of No Plans for Filing Application & Review Requests,Per NRC 801205 Request.Cp Receipt or Const Completion Dates Undetermined Until NRC Issuance of Policy for Resumption of CP Licensing ML19345C2711980-10-29029 October 1980 Requests Info Re Facilities W/Active CPs Pending,License Definitions & Requirements for Floating Nuclear Plants ML19347B3151980-10-10010 October 1980 Forwards Amend 40 to Psar.Amend Incorporates Revised Section 13.3,emergency Planning,In Response to Final Emergency Planning Rule ML20062J3251980-09-30030 September 1980 Discusses Emergency Planning Regulations,In Response to Re L Boyd Concerns.Fema Is Responsible for Adequacy of Emergency Preparedness in States & Communities Around Nuclear Plants ML19330C2071980-07-14014 July 1980 Responds to IE Bulletin 80-11, Masonry Wall Design. Inaccessible Block Walls Surveyed & Program to re-evaluate Walls Near safety-related Sys Developed.Justification for re-evaluation Criteria to Be Submitted by 801108 ML19331E2871980-07-14014 July 1980 Forwards Recommendation for Item 3.1.6/3.2.4 Re Cable Combustibility for Fire Protection Review.Recommends That Licensee Be Required to Coat Okonite & Kerite Cables ML19323H6951980-06-0909 June 1980 Request Mod of First Page of Distribution List.Distribution List Encl ML19323G8941980-05-0202 May 1980 Responds to ASLB 800327 Order Requesting Date of Planned Testimony Re Emergency Planning Issue.Written Testimony Will Be Filed within 4-6 Wks from Receipt of NRC Evaluation. Related Correspondence ML19323F3761980-05-0101 May 1980 Submits Applicants' Response to ASLB 800327 Order Re Emergency Planning Hearing.Requests Reconsideration of ASLB Position on Previously Admitted Contention Re Emergency Planning.Related Correspondence Encl 1994-12-13
MONTHYEARML18011B1361994-12-13013 December 1994 Responds to NRC RAI Re BWR Core Shroud Generic Safety Assessment Re Conductivity by Fuel Cycle.Ge Rept Providing Info W/Alpha Designations in Place of Plant Names Encl.Ge Ltr,Also Encl,Provides Plant Names.Encl Withheld ML20099J8141984-04-25025 April 1984 FOIA Request for Documents Re Electrical Relay Failures Including Class 1E Relay Failures at Listed Plants & Utilization of GE Type Hfa 51 Series Ac Relays or Other Relays Using Lexan as Coil Spool Matl ML20027A8911982-09-22022 September 1982 FOIA Request for NRC Preliminary & Final Calculations of Reactor Accident Consequence Results for Facilities ML20086Q7091982-07-28028 July 1982 Forwards Analyses of Antirotation Pin & Impeller Ring Wear, Per Request.Encl Info Should Be Treated as company- Sensitive ML20051P0041982-05-0707 May 1982 Advises of Util Position Declining to Pay Charges Asserted in NRC .Charges W/O Regulatory Basis.Other Reasons for Declining Asserted in Pending Case of New England Power Co Vs NRC ML20042B7141982-03-19019 March 1982 Forwards Endorsements 66 & 67 to Nelia Policy NF-188 ML20042B4561982-03-19019 March 1982 Ack Receipt of Response to 820203 Ltr.Requests NRC Evaluation of Revised Emergency Plans & Any Addl Public Documents Re Communications Between Util & NRC Concerning Emergency Plans ML20042B7091982-03-16016 March 1982 Forwards Endorsement 8 to Nelia Binder EB-31 & Endorsement 65 to Nelia Policy NF-188 ML20041B2091982-02-17017 February 1982 Forwards Endorsement 50 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML20010J4681981-09-30030 September 1981 Forwards Endorsements 47 & 48 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML20009H6841981-08-0303 August 1981 Forwards Updated Population Data & Description of Road Network Improvements Projected During First Yr of Plant Operation,In Response to NRC 810724 Request Re Evacuation Time & Population Estimates ML20010C2431981-07-28028 July 1981 Forwards All Matl Re Evaluation of Facility Evacuation Time Estimates Per Request ML20010C5851981-05-27027 May 1981 Advises That Because of M Cleeton Medical History,Any Extra Radiation Would Pose Risk.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20004B6901981-05-19019 May 1981 Forwards AR & MW Cleeton Exceptions to ASLB Partial Initial Decision ML19347E9231981-05-11011 May 1981 Forwards Endorsements 45 & 46 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML20008F9011981-05-0606 May 1981 Clarifies Response to 10CFR50.34(e) Provided in PSAR Amend 43 Per 810506 Request.Test Date & Analysis Will Include Igniter Performance & Endurance Characteristics If Option Chosen Continues to Be Deliberate Ignition Sys ML19347E5171981-05-0505 May 1981 Clarifies Statement in 810429 PSAR Amend 43 Re Containment Sys Design Integrity,In Response to NRC 810505 Telcon Request ML20004F3831981-04-30030 April 1981 Forwards Util Latest Annual Rept,Portions of Which May Be Pertinent to Issues in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl. W/O Rept.Related Correspondence ML19347D8511981-03-31031 March 1981 Forwards Endorsements 5 & 6 to Nelia Binder EB-31, Endorsement 5 to Maelu Binder XB-31,Endorsement 44 to Maelu Policy MF-58 & Endorsement 58 to Nelia Policy NF-188 ML19350C7931981-03-19019 March 1981 Informs That Commonwealth of Ma Reviewed Parties' Responses to ASLB 810219 Order.Aslb Should Schedule Hearings on Emergency Planning & Other TMI-related Issues for Sept 1981 ML19343D5261981-03-0404 March 1981 Advises of Review of Evacuation Roadway Network Re Facility. Traffic Control Beyond Emergency Planning Zone Will Avoid Congestion within Zone.Effective Traffic Mgt Plan Is Needed ML19350B5321981-02-27027 February 1981 Informs That Commonwealth of Ma Needs Time to Evaluate Suppl to SER Re Emergency Planning,To Prepare New Interrogatories, to Evaluate Answers to Interrogatories & to Prepare Written Testimony.W/Notice of Appearance & Certificate of Svc ML19341D4641981-02-25025 February 1981 Forwards Intervenors Cleeton Exceptions to ASLB 810202 Partial Initial Decision ML19341C4871981-02-24024 February 1981 Forwards Endorsement 43 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML19341C9131981-02-23023 February 1981 Requests Svc of Documents Upon Util Be Made to Tg Dignan Instead of Gh Lewald.Address Unchanged ML20003C1181981-02-18018 February 1981 Forwards Commonwealth of Ma 810218 Exceptions to ASLB 810202 Partial Initial Decision ML20003B4821981-02-0909 February 1981 Forwards Endorsements 56,57 & 4 to ANI Policies NF-188, NF-188 & Binder EB-31,respectively & Endorsement 4 to Maelu Binder XB-31 ML19341B2671981-01-23023 January 1981 Informs of No Plans for Filing Application & Review Requests,Per NRC 801205 Request.Cp Receipt or Const Completion Dates Undetermined Until NRC Issuance of Policy for Resumption of CP Licensing ML19345C2711980-10-29029 October 1980 Requests Info Re Facilities W/Active CPs Pending,License Definitions & Requirements for Floating Nuclear Plants ML19347B3151980-10-10010 October 1980 Forwards Amend 40 to Psar.Amend Incorporates Revised Section 13.3,emergency Planning,In Response to Final Emergency Planning Rule ML19330C2071980-07-14014 July 1980 Responds to IE Bulletin 80-11, Masonry Wall Design. Inaccessible Block Walls Surveyed & Program to re-evaluate Walls Near safety-related Sys Developed.Justification for re-evaluation Criteria to Be Submitted by 801108 ML19331E2871980-07-14014 July 1980 Forwards Recommendation for Item 3.1.6/3.2.4 Re Cable Combustibility for Fire Protection Review.Recommends That Licensee Be Required to Coat Okonite & Kerite Cables ML19323H6951980-06-0909 June 1980 Request Mod of First Page of Distribution List.Distribution List Encl ML19323G8941980-05-0202 May 1980 Responds to ASLB 800327 Order Requesting Date of Planned Testimony Re Emergency Planning Issue.Written Testimony Will Be Filed within 4-6 Wks from Receipt of NRC Evaluation. Related Correspondence ML19323F3761980-05-0101 May 1980 Submits Applicants' Response to ASLB 800327 Order Re Emergency Planning Hearing.Requests Reconsideration of ASLB Position on Previously Admitted Contention Re Emergency Planning.Related Correspondence Encl ML20062J3301980-04-18018 April 1980 Requests Response to Encl L Boyd Inquiry About Emergency Preparedness Around Facility ML19323G2211980-04-0808 April 1980 Expresses Concern Re on-job Intoxication of Facility Employees.Boston Herald American 800403 Article Encl ML19305C3711980-03-17017 March 1980 Responds to NRC Request Re Necessity of Antitrust Hearing Following Ma Municipals' Withdrawal of Petition to Intervene.Antitrust Hearing Unnecessary Re Instant Application ML19294C2701980-02-28028 February 1980 Requests Opportunity to Discuss Priority of NRC CP Activities in post-TMI Period.Utils Are Concerned About Availability of NRC Resources in Coming Yr to Deal W/Related Hearings.Nrc Resources Can Be Optimized ML19296D2931980-02-25025 February 1980 Forwards Endorsement 38 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML19294B9081980-02-14014 February 1980 Corrects Typographical Errors & Omissions in Applicant 800209 Statement Filed in Response to ASLB Request Re Emergency Planning as Proper Issue in Hearings ML19260D6061980-02-0505 February 1980 Forwards Endorsements 50 & 51 to Nelia Policy NF-188 ML19257A7031980-01-0202 January 1980 Forwards 780209 Ltr to NRC Re J & s Pires & R & D Fitts Notice of Claims Against Util.Both Claimants Have Filed Suit ML19270H8001979-12-27027 December 1979 Forwards Design Review & Supplemental Recommendations Re Exposed Steel protection,self-contained Breathing Apparatus, Generation Seals,Fire Detector Testing,Cable Combustibility & Dc Power Sys Hazard Analysis ML19256F4471979-11-20020 November 1979 Notifies That 791119 Meeting W/Ma Wildlife Federation & NRC Will Be Rescheduled Either 791123 or Filing Date for Ma Wildlife Federation Pleadings Moved to 791130 ML19256F2971979-11-12012 November 1979 Informs of Minor Change in Schedule for Requests for Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Possibility Exists of Stipulation Between Nrc,Intervenor Ma Wildlife Federation & Applicant ML19262A8891979-11-0808 November 1979 Discusses Applicant 791101 Transmittal of Four Documents on Revolving Credit Agreement.If Introduced as Evidence,State of Ma Reserves Right to cross-examine Rebuttal Testimony ML19260B1201979-11-0505 November 1979 Forwards Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Form of Partial Initial Decision ML19260B1261979-11-0505 November 1979 Forwards Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Form of Partial Initial Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19210D7701979-11-0101 November 1979 Forwards Util & Bank Consortium 790731 Credit & Loan agreement,791012 Amend 1,State of Ma Dept of Public Util Orders Re Agreement & Util Affidavit 1994-12-13
[Table view] Category:UTILITY TO NRC
MONTHYEARML20051P0041982-05-0707 May 1982 Advises of Util Position Declining to Pay Charges Asserted in NRC .Charges W/O Regulatory Basis.Other Reasons for Declining Asserted in Pending Case of New England Power Co Vs NRC ML20009H6841981-08-0303 August 1981 Forwards Updated Population Data & Description of Road Network Improvements Projected During First Yr of Plant Operation,In Response to NRC 810724 Request Re Evacuation Time & Population Estimates ML20008F9011981-05-0606 May 1981 Clarifies Response to 10CFR50.34(e) Provided in PSAR Amend 43 Per 810506 Request.Test Date & Analysis Will Include Igniter Performance & Endurance Characteristics If Option Chosen Continues to Be Deliberate Ignition Sys ML19347E5171981-05-0505 May 1981 Clarifies Statement in 810429 PSAR Amend 43 Re Containment Sys Design Integrity,In Response to NRC 810505 Telcon Request ML20004F3831981-04-30030 April 1981 Forwards Util Latest Annual Rept,Portions of Which May Be Pertinent to Issues in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl. W/O Rept.Related Correspondence ML19341C4871981-02-24024 February 1981 Forwards Endorsement 43 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML20003B4821981-02-0909 February 1981 Forwards Endorsements 56,57 & 4 to ANI Policies NF-188, NF-188 & Binder EB-31,respectively & Endorsement 4 to Maelu Binder XB-31 ML19341B2671981-01-23023 January 1981 Informs of No Plans for Filing Application & Review Requests,Per NRC 801205 Request.Cp Receipt or Const Completion Dates Undetermined Until NRC Issuance of Policy for Resumption of CP Licensing ML19347B3151980-10-10010 October 1980 Forwards Amend 40 to Psar.Amend Incorporates Revised Section 13.3,emergency Planning,In Response to Final Emergency Planning Rule ML19330C2071980-07-14014 July 1980 Responds to IE Bulletin 80-11, Masonry Wall Design. Inaccessible Block Walls Surveyed & Program to re-evaluate Walls Near safety-related Sys Developed.Justification for re-evaluation Criteria to Be Submitted by 801108 ML19323H6951980-06-0909 June 1980 Request Mod of First Page of Distribution List.Distribution List Encl ML19294C2701980-02-28028 February 1980 Requests Opportunity to Discuss Priority of NRC CP Activities in post-TMI Period.Utils Are Concerned About Availability of NRC Resources in Coming Yr to Deal W/Related Hearings.Nrc Resources Can Be Optimized ML19296D2931980-02-25025 February 1980 Forwards Endorsement 38 to Maelu Policy MF-58 ML19260D6061980-02-0505 February 1980 Forwards Endorsements 50 & 51 to Nelia Policy NF-188 ML19256F4471979-11-20020 November 1979 Notifies That 791119 Meeting W/Ma Wildlife Federation & NRC Will Be Rescheduled Either 791123 or Filing Date for Ma Wildlife Federation Pleadings Moved to 791130 ML19260C2131979-10-29029 October 1979 Responds to 790913 Request for Addl Info Needed to Complete Review of Util Response to IE Bulletin 78-10 Re Bergen- Patterson Hydraulic Shack Suppressor Accumulator Spring coils.Safety-related Hydraulic Snubbers Inspected in 1979 ML19250B5961979-10-25025 October 1979 Forwards Amend 39 to Psar,Incorporating Commitments Re TMI.Cross-index Between Commitments Relating to TMI & Previous Correspondence Encl ML19209C2711979-10-0505 October 1979 Responds to NRC 790917 Ltr Re Interaction Between nonsafety- Grade & safety-grade Equipment.Util Assessment Performed.No Impacts on Required Safety Actions Identified.One Potential Analysis Conclusion Identified & Justified ML19207B4551979-08-24024 August 1979 Responds to NRC 790814 & 22 Requests for Clarification Re 790731 & 0806 Ltrs.Forwards Replacement to Attachment 1 of 790731 Ltr Re Positions in App a of NUREG-0578.Forwards Response to HR Denton 790820 Memo Re NUREG-0578 ML19249A9841979-08-17017 August 1979 Forwards 750831 Evacuation Analysis for Pilgrim Site, Prepared by Environ Research & Technology,Inc ML19248D2251979-08-0606 August 1979 Responds to 790802 Request for Clarification of 790731 Response Re Monitoring of Core Conditions by Incore Thermocouples,Ie Bulletin 79-06B,790724 Action Plan for Promptly Improving Emergency Preparedness & NUREG-0578 ML19242B8281979-08-0202 August 1979 Responds to NRC 790720 Request Re Means of Informing Citizens of Need for Protective Action within 10-mile Radius of Nuclear Emergency ML19242A7811979-07-31031 July 1979 Confirms Util Commitment to Comply W/Requirements of NUREG-0578,IE Bulletin 79-06B & NRC 790724 Memo Re Improvement of Emergency Preparedness ML20136B2741979-07-0505 July 1979 Forwards Correspondence Between NRC & Util,In Response to RT Cole Questions During 790624 Session in Plymouth,Ma Occupational Exposure Incident at Facility.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19207B8871979-06-29029 June 1979 Forwards Applicant Second Motion for Official Notice of Certain State Statues,Court Decisions & Documents.Second Motion Supersedes Prior Motion Filed on 790611 Which Contained Several Errors ML19241B8321979-06-29029 June 1979 Forwards Revised Supplemental Testimony on Need for Power Issue for ASLB 790716 Hearing.Testimony Supersedes 790518 Filing.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19246C3661979-06-29029 June 1979 Forwards Util 790629 Second Motion That ASLB Take Official Notice of Certain State Statutes,Court Decisions & Documents Re Util Exhibit 15.Motion Corrects & Supercedes 790611 Motion ML19246C0191979-06-11011 June 1979 Forwards Boston Edison 790611 Motion to Take Official Notice of Certain State Statutes & Court Decisions of Nh,Ct,Vt & Ri ML19276G1001979-05-10010 May 1979 Forwards Responses to Question Re Comparison of Projected Population Densities in PSAR & 1978 Update to 1974 Site Selection Study ML19282A1661979-05-0808 May 1979 Forwards Response to NRC Inquiries Re Need for Power & Cost of 3-year Delay in Operation.Response Based on NRC Load Forecast.Starting Point Not Conceded to Be Appropriete by Util.Facility Will Be Needed in 1985 ML19276F9211979-04-17017 April 1979 Forwards Annual Financial Rept 1978 & Securities & Exchange Commission Form 10-K ML19322A3211979-04-17017 April 1979 Preparation & Submittal of Detailed Responses to Draft Suppl to Fes Cannot Be Completed Before 790418 Deadline. Detailed Responses Will Be Forwarded within 2 Weeks ML19282A7591979-02-28028 February 1979 Annual Rept Re Personnel & man-rem Exposure by Job Function ML19282A6251979-02-26026 February 1979 Forwards Endorsement 1 to Maelu Policy XB-31 ML19269D1101979-02-20020 February 1979 in Response to 790119 Request for Certain Commitments Re Atws,Advises That Plant Design Will Not Preclude Supplementary Protection Sys or Demonstration of Functionability of Cooling Valves ML19261B4161979-02-14014 February 1979 Forwards Amend 49 to Indemnity Agreement NF-188 & Amend 2 to Indemnity Agreement XB-31,reflecting Changes in Subscribing Companies ML19263C0661979-01-29029 January 1979 Forwards Financial Info Requested by Nrc:Monthly Income Statements for Oct,Nov & Dec 1978.Form 10-K Will Be Forwarded When Available ML20083K7371979-01-24024 January 1979 Forwards Endorsement 2 to Binder XB-31,Endorsement 2 to Binder EB-31 & Endorsement 48 to Binder NF-188 ML19261B7431979-01-19019 January 1979 Requests Action to Expedite Technical Review of CENPD-255, Class IE Qualification. ML19274D2981979-01-16016 January 1979 Forwards Endorsement 36 to Insurance Policy MF-58 Issued 781214,setting Forth 1979 Advance,Standard & Reserve Premiums ML19263B9371979-01-11011 January 1979 Ack Receipt of 781206 Ltr.Copies Have Been Forwarded to Appropriate Officers to Remind Them of Requirements Re Accuracy & Completeness of Info Provided to NRC ML19274D0671978-12-0808 December 1978 Expresses Util'S Opinion That Policy Consideration Favor a Decision to Use Existing ASLB Process to Resolve the Alternate Site Question.Rejects Preparation & Recirculation of Suppl Environ Statement ML20062D3051978-11-15015 November 1978 Submits 2 Final Responses to NRC Requests for Info Needed for Constr Permit Applicants Financial Qual Review.Forwards Statement of Major Accounting Changes Implemented During 1978 & Financial Statements for Period Ending 780930 ML20062C8151978-11-0707 November 1978 Forwards Responses Per NRC Request of 781102 Re Financial Quals Review of Beco'S Appl for Permit to Design & Constr Subj Facil.Info Supplied Concerns Beco Short Term Borrowings & Debt Interest Coverage ML20062C5361978-11-0303 November 1978 Forwards Response to 781025 NRC Request Foraddl Info Req to Proceed W/Financial Review of Beco Appl for Permit to Design & Constru of Facil.Covers June-Sept 1978 Earning Results & Financial Statements for Period Ending 780930 ML20062D9321978-10-20020 October 1978 Applicant'S Memorandum in Opposition to Recirculation of a Fes Suppl.Reasons That It Is Not Req by NEPA ML20147E9401978-10-10010 October 1978 Informs That Info Re Effects of Elevated Temp on Safety Relief Valve Discharge Loads Will Be Submitted by 781115 Instead of 781001 Due to Delay in Completing Transient Analyses ML20062A6611978-09-27027 September 1978 Forwards Amend 9 to CP Application,Consisting of General & Financial Info ML19289D8051978-06-30030 June 1978 Forwards Addl Financial Info in Response to 780531 Request. Requests Proprietary Treatment of Certain Matl (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19289D8011978-06-23023 June 1978 Forwards Addl Financial Info in Response to 780531 Request. Requests Proprietary Treatment for Certain Matl (Ref 10CFR2.790) 1982-05-07
[Table view] |
MANAGER NUCLEAR PaDJECTs DEPARTMENT Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention : Mr. O. D. Parr, Chief Branch No. 3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C. 20555 Pilgrim Station Unit 2 Emergency Planning Response to NRC Inquiry
Dear Sir:
On July 20, 1979 NRC Staff made the following request:
" Provide information on the means to be employed and the times necessary to inform citizens of the need for protective action within 10 miles of the site."
On July 27, 1979, the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency was contacted by us.
Officials of the Civil Defense Agency were able to provide the following information and estimates.
- 1. For a 5-mile radius around Pilgrim the Civil Defense Agency believes it can notify nearly everyone (992) within one hour of a decision to broadcast such notice. This 5-mile area in.volves only the Town of Plymouth. The Town of Plymouth plan provides for notification by way of sound trucks, direct contact by police, and radio and TV announcements (previously prepared) .
- 2. At a distance of 10 miles, the Civil Defense Agency believes a one hour period will be adequate to notify nearly everyone.
The Town of Plymouth is expected to provide notice over its area by the same methods used under the present 5-mile plan.
However, the 10-mile radius would include portions of several other towns, and emergency planning in these towns has not progressed so far as it has in Plymouth. Once these towns between 5 and 10 miles establish their plans, as coordinated by the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency, they would rely on notification procedures similar to those planned in Plymouth (i.e. , sound trucks, police, radio and TV announcements).
0 li ) ,b aa 7908090995
BD STON EDISDN COMPANY Mr. Olan D. Parr 2. August 2, 1979
NRC Staff has also requested information on evacuation times. The Massa-chusetts Civil Defense Agency made the following comments.
- 1. For the 5-mile radius, Civil Defense has estimated that evacuation can currently be carried out within 4-6 hours from the decision time. This assumes peak population numbers in the range of 24,000-40,000 people.
- 2. For the 5-10 mile distance, Civi? 7efense also feels that 4-6 hours will be adequate for evacuation once 10-mile plans are completed.
Very truly yours, ,
[cy /,f.. w). t * '~
. ( . <
WRG/cac cc: Service List N *
S SERVICE LIST Andrew C. Goodhope , Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Cleeton Chairman, Atomic Safety and 22 Macintosh Street ' -
Licensing Board Franklin, MA. 02038 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 William S. Abbott, Esq.
50 Congress Street, S. 925 Mr. A. Dixon Callihan Boston, MA. 02109 Union Carbide Corporation P. O. Box Y Edward L. Selgrade, Esq.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Patrick J. Kenny, Esq.
Mass. Office of Energy Resources Dr. Richard F. Cole 73 Tremont Street .
Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Boston, MA. 02108 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the Secretary Washington, D. C. 20555 Docketing and Sarvice Section Laurie Burt, Esq. II.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Michael B. Meyer, Esq. Washington, D. C. 20555 Francis S. Wright, Esq.
Assistant Attorney General Chief Librarian Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plymouth Public Library Environmental Protection Division North Street One Ashburton Place Plymouth, MA. 02360 Boston, MA. 02108 Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Marcia E. Mulkey, Esq.
Barry H. Smith, Esq.
Office of the Executive Legal Di rector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Henry Herrman, Esq.
50 Congress St.
Eps ton , MA. 02109
.3 C,0 ] >.I