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Proposed Tech Specs Re Affected Change Request for Units
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/24/1996
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18102A494 List:
NUDOCS 9610310314
Download: ML18102A495 (3)


Document Control Desk SALEM GENERATING STATION LR-N96305 LCR S6-ll FACILITY OPERATING LICENSES DPR-70 AND DPR-75 DOCKET NOS. 50-272 AND 50-311 CHANGE TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MARKED UP TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES The following Technical Specification for Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-70 and DPR-75 are affected by this License Change Request Technical Specification 6.2.2 9610310314 961024 PDR ADOCK 05000272 P

PDR Unit 1 Page 6-2 Unit 2 Page 6-2

e e

AIIWfrSTMtril c:wrgow 6.l.l PAgLm STAR Th* facility organization *hall b9 *ubject to th* following:


B&c:h ou duty *hift *hall b9 c:ompoa*d of at leaat th* minimum

  • hift cr*v CClalpCaition *hown in Table 6.2*1;

At leaat one licmu*d Reactor Operator *hall b9 in th9 control room wh9n fuel i* in th* reactor.

In addition, at lea*t on* licen.ed Senior Reactor Operator *hall b9 in th* Control Room area at all time*.


All c:ou ALTDATIONS *hall b9 obaerv*d and directly *upervia*d by a lice:ued S9nior Reactor Operator who ha* no oth9r concurrent reapon.ibilitie* during thi* op*r~tion.



The Operating Nuclear Shift liceruie.



.Bngine*r, Senior Nuclear Shift Superviaor*, and Superviaor* *hall eac:h hold a a9Jlior reactor operator Nuclear Control Operator* *hall hold reactor operator


The Operatiozi. Man.ager *hall me*t on* of the following:


Hold an SRO lic9na*.


Have held an SRO licezi.e for a aimilar w:Ut (PWR).

Administrative controls shall be developed and implemented to limit the working hours of personnel who perform safety-related functions (e.g., senior reactor operators, reactor operators, auxiliary operators, health physicists, and key maintenance personnel, et al.).

The controls shall include guidelines on working hours that ensure that adequate shift coverage is maintained without heavy use of overtime for individuals.

Any deviation from the working hour guidelines shall be authorized in advance by the plant manager or his designed, in accordance with approved administrative procedures and with documentation of the basis for granting the deviation.

Controls shall be included in reviewed monthly by the plant hours have not been assigned.

shall n.ot be authorized.


UNIT l the procedure such that overtime shall be manager or his designed to ensure that excessive Routine deviation from the above guidelines Ei-2 Amendment No. ~

  • I

~ mFF Cccnt.inuedl b ~

At least ale licensed Reactor cperator shall be in the a::a 1Lrol rcx:m when fUel. is in the reactor.

In acliitiat, at least ale licensed Senior Reactor ~tor shall be in the CU1t:rol P.ccm area at all times.


All a::m: ALTERATICNS shall be observed an:i directly supe.tVised by a licensed Senior Reactor cperator W'bo has no other cxn:::urrent respc:nsibilities durin; this cparatiai.


'Ille ~t.i.n;J En;inee.r, Senior Nuclear Shift SUpetvisors, an:i Nuclear Shift SUpEvisors shall ead1 held a senior reactor operator license.

'Ille NUcl.ear O:llltrol cperators shall held reactor cperator licenses.


'llle ~tions Manager shall meet cne of the followin;:


Hold an SR:> license.


HaVe held an SR:> li~ for a similar (~).

Administrative controls shall be developed and implemented to limit the working hours of personnel who perform safety-related functions (e.g., senior reactor operators, reactor operators, auxiliary operators, health physicists, and key maintenance personnel, et al.).

The controls shall include guidelines on working hours that ensure that adequate shift coverage is maintained without heavy use of overtime for individuals.

Any deviation from the working hour guidelines shall be authorized i~ advance by the plant manager or his designed, in accordance with approved administrative procedures and with documentation of the basis for granting the deviation.

Controls shall be included in reviewed monthly by the plant hours have not been.assigned.

shall not be authorized.

SAUM - UNIT 2 the procedure such that overtime shall be manager or his designed to ensure that excessive Routine deviation from the above guidelines 6-2 AmerdDent No.