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Responds to NRC 790720 Request Re Means of Informing Citizens of Need for Protective Action within 10-mile Radius of Nuclear Emergency
Person / Time
Site: 05000471
Issue date: 08/02/1979
From: Rhonda Butler
To: Parr O
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7908090445
Download: ML19242B828 (3)





MANAGER NUCLEAR PaDJECTs DEPARTMENT Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention : Mr. O. D. Parr, Chief Branch No. 3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C. 20555 Pilgrim Station Unit 2 Emergency Planning Response to NRC Inquiry

Dear Sir:

On July 20, 1979 NRC Staff made the following request:

" Provide information on the means to be employed and the times necessary to inform citizens of the need for protective action within 10 miles of the site."

On July 27, 1979, the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency was contacted by us.

Officials of the Civil Defense Agency were able to provide the following information and estimates.

1. For a 5-mile radius around Pilgrim the Civil Defense Agency believes it can notify nearly everyone (992) within one hour of a decision to broadcast such notice. This 5-mile area in.volves only the Town of Plymouth. The Town of Plymouth plan provides for notification by way of sound trucks, direct contact by police, and radio and TV announcements (previously prepared) .
2. At a distance of 10 miles, the Civil Defense Agency believes a one hour period will be adequate to notify nearly everyone.

The Town of Plymouth is expected to provide notice over its area by the same methods used under the present 5-mile plan.

However, the 10-mile radius would include portions of several other towns, and emergency planning in these towns has not progressed so far as it has in Plymouth. Once these towns between 5 and 10 miles establish their plans, as coordinated by the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency, they would rely on notification procedures similar to those planned in Plymouth (i.e. , sound trucks, police, radio and TV announcements).



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BD STON EDISDN COMPANY Mr. Olan D. Parr 2. August 2, 1979


NRC Staff has also requested information on evacuation times. The Massa-chusetts Civil Defense Agency made the following comments.

1. For the 5-mile radius, Civil Defense has estimated that evacuation can currently be carried out within 4-6 hours from the decision time. This assumes peak population numbers in the range of 24,000-40,000 people.
2. For the 5-10 mile distance, Civi? 7efense also feels that 4-6 hours will be adequate for evacuation once 10-mile plans are completed.

Very truly yours, ,


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WRG/cac cc: Service List N *



S SERVICE LIST Andrew C. Goodhope , Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Cleeton Chairman, Atomic Safety and 22 Macintosh Street ' -

Licensing Board Franklin, MA. 02038 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 William S. Abbott, Esq.

50 Congress Street, S. 925 Mr. A. Dixon Callihan Boston, MA. 02109 Union Carbide Corporation P. O. Box Y Edward L. Selgrade, Esq.

Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Patrick J. Kenny, Esq.

Mass. Office of Energy Resources Dr. Richard F. Cole 73 Tremont Street .

Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Boston, MA. 02108 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the Secretary Washington, D. C. 20555 Docketing and Sarvice Section Laurie Burt, Esq. II.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Michael B. Meyer, Esq. Washington, D. C. 20555 Francis S. Wright, Esq.

Assistant Attorney General Chief Librarian Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plymouth Public Library Environmental Protection Division North Street One Ashburton Place Plymouth, MA. 02360 Boston, MA. 02108 Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Marcia E. Mulkey, Esq.

Barry H. Smith, Esq.

Office of the Executive Legal Di rector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Henry Herrman, Esq.

50 Congress St.

Eps ton , MA. 02109

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