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Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000285-13-008) and Request for Information
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 01/29/2013
From: Hay M
To: Cortopassi L
Omaha Public Power District
Download: ML13030A081 (8)

See also: IR 05000285/2013008






AR L I NGTON , TEXAS 7 601 1- 4511

January 29, 2013

Lou Cortopassi, Vice President

and Chief Nuclear Officer

Omaha Public Power District

Fort Calhoun Station FC-2-4

P.O. Box 550

Fort Calhoun, NE 68023-0550




Dear Mr. Cortopassi:

On February 25, 2013, inspectors from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will perform

an Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0350 Team Inspection at Fort Calhoun Station, using

applicable portions of NRC Inspection Procedures 95003, Supplemental Inspection for

Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone, Multiple Degraded Cornerstones, Multiple Yellow Inputs or

One Red Input, and 92702, Followup on Traditional Enforcement Actions Including Violations,

Deviations, Confirmatory Action Letters, Confirmatory Orders, and Alternative Dispute

Resolution Confirmatory Orders. This inspection supports the assessment and verification of

the issues described in the Restart Checklist enclosed in the Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL)

issued to Fort Calhoun Station on June 11, 2012, and any modifications thereof; and other

selected areas to inform the NRCs assessment of the safety, organizational, and programmatic

issues at the station.

This inspection is a part of the IMC 0350 oversight inspection activities. Experience has shown

that this inspection is a resource intensive inspection both for the NRC inspectors and your staff.

The inspection will include 2-weeks of onsite inspections by the team. The current inspection

schedule is as follows:

Preparation Week: February 4, 2013

Onsite weeks: February 25, 2013 and March 11, 2013

In order to minimize the impact to your onsite resources and to ensure a productive inspection,

we have enclosed a request for documents and resources needed for this inspection. It is

important that all of these documents are up-to-date and complete in order to minimize the

number of additional documents requested during the preparation and/or onsite portions of the


We have discussed the schedule for these inspection activities with your staff and understand

that our regulatory contact for this inspection will be Ms. Kelly Root. If there are any questions

about this inspection or the material requested, please contact the lead inspector, Greg

Warnick, at (949) 492-2641 or email:

L. Cortopassi -2-

This letter does not contain new or amended information collection requirements subject to the

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing information collection

requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, control number 3150-

0018. The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a

request for information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document

displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its

enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document

Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRCs document system

(ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC web site at

rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).



Michael Hay, Chief

Project Branch F

Division of Reactor Projects

Docket No.: 50-285

License No.: DPR-40


Fort Calhoun Station IMC 0350 Inspection - Request for Information

cc w/enclosure: Electronic Distribution for Fort Calhoun Station

L. Cortopassi -3-

Electronic distribution by RIV:

Regional Administrator (

Acting Deputy Regional Administrator (

DRP Director (

Acting DRS Director (

Manual Chapter 0350 Panel Chairman (

Acting DRP Deputy Director (

Acting DRS Deputy Director and Manual Chapter 0350 Panel Member (

Senior Resident Inspector and Manual Chapter 0350 Panel Member (

Resident Inspector (

Branch Chief, DRP/F and Manual Chapter 0350 Panel Member (

Senior Project Engineer, DRP/F (

Project Engineer, DRP/F (

Public Affairs Officer (

Public Affairs Officer (

Branch Chief, DRS/TSB (

Project Manager and Manual Chapter 0350 Panel Member (

RITS Coordinator (

Regional Counsel (

Congressional Affairs Officer (

Branch Chief, ORA/ACES (

Senior Enforcement Specialist, ACES (

Enforcement Specialist, ACES (

OEMail Resource


Manual Chapter 0350 Panel Vice-Chairman (

Manual Chapter 0350 Panel Member (

Manual Chapter 0350 Panel Non-voting Member (

Manual Chapter 0350 Panel Non-voting Member (

R:\ ADAMS ML 13030A081

ADAMS: No Yes SUNSI Review Complete Reviewer Initials: MCH

Publicly Available Non-Sensitive

Non-publicly Available Sensitive


GWarnick MHay

/RA via email/ /RA/

1/29/13 1/28/13


L. Cortopassi -4-

Fort Calhoun Station IMC 0350 Inspection - Request for Information

From: Greg Warnick

Team Leader, IMC 0350 Inspection


To: Kelly Root

Recovery Regulatory Director, Fort Calhoun Station

Subject: Information Request to Support February 2013 IMC 0350 Team Inspection (IPs 95003

and 92702)

The following information is requested in order to support inspection preparation activities

starting February 4, 2013.

  • Electronically accessible files on Certrec website for: Greg Warnick, Bob Hagar, Lynnea

Wilkins, Jeff Josey, Javier Brand, Audrey Klett, John Watkins, Jim Melfi, Jeremy Groom,

Chris Smith, Jacob Wingebach, William Schaup, Rick Deese, Frances Ramirez, Marlone

Davis, and Bob Latta.

  • Documents to facilitate the selection of specific items that will be reviewed during the onsite

inspection week. The inspectors will select specific items from the information requested

below and then request from your staff additional documents needed during the onsite

inspection weeks. We ask that the specific items requested be available and ready for

review on the first day of inspection. If you have any questions regarding this information

request, please call the inspection team leader as soon as possible.

1. Site metrics

2. Collective evaluation - full report

3. Performance Area Reports

4. Collective Evaluation Procedures

5. Independent Safety Culture bases report

6. STS process report - associated with root cause for Item 1.F (Lead/Org B effect)

7. Governance and Oversight Documents

8. FCS Organizational Charts

9. Management/Supervisor observation program procedures

10. System health report

11. Health committee charter schedule or meeting

12. Daily meeting schedule and agendas

L. Cortopassi -5-

13. Observation program procedures

14. Human performance procedures - (e.g investigations, procedure use, etc.)

15. Clock reset criteria - metrics for clock resets

16. Stations response to the Giambusso and Stolz letters dealing with high energy line break

17. Stations response to Bulletin 79-01B

18. Stations evaluation of Information Notice 89-55

19. Environmental qualification basis document and program document

20. Most current and three previous maintenance rule (a)(3) evaluations

21. Engineering procedures that deal with calculations and vendor information

22. Closure Books for the following restart checklist items:

a. 1.a - Flooding Issue - Yellow Finding

b. 1.b - Reactor Protection System Contactor White Issue

c. 1.c - Electrical Bus Modification and Maintenance

d. 1.e - Third Party Safety Culture Assessment

e. 1.e.6-8 - Nuclear Safety Culture FPD

f. 1.f - Integrated Organizational Effectiveness Assessment

g. 2.b.1.1 - Auxiliary Cooling Water System Health Review

h. 2.b.1.13 - Emergency Diesel Generating System Health Review

i. 2.b.1.2 - AFW - System Health Review

j. 2.b.1.26 - Reactor Protection System System Health Review

k. 2.b.1.6 - Emergency Core Cooling System Health Review

l. 2.b.2.2 - Detailed Review High Pressure Safety Injection System

m. 2.b.2.3 - Detailed Review Emergency Diesel Generating System

n. 2.b.2.4 - Detailed Review Reactor Protection System

o. 3.b - Containment beam issues including any operability determinations

p. 3.b.2 - HELB Program and Equipment Qualifications

q. 3.c - Design Change and Modifications

r. 3.c.1 - Vendor Modification Control

s. 3.c.2 - 50.59 Screening and Safety Evaluations

t. 3.d - Maintenance Programs

u. 3.d.1 - Vendor Manuals and Vendor Info Control Programs

v. 3.d.1-3 - Equipment Reliability/Work Management FPD

w. 3.e - Operability Determination Process

x. 3.f - Quality Assurance

y. 4.1 - IPIP

z. 5.a - Design

aa. 5.b - Human Performance

bb. 5.k - Resource Management FPD

cc. 5.l - Processes for Meeting Regulatory Requirements FPD

dd. 5.m - Performance Improvement

ee. 6.b - Licensing Commitments Necessary for Restart

L. Cortopassi -6-

23. For the raw water system, component cooling water system, high pressure safety

injection system, emergency diesel generators and the reactor protection system, please

provide the following:

a. Design Basis Documents

b. Valve lineup and system operating procedures

c. Most recent System Health reports

d. Piping and instrumentation drawings. (Please have large size available for first

onsite day Feb 25th)

24. A current list of any open operability determinations

25. A current list of all degraded/non-conforming conditions

26. A listing of all time critical operator actions

27. Condition Report 2011-3025 including any causal evaluation and corrective actions

28. A list of all current Maintenance Rule a(1) systems

29. Station procedures associated with the low margin system program. Also include a

current list of all systems currently tracked by this program.

30. Station procedures for operability determinations, reportability evaluations, work control,

work management, maintenance rule, preventative maintenance development and

scheduling, equipment reliability optimization plan, procedure use and adherence,

conduct of operations, conduct of maintenance and conduct of engineering

31. Preventative maintenance basis documents for large motors, large pumps, motor

operated valves, air operated valves, 4.16KV breakers, 480V breakers and diesel


32. List developed in Step 4.4 of ERPG-DNC-OPEVAL-01, Engineering Recovery Process

Guide - Degraded/Nonconforming Conditions and Operability Evaluations, Revision 3

33. All Corrective Action Documents Associated with the following NRC non-cited violations:








34. Corrective Action Program Review - Item 3.a

This review will cover the period from September 2011 through the present. All

requested information should be limited to this period unless otherwise specified. To the

extent possible, the requested information should be provided electronically in Adobe

PDF or Microsoft Office format. Lists of documents should be provided in Microsoft

Excel or a similar sortable format.

L. Cortopassi -7-

1. Document Lists

Note: for these summary lists, please include the document/reference number,

the document title or a description of the issue, initiation date, and current status.

Please include long text descriptions of the issues.

a. Summary list of all corrective action documents related to significant

conditions adverse to quality that were opened, closed, or evaluated

during the period

b. Summary list of all corrective action documents related to conditions

adverse to quality that were opened or closed during the period

c. Summary lists of all corrective action documents which were upgraded or

downgraded in priority/significance during the period

d. Summary list of all corrective action documents that subsume or roll up

one or more smaller issues for the period

e. Summary lists of operator workarounds, engineering review requests

and/or operability evaluations, temporary modifications, and control room

and safety system deficiencies opened, closed, or evaluated during the


f. Summary list of plant safety issues raised or addressed by the Employee

Concerns Program

g. Summary list of all Apparent Cause Evaluations completed during the


h. Summary list of all Root Cause Evaluations planned or in progress but

not complete at the end of the period

2. Full Documents, with Attachments

a. Root Cause Evaluations completed during the period

b. Quality assurance audits performed during the period

c. All audits/surveillances performed during the period of the Corrective

Action Program, of individual corrective actions, and of cause evaluations

d. Corrective action activity reports, functional area self-assessments, and

non-NRC third party assessments completed during the period (do not

include INPO assessments)

e. Corrective action documents generated during the period for the


L. Cortopassi -8-

i. NCVs and Violations issued to Fort Calhoun Station

ii. LERs issued by Fort Calhoun Station

f. Corrective action documents generated for the following, if they were

determined to be applicable to Fort Calhoun Station (for those that were

evaluated but determined not to be applicable, provide a summary list):

i. NRC Information Notices, Bulletins, and Generic Letters issued or

evaluated during the period

ii. Part 21 reports issued or evaluated during the period

iii. Vendor safety information letters (or equivalent) issued or

evaluated during the period

iv. Other external events and/or Operating Experience evaluated for

applicability during the period

g. Corrective action documents generated for the following:

i. Emergency planning drills and tabletop exercises performed

during the period

ii. Maintenance preventable functional failures which occurred or

were evaluated during the period

iii. Adverse trends in equipment, processes, procedures, or programs

which were evaluated during the period

iv. Action items generated or addressed by plant safety review

committees during the period

Inspector Contact Information:

Greg Warnick Jeremy Groom

Team Leader Assistant Team Leader

(949) 492-2641 (509) 377-2627

Jeff Josey Rick Deese

Assistant Team Leader Assistant Team Leader

(402) 825-3371 (817) 200-1573