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2014 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for the Year 2014) - Part 3 of 5
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/27/2015
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15118A229 List:
Download: ML15117A657 (67)



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2014 DCPP Land Use Census Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) was owned and operated by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Company. PG&E owned and provided environmental stewardship to approximately 14 miles of Pacific Ocean coastline and approximately 13,000 acres surrounding the 1,000 acre DCPP site. The PG&E property extended roughly from Avila Beach to Montana de Oro State Park. DCPP was located approximately seven miles WNW of Avila Beach and approximately four miles SSE of Montana de Oro State Park.

Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) personnel conducted a land use census in the vicinity ofDCPP for 2014. The land use census was based on Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guide 4.8, "Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants". The land use census also provided compliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Section IV (B)(3); "Identify changes in the use of unrestricted areas (e.g., for agricultural purposes) to permit modifications in monitoring programs for evaluating doses to individuals from principal pathways of exposure".

DCPP Program Directive CY2, "Radiological Monitoring and Controls Program" required performance of a land use census. DCPP procedure RP l.ID 11, "Environmental Radiological Monitoring Procedure", required identification of the nearest milk animal, nearest residence, and the nearest broadleafproducing garden greater than 50 square meters (500 square feet) in each of the landward meteorological sectors within a radial distance of 8 kilometers (5 miles) of the Unit One Containment (CTMT) structure. A land use census was conducted at least once per year during the growing season (between Feb 15 and Dec 1) for the Diablo Canyon environs.

The 2014 land use census was conducted via a helicopter over-flight and landowner telephone interviews. The helicopter over-flight was conducted on October 3rd, 2014. Telephone interviews were conducted August 26th through November 19th, 2014. Nine individual landowners or tenants were contacted.


No milk animals were identified within the first 8 kilometers (5 miles) of any sector.


The nearest residence, relative to all sectors, was a small trailer located in the NNW sector about 2.42 kilometers (1.5 miles) from the plant. In 2013, this structure was identified as a small trailer in the NW sector at 1.93 km. This trailer was moved to the newly reported NNW location in 2014. One ranch worker occupied this BLANCHARD trailer approximately 1 day per week (midweek) during the year.

A total of seventeen structures were identified within the 8-kilometer (5-mile) radius of the plant, which were confirmed or appear to have been occupied in 2014. A new structure (5th wheel trailer) was identified in the NNE sector at 5.34 km. Six abandoned structures were identified during the land use census.

The nearest residence in each sector was summarized in Table 8.


The land use census identified two household gardens greater than 50 square meters (500 square feet) that produced broadleafvegetation. The READ garden (REMP station 3C1) was approximately Y4 acre and located in the NNE sector at 7.13 kilometers (4.43 miles). The KOONZE garden (REMP station 6C1) was approximately 500 square feet and located in theE sector at 7.43 kilometers (4.62 miles).

MELLO managed a farm in the ESE sector along the southern site access road coastal plateau.

The farm started at approximately 4.8 km (3 mi) and extended to 7.8 km (4.8 mi) from the site. This commercial farm produced no broadleaf vegetation. The farm area was about 100 acres of land with rotational planting. Commercial crops consisted of about 100% cereal grass (oat hay) and straw grass.

Less than 10 farm workers periodically occupied this area during the growing season.

Additional Land Use:

It should be noted that the term "site-boundary" referred to the area within a radius of approximately 1.2 km (0.74 mi) from the Unit One CTMT structure. Much of the area outside the site-boundary was routinely used for rotational cattle grazing by five separate cattle operations. For purposes of this land use census, the five cattle ranches were called BLANCHARD, SINS HEIMER, READ, ANDRE, and MELLO.

BLANCHARD did not graze any cattle, goats, or sheep within 8 km (5 miles) ofDCPP in 2014 due to extreme drought conditions in San Luis Obispo County. All of BLANCHARD's livestock were located in Cayucos California at "Old Creek Ranch" in 2014.

Additionally, BLANCHARD's livestock were sold under the "Old Creek Ranch" label at local farmer's markets in 2014. "Old Creek Ranch" labeled meats were sampled quarterly by REMP personnel in 2014 for background analytical data trending purposes. The REMP station codes were BCM, BGM, and BSM.

SINS HEIMER had about 100 cattle outside the plant site-boundary in the NNE sector. These cattle were allowed to breed and about 90 calves were sold to mass market in 2014.

READ had about 72 adult cattle and 68 calves outside the plant site-boundary in the NNE sector. About 68 yearling cattle were sold under the "Old Creek Ranch" label at local farmer's markets in 2014. "Old Creek Ranch" labeled meats were sampled quarterly by REMP personnel in 2014 for background analytical data trending purposes.

ANDRE had about 80 cattle outside the plant site-boundary in the ENE sector. About 80 calves were sold to mass market in 2014. ANDRE did not slaughter any cattle in 2014 for personal consumption.

MELLO managed about 800 cattle outside the plant site-boundary in the E, ESE, and SE sectors. Harris Ranch Beef Corporation owned these cattle and sold all of them to mass market in 2014.

MELLO did not slaughter any cattle in 2014 for personal consumption.

Two landowners (JOHE and ANDRE) harvested wild game for personal consumption outside the plant site-boundary in the NNE, NE, and ENE sectors. This wild game consisted of approximately two deer per landowner.

. There was a California State Park Ranger Office in the NNW sector at 7.48 kilometers ( 4.65 miles) from the site. Approximately three State Parks staff personnel occupied this office from 1000 to 1500 each day (365 days per year).

There was a public campground (Islay Creek Campground) located in the NNW sector at Montana de Oro State Park at 7.36 kilometers (4.57 miles). This campground was near Spooner's Cove.


Approximately 713,000 people visited Montana de Oro State Park via day-use permit.

Approximately 22,000 people spent the night at Islay Creek Campground.

There was public access to hiking trails at the north and south ends of the PG&E property in The Point Buchon Trail was located at the north end ofPG&E property and had about 18,000 visitors in 2014. The trail traversed about 3.5 miles of coastline from Coon Creek to Crowbar Canyon.

The trail was open to the public for day hikes Thursday thru Monday from approximately 0800-1700.

Two to three people from California Land Management occupied the trail head booth near Coon Creek during operational days from 0700 to 1730. This trail was originally opened to the public on July 13, 2007.

The Pecho Coast Trail was located at the south end ofPG&E property and had about 3,000 visitors in 2014. The trail was approximately 3.7 miles long and led from the Avila Beach DCPP entrance gate to the Point San Luis Lighthouse property and up the coastline to Rattlesnake Canyon.

Access was controlled (via web-site reservation permission only) and conducted by docents. This trail was just slightly outside the 5 mile radius of the site. Pecho Coast Trail hikes were only available on Wednesdays (about 20 people) and Saturdays (about 40 people).

Thirty to forty Port San Luis Lighthouse keepers occupied the lighthouse grounds on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 0800-1600. Special events were also held at the lighthouse throughout the year (e.g. weddings, fundraisers, reunions, etc). The lighthouse property was owned by the Port San Luis Harbor District.

Groundwater Protection Initiative (GPI) Review:

There were no site construction activities or spills that warranted changes to GPI monitoring frequencies, monitoring locations, contract lab analytical capabilities, or analytical detection thresholds in 2014.

From April to December of 2014, additional Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) pad construction occurred. New ISFSI pad locations were excavated to a depth of approximately 15 feet and concrete pads were constructed. Construction activities did not indicate any subsurface aquifers and no groundwater sources were encountered.

There were no changes in on-site or near site groundwater usage. Groundwater beneath the site power block was not used as a source of drinking water.

Additional On-site Information:

The Old Steam Generator Storage Facility (OSGSF) was located within the site-boundary in the ENE sector (68.3 degrees) at 0.99 km (0.61 mi) from Unit One CTMT.

The following plant equipment was placed into the Old Steam Generator Storage Facility for the duration of the plant operating license on the dates indicated below.

Unit One old steam generators ( 4 total) : 2/14/2009 Unit Two old steam generators ( 4 total) : 3/2/2008 Unit One old reactor head (1 total) : 10/23/2010 Unit Two old reactor head (1 total) : 11/6/2009 The on-site Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) pad was located within the site-boundary in the ENE sector (58.47 degrees) at 0.36 km (0.22 mi) from Unit One CTMT.

DCPP loaded it's first ISFSI dry cask onto the pad on 6/23/2009.

There were no ISFSI (dry cask) loading campaigns in 2014.

Table 8 summarizes the nearest residence location in each meteorological sector.

The Land Use Figure shows the location of the residences and gardens in the vicinity ofDCPP.

Table 8 Land Use Census 2014 Distance in Kilometers (and Miles) from the center point ofU-1 CTMT Nearest Milk Animal, Residence, and Vegetable Garden 22~ Degree (a)

Nearest Nearest Residence Nearest Radial Sector Milk Animal Residence Azimuth Vegetable km (mi)

Degree Garden km (mi)

NW None 5.76 (3.58) 325.2 None NNW None 2.42 (1.5) (b) 332.1 None N

None None None NNE None 5.18 (3.22) 21.5 7.13 ( 4.4) (c)

NE None 7.94 (4.94) 36.4 None ENE None 7.15 (4.45) 63.8 None E

None 5.97 (3.71) 89.9 7.43 ( 4.6) (d)

ESE None None 5.31 (3.3) (e)

SE None None None Table Notation:


Sectors not shown contain no land (other than islets not used for the purposes indicated in this table) beyond the site-boundary.

(b) BLANCHARD trailer is the residence used for critical receptor calculations.

(c) The READ (station 3C1) vegetable garden is located in the NNE sector and located at the 20.24 azimuth degree. There is also a limited use residence at this location.

(d) The KOONZE (station 6C1) vegetable garden is located in theE sector and located at the 97.52 azimuth degree. There is also a full time residence at this location.

(e) The MELLO garden is the commercial farm along the westward side of the site access road; however, it does not produce broadleafvegetation. This farm extends from 4.8 km to 7.8 km (3 to 4.8 miles) from the plant.

NW NNW Pacific Ocean UNITS 1 AND 2 DIABLO CANYON SITE D Gardens or Farm

.A Residences 5 Mile Radius J SE Avila Beach



0 1

2 3

4 5

SCALE IN MILES Units 1 and 2 Diablo Canyon Power Plant Land Use Census.


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35.77 w

0.1 J.5 6.9 11.5 18.~ 24.Z Joint Frequency Distribution:

Wind Speed and Wind Direction Diablo Camyon Power Plant 10 Meter level-2014 N

3.81 2.68 1.96 3.25 1.57 9.10 1.95 2.89 7.11 s

Calms excluded.

Rings drawn at10% Intervals.

E Wind Speed ( Miles Per Hour)

Wind now is FROM the directions shown.

28 observations were missing.

PERCENT OCCURRENCE: Wind Speed (Miles Per Hour)

PERCENT OCCURRENCE: Wind Speed ( Miles l'cr Hour)


()JR Ql ll

~ ill 1!1.4 24.2 DIR Ql ll

~ ill 1M 24.2 N

0.76 0.73 0.57 0.31 0.03 0.88 s

1.29 0.62 0.15 0.10 0.00 0.72 NNE 0.87 0.86 0.42 0.09 0.01 0.40 SSW 1.15 0.31 O.Q3 0.00 0.00 0.46 NE 1.04 1.44 0.87 0.21 0,03 0.22 SW 0.89 0.34 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.29 ENE 0.84 0.80 0.47 0.23 0.00 0.34 WSW 0.78 0.39 0.13 0.02 0.00 0.30 E

0.86 0.47 0.18 0.07 0.00 0.38 w

0.82 0.78 0.24 0.10 O.Ql 0.26 ESE 1.29 0.82 0.39 0.21 0.06 0,48 WNW 1.69 2.35 2.55 2.86 1.06 0.40 SE 2.57 2.66 1.91 1.05 0.25 0.66 NW 1.64 3.71 7.00 11.60 7.63 4.19 SSE 2.29 1.89 1.39 0.45 0.26 0.84 NNW 1.12 2.13 2.42 2.21 0.92 0.41 TOTAL OBS = 8732 MISSING OBS = 28 CALMOBS= 0

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1. DCPP Interdepartmental Administrative Procedure (IDAP), RP l.ID 11, "Environmental Radiological Monitoring Procedure."

NRC Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring, Revision 1, November 1979 (NUREG-1301)

3. DCPP Program Directive, CY2, "Radiological Monitoring and Controls Program."

NEI 07-07, "Industry Ground Water Protection-Final Guidance Document", August 2007


NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2008-03, "Return/Re-use of Previously Discharged Radioactive Effluents"; February 13, 2008


"Tritium Occurrence in Groundwater at Diablo Canyon Power Plant", by S.M. Stoller Corporation


"Groundwater Gradient Analysis", by Entrix Corporation, March 2010


"Groundwater Gradient Analysis", by Cardno/Entrix Corporation, June 2012


Diablo Canyon Power Plant Site Conceptual Model Report, by ERM July 30, 2014

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Table A-1 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA

{County, State)

Lower Limit Indicator with Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Highest Annual Mean Sampled Number of Detection(A)

Name, Distance, and Direction All Indicator Locations All Control Locations (Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed (LLD)

Mean( B)

Range' B)

Mean (Bl Range' B l Mean(Bl Range( B)

Direct Radiation

( mR/std quarter) 5S1, 0.4 mi, 58° See Table 2.2 2F2, 4D1, 5F1 ITLD Badges( c)

( 384)

I 3 mR/qtr I 21.7 118.8-23.3 {12/12) 1 16.1 19.1-23.3 {348/348) 1 13.8 l1o.o-17.6 {36/36) 1 IS4, 0.3 mi, 65° IS1-IS8 2F2, 4D1, 5F1 IISFSI TLDs( 0 l

( 96)

I 3 mR/qtr I 89.4 1 77.7-98.5 {12/12) 1 40.0 117.7-98.5 (96/96) 1 13.8 l1o.o -17.6 (36/36) 1 Table Notation:

(A) Sensitivity of TLD system

( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

(C) 96 TLD badges are distributed quarterly at 32 locations (29 indicator stations and 3 control stations). Each quarter there are 3 badges per station.

( D) 24 ISFSI TLD badges are distributed quarterly at 8 locations surrounding the ISFSI protected area within the site boundary. Each quarter there are 3 badges per station.

Number of Reportable Occurrences 0


Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Lower Limit Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Sampled Number of Detection!Al (Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed (LLD)

Airborne Iodine


( pCi/meter 3

) I 1-1311 0.07 Airborne Air Particulates (363)

( pCi/meter 3

) I Gross Betal 0.01 Gamma Isotopic( c) ( 28)

Cs-134 0.05 Cs-137 0.06 Airborne Air Carbon-14 (94)

( uCi/meter3 ) I Carbon-141 1.00E-06 Table Notation:

I Table A-2 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction All Indicator Locations Mean1 B)

Range1 B)

Mean (Bl Range 1 B) 7D1, 6.6 mi, 118° OS2, 1S1, 7D1, 8S1, 8S2, MT1 I

None Detected ( 0 I 52) I I None Detected ( 0 I 311 )

Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of All Control Locations Reportable Mean (Bl Range (B)

Occurrences 5F1, 10.2 mi, 79o I

I None Detected ( 0 I 52) I 0




7D1, 6.6 mi, 118° OS2, 1S1, 7D1, 8S1, 852, MT1 5F1, 10.2 mi, 79o I 2.89E-2 I 6.37E-3 to 1.06E-1 (52/52) I 2.57E-2 I 4.16E-3 to 1.11E-1 (311/311) I 3.43E-2 I 3.22E-3 to 1.24E-1 (52/52) I 0

7D1, 6.6 mi, 118° OS2, 151, 7D1, 8S1, 852, MT1 5F1, 10.2 mi, 79° I

None Detected ( 0 I 4)

I None Detected ( 0 I 24)

I None Detected ( 0 I 4) 0 I

None Detected ( 0 I 4)

I None Detected ( 0 I 24)

I None Detected ( 0 I 4) 0 8S1, 0.5 mi, 125° OS2,851 5F1, 10.2 mi, 79° I

I None Detected ( 0 I 52 ) I I

None Detected ( 0 I 73 ) I I

None Detected ( 0 I 21 ) I 0

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3 (B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

(C) These gamma isotopic samples are quarterly composite samples of all weekly particulate air sample filters. Approximately 13 particulate filters for each REMP location.

Plant related radionuclides, not naturally occurring isotopes.

Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Lower Limit Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Sampled Number of Detection(A)

(Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed


Surface Water

( pCi/Liter )

Gamma Isotopic ( 36 )

Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 1-131 15 Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La 140 15 Additional Analysis Gross Beta

( 36) 4 Fe-55

( 36)


( 36)

Tritium H-3 ( 36) 400 Total Sr 89190 ( 36 )

Table Notation:

Table A-3 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction All indicator Locations Mean( B)

Range( B)


Range (B)

OUT, 0.2 mi, 270° DCM, OUT none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24) none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24) none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24) none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24) none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24) 281 1 194-410 (11112) 269 I

124-410 (23124) none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 24 )

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3 Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of All Control Locations Reportable Mean (B)

Range (B)

Occurrences 7C2, 4.7 mi, 124° none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 299 I

126-466 (12112) 0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 12 )


( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., {10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

Table A-4 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA Lower Limit Indicator with Highest Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Annual Mean Sampled Number of Detection(A)

Name, Distance, and Direction All Indicator Locations All Control Locations (Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed (LLD)

Mean( B)

Range' B l Mean (B)

Range (B)


Range' B)

Drinking Water 1A2, 1.5 mi, 331° DW1,5S2, WN2, 1A2 OEL, 10.2 mi, 79°

( pCi/Liter )

Gamma Isotopic ( 46 )

Mn-54 15 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Fe-59 30 none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Co-58 15 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Co-60 15 none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Zn-65 30 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Zr-95 30 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Nb-95 15 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

1-131 1

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Cs-134 15 none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Cs-137 18 none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Ba-140 60 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

La 140 15 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Additional Analysis Gross Beta ( 46 )

4 5.27 1 2.77-7.78 ( 214) 3.8 1 1.87-7.78 ( 9133) 1.94 I 1.58-2.54 ( 4113 )


( 46) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )


( 46) none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Tritium H-3 ( 46) 400 none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Total Sr 89190 ( 46 )

none _detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 33 )

none detected ( 0 I 13 )

Table Notation:

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3

( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

{County, State) r Number of Reportable Occurrences,

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0


Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Medium or Pathway Type and Total Sampled Number of (Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed Mussels

( pCi/kg)

Gamma Isotopic (13}

Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Table Notation:

Lower Limit of Detection(Al (LLD}

60 60 80 Table A-5 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction All Indicator Locations Mean( B)

Range( B)

Mean(Bl Range(Bl DCM, 0.2 mi, 270° DCM, PON, POS none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 9 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 9 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 9 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 9 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 9 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 9 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 9 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 9 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 9) none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 9 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 9 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 9 )

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3 Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of All Control Locations Reportable Mean(Bl Range(Bl Occurrences 7C2, 4.7 mi, 124° none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )


( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

Table A-6 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA Lower Limit Indicator with Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Highest Annual Mean Sampled Number of Detection(A)

Name, Distance, and Direction All Indicator Locations All Control Locations (Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed (LLD)

Mean( B)

Range( 6 l Mean(B)

Range(Bl Mean(B)



( pCi/kg)

DCM, 0.2 mi, 270° DCM, PON, POS, 2F1, 703 7C2, 4.7 mi, 124° Gamma Isotopic ( 36)

Mn-54 130 none detected ( 0 I 8 )

none detected ( 0 I 28 )

none detected ( 0 I 8 )

Fe-59 260 none detected ( 0 I 8 )

none detected ( 0 I 28 )

none detected ( 0 I 8)

Co-58 130 none detected ( 0 I 8 )

none detected ( 0 I 28 )

none detected ( 0 I 8 )

Co-60 130 none detected ( 0 I 8 )

none detected ( 0 I 28 )

none detected ( 0 I 8 )

Zn-65 260 none detected ( 0 I 8 )

none detected ( 0 I 28 )

none detected ( 0 I 8 )

Zr-95 none detected ( 0 I 8 )

none detected ( 0 I 28 )

none detected ( 0 I 8 )

Nb-95 none detected ( 0 I 8) none detected ( 0 I 28 )

none detected ( 0 I 8 )

1-131 none detected ( 0 I 8 )

none detected ( 0 I 28 )

none detected ( 0 I 8 )

Cs-134 130 none detected ( 0 I 8 )

none detected ( 0 I 28 )

none detected ( 0 I 8 )

Cs-137 150 8.16 I 7.40-8.92 ( 218) 6.94 I ( 6128 l none detected ( 0 I 8 )

Ba-140 none detected ( 0 I 8 )

none detected ( 0 I 28 )

none detected ( 0 I 8 )

La-140 none detected ( 0 I 8 )

none detected ( 0 I 2~

~one detected ( Ofl)

Table Notation:

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3

( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., {10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

{County, State)

Number of Reportable Occurrences 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0


Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Lower Limit Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Sampled Number of Detection(A)

Table A-7 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction Indicator Locations Location of Facility:

All Control Locations San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of Reportable (Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed (LLD)

Mean( B)

Rang~ B)

Mean (B )

Range( B)

Mean(B )

Range( B)

Occurrences I


( pCi/kg)

DCM, 0.2 miles, 270° DCM, 0.2 miles, 270° 7C2, 4.7 miles, 124° Gamma Isotopic (8}

Mn-54 none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4)

Fe-59 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4)

Co-58 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4)

Co-60 none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4)

Zn-65 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

Zr-95 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

Nb-95 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) 1-131 60 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

Cs-134 60 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4)

Cs-137 80 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4)

Ba-140 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4)

La-140 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

Table Notation:

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3

( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

  • These samples are supplemental samples.

I 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 I

Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Lower Limit Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Sampled Number of Analyses Detection(Al (Unit of Measure)

Performed (LLD)


( pCilkg)

Gamma Isotopic ( 16 )

Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 60 Cs-134 60 Cs-137 80 Ba-140 La-140 Table Notation:

Table A-8 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction All indicator Locations Mean( B)

Rang~ B)

Mean (B)

Range( B)

DCM, 0.2 mi, 270° DCM, PON, POS none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 12 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 12 )

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3 Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of All Control Locations Reportable Mean (B)

Range( B)

Occurrences 7C2, 4.7 mi, 124° none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )


( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

  • These samples are supplemental samples.

Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Lower Limit Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Sampled Number of Detection(A)

(Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed (LLD)

Vegetative Crops

( pCi/kg)

Gamma Isotopic (53)

Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 60 Cs-134 60 Cs-137 80 Ba-140 La-140 Table Notation:

Table A-9 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 111114-12131114 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction All indicator Locations Mean( B)

Range( 8 l Mean(B)

Range( 8 l 6C1, 4.5 mi, 98° 3C1, 5F2, 6C1, 7C1, 7E1 None Detected ( 0 I 4)

None Detected ( 0 I 41 )

None Detected ( 0 I 4 )

None Detected ( 0 I 41 )

None Detected ( 0 I 4)

None Detected ( 0 I 41 )

None Detected ( 0 I 4)

None Detected ( 0 I 41)

None Detected ( 0 I 4)

None Detected ( 0 I 41 )

None Detected ( 0 I 4 )

None Detected ( 0 I 41)

None Detected ( 0 I 4)

None Detected ( 0 I 41)

None Detected ( 0 I 4)

None Detected ( 0 I 41 )

None Detected ( 0 I 4 )

None Detected ( 0 I 41 )

None Detected ( 0 I 4 )

None Detected ( 0 I 41 )

None Detected ( 0 I 4 )

None Detected ( 0 I 41 )

None Detected ( 0 I 4 )

None Detected ( 0 I 41 )

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3 Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of All Control Locations Reportable Mean (Bl Range( 8 1 Occurrences 7G1, 16.8 mi, 115° None Detected ( 0 I 12) 0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12) 0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12) 0 None Detected ( 0 I 12) 0 None Detected ( 0 I 12) 0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )


( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Lower Limit Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Sampled Number of Detection(A)

(Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed (LLD)


( pCi/Liter)

Iodine extraction ( 12 )

I 1-1311 1

I Gamma Isotopic ( 12 )

Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La-140 15 I

Total Sr 89190 ( 12) I Table Notation:


Table A-10 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction Indicator Locations Mean( B)

Range( B)


Range( B l Not Applicable I

Not Applicable


Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable I

Not Applicable (A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3 I

I Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of All Control Locations Reportable Mean(B)

Range( B)

Occurrences SF2, 12.6 mi, 60° None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

I 0

None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12) 0 None Detected ( 0 I 12) 0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

0 None Detected ( 0 I 12) 0 None Detected ( 0 I 12 )

I 0

( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Medium or Pathway Type and Total Sampled Number of (Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed Meat

( pCi/kg)

Gamma Isotopic ( 8 )

Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 t

I Total Sr 89190 ( 8 ) I Table Notation:

Lower Limit of Detection(Al (LLD) 60 60 80 I

Table A-11 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction All Indicator Locations Mean( B)

Rang~ B l Mean(Bl Range1 Bl BCM, 1.5 mi, 331 o BCM, BGM, BSM none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 014)

I none detected ( 0 I 4 )

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3

( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis, e.g. {10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

Location of Facility:

All Control Locations Mean(Bl Range1 B)

CCM, 37 mi, 328° none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4 )

none detected ( 0 I 4)

I none detected ( 0 I 4 )

San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of Reportable Occurrences 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 j

I 0

Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Lower Limit Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Sampled Number of Detection(A)

(Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed (LLD)

Ocean Sediment

( pCilkg dry)

Gamma Isotopic ( 2 )

Mn-54 150 Fe-59 300 Co-58 150 Co-60 150 Zn-65 300 Zr-95 300 Nb-95 150 1-131 Cs-134 150 Cs-137 180 Ba-140 600 La-140 150 Fe-55 ( 2)

Ni-63 ( 2)

Total Sr 89190 ( 2)

Table Notation:

Table A-12 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction Indicator Locations Mean( B)

Rang~ B)


Range' B)

DCM, 0.2 mi, 270° DCM, 0.2 mi, 270° none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1) none detected ( 0 I 1)

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3 Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of Control Locations Reportable Mean(B)

Range' B)

Occurrences 7C2, 4.7 mi, 124° none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0 none detected ( 0 I 1) 0

( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Lower Limit Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Sampled Number of Analyses Detection(Al (Unit of Measure)

Performed (LLD)

Beach Sand

( pCi/kg dry)

Gamma Isotopic ( 12 )

Mn-54 150 Fe-59 300 Co-58 150 Co-60 150 Zn-65 300 Zr-95 300 Nb-95 150 1-131 Cs-134 150 Cs-137 180 Ba-140 600 La-140 150 Fe-55 ( 12)

Ni-63 ( 12)

Total Sr 89190 ( 12)

Table Notation:

Table A-13 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction All Indicator Locations Mean( B)

Range( B)

Mean(Bl Range's l AVA, 7.3 mi, 109° AVA, MDO, PMO, CYA, San Sim none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3) none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3) none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3) none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

none detected ( 0 I 3 )

none detected ( 0 I 10 )

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3 Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of All Control Locations Reportable Mean (Bl Range' s l Occurrences CBA, 28.5 mi, 330° none detected ( 0 I 2 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 2) 0 none detected ( 0 I 2 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 2) 0 none detected ( 0 I 2) 0 none detected ( 0 I 2 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 2) 0 none detected ( 0 I 2 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 2 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 2 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 2 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 2 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 2 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 2 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 2 )


( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.


Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Lower Limit Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Sampled Number of Detection(Al (Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed (LLD)


( pCi/Liter )

Gamma Isotopic ( 8)

Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 1-131 15 Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La-140 15 Gross Beta ( 8) 4 Fe-55 ( 8)

Ni-63 ( 8)

Total Sr 89190 ( 8 )

Tritium H-3

( 8) 400 Table Notation:

Table A-14 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction All Indicator Locations Mean( B)

Range( B l Mean(B)

Range( B) 8S3, 0.3 mi, 145° 8S3, 0.3 mi, 145° none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) 4.71 J

2.43-6.90 ( 414) 4.71 I

2.43-6.90 ( 414) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 4)

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3 Location of Facility:

All Control Locations San Luis Obispo, CA (County, State)

Number of Reportable Mean (B)

Range( B)

Occurrences WW2, 0.6 mi, 70° none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 3.88 I

3.71-4.06 ( 214) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0

( B) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10112) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

Name of Facility:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Lower Limit Medium or Pathway Type and Total of Sampled Number of Detection1Al (Unit of Measure)

Analyses Performed (LLD}

Monitoring Wells

( pCi/Liter )

Gamma Isotopic ( 20)

Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 1-131 15 Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La-140 15 Gross Beta ( 20) 4 Fe-55 ( 20)

Ni-63 ( 20)

Total Sr 89190 ( 20)

Tritium H-3 ( 20) 400 Table Notation:

Table A-15 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Report Period: 1/1/14-12/31/14 Indicator with Highest Annual Mean Name, Distance, and Direction All Indicator Locations Mean1Bl Range1 Bl Mean 1Bl Range1 Bl DY1, 0.03 mi, 77° DY1, GW1, GW2, OWl, OW2 none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

38.9 I 24.2 to 66.4 ( 414) 20.7 I 5.55 to 66.4 ( 12116 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

none detected ( 0 I 4) none detected ( 0 I 16 )

7,160 I 5,260 to 8,660 ( 414) 3,160 I 262 to 8,660 ( 11116 )

(A) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 2.3 Location of Facility:

San Luis Obispo, CA

{County, State)

Number of All Control Locations Reportable Mean 1Bl Range1 Bl Occurrences WW2, 0.6 mi, 70° none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 3.88 I 3.71 to 4.06 ( 214) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0 none detected ( 0 I 4 )

0 none detected ( 0 I 4) 0

( B ) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10112) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

Note : Monitoring well tritium concentrations due to rain washout of an approved airborne discharge pathway from plant vents.

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2014 DCPP Environmental TLD results per standard quarter 2014 Quarter 2014ANNUAL 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Std 2x Std Station ID Avg Std err Avg Std err Avg Std err Avg Std err Total Avg Dev Dev MTl 21.2 0.9 20.7 1.1 17.6 0.2 21.6 0.1 81.1 20.3 1.8 3.6 WNl 13 0.7 12.3 0.6 11.9 0.5 13.4 0.2 50.6 12.7 0.7 1.3 OSl 21.1 1.7 20.3 1.5 19.3 0.5 21.8 0.3 82.5 20.6 1.1 2.2 SSl 22.1 1.6 23.3 1.6 18.8 0.2 22.4 0.1 86.6 21.7 2.0 3.9 6Sl 13.2 0.7 12.7 0.9 12.6 0.3 14.1 0.2 52.6 13.1 0.7 1.4 8Sl 17.3 0.8 17 0.8 14.7 0.2 18.3 0.2 67.2 16.8 1.5 3.1 8S2 20.1 0.6 20.1 1.4 17.3 0.3 21.8 0.2 79.3 19.8 1.9 3.7 5S3 18.9 1.1 18.9 1.3 16.0 0.2 19.2 0.3 73.0 18.3 1.5 3.1 2F2 13.2 1.0 13.2 1.0 12.5 0.2 14.4 0.1 53.2 13.3 0.8 1.6 2Dl 12.8 0.7 12.8 0.7 11.0 0.4 13.7 0.2 50.3 12.6 1.1 2.2 4Dl 11.7 0.5 11.1 0.7 10.0 0.2 12.4 0.2 45.2 11.3 1.0 2.0 SFl 16.5 1.1 17.6 1

14.7 0.3 17.4 0.1 66.1 16.5 1.3 2.7 lAl 11.6 0.8 12.3 0.5 10.3 0.3 12.8 0.2 46.9 11.7 1.1 2.2 7D2 16.6 0.7 15.9 1.1 15.2 0.2 16.7 0.2 64.4 16.1 0.7 1.4 7G2 18.4 0.6 18.2 1.3 15.2 0.1 19.0 0.2 70.8 17.7 1.7 3.4 7Cl 17.9 0.6 18.1 0.9 16.4 0.2 17.6 0.2 70.0 17.5 0.8 1.5 7Fl 16.2 1

16.7 1.8 15.8 0.3 17.6 0.2 66.2 16.6 0.8 1.5 OBl 9.5 0.5 10 0.6 9.1 0.3 11.4 0.2 39.9 10.0 1.0 2.0 7Dl 11.2 0.8 10.8 0.7 10.3 0.4 11.5 0.1 43.8 10.9 0.5 1.1 4Cl 10.1 0.4 10.8 0.5 10.4 0.6 11.9 0.1 43.2 10.8 0.8 1.6 OS2 16.6 0.8 17.1 1.1 15.4 0.4 18.1 0.3 67.2 16.8 1.1 2.2 lSl 16.8 0.7 17.4 0.9 14.9 0.3 18.3 0.3 67.4 16.9 1.5 2.9 2Sl 16.1 0.9 16.2 0.8 14.2 0.2 17.0 0.2 63.5 15.9 1.2 2.3 3Sl 19.3 1.1 21.4 1.2 17.8 0.3 20.9 0.3 79.5 19.9 1.6 3.2 4Sl 19 1

19.3 1.5 16.9 0.2 19.3 0.1 74.4 18.6 1.2 2.3 7Sl 20.7 1.1 20.6 1

18.0 0.3 20.7 0.4 79.9 20.0 1.4 2.7 9Sl 22 1.7 22.6 1.8 18.9 0.2 22.9 0.3 86.4 21.6 1.8 3.6 lCl 13.7 0.5 12.7 1.1 11.9 0.4 14.0 0.2 52.3 13.1 0.9 1.9 SCl 16.3 0.8 16.1 1.1 15.3 0.9 15.4 0.2 63.1 15.8 0.5 1.0 3Dl 12.2 0.6 12.4 0.6 11.0 0.3 13.5 0.2 49.1 12.3 1.0 2.0 6Dl 15 0.7 14.1 0.6 13.2 0.5 14.8 0.2 57.1 14.3 0.8 1.6 5F3 15.8 0.7 16.2 0.8 14.5 0.5 16.5 0.2 63.1 15.8 0.9 1.7 IS-1 24.1 1.5 21.8 1

18.7 0.7 24.8 0.5 89.4 22.3 2.7 5.5 IS-2 23.5 1.2 23.3 2

17.7 0.3 23.1 0.3 87.6 21.9 2.8 5.6 IS-3 35.4 1.7 31.6 3.2 27.3 1.2 31.8 0.5 126.1 31.5 3.3 6.6 IS-4 98.5 2.1 90.4 2.6 77.7 0.9 91.0 0.8 357.7 89.4 8.6 17.2 IS-5 59.3 2.4 53.4 4.1 46.4 2.3 53.5 0.4 212.7 53.2 5.3 10.5 IS-6 52 2.4 46 3.5 42.5 0.7 48.5 0.4 189.0 47.3 4.0 8.1 IS-7 36.8 2.4 32.1 2.3 28.9 1.2 35.3 0.3 133.2 33.3 3.5 7.0 IS-8 20.9 1.4 23 0.2 18.1 0.6 22.6 0.1 84.5 21.1 2:2 4.5

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Name of Facility: Diablo Canyon DCPP Direct Radiation Report Period: 1 I 1 I 2014-12 I 31 I 2014 Individual Environmental TLD Historical Ranges**

2014 Pre-2014 J;:*

I Pre-2014


Pre-2014 Historical 1,_ I 2014 I

Historical 2014 Historical Results outside Station

  • . Low Qtr
--. High Qtr Historical range?

Low Qtr I

Average High Qtr Code mrem mrem -


~ mrem 0_

I mrem Yes I No MT1 13.2 J


~I 21.0 i

21.6 26.3 No WN1 8.8 11.9 -*



13.4 18.4 No I I_

051 12.5 19.3 20.3 ll 21.8

  • o*

26.0 No 551 17.3 18.8 22.9

~ 23.3 29.1 No 651 10.0 12.6

~ \\


_o-tr'i' 14.1 19.3 No 851 11.1 14.7 I



18.3 20.8 No 852 13.6 17.3 I


~ 21.8 26.9 No 553 12.2 16.0 r


-~ 19.2 25.1 No j

2F2 8.8 12.5 13.8 14.4 18.6 No 201 8.3

  • ~~

11.0 u_.l 12.3 13.7 15.8 No 401 7.9

_;-n-.1 10.0 12.1 I~ 12.4


20.8 No t


  • 10.7 I

14.7 17.6 I~ 17.6


23.7 No 1A1 8.2 I

10.3 12.0 12.8 17.8 No 702 12.0

~ 15.2 16.6 16.7 27.7 No l

7G2 13.7 J


_;j 17.3 19.0 27.7 No 7C1 14.4

~ 16.4 ~

17.9 18.1 23.1 No 7F1 13.6 fi;l 15.8 ~

16.7 I'Ql' 17.6 23.6 No 081 8.3

~t 9.1 10.2 I[]

11.4 17.9 No 701 9.5

~ 10.3 11.7 11.5 23.3 No I~

4C1 8.5 P.


1 [!

10.1 E:Ji 10.9 I ~

11.9 u


18.4 No 052 14.3 tJ 15.4 17.2 18.1 22.1 No 151 13.5


14.9 16.8 18.3 21.7 No

  • ~

251 13.3 31 14.2 51 16.9 I ~

17.0 23.3 No 351 16.4

~I 17.8


20.4 J

21.4 26.2 No 451 15.0

~ 16.9

,\\-.11 19.0 19.3 26.4 No 751 14.3 18.0 r.

18.5 I t'~

20.7 26.1 No 951 12.8 18.9 21.8 22.9 26.7 No 1C1 10.3 1 r-r~ 11.9


13.3 14.0 19.4 No 5C1 12.3 15.3 n.. f 16.4 16.3


21.3 No 301 9.6 11.0


12.8 1!~= 13.5 J

22.2 No 601 11.7

~*I 13.2... :1 15.2

' 'b~


~J 23.1 No 5F3 13.3 I~ 14.5 19.3 16.5 25.0 No IS-1 21.4 r'~ 18.7 23.5 24.8 25.9

  • Yes, low



~li IS-2 21.8 17.7

r 24.1 23.5 26.4
  • Yes, low IS-3 22.5 27.3 33.2




38.2 No

~ ~~

ffi IS-4 23.1


71.9 10-=


No 77.7

  • r

,!:I 98.5 98.9 IS-5 23.1 I

46.4 58.3 lQ 59.3


78.1 No IS-6 21.9 42.5 48.1

= 52.0


58.8 No IS-7 19.5 28.9 34.8 36.8 39.8 No IS-8 19.0 18.1 21.4 23.0 25.6

  • Yes, low
  • Yes due to ISFSIIoading or minor statistical error
    • Exposure comparison data range from 1987 to 2013

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This page intentionally left blank.

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C OS2 North Gate - Air Charcoal Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units OS2 North Gate(340937014)- AC 3-Jan-14 lodine-131 1.44E-03 8.69E-03 5.05E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(341469014)- AC 11-Jan-14 lodine-131

-9.18E-04 1.26E-02 7.76E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(341857014) -AC 18-Jan-14 lodine-131

-1.72E-03 9.48E-03 5.88E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(342138014)- AC 25-Jan-14 lodine-131

-6.35E-04 7.97E-03 4.82E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(342582014)- AC 1-Feb-14 lodine-131 3.11 E-03 9.91 E-03 5.50E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(343015014)- AC 8-Feb-14 lodine-131 7.55E-04 1.31 E-02 7.53E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(343355014)- AC 15-Feb-14 lodine-131

-2.07E-03 1.19E-02 7.32E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(343769014)- AC 22-Feb-14 lodine-131 4.75E-03 1.22E-02 1.02E-02 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(344077014)- AC 1-Mar-14 lodine-131 5.29E-04 1.11 E-02 6.49E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(344522014)- AC 8-Mar-14 lodine-131 1.78E-03 1.02E-02 5.90E-03 pCilm3 OS2 North Gate(345381014)- AC 22-Mar-14 lodine-131 7.04E-04 1.22E-02 7.04E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(345737014)- AC 29-Mar-14 lodine-131 2.37E-03 1.68E-02 9.70E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(346448014)- AC 5-Apr-14 lodine-131 3.86E-04 8.64E-03 5.16E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(346883014)- AC 12-Apr-14 lodine-131 1.82E-03 1.83E-02 1.07E-02 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(347387008) - AC 19-Apr-14 lodine-131 4.72E-03 1.31E-02 7.33E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(347862014)- AC 26-Apr-14 lodine-131 9.67E-04 1.27E-02 7.63E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(348342014)- AC 3-May-14 lodine-131 4.38E-03 1.61 E-02 9.12E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(348779014)- AC 10-May-14 lodine-131

-3.22E-03 1.02E-02 6.71E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(349262014)- AC 17-May-14 lodine-131

-2.52E-03 1.23E-02 7.95E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(349563014)- AC 24-May-14 lodine-131

-1.95E-03 8.01 E-03 6.07E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(350052014)- AC 31-May-14 lodine-131 3.75E-05 9.95E-03 5.80E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(350455014)- AC 7-Jun-14 lodine-131

-4.20E-03 9.65E-03 6.61 E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(350986014)- AC 14-Jun-14 lodine-131

-7.50E-03 1.24E-02 8.98E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(351433014)- AC 21-Jun-14 lodine-131 3.36E-03 1.39E-02 7.89E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(351789014)- AC 28-Jun-14 lodine-131 1.53E-03 1.05E-02 6.18E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(352368014)- AC 5-Jul-14 lodine-131 8.33E-03 1.53E-02 8.78E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(352849013) - AC 12-Jul-14 lodine-131

-3.74E-05 1.07E-02 6.29E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(353399014)- AC 19-Jul-14 lodine-131

-2.36E-03 1.50E-02 9.85E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(353786014)- AC 26-Jul-14 lodine-131

-1.82E-03 1.05E-02 6.55E-03 pCilm3 OS2 North Gate(354272014)- AC 2-Aug-14 lodine-131

-2.20E-03 1.16E-02 7.28E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(354689014)- AC 9-Aug-14 lodine-131 1.45E-03 1.58E-02 9.26E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(355193014)- AC 16-Aug-14 lodine-131

-1.45E-03 1.15E-02 6.90E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(355650014)- AC 23-Aug-14 lodine-131

-1.11 E-03 1.42E-02 8.73E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(356013014)- AC 30-Aug-14 lodine-131

-4.10E-03 7.67E-03 5.53E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(356629014)- AC 6-Sep-14 lodine-131 1.25E-03 1.27E-02 7.41 E-03 pCilm3 OS2 North Gate(357003014)- AC 13-Sep-14 lodine-131

-7.79E-04 7.75E-03 4.81 E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(357441014)- AC 21-Sep-14 lodine-131

-3.16E-03 8.17E-03 5.81 E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(357901 014)- AC 27-Sep-14 lodine-131

-3.15E-04 1.32E-02 9.02E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(358659014) - AC 4-0ct-14 lodine-131

-3.50E-03 9.06E-03 6.04E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(359172014)- AC 11-0ct-14 lodine-131

-2.24E-03 9.13E-03 5.92E-03 pCilm3 OS2 North Gate(359686014)- AC 18-0ct-14 lodine-131

-4.16E-03 9.99E-03 6.96E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(360173014)- AC 25-0ct-14 lodine-131 8.04E-04 1.05E-02 6.21 E-03 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(360704014)- AC 1-Nov-14 lodine-131

-3.10E-03 8.12E-03 5.65E-03 pCi!m3 Page 1 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C OS2 North Gate(361184014)- AC 8-Nov-14 lodine-131

-3.38E-03 1.14E-02 7.40E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(361687014)- AC 15-Nov-14 lodine-131

-2.20E-03 1.26E-02 8.07E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(362077014)- AC 22-Nov-14 lodine-131 1.05E-02 1.69E-02 9.78E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(362293014)- AC 28-Nov-14 lodine-131 1.98E-03 1.22E-02 7.93E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(362893014)- AC 6-Dec-14 lodine-131 1.12E-03 9.80E-03 5.76E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(363523014)- AC 13-Dec-14 lodine-131 4.30E-03 1.50E-02 8.58E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(363779014)- AC 20-Dec-14 lodine-131 7.68E-04 1.74E-02 1.00E-02 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(363946014)- AC 26-Dec-14 lodine-131 2.18E-03 1.00E-02 5.66E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate -Air Carbon 14 Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units OS2 North Gate(354689017)- AC14 9-Aug-14 Carbon-14

-3.49E-07 7.77E-07 4.56E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(355193017)- AC14 16-Aug-14 Carbon-14

-1.68E-07 6.92E-07 4.09E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(355650017)- AC14 23-Aug-14 Carbon-14

-3.72E-07 6.70E-07 3.91 E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(356013017)- AC14 30-Aug-14 Carbon-14

-4.60E-07 8.42E-07 4.92E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(356629017)- AC14 6-Sep-14 Carbon-14

-2.64E-07 7.32E-07 4.31 E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(357003017)- AC14 13-Sep-14 Carbon-14

-1.20E-07 7.99E-07 4.73E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(357 441 017) - AC 14 21-Sep-14 Carbon-14

-4.66E-08 5.57E-07 3.31 E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(357901017)- AC14 28-Sep-14 Carbon-14 9.80E-08 6.06E-07 3.63E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(358659017)- AC14 4-0ct-14 Carbon-14

-4.47E-07 6.91 E-07 4.03E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(359172017)- AC14 11-0ct-14 Carbon-14 1.47E-07 5.84E-07 3.51 E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(359686017)- AC14 18-0ct-14 Carbon-14

-1.81 E-07 6.60E-07 3.90E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(360173017)- AC14 25-0ct-14 Carbon-14

-2.43E-07 6.83E-07 4.02E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(360704017)- AC14 1-Nov-14 Carbon-14 5.1 OE-08 6.49E-07 3.88E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(361184017)- AC14 8-Nov-14 Carbon-14 2.71 E-07 6.53E-07 3.94E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(361687017)- AC14 15-Nov-14 Carbon-14

-5.55E-07 6.61 E-07 3.83E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(362077017)- AC14 22-Nov-14 Carbon-14

-6.57E-07 8.42E-07 4.89E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(362293017)- AC14 28-Nov-14 Carbon-14

-2.06E-07 6.93E-07 4.09E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(362893017)- AC14 6-Dec-14 Carbon-14

-2.70E-07 5.61 E-07 3.29E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(363523017)- AC14 13-Dec-14 Carbon-14

-1.26E-07 6.61 E-07 3.91 E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(363779017)- AC14 20-Dec-14 Carbon-14

-3.59E-07 7.92E-07 4.65E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(363946017)- AC14 26-Dec-14 Carbon-14

-1.87E-07 6.12E-07 3.61 E-07 uCi/m3 OS2 North Gate -Air Particulate Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units OS2 North Gate(340937007) - AP 3-Jan-14 BETA 1.10E-01 1.03E-03 1.06E-02 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(341469007) - AP 11-Jan-14 BETA 3.15E-02 1.33E-03 1.01 E-02 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(341857007) - AP 18-Jan-14 BETA 7.96E-02 1.24E-03 1.20E-02 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(342138007)- AP 25-Jan-14 BETA 8.60E-02 1.39E-03 1.35E-02 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(342582007) - AP 1-Feb-14 BETA 9.97E-03 1.33E-03 1.07E-02 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(343015007) - AP 8-Feb-14 BETA 1.75E-02 1.34E-03 9.80E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(343355007) - AP 15-Feb-14 BETA 1.66E-02 1.38E-03 9.80E-03 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(343769007) - AP 22-Feb-14 BETA 2.71E-02 1.33E-03 1.06E-02 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(344077007) - AP 1-Mar-14 BETA 9.81 E-03 1.60E-03 1.29E-02 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(344522007) - AP 8-Mar-14 BETA 2.70E-02 1.23E-03 1.14E-02 pCi/m3 Page 2 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 082 North Gate(345381 007) - AP 22-Mar-14 BETA 1.66E-02 1.35E-03 1.22E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(345737007) - AP 29-Mar-14 BETA 1.43E-02 1.26E-03 9.46E-03 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(346448007) - AP 5-Apr-14 BETA 2.33E-02 1.30E-03 9.20E-03 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(346883007) - AP 12-Apr-14 BETA 2.83E-02 1.31E-03 1.01 E-02 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(347387014)- AP 19-Apr-14 BETA 2.76E-02 1.35E-03 9.18E-03 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(347862007)- AP 26-Apr-14 BETA 2.43E-02 1.46E-03 1.00E-02 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(348342007) - AP 3-May-14 BETA 3.31 E-02 1.39E-03 1.05E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(348779007) - AP 10-May-14 BETA 1.56E-02 1.50E-03 9.25E-03 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(349262007) - AP 17-May-14 BETA 2.07E-02 1.48E-03 1.12E-02 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(349563007) - AP 24-May-14 BETA 8.88E-03 1.28E-03 8.34E-03 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(350052007) - AP 31-May-14 BETA 1.22E-02 1.31 E-03 1.10E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(350455007) - AP 7-Jun-14 BETA 9.00E-03 1.79E-03 1.24E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(350986007) - AP 14-Jun-14 BETA 1.65E-02 1.16E-03 8.58E-03 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(351433007)- AP 21-Jun-14 BETA 1.16E-02 1.34E-03 9.34E-03 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(351789007)- AP 28-Jun-14 BETA 4.16E-03 1.39E-03 1.05E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(352368007) - AP 5-Jul-14 BETA 9.92E-03 1.43E-03 8.64E-03 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(352849007) - AP 12-Jul-14 BETA 1.01 E-02 1.33E-03 1.12E-02 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(353399007) - AP 19-Jul-14 BETA 1.34E-02 1.31 E-03 1.12E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(353786007) - AP 26-Jul-14 BETA 1.85E-02 1.32E-03 1.16E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(354272007) - AP 2-Aug-14 BETA 1.71 E-02 1.43E-03 1.01 E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(354689007) - AP 9-Aug-14 BETA 1.28E-02 1.36E-03 1.01 E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(355193007)- AP 16-Aug-14 BETA 9.40E-03 1.40E-03 9.10E-03 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(355650007) - AP 23-Aug-14 BETA 1.81E-02 1.34E-03 1.01 E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(356013007) - AP 30-Aug-14 BETA 1.70E-02 1.33E-03 1.05E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(356629007) - AP 6-8ep-14 BETA 2.62E-02 1.29E-03 1.01 E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(357003007) - AP 13-8ep-14 BETA 4.53E-02 1.33E-03 1.07E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(357 441 007) - AP 21-8ep-14 BETA 2.30E-02 1.20E-03 8.88E-03 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(357901 007) - AP 27-8ep-14 BETA 1.70E-02 1.34E-03 9.87E-03 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(358659007) - AP 4-0ct-14 BETA 5.95E-02 1.31E-03 1.20E-02 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(359172007)- AP 11-0ct-14 BETA 3.36E-02 1.44E-03 1.00E-02 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(359686007) - AP 18-0ct-14 BETA 1.44E-02 1.33E-03 9.85E-03 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(360173007)- AP 25-0ct-14 BETA 1.92E-02 1.35E-03 1.13E-02 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(360704007) - AP 1-Nov-14 BETA 2.83E-02 1.34E-03 1.22E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(361184007)- AP 8-Nov-14 BETA 4.66E-02 1.38E-03 1.14E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(361687007)- AP 15-Nov-14 BETA 5.00E-02 1.34E-03 1.15E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(362077007) - AP 22-Nov-14 BETA 1.95E-02 1.71 E-03 1.31E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(362293007) - AP 28-Nov-14 BETA 4.59E-02 1.46E-03 1.09E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(362893007) - AP 6-Dec-14 BETA 1.48E-02 1.13E-03 9.21 E-03 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(363523007) - AP 13-Dec-14 BETA 1.03E-02 1.31E-03 9.31 E-03 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(363779007) - AP 20-Dec-14 BETA 6.92E-03 1.62E-03 1.29E-02 pCi/m3 082 North Gate(363946007) - AP 26-Dec-14 BETA 2.28E-02 1.38E-03 1.13E-02 pCi/m3 I

082 North Gate(347208007)- AP 14-Feb-14 Beryllium-?

1.19E-01 8.86E-03 2.04E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(353206007) - AP 17-May-14 Beryllium-?

9.08E-02 1.43E-02 2.06E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(359403007) - AP 16-Aug-14 Beryllium-?

9.51 E-02 8.78E-03 1.55E-02 pCi!m3 082 North Gate(365208007) - AP 15-Nov-14 Beryllium-?

9.52E-02 1.04E-02 1.78E-02 pCi!m3 Page 3 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C OS2 North Gate(347208007) - AP 14-Feb-14 Cesium-134

-3.37E-04 5.96E-04 4.73E-04 pCilm3 OS2 North Gate(353206007) - AP 17-May-14 Cesium-134 7.33E-04 1.50E-03 8.39E-04 pCilm3 OS2 North Gate(359403007) - AP 16-Aug-14 Cesium-134

-2.00E-04 4.84E-04 3.60E-04 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(365208007) - AP 15-Nov-14 Cesium-134

-1.83E-04 7.55E-04 4.89E-04 pCilm3 OS2 North Gate(347208007) - AP 14-Feb-14 Cesium-137 2.20E-04 7.12E-04 3.94E-04 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(353206007) - AP 17-May-14 Cesium-137 4.82E-04 1.13E-03 6.63E-04 pCi/m3 OS2 North Gate(359403007) - AP 16-Aug-14 Cesium-137 5.59E-05 3.67E-04 2.03E-04 pCi!m3 OS2 North Gate(365208007) - AP 15-Nov-14 Cesium-137

-8.05E-05 5.00E-04 3.12E-04 pCi/m3 1A2 Blanchard Spring-Drinking Water Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- DW 18-Feb-14 BETA 7.78E+OO 2.44E+OO 2.19E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- OW 29-Apr-14 BETA 1.06E+OO 1.47E+OO 9.49E-01 pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- DW 12-Aug-14 BETA

-8.84E-02 2.18E+OO 1.31 E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- DW 21-0ct-14 BETA 2.77E+OO 2.64E+OO 1.76E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- DW 18-Feb-14 Barium-140 3.15E+OO 4.25E+OO 2.71E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- DW 29-Apr-14 Barium-140 1.25E+OO 4.22E+OO 2.44E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- DW 12-Aug-14 Barium-140 3.85E+OO 4.02E+OO 2.78E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- DW 21-0ct-14 Barium-140 6.73E-01 3.34E+OO 1.98E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- DW 18-Feb-14 Cesium-134 1.10E+OO 2.55E+OO 1.54E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- DW 29-Apr-14 Cesium-134

-5.54E-01 2.31 E+OO 1.45E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- DW 12-Aug-14 Cesium-134

-1.54E-01 2.80E+OO 1.65E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- OW 21-0ct-14 Cesium-134 1.91E-01 1.99E+OO 1.36E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- DW 18-Feb-14 Cesium-137

-1.54E-01 2.26E+OO 1.53E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- DW 29-Apr-14 Cesium-137

-9.70E-01 2.24E+OO 1.46E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- DW 12-Aug-14 Cesium-137 1.72E+OO 2.61E+OO 1.88E+OO pCi/L 1 A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001) - DW 21-0ct-14 Cesium-137 1.91 E+OO 1.91 E+OO 1.91 E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- DW 18-Feb-14 Cobalt-58 1.24E-01 2.07E+OO 1.41E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- DW 29-Apr-14 Cobalt-58 3.65E-01 2.21 E+OO 1.52E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- DW 12-Aug-14 Cobalt-58

-6.62E-01 2.38E+OO 1.70E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- DW 21-0ct-14 Cobalt-58 1.30E+OO 1.85E+OO 1.32E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- DW

  • 18-Feb-14 Cobalt-60 2.84E-01 2.36E+OO 1.37E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- DW 29-Apr-14 Cobalt-60

-2.46E-01 2.30E+OO 1.41 E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- DW 12-Aug-14 Cobalt-60

-1.07E+OO 2.67E+OO 1.71 E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- DW 21-0ct-14 Cobalt-60

-2.20E-01 1.76E+OO 1.06E+OO pCi!L 1 A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001) - DW 18-Feb-14 lodine-131

-9.84E-02 6.73E-01 3.99E-01 pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- DW 29-Apr-14 lodine-131 7.46E-02 6.78E-01 4.46E-01 pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- DW 12-Aug-14 lodine-131

-6.59E-02 5.51 E-01 3.30E-01 pCi!L 1 A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001) - DW 21-0ct-14 lodine-131 1.83E-02 4.73E-01 2.74E-01 pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- DW 18-Feb-14 Iron-55 3.12E+OO 1.00E+02 7.24E+01 pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- DW 29-Apr-14 Iron-55

-2.58E+OO 7.86E+01 5.35E+01 pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- DW 12-Aug-14 Iron-55 1.63E+01 9.73E+01 7.03E+01 pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- DW 21-0ct-14 Iron-55

-1.04E+01 7.81 E+01 5.55E+01 pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- DW 18-Feb-14 Iron-59

-8.45E-01 4.12E+OO 2.59E+OO pCi!L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- DW 29-Apr-14 Iron-59 1.22E+OO 4.66E+OO 2.73E+OO pCi!L Page 4 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- OW 12-Aug-14 Iron-59

-1.81 E+OO 4.67E+OO 3.04E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- OW 21-0ct-14 Iron-59 9.01 E-01 3.74E+OO 2.49E+OO pCi/L i

1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- OW 18-Feb-14 Lanthanum-140 3.15E+OO 4.25E+OO 2.71 E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- OW 29-Apr-14 Lanthanum-140 1.25E+OO 4.22E+OO 2.44E+OO pCi/L I

1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- OW 12-Aug-14 Lanthanum-140 3.85E+OO 4.02E+OO 2.78E+OO pCi/L I

1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- OW 21-0ct-14 Lanthanum-140 6.73E-01 3.34E+OO 1.98E+OO pCi/L 1 A2 Blanchard Spring(34335200 1) - OW 18-Feb-14 Manganese-54 1.16E+OO 2.23E+OO 1.54E+OO pCi/L 1 A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001) - OW 29-Apr-14 Manganese-54

-9.53E-01 2.15E+OO 1.43E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- OW 12-Aug-14 Manganese-54 4.88E-01 2.59E+OO 1.69E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- OW 21-0ct-14 Manganese-54

-1.40E+OO 1.66E+OO 1.25E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- OW 18-Feb-14 Nickel-63 3.22E+OO 3.07E+01 1.84E+01 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- OW 29-Apr-14 Nickel-63 3.78E+OO 3.10E+01 1.86E+01 pCi/L 1 A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002) - OW 12-Aug-14 Nickel-63 7.17E+OO 3.41 E+01 2.06E+01 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- OW 21-0ct-14 Nickel-63

-4.02E+OO 3.26E+01 1.93E+01 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- OW 18-Feb-14 Niobium-95 2.88E+OO 2.88E+OO 2.65E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- OW

  • 29-Apr-14 Niobium-95 2.89E+OO 2.92E+OO 2.27E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- OW 12-Aug-14 Niobium-95 3.84E+OO 3.84E+OO 5.65E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- OW 21-0ct-14 Niobium-95 2.23E+OO 2.23E+OO 2.03E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- OW 18-Feb-14 Total Strontium

-4.23E-02 1.87E-01 1.10E-01 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(350571 001)- OW 29-Apr-14 Total Strontium

-5.84E-02 3.21 E-01 1.89E-01 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- OW 12-Aug-14 Total Strontium

-4.94E-02 1.83E-01 1.07E-01 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- OW 21-0ct-14 Total Strontium 2.03E-01 2.14E-01 1.42E-01 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- OW 18-Feb-14 Tritium 4.11E+01 2.74E+02 1.65E+02 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- OW 29-Apr-14 Tritium 2.99E+01 2.10E+02 1.27E+02 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- OW 12-Aug-14 Tritium 1.32E+02 2.18E+02 1.41E+02 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- OW 21-0ct-14 Tritium 7.90E+01 2.44E+02 1.51 E+02 pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- OW 18-Feb-14 Zinc-65

-3.28E-01 4.90E+OO 3.48E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- OW 29-Apr-14 Zinc-65 4.51 E-01 4.61 E+OO 3.14E+OO pCi/L I

1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- OW 12-Aug-14 Zinc-65 7.15E+OO 7.15E+OO 6.44E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- OW 21-0ct-14 Zinc-65

-1.51 E+OO 3.72E+OO 2.74E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(343352001)- OW 18-Feb-14 Zirconium-95 1.55E+OO 4.03E+OO 2.40E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(347835001)- OW 29-Apr-14 Zirconium-95

-6.74E-01 3.99E+OO 2.85E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(354686002)- OW 12-Aug-14 Zirconium-95

-2.49E-01 4.31 E+OO 2.53E+OO pCi/L 1A2 Blanchard Spring(359692001)- OW 21-0ct-14 Zirconium-95

-6.37E-01 3.22E+OO 1.97E+OO pCi/L

~---*--- --

1 S1 Wastewater Pond-Air Charcoal Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 1S1 Wastewater Pond(340937013)- AC 3-Jan-14 lodine-131 4.14E-03 8.07E-03 5.02E-03 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(341469013)- AC 11-Jan-14 lodine-131 4.06E-03 1.33E-02 7.51 E-03 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(341857013)- AC 18-Jan-14 lodine-131

-2.58E-03 7.82E-03 5.02E-03 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(342138013)- AC 25-Jan-14 lodine-131 3.28E-05 9.90E-03 5.89E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(342582013)- AC 1-Feb-14 lodine-131

-1.00E-03 7.08E-03 4.42E-03 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(343015013)- AC 8-Feb-14 lodine-131 6.45E-03 9.87E-03

-2.20E-03 9.11E-03 6.15E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(343769013)- AC 22-Feb-14 lodine-131

-3.44E-03 1.78E-02 1.13E-02 pCilm3 Page 5 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(344077013)- AC 1-Mar-14 lodine-131 5.38E-03 1.1 OE-02 6.11 E-03 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(344522013)- AC 8-Mar-14 lodine-131 6.47E-03 1.20E-02 7.09E-03 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(344947012)- AC 15-Mar-14 lodine-131

-9.41 E-04 2.30E-02 1.40E-02 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(345381 013)- AC 22-Mar-14 lodine-131

-3.16E-03 1.10E-02 7.41 E-03 pCi/m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(345737013)- AC 29-Mar-14 lodine-131 1.94E-03 9.90E-03 5.67E-03 pCi/m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(346448013)- AC 5-Apr-14 lodine-131 3.94E-04 1.32E-02 7.63E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(346883013)- AC 12-Apr-14 lodine-131

-8.72E-04 1.09E-02 6.51 E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(347387005)- AC 19-Apr-14 lodine-131

-1.35E-04 8.49E-03 4.99E-03 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(347862013)- AC 26-Apr-14 lodine-131

-1.32E-03 1.13E-02 6.93E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(348342013)- AC 3-May-14 lodine-131 3.97E-03 1.00E-02 5.69E-03 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(348779013)- AC 1 0-May-14 lodine-131 1.12E-03 1.13E-02 6.78E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(349262013)- AC 17-May-14 lodine-131

-8.22E-03 2.39E-02 1.60E-02 pCilm3 I

I 1S1 Wastewater Pond(349563013)- AC 24-May-14 lodine-131 6.58E-03 1.04E-02 6.13E-03 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(350052013)- AC 31-May-14 lodine-131

-2.08E-03 8.39E-03 5.34E-03 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(350455013)- AC 7-Jun-14 lodine-131

-1.45E-03 1.01 E-02 6.30E-03 pCi!m3 1 S 1 Wastewater Pond(350986013) - AC 14-Jun-14 lodine-131 1.62E-03 9.04E-03 5.73E-03 pCi/m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(351433013)- AC 21-Jun-14 lodine-131

-2.95E-03 1.74E-02 1.09E-02 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(351789013)- AC 28-Jun-14 lodine-131

-2.81 E-04 1.31E-02 7.90E-03 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(352368013)- AC 5-Jul-14 lodine-131

-3.02E-04 8.60E-03 5.25E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(352849012)- AC 12-Jul-14 lodine-131

-1.46E-03 1.16E-02 7.16E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(353399013)- AC 19-Jul-14 lodine-131 8.83E-03 1.07E-02 6.84E-03 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(353786013)- AC 26-Jul-14 lodine-131

-4.65E-03 9.09E-03 7.42E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(354272013)- AC 2-Aug-14 lodine-131 1.23E-02 1.23E-02 9.67E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(354689013)- AC 9-Aug-14 lodine-131 4.71E-04 1.04E-02 7.04E-03 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(355193013)- AC 16-Aug-14 lodine-131 8.36E-03 8.72E-03 9.77E-03 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(355650013)- AC 23-Aug-14 lodine-131 3.97E-03 1.26E-02 7.34E-03 pCi/m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(356013013)- AC 30-Aug-14 lodine-131

-3.07E-03 8.64E-03 6.56E-03 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(356629013)- AC 6-Sep-14 lodine-131

-6.71 E-03 1.98E-02 1.34E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(357003013)- AC 13-Sep-14 lodine-131 1.82E-03 7.96E-03 4.44E-03 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(357441013)- AC 21-Sep-14 lodine-131

-1.63E-03 6.25E-03 4.20E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(357901 013)- AC 27-Sep-14 lodine-131

-6.13E-04 1.26E-02 7.63E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(358659013)- AC 4-0ct-14 lodine-131

-2.12E-04 1.01 E-02 6.95E-03 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(359172013)- AC 11-0ct-14 lodine-131

-4.22E-04 9.78E-03 5.83E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(359686013)- AC 18-0ct-14 lodine-131 1.13E-03 8.94E-03 5.20E-03 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(360173013)- AC 25-0ct-14 lodine-131 1.03E-02 2.36E-02 1.35E-02 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(360704013)- AC 1-Nov-14 lodine-131 4.94E-03 1.34E-02 7.55E-03 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(361184013)- AC 8-Nov-14 lodine-131 3.26E-03 1.34E-02 8.39E-03 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(361687013)- AC 15-Nov-14 lodine-131

-1.42E-03 8.25E-03 5.35E-03 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(362077013)- AC 22-Nov-14 lodine-131 3.65E-03 1.92E-02 1.11 E-02 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(362293013)- AC 28-Nov-14 lodine-131

-1.51 E-04 1.20E-02 7.20E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(362893013)- AC 6-Dec-14 lodine-131 8.77E-04 1.15E-02 6.86E-03 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(363523013)- AC 13-Dec-14 lodine-131

-3.43E-03 1.11 E-02 7.44E-03 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(363779013)- AC 20-Dec-14 lodine-131

-2.03E-03 2.18E-02 1.32E-02 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(363946013)- AC 26-Dec-14 lodine-131 4.98E-03 1.49E-02 8.34E-03 pCi/m3 Page 6 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 1 S1 Wastewater Pond-Air Particulate Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(340937006)- AP 3-Jan-14 BETA 1.05E-01 1.00E-03 1.03E-02 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(341469006)- AP 11-Jan-14 BETA 3.38E-02 1.30E-03 9.91 E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(341857006) - AP 18-Jan-14 BETA 7.19E-02 1.23E-03 1.17E-02 pCi!m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(342138006)- AP 25-Jan-14 BETA 9.65E-02 1.36E-03 1.35E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(342582006)- AP 1-Feb-14 BETA 1.33E-02 1.30E-03 1.06E-02 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(343015006)- AP 8-Feb-14 BETA 2.04E-02 1.31 E-03 9.64E-03 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(343355006)- AP 15-Feb-14 BETA 1.59E-02 1.34E-03 9.45E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(343769006)- AP 22-Feb-14 BETA 2.97E-02 1.31 E-03 1.05E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(344077006)- AP 1-Mar-14 BETA 1.03E-02 1.29E-03 1.05E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(344522006)- AP 8-Mar-14 BETA 2.41 E-02 1.26E-03 1.17E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(344947006)- AP 15-Mar-14 BETA 2.58E-02 2.66E-03 1.98E-02 pCi!m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(345381 006)- AP 22-Mar-14 BETA 2.20E-02 1.37E-03 1.26E-02 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(345737006)- AP 29-Mar-14 BETA 1.08E-02 1.25E-03 9.29E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(346448006)- AP 5-Apr-14 BETA 2.28E-02 1.31 E-03 9.28E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(346883006) - AP 12-Apr-14 BETA 2.58E-02 1.28E-03 9.81 E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(34738701 0)- AP 19-Apr-14 BETA 2.50E-02 1.35E-03 9.09E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(347862006)- AP 26-Apr,.14 BETA 2.29E-02 1.42E-03 9.73E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(348342006)- AP 3-May-14 BETA 1.94E-02 1.38E-03 1.00E-02 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(348779006)- AP 10-May-14 BETA 1.84E-02 1.52E-03 9.44E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(349262006)- AP 17-May-14 BETA 1.92E-02 1.47E-03 1.11 E-02 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(349563006)- AP 24-May-14 BETA 9.47E-03 1.27E-03 8.31 E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(350052006)- AP 31-May-14 BETA 1.65E-02 1.30E-03 1.11 E-02 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(350455006)- AP 7-Jun-14 BETA 7.35E-03 1.79E-03 1.24E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(350986006)- AP 14-Jun-14 BETA 1.55E-02 1.17E-03 8.66E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(351433006)- AP 21-Jun-14 BETA 8.31 E-03 1.38E-03 9.52E-03 pCi/m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(351789006)- AP 28-Jun-14 BETA 4.38E-03 1.41 E-03 1.07E-02 pCi/m3 1 S 1 Wastewater Pond(352368006) - AP 5-Jul-14 BETA 1.40E-02 1.44E-03 8.85E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(352849006)- AP 12-Jul-14 BETA 7.36E-03 1.32E-03 1.10E-02 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(353399006)- AP 19-Jul-14 BETA 1.58E-02 1.30E-03 1.11 E-02 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(353786006)- AP 26-Jul-14 BETA 1.47E-02 1.26E-03 1.10E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(354272006)- AP 2-Aug-14 BETA 1.38E-02 1.37E-03 9.61 E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(354689006)- AP 9-Aug-14 BETA 9.90E-03 1.32E-03 9.78E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(355193006)- AP 16-Aug-14 BETA 9.33E-03 1.41 E-03 9.16E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(355650006)- AP 23-Aug-14 BETA 2.07E-02 1.35E-03 1.02E-02 pCilm3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(356013006)- AP 30-Aug-14 BETA 2.09E-02 1.35E-03 1.07E-02 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(356629006)- AP 6-Sep-14 BETA 2.52E-02 1.32E-03 1.02E-02 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(357003006)- AP 13-Sep-14 BETA 4.78E-02 1.32E-03 1.06E-02 pCi/m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(357441006)- AP 21-Sep-14 BETA 2.36E-02 1.19E-03 8.86E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(357901 006)- AP 27-Sep-14 BETA 1.67E-02 1.36E-03 1.00E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(358659006)- AP 4-0ct-14 BETA 6.29E-02 1.31 E-03 1.21 E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(359172006)- AP 11-0ct-14 BETA 2.89E-02 1.42E-03 9.81 E-03 pCilm3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(359686006)- AP 18-0ct-14 BETA 1.67E-02 1.31 E-03 9.75E-03 pCi/m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(360173006)- AP 25-0ct-14 BETA 2.04E-02 1.28E-03 1.08E-02 pCilm3 Page 7 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(360704006)- AP 1-Nov-14 BETA 3.37E-02 1.54E-03 1.41 E-02 pCi/m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(361184006)- AP 8-Nov-14 BETA 5.00E-02 1.37E-03 1.15E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(361687006)- AP 15-Nov-14 BETA 3.75E-02 1.36E-03 1.14E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(362077006)- AP 22-Nov-14 BETA 1.68E-02 1.68E-03 1.28E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(362293006)- AP 28-Nov-14 BETA 4.07E-02 1.42E-03 1.05E-02 pCi/m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(362893006)- AP 6-Dec-14 BETA 1.94E-02 1.11 E-03 9.12E-03 pCi/m3 1S1 Wastewater Pond(363523006)- AP 13-Dec-14 BETA 1.31E-02 1.29E-03 9.24E-03 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(363779006)- AP 20-Dec-14 BETA 8.70E-03 1.57E-03 1.25E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(363946006)- AP 26-Dec-14 BETA 1.77E-02 1.34E-03 1.09E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pohd(347208006)- AP 14-Feb-14 Beryllium-?

1.23E-01 1.88E-02 2.70E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(353206006)- AP 17-May-14 Beryllium-?

6.66E-02 1.28E-02 1.76E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(359403006)- AP 16-Aug-14 Beryllium-?

9.59E-02 1.21 E-02 1.84E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(365208006)- AP 15-Nov-14 Beryllium-?

1.17E-01 O.OOE+OO 1.92E-02 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(347208006)- AP 14-Feb-14 Cesium-134 4.88E-04 1.24E-03 6.73E-04 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(353206006)- AP 17-May-14 Cesium-134 3.80E-04 7.89E-04 4.18E-04 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(359403006)- AP 16-Aug-14 Cesium-134 4.72E-05 7.34E-04 4.20E-04 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(365208006)- AP 15-Nov-14 Cesium-134

-9.99E-05 6.48E-04 4.13E-04 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(347208006)- AP 14-Feb-14 Cesium-137 8.16E-04 8.30E-04 8.13E-04 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(353206006)- AP 17-May-14 Cesium-137

-3.71 E-05 6.18E-04 3.86E-04 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(359403006)- AP 16-Aug-14 Cesium-137 6.58E-07 6.93E-04 4.17E-04 pCi/m3 1 S1 Wastewater Pond(365208006)- AP 15-Nov-14 Cesium-137 1.98E-04 6.84E-04 3.85E-04 pCi/m3 2F1 Morro Bay-Market Fish Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 2F1 Morro Bay(343090001) - FH Market 12-Feb-14 Cesium-134 7.06E-01 4.40E+OO 2.61E+OO pCi/kg 2F1 Morro Bay(343090001) - FH Market 12-Feb-14 Cesium-137 2.64E+OO 4.48E+OO 2.78E+OO pCi/kg 2F1 Morro Bay(343090001)- FH Market 12-Feb-14 Cobalt-58

-1.02E+OO 4.00E+OO 2.51E+OO pCi/kg 2F1 Morro Bay(343090001)- FH Market 12-Feb-14 Cobalt-60

-1.64E+OO 4.33E+OO 2.80E+OO pCi/kg 2F1 Morro Bay(343090001)- FH Market 12-Feb-14 Iron-59

-2.65E+OO 9.15E+OO 5.66E+OO pCi/kg 2F1 Morro Bay(343090001)- FH Market 12-Feb-14 Manganese-54

-2.74E+OO 3.68E+OO 2.72E+OO pCi/kg 2F1 Morro Bay(343090001)- FH Market 12-Feb-14 Potassium-40 2.84E+03 3.84E+01 2.89E+02 pCi/kg 2F1 Morro Bay(343090001) - FH Market 12-Feb-14 Zinc-65

-4.24E-01 1.04E+01 6.10E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden-Vegetation Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 3C1 Household Garden(356905002)- VG Brdleaf 11-Sep-14 Beryllium-?

2.50E+02 7.54E+01 7.91 E+01 pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden(363019001)- VG Brdleaf 10-Dec-14 Beryllium-?

8.11E+02 1.13E+02 1.44E+02 pCi/kg 3C 1 Household Garden(344644002) - VG Brdleaf 13-Mar-14 Cesium-134 4.91 E+OO 1.15E+01 6.90E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden(349908001)- VG Brdleaf 29-May-14 Cesium-134

-1.53E+OO 6.34E+OO 3.91 E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden(356905002)- VG Brdleaf 11-Sep-14 Cesium-134

-2.87E+OO 9.93E+OO 6.30E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden(363019001)- VG Brdleaf 10-Dec-14 Cesium-134

-9.50E-01 1.65E+01 1.12E+01 pCi/kg 3C 1 Household Garden(344644002) - VG Brdleaf 13-Mar-14 Cesium-137 6.41 E+OO 1.11E+01 7.56E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden(349908001)- VG Brdleaf 29-May-14 Cesium-137 3.49E+OO 6.52E+OO 3.92E+OO pCi/kg 3C 1 Household Garden(356905002) - VG Brdleaf 11-Sep-14 Cesium-137 8.02E-01 9.92E+OO 5.87E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden(363019001)- VG Brdleaf 10-Dec-14 Cesium-137 5.30E+OO 1.49E+01 1.03E+01 pCi/kg Page 8 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 3C1 Household Garden(344644002)- VG Brdleaf 13-Mar-14 lodine-131 1.20E+OO 1.25E+01 7.50E+OO pCilkg 3C1 Household Garden(349908001)- VG Brdleaf 29-May-14 lodine-131 1.88E+OO 1.11 E+01 6.49E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden(356905002)- VG Brdleaf 11-Sep-14 lodine-131

-3.69E+OO 1.68E+01 1.03E+01 pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden(363019001)- VG Brdleaf 10-Dec-14 lodine-131

-1.36E+01 2.05E+01 1.40E+01 pCilkg 3C1 Household Garden(344644002)- VG Brdleaf 13-Mar-14 Potassium-40 4.27E+03 1.01 E+02 4.65E+02 pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden(349908001)- VG Brdleaf 29-May-14 Potassium-40 4.40E+03 4.94E+01 4.34E+02 pCilkg 3C1 Household Garden(356905002)- VG Brdleaf 11-Sep-14 Potassium-40 3.74E+03 8.27E+01 3.93E+02 pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden(363019001)- VG Brdleaf 10-Dec-14 Potassium-40 5.69E+03 1.05E+02 5.88E+02 pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden-Fruit Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(344644001)- VG Fruit 13-Mar-14 Cesium-134

-1.22E+OO 1.35E+01 7.96E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(349908002)- VG Fruit 29-May-14 Cesium-134 2.06E+OO 8.66E+OO 5.20E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(356905001)- VG Fruit 11-Sep-14 Cesium-134 1.80E+OO 5.37E+OO 3.73E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(363019002)- VG Fruit 10-Dec-14

  • Cesium-134 2.18E-01 6.43E+OO 3.86E+OO pCilkg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(344644001)- VG Fruit 13-Mar-14 Cesium-137 1.12E+01 1.23E+01 9.96E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(349908002)- VG Fruit 29-May-14 Cesium-137 1.92E+OO 7.97E+OO 4.73E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(356905001) - VG Fruit 11-Sep-14 Cesium-137 1.32E+OO 5.01E+OO 2.97E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(363019002)- VG Fruit 1 0-Dec-14 Cesium-137 1.88E+OO 6.14E+OO 3.66E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(344644001)- VG Fruit 13-Mar-14 lodine-131

-1.50E+OO 1.66E+01 9.78E+OO pCilkg I

3C1 Household Garden Fruit(349908002)- VG Fruit 29-May-14 lodine-131

-1.71 E-01 1.48E+01 9.03E+OO pCilkg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(356905001) - VG Fruit 11-Sep-14 lodine-131 2.62E+OO 8.79E+OO 5.28E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(363019002)- VG Fruit 10-Dec-14 lodine-131 1.71 E+OO 8.37E+OO 4.99E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(344644001)- VG Fruit 13-Mar-14 Potassium-40 2.29E+03 1.06E+02 2.93E+02 pCilkg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(349908002)- VG Fruit 29-May-14 Potassium-40 4.01 E+03 8.29E+01 4.16E+02 pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(356905001)- VG Fruit 11-Sep-14 Potassium-40 1.68E+03 5.03E+01 1.77E+02 pCilkg 3C1 Household Garden Fruit(363019002) - VG Fruit 10-Dec-14 Potassium-40 1.63E+03 5.56E+01 1.79E+02 pCilkg 3C 1 Household Garden -Vegetation replicate Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 3C1 Household Garden-SU(349908003)- VG Brdleaf 29-May-14 Cesium-134 1.28E+OO 4.27E+OO 2.47E+OO pCilkg 3C1 Household Garden-SU(349908003)- VG Brdleaf 29-May-14 Cesium-137 1.47E+OO 4.23E+OO 2.57E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden-SU(349908003)- VG Brdleaf 29-May-14 lodine-131 5.01 E+OO 7.78E+OO 4.87E+OO pCi/kg 3C1 Household Garden-SU(349908003)- VG Brdleaf 29-May-14 Potassium-40 1.58E+03 3.73E+01 1.75E+02 pCi/kg 5F1 SLO OEL-Air Charcoal Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 5F1 SLO OEL(340937008) - AC 3-Jan-14 lodine-131

-3.08E-03 7.90E-03 5.62E-03 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(341469008)- AC 11-Jan-14 lodine-131

-1.09E-04 1.18E-02 7.18E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(341857008)- AC 18-Jan-14 lodine-131 1.01 E-02 1.51 E-02 9.02E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(342138008)- AC 25-Jan-14 lodine-131 6.31 E-03 1.17E-02 6.60E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(342582008)- AC 1-Feb-14 lodine-131

-1.54E-03 7.49E-03 4.80E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(343015008)- AC 8-Feb-14 lodine-131 8.95E-03 1.38E-02 8.28E-03 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(343355008)- AC 15-Feb-14 lodine-131

-4.00E-04 1.05E-02 6.31 E-03 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(343769008) - AC 22-Feb-14 lodine-131

-1.04E-03 1.90E-02 1.15E-02 pCi/m3 Page 9 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5F1 SLO OEL(344077008)- AC 1-Mar-14 lodine-131 1.32E-03 1.22E-02 6.94E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(344522008)- AC 8-Mar-14 lodine-131

-6.12E-03 1.78E-02 1.15E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(344947007)- AC 15-Mar-14 lodine-131

-4.11 E-03 1.88E-02 1.17E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(345381 008)- AC 22-Mar-14 lodine-131

-1.17E-03 9.79E-03 6.02E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(345737008)- AC 29-Mar-14 lodine-131

-3.85E-04 9.79E-03 5.86E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(346448008)- AC 5-Apr-14 lodine-131

-2.87E-05 1.99E-02 1.18E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(346883008)- AC 12-Apr-14 lodine-131 2.35E-03 1.39E-02 7.91 E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(347387004)- AC 19-Apr-14 lodine-131 3.51 E-03 1.17E-02 1.00E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(347862008)- AC 26-Apr-14 lodine-131 3.27E-03 1.23E-02 6.93E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(348342008)- AC 3-May-14 lodine-131

-4.20E-03 1.03E-02 7.02E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(348779008)- AC 10-May-14 lodine-131 7.15E-03 1.28E-02 7.19E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(349262008)- AC 17-May-14 lodine-131 1.09E-02 1.35E-02 1.04E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(349563008)- AC 24-May-14 lodine-131

-6.62E-04 1.29E-02 7.71E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(350052008)- AC 31-May-14 lodine-131

-5.06E-03 7.91 E-03 5.84E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(350455008)- AC 7-Jun-14 lodine-131

-1.69E-03 9.09E-03 5.72E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(350986008)- AC 14-Jun-14 lodine-131

-1.83E-03 9.02E-03 5.60E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(351433008)- AC 21-Jun-14 lodine-131 2.00E-03 1.49E-02 8.61 E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(351789008)- AC 28-Jun-14 lodine-131 7.42E-03 1.19E-02 6.78E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(352368008)- AC 5-Jul-14 lodine-131

-9.80E-04 1.39E-02 8.30E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(352849008)- AC 12-Jul-14 lodine-131 7.87E-04 7.82E-03 4.50E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(353399008)- AC 19-Jul-14 lodine-131 3.51 E-03 1.14E-02 6.37E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(353786008)- AC 26-Jul-14 lodine-131 2.80E-03 1.31 E-02 7.58E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(354272008)- AC 2-Aug-14 lodine-131

-5.75E-04 1.09E-02 6.45E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(354689008)- AC 9-Aug-14 lodine-131 2.13E-03 9.56E-03 5.60E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(355193008)- AC 16-Aug-14 lodine-131

-4.18E-03 1.10E-02 8.79E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(355650008)- AC 23-Aug-14 lodine-131 4.50E-03 1.32E-02 9.63E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(356013008)- AC 30-Aug-14 lodine-131

-2.59E-04 1.02E-02 6.22E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(356629008)- AC 6-Sep-14 lodine-131

-2.41 E-03 1.03E-02 6.64E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(357003008)- AC 13-Sep-14 lodine-131

-3.18E-03 8.72E-03 5.64E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(357441008)- AC 20-Sep-14 lodine-131

-4.10E-03 1.78E-02 1.14E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(357901 008)- AC 27-Sep-14 lodine-131

-4.29E-03 1.30E-02 8.68E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(358659008)- AC 4-0ct-14 lodine-131 2.80E-03 1.07E-02 6.1 OE-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(359172008)- AC 11-0ct-14 lodine-131 3.16E-03 1.20E-02 6.88E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(359686008)- AC 18-0ct-14 lodine-131 1.10E-03 8.60E-03 5.60E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(360173008)- AC 25-0ct-14 lodine-131

-4.08E-03 1.53E-02 9.90E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(360704008)- AC 1-Nov-14 lodine-131 3.52E-05 1.11 E-02 6.51 E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(361184008)- AC 8-Nov-14 lodine-131 3.95E-03 1.15E-02 6.83E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(361687008)- AC 15-Nov-14 lodine-131

-4.26E-03 1.32E-02 8.91 E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(362077008)- AC 22-Nov-14 lodine-131

-3.76E-03 1.28E-02 8.57E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(362293008)- AC 28-Nov-14 lodine-131

-2.43E-03 1.01 E-02 6.53E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(362893008)- AC 6-Dec-14 lodine-131

-3.63E-03 1.02E-02 7.05E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(363523008)- AC 13-Dec-14 lodine-131

-1.30E-03 1.28E-02 7.76E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(363779008)- AC 20-Dec-14 lodine-131 4.12E-03 1.83E-02 1.04E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(363946008)- AC 26-Dec-14 lodine-131 1.26E-02 1.31 E-02 7.88E-03 pCi/m3 Page 10 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5F1 SLO OEL-Air Carbon 14 Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 5F1 SLO OEL(354689015)- AC14 9-Aug-14 Carbon-14

-1.24E-07 5.67E-07 3.36E-07 uCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(355193015)- AC14 16-Aug-14 Carbon-14

-3.52E-07 6.84E-07 4.01 E-07 uCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(355650015)- AC14 23-Aug-14 Carbon-14

-3.45E-07 6.94E-07 4.06E-07 uCi!m3 I

5F1 SLO OEL(356013015)- AC14 30-Aug-14 Carbon-14

-4.31 E-07 8.22E-07 4.81 E-07 uCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(356629015)- AC14 6-Sep-14 Carbon-14 5.19E-08 7.82E-07 4.67E-07 uCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(357003015)- AC14 13-Sep-14 Carbon-14 4.02E-07 7.89E-07 4.79E-07 uCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(357441015)-AC14 21-Sep-14 Carbon-14

-2.79E-07 5.36E-07 3.14E-07 uCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(357901015)- AC14 27-Sep-14 Carbon-14 1.27E-07 5.80E-07 3.48E-07 uCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(358659015)- AC14 4-0ct-14 Carbon-14

-5.15E-07 7.25E-07 4.21 E-07 uCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(359172015)- AC14 11-0ct-14 Carbon-14

-1.30E-07 5.44E-07 3.21 E-07 uCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(359686015)- AC14 18-0ct-14 Carbon-14

-4.80E-07 6.49E-07 3.78E-07 uCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(360173015)- AC14 25-0ct-14 Carbon-14

-7.47E-07 6.90E-07 3.97E-07 uCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(360704015)- AC14 1-Nov-14 Carbon-14

-6.31 E-07 6.24E-07 3.60E-07 uCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(361184015)- AC14 8-Nov-14 Carbon-14

-5.50E-07 6.73E-07 3.91 E-07 uCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(361687015)- AC14 15-Nov-14 Carbon-14

-4.61 E-07 6.57E-07 3.83E-07 uCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(362077015)- AC14 22-Nov-14 Carbon-14

-5.04E-07 8.21 E-07 4.79E-07 uCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(362293015)- AC14 28-Nov-14 Carbon-14

-5.59E-07 6.79E-07 3.94E-07 uCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(362893015)- AC14 6-Dec-14 Carbon-14

-4.62E-07 5.97E-07 3.48E-07 uCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(363523015)- AC14 13-Dec-14 Carbon-14

-5.15E-07 6.54E-07 3.80E-07 uCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(363779015)- AC14 20-Dec-14 Carbon-14

-5.59E-07 7.48E-07 4.35E-07 uCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(363946015)- AC14 26-Dec-14 Carbon-14

-2.67E-07 6.15E-07 3.61 E-07 uCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL-Air Particulate Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 5F1 SLO OEL(340937001)- AP 3-Jan-14 BETA 1.24E-01 1.05E-03 1.11 E-02 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(341469001)- AP 11-Jan-14 BETA 3.04E-02 1.23E-03 9.92E-03 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(341857001)- AP 18-Jan-14 BETA 9.82E-02 1.41 E-03 1.27E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(342138001)- AP 25-Jan-14 BETA 1.09E-01 1.35E-03 1.37E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(342582001)- AP 1-Feb-14 BETA 1.22E-02 1.33E-03 1.08E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(343015001)- AP 8-Feb-14 BETA 1.87E-02 1.34E-03 9.80E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(343355001)- AP 15-Feb-14 BETA 2.23E-02 1.35E-03 9.74E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(343769001)- AP 22-Feb-14 BETA 2.54E-02 1.32E-03 1.05E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(344077001)- AP 1-Mar-14 BETA 1.41 E-02 1.32E-03 1.08E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(344522001)- AP 8-Mar-14 BETA 8.63E-02 1.25E-03 1.30E-02 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(344947001)- AP 15-Mar-14 BETA 2.42E-02 1.33E-03 1.02E-02 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(345381001)- AP 22-Mar-14 BETA 4.02E-02 1.31E-03 1.24E-02 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(345737001)- AP 29-Mar-14 BETA 1.69E-02 1.22E-03 9.22E-03 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(346448001)- AP 5-Apr-14 BETA 5.39E-02 1.32E-03 1.02E-02 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(346883001)- AP 12-Apr-14 BETA 4.19E-02 1.29E-03 1.03E-02 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(347387001)- AP 19-Apr-14 BETA 4.17E-02 1.36E-03 9.63E-03 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(347862001)- AP 26-Apr-14 BETA 1.98E-02 1.50E-03 9.77E-03 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(348342001)- AP 3-May-14 BETA 4.02E-02 1.43E-03 1.09E-02 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(348779001)- AP 10-May-14 BETA 1.81E-02 1.53E-03 9.50E-03 pCi!m3 Page 11 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5F1 SLO OEL(349262001)- AP 17-May-14 BETA 3.69E-02 1.66E-03 1.29E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(349563001)- AP 24-May-14 BETA 1.39E-02 1.30E-03 8.58E-03 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(350052001)- AP 31-May-14 BETA 1.47E-02 1.31 E-03 1.11 E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(350455001)- AP 7 -Jun-14 BETA 8.16E-03 1.81E-03 1.25E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(350986001)- AP 14-Jun-14 BETA 2.81 E-02 1.18E-03 9.06E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(351433001)- AP 21-Jun-14 BETA 9.35E-03 1.42E-03 9.81 E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(351789001)- AP 28-Jun-14 BETA 3.22E-03 1.43E-03 1.09E-02 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(352368001)- AP 5-Jul-14 BETA 1.40E-02 1.30E-03 8.79E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(352849001)- AP 12-Jul-14 BETA 8.86E-03 1.34E-03 1.19E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SL8 OEL(353399001)- AP 19-Jul-14 BETA 2.97E-02 1.31 E-03 1.15E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(353786001)- AP

  • 26-Jul-14 BETA 1.96E-02 1.31 E-03 1.15E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(354272001)- AP 2-Aug-14 BETA 1.59E-02 1.42E-03 9.94E-03 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(354689001)- AP 9-Aug-14 BETA 2.12E-02 1.35E-03 1.03E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(355193001)- AP 16-Aug-14 BETA 1.09E-02 1.43E-03 9.35E-03 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(355650001)- AP 23-Aug-14 BETA 2.51 E-02 1.32E-03 1.01 E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(356013001)- AP 30-Aug-14 BETA 2.95E-02 1.37E-03 1.11 E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(356629001)- AP 6-Sep-14 BETA 2.67E-02 1.33E-03 1.04E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(357003001)- AP 13-Sep-14 BETA 4.31 E-02 1.22E-03 1.06E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(357441001) -AP 20-Sep-14 BETA 4.54E-02 1.21E-03 9.65E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(357901 001)- AP 27-Sep-14 BETA 5.72E-02 1.35E-03 1.10E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(358659001)- AP 4-0ct-14 BETA 7.33E-02 1.28E-03 1.21E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(359172001)- AP 11-0ct-14 BETA 5.60E-02 1.38E-03 1.03E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(359686001)- AP 18-0ct-14 BETA 1.97E-02 1.36E-03 1.02E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(360173001)- AP 25-0ct-14 BETA 2.84E-02 1.32E-03 1.13E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(360704001)- AP 1-Nov-14 BETA 3.08E-02 1.30E-03 1.19E-02 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(361184001)- AP 8-Nov-14 BETA 5.26E-02 1.39E-03 1.17E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(361687001)- AP 15-Nov-14 BETA 4.05E-02 1.32E-03 1.14E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(362077001)- AP 22-Nov-14 BETA 1.98E-02 1.68E-03 1.29E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(362293001)- AP 28-Nov-14 BETA 8.56E-02 1.50E-03 1.21E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(362893001)- AP 6-Dec-14 BETA 1.59E-02 1.10E-03 8.99E-03 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(363523001)- AP 13-Dec-14 BETA 1.98E-02 1.27E-03 9.29E-03 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(363779001)- AP 20-Dec-14 BETA 1.68E-02 1.66E-03 1.34E-02 pCi!m3 5F1 SLO OEL(363946001)- AP 26-Dec-14 BETA 2.52E-02 1.37E-03 1.13E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(347208001)- AP 14-Feb-14 Beryllium-?

1.25E-01 1.38E-02 2.41 E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(353206001)- AP 17-May-14 Beryllium-?

7.36E-02 1.18E-02 1.92E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(359403001)- AP 16-Aug-14 Beryllium-?

9.73E-02 7.94E-03 1.69E-02 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(365208001)- AP 15-Nov-14 Beryllium-?

1.05E-01 8.41 E-03 1.68E-02 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(347208001)- AP 14-Feb-14 Cesium-134

-3.91 E-05 8.63E-04 5.14E-04 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(353206001) - AP 17-May-14 Cesium-134 7.94E-05 7.53E-04 4.39E-04 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(359403001)- AP 16-Aug-14 Cesium-134 8.69E-05 5.79E-04 3.32E-04 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(365208001)- AP 15-Nov-14 Cesium-134 1.12E-04 6.29E-04 3.57E-04 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(347208001)- AP 14-Feb-14 Cesium-137 2.29E-04 8.43E-04 4.80E-04 pCi/m3 5F1 SLO OEL(353206001)- AP 17-May-14 Cesium-137 3.34E-04 7.89E-04 4.98E-04 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(359403001) - AP 16-Aug-14 Cesium-137 2.35E-04 4.80E-04 3.41 E-04 pCilm3 5F1 SLO OEL(365208001)- AP 15-Nov-14 Cesium-137

-4.56E-04 6.45E-04 4.63E-04 pCi/m3 Page 12 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5F2 Cal Poly Farm - Milk Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390004)- MK 13-Jan-14 Bi3rium-140 6.93E-01 2.46E+OO 1.42E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580004)- MK 4-Feb-14 Barium-140 5.78E-01 1.86E+OO 1.24E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064004)- MK 4-Mar-14 Barium-140

-5.1 OE-01 2.68E+OO 1.64E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436004) - MK 8-Apr-14 Barium-140 1.06E+OO 2.91 E+OO 1.72E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318004)- MK 6-May-14 Barium-140

-7.16E-01 2.71E+OO 1.72E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126004)- MK 4-Jun-14 Barium-140 7.02E-01 3.49E+OO 2.02E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360001) - MK 8-Jul-14 Barium-140 1.74E+OO 3.61 E+OO 2.25E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355132001)- MK 18-Aug-14 Barium-140

-2.89E-01 2.48E+OO 1.52E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958001)- MK 2-Sep-14 Barium-140 1.04E+OO 3.17E+OO 1.84E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519001)- MK 6-0ct-14 Barium-140 2.62E-01 2.69E+OO 1.86E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563001)- MK 3-Nov-14 Barium-140 4.16E-01 2.98E+OO 1.74E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443005)- MK 15-Dec-14 Barium-140 2.59E-01 4.21E+OO 2.47E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390004)- MK 13-Jan-14 Cesium-134 7.85E-01 2.23E+OO 1.32E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580004) - MK 4-Feb-14 Cesium-134 1.80E+OO 2.13E+OO 1.44E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064004)- MK 4-Mar-14 Cesium-134 1.84E+OO 2.49E+OO 2.53E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436004)- MK 8-Apr-14 Cesium-134

-1.46E-01 2.51 E+OO 1.72E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318004)- MK 6-May-14 Cesium-134 4.44E-01 2.54E+OO 1.71E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126004)- MK 4-Jun-14 Cesium-134 1.40E+OO 2.68E+OO 1.86E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360001)- MK 8-Jul-14 Cesium-134

-1.30E-01 3.16E+OO 1.86E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355132001)- MK 18-Aug-14 Cesium-134 1.04E+OO 2.41 E+OO 1.49E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958001)- MK 2-Sep-14 Cesium-134 1.39E-01 1.98E+OO 1.16E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519001)- MK 6-0ct-14 Cesium-134 5.84E-01 2.07E+OO 1.27E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563001)- MK 3-Nov-14 Cesium-134 1.03E+OO 2.68E+OO 1.63E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443005)- MK 15-Dec-14 Cesium-134 2.17E-01 2.55E+OO 1.55E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390004)- MK 13-Jan-14 Cesium-137 2.07E+OO 2.07E+OO 2.56E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580004)- MK 4-Feb-14 Cesium-137

-7.02E-01 1.93E+OO 1.65E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064004) - MK 4-Mar-14 Cesium-137 2.05E+OO 2.49E+OO 2.32E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436004)- MK 8-Apr-14 Cesium-137

-1.70E-01 2.18E+OO 1.33E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318004)- MK 6-May-14 Cesium-137

-1.32E+OO 2.26E+OO 2.25E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126004)- MK 4-Jun-14 Cesium-137 1.37E+OO 2.42E+OO 1.51 E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360001) - MK 8-Jul-14 Cesium-137 7.18E-01 3.02E+OO 1.81 E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355132001)- MK 18-Aug-14 Cesium-137 1.20E-01 2.18E+OO 1.31 E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958001)- MK 2-Sep-14 Cesium-137 1.31 E+OO 1.97E+OO 1.50E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519001)- MK 6-0ct-14 Cesium-137

-1.25E+OO 1.85E-io00 1.28E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563001)- MK 3-Nov-14 Cesium-137

-4.65E-01 2.45E+OO 1.49E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443005)- MK 15-Dec-14 Cesium-137 1.88E-01 2.41 E+OO 1.67E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390004)- MK 13-Jan-14 lodine-131 4.70E-02 6.44E-01 3.79E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580004)- MK 4-Feb-14 lodine-131

-1.18E-01 6.48E-01 3.84E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064004)- MK 4-Mar-14 lodine-131

-3.53E-02 6.77E-01 4.03E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436004)- MK 8-Apr-14 lodine-131 2.41 E-01 7.74E-01 4.54E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318004)- MK 6-May-14 lodine-131

-1.13E-01 5.79E-01 3.51 E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126004)- MK Jun-14 lodine-131

-2.48E-03 4.87E-01 2.83E-01 pCi!L Page 13 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360001)- MK 8-Jul-14 lodine-131 2.02E-02 5.21E-01 3.02E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355132001)- MK 18-Aug-14 lodine-131

-3.02E-02 4.03E-01 2.36E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958001)- MK 2-Sep-14 lodine-131

-9.83E-02 5.27E-01 3.13E-01 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519001)- MK 6-0ct-14 lodine-131 1.07E-01 5.70E-01 3.31 E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563001)- MK 3-Nov-14 lodine-131

-3.56E-01 6.33E-01 5.64E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443005) - MK 15-Dec-14 lodine-131

-2.97E-02 5.69E-01 3.32E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390004)- MK 13-Jan-14 Lanthanum-140 6.93E-01 2.46E+OO 1.42E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580004)- MK 4-Feb-14 Lanthanum-140 5.78E-01 1.86E+OO 1.24E+OO pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064004)- MK 4-Mar-14 La nth an um-140

-5.1 OE-01 2.68E+OO 1.64E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436004)- MK 8-Apr-14 Lanthanum-140 1.06E+OO 2.91 E+OO 1.72E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318004)- MK 6-May-14 La nth an um-140

-7.16E-01 2.71 E+OO 1.72E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126004)- MK 4-Jun-14 La nth an um-140 7.02E-01 3.49E+OO 2.02E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360001) - MK 8-Jul-14 Lanthanum-140 1.74E+OO 3.61 E+OO 2.25E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355132001)- MK 18-Aug-14 Lanthanum-140

-2.89E-01 2.48E+OO 1.52E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958001) - MK 2-Sep-14 Lanthanum-140 1.04E+OO 3.17E+OO 1.84E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519001)- MK 6-0ct-14 La nth an um-140 2.62E-01 2.69E+OO 1.86E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563001)- MK 3-Nov-14 Lanthanum-140 4.16E-01 2.98E+OO 1.74E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443005)- MK 15-Dec-14 Lanthanum-140 2.59E-01 4.21 E+OO 2.47E+OO pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390004)- MK 13-Jan-14 Potassium-40 1.41E+03 1.79E+01 1.36E+02 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580004)- MK 4-Feb-14 Potassium-40 1.35E+03

  • 1.47E+01 1.31 E+02 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064004)- MK 4-Mar-14 Potassium-40 1.37E+03 2.02E+01 1.37E+02 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436004)- MK 8-Apr-14 Potassium-40 1.36E+03 2.11E+01 1.34E+02 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318004)- MK 6-May-14 Potassium-40 1.39E+03 2.05E+01 1.35E+02 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126004)- MK 4-Jun-14 Potassium-40 1.37E+03 2.02E+01 1.37E+02 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360001)- MK 8-Jul-14 Potassium-40 1.32E+03 2.38E+01 1.35E+02 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355132001)- MK 18-Aug-14 Potassium-40 1.39E+03 1.91 E+01 1.36E+02 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958001)- MK 2-Sep-14 Potassium-40 1.73E+03 1.58E+01 1.61 E+02 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519001)- MK 6-0ct-14 Potassium-40 1.33E+03 1.72E+01 1.26E+02 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563001)- MK 3-Nov-14 Potassium-40 1.39E+03 2.16E+01 1.35E+02 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443005)- MK 15-Dec-14 Potassium-40 1.72E+03 2.15E+01 1.63E+02 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390004) - MK 13-Jan-14 Total Strontium 2.67E-01 3.96E-01 2.56E-01 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580004)- MK 4-Feb-14 Total Strontium 5.1 OE-02 1.83E-01 1.12E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064004)- MK 4-Mar-14 Total Strontium

-2.40E-02 2.42E-01 1.43E-01 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436004)- MK 8-Apr-14 Total Strontium

-6.45E-02 2.54E-01 1.49E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318004)- MK 6-May-14 Total Strontium 1.62E-01 4.51 E-01 2.75E-01 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126004)- MK 4-Jun-14 Total Strontium 1.18E-01 3.51 E-01 2.14E-01 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360001)- MK 8-Jul-14 Total Strontium 1.78E-01 2.68E-01 1.70E-01 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355132001)- MK 18-Aug-14 Total Strontium

-3.38E-01 2.79E-01 1.56E-01 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958001)- MK 2-Sep-14 Total Strontium 2.70E-01 3.12E-01 2.03E-01 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519001)- MK 6-0ct-14 Total Strontium

-2.79E-01 3.54E-01 2.01 E-01 pCi!L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563001)- MK 3-Nov-14 Total Strontium 2.03E-01 6.84E-01 4.16E-01 pCi/L 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443005) - MK 15-Dec-14 Total Strontium 8.04E-02 2.14E-01 1.33E-01 pCi!L Page 14 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5F2 Cal Poly Farm -Vegetation Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064001)- VG Brdleaf 4-Mar-14 Beryllium-?

2.99E+02 7.28E+01 7.99E+01 pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443002)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Beryllium-?

1.58E+02 8.47E+01 8.34E+01 pCilkg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390001) - VG Brdleaf 13-Jan-14 Cesium-134 3.21 E-01 1.23E+01 8.26E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580001)- VG Brdleaf 4-Feb-14 Cesium-134

-6.73E-01 9.65E+OO 6.10E+OO pCi/kg I

5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064001)- VG Brdleaf 4-Mar-14 Cesium-134 6.02E+OO 1.05E+01 7.16E+OO pCi/kg I

5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436001)- VG Brdleaf 8-Apr-14 Cesium-134 1.43E+OO 6.29E+OO 3.65E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318001)- VG Brdleaf 6-May-14 Cesium-134 6.67E+OO 1.45E+01 1.85E+01 pCilkg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126001)- VG Brdleaf 3-Jun-14 Cesium-134

-3.29E+OO 7.74E+OO 5.93E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360002)- VG Brdleaf 8-Jul-14 Cesium-134 2.46E+OO 1.13E+01 6.57E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(354262001) - VG Brdleaf 5-Aug-14 Cesium-134 1.70E+OO 6.92E+OO 4.09E+OO pCilkg I

5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958002)- VG Brdleaf 2-Sep-14 Cesium-134

-1.33E+01 1.27E+01 1.05E+01 pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519002)- VG Brdleaf 6-0ct-14 Cesium-134

-4.79E-01 8.94E+OO 5.27E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563002)- VG Brdleaf 3-Nov-14 Cesium-134

-2.85E+OO 1.13E+01 7.02E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443002)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Cesium-134

-9.14E+OO 9.69E+OO 8.14E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390001)- VG Brdleaf 13-Jan-14 Cesium-137

-2.84E+OO 1.15E+01 7.19E+OO pCi/kg j

5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580001)- VG Brdleaf 4-Feb-14 Cesium-137 2.55E-01 9.33E+OO 5.61 E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064001)- VG Brdleaf 4-Mar-14 Cesium-137 3.35E+OO 1.03E+01 6.87E+OO pCilkg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436001)- VG Brdleaf 8-Apr-14 Cesium-137 2.08E-01 5.84E+OO 4.85E+OO pCilkg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318001)- VG Brdleaf 6-May-14 Cesium-137 3.12E-01 1.26E+01 7.54E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126001)- VG Brdleaf 3-Jun-14 Cesium-137

-3.50E+OO 9.35E+OO 7.11E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360002) - VG Brdleaf 8-Jul-14 Cesium-137 3.72E+OO 1.10E+01 6.75E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(354262001)- VG Brdleaf 5-Aug-14 Cesium-137 1.58E+OO 6.00E+OO 3.51 E+OO pCi/kg I

5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958002) - VG Brdleaf 2-Sep-14 Cesium-137 2.00E+OO 1.22E+01 8.37E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519002)- VG Brdleaf 6-0ct-14 Cesium-137

-4.42E+OO 8.60E+OO 6.94E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563002)- VG Brdleaf 3-Nov-14 Cesium-137

-5.24E+OO 1.04E+01 6.86E+OO pCi/kg I

5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443002)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Cesium-137

-5.68E+OO 9.93E+OO 6.90E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390001)- VG Brdleaf 13-Jan-14 lodine-131 2.43E+OO 1.58E+01 9.20E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580001)- VG Brdleaf 4-Feb-14 lodine-131 3.70E+OO 1.06E+01 6.31 E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064001)- VG Brdleaf 4-Mar-14 lodine-131

-2.68E+OO 1.42E+01 1.01 E+01 pCi/kg I

5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436001) - VG Brdleaf 8-Apr-14 lodine-131 8.31 E-01 7.11 E+OO 4.14E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318001) - VG Brdleaf 6-May-14 lodine-131 4.59E-01 1.93E+01 1.35E+01 pCi!kg I

5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126001)- VG Brdleaf 3-Jun-14 lodine-131

-2.62E+OO 1.24E+01 7.74E+OO pCilkg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360002)- VG Brdleaf 8-Jul-14 lodine-131 1.00E-01 1.17E+01 6.94E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(354262001)- VG Brdleaf 5-Aug-14 lodine-131 1.54E+OO 7.28E+OO 4.38E+OO pCilkg I

5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958002)- VG Brdleaf 2-Sep-14 lodine-131 6.22E+OO 2.06E+01 1.43E+01 pCi!kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519002)- VG Brdleaf 6-0ct-14 lodine-131

-3.83E+OO 1.09E+01 7.06E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563002) - VG Brdleaf 3-Nov-14 lodine-131 9.04E+OO 1.49E+01 9.47E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(363443002)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 lodine-131 1.06E+OO 1.80E+01 1.10E+01 pCilkg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(341390001) - VG Brdleaf 13-Jan-14 Potassium-40 1.96E+03 9.90E+01 2.48E+02 pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(342580001) - VG Brdleaf 4-Feb-14 Potassium-40 2.31 E+03 8.53E+01 2.89E+02 pCilkg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(344064001)- VG Brdleaf 4-Mar-14 Potassium-40 2.42E+03 8.79E+01 2.91 E+02 pCi!kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(346436001)- VG Brdleaf 8-Apr-14 Potassium-40 3.00E+03 4.39E+01 3.00E+02 pCi/kg Page 15 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(348318001)- VG Brdleaf 6-May-14 Potassium-40 2.65E+03 1.08E+02 3.33E+02 pCilkg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(350126001)- VG Brdleaf 3-Jun-14 Potassium-40 4.61 E+03 6.73E+01 4.62E+02 pCi!kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(352360002)- VG Brdleaf 8-Jul-14 Potassium-40 1.92E+03 9.05E+01 2.51 E+02 pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(354262001)- VG Brdleaf 5-Aug-14 Potassium-40 4.52E+03 5.88E+01 4.33E+02 pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(355958002)- VG Brdleaf 2-Sep-14 Potassium-40 3.26E+03 1.14E+02 3.86E+02 pCilkg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(358519002)- VG Brdleaf 6-0ct-14 Potassium-40 2.93E+03 8.49E+01 3.35E+02 pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(360563002)- VG Brdleaf 3-Nov-14 Potassium-40 3.57E+03 1.04E+02 3.99E+02 pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm(~§~443002) - VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Potassium-40 3.29E+03 1.01 E+02 3.71E+02 pCilkg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm-Vegetation replicate Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 5F2 Cal Poly Farm-R(363443001)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Beryllium-7 2.10E+02 6.24E+01 5.97E+01 pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm-R(363443001)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Cesium-134 7.71E-01 8.23E+OO 5.48E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm-R(363443001)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Cesium-137

-7.72E-01 9.03E+OO 6.91 E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm-R(363443001)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 lodine-131

-2.39E+OO 1.28E+01 7.77E+OO pCi/kg 5F2 Cal Poly Farm-R(363443001)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Potassium-40 3.02E+03 6.72E+01 3.30E+02 pCilkg 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir-Drinking Water Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- OW 14-Jan-14 BETA 3.10E+OO 1.40E+OO 1.11 E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - DW 12-Feb-14 BETA 4.42E+OO 5.38E+OO 3.40E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- OW 5-Mar-14 BETA 1.45E+OO 1.81 E+OO 1.18E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- OW 14-Apr-14 BETA 2.00E+OO 1.91 E+OO 1.30E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(34887 4001) - OW 14-May-14 BETA 2.53E+OO 2.21 E+OO 1.52E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001)- DW 17-Jun-14 BETA 2.39E+OO 3.25E+OO 2.08E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- OW 21-Jul-14 BETA 4.07E+OO 2.13E+OO 1.66E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - OW 6-Aug-14 BETA 1.97E+OO 3.83E+OO 2.39E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - DW 9-Sep-14 BETA 1.26E+OO 2.87E+OO 1.79E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - OW 7-0ct-14 BETA 7.17E-01 2.70E+OO 1.65E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- DW 12-Nov-14 BETA 6.89E+OO 4.56E+OO 3.15E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- OW 9-Dec-14 BETA

-1.02E+OO 3.16E+OO 1.85E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- DW 14-Jan-14 Barium-140

-1.87E+OO 3.24E+OO 2.25E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - OW 12-Feb-14 Barium-140 1.32E+OO 2.91 E+OO 1.70E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- OW 5-Mar-14 Barium-140

-5.38E-01 2.65E+OO 1.65E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- OW 14-Apr-14 Barium-140

-4.55E-01 2.89E+OO 1.77E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(348874001)- OW 14-May-14 Barium-140

-9.76E-01 3.22E+OO 2.04E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001)- OW 17 -Jun-14 Barium-140

-3.03E+OO 3.24E+OO 3.01E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- OW 21-Jul-14 Barium-140 9.57E-01 2.68E+OO 1.56E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - OW 6-Aug-14 Barium-140 2.72E+OO 2.72E+OO 3.05E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - OW 9-Sep-14 Barium-140 1.56E+OO 3.13E+OO 1.92E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - OW 7-0ct-14 Barium-140 6.80E-02 2.74E+OO 1.62E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- OW 12-Nov-14 Barium-140

-5.98E-01 2.50E+OO 1.85E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001) - OW 9-Dec-14 Barium-140

-9.61 E-02 3.12E+OO 1.86E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- DW 14-Jan-14 Cesium-134 6.03E-01 2.27E+OO 1.35E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - OW 12-Feb-14 Cesium-134

__ L_

7.72E-01 1.78E+OO 1.23E+OO pCi/L Page 16 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- OW 5-Mar-14 Cesium-134 1.36E-01 1.76E+OO 1.05E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- OW 14-Apr-14 Cesium-134 1.27E-01 1.95E+OO 1.17E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(348874001)- OW 14-May-14 Cesium-134 1.04E-01 2.17E+OO 1.40E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001) - OW 17-Jun-14 Cesium-134 4.95E-01 2.01 E+OO 1.18E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- OW 21-Jul-14 Cesium-134 7.45E-01 1.87E+OO 1.11 E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - DW 6-Aug-14 Cesium-134 9.56E-02 1.74E+OO 1.00E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - OW 9-Sep-14 Cesium-134 1.24E+OO 2.12E+OO 1.49E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - DW 7-0ct-14 Cesium-134

-3.48E-01 1.78E+OO 1.26E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002) - OW 12-Nov-14 Cesium-134

-3.48E-01 1.76E+OO 1.08E+OO

  • pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001) - OW 9-Dec-14 Cesium-134 1.06E-01 2.15E+OO 1.44E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- OW 14-Jan-14 Cesium-137

-4.65E-01 2.11E+OO 1.30E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - OW 12-Feb-14 Cesium-137 7.02E-01 1.67E+OO 2.24E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001) - DW 5-Mar-14 Cesium-137 1.05E+OO 1.59E+OO 1.76E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004) - OW 14-Apr-14 Cesium-137

-9.45E-01 1.76E+OO 1.46E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(34887 4001) - OW 14-May-14 Cesium-137 5.48E-01 2.15E+OO 1.28E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001) - OW 17-Jun-14 Cesium-137 6.50E-02 1.75E+OO 1.17E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001) - OW 21-Jul-14 Cesium-137

-1.06E+OO 1.80E+OO 1.64E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - OW 6-Aug-14 Cesium-137 5.48E-01 1.73E+OO 1.05E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - OW

' 9-Sep-14 Cesium-137 8.43E-01 2.16E+OO 1.29E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - OW 7-0ct-14 Cesium-137 7.27E-01 1.91 E+OO 1.21 E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- OW 12-Nov-14 Cesium-137 1.02E+OO 1.71E+OO 2.10E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- OW 9-Dec-14 Cesium-137 1.29E+OO 1.96E+OO 1.65E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- OW 14-Jan-14 Cobalt-58 4.09E-02 1.94E+OO 1.17E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - OW 12-Feb-14 Cobalt-58

-7.17E-02 1.58E+OO 9.62E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001) - OW 5-Mar-14 Cobalt-58

-1.70E-01 1.59E+OO 1.12E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004) - OW 14-Apr-14 Cobalt-58 4.58E-01 1.83E+OO 1.22E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(34887 4001) - OW 14-May-14 Cobalt-58

-3.20E-01 1.86E+OO 1.17E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001)- OW 17-Jun-14 Cobalt-58

-4.25E-01 1.79E+OO 1.11E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001) - OW 21-Jul-14 Cobalt-58

-4.67E-01 1.52E+OO 9.50E-01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - OW 6-Aug-14 Cobalt-58

-5.65E-01 1.48E+OO 9.30E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - OW 9-Sep-14 Cobalt-58

-1.61 E-01 1.94E+OO 1.19E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - OW 7-0ct-14 Cobalt-58 8.36E-01 1.82E+OO 1.14E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002) - OW 12-Nov-14 Cobalt-58 8.94E-01 1.60E+OO 9.84E-01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- OW 9-Dec-14 Cobalt-58

-1.55E-02 1.94E+OO 1.18E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- OW 14-Jan-14 Cobalt-60

-8.92E-02 2.16E+OO 1.53E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - OW 12-Feb-14 Cobalt-60 3.18E-01 1.70E+OO 1.16E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- DW 5-Mar-14 Cobalt-60 1.08E+OO 1.84E+OO 1.12E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004) - OW 14-Apr-14 Cobalt-60 1.13E+OO 2.17E+OO 1.28E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(348874001)- OW 14-May-14 Cobalt-60

-3.32E-01 2.06E+OO 1.29E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001)- OW 17-Jun-14 Cobalt-60 1.48E-01 1.92E+OO 1.12E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- OW 21-Jul-14 Cobalt-60 2.37E-01 1.75E+OO 1.16E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002)- OW 6-Aug-14 Cobalt-60

-1.15E+OO 1.71 E+OO 1.68E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - OW 9-Sep-14 Cobalt-60

-8.77E-01 2.19E+OO 2.35E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - OW 7-0ct-14 Cobalt-60 4.06E-01 1.89E+OO 1.09E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- OW 12-Nov-14 Cobalt-60 7.64E-02 1.77E+OO 1.61 E+OO pCi!L Page 17 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- DW 9-Dec-14 Cobalt-60 3.57E-01 2.25E+OO 1.30E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- DW 14-Jan-14 lodine-131 2.84E-01 5.00E-01 2.80E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - DW 12-Feb-14 lodine-131 7.74E-02 8.52E-01 4.95E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- DW 5-Mar-14 lodine-131 2.15E-01 5.20E-01 3.11 E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- DW 14-Apr-14 lodine-131 5.59E-02 8.66E-01 5.03E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(348874001)- DW 14-May-14 lodine-131 1.05E-01 4.63E-01 2.70E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001)- DW 17 -Jun-14 lodine-131 2.16E-01 8.00E-01 4.69E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- DW 21-Jul-14 lodine-131

-4.96E-02 5.36E-01 3.17E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - DW 6-Aug-14 lodine-131

-2.49E-02 5.83E-01 3.39E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - DW 9-Sep-14 lodine-131

-1.47E-02 5.85E-01 3.51 E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - DW 7-0ct-14 lodine-131 2.24E-01 5.59E-01 3.74E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- DW 12-Nov-14 lodine-131 9.30E-02 5.16E-01 3.03E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- DW 9-Dec-14 lodine-131 3.46E-02 4.74E-01 2.75E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- DW 14-Jan-14 Iron-55

-1.47E+01 1.62E+02 1.15E+02 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - DW 12-Feb-14 Iron-55

-3.60E+01 1.60E+02 1.15E+02 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- DW 5-Mar-14 Iron-55

-3.43E+01 8.93E+01 6.39E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- DW 14-Apr-14 Iron-55 2.53E+01 8.38E+01 6.18E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(348874001)- DW 14-May-14 Iron-55

-1.46E+01 7.41E+01 5.23E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001)- DW 17-Jun-14 Iron-55

-7.03E+OO 6.29E+01 4.31 E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- DW 21-Jul-14 Iron-55 3.02E+01 1.06E+02 7.97E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - DW 6-Aug-14 Iron-55 2.81 E+01 9.99E+01 7.26E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - DW 9-Sep-14 Iron-55

-2.96E+01 7.87E+01 5.09E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - DW 7-0ct-14 Iron-55 3.41 E+01 8.65E+01 6.47E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002) - DW 12-Nov-14 Iron-55 2.02E+01 7.30E+01 5.24E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- DW 9-Dec-14 Iron-55

-1.67E+01 4.86E+01 3.16E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- DW 14-Jan-14 Iron-59 6.24E-02 4.29E+OO 2.53E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - DW 12-Feb-14 Iron-59 1.72E+OO 3.53E+OO 2.13E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001) - DW 5-Mar-14 Iron-59

-7.30E-01 3.22E+OO 1.96E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- DW 14-Apr-14 Iron-59

-7.43E-01 3.56E+OO 2.24E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(34887 4001) - DW 14-May-14 Iron-59

-7.40E-01 4.14E+OO 2.54E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001) - DW 17-Jun-14 Iron-59

-1.94E-01 3.62E+OO 2.21 E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001) - DW 21-Jul-14 Iron-59 5.83E-01 3.20E+OO 1.90E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - DW 6-Aug-14 Iron-59 5.92E-01 2.94E+OO 1.72E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - DW 9-Sep-14 Iron-59 1.29E+OO 3.94E+OO 2.31 E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - DW 7-0ct-14 Iron-59

-8.26E-02 3.62E+OO 2.20E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- DW 12-Nov-14 Iron-59

-3.53E-01 3.60E+OO 2.22E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- DW 9-Dec-14 Iron-59 1.54E+OO 4.31 E+OO 2.57E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- DW 14-Jan-14 Lanthanum-140

-1.87E+OO 3.24E+OO 2.25E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - DW 12-Feb-14 Lanthanum-140 1.32E+OO 2.91 E+OO 1.70E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- DW 5-Mar-14 Lanthanum-140

-5.38E-01 2.65E+OO 1.65E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801004)- DW 14-Apr-14 Lanthanum-140

-4.55E-01 2.89E+OO 1.77E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(348874001)- DW 14-May-14 Lanthanum-140

-9.76E-01 3.22E+OO 2.04E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001)- DW 17-Jun-14 Lanthanum-140

-3.03E+OO 3.24E+OO 3.01 E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- DW 21-Jul-14 Lanthanum-140 9.57E-01 2.68E+OO 1.56E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - DW 6-Aug-14 Lanthanum-140 2.72E+OO 2.72E+OO 3.05E+OO pCi/L Page 18 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - OW 9-Sep-14 Lanthanum-140 1.56E+OO 3.13E+OO 1.92E+OO pCi!L I

5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - OW 7-0ct-14 Lanthanum-140 6.80E-02 2.74E+OO 1.62E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- OW 12-Nov-14 Lanthanum-140

-5.98E-01 2.50E+OO 1.85E+OO pCi!L

5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- OW 9-Dec-14 Lanthanum-140

-9.61 E-02 3.12E+OO 1.86E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- OW 14-Jan-14 Manganese-54

-1.89E-01 1.96E+OO 1.40E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - OW 12-Feb-14 Manganese-54

-1.06E+OO 1.50E+OO 1.1 OE+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- OW 5-Mar-14 Manganese-54

-4.56E-01 1.56E+OO 9.86E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- OW 14-Apr-14 Manganese-54 6.06E-01 1.72E+OO 1.14E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(348874001)- OW 14-May-14 Manganese-54 8.92E-02 1.99E+OO 1.16E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001)- OW 17-Jun-14 Manganese-54

-5.63E-01 1.61 E+OO 1.03E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- OW 21-Jul-14 Manganese-54 8.08E-01 1.65E+OO 9.92E-01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - OW 6-Aug-14 Manganese-54 7.67E-01 1.58E+OO 9.44E-01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - OW 9-Sep-14 Manganese-54

-3.59E-01 1.91 E+OO 1.19E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - OW 7-0ct-14 Manganese-54 5.32E-02 1.70E+OO 1.01 E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- OW 12-Nov-14 Manganese-54

-2.54E-01 1.59E+OO 9.69E-01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- OW 9-Dec-14 Manganese-54

-1.80E-01 1.80E+OO 1.07E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- OW 14-Jan-14 Nickel-63 7.08E+OO 2.29E+01 1.39E+01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - OW 12-Feb-14 Nickel-63

-5.66E+OO 2.99E+01 1.75E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- OW 5-Mar-14 Nickel-63 1.34E+01 3.12E+01 1.93E+01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- OW 14-Apr-14 Nickel-63 2.74E+OO 3.66E+01 2.19E+01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(348874001)- OW 14-May-14 Nickel-63 1.76E+01 3.27E+01 2.05E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001)- OW 17-Jun-14 Nickel-63

-3.27E+OO 3.65E+01 2.16E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- OW 21-Jul-14 Nickel-63 1.33E+01 3.10E+01 1.92E+01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - OW 6-Aug-14 Nickel-63 2.03E+01 3.23E+01 2.02E+01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - OW 9-Sep-14 Nickel-63

-6.20E+OO 3.27E+01 1.92E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - OW 7-0ct-14 Nickel-63 7.67E+OO 3.08E+01 1.87E+01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- OW 12-Nov-14 Nickel-63 1.17E+01 3.38E+01 2.09E+01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001) - OW 9-Dec-14 Nickel-63

-3.00E+OO 3.48E+01 2.06E+01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- OW 14-Jan-14 Niobium-95 3.12E-02 2.14E+OO 1.29E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - OW 12-Feb-14 Niobium-95

-1.33E+OO 1.56E+OO 1.43E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- OW 5-Mar-14 Niobium-95 6.11E-01 1.70E+OO 1.02E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004) - OW 14-Apr-14 Niobium-95 8.11E-01 1.81 E+OO 1.07E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(34887 4001) - OW 14-May-14 Niobium-95

-1.70E+OO 1.96E+OO 2.26E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001) - OW 17-Jun-14 Niobium-95 1.36E+OO 1.86E+OO 1.15E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001) - OW 21-Jul-14 Niobium-95 6.58E-01 1.64E+OO 1.51 E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - OW 6-Aug-14 Niobium-95

-5.72E-03 1.59E+OO 9.24E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - OW 9-Sep-14 Niobium-95 9.16E-01 2.09E+OO 1.27E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - OW 7-0ct-14 Niobium-95 1.23E-01 1.67E+OO 1.04E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- OW 12-Nov-14 Niobium-95 1.74E+OO 1.87E+OO 1.28E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- OW 9-Dec-14 Niobium-95

-5.41 E-01 2.09E+OO 1.32E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- OW 14-Jan-14 Total Strontium

-1.1 OE-02 1.39E-01 8.22E-02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - OW 12-Feb-14 Total Strontium

-6.44E-02 1.47E-01 8.39E-02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- OW 5-Mar-14 Total Strontium

-2.16E-01 3.26E-01 1.85E-01 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801004)- OW 14-Apr-14 Total Strontium

-3.87E-02 1.89E-01 1.1 OE-01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(3488_74001)- OW 14-May-14 Total Strontium 1.15E-01 2.37E-01 1.48E-01 pCi!L Page 19 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(35098000 1) - DW 17-Jun-14 Total Strontium 4.40E-02 1.59E-01 9.71 E-02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- DW 21-Jul-14 Total Strontium

-4.50E-02 1.10E-01 6.31 E-02 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - DW 6-Aug-14 Total Strontium

-8.88E-02 1.57E-01 8.94E-02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - DW 9-Sep-14 Total Strontium

-3.75E-03 1.49E-01 8.86E-02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - DW 7-0ct-14 Total Strontium 5.49E-02 2.77E-01 1.67E-01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- DW 12-Nov-14 Total Strontium

-5.61 E-04 3.63E-01 2.16E-01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- DW 9-Dec-14 Total Strontium 2.38E-02 2.59E-01 1.55E-01 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- DW 14-Jan-14 Tritium 2.32E+OO 2.75E+02 1.64E+02 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - DW 12-Feb-14 Tritium

-1.82E+01 2.52E+02 1.49E+02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001) - DW 5-Mar-14 Tritium 2.58E+01 2.50E+02 1.50E+02 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- DW 14-Apr-14 Tritium 3.28E+01 2.29E+02 1.38E+02 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(348874001)- DW 14-May-14 Tritium 2.11E+01 2.25E+02 1.35E+02 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001) - DW 17-Jun-14 Tritium

-4.93E+01 2.53E+02 1.49E+02 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001) - DW 21-Jul-14 Tritium

-1.09E+01 2.53E+02 1.50E+02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - DW 6-Aug-14 Tritium 8.57E+01 2.18E+02 1.37E+02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - DW 9-Sep-14 Tritium 2.38E+01 2.64E+02 1.58E+02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - DW 7-0ct-14 Tritium

-2.06E+01 2.64E+02 1.57E+02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002)- DW 12-Nov-14 Tritium

-6.05E+01 2.85E+02 1.67E+02 pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- DW 9-Dec-14 Tritium 6.07E+01 2.72E+02 1.66E+02 pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001)- DW 14-Jan-14 Zinc-65

-1.34E+OO 4.00E+OO 2.55E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - DW 12-Feb-14 Zinc-65 1.73E-01 3.51 E+OO 2.06E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001)- DW 5-Mar-14 Zinc-65

-2.09E+OO 3.01 E+OO 2.14E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- DW 14-Apr-14 Zinc-65 5.90E-01 3.35E+OO 2.27E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(348874001)- DW 14-May-14 Zinc-65

-5.58E+OO 3.75E+OO 4.42E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001)- DW 17-Jun-14 Zinc-65

-8.50E-01 3.37E+OO 2.16E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- DW 21-Jul-14 Zinc-65 1.44E+OO 3.63E+OO 2.18E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - DW 6-Aug-14 Zinc-65 1.39E+OO 3.46E+OO 2.69E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - DW 9-Sep-14 Zinc-65

-8.67E-01 3.54E+OO 2.58E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - DW 7-0ct-14 Zinc-65

-2.56E+OO 3.82E+OO 3.18E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002) - DW 12-Nov-14 Zinc-65 9.57E-01 3.38E+OO 2.31 E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001) - DW 9-Dec-14 Zinc-65

-2.49E-01 3.98E+OO 2.81 E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(341465001) - DW 14-Jan-14 Zirconium-95

-3.44E+OO 3.57E+OO 3.53E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(343087002) - DW 12-Feb-14 Zirconium-95

-8.93E-01 2.68E+OO 1.72E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(344167001) - DW 5-Mar-14 Zirconium-95

-1.36E+OO 2.74E+OO 1.83E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(346801 004)- DW 14-Apr-14 Zirconium-95 5.79E-01 3.13E+OO 1.81E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(34887 4001) - DW 14-May-14 Zirconium-95

-4.94E-01 3.51E+OO 3.03E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(350980001) - DW 17-Jun-14 Zirconium-95

-2.77E+OO 3.31E+OO 3.22E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(353265001)- DW 21-Jul-14 Zirconium-95 4.06E-01 2.89E+OO 1.67E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(354344002) - DW 6-Aug-14 Zirconium-95

-7.40E-01 2.57E+OO 1.66E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(356580002) - DW 9-Sep-14 Zirconium-95

-6.14E-01 3.33E+OO 2.07E+OO pCi!L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(358638002) - DW 7-0ct-14 Zirconium-95

-2.59E-01 2.93E+OO 2.02E+OO pCi/L 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir(361297002) - DW 12-Nov-14 Zirconium-95

-3.93E-01 2.75E+OO 1.66E+OO pCi!L

§$2 Diablo Creek Weir(362875001)- DW 9-Dec-14 Zirconium-95 7.30E-01 3.81 E+OO 2.29E+OO pCi!L Page 20 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C


-*------~- -* - ----- -

6C1 Household Garden-Vegetation Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 6C 1 Household Garden(34 7 461001) - VG Brdleaf 17-Apr-14 Beryllium-?

3.07E+02 8.50E+01 8.53E+01 pCi!kg 6C1 Household Garden(34225501 0)- VG Brdleaf 28-Jan-14 Cesium-134 4.86E+OO 2.65E+01 1.53E+01 pCi/kg 6C1 Household Garden(347461001)- VG Brdleaf 17-Apr-14 Cesium-134 2.28E+OO 1.15E+01 6.65E+OO pCi/kg 6C1 Household Garden(352949001)- VG Brdleaf 14-Jul-14 Cesium-134 7.66E+OO 1.52E+01 9.86E+OO pCi!kg 6C1 Household Garden(359165001)- VG Brdleaf 13-0ct-14 Cesium-134 1.83E+OO 1.23E+01 7.11E+OO pCi!kg 6C1 Household Garden(34225501 0)- VG Brdleaf 28-Jan-14 Cesium-137 4.83E+OO 2.36E+01 1.40E+01 pCi!kg 6C1 Household Garden(347461001)- VG Brdleaf 17-Apr-14 Cesium-137

-5.21 E-01 9.57E+OO 5.81E+OO pCi/kg I

6C1 Household Garden(352949001)- VG Brdleaf 14-Jul-14 Cesium-137 1.91 E+OO 1.44E+01 8.30E+OO pCi!kg I

6C1 Household Garden(359165001)- VG Brdleaf 13-0ct-14 Cesium-137 3.25E+OO 9.66E+OO 1.13E+01 pCilkg I

6C 1 Household Garden(34225501 0) - VG Brdleaf 28-Jan-14 lodine-131 1.98E+01 3.89E+01 3.09E+01 pCi!kg 6C1 Household Garden(347461001)- VG Brdleaf 17-Apr-14 lodine-131 1.90E+OO 2.48E+01 1.44E+01 pCilkg 6C1 Household Garden(352949001)- VG Brdleaf 14-Jul-14 lodine-131

-4.93E+OO 2.36E+01 1.45E+01 pCi!kg 6C1 Household Garden(359165001)- VG Brdleaf 13-0ct-14 lodine-131

-2.31E+OO 1.87E+01 1.12E+01 pCi/kg 6C1 Household Garden(34225501 0)- VG Brdleaf 28-Jan-14 Potassium-40 5.05E+03 1.88E+02 6.22E+02 pCi/kg 6C1 Household Garden(347461001)- VG Brdleaf 17-Apr-14 Potassium-40 4.09E+03 7.53E+01 4.24E+02 pCi!kg 6C1 Household Garden(352949001)- VG Brdleaf 14-Jul-14 Potassium-40 4.20E+03 1.22E+02 5.00E+02 pCi/kg 6C1 Household Garden(359165001)- VG Brdleaf 13-0ct-14 Potassium-40 4.43E+03 1.19E+02 4.83E+02 pCi!kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins-Vegetation Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(344064003)- VG Brdleaf 4-Mar-14 Beryllium-?

1.13E+03 1.17E+02 1.66E+02 pCi!kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(354262003)- VG Brdleaf 5-Aug-14 Beryllium-?

4.42E+02 1.26E+02 1.38E+02 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(363443004)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Beryllium-?

1.23E+03 1.04E+02 1.71E+02 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(341390003)- VG Brdleaf 13-Jan-14 Cesium-134

-3.53E+OO 1.53E+01 1.09E+01 pCi!kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(342580003)- VG Brdleaf 4-Feb-14 Cesium-134 5.08E+OO 1.52E+01 9.07E+OO pCi!kg 7C 1 Pecho Creek Ruins(344064003) - VG Brdleaf 4-Mar-14 Cesium-134 6.60E+OO 1.67E+01 1.15E+01 pCi!kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(346436003)- VG Brdleaf 8-Apr-14 Cesium-134 1.72E+OO 7.49E+OO 4.36E+OO pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(348318003)- VG Brdleaf 6-May-14 Cesium-134

-3.37E+OO 1.05E+01 7.91E+OO pCi!kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(350126003)- VG Brdleaf 3-Jun-14 Cesium-134 3.61 E+OO 2.35E+01 1.36E+01 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(352360004)- VG Brdleaf 8-Jul-14 Cesium-134 3.58E+OO 1.75E+01 1.01 E+01 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(354262003)- VG Brdleaf 5-Aug-14 Cesium-134 5.34E+OO 1.90E+01 1.14E+01 pCi!kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(355958004)- VG Brdleaf 2-Sep-14 Cesium-134 3.68E+OO 1.58E+01 9.72E+OO pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(358519004)- VG Brdleaf 6-0ct-14 Cesium-134 3.19E+OO 1.50E+01 9.60E+OO pCi!kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(360563004)- VG Brdleaf 3-Nov-14 Cesium-134 1.53E+OO 1.53E+01 9.12E+OO pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(363443004)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Cesium-134 8.15E+OO 1.44E+01 8.74E+OO pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(341390003)- VG Brdleaf 13-Jan-14 Cesium-137

-5.58E-01 1.49E+01 8.72E+OO pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(342580003)- VG Brdleaf 4-Feb-14 Cesium-137

-2.48E-01 1.58E+01 1.19E+01 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(344064003)- VG Brdleaf 4-Mar-14 Cesium-137 2.39E+OO 1.54E+01 1.50E+01 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(346436003)- VG Brdleaf 8-Apr-14 Cesium-137 3.95E+OO 7.38E+OO 4.44E+OO pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(348318003)- VG Brdleaf 6-May-14 Cesium-137

-2.84E+OO 9.06E+OO 5.80E+OO pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(350126003)- VG Brdleaf 3-Jun-14 Cesium-137

-1.02E+01 2.1 OE+01 1.52E+01 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(352360004)- VG Brdleaf 8-Jul-14 Cesium-137 9.58E-01 1.72E+01 1.03E+01 pCi!kg Page 21 of 92

201 4 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(354262003)- VG Brdleaf 5-Aug-14 Cesium-137 7.88E+OO 1.78E+01 1.07E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(355958004)- VG Brdleaf 2-Sep-14 Cesium-137 2.27E+OO 1.42E+01 2.40E+01 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(358519004)- VG Brdleaf 6-0ct-14 Cesium-137 5.90E-01 1.57E+01 1.76E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(360563004)- VG Brdleaf 3-Nov-14 Cesium-137 3.57E+OO 1.58E+01 1.06E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(363443004)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Cesium-137

-9.78E-01 1.31E+01 8.02E+OO pCilkg 7C 1 Pecho Creek Ruins(341390003) - VG Brdleaf 13-Jan-14 lodine-131 1.06E+OO 2.02E+01 1.19E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(342580003)- VG Brdleaf 4-Feb-14 lodine-131 5.63E+OO 1.61 E+01 1.24E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(344064003)- VG Brdleaf 4-Mar-14 lodine-131 1.06E+01 2.50E+01 1.54E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(346436003)- VG Brdleaf 8-Apr-14 lodine-131 7.92E-02 7.86E+OO 4.65E+OO pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(348318003)- VG Brdleaf 6-May-14 lodine-131

-6.54E+OO 1.53E+01 1.17E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(350126003)- VG Brdleaf 3-Jun-14 lodine-131 1.48E+01 3.49E+01 2.10E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(352360004)- VG Brdleaf 8-Jul-14 lodine-131 2.44E+OO 2.05E+01 1.19E+01 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(354262003)- VG Brdleaf 5-Aug-14 lodine-131

-1.76E+01 1.90E+01 1.48E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(355958004)- VG Brdleaf 2-Sep-14 lodine-131 5.29E-01 2.34E+01 1.38E+01 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(358519004)- VG Brdleaf 6-0ct-14 lodine-131 6.82E+OO 1.82E+01 3.41 E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(360563004)- VG Brdleaf 3-Nov-14 lodine-131

-3.52E+OO 1.77E+01 1.08E+01 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(363443004)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 lodine-131

-7.14E+OO 2.19E+01 1.68E+01 pCi/kg 7C 1 Pecho Creek Ruins(341390003) - VG Brdleaf 13-Jan-14 Potassium-40 5.73E+03 1.29E+02 6.39E+02 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(342580003)- VG Brdleaf 4-Feb-14 Potassium-40 5.10E+03 1.38E+02 5.98E+02 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(344064003)- VG Brdleaf 4-Mar-14 Potassium-40 5.56E+03 1.37E+02 6.19E+02 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(346436003)- VG Brdleaf 8-Apr-14 Potassium-40 4.36E+03 5.49E+01 4.35E+02 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(348318003)- VG Brdleaf 6-May-14 Potassium-40 6.13E+03 8.72E+01 6.17E+02 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(350126003)- VG Brdleaf 3-Jun-14 Potassium-40 9.11 E+03 1.86E+02 9.83E+02 pCi/kg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(352360004)- VG Brdleaf 8-Jul-14 Potassium-40 7.10E+03 1.49E+02 7.61 E+02 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(354262003)- VG Brdleaf 5-Aug-14 Potassium-40 7.65E+03 1.78E+02 7.84E+02 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(355958004)- VG Brdleaf 2-Sep-14 Potassium-40 7.56E+03 1.41E+02 7.59E+02 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(358519004)- VG Brdleaf 6-0ct-14 Potassium-40 7.59E+03 1.31 E+02 7.60E+02 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(360563004)- VG Brdleaf 3-Nov-14 Potassium-40 6.98E+03 1.33E+02 7.40E+02 pCilkg 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins(363443004)- VG Brdleaf 15-Dec-14 Potassium-40 6.36E+03 1.23E+02 6.49E+02 pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon -Aquatic Vegetation Algae Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255004) - AV Algae 28-Jan-14 Cesium-134

-1.84E+OO 9.57E+OO 5.95E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258005) - AV Algae 19-May-14 Cesium-134 5.52E+OO 7.43E+OO 8.30E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262004) - AV Algae 17-Jul-14 Cesium-134 9.19E-01 9.46E+OO 5.47E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799001)- AV Algae 4-Nov-14 Cesium-134 6.78E-01 1.12E+01 7.80E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255004)- AV Algae 28-Jan-14 Cesium-137

-1.47E+OO 9.66E+OO 6.44E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258005) - AV Algae 19-May-14 Cesium-137 4.74E+OO 5.66E+OO 6.12E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262004)- AV Algae 17-Jul-14 Cesium-137 8.56E+OO 8.56E+OO 6.25E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799001) - AV Algae 4-Nov-14 Cesium-137 5.43E+OO 1.05E+01 6.34E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255004) - AV Algae 28-Jan-14 Cobalt-58

-3.37E+OO 7.30E+OO 5.01E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258005) - AV Algae 19-May-14 Cobalt-58 1.25E+OO 6.44E+OO 3.84E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262004)- AV Algae 17-Jul-14 Cobalt-58 9.03E-01 9.32E+OO 5.41 E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799001)- AV Algae 4-Nov-14 Cobalt-58 4.51 E+OO 1.16E+01 7.84E+OO pCi/kg 7C2Rattlesnake Canyon(342255004)- AV Algae 28-Jan-14 Cobalt-60 1.05E+01 1.05E+01 9.23E+OO pCi/kg Page 22 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258005) - AV Algae 19-May-14 Cobalt-60 1.25E-01 6.46E+OO 3.85E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262004)- AV Algae 17-Jul-14 Cobalt-60 1.74E+OO 1.13E+01 6.45E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799001) - AV Algae 4-Nov-14 Cobalt-60 3.76E-01 1.06E+01 6.21E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255004)- AV Algae 28-Jan-14 Potassium-40 4.28E+03 8.20E+01 4.62E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258005) - AV Algae 19-May-14 Potassium-40 2.92E+03 5.47E+01 3.05E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262004) - AV Algae 17-Jul-14 Potassium-40 3.33E+03 8.21 E+01 3.83E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799001) - AV Algae 4-Nov-14 Potassium-40 3.76E+03 8.95E+01 4.24E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon -Aquatic Vegetation Kelp Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255007) - AV Kelp 27-Jan-14 Cesium-134

-2.84E+OO 9.38E+OO 5.87E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346440002) - AV Kelp 7-Apr-14 Cesium-134 9.26E-01 1.06E+01 6.25E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(352953002) - AV Kelp 15-Jul-14 Cesium-134

-1.66E+OO 1.30E+01 9.42E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(359262002) - AV Kelp 15-0ct-14 Cesium-134

-4.77E+OO 1.35E+01 8.67E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255007) - AV Kelp 27-Jan-14 Cesium-137

-4.02E+OO 8.93E+OO 5.97E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346440002) - AV Kelp 7-Apr-14 Cesium-137 3.32E+OO 9.71 E+OO 5.67E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(352953002) - AV Kelp 15-Jul-14 Cesium-137

-4.45E+OO 1.09E+01 8.29E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(359262002) - AV Kelp 15-0ct-14 Cesium-137 5.08E+OO 1.29E+01 7.60E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255007) - AV Kelp 27-Jan-14 Cobalt-58 3.17E+OO 9.59E+OO 6.17E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346440002) - AV Kelp 7-Apr-14 Cobalt-58

-8.35E-01 9.32E+OO 5.60E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(352953002) - AV Kelp 15-Jul-14 Cobalt-58 3.75E+OO 1.35E+01 9.39E+OO pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(359262002) - AV Kelp 15-0ct-14 Cobalt-58 5.85E-01 1.31E+01 7.75E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255007) - AV Kelp 27-Jan-14 Cobalt-60 1.62E+OO 1.12E+01 6.70E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346440002) - AV Kelp 7-Apr-14 Cobalt-60

-2.91 E+OO 1.15E+01 7.13E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(352953002) - AV Kelp 15-Jul-14 Cobalt-60

-2.40E+OO 1.48E+01 9.19E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(359262002) - AV Kelp 15-0ct-14 Cobalt-60

-1.63E+OO 1.56E+01 1.02E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255007) - AV Kelp 27-Jan-14 Potassium-40 1.42E+04 6.62E+01 1.31 E+03 pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346440002) - AV Kelp 7-Apr-14 Potassium-40 1.26E+04 8.66E+01 1.17E+03 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(352953002) - AV Kelp 15-Jul-14 Potassium-40 1.27E+04 9.83E+01 1.17E+03 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(359262002) - AV Kelp 15-0ct-14 Potassium-40 1.77E+04 9.12E+01 1.60E+03 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon - Fish Perch Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132003)- FH Perch 16-Jan-14 Cesium-134

-6.80E-01 6.04E+OO 4.18E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673003) - FH Perch 23-May-14 Cesium-134

-1.06E+OO 7.18E+OO 4.30E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525001)- FH Perch 11-Aug-14 Cesium-134 3.41 E+OO 4.92E+OO 2.89E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289003)- FH Perch 10-Nov-14 Cesium-134 5.00E-01 5.78E+OO 3.50E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132003)- FH Perch 16-Jan-14 Cesium-137

-8.02E-02 5.54E+OO 3.31 E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673003) - FH Perch 23-May-14 Cesium-137 5.62E+OO 6.29E+OO 4.43E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525001)- FH Perch 11-Aug-14 Cesium-137 1.09E-02 4.82E+OO 5.36E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289003)- FH Perch 1 0-Nov-14 Cesium-137 1.47E+OO 5.57E+OO 3.33E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132003)- FH Perch 16-Jan-14 Cobalt-58 6.13E-01 6.81E+OO 4.07E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673003) - FH Perch 23-May-14 Cobalt-58 2.62E+OO 7.09E+OO 4.18E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525001) - FH Perch 11-Aug-14 Cobalt-58

-1.33E+OO 5.00E+OO 3.17E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289003)- FH Perch 10-Nov-14 Cobalt-58 2.09E+OO 5.50E+OO 3.23E+OO pCi/kg~_

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2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132003)- FH Perch 16-Jan-14 Cobalt-60

-7.29E-01 5.58E+OO 3.37E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673003) - FH Perch 23-May-14 Cobalt-60

-1.15E+OO 7.40E+OO 5.15E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525001) - FH Perch 11-Aug-14 Cobalt-60 2.09E+OO 5.22E+OO 3.13E+OO pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289003)- FH Perch 10-Nov-14 Cobalt-60 8.67E-01 5.27E+OO 3.13E+OO pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132003)- FH Perch 16-Jan-14 Iron-59

-4.37E+OO 1.88E+01 1.14E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673003) - FH Perch 23-May-14 Iron-59

-5.20E-01 1.63E+01 9.86E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525001)- FH Perch 11-Aug-14 Iron-59 3.20E+OO 1.45E+01 8.56E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289003) - FH Perch 1 0-Nov-14 Iron-59

-1.01 E+OO 1.31E+01 7.88E+OO pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132003)- FH Perch 16-Jan-14 Manganese-54 2.28E+OO 5.55E+OO 3.36E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673003) - FH Perch 23-May-14 Manganese-54

-2.03E+OO 6.80E+OO 5.23E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525001) - FH Perch 11-Aug-14 Manganese-54

-4.14E-01 4.61 E+OO 2.83E+OO pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289003)- FH Perch 1 0-Nov-14 Manganese-54 3.19E-01 4.96E+OO 2.88E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132003)- FH Perch 16-Jan-14 Potassium-40 3.24E+03 4.25E+01 3.40E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673003) - FH Perch 23-May-14 Potassium-40 3.92E+03 7.13E+01 4.08E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525001) - FH Perch 11-Aug-14 Potassium-40 3.17E+03 4.04E+01 3.02E+02 pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289003)- FH Perch 10-Nov-14 Potassium-40 3.68E+03 4.88E+01 3.50E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132003)- FH Perch 16-Jan-14 Zinc-65 1.20E+OO 1.42E+01 8.24E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673003) - FH Perch 23-May-14 Zinc-65

-3.71 E+OO 1.68E+01 1.23E+01 pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525001)- FH Perch 11-Aug-14 Zinc-65

-1.64E+01 1.12E+01 1.10E+01 pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289003)- FH Perch 10-Nov-14 Zinc-65 9.05E+OO 1.50E+01 1.06E+01 pCi/kg


~ ~

7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon - Fish Rockfish Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132004)- FH Rockfsh 16-Jan-14 Cesium-134 1.84E+OO 5.49E+OO 3.63E+OO pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673004)- FH Rockfsh 23-May-14 Cesium-134 2.78E+OO 5.81 E+OO 3.55E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525002) - FH Rockfsh 11-Aug-14 Cesium-134 5.93E-01 4.62E+OO 2.89E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289004)- FH Rockfsh 10-Nov-14 Cesium-134

-2.38E+OO 4.65E+OO 3.30E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132004)- FH Rockfsh 16-Jan-14 Cesium-137 2.82E+OO 4.75E+OO 3.95E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673004)- FH Rockfsh 23-May-14 Cesium-137 8.24E-01 4.78E+OO 6.06E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525002) - FH Rockfsh 11-Aug-14 Cesium-137 3.87E+OO 3.99E+OO 3.43E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289004)- FH Rockfsh 10-Nov-14 Cesium-137 1.45E+OO 4.94E+OO 3.68E+OO pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132004)- FH Rockfsh 16-Jan-14 Cobalt-58

-5.08E-01 5.96E+OO 3.90E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673004) - FH Rockfsh 23-May-14 Cobalt-58 2.09E+OO 3.65E+OO 2.15E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525002) - FH Rockfsh 11-Aug-14 Cobalt-58 1.54E+OO 5.04E+OO 3.16E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289004)- FH Rockfsh 10-Nov-14 Cobalt-58 8.33E-01 4.85E+OO 3.25E+OO pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132004)- FH Rockfsh 16-Jan-14 Cobalt-60 1.28E+OO 6.03E+OO 3.80E+OO pCi!kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673004)- FH Rockfsh 23-May-14 Cobalt-60 9.26E-01 5.88E+OO 4.02E+OO pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525002) - FH Rockfsh 11-Aug-14 Cobalt-60 1.83E+OO 5.33E+OO 3.11 E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289004)- FH Rockfsh 10-Nov-14 Cobalt-60 3.96E+OO 5.49E+OO 3.47E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132004)- FH Rockfsh 16-Jan-14 Iron-59 1.01 E+01 1.85E+01 1.27E+01 pCilkg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673004)- FH Rockfsh 23-May-14 Iron-59

-5.22E+OO 1.14E+01 7.59E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525002) - FH Rockfsh 11-Aug-14 Iron-59 1.74E+OO 1.33E+01 7.66E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289004)- FH Rockfsh 10-Nov-14 Iron-59 1.37E+OO 1.26E+01 7.50E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132004)- FH Rockfsh 16-Jan-14 Manganese-54 3.45E+OO 5.24E+OO 3.27E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673004)- FH Rockfsh 23-May-14 Manganese-54 2.61 E+OO 5.29E+OO 3.19E+OO pCi/kg_

Page 24 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525002) - FH Rockfsh 11-Aug-14 Manganese-54 3.55E-01 4.59E+OO 2.73E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289004)- FH Rockfsh 10-Nov-14 Manganese-54 1.00E+OO 4.52E+OO 2.64E+OO pCi/kg I

7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132004)- FH Rockfsh 16-Jan-14 Potassium-40 3.52E+03 4.76E+01 3.48E+02 pCi/kg I

7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673004)- FH Rockfsh 23-May-14 Potassium-40 3.78E+03 4.32E+01 3.77E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525002) - FH Rockfsh 11-Aug-14 Potassium-40 3.47E+03 4.14E+01 3.27E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289004)- FH Rockfsh 1 0-Nov-14 Potassium-40 3.37E+03 3.88E+01 3.22E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343132004)- FH Rockfsh 16-Jan-14 Zinc-65

-4.89E+OO 1.24E+01 7.97E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349673004)- FH Rockfsh 23-May-14 Zinc-65

-2.85E+OO 1.22E+01 7.55E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(355525002) - FH Rockfsh 11-Aug-14 Zinc-65 1.54E+OO 1.21 E+01 7.53E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(361289004)- FH Rockfsh 10-Nov-14 Zinc-65

-2.72E+OO 1.22E+01 7.59E+OO pCi/kg


7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon-Intertidal Mussel Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255002) - IM 28-Jan-14 Cesium-134

-1.02E+OO 4.58E+OO 2.83E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258004)- IM 19-May-14 Cesium-134 9.57E-02 3.73E+OO 2.22E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262005)- IM 17-Jul-14 Cesium-134 3.56E-01 4.82E+OO 2.80E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799002)- IM 4-Nov-14 Cesium-134

-7.98E-01 4.42E+OO 2.69E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255002) - IM 28-Jan-14 Cesium-137 1.46E+OO 4.41 E+OO 2.60E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258004)- IM 19-May-14 Cesium-137 1.90E+OO 3.90E+OO 2.37E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262005) - IM 17-Jul-14 Cesium-137

-6.08E-01 4.43E+OO 2.78E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799002) - IM 4-Nov-14 Cesium-137

-6.18E-01 4.33E+OO 2.57E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255002)- IM 28-Jan-14 Cobalt-58

-1.10E+OO 3.92E+OO 2.46E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258004)- IM 19-May-14 Cobalt-58 2.24E+OO 3.73E+OO 2.33E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262005)- IM 17-Jul-14 Cobalt-58

-6.00E-01 4.50E+OO 2.70E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799002)- IM 4-Nov-14 Cobalt-58 8.46E-01 4.41 E+OO 2.56E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255002)- IM 28-Jan-14 Cobalt-60

-2.23E+OO 4.17E+OO 3.29E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258004)- IM 19-May-14 Cobalt-60

-1.96E+OO 3.63E+OO 2.48E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262005)- IM 17-Jul-14 Cobalt-60

-1.12E+OO 4.41 E+OO 2.87E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799002)- IM 4-Nov-14 Cobalt-60

-1.24E+OO 5.08E+OO 3.14E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255002) - IM 28-Jan-14 Iron-59

-2.1 OE-01 8.97E+OO 5.25E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258004)- IM 19-May-14 Iron-59

-6.76E-01 7.90E+OO 4.68E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262005) - IM 17 -Jul-14 Iron-59

-3.24E+OO 9.77E+OO 6.36E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799002) - IM 4-Nov-14 Iron-59 1.60E+OO 1.16E+01 6.90E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255002) - IM 28-Jan-14 Manganese-54 1.63E+OO 4.01 E+OO 2.30E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258004)- IM 19-May-14 Manganese-54

-3.19E-01 3.56E+OO 2.16E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262005)- IM 17-Jul-14 Manganese-54

-9.98E-01 4.19E+OO 2.59E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799002)- IM 4-Nov-14 Manganese-54

-4.39E+OO 3.97E+OO 3.77E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255002)- IM 28-Jan-14 Potassium-40 2.13E+03 3.83E+01 2.27E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258004)- IM 19-May-14 Potassium-40 1.87E+03 2.95E+01 2.01 E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262005)- IM 17-Jul-14 Potassium-40 1.22E+03 3.80E+01 1.51 E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799002)- IM 4-Nov-14 Potassium-40 2.18E+03 4.30E+01 2.27E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342255002) - IM 28-Jan-14 Zinc-65

-2.95E+OO 9.43E+OO 5.86E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(349258004)- IM 19-May-14 Zinc-65

-8.40E+OO 7.94E+OO 6.56E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353262005) - IM 17-Jul-14 Zinc-65 2.11 E+OO 1.18E+01 7.40E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360799002)- IM 4-Nov-14 Zinc-65 ____ __ -1.88E-01 1.15E+01 6.97E+OO pCi/kg Page 25 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon - Ocean Sediment Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Actinium-228 2.31 E+02 3.99E+01 6.54E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Barium-140 1.38E+01 9.78E+01 6.68E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Bismuth-214 4.51 E+02 2.27E+01 5.04E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Cesium-134 1.32E+01 1.32E+01 1.35E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Cesium-137 1.58E+OO 1.17E+01 6.72E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002)- SD 16-Jan-14 Cobalt-58

-4.59E+OO 1.45E+01 8.94E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002)- SD 16-Jan-14 Cobalt-60 1.54E+OO 1.17E+01 6.96E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002)- SD 16-Jan-14 Iron-55

-3.40E+03 1.56E+04 1.09E+04 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002)- SD 16-Jan-14 Iron-59 1.12E+01 4.09E+01 2.42E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002)- SD 16-Jan-14 Lanthanum-140 1.38E+01 9.78E+01 6.68E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Lead-212 3.47E+02 1.81E+01 3.88E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Lead-214 5.46E+02 2.34E+01 5.51 E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002)- SD 16-Jan-14 Manganese-54 1.19E+01 1.20E+01 9.55E+OO pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Nickel-63

-7.81 E+01 1.94E+03 1.16E+03 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002)- SD 16-Jan-14 Niobium-95 1.79E+01 1.79E+01 1.67E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002)- SD 16-Jan-14 Potassium-40 9.55E+03 9.49E+01 9.26E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Thallium-208 9.42E+01 1.1 OE+01 1.60E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Total Strontium 8.66E+01 4.50E+02 2.85E+02 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Zinc-65 1.15E+01 2.72E+01 3.09E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 _ _13attlesnake Canyon(343203002) - SD 16-Jan-14 Zirconium-95 6.19E+OO 2.80E+01 1.64E+01 pCi/kg 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon - Seawater Sample Name Date Collected Nuclide Result MDC 2 Sigma TPU Units 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342317003)- SW 27-Jan-14 BETA 1.54E+02 1.12E+02 7.77E+01 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343846003) - SW 24-Feb-14 BETA 3.05E+02 9.84E+01 8.80E+01 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(345420003) - SW 24-Mar-14 BETA 3.65E+02 2.04E+02 1.43E+02 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346578003) - SW 7-Apr-14 BETA 1.26E+02 1.21 E+02 8.01 E+01 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(348878002) - SW 12-May-14 BETA 2.07E+02 9.43E+01 7.35E+01 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(351324002)- SW 19-Jun-14 BETA 4.40E+02 1.47E+02 1.25E+02 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353100003)- SW 15-Jul-14 BETA 2.78E+02 9.66E+01 8.41 E+01 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(354812002)- SW 11-Aug-14 BETA 4.39E+02 1.01 E+02 1.07E+02 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(356752001)- SW 8-Sep-14 BETA 4.66E+02 2.04E+02 1.52E+02 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(359457002) - SW 15-0ct-14 BETA 1.82E+02 9.67E+01 7.35E+01 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360977001)- SW 5-Nov-14 BETA 3.76E+02 1.58E+02 1.22E+02 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(363121 002) - SW 8-Dec-14 BETA 2.54E+02 1.48E+02 1.07E+02 pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342317003)- SW 27-Jan-14 Barium-140

-3.09E+OO 4.45E+OO 3.27E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343846003) - SW 24-Feb-14 Barium-140 5.25E-01 2.85E+OO 1.90E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(345420003) - SW 24-Mar-14 Barium-140

-1.64E+OO 3.34E+OO 2.26E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346578003) - SW 7-Apr-14 Barium-140 2.51 E+OO 2.85E+OO 2.40E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(348878002) - SW 12-May-14 Barium-140

-8.09E-01 3.12E+OO 2.14E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(351324002) - SW 19-Jun-14 Barium-140

-1.62E+OO 2.86E+OO 2.36E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon_(~5_3 _1 00_0_9])_:_SW _

15-Jul-14 Barium-140 7.11E-01 3.29E+OO 1.90E+OO pCi/L Page 26 of 92

2014 DCPP REMP Analysis Results Appendix C 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(354812002)- SW 11-Aug-14 Barium-140

-4.56E-01 3.69E+OO 2.21 E+OO

.pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(356752001)- SW 8-Sep-14 Barium-140 2.36E-01 4.16E+OO 2.42E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(359457002) - SW 15-0ct-14 Barium-140

-2.18E+OO 3.01 E+OO 2.26E+OO pCi!L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360977001) - SW 5-Nov-14 Barium-140 1.51 E-02 2.92E+OO 1.75E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(363121 002)- SW 8-Dec-14 Barium-140

-3.71 E-01 3.45E+OO 2.45E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342317003)- SW 27-Jan-14 Cesium-134

-5.74E-01 2.55E+OO 1.60E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343846003) - SW 24-Feb-14 Cesium-134 6.56E-01 1.87E+OO 1.10E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(345420003) - SW 24-Mar-14 Cesium-134 7.50E-01 2.29E+OO 1.38E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346578003) - SW 7-Apr-14 Cesium-134 1.01 E+OO 1.98E+OO 1.23E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(348878002) - SW 12-May-14 Cesium-134 6.06E-01

  • 2.15E+OO 1.26E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(351324002)- SW 19-Jun-14 Cesium-134 2.39E-01 2.25E+OO 1.57E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(353100003)- SW 15-Jul-14 Cesium-134 1.57E-01 1.90E+OO 1.11 E+OO pCi!L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(354812002)- SW 11-Aug-14 Cesium-134

-2.26E+OO 2.15E+OO 2.06E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(356752001)- SW 8-Sep-14 Cesium-134 4.96E-01 2.40E+OO 1.63E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(359457002) - SW 15-0ct-14 Cesium-134 4.92E-01 1.99E+OO 1.22E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360977001) - SW 5-Nov-14 Cesium-134 2.73E-01 1.84E+OO 1.24E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(363121 002) - SW 8-Dec-14 Cesium-134 5.72E-01 2.37E+OO 1.43E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342317003) - SW 27-Jan-14 Cesium-137 9.25E-01 2.72E+OO 1.82E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343846003) - SW 24-Feb-14 Cesium-137 9.12E-01 1.88E+OO 1.17E+OO pCi!L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(345420003) - SW 24-Mar-14 Cesium-137

-5.44E-01 2.08E+OO 1.31 E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346578003) - SW 7-Apr-14 Cesium-137

-1.02E+OO 1.82E+OO 1.47E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(348878002) - SW 12-May-14 Cesium-137 1.77E-01 1.97E+OO 1.14E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(351324002)- SW 19-Jun-14 Cesium-137 1.29E-01 2.05E+OO 1.23E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(3531 00003)- SW 15-Jul-14 Cesium-137 2.10E+OO 2.10E+OO 1.53E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(354812002)- SW 11-Aug-14 Cesium-137 7.08E-01 2.27E+OO 1.82E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(356752001)- SW 8-Sep-14 Cesium-137

-5.82E-02 2.24E+OO 1.34E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(359457002) - SW 15-0ct-14 Cesium-137 1.05E+OO 2.04E+OO 1.22E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360977001)- SW 5-Nov-14 Cesium-137

-2.68E-01 2.27E+OO 1.79E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(363121002)- SW 8-Dec-14 Cesium-137 2.60E-02 2.29E+OO 1.37E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342317003)- SW 27-Jan-14 Cobalt-58 5.85E-01 2.66E+OO 1.58E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343846003) - SW 24-Feb-14 Cobalt-58 5.01 E-01 1.72E+OO 1.01 E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(345420003) - SW 24-Mar-14 Cobalt-58

-1.45E-01 2.00E+OO 1.23E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346578003) - SW 7-Apr-14 Cobalt-58 1.82E-01 1.69E+OO 1.02E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(348878002)- SW 12-May-14 Cobalt-58

-6.15E-01 1.75E+OO 1.12E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(351324002)- SW 19-Jun-14 Cobalt-58

-1.97E+OO 1.92E+OO 1.59E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(3531 00003)- SW 15-Jul-14 Cobalt-58

-2.1 OE-01 1.72E+OO 1.03E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(354812002)- SW 11-Aug-14 Cobalt-58

-5.1 OE-01 2.13E+OO 1.56E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(356752001)- SW 8-Sep-14 Cobalt-58 8.11 E-01 2.26E+OO 1.55E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(359457002) - SW 15-0ct-14 Cobalt-58

-1.15E+OO 1.72E+OO 1.22E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(360977001)- SW 5-Nov-14 Cobalt-58

-1.05E-01 1.70E+OO 1.02E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(363121002)- SW 8-Dec-14 Cobalt-58

-9.95E-01 1.98E+OO 1.30E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(342317003)- SW 27-Jan-14 Cobalt-60

-6.38E-01 2.71 E+OO 1.72E+OO pCi!L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(343846003)- SW 24-Feb-14 Cobalt-60

-7.90E-01 1.78E+OO 1.17E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(345420003) - SW 24-Mar-14 Cobalt-60

-1.57E-01 2.17E+OO 1.33E+OO pCi/L 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon(346578003) - SW 7-Apr-14 Cobalt-60 4.75E-01 2.02E+OO 1.57E+OO pCi/L Page 27 of 92