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Discusses 950516 Shutdown of Plant Due to 12 & 13 Switchgear Room Supply Fans Being Inoperable.Response to CAL 1-95-09 Re Shutdown Should Not Include Personal Privacy,Proprietary or Safeguard Info
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 06/09/1995
From: Martin T
To: Eliason L
Public Service Enterprise Group
CAL-1-95-09, CAL-1-95-9, CAL-I-95-9, CAL-RI-95-9, NUDOCS 9506190440
Download: ML18101A773 (5)


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June 9, 1995 CAL No. 1-95-009 Mr. Leon Eliason President-Nuclear Business Unit and Chief Nuclear Officer Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey



Dear Mr. Eliason:

On May 16, 1995, you shutdown Salem Unit 1, as required by Technical Specifications, due to Nos. 12 and 13 switchgear room supply fans being inoperable.

On June 7, 1995, you commenced shutdown of Salem Unit 2, as required by Technical Specifications, due to both trains of the RHR system being inoperable. During the shutdown process, Unit 2 tripped due to apparent problems experienced with electrical breakers associated with the 500 KV switchyard, resulting in loss of pow~r to some vital and non-vital buses.

The unit was stabilized and shutdown, but the operators experienced several challenges that required their intervention due to the unexpected loss of power and long-standing equipment performance issues.

In both cases, your staff's performance relative to timely recognition and resolution of the specific safety and technical concerns, prior to your decision to shutdown the units, was deficient.

In a telephone discussion on June 9, 1995, you committed to maintain the Salem units in shutdown condition pending the completion of the following:


The performance of a Significant Event Response Team (SERT) review of the circumstances leading to, and causing the Salem Unit 2 reactor trip, and communication of your findings to the NRC.


The performance of a special team review of long-standing equipment reliability and operability issues, including corrective maintenance and operator work-arounds; the effectiveness and quality of the management oversight and review of these matters; and communication of your findings to the NRC.


A meeting at the Salem facility with NRC representatives to describe, discuss and gain NRC agreement on the scope and comprehensiveness of your plan for the performance of a operational readiness review in support of startup of each Salem unit, including the description of the issues that are required to be resolved prior to restart.


The performance of an operational readiness review at each Salem unit.

9506190440 950609


Mr. Leon Eliason 2


Meetings with NRC representatives to describe the outcome and conclusions of the operational readiness review for each Salem unit; and to gain my agreement that each Salem unit is sufficiently prepared to restart.

Pursuant to Section 182 of the Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. 2232, you are required to:


Notify me immediately if your understanding differs from that set forth above;


Notify me in writing when you have completed the actions addressed in this Confirmatory Action Letter.

Issuance of this Confirmatory Action Letter does not preclude issuance of an order formalizing the above commitments or requiring other actions on the part of the licensee; nor does it preclude the NRC from taking enforcement action for violations of NRC requirements that may have prompted the issuance of this letter. In addition, failure to take the actions addressed in this Confirmatory Action Letter may result in enforcement action.

The responses directed by this letter are not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. No.96-511.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, and your subsequent response(s) will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR).

To the extent possible, your response(s) should not include any personal privacy, proprietary, or safeguards information so that it can be placed in the PDR without redaction.

However, if you find it necessary to include such information, you should clearly indicate the specific information that you desire not to be placed in the PDR, and provide the legal basis to support your request for withholding the information from the public.

Docket No.

50-272; 50-311 License No. DPR-70; DPR-75 Sincerely, Original Signed by:

Thomas T. Martin Regional Administrator

Mr. Leon Eliason 3


J. J. Hagan, Vice President-Operations E. Simpson, Senior Vice President - Nuclear Engineering C. Schaefer, External Operations - Nuclear, Delmarva Power & Light Co.

R. Burrice1li, General Manager - Informations Systems & External Affairs J. Summers, General Manager - Salem Operations J. Benjamin, General Manager - Quality Assurance & Nuclear Safety Review F. Thomson, Manager, Licensing and Regulation R. Kankus, Joint Owner Affairs A. Tapert, Program Administrator R. Fryling, Jr., Esquire M. Wetterhahn, Esquire P. MacFarland Goelz, Manager, Joint Generation Atlantic Electric Consumer Advocate, Office of Consumer Advocate William Conklin, Public Safety Consultant, Lower Alloways Creek Township Public Service Commission of Maryland State of New Jersey State of Delaware

Mr. Leon Eliason 4


Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Kay Gallagher, DRP Nuclear Safety Infonnation Center (NSIC)

D. Screnci, PAO (2 copies)

NRC Resident Inspector PUBLIC J. Taylor, EDO

.. J. Milhoan, OEDO J. Liebennan, OE W. Russell,.NRR R. Zi11111ennan, NRR S. Varga, NRR J. Zwolinski, NRR F. Miraglia, NRR J. Stolz, PDl-2, NRR L. 01 shan, NRR M. Callahan, OCA J. Wermeil, NRR C. Berlinger, NRR W. Parler, OGC B. Sheron, NRR M. Virgilio, NRR B. Grimes, NRR A. Chafee, NRR G. Holahan, NRR C. Rossi, NRR E. Jordan, AEOD D. Ross, AEOD W. Dean, OEDO J. Larkins, ACRS W. Kane, ORA R. Cooper, DRP W. Lanning, DRP J. White, DRP J. Wiggins, DRS R. Blough, DRS C. Hehl, DRSS S. Shankman, DRSS D. Chawaga, SLO D. Holody, EO P. Jefferson, RI, DRMA

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\\::II' Mr. Leon Eliason 5


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