CNL-17-057, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program, Third Ten Year Interval Request for Relief for 17-ISI-1

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American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program, Third Ten Year Interval Request for Relief for 17-ISI-1
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/28/2017
From: James Shea
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17121A477 (180)


Tennessee Valley Authority, 1101 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 CNL-17-057 April 28, 2017 10 CFR 50.55a ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-77 and DPR-79 NRC Docket Nos. 50-327 and 50-328


Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program, Third Ten Year Interval Request for Relief for 17-ISI-1 In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.55a, "Codes and Standards," paragraphs (g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is submitting a relief request for Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Units 1 and 2 third ten-year inspection (ISI) interval. The SQN Units 1 and 2 third ten-year inspection interval ended on April 30, 2016.

The enclosure to this letter provides relief request 17-ISI-1 that requests relief from the requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code,Section XI, "Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components," ASME Code Class 1, Table IWB-2500-1, ASME Code Class 2, Table IWC-2500-1, Risk-Informed piping examinations per WCAP-14572, and ASME Code Case N-716-1, Table 1, which require volumetric or surface examinations of essentially 100 percent (%) of the weld volume or required surface. The specific item numbers from Tables IWB-2500-1 and IWC-2500-1, for which relief is requested, are shown in the enclosure. Attachment 1 to the enclosure provides additional information in support of the enclosed relief requests for SQN Units 1 and 2, respectively.

The ASME B&PV Code,Section XI, 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda was the code of record for the SQN Units 1 and 2.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission CNL-17-057 Page 2 April 28, 2017 The definition of "essentially 100%" is provided by NRC Information Notice 98-42, "Implementation of 10 CFR 50.55a(g) lnservice Inspection Requirements," and Code Case N-460, "Alternative Examination Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 Welds,Section XI, Division 1," which requires examination coverage of "more than 90 percent of the specified examination volume" in lieu of "essentially 100%."

10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6) authorizes the NRC to grant relief for determinations under 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5) when Code requirements are impractical. TVA is requesting relief on the basis that the Code-required "essentially 100%" exam ination coverage is impractical due to physical obstructions and limitations imposed by design, geometry, or physical obstructions fo r the welds and associated components listed in Attachments 1 and 2 to . As an alternative, TVA has invoked ASME Section XI Code Case N-460, which states: "when the entire examination volume or area cannot be examined due to interference by another component or part geometry, a reduction in examination coverage on any Class 1 or Class 2 weld may be accepted provided the reduction in coverage for that weld is less than 10%." Therefore , TVA is requesting relief only for those welds that were inspected and received Code examination coverage of 90% or less.

Examination coverage of greater than 90% was not achieved for the welds listed in the proposed relief requests and the applicable coverage percentage is specified in the relief request for each weld . The examination coverage achieved for the subject welds in conjunction with acceptable examinations provides reasonable assurance that unallowable flaws do not exist in the subject component welds and that the welds are acceptable for service. Thus, an acceptable level of quality and safety was achieved and public health and safety was not endangered by allowing the proposed alternative examination coverage in lieu of the Code requirement.

TVA requests approval of these relief requests within 12 months from the date of this letter.

There are no regulatory commitments associated with this submittal. Please address any questions regarding this request to Edward D. Schrull at 423-751 -3850.

resident, Nuclear Licensing


Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Units 1 and 2 Request for Relief Number 17-ISl-1 , Revision 0 cc (see Page 3):

Enclosure Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Units 1 and 2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Section XI 10 CFR 50.55a Request for Relief Number 17-ISI-1, Revision 0 In Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

I. ASME Code Components Affected The Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Class 1 and 2 welds with limited examinations that are included in this request for relief are for Units 1 and 2 listed in Attachment 1, Tables 1 and 2.

The content of this request includes the insights gained from guidance provided in Reference 1.

The following Code Classes, Examination Categories, and Item Numbers apply.

Code Classes: 1 and 2 Examination Categories: B-A, B-D, C-A, C-B, and R-A Item Numbers: B1.40, B3.110, C1.10, C1.20, C2.21, R1.11, R1.16 and R1.20 II. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda The applicable American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code of Record (Code) edition and addenda was ASME Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda, and was used for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection (ISI) Interval at SQN Units 1 and 2 as modified by 10 CFR 50.55a. The Appendix VIII requirements and use of the Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) requirements at SQN were in accordance with the 2001 Edition of Section XI, as conditioned by 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xv) and 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xxiv) for the limited examinations contained in this request.

The SQN Units 1 and 2, Third 10-Year ISI Interval ended on April 30, 2016. The limited examinations contained in this request are required to be submitted to the NRC on or before 12 months after this date.

III. Applicable Code Requirements In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.55a, "Codes and Standards," paragraphs (g)(5)(iii) and (g)(6), the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is requesting relief from weld examination coverage requirements specified in the ASME B&PV Code,Section XI for the following examination categories for the welds listed in Attachment 1, Tables CNL-17-057 E1 of 178

Enclosure 1 and 2. This relief is requested for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Units 1 and 2 third ten-year inspection interval that began June 1, 2006 and ended April 30, 2016.

Exam Item No.

Class 1 Weld Examination Coverage Requirements Cat.

B-A B1.40 To Include essentially 100% examination of the Reactor Vessel Head to Flange Weld.

B-D B3.110 To include essentially 100% examination of the Nozzle to Shell Welds.

Exam Item No.

Class 2 Weld Examination Coverage Requirements Cat.

C-A C1.10 To include essentially 100% examination of the Shell (Unit 2 Circumferential Welds.


To include essentially 100% examination of the Head Circumferential Welds.

C1.20 C-B C2.21 To include essentially 100% examination of the Nozzle to Shell Welds.

Exam Item No.

Class 1 and Class 2 Piping Welds / Risk-Informed Inservice Cat.

Inspection Program Coverage Requirements R-A R1.11 To include essentially 100% of the examination location potentially subject to thermal fatigue.

R1.16 To include essentially 100% of the examination location potentially subject to Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) or Transgranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (TGSCC).

R1.20 To include essentially 100% of the examination location defined by IWB-2500-8(c), IWB-2500-9, IWB-2500-10, IWB-2500-11, as applicable ASME Code Case N-460, as approved in Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 17, was invoked for the required coverage associated with the welds in this request. ASME Code Case N-460 states that when the entire examination volume or area cannot be examined due to interference by another component or part geometry, a reduction in examination coverage on any Class 1 or Class 2 weld may be accepted provided the reduction in coverage for that weld is less than ten percent (%).

Limited Class 1 Welds Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-A, Pressure Retaining Welds in Reactor Vessel, Item No. B1.40, had limitations on one weld that was examined to meet the surface area and volume requirements at the SQN Unit 1 Head to Flange weld for the third interval as defined by Figure IWB-2500-5. A limited ultrasonic (UT) examination has been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in Attachment 1 when performing examination of this CNL-17-057 E2 of 178

Enclosure one weld at SQN Unit 1. For SQN Unit 2, the same weld was not examined during the third interval and will be examined in the extended interval authorized per Reference 2.

Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, Full Penetration Welded Nozzles in Vessels -

Inspection Program B, Item No. B3.110, had limitations on five welds at SQN Unit 1 and six welds at SQN Unit 2. These were examined to meet the volumetric requirements for Pressurizer Nozzle to Vessel Welds for the third interval at SQN Units 1 and 2 as defined by Figure IWB-2500-7(b). Limited UT examinations have been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in Attachment 1 when performing examinations of these 11 welds.

Limited Class 2 Welds Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-A, Pressure Retaining Welds in Pressure Vessels, Item No. C1.10, limitations applied to two welds at SQN Unit 2 that were examined to meet the volume requirements for Shell Circumferential Welds, one Vessel to Flange Weld on the A Seal Water Injection Filter and one Shell to Cone Weld on the Loop 1 Steam Generator was examined by the UT method as defined by Figure IWC-2500-1. Limited UT examinations have been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in Attachment 1 when performing examinations of these two welds.

Additionally, Item No. C1.20, limitations applied to one weld at SQN Unit 1 and two welds at SQN Unit 2 that were examined to meet the volume or surface area requirements for Head Circumferential Welds. The welds included one Vessel Shell to Head Weld on the SQN Unit 1 Seal Water Filter that was Liquid Penetrant (PT) examined in lieu of UT as allowed by Note (5) of Examination Category C-A, Table IWC-2500-1. One Vessel Shell to Head Weld on the SQN Unit 2 A Seal Water Injection Filter was UT examined and one Vessel Shell to Head Weld on the SQN Unit 2 Seal Water Filter was PT examined as allowed by Note (5) of Table IWC-2500-1 described above and as shown in Figure IWC-2500-1. Limited PT and UT examinations have been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in Attachment 1 when performing examinations of these three welds.

Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-B, Pressure Retaining Nozzle Welds in Vessels, Item No. C2.21, limitations applied to one weld at SQN Unit 1 and two welds at SQN Unit 2 that were examined to meet the volume requirements for Nozzle to Shell Welds. These three welds included one Nozzle to Head Weld (upper head) on the SQN Unit 1 Safety Injection Centrifugal Charging Pump Tank (Formally Boron Injection Tank) and two Nozzle to Head Welds on the upper head and lower head of the same tank at SQN Unit 2. These three welds were UT examined for the third interval as defined by Figure IWC-2500-4(b). Limited UT examinations have been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in Attachment 1 when performing examinations of these three welds.

Limited Class 1 and Class 2 Piping Welds / Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Programs Class 1 and Class 2 piping welds selected for examination during the first and second periods of the third interval under the Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-ISI) Programs used for SQN Units 1 and 2 in accordance with WCAP-14572, Revision 1-NP-A (Reference 3), and WCAP-14572, Revision 1-NP-A, Supplement 1 (Reference 4). These included the piping welds (elements) selected for examination under Examination Category R-A. The use of these documents for the SQN Units 1 and 2 RI-ISI Programs was based on four requests for CNL-17-057 E3 of 178

Enclosure alternatives (Reference 5) that were authorized for use by the NRC in a Safety Evaluation Report (SER) (Reference 6).

Additional Examination Volume Requirements for RI-ISI Welds with Limited Examinations in this Request per (WCAP-14572)

Examination Category R-A, Risk-Informed Piping Examinations, Item No. R1.11 - Elements Subject to Thermal Fatigue, required the use of the examination volumes depicted in the ASME Section XI, Figures IWB-2500-8(c) and IWC-2500-7(a) with an additional requirement that read, Note (1) The length for the examination volume shall be increased to include 1/2 in.

beyond each side of the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. The limited examinations under the RI-ISI Programs using WCAP-14572 have been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in Attachment 1.

Revised RI-ISI Programs for SQN Units 1 and 2 were implemented in the third inspection period of third interval to meet the requirements of Subsections IWB and IWC for ISI of Class 1 and 2 piping welds and Class 2 components. These revised RI-ISI Programs were in accordance with Code Case N-716-1, that was acceptable for use with no conditions in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 17. A notification letter was submitted to notify the NRC that Code Case N-716-1 was to be used for the SQN Units 1 and 2 RI-ISI Programs in the third period of the third interval (Reference 7).

Additional Examination Volume Requirements for RI-ISI Welds with Limited Examinations in this Request per (Code Case N-716-1)

Table 1 of Code Case N-716-1, Examination Category R-A, Item No. R1.11 - Welds Subject to Thermal Fatigue, and Item No. R1.16 - Welds Subject to Intergranular or Transgranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC or TGSCC) required the use of the examination volumes depicted in the ASME Section XI, Figures IWB-2500-8(c) with an additional requirement that reads, Note (1) The length of the examination volume shown in Figure IWB-2500-8(c) shall be increased by enough distance [approximately 1/2 in. (13 mm)] to include each side of the base metal thickness or counterbore transition. Note: (1) and Figure IWB-2500-8(c) were also applied to the Class 1 and 2 welds with limited examinations selected under Item No. R1.16.

The limited UT examinations under Code Case N-716-1 RI-ISI Programs have been determined to exist by demonstrated experience as documented in Attachment 1. There are seven welds at SQN Unit 1 and no limited examinations for SQN Unit 2 under this RI-ISI Program.

The following inspection period dates and refueling outages were used to determine which RI-ISI program documents (i.e., WCAP-14572 or Code Case N-716-1) were used to perform and schedule the limited Examination Category R-A welds in Attachment 1.

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Enclosure SQN Units 1 and 2 Third 10-Year ISI Interval for RI-ISI Programs 1st Period 2nd Period 3rd Period RI-ISI - WCAP-14572 from RI-ISI - WCAP-14572 from RI-ISI - Code Case N-716-1 NRC SER Reference 4 NRC SER Reference 4 6/1/2006 to 5/31/2009 6/1/2009 to 5/31/2012 6/1/2012 to 4/30/2016 Unit 1 = U1R15 and U1R16 Unit 1 = U1R17 and U1R18 Unit 1 = U1R19 and U1R20 Unit 2 = U2R14 and U2R15 Unit 2 = U2R16 and U2R17 Unit 2 = U2R18, U2R19 and U2R20 Every weld was examined as required by applicable procedures and regulations to the extent practicable. In those cases where UT examinations could potentially have interrogated additional area, such as the inside surface of cast stainless valves by looking through a stainless steel weld, these were considered a best effort examination. These are shown on each sketch by the represented angles. However, no additional coverage is credited.

IV. Reason for Request 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii), states: ISI program update: Notification of impractical ISI Code requirements.

If the licensee has determined that conformance with a Code requirement is impractical for its facility the licensee must notify the NRC and submit, as specified in § 50.4, information to support the determinations. Determinations of impracticality in accordance with this section must be based on the demonstrated limitations experienced when attempting to comply with the Code requirements during the inservice inspection interval for which the request is being submitted. Requests for relief made in accordance with this section must be submitted to the NRC no later than 12 months after the expiration of the initial or subsequent 120-month inspection interval for which relief is sought.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) above, TVA has determined that compliance with the code requirements of achieving essentially 100% coverage of the welds listed in this request is impractical for SQN Units 1 and 2 to achieve. This request is based on actual demonstrated limitations experienced when attempting to comply with the code requirements in the performance of the examinations listed in this request.

V. Impracticality of Compliance The construction permit for SQN Units 1 and 2 was issued on May 27, 1970 and falls under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(1), under these provisions, components (including supports) must meet the requirements of paragraphs (g)(4) and (g)(5) to the extent practical.

Components that are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary and their supports must meet the requirements applicable to components that are classified as ASME Code Class 1.

Other safety-related pressure vessels, piping, pumps and valves and their supports must meet the requirements applicable to components that are classified as ASME Code Class 2 or CNL-17-057 E5 of 178

Enclosure Class 3. Although the design of the plants has provided access for examinations to the extent practical, component design configurations such as support interference, geometric configurations and materials such as fitting or valve bodies made of cast stainless steel, may not allow the full required examination volume or surface area coverage with the latest techniques available. Thus, this request for relief addresses those conditions. A typical example of such a condition is a valve to pipe weld where essentially 100% of the code required volume cannot be examined from the valve side of the weld and where a plant modification would be needed to provide this coverage. Details of examination restrictions and reductions in required examination coverage are provided in Attachment 1.

When examined, the welds listed in Attachment 1 of this request did not receive the volume or surface area coverage required by ASME Code Case N-460 due to their component design configurations or interference by other items. When this situation occurred, 100% of the accessible volumes or surface areas of each weld were examined to the extent practicable.

Burden Caused by Compliance To comply with the code required examination volumes or surface areas for obtaining essentially 100% coverage for the welds listed in this request for relief, the welds and their associated components would have to be physically modified and/or disassembled beyond their current design. Overall, components and fittings associated with the welds listed in this request are constructed of standard design items and materials meeting typical national standards that specify required configurations and dimensions. To replace these items with items of alternate configurations or materials to enhance examination coverage would require unique redesign and fabrication. Because these items are in the Class 1 and 2 boundaries and for the Class 1 items that form a part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, their redesign and fabrication would be an extensive effort based on the limitations that exist.

Specifically, for the Class 1, Examination Category B-A, Reactor Vessel (Head Ring) Head to Flange Weld, Item No. B1.40 for the SQN Unit 1 limitations that were caused by the reactor head lifting lugs, the required examination coverage to be obtained could only be achieved by a design modification of the head that would be required to remove the lugs in order to complete the examination. For the Class 1, Examination Category B-D, Full Penetration Welded Nozzles in Vessels - Inspection Program B, Item No. B3.110 for the pressurizer nozzle weld limitations applied to five welds at SQN Unit 1 and six welds at SQN Unit 2 they would all require a design modification to obtain the required coverage.

For the Class 2 Examination Category C-A, Shell Circumferential Welds, Item No. C1.10, limitations on the SQN Unit 2 Vessel to Flange Weld on the A Seal Water Injection Filter due to the taper of the flange side of the weld, which would require a design modification to remove the taper. On the Shell to Cone Weld on the Steam Generator, a secondary support would need to be redesigned for additional access. For the Class 2 Examination Category C-B, Item No. C2.21, there are limitations associated with the Centrifugal Charging Pump Tanks.

The nozzle designs would have to be modified to allow UT examination from the nozzle side of the welds.

For the Class 1 and Class 2 piping welds examined per the RI-ISI Programs, the limitations listed in this request are typically limited by their design configurations or materials. The configurations of these welds or their materials only allow UT examination coverage from one side of the weld or limited coverage from a specific area or areas of one side of the weld. These CNL-17-057 E6 of 178

Enclosure would also require a design modification or replacement to obtain the required examination coverage.

Overall, it is not possible to obtain UT interrogation of greater than 90% of the required code examination volume or surface areas for the welds in this request without extensive weld or component design modifications. Examinations have been performed to the maximum extent possible. Radiography is impractical due to the amount of work being performed in the areas on a 24-hour basis when the welds are available for examination. Using radiography would result in numerous work-related stoppages and increased exposure due to the shutdown and startup of other work in the areas. The water may need to be drained from systems or components where radiography is performed, which increases the radiation dose rates over a much broader area than the weld being examined. There is significant impracticality associated with the performance of weld or area modifications or the use of radiography in order to increase the examination coverage.

The PT, Magnetic Particle (MT), and UT examination techniques used for welds in this request for relief were reviewed to determine if additional coverage could be achieved by improving those techniques. No improvements could be identified and the examinations have been performed to the maximum extent possible. Therefore, TVA has determined that obtaining essentially 100% coverage is impractical without adding additional burden consisting of significant redesign work, increased radiation exposure, and/or potential damage to the plant or the component itself.

VI. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use Proposed Alternative

1) Periodic system pressure tests and VT-2 visual examinations will continue to be performed in accordance with ASME Section Xl, Examination Category B-P, for Class 1 pressure retaining welds and items during each refueling outage, and Examination Category C-H for Class 2 pressure retaining welds and items each inspection period of Table IWB-2500-1 and Table IWC-2500-1, respectively.
2) Conduct required PT, MT, or UT examinations to the maximum extent possible as required by ASME Section XI or the RI-ISI Programs.

Basis for Use 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) recognizes that throughout the service life of a nuclear power facility, components which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must meet the requirements set forth in the ASME Code to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry and materials of construction of the welds and items described in Attachment 1.

When a component is found to have conditions that limit the required examination volume or surface area, TVA is required to submit this information to the enforcement and regulatory authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site. This request for relief has been written to address areas where these types of conditions exist and where the required amount of coverage was reduced below the minimum acceptable. TVA has performed the weld examinations listed in this request to the maximum extent possible for each of the welds identified with limitations in Attachment 1.

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Enclosure The Class 1 Examination Category B-A, Head to Flange Weld, the Class 1 Examination Category B-D, Pressurizer Nozzle to Vessel Welds and the Class 1 Risk-Informed Piping Welds within the scope of this request are all located inside the containment. Even though their examination did not meet the essentially 100% code required volume coverage requirement, there is instrumentation in place to assure that early detection of any Reactor Coolant System (RCS) pressure boundary leakage is identified. This is accomplished by the leakage detection instrumentation inside the containment at SQN Units 1 and 2 where the RCS leakage detection instrumentation is required to be operable. The instrumentation consists of lower containment atmosphere particulate radioactivity and containment pocket sump level monitoring. These instruments are used to quantify any unidentified leakage from the RCS and to meet the SQN Unit 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Surveillance Requirements that have a Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) in 3.4.13 stating that RCS Operational Leakage shall be limited to:

a. No pressure boundary leakage,
b. One gallon per minute (gpm) unidentified leakage,
c. 10 gpm identified leakage from the RCS,
d. 150 gallons per day primary to secondary leakage through any one steam generator.

Based upon the extent of the required surface examination area or UT examination volume achieved for each of the welds within this request for relief, and coupled with applicable leakage monitoring and required system pressure tests with VT-2 visual examinations, no further action can be taken by TVA at this time to improve these examinations without applying impractical options. The proposed alternative in this request for relief will provide assurance of an acceptable level of quality and safety by providing reasonable assurance of structural integrity.

VII. Duration of Proposed Alternative This request for relief is for the SQN Units 1 and 2, Third 10-Year ISI Intervals, which began on June 1, 2006 and ended on April 30, 2016.

VIII. Precedents Note: Industry requests for relief due to impracticality associated with limited weld examinations are common and are filed by all licensees. Some of the more recent NRC approvals of requested relief that are aligned with Reference 1 are:

NRC SER, Surry Power Station Unit No. 2 - Requests for Relief LMT-SS01, LMT-CS01, LMT-P01, LMT-C01, LMT-C02, LMT-C03, and LMT-C04 - For Limited Coverage Examinations Performed in the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC Nos.,

MF7718, MF-7719, MF7720, MF7721 MF7722, MF7723, MF7724 and MF7725), dated February 17, 2017 (ML16365A118)

NRC SER, Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit No. 1 - Relief Request NDE-SIF-U1 To Allow Use of Alternate American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Examination Requirements for the Third Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC No. MF7552), dated July 27, 2016 (ML16207A397)

NRC SER, Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 2 - Relief Requests For Limited Coverage Examinations Performed In The Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC Nos MF6567, MF6568, and MF6569), dated July 13, 2016 (ML16172A135)

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Enclosure NRC SER, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2 - Relief Requests for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC NOs. MF6302, MF6303, MF6304, MF6305, MF6306, AND MF6307), dated May 10, 2016 (ML16069A199)

IX References

1. NRC presentation Coverage Relief Requests, Industry/NRC NDE Technical Information Exchange Public Meeting January 13-15, 2015, (ML15013A266)
2. NRC letter to TVA, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Request for Alternatives 13-ISI-1 and 13-ISI-2 to Extend the Reactor Vessel Weld Inservice Inspection Interval, (TAC Nos. MF2900 and MF2901) dated April 1, 2014 (ML14188B920)
3. WCAP-14572, Revision 1-NP-A, Westinghouse Owners Group Application of Risk-Informed Methods to Piping Inservice Inspection Topical Report, dated February 1999 (ML042610469)
4. WCAP-14572, Revision 1-NP-A, Supplement 1, Westinghouse Structural Reliability and Risk Assessment (SRAA) Model for Piping Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection, dated February 1999 (ML042610375)
5. TVA letter to NRC, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant - (SQN) Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-ISI) Program and Updated Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program for the Third 10-Year Interval, dated April 21, 2006 (ML061210105)
6. NRC letter to TVA, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Program for the Third 10-Year Intervals (TAC NOS. MD1452, MD1453, MD1454 and MD1455) dated April 30, 2007 (ML071070248)
7. TVA Letter to NRC, CNL-14-231, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Notification of Intent to Use Code Case N-716-1 for the Third Period of the Third Interval, dated December 22, 2014 (ML14365A034)

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Attachment 1 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Units 1 and 2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Section XI 10 CFR 50.55a Request for Relief Number 17-ISI-1, Revision 0 In Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--Inservice Inspection Impracticality--

Introduction This attachment contains figures and tables as applicable that are used to depict the limitations and calculations used for obtained coverage, materials and product forms, with ultrasonic examination angles and wave modes used, any limited surface examinations and the examination results for the welds associated with this request for relief, including any applicable previous examination history used. The following Table 1 for SQN Unit 1 and Table 2 for Unit 2 identify the welds within the scope of this request and summarize the extent of examination coverage achieved for each weld.

Many of the welds listed were examined with different TVA approved procedures and techniques during the span of the Third 10-Year ISI Interval and therefore not all the coverage calculations used are identical, but they are based on the actual NDE data reports that were provided for the examinations completed.

In the detailed examination data that follows, UT scan numbers may be used to help determine and describe the examinations performed and coverage percentages obtained. If scan numbers are used, they have been applied as described in Sketch I-1 for Piping and Sketch I-2 for Vessels as shown below.

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Attachment 1 SKETCH I SCANNING NOMENCLATURE IDENTIFICATION FOR PIPING 1 = Visual 2 = Base Material When Required Reference Arrow Flow 3-14 = Angle Beam 15-17 = 0° Weld and HAZ Extracted Form Procedure NGP18 CNL-17-057 E11 of 178

Attachment 1 Nozzle Viewed Looking Toward Vessel (Section A-A)

Vertical Vessel Horizontal Vessel CNL-17-057 E12 of 178

Attachment 1 TABLE 1 - SQN UNIT 1 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Applicable

/ Weld Description and and Code Limitations Tables Identification Category Product Weld Product Coverage and Results and Number Item No. Form Form Obtained Figures 1.1 1 Reactor Head Ring: Weld: Flange: UT = 70.9% UT Table Vessel Head A-508 Ferritic A-508 Limitations 1-1-1 W08-09 B-A to Flange Weld Class 2 Steel Class 2 MT = 100% due to Figures B1.40 Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Interference 1-1-1 to Head TNOM. = Forging Forging from 3 Head 1-1-7 7.24 with with Lifting Lugs.

Cladding TNOM Austenitic Austenitic No

= 0.157 Stainless Stainless Recordable Steel Steel Indications Cladding Cladding 1.2 1 Pressurizer 6 Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 65.6% Geometric Table Safety Head SA-533 Ferritic A-508 Nozzle 1-2-1 RCW-16 B-D to Nozzle Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design Figures B3.110 Shell Weld Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration 1-2-1 and Plate with Forging Limitation. 1-2-2 Head TNOM = Austenitic No 2.5 Stainless Recordable Cladding TNOM Steel Indications

= 0.190 Cladding 1.3 1 Pressurizer 6 Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 67.1% Geometric Table Relief Head to SA-533 Ferritic A-508 Nozzle 1-3-1 RCW-17 B-D Nozzle Shell Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design Figures B3.110 Weld Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration 1-3-1 and Plate with Forging Limitation. 1-3-2 Head TNOM = Austenitic No 2.5 Stainless Recordable Cladding Steel Indications TNOM. = 0.190 Cladding 1.4 1 Pressurizer 6 Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 77.0% Geometric Table Safety Head SA-533 Ferritic A-508 Nozzle 1-4-1 RCW-18 B-D to Nozzle Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design Figures B3.110 Shell Weld Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration 1-4-1 and Head TNOM = Plate with Forging Limitation. 1-4-2 2.5 Austenitic No Stainless Recordable Cladding Steel Indications TNOM. = 0.190 Cladding 1.5 1 Pressurizer 6 Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 75.5% Geometric Table Safety Head to SA-533 Ferritic A-508 Nozzle 1-5-1 RCW-19 B-D Nozzle Shell Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design Figures B3.110 Weld Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration 1-5-1 and Plate with Forging Limitation. 1-5-2 Head TNOM = Austenitic No 2.5 Stainless Recordable Cladding TNOM Steel Indications

= 0.190 Cladding CNL-17-057 E13 of 178

Attachment 1 TABLE 1 - SQN UNIT 1 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Applicable

/ Weld Description and and Code Limitations Tables Identification Category Product Weld Product Coverage and Results and Number Item No. Form Form Obtained Figures 1.6 1 Pressurizer Nozzle: Weld: Head: UT = 59.3% Geometric Tables 14 Surge A-508 Ferritic SA-533 Nozzle 1-6-1, RCW-21 B-D Nozzle to Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design 1-6-2 B3.110 Head Shell Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration Figures Weld Forging Plate with and Head 1-6-1 and Austenitic Side of Weld 1-6-2 Head TNOM = Stainless Due to 3.0 Steel (Heater Cladding TNOM Cladding Penetration)

0.190 Nozzles. No Recordable Indications 1.7 2 CVCS Seal Shell: Weld: Head: PT = 65% Limitation Table Water Filter 304 Stainless 304 Due to 4 1-7-1 SWFW-2 C-A Head Stainless Steel Stainless Support Legs Figure C1.20 Circumferential Steel Plate Steel Plate Welded to the 1-7-1 Weld (Shell to Filter Head Head Weld) and Shell. No Recordable Shell 16 O.D. Indications Shell TNOM

0.188 1.8 2 Safety Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 65.6% Geometric Tables Injection SA-516 Ferritic A-350 LF2 Nozzle 1-8-1, BIT-5 C-B System GR70 Steel Carbon and MT = 100% Design 1-8-2, C2.21 Centrifugal Carbon Low Alloy Configuration. 1-8-3 Charging Steel Plate Steel Previously Figures Pump Tank with SA- Forging Recorded 1-8-1 and Nozzle to Shell 240 TP with SA- Geometric 1-8-2 (Head to 10 304L 240 TP Indication Nozzle) Weld Austenitic 304L Noted Stainless Austenitic Head TMIN = Steel Stainless 2.0 Cladding Steel Cladding TNOM Cladding

= 0.125 1.9 2 Containment Pipe: Weld: Elbow: UT = 34% Weld is Table Spray System ASTM Stainless A-403 Located 1-9-1 CSF-058 R-A Pipe to Elbow A358 Steel WP304W Inside Pipe Figures R1.11 Weld Ty304 Austenitic Wall 1-9-1 and Austenitic Stainless Penetration 1-9-2 (WCAP- Pipe and Stainless Steel Sleeve. No 14572) Elbow 12 Sch. Steel Recordable 40, TNOM = Indications 0.406 CNL-17-057 E14 of 178

Attachment 1 TABLE 1 - SQN UNIT 1 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Applicable

/ Weld Description and and Code Limitations Tables Identification Category Product Weld Product Coverage and Results and Number Item No. Form Form Obtained Figures 1.10 2 Containment Valve: Weld: Pipe: UT = 50% Examination Table Spray System A351-CF8 Stainless A312 Performed 1-10-1 CSF-099A R-A Valve Cast Steel TP304 From Pipe Figures R1.11 1-72-500 to Stainless Austenitic Side Only 1-10-1 and Pipe Weld Steel Stainless Due to Cast 1-10-2 (WCAP- Steel Material of 14572) Pipe 3 Sch. Valve. No 40, TNOM = Recordable 0.216 Indications 1.11 2 Chemical Tee: Weld: Valve: UT = 41.9% Geometric Table Volume A403 Stainless A 182 F304 Design 1-11-1 CVCF-020 R-A Control WP304 Steel Stainless Limitation. Figures R1.11 System Tee 8 Seamless Steel No Scans on 1-11-1 and x 8 x 4 to Austenitic Forging Valve Side of 1-11-2 (WCAP- Valve Stainless Weld. No 14572) 1-62-500 Weld Steel Recordable Indications Tee (built-up to 4 Sch. 120 from Sch. 40),

TNOM = 0.438 1.12 1 RCS Elbow to Elbow: Weld: Pipe: PAUT = Geometric Figures Pipe Weld1 SA-403 Stainless SA-376 89.3% Design 1-12-1, RCS-069 R-A WP-316 Steel TP316 Limitation 1-12-2 and Elbow and Austenitic Austenitic Intrados of 1-12-3 R1.20 Pipe 6 Sch. Stainless Stainless Elbow. No (Code 160, TNOM = Steel Steel Recordable Case 0.719 Indications N-716-1) 1.13 1 RCS Elbow to Elbow: Weld: Pipe: PAUT = Geometric Figures Pipe Weld1 SA-403 Stainless SA 376 89.3% Design 1-13-1, RCS-089 R-A WP-316 Steel TP316 Limitation 1-13-2 and Elbow and Austenitic Austenitic Intrados of 1-13-3 R1.20 Pipe 6 Sch.

NOM Stainless Stainless Elbow. No (Code 160, T = Steel Steel Recordable Case 0.719 Indications N-716-1) 1.14 1 RCS Elbow to Elbow: Weld: Pipe: PAUT = Geometric Figures Pipe Weld1 SA-403 Stainless SA-376 89.3% Design 1-14-1, RCS-101 R-A WP316 Steel TP316 Limitation 1-14-2 and Elbow and Austenitic Austenitic Intrados of 1-14-3 R1.11 Pipe 6 Sch. Stainless Stainless Elbow. No (Code 160, TNOM = Steel Steel Recordable Case 0.719 Indications N-716-1)

CNL-17-057 E15 of 178

Attachment 1 TABLE 1 - SQN UNIT 1 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Applicable

/ Weld Description and and Code Limitations Tables Identification Category Product Weld Product Coverage and Results and Number Item No. Form Form Obtained Figures 1.15 1 Residual Heat Valve: Weld: Pipe: UT = 50% Geometric Table Removal A351 Stainless A-376 Design 1-15-1 RHRF-106 R-A System Valve Gr CF8 Steel TP316 Limitation No Figures R1.11 63-643 to Pipe Cast Seamless Scans on 1-15-1, Weld Stainless Austenitic Valve Side of 1-15-2 and (WCAP- Steel Stainless Weld. No 1-15-3 14572) Pipe 8 Sch. Steel Recordable 140, TNOM = Indications 0.812 1.16 1 Residual Heat Pipe: Weld: Elbow: UT = 66.4% Limitation Table Removal A376 Stainless A403 from 2 Box 1-16-1 RHRF-107 R-A System Pipe to TP316 Steel WP316 Restraint Figure R1.11 & Elbow Weld1 Seamless Austenitic Pads Next to 1-16-1 to R1.16 Austenitic Stainless Weld. No 1-16-3 Pipe and Stainless Steel Recordable (WCAP- Elbow 8 Sch. Steel Indications 14572) 140, TNOM =

0.812 1.17 2 High Pressure Valve: Weld: Tee: Item No. Examinations Tables Safety A351 Stainless A-403 R1.11, UT = Performed 1-17-1, SIF-029 R-A Injection Gr CF8 Steel WP304 50% From Tee 1-17-2 R1.11 & System Valve Cast Austenitic Side Only Figures 1-63-510 to Stainless Stainless Item No. Due 1-17-1 to R1.16 R1.16, UT =

Tee Weld steel Steel Geometric 1-17-3 R1.11 52% Design and (WCAP- Tee 8 Sch. Cast Material 14572, 40S, STD Wall of Valve. No U1R16) TNOM = 0.322 Scans on and Valve Side of R1.16 Weld. No (Code Recordable Case Indications N-716-1, U1R19) 1.18 2 High Pressure Elbow: Weld: Valve: UT = 63% Geometric Table Safety A-403 Stainless A351 CF8 Design 1-18-1 SIF-031 R-A Injection WP304 Steel Cast Limitation No Figure R1.11 & System Elbow Austenitic Stainless Scans on 1-18-1 and R1.16 to Valve Stainless Steel Valve Side of 1-18-2 1-FCV-63-5 Steel Weld. No (Code Weld Recordable Case Indications N-716-1) Elbow 8 Sch.

40S, STD Wall TNOM = 0.322 1.19 1 Safety Pipe: Weld: Valve: UT = 50% Geometric Table Injection A376 TP- Stainless SA182 Design 1-19-1 SIF-196 R-A System Pipe to 316 Steel F316 Limitation No Figures R1.11 & Valve 63-559 Seamless Stainless Scans on 1-19-1 to R1.16 Weld Austenitic Steel Valve Side of 1-19-3 Stainless Weld. No (WCAP- Pipe 6 Sch. Steel Recordable 14572) 160, TNOM = Indications 0.719 CNL-17-057 E16 of 178

Attachment 1 TABLE 1 - SQN UNIT 1 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class Weld Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Applicable

/ Weld Description and and Code Limitations Tables Identification Category Product Weld Product Coverage and Results and Number Item No. Form Form Obtained Figures 1.20 1 Safety Valve: Weld: Elbow: PAUT = Geometric Figures Injection SA182 Stainless A182 F316 57.15% Design 1-20-1 to SIF-197 R-A System Pipe to F316 Steel Austenitic Limitations on 1-20-3 R1.11 Valve 63-559 Stainless Stainless Valve Side of Weld Steel Steel Weld. No (Code Recordable Case Pipe 6 Sch. Indications N-716-1) 160, TNOM =

0.719 1.21 1 Safety Elbow: Weld: Branch PAUT = Geometric Figures Injection SA-182 Stainless (Boss) 57.15% Design 1-21-1 to SIF-198 R-A System Elbow F316 Steel Connection: Limitations on 1-21-3 R1.11 & to Nozzle Boss Stainless SA-182 Branch R1.16 Connection Steel F316 Connection Weld Stainless Side of Weld.

(Code Steel No Case Elbow and Recordable N-716-1) Nozzle Boss 6 Indications Sch. 160, TNOM

= 0.719 NOTE:

Ultrasonic (UT) Examination, Phased Array UT Examination (PAUT) and Surface Examination by Liquid Penetrant (PT) or Magnetic Particle (MT).

CNL-17-057 E17 of 178

Attachment 1 1.1 Weld W08 Reactor Vessel (Head Ring to Flange Weld)

Figure 1-1-1 Weld W08-09 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0504-C-09)

This weld was MT and UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U1R18 refueling outage in 2012. The NDE data came from MT Report No. R-0031 and UT Report No. R-0041. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) and the MT Code Required Surface Exam Area (CRA) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-5. The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D and the CRA is B-E. The MT examination had no limitations. The UT examination was limited by the head lifting lugs in three places around the weld at 60°, 180°,

and 300° resulting in the total UT coverage of 70.9% as described in Table 1-1-1 and shown on Figures 1-1-2 through 1-1-7. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data was reviewed from U1R09, MT report R-7283 and UT report R-7294, and for U1R10, MT report R-7552 and UT report R-7555. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2110(b) which implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E18 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-1-1 Weld W08-09 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Note: Wave Modes Used = 0° Longitudinal, 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E19 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 1-1-2 Weld W08-09, Weld Profile CNL-17-057 E20 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 1-1-3 Weld W08-09, Weld Profile 45°/60° Scan X (4 Scans)

CNL-17-057 E21 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 1-1-4 Weld W08-09, Weld Profile 45° Head Ring to Flange Scan CNL-17-057 E22 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 1-1-5 Weld W08-09, Weld Profile 60° Head Ring to Flange Scan CNL-17-057 E23 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 1-1-6 Weld W08-09, Weld Profile 45° Flange to Head Ring Scan CNL-17-057 E24 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 1-1-7 Weld W08-09, Weld Profile 45° Flange to Head Ring Scan CNL-17-057 E25 of 178

Attachment 1 1.2 Weld RCW Pressurizer 6 Safety Head to Nozzle Shell Weld Figure 1-2-1 Weld RCW-16 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0394-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U1R17 refueling outage in 2010.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0196. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 65.6% as described in Table 1-2-1 and combined with Figure 1-2-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U1R10, UT report R-7531 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E26 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-2-1 Weld RCW-16 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary FLOW = Head to Nozzle Total Coverage = 65.6%

Scan 9 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E27 of 178

Attachment 1 Scan 10 Scan 11 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E28 of 178

Attachment 1 NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE FLOW Figure 1-2-2 Weld RCW-16, Weld Profile 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E29 of 178

Attachment 1 1.3 Weld RCW Pressurizer 6 Relief Head to Nozzle Shell Weld Figure 1-3-1 Weld RCW-17 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0394-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U1R17 refueling outage in 2010.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0197. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 67.1% as described in Table 1-3-1 and combined with Figure 1-3-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U1R10, UT report R-7532 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E30 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-3-1 Weld RCW-17 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary FLOW = Head to Nozzle Total Coverage = 67.1%

Scan 9 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E31 of 178

Attachment 1 Scan 10 Scan 11 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear CNL-17-057 E32 of 178

Attachment 1 NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE FLOW Figure 1-3-2 Weld RCW-17, Weld Profile 45° & 60° deg. Scans CNL-17-057 E33 of 178

Attachment 1 1.4 Weld RCW Pressurizer 6 Safety Head to Nozzle Shell Weld Figure 1-4-1 Weld RCW-18 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0394-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 3, during the U1R20 refueling outage in 2015.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0106. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 77.0% as described in Table 1-4-1 and combined with Figure 1-4-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from the U1R05 outage, UT report R-5068, and U1R12, UT report R-8000 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E34 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-4-1 Weld RCW-18 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Total Coverage = 77.0%

Scan 9 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E35 of 178

Attachment 1 Scan 10 Scan 11 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E36 of 178

Attachment 1 HEAD SIDE NOZZLE SIDE 0° Info and Profile Taken From Previous UT Report No. R-8000 FLOW Figure 1-4-2 Weld RCW-18, Weld Profile 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E37 of 178

Attachment 1 1.5 Weld RCW Pressurizer 6 Safety Head to Nozzle Shell Weld Figure 1-5-1 Weld RCW-19 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0394-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 3, during the U1R20 refueling outage in 2015.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0105. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 75.5% as described in Table 1-5-1 and combined with Figure 1-5-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from the U1R05 outage, UT report R-5069, and U1R12, UT report R-8001 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E38 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-5-1 Weld RCW-19 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Total Coverage = 75.5%

Scan 9 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E39 of 178

Attachment 1 Scan 10 Scan 11 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E40 of 178

Attachment 1 HEAD SIDE NOZZLE SIDE 0° Info and Profile Taken From Previous UT Report No. R-8001 FLOW Figure 1-5-2 Weld RCW-19, Weld Profile 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E41 of 178

Attachment 1 1.6 Weld RCW Pressurizer 14 Surge Nozzle to Head Shell Weld FLOW Figure 1-6-1 Weld RCW-21 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0394-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1, during the U1R15 refueling outage in 2007.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0073. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration of the nozzle and no axial 45° or 60° scans were performed from the nozzle side of the weld. Limitations from the head side of the weld recorded as instrument penetrations are heater penetrations. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 59.3% as described in Table 1-6-1 and combined with Figure 1-6-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data was reviewed from U1R08, UT report R-6886. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E42 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-6-1 Weld RCW-21 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE 0° 38.3%

45° Axial Head Side 59.6%

60° Axial Head Side 35.7%

45° Axial Nozzle Side 0%

60° Axial Nozzle Side 0%

45° Circ CW *100%

60° Circ CW *100%

45° Circ CCW *100%

60° Circ CCW *100%

Note: *See Figure 1-6-2 as area from A-B-H was covered with transducer skew for inner radius scans.


533.6% ÷ 9 SCANS = 59.28% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 59.3%

Table 1-6-2 Weld RCW-21, Examination Volume and Achieved Examination Volume EXAM VOLUME EV = 21.43 in2 45° AEV = 12.79 in2 60° AEV = 7.67 in2 Notes: Wave Modes Used = 0° Longitudinal, 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E43 of 178

Attachment 1 Weld Location & Edge Prep Taken From Westinghouse AsBuilt DWG.

NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE Figure 1-6-2 Weld RCW-21, Weld Profile 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E44 of 178

Attachment 1 1.7 Weld SWFW CVCS Seal Water Filter 16 OD Shell to Head Weld Figure 1-7-1 Weld SWFW-2 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0458-C-01)

This weld was PT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U1R18 refueling outage in 2012.

The NDE data came from PT Report No. R-0047. The nominal material thickness of the vessel is 0.188, which is less than 0.200 and because of this nominal thickness the weld was PT examined in lieu of UT as allowed by Note (5) of Examination Category C-A, Table IWC-2500-1.

The Code Required Surface Exam Area (CRA) for this weld was the weld and including 0.5 on either side of the weld. This requirement comes from the same Note (5) above. The PT examination was limited by four support legs and their attachment welds shown in Figure 1-7-1 above and the examination resulted in total PT coverage of 65% as described in Table 1-7-1. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U1R10, PT report R-7609 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted.

CNL-17-057 E45 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-7-1 Weld SWFW-2 Surface Coverage and Limitation Summary Weld Circumference 50.25 Unexamined Area Due to Four 17.6 = 35%

Support Legs Examined Area 100% - 35% = 65%

CNL-17-057 E46 of 178

Attachment 1 1.8 Weld BIT SIS Centrifugal Charging Pump Tank 10 Head to Nozzle Weld Figure 1-8-1 Weld BIT-5 (Extracted from Reference DWG ISI-0069-C-01)

This weld was MT and UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U1R17 refueling outage in 2010. The NDE data came from MT Report No. R-0068 and UT Report No. R-0069. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) and the MT Code Required Surface Exam Area (CRA) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-4(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F and the CRA is A-B. The MT examination had no limitations. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 65.6% as described in Tables 1-8-1 and 1-8-2 combined with Figure 1-8-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U1R10 for both MT report R-7403 and UT report R-7453 was reviewed. The previous UT examination recorded an acceptable geometric indication (root) which was identified again during U1R17.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E47 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-8-1 Weld BIT-5 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE 0° 15%

45° Axial Head Side 76%

60° Axial Head Side 100%

45° Axial Nozzle Side 0%

60° Axial Nozzle Side 0%

45° Circ CW *100%

60° Circ CW *100%

45° Circ CCW *100%

60° Circ CCW *100%

Note: *See Figure 1-8-2 area of Circ scans was covered with transducer skewing through the weld.


591% ÷ 9 SCANS = 65.6% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 65.6%

Note: Wave Modes Used = 0° Longitudinal, 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E48 of 178


.73 Scale 1.0 - 1.0^

1.65 Figure 1-8-2 Weld BIT-5, Weld Profile 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E49 of 178

Attachment 1 1.9 Weld CSF-058 - Containment Spray (12) Pipe to Elbow Weld Figure 1-9-1 Weld CSF-058 (Extracted from Drawing CHM-2422-C-06)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1, during the U1R16 refueling outage in 2009 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11, for thermal fatigue and the NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0079.

The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in.

beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because the weld was located about 4 inside the penetration (see Figure 1-9-2). No axial scans were performed from the pipe side of the weld. They were limited due to clearance between the transducer and penetration sleeve. The examination resulted in a total UT coverage of 34% as described in Table 1-9-1 and shown on Figure 1-9-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 70° Shear CNL-17-057 E50 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Circumference (Weld Length) = 40.25 and 22 was not examined.

22 ÷ 40.25 = 54.6%

100% - 54.6% = 45.4% Examined Scan 3 (Upstream Axial 45°) = 0%

Scan 4 (Downstream Axial 45° and 70°) = 45.4%

Scan 5 (Downstream Circumferential Elbow and Weld 45°) = 45.4%

Scan 6 (Upstream Circumferential Pipe and Weld 45°) = 45.4%

Total = 136.2%

136.2% ÷ 4 Scans = 34%

Table 1-9 Weld CSF-058, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

40.25 Not Not Not Determined 40.25 Not determined Determined Determined Weld CSF-058 - Pipe-to Elbow Weld 12 Sch. 40 - 0.406 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S 0% N/A 45.4% 45.4%

70°S N/A N/A 45.4% N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 34%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) Best Effort Coverage refers to the required examination past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds that are examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access.

CNL-17-057 E51 of 178

Attachment 1 Achieved Exam FLOW Volume = 34%-

Figure 1-9-2 Weld CSF-058, Weld Profile 45° & 70° deg. Scans CNL-17-057 E52 of 178

Attachment 1 1.10 Weld CSF-099A - Containment Spray 3 Valve to Pipe Weld Figure 1-10-1 Weld CSF-099A (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0430-C-36)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1, during the U1R16 refueling outage in 2009 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11, for thermal fatigue and the NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0024.

The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in.

beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because the valve is made of cast stainless steel that was not identified at the time of the original UT examination. In 2012, the coverage was recalculated based on the valve being cast stainless steel. The revised coverage for the examination resulted in total UT coverage of 50% as described in Table 1-10-1 and shown on Figure 1-10-2.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U1R09, UT report R-7141 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. It was noted that the thickness and contour of this weld were taken from the U1R09 UT report and used for the U1R16 outage evaluation.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 70° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E53 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Examination Volume (EV) = 1.0 x .1 x 11 = 1.13 Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) = 1.13 x .05 = 0.553 Scan 4 (Downstream Axial Pipe Side Combined 45° and 70°) = 100%

Scan 5 & 6 (Downstream Circumferential Pipe Side and Weld Combined 45°) = 100%

Total = 200%

200% ÷ 4 Scans = 50%

Table 1-10 Weld CSF-099A, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = .1 Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

11 .1.0 .259 11 .5 Weld CSF-099A - Valve to Pipe Weld 3 Sch. 40 - 0.216 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S N/A N/A 50% 100%

70°S 0% N/A 50% 0%

Code Coverage Total (2) = 50%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) Best Effort Coverage refers to the required examination past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds that are examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access.

CNL-17-057 E54 of 178

Attachment 1 VALVE SIDE PIPE SIDE Achieved Exam Volume = 50% FLOW Figure 1-10-2 Weld CSF-099A, Weld Profile 45° & 70° Scans CNL-17-057 E55 of 178

Attachment 1 1.11 Weld CVCF-020 - Chemical Volume Control System (4) Tee to Valve Weld Figure 1-11-1 Weld CVCF-020 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0430-C-15)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1, during the U1R16 refueling outage in 2009 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11, for thermal fatigue and the NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0023.

The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in.

beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of the geometric design of the valve side of the weld and the tee side of the weld at 90° through 270° where transducer contact could not be fully maintained. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 41.9% as described in Table 1-11-1 and shown on Figure 1-11-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 70° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E56 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Examination Volume (EV) = 1.55 x .17 x 14.5 = 3.823 Scan 3 (Upstream Axial Tee Side 45°) = 100%

Scan 3 (Upstream Axial Tee Side 70°) = *51.7%

Scan 5 & 6 (Upstream Circumferential CW and CCW Tee Side and Weld Combined 45° = 100%

Total = 251.7%

Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) and Coverage Percent obtained = 251.7% ÷ 6 Scans =


  • No scan due to loss of transducer contact. For Scan 3 (Upstream Axial Tee Side 70°) where approximately 7 has no transducer contact = (7.5 ÷ 14.5 = 51.7%)

Table 1-11 Weld CVCF-020, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

14.5 1.55 .17 .51 14.5 .55 Weld CVCF-020 - Tee to Valve Weld 4 Sch. 120 - 0.438 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S 100% 100% N/A N/A 70°S 51.7% N/A N/A N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 41.9%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See Note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) A Best Effort Coverage examination was performed past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access. See sketch for approximate coverage.

CNL-17-057 E57 of 178

Attachment 1 FLOW TEE SIDE Crown Width: 0.55 VALVE SIDE Crown Height: < .05 as welded Weld Length: 14.5 Diameter: 4.0 Achieved Exam Volume = 41.9%

Figure 1-11-2 Weld CVCF-020, Thickness & Weld Profile 45° & 70° Scans CNL-17-057 E58 of 178

Attachment 1 1.12 Weld RCS-069 - RCS 6 Elbow-to-Pipe Weld PRESSURIZER To Safety Valve 68563 Figure 1-12-1 Weld RCS-069 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0369-C-03)

This weld was UT examined using Phased Array (PAUT) in Inspection Period 3, during the U1R20 refueling outage in 2015 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.20, for welds that are not subject to a degradation mechanism and the NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0096. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F and there is no increased volume requirement for this Item No. R1.20. However, the CRV for this weld was increased to cover the counterbore transition area and could not be fully examined because of a limitation due to the geometric design on the elbow intrados from 6 to

15. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 89.3% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and shown on Figure 1-12-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data was reviewed from UT Report No. R-7801 in U1R11. Geometric weld root indications were noted at below recordable levels.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E59 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Figure 1-12-2 Weld RCS-069, Coverage Plot CNL-17-057 E60 of 178

Attachment 1 Crown Width: 1.2 Crown Height: FLUSH Weld Length: 21 Diameter: 6.0 Figure 1-12-3 Weld RCS-069, Profile and Thickness CNL-17-057 E61 of 178

Attachment 1 1.13 Weld RCS-089 - RCS 6 Elbow-to-Pipe Weld Figure 1-13-1 Weld RCS-089 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0369-C-03)

This weld was UT examined using Phased Array (PAUT) in Inspection Period 3, during the U1R20 refueling outage in 2015 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.20, for welds that are not subject to a degradation mechanism and the NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0094. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F and there is no increased volume requirement for this Item No. R1.20. However, the CRV for this weld was increased to cover the counterbore transition area and could not be fully examined because of a limitation due to the geometric design on the elbow intrados from 6 to

15. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 89.3% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and shown on Figure 1-13-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data was reviewed from UT Report No. R-7797 in U1R11. Geometric weld root geometry was noted at below recordable levels.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E62 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Figure 1-13-2 Weld RCS-089, Coverage Plot CNL-17-057 E63 of 178

Attachment 1 0° 180° Crown Width: 1.2 Crown Height: FLUSH Weld Length: 21 Diameter: 6.0 90° 270° Figure 1-13-3 Weld RCS-069, Profile and Thickness CNL-17-057 E64 of 178

Attachment 1 1.14 Weld RCS-101 - RCS (6) Elbow-to-Pipe Weld Pressurizer Safety Valve PRESSURIZER 68565 Figure 1-14-1 Weld RCS-101 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0369-C-03)

This weld was UT examined using Phased Array (PAUT) in Inspection Period 3, during the U1R20 refueling outage in 2015 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11, for welds that are potentially subject to thermal fatigue and the NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0095. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an increased volume requirement to cover the transition and counterbore area. The CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of a limitation due to the geometric design on the elbow intrados from 6 to 15. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 89.3% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and shown on Figure 1-14-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U1R11, UT Report No. R-7796 was reviewed. Geometric weld root geometry was noted at below recordable levels.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E65 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Figure 1-14-2 Weld RCS-101, Coverage Plot CNL-17-057 E66 of 178

Attachment 1 Crown Width: 1.2 Crown Height: FLUSH Weld Length: 21 Diameter: 6.0 Figure 1-14-3 Weld RCS-101, Profile and Thickness CNL-17-057 E67 of 178

Attachment 1 1.15 Weld RHRF-106 - Residual Heat Removal (8) Valve to Pipe Weld Figure 1-15-1 Weld RHRF-106 (Extracted from Drawing CHM-2336-C-06)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1, during the U1R16 refueling outage in 2009 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11 for thermal fatigue and the NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0085.

The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in.

beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of the geometric configuration of the valve side of the weld and because the valve was made of Cast Stainless Steel. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 50% as described in Table 1-15-1 shown on Figure 1-15-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-17-057 E68 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Examination Volume (EV) 2.4 x .35 x 27.25 = 22.893 Scan 4 (Downstream Axial Combined 45° and 60°) = 100%

Scan 5 (Downstream Circumferential CCW Pipe and Weld 45°) = 50%

Scan 6 (Downstream Circumferential CW Pipe and Weld 45°) = 50%

Total = 200%

Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) and Coverage Percent obtained = 200% ÷ 4 Scans = 50%

Table 1-15 Weld RHRF-106, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

27.25 2.4 0.35 0.989 27.25 ~ 1.35 Weld RHRF-106 - Valve to Pipe Weld 8 Sch. 140 - 0.812 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S N/A N/A 50% 100%

60°RL N/A N/A 50% N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 50%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) A Best Effort Coverage examination was performed past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access. See sketches for approximate coverage.

CNL-17-057 E69 of 178

Attachment 1 VALVE SIDE Achieved Exam PIPE SIDE Volume = 50%

Area Unable to Achieve ID Roll FLOW Figure 1-15-2 Weld RHRF-106, Coverage Plot 45° & 60° Scans Figure 1-15-3 Weld RHRF-106, Profile and Thickness CNL-17-057 E70 of 178

Attachment 1 1.16 Weld RHRF-107 - Residual Heat Removal 8 Pipe to Elbow Weld Figure 1-16-1 Weld RHRF-107 (Extracted from Drawing CHM-2336-C-06)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U1R18 refueling outage in 2012 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11, for potential thermal fatigue and under Item No. R1.16, for potential IGSCC or TGSCC. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0023. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in. beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of two box restraint pads located next to the weld as shown in Figure 1-16-3.

The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 66.4% as described in Table 1-16-1. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from UT Report No. R-7785 in U1R11 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E71 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Examination Volume (EV) = H = 0.305 x W = 1.9 x L = 27.5 = 15.93 27.5- 9.25 = 18.25 (Actually Scanned) 0.305 x 1.9 x 18.25 = 10.573 10.573 ÷ 15.93 = .6643 = 66.4%

Scan 3 (Upstream Axial Pipe 45°) = 66.4%

Scan 5 & 6 (Upstream Circumferential CCW & CW Pipe and Weld 45°) = 66.4%

Scan 4 (Downstream Axial Elbow 45°) = 66.4%

Scan 5 & 6 (Downstream Circl CCW & CW Elbow and Weld 45°) = 66.4%

Total = 265.6%

Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) and Coverage Percent obtained = 265.6% ÷ 4 Scans = 66.4%

Table 1-16 Weld RHRF-107, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

27.5 1.9 0.305 0.94 27.5 .90 Weld RHRF-107 - Pipe to Elbow Weld 8 Sch. 140 - 0.812 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Axial Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Circumferential 45°S 66.4% 66.4% 66.4% 66.4%

Code Coverage Total (2) = 66.4%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

CNL-17-057 E72 of 178

Attachment 1 Pipe Side Elbow Side Crown Width: 0.90 Crown Height: FLUSH Weld Length: 27.5 Diameter: 8.0 Achieved Exam Volume = 66.4%

Figure 1-16-2 Weld RHRF-107, Coverage Plot for 45° Scans and Weld Profile L=

L= 23.0 4.375 Weld Support Pads (2) Places L= 18.375 L= 9.0 Scan Limitations (23.0 -18.375) + (9.0 - 4.375) = 9.25 27.5 - 9.25 = 18.25 Examined Length Figure 1-16-3 Weld RHRF-107, Box Restraint Pads Scan Limitations CNL-17-057 E73 of 178

Attachment 1 1.17 Weld SIF-029 - High Pressure Safety Injection System 8 Valve to Tee Weld Figure 1-17-1 Weld SIF-029 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0434-C-05)

This weld was UT examined twice in the third interval. The first UT examination was performed in Inspection Period 1, during the U1R16 refueling outage in 2009 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572 for Item No. R1.11, as a potential thermal fatigue location. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0105. The second UT examination was performed in Inspection Period 3, during the U1R19 refueling outage in 2013 to meet the requirements of the revised RI-ISI Program under Code Case N-716-1 for Item No. R1.16, as a potential IGSCC or TGSCC location. This NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0026.

The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the Item No. in each RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c), with the corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure C-D-E-F. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of the geometric configuration of the valve side of the weld and because the valve was made of Cast Stainless Steel. For the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572, Item No. R1.11, the CRV was increased to include at least a 1/2 in. beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. There was no increase of the CRV for Item No. R1.16 under the RI-ISI Program under Code Case N-716-1. This difference in the required volume for the two UT examinations resulted in a minor difference in the coverage obtained for the same weld. The two UT examinations resulted in total UT coverage of 50% for WCAP-14572, Item No. R1.11 and 52%

for Code Case N-716-1, Item No. R1.16 as described in the Calculation Coverage Data sections CNL-17-057 E74 of 178

Attachment 1 and in Tables 1-17-1 and 1-17-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data was reviewed. For U1R13, UT report R-8159 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. It was noted that the thickness and contour of this weld were taken from the U1R13 UT report and used for the U1R16 outage evaluation.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 70° Shear.

Calculation Coverage Data - WCAP-14572, R1.11 Examination UT Report No. R-0105 Examination Volume (EV) = H = .18 x W = 1.5 x L = 27.5 = 7.43 Scan 4 (Downstream Axial Tee Side 45°) = 50%

Scan 4 (Downstream Axial Tee Side 70°) = 50%

Scan 5 & 6 (Downstream Circ. CW & CCW Weld & Tee Side 45°) = 100%

Total = 200%

Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) and Coverage Percent obtained = 200% ÷ 4 Scans = 50%

Table 1-17 Weld SIF-029, Examination Coverage Summary (WCAP-14572, R1.11)

Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

27.25 1.5 0.18 0.296 27.25 0.5 Weld SIF-029 - Valve to Tee Weld 8 Sch. 40S - 0.322 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S N/A N/A 50% 100%

70°S N/A N/A 50% N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 50%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 CNL-17-057 E75 of 178

Attachment 1 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) A Best Effort Coverage examination was performed past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access. See sketches for approximate coverage.

Calculation Coverage Data - Code Case N-716-1, R1.16 Examination UT Report No. R-0026 See Figure 1-17-3 where data below was applied:

Examination Volume (EV) - H = .1 x W = 1.35 x L = 27.5 = 3.713 Limited EV - H = .1 x W = .65 x L = 27.5 = 1.793 Limited Percent of Coverage - 1.793 ÷ 3.713 x 100 = 48%

Coverage Obtained - 100% - 48% = 52%

Scan 4 (Downstream Axial Tee Side 45°) = 52%

Scan 4 (Downstream Axial Tee Side 70°) = 52%

Scans 5 & 6 (Downstream Circ. CW & CCW Weld & Tee Side 45°) = 104% (total)

Total = 208%

Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) and Coverage Percent obtained = 208% ÷ 4 Scans = 52%

Table 1-17 Weld SIF-029, Examination Coverage Summary (Code Case N-716-1, R1.16)

Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

27.25 1.35 0.1 0.296 27.25 0.5 Weld SIF-029 - Valve to Tee Weld 8 Sch. 40S - 0.322 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S N/A N/A 52% 104%

70°S N/A N/A 52% N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 52%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 CNL-17-057 E76 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-17 Weld SIF-029, Examination Coverage Summary (Code Case N-716-1, R1.16)


(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) A Best Effort Coverage examination was performed past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access. See sketches for approximate coverage.

Thickness Readings and Contour Crown Width: 0.5 Crown Height: 0.05 Weld Length: 27.5 Diameter: 8.0 Contour Taken @ TDC of Weld Achieved Exam Volume = 50%

Figure 1-17-2 Weld SIF-029, Coverage Plot for 45° & 70° Scans and Weld Profile CNL-17-057 E77 of 178

Attachment 1 Thickness Readings and Contour Crown Width: 0.5 H = .1 Crown Height: 0.05 1.35 Weld Length: 27.5 Diameter: 8.0 .7 6.5 Contour Taken @ TDC Achieved Exam of Weld Volume = 52%

Figure 1-17-3 Weld SIF-029, Coverage Plot 45° & 70° Scans and Weld Profile CNL-17-057 E78 of 178

Attachment 1 1.18 Weld SIF-031 - High Pressure Safety Injection System 8 Elbow to Valve Weld Figure 1-18-1 Weld SIF-031 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0434-C-05)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 3, during the U1R19 refueling outage in 2013 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11 for potential thermal fatigue and under Item No. R1.16 for potential IGSCC or TGSCC. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0024. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in. beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of the geometric configuration of the valve side of the weld and because the valve was made of Cast Stainless Steel. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 63%

as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and in Table 1-18-1 and shown on Figure 1-18-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U1R13, UT report R-8159, was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E79 of 178

Attachment 1 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 70° Shear.

Calculation Coverage Data See Figure 1-18-2 where data below was applied:

Examination Volume (EV) - H = .14 x W = 1.9 x L = 27.5 = 7.323 Limited EV - H = .14 x W = .7 x L = 27.5 = 2.73 Limited Percent of Coverage - 2.73 ÷ 7.323 x 100 = 37%

Coverage Obtained - 100% - 37% = 63%

Scan 4 (Upstream Axial Elbow Side 45°) = 63%

Scan 4 (Upstream Axial Elbow Side 70°) = 63%

Scans 5 & 6 (Upstream Circ. CW & CCW Weld & Elbow Side 45°) = 126% (total)

Total = 252%

Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) and Coverage Percent obtained = 252% ÷ 4 Scans = 63%

CNL-17-057 E80 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-18 Weld SIF-031, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

27.25 1.9 0.14 0.364 27.25 0.5 Weld SIF-031 - Elbow to Valve Weld 8 Sch. 40S - 0.322 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S 63% 126% N/A N/A 70°S 63% N/A N/A N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 63%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) A Best Effort Coverage examination was performed past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access. See sketch for approximate coverage.

CNL-17-057 E81 of 178

Attachment 1 Thickness Readings and Contour Crown Width: 0.5 Crown Height: 0.05 Weld Length: 27.5 Diameter: 8.0 1 H = .14 1.9 1.2 .7 Contour Taken @ TDC of Weld 1

Achieved Exam Volume = 63%

Figure 1-18-2 Weld SIF-031, Coverage Plot 45° & 70° Scans and Weld Profile CNL-17-057 E82 of 178

Attachment 1 1.19 Weld SIF-196 - Safety Injection System 6 Pipe to Valve Weld Figure 1-19-1 Weld SIF-196 (Extracted from Drawing CHM-2333-C-07)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U1R17 refueling outage in 2010 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11, for potential thermal fatigue and under Item No. R1.16, for potential IGSCC or TGSCC. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0173. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in. beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of the geometric configuration of the valve side of the weld. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 50% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and in Table 1-19-1 and shown on Figure 1-18-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U1R08, MT report R-6822 and UT Report No. R-6864 was reviewed. Geometric weld root indications were noted with the UT examination. It was noted that the thickness and contour of this weld were taken from the U1R08 UT report and used for the U1R17 outage evaluation.

CNL-17-057 E83 of 178

Attachment 1 Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

Calculation Coverage Data Extent of Examination per side= Height x Width x Length = 0.24 x 2.15/2 x 21.0= 5.41in3.

The percentages below are the final percentages and calculations were not provided in the UT report.

Scan 3 (Upstream Axial Pipe Side 45° & 60°) = 100%

Scan 5 & 6 (Upstream Circ. CW & CCW Weld & Pipe Side 45°) = 100%

Scan 4 (Downstream Axial 60°RL from Pipe Side- Single Sided) = 0%

Scan 5 & 6 (Downstream Circ. CW & CCW Weld & Valve Side 45°) = 0%

Total = 50%

Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) and Coverage Percent obtained = 200% ÷ 4 Scans = 50%

CNL-17-057 E84 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 1-19 Weld SIF-196, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

21 2.15 0.24 0.712(4) 21 1.2 Weld SIF-196 - Pipe to Valve Weld 6 Sch. 160 - 0.719 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S 100% 100% N/A N/A 60°RL See note 3 N/A N/A N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 50%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) A Best Effort Coverage examination was performed past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access. See sketches for approximate coverage.

(4) Average weld thickness from 0° and 90° profiles.

CNL-17-057 E85 of 178

Attachment 1 0° Contours Taken @ TDC of Weld 90° Figure 1-19-2 Weld SIF-196, Thickness Readings & Contours 0° & 90° CNL-17-057 E86 of 178

Attachment 1 Crown Width: 1.2 Crown Height: FLUSH Weld Length: 21 Diameter: 6.0 H = .24 L = 2.15 Achieved Exam Volume = 50%

SCALE Figure 1-19-3 Weld SIF-196, Coverage Plot 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E87 of 178

Attachment 1 1.20 Weld SIF-197 - Safety Injection System 6 Valve to Elbow Weld Figure 1-20-1 Weld SIF-197 (Extracted from Drawing CHM-2333-C-07)

This weld was UT examined using Phased Array (PAUT) in Inspection Period 3, during the U1R19 refueling outage in 2013 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11, for welds that are potentially subject to thermal fatigue. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0085. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in. beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of the geometric configuration of the valve side of the weld. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 57.15% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and shown on Figures 1-20-2 and 1-20-3. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E88 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Angles = 35°S to 70°S and 40°RL to 70°RL VALVE ELBOW Crown Width: .75 Crown Height:

GROUND FLUSH Weld Length: 21 Diameter: 6.68 Achieved Exam Volume = 57.15%

Figure 1-20-2 Weld SIF-197, Coverage Plot CNL-17-057 E89 of 178

Attachment 1 Valve Side Elbow Side Thickness Readings and Contour 0° VALVE ELBOW 0° VALVE ELBOW Figure 1-20-3 Weld SIF-197, Thickness Readings & Contour 0° CNL-17-057 E90 of 178

Attachment 1 1.21 Weld SIF-198 - Safety Injection System (6) Elbow to Branch Connection Weld Figure 1-21-1 Weld SIF-198 (Extracted from Drawing CHM-2333-C-07)

This weld was UT examined using Phased Array (PAUT) in Inspection Period 3, during the U1R19 refueling outage in 2013 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under Code Case N-716-1. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11, for potential thermal fatigue and under Item No. R1.16, for potential IGSCC or TGSCC. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0119. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in. beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of the geometric configuration of the branch connection side of the weld. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 57.15% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and shown on Figure 1-21-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

ID geometry was noted during the U1R19 outage below recordable levels.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E91 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Angles = 35°S to 70°S and 40°RL to 70°RL Crown Width: .75 Crown Height:

GROUND SMOOTH Weld Length: 21 BRANCH Diameter: 6.68 ELBOW Achieved Exam Volume = 57.15%

Figure 1-21-2 Weld SIF-198, Coverage Plot CNL-17-057 E92 of 178

Attachment 1 Elbow Side Branch Side BRANCH ELBOW Figure 1-21-3 Weld SIF-198, Thickness Readings & Contour 0° CNL-17-057 E93 of 178

Attachment 1 TABLE 2 - SQN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class, Weld Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Applicable

/ Weld Category Description and and Code Limitations Tables Identification and Item Product Weld Product Coverage and Results and Number No. Form Form Obtained Figures 2.1 1 Pressurizer (4 Nozzle: Weld: Head: UT = 75.58% Geometric Figures Spray) Nozzle A-508 Ferritic SA-533 Nozzle 2-1-1 to RCW-15 B-D to Head Shell Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design 2-1-9 B3.110 Weld Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration Forging Plate with Limitation.

Head TNOM = Austenitic No 2.5 Stainless Recordable Cladding TNOM Steel Indications

= 0.190 Cladding 2.2 1 Pressurizer (6 Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 74.6% Geometric Table 2-2-1 Safety) Head SA-533 Ferritic A-508 Nozzle RCW-16 B-D to Nozzle Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design Figures Shell Weld Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration 2-2-1 to B3.110 2-2-4 NOM Plate with Forging Limitation.

Head T = Austenitic One 2.5 Stainless Recordable Cladding TNOM Steel Indication

= 0.190 Cladding Acceptable 2.3 1 Pressurizer (6 Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 76.6% Geometric Table 2-3-1 Safety) Head SA-533 Ferritic A-508 Nozzle RCW-17 B-D to Nozzle Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design Figures Shell Weld Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration 2-3-1 to B3.110 2-3-4 Plate with Forging Limitation.

Head TNOM = Austenitic No 2.5 Stainless Recordable Cladding Steel Indications NOM Cladding T . = 0.190 2.4 1 Pressurizer (6 Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 71.0% Geometric Table 2-4-1 Relief) Head SA-533 Ferritic A-508 Nozzle RCW-18 B-D to Nozzle Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design Figures Shell Weld Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration 2-4-1 to B3.110 2-4-4 Plate with Forging Limitation.

Head TNOM = Austenitic No 2.5 Stainless Recordable Cladding Steel Indications TNOM. = 0.190 Cladding 2.5 1 Pressurizer (6 Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 70.1% Geometric Table 2-5-1 Safety) Head SA-533 Ferritic A-508 Nozzle RCW-19 B-D to Nozzle Shell Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design Figures Weld Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration 2-5-1 to B3.110 2-5-4 Plate with Forging Limitation.

Head TNOM = Austenitic No 2.5 Stainless Recordable Cladding TNOM Steel Indications

= 0.190 Cladding CNL-17-057 E94 of 178

Attachment 1 TABLE 2 - SQN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class, Weld Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Applicable

/ Weld Category Description and and Code Limitations Tables Identification and Item Product Weld Product Coverage and Results and Number No. Form Form Obtained Figures 2.6 1 Pressurizer Nozzle: Weld: Head: UT = 59.5% Geometric Tables 14 Surge A-508 Ferritic SA-533 Nozzle 2-6-1 and RCW-21 B-D Nozzle to Class 2 Steel Class 2 Design 2-6-2 B3.110 Head Shell Alloy Steel Alloy Steel Configuration Weld Forging Plate with and Head Figures Austenitic Side of Weld 2-6-1 to Head TNOM = Stainless Due to 2-6-2 3.0 Steel (Heater Cladding TNOM Cladding Penetration)

= 0.190 Nozzles. No Recordable Indications 2.7 2 CVCS Seal Flange: Weld: Shell: UT = 87.7% Geometric Figures Water Injection 304 Stainless 304 Flange Taper 2-7-1 to SWIFW-1-A C-A Filter A Shell Stainless Steel Stainless Limitation and 2-7-4 C1.10 Circumferential Steel Steel Plate Bracket Weld (Flange Forging Location. No to Shell Weld) Recordable Indications Shell 10.75 NOM.


Shell TMIN. =

0.875 2.8 2 CVCS Seal Shell: Weld: Head: UT = 64.7% Limitation Figures Water Injection 304 Stainless 304 Due to 3 2-8-1 to SWIFW-2-A C-A Filter A Head Stainless Steel Stainless Support Legs 2-8-3 C1.20 Circumferential Steel Plate Steel Plate Welded to the Weld (Shell to Filter Head Head Weld) and Shell.

No Shell 10.75 Recordable NOM.

O.D. Indications Shell & Head MIN T = 0.875 2.9 2 CVCS Seal Shell: Weld: Head: PT = 68.0% Limitation Table 2-9-1 Water Filter 304 Stainless 304 Due to 4 SWFW-2 C-A Head Stainless Steel Stainless Support Legs Figures Circumferential Steel Plate Steel Plate Welded to the 2-9-1 and C1.20 2-9-2 Weld (Shell to Filter Head Head Weld) and Shell.

No Shell 16 O.D. Recordable NOM Indications Shell T =

0.188 CNL-17-057 E95 of 178

Attachment 1 TABLE 2 - SQN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class, Weld Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Applicable

/ Weld Category Description and and Code Limitations Tables Identification and Item Product Weld Product Coverage and Results and Number No. Form Form Obtained Figures 2.10 2 Loop 1 Steam Shell: Weld: Shell UT = 45.0% Limitation Table Generator SA-533, Ferritic (Cone): Shell Side of 2-10-1 SGW-D1 C-A Shell GR A Class Steel SA-533, Weld Due to Figures C1.10 Circumferential 1 Steel GR A Proximity of 2-10-1 to Weld (Shell to Plate Class 1 Secondary 2-10-10 Shell Cone Steel Plate Support.

Weld) Recordable Indications Shell TNOM = Axial 2.82 Geometry (Internal Welded Component)

Acceptable 2.11 2 Safety Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 74.6% Geometric Table Injection SA-516 Ferritic A-350 LF2 Nozzle 2-11-1 BIT-2 C-B System GR70 Steel Carbon MT = 100% Design Figures C2.21 Centrifugal Carbon and Low Configuration. 2-11-1 to Charging Steel Plate Alloy Steel No 2-11-3 Pump Tank with SA- Forging Recordable Nozzle to Shell 240 TP with SA- Indications (Head to 12 304L 240 TP Nozzle) Weld Austenitic 304L Stainless Austenitic Head TMIN = Steel Stainless 2.0 Cladding Steel Cladding TNOM Cladding

= 0.125 2.12 2 Safety Head: Weld: Nozzle: UT = 66.7% Geometric Tables Injection SA-516 Ferritic A-350 LF2 Nozzle 2-12-1 BIT-5 C-B System GR70 Steel Carbon MT = 100% Design 2-12-2 C2.21 Centrifugal Carbon and Low Configuration. Figures Charging Steel Plate Alloy Steel No 2-12-1 to Pump Tank with SA- Forging Recordable 2-12-2 Nozzle to Shell 240 TP with SA- Indications (Head to 10 304L 240 TP Nozzle) Weld Austenitic 304L Stainless Austenitic Head TMIN = Steel Stainless 2.0 Cladding Steel NOM Cladding Cladding T

= 0.125 CNL-17-057 E96 of 178

Attachment 1 TABLE 2 - SQN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class, Weld Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Applicable

/ Weld Category Description and and Code Limitations Tables Identification and Item Product Weld Product Coverage and Results and Number No. Form Form Obtained Figures 2.13 2 Auxiliary Tee: Weld: Pipe: UT = 75.0% Located Table Feedwater A-106-B Ferritic A-106-B Inside a 2-13-1, AFWF-001 R-A System 4 Seamless Steel Seamless Guard Pipe Figures R1.11 Branch Pipe Carbon Carbon and Limitation 2-13-1 and (Tee Steel Steel Due to 2-13-2 (WCAP- Configuration) Excessive 14572) to Pipe-Weld Weld Crown Height and Pipe 4 Sch. Width. No NOM 80, T = Recordable 0.337 Indications 2.14 2 Auxiliary Tee: Weld: Valve: UT = 81.1% Geometric Table Feedwater A-234 WPB Ferritic Carbon Design 2-14-1, AFWF-007 R-A System Tee to Seamless Steel Steel Limitation Figures R1.11 Valve Carbon A216 WCB Valve Side of 2-14-1 to FCV-1-18 Steel Weld and 2-14-3 (WCAP- Weld Excessive 14572) Weld Crown Pipe 4 Sch. Height and 80, TNOM = Width that 0.337 Cannot be Ground. Min.

Wall Concern. No Recordable Indications 2.15 2 Auxiliary Elbow: Weld: Pipe: UT = 82.4% Limitation Table Feedwater A-234 WPB Ferritic A-106-B Due to Close 2-15-1, AFWS-018 R-A System Elbow Seamless Steel Seamless Proximity of a Figures R1.11 to Pipe Weld Carbon Carbon Whip 2-15-1 to Steel Steel Restraint. No 2-15-3 (WCAP- Elbow and Recordable 14572) Pipe 4 Sch. Indications 80, TNOM =

0.337 2.16 2 Containment Valve: Weld: Pipe: UT = 50% Examination Table Spray System A351 CF8 Stainless A-312 Performed 2-16-1 CSF-099A R-A Valve Cast Steel TP304 From Pipe Figures R1.11 2-72-500 to Stainless Austenitic Side Only 2-16-1 to Pipe Weld Steel Stainless Due to Cast 2-16-2 (WCAP- Steel Material of 14572) Pipe 3 Sch. Valve. No 40, TNOM = Recordable 0.216 Indications CNL-17-057 E97 of 178

Attachment 1 TABLE 2 - SQN UNIT 2 WELDS WITH LIMITED EXAMINATIONS Seq. Number Class, Weld Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Examination Examination Applicable

/ Weld Category Description and and Code Limitations Tables Identification and Item Product Weld Product Coverage and Results and Number No. Form Form Obtained Figures 2.17 2 High Pressure Tee: Weld: Valve: UT = 50% Geometric Table Safety SA403 Stainless A182 F304 Design 2-17-1 CVCF-020 R-A Injection WP304W Steel Stainless Limitation No Figures R1.11 System Tee 8 Welded Steel Scans on 2-17-1 and x 8 x 4 to Austenitic Forging Valve Side of 2-17-2 (WCAP- Valve (2 Stainless Weld. No 14572) 500) Weld Steel Recordable Indications Tee (built-up to 4 Sch. 120 from Sch. 40),

NOM T = 0.438 2.18 1 RCS Pipe: Weld: Tee: UT = 50% Geometric Table Pressurizer SA376 Stainless SA376 Design 2-18-1 RC-33 R-A Surge Line TP316 Steel TP316 Limitation No Figures R1.11 Pipe to Tee Austenitic Austenitic Scans Tee 2-18-1 (Branch Pipe) Stainless Stainless Side of Weld. through (WCAP- Weld1 Steel Steel No 2-18-4 14572) Recordable Tee (Branch Indications Pipe) 14 Sch.

160, TNOM. =

1.406 2.19 2 Residual Heat Valve: Weld: Elbow: UT = 50% Geometric Table Removal Cast Stainless A403 Design 2-19-1 RHRF-105 R-A System Valve Stainless Steel WP316 S Limitation No Figures R1.11 & 63-643 to Steel Austenitic Scans on 2-19-1 to R1.16 Elbow Weld A351 Stainless Valve Side of 2-19-3 Gr CF8 Steel Weld. No (WCAP- Elbow 8 Sch. Recordable 14572) 140, TNOM. = Indications 0.812 NOTE:

Ultrasonic (UT) Examination and Surface Examination by Liquid Penetrant (PT) or Magnetic Particle (MT) methods.

CNL-17-057 E98 of 178

Attachment 1 2.1 Weld RCW Pressurizer Spray 4 Nozzle to Head Shell Weld PRESSURIZER UPPER HEAD SECTION Figure 2-1-1 Weld RCW-15 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0396-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1, during the U2R15 refueling outage in 2008.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0071. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H was used for this weld. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 75.58% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and as shown on Figures 2-1-2 to 2-1-8. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R07, MT report R-5669 and UT Report No. R-5668, was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E99 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data See Figure 2-1 Total Examination Volume (EV)

A = 2.95 x 2.0 = 5.92 B = 1.95 x 0.45 ÷ 2 = 0.442 C = 0.8 x 0.33 ÷ 2 = 0.132 D = 0.14 x 0.7 ÷ 2 = 0.052 E = 0.1 x 0.7 ÷ 2 = 0.042 F = 2.35 x 2.8 = 6.582 G = 1.2 x 0.18 ÷ 2 = 0.112 13.252 See Figure 2-1 Total Achieved Examination Volume (AEV)

Head Side Coverage Axial Scan 45° = 94.12%

Nozzle Side Coverage Axial Scan 45° = 41.51%

Nozzle Side Coverage Axial Scan 60° = 24.60%

Head Side Coverage Axial Scan 60° = 95.85%

Head Side Coverage 0° = 84.83%

Head Side Coverage CW 45° = 84.83%

Head Side Coverage CW 60° = 84.83%

Head Side Coverage CCW 45° = 84.83%

Head Side Coverage CCW 60° = 84.83%

Total = 680.23 / 9 = 75.58%

See Figure 2-1 Head Side Coverage Axial Scan 45° 1 = 0.13 x 0.7 ÷ 2 = 0.052 2 = 0.6 x 0.12 ÷ 2 = 0.042 3 = 0.35 x 0.84 ÷ 2 = 0.152 4 = 1.2 x 0.9 ÷ 2 = 0.542 0.782 0.782 ÷ 13.252 = 5.88% (Missing Coverage) - 100% = 94.12% Achieved Coverage See Figure 2-1 Nozzle Side Coverage Axial Scan 45° 1 = 1.95 x 0.27 ÷ 2 = 0.262 2 = 1.0 x 2.8 ÷ 2 = 1.42 3 = 2.78 x 2.76 ÷ 2 = 3.842

= 5.52 5.52 ÷ 13.252 = 41.51% Achieved Coverage CNL-17-057 E100 of 178

Attachment 1 See Figure 2-1 Nozzle Side Coverage Axial Scan 60° 1 = 0.25 x 1.95 ÷ 2 = 0.252 2 = 2.3 x 2.63 ÷ 2 = 3.022 3.262 3.262 ÷ 13.252 = 24.60% Achieved Coverage See Figure 2-1 Head Side Coverage Axial Scan 60° 1 = 0.15 x 0.65 ÷ 2 = 0.052 2 = 0.75 x 0.19 ÷ 2 = 0.072 3 = 0.75 x 1.15 ÷ 2 = 0.432 0.552 0.552 ÷ 13.252 = 41.51% (Missing Coverage) - 100% = 95.85% Achieved Coverage See Figure 2-1 Head Side Coverage 0° & Circ Scan 45° & 60° 1 = 3.35 x 0.55 ÷ 2 = 1.842 2 = 0.4 x 0.6 ÷ 2 = 0.122 3 = 0.1 x 0.6 ÷ 2 = 0.032 4 = 0.1 x 0.35 ÷ 2 = 0.022 2.012 2.012 ÷ 13.252 = 15.17% (Missing Coverage) - 100% = 84.83% Achieved Coverage Note: Wave Modes Used = 0° Longitudinal, 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

Figure 2-1 Figure showing the scan coverage of the weld CNL-17-057 E101 of 178

Attachment 1 SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE Figure 2-1-2 Weld RCW-15, Total Examination Volume (EV)

CNL-17-057 E102 of 178

Attachment 1 SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE Figure 2-1-3 Weld RCW-15, Total Achieved Examination Volume (AEV)

CNL-17-057 E103 of 178

Attachment 1 SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE Figure 2-1-4 Weld RCW-15, Head Side Coverage Axial Scan 45° CNL-17-057 E104 of 178

Attachment 1 SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE Figure 2-1-5 Weld RCW-15, Nozzle Side Coverage Axial Scan 45° CNL-17-057 E105 of 178

Attachment 1 SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE Figure 2-1-6 Weld RCW-15, Nozzle Side Coverage Axial Scan 60° CNL-17-057 E106 of 178

Attachment 1 SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE Figure 2-1-7 Weld RCW-15, Head Side Coverage Axial Scan 60° CNL-17-057 E107 of 178

Attachment 1 SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE Figure 2-1-8 Weld RCW-15, Head Side Coverage 0° & Circ Scan 45° & 60° CNL-17-057 E108 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 2-1-9 Weld RCW-15, Scan Coverage Detail CNL-17-057 E109 of 178

Attachment 1 2.2 Weld RCW Pressurizer Safety 6 Head to Nozzle Shell Weld Figure 2-2-1 Weld RCW-16 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0396-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U2R17 refueling outage in 2011.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0082. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 74.6% as described in the Table 2-2-1 and Figures 2-2 through 2-2-4.

The results of this examination showed one recordable indication 0.9 length with a 0.1 thru-wall dimension that was measured with a 45° primary transducer and a 60° confirmation transducer. The 45° sizing transducer did not exhibit discernible indication tips. The signal characteristics presented a short duration in the radial direction and the thru-wall dimension was determined based on the signal duration in the radial direction.

CNL-17-057 E110 of 178

Attachment 1 This indication was evaluated as acceptable in accordance with Section XI, IWB-3512, Table IWB-3512-1 & 2 (ALLOWABLE PLANAR FLAWS for Ferritic Steels) with the following results:

Y = 1.0 a/t% = 1.9%

a/l = .06 Code Allowable a/t% = 3.8%

This indication was calculated to be 1.9% with a Code Allowable percentage of 3.8%.

Therefore, this indication is acceptable. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R05, UT report R-5263, and from U2R10, UT report R-6315, was reviewed. An acceptable geometric indication from the nozzle inner radius was noted.

This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld. It was noted that the thickness and contour of this weld was taken from U2R05 UT report and used for the U2R17 outage evaluations.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E111 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 2-2-1 Weld RCW-16 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Total Coverage = 74.6%

Scan 9 Figure 2-2-2 Weld RCW-16 Scans Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E112 of 178

Attachment 1 Scan 10 Scan 11 Figure 2-2-3 Weld RCW-16 Scans Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E113 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 2-2-4 Weld RCW-16, Weld Profile 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E114 of 178

Attachment 1 2.3 Weld RCW Pressurizer Safety (6) Head to Nozzle Shell Weld Figure 2-3-1 Weld RCW-17 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0396-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U2R17 refueling outage in 2011.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0066. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 76.6% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and as shown in Table 2-3-1 and Figures 2-3-2 through 2-3-4. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data was reviewed from U2R10, UT report R-6316. A recordable indication from the nozzle inner radius was noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld. It was noted that the thickness and contour of this weld were taken from the U2R10 UT report and used for the U2R17 outage evaluation.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E115 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 2-3-1 Weld RCW-17 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Total Coverage = 76.6%

Scan 9 Figure 2-3-2 Weld RCW-17 Scans Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E116 of 178

Attachment 1 Scan 10 Scan 11 Figure 2-3-3 Weld RCW-17 Scans Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E117 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 2-3-4 Weld RCW-17, Weld Profile 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E118 of 178

Attachment 1 2.4 Weld RCW Pressurizer Relief (6) Head to Nozzle Shell Weld Figure 2-4-1 Weld RCW-18 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0396-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 3, during the U2R20 refueling outage in 2015.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0057. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 71.0% as described in Table 2-4-1 and as shown in Figures 2-4-2 through 2-4-4. A 60 degree indication was noted at approximately the inside surface at the base material to cladding interface. This indication had been previously recorded and no significant changes were detected. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R05 UT, report R-4475, and from U2R12, UT report R-6608, were reviewed. An acceptable lamination indication was found with 0 degrees. This lamination shadowed about 0.45 square inches of area for the angle beam examinations. No changes to the indication were identified.

CNL-17-057 E119 of 178

Attachment 1 Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Table 2-4-1 Weld RCW Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Total Coverage = 71.0%

Scan 9 Figure 2-4-2 Weld RCW-18 Scans CNL-17-057 E120 of 178

Attachment 1 Scan 10 Scan 11 Figure 2-4-3 Weld RCW-18 Scans CNL-17-057 E121 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 2-4-4 Weld RCW-18 Scans CNL-17-057 E122 of 178

Attachment 1 2.5 Weld RCW Pressurizer Safety 6 Head to Nozzle Shell Weld Figure 2-5-1 Weld RCW-19 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0396-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 3, during the U2R20 refueling outage in 2015.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0055. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 70.1% as described in Table 2-5-1 and as shown in Figures 2-5-2 through 2-5-4. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R05, UT report R-4476 and for U2R12, UT report R-6609 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E123 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 2-5-1 Weld RCW Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Total Coverage = 70.1%

Scan 9 Figure 2-5-2 Weld RCW-19 Scans CNL-17-057 E124 of 178

Attachment 1 Scan 10 Scan 11 Figure 2-5-3 Weld RCW-19 Scans CNL-17-057 E125 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 2-5-4 Weld RCW-19 Scans CNL-17-057 E126 of 178

Attachment 1 2.6 Weld RCW Pressurizer 14 Surge Nozzle to Head Shell Weld FLOW Figure 2-6-1 Weld RCW-21 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0396-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U2R16 refueling outage in 2009.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0129. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-7(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration of the nozzle. No axial 45° or 60° scans were performed from the nozzle side of the weld. Limitations from the head side of the weld recorded as instrument penetrations are actually heater penetrations. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 59.5% as described in Tables 2-6-1 and 2-6-2 combined with Figure 2-6-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R07, UT report R-5673, was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld. It was noted that the thickness and contour of this weld were taken from the U2R07 UT report and used for the U2R16 outage evaluation.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E127 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 2-6-1 Weld RCW-21 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE 0° 75.05%

45° Axial Head Side 63.30%

Base Metal 45° Axial Head Side 97.36%

Weld 60° Axial Head Side 49.74%

Base Metal 60° Axial Head Side 69.50%

Weld 45° Axial Nozzle Side 0%

60° Axial Nozzle Side 0%

45° Circ CW 75.05%

60° Circ CW 75.05%

45° Circ CCW 75.05%

60° Circ CCW 75.05%


654.81% ÷ 11 SCANS = 59.52% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 59.5%

Table 2-6-2 Weld RCW-21 Required Examination Volume (EV) and Achieved Examination Volume (AEV)

EXAM VOLUME Required EV = (Head Side BM 707.13)

+ (Nozzle Side BM 585.943) + (Weld 511.173) = 1804.23 AEV = 1073.53 Notes: (1) All data on this page was extracted from hand written information in UT Report No.


(2) Wave Modes Used = 0° Longitudinal, 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E128 of 178

Attachment 1 HEAD SIDE NOZZLE SIDE Figure 2-6-2 Weld RCW-21, Weld Profile, 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E129 of 178

Attachment 1 2.7 Weld SWIFW-1-A - CVCS Seal Water Injection Filter A Flange to Shell Weld SWIFW-1-A Figure 2-7-1 Weld SWIFW-1-A (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0457-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 3, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2014.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0200. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-1(a). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D. The UT examination was limited from the flange side of the weld due to the taper of the flange and on the shell side of the weld due to a bracket welded to the shell resulting in total UT coverage of 87.7% as shown in Figures 2-7-2 to 2-7-4. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R13, UT report R-6760 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements the Appendix III as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 for this ultrasonic examination.

Calculation Coverage Data For Required Examination Volume (EV) and Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) See Figures 2-7-2 to 2-7-4.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

CNL-17-057 E130 of 178

Attachment 1 Crown Width: 1 Crown Height: .05 Weld Length: 34 Diameter: 10.75 Figure 2-7-2 Weld SWIFW-1-A, Weld Profile & Limited EV 45 deg. and 60 deg. Scans Figure 2-7-3 Weld SWIFW-1-A, Coverage Plot & Limited EV CNL-17-057 E131 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 2-7-4 Weld SWIFW-1-A, Coverage Plot, Limited EV & Total AEV CNL-17-057 E132 of 178

Attachment 1 2.8 Weld SWIFW-2-A - CVCS Seal Water Injection Filter A Shell to Head Weld SWIFW-1-A SWIFW-2-A Figure 2-8-1 Weld SWIFW-2-A (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0457-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 3, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2014.

The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0199. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-1(a). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is A-B-C-D. The UT examination was limited due to three support legs welded to the filter head and shell resulting in total UT coverage of 64.7% as shown in Figures 2-8-1 to 2-8-3.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R13, UT report R-6749, was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements the Appendix III as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 for this ultrasonic examination.

Calculation Coverage Data For Required Examination Volume (EV) and Achieved Examination Volume (AEV), see Figures 2-8-2 and 2-8-3.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E133 of 178

Attachment 1 Crown Width: 1.1 Crown Height: .05 Weld Length: 34 Diameter: 10.75 Figure 2-8-2 Weld SWIFW-2-A, Weld Profile & EV 45° Scans Figure 2-8-3 Weld SWIFW-2-A, Support Leg Limited EV & Total AEV CNL-17-057 E134 of 178

Attachment 1 2.9 Weld SWFW CVCS Seal Water Filter Shell to Head Weld Figure 2-9-1 Weld SWFW-2 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0459-C-01)

This weld was PT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U2R17 refueling outage in 2011.

The NDE data came from PT Report No. R-0077. The nominal material thickness of the vessel is 0.188, which is less than 0.200 and because of this nominal thickness the weld was PT examined in lieu of UT as allowed by Note (5) of Examination Category C-A, Table IWC-2500-1 and Figure IWC-2500-1(a).

Based on Table IWC-2500-1, Note (5), the Code Required Surface Exam Area (CRA) for this weld includes the weld and 0.5 on either side of the weld. The PT examination was limited by four support legs and their attachment welds shown in Figures 2-9-1 and 2-9-2 and the examination resulted in total PT coverage of 68.0% as described in Table 2-9-1. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R11, UT report R-6358 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This U2R11 examination data was the source of the U2R17 limitation information.

Table 2-9-1 Weld SWFW-2 Surface Coverage and Limitation Summary Weld Circumference 50.26 Unexamined Area Due to Four 4 x 4 legs = 16 Support Legs Examined Area 68%

CNL-17-057 E135 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 2-9-2 Weld SWFW-2, Support Leg Limitation CNL-17-057 E136 of 178

Attachment 1 2.10 Weld SGW-D1 - Loop 1 Steam Generator Shell to Shell Cone Weld Figure 2-10-1 Weld SGW-D1 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0401-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1, during the U2R15 refueling outage in 2008, and was part of the old steam generators that were replaced during U2R18. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0149. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-1(c) and the corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is J-K-L-M. The UT examination was limited due to a steam generator secondary support being located next to the lower shell side of the weld resulting in total UT coverage of 45.0% as shown on Figures 2-10-2 to 2-10-10, which includes the Calculation Coverage Data.

A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld. There was an ultrasonic reflector on the inside surface of the steam generator which was determined to be from an internally welded support.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

No laminations exist on the lower shell or the upper shell cone that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 0° Longitudinal, 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E137 of 178

Attachment 1 Shell Area A Shell Area B Ang Scn  % Ang Scn  %

45° 1 84.3 45° 1 69.4 2 0 2 0 3 67.3 3 25.4 4 67.3 4 25.4 60° 1 91.4 60° 1 82.1 2 0 2 0 Shell 3 70.9 3 28.4 Area A 4 70.9 4 28.4 0° 57.4 0° 41.7 Shell Area B 810.3 (Total Combined Percentage)

÷ 18 (Number of Individual Scans) =

45.02% or 45.0% (Total AEV %)

Ladder Figure 2-10-2 Weld SGW-D1, Examination Summary Note 1 Distance Lower Shell Point A to B Side 0° 1.55 90° 1.95 180° 1.85 Steam Generator Secondary 270° 1.50 Support Shell Cone Side Toe Toe Thickness 1 3.7 2 3.2 3 2.9 4 2.9 5 2.9 Figure 2-10-3 Weld SGW-D1, Coverage Plot, Thickness & Support Limitation CNL-17-057 E138 of 178

Attachment 1 Lower Shell Side Shell Cone Steam Generator Secondary Side Support Total EV = 2079.783 45° [(1.75 x 1.8) ÷ 2] x 204 = 321.33 321.33 ÷ 2079.783 = 15.7% (Missed Volume) 84.3% (AEV 45°)

60° [(1.75 x 1) ÷ 2] x 204 = 178.53 178.53 ÷ 2079.783 = 8.6% (Missed Volume) 91.4% (AEV 45°)

Figure 2-10-4 Weld SGW-D1, Area A Calculations Axial Scans 45° & 60° Lower Shell Side Shell Cone Side Steam Generator Secondary Support (1) = 3.5 x 2.9 = 10.152 +

(2) = [(.2 x .45) ÷ 2] = .045 = 10.1953 Total EV = 10.1953 x 204 = 2079.783 (3 & 4) = 45° (Missed Volume) =

[(2.55 x 2.45) ÷ 2] =

3.12 x 204 = 636.483 = 69.4% (AEV 45°)

(4) = 60° (Missed Volume) =

[(2.55 x 1.425) ÷ 2] = 1.82 x 204 =

371 283 = 82 1% (AEV 60°)

Figure 2-10-5 Weld SGW-D1, Area B Calculations Axial Scans 45° & 60° CNL-17-057 E139 of 178

Attachment 1 Shell Area A Ang  %

45° 67.3 60° 70.9 Shell Area A Shell Area B Figure 2-10-6 Weld SGW-D1, Area A AEV Circumferential Scans 45° & 60° Lower Shell Side Shell Cone Side Steam Generator Secondary (Area A 45° EV) Support (1) = (2 x 2.9) x 204 = 1183.23 (2) = [(.7 x 2.9) ÷ 2] x 204= .207.13 (3)= [(.2 x .5) ÷ 2] x 204= 10.23 (1) + (2) + (3) = 1400.53 1400.53 ÷ 2079.783 = 67.3% (AEV 45°)

(Area A 60° EV)

(1) = (2 x 2.9) x 204 = 1183.23 (2) = [(.95 x 2.9) ÷ 2] x 204= .2813 (3)= [(.2 x .5) ÷ 2] x 204= 10.23 (1) + (2) + (3) = 1474.43 1474.43 ÷ 2079.783 = 70.9% (AEV 60°)

Figure 2-10-7 Weld SGW-D1, Area A Calculations Circumferential Scans 45° & 60 CNL-17-057 E140 of 178

Attachment 1 Shell Area B Ang  %

45° 25.4 60° 28.4 Shell Area A Shell Area B Figure 2-10-8 Weld SGW-D1, Area B AEV Circumferential Scans 45° & 60° Lower Shell Side Shell Cone Side (Area B 45° EV)

(1) = (.5 x 2.9) x 204 = 295.83 Steam Generator Secondary (2) = [(.75 x 2.9) ÷ 2] x 204= 221.53 Support (3)= [(.2 x .5) ÷ 2] x 204= 10.23 (1) + (2) + (3) = 527.853 527.853 ÷ 2079.783 = 25.4% (AEV 45°)

(Area B 60° EV)

(1) = (.5 x 2.9) x 204 = 295.83 (2) = [(1 x 2.9) ÷ 2] x 204= 295.83 (3)= [(.2 x .5) ÷ 2] x 204= 10.23 (1) + (2) + (3) = 601.83 601.83 ÷ 2079.783 = 28.4% (AEV 60°)

Figure 2-10-9 Weld SGW-D1, Area B Calculations Circumferential Scans 45° & 60° CNL-17-057 E141 of 178

Attachment 1 Lower Shell Side Shell Cone Side Steam Generator Secondary Support (Area A 0°)

(2) = (.55 x 2.9) x 204 = 325.383 325.383 + 868.023 = 1193.43 ÷ 2079.783

= 57.4% (AEV A 0°)

(Area B 0°)

(1) = (1.45 x 2.9) x 204 = 857.823 (3) = [(.2 x .5) ÷ 2] x 204= 10.23 (1) + (3) = 868.023 868.023 ÷ 2079.783 = 41.7% (AEV B 0°)

Figure 2-10-10 Weld SGW-D1, Area A & B Calculations 0° Coverage CNL-17-057 E142 of 178

Attachment 1 2.11 Weld BIT SIS Centrifugal Charging Pump Tank 12 Head to Nozzle Weld Figure 2-11-1 Weld BIT-2 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0074-C-01)

This weld was MT and UT examined in Inspection Period 3, during the U2R19 refueling outage in 2014. The NDE data came from MT Report No. R-0069 and UT Report No. R-0120. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) and the MT Code Required Surface Exam Area (CRA) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-4(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-F-E and the CRA is A-B. The MT examination had no limitations. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration of the nozzle resulting in total UT coverage of 74.6% as described in Tables 2-11-1 combined with Figures 2-11-2 and 2-11-3. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R06, MT report R-5265, was reviewed. Several acceptable indications were noted which were removed. Also from U2R06, UT report R-5283 was reviewed. Geometric indications from the nozzle inner radius section were noted. MT report R-6463 and UT report R-6470 from U2R12 were reviewed. No MT indications were noted and CNL-17-057 E143 of 178

Attachment 1 the same acceptable UT indications were found as previously recorded. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Table 2-11-1 Weld BIT-2 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

Figure 2-11-2 Weld BIT-2, Total Examination Volume and Coverage Obtained CNL-17-057 E144 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 2-11-3 Weld, BIT-2 Total Scans 45° & 60° CNL-17-057 E145 of 178

Attachment 1 2.12 Weld BIT SIS Centrifugal Charging Pump Tank 10 Head to Nozzle Weld Figure 2-12-1 Weld BIT-5 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0074-C-01)

This weld was MT and UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U2R17 refueling outage in 2011. The NDE data came from MT Report No. R-0023 and UT Report No. R-0024. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) and the MT Code Required Surface Exam Area (CRA) was determined based on Section XI, Figure IWC-2500-4(b). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-F-E and the CRA is A-B. The MT examination had no limitations. The UT examination was limited from the nozzle side of the weld due to the geometric configuration resulting in total UT coverage of 66.7% as described in Tables 2-12-1 and 2-12-2 combined with Figure 2-11-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R06, MT report R-5298, and U2r10, MT report R-6172 and UT report R-6188, was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted. This review did not note any laminations in the head that could interfere with the angle beam examinations performed on this weld.

CNL-17-057 E146 of 178

Attachment 1 Section XI Mandatory Appendix I, I-2120 that implements Article 4 of Section V as supplemented by Table I-2000-1 was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Table 2-12-1 Weld BIT-5 Scan Coverage and Scan Summary SCANS  % COVERAGE 1 = 0° 33%

2 = 45° Axial Head Side 67%

3 = 45° Axial Nozzle Side 0%

4 = 60° Axial Head Side 100%

5 = 60° Axial Nozzle Side 0%

6 = 45° Circ CW 100%

7 = 60° Circ CW 100%

8 = 45° Circ CCW 100%

9 = 60° Circ CCW 100%


600% ÷ 9 SCANS = 66.66% or TOTAL COVERAGE % = 66.7%

Note: Wave Modes Used = 0° Longitudinal, 45° Shear and 60° Shear.

Table 2-12-2 Weld BIT-5 Examination Volume (EV) and Achieved Examination Volume (AEV)

EXAM VOLUME EV 1.5 x .7 x 33.25 = 34.913 34.913 = 100% - 11.623 = AEV 66.7%

CNL-17-057 E147 of 178

Attachment 1 NOZZLE SIDE HEAD SIDE Figure 2-12-2 Weld BIT-5, Contour, Thickness, 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E148 of 178

Attachment 1 2.13 Weld AFWF-001 - Auxiliary Feedwater System 4 Tee to Pipe Weld Figure 2-13-1 Weld AFWF-001 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0511-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1 during the U2R15 refueling outage in 2008 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11 for thermal fatigue. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0147.

The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in.

beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of the geometric configuration of the Tee side of the weld, excessive weld crown and width. The weld was also located inside a guard pipe. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 75.0% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and in Table 2-13-1 and shown on Figure 2-13-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 70° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E149 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Axial Examination Volume (EV) =

Length = 0.75 Height = .113 Circumference = 14.2 0.75 x .113 x 14.2 = 1.23 EV Circumferential Examination Volume Length = 1.5 Height = .113 Circumference = 14.2 1.5 x .113 x 14.2 = 2.43 EV Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) =

Scan (4) 45° Axial from Pipe Side = 100%

Scan (3) 45° Axial from Tee side = 0%

Scan (5) 45° Circ. CW & CCW Weld & Pipe Side = 100%

Scan (6) 45° Circ. CW & CCW Weld and Tee Side = 100%

Total = 300%

AEV to Percent Coverage Obtained = 300% / 4 Scans = 75.0%

Table 2-13 Weld AFWF-001, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

14.2 1.5 0.113 0.332 14.2 0.8 Weld AFWF-001 - Tee to Pipe Weld 4 Sch. 80 - 0.337 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S N/A 100% 100% 100%

70°S N/A N/A 100% N/A CNL-17-057 E150 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 2-13 Weld AFWF-001, Examination Coverage Summary Code Coverage Total (2) = 75.0%


(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

Tee Side Pipe Side Crown Width: 0.8 SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION Crown Height: 0.1 Weld Length: 14.2 Diameter: 4.0 Approximately 5 Opening in Guard Pipe Achieved Exam Volume = 75.0%

Figure 2-13-2 Weld AFWF-001, Contour, Thickness, 45° & 70° Scans CNL-17-057 E151 of 178

Attachment 1 2.14 Weld AFWF-007 - Auxiliary Feedwater System 4 Tee to Valve Weld Figure 2-14-1 Weld AFWF-007 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0511-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U2R16 refueling outage in 2009 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11 for thermal fatigue. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0147.

The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in.

beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of the geometric configuration of the valve side of the weld, excessive weld crown, width and height. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 81.1% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and in Table 2-14-1 and shown on Figure 2-14-2 and 2-14-3. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 70° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E152 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Examination Volume (EV) =

Length (Width Table 2-14-1) = 1.6 Height = .113 Circumference = 14.5 1.6 x .113 x 14.5 = 2.63 Axial 1.6 x .113 x 14.5 = 2.63 Circ Total = (5.23 EV)

Limitation =

.4 x .113 x 14.5 = 0.6553

[1/2(.113 x .4)x14.5] = 0.3283 Total = (.9833) 5.23 - (.9833 Limitation) = (4.2173 AEV)

AEV to Percent Coverage Obtained is stated to be 4.2173 ÷ 5.23 = .8109 = 81.1%

Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) =

Scan (3) 45° Axial from Tee Side = 100%

Scan (4) 70° Axial from Tee side (Single Side Exam) = 24.4%

Scan (5) 45° Circ CW Weld & Tee Side = 100%

Scan (6) 45° Circ CCW Weld &Tee Side = 100%

Total = 324.4%

AEV to Percent Coverage Obtained = 324.4% / 4 Scans = 81.1%

CNL-17-057 E153 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 2-14 Weld AFWF-007, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

14.5 1.6 0.113 0.361(4) 14.5 0.8 Weld AFWF-001 - Tee to Pipe Weld 4 Sch. 80 - 0.337 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S 100% 100% N/A 100%

70°S N/A N/A 24.4% N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 81.1%


(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) Average weld thickness from 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° profiles.

CNL-17-057 E154 of 178

Attachment 1 (2) (2) (2) (2)

(2) (2) (2) (2)

Valve Side Flow Tee Side Crown Width: 0.55 (3) Profile Taken @ 180° Crown Height: 0.125 Weld Length: 14.5 Diameter: 4.0 (1)


(1) Weld AFWF-007 has a weld crown that prohibits full coverage during the UT exam. The piping is 4 NOM Sch. 80 with a T of .338. The weld thickness including the weld crown reinforcement of 1/8 was measured as low as .337. Therefore removal of the weld crown to improve UT coverage would reduce the thickness of the weld to less than minimum wall (.338 minus 1.5%, or .296).

(2) No thickness readings taken due to valve geometry.

(3) Profile was taken at 180°due to accessibility.

Figure 2-14-2 Weld AFWF-007, Contour and Thickness CNL-17-057 E155 of 178

Attachment 1 SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION Valve Side Tee Side Achieved Exam Volume = 81.1% Flow Figure 2-14-3 Weld AFWF-007, 45° & 70° Scans CNL-17-057 E156 of 178

Attachment 1 2.15 Weld AFWS-018 - Auxiliary Feedwater System 4 Elbow to Pipe Weld Figure 2-15-1 Weld AFWS-018 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0511-C-01)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1, during the U2R15 refueling outage in 2008 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11, for thermal fatigue. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0148.

The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in.

beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of proximity of a pipe whip restraint. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 82.4% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and in Table 2-15-1 and shown on Figures 2-15-2 and 2-15-3. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E157 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Examination Volume (EV) =

Length (Width Table 2-15-1) = 1.6 Height = .113 Circumference = 14.2 1.6 x .113 x 14.2 = (2.5673 EV)

Limitation = (2), (3), (4) & (5) = 2.5 ÷ 14.2 = .176 = 17.6%

Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) =

1 - .176 (missing coverage) = .824 (Achieved Coverage) x 100 = 82.4%

Table 2-15 Weld AFWS-018, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

14.2 1.6 0.113 0.447 14.2 0.5 Weld AFWS-018 - Elbow to Pipe Weld 4 Sch. 80 - 0.337 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S 82.4% 82.4% 82.4% 82.4%

Code Coverage Total (2) = 82.4%


(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

CNL-17-057 E158 of 178

Attachment 1 Pipe Whip Restraint Limitation 1.25 Limited Exam 0

Area 12.9 Figure 2-15-2 Weld AFWS-018, Limited Examination Area CNL-17-057 E159 of 178

Attachment 1 Elbow Side Pipe Side SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION Achieved Exam Volume = 82.4%

Limited due to Pipe Whip Restraint Figure 2-15-3 Weld AFWS-018, Thickness, Profile & 45° Scans CNL-17-057 E160 of 178

Attachment 1 2.16 Weld CSF-099A - Containment Spray System 3 Valve to Pipe Weld Figure 2-16-1 Weld CSF-099A (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0431-C-36)

This weld was initially UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U2R16 refueling outage in 2009 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11 for thermal fatigue. The NDE data came from UT Report No.

R-0064. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in. beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. The result of this initial examination was that 99.5% UT coverage was achieved.

However, in 2012 it was determined that the Valve 2-72-500 body was manufactured of cast stainless steel material and that the previous examination data was not valid for the valve side of the weld. This was documented in the corrective action program under PER # 563469A.

The action taken to resolve the issue was to recalculate the initial UT examination coverage achieved for a single sided exam in lieu of a two sided exam and to perform a new 70° Shear wave, 2.25 MHZ examination from the pipe side of the weld, which is required to be used for single sided exams where the thickness is equal to or less than 0.5 in lieu of the initially performed 70° Shear wave scan that was done with a 5.0 MHZ transducer. The new UT examination data was documented in an Addendum to UT Report No. R-0064. The recalculation of the initial UT data with the new 70°scan resulted in total UT coverage of 50% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and in Table 2-16-1 and shown on Figure 2-16-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from U2R08, MT report R-5721, and UT report R-5723 was reviewed. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E161 of 178

Attachment 1 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear (from the initial examination) and 70° Shear (Re-performed with 2.25 MHZ in lieu of 5.0 MHZ).

Calculation Coverage Data Axial Examination Volume (EV) =

Length (Width Table 2-16-1) = 0.725 Height =0.099 Circumference = 11.125 0.725 x 0.099 x 11.125 = 0.83 Limitation based on recalculation of coverage due to the valve body being cast material in lieu of wrought material =

Circumferential Examination Volume (EV) =

Length (Width Table 2-16-1) = 1.45 Height =0.099 Circumference = 11.125 0.725 x 0.099 x 11.125 = 1.63 Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) =

Scan (3) 45° and 70° Axial from Valve Side = 0%

Scan (4) 45° Axial from Pipe Side = 100%

Scan (5) & (6) 45° Circ. CW & CCW Weld & Pipe Side = 50%

Scan (5) & (6) 45° Circ. CW & CCW Weld & Valve Side = 50%

Total Coverage = 200%

AEV to Percent Coverage Obtained = 200% / 4 Scans = 50.0%

CNL-17-057 E162 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 2-16 Weld CSF-099A, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

11.125 1.45 0.099 0.231(4) 11.125 0.2 Weld CSF-099A - Valve to Pipe Weld 3 Sch. 40 - 0.216 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S 0% 0% 100% 100%

70°S See note 3 N/A N/A N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 50.0%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) A Best Effort Coverage examination was performed past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access. See sketch for approximate coverage.

(4) Average weld thickness from 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° profiles.

CNL-17-057 E163 of 178

Attachment 1 Valve Side Pipe Side Note: Thickness Readings Taken From UT Report No. R-0064 and Weld Profile and Scan Angles From UT Report No.

R-0064 Addendum SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION Crown Width: 0.20 Crown Height: < 0.10 Achieved Exam Weld Length: 11.125 Volume = 50%

Diameter: 3.0 Figure 2-16-2 Weld CSF-099A, Thickness, Profile, 45° & 70° Scans CNL-17-057 E164 of 178

Attachment 1 2.17 Weld CVCF-020 - High Pressure Safety Injection System 4 Tee to Valve Weld Figure 2-17-1 Weld CVCF-020 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0431-C-15)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 2, during the U2R17 refueling outage in 2011 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11 for thermal fatigue. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-0012.

The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in.

beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be examined from the valve side of the weld due to the geometric configuration of the valve. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 50% as described Calculation Coverage Data section and in Table 2-17-1 and shown on Figure 2-17-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 70° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E165 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Axial Examination Volume (EV) =

Length (Width Table 2-17-1) = 0.81 Height = 0.155 Circumference = 14.625 14.625 x 0.81 x .155 = 1.843 Limitation = No contact with 70° angle (Measured 67°) for 7 total at 90°and 270° circumference due to radius.

14.625 (Circumference) - 7 = 7.625 (Length Scanned)

Circumferential Examination Volume Length (Width Table 2-17-1) = 1.62 Height = 0.155 Circumference = 14.625 14.625 x 1.62 x .155 = 3.673 Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) =

7.625 ÷ 14.625 x 1.8263 = .9573 (Scanned)

Scan (3) 45° Axial from Tee Side = 100%

Scan (4) 70° Axial from Tee Side = 0%

Scan (5) Circ. CW Weld & Tee Side = 50%

Scan (6) Circ. CCW Weld & Tee Side = 50%

Total Coverage = 200%

AEV to Percent Coverage Obtained = 200% / 4 Scans = 50.0%

CNL-17-057 E166 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 2-17 Weld CVCF-020, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

14.625 1.62 0.155 0.561(4) 14.625 0.5 Weld CVCF-020 - Tee to Valve Weld (Tee Built -up to 4 Sch. 120 - 0.438)

Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S 100% 100% 0% 0%

70°S See note 3 N/A 0% N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 50%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) A Best Effort Coverage examination was performed past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access. See sketch for approximate coverage.

(4) Average weld thickness from 0° and 270° profiles.

CNL-17-057 E167 of 178

Attachment 1 Tee Side Valve Side SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION 70° 0° Profile 45° Note: The 70° angle was measured @

67° in the UT Report Crown Width: 0.5 No. R-0012 and was Weld Length: 14.625 on this Figure.

Diameter: 4.0 45° 70° Achieved Exam Volume = 50%

270° Profile Figure 2-17-2 Weld CVCF-020, Thickness, Profiles, 45° & 70° Scans CNL-17-057 E168 of 178

Attachment 1 2.18 Weld RC RCS Pressurizer Surge Line 14 Pipe to Tee (Branch Pipe) Weld PZR Surge Line Figure 2-18-1 Weld RC-33 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0008-C-05)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1, during the U2R14 refueling outage in 2006 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11 for thermal fatigue. The NDE data came from UT Report No. R-6823.

The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement to increase the volume to include 1/2 in.

beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be examined from the Tee (Branch Pipe) side of the weld due to the geometric configuration of the tee. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 50% as described in the Calculation Coverage Data section and in Table 2-18-1 and shown on Figure2 2-18-2 through 2-18-4. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Previous examination data from Preservice Inspection UT report R-1878, U2R10 UT report R-6253, U2R14 UT report R-6822, and U2R18 UT report R-0018 were reviewed. No recordable indications were noted.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

CNL-17-057 E169 of 178

Attachment 1 Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear and 60° Refracted Longitudinal.

Calculation Coverage Data Figure 2-18-2 CNL-17-057 E170 of 178

Attachment 1 Figure 2-18-3 CNL-17-057 E171 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 2-18 Weld RC-33, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

44.2 2.8 0.5 Not Taken 44.2 1.55 Weld RC Pipe to Tee (Branch Pipe) Weld 14 Sch. 160 - 1.406 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S 100% 100% 0% 0%

60°RL See note 3 N/A 0% N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 50%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) Best Effort Coverage refers to the required examination past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds that are examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access.

CNL-17-057 E172 of 178

Attachment 1 Tee Flow Pipe SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION Pipe Side Tee Side Crown Width: 1.55 Crown Height: FLUSH Weld Length: 44.2 Diameter: 14 Achieved Exam Volume = 50%

Figure 2-18-4 Weld RC-33, Thickness, Profile, 45° & 60° Scans CNL-17-057 E173 of 178

Attachment 1 2.19 Weld RHRF-105 - Residual Heat Removal System (8) Valve to Elbow Weld Figure 2-19-1 Weld RHRF-105 (Extracted from Drawing ISI-0003-C-06)

This weld was UT examined in Inspection Period 1, during the U2R15 refueling outage in 2008 to meet the requirements of the RI-ISI Program under WCAP-14572. The weld was examined under Item No. R1.11 for thermal fatigue and under Item No. R1.16, for IGSCC or TGSCC. The NDE data came from two separate reports, UT Report No. R-0106 for Item No. R1.11 and UT Report No. R-0107 for Item No. R1.16. These two separate reports document the same examination. The UT Code Required Volume (CRV) was determined based on the requirements of the RI-ISI Program and Section XI, Figure IWB-2500-8(c). The corresponding CRV as shown on that Figure is C-D-E-F with an additional RI-ISI requirement for Item No R1.16, to increase the volume to include 1/2 in. beyond the base metal thickness transition or counterbore. However, the CRV for this weld could not be fully examined because of the geometric configuration of the valve side of the weld and because the valve was made of Cast Stainless Steel. The examination resulted in total UT coverage of 50% as describe in the Calculation Data Coverage section and Table 1-15-1 and shown on Figure 1-15-2. A review of the plants corrective action program did not note any failures at this weld.

Recordable indications were identified and evaluated as acceptable root geometry for 360°.

These acceptable indications were found with both 60°RL and 70°Shear scans.

Previous examination data from U2R13, UT report R-6720 was reviewed. Root geometry indications were noted. It was noted that the thickness and contour of this weld were taken from the U2R13 UT report and used for the U2R15 outage evaluation.

Section XI, Mandatory Appendix I, I-2220 that implements the Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration Program, was used for this ultrasonic examination.

Note: Wave Modes Used = 45° Shear, 60° Refracted Longitudinal 70° Shear.

CNL-17-057 E174 of 178

Attachment 1 Calculation Coverage Data Examination Volume (EV) =

Length (Width Table 2-19-1) = 2.4 Height = 0.3 Circumference = 27 2.4 x 0.3 x 27 = 19.443 19.443 ÷ 2 = 9.723 (per side)

Limitation = No axial scans from the Valve Side of the weld.

Achieved Examination Volume (AEV) =

Scan (3) 45°, 60° & 70° Axial from Elbow Side = 25%

Scan (4) 45° & 60° Axial from Tee Side = 0%

Scan (5) & (6) Circ. CW & CCW Weld & Elbow Side = 25%

Scan (5) & (6) Circ. CW & CCW Weld & Valve Side = 0%

Total Coverage = 50%

AEV to Percent Coverage Obtained = 25% + 25% (Each scan = 1/4 total) = 50.0%

CNL-17-057 E175 of 178

Attachment 1 Table 2-19 Weld RHRF-105, Examination Coverage Summary Examination Volume & Weld Dimensions in Inches Length = Width = Height = Weld Thickness = Weld Length = Weld Width =

27 2.4 0.3 0.97 27 1.0 Weld RHRF-105 - Elbow to Valve Weld 8 Sch. 140 - 0.812 Required Angles/Scans - Each has a Weighting Factor of 100% for Complete Coverage Angle and Upstream Axial Upstream Downstream Downstream Wave Mode (1) Circumferential Axial Circumferential 45°S 100% 100% 0% 0%

60°RL See note 3 N/A N/A N/A 70° S 100% N/A N/A N/A Code Coverage Total (2) = 50%

Best Effort Coverage Total (3) = See note 3 NOTES:

(1) L = Longitudinal Wave, S = Shear Wave, or RL = Refracted Longitudinal Wave.

(2) Code Coverage Total refers to the maximum percentage of the required examination volume that is effectively examined with the qualified examination procedures used.

(3) A Best Effort Coverage examination was performed past the centerline of Austenitic or Dissimilar Metal Welds examined in the axial beam direction with an Appendix VIII demonstrated procedure for single sided access. See sketches for approximate coverage.

CNL-17-057 E176 of 178

Attachment 1 Elbow Side Valve Side 0° Profile Crown Width: 1.0 Crown Height: GROUND Weld Length: 27 Diameter: 8 Figure 2-19-2 Weld RHRF-105, Thickness & 0° Profile CNL-17-057 E177 of 178

Attachment 1 SEE CALCULATION COVERAGE DATA SECTION Flow Valve Side Elbow Side Achieved Exam Volume = 50%

Figure 2-19-3 Weld RHRF-105, 45°, 60° and 70° Scans CNL-17-057 E178 of 178