Similar Documents at Surry |
MONTHYEARML18152B3571999-10-22022 October 1999 Requests Relief from Temporary Repair of Through Wall Leak Discovered on 30 Inch Component Cooling Heat Exchanger Discharge Pipe Associated with Service Water Sys Common to Surry Units 1 & 2 ML18152B3581999-10-14014 October 1999 Submits Response to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-280/98-201 & 50-281/98-201.Corrective Actions:Visual Insps Were Completed on Accessible Coatings Inside Containment for Both Units 1 & 2 ML18152B3541999-10-12012 October 1999 Requests Use of Code Case N-532 & N-619,per Provisions of 10CFR50.55a(a)(3).Detailed Info Supporting Request,Encl. Attachment 2 Includes Technical White Paper That Provides Further Technical Info ML18152B3401999-09-27027 September 1999 Requests That Ma Walker Be Removed from List of Individuals Scheduled to Take Exam IAW Guidance Provided in NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Exam Stds for Power Reactors ML18152B3391999-09-27027 September 1999 Forwards Revised Relief Request IWE-3,which Now Includes Addl Visual Exam Requirement After post-repair or Mod Pressure Testing Is Completed,Per Telcon with NRC ML18152B3381999-09-21021 September 1999 Forwards in Triplicate,Applications for Renewal of License for Bf Jurewicz & JW Heide.Without Encls ML18152B3331999-09-17017 September 1999 Forwards Revised 180-day Response to NRC GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves. ML18152B6671999-09-17017 September 1999 Forwards Two NRC Forms 536,containing Info on Proposed Site Specific Operator Licensing Exam Schedules & Estimated Number of Applicants Planning to Take Exams And/Or Gfes,In Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03 ML18152B3341999-09-16016 September 1999 Requests Relief from Specific Requirements of Subsection IWE of 1992 Edition with 1992 Addenda of ASME Section XI Re Containment Liner Examination Requirements,For North Anna & Surry Power Stations ML18152B4521999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Comments on Review of Preliminary Accident Sequence Precursor Analysis of Operational Event That Occurred at Plant,On 980508,as Reported in LER 98-009 ML20216F1381999-09-0808 September 1999 Forwards Retake Exam Repts 50-280/99-302 & 50-281/99-302 on 990824.One SRO Applicant Who Received re-take Operating Test Passed re-take Exam ML18152B4501999-09-0808 September 1999 Submits in Triplicate,Application for Renewal of License for Rd Scherer,Iaw 10CFR55.57.Requests That Certification of Medical Exam by Facility Licensee,Nrc Form 396,be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6) ML18152B4471999-09-0101 September 1999 Requests That NRC Remove Listed Labels from Distribution ML18152B3711999-08-27027 August 1999 Forwards LER 99-005-00,per Plant TS Table 3.7.6.Rept Has Been Reviewed by Station Nuclear Safety & Operating Committee.Commitment Made by Util,Listed ML18152B3851999-08-23023 August 1999 Forwards Revised TS Basis Pages for TS 3.1.B,deleting Reactor Vessel Toughness Data Duplicated in Ufsar.Ref to Applicable UFSAR Section Included in TS Basis ML18152B3661999-08-20020 August 1999 Provides Medical Status Rept for E Washington,As Required by License Conditions.Summary of E Washington Current Physical Exam & Pertinent Lab Data Attached.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6) ML18152B3651999-08-20020 August 1999 Requests Removal of License Condition from Sh Wightman Operator License SOP-21538.Updated NRC Form 396 Is Encl.Form NRC 396 Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6) ML18152B3681999-08-20020 August 1999 Submits 30-day Rept Re Two Instances in Which Conditions of Approval in Coc Were Not Observed in Making Shipment.Two Type B Shipments Using Model CNS 8-120B Package Were Made After Expiration of QA Program Approval Between 990531-0628 ML18152B3801999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Technical Rept NE-1206,Rev 0, Surry Unit 2,Cycle 16 Startup Physics Tests Rept, Summarizing Results of Physics Testing Program Performed After Initial Criticality on 990525 ML18152B3751999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards LER 99-004-00,IAW 10CFR50.73.Commitment Made by Util,Listed ML18152B3781999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards ISI Summary Rept for Surry Power Station,Unit 2 for 1999 Refueling Outage.Rept Provides Summary of Examination Performed During Outage for Third ISI Interval.No New Commitments Were Made ML18152B4081999-08-0606 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990520 & 0525 RAIs Re North Anna & Surry Responses to GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of SR Power-Operated Gate Valves. ML20210Q7661999-08-0606 August 1999 Requests Exception to 10CFR50.4 Requirement to Provide Total of Twelve Paper Copies When Submitting Surry & North Anna UFSAR Updates.Seek Approval to Submit Only Signed Original & One CD-ROM Version,Per Conversation with J Skoczlas ML18152B4091999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards Vepc semi-annual fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data Rept for 990101-990630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d) ML18152B4001999-07-29029 July 1999 Requests Relief from Certain Impractical Requirements of ASME Section XI Code Associated with Partial Exams Conducted During 1998 Surry Unit 1 Refueling Outage.Relief Request SR-020 Encl ML18152B3981999-07-28028 July 1999 Forwards 60-day Response to GL 99-02, Lab Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal. Commitments Contained in Ltr,Listed ML18152B3971999-07-26026 July 1999 Provides Estimates of Licensing Actions Expected to Be Submitted in Fys 2000 & 2001,in Response to NRC AL 99-02 ML18151A6281999-07-23023 July 1999 Forwards Revised Epips,Including Rev 19 to EPIP-4.02,rev 14 to EPIP-4.16,rev 8 to EPIP-4.21 & Rev 7 to EPIP-4.30.EP & EPIPs Continue to Meet Stds of 10CFR50.47(b) ML18152B3991999-07-23023 July 1999 Requests That License for Jz Laplante Be Canceled as License Is No Longer Required ML18152B3961999-07-23023 July 1999 Forwards Preliminary,Uncertified License Application & Medical Certification for License to Operate Surry Power Station Units 1 & 2 for Ds Cobb.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 (a)(6) ML18152B3931999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards Updated NRC Form 396 & Ltr,Which Documents Medical Status of Mb Gross,License SOP-20476-2.Encl Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6) ML18152B4401999-07-0101 July 1999 Informs NRC That on 990511,Dominion Resources,Inc,Executed Amended & Restated Agreement & Plan of Merger with Consolidated Natural Gas Co ML18152B4371999-06-24024 June 1999 Forwards Response to NRC Request for Clarification of Relief Requests Submitted on 990212,requesting Relief from Performing Hydrostatic Testing for Certain Small Diameter Class 1,RCS Pressure Boundary Connections ML18152B4361999-06-22022 June 1999 Forwards Response to RAI Re Surry & North Anna Power Stations,Units 1 & 2,per GL 96-06 ML18152B4301999-06-0303 June 1999 Informs of Util Intention to Revise Schedule for Submittal of License Renewal Applications for Surry & North Anna Power Stations to March 2002 ML18152B4261999-05-28028 May 1999 Provides Formal Notification of Effect of Recent Organizational Restructuring on OLs of North Anna & Surry Power Stations,Per NRC 990513 Telcon Request ML18152B4221999-05-27027 May 1999 Forwards Info Concerning Changes to ECCS Evaluation Models & Application in Existing Licensing Analyses for Surry & North Anna Power Stations,Units 1 & 2 ML18152B4231999-05-26026 May 1999 Informs That Vepc Will Revise 180 Day Response to NRC GL 96-05,within 120 Days of Date of Ltr to Incorporate Commitment to Participate in Joint Owners Group Program as Applicable ML18152B4211999-05-25025 May 1999 Forwards Rev 1 to Relief Request P-11 to Clarify Original Intent of Request by Specifically Requesting Relief from Requirements of Section 6.1 of OM-6 ML18152A4741999-05-19019 May 1999 Forwards Completed Registration Form for Renewal of ASTs at Surry Nuclear Power Station,Iaw Section 9VAC 25-91-100.F ML18152B4171999-05-17017 May 1999 Provides Notification of Number of Steam Generator Tubes That Were Plugged During Spring 1999 Refueling Outage Planned ISI ML20217D6621999-05-14014 May 1999 Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exams 50-280/99-301 & 50-281/99-301 (Including Completed & Graded Exams) for Tests Administered on 990329-0401 & 990412-15.Nine Candidates Passed (& One Failed) Exam ML18152A3701999-05-13013 May 1999 Submits Proposal to Use Provisions of ASME Section XI Code Case N-597 for Analytical Evaluation of Class 1,2 & 3 Carbon & Low Alloy Steel Piping Components Subjected to Wall Thinning as Result of Flow Accelerated or Other Corrosion ML18152B4121999-05-0303 May 1999 Forwards Application for Renewal of License for SV Ross. Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6) ML18152B4101999-04-29029 April 1999 Forwards Scope & Objectives for 990803 Surry Power Station Emergency Exercise.Without Encls ML18152B6561999-04-23023 April 1999 Forwards Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Surry Power Station,Jan-Dec 1998, Which Includes Summary of Quantities of Radioactive Liquid & Gaseous Effluents & Solid Waste Released During CY98 ML18152B6491999-04-13013 April 1999 Forwards MOR for Mar 1999 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.MOR for Feb 1999 Incorrectly Stated Gross Electrical Energy Generated (Mwh) for Unit 2.Rept Should Have Stated Monthly Figure as 568965.0 ML18151A5851999-03-31031 March 1999 Forwards Rept on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Each of Four Nuclear Power Reactors,Per 10CFR50.75(f)(1) ML18152A2801999-03-30030 March 1999 Forwards Summary of Structural Integrity Evaluation of Thermally Induced Over Pressurization of Containment Penetration Piping During DBA for SPS & Naps,Units 1 & 2,per GL 96-06.Draft Proposed UFSAR Revised Pages,Encl ML18153A2721999-03-29029 March 1999 Forwards LER 99-002-00 Per 10CFR50.73.Listed Commitments Contained in Ltr 1999-09-08
MONTHYEARML18152B3571999-10-22022 October 1999 Requests Relief from Temporary Repair of Through Wall Leak Discovered on 30 Inch Component Cooling Heat Exchanger Discharge Pipe Associated with Service Water Sys Common to Surry Units 1 & 2 ML18152B3581999-10-14014 October 1999 Submits Response to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-280/98-201 & 50-281/98-201.Corrective Actions:Visual Insps Were Completed on Accessible Coatings Inside Containment for Both Units 1 & 2 ML18152B3541999-10-12012 October 1999 Requests Use of Code Case N-532 & N-619,per Provisions of 10CFR50.55a(a)(3).Detailed Info Supporting Request,Encl. Attachment 2 Includes Technical White Paper That Provides Further Technical Info ML18152B3401999-09-27027 September 1999 Requests That Ma Walker Be Removed from List of Individuals Scheduled to Take Exam IAW Guidance Provided in NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Exam Stds for Power Reactors ML18152B3391999-09-27027 September 1999 Forwards Revised Relief Request IWE-3,which Now Includes Addl Visual Exam Requirement After post-repair or Mod Pressure Testing Is Completed,Per Telcon with NRC ML18152B3381999-09-21021 September 1999 Forwards in Triplicate,Applications for Renewal of License for Bf Jurewicz & JW Heide.Without Encls ML18152B3331999-09-17017 September 1999 Forwards Revised 180-day Response to NRC GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves. ML18152B6671999-09-17017 September 1999 Forwards Two NRC Forms 536,containing Info on Proposed Site Specific Operator Licensing Exam Schedules & Estimated Number of Applicants Planning to Take Exams And/Or Gfes,In Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03 ML18152B3341999-09-16016 September 1999 Requests Relief from Specific Requirements of Subsection IWE of 1992 Edition with 1992 Addenda of ASME Section XI Re Containment Liner Examination Requirements,For North Anna & Surry Power Stations ML18152B4521999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Comments on Review of Preliminary Accident Sequence Precursor Analysis of Operational Event That Occurred at Plant,On 980508,as Reported in LER 98-009 ML18152B4501999-09-0808 September 1999 Submits in Triplicate,Application for Renewal of License for Rd Scherer,Iaw 10CFR55.57.Requests That Certification of Medical Exam by Facility Licensee,Nrc Form 396,be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6) ML18152B4471999-09-0101 September 1999 Requests That NRC Remove Listed Labels from Distribution ML18152B3711999-08-27027 August 1999 Forwards LER 99-005-00,per Plant TS Table 3.7.6.Rept Has Been Reviewed by Station Nuclear Safety & Operating Committee.Commitment Made by Util,Listed ML18152B3851999-08-23023 August 1999 Forwards Revised TS Basis Pages for TS 3.1.B,deleting Reactor Vessel Toughness Data Duplicated in Ufsar.Ref to Applicable UFSAR Section Included in TS Basis ML18152B3681999-08-20020 August 1999 Submits 30-day Rept Re Two Instances in Which Conditions of Approval in Coc Were Not Observed in Making Shipment.Two Type B Shipments Using Model CNS 8-120B Package Were Made After Expiration of QA Program Approval Between 990531-0628 ML18152B3661999-08-20020 August 1999 Provides Medical Status Rept for E Washington,As Required by License Conditions.Summary of E Washington Current Physical Exam & Pertinent Lab Data Attached.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6) ML18152B3651999-08-20020 August 1999 Requests Removal of License Condition from Sh Wightman Operator License SOP-21538.Updated NRC Form 396 Is Encl.Form NRC 396 Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6) ML18152B3801999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Technical Rept NE-1206,Rev 0, Surry Unit 2,Cycle 16 Startup Physics Tests Rept, Summarizing Results of Physics Testing Program Performed After Initial Criticality on 990525 ML18152B3751999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards LER 99-004-00,IAW 10CFR50.73.Commitment Made by Util,Listed ML18152B3781999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards ISI Summary Rept for Surry Power Station,Unit 2 for 1999 Refueling Outage.Rept Provides Summary of Examination Performed During Outage for Third ISI Interval.No New Commitments Were Made ML18152B4081999-08-0606 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990520 & 0525 RAIs Re North Anna & Surry Responses to GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of SR Power-Operated Gate Valves. ML20210Q7661999-08-0606 August 1999 Requests Exception to 10CFR50.4 Requirement to Provide Total of Twelve Paper Copies When Submitting Surry & North Anna UFSAR Updates.Seek Approval to Submit Only Signed Original & One CD-ROM Version,Per Conversation with J Skoczlas ML18152B4091999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards Vepc semi-annual fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data Rept for 990101-990630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d) ML18152B4001999-07-29029 July 1999 Requests Relief from Certain Impractical Requirements of ASME Section XI Code Associated with Partial Exams Conducted During 1998 Surry Unit 1 Refueling Outage.Relief Request SR-020 Encl ML18152B3981999-07-28028 July 1999 Forwards 60-day Response to GL 99-02, Lab Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal. Commitments Contained in Ltr,Listed ML18152B3971999-07-26026 July 1999 Provides Estimates of Licensing Actions Expected to Be Submitted in Fys 2000 & 2001,in Response to NRC AL 99-02 ML18152B3991999-07-23023 July 1999 Requests That License for Jz Laplante Be Canceled as License Is No Longer Required ML18151A6281999-07-23023 July 1999 Forwards Revised Epips,Including Rev 19 to EPIP-4.02,rev 14 to EPIP-4.16,rev 8 to EPIP-4.21 & Rev 7 to EPIP-4.30.EP & EPIPs Continue to Meet Stds of 10CFR50.47(b) ML18152B3961999-07-23023 July 1999 Forwards Preliminary,Uncertified License Application & Medical Certification for License to Operate Surry Power Station Units 1 & 2 for Ds Cobb.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 (a)(6) ML18152B3931999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards Updated NRC Form 396 & Ltr,Which Documents Medical Status of Mb Gross,License SOP-20476-2.Encl Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6) ML18152B4401999-07-0101 July 1999 Informs NRC That on 990511,Dominion Resources,Inc,Executed Amended & Restated Agreement & Plan of Merger with Consolidated Natural Gas Co ML18152B4371999-06-24024 June 1999 Forwards Response to NRC Request for Clarification of Relief Requests Submitted on 990212,requesting Relief from Performing Hydrostatic Testing for Certain Small Diameter Class 1,RCS Pressure Boundary Connections ML18152B4361999-06-22022 June 1999 Forwards Response to RAI Re Surry & North Anna Power Stations,Units 1 & 2,per GL 96-06 ML18152B4301999-06-0303 June 1999 Informs of Util Intention to Revise Schedule for Submittal of License Renewal Applications for Surry & North Anna Power Stations to March 2002 ML18152B4261999-05-28028 May 1999 Provides Formal Notification of Effect of Recent Organizational Restructuring on OLs of North Anna & Surry Power Stations,Per NRC 990513 Telcon Request ML18152B4221999-05-27027 May 1999 Forwards Info Concerning Changes to ECCS Evaluation Models & Application in Existing Licensing Analyses for Surry & North Anna Power Stations,Units 1 & 2 ML18152B4231999-05-26026 May 1999 Informs That Vepc Will Revise 180 Day Response to NRC GL 96-05,within 120 Days of Date of Ltr to Incorporate Commitment to Participate in Joint Owners Group Program as Applicable ML18152B4211999-05-25025 May 1999 Forwards Rev 1 to Relief Request P-11 to Clarify Original Intent of Request by Specifically Requesting Relief from Requirements of Section 6.1 of OM-6 ML18152B4171999-05-17017 May 1999 Provides Notification of Number of Steam Generator Tubes That Were Plugged During Spring 1999 Refueling Outage Planned ISI ML18152A3701999-05-13013 May 1999 Submits Proposal to Use Provisions of ASME Section XI Code Case N-597 for Analytical Evaluation of Class 1,2 & 3 Carbon & Low Alloy Steel Piping Components Subjected to Wall Thinning as Result of Flow Accelerated or Other Corrosion ML18152B4121999-05-0303 May 1999 Forwards Application for Renewal of License for SV Ross. Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6) ML18152B4101999-04-29029 April 1999 Forwards Scope & Objectives for 990803 Surry Power Station Emergency Exercise.Without Encls ML18152B6561999-04-23023 April 1999 Forwards Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Surry Power Station,Jan-Dec 1998, Which Includes Summary of Quantities of Radioactive Liquid & Gaseous Effluents & Solid Waste Released During CY98 ML18152B6491999-04-13013 April 1999 Forwards MOR for Mar 1999 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.MOR for Feb 1999 Incorrectly Stated Gross Electrical Energy Generated (Mwh) for Unit 2.Rept Should Have Stated Monthly Figure as 568965.0 ML18151A5851999-03-31031 March 1999 Forwards Rept on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Each of Four Nuclear Power Reactors,Per 10CFR50.75(f)(1) ML18152A2801999-03-30030 March 1999 Forwards Summary of Structural Integrity Evaluation of Thermally Induced Over Pressurization of Containment Penetration Piping During DBA for SPS & Naps,Units 1 & 2,per GL 96-06.Draft Proposed UFSAR Revised Pages,Encl ML18153A2721999-03-29029 March 1999 Forwards LER 99-002-00 Per 10CFR50.73.Listed Commitments Contained in Ltr ML18153A3421999-03-26026 March 1999 Provides Updated Medical Status Rept for Wb Gross in Accordance with License SOP-20476-02,Docket 55-5228,as Amended by 980320 License Amend.Informs That Gross Exhibits No Performance Problems & Will Continue on Current Medicine ML20204H0331999-03-17017 March 1999 Forwards Rev 5 to PSP for Surry & North Anna Power Stations & Associated Isfsis.Description & Justification for Changes Included with Plan Rev.Rev 5 to PSP Withheld Per 10CFR73.21 ML18153A3411999-03-15015 March 1999 Forwards Signed Applications & Medical Certificates for Initial License at Surry Power Station Units 1 & 2 for Listed Individuals.Without Encls 1999-09-08
[Table view] |
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VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 September 26, 1994 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No. 94-254A Attention: Document Control Desk NA&F/GLD-CGL RO' Washington, D.C. 20555 Docket Nos. 50-280 50-281 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 Gentlemen:
VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 30-DAY REPORT OF ECCS EVALUATION MODEL CHANGES PER REQUIREMENTS OF 10CFR50.46 Pursuant to 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(ii), Virginia Electric and Power Company is providing information concerning changes to the ECCS Evaluation Models used in existing licensing analyses. Information is also provided which quantifies the effect of these changes upon reported results for Surry Power Station and demonstrates continued compliance with the acceptance criteria of 10CFR50.46.
Attachment 1 contains excerpted portions of a recent Westinghouse report describing three changes to the 1985 Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model which are applicable to Surry. Attachment 2 provides information regarding the effect of the ECCS Evaluation Model changes upon the reported LOCA results for the analysis of record for Surry Power Station. To summarize the information in Attachment 2, the calculated peak clad temperature (PCT) for the small and large break LOCA analyses for Surry are given below. The effect of the three small break LOCA evaluation model issues, when combined with the effects of outstanding issues, constitutes a significant change, as defined in 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(i) and is designated with an asterisk below.
Surry Units 1 and 2 - Small break: 1850°F (*)
Surry Units 1 and 2 - Large break: 2114°F We have evaluated these issues and the associated changes in the applicable licensing basis PCT results. These results demonstrate continued compliance with the requirements of 10CFR50.46(b). Although the accumulation of changes since performing the Surry small break LOCA analysis of record is significant, the licensing basis PCT result has adequate margin to the limit. Therefore, no further reanalysis is r~r* (\ (' (\ *.;
~~.-'~~. . ::_:.._;* tL_~-~--~~~
1 \
9409300065 940926 I I
PDR ADOCK 05000280 I P PDR
e scheduled nor is any other action required to demonstrate compliance with 10CFRS0.46 requirements. The Surry large break LOCA result is not changed by this 30-day report and remains the same as that previously documented in our April 27, 1994 report by letter Serial No.94-254.
If you have questions or require additional information, please contact us.
Very truly yours, James P. O'Hanlon Senior Vice President - Nuclear Attachments:
- 1) Report of Westinghouse ECCS Evaluation Model Changes - Surry Units 1 and 2
- 2) Effect of ECCS Evaluation Model Changes - Surry Units 1 and 2 cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N. W.
Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. M. W. Branch NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station
This closely related set of errors deals with how the mixture velocity is defined for use in various boiling heat transfer regime correlations. The previous definition for mixture velocity did not properly account for drift and slip effects calculated in NOTRUMP. This error particularly affected NOTR.UMP calculations of heat transfer coefficient when using the Westinghouse Transition Boiling Correlation ~d the Dougall-Rohsenow Saturated Film Boiling Correlation.
hi addition, a minor typographical error was also corrected in the Westinghouse Transition Boiling Correlation.
- This was determined to be a Non-Discretionary Change as described in Section 4.1.2 of WCAP-13451 and was corrected in accordance with Section 4.1.3 of WCAP-13451.
Affected Evaluation Model 1985 Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model Estimated Effect Representative plant calculations for this issue resulted in the estimated PCT effect documented in the attached Margin Utilization Sheet.
'Backm,und This error consists of two portions: a possible plant specific effect which only applies to analyses which assumed Main Feedwater Isolation (FWI) to occur on S-signal, and a generic effect applying to all previous analyses.
The possible plant specific effect was the result of incorrect logic which caused the main steam line isolation to occur on the same* signal as FWI. Therefore, when the S-signal was chosen through user input to be the appropriate signal for FWI, it also caused the steam line isolation tp occur on S-signal.
This is inconsistent with the standard conservative assumption of steam line isolation on Loss of Offsite Power coincident with the_ earlier Reactor Trip signal.
The generic effect was the result of incorrect logic which always led to the isolation functions occurring at a slightly later time than when the appropriate signal was generated.
This was determined to be a Non-Discretionary Change as described in Section 4.1.2 of WCAP-13451 and was corrected in accordance with Section4.l.3 ofWCAP-13451.
Affected Evaluation Model 1985 Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model Estimated Effect Representative plant calculations for this issue resulted in the estimated PCT effect ( + 12 °F for the plant specific portion, if applicable, and + 18 °F for the generic portion) documented in the attached Margin Utilization Sheet.
e .e CORE NODE ZIRC OXIDE INITIALIZATION ERROR NOTRUMP models two regions for each core node analogous to the two (mixture and vapor) regions in adjoining fluid nodes. During the course of a transient, NOTRUMP tracks region specific quantities for each core node. Erroneous logic caused incorrect initialization of the region specific, fuel c_ladding zirc oxide thickness at times prior to the actual creation of the relevant region during the core boiliff transient. -'*
This was determined to be a Non-Discretionary Change as described in Section 4.1.2 of WCAP-13451 and was corrected in accordance with Section 4.1.3 of WCAP-13451.
Affected* Evaluation Model 1985 Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model Estimated Effect Representative plant calculations led to an estimated generic PCT effect of O°F for this effect.
e Effect of Westinghouse ECCS Evaluation Model Modifications - Surry The information provided herein is applicable to Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2. It is based upon reports from Westinghouse Electric Corporation for issues involving the ECCS evaluation models and plant-specific application of the models in the existing analyses. Peak clad temperature (PCT) values and margin allocations represent issues for which permanent resolutions have been implemented. Section A presents the detailed assessment for small break LOCA. The large break LOCA details are given in Section B.
Section A - Small Break LOCA Margin Utilization - Surry Units 1 and 2 (30-day report as required by 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(ii))
A. PCT for Analysis of Record (AOR) 1a52°F (1)
B. Prior PCT Assessments Allocated to AOR - 13°F
- 1. Safety Injection in the Broken Loop 0°F (2)
- 2. NOTRUMP Drift Flux Flow Regime Map Errors - 13°F (2)
SBLOCA Augmented PCT for AOR 1839°F C. PCT Assessments for 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(i) Accumulation {3} 59°F
- 1. Vessel & SG Calculation Errors in LUCIFER - 16°F (4)
- 2. Hot Assembly Average Rod Burst Effects + 2°F (4)
- 3. Revised Burst Strain Limit Model - 2°F (4)
- 4. SBLOCA Limiting Time in Life-Zirc/Water Oxidation +15°F(4)
- 5. NOTRUMP Boiling Heat Transfer Correlation Errors {1} - 6°F
- 6. NOTRUMP Steam Line Isolation Logic Errors {1} {2} + 18°F
- 7. NOTRUMP Core Node Zirc Oxide Initialization Error {1} 0°F SBLOCA Licensing Basis PCT (AOR PCT+ PCT Assessments) 1850°F Section B - Large Break LOCA Margin Utilization - Surry Units 1 and 2 (As previously reported in the April 27, 1994 report (letter Serial No.94-254))
A. PCT for Analysis of Record (AOR) 2120°F (3)
B. Prior PCT Assessments Allocated to AOR 0°F LBLOCA Augmented PCT for AOR 2120°F C. PCT Assessments for 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(i) Accumulation 6°F
- 1. Vessel & SG Calculation Errors in LUCIFER - 6°F (4)
- 2. LBLOCA Rod Internal Pressure Issues 0°F (4)
LBLOCA Licensing Basis PCT (AOR PCT+ PCT Assessments) 2114°F Notes { } and References ( ) on the following page 2-1
O,<J, ,* ,1 *4' Effect of Errors/Changes in Application of ECCS Evaluation Models -
Surry Units 1 and 2 Notes:
{1} Refer to the Report of Westinghouse ECCS Evaluation Model Changes provided in Attachment 1.
{2} The generic assessment (18°F) applies to Surry. The AOR correctly modeled feedline isolation, making the plant-specific assessment (12°F) unnecessary.
{3} The accumulation of changes (sum of the absolute magnitudes) exceeds 50°F and is significant, as defined in 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(i).
(1) Letter from W. L. Stewart (Va. Electric & Power Co.) to NRC, "Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 - Proposed Technical Specifications Changes - F~H Increase/Statistical DNBR Methodology," Serial No.91-374, July 8, 1991.
(2) Letter from W. L. Stewart (Va. Electric & Power Co.) to NRC, "Report of ECCS Evaluation Model Changes and 30-Day Report Per Requirements of 10CFR50.46-Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2, North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2," Serial No. 93-1828, November 9, 1993.
(3) "Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 - Safety Evaluation for Revised Large Break LOCA Analysis," 10CFR50.59 Safety Evaluation 94-082, March 28, 1994.
(4) Letter from W. L. Stewart (Va. Electric & Power Co.) to NRC, "Report of ECCS Evaluation Model Changes Pursuant to Requirements of 10CFR50.46, Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2," Serial No.94-254, April 27, 1994.