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Proposed Tech Spec Changes on Containment Purge Supply & Exhaust Isolation Valves & Containment pressure-vacuum Relief Isolation Valves
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/25/1982
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18086B275 List:
NUDOCS 8201290119
Download: ML18086B277 (7)



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Ref: LCR 81-25 PROPOSED CHANGE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SALEM GENERATING STATION UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE A new page, 3/4 6-8a, containing specifications on Containment Purge Supply and Exhaust isolation valves and the Containment Pressure-Vacuum Relief isolation*valves, should be added for Unit No 1 and the corresponding page in Unit No. 2 specifications 3/4 6-9 should be modified to ensure the Purge and Supply isola-tion valves are locked shut in Modes 1 thru 4. Additionally, a surveillance requirement for each unit should be added to provide valve seal testing on the above valves to identify possible degradation of the seals due to environmental and/or usage conditions over the life of the seals. Lastly, on Unit No. 1, a revision to TABLE 3.6-1, CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES, should delete an asterisk/footnote which allows administratively controlled opening of lVCl, 2, .3, and 4.

REASON FOR CHANGE These changes are in response to NRC request to resolve generic concerns of purging and venting containments. Specifically, the changes address items in a November 6, 1981 letter from Mr. Varga of the NRC to Mr. F.W. Schneider, Vice President - Production.

SAFETY EVALUATION This change request involves .no-Unreviewed.Safefy-.Question. The valves which are locked shut in Modes 1 thru 4 by this change are presently administratively closed in those modes and the increase in surveillance on the valve seals is strictly a conservative measure which enhances the possibility of detecting valve seal problems before they reach a degree of leakage which would impose a .limit on plant operation.

BASIS FOR FEE CLASSIFICATION This change is deemed *.not to* involve a significant hazards consideration and is therefore a class III amendment for Unit No. 1 and a class I amendment for Unit No. 2.

~5~1290119 820115 p ADOCK 05000272 PDR

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CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT VENTILATION SYSTEM LIMITING CONO!TlON FOR OPERATION 3.6. 1.7 Th. containmeHt purg; 1u;=ply and txhaust isolation valves* shall be closed. (Valves immobilized in shut position with control air to valve operators isolated and tagged out of service).

APPLICABILITY: f<<JOES 1, 2, 3, and 4.


With one containment-purg* supply and/or exhaust isolation valve open, close the open valve(s} w'itrrin ana hour' or ~e fn 1t l1ut HOT STAHOBY within the

. next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUT1lOWN within the fcllawing 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIRe1ENTS The containment purge su;iply and axhaust fsclation valvu shall be d*ten11in*d closed at least one. p1r 31 days.

  • 'fh1 c:onuiraent p"ssure-vaan* "lief fsolatfon valves uy be ~en9d on an i nte1"'11!i ttant bas is, unde,. ldlli ni strat iv* contro 1, .u the requirement of SpecificatJ.on

nec:***&rl-" to aatJ.aty SALEM - UNIT l 3/4 &-*Sa

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CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) 4~6.3:1~2 Each isolation valve specified fn Table 3.6-1 shall be demonstrated OPERABLE during the COLD SHUTDOWN or REFUELING MODE at least once per 18 months by:

1. Verifying that on a Phase A containment isolation test signal, each Phase A isolation valve actuates to its isolation position.
b. Verifying that on 1 Phase B contain111ent isolation test signal, each Phase B isolation valve actuates to its isolation position.
c. Verifying that on a feedwater isolation test signal, each feedwater isolation Yalve actuates to its isolation position.
d. Verifying that on a Containment Purge and Pressure-Vacuum Relief isolation test signal, each Purge and Pressure-Vacu1.111 Relief valve actuates to its isolation position. At least once per 18 80nth, verify that on a main steam isolation test signal, each main steam isolation valve specified in Table 3.6-1 actuates to its isolation position. The isolation time of each power operated or automatic valve of Table 3.6-1 shall be determined to be within its limit when tested pursuant to Specification 4.0.S. Each containment purge isolation valve shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after each closing of the valve, except when the valve is being used for multiple cyclings, then at least once per 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, by* verifying that when the measured leakage rate is added to the leakage rates determined pursuant to Specification 4.6.l.2d. for all other Type Band C penetrations, the combined leakage rate is less than or equal to 0.6DL1 .

4. 6. 3 .1. 6 A pressure drq> test to identify excessive degradaticn of resilient valve seals shall be cxnfucted cm fbe- : : * . * *
a. Contaiment Purge SUfply and Exhaust Isolatiai at least mce per 6 Dlmths.
b. Omtainoent P1:essure - VN:l*n Relief Isol.atiai 'Yalves at aice per 3 m:nths.

SALEM - UNIT 1 3/4 6-13


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  • -----*-- FUNCTION



1. 11 MS 71 Main Sleilm Drain < 10 Sec.
2. 12 MS 7# Main Steam Drain < 10 Sec.
3. 13 MS 7# Main Steam Drain < 10 Sec.
4. 14 MS 711 Main Steam Drain < 10 Sec.
5. 11 MS 181 Main Sleilm Bypass < 10 Sec.
6. 12 MS 18# Main Steam Bypass < 10 Sec. ~*
7. 13 MS 18# Main Steilm Bypass < 10 Sec.

. B. 14 MS 181 Main Sleilln Bypass < 10 Sec .

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11 BF 191 12 BF 19#

13 BF 19#

Mciin Main Main Feedwater f"C!cdwater Feedwater Isolation Isolation Isolation


<8 8 Sec.



4. 14 OF 19# Main Feedwater Isolation <8 Sec.
5. 11 BF 401 Mei in Feedwater *Isolation <8 sec *.
6. 12 BF 40# Main Feedwater Isolation <0 Sec.
7. 13 BF 4011 Mciin Feedwater Isolation <8 Sec.
8. 14 BF 40# Main Feedwater Isolation <8 Sec.


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1. 1 VC Purue Supply < 2 Sec.
2. 1 VC Pur~1e Supply <2 Sec.
3. 1 VC Ptlt'~Je l.xhaus t <2 Sec.
4. 1 VC Pur~JC Fxhaust <2 Sec.
5. 1 VC 5* Prnssure-Vacuum Relief <2 Sec.
6. 1 VC 6*1 1'1*ess1ire-Vacuun1 Rel~ ~ 2 Sec.

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- 1. 11 MS 11 Main Stearn Drain

-<< 10 Sec.

2. 12 MS 71 J. 13 MS 71
4. 14 MS 71
5. 11 MS 181
6. 12 MS 181
7. 13 MS 181 Hain Hain Main Hain Main Hain Stearn Slcam Steam Steam Slt?am Steam Drain Drain Oratn Bypass Hypass llypass 10 Sec.

< 10 Sec.

< 10 Sec.

< 10 Sec.

< 10 Sec.

< 10 Sec.

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8. 14 MS 181 Ma In Sl.e.1m Bypass 10 Sec.


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.... 1. 11 BF 191 M.1tn Fcedwater Isolation < 8 Sec.

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2. 12 BF 191 < 8 Sec.


en I

J. 13 BF 191

4. 14 OF 191 Matn Main Main rccdwater Fccdwater fecdwater lsolat ion Isolation Isolation

< 8 Sec.

< 8 Sec.

5. 11 BF 401. Matn Fet?dwater Isolation < O sec. ~
6. 12 BF 401 Main r t~t?*lwa ter I so1at ion < 8 Sec.
7. 1l BF 401 Main Fct?dwater Isolation < 8 Sec. . 1:.
8. 14 BF 401 Matn Fet?dwaler Isolation < a Sec.


1. 1 vc 1 Purge S111>p ly < 2 Sec.
2. 1 vc 21 Pur~1c Sup1)ly <2 s~c.
l. l VC JI Pur~Je l xh,mst  ;- 2 Sec.
4. l vc 4 P111*11c f"xhaust -;:- 2 Sec.
5. 1 vc s* Prcssurr.-Vacmnn Rel li?f < 2 Sec.
6. 1 vc 61* Prn$surc-Vacuum Re 1 ief < 2 Sec.

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CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT VENTILATION SYSTEM LIMITING CONOmON FOR OPERATION 3.6. 1.7 Tha ccntafneent purge supply and exhaust f1ol1tion valves* shall be closed. (Valves immobilized in shut position with control air to valve operators isolated and tagged out of service).

]a.l APPL!CASIL!Tf: tlJOES 1, Z, 3, and 4.


With one containment-purg1 supply and/or exhaust isolation v1lv1 open, close the open valve(s) ~ithin ~ne hour or b1 fn at leut HOT STANDBY within the

. next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLO SHUTDOWN within the fol lowing 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.6. 1.7 The containmant purge s~ply and exhaust fsol1tion valves shall be detaT"Tllined closed at least once per 31 days.

  • The containment p"ssul"9-v1anm relief isolation valves My bt QC)ened on an inteni:ittant basis, under ldllinistr1tfv1 control, ... nec***arz to *ti*fy the requiremen~ of Specification


  • UNIT 2 J/4 6-9

CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Each isolation valve specified in Table 3.6-1 shall be demonstrated OPERABLE during the COLD SHUTDOWN or REFUELING MODE at least once per 18 months by:

a. Verifying that on a Phase A containment isolation test signal, each Phase A isolation valve actuates to its isolation position.
b. Verifying that on a Phase B containment isolation test signal, each Phase B isolation valve actuates to its isolation position.
c. Verifying that on a feedwater isolation test signal, each feedwater isolation valve actuates to its isolation position.
d. Verifying that on a Containment Purge and Pressure-Vacuum Re~J.ef isolation test signal, each Purge and Pressure-Vacuum Relief valve actuates to its isolation position. At least once per 18 month, verify that on a main steam isolation test signal, each main steam isolation valve specified in Table 3.6-1 actuates to its isolation position. The isolation time of each power operated or automatic valve of Table 3.6-1 shall be determined to be within its limit when tested pursuant to Specification 4.0.5. Each containment purge isolation valve shall be demonstrated OPERABLE within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after each closing of the valve, except when the valve is being used for multiple cyclings, then at least once per 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, by verifying that when the measured leakage rate is added to the leakage rates determined pursuant to Specification 4.6.l.2d. for all other Type Band C penetrations, the combined leakage rate is less than or equal to 0.60L8 *

4. 6. 3. 6 A pressure drop test to identify excessive degradation of resilient valve seals shall be oorrlucted cn fhe :
a. O:mtainnent Purge Sufply am Exhaust Isolation Valves at least cnce per 6 natths.
b. nntaimert: Pressure - Vaamn Belief Isolatim Valves at least aice per 3 natths.

SALEM - UNIT Z 3/4 6-15