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Proposed Tech Specs Re Automatic Interlock Function of RHR Sys
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/1988
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18093B351 List:
NUDOCS 8812290208
Download: ML18093B352 (5)



1. The automatic iselatieA aAd interlock function of the RHR System shall be verified within the seven (7} days prtor to placing tl'te RHR System in service for cooling of the Reactor Coolant System. shall tie done by verifying that Jal*1es RMl aAd RM2 elase 1:1paA iAse'l"tiaA af a 1

-test sigRal cgrrespoRding tg a raacteP csolaRt ppessupe of sea pstg aP less, aAd that, with a test stgnal correspondtng to a reactor coolant*

pressure of SRO psig or greater, that the valves cannot be opened, SALEM UNIT 1 3/4 5-Sb Amendment No. 44

  • ---0012290200 ae122o*--~

PDR ADOCK 05000272 p PNU


i. The automatic ise1atien aR~interlock function of the RHR System *shall be verified within the seven (7) days prior to placing the RHR System in service for cooling of the Reactor*coolant System. This shall be done by verifying iilai vahes RH1 and .RH2 el ese upen iAsePtien ef a test signal serrespeRding te a rea;ter tee1ant prassuF* ef 5SQ ps1g eF hless, and that, with a test signal corresponding to a reactor coolant pressure of 580 psig or greater, that the valves cannot ~e opened~ I
  • (Footnote from page 3/4 5-6)

~ow balance testing pursuant to Spectfication 4.5.2.h shall be perfonned the first time the unit is in COLD SHUTDOWN after Decemoer 15, 1981 .. .. * ** *


SALEM UNIT 2 3/4 5-6a Amendment No , 8 L


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i. The automatic interlock function of the RHR System shall be verified within the seven (7) days prior to placing the RHR System in service for cooling of the Reactor Coolant System. This shall be done by verifying with a test signal corresponding to a reactor coolant pressure of 580 psig or greater, that the lRHl and 1RH2 ~~l~~~

cannot be opened.

SALEM - UNIT 1 3/4 5-5b Amendment No.


i. The automatic interlock function of the RHR System shall be verified within the seven (7) days prior to placing the RHR System in service for cooling of the Reactor Coolant System. This shall be done by verifying with a test signal corresponding to a reactor coolant pressure of 580 psig or greater, that the 2RH1 and 2RH2 valves cannot be opened.
  • (Footnote from page 3/4 5-6)

Flow balance testing pursuant to Specification 4.5.2.h shall be performed the first time the unit is in COLD SHUTDOWN after December 15, 1981.

SALEM - UNIT 2 3/4 5-6a L_ -