LR-N10-0355, Hope Creek, HC.OP-AB.MISC-0001(Q), Rev. 15, Acts of Nature

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Hope Creek, HC.OP-AB.MISC-0001(Q), Rev. 15, Acts of Nature
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/05/2010
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
LR-N10-0355 HC.OP-AB.MISC-0001(Q), Rev 15
Download: ML110050502 (34)



Seismic trigger (Target Flag is white). Activation of Seismic Response Spectrum Annunciator. Alarm light (Amber) on the Seismic Switch Power Supply is lit. Sustained High Winds from the South / Southeast with little or no rain. Hurricane OR Tropical storm watch for Salem County. Hurricane OR Tropical storm warning for Salem County. Coastal flood warning for Salem County. High wind warning for Salem County (sustai ned winds greater than 40 MPH for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> OR gusts greater than 58 MPH). Tornado warning for Salem County. Observation of severe weather conditions. Tide Level is anticipated to reach T/S Limit of 95 feet. Snowfall projected to be greater than 12 inches AND snowing on site.


A. Delaware River level is ex pected to reach 95 feet........................................................7 B. Delaware River level 95'............................................................................................7 C. Delaware River level IS anticipated to reach 99.5'........................................................7 D. Delaware River level > 99.5..........................................................................................7 E. A Seismic Event has occurred......................................................................................9 F. Seismic Event EXCEEDS the allowabl e Operating Basis Earthquake (0.1g)...............9 G. Sustained South / Southeast High Winds ( 40 mph) WITH LITTLE or NO rain for 8 Hours......................................................................................................................9 H. A Hurricane OR Tropical Storm WATCH is issued for the area..........................................11 I. Hurricane, Tropical storms, OR Coastal flood WARNINGS are issued for the area..............11 J. A Severe Thunder Storm, High winds OR Tornado Warning has been issued for the area.................................................................................................................13 K. A Tornado has struck the plant.......................................................................................15 L. Weather is extremely cold..............................................................................................15 M. Heavy snowfall is forecast for the area.......................................................................17

1. Once the Watertight Doors have been clos ed for T/S 3.7.3, they may be opened for short periods of time for personnel access.

If a Door is required to be open for an extended period of time, the time the door is open SHALL be RECORDED in the control room logs. The following criteria has been established for operating these doors:


] Operations Department personnel SHALL operate Watertight Doors with air bladders. Operations OR Radwaste Department personnel SHALL operate Watertight Doors that are locked. Any personnel MAY operate all other Watertight Doors.

Procedures: HC.OP-DL.ZZ-0026(Q), Surveillance Log. HC.OP-SO.FA-0001(Z), Auxiliary Steam System Operation. HC.OP-SO.JE-0001(Q), Diesel Fuel Oil Storage and Transfer System Operation HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0004(Q), Shutdown From Rated Power To Cold Shutdown. HC.CH-SO.AX-0001(Q), Hy drogen/Oxygen Injection System Operation HC.OP-SO.KJ-0001(Q), Emergency Diesel Generator Operation OP-AA-108-111-1001, Severe Weather And Natural Disaster Guidelines

___ ___A.1 all Watertight Pe rimeter Doors IAW .

A. Delaware River level is expected to reach 95 feet.


___A.2 that doors 3315B AND 3331B are LOCKED CLOSED.

to Attachment 4.

___B.1 tide level at least once each Hour AND on DL.ZZ-0026 (Q); k. B. Delaware River level 95'.



___C.1 to OP-AA-108-111-1001 C.2 Chemistry to perform the following: (HC.CH-SO.AX-0001) ___ Hydrogen Tube Trailers from site. ___ the LOX Tank. ___C.3 EDG Fuel Oil (JE) and Lube Oil (KJ) if necessary. C. Delaware River level IS anticipated to reach 99.5'


___C.4IF HWCI is secured for tube trailer removal, THEN I&C to reduce MSL Rad Monitor set points.

___D.1 a unit shutdown IAW IO-0004.

___D.2 the Auxiliary Boilers. (FA)

___D.3 in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

___D.4 in COLD SHUTDOWN within the

following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

D. Delaware River level > 99.5


___D.5IF River Level exceeds 102 feet THEN Watertight Perimeter Doors every 30 minutes

AND results on Attachment 2.

2. Seismic Events of >

0.01 gs but < 0.1 gs IN PROGR ESS would be indicated by the following: Amber SMA-3 EVENT ALARM light should be illuminated. SMA-3 EVENT INDICATOR should be white. 5 SMA-3 Tape Machines should be recording. Amber ALARM light on the Seismic Switch Power Supply drawer should be extinguished. Seismic Events of >

0.01 gs but < 0.1 gs that H AVE OCCURRED but are no longer in progress would be indicated by the following: Amber SMA-3 EVENT ALARM light extinguished. 5 SMA-3 Tape Machines should be advanced but not running. SMA-3 EVENT INDICATOR should be white. Amber ALARM light on the Seismic Switch Power Supply drawer should be extinguished. Seismic Events of > 0.1 gs IN PROGRESS or that HAVE OCCURRED would be indicated by the above indi cations. In addition: Amber ALARM light on the Seismic Switch Power Supply drawer should be illuminated Activation of Seismic Annunciator C6-C4 Procedures: HC.OP-SO.SG-0001(Q), Seismic Inst rumentation System Operation HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0004(Q), Shutdown From Rated Power To Cold Shutdown.

___E.1 activities on the Refuel Floor AND all Dry Cask Storage activities.

___ ___E.2 the Seismic Event Level IMMEDIATELY following a Seismic Event by comparing the measured response spectra to the Operating Basis Earthquake


(SG) ___E.3Thoroughly systems essential for safe shutdown.

___E.4 a visual inspection of the plant to ensure structural integrity.

___E.5 that the Security System is intact.

E. A Seismic Event has occurred.


___E.6 the loaded Spent Fuel Storage Casks including temperature monitoring

system at ISFSI.

F. Seismic Event EXCEEDS the allowable Operating Basis

Earthquake (0.1g).


___F1 a Unit Shutdown IAW IO.ZZ-0004.G. Sustained South / Southeast High Winds ( 40 mph) WITH LITTLE or NO rain for 8 Hours.


___G.1 AND T&D and the System Engineer to

INSPECT the switchyard for excessive salt


3. The evaluation should consider placing t he Reactor in a shutdown condition 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> prior to the anticipated high wind arrival. This action allows the removal of decay heat to the main condenser for a two hour period prior to the high winds arriving (approximately 60% of the ener gy generated in the first four hours following shutdown). This reduces the amount of decay heat required to be removed should a Station Blackout occur. Performing an early shutdown also allows many air operated valve

operations necessary for decay heat remo val following shutdown to be operated while air compressors are available. These operations would result in fewer air operated valve operations in a station blackout and longer coping capability involving air compressors. Any plans for shutting dow n the plant should be communicated and coordinated with Salem Control Room and the System Operator.

4. SACS SSWS "Overland Express" discharge piping has been analyzed for wind loading up to 108 mph but has NOT been analyzed for missiles generated by high winds.

Automobiles weighing <4000 lbs could bec ome missiles and should be removed from the 1/2 mile frontal radius of the discharge piping. IF the discharge piping can be removed prior to the high winds affecting the site, THEN no further action is necessary.

Procedures: HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0004(Q), Shutdown From Rated Power To Cold Shutdown. OP-AA-108-111-1001, Severe Weather And Natural Disaster Guidelines HC.OP-AB.ZZ-0135(Q), Station Blackout /Loss Of Offsite Power/Diesel Generator Malfunction. HC.CH-SO.AX-0001(Q), Hy drogen/Oxygen Injection System Operation OP-AA-101-112-1002), ON-LINE RISK ASSESSMENT HC.OP-DL.ZZ-0026(Q), Surveillance Log.

___H.1 IO.ZZ-0004, AND to Shutdown the Plant.

___H.2 Station Blackout Abnormal.

___H.3 OP-AA-108-111-1001.___H.4 doors on transformer cubicles AND electrical panels outside.

H.5 Chemistry to perform the following: (HC.CH-SO.AX-0001) ___ Hydrogen Tube Trailers from site.

___H.6 IF HWCI is secured for tube trailer removal, THEN I&C to reduce MSL Rad Monitor set points.

___H.7 to stop Dry Cask Storage (DCS) activities outside if a hurricane warning is issued.H. A Hurricane OR Tropical Storm WATCH is issued for the area.


___H.8 to OP-AA-101-112-1002___I.1 surveillance testing, EDG maintenance, AND systems at the discretion of the SM. ___ ___I.2 placing the plant in Hot Shutdown.

___I.3 all Watertight Perimeter Doors IAW Att. 2.

___I.4 river level every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />

AND on DL.ZZ-0026 (Q); Attachment 3J.___I.5 the doors once per shift, AND results on Attachment 2.

___I.6 OP-AA-108-111-1001

___I.7 all outside DCS activities.

___I.8 to OP-AA-101-112-1002___ ___I.9 IF SACS SSWS "Overland Express" discharge piping is installed, the following:

___ declaring the affected SACS SSWS loop INOPERABLE.

I. Hurricane, Tropical storms, OR Coastal flood WARNINGS are issued for

the area.


___ automobiles to a minimum distance of 1/2 mile from the discharge piping.

4. SACS SSWS "Overland Express" discharge piping has been analyzed for wind loading up to 108 mph but has NOT been analyzed for missiles generated by high winds.

Automobiles weighing <4000 lbs could becom e missiles and should be removed from the 1/2 mile frontal radius of the discharge piping. IF the discharge piping can be removed prior to the high winds affecting the site, THEN no further action is necessary.

Procedures: OP-AA-101-112-1002, ON-LINE RISK ASSESSMENT OP-AA-108-111-1001, Severe Weather And Natural Disaster Guidelines

___J.1 surveillance testing, EDG maintenance, and restore systems at the

discretion of the SM. ___J.2 a page AnnouncementAND outside activities.___J.3 OP-AA-108-111-1001

___J.4 to stop DCS outside activities.

___J.5 to OP-AA-101-112-1002.


storm preparation with Salem SM.) J.6IF SACS SSWS "Overland Express" discharge piping is installed,

the following:

___ declaring the affected SACS SSWS loop INOPERABLE.

J. A Severe Thunder Storm, High winds OR Tornado Warning has been issued for

the area.


___ automobiles to a minimum distance of 1/2 mile from the discharge


1. Inspection of Diesel FOST vent/flame arrestor and piping is required by USFAR Section It is import ant to maintain the venting capability for the FOST's. If the vent line becomes blocked, then the fuel o il transfer pumps are capable of developing a vacuum in the FOST's as Diesel Fuel Oil is withdrawn. This vacuum may damage the Tanks, or impair the ability of the pumps to transfer Diesel Fuel Oil to the Day Tank.
2. The blind flange should be replaced OR repairs made to the V ents/Flame Arrestor AND piping prior to adding Diesel Fuel Oil to the FOST.

Procedures: HC.OP-SO.DA-0001(Q), Circulating Water System Operation. HC.OP-GP.ZZ-0003(Q), Stat ion Preparations For Winter Operation. HC.OP-SO.QJ-0001(Q), Heat Tracing System Operation.

___ ___K.1 IMMEDIATELY after the Tornado has left the area, the following for damage. Diesel FOST Vents/Flame Arrestor Diesel FOST Emergency Relief Valves Diesel FOST Vent piping.___ ___K.2 IF any of the above Equipment IS DAMAGED, Mechanical Maintenance to open a spare 4 inch blank flange connection on the damaged Diesel FOST using Attachment 5.___K.3 Spent Fuel Storage Casks at ISFSI for vent blockage and temperature monitoring system damage if a tornado has struck the plant. K. A Tornado has struck the plant.


___K.4 IF any vents are blocked, have the material removed and for storage casks with damaged

temperature monitoring systems, ALTERNATE MONITORING.

___L.1 to GP.ZZ-0003

___L.2 proper operation of the tank heaters AND the heat tracing, especially the RCIC & HPCI suction lines (QJ).

___L.3 De-Icing in-service (DA) as necessary.

___L.4 exposed tanks on recirculation as necessary.

___L.5 louvers and doors that might result in localized freezing if left open. (i.e., Boiler

House, Service Water House, Switch Yard Control House, Asphalt Plant, Fire Pump House).

( Attachment 3 for operating instructions for the exterior watertight doors at the Intake Structure.)

L. Weather is extremely cold.


___L.6 the frequency of routine Auxiliary Boiler inspections.

___M.1 Heating Systems are operating properly. M.2 ventilation systems outside air intakes are NOT blocked, including those for: ___ Reactor Building.

___ Service Area.

___ Radwaste Building.

___ Turbine Building.

___M.3 Periodically Roll Filter Media on affected ventilation systems, as necessary, AND any snow accumulation to prevent plugging of the filter media.

___M.4 the snow accumulation in the area of the Diesel Gener ator exhaust pipes each hour WHEN snowfall is > 12 inches. ___M.5 the snow from around the perimeter of the Diesel Generator exhaust pipes. WHEN snow accumulation reac hes 36 inches.

___M.6 the snow from the exhaust boxes WHEN snow depth reaches 6 inches in the Diesel Exhaust. ___M.7 for DRIFTING snow around Diesel Generator exhaust pipes after snowfall has subsided.

M. Heavy snowfall is forecast for the area Date/Time:

___M.8 increased frequency monitoring AND

for snow accumulation near inlet vents of all Spent Fuel Storage Casks and snow accumulated.

1.1 the entry Condition into the abnormal in the Comments Section. ____

1.2 in the comments section all systems affected by the implementation of this procedure AND restoration actions (i.e.

restoration line ups) co mpleted/required. ____1.3 photocopies of any Hard Cards utilized as part of this procedure implementation to Attachment 1. ____

1.4 the Exit time for any applicable conditions and this abnormal are annotated in the comment section AND the Control Room Logs. ____

1.5 completed Portions of this procedure AND Sections 1 and 2 of Attachment 1 to SM/CRS for approval and Record Retention. ____





















Completion of this atta chment is annotated in t he Control Room Logs:

Printed Name SIGNATURE Date/Time 3.1 This procedure and Attachment 1 hav e been reviewed for completeness and accuracy. Entry/Exit conditions and all deficiencies, including corrective actions, are clearly recorded in the COMMENTS Section above. Printed Name SM/CRS Date 4.1 the following in accordance with RM-AA-101, Records Management Program: Procedure cover page Affected Conditions and Hard Cards performed Completion and Review section Attachment 1


the following Personnel that Watertight Doors will be closed.

AND all passage through these doors should be coordinated with the Operations Department:

Security ____ Site Protection. ____ Plant Personnel (via Page announcement). ____

The signs posted in Steps 2 and 3, informs per sonnel of the requirem ent to contact the Control Room prior to oper ating the door, maintaining administrative control.

2. AND Signs on all Intake Structure door s on TABLE 1

within one hour. ____

3. AND Signs on all Power Block doors on TABLE 2 within 11/2 hours. ____





  • Doors in Bays 2 & 4 are NOT required per T/S Table 3.7.3-1; however, watertight doors in ALL Bays are to be closed within one hour.

Reference NOTF / RFA 20211794.



S-13 RW 102', NORTH BARREL HATCH (45.5; L)

3340B RW 102', NORTH EQUIP. HATCH (44; M)


(44; Md) 6312 UNIT 2 102', NORTH PERS.

HATCH (45.4; T)

6323B UNIT 2 102', NORTH EQUIP.

HATCH (45.4; U)

5315A DIESEL BLDG. 102' WEST PERS. HATCH (29.9; X)



HATCH (29; X)


HATCH (13.6; U)

4304 RX. BLDG. 102' SOUTH PERS.

HATCH (13.6; U)


ENTRANCE (13.6; Md)

3305B MAINT. SHOP 102' EQUIP HATCH (13.6; L)

3315B TURB. TO RW 102' PERS. HATCH (25; H)

3329A TURB. TO RW 102' EQUIP. HATCH (27; H)

3331B RW TO ADMIN. 102' PERS.

HATCH (35; H) 3209A TURB. TO RW 87' PERS.

HATCH (26; H)

print A-0203-0-15 as refe rence for grid locations Interior Doors This watertight flood door is closed and locked. (Attachment 4) [] 3315B is locked with the padlock and specially fabricated bracket that prevents the door from being operated.

Lock and bracket are located in the Turbine Building on the 102' El. across from the BOP Sample Panel hanging from unistrut and uses a 2043 Master Lock key.

Operation of the Door Pneumatic S ystem is semiautomatic such that: WHEN the door is shut, the pins are latched, and the key switch and thumbscrew are in the "inflate" position, the handwheel is then lo cked by the Pneumatic System and the seals inflate. Either the thumbscrew (Interior side) or the key switch (Exterior side) will unlock the door at which time the handwheel will re lease, the seals will deflate, and the handwheel can be used to unlatch the door.

The thumbscrew and key switch "inflate" positi on is in the 6 and 12 o'clock position. The "deflate" position is in the 3 and 9 o'clock position. [



] 1.0 protective covers from the doors AND any obstructions from the framed openings. ____

2.0 the handwheel is in the full open position and the door pins are retracted.

3.0 bottle isolation valve. (Located under steps of respective Pmp Rm.) ____

4.0 P-KA-V9980 (V9981, V9982, V9983) INT STRUCT DOOR AIR ISLN. ____

5.0 the air tank on the door is pressurized to approximately 65 - 75 psig. ____

6.0 IF the seals inflate at this time, THEN the thumbscrew (Interior side) in either direction (Approx. 90°) UNTIL the seals deflate. ____

7.0 PRIOR to closing the door the thumbscrew (Interior side) in the "inflate" position. ____

8.0 door AND the handwheel in the "close" direction until rotation stops. (The seals will now inflate AND the door will lock automatically) ____

9.0 the handwheel is locked. ____

1.0 the thumbscrew (Interior side) OR key switch (Exterior side) in either direction (Approx. 90°) OR UNTIL rotation stops (The seals will now deflate AND the handwheel lock will release)[] ____ 2.0 the handwheel in the "open" direction until rotation stops AND THEN the door. ____

3.0 the air isolation valve at the portable bottle. [] ____

4.0 P-KA-V9980 (V9981, V9982, and V 9983) INT STRUCT DOOR AIR ISLN. ____

5.0 the door protective cover. ____

1. Locking Device from wall south of door 3315A in the Turbine Bldg. ____
2. the Door is CLOSED AND DOGGED. ____ 3. the handwheel is engaged. ____ 4.

Bracket on the Rad Waste side of the Door. ____ 5. the bracket in place with a padlock. ____

1. Locking Device from the cage near door 3331B. ____ 2. the Door is CLOSED AND DOGGED. ____ 3. the handwheel is engaged. ____ 4.

Bracket on the Radwaste side of the Door. ____ 5. the bracket in place with a padlock. ____


the following equipment required for removal of the 4" blind flange on the FOST:

ELSA (one per person) ___ Breaker Bar OR torque wrench (0-250 ft-lb) OR Equivalent ___ One 1-1/16" socket wrench. ___ One 1-1/16' open end wrench OR Equivalent ___ A Fire Impairment is not required. ___

2. the 4" flange identified as "E" on P&ID M-30-1 Sht. 1. This flange is the one used by Chemistry to obtain samp les, which is located nearest to the end of the access grating walkway. [Refer to HC.CH-SA.ZZ-0001 (Z)] ___
3. flange AND Flexitallic gasket from t he FOST to establish an alternate vent path. ___
4. Care be exercised to prevent any dirt OR debris from entering a FOST for the time period that a blind flange is removed. ___
5. repairs AND replacements are completed, THEN the blind flange should be reassembled using the torque requirements AND procedure described in HC.CH-SA.ZZ-0001 (Z). A new Flexitallic gasket shall be used for reassembly. ___

Packages and Affected Document Numbers incorporated into this revision: CP No. CP Rev. AD No. Rev No. None The following OPEX were incorporated into this revision: None The following OTSCs were incorporated into this revision: None 70106939-0030 Changes Action M.8 to consider increased frequency monitoring for snow accumulation. No actions have changed. This is an editorial change.