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In Accordance with Order 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751, the Second Quarter 2014 Report on Discharge Monitoring at Diablo Canyon Power Plant Is Provided
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 07/17/2014
From: Cortese K
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, State of CA, Regional Water Quality Control Bd
CA0003751, DCL-2014-529
Download: ML14216A462 (132)


Pacific Gas and Electric Company Date:

July 17, 2014 PG&E Letter DCL-2014-529 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Diablo Canyon Power Plant P.O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 IElectronic Submission CIWQS Web Application California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region Attn: Monitoring and Reporting Review Section 895 Aerovista, Suite #101 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-7906 In accordance with Order 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751, the Second Quarter 2014 Report on Discharge Monitoring at Diablo Canyon Power Plant is provided. This letter and accompanying report summary has been attached to the CIWQS application data submittal.

Facility Name:


Contact Person:



Phone Number:

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Diablo Canyon Power Plant P.O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Bryan Cunningham Supervisor, Environmental Operations (805) 545-4439 Order No. 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751 WDR/NPDES Order Number:

Type of Report: (check one)

Quarter: (check one):



I St 3 rd 0

4 th Year:

2014 (Annual Reports for DCPP are Jan-Dec)

Violation(s) (Place an X by the appropriate choice):

ZJ No (there are no violations to report)

El Yes


PG&E Letter DCL-2014-529 CRWQCB Central Coast Region July 17, 2014 Page 2 If Yes is marked (complete a-g):

a) Parameter(s) in Violation:

b) Section(s) of WDR/NPDES Violated:

c) Reported Value(s) d) WDR/NPDES Limit/Condition:

e) Dates of Violation(s)

(reference page of report/data sheet):

f) Explanation of Cause(s):

(attach additional information as needed) g) Corrective Action(s):

(attach additional information as needed)

(If "YES", see overview section of attached report)

(If "YES", see overview section of attached report)

PG&E Letter DCL-2014-529 CRWQCB Central Coast Region July 17, 2014 Page 3 I certify under penalty of law that this document, the CIWQS data submittal, and all associated attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. The results of the influent and effluent monitoring presented are the observed results of the measurements and analyses required by the monitoring program, and is neither an assertion of the adequacy of any instrument reading or analytical result, nor an endorsement of the appropriateness of any analytical or measurement procedure. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the report provided, or require additional information, please contact Bryan Cunningham at (805) 545-4439.

Sincerely, Name:

Kenneth W. Cortese


Manager, Chemistry and Environmental Operations - Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2014529tdr/bkc

PG&E Letter DCL-2014-529 CRWQCB Central Coast Region July 17, 2014 Page 4 cc:

PDF Formatted Copy of CIWQS Application Submittal:

Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 612 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-4125 Hardcopy Print-Out of CIWQS Application Submittal:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Thomas Hipschman Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Diablo Canyon Power Plant 104/5

PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Second Quarter 2014 REPORT ON DISCHARGE MONITORING AT DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT TABLE OF CONTENTS O V E R V IE W...........................................................................

.. 1



Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent.......................

2 B.

Monitoring of Receiving W aters.....................................

2 C.

Sodium Bromide Treatment Program...........................

2 APPENDIX 1: NPDES Discharge Points


1. During the second quarter of 2014, discharges occurred from Discharge Paths 001 (once through cooling water), 001B, 001D, 001E, 001F, 001G, 001H, 001L, 001M, 001N, 001P, and 002 through 015. No discharges occurred from Discharge Paths 0011, 001 J, 001 K, 016, & 017. A list of all of the permit discharge pathways, including name and number, is provided in Appendix 1.
2. The substances listed in Table B of the 1990 California Ocean Plan were each analyzed for and reported in the permit renewal application for Diablo Canyon submitted in 1994.

There have been no changes in the activities conducted at the plant that would have significantly affected the results previously reported in the 1994 renewal application.

California Ocean Plan Table B substances that were not analyzed for this quarter were not added to the discharge stream.

3. During the second quarter of 2014, maintenance activities that required draining of closed cooling water systems were performed, and are summarized below. PG&E received concurrence from the CCRWQCB in response to letters dated July 19, 1995 (PG&E Letter DCL-95-156), May 23, 1996 (PG&E Letter DCL-96-522), and May 19, 1997 (PG&E Letter DCL-97-533) regarding the use of glutaraldehyde and isothiazolin to control microbiological growth and corrosion in DCPP's closed cooling water systems.

Discharges are drained at a flow rate such that the chronic toxicity level remains below the "No Observable Effect Concentration" (NOEC) at NPDES Discharge 001.

Total Volume Glutaraldehyde Isothiazolin Oil & Grease Date System Suspended (gl Date System (gallons)


(mg/Il as CI')

Soli d


Solids (mg/1) 04/15/14 Unit 1 ICW 14 0.0 1.9 n/a n/a 04/15/14 Unit 2 ICW 14 0.0 1.8 n/a n/a

.04/16/14 Unit 1 CCW 3,800 153 0.0

< 2.0

< 1.4 05/14/14 Unit 1 SCW 550 0.0 8.6 n/a n/a 06/08/14 Unit 1 ICW 14 0.0 1.6 n/a n/a 06/24/14 Unit 1 SCW 33,100 0.0 8.3

< 2.0 Negative I



I (Camphor Test)

4. Two events affected the results of continuous chlorine monitoring for Unit 2 at Discharge 001 during the second quarter. For each of these events, an engineering evaluation was subsequently completed; as authorized by the Regional Board in accordance with PG&E's January 5, 1994 letter. The event interval, affected monitor, number of affected results, the cause(s), and corrective action(s) taken have been tabulated below. The engineering evaluations were based on recorded intake chemical injection rates, and Unit 2 condenser waterbox inlet chlorine monitoring results. These factors were used to calculate estimates of actual chlorine concentrations for the respective monitor at Discharge 001 during the event interval. The estimates were then used to replace results indicated by the affected monitor except in cases where the monitor result was greater. Results from the engineering evaluations were all below the applicable 89-pg/L discharge limit.

Interval Affected Replaced Cause Corrective Actions Monitor Readings 04/07/14 to Unit 2 5

Low sample flow.

Flow restored.

04/08/14 05/14/14 to Unit 2 0

Quality control check result >

Monitor calibrated.

05/21/14 1

upper acceptance limit.



Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent

1. The results of the April, May, and June 2014 plant influent and effluent monitoring have been reported via the CIWQS web application to which this letter is attached.
2. The laboratory report for one acute bioassay on water sampled from Discharge 001, performed April 09 - 13, 2014, is attached to the CIWQS application submittal. The acute bioassay results show that toxicity was 0.0 TUa (no acute toxicity).

Note: The 0. 0 TUa value is not included in the CIWQS application spreadsheet as the formatting of the data spreadsheet does not accommodate zero value entries.

3. The laboratory report for one chronic bioassay on water sampled from Discharge 001, performed April 09 - 11, 2014, is attached to the CIWQS application submittal.

The chronic bioassay results show that toxicity was 1.0 TUc (no chronic toxicity).


Monitoring of Receiving Waters


Ecological Studies at Diablo Canyon Ecological studies in the vicinity of Diablo Cove conducted during the second quarter continued under the Diablo Canyon Receiving Water Monitoring Program (RWMP) as requested in a letter from the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CCRWQCB) dated December 9, 1998, and as detailed in a letter (PG&E Letter DCL-99-503) dated January 8, 1999. This program includes tasks from the Ecological Monitoring Program (EMP) with additional stations and increased sampling frequencies. The RWMP replaces the EMP and the Thermal Effects Monitoring Program (TEMP).


In Situ Bioassay Results of the Mussel Watch Program will be reported to the CCRWQCB directly from the California Department of Fish and Game in the Department's periodic report for this program.


Sodium Bromide Treatment Program Diablo Canyon Power Plant is continuing the use of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite to control macrofouling growth for both Units. Both circulating water conduits of each Unit can be chemically treated simultaneously. Each treated conduit typically receives a twenty-minute injection every four hours (six injections a day) of sodium bromide in combination with sodium hypochlorite.

Each chemical injection treatment attempts to achieve a target concentration of 250 parts per billion (ppb) Total Residual Oxidant (TRO) when measured at the inlet waterbox of the condenser. Discharge TRO concentrations measured at the plant outfall remained below NPDES permit limitations and the calculated Ocean Plan limit throughout the quarter.

Both conduits of Unit 1 were treated with simultaneous injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite six times a day throughout the second quarter with a brief interruption in late May for equipment maintenance activities.

Both conduits of Unit 2 were treated with simultaneous injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite six times a day throughout the second quarter with a brief interruption in late May for equipment maintenance activities.

APPENDIX 1 DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT NPDES DISCHARGE POINTS DISCHARGE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 001 Once-Though Cooling Water 001 A Firewater Systems 001 B Auxiliary Salt Water Cooling System 001 C Discharge Deleted 001 D Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment System 001 E Service Cooling Water System 001 F Turbine Building Sump 001 G Make-Up Water System Waste Effluent 001 H Condensate Demineralizer Regenerant 001 I Seawater Evaporator Blowdown 001 J Condensate Pumps Discharge Header Overboard 001 K Condenser Tube Sheet Leak Detection Dump Tank Overboard 001 L Steam Generator Blowdown 001 M Wastewater Holding and Treatment System 001 N Sanitary Wastewater Treatment System 001 P Seawater Reverse Osmosis System

" Blowdown 002 Intake Structure Building Floor Drains 003 Intake Screen Wash 004 Bio Lab and Storm Water Runoff 005, 008, 009, 013, 014, 015 Yard Storm Drains 006, 007, 010, 011, 012 Storm Water Runoff 016 Bio Lab Seawater Supply Pump Valve Drain 017 Seawater Reverse Osmosis System Blowdown Drain

CIWQS Web Application Submittal Print Out and Attached Supporting Documents

eSMR PDF Report Summary: Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for Q2 2014 Summary: Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for Q2 2014 submitted by Kenneth Cortese (No Title) on 07/18/2014.

Facility Name: PG&E DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Order Number: R3-1990-0009 Waterboad Office: Region 3 - Central Coast Case Worker: Peter Von Langen Report Effective Dates: 04/01/2014 - 06/30/2014 No Discharge Periods Name.

Description Dates Diablo M-001 Diablo M-001D Diablo M-001F Diablo M-001G Diablo M-001H Diablo M-0011 04/01/2014 - 06/30/2014

'lant Seawater Evaporators no longer in


Diablo M-001J 04/01/2014 - 06/30/2014 Zondensate Pump Discharge Header not drained during 2Q14. No effluent discharged.

Diablo M-001K 04/01/2014 - 06/30/2014 Plant Condenser Tube Sheet Leak Detection Dumpo Tank no Ionqier in service.

Diablo M-001L Diablo M-001M Diablo M-001N Diablo M-001P Diablo M-002 Diablo M-003 Diablo M-004 Diablo M-005 Diablo M-008 Diablo M-009 Diablo M-013 Diablo M-015 Diablo M-016 04/01/2014 - 06/30/2014 Bio Lab Seawater Supply Line Valve Box not drained during 2Q14. No effluent discharqed.

Diablo M-017 04/01/2014 - 06/30/2014 Seawater RO System Blowdown Line not drained during 2014. Discharae rarely used.

Dablo M-INF Self-Determined Violations No Violations Entered Attachments Page 1 of 28

FieDsription Date.UFli

'Si - 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.pdf Excel workbook for average calculations supporting 2Q14 07/17/2014 821508 bytes SMR. - 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Contract Lab Results.

Contract Lab Results 07/09/2014 2664677 bytes pdf Cover Letter (Uploaded File)


S Title :,

2 Date Uploaded.

File Size PGE DCL2014529 2nd-Q 2014 DSIMR Summary.pdf 07/17/2014 919134 bytes Data Summary Analytical Results Location Parameter Anal. Method Sample Analysis Q.ual Result Units MDL ML RL


QA Comments Data Source DaterTime Date Priority Codes Indicator M-001 Ammonia, Total (as N)

A450ONH 04/10/2014 : 04/22/2014


0.21 mg/L No See Attachment 2, CDFAnalytical_

Standard Method 09:52:00 Contract Lab Report Calculated_070.

(19th) 4500-NH: Nitrogen (Ammonia)

M-001 Chromium (Total)

DU : Data 04/10/2014 : 04/22/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDFAnalytical_

Unavailable 09:52:00 Calculated 070. M-001 Chromium (Total)

DU : Data 05109/2014 : 05/20/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDF Analytical_

Unavailable 10:10:00 Calculated_070.

I_ M-001 Chromium (Total)

DU : Data 06/12/2014 : 06/26/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDFAnalytical_

Unavailable 09:30:00 Calculated_070.

2014.ziD M-001 Chronic Toxicity DU : Data 04/08/2014 : 04/09/2014


1 TUc No See Attachment 2, CDF Analytical_

Unavailable 09:45:00 Contract Lab Report Calculated_0709 M-001 Copper, Total DU : Data 04/10/2014 : 04/22/2014 DNQ 9 ug/L 5

10 No CDFAnalytical_

Unavailable 09:52:00 Calculated_070 M-001 Copper, Total DU : Data 05/09/2014 : 05/20/2014 DNM 6 ug/L 5

10 No CDFAnalytical_

Unavailable 10:10:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Copper, Total DU : Data 06/12/2014 : 06/26/2014 DNO 5 ug/L 5

10 No CDF Analytical_

Unavailable 09:30:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Nickel, Total DU : Data 04/10/2014 : 04/22/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDF Analytical_

Unavailable 09:52:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Nickel, Total DU : Data 05/09/2014 : 05/20/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDFAnalytical_

Unavailable 10:10:00 Calculated_070. M-001 Nickel, Total DU : Data 06/12/2014 : 06/26/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDFAnalytical_

Unavailable 09:30:00 Calculated_070.




I Page 2 of 28

Location Parameter Anal. Method Sample Analysis Qual Result Units MDL ML RL Review e

Comments Data Source Date/Time Date

,or' rit Coe Indicator M-001 pH A4500HB:

04/10/2014: 04/10/2014


8 SU No CDF Analytical_

Standard Method 09:52:00 Calculated_0709 (19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method M-001 pH A4500HB:

05/09/2014: 05/09/2014 7.9 SU No CDFAnalytical_

Standard Method 10:10:00 Calculated 070.

(19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric Method M-001 pH A4500HB:

06/12/2014: 06/12/2014 8.1 SU No CDF Analytical Standard Method 09:35:00 Calculated_0706.

(19th) 4500-H+ B. pH by Electrometric Method I

M-001 Zinc, Total DU : Data 04/10/2014 04/22/2014 DNQ.

7 ug/L 5

10 No CDFAnalytical_

Unavailable 09:52:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Zinc, Total DU : Data 05/09/2014 : 05/20/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDFAnalytical_

Unavailable 10:10:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Zinc, Total DU : Data 06/12/2014 : 06/26/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDFAnalytical_

Unavailable 09:30:00 Calculated_0709 M-001F Oil and Grease E1664A : HEM and 04/02/2014 : 04/0312014 ND mg/L 1.4 No CDF Analytical_

SGT-HEM by 08:00:00 Calculated_070.

Extraction and Gravimetry, Rev.

M-001F Oil and Grease E1664A : HEM and 05/06/2014 : 05/06/2014 ND mg/L 1.4 No CDFAnalytical_

SGT-HEM by 06:50:00 Calculated_070.

Extraction and Gravimetry, Rev.

M-001F Oil and Grease E1664A : HEM and 06/03/2014 : 06/18/2014 ND mg/L 1.4 No CDF Analytical_

SGT-HEM by 11:50:00 Calculated_070.

Extraction and Gravimetry, Rev.

M-001G Oil and Grease E1664A : HEM an 04/01/2014 : 04/03/2014 ND mg/L 1.4 No CDFAnalytical_

SGT-HEM by 13:00:00 Calculated_070_

Extraction and Gravimetry, Rev.

M-001G Total Suspended Solids A2540D :

04/01/2014 : 04/04/2014 ND mg/L 2

No CDF Analytical_


Standard Method 13:00:00 Calculated_070.

(19th) 2540 D: aot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C M-001G Total Suspended Solids A2540D :

05/07/2014 : 05/08/2014 ND mg/L 2

No CDF Analytical_


Standard Method 12:45:00 Calculated_070_

(19th) 2540 D: ot. Sus. Solids

[Dried 103-105C Page 3 of 28


  • Parameter Anal. Method% Sample', Analysis Qual* Result' Units.MDL

.ML RL Review Comments Data Source Date/Time Date Priority Codes Indicator M-001G

'otal Suspended Solids A2540D:

06/03/2014 : 06/06/2014 ND mg/L 2

No CDFAnalytical_


Standard Method 12:30:00 Calculated_0709 (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C M-001M Total Suspended Solids A2540D:

05/28/2014 05/28/2014 DNQ 3 mg/L 2

5 No CDF Analytical_


Standard Method 12:50:00 Calculated_0709 (19th) 2540 D: Tot. Sus. Solids Dried 103-105C M-001P Oil and Grease E1664A : HEM anc 04/09/2014 : 04/17/2014 ND mg/L 1.4 No CDF Analytical_

SGT-HEM by 08:35:00 Calculated_0709 Extraction and Gravimetry, Rev.

A M-003 Oil and Grease E1664A : HEM anc 04/09/2014: 04/17/2014 ND mg/L 1.4 No CDF Analytical_

SGT-HEM by 13:10:00 Calculated_0709 Extraction and Gravimetry, Rev.

A M-003 pH A4500HB :

04/09/2014 : 04/09/2014


8 SU No CDF Analytical_

Standard Method 13:10:00 Calculated_0709 (19th) 4500-H+ B pH by Electrometric Method M-003 pH A4500HB :

05/07/2014 : 05/07/2014


7.7 SU No CDF Analytical_

Standard Method 10:19:00 Calculated_0709 (19th) 4500-H+ B pH by Electrometric Method M-003 pH A4500HB :

06/05/2014 : 06/05/2014


7.9 SU No CDFAnalytical_

Standard Method 13:10:00 Calculated 0709 (19th) 4500-H+ B pH by Electrometric Method M-004 Oil and Grease E1664A : HEM an 04/02/2014: 04/03/2014 ND mg/L 1.4 No CDFAnalytical_

SGT-HEM by 15:35:00 Calculated_0709 Extraction and Gravimetry, Rev.


M-004 pH A4500HB :

04/02/2014: 04/02/2014


8 SU No CDFAnalytical_

Standard Method 15:35:00 Calculated_0709 (19th) 4500-H+ B pH by Electrometric Method M-004 pH A4500HB :

05/07/2014: 05/07/2014


7.8 SU No CDFAnalytical_

Standard Method 10:25:00 Calculated 0709 (19th) 4500-H+ B pH by Electrometric Method Page 4 of 28

Location Parameter Anal. Method Sample Analysis Qual!:.

Result Units MDL

, MLL RL Review OAQ

'Comments Data Source Date/Time Date Priority Codes

  • .....iI

'i.d icaio r.

M-004 pH A4500HB 06/05/2014 06/05/2014


7.9 SU No CDF Analytical_

Standard Method 13:10:00 Calculated_070_

(19th) 4500-H+ B: pH by Electrometric

_Method M-INF Ammonia, Total (as N)

A4500NH 04/10/2014 04/22/2014 0.24 mg/L No See Attachment 2, CDFAnalytical_

Standard Method 09:48:00 Contract Lab Report Calculated_0709 (19th) 4500-NH: Nitrogen


M-INF pH A4500H :

04/10/2014 : 04/10/2014 8 SU No CDFAnalytical_

Standard Method 09:45:00 Calculated_070-(19th) 4500-H+: DH Value M-INF pH A4500H :

05/09/2014: 05/09/2014 7.9 SU No CDF Analytical Standard Method 10:00:00 Calculated_070.

(19th) 4500-H+: DH Value M-INF pH A4500H:

06/12/2014. 06/12/2014 8.1 SU No CDFAnalytical_

Standard Method 09:30:00 Calculated_0709 (19th) 4500-H+:

_H Value Calculated Values Location Parameter Calculation Sample Analysis Qual.

Result Units MDL ML.

RL Review QA.

Comments Data Source Type Date/Time Date Priority Codes indicator M-001 Chlorine Usage 30-Day Average 04/01/2014 : 04/30/2014


546 lb/day No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, CalculatedO070.

Tab 2 M-001 Chlorine Usage 30-Day Average 05/01/2014 : 05/31/2014 562 lb/day No Monthly avg result.


of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_070c I


[Tab 3 M-001 Chlorine Usage 30-Day Average 06/01/2014 : 06/30/2014 638 lb/day No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1.

Calculated_0709 Tab 4 M-001 Chlorine, Total Residual 30-Day Average 04/01/2014 : 04/30/2014 30 ug/L No Monthly avg result.


of Daily 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_070c

_Maximums Tab 2 M-001 Chlorine, Total Residual 30-Day Average 05/01/2014 : 05/31/2014 22 ug/L No Monthly avg result.


of Daily 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_070c lMaximums Tab 3 M-001 Chlorine, Total Residual 30-Day Average 06/01/2014 : 06/30/2014 22 ug/L No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

of Daily 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 lMaximums Fab 4 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/01/2014 : 04/01/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/02/2014: 04/02/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070-I M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/03/2014: 04/03/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/04/2014 : 04/04/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/05/2014 : 04/05/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070c I


=_ Page 5 of 28

.Locaton Parameter Calculation Sample Analysis Oual Result.




  • Review QA Comments Data Source



Codes Indicator M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/06/2014 04/06/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/07/2014 04/07/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/08/2014: 04/08/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/09/2014: 04/09/2014 2486 AGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Hlow Daily Discharge 04/10/2014 : 04/10/2014 2486 AGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/11/2014 : 04/11/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/12/2014 : 04/12/2014 2486 AGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/13/2014 : 04/13/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/14/2014 : 04/14/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/15/2014 : 04/15/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/16/2014 : 04/16/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/17/2014 : 04/17/2014 2486 AGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 070. M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/18/2014: 04/18/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070_ M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/19/2014: 04/19/2014 2486 AGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/20/2014 : 04/20/2014 2486 AGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/21/2014 : 04/21/2014 2486 AGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070. M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/22/2014 : 04/22/2014 2486 AGD No CDF_Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070.

2014.zi I

M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/23/2014 : 04/23/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/24/2014 : 04/24/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070. M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/25/2014 : 04/25/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070 2014.zio Page 6 of 28

  • Location Parameter, Calculation Sample Analysis Qual Result Units MDL ML RL Review QA Comments Data Source Type Date/Time Date.

Priority.Codes Indicator M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/26/2014 04/26/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 070. M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/27/2014 04/27/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070.

I_ M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/28/2014: 04/28/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/29/2014 : 04/29/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 04/30/2014 : 04/30/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/01/2014 : 05/01/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/02/2014 : 05/02/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/03/2014 : 05/03/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 2014.zi I

M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/04/2014 : 05/04/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070. M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/05/2014: 05/05/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 2014,zip M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/06/2014 : 05/06/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/07/2014 : 05/07/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/08/2014 : 05/08/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/09/2014: 05/09/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 070 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/10/2014 : 05/10/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/11/2014 : 05/11/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/12/2014 : 05/12/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709


.zip M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/13/2014 : 05/13/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/14/2014 : 05/14/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/15/2014 : 05/15/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 I_

I__ Page 7 of 28

Location Parameter

Calculation Sample Analysis Qual Result Units MDL ML RL Review QA Comments,,,

Data Source

Type Date/Time Date Priority

Indicator M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/16/2014 05/16/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 070S M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/17/2014 05/17/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

D0:00:00 Calculated_0709 I_



2014.zio M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/18/2014 05/18/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/19/2014 05/19/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/20/2014 05/20/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/21/2014 : 05/21/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070-2014.ziD MT-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/22/2014 : 05/22/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical 00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/23/2014 : 05/23/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 Calculated_070 2014.ziD M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/24/2014 : 05/24/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070. M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/25/2014 : 05/25/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/26/2014 : 05/26/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 Calculated_0709 2014.zio M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/27/2014 : 05/27/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/28/2014 : 05/28/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/29/2014 05/29/2014 2486 MGD No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 Calculated 070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/30/2014 : 05/30/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 05/31/2014 : 05/31/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/01/2014 : 06/01/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical 00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/02/2014 : 06/02/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/03/2014 : 06/03/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/04/2014 : 06/04/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical 00:00:00 Calculated_070c

_2014.zipI Page 8 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation Sample Analysis Qual Result Units MDL ML RL Review QA Comments Data Source L.

Type Date/Time

Date, Priority. Codes Indicator M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/05/2014: 06/05/2014


2486 I1GD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/06/2014: 06/06/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070 I

1 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/07/2014: 06/07/2014


2486 MGD No CDF_Analytical_

00:00:00 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/08/2014: 06/08/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/09/2014 : 06/09/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/10/2014 : 06/10/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/11/2014 : 06/11/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/12/2014 : 06/12/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical 00:00:00 Calculated_070A M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/13/2014 : 06/13/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/14/2014 : 06/14/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/15/2014 : 06/15/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070c M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/16/2014 : 06/16/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 2014.zio M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/17/2014 : 06/17/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070. M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/18/2014 06/18/2014


2486 MGD No CDF_Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 070.

2014.zio M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/19/2014 : 06/19/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070-

___________20 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/20/2014 : 06/20/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/21/2014 : 06/21/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/22/2014 : 06/22/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/23/2014: 06/23/2014


2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/24/2014 : 06/24/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00;00:00 Page 9 of 28

Location Para.. eter

Calculation Sampl*e Analysis Qual Result,, sTUnits" MDL *ML
gRL Revlew*

QA Comments Data Source Type Date/Time bDate

ýPrlorityi Codes, Indicator M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/25/2014 06/25/2014


2486 MGD No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/26/2014 : 06/26/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 2014.zi I

M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/27/2014 06/27/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0701 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/28/2014 : 06/28/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/29/2014 : 06/29/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Flow Daily Discharge 06/30/2014 : 06/30/2014 2486 MGD No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/01/2014: 04101/2014 71.8 Degrees No CODF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/02/2014 : 04/02/2014 71.8 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/03/2014 : 04/03/2014 70.9 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated 0700 2014.zio M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/04/2014 : 04/04/2014 71.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/05/2014 : 04/05/2014 69.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/06/2014 : 04/06/2014 69.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/07/2014 : 04/07/2014 70.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/08/2014 : 04/08/2014 70.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/09/2014 : 04/09/2014 70.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/10/2014 : 04/10/2014 70.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/11/2014 : 04/11/2014 70 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04112/2014 : 04/12/2014 70 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/13/2014 : 04/13/2014 70 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/14/2014 : 04/14/2014


69.8 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 Page 10 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation

.Sample Analysis "Qual Result Units MDL ML RL Review...

QA Comments M. Data Source Type' Date/Time Date Priority: Codes Indicator M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/15/2014 04/15/2014


69.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/16/2014 04/16/2014 69.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F




I_ M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/17/2014 : 04/17/2014 69.9 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated 070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/18/2014 : 04/18/2014 70.8 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/19/2014 : 04/19/2014 70.1 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/20/2014 : 04/20/2014 69.7 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/21/2014 : 04/21/2014 70.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/22/2014 : 04/22/2014 70 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/23/2014 : 04/23/2014 68.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/24/2014 : 04/24/2014 68.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/25/2014 : 04/25/2014 68.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/26/2014 : 04/26/2014 68.8 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/27/2014 : 04/27/2014 68.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/28/2014. 04/28/2014 68.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/29/2014 : 04/29/2014 68.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 04/30/2014 : 04/30/2014 69 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/01/2014 : 05/01/2014 69.7 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/02/2014 : 05/0212014 69.8 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/03/2014 : 05/03/2014 68.7 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/04/2014 : 05/04/2014 69.1 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. Page 11 of 28

.ýLocatton Parameter



ýAnalysls Qual Result Units MDL ML RL

Review QA Comments Data Source Type Datfeime Date Priority Codes%


M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/05/2014: 05/05/2014


69.1 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 070_ M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/06/2014 05/06/2014 68.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F



I_ M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/07/2014 05/07/2014 68.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070_ M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/08/2014 : 05/08/2014


68.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/09/2014 : 05/09/2014


68.7 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/10/2014 : 05/10/2014


68.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/11/2014: 05/11/2014


67.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/12/2014 : 05/12/2014


68.8 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070_ M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/13/2014 : 05/13/2014


70 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/14/2014 : 05/14/2014


70.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/15/2014 : 05/15/2014


70.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/16/2014 : 05/16/2014 69.8 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/17/2014 : 05/17/2014 69.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/18/2014 : 05/18/2014 69.1 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/19/2014 : 05/19/2014 68.9 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 2014,zip M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/20/2014 : 05/20/2014 69.8 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/21/2014 : 05/21/2014


69.9 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/22/2014 : 05/22/2014


70.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/23/2014 : 05/23/2014 70.9 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/24/2014 : 05/24/2014 71.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 2014.201zii Page 12 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation Sample.

Analysis Qual R

RL Review QA Comments Data Source Type Date/Time Date Priority Codes Idi ator.

M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/25/2014: 05/25/2014


71.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/26/2014 05/26/2014 72.1 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F



I M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/27/2014: 05/27/2014 71.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/28/2014 :05/28/2014 70.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/29/2014 :05/29/2014 70.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/30/2014: 05/30/2014 71.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F


I M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 05/31/2014: 05/31/2014 65.7 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/01/2014 : 06/01/2014 69.9 Degrees No CDFAnalytical 00:00:00 F


I_ M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/02/2014 :06/02/2014 70.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/03/2014 :06/03/2014 70.8 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/04/2014 : 06/04/2014 70.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/05/2014 : 06/05/2014 70.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/06/2014 : 06/06/2014 70.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 lemperature 24-hour Average 06/07/2014 : 06/07/2014 70.9 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F


I I_

I M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/08/2014 : 06/08/2014 66.8 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070 2014.ziD M-001 lemperature 24-hour Average 06/09/2014 : 06/09/2014 71.9 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/10/2014 : 06/10/2014 73 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 1_

1 M-001 lemperature 24-hour Average 06/11/2014 : 06/11/2014 72.9 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F


2014.zi M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/12/2014 : 06/12/2014 73.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/13/2014 : 06/13/2014 72.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. I

Page 13 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation x%

Sample Analysis?

Qual Result` *Unlts MDL W


Review QA Comments Data Source DtType

'D Time Date PrIio C

.pe" Indicator Cod.

M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/14/2014 06/14/2014


72.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/15/2014 06/15/2014


73 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I_



I2014.zio M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/16/2014 : 06/16/2014


72.6 Degrees No CDF_- Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 2014.zio M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/17/2014 : 06/17/2014


71.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/18/2014 : 06/18/2014


71.8 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 1_ M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/19/2014: 06/19/2014


72.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/20/2014. 06/20/2014


71.2 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/21/2014 : 06/21/2014


71.9 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/22/2014 : 06/22/2014


71.7 Degrees No CDF_- Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/23/2014 : 06/23/2014


71.1 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/24/2014 : 06/24/2014


72 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/25/2014 : 06/25/2014


71.1 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/26/2014 : 06/26/2014


70.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/27/2014 0 06/27/2014


70.8 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/28/2014 : 06/28/2014


70.5 Degrees No CDF_- Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g I M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/29/2014 : 06/29/2014


70.8 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature 24-hour Average 06/30/2014 : 06/30/2014


72.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated 070g 2014.zi 1

M-001 Temperature Daily Maximum 04/30/2014 : 04/30/2014


71.8 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Daily Maximum 05/31/2014 0: 5/31/2014


72.1 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 070g M-001 Temperature Daily Maximum 06/30/2014 : 06/30/2014 73.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 Page 14 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation


. Analysls.

QualY Result Units MDL



ý Revlew QA Comments Data Source Tatyp"ee::."

Date/rime1 Date.


Codes, Indicator M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/01/2014 04/01/2014


18.2 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/02/2014 : 04/02/2014 18.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 2014.ziD M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/03/2014 : 04/03/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/04/2014 : 04/04/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/05/2014 : 04/05/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I_

I I M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/06/2014 : 04/06/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/07/2014 : 04/07/2014 18.2 Degrees No CDF Analytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/08/2014 : 04/08/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/09/2014 : 04/09/2014 18.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/10/2014 : 04/10/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/11/2014 : 04/11/2014 18.2 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I_

I I M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/12/2014 : 04/12/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/13/2014 : 04/13/2014 18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/14/2014 : 04/14/2014 18.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/15/2014 : 04/15/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/16/2014 : 04/16/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/17/2014 : 04/17/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/18/2014 : 04/18/2014 18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/19/2014 : 04/19/2014 18.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/20/2014 : 04/20/2014 18.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 Page 15 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation Sample Analysis Qual Result..

Units M, L

.RL Review QA Comments Data Source

  • Type Date/T~me Date
  • Priority Codes 4,

Indicator M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/21/2014 04/21/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 1_ M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/22/2014 04/22/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I_



I 2014,zip M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/23/2014 04/23/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F



1 2014.zio MI-001 Temperature Delta from 04/24/2014 : 04/24/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 MI-001 Temperature Delta from 04/2512014 : 04/25/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 1__________


M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/26/2014 : 04/26/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical


00:00:00 F


2014,zip M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/27/2014 : 04/27/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c MI-001 Temperature Delta from 04/28/2014 : 04/28/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070 2014,zip M-001 Temperature Delta from 04/29/2014 : 04/29/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c MI-001 Temperature Delta from 04/30/2014 : 04/30/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/01/2014 : 05/01/2014


18,2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F



I I MI-001 Temperature Delta from 05/02/2014 : 05/02/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 070.

I2 M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/03/2014 : 05/03/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 1_ M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/04/2014 : 05/04/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F


I_ MI-001 Temperature Delta from 05/05/2014 : 05/05/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F


____________2014.ZiD M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/06/2014: 05/06/2014


18.2 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 MI-001 Temperature Delta from 05/07/2014 : 05/07/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F


I MI-001 Temperature Delta from 05/08/2014 : 05/08/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/09/2014: 05/09/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 MI-001 Temperature Delta from 05/10/2014 : 05/10/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I_ Page 16 of 28

Location Parameter

.ji Calculation Sample Analysis Qual Result Units MDL ML RL.


QA Comments Data Source Type DatefTme Date Priority, Codes

' i Indicator.

M-001 temperature Delta from 05/11/2014: 05/11/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/12/2014 05/12/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/13/2014 05/13/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/14/2014 :05/14/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/15/2014 : 05/15/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/16/2014 : 05/16/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/17/2014 : 05/17/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/18/2014: 05/18/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/19/2014 : 05/19/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F


2014.zio M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/20/2014 : 05/20/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M'-01 Temperature Delta from 05/21/2014 : 05/21/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/22/2014 : 05/22/2014


18.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/23/2014: 05/23/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-601 Temperature Delta from 05/24/2014 05/24/2014


18.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 emperature Delta from 05/25/2014 : 05/25/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F


I_ M-001 emperature Delta from 05/26/2014 : 05/26/2014


18.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated 070.

I I_ M-001 emperature Delta from 05/27/2014 : 05/27/2014


18.2 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 070.

1 M-001 emperature Delta from 05/28/2014 : 05/28/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I_ M-001 emperature Delta from 05/29/2014: 05/29/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I M-001 emperature Delta from 05/30/2014 : 05/30/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 S1 1_

1 1

1 Page 17 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation Sample Analysis Qual Result Units IMDL ML RL Review QA Comments DataSource

.Type Date/Time Date Priority Codes Indicator M-001 Temperature Delta from 05/31/2014 05/31/2014


13.8 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070O T-001 Temperature Delta from 06/01/2014 06/01/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070 I_ M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/02/2014 06/02/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF_Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 2014.zio M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/03/2014 : 06/03/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/04/2014 : 06/04/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/05/2014 : 06/0512014


18.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/06/2014 : 06/06/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/07/2014 : 06/07/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 2014.ziD M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/08/2014: 06/08/2014


14.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/0912014 : 06/09/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/10/2014 : 06/10/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/11/2014 : 06/11/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 2014.zio M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/12/2014: 06/12/2014


18.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/13/2014. 06/13/2014


18.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_-0709 1 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/14/2014 : 06/14/2014


18.5 Degrees No CDF_Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06115/2014 : 06/15/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/16/2014 : 06/16/2014


18.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/17/2014 : 06/17/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070O 2014.ziD M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/18/2014 : 06/18/2014


18.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_.0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/1912014 : 06/19/2014


18.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 Page 18 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation

Sample, Analysis Dual Result
  • iUnits MDL ML RL Review QA Comments Data Source Type' Date/Time Date Priority Codes em ertue Delta

,".In icl;ator M-001 Temperature Delta from 06120/2014 06/20/2014


18.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/21/2014 06/21/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g I_


_2014.zi I

M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/22/2014 : 06/22/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/23/2014 : 06/23/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/24/2014 : 06/24/2014


18.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g I_

I M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/25/2014 : 06/25/2014


18.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g 2014.zio M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/26/2014 : 06/26/2014


18.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/27/2014 : 06/27/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 1_

1 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/28/2014 : 06/28/2014


18.5 Degrees No CDF.Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/29/2014 : 06/29/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical


00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-001 Temperature Delta from 06/30/2014 : 06/30/2014


18.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_


00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I_

I 2014.zio M-001 Temperature Monthly Average 04/30/2014 : 04/30/2014


69.8 Degrees No CDFAnalytical of Daily Averages 00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Monthly Average 05131/2014 : 05/31/2014


69.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical of Daily Averages 00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-001 Temperature Monthly Average 06/30/2014 : 06/30/2014


71.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

of Daily Averages 00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 2014.zio M-001D Cadmium, Total 90-Day Mean 04/03/2014: 06/19/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070g M-001D Chromium (Total) 90-Day Mean 04/03/2014; 06/19/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001D Copper, Total 90-Day Mean 04103/2014 : 06/19/2014


14 ug/L No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 M-001D Lead, Total 90-Day Mean 04/03/2014 : 06/19/2014 DNQ 5 ug/L 5

10 No CODF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070g M-001D Mercury, Total 90-Day Mean 04/03/2014 : 06/19/2014 DNQ 0.053 ug/L


.2 No See Attachment 2, CDFAnalytical 00:00:00 Contract Lab Report Calculated_0709 M-OO1D Nickel, Total 90-Day Mean 04/03/2014 : 06/19/2014 DNQ 5 ug/L 5

10 No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_070§ I_






2014.zio Page 19 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation-

...Sample Analysis QuaIl Result Units MDL ML RL Review Q

QA Comments Data Source

<*,**Type Date/Tim e Dat Pr:


.. Tye Dae A

Codes M-001D Oil and Grease 30-Day Average 06/0512014 06/19/2014 5 mg/L No Monthly avg result.


00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_070 Tab 7 M-001D Oil and Grease 30-Day Average 04/08/2014 04/23/2014 DNQ 1.4 mg/L 1.4 5

No Monthly avg result.


00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 I


Tab 5 M-001D Oil and Grease 30-Day Average 05/01/2014: 05/07/2014 DNQ 1.4 mg/L 1.4 5

No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 Tab 6 M-O01D Silver, Total 90-Day Mean u4/03/2014 : 06/19/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated_0709 2014.zio M-001D Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 04/08/2014 : 04/23/2014 5 mg/L No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, CalculatedO070O

Tab 5 M-001D Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average u5101/2014
05/21/2014 5 mg/L No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated 0709 Tab 6 M-001D Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 06/05/2014 : 06/19/2014 5 mg/L No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated 0709 Tab 7 M-001D Zinc, Total 90-Day Mean 04/03/2014 : 06/19/2014


77 ug/L No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001F Cadmium, Total 7-Day Average 04/02/2014: 04/09/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDFAnalytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Calculated 0709 M-001F Chromium (Total) 7-Day Average 04/02/2014 : 04/09/2014


20 ug/L No CDFAnalytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Calculated_0709 1_ M-001F Copper, Total 7-Day Average 04/02/2014 : 04/09/2014


12 ug/L No CDF Analytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001F Lead, Total 7-Day Average 04/02/2014 : 04/09/2014


10 ug/L No CDFAnalytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Calculated 0709 I M-OO1F Mercury, Total 7-Day Average 04/02/2014 : 04/09/2014 ND ug/L

.05 No See Attachment 2, CDF Analytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Contract Lab Report Calculated 0709 M-001F Nickel, Total 7-Day Average 04/02/2014 : 04/09/2014 14 ug/L No CDFAnalytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Calculated_0709 I_ M-001F Silver, Total 7-Day Average 04/02/2014 : 04/09/2014 ND ug/L 5

No CDF Analytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Calculated_070g I_ M-OO1F Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 04/02/2014 : 04/04/2014 DNQ 3 mg/L 2

5 No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 08:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated 0709 Tab 11 M-001F Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 06/03/2014 : 06/06/2014 DNQ 2 mg/L 2

5 No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 13:50:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 Tab 13 M-001F Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 05/01/2014: 05/02/2014 ND mg/L 2

No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 16:40:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated 0709 1 _

Fab 12 M-001F Zinc, Total 7-Day Average 04/02/2014 : 04/09/2014


37 ug/L No CDFAnalytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Calculated_0709 M-001H Cadmium, Total 90-Day Mean 04/01/2014 : 06/17/2014 10 ug/L No Avg of qtrly CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated_0709 I


I 1, Tab 1 Page 20 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation Sample.



/Result Units MDL MILML Review' QA Comments Data Source Type~~

Dae~m, DaePriority Codes Ty.e..ate...m.




M-001H Chromium (Total) 90-Day Mean 04/01/2014: 06/17/2014


40 Jug/L No Avg of qtrly CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Art Calculated_070S

1. Tab 1 M-001H Copper, Total 90-Day Mean 04/01/2014 06/17/2014 65 ug/L No Avg of qtrly CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated_070.

11, Tab 1 M-001H Lead, Total 90-Day Mean 04/01/2014: 06/17/2014 26 ug/L No Avg of qtrly CDF Analytical 00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated_0709 1, Tab 1 M-001H Mercury, Total 90-Day Mean 04/01/2014 : 06/17/2014 ND ug/L

.05 No Qtrly avg-AUt 1 Tab 1 CDF Analytical_


& Att 2 Contract Lab Calculated_070.

Report M-001H Nickel, Total 90-Day Mean 04/01/2014 : 06/17/2014 28 ug/L No Avg of qtrly CDFAnalytical 00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated 0709 1, Tab 1 M-001H Oil and Grease 30-Day Average 04/01/2014 : 04/01/2014 ND mg/L 1.4 No Avg result for qtrly CDFAnalytical_

of Daily Averages 00:00:00 samples. See Att 1, Calculated_0709 Tab 1 M-001H Silver, Total 90-Day Mean 04/01/2014 : 06/17/2014 10 ug/L No Avg of qtrly CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated_0709 1, Tab 1 M-001H Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 05/01/2014 : 05/01/2014 DNQ 2 mg/L 2

5 No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 Tab 12 M-001H Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 04/01/2014 : 04/01/2014 ND mg/L 2

No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_070_

Tab 11 M-001H Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 06/01/2014 : 06/02/2014 ND mg/L 2

No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 Tab 13 M-001H Zinc, Total 90-Day Mean 04/01/2014 : 06/17/2014


19 ug/L No Avg of qtrly CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated_070_

-1, Tab 1 M-001L Cadmium, Total 90-Day Mean 04/02/2014 : 06/11/2014 ND ug/L 5

No Avg of qtrly CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated_070.

1, Tab 1 M-001L Chromium (Total) 90-Day Mean 04/02/2014 : 06/11/2014 ND ug/L 5

No Avg of qtrly CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated_070.

1, Tab 1 M-001L Copper, Total 90-Day Mean 04/02/2014 : 06/11/2014 ND ug/L 5

No Avg of qtrly CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated_070.

1. Tab 1 M-OO1L Lead, Total 90-Day Mean 04/02/2014 : 06/11/2014 ND ug/L 5

No vg of qtrly CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated 0709 1, Tab 1 M-001L Mercury, Total 90-Day Mean 04/02/2014 : 06/11/2014 ND ug/L

.05 No Qtrly avg-AUt 1 Tab 1 CDFAnalytical_


& Att 2 Contract Lab Calculated_0709

_Report 2014.ziD M-001L Nickel, Total 90-Day Mean 04/02/2014 : 06/11/2014 ND ug/L 5

No Avg of qtrly CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated_0709 1, Tab 1 2014.zio M-001L Oil and Grease 90-Day Mean 04/03/2014 : 05/29/2014 ND mg/L 1.4 No Avg result for qtrly CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 samples. See AUt 1, Calculated 0709 Tab 1 M-001L Silver, Total 90-Day Mean 04/02/2014 : 06/11/2014 ND ug/L 5

No Avg of qtrly CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 composites. See AUt Calculated_0709

1. Tab 1 M-001L Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 04/04/2014 : 04/04/2014 ND mg/L 2

No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_070c I


_ab 11 Page 21 of 28

Location Parameter


Sample Analysis Qual

  • Result

.its MDL ML.

RL Review

.QA Comments Data.Source T:ype

>.Datefflme Date Priority-Codes lindicator M-001L Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 05102/2014 05/0212014 ND mg/L 2

-No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated 0709 Tab 12 M-001L Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 06105/2014 06/05/2014 ND mg/L 2

No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_070 I

Tab 13 M-001L Zinc, Total 90-Day Mean 04/02/2014 06/11/2014


11 ug/L No Avg of qtrly CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 composites. See Att Calculated_0709

.1. Tab 1 2014.zio M-001M Oil and Grease 30-Day Average 05/28/2014 : 06/02/2014 ND mg/L 1.4 No Avg result for qtrly CDF.Analytical of Daily Averages 12:50:00 samples. See Att 1, Calculated 070.

T-ab 1 M-001N Oil and Grease 30-Day Average 04/03/2014 : 04/23/2014 DNO 0.92 mg/L

.72 5

No Monthly avg - Att 1 CDFAnalytical_

of Daily Averages 00:00:00 Tab 8 & Att 2 Contr.


_ab Rot. M-001N Oil and Grease 30-Day Average 05/01/2014 : 05/28/2014 DNQ 0.72 mg/L

.72 5

No Monthly avg - Att 1 CDF Analytical_

of Daily Averages 00:00:00 Tab 9 & Att 2 Contr.

Calculated 0709 Lab Rot.

2014.zio M-001N Oil and Grease 30-Day Average 06/03/2014 : 06/23/2014 DNQ 0.72 mg/L

.72 5

No Monthly avg - Att I CDFAnalytical_

of Daily Averages 00:00:00 Tab 10 & Att 2 Contr. Calculated_0709 Lab Rot.

2014,zip M-001N Settleable Solids 30-Day Average 04/03/2014 : 04/23/2014 DNQ 0.1 mIlL


.1 No Monthly avg - Att 1 CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Tab 8 & Att 2 Contr.


I Lab Rot.

2014,zip M-001N Settleable Solids 30-Day Average 05/01/2014 : 05/28/2014 DNQ 0.1 ml/L


.1 No Monthly avg - Att 1 CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Tab 9 & Att 2 Contr.


lab Rpt.

2 M-001N Settleable Solids 30-Day Average 06103/2014: 06123/2014 DNQ 0,1 milL


.1 No Monthly avg - Att I CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 Tab 10 & Att 2 Contr. Calculated_0709

_ab Rot. M-001N Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 04/03/2014 : 04/23/2014


12 mg/L No Monthly avg - Att 1 CDFAnalytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 Tab 8 & Att 2 Contr.

Calculated_0709 Lab Rpt. M-001N Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 05/01/2014 : 05/28/2014


6 mg/L No Monthly avg - Att 1 CDF Analytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 Tab 9 & Att 2 Contr.


I __lab Rpt. M-OO1N Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 06/03/2014 : 06/23/2014


3 mg/L No Monthly avg - Att 1 CDFAnalytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 Tab 10 & Att 2 Contr. Calculated_070.

Lab Rot.

2014.zio M-001P pH Daily Average 04/09/2014 : 04/09/2014


7.7 SU No See Attachment #1, CDFAnalytical (Mean) 08:35:00 Tab 11 Calculated_0709 M-001P pH Daily Average 05/01/2014 : 05/01/2014


7.8 5U No See Attachment #1, CDFAnalytical_

(Mean) 14:00:00 Tab 12 Calculated 0709 M-001P pH Daily Average 06/03/2014 : 06/03/2014


7.7 SU No See Attachment #1, CDFAnalytical_

(Mean) 07:50:00 ab 13 Calculated_0709 I_

r M-001P Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 05/01/2014 : 05/01/2014 5 mg/L No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1.


Tab 12 M-001P Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 06/03/2014 : 06/03/2014 5 mg/L No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_070c Tab 13 M-001P Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 04/09/2014 : 04/11/2014 DNQ 2 mg/L 2

5 No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 Fab 11 M-002 Oil and Grease 30-Day Average 04/09/2014 : 04/09/2014 ND mg/L 1.4 No Avg result for qrtrly CDF Analytical_

of Daily Averages 00:00:00 samples. See Att 1, Calculated_0709 1

1 1

ab 1 Page 22 of 28

Para r

Calculation Sample

. Analysis Qual Result Uits ML MrL or Review QA Comment O.So Loato Praeer~Type:

DaterTime Date Resultt MCodesý PrioriyC


<Indicator M-002 pH Daily Average 04/09/2014: 04/09/2014


7.9 SU No See Attachment #1, CDF Analytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Tab 11 Calculated 0709 M-002 pH Daily Average 05/07/2014: 05/07/2014


7.8 SU No See Attachment #1, CDFAnalytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Tab 12 Calculated_0709 I_

I I M-002 pH Daily Average 06/05/2014 06/05/2014


8 SU No See Attachment #1, CDF_- Analytical_

(Mean) 00:00:00 Tab 13 Calculated_070c M-002 Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 06/05/2014: 06/05/2014 5 mg/L No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated-070c Tab 13 M-002 Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 05/07/2014 : 05/07/2014 DNQ 2 mg/L 2

5 No Monthly avg result.


(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 Tab 12 M-002 Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 04109/2014 : 04/11/2014 ND mg/L 2

No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 I

Tab 11 M-003 Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 06/05/2014 : 06/06/2014


16 mg/L No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 13:10:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 T Tab 13 M-003 Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 04/09/2014 : 04/11/2014 DNO 2 mg/L 2

5 No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical (TSS) of Daily Averages 13:10:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_070c Tab 11 M-003 Total Suspended Solids 30-Day Average 05/07/2014 : 05/08/2014 ND mg/L 2

No Monthly avg result.

CDF Analytical_

(TSS) of Daily Averages 10:19:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 Tab 12 M-INF Chromium (Total) 90-Day Mean 04110/2014: 06/12/2014 ND ug/L 5

No Quarterly avg result. CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 1

Tab 1. M-INF Copper, Total 90-Day Mean 04/10/2014 : 06/12/2014 DNQ 7 ug/L 5

10 No Quarterly avg result. CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_070c Tab 1.

2014.zio I-1NF Nickel, Total 90-Day Mean 04/10/2014 : 06/12/2014 ND ug/L 5

No Quarterly avg result. CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 I


[Tab 1. M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/01/2014 : 04/01/2014


53.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/02/2014 : 04/02/2014


53.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 2014.zio M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/03/2014 : 04/03/2014


52.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 1

_2014,zip M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/04/2014 : 04/04/2014


53 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/05/2014 : 04/05/2014


51.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/06/2014 : 04/06/2014


51 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/07/2014 : 04/07/2014


52 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/08/2014 : 04/08/2014


52.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 014_,zipzi Page 23 of 28


'Parameter; Calculation-Sample ' Analysis Qual. fResult'~ Units MDL.

ML' RL Review QA Comments Data Source.

Type DatefTime Date Priority Codes Indicator M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/09/2014 04/09/2014


52 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/10/2014 04/10/2014 51.9 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F



I_ M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/11/2014 : 04/11/2014 51.8 Degrees No CDF _Analytical_

00:00:00 F


201 4.ziD M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/12/2014: 04/12/2014 51.7 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 070_ M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/13/2014 : 04113/2014 51.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 2014,zip M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/14/2014: 04/14/2014 51.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0701 I__ M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/15/2014 : 04/15/2014 51.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 070 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/16/2014 : 04/16/2014 51 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/17/2014: 04/17/2014 51.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/18/2014 : 04/18/2014 52.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070 2014.zio M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/19/2014: 04/19/2014 51.7 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 2014.ziD M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/20/2014 : 04/2012014 51.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/21/2014 : 04/21/2014 52.2 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/22/2014. 04/22/2014 51.7 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/23/2014 : 04/23/2014 50.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F


_2014.zio M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/24/2014 : 04/24/2014 50 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/25/2014 : 04/25/2014 50.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/26/2014 : 04/26/2014


50.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/27/2014 : 04/27/2014


50.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/28/2014 : 04/28/2014

=50.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 070 201__ 4.zipi Page 24 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation Sample..,.

Analysis.,ual Result Units MDL ML RL Review.

QA Comments Data Source a


  • Date/Time Date Prioraiot Codes I1ndicatR!

M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/29/2014 04/29/2014


50.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 070g M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 04/30/2014 : 04/30/2014 50.7 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F


' M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/01/2014: 05/01/2014 51.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/02/2014 : 05/02/2014


51.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/03/2014 : 05/03/2014


50.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I, M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/04/2014: 05/04/2014


50.8 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/05/2014 : 05/05/2014


50.8 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/06/2014 : 05/06/2014


50.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/07/2014 : 05/07/2014


50 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/08/2014 : 05/08/2014


50.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/09/2014 : 05/09/2014 50.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/10/2014 : 05/10/2014 50 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/11/2014 : 05/11/2014 49.2 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/12/2014 : 05/12/2014 50.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/13/2014: 05/13/2014 51.7 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/14/2014 : 05/14/2014


52.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/15/2014 : 05/15/2014


52.1 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/16/2014: 05/16/2014


51.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/17/2014: 05/17/2014


50.9 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 0)5/18/2014 : 05/18/2014


50.8 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 20__ 4201 ip Page 25 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation Sample Analysis

Qual, Result Units MDL ML RL Review Q

Comments Data Source

%ý,~e..Dtrm Date.

Priority codes indicator M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/19/2014 05/19/2014


50.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/2012014 05/20/2014


51.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I

I_ M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/2112014 : 05/21/2014


51.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/22/2014 : 05/22/2014


52.2 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/23/2014 : 05/23/2014


52.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/24/2014 : 05/24/2014


53 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/25/2014 : 05/25/2014


53.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/26/2014 : 05/26/2014


53.9 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 1_ M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/27/2014 : 05/27/2014


53.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/28/2014 : 05/28/2014


52 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/29/2014 : 05/29/2014


52.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/30/2014 :05/30/2014


53.1 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 05/31/2014 : 05/31/2014


51.9 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/01/2014 : 06/01/2014


51.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/02/2014 : 06/02/2014


52.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/03/2014 : 06/03/2014


52.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/04/2014 : 06/04/2014


52 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g 2014.zio M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/05/2014 : 06/05/2014


52.2 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/06/2014 : 06/06/2014


52.3 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/07/2014 : 06/07/2014


52.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical 00:00:00 F Page 26 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation'.

Sample Analysis Qual Result Units MDi ML RL,Review QA Comments DataýSource Type Date/T~me Date Priority Codes.

.ndicator M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/08/2014 06/08/2014


52.4 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/09/2014: 06/09/2014 53.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/10/2014 06/10/2014 54.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070S M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/1112014: 06/11/2014 54.5 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070g M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/12/2014 : 06/12/2014 54.9 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/13/2014 : 06/13/2014 54.1 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/14/2014 : 06/14/2014 53.9 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I_ M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/15/2014 : 06/15/2014 54.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/16/2014 : 06/16/2014 54 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/17/2014 : 06/17/2014 53.1 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/18/2014 : 06/18/2014 53.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/19/2014 : 06/19/2014 53.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/20/2014 : 06/20/2014 52.7 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/21/2014 : 06/21/2014 53.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 M-INF emperature 24-hour Average 06/22/2014 : 06/22/2014 53.3 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I M-INF emperature 24-hour Average 06/23/2014 : 06/23/2014 52.7 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I __ M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/24/2014 : 06/24/2014 53.7 Degrees No CDFAnalytical 00:00:00 F

Calculated 070g M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/25/2014 : 06/25/2014 52.6 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/26/2014 : 06/26/2014 52.1 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 M-INF emperature 24-hour Average 06/27/2014 : 06/27/2014 52.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 IT I_ Page 27 of 28

Location Parameter Calculation Sample Analysis Qual Result.

Units MDL ML RL Review

. QA Comments Data Source Type Date/Time Date Priority Codes Indicator M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/28/2014 06/28/2014


52 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/29/2014 06/29/2014


52.4 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_0709 I_

I_ M-INF Temperature 24-hour Average 06/30/2014 :06/30/2014


54.1 IDegrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c 2014,zip M-INF Temperature DailyMaximum 04/30/2014 :04/30/2014


53.6 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070. M-INF Temperature Daily Maximum 05/31/2014 : 05/31/2014


53.9 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c 2014,zip M-INF Temperature Daily Maximum 06/30/2014 : 06/30/2014


54.9 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 F

Calculated 0709 I_

2014,zip M-INF Temperature Monthly Average 04/30/2014 : 04/30/2014


51.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical of Daily Averages 00:00:00 F

Calculated90709 M-INF Temperature Monthly Average 05/31/2014 :05/31/2014


51.5 Degrees No CDFAnalytical_

of Daily Averages 00:00:00 F

Calculated_070c M-INF Temperature Monthly Average 06/30/2014 :06/30/2014


53.1 Degrees No CDF Analytical_

of Daily Averages 00:00:00 F

Calculated_070 M-INF Zinc, Total 90-Day Mean 04/10/2014 : 06/12/2014 ND ug/L 5

No Quarterly avg result. CDFAnalytical_

00:00:00 See Attachment 1, Calculated_0709 Tab 1. Certificate I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

I certify that I am Kenneth Cortese and am authorized to submit this report on behalf of PG&E DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT. I understand that I am submitting the following report(s):

- Quarterly SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for Q2 2014 (due 07/20/2014)

I understand that data submitted in this report(s) can be used by authorized agencies for water quality management related analyses and enforcement actions, if required.

I am also aware that my user ID, password, and answer to a challenge question constitute my electronic signature and any information I indicate I am electronically certifying contains my signature. I understand that my electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my handwritten signature. I certify that I have not violated any term in my Electronic Signature Agreement and that I am otherwise without any reason to believe that the confidentiality of my password and challenge question answers have been compromised now or at any time prior to this submission. I understand that this attestation of fact pertains to the implementation, oversight, and enforcement of a federal environmental program and must be true to the best of my knowledge.


Kenneth Cortese


No Title Page 28 of 28

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm Diablo Canyon Power Plant - NPDES Data Worksheets 2nd Quarter 2014 Tab Information Y

Go To Tab I I

Miscellaneous Quarterly Duplicate Averages Go To Tab 2 2

Circulating Water Chlorine Residual - April Go To Tab 3 3

Circulating Water Chlorine Residual - May Go To Tab 4 4

Circulating Water Chlorine Residual - June Go To Tab 5 5

001 D Flow Weighted Averages For TSS and O&G - April Go To Tab 6 6

001 D Flow Weighted Averages For TSS and O&G - May Go To Tab 7 7

001 D Flow Weighted Averages For TSS and O&G - June Go To Tab 8 8

001 N TSS, SS and O&G - April Go To Tab 9 9

001N TSS, SS and O&G - May Go To Tab 10 10 001N TSS, SS and O&G - June Go To Tab 11 11 Miscellaneous Duplicates - April Go To Tab 12 12 Miscellaneous Duplicates - May Go To Tab 13 13 Miscellaneous Duplicates - June Navigation

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm A


0 E


H 2

Miscellaneous Quai 3

r Quarterly eSMR 4

5 6



,PP I r Lab data.

7 Sample Date Analysis Dat, 8

9 10 11 12

  • 4/10/2014 5/9/2014 6112/2014 I


DCPP 5/20/2014 DCPP 6/26/2014 DCPP Influent Cr 13 4/10/2014 4/22/2014 DCPP

Infl, 14 5/9/2014 151 6/12/2014 16 5/20/2014 6/26/2014 4122/2014 DCPP DCPP DCPP Influent Cu Influent Cu Influent Ni ND(5)




ND(5) 17 18 19 20 22 23 4/10/2014 ND(S)

Influent Ni ND(5)

Influent Ni ND(5)


ND(5) 4/10/2014 4/22/2014 DCPPT________

5/9/2014 5/20/2014 DCPP 6/12/2014 6/26/2014 DCPP 24 25 26 Sample Date 27 28 4/1/2014 29 4/1/2014 30 31 5/29/2014 32 5/28/2014 33 el-4/3/2014 4/3/2014 5/29/2014 6/2/2014 4/2/2014 4/17/2014 5/29/2014 6/2/2014 001H 001 H 001M 0011L 001L 1

2 N/A N-/A 1

O&G NO(1.4)


O&G ND(I.4) 34 35 371 4/3/2014 4/17/2014 5/29/2014 6/2/2014 O&G O&G C&G O&G O&G O&G ND(1.4)




ND(1.4) 2 384 j

4 1

1 39 4/9/2014 4/17/2014 1002 2

401 4/9/2014 1411712014 1002 1

2 ND(1.4)







<10 1

14 ND(5)

<10 1

15 41 42 43 44 4/1 to 6116/2014 4/1 to 6/17/2014 6/26/2014 6/26/2014 451 47V 1001H


1 ICr 33 1

001H 2

Cr 47 50 1001H 1

ICu 59 001H 2

Cu 54 4/1 to 6/16/2014 6/26/2014 1OO1H 1

Ni 55 4/1 to 6/17/2014 6/26/2014 001H 2

Ni 56 57 4/1 to 6/16/2014 6/26/2014 001H 1

Pb 58 4/1 to 6/17/2014 6/26/2014 001H 2

Pb 59 60 4/1 to 6/16/2014 6/26/2014 001H 1

Zn 71 21 3-5 31 72 26 61 4/1 to 6/17/2014 61/261/2014 62 63 64 T5 66 T7 68 69 7O 71 72 73 4/1 to 6/16/2014 6/24/2014 4/1 to 6/17/2014 6/24/2014 001H 001H 2

2 2


Zn ND(0.0501 ND(0.050) 4/2 to 6/11/2014 4/2 to 6111/2014 4/2 to 6/11/2014 4/2 to 6/11/2014 4/2 to 6111/2014

.I 6/26/2014 OO1L 6/26/2014 0OlL I

I 6/26/2014 001L AgI Cdd Cd NO(5)


2 6/26/2014 001L 1

4 4/2t6/11/2014 6/26/2014 1001L 1


]Cr 76 T77 78 80 81 83 F4 85 4/2 to 6/11/2014 6/26/2014 001L

/11/2014 6/26/2014 0OlL 1

4/2 to 6/11/2014 to 6/11/2014 4/2 to 6/11/2014 4/2 to 6/11/2014 4/2 to 6/11/2014 6/26/2014 001L 1

Ni ND(5)

ND(5) 2014 TooL 2



I 6/26/2014 001L 1

6/2014 001lL 2

6/26/2014 001L I

Zn DNQ(5) 21 11 86 4/2 to 6/11/2014 6/26/2014 COiL 67 88 1 4/2to6/11/2014


  • OO1L 89 1 4/2 to 6/11/2014 6/24/2014 001L

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm A







N 0

P 2

Chlorine for eSMR 3


6 Date 7

4/112014 4/212014 413/2014 4/4/2014 4/5/2014 4/6/2014 4/712014 41812014 4/9/2014 4/1012014 4/11/2014 4/12/2014 4113/2014 4/1412014 4/1512014 8

Unit1 TRC(ppb) 11 12 11


.22 24 22 15 14 18 ;

14 20 24

  • 27 32 9


<10 13

<10 22 27 18 22 22 18 20 20 20 29 29 10

<10 20 13

<10 22 22 18 12 17 15 17 24 17 35 27 11


<10 12 11 24 22 18

<10 20

<10 20 15 27 29 27 12


<10 12

<10 24 24 24 27 17 14 18 20 29 24 32 13



<10 15 20 20 18 29 15 22 20 15 27 24 27 14 Unit 1 C12 Use (lbs) 230.4 230.4 230.4 252 273.6 273.6 273.6 273.6 273.6 273.6 273.6 273.6 273.6 273.6 273.6 15 Unit 2 TRC (ppb 12 14 22 18 28 26 24 21 20 34 34

.41 31 26 26 16 18 12 24 12 28 26 24 23 26 34 31 41 28 38 28 17 10 18 20

<10 24 26 26 19 20 24 31 34 31 24 28 18 14 11 18 24 28 31 23 23 28 12 31 38 31 31

<10 19


<10 14 16 26 34 23 22 34 22 28 31 26 31

<10 20

<10 16 18 26 31 26 24 16 38 34 31 24 31 28

<10 21 Unit 2 C12 Use (lbs) 273.6 273.6 273.6 288 302.4 302.4 302.4 302.4 302.4 302.4 302.4 302.4 302.4 302.4 230.4 22 23 11 20 13 15 24 27 24 29 22 22 20 24 29 35 32 24 18 18 24 26 31 34 26 23 38 34 34 41 31 38 28 25 DailyMaximumTRC(ppb) 18 20 24 26 31 34 26 29 38 34 34 41 31 38 32 26 DaiiyCi2Use(ibs) 504 504 504 540 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 504 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35_

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm Q






2 3

4 5

6 7

4/1612014 4/1712014 411812014 411912014 412012014 412112014 412212014 4/2312014 4/24/2014 4/25/2014 412612014 4/2712014 4/2812014 412912014 4/30/2014 5/112014 8

32 24 15 17 29 14

.18 27 24 29 22 20 22 18 22 9

35 32 14 11 29

-15 20 22 27 35 27 24 29 20 18 10 32 24

<10 18

  • 24
29 27 29 27 29 29 22 29 14 11 24


<10 13 18 20 22 27 32 20 22 24 20 32 20 12 22

<10 13 24 17 20 18 29 32 18 27 24 27 24

<10 13 27 14 22 15 17 18 27 22 27 17 24 15 17 17 15 14 273.6 259.2 244.8 244.8 244.8 252 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 15

<10 31 16 24 22 1 16 24 28 31 31 18 18 20 15 16 16

<10 41 20 26 26 14 14 24 24 26 28 20 22 24 20 26 17 34 31 14 22 24 18 26 24 28 26 24 22 20 18 20 18 31 15

<10 24 28 22 20 26 28 26 24 24 18 18 12 19 38

<10 15 24

.18 22 24 34 26 22 18 18 20 22 15 20 34 20 22 31 20 20 28 28 26 16 22 15 20 15 15 21 242.41 288.0 273.6 273.6 273.6 280.8

, 288.0 288.0 288.0 288.0 288.0 288.0 288 288 288 2211 23 35 32 22 24 29 20 29 29 32 35 29 29 29 32 22 0.

24 38 41 22 31 28 22 28 34 31 31 24 24 24 22 26 0

25 38 41 22 31 29 22 29 34 32 35 29 29 29 32 26 0_

26 516 547 518 518 518 533 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 0

27 Chlonne (ppb)


Monthly 30 546 28


16,392 lbs.

Maximum 41 576 30 Minimum 18 504 311 321 I

I Verify that values have correct references.


5/21/14 cda2 Verified all row calcs to end at col AE for 30-day month.

33 I

I 33





Attachment I - 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xism l








0 P

2 Chlorine for eSMR 3



Date 7

5/11/2014 51212014 5/3/2014 5/412014 51512014 51612014 51712014 518/2014 5/9/2014 5/10/2014 5/1112014 511212014 5113/2014 5114/2014 5/15/2014 8

Unit 1 TRC (ppb)

<10 12 20 20


<10 15



<10 17




<10 9

20 24 20 14 13 17




<10 12



<10 12 10 20 12 18 15

<10 24 20





<10 13

<10 12 11


<10 24

  • 15 13

<10 12


<10 17 17


. *.. <10


.15 12 20

  • 22 20 24 18

<10 20


<10 12 15



<10 18 13

<10 15 20 13 22 24




<10 15



<10 12 14 Unit 1 C12 Use (Ibs) 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 259.2 268.8 302.4 316.8 15 Unit 2 TRC (ppb) 14 18 22 18 18 16 18 26 26 16 26 26



<10 16 20 24 22 22 18 22 20 26 20 20 26 22 12


<10 17 18

._. 16 22 20 *

  • 16*,

26 24

.. 22 24 20 24 22 14


<10 18 18 20 15 16 22 11 26 16 16 22 28



<10 10 19 14 24 26 20 24 16 34 20 14 22 26 12


<10 10 20 18 22 22 18 20 24 28 28 15 16 24 16



<10 21 Unit 2 C12 Use (Ibs) 288

.288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 302.4 316.8 2211 23 20 24 24 24 22 24 20 11 0

17 17 0

13 0

18 24 20 24 26 22 24 26 34 28 26 22 28 26 14 0

10 25 Daily Maximum TRC(ppb) 20 24 26 24 24 26 34 28 26 T 22 28 26 14 0

18 26 DailyCl2Use(Ibs) 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 557 605 634 277 28 29 30 33 341


_ I

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm Q







AG 2

3 4

5 6

7 511612014 511712014 511812014 511912014 512012014 512112014 5122/2014 512312014 512412014 512512014 512612014 512712014 512812014 512912014

'5130/2014 5131120141 8

15 17 18 17 32 18 20 14




<10 17 24 18 21 9

17 24 22 24 32 20 14





<10 14 18 17 29


18 20 22

.29 38..







  • <10 14 20

.20 29 11 24 27 17

  • 42 11 22





<10 17 22 27 17 24 12 24 27 22 38 13 11


<10 no injection


<10 11 17 17 12 29 13 24 27 20 38 22 14 15




<10 14 18 15 13 29 14 316.8 316.8 316.8 307.2 273.6 259.2 259.2 194.4 129.6 259.2 259.2 266.4 273.6 273.6 273.6 273.6 15

<10 15 15 15 15 24 12 14





<10 16 10 14 16 12 16 18 16 20 31 10






<10 14 12 15 17

<10 20 16

.18 20 26






<10 10

<10 12 17 18

<10 12 15 18 28 14


<10 no injection



<10 10 21 10 12 19 16 16 15 16 22 11


<10 no injection



<10 10 12

<10 22 20 11 18 12 16 18 14






<10 11

<10 10 24 21 316.8 316.8 316.8 309.2 316.8 324 316.8 237.6 132 316.8 316.8 316.8 316.8 316.8 316.8 316.8 22 23 24 27 22 42 38 22 20 14 0

0 0

17 22 27 20 29 24 16 20 18 18 28 31 12 14 0

0 0

0 11 21 12 24 25 24 27 22 42 38 31 20 14 0

0 0

17 227 7

20 29 26 634 634 634 616 590 583 576 432 262 576 576 583 590 590 590 590 27 Chlorine (ppb)

(lbs/day) 28 Monthly 22 562 28____


17,419 lbs.

Maximum 42 634 0226 30 Minimum 0

262 31 Verify that values have correct references.,

32 5/21/14 cdg2 Verified all row calcs to end at col AF for 31-day month.

33 34 35

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm A







N 0

p 2

Chlorine for eSMR 3

1111 4


6 Date 7

6/11/2014 61212014 6/312014 6/4/2014 6/5/2014 616/2014 617/2014 618/2014 6/19/2014 6/10/2014 6/11/2014 6/12/2014 6113/2014 6/1412014 6/15/2014 8

Unit I TRC (ppb) 22 18 24

  • 17 27 20 13 14 15 14


<10 15 13 12 9

29 18


. 18 24 35 20 18 14 14 12


<10 14 15 10 24 22 17 17 27 20 20 18

  • 14

. 12 15


<10 13 12 11 20

<10 13 28 18 22 17 18 18 20 15 12 14 13

<10 12 22 24 15 28 18 18 14 15 14 15 15 14 17 13 11 13 24 17 12 27 24 18 14 15 13

<10 12 15 14 14

<10 14 Unit I C12 Use (Ibs) 273.6 273.6 273.6 280.8 288.0 288.0 288.0 288.0 288.0 302.4 316.8 324.0 331.2 331.2 331.2 15 Unit 2 TRC (ppb) 24 20 15 16 21 13 12 13 11

<10 10

<10 13 17 13 16 24 18 16 12 17 16 14 16 11 10 12



14 17 17 24 14 14 18 19 19 16 11 11

<10 11


<10 17 11 18 15 12 12 25 19 12 11 17

<10 13

_19 14 19 13

<10 19 22 20 12 21 14 14

<10 21 12 14 17 14 17 16

<10 20 16 11

<10 21 14 16 12 13

<10 11 14 13 16 11 10 21 Unit 2 C12 Use (Ibs) 316.8 316.8 316.8 316.8 316.8 316.8 316.8 316.8 316.8 331.2 345.6 345.6 345.6 345.6 345.6 22 23 29 24 24 28 27 35 20 18 18 20 15 15 17 14 15 24 24 20 16 25 21 19 16 21 12 14 19 14 19 17 17 25 Daily Maximum TRC (ppb) 29 24 24 28 27 35 20 21 18 20 19 15 19 17 17 26 DailyC12Use(lbs) 590 590 590 598 605 605 605 605 605 634 662 670 677 677 677 27 28 29 30 I


t I

i F


I 32 33 i

F i

F i


- 2014 2nd Otr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xtsm Q






2 3

4 5

6 7

61/612014 611712014 611812014 611912014 612012014 612112014 6122/2014 6/2312014 6/2412014 612512014 612612014 6/2712014 6/28/2014 6/29/2014 6/30/2014 711/2014 8

<10 15


<10 13 13 15 11 14 13 17 27 20 22 15 9

13 17 13

<10 15 12 14 13 15 15 22 27 20 18 14 10

.11 15 15

<10 13

<10 12

,<10 13 12 18 22 is 15 11 11 14 14

<10 11 11 12 11 20 20 17 24 20 22 17

<10 12 15 20 17 11 13 13

<10 17 14 18 22 12 18 17

<10 13

.13 12

<10 14 13 14

<10 17 14 14 22 18 18 15

<10 14 331.2

.331.2 331.2 331.2 331.2 331.2 331.2 331.2 331.2 331.2 331.2 321.6 302.4 302.4 302.4 15 14 23 14 16 23 13 17 17 21 19 13 19 19 16 11_

16 14 23 19 10 19 14 21 17 21 19 14 21 14 16 12 17

.121 23 16 11 17 14 16 16 16 19 16 19 14 13

<10 18 23

21 12

<10 12 12 13 21 21 14 19 18 17 21

<10 19 25 19 17 12 13 16 12 17 14 14 19

<10 16 13

<10 20 19 16 10 16 16 17 16 23 17 13 17 13 14 10

<10 21 345.6

. 345.6 345.6 345.6 345.6 345.6 345.6 331.2 316.8 316.8 316.8 307.2 288.0 288.0 288.0 22 23 15 20 17 14 15 14 15 20 20 18 24 27 22 22 15 01 24 25 23 19 16 23 17 21 23 21 19 19 21 19 21 12 0O 25 25 23 19 16 23 17 21 23 21 19 24 27 22 22 15 0

26 677 677 677 677 677 677 677 662 648 648 648 629 590 590 590 0

27 Chlorine (ppb) lbslday)

Monthly 22 638 28 Average 2


19,133 lbs.

Maximum 35 677 30 Minimum 15 590 31 Verify that values have correct references.

32 5/21/14 cdg2 Verified all row calcs to end at col AE for 30-da month.

33 34 35 4

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xtsm A







N 0

B 1

2 LRW TSS Data 5

2.0 mg/L is MDL 5.0 mg/L Is Reporting Limit.

Results are reported to the Water Board to whole numbers only (no tenths).

8 System Batch Tank Volume Discharge Date Status Filter I Filter 2 Net TSS TSS for avg.

Weight Weighted TSS Unused Volumes 9

LRW 55 LDT 0-1 4/3/2014 7:00 0

15,836 10 LRW 56 CDT 0-2 549 4/8/2014 7:20 0

9.3 1.5 7.8 9

0.02 0.16 11 LRW CDT 0-2 dup 11.1 2.0 9.1 12 LRW 57 LDT 0-2 15010 4/8/2014 10:29 0


  1. N/A

<2 0

0.48 0.00 13 LRW LDT 0-2 dup


  1. N/A

<2 14 LRW 58 LDT 0-1 15843 4/23/2014 6:55 0


  1. N/A

<2 0

0.50 0.00 15 LRW LDT 0-1 dup


  1. N/A

<2 16 LRW 59 LDT 0-2 4/28/2014 8:45 0

16,020 17 LRW 18 LRW 19 LRW 20 LRW 21 LRW 22 LRW 23 LRW 24 LRW 25 LRW 26 LRW 27 LRW 28 LRW 29 LRW 30 LRW 31 LRW 32 LRW 33 LRW 34 LRW 35 LRW 36 LRW 37 LRW 38 LRW_____________

397 40 total volume of sampled tanks:

31,402 total sum of volume weights:

1.00 Monthly LRW TSS Average 42 Report '5 to reflect CDT 0-2> RL 43 44 001D G&O Data 47 1.4 mg/L Is MDL 5.0 mg/L Is Reporting Limit.

Results ar reported to the Water Board to the nearest tenth mg/L 50 System Batch Tank Volume Discharge Date Status Result G&O for avg.

Weight W. G&O Unused Volumes 51 LRW 56 CDT 0-2 549 4/8/2014 7:20 0

ONQ(3.9) 3.9 0.02 0.07 52 LRW 57 LDT 0-2 15010 4/8/2014 10:29 0

ND(1.4) 0.0 0.48 0.00 53 LRW 58 LDT 0-1 15843 4/23/2014 6:55 0

ND(1.4) 0.0 0.50 0.00 54z LRW 55 LRW 56 LRW 57 LRW 58 LRW 59 LRW 61 total volume of sampled tanks:

31,402 total sum of volume weights:

1.00 Monthly G&O Average 63 Report DNQ(1.4) to reflect CDT 0-2 OMDL and <RL 64 65

Attachment I - 2014 2nd Otr DCPP NPOES Worksheets.nlsm A




LRW TSS Data 5

2.0 mg/L Is MDL 5.0 mg/L. Is Reporting Limit J-Results are reported to the Water Board to whole numbers only (no tenths).

8 System Batch Tank Volume Discharge Date Status Filter I Fitter 2 Net TSS TSS for avg.

Weight Weighted TSS Unused Volumes 9

LRW 60 PWR 0-2 10643 5/1/2014 9:28 0

0.4 none

<2 0.0 0.32 0.00 10 LRW 61 PWR 0-1 8909 5/6/2014 8:50 0

<2 none

<2 0.0 0.27 0.00 11 LRW PWR 0-1 dup

<2 none

<2 12 LRW 62 CDT 0-1 468 5f7/2014 8:50 0

37.0 13.0 24.0 26.0 0.01 0.37 13 LRW CDT 0-1 dup 39.0 11.0 28.0 14 LRW 63 PWR 0-2 5/8/2014 8:43 0

11,219 15 LRW 64 PWR 0-1 5120/2014 8:25 0

8,486 16 LRW 65 LDT 0-1 13188 5121/2014 8:36 0

<2 none

<2 0.0 0.40 0.00 17 LRW LDT 0-1 dup

<2 none

<2 18 LRW 19 LRW 20 LRW 21 LRW 22 LRW 23 LRW 24 LRW 25 LRW 26 LRW 27 LRW 28 LRW 29 LRW 30 LRW 31 LRW 32 LRW 33 LRW 34 LRW 35 LRW 36 LRW 37 LRW 36:


-59 40 total volume of sampled tanks:

33,208 total sum of volume weights:

1.00 Monthly LRW TSS Average 41 6"4 42 Report <5 because CDT 0-1 results HRL V43 441 001D G&OData 47 1.4 mg/L is MDL 8.0 mg/L is Reporting Limit 4

Results are reported to the Water Board to the nearest tenth mg/L 50 System Batch Tank Volume Discharge Date Status Result G&O for avg.

Weight W. G&O Unused Volumes 51 LRW 60 PWR 0-2 10643 5/112014 9:28 0

ND(1.4) 0.0 0.53 0.00 52 LRW 61 PWR 0-1 8909 5/6/2014 8:50 0

ND(1.4) 0.0 0.45 0.00 53 LRW 62 CDT 0-1 468 517/2014 8:50 0

DNQ(2.9) 2.9 0.02 0.07 54 LRW 55 LRW 56 LRW 571 LRW 58 LRW 59 LRW___________

60 61 total volume of sampled tanks:

20,020 total sum of volume weights:

1.00 Monthly &O Anerage 635Report DNO(1.4 because CDT 0-1 result >MDL and <RL

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm A







N 0

A-LRW TSS Data 5

2.0 mg/L Is MDL 5.0 mg/L is Reporting LimitL Results are reported to the Water Board to whole numbers only (no tenths).

8 Syter Batch Tank Volume Discharge Date Status Filter I Filter 2 Net TSS TSS for avg.

Weight Weighted TSS Unused Volumes 9

LRW 66 LDT 0-2 15764 615/2014 8:18 0


  1. N/A Q2 0.0 0.945 0.00 LRW LDT 0-2 dup 0.8
  1. N/A

<2 T1 LRW 67 CDT 0-2 513 6/5/2014 14:13 0

48.0 0.0 48.0 48.0 0.031 1.48 12 LRW CDT 0-2 dup 48.0 0.0 48.0 13 LRW 68 LDT 0-1 6/8/2014 9:38 0

15,373 14 LRW 69 LDT 0-2 6116/2014 8:45 0

15,417 15 LRW 70 LDT 0-1 6117/2014 9:35 0

15,697 16 LRW 71 CDT 0-1 405 6119/2014 9:45 0

28.4 4.0 24.4 27.4 0.024 0.67 17 LRW CDT 0-1 dup 35.6 5.2 30.4 19 LRW 20O LRW 21 LRW 22 LRW 23 LRW LRW 25___ LRW 26-LRW 2ý7 LRW 28 LRW

.total sum of volume weihts:

1.00 Monthly LRW Trs Average i


<5 because COTs >RL___

gOlD IG&O Datal 47 1.4 mgl/L is MDL 5.0 mng/L Is Reporting LUmiL_____________________

Reut ore ported~ to the Water Board to the nearest tenth mg/L________


__ Sstm Batch Tank Volume Discharge Date Status Result G&O fo a...g.

Weight W. G&O Unused Volumes 51LR 6

LDT 0-2 I

15764 6/5/20148:18 0

ND(1.4) 0.0 0.94 0.0 52___

LW 67 COT 0-2 513 6/5/2014 14:13 0

13.3 14.2 0.03 0.4 54___

LW 71 COT 0-1 405 6/19/2014 9:45 0

5.3 5.3 0.02 0.1 61total volume o~f sampted tanks:


.0MnhyG&Aere Report '5.01because COTs >RL_______

64 LR 65 LRW______ ___

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm A




1 2

3 OOIN Monthly Average Calculations 4

NOTE: Values <Reporting Limit are treated as 0 when averaged with values _ RL.

5 All Results on this sheet are included in Vendor Laboratory Data 7

0.72 mg/L is O&G method 1664 MDL for BSK Lab.

8 5.0 mg/L is O&G Method 1664 Reporting Limit.,

9 Results are re orted to the Water Board to the nearest tenth mg/L.

101 11 Oil and Grease (mgIL)

Day Result Daily Average Results for Monthly Report Monthly 14 Average Qualifier Average Average 15 4/3/2014 DNQ(0.88)


DNQ 0.89 DNQ(0.92) 16 ND(0.72) 17 DNQ(1.8) 18 4/10/2014 ND(0.72)


DNQ 0.72 Daily Maximum 19 ND(0.72)

DNQ(1.29) 20 DNQ(0.99) 21 4/15/2014 ND(0.72)


DNQ 0.77 22 DNQ(1.2) 23 DNQ(1.1) 24 4/23/2014 DNQ(0.98)


DNQ 1.29 25 DNQ(1.5) 26 DNQ(1.4) 27 28 29 30 31 2

Total Suspended Solids (mg/L)

Result for Monthly Average 34

_Day Result Average 35 4/3/2014 18 18 12 36 4/10/2014 19 19 37 4/15/2014 ND(2.57) 0 Daily Maximum 38 4/23/2014 10 10 19 39 40 41 Settleable Solids (milL)

Day Result Daily Monthly Average 44 Da eut Average 45 4/3/2014 DNQ(0.1)


DNQ(0.1) 46 4/10/2014 DNQ(0.1)

DNQ(0.1) 47 4/15/2014 DNQ(0.1)


Daily Maximum 48 4/23/2014 DNQ(0.1)


DNQ(0.1) 49 50 51 52 8

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm A




Navigatlo 1

2 3

001 N Monthly Average Calculations 4

NOTE: Values <Reporting Limit are treated as 0 when averaged with values _ RL.

5 All Results on this sheet are included in Vendor Laboratory Data 6

1 1_1 7

0.72 mg/L is O&G method 1664 MDL for BSK Lab.

8 5.0 mg/L is O&G Method 1664 Reporting Limit.

9 Results are reported to the Water Board to the nearest tenth mg/L.


1 11 Oil and Grease (mg/L)

Daily Average Results for Monthly Report Monthly 14 Day Result Average Qualifier Average Average 15 5/1/2014 ND(O.72) 0.0 ND ND(0.72)

DNQ(0.72) 16 ND(0.72) 17 ND(0.72) 18 5/7/2014 ND(0.72) 0.0 ND ND(0.72)

Daily Maximum 19 ND(O.72)

DNQ(0.72) 20 ND(0.72) 21 5/13/2014 ND(0.72) 0.0 ND ND(0.72) 22 ND(0.72) 23 ND(0.72) 24 5/21/2014 ND(0.72) 0.0 ND ND(0.72) 25 ND(0.72) 26 ND(0.72) 27

,5/28/2014 DNQ(1.2) 0.72 DNQ DNQ(0.72) 28 ND(0.72) 29 DNQ(0.97) 30 31

_____Total Suspended Solids (mg/L)

Result for Monthly Average 34Day Result Average 35 5/1/2014 7

7 6

36 5/7/2014 8

8 37 5/13/2014 5

5 Daily Maximum 38 5/21/2014 4

4 8

39 5/28/2014

's 7 7

40 41 Settleable Solids (milL) 5/1/214 {

Daily 44 Day Result Average Monthly Average 45 5/1/2014 DNQ(0.1)


DNQ(0.1) 46 5/7/2014 DNQ(0.1)

DNQ(0.1) 47 5/13/2014 DNQ(0.1)


Daily Maximum 48 5/21/2014 DNQ(0.1)


DNQ(0.1) 49 5/28/2014 DNQ(0.1)

DNQ(0.1) 50 51 9

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm A




S1Navigatin 2

3 001 N Monthly Average Calculations 4

NOTE: Values <Reporting Limit are treated as 0 when averaged with values 2t RL.

5 All Results on this sheet are included in Vendor Laboratory Data 6

1 7

0.72 mg/L is O&G Method 1664A MDL for contract lab that performs OOIN O&G analysis.

8 5.0 mg/L is O&G Method 1664 Reporting Limit.

9 Results >RL are reported to the Water Board to the nearest tenth mg/L.

10 1

11 Oil and Grease (mg/L) 124 Day Result Daily Average Results for Monthly Report Monthly 1

Average Qualifier Average Average 15 6/3/2014 ND(O.72) 0.0 ND ND(0.72)

DNQ(0.72) 16 ND(0.72) 17 ND(0.72):i 18 6/10/2014 DNQ(1.5)

<0.72 DNQ DNQ(0.72)

Daily Maximum 19 ND(0.72)

DNQ(0.72) 20 ND(0.72) 21 6/17/2014 ND(0.72)

<0.72 DNQ DNQ(0.72) 22 ND(0.72) 23 DNQ(1.5) 24 6/23/2014 ND(0.72) 0.0 ND ND(0.72) 25 ND(0.72) 26 ND(0.72) 27 28 29 30 31

___Total Suspended Solids (mglL)

Result Result for Monthly Average 34Day Result Average 35 6/3/2014 4

4 3

36 6/10/2014 ND(2.57) 0 37 6/17/2014 6

6 Daily Maximum 38 6/23/2014 3

3 6

39 40 41 Settleable Solids (ml/L) lDay Result Aagy Monthly Average 44 Da eut Average 45 6/3/2014 DNQ(0.1) 0.0 DNQ(0.1) 46 6/10/2014 DNQ(0.1) 0.0 47 6/17/2014 DNQ(0.1) 0.0 Daily Maximum 48 6/23/2014

DNQ(0.1) 0.0 DNQ(0.1) 49 50 52-10

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm A





L 2

3 Miscellaneous Daily Duplicate and Daily Average Calculations for Monthly eSMR 4

5 6

Date Time Analysis Date Location Unit Parameter Result Average Result for Day 7

8 4/9/2014 8:35 4/9/2014 001 P N/A pH 7.69 7.7 9

4/9/2014 8:35 4/9/2014 001P N/A pH 7.68 10 1

11 4/9/2014 12:50 4/9/2014 002 1

pH 7.95 7.9 12 4/9/2014 12:55 4/9/2014 002 2

pH 7.93 13 14 15 TSS Calculations for Monthly eSMR (mg/L) 16 1

17 2.0 mg/L is MDL. 5.0 mg/L is Reporting Limit.

18 Results are reported to the Water Board to whole numbers only (no tenths).

19-20 Date Time Analysis Date Location Unit Sample TSS Filtrate TSS Net TSS Eff. for Avg. Average 21 22 4/2/2014 8:00 4/4/2014 OO1F N/A 2.6 0.1 2.5 3

DNQ(3) 23 4/2/2014 8:00 4/4/2014 001F N/A 3.1 0.0 3.1 3

24 25 4/1/2014 8:55 4/1/2014 001H 1

1.3 0.5

<2 0

ND(2) 26 4/1/2014 13:50 4/1/2014 001H 2

0.4 0.3

<2 0

27 28 4/4/2014 8:50 4/4/2014 001L 1

0.0 0.0

<2 0

ND(2) 29 4/4/2014 8:55 4/4/2014 001L 2

0.0 0.0

<2 0

30 31 4/9/2014 8:35 4/11/2014 001P N/A 3.1 0.7 2.4 2

DNQ(2) 32 4/9/2014 12:15 4/11/2014 001P N/A 0.9 0.7

<2 0

33 4/9/2014 15:25 4/11/2014 001P N/A 0.7 0.1

<2 0

34 35 4/9/2014 12:50 4/11112014 002 1

1.0 0.1

<2 0

ND(2) 36 4/9/2014 12:55 4/11/2014 002 2

1.3 0.2

<2 0

37 38 4/9/2014 13:10 4/11/2014 003 N/A 2.3 0.5 1.8 2

DNQ(2) 39 4/9/2014 13:10 4/11/2014 003 N/A 2.2 0.7 1.5 2

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 481 11

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm A






2 3

Miscellaneous Daily Duplicate and Daily Average Calculations for Monthly eSMR 4

5 6

Date Time Analysis Date Location Unit Parameter Result Average Result for Day 7

8 5/1/2014 14:00 5/1/2014 001P N/A pH 7.78 7.8 9

5/1/2014 14:00 5/1/2014 001P N/A pH 7.80 10 11 5/7/2014 10:07 5/7/2014 002 1

pH 7.82 7.8 12 5/712014 10:10 5/7/2014 002 2

pH 7.82 13 14 15 TSS Calculations for Monthly eSMR (mg/L) 16 I

1 I

17 2.0 mg/L is MDL. 5.0 mg/L is Reporting Limit.

18 Results are reported to the Water Board to whole numbers only (no tenths).

19 20 Date Time Analysis Date Location Unit Sample TSS Filtrate TSS Net TSS Eff. for Avg. Average 21 22 5/1/2014 16:40 5/2/2014 001F N/A 1.1 0.1

<2 0

ND(2) 23 5/1/2014 16:40 5/2/2014 001F N/A 1.1 0.1

<2 0

24 25 5/1/2014 13:50 5/1/2014 001H 1

3.1 0.5 2.6 3

DNQ(2) 26 5/1/2014 14:00 5/1/2014 001H 2

0.3 0.0

<2 0

27 5

28 5/2/2014 8:40 5/2/2014 001L 1


  1. N/A

<2 0

ND(2) 29 5/2/2014 8:45 5/2/2014 001L 2


  1. N/A

<2 0

30 31 5/1/2014 7:43 5/2/2014 001P N/A 7.8 1.3 6.5 7

<5 32 5/1/2014 11:00 5/2/2014 001P N/A 0.6 0.4

<2 0

33 5/1/2014 14:00 5/2/2014 001P N/A 1.9 1.6

<2 0

34 35 5/7/2014 10:07 5/8/2014 002 1

13.2 13.1 0.1

<2 DNQ(2) 36 5/7/2014 10:10 5/8/2014 002 2

12.2 10.7 1.5 2

37 38 5/7/2014 10:19 5/8/2014 003 N/A 12.7 11.7 1.0

<2 ND(2) 39 5/7/2014 10:19 5/8/2014 003 N/A 14.0 13.1 0.9

<2 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 471_

148 12

- 2014 2nd Qtr DCPP NPDES Worksheets.xlsm BA C




i K

L 2

3 Miscellaneous Daily Duplicate and Daily Average Calculations for Monthly eSMR 4

5 6

Date Time Analysis Date Location Unit Parameter Result Average Result for Day 7

8 6/3/2014 7:50 6/3/2014 001P N/A pH 7.68 7.7 9

6/3/2014 7:50 6/3/2014 001P N/A pH 7.70 10 11 6/5/2014 12:37 6/5/2014 002 1

pH 8.00 8.0 12 6/5/2014 12:40 6/5/2014 002 2

pH 7.97 13 14 15 ITSS Calculations for Monthly eSMR (mg/L) 16 1 _[__


17 12.0 mgIL is MDL. 5.0 mg/L is Reporting Limit.

18 Results are reported to the Water Board to whole numbers only (no tenths).

19 ;

20 Date Time Analysis Date Location Unit Sample TSS Filtrate TSS Net TSS Eff. for Avg. Average 21 22 6/3/2014 13:50 6/6/2014 ODIF N/A 1.9 0.0 1.9 2

DNQ(2) 23 6/3/2014 13:50 6/6/2014 001F N/A 2.5 0.1 2.4 2

24 25 6/1/2014 14:05 6/1/2014 001H 1

0.4 0.0

<2 0

ND(2) 26 6/2/2014 12:20 6/2/2014 001H 2

<2 0.0

<2 0

27 28 6/5/2014 7:52 6/6/2014 001L 1


  1. N/A

<2 0

ND(2) 29 -----

_§6/5/2014 7:55 6/6/2014 001L 2


  1. N/A

<2 0

30 31 6/3/2014 7:50 6/6/2014 001P N/A 9.1 0.4 8.7 9

<5 32 6/3/2014 11:00 6/6/2014 001P N/A 0.1 0.1

<2 0

33 6/3/2014 14:15 6/6/2014 001P N/A 0.2 0.2

<2 0

34 35 6/5/2014 12:37 6/6/2014 002 1

0.5 0.0

<2 0

<5 36 6/5/2014 12:40 6/6/2014 002 2

7.8 0.2 7.6 8

37 38 6/5/2014 13:10 6/6/2014 003 N/A 15.8 0.4 15.4 15 16 39 6/5/2014 13:10 6/6/2014 003 N/A 16.1 0.2 15.9 16 40 41 42 43 44 46 847 48 13

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2014 Second Quarter Contract Lab Results PDF Page Description 2 -4 001 N Oil & Grease - 04/03/2014 5-7 001N Oil & Grease - 04/10/2014 8-10 001N Oil & Grease- 04/15/2014 11 -13 001N Oil & Grease- 04/23/2014 14-16 001N Oil & Grease - 05/01/2014 17 - 19 001N Oil & Grease - 05/07/2014 20-22 001N Oil & Grease - 05/1312014 23-25 001N Oil & Grease - 05/21/2014 26-28 001N Oil & Grease - 05/28/2014 29 - 31 001N Oil & Grease - 06/03/2014 32-34 001N Oil & Grease - 06/10/2014 35-37 001N Oil & Grease - 06/17/2014 38 -40 001 N Oil & Grease - 06/23/2014 41 001 N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids - 04/03/2014 42 001N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids- 04/10/2014 43 001N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids- 04/15/2014 44 001 N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids - 04/23/2014 45 001N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids- 05/01/2014 46 001N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids - 05/07/2014 47 001N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids - 05/13/2014 48 001 N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids - 05/21/2014 49 001 N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids - 05/28/2014 50 001N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids - 06/03/2014 51 001N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids - 06/10/2014 52 001N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids - 06/17/2014 53 001N Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids - 06/23/2014 54 001D Mercury - 04/03/2014 to 06/19/2014 Composite 001 F Mercury - 04/02/2014 to 04/09/2014 Composite 001 H, Unit 1 Mercury - 04/01/2014 to 06/16/2014 Composite 001 H, Unit 2 Mercury - 04/01/2014 to 06/17/2014 Composite 001 L, Unit 1 Mercury - 04/02/2014 to 06/11/2014 Composite 001 L, Unit 2 Mercury - 04/02/2014 to 06/11/2014 Composite 55 - 56 Intake, Discharge 001 Ammonia as Nitrogen - 04/10/2014 57 - 60 Discharge 001 Acute Toxicity Test - 04/08/2014 61 - 77 Discharge 001 Chronic Toxicity Test - 04/08/2014

BS~K Associates Engineer*"aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 04/14/2014 9:09 Received Date: 04/04/2014 Received Time: 10:54 Lab Sample ID:

A4D0492-01 Client Project: 14-1880 Severn Trent DCVVW'TP Sample Date:

04/03/2014 10:58 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 0.88 0.72 5.0 mg/L A404409 04/10/14 04/12/14 A4D0492 FINAL 04142014 0909 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 3 of 10

BSK Associates Engineer ITaboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 04/14/2014 9:09 Received Date: 04/04/2014 Received Time: 10:54 Lab Sample ID:

A4D0492-02 Client Project: 14-1880 Severn Trent DCWWTP Sample Date:

04/03/2014 11:10 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease 11664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A404409 04/10/14 04/12/14 A4D0492 FINAL 04142014 0909 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 4of10

BSK1 Associates Engineer flboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 04/14/2014 9:09 Received Date: 04/04/2014 Received Time: 10:54 Lab Sample ID:

A4D0492-03 Client Project: 14-1880 Severn Trent DCWWTP Sample Date:

04/03/2014 11:25 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed OQu al Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 1.8 0.72 5.0 mg/L A404409 04/10/14 04/12/14 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing A4D0492 FINAL 04142014 0909 I

Page 5 of 10

BSK Associates EngineerrLaboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 04/22/2014 16:15 Received Date: 04/11/2014 Received Time: 10:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4D1170-01 Client Project: 14-2033 DCWW-TP Sample Date:

04/10/2014 11:32 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A404794 04/17/14 04/19/14 A4131170 FINAL 04222014 1615 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing Page 3 of 10

BSK Associates Engineer4rIboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 04/22/2014 16:15 Received Date: 04/11/2014 Received Time: 10:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4D1170-02 Client Project: 14-2033 DCWW'TP Sample Date:

04/10/2014 11:50 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A404794 04/17/14 04/19/14 A4DI 170 FINAL 04222014 1615 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 4of10

BSK Associates Engineer 4Erboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis ReportIssue Date: 04/22/2014 16:15 Received Date: 04/11/2014 Received Time: 10:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4D1170-03 Client Project: 14-2033 DCWW'TP Sample Date:

04/10/2014 12:08 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 0.99 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A404794 04/17/14 04/19/14 J

A4Dl 170 FINAL 04222014 1615 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 5of0

BS~K Associates Engineer-aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 04/28/2014 10:15 Received Date: 04/16/2014 Received Time: 15:50 Lab Sample ID:

A4D1527-01 Client Project: 14-2104 Severu Trent Diablo Cyn WNTP Sample Date:

04/15/2014 08:06 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qa Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A405182 04/25/14 04/26/14 A4Dt527FfNALO42820I4 1015 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing Page 3 of 1051

BS~K Associates Engineer~'flboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 04/28/2014 10:15 Received Date: 04/16/2014 Received Time: 15:50 Lab Sample ID:

A4D1527-02 Client Project: 14-2104 Severu Trent Diablo Cyn W-VTP Sample Date:

04/15/2014 08:24 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease 1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 1.2 0.72 5.0 mg/L I

A405182 04/25/14 04/26/14 J

1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing A4D1527 FINAL04282014 1015 I

Page 4of1

BSK Associates Engineer Lfboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 04/28/2014 10:15 Received Date: 04/16/2014 Received Time: 15:50 Lab Sample ID:

A4D1527-03 Client Project: 14-2104 Severu Trent Diablo Cyn wwrTP Sample Date:

04/15/2014 08:39 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual]

Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 1.1 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A405182 04/25114 04/26/14 J

A4D1527FINAL04282014 1015 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 5 of 10

BSK Associates Engineer411Mboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/01/2014 14:14 Received Date: 04/24/2014 Received Time: 10:30 Lab Sample ID:

A4D2143-01 Client Project: 14-2277 Severn Trent: DCWWTP Sample Date:

04/23/2014 08:33 Sampled by: Jim M. Wysong Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 0.98 0.72 5.0 mg/L A405371 04/30/14 05/01/14 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing A4D2143 FINAL050[2014 14[4 Page 3 of 11

BS~K Associates Engineerfboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/01/2014 14:14 Received Date: 04/24/2014 Received Time: 10:30 Lab Sample ID:

A4D2143-02 Client Project: 14-2277 Severn Trent: DCWWTP Sample Date:

04/23/2014 08:48 Sampled by: Jim M. Wysong Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 1.5 0.72 5.0 mg/L I

A405371 04/30/14 05/01/14 J

A4D2143 FINAL 05012014 1414 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 4 of 11

BSK Associates Engineer 4 aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/01/2014 14:14 Received Date: 04/24/2014 Received Time: 10:30 Lab Sample ID:

A4D2143-03 Client Project: 14-2277 Severn Trent: DCVWVTP Sample Date:

04/23/2014 09:06 Sampled by: Jim M. Wysong Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 1.4 0.72 5.0 mg/L A405371 04/30/14 05/01/14 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (569) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing A4D2143 FINAL05012014 1414 I

Page 5of11

BS~K Associates Engineer6aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/12/2014 13:58 Received Date: 05/02/2014 Received Time: 10:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4E0134-01 Client Project: 14-2424 DCVWVTP Sample Date:

05/01/2014 08:52 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A405842 05/09/14 05/11/14 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing A4EO134 FINAL05122014 1358 I

Page 3 of 10

BSK Associates Engineer faboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/12/2014 13:58 Received Date: 05/02/2014 Received Time: 10:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4E0134-02 Client Project: 14-2424 DCWWTP Sample Date:

05/01/2014 09:07 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qa Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A405842 05/09/14 05/11/14 A4E0 134 FfNAkL 05122014 1358 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485"935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I


BS. K Associates Engineer aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/12/2014 13:58 Received Date: 05/02/2014 Received Time: 10:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4E0134-03 Client Project: 14-2424 DCWWTP Sample Date:

05/01/2014 09:22 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MOL Batch Prepared Analyzed Oual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L A405842 05/09/14 05/11/14 A4E0134 F1NAL05122014 1358 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 5of10

Associates Engineer~aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/15/2014 13:23 Received Date: 05/08/2014 Received Time: 10:50 Lab Sample ID:

A4E0675-01 Client Project: 14-2540 DCWWTP Sample Date:

05/07/2014 09:00 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L A405992 05/13/14 05/15/14 A4E0675 FINAL 05152014 1323 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 3of0

Associates Engineer4JLaboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/15/2014 13:23 Received Date: 05/08/2014 Received Time: 10:50 Lab Sample ID:

A4E0675-02 Client Project: 14-2540 DCW 'TP Sample Date:

05/07/2014 09:15 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MOL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L A405992 05/13/14 05/15/14 A4E0675 FINAL 05152014 1323 1414 Stanlslaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 4of0

BS~K Associates Engineer*Inboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/15/2014 13:23 Received Date: 05/08/2014 Received Time: 10:50 Lab Sample ID:

A4E0675-03 Client Project: 14-2540 DCWVrTP Sample Date:

05/07/2014 09:30 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Ga Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L A405992 05/13/14 05/15/14 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing A4E0675 FINAL 05152014 1323 I


BSK Associates Engineer6aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/27/2014 11:14 Received Date: 05/14/2014 Received Time: 09:30 Lab Sample ID:

A4E1176-01 Client Project: 14-2684 DCWWV'P Sample Date:

05/13/2014 09:31 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A406507 05/23/14 05/25/14 A4EI176 FINAL 05272014 1114 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 48546935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing Page3ofl0

BS~K Associates Engineer'aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/27/2014 11:14 Received Date: 05/14/2014 Received Time: 09:30 Lab Sample ID:

A4E1176-02 Client Project: 14-2684 DCWWTP Sample Date:

05/13/2014 09:49 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MVDL RL Units Mult MOIL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L I

A406507 05/23/14 05/25/14 A4EI 176 FINAL 05272014 1114 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 4of0

Associates Engineer4MLaboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 05/27/2014 11:14 Received Date: 05/14/2014 Received Time: 09:30 Lab Sample ID:

A4E1176-03 Client Project: 14-2684 DCWVTP Sample Date:

05/13/2014 10:04 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MOL Batch Prepared Analyzed Cu.a~l Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L I

A406507 05/23/14 05/25/14 M4E1176 FINAL 05272014 1114 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I


Associates Engineer4 aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/06/2014 13:34 Received Date: 05/22/2014 Received Time: 08:45 Lab Sample ID:

A4E1890-01 Client Project: 14-2856 DCWV'TP Sample Date:

05/21/2014 13:23 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Oual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A406749 05/31/14 06/01/14 A4Et59O FtNALO06062014 1334 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing Page 3 of 10

BSK Associates Engineer ffaboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/06/2014 13:34 Received Date: 05/22/2014 Received Time: 08:45 Lab Sample ID:

A4E1890-02 Client Project: 14-2856 DCWWTP Sample Date:

05/21/2014 13:41 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A406749 05/31/14 06/01/14 A4E1890 FINAL 06062014 1334 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I :Page4ofl 0

B1ý11SK Associates Engineer "aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/06/2014 13:34 Received Date: 05/22/2014 Received Time: 08:45 Lab Sample ID:

A4E1890-03 Client Project: 14-2856 DCWWVTP Sample Date:

05/21/2014 13:59 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A406749 05/31/14 06/01/14 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing A4E1890 FINAL 06062014 1334 I

Page5 of 10

BSK Associates Engineerf aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/10/2014 20:21 Received Date: 05/29/2014 Received Time: 11:30 Lab Sample ID:

A4E2325-01 Client Project: 14-2969 DCWWTP Sample Date:

05/28/2014 09:44 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MOL Batch Prepared Analyzed Oual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 1.2 0.72 5.0 mg/L A407085 06/07/14 06/10/14 J

A4E2325 FINAkL 06102014 2021 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 3 of 10

BSK Associates Engineer $,C boratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/10/2014 20:21 Received Date: 05/29/2014 Received Time: 11:30 Lab Sample ID:

A4E2325-02 Client Project: 14-2969 DCWWrP Sample Date:

05/28/2014 10:02 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MVDL RL Units Mult MOL Batch Prepared Analyzed Oual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A407085 06/07/14 06/10/14 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing A4E2325 FINAL 06102014 2021 Page 4 of 10

Associates Engineer I.boratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/10/2014 20:21 Received Date: 05/29/2014 Received Time: 11:30 Lab Sample ID:

A4E2325-03 Client Project: 14-2969 DCWWTP Sample Date:

05/28/2014 10:20 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qa Oil and Grease 11664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 0.97 0.72 5.0 mg/L A407085 06/07/14 06/10/14 J

A4E2325 FINAL 06102014 2021 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I Page5 of 10

BS~K Associates Engineer nliboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/12/2014 15:28 Received Date: 06/04/2014 Received Time: 09:40 Lab Sample ID:

A4F0315-01 Client Project: 14-3107 DCWV"P Sample Date:

06/03/2014 10:03 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Oa Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L A407189 06/10/14 06/11/14 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing A4F0315 FrNAL 06122014 1528 I

Page 3 of 10

BSK Associates Engineer f.boratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/12/2014 15:28 Received Date: 06/04/2014 Received Time: 09:40 Lab Sample ID:

A4F0315-02 Client Project: 14-3107 DCWWTP Sample Date:

06/03/2014 10:15 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease 11664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A407189 06/10/14 06/11/14 A4F0315 Fll'AL 06122014 1528 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 4854935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 4of10

BSK Associates EngineeruCaboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/12/2014 15:28 Received Date: 06/04/2014 Received Time: 09:40 Lab Sample ID:

A4F0315-03 Client Project: 14-3107 DCWWTP Sample Date:

06/03/2014 10:30 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L A407189 06/10/14 06/11/14 A41`0315 FINALO06122014 1528 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 497-2888 FAX (559) 485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing I

Page 5of0

BSK Associates Engineer4 raboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/23/2014 13:43 Received Date: 06/11/2014 Received Time: 12:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4F1039-01 Client Project: 14-3259 DCWWTP Sample Date:

06/10/2014 10:40 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MOL Batch Prepared Analyzed Ou~a I

Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 1.5 0.72 5.0 mg/L A407576 06/18/14 06/21/14 J

MCL.rpt A4F1039 FINAL 06232014 1343 1414 Stanislaus St Fresno, CA, 93706 559-497-2888 FAX 559-485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing

BSK Associates Engineer{ 4$.boratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/23/2014 13:43 Received Date: 06/11/2014 Received Time: 12:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4F1039-02 Client Project: 14-3259 DCWWTP Sample Date:

06/10/2014 10:52 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RIL Units Mult MOL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease 11664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A407576 06/18/14 06/21/14 MCL.rpt A4F1039 FINAL 06232014 1343 1414 Stanislaus St Fresno, CA, 93706 559-497-2888 FAX 559-485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Page 4 of 10 Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing

BSK Associates Engineer u boratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/23/2014 13:43 Received Date: 06/11/2014 Received Time: 12:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4F1039-03 Client Project: 14-3259 DCVW FTP Sample Date:

06/10/2014 11:07 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L 1

A407576 06/18/14 06/21/14 MCL.rpt A4F1039 FINAL 06232014 1343 1414 Stanlslaus St Fresno, CA, 93706 559-497-2888 FAX 559-485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing l

BSK Associates Engineer l aboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/30/2014 13:43 Received Date: 06/18/2014 Received Time: 09:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4F1621-01 Client Project: 14-3416 DCWWTP Sample Date:

06/17/2014 10:42 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm BSK Associates Fresno Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MOL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L A408024 06/27/14 06/28/14 MCL.rpt A4F1621 FINAL 06302014 1343 1414 Stanislaus St Fresno, CA, 93706 559-497-2888 FAX 559-485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Page 3 of 10 Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing

BSK Associates Engineer'1 boratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/30/2014 13:43 Received Date: 06/18/2014 Received Time: 09:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4F1621-02 Client Project: 14-3416 DCWNTrP Sample Date:

06/17/2014 11:00 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm BSK Associates Fresno Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Oual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L A408024 06/27/14 06/28/14 MCL.rpt A4F1621 FrNAL06302014 1343 1414 Stanislaus St Fresno, CA, 93706 559-497-2888 FAX 559-485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Page 4 of 10 Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing

Associates Engineer faboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/30/2014 13:43 Received Date: 06/18/2014 Received Time: 09:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4F1621-03 Client Project: 14-3416 DCWWTP Sample Date:

06/17/2014 11:15 Sampled by: Client Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant Arm BSK Associates Fresno Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A 1.5 0.72 5.0 mg/L A408024 06/27/14 06/28/14 J

MCL.rpt A4F1621 FINAL 06302014 1343 1414 Stanislaus St Fresno, CA, 93706 559-497-2888 FAX 559485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Page 5 Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing

BS~K Associates Engineer ff 'boratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/30/2014 13:58 Received Date: 06/24/2014 Received Time: 11:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4F2001-01 Client Project: 14-3535 DCWWI-P Sample Date:

06/23/2014 10:55 Sampled by: Jim M. VWysong Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant arm BSK Associates Fresno Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L A408024 06/27/14 06/28/14 MCL.rpt A4F2001 FINAL 06302014 1358 1414 Stanislaus St Fresno, CA, 93706 559-497-2888 FAX 559-485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Page 3 of 10 Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing

BSK Associates Engineerv tboratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/30/2014 13:58 Received Date: 06/24/2014 Received Time: 11:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4F2001-02 Client Project: 14-3535 DCWWTP Sample Date:

06/23/2014 11:10 Sampled by: Jim M. Wysong Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant arm BSK Associates Fresno Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qual Oil and Grease (1664)

Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L A408024 06/27/14 06/28/14 MCL.rpt A4F2001 FINAL 06302014 1358 1414 Stanislaus St Fresno, CA, 93706 559-497-2888 FAX 559-485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing P


Associates Engineer#

.boratories Amanda Smith Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban, Suite C-1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Certificate of Analysis Report Issue Date: 06/30/2014 13:58 Received Date: 06/24/2014 Received Time: 11:00 Lab Sample ID:

A4F2001-03 Client Project: 14-3535 DCWWTP Sample Date:

06/23/2014 11:25 Sampled by: Jim M. Wysong Sample Type:

Grab Matrix: Water Sample


Decant arm BSK Associates Fresno Organics RL Analyte Method Result MDL RL Units Mult MCL Batch Prepared Analyzed Qa Oil and Grease (16641 Total Oil & Grease EPA 1664A ND 0.72 5.0 mg/L I

A408024 06/27/14 06/28/14 MCL.rpt A4F2001 FrNAL06302014 1358 1414 Stanislaus St Fresno, CA, 93706 559-497.2888 FAX 559-485-6935 An Employee-Owned Company I Analytical Testing I Construction Observation Page 5 of 10 Environmental Engineering I Geotechnical Engineering I Materials Testing

Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order#: 14-1880 Date/Time Recd: 04/03/14 1453 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample #ISampie Description Date / Time Analysis

-1 Decant Arm 04/03/14 1058 Suspended Solids

-2 Decant Arm 04103114 1115 Settleable Solids SUB Oil & Grease Method SM 2540 D.

SM 2540 F.t Result 18.

<0.1 MDL RL 3.

0.1 Dil Factor Units I mg/L 1 mUL/

Completed 04/06/14 04/04/14 Report Completion date:

417/14 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 14-1821-2 Duplicate 14-1821-2 Blank ASTM 11 water 4/6/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 4/612014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 416/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 164.


104% Rec


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order#: 14-2033 Date/Time Rec'd: 04/10/14 1551 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample # Sample Descriptionj Date / Time Analysis Method Result MDL RL Dil Factorj Units Completed

-1 Decant Arm 104/10114 1132 Suspended Solids SM 2540 D.


2.57 1 3.

1 11 mg/L 04/15/14

-2 Decant Arm 04/10/14 1200 Settleable Solids SM 2540 F.

<0.1 0.1 1 mL/L 04/10/14 SUB Oil& Grease 6AA Report Completion date:

4/15/14 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 14-2030-3 Duplicate 14-2030-3 Blank ASTM II water 4/15/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 4/15/2014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 411512014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 1760.


100% Rec


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order#: 14-2104 Date/Time Rec'd: 04/15/14 1304 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample # Sample Description Date I Time Analysis

-1 Decant Arm 04115114 0806 1Suspended Solids

-2 Decant Arm 04115114 0830 Settleable Solids SUB Oil& Grease Method SM 2540 D.

SM 2540 F.

Result ND.

<0.1 MDL 2.57 RL 3.

0.1 Dil Factor Units 1 mg/L 1 mL/L Completed 04/16/14 04/15/14 Report Completion date:

4/21/14 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 14-2120-1 Duplicate 14-2120-1 Blank ASTM II water 4/16/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 4/16/2014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 4116/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 20.


100% Rec


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order#: 14-2277 Date/Time Rec'd: 4/23/14 1334 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample # Sa m ple Descriptionj Date (Time Analysis Method Result MDL RL IDi Factor Units Completed

-1 Decant Arm 14123114 0833 Suspended Solids SM 2540 D.




11 mg/L 04/25114

-2 Decant Arm 4/23/14 0900 Settleable Solids SM 2540 F.

<0.1 0.1 1 mL/L 04/24/14 SUB Oil& Grease Report Completion date:

4/25114 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 14-2280-1 Duplicate 14-2280-1 Blank ASTM II water 4/25/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 4/25/2014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 4/25/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 34.


100% Rec


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order #: 14-2424 Date/Time Rec'd: 05/01/14 1410 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample # Sample Description Date I Time Analysis Method Result MDL RL Dil Factor Units Completed

-1 Decant Arm 05/01114 0852 Suspended Solids SM 2540 D.




1 mg/L 05/03/14

-2 Decant Arm 05101114 0915 Settleable Solids SM 2540 F.

<0.1 0.1 1 mL/L 05/02/14 SUB Oil & Grease Report Completion date:


Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 14-2424-1 Duplicate 14-2424-1 Blank ASTM II water 5/312014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 5/312014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 5/3/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 7.


100% Rec


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order#: 14-2540 Date/Time Rec'd: 5/7/14 1235 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample # Sample Descriptioni Date / Time Analysis

-1 Decant Arm 1517114 0900 Suspended Solids

-2 Decant Arm 517114 0920 Settleable Solids SUB Oil& Grease Method I

Result SM 2540 D.


MDL RL Dil Factor Units 2.57


1 mg/L 0.1 1 mL/L Co mpleted 05/12/14 05/07/14 SM 2540 F.


<0.1 I

Report Completion date:

5/12/14 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 14-2594-1 Duplicate 14-2594-1 Blank ASTM II water 5/12/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 5/12/2014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 5/1212014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 550.


115% Rec


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order #: 14-2684 Date/Time Rec'd: 5/13/14 1512 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample #ISample Description Date / Time Analysis

-1 Decant Arm 5/13114 0931 Suspended Solids

-2 Decant Arm 5/13/14 0945 Settleable Solids SUB Oil & Grease Method SM 2540 D.

SM 2540 F.

Result 5.

<0.1 MDL 2.57 RL DilFactor Units


1 mg/L 0.1 1 mL/L Completed 05/15/14 05/14/14 6~

Report Completion date:

5/15/14 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 14-2628-1 Duplicate 14-2628-1 Blank ASTM II water 5/15/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 5/15/2014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 5/15/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 7.


100% Rec


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order#: 14-2856 Date/Time Recd: 5/21/14 1604 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample # Sample Description Date / Time Analysis

-1 Decant Arm 5/21114 1323 Suspended Solids

-2 Decant Arm 5/21114 1330 Settleable Solids SUB Oil & Grease Method SM 2540 D.

SM 2540 F.

Result 4.

<0.1 MDL 2.57 1.

Dil Factor Units 1 mg/L 1 mL/L Completed 05/24/14 05/22/14 6AAC&~$142 Report Completion date:

5/26/14 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 2856-1 Duplicate 2856-1 5/2412014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 5/24/2014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 5/24/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 4.


Rec. 100%


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average Blank ASTM II water mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order#: 14-2969 Date/Time Recd: 5/28/14 1428 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample# Sample Description Date ITime Analysis

-1 1 Decant Arm 15/28/14 0944 Suspended Solids

-2 Decant Arm 5128114 1000 Settleable Solids SUB Oil& Grease Method SM 2540 D.

SM 2540 F.

111 Result 7.

<0.1 MDL RL 3.

0.1 Dil Factor Units Completed 1 mg/L 05/31/14 1 mL/L 05/28/14 Report Completion date:

6/2/14 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 14-2974-1 Duplicate 14-2974-1 Blank ASTM 11 water 5/31/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 5/31/2014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 5/31/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 24.


96% Rec


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order#: 14-3107 Date/Time Rec'd: 6/3/14 1533 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample # ISample Description Date / Time Analysis Method Result MDL RL Dil Factor Units Completed

-1 Decant Arm 6/3/14 1003 Suspended Solids SM 2540 D.




1 mg/L 06/05/14

-2 Decant Arm 6/3/14 1016 Settleable Solids SM 2540 F.

<0.1 0.1 1 mL/L 06/03/14 SUB Oil & Grease 6~Aw ~

Report Completion date:

6/5/14 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated lest) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOO may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 14-3110-1 Duplicate 14-3110-1 Blank ASTM II water 615/2004 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 61512014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 6/5/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 16.


94% Rec


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order #: 14-3259 Date/Time Rec'd: 6/10/14 1328 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample# Sample Description Date /Time Analysis

-1 Decant Arm I6/10114 1040 Suspended Solids

-2 Decant Arm 6110/14 1052 Settleable Solids SUB Oil& Grease Method Result SM 2540 D.


MDL RL Dil Factor Units 2.57


1 mg/L 0.1 1 mL/L Co mpleted 06/14/14 06/10/14 SM 2540 F.

<0.1 (A~4~42 Report Completion date:

6/16/14 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieteirs per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 14-3259-1 Duplicate 14-3259-1 Blank ASTM II water 6/12/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 6112/2014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 6/12/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D ND.


REC 100%


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order#: 14-3416 Date/Time Recd: 6/17/14 1406 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample #I Sample Descriptions Date / Time Analysis

-1 1 Decant Arm 16117114 1042 Suspended Solids

-2 Decant Arm 6/17114 1100 Settleable Solids SUB Oil& Grease Method I

Result SM 2540 D.


MDL RL Dil Factor Units Completed 2.57


1 mg/L 06119114 0.1 1 1 mL/L 06/17/14 SM 2540 F.


<0.1 I

Report Completion date:

6/20/14 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 3435-1 Duplicate 3435-1 Blank ASTM II water 6/19/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 6/19/2014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 6/1912014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 8.


Rec 91%


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average mg/L


Abalone Coast Analytical, Inc.

141 Suburban Rd, Ste C-1 San Luis Obispo CA, 93401 Phone: 595-1080 Fax: 595-1080 Order#: 14-3535 Date/Time Rec'd: 6/23/14 1546 Diablo Canyon WWTP 320 Beta Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Project: DCWWTP


Jim Wysong Phone: 550-1217 Sampler: Jim Wysong Sample #1 Sample Description Date / Time Analysis

-1 Decant Arm 6/23114 1055 ISuspended Solids

-2 Decant Arm 6123/14 1115 Settleable Solids SUB Oil& Grease Method Result MDL I Dil Factorl Unitsl Co SM 2540 D.




1 mg/L impleted 06/25/14 06/23/14 SM 2540 F.


<0.1 lI mL/LI N

Report Completion date:

6125114 Reviewed:

Amanda Smith, Lab Director ND = Analyte NOT DETECTED at MDL

  • Result detected below the RL are estimated concentration DNQ = Detected, not quantified. This applies to trace values where analytes are detected between the MDL and the RL. This result is estimated or qualitative due to matrix background noise or values falling below the lowest point of a calibration curve.

RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit State of California CDPH ELAP 2661 ppm = parts per million mg/L = milligrams per liter (ppm)

Estimated (est) results are due to the sample dilutions being too high where the change in dissolved oxygen is such MPN = Most Probable Number that it cannot be accurately quantified. Actual BOD may be slighly higher than indicated.

NTU = Turbidity Units mL/L = millilieters per liter (ppm)

QA/QC Results Test Description Run Date Method Result Units Difference %

Acceptable 3560-1 Duplicate 3560-1 6/2512014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 6/25/2014 Suspended Solids Dup. SM 2540D 6/25/2014 Suspended Solids SM 2540D 1084.


Rec 104%


mg/L mg/L

< 5% of Average Blank ASTM II water mg/L


Client Sample Results Client: PG&E Corporation Project/Site: Diablo Canyon Power Plant Client Sample ID: 001F OWS 2ND QTR 2014 COMPOSITE Date Collected: 06/17/14 14:45 Date Received: 06/20/14 08:40 TestAmerica Job ID: 160-7167-1 Lab Sample ID: 160-7167-1 Matrix: Water Method: 245.1 - Mercury (CVAA)

Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D

Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Mercury ND 0.20 0.050 ug/L 06/23/14 14:17 06/24/14 08:32 1

Client Sample ID: 001H U-1 CDRS 2ND QTR 2014 COMPOSITE Lab Sample ID: 160-7167-2 Date Collected: 06/17/14 14:45 Matrix: Water Date Received: 06/20/14 08:40 FMethod: 245.1 - Mercury (CVAA)

Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D

Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac

, -Mercury ND 0.20 0.050 ug/L 06/23/14 14:17 06/24/14 08:40 1

Client Sample ID: 001H U-2 CDRS 2ND QTR 2014 COMPOSITE Lab Sample ID: 160-7167-3 Date Collected: 06/17/14 14:45 Matrix: Water Date Received: 06/20/14 08:40 F-Method: 245.1 - Mercury (CVAA)

Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D

Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Mercury ND 0.20 0.050 ug/L 06/23/14 14:17 06/24/14 08:43 1

Client Sample ID: 001L U-1 SGBD 2ND QTR 2014 COMPOSITE Lab Sample ID: 160-7167-4 Date Collected: 06/17/14 14:45 Matrix: Water Date Received: 06/20/14 08:40

-Method: 245.1 - Mercury (CVAA)

Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D

Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Mercury ND 0.20 0.050 ug/L 06/23/14 14:17 06/24/14 08:49 1

Client Sample ID: 001L U-2 SGBD 2ND QTR 2014 COMPOSITE Lab Sample ID: 160-7167-5 Date Collected: 06/17114 14:45 Matrix: Water Date Received: 06/20114 08:40 KFMethod: 245.1 - Mercury (CVAA)

Analyte Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D

Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac Mercury ND 0.20 0.050 ug/L 06/23/14 14:17 06/24/14 08:51 1

LI Client Sample ID: 001D LRW 2ND QTR 2014 COMPOSITE Lab Sample ID: 160-7167-6 Date Collected: 06/17/14 14:45 Matrix: Water Date Received: 06/20/14 08:40 Method: 245.1 - Mercury (CVAA)

Analyte LM'erc-ury Result Qualifier RL MDL Unit D

Prepared Analyzed Dil Fac 0.053 J 0.20 0.050 ug/L 06/23/14 14:17 06/24/14 08:53 1

TestAmerica St. Louis Page 11 of 13 6/25/2014

OCo BABCOCK Laboratories, Inc.




e I 4"ý ; (?,if:r I of) ) *'7" 1

Client Name: Diablo Canyon Power Plant


Rich Dong Address: P.O. Box 56-MS Space 104-5-9B Avila Beach, CA 93424 Report Date: 23-Apr-2014 Analytical Report: Page 2 of 6 Project Name: Diablo Canyon Power Plant-C Project Number: NPDES - Avila Beach, CA Work Order Number: B4D1249 Received on Ice (Y/N): Yes Temp: 3

'C Laboratory Reference Number B4D1249-01 Sample Description Intake 1st Qtr 2014 Matrix Liquid Sampled Date/Time 04/10/14 09:48 Received Date/Time 04/11/14 11:45 Analyte(s)

Result RDL MDL Units Method Analysis Date Analyst Flag Nutrients Ammonia-Nitrogen 0.24 0.10 0.059 mg/L SM4500NH3H 04/22/14 10:29 sl1 mailing P.O. Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 Page 2 of 6 NELAP no. 02101CA CA Elap no. 2698 EPA no. CA00102

000 BABCOCK Laboratories, Inc.

T'ie q/

E vd* :11/


't,,Xu Ic4,?* O-'*'r /I00 )YiiY0 Client Name: Diablo Canyon Power Plant


Rich Dong Address: P.O. Box 56-MS Space 104-5-9B Avila Beach, CA 93424 Report Date: 23-Apr-2014 Analytical Report: Page 3 of 6 Project Name: Diablo Canyon Power Plant-C Project Number: NPDES - Avila Beach, CA Work Order Number: B4DI249 Received on Ice (Y/N): Yes Temp: 3

'C Laboratory Reference Number B4DD1249-02 Sample Description Discharge 1st Qtr 2014 Matrix Liquid Sampled Date/Time 04/10/14 09:52 Received Date/Time 04/11/14 11:45 Analyte(s)

Result RDL MDL Units Method Analysis Date Analyst Flag Nutrients Ammonia-Nitrogen 0.21 0.10 0.059 mg/L SM4500NH3H 04/22/14 10:31 sll mailing P.O. Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 loca tion 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 Page 3 of 6 NELAP no. 02101CA CA Elap no. 2698 EPA no. CA00102

aquait, c_

bioassay consulting laboratories, inc May 2, 2014 Mr. Jim Kelly PG&E-Diablo Canyon Power Plant 9 Miles NW Avila Beach Avila Beach, CA 93424

Dear Mr. Kelly:

We are pleased to present the enclosed bioassay report. The test was conducted under guidelines prescribed in Guidelines for Performing Static Acute Fish Bioassays in Municipal and Industrial Waste Waters as provided to us by Frederic R. Kopperdahl, Fish and Wildlife Water Pollution Control Laboratory, Department of Fish and Game.

"All acceptability criteria were met and the concentration-response was normal. This is a valid test " Results were as follows:





PG&E-Diablo Canyon Power Plant Discharge 001-Acute 9 April - 2014 PGE0414.089 ACUTE ABALONE SURVIVAL BIOASSAY LC50 =

100 % Survival in 100 % Sample TUa


0.00 Yours vety truly, Scott Johnsbn Laboratory Director 29 north olive st. ventura, ca 93001 (805) 643 5621

-96 Hr Survival Start Date:

4/9/2014 Test ID: PGE0414089 Sample ID:

CA0OOQOO End Date:

4/13/2014 Lab ID:

CAABC Sample Type:

EFF3-Power Plant Sample Date: 4/8/2014 Protocol: KOP 76-Kopperdahl Test Species:

HR-Haliotis rufescens Comments:

Discharge 001-Acute Conc-%

1 2

N Control 1.0000 1.0000 100 1.0000 1.0000 Transform: Arcsin Square Root Isotonic Conc-%

Mean N-Mean Mean Min Max CV%

N Mean N-Mean N Control 1.0000 1.0000 1.4588 1.4588 1.4588 0.000 2

1.0000 1.0000 100 1.0000 1.0000 1.4588 1.4588 1.4588 0.000 2

1.0000 1.0000 Auxiliary Tests Statistic Critical Skew Kurt Normality of the data set cannot be confirmed Equality of variance cannot be confirmed Linear Interpolation (200 Resamples)

Point SD 95% CL(Exp)

Skew IC05 ICI10 IC15 IC20 IC25 IC40 IC50







>100 1.0 0.9.




Q4 0.3.


0.1 0.0 0

50 100 Dose %

150 Page 1 ToxCalc v5.0.23 Reviewed by: k/\\,/

-96 Hr Survival Start Date:

4/9/2014 Test ID: PGE0414089 Sample ID:

CA0000000 End Date:

4/13/2014 Lab ID:

CAABC Sample Type:

EFF3-Power Plant Sample Date: 4/8/2014 Protocol: KOP 76-Kopperdahl Test Species:

HR-Haliotis rufescens Comments:

Discharge 001-Acute Dose-Response Plot 0.9 0.8, 0.7,

  • 0.6 0.5 S0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 n

0 0z 00 Page 2 ToxCalc v5.0.23 Reviewed b____

-96 Hr Survival Start Date:

4/9/2014 Test ID:

PGE0414089 Sample ID:


4/13/2014 Lab ID:

CAABC Sample Type:

EFF3-Power Plant Sample Date: 4/8/2014 Protocol: KOP 76-Kopperdahl Test Species:

HR-Haliotis rufescens Comments:

Discharge 001-Acute Conc-%

Parameter N Control Temp C 100 N Control pH 100 N Control DO mg/L 100 N Control Salinity ppt 100 N Control 100 N Control 100 Auxiliary Data Summary Mean Min Max SD CV%

N 13.26 12.50 15.20 1.03 7.65 10 13.48 12.80 15.70 1.17 8.03 10 6.83 6.20 7.80 0.61 11.41 10 7.13 6.80 7.60 0.33 8.06 10 7.23 6.40 7.90 0.56 10.39 10 7.56 7.20 7.70 0.20 5.85 10 34.00 34.00 34.00 0.00 0.00 10 34.00 34.00 34.00 0.00 0.00 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0

Page 3 ToxCalc v5.0.23 Reviewed


aquatic bio a s sayv consulting laboratories, inc May 2,2014 Mr. Jim Kelly PG&E-Diablo Canyon Power Plant 9 Miles NW Avila Beach Avila Beach, CA 93424

Dear Mr. Kelly:

We are pleased to present the enclosed bioassay report. The test was conducted under guidelines prescribed in Short-Term Methods for Measuring the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to West Coast Marine and Estuarine Organisms, EPA-R-95/136. "All acceptability criteria were met and the concentration-response was normal.

This is a valid test." Results were as follows:


PG&E-Diablo Canyon Power Plant SAMPLE I.D.:

Discharge 001 DATE RECEIVED:

9 April - 2014 ABC LAB. NO.:


100.00 %



1.00 EC25 =

>100.00 %

EC50 =

>100.00 %

Yours v trul Sco o

Laboratory Direct 29 north olive st. ventura, ca 93001 (805) 643 5621

CETIS Summary Report Report Date:

Test Code:

01 May-14 11:51 (p 1 of 1)

PGE0414.090 I 04-9117-7060 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bioassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Batch ID:

17-1377-0307 Test Type: Development Analyst:

Start Date:

09 Apr-14 12:16 Protocol:

EPA/600/R-95/136 (1995)


Laboratory Seawater Ending Date:

11 Apr-14 12:15 Species:

Haliotis rufescens Brine:

Not Applicable Duration:

48h Source:

Cultured Abalone Age:

Sample ID:

06-1174-4336 Code:

PGE0414.090 Client:

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

Sample Date: 08 Apr-14 09:45 Material:

Sample Water Project:

Receive Date: 09 Apr-14 10:30 Source:

Bioassay Report Sample Age:

27h (14.3 °C)


Discharge 001-Chronic Comparison Summary Analysis ID Endpoint NOEL LOEL TOEL PMSD TU Method 18-1220-3534 Proportion Normal 100

>100 NA NA 1

Fisher ExactTest Point Estimate Summary Analysis ID Endpoint Level 95% LCL 95% UCL TU Method 10-3677-3453 Proportion Normal EC5

>100 N/A N/A

<1 Linear Interpolation (ICPIN)


>100 N/A N/A

<1 EC15

>100 N/A N/A

<1 EC20

>100 N/A N/A

<1 EC25

>100 N/A N/A

<1 EC40

>100 N/A N/A

<1 EC50

>100 N/A N/A

<1 Test Acceptability Analysis ID Endpoint Attribute Test Stat TAC Limits Overlap Decision 10-3677-3453 Proportion Normal Control Resp 1

0.8-NL Yes Passes Acceptability Criteria 18-1220-3534 Proportion Normal Control Resp 1

0.8 - NL Yes Passes Acceptability Criteria Proportion Normal Summary C-%

Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

%Effect 0

Negative Control 5 1

1 1

1 1

0 0



10 5

1 1

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


18 5

1 1

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


32 5

1 1

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


56 5

1 1

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


100 5

1 1

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


Proportion Normal Detail C-%

Control Type Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 0

Negative Control 1 1

1 1

1 10 1

1 1

1 1

18 1

1 1

1 1

32 1

1 1

1 1

56 1

1 1

1 1

100 1

1 1

1 1

Proportion Normal Binomials C-%

Control Type Rep 1 0

Negative Control 100/100 10 100/100 18 100/100 32 100/100 56 100/100 100 100/100 Rep 2 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 Rep 3 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 Rep 4 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 Rep 5 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 Analyst:

k-'-r QA: _(

'5 000-055-186-3 CETISTM v1.8.7.11

. CETIS Analytical Report Report Date:

01 May-14 11:51 (p 1 of 2)

Test Code:

PGE0414.090 1 04-9117-7060 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bloassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Analysis ID:

10-3677-3453 Endpoint: Proportion Normal CETIS Version:

CETISvI.8.7 Analyzed:

01 May-14 11:51 Analysis:

Linear Interpolation (ICPIN)

Official Results:

Yes Sample ID:

06-1174-4336 Code:

PGE0414.090 Client:

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

Sample Date: 08 Apr-14 09:45 Material:

Sample Water Project:

Receive Date: 09 Apr-14 10:30 Source:

Bioassay Report Sample Age:

27h (14.3 "C)


Discharge 001-Chronic Linear Interpolation Options X Transform Y Transform Seed Resamples Exp 95% CL Method Linear Linear 0

280 Yes Two-Point Interpolation Point Estimates Level 95% LCL 95% UCL TU 95% LCL 95% UCL ECS

>100 N/A NIA

<1 NA NA EC10

>100 N/A N/A

<1 NA NA EC15

>100 N/A N/A

<1 NA NA EC20

>100 N/A N/A

<1 NA NA EC25

>100 N/A N/A

<1 NA NA EC40

>100 N/A N/A


>100 N/A N/A

<1 NA NA Proportion Normal Summary Calculated Varlate(A/B)


Control Type Count Mean Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

%Effect A

B 0

Negative Control 5

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


500 500 10 5

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


500 500 18 5

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


500 500 32 5

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


500 500 56 5

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


500 500 100 5

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


500 500 Proportion Normal Detail C-%

Control Type Rep I Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 0

Negative Control 1

1 1

1 1

10 1

1 1

1 1

18 1

1 1

1 1

32 1

1 1

1 1

56 1

1 1

1 1

100 1

1 1

1 1

Proportion Normal Binomials C-%

Control Type Rep I Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 6 0

10 18 32 56 100 Negative Control 100/100 100/100 1001100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 Analyst:


000-055-186-3 CETISTM v1.8.7.11

CETIS Analytical Report Report Date:

Test Code:

01 May-14 11:51 (p 2 of 2)

PGE0414.090 104-9117-7060 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bloassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Analysis ID:

10-3677-3453 Endpoint: Proportion Normal CETIS Version:

CETISvi.8.7 Analyzed:

01 May-14 11:51 Analysis:

Linear interpolation (ICPIN)

Official Results:

Yes Graphics 0.9 0.O 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.1 a

20 40 60 s0 100 Analyst:_____

QA: "F 000-055-186-3 CETISTM v1.8.7.11

CETIS Analytical Report Report Date:

Test Code:

01 May-14 11:51 (p 1 of 2)

PGE0414.090 104-9117-7060 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bioassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Analysis ID:

18-1220-3534 Endpolnt:

Proportion Normal CETIS Version:

CETISvi.8.7 Analyzed:

01 May-14 11:51 Analysis:

Single 2x2 Contingency Table Official Results:

Yes Sample ID:

06-1174-4336 Code:

PGE0414.090 Client:

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

Sample Date: 08 Apr-14 09:45 Material:

Sample Water Project:

Receive Date: 09 Apr-14 10:30 Source:

Bioassay Report Sample Age:

27h (14.3 =C)


Discharge 001-Chronic Data Transform Zeta Alt Hyp Trials Seed NOEL LOEL TOEL TU Untransformed C > T NA NA 100

>100 NA 1

Fisher Exact Test Control vs C-%

Test Stat P-Value P-Type Decision(a:5%)

Negative Control 10 1

1.0000 Exact Non-Significant Effect 18 1

1.0000 Exact Non-Significant Effect 32 1

1.0000 Exact Non-Significant Effect 56 1

1.0000 Exact Non-Significant Effect 100 1

1.0000 Exact Non-Significant Effect Data Summary C-%

Control Type NR R

NR + R Prop NR Prop R

%Effect 0

Negative Contr 500 0

500 1

0 0.0%

10 500 0

500 1

0 0.0%

18 500 0

500 1

0 0.0%

32 500 0

500 1

0 0.0%

56 500 0

500 1

0 0.0%

100 500 0

500 1

0 0.0%

Proportion Normal Detail C-%

Control Type Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 6 0

Negative Control 1 1

1 1

1 10 1

1 1

1 1

18 1

1 1

1 1

32 1

1 1

1 1

56 1

1 1

1 1

100 1

1 1

1 1

Proportion Normal Binomials C-%

Control Type Rep I Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 0

10 18 32 56 100 Negative Control 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 1001100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 Analyst:


000-055-186-3 CETISTM vl.8.7.11

CETIS Analytical Report Report Date:

Test Code:

01 May-14 11:51 (p2of 2)

PGE0414.090 I 04-9117-7060 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bloassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Analysis ID:

18-1220-3534 Endpoint:

Proportion Normal CETIS Version:

CETISv1.8.7 Analyzed:

01 May-14 11:51 Analysis:

Single 2x2 Contingency Table Official Results:

Yes Graphics II 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

0 0

0 E

0 N 10 is 32 56 100 Analyst:


000-055-186-3 CETISTM vl.8.7.11

CETIS Measurement Report Report Date:

Test Code:

01 May-14 11:51 (p 1 of 2)

PGE0414.090 I 04-9117-7060 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bioassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Batch ID:

17-1377-0307 Test Type: Development Analyst:

Start Date:

09 Apr-14 12:16 Protocol:

EPA/600/R-951136 (1995)


Laboratory Seawater Ending Date:

11 Apr-14 12:15 Species:

Haliotis rufescens Brine:

Not Applicable Duration:

48h Source:

Cultured Abalone Age:

Sample ID:

06-1174-4336 Code:

PGE0414.090 Client:

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

Sample Date: 08 Apr-14 09:45 Material:

Sample Water Project:

Receive Date: 09 Apr-14 10:30 Source:

Bioassay Report Sample Age:

27h (14.3 °C)


Discharge 001-Chronic Parameter Acceptability Criteria Parameter Min Max Acceptability Limits Overlap Decision Salinity-ppt 34 34 32 - 36 Yes Results Within Limits Temperature-°C 14.4 14.5 14 - 16 Yes Results Within Limits Dissolved Oxygen-mg/L C-%

Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL MIn Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

QA Count 0

Negative Contr 2 6.25

-10.9 23.4 4.9 7.6 1.35 1.909 30.55%

0 10 2


-10.8 23.5 5

7.7 1.35 1.909 30.07%

0 18 2


-10.8 23.5 5

7.7 1.35 1.909 30,07%

0 32 2


-9.533 22.23 5.1 7.6 1.25 1.768 27.84%

0 56 2


-11.59 23.99 4.8 7.6 1.4 1.98 31.93%

0 100 2


-12.86 25.26 4.7 7.7 1.5 2.121 34.21%

0 Overall 12 6.283 4.7 7.7 0 (0%)

pH-Units C-%

Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

QA Count 0

Negative Contr 2 7.45 6.815 8.085 7.4 7.5 0.05 0.07072 0.95%

0 10 2

7.45 6.815 8.085 7.4 7.5 0.05 0.07072 0.95%

0 18 2

7.55 6.915 8.185 7.5 7.6 0.05 0.07071 0.94%

0 32 2

7.55 6.915 8.185 7.5 7.6 0.05 0.07071 0.94%

0 56 2

7.55 6.915 8.185 7.5 7.6 0.05 0.07071 0.94%

0 100 2

7.55 6.915 8.185 7.5 7.6 0.05 0.07071 0.94%

0 Overall 12 7.517 7.4 7.6 0 (0%)

Salinity-ppt C-%

Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

QA Count 0

Negative Contr 2 34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 10 2

34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 18 2

34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 32 2

34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 56 2

34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 100 2

34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 Overall 12 34 34 34 0 (0%)

Temperature-.C C-%

Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

QA Count 0

Negative Contr 2 14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 10 2

14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 18 2

14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 32 2

14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 56 2

14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 100 2

14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 Overall 12 14.45 14.4 14.5 0(0%)

Analyst: ý-


000-055-186-3 CETISTM v1.8.7.11

CETIS Measurement Report Repor Test rt Date:

01 May-14 11:51 (p 2 of 2)


PGE0414.090 1 04-9117-7060 Aquatic Bioassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Red Abalone Larval Development Test Dissolved Oxygen-mgIL C-%

Control Type 1

0 Negative Contr 7.6 10 7.7 18 7.7 32 7.6 56 7.6 100 7.7 pH-Units C-%

Control Type I

0 Negative Contr 7.4 10 7.4 18 7.5 32 7.5 56 7.5 100 7.5 Salinity-ppt C-%

Control Type I

0 Negative Contr 34 10 34 18 34 32 34 56 34 100 34 Temperature-.C C-%

Control Type I

0 Negative Contr 14.4 10 14.4 18 14.4 32 14.4 56 14.4 100 14.4 2

4.9 5

5 5.1 4.8 4.7 2

7.5 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 2

34 34 34 34 34 34 234 34 34 34 34 34 2

14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 A nalyst:.

Q A 000-055-186-3 CETISTM vi.8.7.11


  • 1 Client:

Project Name/Number:

Toxicity Testing Analysis Pacific Gas & Electric Co Address:

Project Mgr 9 Miles NW Avila Beach Jim Kelly Avila Beach, Ca. 93424 P.O. #

Phone Number:

Sampl (805) 545-3194 U


Xx 0I-.U 2

Date Time 0_

E 0

(9 Matrix Sample ID Volume /

Number Comments 4/812014 10:00 X

Seawater Discharge 001 DCPP 418 X

41812014 9:45 X

Seawater Discharge 001 DCPP 419 X

Relinquished By:(signature)

Date / Time Relinquished By:(signature)

Date / Time Received By: (signature)

Date / Time Received By:(signature)

Date I Time N '

Temperature upon sample receipt: _

degrees C Aquatic Bioassay and Consulting Labortories 29 N. Olive Street Ventura, Ca. 93001 Phone: (805) 643-5621 Fax: (805) 643-2930 MAIJý(-4t4 J-0

aquaticý bioassay g, consulting laboratories, inc CHRONIC ABALONE DEVELOPMENT BIOASSAY DATE:


Copper Chloride NOEC EC25 =

EC50 =

56.00 ug/l 67.00 ug/l 78.00 ug/1 Yours yery truly, Laboratory Director 29 north olive st. ventura, ca 93001 (805) 643 5621

CETIS Summary Report Report Date:

01 May-14 11:46 (p 1 of 1)

Test Code:

ABS040914 1 12-0374-1838 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bioassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Batch ID:

12-1036-1374 Test Type: Development Analyst:

Start Date:

09 Apr-14 12:15 Protocol:

EPA/600/R-95/136 (1995)


Laboratory Seawater Ending Date:

11 Apr-14 12:15 Species:

Haliotis rufescens Brine:

Tropic Marin Duration:

48h Source:

Cultured Abalone Age:

Sample ID:

01-6104-2427 Code:

ABS040914 Client:

Internal Lab Sample Date: 09 Apr-14 12:15 Material:

Zinc Project:

REF TOX Receive Date:


Reference Toxicant Sample Age:

NA Station:

REF TOX Comparison Summary Analysis ID Endpoint NOEL LOEL TOEL PMSD TU Method 17-4097-2661 Proportion Normal 56 100 74.83 NA Steel Many-One Rank Sum Test Point Estimate Summary Analysis ID Endpoint Level pglL 95% LCL 95% UCL TU Method 06-7799-8613 Proportion Normal EC5 58.2 58.2 58.2 Linear Interpolation (ICPIN)

EC10 60.4 60.4 60.4 EC15 62.6 62.6 62.6 EC20 64.8 64.8 64.8 EC25 67 67 67 EC40 73.6 73.6 73.6 EC50 78 78 78 Test Acceptability Analysis ID Endpoint Attribute Test Stat TAC Limits Overlap Decision 06-7799-8613 Proportion Normal Control Resp 1

0.8 - NL Yes Passes Acceptability Criteria 17-4097-2661 Proportion Normal Control Resp 1

0.8 - NL Yes Passes Acceptability Criteria 17-4097-2661 Proportion Normal NOEL 56 NL - 56 No Above Acceptability Criteria Proportion Normal Summary C-pg/L Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

%Effect 0

Negative Control 5 1

1 1

1 1

0 0



18 5

1 1

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


32 5

1 1

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


56 5

1 1

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


100 5

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 100.0%

180 5

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 100.0%

Proportion Normal Detail C-pglL Control Type Rep I Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 0

Negative Control 1 1

1 1

1 18 1

1 1

1 1

32 1

1 1

1 1

56 1

1 1

1 1

100 0

0 0

0 0

180 0

0 0

0 0

Proportion Normal Binomials C-pg/L Control Type Rep I Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 0

Negative Control 1001100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 18 32 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 1,00/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 1001100 100/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 100 180 I'/-*,-


CA 000-055-186-3 CETISTM vi.8.7.11

CETIS Analytical Report Report Date:

01 May-14 11:46 (p 1 of 2)

Test Code:

ABS040914 112-0374-1838 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bloassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Analysis ID:

17-4097-2661 Endpoint:

Proportion Normal CETIS Version:

CETISv1.8.7 Analyzed:

01 May-14 11:45 Analysis:

Nonparametric-Conlrol vs Treatments Official Results: Yes Sample ID:

01-6104-2427 Code:

ABS040914 Client:

Internal Lab Sample Date: 09 Apr-14 12:15 Material:

Zinc Project:

REF TOX Receive Date:


Reference Toxicant Sample Age:

NA Station:

REF TOX Data Transform Zeta Alt Hyp Trials Seed NOEL LOEL TOEL TU Angular (Corrected)

NA C > T NA NA 56 100 74.83 Steel Many-One Rank Sum Test Control vs C-pglL Test Stat Critical Ties DF P-Value P-Type Declslon(:5%)

Negative Control 18 27.5 17 1

8 0.7500 Asymp Non-Significant Effect 32 27.5 17 1

8 0.7500 Asymp Non-Significant Effect 56 27.5 17 1

8 0.7500 Asymp Non-Significant Effect ANOVA Table Source Sum Squares Mean Square DF F Stat P-Value Declslon(a:5%)

Between 0

0 3


<0.0001 Significant Effect Error 0

0 16 Total 0

19 Proportion Normal Summary C-pg/L Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Median Min Max Std Err CV%

%Effect 0

Negative Control 5 1

1 1

1 1

1 0



18 5

1 1

1 1

1 1

0 0.0%


32 5

1 1

1 1

1 1

0 0.0%


56 5

1 1

1 1

1 1

0 0.0%


100 5

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 100.0%

180 5

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 100.0%

Angular (Corrected) Transformed Summary C-pIgL Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Median Min Max Std Err CV%

%Effect 0

Negative Contr 5

1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 0



18 5

1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 0



32 5

1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 0



56 5

1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 0



100 5

0.05002 0.05001 0.05003 0.05002 0.05002 0.05002 0



180 5

0.05002 0.05001 0.05003 0.05002 0.05002 0.05002 0



Proportion Normal Detail C-pgfL Control Type Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 0

Negative Control 1 1

1 1

1 18 1

1 1

1 1

32 1

1 1

1 1

56 1

1 1

1 1

100 0

0 0

0 0

180 0

0 0

0 0

Angular (Corrected) Transformed Detail C.Ig/L Control Type Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 0

Negative Control 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 18 32 56 100 180 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 1.521 0.05002 0.05002 0.05002 0.05002 0.05002 0.05002 0.05002 0.05002 0.05002 0.05002 Analyst:


000-055-186-3 0ETISTM vA.8.7.11

CETIS Analytical Report Report Date:

Test Code:

01 May-14 11:46 (p 2 of 2)

ABS040914 I 12-0374-1838 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bloassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Analysis ID:

17-4097-2661 EndpoInt: Proportion Normal CETIS Version:

CETISv1.8.7 Analyzed:

01 May-14 11:45 Analysis:

Nonparametric-Control vs Treatments Official Results:

Yes Proportion Normal Binomials C-jig/L Control Type Rep I Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 0

Negative Control 1001100 100/100 1001100 100/100 100/100 18 1001100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 32 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 56 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100 0/100 0/100

.0/100 01100 0/100 180 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 Graphics 0,9 0.8 0.7 0.16 o

0,0O.S 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0


L.0EO0 r 7.5E-01 F l's


5.OE-01 I-2.50E-1 ON


-2.5 9 mime is 32 56 100 10

  • 2.0


-1.0 "0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1,5 LO 2.5 Rsinlct 000-05-1 8-3 CTISTMvi



000-055-186-3 CETISTM v1.8.7.11

CETIS Analytical Report Report Date:

01 May-14 11:46 (p 1 of 2)

Test Code:

ABS040914 112-0374-1838 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bioassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Analysis ID:

06-7799-8613 Endpoint: Proportion Normal CETIS Version:

CETISv1.8.7 Analyzed:

01 May-14 11:45 Analysis:

Linear Interpolation (ICPIN)

Official Results:

Yes Sample ID:

01-6104-2427 Code:

ABS040914 Client:

Internal Lab Sample Date: 09 Apr-14 12:15 Material:

Zinc Project:

REF TOX Receive Date:


Reference Toxicant Sample Age:

NA Station:

REFTOX Linear Interpolation Options X Transform Y Transform Seed Resamples Exp 95% CL Method Linear Linear 0

280 Yes Two-Point Interpolation Point Estimates Level pg/L 95% LCL 95% UCL EC5 58.2 58.2 58.2 EC10 60.4 60.4 60.4 EC15 62.6 62.6 62.6 EC20 64.8 64.8 64.8 EC25 67 67 67 EC40 73.6 73.6 73.6 EC50 78 78 78 Proportion Normal Summary Calculated Variate(A/B)

C-pgIL Control Type Count Mean Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

%Effect A

B 0

Negative Control 5

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


500 500 18 5

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


500 500 32 5

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


500 500 56 5

1 1

1 0

0 0.0%


500 500 100 5

0 0

0 0

0 100.0%

0 500 160 5

0 0

0 0

0 100.0%

0 500 Proportion Normal Detail C-pg/L Control Type Rep I Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 0

Negative Control 1

1 1

1 1

18 1

1 1

1 1

32 1

1 1

1 1

56 1

1 1

1 1

100 0

0 0

0 0

180 0

0 0

0 0

Proportion Normal Binomials C-pig/L Control Type Rep I Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 0

Negative Control 100/100 18 100/100 32 100/100 56 1001100 100 0/100 180 0/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 1001100 0/100 0/100 1001100 100/100 100/100 100/100 01100 0/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 1001100 0/100 0/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 0/100 0/100 Analyst:_


000-055-186-3 CETISTM1 Y1.8.7.11

CETIS Analytical Report Red Abalone Larval Development Test Report Date:

01 May-14 11:46 (p 2 of 2)

Test Code:

ABS040914 112-0374-1838 Aquatic Bloassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Analysis ID:

06-7799-8613 Endpoint: Proportion Normal CETIS Version:

CETISvi.8.7 Analyzed:

01 May-14 11:45 Analysis:

Linear Interpolation (ICPIN)

Official Results:

Yes Graphics I

0.9 0.B 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0

20 40 C-paIL Analyst:

P 000-055-186-3 CETISTm v0.8.7.111

CETIS Measurement Report Report Date:

01 May-14 11:46 (p I of 2)

Test Code:

ABS040914 112-0374-1838 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bioassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Batch ID:

12-1036-1374 Test Type: Development Analyst:

Start Date:

09 Apr-14 12:15 Protocol:

EPAI600/R-95/136 (1995)


Laboratory Seawater Ending Date:

11 Apr-14 12:15 Species:

Haliotis rufescens Brine:

Tropic Marin Duration:

48h Source:

Cultured Abalone Age:

Sample ID:

01-6104-2427 Code:

ABS040914 Client:

Internal Lab Sample Date: 09 Apr-14 12:15 Material:

Zinc Project:

REFTOX Receive Date:


Reference Toxicant Sample Age:

NA Station:

REF TOX Parameter Acceptability Criteria Parameter Min Max Acceptability Limits Overlap Decision Salinity-ppt 34 34 32 - 36 Yes Results Within Limits Temperature-°C 14.4 14.5 14-16 Yes Results Within Limits Dissolved Oxygen-mgIL C-pgIL Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

QA Count 0

Negative Contr 2 6.25

-10.9 23.4 4.9 7.6 1.35 1.909 30.55%

0 18 2


-4.636 18.24 5.9 7.7 0.9 1.273 18.72%

0 32 2


-4.636 18.24 5.9 7.7 0.9 1.273 18.72%

0 56 2


-4.636 18.24 5.9 7.7 0.9 1.273 18.72%

0 100 2


-4.636 18.24 5.9 7.7 0.9 1.273 18.72%

0 180 2


-4.636 18.24 5.9 7.7 0.9 1.273 18.72%

0 Overall 12 6.708 4.9 7.7 0 (0%)

pH-Units C-pg/L Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

QA Count 0

Negative Contr 2 7.45 6.815 8.085 7.4 7.5 0.05 0.07072 0.95%

0 18 2

7.55 6.915 8.185 7.5 7.6 0.05 0.07071 0.94%

0 32 2

7.55 6.915 8.185 7.5 7.6 0.05 0.07071 0.94%

0 56 2

7.55 6.915 8.185 7.5 7.6 0.05 0.07071 0.94%

0 100 2

7.55 6.915 8.185 7.5 7.6 0.05 0.07071 0.94%

0 180 2

7.55 6.915 8.185 7.5 7.6 0.05 0.07071 0.94%

0 Overall 12 7.533 7.4 7.6 0 (0%)

Salinity-ppt C-pglL Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

QA Count 0

Negative Contr 2 34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 18 2

34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 32 2

34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 56 2

34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 100 2

34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 180 2

34 34 34 34 34 0

0 0.0%

0 Overall 12 34 34 34 0(0%)

Temperature-°C C-pg/L Control Type Count Mean 95% LCL 95% UCL Min Max Std Err Std Dev CV%

QA Count 0

Negative Contr 2 14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 18 2

14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 32 2

14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 56 2

14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 100 2

14.45 13.61 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 180 2

14.45 13.81 15.09 14.4 14.5 0.04998 0.07069 0.49%

0 Overall 12 14.45 14.4 14.5 0(0%)




000-055-186-3 CETISTM vi.8.7.11

CETIS Measurement Report Report Date:

01 May-14 11:46 (p 2 of 2)

Test Code:

ABS040914 112-0374-1838 Red Abalone Larval Development Test Aquatic Bloassay & Consulting Labs, Inc.

Dissolved Oxygen-mgIL C-pg1L Control Type 1

2 0

Negative Contr 7.6 4.9 18 7.7 5.9 32 7.7 5.9 56 7.7 5.9 100 7.7 5.9 180 7.7 5.9 pH-Units C-pgtL Control Type 1

2 0

Negative Contr 7.4 7.5 18 7.5 7.6 32 7.5 7.6

  • 56 7.5 7.6 100 7.5 7.6 180 7.5 7.6 Salinity-ppt C-pgtL Control Type 1

2 0

Negative Contr 34 34 18 34 34 32 34 34 56 34 34 100 34 34 180 34 34 Temperature-°C C-pgIL Control Type 1

2 0

Negative Contr 14.4 14.5 18 14.4 14.5 32 14.4 14.5 56 14.4 14.5 100 14.4 14.5 180 14.4 14.5 Analyst:___.ý=-ýA:

000-055-186-3 CETIS TM v1.8.7.11