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License Renewal Revised Environmental Site Audit Needs List, Hydrology (Through Additional Reference 6)
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/05/2009
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
3F1109-06, TAC ME0278
Download: ML100980526 (223)


Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant License Renewal Revised Environmental Site Audit Needs List Hydrology (through Additional Reference 6)

Hydrology H-1

1. Figure 2, Progress Energy Crystal River North Plant Wellfield Layout
2. Annotated photograph Consumptive Use Wells PW1A and PW1B, PW3, PW4, and PW5

Legend Figure 2 Drawn By: DLS N Revised: 02/23/09 Water Use Permit Boundaries Progress Energy Crystal River

( Currently Operational Wells North Plant Wellfield Layout 0 375 750 1,500 L Existing Stand By Wells


2004 Aerial SWFWMD Feet New Production Wells

Hydrology H-2

1. Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility Permit No. FLA016960

Florida Department of Charhe Governor Environmental


Protection ~left okanp Kot k, m

-Lt Governor Southwest District Office

, 13051 North Telecom Parkway MichaciW, Sole Temple Terrace. Florida 33637-0926 Secreari August 26, 2008 Mr. Bernie L. Cumble, Plant Manager Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

15760 West Powerline Street R EC E V E t Crystal River, Florida 34428 AUG 2 7 2008 Re: Minor Revision Environmentai Services Crystal River Energy Complex PA File No. FLA016960-004-1-WBfMR Citrus County

Dear Mr. Cumbie:

In accordance with Rule 62-620.325(2), Florida Administrative Code, the Department reviewed your Minor Revision for the above-referenced industrial wastewater treatment facility Permit, No. FLA016960, issued on January 9, 2007.

The following;permit sections were revised:

1. Permit, Part I.A -Construction Requirements.
2. Permit, Part IIIB.2 Monitoring Well Details.
3. Permit, Part III.B.3 Sampling Parameters.
4. Permit, Part VL3 Best Management Practices (BMP) Plan Schedule.
5. Permit, Pm-t VIA Implementation Schedule.

The revised permit-and DMRs are enclosed and replace the previous documentsin their entirety.

l11ore Proavetion. !ssProcess" iw-w,,;atei.Ti us.

Bernie L. Cumbie Crystal River Energy Complex PA File No. FLA016960-004-IWB/M.R Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Mr., Roger Evans at (813) 632-7600, extension 425.

Sincerely, Administrator JSG/re


Attachment A - Notice of Rights cc: Kerem H. Esin, P.E., Golder Associates Inc.

Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Corporate Office-St. Petersburg, FL Ilia Balcom, FDEP, 1W/CE, Bill Kelsey, P.G., FDEP, Ground Water Allen Hubbard, P.E., FDEP-Tallahassee


P. 0. Box 14042 MAC PEF-903 St. Petersburg, Florida 33701-5501 FACILITY NAME: Progress Energy-Crystal River Energy Complex APPLICATION DATE: June 11, 2008 PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-004-IWB/iMR PERMIT WRITER: -Roger Evans


The Permittee requested to abandon and replace monitoring well MWI-2R.


The following section has been changed within the existing permit.

Part I1, Ground Water-gMonitoringRequirements,,Section A.

The previous four conditions have being replacedwith~seven conditions for ground water monitoring well construction.

PartIII, Ground Water.MonitoringRequirements, Section B, Item 1.

The,language was modified to include installation and operation of the new monitoring well.

Part ltt, Ground Watei, Monitoring Requirementsi Section B, Item 2.

The background wellMWB30 hasbeeninstalled. The table was modified to reflect the existing instead of new.

Part.Ill, Ground Water MoniioringRequirements,Section B, Item 3; Temperature of the sample was added as a field parameter-that shall be sampled- Five field parameters (pH, Specific.Conductance, Turbidity., Dissolved Oxygen, and Temperature) were designated with an asterisk which denotes the fieldparameters shall be sampled per DEP SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling.

Part II!, Ground Water Monitoring Requirements, Section B,.ttem.2.

The new intermediate well MNI-'2R2 has beeninstalled-and the facility needs to submit to the Departmenti the required documentation as required by Section IIIRA.

PERMFI'TEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FJIE NO.: FLA016960-004-IWB/MR FACUATY: Crystal River Energy Complex Part VI, Schedules, Section 3, Best Management Plan The Best Management Practices (BMP) schedule was modified to identify that Items I and 2 were completed.

Part VI. Schedules, Section 4 The table was modified to show completed items and schedule for providing information for new monitoring well MWI-2R2.


- Well MWI-2R was. removed and well MWI-2R2 was added to the DMR.

- Reporting the temperature of the sample was added for all monitoring wells.

- Five field parameters (pH, Specific Conductance, Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, and Temperature) were designated with an asterisk which denotes the field parameters shall be, sampled per DEP SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection le" p Southwest District Office Lt. Governor 13051 North Telecom Parkway MichaVl W. So!c Temple Terrace. Florida 33637-0926 Secretar-STATE OF FLORIDA INDUSTRLIL WASTEWATER FACILITY PERIUT PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FLA016960 Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-002-4W1NiNR P. 0. Box 14042 MAC PEF-903 ISSUANCE DATE: January 9,.2007 St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5501 PA FILE:NUMBER: FLA016960-004-lWB/MIR REVISION DATE: August 26,i2008 EXPIRATION DATE: January 8, 2012 RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY:

Mr. Bernie L Cumbie Plant Manager FACILITY:

Crystal:Riyer Energy Complex

,15760 West PowerlineStreet Crystal River, FL 344289 Citrus County Latitude: 280 57' 27, N Longitude: 820 42'"36"W This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes (F.S.) and applicable rules of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), This permit is accompanied, by an Administrative Order pursuant to Paragaphs 403.088(2)(e) and (f), Florida Statutes. Compliance with Administrative Order AO- 114-SW is a specific requirement of this permit. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to operate the facilities shownon the application and other documents attached hereto or on file with :the, Department and made a part hereof and specifically described astfollows:

TheCrystal River Energy Complex is~a steam electric power generation facility consisting of five units. Units 1,2 4, and 5 are coal-fired while'Unit #3is a nuclear-powered unit Units 4 and 5 are certified pursuant to Power Plant Siting Act.


The neutralized wastes are discharged into a percolation pond system consisting ofthree ponds. Ponds # land #2 are operated in :parallel. The ponds actas~settlinglbasinsatid the settled effluent from either pond is routed to Pond #3 which overflows into an area called "South Pond:Expansio.' (11,0 acres) for percolation. The SouthPond Expansionmarea hasjthe-capability: to hold the wastewateroasw Well rainfall resulting.from. a 25-year 24-hour storm in the 16-acre pond catchment area. The sources of wastewater include power plant, equipment drains, laboratory drains, floor drains,. neutralized regenerationwastes fromihe deminerailizer resin beds, wastewater from thewater.treatment process (carblon -and: hedia filter backwash, and lime sludge) boiler blowdown. boiler drains.

"'MoreProtection., L.s Process' w14'W, dctp..stiattc.17i.u

PERMI-fVI'EE: Progress EnergyFlorida, Inc. PA FULE NUJMBER: FLA0 I 6960-004-iWBRVIR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex (chemical cleanings), air pre-heater wash drains, sewage treatment plant effluents, stormwater diainage from the.

transformer area, blowdown from the Flue Gas Desulfurization, precipitator washes, boiler washes, cooling water blowdown, and reverse osmosis/licro filtration concentrate.


Land Application:

An existing 091 MGD monthly average daily flow (MNLADF) land application system (G-00 1) consisting of.

percolation pond. Land application system G-00I. is located approximately at latitude 280 57' 27" N, longitude 820 42' 36" W.

'N ACCORDANCE WITH: The limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions as set forth inPart I through Part VIII on pages 3 through: 17 of this permit.


PERMITTEF.: Pro~-ess Energy Florida, Inc. PA IE Nrlj IBER: FLA016960%O44TWBAMR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex I. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements A. Surface Water Discharges I This section is not applicable to this facilirv.

B. Underground Injection Control Systems t, This section is not applicable to this facility.

C. Land Application Systems I During the period beginning on the issuance dateand lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge process wastewater, non process wastewater, power plant equipment drains.

laboratory drains, floor drains, neutralized regeneration wastes from the demineralizer resin beds, wastewater from the water treatment process (carbon and media filter backwash, and lime sIludge) Iboiler blowdown, boiler drains (chemical cleanings), air pre-heater wash drains, sewage treatment plant effluents, stormwater drainage from the transformer area, blowdo n from the Flue Gas Desulfurization, precipitator washes, boiler washes, cooling water blowdown, and reverseosmosisImicrofiltrationconcentrate to Land Application 'System G-001, a percolation pond. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below and reported in accordance with condition 1,E.I.:

Monitoring R~quiremcnts Discharge Limitations Discharge Limitationss Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units).. Monthly'. Daily Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample MTximur m Mfin irnun-Maximum Nlinimum Frequency IPoint Ayerage Flow (MiGD) 0.91 Report Daily Meter I FLW- I pH (SU) Report Repon: Quarterly JIn-situ IF...

Solids, .Total Dissolved -- Report Quarterly Grab EFF-I (TDS) (MG/l) .... .

Specific Conductance -- Report Quarterly Insitu EFF-I


Oil and Grease (MG/L) Report -- Quarterly Grab EF7, i Chloride (as Cl) -- Report -- Quarterly Giab EFF-I (MG@ ,)....

Cyanide, Total (MG/L) -- See Condition - Quarerly Grab EFFI I:A.3 Alpha, Gross Particle -- Report Quarterly Grab EFF- I Activity (PCIIL)

Radium-226 + Radium Report Quarterly Grab EFF- I 228, Total (PCIIL)

Antimony, Total -- Report Quarterly Grab EFF-I Recoverable UGj..L)

Arsenic, Total - Report -- Quarterly Grab EFF- I Recoytrable _(UGIL) ______________ ______

Beryllium, Total -. Repor -- Quarterly Grab EFF- I Recoverable (UG[L) .... _____ __.. ......

Cadmium, Total -. Report -- Quarterly Grab EFF- I Copper,.Total - Report Quarterly Grab EFF-I Recoverable'(.MG.L). _ _ __ .


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUIMIER: FLA016960-004-IBflJMR FACUITY: Crystal River Energy Complex Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Monthly Daily Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Average Maximum Minimum Frequency Point Chromium, Total -- Report Quarterly Grab EFF- 1 Recoverable (NIG/L)

Iron, Total Recoverable Report -- Quarterly Grab EFT- 1 (M GIL) __........

Lead, Total -- Report -- Quar-erly Grab EFl- I Recoverable:(UG/L)

Mercury, Total -- Report -- Quarterly Grab EFF.1 Recoverable (UGmL) .... _ _ .....

Nickel, Total Report Quarteriy Grab EfF- I Recoverable (UGeL)

Selenium, Total -- Report -- Quarterly Grab EFF-I Recoverable (UG/L) ...........

Sodium, Total -- Report -- Quarterly Grab EFF-I Recoverable (MG/L)

Thallium, Total -- Report Quarterly Grab EFF- I Recoverable (UG/L) Q.rel.rb..

Zinc, Total Recoverable -- Report Quarterly Grab E--. I (MG/L)

2. Effluent samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations'listed in permit condition I.C. :and as described below:

Sample Point Description of Monitoring Location FLW41 The sum of all flows to percolation pond system.

EFF-I Ar-discharge pipe pond, either the East Pond or West Pond. Ponds will be, rotated on a yearly basis, or as hecessary.

3, The permittee shallsainple and monitor both the effluent:and groundwater monitoring wells for cyanide after the Flue Gas Desulfurization system has been. placediinto commercial operation.

D. Other'Methods of Disnosal or Recvclinp

1. There shall be no.6ischarge of industrial wastewater, from. this facility to ground or surface waters, except as authorized by this permit.

E. Other Limitations and Monitoring and Reporting Requirements I. Monitoring requirements under this permit, are effective otnthe first day of the second month. following permit issuance. Until such time, the permittee shall continue to m6nitor and reprt in accordance with previously effective permit requirements, if any. During the period of'operation authorized by this permit, the permittee shallcomplete and submit to the Southwest District Office Discharge Monitoring Reports(DMRs) in accordance with the frequencies specified by theREPORT type (i.e., monthly, toxicity, quarterly, semiannual, annual, etc.).indicated on the DMR forms attached to this.permit. Monitoring results for each monitoring period shall be:submitted in, accordance withthe associated DMR due dates below.


PERMITrEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc: PA FILE NLMBER: FLA016960-004-IWB/M1R FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex REPORT Type Mon jioring Period DMR Due Date Monitoring Period DINR Due Date REPORTyp Monthly or Toxicity first dayof month - last day of month 28rday of following month Quarterly January 1 - March 31 April 28 April 1 - June 30 July 28 July 1 - September 30 October 28 October I - December 3 1 January 28 Serniannual January 1 - June 30 July 28 July 1 - December 31 January 28 Annual January 1 - December 31 January 28 DNfRs shall be submitted for each required monitoring period including months of no discharge.

The perrnittee shall make copies of the attached DMR form(s) and-shall submit the original completed DMR form(s) to the address specified below: (Please submit a copy of theDMR to the.Southwest District Office)

Originals to: Copies to:

Department of Environmental Protection FDEP-Southwest District Wastewater ComplianceEvaluation Section Industrial Wastewater Program Mail Station 3551 Southwest District Office Twin Towers Office Building 13051 North Telecom Parkway-2600 Blair Stone Road Temple Terrace, FL 33637-0926 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Facsimile (813) 632-7662

2. Unless specified otherwise in this permit, all reports and notifications required by this permit, including twenty-four hour notifications, shall be submitted to or reported to the.Southwest District Office at the address~specified.


.Southwest District Office 13051 North Telecom Parkway Temple Terrace, FL 33637-0926 Phone Number - (81 3) 632-7600 FAX Number- (8:13) 63-47662 (Al I FAX copies shall befollowedby original copies.)

3. All reports and other information. shall be signed in accordancewith requirements of.Rule 62-620.305, F.A.C.
4. The permittee shall provide safe access points for obtaining representati,e samples which are required by this permit.
5. If there is no discharge from the facility on a day scheduled for sampling, the'sample:shll be collected-on the day of the next discharge.
6. Any bypass of the treatment facility which is not included in the monitoring specified in sections LA, I.B,. I.C, or I'D, is to be monitored for flow and all other required parameters. For.parameters other than flow, at least one grab sample per day shall be monitored.. 'Daily flow shall be monitored or estimated, as approptiate,:t0 Obtain reportable data. All monitoring~results shall be reported on the appropria(e;DNMfR 5

PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc- PA FILE NU IIBER: FLA016960-004-BVB/MIR FACILITY. Crystal River Energy Compiex I1. Industrial Wastewater Residuals Management Requirements This section is not applicable to the facility.

lI1. Ground Water Monitoring Requirements A. Construction Requirements

1. The permittee shall give at least 72-hours, notice to the Department's Southwest District Office, prior to the installation of any monitoring wells detailed in this permit.
2. The QUARTERLY sampling and analysis of ground water monitoring wells shall begin upon proper completion of the GWMP well system in accordance with condition II.B. I. The wells shall be sampled.for the parameters identified in Permit Condition .11B..3 and in accordance to the D.partmen's "Standard Operating Procedures For Laboratory Operations:and Sample Collection Activities," DEP-SOP-00t/01, FS 2200 Ground water Sampling, January. 1, 2002.
3. PIior to construction of new ground water monitoring wells, asoil boring shall be made at each new monitoring well location in order to establish the well depth and screen interval.
4. Within thirty days after completion of-construction of the ground water monitoring wells, a properly scaled figure depicting monitor well locations (active and abandoned) with identification numbers shall be submitted.

The figureshail also include (or attached) the monitoring w.ell, top of casing and ground surface elevations.

referenced to National Geodetic Vertical Datum (,NGVD) to the nearest D.0t foot, along with monitor vwell location latitude and longitude to the nearest 0. 1 second.

5. Within thirty days after completion of construction of the, ground water monitoring weIls, well completion reports shall be sent to the Industrial Wastewater Section, FDEP Southwest District Office. The information is to be submitted on. th attached form for each well, DEP Form 62-522-900(3), Monitor Well Completion Report.
6. In Districts where applicable, within 30:days, of completion of construction of new ground water monitor wells, the Department requests that the permittee submit the following information for. each monitor well.:
a. A copy of the Florida Water Management District (WMD), State ofFlorida Permit Application to Construct, Repair,M~odify or Ablandon a Well,.Form4l.t1010(1), and
b. A copy of the WMD Well Completion Report, Form 41.10-410(2),62-610.412(2)(b)
7. Prior to the application of effluent to the reuse/disposal site, the permittee shall sample all new ground water monitoring wells for the Primary and Secondary Drinking Water parameters included in Rule 62-550, Florida Administrative Code, Public Drinking Water. Systems (excluding asbestos, acrylamide dioxin, butachlor and epichlorohydrin), and EPA Methods 601 ,and 602.

B. Operational Requirements

1. :During the period of'operation authorized by this permit, the permittee shall continue to sample groundwater at the ekisting monritoring wells identified in item tll.B.2 below, in accordance with this permit and the approved ground water monitoring plan prepared in accordance with Rule 62-522.600,F.A.C. Within 90 days of placing the new.,or modified wastewater facility inito operation, or installation of new monitoring 'wells, Whichever occurs sooner, the permittee shall begin sampling ground water at the new mo*nitoring wells identified in ifem 111..2 below, in accordance with this permit and the approved ground *ater monitorng plan.


PERNMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-004-IWB/MR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Compiex

2. The following monitoring wells shall be sampled for Well.Group For: percolation pond, Land Application System G-001:

Monitoring Alternate Well Name and/or Depth Aquifer New or Well ID Description of Monitoring Location (Feet) Monitored Existing MfWB-30 Background Well 20 Upper Floridar Existing MWC-1 Compliance Monitoring Well, 20 Upper Floridan Existing MVWI-2R2 Intermediate Monitor Well Upper Floridan Existing MWI-7R Intermediate Monitor Well (Relocated) 20 Upper Floridan Eising MWC- 12R Monitor Well 20Upper 20 Floridan Existing fWC- 16 Compliance Monitor Well 21.1 Upper Floridan Existing MWC-21R Compliance Monitor Well 20 Upper Floridan Existing MWC-27 Compliance Monitor Well 33 Upper Floridan Existing, MWC-28 Compliance Monitor Well 20 Upper Foridan Existing.

MWVC-29 Compliance Monitor Well 20 Upper Floridan Existing MVWC-lF2 Compliance Monitor Well 14 Upper Floridan Existing K\WB = Background; MWI Intermediate, MWC = Compliance; MW= Piezometer

3. The monitor wells specified in Condition iII.B.2 shall be sampled for the parameters listed below:

Parameter Name Compliance Units Sample Monitoring Well Limit Type Frequency Radium 226 and 228 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable Chloride (asCI) Report, MGJ` Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable Report- MG/L Grab Quarterly.

Nitrogen; Nitrate, Total 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly (as N03) pH* 6.5-8 .5 SU Grab Quarterly Sodium, Total 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable:,

Solids, Total Dissolved Report MGiL Grab Quarterly


SpecificConductance* Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidit"* Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to Report: FEET In-situ Quarterly NGVD Alpha, Gross:Particle 15.0 PCI/L " Grab Quarterly Activity Antimony, Total 6,0 UGIL Grab Quarterly Recoyerable Arsenic, Total 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable Grab..uarterly Barium;Total 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable ., . . ._....

Beryllium, Total 4.0 UGIU Grab Quarterly Recoverable Cadamum, Total 5,0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable, Lead, Total Recov erable 15.0 UG1L Grab Quarterly Nickel,-otal I00.0 UGIL Grab Quarterly Recoverable _


PERMITI'EE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA0t6960--04-IWB/MvR FACILITY: Crystal.River Energy Complex Parameter Name Compliance Units Sample Monitoring aluell Limit Type2LG FrequencyQat Thallium, Total 2.0 UGWL GrabT Quarterly Recoverable Oxygen, Di.ssolved Report MG&L In-situ Quarterly (DO)* ._

Zinc, Total Recoverable _ MG/L Grab Quarrerly Fluoride, Total (as F) Report MGI. Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 0.2 MG/L, Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* Report .... °F i In-sivi . Quarterly

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP--SOP-00l/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be'submitted with each groundwater Part D DM1R.

The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW D1MR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

4. For the land application system for 0-001, all ground water quality criteria specified in Chapter 62-520, F.A*.C, shall be met.:at the edge of the zone of discharge. The zone of discharge for this project is the lateral extent of the upland environment on the property; where ground water is discharging to the marine environment.
5. The permittee's discharge to, ground water shall not cause a violation of water quality standards for ground wAters at the boundary of the zone of discharge in accordance with Rules62-520.400 and 62-520.420, F.A.C.

6.. The permittee's discharge:to ground water shall not cause a violation of the minimnum.criteria for ground water specified in.Rule 62-520.400, FRAC., within the zone of discharge.

7. If the concentratidna for any conistitýent listed iin Permit Condition IILB.3 in the natural background quality of the ground water is greater than the stated riiaximum, or in the case'of pH is-alsoless than the minimum, theý representative background quality shall b6 the prevailing standard,
8. Water levels shall be.recorded prior to evacuating the wellfor sample collection. Elevafion:referencis shall include the top of the well casing and. land surface at each well site (NGVD allowable) at a precision of plus or minus 0.01 feet.
9. Ground watermonitoring wells shall be purged prior to sampling to obtain a representative sample.

10, Mialyses shall be conducted[on un-filtered.samples, unlessrfitered samples have beenapproved by the.

Department as being. more representative of ground water conditions.

11. If a monitoring well becomes damaged or cannot be sampled for some reason, the permittee shall-tnotify the Department. irmmediately and a written report shallb follw within seven days'detailing the circumstances and remedial measures taken or proposed. Repair or replacement of monitoring wells shall be approved in advance by the Department,
12. All piezometers'.and monitoring wells not part of the approved groudd water monitoring plan are to be plugged and abandoned in accordance with Rule 62-532.500(4),' F.A.C.1, unless there is intent for.their futut, use."
13. The permittee shall sample and monitor ali groundwater, monitoring wells.for cyanide, begimning the next quarterly sampling event after the Flue Gas Desulfurization system has been placed into: commercial Operation.


PERMI-TEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA01 6960-004-PWB/,MR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

14. Ground water monitoring test results shall be submitted on Part D of DEP Form 62-620.910(10) (attached) and shall be submitted to the address specified in IE.3. Results shall be submitted with the DNIv for each month listed in the following schedule.

SAMPLE PERIOD REPORT DUE DATE January - March April 28 April - June July,28 July - September October 28 October - December January, 28 IV. Other Land Application Requirements L. This section is not applicable to this facility.

V. Operation and Maintenance Requirements A. Treatment and Disposal Facilities

1. The permittee shall ensure that the operation.of this facility is as described in the application and supporting documents.
2. The operation of the pollution control facilities described in this permit.shall be under the supervision of a person who is qualified by formal training andlor practical experiencein the field of water pollution control.

B.. Record keeping Requirements:

1. The permittee shalh maintYin the followiing records on the site of the permitted facility and make them available for inspection:

a', Records~of all compliance monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, including, 'ifapplicable, a copy of the laboratory certification showing te certification number of the: laboratory, for at least three years from the date the sample or measurement was taken;

b. Copies~of all reports, other than those required in items. and'f. of this section,required by the permit for-at:

least three years from the date the report was.prepared, unless otherwise'specified by Department rule;

c. Records of alldata. includingreports and documents used to complete the application for the permit for at least three years from the date the application, was filed, unless otherwise specified by Departient rule;
d. A copy of the current permit;

.e A copy of any required record drawings,

f. Copies of the logs and. schedules- showing plant operations and equipment maintenanceefor three years from the date on the logs, or schedule.

VI. Schedules I1. The permittee Shall achieve compliance with the other conditions of.this permit as follows:!

Operational -level attained Issuance Date: of permit

2. No*later than 14 calendar days following adate identified in the abo`ve schedule(s} of clmpiance, the permittee.

shall submit either a report of progress or, in of specific actions`being required by an identified date, a written notice of compliance or noncompliance: In the latter case, the rioticeishall include&the cause Of

nonconpliance, any remedial actions, tiken, and :the probability of meeting the next schlediled requirement.


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-004-OWB/MR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex 3.. A Best Management Practices (BMP) Plan shall be prepared and implemented in accordance with Part VII of this permit and the following schedule:

Action Item Scheduled Completion Date I Develop a Best Management Practice Plan (BMP). Completed 2 Implement BMP Plan. Completed

4. The following implementation steps shall be completed in accordance with the following schedule:

Implementation Steps [Scheduled Completion Date I Submit to the Department for review and appro'val, a Completed revised ground water monitoring plan(OGWMP) to include the relocated well MWI.-2R2.

2 Relocate and install the proposed groundwater Completed monitoring well MWI-2R2.

3. The permittee shall notify the Department when the Within sixty (60) days after Flue Gas Desulferization system (FGD):has been placed placing into commercial into operation. . operation.

4 Submit to the Department DEP Form 62-620.910(12), Within thirty (30) days of Notification of Completion of Constructiorn. placing FGD system into operation, 5 Submit to the Department all required documenitation'as As required bySection.JI.A.

....... required by Section III.A.

6 Installation of flow meter(s). Completed 7 Installation of Reverse Osmosis Treatment System and a Completed micro filtration unit.

5, In accordance. with sections 403.088(2)(e)'and (0,.F.FS., aictripliance'sehedule for this facility iscbontained in, Administrative Order AO- I 14-SW that is'hereby incorporatedtby reference..

VII. Other.Specific Conditions A. Specific Conditions Appilicable to All Permits

.1; Drawings, plans, documents or the permitte,, not attached hereto, but retained on.file at. the Southwest District Office, are madeý a part hereof.

.2. Where required by Chapter 471 (P.E.) or Chapter 492 (P.G.)'F.S., applicable portioris of reports6to be submitfed under this permit, shall be signed and sealed by the professional(s) who:.prepared them.

3. Thispermit satisfies Industrial Wastewater program permitting requirements0only and does not authorize operation of this facility prior to obtaining any other.permitsrequired by local, stare or federal agencies.


PERIMITEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PAFILENUMBER: FLA016960-004-1WBVBNM, FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Compiex

4. The permittee shall provide verbal notice to thie Department as soon aspractical after discovery of a sinkhole within an area for the management or application of wastewater or sludge: The permittee shall immediately implement measures appropriate to control the entry of contaminants, and shall detail these measures to the Department in a written report within 7 days of the sinkhole discovery.

B& Specific Conditions Related to Construction I. This section is not applicable to. this facility.

C. Duty to Reapply The permittee shall apply for renewal of this permit at least 180 days before the~expiration date of the permit using the appropriate forms listed inRule 62-620.910,.F.A.C:, including.submittal.of the appropriate processing fee set forth in Rule 62-4.050, RA.C. The existing permit, shall not expireuntil the Department has taken final action on the application renewal in accordance with the provisions of 62-620.335.(3) and (4), F.A.C.

D. Specific Conditions Related to Existing Manufacturing, Comnmercial, Mining. and Silviculture Wastewater Facilities or Activities I Existing manufacturing, conmmercial, mining, and silvicultural wastewater facilities or activities that discharge into surface waters shall notify the Department as soon as they know or have reason to believe:

a. That any activity has occurred or will occur which would-result in the discharge, on a routine or fr6quent" basis, of any toxic pollutant which is not limited irl the permit, if that discharge.will exceed the highest of the following levels (1) One hundred micrograms pertliter, (2) Two hundred micrograms per liter for acrolein and acryloniirile; five hundred micrograms per liter for 2,4-dinitrophenol andifor 2.methyl-4,6-.dinitrophenol; and one milligram per liter for antimony, or (3) Five times the maximum concentration value reported for: thatpollutant in the permit application.
b. That any activity has occurred or will.occur which vwould resultin any-discharge, on a non-routine or inrfrequent basis, of a toxic pollutant which is not limited in the permit, if thatvdischarge will exceed the highest of the following levels M() Five hundred microgramsipser liter, (2) One milligram. per liter for antimony, or (3)' Ten times the maximum conceritration value reported for that pollutant in thepermit application..

E. .Specific. Coinditions Related to:Best Management Practices

1. BMIP Plan:

.For purposes of this part, the terms 'pollut*nt!" or "pollutants" substance listed as toxic under Section.

307(a)(i),of listed the Clean as hazardousI Water under Act(the-'!Act"), oil,,asý.defined in.Section 3 I'I(a)(1) of the Act, and any substance Section 311 of the Act. The permittee shall develop and implement a Besi:

Management Practices (BMP) plan which prevents, or-minimizes, the potential.for the release of pollutants from ancillary activities, including material storage areas; plans site noff; in-anrt:transfer,"process and material handling areas; loadingaigdunloading 0Perations;'"and :sludge and waste disposal areas, to the waters of the.State through plantsite runoff; spillage or leaks; sludge or waste disposal; or drainage froom raw material storage.

2. Implementation:

The B.M plan'shall be'developed and, imp.lementeadinaccordance with the schedule contained in Part VI this permit.


PERMJTTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NNJMBER: FLA016960-004-PWBIMR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

3. General Requirements:

The BMIP plan shall:

a. Be documented in narrative form, and shall include any necessary plot plans, drawings or maps.
b. Establish specific objectives for the control of pollutants.

(1) Each facility component or system shal!.be examined for its potential for causing a release of significant amounts of pollutants to waters of the State:due to equipment failure, improper operation, natural phenomena such as rain or snowfall, etc.

(2) Where experience indicates a.rea'sonable potential for equipment failure (e~gl, a tank overflow or leakage), natural conditions (e~g., precipitation), or other.circumstances to result in significant amounts of pollutants reaching surface waters, the plan should include a prediction of the direction, rate of flow, and total quantity of pollutants which could be discharged from the facility as a result of each condition or circurmstance.

c. Establish, specific best management practices to meet the objectives identified under paragraph (b) of this subsection, addressing each component.or system capable of causing a release of significant amounts of pollutants to the waters of the State, and identifying specific preventative or remedial measures to be implemented.
d. Be'reviewed by plant engineering staff and plant manager.
4. Documentation:

The permittee shall maintain'the BMP. plan at the facility and shall make the.plan available to the Department upon request.

5.. BN'P Plan Modification:

The permittee.shall amend the BMP? plan whenever: there is a change in the facility or change in the operation of the facility which materially increases the potential for the ancillary activities to riesuItin a discharge-of significant amounts of pollutants.

6. Modification for Ineffectiveness:

If the BMP plan proves to be ineffective in achieving the general objective of preventing the-release of significant amounts of pollutants to surface waters and the specific objectives and requirements under paragraphs (b) and (c) of item 3, the permit shall be modification pursuant to rule 62-620.325, .F.A.C., to incorporate revised BMP requiirements.

F. Reopener Clause

1. The permit shall be revisedi or alternatively, ievoked and reissued in accordance With the provisions'contained in Rules62-620.325 and 62-.620:345, FR.AC.,.if'applicable, or to comply with any applicable effluent stahdard or limitation issued or approved under Sections 301(b)(2)(C) and (D), 304(b)(2) and 307(a)(2) of the Clear Water Act (the Act), .as amended,.ifýtheeffluient standards,!.imitatio*ns: or water quality standards so issued or approved:
a. Contains different conditions or is: othepxwise more stringent than any condition" in the permitior; 12

PERMITTEE: Progress EnergyFlorida. Inc. PA.FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-004-4WBIIR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

b. Controls any pollutant not addressed in the permit.

The permit as revised or reissued under this paragraph shall also contain any other requirements of the Act then applicable.

2. The permit may be reopened to adjust effluent limitations or monitoring requirements should future Water Quality Based Effluent Limitation determinations, water qualitystudies, DEp approved changes in water quality standards, or other information show a need for a different limitation or monitoring requirement.
3. The Department may develop a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) during the life of the permit. Once a -

T"MDL has been established and adopted by rule, the Department shall revise this permit to incorporate the final findings of the TMDL.

VIII. General Conditions L The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations and restrictions setforth in this permit are binding and enforceable~pursuant to Chapter 403; ES. Any permit noncompllahce constitutes.a violation of Chapter 403, F.S., and is grounds for enforcemeni action, permit.termination, permit revocation and reissuance, or permit revision. [62-620.610(1), FA.C.]

2. This permitis valid only for.the specifi processes and operations applied for and indicated in the approved drawings or exhibits. Any unauthorized deviation from the approved drawings, exhibits, specifications or conditions of this permit constitutes grounds for revocation and enforcement action by the Department. [62-620.610(2), F.A.C.]
3. As provided in subsection 403.081(7), F.S., the issuance of this permitAoes not convey any vested rights or any exclusive'privileges.. Neither doesit authorize any injury to public or private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor authorize any infringements of federal, irate, or local law s or regulations. This permit is not a waiver.ofor approVal of any other Department permit-or authorization that may berequired for other aspects of the total project which are not addressed in this permit. [62-620.610(3), F.A. C.]

4: This permit conveys no title to land or water, does not.constitutestate recognition or acknowledgment of title, and does not constitute authority for the use of submerged lands unlesslherein provided and the necessary title or leasehold interests have been obtained from the State. Only the Trustees-;of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund may express State opinion as to title. [62:620.610(4), F.A.C]

5. This permit does not relieve the permittee from liability and penalties for harm or.injury to human health or welfare, animal orplant life, or property caused by the construction or operation of this permitted source; nor does it allow the permittee to cause pollution in contravention of Florida Statutes and Department rules, unless specifically authorized-by an order from the Department. The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge, reuse of reclaimed water, or- esiduals use or disposal in violation of this permit which' has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human-health or the-environment. It shall not be a defense for a permittee~in an enforcement action.that it wouild have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. [62-620.610(5),F.A.C.]
6. If the permittee wishes to coftinue an activity regulated by this permit after its expiration date,.the'permittee shall apply for and obtain a new permit [62-620.6100), F.A. C.]
7. The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the facility3 and systems of treatment and control, and related appurtenances, that are installed and used by the permittee.,t achieve Compliance wit the conditions of this permit. This provision includes the operition of backup or auxiliartyfacilities or similar systems when necessary to maintain or acIhieve compliance with tie conditions of the permit. [62-620.610(7), F.A C.]


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-004-rWB/MIR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

8. This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit revision,.revocation and reissuance, or terrmination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any permit condition. [62-620.610(8), F.AC.]
9. The permittee, by accepting this permit, specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel, including an authorized representative of the Department and authorized EPA personnel, when applicable, upon presentation of credentials or other documents as may be required by law, and !at reasonable times, depending upon the nature of the concern being investigated, to
a. Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility, system, or activity is located or conducted, or where records shall be kept under the conditions of this permit;
b. Have access to and copy any records that shall be kept under. the conditions of this permit;
c. Inspect the facilities, equipment, practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit; and
d. Sample or monitor any substances or parameters-at any location necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules. [62-620.610(9), F-A.C.]
10. In accepting this permit, the permittee understands and agrees that all records, notes, monitoring data, and other information relating to the construction or operation of this permitted source which are submitted to the Department may be used by the Department as evidence in any enforcement case involving the permitted source aris ing under the Florida Statutes or Department.niles, except as such use~is proscribed by Section 403.111, Florida Statutes, or Rule 62-620.302,.F.A.C. Such evidence shall only be used to the extent that it is consistent with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and applicable evidentiary rules' [62M620.610(10), F.A.C.]

11, When requested by the Department, the permittee shall within a reasonable time proyide any information requited by law which is needed to determine whether there is cause for revising, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit, or to determine compliance with the permit. The permittee shallalso provide to the Department upon request copies ofrecords required by this permit to be kept, If the permittee becomes aware of relevant facts that werenot submitted.or were incorrect in, the permit application or in any, report to the Department, such facts .or information shall be promptly submitted or corrections promptly reported to the Department [62-620.610(1-1), F.A.C.]

12. Unless specifically stated otherwise in, Department rules, the permittee, ,in accepting this permit, agrees-to comply with changes in Departmentf rules and Florida Statutes' after a reasonable time for compliance; provided however, the permittee does not waive any other rights granted by Florida Statutes or Department rules. A reasonable time for compliance.with a new.dr amended surface water quality standard, other than those s.tandards addressed in Rule 62z302.500, F.A-C., shill include a reasonabletime to obtain or be denied a mixing zone for the new or amended standard. [62-620.610(12), F.A. C].
13. The permitee, in accepting this permit, agrees to pay the applicable regutlatory program and surveillance fee in accordance with Rule 62-4A052, F.A.C. [62-620.610(13), F.A.C.j
14. This permit is transferable only upon Department approval in accordance with Rule62-620.340, F.A:C. The permittee shall beliable for any noncompliance of the permitted. activity until the iDepartment approves the

{ransfer. [62-620.610(14),. F. C.j

15. The permittee shallgive the Department .,Titten notice at jeast 60 days before inactivation or abandonment of a Wastewaterfacility'and shall:specify what steps willtbe taken to safeguard public health and safety during and following inactivation or abandonment, [62ý620.6i0(15), F.A. C]
16. The pernittee shall apply for'a revision to the-Department permit in accordance with Rule 62-620 300, F-A.C.,

,and. the Department of Environmental'Protection, Wastewater Permittirng at least 90 days before construction of any planned substantial modifications to the permitted facility is to commence.or with Rule 62-

.620.3.25(2), F.A-C., forminor modifications to the permitted facility. A revised permit shall be obtained befbreý construction begins except as prov ided in Rule 62-620.300, F.A.C. [62-620.610(16),F.A.C.]


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUIIBER: FLA016960-004-BVB*-IPR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

17. The permittee shall give advance notice to the Department of any planned changes in the perrnitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with permit requirements. The permittee shall be responsible for any and all damages which may result from the changes and may be subject to enforcement action by the Department for penalties or revocation of this permit. The notice shall include the following information:
a. A description of the anticipated noncompliance;
b. The period of the anticipated noncompliance, including dates and tires, and
c. Steps being taken to prevent future occurrence of the nonlcompliance. [62-620.610(17), FA C]
18. Sampling and monitoring data shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with Rule 62-4.246, Chapters62-160.and 62-601, F.AC., and 40 CFR 136, as appropriate.
a. Monitoring results shall be reported at the intervals specified elsewhere in this permit and shall be reported on a Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR), DEP Form 62-620.910(10). or as specifiedelsewhere in the permit.
b. If the permittee monitors any contaminate more frequently than required by the permit, using Department approved test procedures, the results of this monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the DMR.
c. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall use an arithmetic mean unless.

otherwise specified in this permit.

d. Except as specifically provided in Rule 62-160,300, F.A.C., any laboratory test required bythis permit shall be performed by a laboratory that has been certified by the Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Certification Program (DOH ELCP). Such certification shall be for the matrix, test method and analyte(s) bei ng measured tocomply with this permit. For domestic wastewater facilities, testing for parameters listed in Rule 62-160.300(4), F.A.C., shall be conducted under the direction of a certified operator.
e. Field activities including on-site tests and sample collection shall follow the applicbtle standard operating procedures.described in DEP-SOP-001/01 adopted by reference in Chapter 62-160, F.A C.
f. Alternate field procedures and laboratory methods may be used where they have been approved in accordance With Rules62-160.220 and 62-160.330,. F.A.C. [62-620.610(18), F.A.C.]

19: Reports of:compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule detailed elsewhere in this permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date. [62-620:610(19), F.A.G.]

20 The permrittee shall report to the Department's Southwest District Office any noncompiliance which may endanger health or the environment. Any information provided orally within.24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within five days.of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstance. The written submission shall contain: a description, of the noncompliance and its cause; the period of noncompliance including exact dates and time, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance.

a The following shall be included as information which must be reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> under this condition:

(1) Any ua.nticipated-bypass which causes any reclaimed water or effluent to exceed any permit limitation or results in an unpermitted discharge, (2) Any upset which causes any reclaimed Water or the effluent to exceed any limitation in the permit, (3) Violition of a maximum daily discharge limitation for any ofthe pollutants specifically listed in the permit for such notice, and (4) Any unauthorized'discharge to surface or ground waters.

b- Oral reports as required bythis subsection shall be provided as follows:

D() For unauthorized releases or spills of untreated ortireated wastewater reported pursuant to subparagraph a.(4) that are in excess of 1,000 gallons per incident, or where information indicatesthat public health or the environment will be endangered, 6ral reports shall be provided to the Department by galling the-STATE WARNINO POINT TOLL F E NUM3ER (800)320-05 19, as soon as practical, but no later than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the timethe permittee becomes aware of the discharge. The permittee, to, te extent known,, shall provide the following information to the State Warning Point:

'(a) Name, address,.and'telephone number of person reporting; (b) Name,.address, and telephone number of permittee or responsible person for the discharge;;


Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMIBER: FLA016960-004-IWBiNR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex (c) Date and time of the discharge and status of.discharge (ongoing or ceased);

(d) Characteristics of the wasrewater spilled or released (untreated-or. treated, industrial or domestic wastewvater);

(e) Estimated amount of the discharge; (f) Location or address of the discharge; (g) Source and cause of the discharge; (h) Whether the discharge was contained on-site, and cleanup actions taken to date; (i) Description of area affected by the discharge, including name of water body affected, if any; and (j) Other persons oragenciescontcted.

(2) Oral reports; not otherwise required to be provided pursuant to subparagraph b.(l) above, shall be provided to Department's Southwest District Office within:24 hours from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances.

c. If the oral report has been received within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, the noncompliance has been corrected, and the noncompliance did not endanger health or the environment,-the Department's Southwest District Office shall waive:the written report. [62-620.610(20), FA.C.]
21. The permittee shallireport all instances of noncompliance not reported under Conditions V111.17., 18. and 19. of this permit at the time monitoring reports are submitted. This report shall containithe same information required

.by Condition VIL20. of this permit. [62-620.610(21), F.A. C.]

22. Bypass Provisions..

,a, Bypass is prohibited, and the Department may take enforcement action, against a permittee for bypass, unless.

the permittee affir-matively demonstrates that:

(1) Bypass wasunavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage; and (2) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as theuse ofauxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied ifadequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of rdasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance; and (3) The permittee submitted notices as required under Condition VIIH.22.b. of this permit.

b. If thepermittee knrows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice to the Department, if possible at least 10 days before the date of the bypass. The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass within24 hours oflearning about the bypass as required in Condition VUI.20. of this permit. A notice shall include a description of the bypass and its cause;tthe period of the bypass, including:exact dates and times;..if the bypass has not been corrected, the anticipatd .time itzis expected to continue; and the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the bypass.
c. The Department shall approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effect, if the permitteed demonstrates that it will meet the three conditions listed in Condition VIII.22 a.(l) through (3) of this permit.
d. A permittee may allow any. bypass to occur which doesmnot cause reclaimed water or effluent limitations to be exceeded if it is for essential maintenance to assure efficient Operation. Thesebypasses are not subject'to the provision of Condition VIII.22.a. through c. of this permit, [62-620.610(22), F.A.C.]

23., Upset Provisions

a. A permittee, who wishes to establish.the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrIate, through properly signed contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that:

(1), An, upset occurred and that the permittee can identify the cause(s) of theý upset; (2), The permitted facility was at the-time being properly operated;:

(3), Thepernittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Condition VIII.20. of this permit; and (4) The..permittee complied with any remedial measures required underCondition VIII.5..ofthis permit.

b. In any enforcement. proceeding, the burden of prooffor establishing the occurrence of an upset rests with. the permittee.
c. Before an-enforcement proceedinglis instituted, no representation made during the Department review of a claim that noncompliance was caused by an upset is final agency action subject to judicial review..

[62-62o,61i5(23), FPA.CJ 16

PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE N7UMBER: FLAO1696004-MWB/MR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex Executed in Hillsborough Count-, Florida.


V*ater acil i s Administrator S uthwest , trict 1.7

DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT - PART A When Completed mail this report to: Department of Environmental Protection, Wastewater Compliance Evaluation Section, MS 3551, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 PERMITTEE NAME: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PERMIT NUMBER FLA016960 MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 14042 MAC PEF-903 St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5501 LIMIT: Final REPORT: Monthly CLASS SIZE: GROUP: Industrial FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex LOCATION: 15760 West Powerline Street MONITORING GROUP NUMBER: G-001 Crystal River, FL 34428 MONITORING GROUP DESC: Three-stage Percolation Pond System COUNTY: Citrus NO DISCHARGE FROM SITE:

MONITORING PERIOD From: To Parameter Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units No. Frequency of Sample Type Ex. Analysis Flow Sample Measurement PA*RM Code5 e 500 I Pertmit'  : 0.91. . . Report .. MGD Daily. Meter M on Site NogFLW -1 '  : rqu ement,: . (M o.Avý.) . (Da .Max,) _____.... _._, ..... ____-___.

Sample Measurement PJermit,

_______________'___________-_i':" Requirement

..... " .

Sample Measurement ARequirem~ent'________

Sample Measurement Regtiirerrernt_______________

Sample Measurement Permit.,-

Requirement _____________

Sample Measurement

-, .,"

_________-_________-_.______:, ___,,_. Permit."

Riiqu r~r~i~it ._._:__.__"_____-__ __ -. ./.  :> ___:_

.- ___________..._____:__.

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I mnaware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of'fine and imprisonment for knowitig violations.


COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY ViOLATIONS (Reference all attachnments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No, FLA0160960-004-IIAIB/MR

DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT - PART A When Completed mail this report to: Department of Environmental Protection, Wastewater Compliance Evaluation Section, MS 3551, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 PERMITTEE NAME: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PERMIT NUMBER FLA016960 MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 14042 MAC PEF-903 St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5501 LIMIT: Final REPORT: Quarterly CLASS SIZE: GROUP: Industrial FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex LOCATION: 15760 West Powerline Street MONITORING GROUP NUMBER: G-001 Crystal River, FL 34428 MONITORING GROUP DESC: Three-stage Percolation Pond System COUNTY: Citrus NO DISCHARGE FROM SITE:

MONITORING PERIOD From: To Parameter Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units No. Frequency of Sample Type Ex. Analysis pH Sample Measurement PARN ICodeO0ý400 I PriK .,Report Report su Quarterly In-SitU MoiniSiieNo :EFF I  : RequiremenP": . , .i-') . (Max.)

Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) Sample Measurement PARMdCode 70295 1 . Permit ". , Report G/L Quarterly Grab Mon No. EFF.. Requirement J.... .Site (Mfx.) _

Specific Conductance Sample Measurement PARM Cdn e00095 1, Permit, Report UMHO/ Quarterly In-situ MnStNoFFIRequirement .. (a . CM Oil and Grease Sample Measurement PARM Code 060§6 1lSPemi*R*eprt , RG/Lu*a RGrab terly Mon.,Site,&NoEFF IRequirement .(Max.)

Chloride (as Cl) Sample Measurement 0MýCo.eý 0940 Report MG.. Quarterly Grab Mon'cSte No BIT I Requirrremet ________ Max.).

Cyanide, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement Code 7 248 -.

1Rmit'e,*r ... ,".Grab Repor t G/L Qtuarterly Mon.Site.No EFF1I . equire nt............... . (Max.) ___________________

I certify' under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting fllse information, including the possibility of tine and imprisonmeni tbr knowing violations.


COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.91 0(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I60960-004-IIAIB/MR


FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex MONITORING GROUP NUMBER: G-001 PERMIT NUMBER: FLA016960 MONITORING PERIOD From: To Parameter Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units No. Frequency of Sample Type Ex. Analysis Alpha, Gross Particle Activity Sample Measurement PARMI Code 804W 1. 1 < Permit Report PCI/L .: Quarterly Grab:

Mon. Site N. Ff -1I. Requ{jimei"t. " (Max:)

Radium 226 + Radium 228, Total Sample Measurement PAMCode1153 iit .* Repor PCI/L .' .J, Quarterly Grab Moný Site No EFF I Requirement (ax)_______

Antimony, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARMI Code 01.268 1 Report UG/L Quarterly Grab Mon. Site No EFF I Requirement . . Max:)


Arsenic Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARM Code 00978 1 permit , '..Report, CO/L- Quarterly Grab Mofi 9SiteNo EFF* I Req*irnement (Max)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PAkt'M'Code 00998 1 Permit 7Report UG/L, Quarterly Grab M Site No EFF'1 Si., Reqpiietent _(Max.) Gr Cadmium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARMO Code. 01113 , I P.ermiit, * -- Report . tJG/L Quarterly Grab Mon SiteNo EFF- I :Requirement -'(Max.)

Copper Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PýARM Code 0 1119- 1 Peirmit $,<Report, OIGL' Quarterly .Grab Mon, Site No EFF- Requirement ______-__... "___.....(Max.)

Chromium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARMICode1)IIfI8 I ~ Perrýito .. Report- Ntl Quartery Giab Requirement '. (Max.)________

\IRMf Code 00980 1 -. Permit' .Repoit. ,' MOlE/ Quarterly Grab Mon. Site No EFF- I Measurement Re& iremert R (Max

-PAR Cqode*009g0I>,in Lead, Total Recoverable Sample ra 1 RAiMqoder1114'-

erm iiit-" ,*#,'.:5 > ': >  :'-/)!:":':  :  : - . < :.' Report' COIL~m.. : QUarterly- Grab MO.......

teo:EFF-Iff-Ruir&t _____________ ____ ________________ i. (Max'.) ____ ____"__ _______

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR


FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex MONITORING GROUP NUMBER: G-001 PERMIT NUMBER: FLA016960 MONITORING PERIOD From: To Parameter Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units No. Frequency of Sample Type Ex. Analysis Mercury, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement

\R.M Code 71901 2.1 "Report UG/L Quarterly Grab Mcfri'Site No.FE-I Requirement .:{(Max_)._..."" ... ..

  • Nickel, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARNTCode 01074~ 1 Permit, > Report~,,, UG/L Quarterly ýGrab Moin(Site No EFFI* Requirem.ent.. .u Selenium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARM Code 00281 1' Permit - Report UG/L Quarterly Grab Mon2.Site:No: EFF I Req'uiremient ________ (Max.). ______

Sodium, Total Recoverable Sample Measureet________

PAMCode 00923, 1I Permit . Report M&L, Quarterly Grab Mon. SiteNo. EFF-i. R~ecquiemens_________ (Max:)

Tha~llium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARMI Code 009482 1 Perimiit Report UOG/L . Quarterly Grab Mon Site N EF- Re.ui.rent_ ____ _:(Max:) .I. _ _"

Zinc, TotalRecoverable Sample Measurement Code 01094 I Permit r*tARM R.N.G/L EFF.1

.%Ion.SiteNo ,  ;. ? :. .Requirement

. (Max:)R U/ ..

Sample Measurement

2. ~~Permit 2.


Sample Measurement Permit Requirement ' -.. ,.,, . .

Sample Measurement Sample Measurement Permit 2

______________Requ trement._ _ I _._ __.

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No FLAO 160960-004-IWB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained.

Permit Number: FLAO 16960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-1 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From:____________ To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10,0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly, Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbiditv* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly _



Compliance Monitoring Well I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.


COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-l Permit Number: FLA016960 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report 'F In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitoring Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-IWB/MR

GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWI-2R2 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes __ No Parameter PARPM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequertcyv Detection Limits Analysis Meftlod Sampling Sampjes Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as CI) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly PH* 00400 Report SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly _

Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly _

Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly,



Intermediate Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWI-2R2 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes __ No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report 'F In-situ Quarterly



Intermediate Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(I 0), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA I-ile No. FLAO 160960-004-IWB/MR


Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained_

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number. MWI-7R County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class.

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes __ No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type 'Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 Report SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly



Intermediate Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. I-LAO] 60960-004-[WBiMR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained_

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWI-7R County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report °F In-situ Quarterly



Intermediate Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/0 1, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-12R County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly, Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly_

Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as NO3) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly, Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly, Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterlyv Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly _



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-IWBiMR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Comp Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-12R County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report oF In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D ofGW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-]WB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-16 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered


Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as NO3) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6,5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbiditv* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 60 UG/L Grab Quarterly rsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-IWB/MR

0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-16 Permit Number: FLA016960 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Parameter Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterl, Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report °F In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO]60960-004-IIAIB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-21R County Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permlit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits AnaJysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly,,

Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterl, Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly

[rsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 I10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly B3arium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly,,



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-[WB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained_

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number MWC-21R County: Citrus WeJl Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly, Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quaterlt v Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly_

Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 02 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report oF In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-27 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes __ No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as CI) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6ý5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly_

Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly ntimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly1



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-(WB/MR

GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA0 16960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-27 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From:____________ To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes __ No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 1 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature* 00011 Report -F In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Comp Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-28 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterl, Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as NO3) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly]

Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterlh_

Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6,0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-IWB[MR

GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Comp Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number. MWC-28 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Anahvsis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report oF In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Comr Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-29 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To; Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/I/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterlv Chloride (as CI) 00940 Report MGIL Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterlv Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly rsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterlyd



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-IWB/MR


Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Comr Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-29 Permit Number: FLA016960 Well Type:

County: Citrus From: To: Ground Water Class:

Monitoring Period Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterlv Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly, Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report "F In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910 (0), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR


Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-IF2 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? - Yes __ No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly,,,

Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as NO3) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly

ýrsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly,,

,barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-1WB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-1F2 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report °F In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWB-30 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? __ Yes __ No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as CI) 00940 1 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly, Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly' Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 Report SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance' 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterlv Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly



Proposed Background Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

D EP Form 62-620.910(10), effective Novemnber 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I60960-004-[WB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWB-30 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report -F In-situ Quarterly



Proposed Background Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-00 1/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.9 0(10o),eflrciive November 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO 160960-004-IWB/MR

INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE WASTEWATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT Read these instructions as well as the SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE WASTEWATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT before completing the DMR. Hard copies and/or electronic copies of the required parts of the DMR were provided with the permit. All required information shall be completed in full and typed or printed in ink. A signed, original DMR shall be mailed to the address printed on the DMR by the 28"' of'the month following the monitoring period. The DMR shall not be submitted before the end of the monitoring period.

The DMR consists of three parts--A, B, and D--all of which may or may not be applicable to evern facility. Facilities may have one or more Part A's for reporting effluent or reclaimed water data. All domestic wastewater facilities will have a Part B for reporting daily sample results. Part D is used for reporting ground water monitoring well data.

When results are not available, the following codes should be used on parts A and D of the DMR and an explanation provided where appropriate. Note: Codes used on Part B for raw data are different.


DRY Dry Well OPS Operations were shutdown so no sample could be taken.

FLD Flood disaster. OTH Other. Please enter an explanation of why monitoring data were not available.

IFS Insufficient flow for sampling. SEF Sampling equipment failure.

LS Lost sample.

MNR Monitoring not required this period.

When reporting analytical results that fall below a laboratory's reported method detection limits or practical quantification limits, the following instructions should be used:

I. Results greater than or equal to the PQL shall be reported as the measured quantity.

2. Results less than the PQL and greater than or equal to the MDL shall be reported as the laboratory's MDL value. These values shall be deemed equal to the MDL when necessary to calculate an average tfr that parameter and when determining compliance with permit limits.
3. Results less than the MDL shall be reported by entering a less than sign ("<") followed by the laboratory's MDL value, e.g. < 0.001. A value of'one-halfthe MDL or one-half the effluent limit, whichever is lower, shall be used for that sample when necessary to calculate an average for that parameter. Values less than the MDL are considered to demonstrate compliance with an effluent limitation.


Part A of the DMR is comprised of one or more sections, each having its own header information. Facility information is preprinted in the header as well as the monitoring group number, whether the limits and monitoring requirements are interim or final, and the required submittal frequency (e.g. monthly, annually, quarterly, etc.). Submit Part A based on the required reporting frequency in the header and the instructions shown in the permit. The following should be completed by the permittee or authorized representative:

No Discharge From Site: Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data or codes to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR fbr the entire monitoring group number; however, if the monitoring group includes other monitoring locations (e.g., influent sampling), the "'NOD" code should be used to individually denote those parameters for which there was no discharge.

Monitoring Period: Enter the month, day, and year for the first and last day of the monitoring period (i.e. the month, the quarter, the year, etc.) during which the data on this report were collected and analyzed.

Sample Measurement: Before filling in sample measurements in the table, check to see that the data collected correspond to the limit indicated on the DMR (i.e. interim or final) and that the data correspond to the monitoring group number in the header. Enter the data or calculated results for each parameter on this row in the non-shaded area above the limit. Be sure the result being entered corresponds to the appropriate statistical base code (e.g. annual average, monthly average, single sample maximum, etc.) and units.

No. Ex.: Enter the number of sample measurements during the monitoring period that exceeded the permit limit for each parameter in the non-shaded area. If none, enter zero.

Frequency of Analysis: The shaded areas in this column contain the minimum number of times the measurement is required to be made according to the permit. Enter the actual number of times the measurement was made in the space above the shaded area.

Sample Type: The shaded areas in this column contain the type of sample (e.g. grab, composite, continuous) required by the permit. Enter the actual sample type that was taken in the space above the shaded area Signature: This report must be signed in accordance with Rule 62-620.305, FA.C. Type or print the name and title of the signing official. Include the telephone number where tlte official may be reached in the event there are questions concerning this report. Enter the date when the report is signed.

Comment and Explanation of Any Violations: Use this area to explain any exceedances, any upset or by-pass events, or other iterns which require explanation. If more space is needed, reference all attachments in this area.

DEP Form 62-620,910(10), eftective Novemnber 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I60960-004-[WB/MR

0 PART B - DAILY SAMPLE RESULTS Monitoring Period: Enter the month, day, and year for the first and last day of the monitoring period ki.e. the month, the quarter, the year, etc.) during which the data on this report were collected and analyzed.

Daily Monitoring Results: Transfer all analytical data from your facility's laboratory or a contract laboratory's data sheets for all day(s) that samples were collected. Record the data in the units indicated. Table I in Chapter 62-160, F.A.C., contains a complete list of all the data qualifier codes that your laboratory may use when reporting analytical results. However, when transferring numerical results onto Part B of the DMR, only the following data ualifier codes should be used and an explanation provided where appropriate.


< The compound was analyzed for but not detected.

A Value reported is the mean (average) of two or more determinations.

I Estimated value, value not accurate.

Q Sample held beyond the actual holding time.

Y Laboratory analysis was from an unpreserved or improperly preserved sample.

Add the results to get the Total and divide by the number of days in the month to get the Monthly Average.

Plant Staffing: List the name, certificate number, and class of all state certified operators operating the facility during the monitoring period. Use additional sheets as necessary.

PART D - GROUND WATER MONITORING REPORT Monitoring Period: Enter the month, day, and year for the first and last day of the monitoring period (i.e. the month, the quarter, the year, etc.) during which the data on this report were collected and analyzed.

Date Sample Obtained: Enter the date the sample was taken. Also, check whether or not the well was purged before sampling.

Time Sample Obtained: Enter the time the sample was taken.

Sample Measurement: Record the results of the analysis. Ifthe result was below the minimum detection limit, indicate that.

Detection Limits: Record the detection limits of the analytical methods used.

Analysis Method: Indicate the analytical method used. Record the method number from Chapter 62-160 or Chapter 62-60 1, F.A.C., or from other sources.

Sampling Equipment Used: Indicate the procedure used to collect the sample (e.g. airlift, bucket/bailer, centrifugal pump, etc.)

Samples Filtered: Indicate whether the sample obtained was filtered by laboratory (L), filtered in field (F), or unfiltered (N).

Signature: This report must be signed in accordance with Rule 62-620.305, F.A.C. Type or print the name and title of the signing official. Include the telephone number where the official may be reached in the event there are questions concerning this report. Enter the date when the report is signed.

Comments and Explanation: Use this space to make any comments on or explanations of results that are unexpected If more space is needed, reference all attachments in this area.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIMITED WET WEATHER DISCHARGES Flow (Limited Wet Weather Discharge): Enter the measured average flow rate during the period of discharge or divide gallons discharged by duration of discharge (converted into days). Record in million gallons per day (MGD).

Flow (Upstream): Enter the average flow rate in the receiving stream upstream from the point of discharge fbr the period of discharge. The average flow rate can be calculated based on two measurements; one made at the start and one made at the end of the discharge period. Measurements are to be made at the upstream gauging station described in the permit.

Actual Stream Dilution Ratio: To calculate the Actual Stream Dilution Ratio, divide the average upstream flow rate by the average discharge flow rate. Enter the Actual Stream Dilution Ratio accurate to the nearest 0. 1 No. of Days the SDF > Stream Dilution Ratio: For each day of discharge, compare the minimum Stream Dilution Factor (SDF) from the permit to the calculated Stream Dilution Ratio. On Part B of the DMR, enter an asterisk

(*) if the SDF is greater than the Stream Dilution Ratio on any day of discharge. On Part A of the DMR, add up the days with an "*" and record the total number of days the Stream Dilution Factor was greater than the Stream Dilution Ratio.

CBODr: Enter the average CBODr of the reclaimed water discharged during the period shown in duration of discharge.

TKN: Enter the average TKN of the reclaimed water discharged during the period shown in duration of discharge.

Actual Rainfall: Enter the actual rainfall for each day on Part B. Enter the actual cumulative rainfall to date for this calendar year and the actual total monthly rainfall on Part A. The cumulative rainfall to date for this calendar year is the total amount of rain, in inches, that has been recorded since January I of the current year through the month for which this DMR contains data.

Rainfall During Average Rainfall Year: On Part A, enter the total monthly rainfall during the average rainfall year and the cumulative rainfall for the average rainfall year. The cumulative rainfall for the average rainfall year is the amount of rain, in inches, which fell during the average rainfall year from January through the month for which this DMR contains data.

No. of Days LWWD Activated During Calendar Year: Enter the cumulative number of days that the limited wet weather discharge was activated since January 1 of the current year.

Reason for Discharge: Attach to the DMR a brief explanation of the factors contributing to the need to activate the limited wet weather discharge.

DEP Form 62-620,910(10), eo'ective Novemnber 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

Hydrology H-3

1. Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility Permit No. FLA016960
2. Annual Groundwater Cumulative Summaries 2004 - 2009
3. Wastewater Maps and Flows
4. Storm Water Pollution and Best Management Practices Plan
5. Waste Water Permit

Florida Department of Charlie Crist Goki nor Environmental Protection Jeff Kottkarnp Lt. Governor Southwest District Office 13051 North Telecom Parkway Michael W. Soal Temple Terrace, Florida 33637-0926 Secretary August 26, 2008 Mr. Bernie L. Cumbie, Plant Manager Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

15760 West Powerline Street RECEIVED Crystal River, Florida 34428 AUG 2 7 2008 Re: Minor Revision Environmental Services Crystal River Energy Complex PA File No. FLA01!6960-004-IWB/MR Citrus County

Dear Mr. Cumbie:

In accordance with Rule 62-620.325(2), Florida Administrative.Code, the Department reviewed your Minor Revision for the above-referenced industrial wastewater treatment facility Permit, No. FLA01.6960, issued on January 9, 2007. -

The following:permit sections were revised:

1. Permit, Part. II.A Construction Requirements..
2. Permit, Part III.B.2 Monitoring Well Details.
3. Permit, Part III.B.3Sampling Parameters.
4. Permit, Part VI1,3 Best Management Practices (BMP) Plan Schedule.
5. Permit,:Part VI.4 Implementation Schedule.

The revised permit and DMRs are enclos.ed and replace the previous documents in their entirety.

"More Protection, isS' Proccs*

vw~wdep.sfaie,i7. us~

Bernie L. Cumbie Crystal River Energy Complex PA File No. FLAO I 6960-004-4WB/MR Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact .Mi. Roger Evans at (813) 632-7600, extension 425.

Sincerely, JSG/re


Attachment A - Notice Of Rights cc: Kerern H. Esin, P.E., Golder Associates Inc.

Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Corporate Office-St. Petersburg, FL Ilia Balcomr,FDEP, 1W/CE Bill Kelsey, P.G., FDEP,, Ground Water Allen Hubbard, P.E.,:FDEP-Tallahassee


P. 0. Box 14042 MAC PEF-903 St. Petersburg, Florida, 3370.1-5501.

FACILITY NAME: Progress Energy-Crystal River Energy Complex APPLICATION DATE: June 11, 2008 PA FILE NU1MBER: FLA016960-004-,VB/M-R PERMIT WRITER: Roger Evans I. CHANGE REQUESTED BY THE PERMITTEE:

The Permittee requested to abandon and replace monitoring well MWI-2R.


The following section has been changed within the existing permit.

PartIII, Ground Water Monitoring Requirements, Section A.

The previous four conditions have being replaced with seven conditions for ground water monitoring well construction, Part1HI, Ground Water Monitoring Requirements, Section B, Item 1.

The language was modified to include installation and operation of the new monitoring, well.

PartIII, Ground Water Monitoring Requirements, Section-B, Item 2.

The background well MWB-30, has been installed. The table Was modified to reflect the well as existing instead of new.

Part.IlL,Ground Water Monitoring Requirements, Section B, Item 3.

Temperature of the, sample was added as a, field parameter that shall be sampled. Five field parameters (pH, Specific: Conductance, Turbidity, Dissolved.Oxygen,:and Temperature) were designated, with an asterisk which denotes the field 1arameters shall be sampled per DEP SOP-001/0i, FS 2200 Groundwater SamplIing.

Part III, Ground Water Monitoring Requirements, Section B,.Item 2.,

The new intermediate well MWI-2R2 hasbeen installed and-the facility needs to submit to the.

Department the required documentation as.required by Section !IIA.

PERMIlTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FI7E NO.: FLA016960-004IWB/MR FACILITYz Crystal River Energy Complex Part VI, Schedules, Section 3, Best Management Plan The Best Management Practices (BMP) schedule was modified to identify that Items I and 2 were completed.

Part VI, Schedules, Section 4 The table was modified to show completed items and schedule for providing information for new monitoring well NMVI-2R2.


'Well MWI-2R was removed and well MWi1-2R2 was added to the DMR.

- Reporting the temperature of the sample was added for all monitoring wells.

- Five field parameters (pH, Specific Conductance, Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, and Temperature) were designated with. an asterisk which denotes the field parameters shall be sampled per DEP SOP-001/01, FS 2200 CGroundwater Sampling.

Florida Department of CharleCns Environmental Protection leff Kottkanip Southwest District Office Lt. Governor 13051 North Telecom Parkway Michael W Sole Temple Terrace. Florida 33637-0926 Secretary STATE OF FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER FACILITY PERMIT PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FLA016960 Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-002-fWIN/NR P. 0. Box 14042 MAC PEF-903 ISSUANCE DATE: January 9, 2007 St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5501 PA FILENUMBER: FLA016960-004-FWB/MIR REVISION DATE: August 26,. 2008 EXPIRATION DATE: January 8, 2012 RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY:

Mr. Bernie L. Cumbie Plant Manager FACILITY:

Crystal River Energy Complex 15760 West Powerline Street Crystal River,. FL 34428.

Citrus County Latitude: 28" 57' 27' N Longitude: 820 42'`36" WX This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes (F.S.) and applicable rules of the Florida Administratie Code (F.A.C.), This permit is accompanied-byan Administrative Order pursuant to Paragraphs 403.088(2)(e) and (f), Florida Statutes: Compliance with Administrative. Order AO-114-SNW is a specific requirement of this permit. The above named permittoe is hereby authorized to operate the facilities shown on the application and other documents attached hereto or on file with :the Department and made apart hereof and specifically described as follows:

TheCrystal River:Energy Complex ista steam.electric power generation facilityconsisting of five units. Units 1,2.4, and 5 are coal-fired while Unit #3 is a nuclear-powered unit Units 4 and 5 arecertified pursuant to Power- Plant Siting Act.


The neutralized wastes are discharged into a percolation pond system consisting of'three ponds. Ponds #1 and #2 are operated in parallel. The ponds act as:settling basins and'the settled effluent from either pond is routed to Pond #3 which overflows into an area called "South Pond Expansion'.' (11.0 acres) for percolation.,The South Pond Expansion area has the capability to hold the wastewateras wellasdirect, rain fall resulting from.a 25-year 24-hour storm in the 16-acre pond catchment area. The sources of wastewater include power plant equipment drains, laboratory drains, .floor drains,.neutralized regeneration wastes from the demineralizer resin beds, wastewaterIfrm the water treatment process (carbon and media filter backwash. and lime.sludge) boiler blowdown, boiler drains "MoreProtection, Less Process' wiyw.dcp~state.:,7.,us

PERIvMIITIEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FLE NUMBER: FL.0 I6960-004-1WVBJMR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex (chemical cleanings), air pre-heater wash drains, sewage treatment plant effluents, stormiwater drainage from the.

transformer area, blowdowno from the Flue Gas Desulfurization, precipitator washes, boiler washes, cooling water blowdown, and reverse osmosis/micro filtration concentrate.


Land Application:

An existing 0,91 MGD monthly average daily flow (MADF) land application system (G-001) consisting of percolation pond. Land application system G-001, is. located approximately at latitude 28' 57' 27" N, longitude 820 42' 36" W.

IN ACCORDANCE WITH: The limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions as set forth inPartI through Part VIII on pages 3 through 17 of this permit.


PERMfITEE: Progess Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUNBMER: FLA0 i 6960-004-V1WB/MIR FACIITY: Crystal River. Energy Complex I. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements A. Surface Water Discharges

1. This section is not applicable to this facility.

B. Underground Injection Control Systems I. This section is not. applicable to this.facility C. Land Application Systems

1. During the period beginning on the, issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge:process wastewater, non process wastewater, power plant equipment drains; laboratory drains, floor drains, neutralized regeneration wastes from the demineralizer resin beds, wastewater from the water treatment process (carbon and media filter backwash, and lime sludge) boiler blowdown, boiler drains (chemical cleanings), air pre-heater wash drains, sewage treatment plant effluents,. stormwater drainage from the transformer area, blowdown from the Flue Gas.Desulfurization, precipitator:washes, boiler washes, cooling water blowdown, and reverseosmosislmicrofiLtration*concentrate to Land Application System G&001l a percolation pond. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below and reported in accordance with condition I.E. I.:

Discharge Limitations n'ionlsonng Monitoring qunv~n~atin~

R-eq uirementsnt.

Monthly Daily t Monitoring I-Parameters (units) Monthly Daily Daily M'vonitoring Sample Type Sample Average Maximum Minimum Frequency Point Flow (MGD) 0.91 Report Daily Meter FLW- 1 I............I I I pH (SU) Report Repor, Quarterly In-situ Solids, Total Dissolved -- Report -- Grab EFF- I (TDS) (M G,I) . ___ _..........

Specific Conductance -- Report Quarterly. In-situ EFF- 1 (UMHO/CM)

Oil and Grease (MG/L) -- Report Quarterly Grab EFF-I Chloride (as Cl) Report Quarterly Grab EFF-I (MG/________4 Cyanide, Total (MGfL) See Condition Quarterly Grab EFF-.

I:A.3 Alpha, Gross PartIile Report Quarterly Grab EFFl A ,-ti-v"tv ('PCI/i .'*

Activi +.. +/- . 1 Radiium.22 +.Radium Report Quarterly Grab EFF- I MTotal PCL/L)

Report Quarterly Grab EFF-I Antimorny, Total

.Recoverable (TJGJL)

]Recoverable (1jGfL)

Arsenic, Total.

A~t _________.....-t Report 1~~~~

Quarterly Grab. j EFF- 1 Recoverable (TJG/L)

. I>

BerylliumTotal Report Quarterly Grab EFF- I Recoverable (UGJL)

-+ I ....

  • Cadmiun, Total Report Quarterly Grab EFF- I Recoverable (UGIL) -. 1 Copper,Total Report Quarterly, Grab EFF- I Recoverable (MGLC) 31

PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NNUB*kER: FLA01I6960-0041-IN1/MIR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Monthly Daily Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Average Maximum I Minimun Frequency Point Chromium, Total -- Report - Quarterly Grab EFF- I

.Recoverable (MG/L)

Iron, Total Recoverable Report -- Quarterly Grab ESTII (MG/L)

Lead, Total Report -- Quarterly Grab EFF- I Recoverable (UG '_L)_

Mercury, Total Report -- Quarzerly Grab EFF-I Recoverable_UG!L)

Nickel, Total Report Quarterly Grab EFF- 1 Recoverable (UG/L)

Selenium, Total Report -- Quar.erly Grab EFF- I Recoverable (UG/L) ......

Sodium, Total Report - Quarserly Grab EFF-I Recoverable (M G/L) ..................

Thallium, Total Report -- Quarterly Grab EFF- I Recoverable (uGIL) .............

Zinc, Total Recoverable Report -- Quarterly Grab EFF- I (MG/L) Gra 5F-

2. Effluent samples -shai1 be taken atthe monitoring site locations listed in permit condition I.C, I and as described below:

Sample.Point. Description of Monito ring Location FLw- I The Sum of all flows to percolation pond systern.

IFF-I At discharge pipe into. theactive pond, eitherthe East Pond or West Pond. Ponds will be

._rotated on a yearly basis, or as necessary.

3. The permittee shalI sample and monitor both the effluent and groundwater monitoring wells for cyanide after the-Flue Gas Desulfurization system has been placed into commercial operation.

D. Other Methods of Disposal or Recycling

1. There shall be no discharge of industrial wastewater-from:this facility to ground or surface waters.s except as authoriýed by this permit.

E. Other Limitations and Monitoring and Renortinr Reouirements

1. Monitoring requirements :under this permit areeffective on the first day of the second month following perm-it issuance. Until.such time, thepermittee shall continue to monitor and ?eport in accordance with previously effective permit requirements,. if any. During the period of operation authorized by this permit, the permittee shall complete and submit to the Southwest District Office Discharge Monitoring Reports.(DMRS)in accordance with the frequencies specified by theREPORT type (ije., mnthly toxicity, quarterly,,semiannual, annual, etc.) indicated'on the DMR. forms attached to this permit. Mornitoring results for each monitoring periIod shalltbe submitted in accordance with the associated DMR due dates below; 4

PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-004-IWBiMR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex REPORT Type Monitoring Period DMR Due Date on DMR_

Monthly or Toxicity first dayof month -last day of month 28*.day of following month Quarterly January 1 - March 31 April 28 April 1 - June 30 July 28 July 1 - September 30 October 28 October 1 - December33 January 28 Semiannual January i - June 30 July 28 I July 1- December 31 January 28 Annual January 1 - December 31 January 28 Dif.Rs shall be submitted for each required monitoring period including months of no discharge.

The perrnittee shall make copies of the attached DMR form(s) and shall submit the original completed DI4R form(s) to the address specified.below: (Please submit a copy of the DMR to the Southwest District Office)

Originals to: Copies to:

Department of Environmental Protection, FDEP-Southwest District Wastewater ComplianceEvaluation Section Industrial Wastewater Program Mail Station 3551 Southwest District Office Twin Towers Office Building 13051 North Telecom Parkway 2600 Blair Stone Road Temple Terrace, FL 33637-0926 Tallahassee, Florida 323.99-2400 Facsimile (813) 632-7662

2. Unless specified otherwise in.this permit, all reports and notifications required by this permit. including twenty-four hour notifications, shall be submitted to or reported to the Southwest District Office at the address specified below:

Southwest District.0_ice 13051 North Telecom Parkway Temple Terra'ce, FL 33637-0926 Phone Number - (813) 632-7600 FAX Number - (8"13)* 632-7662 (All FA.X.copies. shall original copies:.)

3. Al1 reports and other information shall be signed in accordance with requirements of Rule 62-620.305, F.AC.,
4. The permittee shall provide safe access points for obtaining representative samples which are required by this permit;
5. If there is no discharge from the facility on a day scheduled for sampling, the sample shall be collected on the day of the next discharge,
6. Any bypass of the treatment facility.which is not included in the monitoring specified in sections IA, I.B, IC, dr 6 ID,is to be monitored for flow and all other required parameters. For parameters other:than flow, at least one grab sample per day-shall be monitored. Daily flow shall be monitored or estimated, as appropriate,.toIobtalin reportable data. All monitoringlresults, shall be reported on the appropriate;DMR.


PERMITITEE: Prog-ess Energy Florida. Inc- PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-004-BWRB.MR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex II. Industrial Wastewater Residuals Management Requirements This section is not applicable to the facility.

Ill. Ground Water Monitoring Requirements A. Construction Requirements 1 The permittee shall give, at least 72-houis notice to the Department's Southwest'District Office, prior to the installation of any monitoring wells detailed in this permit.

2. The QUARTERLY sampling and analysis of all new ground water monitoring wells shall begih upon proper completion of the GWMP well system in accordance With condition.1I1B. 1. The wells shall be sampled for the parameters identified in Permit Condition III.B.3 and in accordance to the, Department's "Standard Operating Procedures For Laboratory Operations and Sample Collection Activities," DEPýSOP;00 1/0 1, FS 2200 Ground waterSampling, January 1, 2002.

3, Prior to construction ground water ,monitdring wells, a soil boring shall be made at each new monitoring welliocation in order to establish the well depth and screen interval.

4. Within thirty days after completion of conrstruction of the ground water monitoring wells, a properly scaled figure depicting monitor well locations (actve andlabandoned) with identification numbers shall be submitted.

The 'figure -shall also include (or attached) the monitoring well, top of casing and ground surface elevations referenced to National Geodetic VerticalDatum (NGVD) to the nearest 0.1.foot, along with monitor well location latitude and longitude to the nearest 0.1 second,

5. Within thirty days after completion of construction of the ground water monitoring wells, well completion repoits shall be sent to the Industrial Wastewater.Section, FDEP Southwest District Office. The information. is to be submitted on the attached.form for each well, DEP Form 62-522.900(3), Monitor WellI'Completion Report.
6. In. Districts where applicable, within 30 days. ofdompletion of construction ofnew ground water monitor wells, the Department requests that the permittee submitthe: following information for each' monitdr well:
a. A copy of the Flo.ridaW Iater Managemerit District (WIvID) , State of Florida Permit Application to Construct, Repair, Modify or Abandon a Well, Form 41.10-410(1), and
b. A copy of the WMD Well Completion Report, Form 4.1.10-410(2),62-610.4-12(2)(b)
7. Prior to the application of effluent to the reuse/disposal site, the permittee -shall sample a*ll 'new ground water monitoring wells for the Primary and Secondary Drinking Water parameters included in Rule 62-550, Florida Administrative Code, Public Drinking Water Systems (excluding asbestos, acrylamide dioxin, butachlor and epichlorohydrin), and EPA Methods 601 and 602.

'B. OperationA Requirements

1. During the period of operation authorized by this permait, the permittee shall continue"to sample ground'water-at the existing monitoring wells identified in iurm lIiB.2.below,, in-accordance with this permit 'and the approved ground water monitoring plan prepared ini'accordance with Rule 62-522.600 FA:. Within. 90 days of placing the new or modified wastewater facility into operitiotn, or initallaticnfi of new monitoring.wells, whicheve'r occurs sooner, the permiitee shall beginsamrpling ground water at te riew monitoring wells identified ihnitem IMi.B.12 below, in accordance with thi.s permit and :the approved ground water moimtoring plan.


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NrUMB ER: FLAO 16960-004-IWB/MR FACITITY: Crystal River Energy Complex-

2. The following monitoring wells shall be sampled for Well Group For: percolation pond, Land Application System G-001:

Monitoring Alternate Well Name and/or Depth Aquifer New or Well ID ....- Description of Monitoring Location (Feet) Monitored Existing M4W1B-30 Background Well '20 Upper Floridan Existing MWC-I Compliance Monitoring Well 20 Upper Floridan Existing NlWI-2R2 Intermediate Monitor Well Upper Floridan Existing MWI-7R -Intermediate Monitor Well (Relocated) 20 Upper, Floridan Existing MWC-12R Compliance Monitor Well 2.0 Upper Floridan Existing MW`'C- 16 .. Compliance Monitor Well 21.1 Upper Floridan Existing MWC-2 IR Compliance' Monitor Well 20 Upper Floridan Existing MWC-27 Compliance Monitor Well 33 Upper Floridan Existing

.MWVC-28 Compliance Monitor Well. 20 Upper Fioridan. Existing MWC-29 Compliance Monitor Well 20 Upper Floridan Existing MWC-1F2 Compliance Monitor Well . 14 UpperFloridan Exting MVB= Background; MW/I = Intermediate. MVWC = CompLiauce; MWP Piezometer

3. The monitor wells -specified in Condition !ILIB 2 shall be sampled for the parameters listed below:

Parameter Name Compliance Units Sample Monitoring Well Limit Type Frequency Radium 226 and 228 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable. ______. __" . ..

Chloride (as Cl) Report MGI.. Grab Quarterly

.Iron, Total Recoverable Report MG/L. Grab Quarterly Nitrogen; Nitrate, Total 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly (as N0 3)," .....................

PH* 6.5-8.5 SU Grab Quarterly Sodium, Total 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable,:

Solids, Total Dissolved Report MG/L. Grab Quarterly I(TDS). _ . ...

Specific Conductance* Report . MMIHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to Report FEET In-situ Quarterly NGVD Alpha, Gross Particle 15ý0 PCI/L. Grab Quarterly ActivityY.

Antimony, Total 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable Arsenic, Total 10.0 .UG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable Barium, T*ial 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable *___.. ....

Beryllium; Total' 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Recoverable Cadmium, Total 5.0 U.G/ Grab Quarterly Recoverable*

Lead, Total Recoverable l5.0 UG/L Grab. Quarterly Nickel, Total .00.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly.

'Recoverable ..,_.


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-004-IWBfMIR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex Parameter Name Compliance Units Sample Monitoring Well Limit Type Frequency Thallium, Total 2.0 UGiL Grab Quarterly Recoverable Oxygen, Dissolved Report MGJL In-situ Quarterly (DO) *_I Zinc, Total Recoverable Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride. Total (as F) Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* Report in-situ IF Quarterly

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater.Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log,(both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall besubmitted with each groundwater Part D DNIR.

The field parameters to be reportedon Part D of OW DMRshallbe the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

.4. For the land application system. for G-00 F, all ground water quality criteria specified in Chapter 62-520, F.A.C.,

shall be met at the edge of the zone of discharge. The zone of discharge for this project is the lateral extent of the upland environment on the property, where ground water is discharging to the marine envirounent.

5. The permittee's discharge to ground water shall not cause a violation of water quality standards for ground waters at the boundary of the zone of dischargein accordance with Rules62-520.400 and 62-520-420, F.A.C.
6. The permittee's discharge to ground .water shall riot causea violation ofthe minimum criteria for ground water specified in Rule 62-520.400, F.A.C., within the zone of discharge.

7.. If the concentration for any constituent listed inPermit Condition IIIB:3 in the natural backgiound qua1ity of the ground water is greater than the stated maximum, or in.te case of pH is also4ess than the minimum, the representative background qualityshall be the prevailing standard.

8. Water levels.shall be:recorded prior to evacuating the well for sample collection. Elevation references shall include the top of the well casing and land surface at each well site (NGVD allowable) at a precision of plus or minus 0.01 feet.
9. Ground water monitoring wells shall,be purged prior to sampling to obtain a representative sample.
10. Analyses shall be conducted on:unsfiltered samples, unless filteted samples have been approved by the Department as being more~representative of ground water conditions.
11. If a monitoring well becomes damaged orcariot be sampled for some reason, the:permitteetshall notify the

,Department imnmediately and a written report shall. folow within seven days detailing the circurmstances and remedial measures taken or proposed; Repair or replacement of monitoring wells shall be approved in advance by the Department.

12. All pieiometers and monitoring wells not part of the approved ground~water monitoring plan are to be plugged and abandoned i.nraccordance with Rule.62-532.500(4),* .FAG..,unless there is intent for their future use.
13. The permittee shall sample and monitor al1 groundwater. monitoring wells for cyanide, beginning the~next quarterly sampling event after the Flue Gas Desulfurization system has been placed into commercial operation.


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. -PA FILE NUMJBER: FLA016960-004-MWB/M1R FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

14. Ground water monitoring test results shalI be submitted on Part D of DEP Form 62-620.910(i0) (attachted).and shall be submitted to he address specified in.1E.3. Results shall be submitted with the DM2R for each month listed in tie following schedule.

SAMPLE PERIOD ' REPORT DUE DATE January - March April 28 April - June .. July 28 July - Se~tember October 28 October - Deceember January 28 IV. Other Land Application Requirements

1. This section is not applicable to this facility.

V. Operation and Maintenance Requirements A. Treatment and Disposal. Facilities

1. The permittee shall ensure that the operation of this facility is as described in the application and supporting documents.
2. The operation of the pollution control facilities described in this,permit shall be. under the supervision of a person who is qualified by formal training andlor practical experience in the field of Water pollution control.

B., Record keeping Requirements:

L. The permittee shall maintain the following records on the site of the permitted facility and. make them available for inspection:

a. Records of all compliance monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, including, ifapplicable, a copy of the laboratory certification showing the certification number of the laboratory, for at least three years from the date the sample or measurement was taken;
b. Copies of a!I reports, other than thoseArequired in items a, and f. of this section, required by the permit for at least three years from the date the report was prepared, unless otherwise specified by Department rule;
c. Records of all data, including reports arid documents used to complete the application:for the permit for at least three years from the date the application was filed, unless otherwtise specified byDepartmentrule;
d. A copy ofthe current permit; e, A copy of any required record drawings; Copies of the logs and schedules showing plant operations and equipment maintenance for three years from the date on the logs or schedule.

VI. Schedules

1. Te permittee shall achieve compliance withthe other conditions of this permitaas: follows:

Operationallevel attained Issuance Date of permit

2. No later

,shall than 14 calendar days foIlowing a the above schedule(s) of ompliance, the permittee submit either a report of progress or, in the case of specific actions being required by an identified date, a written notice of compiiance6or noncompliance. In the latter case, the fiotice'shall.include the cause of noncomipliance, any remedial actions taken, and the probability off meeting the n'ext-scheduled requirement.


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE N-UBER: FLAO16960-004-IWBi/MR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

3. A Best Management Practices (BNMP) Plan shall be prepared and implemented in accordance with Part VII of this permit and the following schedule:

Action Item fSheduled Completion Date I Develop a Best Management Practice Plan (BIMIP). Completed 2 Implement BMP Plan. __Completed

4. The following implementation steps shall be completed in:accordance with the following schedule:

implementation Steps Scheduled Completion Date 1 Submit to the: Department for review and approval, a Completed revised ground water monitoring plan(GWMfP) to.

include the relocated well MWI'2R2_

2 Relocate and install the proposed groundwater Completed monitoring well MWI-2R2-3, The permittee shall notify the Department when the Within sixty (60) days after Flue Gas Desulferization system (FGD) has been placed placing into commercial into operation. operation.

4 Submit to the Department DEP Form 62-620.910(12), Within thirty (30) days of Notification of Completion of Construction. placing FGD system into

... __... , operation, 5 Submit to the Department all required documentation as As required by Section IILA, required by Section III.A. ._.. .... .. _,..

6 Installation of flow meter(s). Completed, 7 Installation of Reverse Osmosis Treatment System and a Completed

_ micro filtration unit.

5* In accordande. with: sections 403.088(2)(e) and (P), F.S., a compliance schedule for this facility is contained in Administrative Order AO-I 14-SW that is hereby incorporated by..reference<

VII. Other Specific Conditions A- Specific Conditions Appicableto All Permits.

I. DrAwings, plans, d6cuments or :specificationssubmitted by. the pefmittee, not attached hereto, but retained on file at the Southwest District Office, are made a part hereof.

2. Where required by ChApter 471 (P.E.) or Chapter 492 (P.G.) F.S., applicable portions of reports to be submitted under this permit, shall be signed and sealed by the professiotnal(s) who prepared them.

3, This permit satisfies Industrial Wastewater program permitting requirements only and does not authorize operation of this facility. prior to obtaining any other permits required by local, state or federal agencies.


PEWMfITEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMIBER: FLA0t 6960-004-P V'B/MR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

4. The permittee shall provide verbal notice to the Department as soon as practical after discovery of a sinkhole within an area for the management or application of wastewater or sludge: The.permittee shall irmmediately implement measures appropriate to control the entry of contaminants, and shall detail these measures to the Department in a written report within 7 days of the sinkhole discovery.

B. Specific Conditions Related to Construction

1. This section is not applicable to this facility.

C. Duty to Reapply The permittee shall apply for renewal of this permit at least* 180 days before the expiration date of the permit using the appropriate forms listed in Rule 62M620.910, F.A.CQ, including submittal of the appropriate processing fee set forth in Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C. The existing permit. shall not expire until the Department has taken final action on the application renewal in accordance with the provisions of 62-620.335(3) and (4), F.A.C.

D. Specific Conditions Related to Existing Manufacturing, Commercial, Mining,.and Silviculture Wastewater Facilities or Activities

1. Existing manufacturing, cornmercial, mining, and silvicultural wastewater facilities or activities that discharge into surface waters shall notify the Department as soon as they know or have reason to.. believe:
a. That any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in the discharge, on a routine or frequent' basis, of any toxic pollutant which is not limited in the permit, if that discharge.witl exceed the highest of the following levels (I) One hundred micrograms per liter, (2) Two hundred micrograms per liter for acrolein and acrylonitrile; five hundred micrograms per liter for 2,4-dinitrophenol andfor 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol; and one milligrarr per liter for antiinmny, Or (3) Five times the maximum concentration value reported.for that, pllutant in the permit application.
b. That any activity, has occurred 'or will occur which would restlt in any discharge, on a non-routine or infýreqent basis, of a toxic pollutant Which is not limited in the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following. levels (J). Five hundred micrograms per liter,.

(2) One milligram per liter for antimony, or (3) Ten times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in thepermit application..

E. Specific:Conditions Related to Best Management Practices

1. BVIP Plan:

For purposes of this part, the terms "pollutant" or "pollutants" refer to any substance listed as toxic under Section 307(a)(1) of the. Clean Water Act.(the "Act"), oil, as defined in Section 311 (a)(a!)of the Act, and any substance.

listed as hazardous under Section 311 of the Act- The permittee shall develop and implement a Best:

Management Practices (BMP) plan which prevents, or minimizes, the potential for the release.of pollutants from ancillary activities, including material storage areas; plant site ranoff; in-pianttransfer, process and material handling areas; loading and unloading operations,.and sludge and waste disposal areas, to the waters of the State through plant site runoff; spillage or leaks; sludge.or waste disposal; or drainage from raw material storage.

2: Implementation:

TheBvP. plan shall be developed and implemented in accordance with the schedule.contained in Part VI ofthis permit.


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc, PA FILE NUMBER: FLA01.6960-004-PWB/IP,.%R FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

3. General Requirements:

The BMP plan shall:

a. Be documented in narrative form, and shall include any necessary plot plans, drawings or maps.
b. Establish specific objectives for the control of pollutants.

(1) Each facility component or system shall be~examined for. its potentialfor causing a release of significant amounts of pollutants to waters of the State due to equipment failure, improper operation, natural phenomena such as rain or snowfall, etc.

(2) Where experience indicates a reasOnable potential for equipment failure (e-g., a tankk overflow or leakage), natural conditions (e.g., precipitation), or other circumstances to result in significant amounts of pollutants reaching surface Waters, the plan should include a prediction of the direction, rate of flow, and total quantity of pollutants which could be discharged from the facility as a result of each condition or circumstance.

c. Establish.specific best management practices to meet the objectives identified undar paragaph (b) of this subsection, addressing each component or system capable of causing a release of significant amounts of pollutants to the: waters of the State, and-identifying specific preventative or remedial measures to be implemented.
d. Be reviewed by plant engineering staff and plant manager.
4. Documentation:

The permittee shall maintain the BMI:P plan At the facility a-d shall rmake the plan avaiiable to the Departmnt upon request.

5, BNP Plan Modification:

The permittee shall amend the BMP plan whenever there is a change in the facility or change in the operation of the facility'which materially increases the potential for the ancillar. activ)ities to result in a discharge of significant amounts of pollutants.

6. Modification for Ineffectiveness:

If the BNIP plan proves to be ineffectiye in achieving the general objective of preventing the release of significant.

amounts of pollutants to surface waters and the specific objectives and requirements under paragaphs (b) and (c) of item 3, the permit shall be subject to modification pursuant to rule 62-620.325, F.A.C., to incorporate revised BMP requirements.

F. Reopener, Clause I The permit shall be revised, or alternatively, revoked and reissuedin accordance with the provisions idortained in Rules62-620.325 and 62-620.345e, F..A-.C ifapplicable, or to comply with anfyapplicable effluent'standard or limitation issued or approved under Sections 301 (b)(2)(C) and (D.), 304(b)(2) and 307(a)(2).of th6 Clean Water Actz(the Act), as amended, if the effluent standards, limitations, or water quality standards so issued or approved:

a. Contains different conditions or is otherwise more stringent~than any condition'.in the permit/or-12

PERMITTEE: Progress. Energy Florida. Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-004-IWB/MR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Compiex

b. Controls any poliutant not addressed in the permit.

The permit as revised or reissued under this paragraph shall also contain any other requirements of the Act then applicable.

2. The permit may be reopened to adjust effluent limitations or monitoring requirements shou!d future Water Quality Based Effluent Limitation determinations, water quality studies, DEP approved changes in water quality

.standards, or other information show a need for a different limitation or monitoring requirement.

3. The Department may develop a Total Maximum DailyLoad (TM]DL) during the life of the permit. Once a TMDL has been established and adopted by rule, the Department shall revise this permit to incorporate the final findings of the TMDL.

VIIL General Conditions I The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations and restrictions set forth in this permit are binding and enforceable pursuant to Chapter 403, FS. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of Chapter 403, RS., and is grounds for enforcement action, permit termination, permit revocation and reissuance, or permit revision. [62-620.610(l), F.A. C.]

2. This permit is valid only for the specific processes and cperations applied for and indicated in the approved drawings or exhibits. Any unauthorized deviation from the approved drawings, exhibits, specifications or conditions of this permit constitutes grounds for revocation and enforcement action bythe Department. [62-620.610(2), F.A.C,]
3. As provided in subsection 403.087(7), F.S., the.issuance of this permittdoes not convey any vested rights or any exclusive privileges. Neither does it authorize anyinjury to public or private property or any invasion of personal rights, noi authorize any infringements of federal, state, or local laws or regulations. This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other.Department permit&r authorization that may bearequired for. other. aspects of the total project which are not addressed in this permit.. [62M620.6]0(3), F.A. C.]
4. This permit conveys no title to land or water, does not constitute state recognition or acknowledgment Of title, and does not constitute authority for the use of submerged lands unless:herein provided and the necessary: title or leasehold interests have been obtained from the State. Only the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund may express State opinion as to. title. [62-620.61.0(4), F.A.C.]
5. Thisipermit does not relieve.the permittee from liability and penalties for, harm or injury to human heaith.or welfare, animal or plant life, or property caused by or operation of this permitted source; nor does it allow the permittee to cause pollution in contravention of Florida Statutes and Department rules, unless specifically authorized by an order from the Department. The perrnitteeý shall take. all reasonable.steps to minimize orprevent any discharge, reuseof reclaimed water, or'residuals use or disposal in violaiion of this permit which has.areasonable likel ihood of adversely or the environment. It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to haltor reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit [W:620.610(5), F.A.C.]
6. If the permitteewishes-to continue an activity regulated by thispermit aftr.:its expirationdate, th{permittee shall applý for and.obtain a new permit. [62-620.610(6), F.A.C:]
7. The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the facility and systems of treatment and 6on'trbl, and related appurtenances, that are installed and used by the permittee to achieve complianc'e With the conditions of this permit. ThIisprovision includes the operation of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systems when necessaryto maintain or achieve compliancewith the conditions of the permit. [62-620.610(7), F.A.C.]


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLA016960-004-MWBMMR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

8. This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued. or terminated for cause, The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit revision, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any permit condition- [62-620.610(8), FA.C.]
9. The permittee, by accepting this permit. specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel, including an authorized representative of the Department and authorized EPA personnel, when applicable, upon

'presentation of credentials.or other documents as may be required by law, and at reasonable times, depending upon the nature of the concern being investigated, to

a. Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility, system, or activity is located or conducted, or where records shall be kept under the conditions of this permit;
b. Have access to and copy any records that shall be kept under the conditions of this permit;
c. Inspect the facilities, equipment, practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit; and
d. Sample or monitor any substances or parameters at. any location necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules. f62-620,610(9), F.A. C ]
10. In accepting this permit, the permittee understands and ag-ees that all records, notes, monitoring data, and other information relating to the construction or operation of this permitted source which are submitted to the Department may be used bY the Department as evidence in any enforcement case involving the permitted source arising under the Florida Statutes or Department rules, except as such ise is proscribed by Section 403.111, Florida Statutes, or Rule 62-620.302, F.A.C. Such evidence shall only be used to the extent that it is consistent with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and applicable evidentiary rules. [62-620.610(10), F.A C.]
11. When requested by the Department, the permittee shall within a reasonable time.provide any information required by law which is needed to.determine whether there is cause for revising, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit, or to determine compliance with the permit. The permittee shall also. provide to the Department upon request copies of records required by this permit to be kept. If the permittee becomes aware of relevant facts, that werenot submitted or were incorrect in the permit application or in any report to the Department, such facts or information shall be promptly submitted or corrections.promptly reported to the Department- [62-620.610(1l), F.A.C.]
12. Unless specifically stated otherwise in Department rules, thepermittee, in accepting this permit, agrees~to comply with changes in Department.rules and Florida Statutes after a reasonable time for compliance; provided however, the permittee does not waive any other rights granted by Florida Statutes or Department rules. A reasonable time for compliance with a new or.amended surface water quality statidardý,other than those standards addressed in Rule 62-302.500, F.A.C., shall include a reasonable time to obtain or be denied a mixing zonefor the new or amended standard. [62-620.610(12), F.A. Q]
13. The.perrnittee, in accepting this permit, agrees to pay the applicable regulat6ry program and surveillance feein accordance with Rule 62-4;052, F.A.C. [62-620.610(13), FA. C.]
14. This permit is transferable onalyupon. Department approval in accordance with Ruie62-620.340, F.AGC. The permittee liable for any noncompliance of the permittedactivity until the Department approves, the transfer. [62-620.61.0(14)i,F.A.C.]
15. The permittee shall give the Department written notice at least 60days before inactivation or abandonment of a

.wastewater facility aind shall specify what steps will be taken to safeguard public health and safety during and

.following inactivation'ot abandonment, [62-620.610(15),.F.A.C.]

16. The permittee shall apply for a revision to the Department permit in accordance with Rule 62-620.300, F.A.C.,

and the Department of Environmental lProection Guide to Wastewater Permitting at least 90 days before, construction of any planned siubstantial modifications to the perinittdd facility is tO.commence or with Rule.62-620.325(2), F.A.C.,for~ minor modifications to0thpermitted facility. Arevised permitvshallbe obtained before construction begins except as provided in Rule 62-620.300, F.A.C. [62M620.610(16),F.A.C.]


PERMITTFEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE N-UMBER: FLA016960-004-IW3B/MR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex

17. The permirtee shall give advance notice to the Department of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with, per-it requirements. The permittee shaltbe responsible for any and all damages which may result from the changes and may be subject to enforcement action by the Department for penalties or revocation of this permit. The notice shall include the following information:
a. A description of the anticipated noncompliance;
b. The period of the anticipated noncompliance, including dates and times; and
c. Steps being taken to prevent future occurrence of the noncompliance. [62-620.610(177), FA. C.

18, Sampling and monitoring data shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with Rule 62-4.246, Chapters62-160 and 62-601, F.A-C., and 40 CFR 136, as appropriate.

a. Monitoring results shall be reported at the intervals specified elsewhere in this permit and shall be reported on a.Discharge.eMonitoring Report (DMIR), DEP Form 62,620.910(l0),..or as specified elsewhere: in the permit.
b. If the permittee monitors any contaminatemore frequently than required by the permit, using Department approved test procedures, the results of this monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the:data submitted in the DMR.
c. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall use an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified in this permit.
d. Except as specifically provided in Rule 62-160.300, FA.C., any laboratory test required by this permit shall be performed by a laboratory that has been certified by. the Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Certification Program (DOH ELCP). Such certification shall be for the matrix, test method and analyte(s) being measured to comply with this permit. For.domestic wastewater facilities, testing for parameters listed

.in Rule 62-160.300(4), F.A.C., shall be conducted under the direction of a-certified operator.

e. Fieldactivities including on-site tests and sample collection shall follow the applicable.standard operating procedures described in DEP-SOP-001/01 adopted by. reference in Chapter 62-160, F-A.C.
f. Alternate field procedures and laboratory methods may be used where they have been approved in accordance with Rules62-160.220 and 62-160.330, F.A.C. [62-620.670(18),FA. C-]

19ý Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any.progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained inmany compliance schedule detailed elsewhere in this permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date. [62-620.610(19), F.A.C]

20. The permittee shall report to the Department's Southwest District Office any noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within .24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. A written submission. shalI also be provided within.five days of' the.time the permittee~becomes aware of the circumstances. The:written submission shall contain:. a description, of the noncompliance and its cause; the period ofinoncompliance including exact dates and time, and if the, noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated is expected to continue; and steps taken.or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance.

a:.. The followirng sha ll be included as infoi-marion which must be'reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> :under this condition:

1() Anyurnanticipated bypass which causes any reclaimed.water,:or effluent to exceed any permitlimitation or results in an unpermitted discharge, (2) Any upset which causes any reclaimed water or the effluent'to exceed any limitation in the permit, (3) Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation foi- any of the pollutants specifically~listed in the permit for such.notice, and (4) Any unauthorized discharge to0surface or.ground waters.

b. Oral reports as requiredby this subsection shall be provided as follows:

(I) For unauthorized releases or spills ofuntreated or'freated wastewater reportet pursuant to subparagraph a.(4) that:are in excess of 1,000 gallons per incident, or. where information indicates that public health or.the environment will be endangered, oraltrepor s shall be provided to: the Department by calling the STATE WARNING POINT TLL *FREE NU ER (800). 320-05 i 9, as soon, as practical, later than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the discharge. The permittee, to the extent known, shall provide: the following information to the.State Warning Point:

(a) Name, address, and telephone number of person reporting; (b) Nam6, address, and telephone numberlof permittee or responsible person for the discharge;.


PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PAFILE NUMBER: FLA0i6960-004-IWBiMMR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex (c) Date and time of the discharge and status of discharge (ongoing or ceased);

(d) Characteristics of the was'ewazer spilled or released (untreated or treated, industrial or domestic wastewater);

(e) Estimated amount of the discharge; (f) Location or address of the discharge; (g) Source and cause of the discharge; (h) Whether tthe discharge was contained on-site, and cleanup actions taken to date; (i) Description of area affected by the discharge, including name of water body affected, if any; and (j) Other persons or agencies contacted.

(2) Oral reports, not otherwise required to be provided pursuant to subparagraph b.(l) above, shall be provided to Department's Southwest District Office wiihin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from, the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances.

c. If the oral report has been received within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, the noncompliance has been corrected, and the noncompliance did not endanger health or theenvironment,.the Department's Southwest District Office shall.

waive the written report. [62-620.610(20), F.A C.]

21. The permittee shall report all instances of.noncompliance not reported.under Conditions VII.IT7., 18. and 19. of this permit at the time monitoringreports are submitted. This report shall contain.the same information required by Condition VII.20. of this permit. [62-620.610(21.), F.A.C.]
22. Bypass Provisions.
a. Bypass is prohibited and the Department may take enforcement action against a permittee for bypass, unless the permittee affirmatively demonstrates that:

(1) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage; and (2) There were no. feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use.of auxiliary treatment facilities, retetition of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass'which occurred.during normal periods of equipment downtime Or preventative maintenance; and (3) The permittee:submitted notices as required under. Condition VIH.22.b. of thispermit.

b. If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice to the Department, if least 10 days before the date of the bypass. The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass within 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />sof learning about the bypassas required in Condition VIII.20. of this permit. A notice shall include a description of the~bypass and~its cause;'the period.of the bypass, includingexact dates and.

times;.if the bypass has not been corrected, the anticipated time it, is expected to continue; and the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate; and prevent recurrence of the bypass.

c. The Department shall approve an anticipated bypass,.after considering its adverse effect, if the permittee demonstrates that it will meet the three conditionslisted in Condition V11I.22 a.(l) through(3)of this permit.
d. A permittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause reclaimed water or effluent limitations to be exceeded if it is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. Thesebypasses are not subject to the provision of Condition VIII;22:a. through c. of this permit. [62-620.610(22), FA.1C.]
23. Upset Provisions
a. A permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed contemporaneous.operating logs, or other relevant evidence that:

(I).: An: upset occurred and that the permittee can identify the cause(s) of thie upset;

.(2): The permitted facility was at the time being properly op~erated;

ý(3) The permittee submited notice of the:upsetas required in.Qondition VIiL2.0...of this permit; and

.(4) The permittee complied with any remedial: measures required under Condition VIII.5.of this permit.

b. In any enforcement proceeding, the burden of proof for establishing the occurrence of an.upset rests with the permittee.
c. Before an enforcement proceedingis .instituted, nborepresentation made during the Departmentreviewv of a claim that noncompliance was caused by an upset isfinal agency action subject to.judicial review.



PERMITTEE: Piogress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUER: FLA016960-004-IB;/MR FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex Executed in Hilisborough Couny, Florida.


'ffrIater acil i s Administrator Souttwes. Itrict 1).

0 0 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT - PART A When Completed mail this report to: Department of Environmental Protection, Wastewater Compliance Evaluation Section, MS 355 1, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 PERMITTEE NAME: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PERMIT NUMBER FLA016960 MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 14042 MAC PEF-903 St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5501 LIMIT: Final REPORTý Monthly CLASS SIZE: GROUP: Industrial FACILITY: Crystal River Energy-Complex LOCATION: 15760 West Powerline Street MONITORING GROUP NUMBER: G-00I Crystal River, FL 34428 MONITORING GROUP DESC: Three-stage Percolation Pond System COUNTY: Citrus NO DISCHARGE FROM SITE:

MONITORING PERIOD From: To Parameter Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units No. Frequency of Sample Type Ex. Analysis Flow Sample Measurement PAM Code'50050 ' .. Perrmilt..:>2,., . .. . 0:91 . .. . Report . " MGD Daily Meter on. SiteNoFW-.-' .I..;2 : Retuiremiehn*t .(Mo*.Avg?) '.: (Day.Max.) _____._.____.....____.._.__

Sample Measurement Permit..

Requi~rement . .

Sample Measurement Perrmt RequirementL': ". -,_"_"k *___.______._-

Sample Measurement Permit.*'i Sample Measurement Pjermit.:'

_____________ Requirement _ ,_._......._-

Sample Measurement

- . ... - Permit I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment lfor knowing violations.


COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No FLAO]60960-004-IWB/MR

DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT - PART A When Completed mail this report to: Department of Environmental Protection, Wastewater Compliance Evaluation Section, MS 3551, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 PERMITTEE NAME: Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PERMIT NUMBER FLA016960 MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 14042 MAC PEF-903 St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5501 LIMIT: Final REPORT Quarterly CLASS SIZE: GROUP: Industrial FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex LOCATION: 15760 West Powerline Street MONITORING GROUP NUMBER: G-001 Crystal River, FL 34428 MONITORING GROUP DESC: Three-stage Percolation Pond System COUNTY: Citrus NO DISCHARGE FROM SITE. F MONITORING PERIOD From To Parameter Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units No. Frequency of Sample Type Ex. Analysis PH Sample Measurement

.: -R eport R eport SU Q uarterly In-situ k ARPer 0.EFF-i**.I Mun-i3Site,Nio Req. mit .>: . ,

,:: .;[acuireemt: .;..,: ,. - .  : , (.Min'.)<;: -

........... 1/2: ent '::i:"-. ' . :"  : . (M n) .L (M ax:) _ _ __"

Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) Sample Measurement PRMP Code 794e59 -. Permit ... " . .:'.:Report MG/L. Quarterly Grab Mon Srte No EFF 1 Requrremen , . _____"._-_-__ . (Max.)

Speciric Conductance Sample Measurement

.. M.od.005 PrmtReport UMHO/ Quarterly In-situ

~oniSrte No. EFF@ . ,'IS Regurirement (Max.) .. . CM .

Oil and Grease Sample Measurement PAkM'._Code,:s0s0l556, I Permit Report MG/L Quarterly Grab Mon.Site.No. EFF- I . . . Reqiireient .... -Max.) ._


Chloride (as CI) Sample Measurement PARM Code'06940 I Permit> ,,..',. Report.. . MG/I_ Quarterly :Grab Mon...Site No.EFF I 'Re.u. e.ent (Max.) .

Cyanide, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PAR*MCod* e78248 1s-L

..- '-..* Perihit.; , . . . . . Repoir MG/L Quarterly . Grab Mon..SIteNo.-EFF- I Requiremient,.. .... > . . , -. _ . . - ___ ______ I ______ I':(a.

I certily under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting filse information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment fbr knowing violations.


DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR


FACILITY: Crystal River Energy Complex MONITORING GROUP NUMBER: G-001 PERMIT NUMBER: FLAO16960 MONITORING PERIOD From: To Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units No. Frequency of Sample Type Parameter Ex. Analysis Alpha, Gross Particle Activity Sample Measurement p C; 80045 . , Pe it ,  ; . ý.. -ý ..... ... " " I I ,. Report PCI/L Quarterly Grab Mon. Site No0EFF- I.: c...: Requirement. (Max.)

Radium 226 + Radium 228, Total Sample Measurement PARM Code. I Permit , .03' . Report. PCI/L Quarterly Grab Mo. Si. . Requirement

. . .... .*  : .1 _ _. .(Max.) _.

Antimony, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement deRM.Code: Permit,. eReport .:268 "-. ."UG/L Quarterly Grab Mon Site No EFF I, Requtremen( ___________ (Max.)

Arsenic, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARMCode 00978  : . Perit . Report Ui/L Quarterly Grab.

Sieo0o. F eurment .- ._______ . M&

Beryllium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement P AlCode o6§0, i. . PeFrit....., "... .. .................. Report . UG/L

, , : Quarterly G ra b Grab

. ,

M o n . Site -Nio E F F. 1 R eq u ire m e n t ',...

Cadmium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement P..RM C'od - 1.13 1 Permit - . Report. UG/L Quarterly Grab Mon..S o;-EFF-I1Si . . Retiremen .. 1_" "_.. .-... . _* .... _" (Max:)

Copper, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARM o' 0111I Permit 6 Report MG/L - Quarterly Grab Mo.SieNoEFF- I Requiremen . (Max)

Chromium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement pARM'C* 01118 1. . Permit Repoit MG/L ... Quarterly

  • Grab MWn:. Site No:EFF. I'Requirnement 1_ -_:-._.-_. (Max.)..

Iron, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARM.Code 00980() 1 Permit' . Report MG/L . Quarterly . Grab Mo Si"oFF* Reement

.,___i'_t__ ___ (Max.)

Lead, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARMWeCbdaeO)14 I Permit . . . . . Report UG/L Quarterly . Grab

,Mon. Site NOuFF . Reqirement. _ _ _ _ (Max.) _ I I DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR


Crystal River Energy Complex MONITORING GROUP NUMBER: G-001 PERMIT NUMBER: FLA016960 FACILITY MONITORING PERIOD From: To Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units No. Frequency of Sample Type Parameter Ex. Analysis Mercury, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement

,C190 1 Permit.* Report UGIL Quarterly Grab Moti6.SitfiNo:'EFF:-I Reqtiremient:.* _,v_-_ (Max.).-

Nickel, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement

.A..Code '01074' 1 Permit"..Report .:UG/L Quarterly Grab Mo..n. Site.No. EFFI Requirement (Max.)'

." _1__"__....

Selenium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement UG/L Qttely Grab PR Coe091 V---Permit' Report t/LQuarteryGrb Moný Site No EFF Il- Re'quireme-ni, (Max.) ____ ______

Sodium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement PARM Code 00923 1 permit : Report MG/L Quarterly Grab M"on Site NEFFi.

No Requiiement (Max.)

Thallium, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement ARMCode00.982! 1i Permit:, Report UG/L Quarterly Grab Mon 'Site No'EFF I'. Reqiuirefment- - ..  : - . 1 . . (Max.) .

Zinc, Total Recoverable Sample Measurement CodeF teARM 0094 1 Permit, .........  :-*.'" '.. -. . .-. . ...... Report . MG/L . Quarterly Grab-Mon. Site No,9EFF . Requirement . , , .(Max-);),

Sample Measurement

- Permit,-

Requirement Sample Measurement Permit Requirement, .______ __*_,__._"_...

Sample Measurement Permit Requirement Sample Measurement Permit:

P- .

___ "__ ."_____,__

.__.__________ e rmRequirement,_.._.__.____ "_ __.____1____ _.__.

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-[WB/MR

0 O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC- I Permit Number: FLA016960 Well Type:

County: Citrus Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pHl* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly rurbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 100 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly



Compliance Monitoring Well I certil ' under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties folrsubmitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.


COMMENTS AND EX1PLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA F ile No. FLAO 160960-004-IWB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Comp Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-l County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly, Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterlv Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterlv Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterlv Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report "F In-situ Quarterly 4 4 4 4 4 4 + 1

-~ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

-L 4 4 4 4 4 4 4



Compliance Monitoring Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB[MR

GROUNDWATER MONITORING O REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWI-2R2 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? - Yes __ No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 Report SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly



Intermediate Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-[WB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained_

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Numberý MWI-2R2 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Samnpling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly, Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly_,

Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly_

Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report °F In-situ Quarterly



Intermediate Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-00 1/0 1, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Sitc Number: MWI-7R County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/FI/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as CI) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 Report SU In-situ Quarterl',

Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly rsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly



Intermediate Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-IWB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWI-7R County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly OxyVgen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly einc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01 119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly 0

Temperature, Water* 00011 Report F In-situ Quarterly S + 4 4- 4 4 t J t S

- ______ - _______ - ___________

________ - _______

_____ ___________

- ________ =_______________

__________ -I __________

______________ -.1__________

______________ -1 ________

____________ j ________





Intermediate Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO]60960-004-IW13/MR

GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-12R Permit Number: FLA016960 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F /N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterl),

Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly,,



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWBIMP

0 O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Comr Date Sample Obtained:

Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-12R Permit Number: FLA016960 Well Type:

County: Citrus From: To: Ground Water Class:

Monitoring Period Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analvsis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly einc,Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report 'F In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-00 1/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I60960-OO4-1WB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-16 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/FIN)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as CI) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly, Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly, Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Re ort MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterlv Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly rsenic Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly, Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(l0), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No FLAD I60960-004-[WB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-16 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/lF/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterlv Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterhv Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterlv Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report -F In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

0 0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-2 I R County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as CI) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterlv Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-2 IR Permit Number: FLA016960 Well Type:

County: Citrus Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/l:/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly_

Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report *F In-situ Quarterly L 4 4 4 .1. .1- 4 +

L 4 4 4 4 4 -I- 4 +



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION tReference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I60960-004-IWB/MR


Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Comp Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-27 Well Type:

County: Citrus Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly rsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterlyv



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-27 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterlv Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterlv Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly, Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature* 00011 Report *F In-situ Quarterly 4 -I- 4 4 4 4- 4

.4- .4 .4- I. I L I. I 4 .4- .4 4- L 4 L L _________ 4________ 4 _____



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-28 Permit Number: FLA016960 Well Type:

County: Citrus From: To: Ground Water Class:

Monitoring Period Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as CI) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterl_,

Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-sitU Quarterly, Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 60 UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments bere):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-IWBIMR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-28 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered

( L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report °F In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-[WB/MR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number MWC-29 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling' Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered IL/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as Cl) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N03) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Furbiditv* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Apha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Arsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-IWB/MR

0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Comr Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-29 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/I/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterlv Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab 1 Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report °F In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Comr Date Sample Obtained:

PermitNumber: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-IF2 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 5.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterl_,

Chloride (as CI) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as NO3) 71850 10.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 6.5-8.5 SU In-situ Quarterlv Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 160 MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbiditv* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly, Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 15.0 PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 6.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly, rsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 10.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 2.0 MG/L Grab Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR


Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWC-IF2 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling'? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 4.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 5.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 15.0 UG/L Grab Quarterlk' Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 100.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 2.0 UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 0.2 MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report *F In-situ Quarterly



Compliance Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-001/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Form 62-620.910(10), Effective Nov. 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWBfMR

O GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name; Crystal River Energy Comp Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA016960 Monitoring Location Site Number: MWB-30 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From: To: Ground Water Class:

Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement ELttiipmcnt Used Filtered (L/F/N)

Radium 226 and 228 11503 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Chloride (as CI) 00940 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Iron, Total Recoverable 00980 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as NO3) 71850 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly pH* 00400 Report SU In-situ Quarterly Sodium, Total Recoverable 00923 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) 70295 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Specific Conductance* 00095 Report MMHOS/CM In-situ Quarterly Turbidity* 00700 Report NTU In-situ Quarterly Water Level Relative to NGVD 82545 Report FEET In-situ Quarterly Alpha, Gross Particle Activity 80045 Report PCI/L Grab Quarterly Antimony, Total Recoverable 01268 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Srsenic, Total Recoverable 00978 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Barium, Total Recoverable 01009 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly



Proposed Background Monitor Well COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP For,,62-620.910(10), effective Novenber 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT - PART D Facility Name: Crystal River Energy Complex Date Sample Obtained:

Permit Number: FLA0 16960 Monitoring Location Site Number. MWB-30 County: Citrus Well Type:

Monitoring Period From:____________ To: Ground Water Class Was the well pumped before sampling? Yes No Parameter PARM Code Sample Permit Units Sample Type Monitoring Frequency Detection Limits Analysis Method Sampling Samples Measurement Requirement Equipment Used Filtered

_____________ L/F/N)

Report UG/L Grab Quarterly _ __ __ __

Beryllium, Total Recoverable 00998 Cadmium, Total Recoverable 01113 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Lead, Total Recoverable 01114 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Nickel, Total Recoverable 01074 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Thallium, Total Recoverable 00982 Report UG/L Grab Quarterly Oxygen, Dissolved (DO)* 00300 Report MG/L In-situ Quarterly Zinc, Total Recoverable 01094 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Fluoride, Total (as F) 00951 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Cyanide, Total 78248 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Copper, Total Recoverable 01119 Report MG/L Grab Quarterly Temperature, Water* 00011 Report -F In-situ Quarterly



Proposed Background Monitor Well

  • The field parameters shall be sampled per DEP-SOP-00 1/01, FS 2200 Groundwater Sampling, Figure FS 2200-2 Groundwater Purging Procedure and recorded on Form FD 9000-24, Groundwater Sampling Log (both documents attached to this permit). The sampling logs shall be submitted with each groundwater Part D DMR. The field parameters to be reported on Part D of GW DMR shall be the last sample recorded on FD 9000-24.

COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION (Reference all attachments here):

DEP Fornn 62-620.910(i1), effective Noveinbei 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAW 60960-004-IWB/MR

INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE WASTEWATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT Read these instructions as well as the SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE WASTEWATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT before completing the DMR. Hard copies and/or electronic copies of the required parts of the DMR were provided with the permit. All required information shall be completed in full and typed or printed in ink. A signed, original DMR shall be mailed to the address printed ott the DMR by the 2 8 ' of the month following the monitoring period. The DMR shall not be submitted before the end of'the monitoring period.

The DMR consists of three parts--A, B, and D--all of which may or may not be applicable to every facility. Facilities may have one or more Part A's for reporting effluent or reclaimed water data. All domestic wastewater facilities will have a Part B for reporting daily sample results. Part D is used for reporting ground water monitoring well data.

When results are not available, the following codes should be used on parts A and D of the DMR and an explanation provided where appropriate. Note: Codes used on Part B for raw data are different.


DRY Dry Well OPS Operations were shutdown so no sample could be taken.

FLD Flood disaster. OTH Other. Please enter an explanation of why monitoring data were not available.

IFS Insufficient flow for sampling. SEF Sampling equipment failure.

LS Lost sample.

MNR Monitoring not required this period.

When reporting analytical results that fall below a laboratory's reported method detection limits or practical quantification limits, the following instructions should be used:

1. Results greater than or equal to the PQL shall be reported as the measured quantity.
2. Results less than the PQL and greater than or equal to the MDL shall be reported as the laboratory's MDL value. These values shall be deemed equal to the MDL when necessary to calculate an average for that parameter and when determining compliance with permit limits.
3. Results less than the MDL shall be reported by entering a less than sign ("<") followed by the laboratory's MDL value, e.g. < 0.001. A value ofone-halfthe MDL or one-halfthe effluent limit, whichever is lower, shall be used for that sample when necessary to calculate an average for that parameter. Values less than the MDL are considered to demonstrate compliance with an effluent limitation.


Part A of the DMR is comprised of one or more sections, each having its own header information. Facility information is preprinted in the header as well as the monitoring group number, whether the limits and monitoring requirements are interim or final, and the required submittal frequency (e.g. monthly, annually, quarterly, etc.). Submit Part A based on the required reporting frequency in the header and the instructions shown in the permit. The following should be completed by the permittee or authorized representative:

No Discharge From Site: Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data or codes to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for the entire monitoring group number; however, if the monitoring group includes other monitoring locations (e.g., influent sampling), the "NOD" code should be used to individually denote those parameters for which there was no discharge.

Monitoring Period: Enter the month, day, and year for the first and last day of the monitoring period (i.e. the month, the quarter, the year, etc.) during which the data on this report were collected and analyzed.

Sample Measurement: Before filling in sample measurements in the table, check to see that the data collected correspond to the limit indicated on the DMR (i.e. interim or final) and that the data correspond to the monitoring group number in the header. Enter the data or calculated results for each parameter on this row in the non-shaded area above the limit. Be sure the result being entered corresponds to the appropriate statistical base code (eCg. annual average, monthly average, single sample maximum, etc.) and units.

No. Ex.: Enter the number of sample measurements during the monitoring period that exceeded the permit limit for each parameter in the non-shaded area. If none, enter zero.

Frequency of Analysis: The shaded areas in this column contain the minimum number of times the measurement is required to be made according to the permit. Enter the actual number of times the measurement was made in the space above the shaded area.

Sample Type: The shaded areas in this column contain the type of sample (e.g. grab, composite, continuous) required by the permit. Enter the actual sample type that was taken in the space above the shaded area.

Signature: This report must be signed in accordance with Rule 62-620.305, F.AC. Type or print the name and title of the signing official. Include the telephone number where the official may be reached in the event there are qucestions concerning this report. Enter the date when the report is signed.

Comment and Explanation of Any Vioiations: Use this area to explain any exceedancts, any upset or by-pass events, or other items which require explanation. If more space is needed, reference all attachments in this area.

DEP Fo 62-620,910(10), ,freciiv- November 29, 1994 PA File No. FLA0160960-004-IWB/MR

PART B - DAILY SAMPLE RESULTS Monitoring Period: Enter the month, day, and year for the first and last day of the monitoring period (i.e. the month, the quarter, the year, etc.) during which the data on this report were collected and analyzed.

Daily Monitoring Results: Transfer all analytical data from your facility's laboratory or a contract laboratory's data sheets for all day(s) that samples were collected. Record the data in the units indicated. Table I in Chapter 62-160, F.A.C., contains a complete list of all the data qualifier codes that your laboratory may use when reporting analytical results. However, when transferring numerical results onto Part B of the DMR, only the following data ualifier codes should be used and an explanation provided where appropriate.


< The compound was analyzed for but not detected.

A Value reported is the mean (average) of two or more determinations.

J Estimated value, value not accurate.

Q Sample held beyond the actual holding time.

Y Laboratory analysis was from an unpreserved or improperly preserved sample.

Add the results to get the Total and divide by the number of days in the month to get the Monthly Average.

Plant Staffing: List the name, certificate number, and class of all state certified operators operating the facility during the monitoring period. Use additional sheets as necessary.

PART D - GROUND WATER MONITORING REPORT Monitoring Period: Enter the month, day, and year for the first and last day of the monitoring period (i.e. the month, the quarter, the year, etc.) during which the data on this report were collected and analyzed.

Date Sample Obtained: Enter the date the sample was taken. Also, check whether or not the well was purged before sampling.

Time Sample Obtained: Enter the time the sample was taken.

Sample Measurement: Record the results of the analysis. If the result was below the minimum detection limit, indicate that.

Detection Limits: Record the detection limits of the analytical methods used.

Analysis Method: Indicate the analytical method used. Record the method number from Chapter 62-160 or Chapter 62-601, F.A.C., or fi'om other sources.

Sampling Equipment Used: Indicate the procedure used to collect the sample (e.g. airlift, bucket/bailer, centrifugal pump, etc.)

Samples Filtered: Indicate whether the sample obtained was filtered by laboratory (L), filtered in field (F), or unfiltered (N).

Signature: This report must be signed in accordance with Rule 62-620.305, F.AC. Type or print the name and title of the signing official. Include the telephone number where the official may be reached in the event there are questions concerning this report. Enter the date when the report is signed.

Comments and Explanation: Use this space to make any comments on or explanations of results that are unexpected. If more space is needed, reference all attachments in this area.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIMITED WET WEATHER DISCHARGES Flow (Limited Wet Weather Discharge): Enter the measured average flow rate during the period of discharge or divide gallons discharged by duration of discharge (converted into days). Record in million gallons per day (MGD).

Flow (Upstream): Enter the average flow rate in the receiving stream upstream from the point of discharge for the period of discharge. The average flow rate can be calculated based on two measurements; one made at the start and one made at the end of the discharge period. Measurements are to be made at the upstream gauging station described in the permit.

Actual Stream Dilution Ratio: To calculate the Actual Stream Dilution Ratio, divide the average upstream flow rate by the average discharge flow rate. Enter the Actual Stream Dilution Ratio accurate to the nearest 0.1.

No. of Days the SDF > Stream Dilution Ratio: For each day of discharge, compare the minimum Stream Dilution Factor (SDF) from the permit to the calculated Stream Dilution Ratio. On Part B of the DMR, enter an asterisk

(*) if the SDF is greater than the Stream Dilution Ratio on any day of discharge. On Part A of the DMR, add up the days with an "" and record the total number of days the Stream Dilution Factor was greater than the Stream Dilution Ratio.

CBOD5: Enter the average CBOD5 of the reclaimed water discharged during the period shown in duration of discharge.

TKN: Enter the average TKN of the reclaimed water discharged during the period shown in duration of discharge.

Actual Rainfall: Enter the actual rainfall for each day on Part B. Enter the actual cumulative rainfall to date for this calendar year and the actual total monthly raintall on Part A. The cumulative rainfall to date for this calendar year is the total amount of rain, in inches, that has been recorded since January I of the current year through the month for which this DMR contains data.

Rainfall During Average Rainfall Year: On Part A, enter the total monthly rainfall during the average rainfall year and the cumulative rainfall for the average rain-all year. Thie cumulative rainfall for the average rainfall year is the amount of rain, in inches, which fell during the average rainfall year from January through the month for which this DMR contains data.

No. of Days LWW*NVD Activated During Calendar Year: Enter the cumulative number of days that the limited wet weather discharge was activated since January I of the current \,ear.

Reason for Discharge: Attach to the DMR a brief explanation of the factors contributing to the need to activate the limited wet weather discharge.

DEP Forn 62-620.910(1I), effective Novemnber 29, 1994 PA File No. FLAO I 60960-004-IWB/MR

Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2004 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Te perature Soecific Conductance Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 MW-1 deg C 22 21 23 23.8 MW-1 umhos/cm 3500 3300 3100 1984 MW-2R deg C 23 21 23 24.2 MW-2R umhos/cm 690 660 720 735 MW-7 deg C 22 21 23 24.6 MW-7 umhos/cm 530 560 620 579 MW-12R deg C 22 21 22 22.4 MW-1 2R umhos/cm 740 830 820 839 MW-16 deg C 26 25 27 27.7 MW-16 umhos/cm 28700 32100 36000 31530 MW-21R deg C 21.5 21 23 24.5 MW-21R umhos/cm 890 890 940 898 MW-27 deg C 23 21 27 27.5 MW-27 umhos/cm 2380 2390 2280 2412 MW-28 deg C 22 20 23 23.7 MW-28 umhos/cm 8300 8500 8530 7970 MW-29 deg C 24 23 24 26.2 MW-29 umhos/cm 1970 1860 1950 1817 MW-1F2 deg C 24 22 25 26.0 MW-IF2 umhos/cm 3980 4010 4070 4522 pH Turbidity Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 MW-1 S.U. 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.9 MW-1 NTU 2.36 1.05 0.56 0.35 MW-2R S.U. 6.7 6.5 6.9 7.1 MW-2R NTU 1.01 1.45 2.08 0.3 MW-7 S.U. 6.9 6.8 6,7 7.1 MW-7 NTU 0.21 0.37 0.37 0.15 MW-12R S.U. 6.8 6.9 6.8 6.9 MW-12R NTU 1.6 3.09 7.49 3.8 MW-16 S.U. 6.7 6.8 6.8 6.8 MW-16 NTU 0.47 1.93 0.3 0.2 MW-21R S.U. 6.7 6.7 6.6 6.8 MW-21R NTU 3,06 3.56 1.95 1 MW-27 S.U. 6.8 6.9 6.8 7 MW-27 NTU 0.85 1.06 5.04 0.35 MW-28 S.U. 7 6.7 6.8 6.9 MW-28 NTU 5.81 8.51 11.2 4.9 MW-29 S.U. 6.5 6.9 6.7 6.7 MW-29 NTU 1.19 1 1.07 0,5 MW-1F2 S.U. 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.3 MW-1F2 NTU 56.5 39 7.88 0.7

Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2004 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Water Lev*.l TDS Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 MW-1 Ft. 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.9 MW-1 mg/I 1900 1860 1600 1100 MW-2R Ft. 3.2 316 3 5 MW-2R mg/I 420 390 400 450 MW-7 Ft. 2.9 3.6 3.2 5.1 MW-7 mg/I 340 320 320 320 MW-12R Ft. 3 3.4 2.5 5.4 MW-12R mg!I 410 400 420 470 MW-16 Ft. -1.2 0.4 1.2 1.4 MW-16 mg/I 18800 21200 22900 21400 MW-21R Ft. 3.6 3.6 3.1 4.9 MW-21R mg/I 512.5 520 540 500 MW-27 Ft. 1.2 1.8 2 1.9 MW-27 mg/I 1700 1630 1400 1600 MW-28 Ft. 0.8 1.5 2 2.2 MW-28 mg/I 4520 4720 4700 4600 MW-29 Ft. 0.5 1.6 2.3 1.6 MW-29 mg/1 1700 1430 1600. 1600 MW-1F2 Ft. -0,5 1.2 2.4 0.2 MW-1F2 mg/I 3000 2680 3000 4100 Magnesium Calcium Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 MW-1 mg/I 148 146 140 130 MW-1 mg/I 46.9 42.4 36 22 MW-2R mg/l 87.6 85.7 91 98 MW-2R mg/I 11.5 10,4 11 13 MW-7 mg/t 95.8 95 97 95 MW-7 mg/I 5.7 5.6 5.9 5.5 MW-12R mg/l 98.8 105 100 110 MW-12R mg/I 7.5 9.4 8.1 10 MW-16 mg/l 320 336 370 330 MW-16 mg/I 651 767 890 770 MW-21R mg/I 144.5 146 150 140 MW-21R mg/I 14.8 15.3 15 15 MW-27 mg/I 172 182 170 150 MW-27 mg/I 31 32 28 41 MW-28 mg/I 216 224 200 220 MW-28 mg/I 153 159 150 150 MW-29 mg/I 427 418 400 390 MW-29 mg/I 42.5 39.2 38 33 MW-1F2 mg/I 330 327 330 520 MW-1F2 mg/I 141 141 140 230

Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2004 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Chlorides Sodium Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 MW-1 mg/I 264 486 400 250 MW-1 mg/I 870 860 740 480 MW-2R mg/I 33.5 25.6 29 38 MW-2R mg/i 43 38 36 57 MW-7 mg/I 20 17.9 21 20 MW-7 mg/I 38 41 36 33 MW-12R mg/I 41.1 51.5 46 55 MW-12R mg/I 80 100 85 99 MW-16 mg/I 5580 6470 7600 6500 MW-16 mg/I 10000 12600 12600 11600 MW-21R mg/I 25.8 26.6 30 26 MW-21R mg/I 40.5 45 39 40 MW-27 mg/I 316 323 310 370 MW-27 mg/I 170 230 220 360 MW-28 mg/I 1380 1270 1300 1300 MW-28 mg/I 2300 2500 2200 2200 MW-29 mg/I 23 28.2 33 14 MW-29 mg/I 33 38 39 15 MW-1 F2 mg/I 473 457 430 260 MW-tF2 mg/I 420 450 430 330 Arsenic Barium Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 MW-1 ug/I 11 11 7.8 4 MW-1 ug/I 12 11 11 11 MW-2R ug/I 21 16 11 27 MW-2R ug/I 73 69 66 82 MW-7 ug/I 10 10 1 1 MW-7 ug/I 6 6 10 10 MW-12R ug/I 10 10 1 1 MW-12R ug/I 10 9 10 10 MW-16 ug/I 10 23 2,6 3 MW-16 ug/I 36 33 36 46 MW-21R ug/I 10 10 2.2 2.5 MW-21R ug/I 15 15 15 17 MW-27 ug/I 10 10 3.2 5 MW-27 ug/1 17 16 16 15 MW-28 ug/I 10 10 4 3 MW-28 ug/I 38 39 39 46 MW-29 ug/I 10 10 1.9 2.5 MW-29 ug/I 15 14 14 16 MW-1F2 ug/I 12 10 5 6.3 MW-1F2 ug/I 20 17 17 22

Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2004 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Iron Molybdenuim Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 MW-1 ug/I 7070 5980 4900 1900 MW-1 ug/I 9 8 11 8.8 MW-2R ug/I 503 455 830 1200 MW-2R ug/I 11 9 14 13 MW-7 ug/I 89 61 140 41 MW-7 ug/I 5 5 5.1 5 MW-12R ug/I 247 127 180 230 MW-12R ug/I 5 5 5.9 5.7 MW-16 ug/I 1470 2770 770 1200 MW-16 ug/I 14 18 17 20 MW-21R ug/h 2125 2160 2000 2500 MW-21R ug/l 5 5 7.1 7.6 MW-27 ug/I 40 16 74 20 MW-27 ug/t 14 15 27 33 MW-28 ug/I 1820 2120 2100 2100 MW-28 ug/l 12 10 16 14 MW-29 ug/I 945 858 1000 950 MW-29 ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-1F2 ug/I 35800 29600 23000 180000 MW-1F2 ug/I 19 16 21 5 Vanadium Zinc Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Well Unit of Measure Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 MW-1 ugh 5 5 10 10 MW-1 ug/h 5 5 5 5 MW-2R ug/l 5 5 10 10 MW-2R ug/h 5 5 5 5 MW-7 ug/h 5 5 10 10 MW-7 ug/h 5 5 5 5 MW-12R ug/I 5 5 10 10 MW-12R ugh 5 5 5 5 MW-16 ug/I 5 5 10 10 MW-16 ug/I 5 202 5 5 MW-21R ug/I 5 5 10 10 MW-21R ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-27 ug/I 83 57 77 190 MW-27 ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-28 ugq/ 6 5 10 11 MW-28 ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-29 ug/l 5 5 10 10 MW-29 ug/h 5 5 5 5 MW-1 F2 ug/t 230 191 110 39 MW-1 F2 ug/1 13 11 7.7 5

Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2005 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Temperature Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 MW-1 deg C 22.3 21.6 22.9 23.4 MW-1 umhos/cm 2906 1735 1837 3470 MW-2R deg C 22.9 21.7 23.0 23.4 MW-2R umhos/cm 694 690 845 970 MW-7 deg C 22.8 21.2 22,8 24.1 MW-7 umhos/cm 568 494 525 537 MW-12R deg C 21.7 21.0 22.8 23,4 MW-12R umhos/cm 727 732 825 705 MW-16 deg C 27.1 26.5 27.0 27,5 MW-16 umhos/cm 36500 27560 31430 32050 MW-21R deg C 23.4 21.1 23.2 25,0 MW-21R umhos/cm 881 840 871 879 MW-27 deg C 22.9 22.5 26.1 278 MW-27 umhos/cm 1879 2012 2269 2119 MW-28 deg C 21.7 20.6 22.9 23.4 MW-28 urnhos/cm 7610 6570 6995 7450 MW-29 deg C 25.3 23.8 23.7 25.3 MW-29 umhosfcm 1895 1771 1832 1916 MW-11F2 deg C 24.9 23.6 24,8 25.8 MW-1F2 umhos/cm 3724 3852 3529 3541 pH Turbidity Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 M'W-1 S.U. 6.9 6.8 6.8 6.8 MW-1 NTU 0.35 18 10 1.3 MW-2R S.U. 7.2 7.1 7 6.7 MW-2R NTU 1.8 0.83 3.4 0.45 MW-7 S.U. 6H9 7 5.8

  • 6.7 MW-7 NTU 0.15 0.2 0.7 0.25 MW-12R S.U. 7 7.1 7 7.1 MW-12R NTU 0.3 1.2 0.95 6 MW-16 S.U, 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 MW-16 NTU 0.25 1.1 0.95 0.95 MW-21R S.U. 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.4 MW-21R NTU 0.95 0.53 2.3 3.9 MW-27 S.U. 7 7.1 7 7 MW-27 NTU 1.9 087 2.8 9.8 MW-28 S.U. 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.9 MW-28 NTU 2.1 1.9 7.2 15 MW-29 S.U. 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.5 MW-29 NTU 1.1 1,8 2.3 3.7 MW-1F2 S.U. 6.6 6.1 6 6.1 MW-IF2 NTU 5.8 14 13 19

Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2005 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Water Level TDS Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 MW-1 Ft. 2.6 2.8 3.2 2.8 MW-1 mg/I 1600 1000 940 1800 MW-2R Ft. 3.5 4.5 5.1 3.3 MW-2R mg/t 400 440 540 540 MW-7 Ft. 3.6 4.6 5.1 3.3 MW-7 mg/I 310 310 300 300 MW-12R Ft. 3.3 3.4 5.1 3.1 MW-12R mg/I 360 450 510 440 MW-16 Ft. 5 1.1 1.1 1.8 MW-16 mg/I 21300 21000 21000 22000 MW-21R Ft. 3.5 3.4 5 3.3 MW-21R mg/I 500 540 520 510 MW-27 Ft. 1.9 2.1 2.6 3.9 MW-27 mg/I 1200 1400 1400 1500 MW-28 Ft. 1.6 1.1 2.8 2.1 MW-28 mg/I 4500 4500 4300 4100 MW-29 Ft. 1.2 2.1 2.8 1.7 MW-29 mg/I 1700 1600 1600 1700 MW-1F2 Ft. 0.6 0.1 2.6 1.7 MW-1F2 mg/l 2700 3700 3400 3100 Calcium Magnesium Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 MW-i mg/I 140 130 120 140 MW-1 mg/I 37 22 24 44 MW-2R mg/I 93 100 110 110 MW-2R mg/I 13 14 16 18 MW-7 mg/I 95 94 96 94 MW-7 mg/I 5,9 54 5,6 5.5 MW-12R mg/I 100 100 110 100 MW-12R mg/I 8.1 9.8 11 8.3 MW-16 mg/I 330 290 330 310 MW-16 mg/I 790 740 790 800 MW-21R mg/I 150 150 150 150 MW-21R mg/I 15 15 15 15 MW-27 mg/I 140 140 140 150 MW-27 mg/I 26 35 36 35 MW-28 mg/I 210 230 240 210 MW-28 mg/I 150 160 160 150 MW-29 mg/I 420 410 420 420 MW-29 mg/I 37 36 36 42 MW-1F2 mg/I 310 550 620 450 MW-IF2 mg/I 120 250 200 140

Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2005 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Sodium Chlorides Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 MW-i mg/I 420 230 220 490 MW-1 mg/I 740 410 390 900 MW-2R mg/I 34 38 55 71 MW-2R mg/I 47 57 100 130 MW-7 mg/I 20 14 12 17 MW-7 mg/I 37 27 22 34 MW-12R mg/I 46 50 53 47 MW-12R mg/I 80 96 100 98 MW-16 mg/I 6700 6000 6600 6400 MW-16 mg/I 12000 11000 12000 13000 MW-21 R mg/I 28 27 25 26 MW-21R mg/I 43 41 38 45 MW-27 mg/I 260 320 330 340 MW-27 mg/I 170 260 230 340 MW-28 mg/I 1300 1200 1300 1300 MW-28 mg/I 2100 2100 2200 2400 MW-29 mg/I 18 31 25 27 MW-29 mg/I 22 43 33 34 MW-1F2 mg/I 410 240 140 270 MW-1F2 mg/I 420 280 160 320 Arsenic Barium Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr.05 Jul-05 Oct-05 Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 MW-1 ug/l 10 13 4.8 17 MW-1 ug/I 11 10 10 10 MW-2R ug/I 47 38 49 38 MW-2R ug/I 87 87 86 85 MW-7 ug/1 1 1 1 1 MW-7 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-12R ug/I 1 1 1 1 MW-12R ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-16 ug/I 3.9 1.7 2.8 1 MW-16 ug/I 35 29 31 10 MW-21R ug/I 2.6 2.4 5.3 4.2 MW-21R ug/I 16 16 15 10 MW-27 ug/I 4.1 5.4 4.7 5.8 MW-27 ug/I 13 11 13 10 MW-28 ug/t 3.9 3.8 3.4 1 MW-28 ug/I 41 47 45 41 MW-29 ug/I 2.9 3.4 7.8 11 MW-29 ug/I 16 17 16 10 MW-1F2 ug/I 6.1 9.2 5.1 11 MW-1F2 ug/I 19 19 17 10

0 Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2005 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Iron Molybdenum Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 MW-1 ug/h 5600 2500 1300 5900 MW-1 ug/I 10 5 9.1 5 MW-2R ug/h 920 1100 1500 1700 MW-2R ug/I 14 14 11 5 MW-7 ug/I 20 21 32 20 MW-7 ug/h 5 5 5.5 5 MW-12R ug/h 130 66 140 230 MW-12R ug/I 5 5.3 7.6 5 MW-16 ug/I 790 360 1200 740 MW-16 ug/l 18 16 14 5 MW-21R ug/I 1900 2100 2400 2600 MW-21R ug/h 8.4 5 10 5 MW-27 ug/I 30 20 36 440 MW-27 ug/t 24 42 32 24 MW-28 ug/I 1800 2400 2000 2200 MW-28 ug/t 16 12 17 5 MW-29 ug/I 940 1100 1400 1600 MW-29 ug/t 5 5 6.2 5 MW-1F2 ug/I -40000 56000 70000 100000 MW-1F2 ug/h 21 8.9 5 5 Vanadium Zinc Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 Well Unit of Measure Jan-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 MW-t ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-1 ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-2R ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-2R ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-7 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-7 ug/I 5 5 5.7 5 MW-12R ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-12R ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-16 ug/I 20 26 14 10 MW-16 ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-21R ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-21R ug/h 5 5 5 5 MW-27 ug/I 61 300 130 73 MW-27 ug/1 5 5 5 5 MW-28 ug/I 10 14 10 10 MW-28 ug/t 5 5 5 5 MW-29 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-29 ug/I 5 6.7 5 5 MW-1F2 ug/I 44 30 16 10 MW-1F2 ug/t 5 5 6.4 5

Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2006 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Temperature Specific Conductance Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 MW-1 deg C 22.3 21.4 22.4 23.7 MW-1 umhos/cm 2876 3984 2555 2572 MW-2R deg C 22.2 21.8 22.7 23.9 MW-2R umhos/cm 968 936 983 887 MW-7 deg C 22.1 21.1 22.5 24.1 MW-7 umhos/cm 498 529 551 485 MW-12R deg C 22.1 20.8 21.7 23.2 MW-12R umhos/cm 674 765 795 689 MW-16 deg C 27.0 26.2 26.5 27.5 MW-16 umhos/cm 25220 29940 32320 26879 MW-21R deg C 23.1 22.0 23.9 25.4 MW-21R umhos/cm 803 893 929 759 MW-27 deg C 22.3 23.4 27.0 27.4 MW-27 umhos/cm 2933 2122 2700 1768 MW-28 deg C 21.5 20.5 22.2 23.3 MW-28 umhos/cm 6580 7180 7756 6850 MW-29 deg C 24.8 23.2 23.7 25.5 MW-29 umhos/cm 1815 2050 2029 1936 MW-1F2 deg C 24.2 23.9 25.7 26.3 MW-1F2 umhos/cm 3173 3396 3940 3499 pH Turbidity Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 MW-1 S.U. 6.8 6.5 7 6.7 MW-1 NTU 4.5 6 1 0.6 MW-2R S.U. 7 6.4 6.9 6.8 MW-2R NTU 4.3 1 1 1.3 MW-7 S.U. 7 6.3 6.7 6.7 MW-7 NTU 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 MW-12R S.U. 7 6.5 7.1 6.7 MW-12R NTU 4.1 5.4 5.6 3.2 MW-16 S.U. 6.6 6.4 6.9 6.6 MW-16 NTU 0.7 4 7.3 0.7 MW-21R S.U. 6.7 5.3 6.8 6.5 MW-21R NTU 3.8 3.2 1.7 1.8 MW-27 S.U. 7 6.7 7.1 6.9 MW-27 NTU 1.9 7.7 3.3 1.2 MW-28 S.U. 6.8 6.4 6.9 6.6 MW-28 NTU 18 12 11 10 MW-29 SU. 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.4 MW-29 NTU 0.75 0.8 1.1 0.35 MW-1F2 S.U. 6.3 6.4 6.3 6.1 MW-1F2 NTU 7.9 16 11 5,3

0 Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2006 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Water Level TIJS Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 .Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 MW-1 Ft. 2.74 2.58 2.72 2.69 M'W-1 mg/I 1600 1900 1300 1300 MW-2R Ft. 3.35 2.79 3.3 3.3 MW-2R mg/I 640 500 560 490 MW-7 Ft. 3.49 2.93 3.47 3.46 MW-7 mg/I 330 290 200 280 MW-12R Ft. 3,17 2.51 2.87 3.03 MW-12R mg/I 410 360 420 420 MW-16 Ft. 6.65 1.23 1.89 1.38 MW-16 mg/I 20000 21000 21000 21000 MW-21R Ft. 3.45 2.88 3.41 3,42 MW-21R mg/I 520 550 500 460 MW-27 Ft. 2.04 2.13 2.18 2.04 MW-27 mg/I 2100 690 1500 1100 MW-28 Ft. 1.55 2.03 2.4 2.06 MW-28 mg/I 4200 630 4500 4300 MW-29 Ft. 1.42 2.21 2.45 3,2 MW-29 mg/I 1800 10 1700 1900 MW-1F2 Ft. 0.36 1.65. 2.57 0.5 MW-1F2 mg/I 2600 2600 3200 3000 Calcium Magnesium Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 MW-1 mg/I 150 150 130 150 MW-1 mg/I 41 50 28 37 MW-2R mg/I 120 120 110 130 MW-2R mg/I 20 18 14 20 MW-7 mg/I 100 92 97 100 MW-7 mg/I 5.7 5.6 3.2 5.4 MW-12R mg/I 110 104 100 110 MW-12R mg/I 8.1 9.2 7 10 MW-16 mg/I 340 310 400 360 MW-16 mg/I 750 780 990 860 MW-21R mg/I 160 160 150 150 MW-21R mg/I 16 16 15 14 MW-27 mg/I 160 120 140 110 MW-27 mg/I 45 28 37 26 MW-28 mg/I 240 180 220 220 MW-28 mg/I 170 130 160 160 MW-29 mg/I 460 430 430 510 MW-29 mg/I 46 49 45 58 MW-1 F2 mg/I 380 360 570 520 MW-IF2 mg/I 120 120 160 140

Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2006 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Sodium Chlorides Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 MW-1 mg/i 450 560 300 390 MW-1 mg/I 720 910 520 740 MW-2R mg/i 84 71 61 73 MW-2R mg/I 130 110 100 120 MW-7 mg/I 17 16 11 14 MW-7 mg/I 31 31 24 21 MW-12R mg/I 52 50 43 47 MW-12R mg/I 86 87 90 86 MW-16 mg/I 6700 6600 8000 7200 MW-16 mg/I 10000 11000 11000 12000 MW-21R mg/I 26 28 22 19 MW-21R mg/I 41 44 41 33 MW-27 m9/1 580 370 440 310 MW-27 mg/I 520 270 420 240 MW-28 mg/l 1500 1100 1300 1400 MW-28 mg/I 2200 2200 2200 2200 MW-29 mg/t 37 71 38 37 MW-29 mg/I 46 110 50 44 MW-1F2 mg/I 320 390 270 330 MW-1F2 mg/I 330 380 310 350 Arsenic Barium Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 MW-1 ug/I 13 13 8 7 MW-1 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-2R ug/I 37 18 31 26 MW-2R ug/I 86 81 83 80 MW-7 ug/I 1 1 1 1 MW-7 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-12R ug/I 1 1 1 1 MW-12R ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-16 ug/I 16 1 1 1 MW-16 ug/I 10 10 10 41 MW-21R ug/I 1 1 1 1 MW-21R ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-27 ug/I 1 1 1 1 MW-27 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-28 ug/I 1 6 1 1 MW-28 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-29 ug/I 1 1 5 1 MW-29 ug/t 10 10 10 10 MW-1F2 ug/I 8.3 4.8 10 5.3 MW-1F2 ug/i 10 10 10 10

0 Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Energy Complex 2006 Annual Ground Water Cumulative Summary Permit ID#FLA 016960 Iron Molybdenum Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 MW-1 ug/I 5200 7300 3200 2000 MW-1 ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-2R ug/I 1400 1200 1200 1400 MW-2R ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-7 ug/I 20 20 20 20 MW-7 ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-12R ug/I 100 85 170 190 MW-12R ug/h 5 5 5 5 MW-16 ug/h 1200 670 1100 1100 MW-16 ug/I 59 20 20 23 MW-21 R ug/I 2000 2500 2500 2300 MW-21R ug/t 5 5 5 5 MW-27 ug/l 20 120 440 20 MW-27 ug/h 5 26 27 25 MW-28 ug/1 2100 5100 2000 1900 MW-28 ug/l 5 5 20 5 MW-29 ug/ 1 1100 1500 990 1500 EMW-29 ug/! 5 5 5 5 MW-i F2 ug/l 58000 52000 49000 66000 MW-tF2 ug/l 5 21 5 5 Vanadium Zinc Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 Well Unit of Measure Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 MW-1 ugh/ 10 10 10 10 MW-1 ug/l 5 5 5 5 MW-2R ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-2R ug/l 5 5 5 5 MW-7 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-7 ug/I 5 5 5 5 MW-12R ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-12R ug/h 5 5 5 5 MW-16 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-16 ug/! 5 5 5 5 MW-21R ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-21R Ug/l 5 5 5 5 MW-27 ug/I 78 66 75 58 MW-27 ug/h 5 5 5 5 MW-28 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-28 ug/! 5 5 5 5 MW-29 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-29 ug/t 5 5 5 5 MW-1F2 ug/I 10 10 10 10 MW-1F2 ug/h 5 5 5 5

Crystal River Groundwater Monitoring Data - IWW Permit 2007 Turbidity Key Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 rnotreared under old persit 1 I', C NlU 0'8 77 10.0 1

,.1'-72R NTU 20.7 04 2 05 not required under new,permrit .129NTUI f)8 42 44 438 0,01-7R NT"11 73 2128540 208 Snol 4nste r.equred unti we4'sa;e MWB-30

" ~NTU i50 5 MH124r 1, 2R NT4J 2 362 43 64 limit exceedence L!J 6NTU 2 397 1.3 NWC21 16 ATU 1.2 13 2.

= New Wells '344C-27 NrT 4 .2 73 14 WC-28 N 44 4368 i 4288 9 33

= Renamed from MWI-1 C-29 NT 2166 135 2.4  ! 2,'

PH limit- 6.5- 8&5(2ndary) TDS limit 500 mgL (2ndary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 HvWiC-I 1" S.i 69 7 6.7 -r1191 980. 1 7%1 l8q60 1360 MlWI-29R SUi 7 6.9,_2 8 MI.1-2R mngl 5120 610 482 660 W-7 SU. 6.9 Ag HW7-7 n1: 2I0 7 90.

MY1W-7R 147C-IF2 Nid 268 2150 58208 235 SU ,68 6-D M12I7-713 400 18

,,IWB-308 SU . 6.9 7 61,4B-30

  • g.l 480 430 MiWC-12R S.U. 7 6 71 7.1 1M8WC-12R m7i 390 483 440 400 MWC-!6 SU 66 6.5 66 66 M 1gC16 i000 20000 20,000 212 21,300 MWC-21R S U. 6.6 F6,5_ 6.7 865 M1C-,421R mag 480 520 48,20 51 i4WC-27 SiU 7 69 7 57 S1361-28 mgnI 23, 2 020 3000 2008 MW8C-28 SU'. 89 7 688 14WC-28 m 0 4300 4,210 4.330 MW,-28 S.U. 68,4 6.4 MIC-2191 mnil 2 100 2.200 2,000 2,130 2

MWC4F2 SU. 62 6 66 63 8-F2mg, 20 20 300 3001 2,350 Water Level Chloride limit= 250 mg/L (2ndary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 MWC-1 Ft. 279 244 233 286 M11C-1' ma 400 760 820 830 MW141-2R Ft, 4.14 325 2.28 313 l,%&2R mlgl 1208 30 62 620 MIW-7 Ft 4.24 3 34 . MW7-7 i78ng] 8 L..:

_____-7R_ Ft, 1.8 2J9 MWI-7R madl,) . 11 t0 1MW1B-30 - Ft. _______ 2.48 na MW4B-30' g , - . 10 0 MWC-12R Ft. 398 303 1.68 3r16 MWTC -1I2R 7 3gl 3 88 78 MWC-1 Ft 0842 013 082 123 MWNC-16 a i 18000 180,00 12,000 12.000 MWC-21R Ft 4.13 3.27 247 3.03 MWC-201R IaaI 35 41 317 32 MWC-27 Fr 187 173 2.14 216 19 Mui27r 210 340 1,200 640 MWC-28 Fl. 221 1 44 1 86 2.4 1W70-28 mgi 2,000 2,0 0 32000 MWC29 Ft 1.85 1.35 225 1.85 MWC-29 1850 1! 10 46 tWC-F2 Ft 0.62 848 1,7 1 61640 rF2 n?*gi 210 1 310 270 Sodium limit = 160m prima Barium At200 limit uhCL(primary) 14 welt Unit of Measure Jan-87 Apr-87 Jul-07 Oct-07 Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 1 1C-* m il 230 380 480 310 1274C-1 " ugi 0 10 32 2i

"'W'N 2R mgl 74 63 41 76 MIJ84-2R uql 87 15 65 85 MW?7 il 1i 13 MW.37 uPll 10 < !0 ; , , -f .

V286-7TR ' r80 . ' 13

, -< 8 8 MWI-7R ugIlL10 10 12 W8-30 madI - '~~ 82 83 MW8B-3O ugIl -- . t, 5. 10 I1WC-12R 1gil 45 31 48 42 MWC-12R u,1 10 < 10 <.10 5 MWC-16 mg,4 6,300 5,700 6,100 5,900 O0 uaWC-160 i < 50 M1WC-21R mg/l 20 23 19 18 MW4C0-21R FOIl 10 10 10 10 MWC-27 mlI 350 300 " 750 480 1MIC-27 uFgIl 10 10 10 I0 M8WC-28 mg, 1.200 1,000 1.200 1.188 M4WC-28 U91, 44 2 20 43 MWC29 m9/I 40 39 72 42 M11NC-29 uFIL 14 99 10

,,WC-4F2 mrtI 290 270 . 320 280 t840C-tF2 ugIL 5.4 10 10 Arsenic limit = 10 uIL rimar,) Gr Zs Particle Activity Alpla MCL pCiL (primary) 815 Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Well Unit of Measure Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 MWC-1*uil 4 9.9 16.8 74 lVIWC-! PCI/L 25 328 27 MWI-2R ugjt 32 23 14 36 1,IWA42R POtL 15 17 50 MW-7 ugl 1 1 12W4-7 PC5L 2.- "-  :

61W31-7R *U, 37 1 1 1 I1-7R PCIL- 5 2.5 MWB-30' uga 7.8 7.8 1,1W4-30' PCIi 5.4 5.5 MWC-12R uI 1 <1 <1 <1 MWC-12R PCiL 56 5.3 5.1 MNWC-1 6 ual 1 1 1 1 MWC-16 PCI/L 36 24 46 fAWC-21R ul 1 1 1 1 MW2C-21R Pa I1 155 46 5.

IMWC-27 ua/ I 1 62 95 M1WIC-27 P6IL . 51 L5 V7 MWC-28 u28 4 1 a

< 42 fAWNC-28 PCi 5 25 20 50 MWC1 2 u 5 98 44 47 P4WC-29 PCI6L <14 5 9 14 MWC-IF2 u98 6.1 5.2 1 7.3 1 0',,1CIF2 PCIL 5.4 1 5 59 Iron limit 0.3 mgIL(2ndary) Zinc limit = 500ugIL(2ndary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 MWC-1 cr7" 1 40 480 5.90 3.00 ',W-1 uil l* 5 <5 <5 <5 MW1,-2R mg! 1.50 110 056 158 `4tWII-2R ug!l 5 5 5 <5 M3W-7 mgil 002 < 0.02 '7. MAW-7 ugý! 5 <5 ':  ::¢ :, "

MIWI-7R * '7'364'_____ 3.50 386 MtAV'-TR ugil i:::  : 5 5 MWB-30 t50 "1 1.40 M*WB-30

  • ugil *:: 22 <3

'IC-12R in 0.10 0.08 0820 0.20 PWC- 12R u9/1 5 5 <5 <5

-18Mgt 1.00 097 079 0.98 1,1WCN-16 ug.1 5 <5 <5 <20 11 211 R: 1 210 240 250 2.60 ,.4WC-21 R ug;I 5 <5 <5 <5

-27 migl 0.09 014 0.59 025 vIWC-27 ugI 5 <5 5 <5 MWC-28 m9/g 2.10 2ý00 2.20 2,20 *IWVC-28 ug,1 5 < <5 <5 MWC-29 mgI 1.50 3.90 1210 200 M.WC-29 u9/1 5 <5 5 MWC-IF2 rngl 49.00 49.00 4500 42.00 MVlWC-IF2 ug8 <55 <5

Antimony limit z 6 ugIL(primary) Specific Conductane 0 limit NA Well Unit of Measure Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 1,-'0-i "ugll < ,WC1i3 uihosicn 1,859, 3.027 3,59 01 2,030 MWi-2IR umhosicM 10 1,016 790 1.7 MY!7 umhosicm 485 479 -,,"

/Ru*c <1 MV"ITR*umhoslcm  ::, ':  : 763 726 MWC-12R ugl <1 1 <1 MW1-30 u I0hos1cm c-.901 1742 12R umhoslm /1b 7507 754 703 MWC1ugil I MW10C-16 umhocrl) 25,710 24,900 34201 31,671 MW10C-21R uga 1 <! MW7C-21R unhosicn 828 838 889 81, PJWC-27 ,ug/l< <1 1 MWC-28 ug <i <I <I MW.NC-27 umhoslcm 2,079 2,318 5.421 5 0 M1WO-28 790

!m 60740 7.540 7,-00 MWC-29 u < <1 <1 NCW-2 <0008 2219 2,584 20 MWC-1F2F9l q< 1 <I <I LIWC-IF2 umhosicm 13.324 3,174 13,342 3.093 Radium 2261228limit 5 pCifltprimary) Nitrate limnit= 1OmigL (pdmary)

Well Unit of Measure Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Well Unit of Measure A r-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 MWC-1 PClL 14 35 4 "nlgil

- OW < 0.002 < 0 002 0,01 M0I-2R PCyL 7.5 9 40 MW],,,'-2R ngi " 0.8i 0.002 0 31 M.W-7 PCIL 059 ,_ ,_ : . . - MYW'7 A132-29 mgI 0,361 ,009 0 ,"

MWI-7R PCOL ,: 25 0 05 MWVI-7R m9\.

nig .... .* < 002 0 11 MWB-30 FCIL ... .' 06 i,3 MWS-30 *mgiI qa 0.0i MWC-12R PCIIL 3.2 73 08 OYWC-!2R nig/I < 0.002 0,029 0.01 MWC 10 PlKC_ 21 21 55 jMWýC- 16 nngil <0,002 0,02 < 0.01 MWt C-21R PCtlL 32 M -21R rng.1 < 01002 <0 002 001 2.5 WC27 rag1 " < 0.02 IIZ 61 036

53. 6'IC2 mil <6002 <0.002 0 0i 36 MW-9rg8 0 21 0,0096 0,0!

4,8 1.4 MW-I2 g~i < 0,002 <0,002 0 246

Beryllium limit = 4 ugIL (primary) Lead limit 15ug/L (primary)

Apr-( Oct-07 Well Unitof Measure Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 IMWc-tI IW-I juiL/ <I I <I <

MWI-2R MWI-2IR uL <1 < <

,,IW-7 UQiA <0OA UW-17 ug/L


I;< "


,!WI- "ugl <0.1 <0 1 '*PI',PJI-7R ugiL M 2R-30 ug/l <-." <0 1 < 0.1 'I WB-30*

u/ <0O1 -'01 <0.1 MW,'C-t2R g/hL <<I_ <1 <I 6 u911 <0.1 <0.1 0.5 I.IWC-16 ugiL <I <1 <1 JIR u91 <001 <0.1 <0.1 TIWC-21R ugIL <1 <1 <I RC27 ugil <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 MWC-27 u IL <i <1 11

.tWC-28 uil < 0.1 <0.1 <0.! MWC-28 u/tL <1 < <I MWC-29 < 0.! <0.1 < 0.1 N1WVC-29 u9IL <! <I tVIWC-iF2 I _1_ <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 ;1W)C-lF2 uqIL _ < <I <1 Cadmium limit= 5 uggLprimary Thallium limit 2 ugIL(primary Well Unit of Measure Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Well Unit of Measure Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 MWC-1**uqIL <I <I <1 u IL iWC-1 <1

< < <I fAWI-2R ug1iL <1 < 1I MWO11-2R uL <1 <,1 <1 tAWA7 u iL <I . ' <1I MW-7 ugIL NWI-7R u . . <1 <1

<MWI-7R <gIL ". <1 <I t.WS-30 ug/L < 1 14.'IW-30 L/h1 ______ </ <__

1WC-12R ug.L <1 <I < /.IC-12R ui/L <1 < <1 11WC-106 ut/L 1 1 i 0JWC-16 ugIL <1 <I <1 AMWC-21R ugiL <1 <1 1 M1/C-21R ug/L <1 <I <1

,iWC-27 ug/L 1 I1 MYVC-27 ug!L <1 <1 <1 10WC -28 ug/L 1 <11 1 MWC-28 ug!L <1 <I1 <

1tWC0-29 ugh Ui <I 1 MWAC-29 ug/L <! <1 <1 M,,WC-17F2 ug/L 1 <I I MWC0-IF2 ugIL < <I <I Nickel limit <100ugIL pnimary) Fluoride limit 14 mLt(primar Well Unit of Measure Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Well Unit of Measure Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 ViWC-i" ug/L<1 <I <! i twc- 1 *' mghIL 0010 024 0.01 MVWI-2R uq[L <1 <1 <1 MWIN-2R m/L 0 045 0.47 0038 MW-7 ug/L < I_, *II-. -" MW-7 mg/L 0.069 .

0WI-7R uIhL K-.. < <1 MIWVI-7R - mIgL <0014 0.14 MWB-30' uqIL " <1 <1 K4WNB-30 mgIL 016 0.006 MWC-12R uIL 1 <1 <1 MWC-12R mgIL 0O 0011 0.01 MWC-16 uq/L <1 <1 <5 MItWC-16 mgh!L 1.3 0.03 0.31 MWC-21R ugIL <1 <1 <1 MWC-21R mgh _ _ 00<4 0.13 0.094 kt0WC-27 ug/L 10 1200 340 fAWNC-27 mgf/L 0 05 5 <0.03 ItWC-28 ug/L <1 < <I ,1WVC-20 m/hL 032 0007 0.074

,300-29 ug/L 1 <1 <1 MWC-20 mg/L 01 0.1 0,062 MIWC-1F2 ugIL 84 95 160 fvWAC-IF2 mg/L 08 00 0.23 Dissolved Oxyge limit <NA Copper limit =1 mg/L (2ndary,)

eli Unit of Measure Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Well Unit of Measure Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 m//L I_ I 0.1 0.12 02 r'itWC-1 '"mg/L < 0.005 < 0H05 < 0 005

'I*-2R mrnL 0.1 024 0.2 MWI-2R mgIL < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0 005 iW-7 mg/L 0.1 $1-. ___, __: MWN-7 mgIL < 0 005 ' ," * .:.*

MWI-7R mg!Lr 062 0.2 Ti31-7R - mg/h ___ 0 : < 0.005 <0.005 MWB-30 mg/L - 0 CA 01 1W300 *1 mghL _ <000 0<005 < 0.005 MWC-12R rng/L 0.2 014 02 MWC-121R mg!iL < 0 005 , 0.005 0.005 fAWC-16 mgIL 0.5 0.3 0.3 M~WC-16 mg!L < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.025 LIWC-21R mt/L 0.1 020 02 MWNC-21 R mq/L < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0,005 MWC-27 m/fL I 0.00 0.3 MWC-27 m~g/L < 0 005 < 0.05 < 0.005 N1WC-28 mgtL 02 0.10 02 MWVAC-28 mgIL < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 MIWC-29 mg,L 0.2 0.16 0.2 MWVIC-29 mg/L < O005 <0,005 < 0.005 3WC-IF2 rmnIL 0.2 0.26 0.2 MWIC-IF2 _mg!L < 0,005 < 0,005 < 0.005 Cyanide limit=0.2 mglL(primary)

Well Unit of Measure Apr.07 Jul-07 Oct-07 I',WC-1 mqIL < 0.005 <0.005 < 0.005 PJWI-2R mgIL <0.005 < 0005 < 0.005 NItW-7 mg/L <0.005 .. .>

MWI-7R n1L " - < 0005 < 0.005 MWB-30 mg/IL .L.. s < 0.005 <0.005 MWC-12R mg/L < 0.005 <0005 <0005 hlWC-10 mg/L ,_ 0.005 < 0.005 U0.005

'vWC-21R mg/L <0.005 1 <0.005 < 0.005 ghll _ <0.005

< <0005 <0.005 u _L < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0,005 mugL <0.005 <0.005 < 0.005 VtWC-IF2 mg/L < 0.005 < 0005 < 0005

Vanadium Molybdenum limit NA Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 ma-WIUgrl i0 Il -1 U 15 kIWI-2R ugI 10 'M,,,,/-2R ugi!

MYWO-7 ug2il 10 W7iI 5

,lWC-!2R ugll I0 'WC-12R uOi t C1 6 ugý,' 21 i1C-21 R Upl 5 10 ug! 21 MWVC-28 u/I[ 21

, -29Iu 10

.WC-52o ugil 3 iWCQF2 u 10 MW-C4F 00uI 3 Calcium Magnesium Limit NA Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 Well Unit of Measure Jan-07 IWI-1 mgil 40 4,, 1- mgif 14 14WI-2R mail 130 mrni-R mg!I 20 11tW-7 ix- 94 MW,-7 Ingil 5

,IWC-12R m 100 WC- 2R mri 96 M'WC-16 p*, 320 MW,-16 m9i 740 I..NWC-21 R Mjpl 140 MWIC' tnR 15 ____i

\1WC-27 mad 140 mgl J-27 _

OIWC-28 mg-I 220 HVCC-28 igll


Crystal River Groundwater Monitoring Data - IWW Pernlit 2008 Key Turbidity Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 notrequired under didperwit MVIWC-i irTU i.97 1.2 00 0.65 tAlt,-2R NTU 260 05 i640 MWWi-2R2 NTU *l, 45

= primary standard limit exceedence on compliance well M1WI-7R NTU 9. i 26.0 533 190 MVW8-30 NTU 542 428 3 1 MWC12R NITU 11 2.7 2.1t 1

- New Wells 1WC-6 NTU i 2.2 036 3.9 MlWC-21R NTU I5 4.0 494 0.7

  • new Compliance Well - Renamed from MWI-1 MWVC-27 NTU 0.0 23 '.2S 1.6 1W1C-28 ai8t9 647 3.7 4,4

'AWC-29 NI.3 231 08 205.2 2.5 0

MW71C-iF2 NTU 3.1 4.8 19 8.9 pH limit. 6.5 - 8,5 (2ndary) TOS limit 2500 mgIL(2ndary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 MWC-i *1 S.U. 6.9 6.9 6.9 7.1 MWC-I""ir 1.7060 1 1,000 1800 MtWl-2R S.U. 7.1 7 7.1 !MWj-2R ngil 560 560 440" MWI-2R2 S.U. . 7.3 MWI-2R2 r 91965 490 MtWl-7R SU 6.8 6.8 6.5 6.6 MW11-TR2 "mgl 390 360 320 410 MVWB-30 S.U. 7 7 7 6.7 M -391 440 420 360 440 r,,lWC-12R S.U. 7 7 7 7.1 ,1WOC- 12R mgil 410 410 340 73o MWC-16 SU. 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.4 MWIC-16 mgt 21,000 21.00 21000 182000 MWC-21R S.U. 6.7 6.7 6.4 6.5 MW06C-21 R rg6 570 540 480 570 1MWC-27 S.U. 7 6.9 6.7 6.6 fAWC-27 .69L 1.000 ,0 42"0 MWC-28 S.U. 6.9 6.6 69 7 MY-iC-28 42,100 4.!00 2,100 19500 42400 MAWC-29 S.U. 6.6 66 6.9 63 MVIC-29 ongil 2,300 2,300 2.000 6,100 MWC-172 SU. 6.6 6.5 6.2 6.2 MWC-iF2 mgqd 3.200 26300 2,200 2,200 Water Level Chloride limit 250 mgaL 2ndary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 MWC-1 Ft. 2.43 2.67 2.97 2.75 MWC- I" mgl 780 610 660 810 MtWI-2R Ft. 2.9 3.95 3.55 M1WI-2R mgi 91 95 58 MIWI-2R2 Ft. . -. " , 227 ,1WI-2R2 mg-. 61 133-7R " Ft 2.75 4.29 3.86 3.21 IWI-7R" nigf 11 12 10 1 MLWB-30 Ft 2.43 3.14 3.46 24 MJ7-7B-30 nig/t 110 88 93 75 lIWC-12R Ft 2.69 3.78 4.87 3.28 MWC-12R mIl 120 83 76 73 MWt.16 Ft. 1.24 929 1.67 0 MW77C-16 120 11.000 12,000 9200 MIWC-21R Ft 2.94 3.9 4.03 3.18 k .0C-216R mgaI 41 41 31 34 MtVC-27 Ft. 1.65 1tN 2.51 1.69 MWNC-27 "gl' 300 44,9 420 550 M13IC-28 Ft. 2.06 1.65 264 1.59 MIWC-28 6gI 2,100 1.900 2,400 2,000 MVWC-29 Ft. 2.33 175 2.5 0.74 MWC-29 rM0 70 43 21 66 MWC-IF2 Ft. 2.31 1.36 3.27 0.09 MWC-IF`2 I mgil 300 260 260 3!i0 Sodium limit 160 mqIL idmary) Barium limit =200 ug/L(primary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr.08f Aunt-08 Oct-08 MVWC-1 wim*i 400 300 260 430 MWC-1*91* < 10 < 10 10 5 AWI-2R mg9/ 53 44 36 MWNI-2R ug"l 98 88 110 NIWI-2R2 mwg ý , . 33 HMW!-2R2 ujgiI  ;  :.! 130 MWI-79R lg 11 6 10 11 ,MtVI-7R* ugll < 10 10 10 5 MIWB-30 nnmil 64 45 61 47 MNW11-30 +u94l I0 10 10 5 lIWC-12R m911 44 34 40 42 MWAC-12R ug!l <1!0 < 10 10 5 OIWC-16 w mg 6700 6000 5800 5100 MWC-16 42 10 50 33 MWC-21R mwll 26 20 17 22 MWC-21 R ug/t I0 10 10 5 MWC-27 atIt 200 270 270 320 MuOsL 60 L 310 !0 5 MWC-28 m911 1100 1200 1200 1200 M,1t7 60 10 45 34 IWC-29 I 42 29 28 41 IMWC-29 I ugq 10 1 10 1 10 5 1WC-F2 mg4 250 230 230 260 IMWNC F2 u21 10 1 10 1 t0 5 Arsenic limit= 10ugL (primary) Gross Particle Activity Alpha MCL=t5 pCilL(primary)

Well Unitof Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 Well Unitof Measure Jan-08 Apr-0H Aug-08 Oct-08 MWC-1** ugn 9.0 9.6 1.0 11.0 MWC-1" PCI/L 46 *26 . 26 31 .

MWI-2R ugft 83.0 44.0 59.0 MWI-2R PCiI- 53 26 36 ' :

M!WI-2R2 ug/ll , -,, . :* 240.0 MWI-2R2 PCt!L .;I ,LZ '  ::* 29 tMWA-7R "PCOL 5.9 4 2.5 3,2 tltl-7R ug4 1.0 <1 <

MVWB-30' uaIl 5.2 7.1 5.8 6.3 MWB-30*PCIIL 8.3 6 63 !11 MWC-12R ugal < a <1 <1 MIWC-12R PCbUL 13 94 10 9.8 MWC-16 u9il 6.0 1.0 <1 1.0 HAWC-16 PCUiL 72 37 26 79 MWC-21R uga 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 M1WC-21 R PCtI& 16 12 14 15 MWC-27 uali 4.7 4.8 5.6 7.9 ',tWC-27 PCIVL 7.4 42 318 6.9 MWC-28 uO 1.6 1.0 1a 10 NItWC-28 PCI/L .60 -31: "26 29--

MWC-29 ug,1 1.0 6.6 1.0 5.3 f4WC-29 PCI/L .18. 91 26 23 "

MtWC-IF2 u97 6.9 8.8 9.5 6.8 MWNC-IF2 PCl]/- 6 2.8 1 4,5 9.1 NewtPenrmdItued 11912007- Effcttiae April2007 mnoitoringperiod.

Barium, Zinc, Iran changed from ng/L to mg/L in nem penuie.

Ug/L used to maintain consistency withJanuar 2007 mnoitoring period.

Propoe.d New Wemus: MWI-7R - MWB-X a

iron limit 0.3 mgL l (2ndary) Zinc limit = 500ug/L (2ndary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 MWC-I m 490 310 086 4.80 ,IWC-.1' u4 <3 3 <3 <3 M1Wi-2R moii 1.50 <1. 1.80 lW!'//-2R uI!l 3 <3 13 MWlI-2R2 mgil. . . . . .30 lWI-2R2 ugil  : " 3 MYWI-7R1 11911 3.90 430 3U30 350 132t-OR ugil 3 3 <3 <3 MWB-30"mai 1.10 140 140t .40 tWB-30 u <3 3 3 <3 M4WC-t2R mail 0.12 0.10 0.19 0.2- MNhC-12R ul <03 3 03 <3 MOWC-16 mil 10 1.20 110 t40 L1911C-I u/I 3 <3 29 <3 M12C-21R mqi 2.20 2.90 2.40 2A0 .r/IC-21/R Ural 3 3 <3 <3 MWC-27 m, 0 2012 0.12 U .t 3 MW3C-27 ul <3 <3 <3 3 MWC-28 mo4 Ut 2 210 2U00 MW0-28 uoI 3 3 3 <3 180 240 C-29ug/I <3 3 3 <3 n0d 2.00 3 2.50 3900 4Ut 35U 00 M C-29 MW '4-1F2 12W0C-1F2 ug'l 3 3 <3 <3 Antimony m C limi226 ui (p imary) Specific Conductance limit= NA Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apt-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Au0-08 Oct-08 MWC-1 PCI/h 1 <I 2 0.8 13W/-1 umhos/cm 3.000 2,450 1.900 3,208 Mfi-2R ugL <4 41 < 14. M13WI-2R umhosCrn 913 922 757

!,104-2R2 uCiL *, . 1 MWI-2R2 umhos/cm 6095 MW11I-7R Puil 0.

< I 0

< 0

< M1W0-71R umhos/cm 721 693 595 606 MWB-30 PuCil <I 0.

< <tI 1 MW11B-30" umhos/cm 784 736 609 664 MWC-12R uPiC <1 <1. <8 2 MWC-12R umhos'cm 728 725 668 096 MlC-t6 PCI/ .1 <. < <1 1mWIC-16 urnhos/cin 32,610 29640 29.330 23600

.91WC-21R IL <1 <1 <2 2

< POWC-21R uorhosicm 944 910 . 757 819 MWCA-27 POL <I 0. <1 <1 MWC-27 urlrsicm 1,724 2,241 2,210 2.343 MWC-28 ugiL <0I 5

< 1 <1 MIWC-28 u00150/cm 7.250 7100 0.700 0,050 MWC-20 uC/i <1 <2 1 3.0 MW/C-29 umhosicm 2,486 2.400 2.140 2222 MOC-IF2 PCIh 0.5 < I <I <1 MWIC-/F2 un/hos/cm 2,906 2.976 2,649 2812 Radium 2261228limit= 5 pCiL (primi4 Nitrate limit t10 moll (primar)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 M37WC-I 3PCI/L 40 5 200 <.8 MWC-1 mil 0.063 0.01 0.1 < 0.01 M.WI-2R PC!L 4.1 4.7 405 MWI-2R m0gl 0.17 0.2 0.01 MJWI-2R2 P .. " i. < 7.1 MWI2/-2R2 m.g - " < 001 MOW/-7R PCtL 0.5 00.5 0.4 0.5 M1WI-OR' min 0.05 < 0.01 0.061 < 0.01 MWB-30 PCIL 00.1 0.8 1.7 1.8 lAWNB-30' mq* < 0.01 0001 0.043 <0001 MWC-12R PCa!L 1.4 1.9 1.8 2.0 11W/C-12R mg11 0.4 0.04 0.046 < 0.01 MWC/0-16 u 00613 0.1 01 15 MWC-t6 mg,1 < 0.01 < 0.01 <0.01 0.0 MWC-21R PCI 001 1.7 2 2.6 MWC-21R ml 0.01 0.046 0.054 < 001 MWC-27 PtL 0.5 04 0.9 1 MW'2C-27 m 0.1 0.2 0.36 0.12 MWC-2PL 0.12 6 5.5 81 MWJ2C-28 nogIl 0.056 <0.01 <0.01 < 001 MPWC-29 PC0L 1 082 1.9 08 MWVC-29 rg/I 0.04 0.041 0.046 0 0.01 WC-2PCI0L 005 1 .5 0.1 01.5 MW27C-112 mgil 0.01 00.01 00.01 001 Beryllium limit 45ugL (prmary) Lead limit = 15 ugl piay Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Augt-08" Oct-08 Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 NIWC-I 1 ug/L <1 1 <I <I 01WC-1* ua/h 0.1 c 01 < 0.1 < 0.1 MWl-2R ug'L <I <1 <1 MIW-2R ug/h <01 <1 <01 MW!-2R2 ugfll 7 <}

MWI-2R2 ug/l .. . - 7.4 OA MW!-TPR "uglL <I <I <I MWI-TR7ug < 01 < 01 <0.1 <01 MW8-30 uqjL <I <I <I <1 MWB-30 uohil <0.1 <0.1 <01 <0.1 MJWC- 1213 ugiL <1 <I <I <1 MWC-12R uaIL <0.1<1 <01

<01 <0.1 < 0.1 MWC-16 ug!L <I I I <1 MWC-16 ug/l <0.1 MWC-21 R ug/L <1 <I <! <I MWC-21R uoh <01 <0.1 <01 <0.1 M'WC-27 uq!L <1 <1 <1 <1 MWC-27 ugil <0.1 0. < 0<1<<1 0.1 1

< 0.1 MWo8ug1 MIWC-28 u /L <! <1 <! <1 M3WC-29 IOWC-29 u£< I I < 1i uIh <01 <0.1 <01 <0.1

< 01 < 01 < 0.1 < 01! MWC-IF2 u2IL <I I I M2WC-IF2 ugh limit =5 uL pmary) Thallium limnit=2 ugL piav Cadmium Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Augj-8 Oct-08 Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 MlWC-1 " ug!L <I I <1 1 MWC-1'"ug/L <I <1 <I <1 MWl-2R ugIL <1 1 1  :: MWl-2R uglL <I <t <1  :;/f::

MWI-2R2 ug~l . * ... > <  : 7.4 Mi,,4-2R2 ug/n y '*-?;'":/*':; <I MWI-7R *ugil- I <I <I <I PJMVI-7R "uq1L <I <I <I <I MW08-30*ug]L I <I <I <I MWB-30' ug1/L <1 <I <I <I MWC-12R ug:IL <I <I <1 <1 MWC-12R uq/L <1 <I <1 <1 M.WC-16 I ug/L I <I <1 1 MWIC-16 uL <I <I <1 <I MWC-21R uqL <I <I <1 <I MtWC-21R Uý,L <<I <I <1 MWC-27 ugiL I <1 <1 1 M1WC-27 I uq/L I <1 1 < <I <1 MWC-28 u91L  ! <I <I ug/L <1 1 <1

'12WC-28 MWC-29 ug!L <1 1 <1 <I ughL < <1 I MWC-IF2 uq/L I <1 <I ugL <<1 <I <1 <I New Peran Issued 1/912007- Effective Aprn2007 monitoring peiod.

Barium. Zinc, Irnn changed from ugIL to mg/L innew pernei.

Ug/L used to maintain conoistency with January 2007 monitoring period.

Proposed New Wells: MW/-7R - MWS-X "


Nickel Fluoride Unit of Meas Well Unitof Measure MWC-1 ** LmiL <1 <1 MWC-1* 0.053 0.01 0.071 0.01 MIW-2R u</L <1 <I < < MWI-2R mg/L 0.51 0.38 0.54 M~I,-2R ugAt, <I MIWI-2R2 .gil 0.65 MWI-70R iugL <1 1 <1 <1 MVW.I-7R mg!L 0.15 0.091 0.17 0.14 MWBM-30 "uV!L <I It I <1 P,,WB-30 mg;L 0 1I 0,006 0.12 0A MVWC-12R uoiL- I <I <I <I MWC-12R mg/L 0.055 0.01 0055 0.01 r,4wNc-i0 ugiL <1 <I <I <i MVIC-15 mg/L 0.17 0049 < 0.01 0.48 MWVC-21R ugiL <1 <1 <1 <I MWC-21R mgiL 0.11 0.069 0.13 0.12 MWC-27 ug/L 16 19 15 12 MWC-27 mgiL 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.18 MW/C-28 ugL <1 <1 <1 <1 fAWC-28 mg;L 0056 0.072 015 0.11 MWC-2 uglL 1 <t <I MWC-29 mg/L 0.098 0.083 0.093 0.074 MWC-IF2 ug/L 04 100 70 03 MWC-IF2 mg/L 0.25 0.10 0.2 0.2 Dissolved Oxyqen limit=NA Copper limit I mg/lL(2ndary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Augl-08 Oct-08 Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Augl-08 Oct-08 vmWC-2im*L 0.1 0.1 0.2 01 MmWC-1 ImgL < 0005 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 PJWIJ-2R nigiL c 0.005 < 0 005 < 0,005 1 "

MWI-2R mqIL 0.1 0.2 0.2 .3 MVW1-2R2 mgil " ' ", 0.3 MWII-2R2 mg/I I , ," ý'; - < 0.005 NtWI-7R "mgI/L 0.2 01 0.1 0.! MW!-7RM

  • mg/L < 0.005 < 0.005 c 0.005 < 0.005 MWB-30
  • mg,'L < H.05 < 0,005 < 0.005 < 0.005 tWB-30C mqIL 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 MVWC-12R mqIL 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 MWC-12R mgIL <0.005 < 0005 < 0.005 < 0005 MI.WC-16 mg/L MJWC- 16 nigiL < 0H05 < 0.005 < 0.005 <0.005 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.8 MWC-21R mgi0L 00 0.2 0.2 0.2 MWC-21R mgfL < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 NIWC-27 mgL 0.5 0. 0.6 1.4 < 0.005 < 0.005 <0.005 fMWC-20 miLLi/L <0.005

<005 <.05 <0005 < 0.005 MWOC-28 mIL <0.0 0.2 0 0.2 0.3 C- 02" MJW

<0.1 MWVC 29 raI& < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 I,1WC-29 mIL 0.2 0 0.3 0.

IWC-IF2 nag;L < 0.005 < < ,05 <0.0F05 IfA.WC1F2 mgIL 0 0.2 0.3 <0. 0.

Cyanide limit=0.2 mglL primary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-08 Apr-08 Au<-08 Oct-08 MWC-1" mg/L <0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.005 MtWI-2R mnqIL < 0.005 c 0.005 < 0.005 -:-.

MWI-2R2 mg/1 ".I < 0.005 fAWI-7R" mg/L < 0,005 < 0.005 < 0.005 <0.005 MWIB-30 "mg!L < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0 005 MWVC-1I2R mg/L < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 m 9IL < 0.005 c 0.005 < H .05 < 0.005 MWC-15 MWAC-21Rý m/L < 0.005 <ý00.0055 < 0.005 <0,005 MWC-2m I*L <0.5 < 0 005

< 0.005 00 MWC-28 mg'L < 0.005 1< 0.005 < 0.005 <0005 mg/L <0.0 nlgiL < 0.0 New Pennit Isued 119/2007- Efffctivo Aprl 2007 monieoing penod.

Barium, Zinc, tIonchanged 1'Mmu*/Lto mg/L in new permet.

Ug/L used to maintain consistency with January 2007 montoring period.

Proposed New Wels: MWI-7R

  • MWB-X
  • 3

Crystal River Groundwater Monitoring Data - IWW Pen 2009 Key Turbidity Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09

= primary standard limit exceedence on compliance well 110C-1 *1 N[U 2.1 39 l,1W6.-2R2 NTU 7.5 8.7 MWI-7R" NTU 14 19.0

= NemwWells tlWB-30 NIIU 3.7 3.8 MWIC-12R NTU 3.2 48

= new Compliance Well - Renamed from MWI-1 tA7C-16 NItJ 1.9 0.'

MWh'C-21R NTU 3.2 0.9 17W0C-27 NTU 1.1 2.6 M6C-28 NTU 5.2 4.8

-,,lWC-29 NTU 05 0.5 MWOC-1F2 NTU 6.8 6.9 pH limit- 6.5 - 8.5 (2ndary) TOS limit 500 mg/L (2ndary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 S.U. 7.0 6,5 MWNC-1 si ll94 1,900 1,000 MWI-2R2 S'U. 6.8 6.3 MW!N1-2R2 m I 890 1030.0 MWIJl-7R SU. 6.8 6.3 1MW1-7TR R19,1 350 350 MW -30 SU, 7T0 6.5 MWB8-30 mnll 400 530 MWC-12R SU. 7.0 6.5 tIWC- 12R m,;l 410 390 1MWVC-16 S.U. 6.0 6.3 MIWC-16 M91 17,000 21.000 MWC-21R SU 6.7 6.3 NIWC-21R mglt 470 502 MWC-27 S.U. 6.9 6.5 MWC-27 alil 1,400 1,600 MIWC-28 S.U. 6.8 64 M4WC-28 mri' 4.300 4,300 MWCX-29 S.U. 6.5 61 MVWC-29 m, i 1.800 2,200 MWC-IF2 S.U. 6.6 6.2 MWC-IF2 mgl] 2,200 1,700 Water Level Chloide limit 250mglL (2ndary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 MIWC-1 1 Ft. 2.57 1.09 MOWC-1 ** mgt1 920 960 MWI-2R2 Ft, 0 0.36 MAWl-2R2 mg 210 270.0 MWI-7R Ft. 0.69 1.58 MWI-TR7 ng/l 12 11 MWO-30 FL 2.23 2.23 MIW8-30 mg'] 91 190 IVWC-12R FL 2.58 2.31 MW1JC-12R mg0l 76 80 MWC-16 Ft 0 0.71 MW370C-16 mg2 10,000 12,000 MWC-21R Ft. 1.36 2.33 MVWC-21R m gl 29 36 MWC6-27 Ft 1.67 2.04 MWC-27 mgA 520 670 MiC-28 Ft 1.28 2.06 MWC-28 m 'l 2.100 2.100 IWC-29 Ft. 1.13 1.49 MWC-29 mg9 TI 130 180 MWC-IF2 Ft. 0 1.20 MWC-IF2 mg!! 320 310 Sodium limit= Ldmary) rg/Lm Barium limit = 200 ugIL(pdmary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 LWC-!

  • moil 540 480 MWC-1*2 ug./ 5 5 MWI-2R2 mgl 130 140 MWI-2R2 ugl 180 190 MWI-7R' mgl 12 8 MWI-76R ui 5 5 MW1B-30 m9g1 58 85 MWBN-30' ugfl 5 5 MWNC-12R mg.I 49 41 MIWC-I 2R gl 5 5 MW76C-16 mgil 6,800 5,900 MlWC-16 ua2 42 46 WC-21R mi9t 19 21 IIWC-21R ua2 5 5 MIWC-27 m*I 290 340 MWC-27 uglt 5 5 MWC0-28 m,1 1,400 1,100 MWC-28 ua + 33 44

,tWC-29 mg 90 97 MWC-29 u9it 5 23 iAWC-IF2 mait 250 250 1MWNC-IF2 ug! 1 5 5 Arsenic limit =0 ugIL(pmary) Gross Particle Activity Alpha MCL= 15 pCilL (primary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 I',WC-1*s ug1I 11.0 15.0 MWC-1*1 PCIIL 46 31 M1WI-2R2 us 1 32.0 190.0 MWI-2R2 PCIL 17 27.0 MWI-7R nut' <1 <1 MINI-7R PCIkL 2 < 2 NWB-30 ug1l 6.9 7.5 MW1B9-30 PCIIL 6.5 6.6 fAWC-12R ugA <1 <1 MWC-12R PCIIL 12 4.5 Mtwo-11O ugA 1.0 1.0 MWG-16 POIL 66 50 13AWC-21R ugil 4.4 4.5 MWC-2tR PCIIL 16 5.6 MWC-27 u 1 5.2 5.0 MWC-27 PCII_ 4.7 5.3 fMIWC-28 u 21 1.0 1.0 MWC-28 uPCIL 31 18 MWC-29 ug4 5.6 5.6 MJWC-29 PCIL 16 17 MWC.1F2 ugl 0.4 8.0 MWC-F2 PCIIL 4.2 2.8 New Permit Issued 119/2007- Effective April2007 monitoringperiod.

Barium, Zinc, Irn changed from Lg/Lto mg/L in new permit.

Ug/L ued to maintain consistency with January 2007 monitoringpeiod.

Proposed New Wells: MWI-7R

  • MWB-X*

Iron limit 0.3 mg9L(2ndary) Zinc limit 5500 ugIL(2ndary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 MWC-C-1 mg/I 46 57 1.W-I

"' Uoil <3 3 M1W-2R2 rm i 23 2.2 MWI-2R2 ugI <3 14.0 MW/I-7R - nq1 2.6 3.6 1,,0W1-7R

- uT'I <3 3 M1INB-30 mng I 1.4 18 MWB49-30 U93 3 3 MWC-12R mg! 01 03 PAWiC-12R ugh <3 87 MWC-16 ng/i 13 1.0 MWC-1 6 u04 <3 <3 IWC-21R m0Il 17 21 M1WVC-21R ug'! 3 3 WC-27 n 4il 002 0.02 14MWC-27 If0! <3 3 10WC-28 mgI 1.6 25 ,1W1C-20 u<01 <3 3

,0WC-20 m 3l 2.5 3.0 1Wi!2 1 190 16

!WC-IF2 mqi 25.0 27.0 1JW1C-12 I uq1 <3 38 1 Antimony limit= 6 uglL pina Specific Conductance limit= NA Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Ms4C-I "" ugA <1 <I ,1WC.1"* umhosicin 3.699 3.194 MW3I-2R2 u0q <1 <1 tdW1-2R2 umhos/cmr 1,402 1,611 MVWl-7R ligjl <1 <1 N1W0I-7R umnhosocm 613 602 MWIIB-30' u, <1 <i MYIB-30' umhoslcm 716 976 MWIC-12R ugi1 <1 <I ,1WhC-12R umhostcm 699 679 MWC-16 u94 1 M,0WC-16 umnhosicm 23,490 28,520 MIWC-21R ug!] <1 <1 MIWC-21R umhos0cm 769 777 IWVVC-27 l <1 <1 0WC-27 umlhosicm 2.062 20964 1,WC/-28 <; <1 01I 1,101C-28r umhosfcm 0040 6700 MotWC-20 u<r! < 1 <1 M3WC-29 umhos.'cor 2.4N0 2.559 IMWNC-112 uI <I1 <,1 khWC-0112 I unhosicm 2.622 2.431 Radium 2261228limit= 5 pCilLlprimary) Nitrate limit 10mglL (primary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Au/-09 Oct-09 MWC-1'* PCI'L 7.5 11 lWiC-I

  • mgI 0.041 <0.01 MW511-2R2 PCIIL 5.2 70 MWIX-2R2 rag < 0.01 < 0.01 MW!-71R 3 PCL 0.4 05 MWI-71R "gil 0.071 <0.01 MWB-30' PCViL 1 2.2 MWB-30' mgq <001 < 001 MYWC-12R PCI'L 2.5 2.7 PAWC-12R mg/l 0.085 <0.01 M1VVC-16 PCIL 8.6 16 MVWC-16 ragil <0.01 <0.01 MWC-21R PCIL 1.7 2.6 MWV1C-21R mull 0.11 <0.01 M5WC-27 POtL 0. 09 MWC-27 mg!] < 001 0.36 MNWC-28 PCIIL 7 7.3 MWNC-28 mngI 0.13 < 0.01 MWC-29 PCIIL 3.4 5 11MWC-29 mgl 0.27 < 0.01 MWC-1F2 PCIfL .4 1.9 MWVIC-IF2 mgi 0.049 < 0.01 Beryllium limit 4 ua L (primary) Lead limit= 15uglL (primary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 MAWC-1 *" ug0 < 0.1 < 0.1 MW71C-1" ug!L <1 <1 M3WI-2R2 ug. < 0.1 <0.1 MJWI-2R2 ugA <1 <I 1MWI-70R 0ug, 0.1 < 0.1 MWl-7R ug!L <1 <1 MWB-30 u,1 <0.1 <0.1 MW81-30 gI!L <I <I MWC-12R ugi 0.1 <0.1 MWC-12R ug;L <1 <1 M13WC-16 ug"l <0.1 <0.1 MIWC-16 ugiL <1 <1 M1WVC-21R ug0 <0.1 <01 MW-2RugiL <I <I MW/-270 uIL <1 <1 NWC-27 091 0.1 < 0.2 MWC50-27 uIL <1 <1 MWC-28 0 1 <0.1 <0.1 MWC10-29 ugIL <1 01 MWC-29 ug, < 0.1 < 0.1 MWC-lF2 ugh < 0.1 < 0.1 MWC0-1F2 u9L 1 <1 Cadmium limit<5 uglL (primay Thallium limit = 2 ugtL (primary)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aul-09 Oct-09 13WC-1"* ugiL <1 <1 MWVIC-1 uoiL <1 <1 13WI-2R2 ug01 6.8 1.0 MIV/-2R2 ug0l <1 <1 NtW1-7R ugIL <1 <1 MWI-7R ug/L <1 <,1

/W1B-30 ug/L <I <I MWB-30' ugL <1 <1 M5WC-12R ugo1- <1 <I MWIC-12R ugL <1 <1 MWC-16 ug91 <1 <1 MWC-16 ugiL <1 I 135WC-21R u/]L <1 <1 1MWC-21R u0IL <1 <1 MWC-27 ug L <1 <1 MWC-27 ug1L <1 <I1 MWC1-28 o/Lq <1I <1 MtWC-28 uoIL <1 <1 13W1C-29 o<IL 01 01 MWC-29 uqI <1 <I MWC-IF2 ug/L T < 0 I1 MW1C-IF2 ug/L < <1 New Permit Isued 1/912007- Effective April2007 monitonng pend.

Barium, Zinc, IOonchanged from ng/L to mg/Lin -nepm*rit.

Ug/L used to maintain consistency with January 2007 monitoringpeniod.

Prposed New Wets: MWl-7R* MWB-X

  • Nickel limit =100 ulL (primar.) Fluoride limit=<4mlL (pdmarv) it of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 IAul-09 OctA09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 N11W1VC-1
    • ualL <1 MIWC-1"io;L 0.01 0.01 MW_2R2 _ u9! <1 <1 MIVWI-2R2 nlgA 0.47 0.4 MI_-7_R ug!L <1 <1 MYW1.7R mogL 0.14 0.14 MWB-30 <1 auq!L1, I MWB-30 moiL 0.066 0.06 NWIC-12R ugiL <I <I MWC-12R inIL 0.01 0.01 MWAIC-t6 uQL <I <I MWC-16 to L 0.006 0.01 1.W0C-21 R ugiL <I <I MWC-21R moiL 0.11 0.093 MWC-27 ug!L 6.8 8,5 MWC-27 molL 0.13 0.15 MW'vC-28 uIl <1 <1 MWC-28 nogL 0.085 0.083 MINC-29 u11L <1 <1 MWC-29 moiL 0.074 0.085 MlW'C-F2 uaiL 1 77 72El MWC-IF2 oiL 0.25 0.28 Dissolved Oxygen limit =NA Copper limit 1 mliL (2ndar,)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 M -mL 0.1 0.2 NMIWC-*1 mgIL 0.003 < 0.003 MWVI-21R2 rigil 0.2 0.3 MWI-2R2 mol 0.003 < 0.003 IA_-7R _ m_/L 0.3 0*3 MWI-7R mqIL 0.003 0 0.003 MWIB-30 n gtL- 0,2 0.2 MWB molL < 0.003 < 0.003 MWC12R molL 0s5 0.3 MWC-12R moIL < 0.003 0.003 MAWC-16 mgtL 0.6 0.6 PAWC-16

!5mIL <0.003 < 0.003 HIWC-21IR moiL 0.2 0.2 MWC-21R ogIL 0.003 0.003 MWV0C-27 _L 0.5 1.7 MWC-27 moil <0.003 0.003 MWC-28 mntL 0.1 0.2 MWC-28 ogIL < 0.003 0.003 KIWC-29 mo!/L 0.2 0.2 MWC-29 tmgI 00.003 0.003 NWX-11F2 ra9/l 0.3 03 MWC-1F2 mglt < 0.003 0.003 Cyanide en0.2 limit motL (INmar)

Well Unit of Measure Jan-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 MWC-l t.o ilL < 0.15 0.005 MWI-2R2 mg, < 0.5 < 0.005

!JWI-7R molL 0.005 < 0H005 MWB-30 tm!L- < 0.005 < 0.005 MWC-12R mg L < 0.005 < 0.005 AWC-16 m0'L < 0.005 < 0.05 PAWC-21R moL_ 0.005 < 0.005 MWC-27 molL < 0005 < 0.005 MWC-28 mogL < 0.005 < 0.005 MWC-29 molL < 0.005 < 0005 MWC-2R2 mgO_ < 0005 < 0.005 Nnw PernnitIssued 11912007- Effective April 2007 moonoringperiod-Barium, Zinc, Ironchanged from ug/L to mgIL innew permit.

Ug/L used to maintain consistency weh January 2007 nnonetong period.

Proposed New Welts: MWI-7R

  • MWB-X
  • if MVI.ýCLIR MVVI 2R2 m VII1 2 P.

10 C'ý 0\ 0 NC 28 1-7R M.WC-21R MVIVB 30

= active cornphance well

= background well

OuffallD-OCZ Overfl:ow; )(:'ver!w

K NPDES Permit No. FL0000159 T I Pond #3 South, Pond IL Expansion Area Industrial wastewater is directed to either pond #1 or pond #2 (their use is alternated). Any overflow from either pond #1 or pond #2 goes to pond #3.

If this pond overflows, it goes to the South Pond Expansion Area (SPEA). This situation (i.e. the overflow from pond #3 to SPEA) rarely occurs. Any

-a discharge from the overflow pond is captured under NPDES Permit No. FL0000159, Outfall D-0C2.

Note: Not to Scale

CRYSTAL RIVER UNITS 1,2,3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention and Best ManagementPracticesPlan Rev. 5 - August 2009

Plan Summary Consistent with provisions set forth in the Clean Water Act, this Best Management Practices (BMP) Plan Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) has been developed in compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No.

FLOO00159 and the Multi-Sector General Permit for Steam Electric Generating Facilities.

The plan acts as a supplemental control to the NPDES permit effluent limitations guidelines, and serves to improve water quality by stipulating actions or procedures to prevent or minimize the potential for release of pollutants to waters of the United States and minimize and control pollutants in stormwater discharges.

The development of the Plan included a review of existing programs and procedures, a site assessment to identify potential sources and pathways for uncontrolled pollutant and stormwater discharges to waters of the United States. Management Practices and controls have been developed as a result of the site assessment and review of existing programs.

These include:

1. Revision of existing programs and procedures, which are incorporated as part of the Plan, to reflect current conditions/requirements.
2. Management of site stormwater to minimize the possibility of offsite discharges of pollutants to Waters of the U.S.
3. Periodic evaluation of the effectiveness of the plan.

With the completion of these measures, Crystal River 1, 2, & 3 Plants will have endeavored to minimize or eliminate the potential of an improper discharge from its ancillary areas and activities and minimize and control pollutants in stormwater discharges.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Best Management Practices Plan Requirements 3.0 Pollution Prevention Committee 4.0 Description of Units 1,2,3 Facilities 5.0 Description of Potential Pollutant Sources 5.1 Outfall Basin Inventory 5.2 Site Evaluation Summary 5.3 History of Spills and Leaks 5.4 Summary of Stormwater Data 6.0 Preventive Maintenance 7.0 Inspections 7.1 Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation 7.2 Quarterly Inspection 7.3 Annual Site Evaluation 7.4 Monitoring and Record-keeping 8.0 Spill Prevention and Response Procedures 9.0 Measures and Controls 10.0 Employee Training 11.0 SWPP and BMP Plan Certification 11.1 Units 1 and 2 Certification 11.2 Unit 3 Certification 12.0 References 13.0 Revision Summary APPENDICES A. Crystal River Units 1 and 2 Quarterly Inspection Form B. Crystal River Unit 3 Quarterly Inspection Form C. Crystal River Energy Complex Vicinity Map D. Crystal River Units 1, 2 and 3 NPDES Storm Water Outfalls E. Crystal River Units 1, 2 and 3 Storm Water Basins F. Designated Areas of Responsibility G. Crystal River Units 1, 2 and 3 Storm Drains, Potential Sources of Pollutants H. Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 NPDES Flow Diagram

SWP3 and BMP Plan 1.0 Introduction BMP On May 1, 1995, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No.

FL0000159 became effective for the Florida Power's Crystal River Units 1, 2 and 3 Plant. Part VI of the NPDES Permit requires the implementation of a Best Management Practices (BMP) Plan as soon as practicable but not later than six months after the effective date of this permit. BMP requirements have been included in subsequent NPDES Permit renewals. The most recent NPDES permit became effective May 9, 2005.

SWP3 On September 29, 1995, the NPDES Multi-Sector Permit for Industrial Activities became effective for the Florida Power's Crystal River Units 1,2 and 3. Part VIII, 0 requires the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) by September, 1996.

The development and implementation of the Plan in conjunction with the conditions of the above referenced NPDES Permits are designed to reduce pollutants of concern that could discharge to navigable waters via stormwater discharge or uncontrolled spills. The plan should address all activities that could or do contribute pollutants to surface water discharge, including storm water, water and waste treatment and plant ancillary activities. All components of this plan will not necessarily apply to all units.


2.0 Best Management/Stormwater Pollution Plan Requirements Best management practices are procedures and/or programs which are implemented by an industry to provide pollution control, safety, industrial hygiene, fire protection, employee training and site management. The benefits to be attained through the establishment of BMPs include:

  • Protection of employees,

" Reduction/elimination of adverse environmental impacts,

  • Reduction in costs associated with spill cleanup,
  • Compliance with applicable state and federal regulations,
  • Education in the potential to discharge significant materials and/or pollutants of concern to surface waters via stormwater discharge, and
  • Increased overall efficiency of the Crystal River Units 1, 2 and 3 Plant ancillary operations/procedures.

This BMP Plan is designed to prevent or minimize the potential for the release of significant amounts of pollutants to waters of United States from activities and areas which are ancillary to the operation of the Crystal River Units 1,2 and 3 Plant. The designated pollutants of concern in the BMP Plan are:

  • Materials such as solvents and detergents,
  • Fertilizers, pesticides, and waste products (ashes, slag and sludge),

" Oil, as defined by Section 311 of the Clean Water Act,

  • Substances listed as toxic under Section 307(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act,
  • Substances listed as hazardous under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act, and
  • Chemicals required to be reported under Section 313 of EPCRA.

The types of ancillary activities and areas addressed by the BMP are:

" Material storage areas,

  • Plant site runoff,
  • In-plant transfer, material handling and process areas,
  • Loading and unloading operations, and sludge and waste disposal areas,
  • Oil-filled transformers,
  • Coal pile storage areas, and
  • General good housekeeping practices in all areas.

The Plan identifies and evaluates the risk of oil and other toxic or hazardous substances, and significant materials from any of the ancillary industrial operations at the Crystal River Units 1, 2 and 3 Plant, being discharged into navigable waters as a result of spillage, leaks, drainage, stormwater runoff and/or sludge and waste disposal practices.

The Plan was developed in accordance with the following:

  • Crystal River Units 1, 2 and 3 NPDES Permit-FL0000159-009, Part VII.D "Specific Conditions Related to Best Management Practices / Pollution Control Conditions".
  • Criteria and Standards for BMPs, 40 CFR Part 122.44(k).
  • NPDES Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities, FR Vol 60, No.

189, VIII, 0.


3.0 BMP/Pollution Prevention Committee In order to develop an effective plan, a BMP committee was assembled to provide representation from each Progress Energy - Florida department affected by the plan. Individuals were selected based on their knowledge of the Crystal River Units 1, 2 and 3 Plant facilities and procedures, experience with toxic and hazardous materials and familiarity with pertinent environmental regulations.

The BMP/Pollution Prevention Committee is comprised of the following persons:

Erika Tuchbaum-Biro Crystal River Fossil Plant Cyndy Wilkinson Crystal River Fossil Plant Brandon Barr Crystal River Unit 3 Ron Johnson Crystal River Unit 3 Major Projects Doug Yowell Environmental Health & Safety Services 3

4.0 Description of Crystal River Units 1,2,3 Plant Facilities The Crystal River site is known as the Crystal River Energy Complex (CREC) and contains 5 power generating units. Units 1 and 2 (also known as Crystal River South) are coal fired and are adjacent to Unit 3, which is nuclear powered, and have a total generating capacity of 1854 MW.

Units 1, 2, and 3 are permitted under the same NPDES permit. Units 4 and 5 (also known as Crystal River North) are also coal fired, but are permitted under a separate NPDES permit.

Units 1, 2 and 3 are located on the Gulf of Mexico, approximately five miles west of U.S. Highway 19 at Crystal River, Florida (See Appendix C: Crystal River Energy Complex Vicinity Map). These units utilize water from the Gulf of Mexico for cooling via a common intake canal, which is an earthen structure. The cooling water is discharged to the discharge canal, also an earthen structure, which is routed back to the Gulf of Mexico. Helper-cooling towers pull some water from the discharge canal to cool the water before it enters the Gulf. Unit 3 is built on a berm capable of withstanding storm surge from the maximum probable hurricane.

NPDES Permit No. FL0000159 authorizes the following outfalls, which are described in more detail in the permit. See Appendix H: Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 NPDES Flow Diagram for a summary of ouffall flow paths.

Effluent Outfall No. Description D-01 1 Once through cooling water (Unit 1)

D-012 Once through cooling water (Unit 2)

I-OFE Laundry and Shower Sump Tank (Unit 3)

D-OC1 South Ash Pond D-013 Once through cooling water (Unit 3)

D-OOF Nuclear Services and Decay Heat Seawater System (Unit 3)

I-OFG Regeneration Waste Neutralization Tank (Unit 3)

D-OOH Coal Pile Runoff D-0C2 North Ash Pond D-091 Intake Screen Backwash D-092 Intake Screen Backwash D-093 Intake Screen Backwash D-071 Helper Cooling Tower D-072 Helper Cooling Tower D-094 HCT Intake Screen Backwash NPDES Permit No. FL0000159 also authorizes the discharge of stormwater from plant areas to the site intake and discharge canals via outfalls D-100, D-200, D-300, D-400, D-500, and D-600.

Stormwater outfall locations are shown on the aerial map of Appendix D.


5.0 Description of Potential Pollutant Sources (stormwater outfall locations)

Site assessments of the stormwater ouffalls and drainage basins were conducted to evaluate impervious and pervious areas and significant materials exposed to stormwater and activities within the basins that may contribute pollutants to the stormwater discharge. A vicinity map of the CREC is in Appendix C and a map showing the storm water basins for CR 1, 2, 3 can be found in Appendix E.

5.1 Outfall Basin Inventory Table 5.1 contains a description of each storm water outfall located on the CR 1, 2, and 3 site including potential pollutant sources within the associated basin.


  • 0 0 Table 5.1 Outfall/Basin Inventory for Units 1, 2, and 3 emles. r-aln} ce nIe*Fwt Dic0geC.SI.SorCR
  1. 3 buildigernwater .- .42-CMR * - Vehicle"Traffic S(002), CR #3 parking -K Canal

-- ~~area- _

D-200 CRS2 Discharge Stormwater 42" CMP Vehicular Traffic

..... .(003) CR #3 building Canal _ _Miscellaneous Activities

-~ p004CR#i and' 2ischarge -So wte DnageýDilh eil rafc > 7 7

~~~pakn area Canal REO- ~ rug ra i fi D-300 CRS3 CR #1 and 2 Discharge Stormwater 24" RCP Used oil staging &other wastes (005) parking area Canal Maintenance equipment storage Mobile equip. storage Metal storage Vehicle traffic D-400~ ~ C ~1ro ~ris~A~;icag ~ ~ - ~ 7 §4- torýWater> 24" RCP7 Vehicle traffic, (0) CR.#lparking K' Canal; -.Equip. staging,.

-~' area . ý- -Fly ash vehicle trffic ~

D-500 CRS5 Discharge Stormwater 24" RCP Vehicle traffic (007) CR #2 roof drains Canal Fly Ash vehicle traffic Bottom ash run off NA- 08 Water treatment :Percolation Stormwater - #4Sump Chemical Storage '

NA building.Pn Wast awater stor~age:~

VehicleTraffic D-600 CRS6 So side of CR#3 Intake Canal Stormwater 42" CMP Vehicle traffic (009) Ea side of CR#1 Material storage NA .Dischargei Storm Water, :.-Storm drains to Storm water; ground water ,-,.o:>-,*._--rCbeVutwtr:<.,*./ Intake area

'StbmV'_9-67m~idr~~in~f6 ýdterCable Vault wate C -" System , canai with.periodicqalitative or Stormndrain .- : -- ' - -

  • ~quantitati6e aialyses NA Discharge Plant Access Discharge Storm water, ground Drainage Ditch Vehicle Traffic, Storm Water, Canal Road Ditch, North Canal water, Mari culture Center on North Side Ground Water Side of CR3 (Dept. of Aariculture) of CR3 Notes:

N/A - SWP3 no longer applicable to outfall.

1- Outfall designation in NPDES Permit No. FLOO001 59-009 2 - Outfall designations from previous BMP plans and/or as identified in NPDES Multi-Sector General Permit submittal to the FDEP.


5.2 Site Evaluation Summary (See Appendix G for area locations)

Percolation Pond System The percolation pond system includes an evaporation/percolation pond system and groundwater monitoring wells to ensure system efficiency. Should oil or pollutants enter the plant drain system, it would be removed from the various sumps and discharged to the evaporation/percolation ponds with no discharge to area surface waters. The evaporation/percolation pond is designed to contain a 10-year/24 hour storm event with no overflow to surface waters.

Unit 1 and 2 Material Storage Area The area east of Units 1 and 2, next to the machine shop, is used as a miscellaneous storage area by the plant and Material and Stores. Miscellaneous pieces of equipment may be located in this area. Several storm drains are located here and the potential for equipment and material that is stored in this area to contaminate stormwater runoff is high. Plant staff has been instructed to minimize material storage in this area at all times. Additionally, used oils and other waste liquids are staged on container pallets which provide secondary containment in the event leakage occurs.

Oil Tank Storage Warehouses There are four decommissioned oil tanks located west of Units 1 and 2. Two of these oil tanks have been modified and are now used as material/equipment storage warehouses. These can be used to store equipment and new 55 gallon drums of oil. (The remaining tanks serve as fly-ash storage tank and spare water tank, respectively).

Unit 3 Chemical Warehouse The Chemical Warehouse is located east of Unit 3. The warehouse is used to store chemicals that are routinely used for plant activities, such as 55 gallon drums of various chemicals and lubricating oil. The drums are stored in an area with concrete curb secondary containment capable of holding the contents of at least one of these drums if it were to spill. There are also other various chemicals in smaller containers stored here. The Chemical Warehouse is a well structured building with its contents not being exposed to stormwater. The potential of a spill making it to the storm drains is low.

Unit 3 Issue Warehouse The Issue Warehouse is used to store products that are routinely used for plant activities. These products are stored indoors in a well structured building not exposed to stormwater. Spills are not expected to occur in this building since the products are of solid form.

Unit 3 Receiving Warehouse When products are shipped to the site, they must first be processed at the Receiving Warehouse.

There are some chemicals temporarily stored in this warehouse, but the duration of storage is typically a few days. This is a well structured building with its contents not being exposed to stormwater.

Unit 1 and 2 Waste Water Neutralization Tank 7

The wastewater neutralization tank is located to the south of the Water Treatment Plantadjacent to the intake canal. The wastewater neutralization tank has redundant level controls and a high level alarm to minimize the possibility of an overflow. Additionally, the area adjacent to the intake canal has a concrete containment wall surrounding the area, thereby, eliminating the potential of spills in these areas impacting surface waters. The waste water line from the waste neutralization tank and low conductivity tank runs underground south and then west of the water tank area. This line on occasion has leaked causing surface emanations of treated waste water which could result in a discharge to the site intake canal.

Sewage Treatment Plant The sewage treatment plant (STP) is located to the southwest of the Unit 3 adjacent to the intake canal. Containment is present to contain spills of sludge, untreated waste or wastewater from the sewage treatment plant. Spills from the sewage treatment plant or stormwater runoff from this area will not impact adjacent surface waters. A STP lift station is located north of Units 1 and 2, adjacent to the discharge canal. An overflow or malfunction of this lift station could result in a discharge of domestic wastewater to the site discharge canal.

No. 2 Fuel Oil Storage Tank The diesel fuel tank at Units 1 and 2 has adequate containment capacity to contain a spill in the event of a leak or tank rupture. Stormwater that collects in the containment area is inspected, discharged to a sump, and then to the evaporation/percolation pond system.

Sulfuric Acid and Caustic Tanks An 8,000 gallon acid bulk storage tank (sulfuric acid) and a 8,000 gallon bulk storage caustic tank (sodium hydroxide) are located south of Units I and 2, on the west side of the water management building. In the event of a leak or spill, adequate containment is available to prevent the discharge of acid or caustic to surface waters. Stormwater that collects in the containment area is pumped into the waste sump, monitored for pH, directed to either the waste neutralization tank or the low conductivity tank depending upon the need for treatment, and then discharged to the percolation pond.

Fuel Loading/Unloading Area The No. 2 fuel oil unloading area at Units 1 and 2 has adequate containment curbs for leaks or spills which may occur during unloading operations. Additionally, tank truck operators monitor the unloading operations to ensure that a significant leak or spill does not occur. It should be noted that the storm water collection basin located adjacent to the truck unloading area discharges to the site evaporation/percolation pond, thereby eliminating the potential for a spill of oil to surface waters.

Bottom Ash Loading/Unloading The bottom ash tanker truck ("scud" truck), used to collect bottom ash from the bottom ash system for transport to the site ash landfill, is also located west of Units 1 and 2 within a containment area near the wastewater drainage trench.


Bottom Ash Silo The silo which drains residual fine bottom ash from Unit 2 into transport trucks is located north and west of Units 1 and 2 and adjacent to the discharge canal. There is containment and a collection sump for the discharge of wastewater to the evaporation/percolation pond system.

Occasionally clogging of the system drain and sump occurs which may result in the discharge of ash to the discharge canal during rainfall events. Historically, containment has not been adequate to contain and minimize ash deposition, resulting in the discharge of ash to the discharge canal during high wind and/or rainfall events. In 2005 a road paving project installed a drainage swale on the north side of the road near the discharge canal. This improvement should help minimize and/or prevent future ash discharges.

Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area Unit 3 has a hazardous waste accumulation area located on the southeast side of the berm. This area is used to temporarily store waste material until it is shipped off-site. Common waste materials are 55 gallon drums of used oil, empty 55 gallon drums of hydrazine and morpholine, and expired chemicals. This area is fenced off and in located in a low traffic area.

Chemical Addition Areas Unit 3 performs monthly chemical injections to reduce the build-up of marine growth within the Raw Water System. This is known as Clamtrol. The injection skid is located at the intake and has high risk of entering the water if a spill outside of the containment ever did occur. The skid has sufficient secondary containment to hold the contents of the chemical storage tank. A Haz Mat spill kit is located in close proximity to this skid.

Unit 3 also has a chemical addition station located on the north end of the berm. The chemical addition station consists of one 55 gallon drum of sulfuric acid and one 55 gallon drum of morpholine. These drums are strapped down and located in diked containment capable of holding the contents of both drums.

Old Steam Generator Storage Area The two steam generators that will be replaced at the end of 2009 are going to be stored in a large concrete building. This building has reinforced concrete walls on all sides. Since these steam generators have come in contact with radioactive water there is some radioactive contamination of these generators. They will be permanently stored in this building and will not be exposed to stormwater.

Reactor Head Storage Building There is a building located east of the warehouse area for Unit 3. This build contains the retired reactor head and has no adverse impact on stormwater.

5.3 History of Spills and Leaks (Past Three (3) Years) 9

08/18/08 Crystal River South's Helper Cooling Tower (HCT) - A puddle of oil was found on the asphalt in the HCT roadway just south of #2 Lift Station by mechanics working in the area. Upon investigation from the Plant Environmental Specialist the oil was determined to have come from a leak in the sealed lid of the oily water separator located underneath the roadway adjacent to and associated with #2 Lift Station and had migrated to a rainwater retention pond. ERC was called to come begin managing the control and clean-up of the spill. An oil absorbent boom was placed at the inlet and outlet of the pond and oil absorbent pads were being used to remove oil from the surface of the water. During this cleanup a torrential rainfall began causing the additional water and oil entering the retention pond to mix together well enough to bypass the oil absorbent booms and the oil separating weir, entering the discharge canal. Less than two gallons were estimated to have been released into the canal.

08/03/08 Crystal River Coal Yard - While discharging the Mickie Birdsall barge, the Crane Operator, was raising the bucket out of #2 hold when a hydraulic hose failed on the bucket. This failure caused hydraulic fluid to spray on the deck of the barge and some into the canal. Approximately 1 pint to 1 quart contacted the water (canal). The Emergency Response Coordinator was contacted to provide support in cleaning up the oil sheen. The Environmental Specialist made notifications to EHSS and Regulatory Authorities. All oil was contained, recovered, and cleaned up.

11/09/07 Crystal River South - Units 1 & 2 Unit 1 & 2 were receiving service water from units 4 & 5 to make up to treated water in preparation of the unit 1 start up. Facility security called and reported they could see a water leak on a pipe on the fishing bridge. Operators responded to the fishing bridge and found the line leaking. The line was identified as the service water line coming from units 4 & 5. The SSOD at 4 & 5 was contacted and asked to shut down the pump supplying service water to units 1 & 2 and the leak was isolated. A leak was found on the vacuum breaker were the pipe entered the flange. The Fin team was notified to repair the leak. An estimated 750 gallons of chlorine residual water was discharged to the canal. Verbal notification was made to Florida Department of Environmental Protection, action items assigned and completed.


5.4 Summary of Stormwater Data Recent stormwater data has been obtained for outfall D-600 (see Appendix D for location). Iron is the only water quality parameter that is routinely monitored at outfall D-600. An outside contractor, Southern Analytical Laboratories, performs the iron analysis using EPA Method 200.7 with a detection limit of 0.02 mg/L. Table 5.1 lists the recent iron concentrations observed at D-600.

Table 5.2 Ouffall D-600 Iron Concentration

Month . -. lronnConcentration June 2009 3.3 May 2009 2.6 April 2009 3.0 March 2009 0.64 February 2009 0.64 January 2009 2.8 December 2008 4.6 September 2008 0.12 August 2008 1.8 July 2008 0.62 June 2008 1.3 April 2008 3.9 February 2008 7.8 6.0 Preventive Maintenance Preventive maintenance is a periodic, formal inspection of plant equipment or stormwater devices to uncover conditions that could lead to breakdowns and to adjust or repair them while problems are still minor or manageable. The criteria for formal inspections are determined by analyzing the short-term and long-term effect equipment breakdowns will have on generation, personnel safety, regulatory requirements, economic and historical data.

The objectives of Progress Energy - Florida's Preventive Maintenance Program are to:

,, Demonstrate acceptable system and equipment performance.

  • Confirm system compliance with established procedures.
  • Assess plant and system reliability improvements. If deficient propose new procedures and or preventive maintenance measures.

7.0 Inspections Visual inspections of plant facilities, systems, tanks, pipelines, STPs, the wastewater system (including ponds) and storage areas are conducted on a regular basis. Plant operations personnel are required to make routine rounds or patrols of various areas of the power plant as part of their 1I

job responsibility. While on these rounds, they look for any unusual conditions, faulty equipment operation, leaks, spills, or other problems that are or potentially could cause an environmental incident. If any deficiency is observed, a work request is generated.

7.1 Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation

" h

Visual. inspection, of areas whic_ ntributeto stIrmwater discharges must be c6ndu-ted, quarterly and annually to determi ne',if controls are adequate and properly im plemented. 'A report 'which, "summarizes ,the. ýsco~pe`, dat'e,: ma~jo-r ',o~b"se6rvationi"s' -o'r ,.incidents of noncompliance must be maintained for three (3) years. *Certificatonthat the facilit*yis in compli ince, with ,the SWP3m ust beý documentedi annuIiy. See AppOendiLA.a Bf-r in.p'etion torms1,4sed.'

Field inspections of the Crystal River Power Plant ancillary systems and associated site support facilities should be conducted by members of the BMP Committee to determine areas of potential concern with respect to discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States. The BMP inspection should focus on material storage areas, plant site runoff, loading and unloading areas and waste disposal areas.

7.2 Quarterly Inspection Site personnel will walk down the site to ensure no unauthorized pollutants are entering surface waters and that each pollutant control measure is working properly. An inspection form is used to document quarterly inspections. Separate inspection forms have been created for Units I and 2 and Unit 3 and are provided in Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively. Certain areas around the site have been delegated to Units 1 and 2 and Unit 3 (See Appendix F).

7.3 Annual Site Evaluation Annual inspectIonrequired byJ*r 3,,1996 (and each year thereafter). ,.

The inspection of areas of concern should include the following:

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of BMPs and determine the necessity of implementing additional measures and controls.
  • Evaluation of the drainage areas for evidence of pollutants entering the drainage system.

7.4 Monitoring and Record-Keeping steam electric generting-facilitiesare -required to' monitor- storm' water qdisarges associated with irndustrial -a.ctivitýy quarterly.for total recoverable iron. -Samp le*s*should

.be collected from discharge Irsting- fromaAastorm event greater thanici .*O inches Imagnitude each calendar *month.- Records of rain fall amounts muSt alsoIb tabulated and kept'on file..7.

Records for Units 1 and 2 are kept in the plant environmental file room. Rainfall and storm water sampling data is kept at file point 12520-B. Quarterly and annual 12

inspection records are kept at file point 12520-R-03-B. Records for Unit 3 will be kept on file in the office of the Unit 3 Environmental Specialist.

8.0 Spill Prevention, Notification and Response OIL SPILLS Refer to the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plans in effect at these facilities.

ACID/CAUSTIC SPILLS Caustic/Acid Bulk Storage Emergency Procedures. Crystal River Units 1 and 2 have the following acid and caustic bulk storage tanks on site:

Size (gallons) Contents 8,000 Sulfuric Acid 8,000 Hydroxide (caustic)

These tanks are located immediately west of the water management building. Both tanks have secondary containment.

A Containment and Integrity Plan requires that the plant inspect the sulfuric acid tank area on a monthly basis and the secondary containment system at least once per year by personnel certified by SNT-TC-1A.

Units 1 and 2 personnel are trained to report any spill, no matter the location or quantity, to the control room by calling 311, their supervisor and /or the plant Environmental Specialist. Unit 3 personnel are trained to report any spill to the control room by calling 5555. Reporting guidance is available to all plant personnel in the Oil Spill and Chemical Release Notification Procedure EVC-SUBS 00018 and on the Progress Energy Web in the environmental guidance manual.

The Environmental Health and Safety Services Section (EHSS) shall be responsible for the reporting to all Local, State, and/or Federal agencies. Any written reports will be prepared by EHSS and the Plant Environmental Specialist, for the Plant Manager.


9.0 Measures and Controls A description of pollution prevention, sediment and erosion control measures, BMPs and other controls that are (or will be) implemented to improve the prevention and control of the discharge of contaminated stormwater at Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 are presented in the following tables.

Table 9.1 Measures and Controls Fuel Oil Unloading Vehicles Runoff from fuel oil unloading areas. Containment curbs or block off storm drains in unloading areas.

Immediately clean up leaks/spills.

Chemical Loading/Unloading Runoff from chemical Containment curbs or block off storm loading/unloading areas. drains in unloading areas.

Immediately clean up leaks/spills.

Liquid Storage Tanks Runoff from aboveground liquid Containment curbs.

storage tanks. Dry cleanup methods.

Large Bulk Fuel Storage Tanks Runoff from bulk storage tanks. Comply with SPCC requirements.

Secondary containment.

Oil and Chemical Spills Reduce potential for spills. Weekly inspection of tanks, pipelines, pumps and other equipment to reduce incidents of spills.

Secondary containment.

Oil Bearing Equipment in Runoff from oil bearing equipment. Inspection of oil bearing equipment.

Switchyards Bottom Ash Loading Areas Runoff from spills, deposition of bottom Reduce/control tracking of ash from ash. loading areas.

Cleanup spills, debris, excess water.

Install wind curtains.

Coal Barge Unloading Area - Coal Runoff into intake canal Installation of a short containment wall Conveyor #5 along coal barge unloading area.

Inspection of canal annually and dredge as needed Material Storage Areas Runoff from areas used to store misc. Store material indoors, cover material, products, construction materials, etc. etc. or use secondary containment.

Staging Areas for Used Oils Reduce potential for leaks and spills. Stage material on secondary containment pallets.


1 Table 9.2 Allowed Non-Storm Water Discharges

,~: ;Pannedctivit ~ ~I' Allý,edA'6ion- CR 1&2z,  ! -:,A-Tl-6dAto C~~

Discharges from fire-fighting activities Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

Fire hydrant flushing Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

Potable water, including water line Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

flushing Uncontaminated condensate from air Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

conditioners, coolers, and other compressors Uncontaminated condensate and from Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

the outside storage of refrigerated gases or liquids.

Irrigation drainage Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

Landscape watering provided all Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer have been applied in accordance with the approved labeling Pavement wash waters where no Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

detergents are used and no spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have occurred (unless all spilled material has been removed)

Routine external building wash down Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

that does not use detergents Uncontaminated ground water or Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

spring water Radiological analyses need to be performed before vaults or manholes are drained.

Foundation or footing drains where Route to storm water drain. Route to storm water drain.

flows are not contaminated with process materials Draining of secondary containment Drain to adjacent area. Only authorized personnel areas can perform discharges from secondary containments per WP-106.


1. Most industrial stormwater general permits include a list of non-stormwater discharges that are "allowable" and do not need to be eliminated. Allowable non-stormwater discharges are those that while not stormwater discharges, are covered under the terms and conditions of the stormwater permit. These are often discharges that if not covered under a stormwater permit would require coverage under some other NPDES permit. All secondary containments should be checked for rain water accumulation on a daily basis and immediately after any rain event.

Accumulated rain water should be checked for oil sheen before release. Oil sheen may be removed with oil absorbent pads or socks.

2. Actions which specifically apply to Crystal River Units 1 & 2.
3. Actions which specifically apply to Crystal River Unit 3.


Table 9.3 Requirements 1 for Spill Prevention Storage of petroleum 0 Containers must be Procedure based products in stored inside a chemical Used in addition to any small containers (< 5 cabinet designed to applicable plant procedures.

gallons). capture the contents of the largest container.

Storage of petroleum 0 Container must be Regulatory SPCC requirements.

based products in stored inside a lined Caution: Use of and large containers or secondary containment, placement location of tanks tanks (> 5 gallons). or on site are also subject to

  • Tank must be certain record keeping constructed with an requirements, and special integral double wall. Note: approvals (e.g., chemical even ifdouble-walled; a control, fire protection, plastic liner beneath the environmental) tank should be used to capture small spill Used in addition to any resulting from transfer applicable plant procedures.


Storage of petroleum

  • All containers used for Regulatory RCRA rules based liquid waste storage of waste materials BMP EVC-SUBS-00016 materials (e.g., used must be U.S. DOT oils, unusable approved and in good Used in addition to any gasoline, used condition. applicable plant procedures.

antifreeze, etc.) 0 Containers must be stored inside a lined secondary containment.

Operation of mobile 0 Each piece of BMP All mobile equipment must equipment with equipment shall carry a be checked prior to operation hydraulic systems "spill kit", suitable for an for obvious leaks, frayed (eg., fork lift, man lift, immediate response to a hoses, ect. In accordance mobile crane, heavy small leak. with:

hauler) 0 Documented "pre-flight" checks for oil leaks, Used in addition to any damaged hoses, proper applicable plant procedures.

connections, etc.


4. Requirements listed in this Table are a combination of regulatory requirements, corporate / plant procedures, and BMPs adopted by the site. A regulatory requirement or procedural requirement may not be waived. BMPs may be waived on a case by case determination made by the plant environmental specialist where a) implementation of the BMP is not practical or infeasible, or b) the BMP would be cost prohibitive. All waivers shall also be approved by the plant manager.
5. All secondary containments should be checked for rain water accumulation on a daily basis and immediately after any rain event. Accumulated rain water should be checked for oil sheen before release. Oil sheen may be removed with oil absorbent pads or socks.


6. In the event of a spill: 1) notify the appropriate plant control room or work control center, and 2) take appropriate immediate action to minimize the extent of the spill. If using oil dry or oil absorbent materials, clean it up and properly dispose. Do not leave it for someone else to handle.


10.0 Employee Training Various documents and manuals developed for Units 1, 2, and 3 contain procedural guidelines to be followed in a variety of scenarios. Training in the use of the manuals and the implementation of proper procedures serve to reduce the likelihood of leaks, spills, or releases to surface waters of the United States.

MSDS Sheets: MSDS sheets for chemical substances, both hazardous and non-hazardous, are obtained by calling 3E at 1-800-451-8346 or by accessing the 3E web page via the Progress intranet under Business Units & Departments/Safety Department/MSDS. If the 800# is used the MSDS sheet will be promptly faxed to the fax number provided during the call. The MSDS can be printed directly to a local printer using the on-line option.

Environmental Compliance Manuals: These documents provide useful information and guidance regarding various environmental disciplines. The Environmental Compliance Manuals can be found by following the link below:

http://sharepoint/c3/C1 7/Crystal%20River%20Enerqy%20Com plex/default.aspx?Mode=Edit&Paq eView=Shared The Unit 3 Environmental Compliance Manual is titled "Crystal River Nuclear Plant Site-Specific Environmental Compliance Manual" and the Unit 1 and 2 manual is titled "Crystal River Fossil Plant Site-Specific Environmental Compliance Manual".

Acid and Caustic Procedures: To increase personnel safety and improve environmental protection, Acid and Caustic Procedures Manuals highlight information provided in the MSDS sheets concerning chemical and hazardous properties, precautions, exposure and first aid.

Procedures for handling leaks and the associated emergency response are also documented in these manuals. A Containment and Integrity Plan (CIP) requires that the plant inspect the mineral acid tank area on a monthly basis and the secondary containment system must be inspected at least once per year by personnel certified by SNT-TC-1A.

Oil Spill Prevention and Response: Training in the use of the SPCC Plan and the Oil Spill Recovery Guide are coordinated by the Progress Energy - Florida Emergency Response Coordinator to ensure Response Team familiarity with spill containment and cleanup equipment and procedures. The training is in the form of actual oil spill simulation drills and improved knowledge of specific areas such as safety, notification, boom deployment, etc.

Violent Storm Emergency Procedures (CR 1&2 Procedure EP-2 and CR 3 Procedure EM-220):

These documents were developed to identify areas which should be addressed prior to the onset of a potentially violent storm. Procedures are addressed to minimize the catastrophic release of pollutants during a storm event and emergency response notification.

BMP/SWP3 Requirements: A Plant View online training course, ENCO013G, has been developed for appropriate Unit I and 2 personnel and must be reviewed annually as part of their training matrix requirements. Computer Based Training (CBT) was developed for appropriate personnel at Unit 3. The course code is ENCO004C and is reviewed annually as part of their training matrix requirements. The training addresses topics such as good housekeeping, materials management, record keeping and reporting, spill prevention and response, as well as specific waste reduction practices to be employed.


11.0 SWPP and BMP Plan Certification 11.1 Units I and 2 Certification I hereby certify that I have reviewed the Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 Storm Water-Pollution Prevention and Best Management Practices Plan, as required by National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. FLOO00159 and agree with the recommended best management practices.

Larry Ha*her Date Manager, Crystal River Fossil Plant

& Fuel Operations I


11.2 Unit 3 Certification I hereby certify that I have reviewed the Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention and Best Management Practices Plan, as required by National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. FL0000159 and agree with the recommended best management pra ices.

JirmesW. Holt Date Plant General Manager Crystal River Nuclear Plant 0


12.0 References 1.0 EPA Industrial SWPP Template 2.0 Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: A Guide for Industrial Operators. EPA 833-B-09-002.

13.0 Revisions Incorporated In Rev. 5 The title of the Plan was changed from Crystal River Units 1, 2, 3 Best Management Practices NPDES FLOO00159 to Crystal River Units 1, 2, 3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Best Management Practices Plan Section 3.0: BMP/Pollution Prevention Committee was revised to include current committee members Section 4.0: Description of Crystal River Units 1,2, 3 Plant Facilities was revised to include a more detailed description Section 5.2: Site Evaluation Summary was revised to include Oil Tank Storage Warehouses, Unit 3 Chemical Warehouse, Unit 3 Issue Warehouse, Unit 3 Receiving Warehouse, Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area, Chemical Addition Areas, and Old Steam Generator Storage Area Section 5.3: History of Spills and Leaks (Past Three (3) Years) was revised to include current spills and leaks Section 5.4: Summary of Stormwater Data was added Section 6.0 Unit 1 and 2 SIDTEC maintenance procedure was removed Section 7.2 Monthly Inspection was changed to Quarterly Table 9.2: Allowed Non-Storm Water Discharges was added Table 9.3: Requirements for Spill Prevention was added Section 10.0: Employee Training was revised to include BMP/SWP3 Requirements for Unit 3 Former Section 11.0: Recommended Best Management Practices was removed Former Section 12.0: Security Plan was removed Section 11.0 was revised to include separate certifications for Units 1 and 2 and Unit 3 Appendix B: Crystal River Unit 3 Quarterly Inspection Form was added Appendix C: Crystal River Energy Complex Vicinity Map was revised to include a more recent vicinity map 21

Appendix C: Crystal River Unit 3 Storm Water BMP Plan was removed and its applicable contents were added to the body of the current revision Appendix F: Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 Designated Areas of Responsibility was added Appendix G: Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 Storm Drains, Potential Sources of Pollutants was revised to include 4 separate drawings that better define storm drains and potential sources of pollutants Appendix H: Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 NPDES Flow Diagram was added 22

Appendix A Crystal River Units 1 and 2 Quarterly Inspection Form

0 Crystal River South - NPDES Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Date:

Ouarterlv Site Evaluation Issue/Concern Specific Observations East South West North SCY Side Side Side Side Parking / drive Is there evidence of spills of oil, fuels, greases, or antifreeze from vehicles or mobile areas equipment that has not been cleaned up?

Lay down / Is there staged or stored equipment/parts which are capable of rusting because they are storage not painted or covered, or they are capable of leaking lubricating oils/greases?

Chemicals and Are there orphan containers (jugs, bottles, cans, drums, etc.) of chemicals or oils containers (empty, full, or partially full)?

Housekeeping Does the area show good housekeeping, i.e., clean of trash and debris?

Vegetation Is there area neatly trimmed of vegetation growth?

Erosion Is there evidence of uncontrolled erosion?

Rusting Structures Are steel support structures adequately painted or coated to minimize corrosion and rusting?

Oil containing Is there evidence of spills of oil from equipment that has not been cleaned up?

equipment Leaking pipes Are there any leaking pipes containing water, waste water, or ash?

Debris piles Is there evidence of orphan piles of debris, ash, contaminated soil or other material?

Ash Is there evidence of uncontrolled or uncontained releases or spillage of ash material?

Rainwater Is there an accumulation of rainwater in a containment structure which has not been drained in accordance with operating procedures?

Chemical Spills Are there stains on soil or facility structures which might indicate leaks or spills of chemicals or oils?




  • 1-Inspection Performed By:

File Point: 12520-R-03-B See reverse side of form for area descriptions U:\My Documents\Storm Water BMP\BMP revision 2009\CRS Quarterly Evaluation Form.doc August 12, 2005

0 Crystal River South - NPDES Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Walk Down Area Description East Side East side area of CRS. This area starts at the parking/drive area near the administration building at the north end to the warehouse area on the south end. Specific areas of note:

  • Parking/driving areas
  • Several storm drains that discharge either to the intake canal or discharge canal
  • Laydown areas along the eastern fence
  • Warehouse storage area next the Machine Shop building
  • Machine shop waste storage and chemical cabinet area South Side South side area of CRS. This area starts at the sewage treatment plant on the east end to the staging area west of the No. 2 fuel oil tank.

Specific areas of note:

  • Vegetation/debris and housekeeping around sewage treatment plant
  • Potential piping leaks associated with water tanks
  • Water management building activities
  • Housekeeping around water front facilities, tanks, pump house, and staging area
  • Oil containing fan motors, no. 2 fuel oil tank and transfer pumps West Side West side area of CRS. This area starts at the staging area west of the Unit 2 precipitator at the south end to the bottom ash silo facility at the north end. It also includes the percolation pond system. Specific areas of note:
  • Housekeeping around the staging area, coal conversion warehouse, pipe trench, and Sidtec shed
  • Leaking water or ash pipe within pipe trench
  • Piles of ash around bottom ash silo
  • Vegetation management around percolation ponds North Side South side area of CRS. This area starts at the Sidtec capture system on the west end to the waterfront area just east of the cable bridge and catwalk. Specific areas of note:
  • Potential erosion issues along waterfront
  • Vegetation management along waterfront
  • Housekeeping in and around unit transformers and administration/electric shop offices
  • Valve reduction pits for Unit 1 and Unit 2
  • A couple of storm drains discharge directly to the canal SCY (South Coal Yard) South Coal Yard Areas adjacent to waterfront, wetland areas, and storm water retention areas. Specific areas of note:

" Excessive coal buildup along barge un-loader dock area

" Housekeeping in and around ancillary buildings near waterfront

  • Erosion issues along waterfront, storm retention areas, and wetlands areas
  • Adequate storage capacity in coal pile storm water retention areas File Point: 12520-R-03-B See reverse side of form for area descriptions U:AMy Documents\Storm Water BMP\BMP revision 2009\CRS Quarterly Evaluation Fonn.doc August 12, 2005

Appendix B Crystal River Unit 3 Quarterly Inspection Form

CR3 NPDES Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Evaluation Date:

Conducted By:


Berm Warehouse Paint Waterfront Issue/Concern Specific Observations Shack Area Area Parking/Drive Is there evidence of spills of oil, fuels, greases, or antifreeze from vehicles or mobile equipment that has not been cleaned up?

Laydown/Storage Is there staged or stored equipment/parts which are capable of rusting because they're not painted or covered, or they are capable of leaking lubricating oils/greases?

Chemicals/ Are there orphan containers (jugs, bottles, cans, drums, etc.) of chemicals or oils Containers (empty, full, or partially full)?

Housekeeping Does the area show good housekeeping, i.e., clean of trash and debris?

Vegetation Is the area neatly trimmed of vegetation growth?

Erosion Is there evidence of uncontrolled erosion?

Rusting Structures Are steel support structures adequately painted or coated to minimize corrosion and rusting?

Oil Containing Is there evidence of spills of oil from equipment that has not been cleaned up?

Equipment Leaking Pipes Are there any leaking pipes containing water or waste water?

Debris Piles Is there evidence of orphan piles of debris, contaminated soil or other material?

Rainwater Is there an accumulation of rainwater in a containment structure which has not been drained in accordance with operating procedures?

Chemical Spills Are there stains on soil or facility structures which might indicate leaks or spills of chemicals or oils?


Crystal River Unit 3 Walk Down Areas and Descriptions Walk Down Area Description Berm This includes all areas inside the protected area of Unit 3.

Specific areas of note:

  • Numerous storm drains discharge directly to the intake and discharge canals
  • Fuel transfer activities
  • Spare transformer on the northeast side of the berm
  • Chemical addition area on north side of the berm
  • Hazardous waste accumulation area on southeast side of berm Warehouse This includes the issue, receiving, chemical, and oil storage tank warehouses for Unit 3. Areas in the general vicinity of these warehouses should also be walked down.

Specific areas of note:

  • Lay-down areas east of issue and receiving warehouses
  • Chemical and material storage
  • Retention pond south of the issue warehouse Paint Shack Area This area includes the paint shack area that is located inside the rail loop. The area also includes the wetland area east of the issue and receiving warehouses.

Specific areas of note:

  • Chemical and material storage
  • Housekeeping in the area
  • Condition of wetland area. Any land disturbing activities?

Waterfront Area This includes the intake area on the south side of Unit 3 and the discharge canal area that stretches from the fishing platform to the end of the canal. The area also includes the new lay down area west of the percolation ponds.

Specific areas of note:

  • Erosion issues along intake and discharge canals
  • Storm drains that discharge to the intake and discharge canals
  • Overflow parking on the north side of the discharge canal
  • Clamtrol injection skid at the intake
  • Land disturbing activities

Appendix C Crystal River Energy Complex Vicinity Map

Crystal River Energy Complex Vicinity Map Appendix D Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 NPDES Storm Water Outfalls

0 Crystal River Units 1, 2 and 3 NPDES Storm Water Outfalls Permit No. FL0000159

Appendix E Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 Storm Water Basins

00 Coal Pile Runoff Holding Pond Coal Storage Area Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 Storm Water Basins Permit No. FLOO00159

Appendix F Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 Designated Areas of Responsibility

Areas outlined in blue are Unit 3 responsibility and areas outlined in green are Unit 1 and 2 responsibility Designated Areas of Responsibility

Appendix G Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 Storm Drains, Potential Sources of Pollutants

Discharge Canal New Lay-down Area Oil Tank Storage Warehouses Rifle Range Intake Canal Percolation Pond System Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 Potential Sources of Pollutants

C CU 4-cu .20 Cu

-c E Cu 4 4- M/


-C- V)0 v

.E 0 4-

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-A I

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, a* S kjI.-t aI p I LAS, 0

76 22 = 0 Iul IUI C C4 u

E 0 V)Cu ca 4-1 0

Discharge C~anaIl ITransformers Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area Clamtrol Skid Intake Canal Crystal River Unit 3 Storm Drains and Potential Sources of Pollutants

01 Receiving Warehouse Issue Wetland Area Warehouse Chemical Warehouse Old Steam Generator Storage Area Stormwater Retention Pond Reactor Head Storage Building Radioactive Paint Shack Area Materials Warehouse Crystal River Unit 3 Storm Drains and Potential Sources of Pollutants

Appendix H Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 NPDES Flow Diagram

0 Crystal River Units 1, 2, & 3 NPDES Flow Diagram - FLOO001 59 ID--093 Unit 3 Condenser & Heat Exchanger Non-Contact Cooling Water (979.2)

[ Emergency Dewatering Overflow - Dredge

& FGD Blowdown System D-OC1 D-071 EFF-5 EFF-10A Nuclear Services & Decay Heat Non-Contact Cooling Water (43.5)

Unit 1 Condenser & Heat Exchanger Non-Contact Cooling Water Unit 2 Condenser & Heat Exchanger EFF-10B (494.64)

Non-Contact Cooling Water D-OOH Legend EFF-9 (Intermittent)

( Flowpath Emergency Overflow - South Plant Industrial Wastewater A& Percolation Pond System

  1. Existing Sample Point D-OC2 (I-0C2) Notes:

0 Proposed Sample Point EFF-6 -Not to Scale

-Does not include storm water (intermittent)

-Flows are maximum expected and can (Max. Flowrate, MGD) be signifcantly less based on operating


~FLORON 13051 North Telecom Parkway Jeff Kottkamp Temple Terrace, Florida 33637-0926 Lt. Governor Michael W. Sole Secretary STATE OF FLORIDA DOMESTIC WASTEWATER FACILITY PERMIT PERMITTEE:' PERMIT NUMBER: FLA 118753 Progress Energy Florida, Inc. PA FILE NUMBER: FLAI 18753-004-DW3PiNR ISSUANCE DATE: April 22, 2009 RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY: EXPIRATION DATE: April 21, 2014 Larry Hatcher Plant Manager P.O. Box 14042, PEF 903 St. Petersburg, FL 33733-4042 (727) 820-5228 FACILITY:

Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF 15760 West Power Line Street Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 Citrus County Latitude: 28' 57' 25" N Longitude: 820 42' 09" W This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and applicable rules of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The above named permittee is hereby authorized to operate the facilities shown on the application and other documents attached hereto or on file with the Department and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows:


Operation of an existing 0.030 MGD Three-Month Average Daily Flow (3MADF), Type III, extended aeration domestic wastewater treatment plant consisting of: three 5,000 gallon equalization basins for a total volume of 15,000 gallons, seven 5,000 gallon aeration basins for a total volume of 35,000 gallons, two 5,200 gallon clarifiers for a total volume of 10,400 gallons and 156 square feet of surface area, one chlorine contact chamber of 1,250 gallons, and two digesters for a total volume of 7,240 gallons. This plant is operated to provide secondary treatment with basic disinfection.


Land Application: An existing 0.030 MGD Annual Average Daily Flow (AADF) permitted capacity Part IV rapid-rate land application system (R-001). R-001 consists of a two-cell Rapid Infiltration Basin (RIB) of 87,120 square feet of bottom surface area. R-001 also receives an industrial wastewater discharge permitted separately under FDEP Permit No. FLA016960. R-001 is located approximately at latitude 280 57' 25" N, longitude 82' 42' 09" W.

1N ACCORDANCE WITH: The limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Pages 1 through 16 of this permit.

"More Protection,Less Process" www. dep.statefi. us

OILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 PERMIT NUMBER: FLA1 18753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.


1. During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to direct reclaimed water to Reuse System R-001. Such reclaimed water shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below and reported in accordance with condition 1.B.8:

Reclaimed Water Limitations Monitoring Requirements Annual Monthly J Weekly Single Monitoring Monitoring Location Parameter Units Max/Min Average Average Average Sample Frequency Sample Type Site Number Notes Flow, to R-001 MGD Maximum 0.030 Report -- 5 Days/Week Meter FLW-01 See Cond.I.A.3 BOD, Carbonaceous 5 day, 20C MG/L Maximum 20.0 30. 60.0 Monthly Grab EFA-01 Solids, Total Suspended MG/L Maximum 20.0 30.0 60.0 Monthly Grab EFA-0I pH SU Range - - 6.0 to 8.5 5 Days/Week Grab EFA-01 Coliform, Fecal #/100ML Maximum 200 800 Monthly Grab EFA-01 See Cond.l.A.4 Total Chlorine Residual (For MG/L Minimum - 0.5 5 Days/Week Grab EFA-01 See Disinfection) Cond.l.A.5 Nitrogen, Nitrate, Total (as N) MG/L Maximum 12.0 Monthly Grab EFA-0 I PA File No. FLAI 18753-004-DW3P/NR 2

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA118753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

2. Reclaimed water samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in Permit Condition I. A. 1. and as described below:

Monitoring Location Description of Monitoring Location EFA-0 1 Effluent sampling point after treatment and prior to Reuse system R-001.

FLW-01 Flow as measured by the in-lined Rosemount Magmeter on the effluent pipe.

3. A flow meter shall be utilized to measure flow and calibrated at least annually. [62-601.200(17) and.500(6)]
4. The arithmetic mean of the monthly fecal coliform values collected during an annual period shall not exceed 200 per 100 mL of reclaimed water sample. The geometric mean of the fecal coliform values for a minimum of 10 samples of reclaimed water, each collected on a separate day during a period of 30 consecutive days (monthly),

shall not exceed 200 per 100 mL of sample. Any one sample shall not exceed 800 fecal coliform values per 100 mL of sample. [62-610.510 and 62-600.440(4)(c)]

5. A minimum of 0.5 mg/L total chlorine residual must be maintained for a minimum contact time of 15 minutes based on peak hourly flow. [62-610.510 and 62-600.440(4)((b)]

PA File No. FLA118753-004-DW3P/NR 3



Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WO Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

PERMIT NUMBER: FLA118753 e B. Other Limitations and Monitoring and Reporting Requirements

1. During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the treatment facility shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below and reported in accordance with condition I.B.8:

Limitations Monitoring Requirements Annual Monthly Weekly Single Monitoring Monitoring Location Parameter Units Max/Min AverAver average Average Sample Frequency Sample Type Site Number Notes Flow, Total Plant MGD Maximum 0.030 Report 5 Days/Week Meter FLW-01 See 3MADF Cond.l.B.3, 5 Percent Capacity,  % Maximum Report Monthly Calculation FLW-01 (3MADF/Permitted Capacity) x 100 BOD, Carbonaceous 5 day, 20C MG/L Maximum Report Annually' Grab INF-01 See Cond.I.B.4 Solids, Total Suspended MG/L Maximum Report Annually' Grab INF-01 See Cond..B .4 I - The annual sample shall be taken in the month of February.

PA File No. FLA] 18753-004-DW3P/NR 4

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA118753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

2. Samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in Permit Condition I. B. I and as described below:

Monitoring Location Description of Monitoring Location FLW-01 Flow as measured by the in-lined Rosemount Magmeter on the effluent pipe.

INF-01 Influent sampling point prior to treatment and ahead of the return activated sludge line.

3. The three-month average daily flow to the treatment plant shall not exceed 0.030 MGD.
4. Influent samples shall be collected so that they do not contain digester supernatant or return activated sludge, or any other plant process recycled waters. [62-601.500(4)]
5. A flow meter shall be utilized to measure flow and calibrated at least annually. [62-601.200(17) and


6. Parameters which must be monitored as a result of a surface water discharge shall be analyzed using a sufficiently sensitive method in accordance with 40 CFR Part 136. Parameters which must be monitored as a result of a ground water discharge (i.e., underground injection or land application system) shall be analyzed in accordance with Chapter 62-60 1, F.A.C. All monitoring shall be representative of the monitored activity. [62-620.610(18)]
7. The permittee shall provide safe access points for obtaining representative influent, reclaimed water, and effluent samples which are required by this permit. [62-601.500(5)]
8. Monitoring requirements under this permit are effective on the first day of the second month following permit issuance. Until such time, the permittee shall continue to monitor and report in accordance with previously effective permit requirements, if any. During the period of operation authorized by this permit, the permittee shall complete and submit to the Department Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) in accordance with the frequencies specified by the REPORT type (i.e., monthly, toxicity, quarterly, semiannual, annual, etc.) indicated on the DMR forms attached to this permit. Monitoring results for each monitoring period shall be submitted in accordance with the associated DMR due dates below, unless specified elsewhere in the permit.

REPORT Type Monitoring Period Due Date Monthly or first day of month - last day of 2 8 th day of following month Toxicity month Quarterly January 1 - March 31 April 28 April 1 - June 30 July 28 July 1 - September 30 October 28 October 1 - December 31 January 28 Semiannual January 1 - June 30 July 28 July 1 - December 31 January 28 Annual January 1 - December 31 March 28 DMRs shall be submitted for each required monitoring period including months of no discharge. The permittee shall make copies of the attached DMR and shall submit the completed DMR to the Department postmarked by the 2 8th of the month following the month of operation at the addresses specified below:

PA File No. FLAI 18753-004-DW3P/NR 5

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA1 18753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Originals to:

Florida Department of Environmental Protection Wastewater Compliance Evaluation Section, Mail Station 3551 Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Copies to:

Florida Department of Environmental Protection Domestic Wastewater Program Southwest District Office 13051 N. Telecom Parkway Temple Terrace, FL 33637-0926

[62-620.610(18)][62-601.300(1),(2),and (3)]

9. Unless specified otherwise in this permit, all reports and other information required by this permit, including 24-hour notifications, shall be submitted to or reported to, as appropriate, the Department's Southwest District Office at the address specified below:

Southwest District Office 13051 N. Telecom Parkway Temple Terrace, FL 33637-0926 Phone Number - 813-632-7600 FAX Number- 813-632-7662 Email - DWSWD@DEP.STATE.FL.US All FAX copies shall be followed by original copies. All reports and other information shall be signed in accordance with the requirements of Rule 62-620.305, F.A.C. [62-620.305]

II. RESIDUALS MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS The method of residuals use or disposal by this facility is transport to a Residual Management Facility or disposal in a Class I or Ii solid waste landfill. Transportation of the residuals to an alternative RMF does not require a permit modification, however, use of an alternative RMF requires a copy of the agreement pursuant to Rule 62-640.880(1)(c), F.A.C., along with a written notification to the Department at least 30 days before transport of the residuals.

2. The permittee shall be responsible for proper treatment, management, use, and land application or disposal of its residuals. [62-640.300(5)]
3. The permittee shall not be held responsible for treatment, management, use, or land application violations that occur after its residuals have been accepted by a permitted residuals management facility with which the source facility has an agreement in accordance with Rule 62-640.880(1)(c), F.A.C., for further treatment, management, use or land application. [62-640.300(5)]
4. Disposal of residuals, septage, and other solids in a solid waste landfill, or disposal by placement on land for purposes other than soil conditioning or fertilization, such as at a monofill, surface impoundment, waste pile, or dedicated site, shall be in accordance with Chapter 62-701, F.A.C. [62-640.100(6)(k)3&4]

PA File No. FLA118753-004-DW3P/NR 6

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA118753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

5. If the permittee intends to accept residuals from other facilities, a permit revision is required pursuant to Rule 62-640.880(2)(d), F.A.C. [62-640.880(2)(d)]
6. The permittee shall keep hauling records to track the transport of residuals between facilities. The hauling records shall contain the following information:

Required of Source Facility Required of RMF

1. Date and Time Shipped 1. Date and Time Received
2. Amount of Residuals Shipped 2. Amount of Residuals Received
3. Degree of Treatment (if applicable) 3. Name and ID Number of Source Facility
4. Name and ID Number of Residuals 4. Signature of Hauler Management Facility or Treatment Facility
5. Signature of Responsible Party at Source 5. Signature of Responsible Party at Facility Residuals Management Facility or Treatment Facility
6. Signature of Hauler and Name of Hauling Firm These records shall be kept for five years and shall be made available for inspection upon request by the Department. A copy of the hauling records information maintained by the source facility shall be provided upon delivery of the residuals to the residuals management facility or treatment facility. The RMF permittee shall report to the Department within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of discovery of any discrepancy in the quantity of residuals leaving the source facility and arriving at the residuals management facility or treatment facility.


III. GROUND WATER REQUIREMENTS Section III is not applicable to this facility.


1. All ground water quality criteria specified in Chapter 62-520, F.A.C., shall be met at the edge of the zone of discharge. The zone of discharge for this project shall extend horizontally 100 feet from the application site or to the facility's property line, whichever is less, and vertically to the base of the surficial aquifer. [62-520.200(23)] [62-522.400 and 62-522.410]
2. Advisory signs shall be posted around the site boundaries to designate the nature of the project area.


3. The annual average hydraulic loading rate to the rapid infiltration basin(s) shall be limited to a maximum of 0.55 inches per day (as applied to the entire bottom area). [62-610.523(3)]
4. Rapid infiltration basins normally shall be loaded for 1 to 7 days and shall be rested for 5 to 14 days.

Infiltration ponds, basins, or trenches shall be allowed to dry during the resting portion of the cycle.


5. Rapid infiltration basins shall be routinely maintained to control vegetation growth and to maintain percolation capability by scarification or removal of deposited solids. Basin bottoms shall be maintained level. [62-610.523(6) and (7)]

PA File No. FLA118753-004-DW3P/NR 7

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA] 18753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

6. Routine aquatic weed control and regular maintenance of storage pond embankments and access areas are required. [62-610.514 and 62-610.414]
7. Overflows from emergency discharge facilities on storage ponds or on infiltration ponds, basins, or trenches shall be reported as an abnormal event to the Department's Southwest District Office within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of an occurrence. The provisions of Rule 62-610.800(9), F.A.C., shall be met. [62-610.800(9)]


1. During the period of operation authorized by this permit, the wastewater facilities shall be operated under the supervision of an operator certified in accordance with Chapter 62-602, F.A.C. In accordance with Chapter 62-699, F.A.C., this facility is a Category III, Class C facility and, at a minimum, operators with appropriate certification must be on the site as follows:

A Class C or higher operator for '2 hour/day for 5 days/week and a weekend visit. The lead operator must be a Class C operator, or higher.

[62-620.630(3)] [62-699.310] [62-610.462]

2. An operator meeting the lead operator classification level of the plant shall be available during all periods of plant operation. "Available" means able to be contacted as needed to initiate the appropriate action in a timely manner. [62-699.311(1)]
3. The application to renew this permit shall include an updated capacity analysis report prepared in accordance with Rule 62-600.405, F.A.C. [62-600.405(5)]
4. The application to renew this permit shall include a detailed operation and maintenance performance report prepared in accordance with Rule 62-600.735, F.A.C. [62-600.735(1)]
5. The permittee shall maintain the following records and make them available for inspection on the site of the permitted facility:
a. Records of all compliance monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation and a copy of the laboratory certification showing the certification number of the laboratory, for at least three years from the date the sample or measurement was taken;
b. Copies of all reports required by the permit for at least three years from the date the report was prepared;
c. Records of all data, including reports and documents, used to complete the application for the permit for at least three years from the date the application was filed;
d. Monitoring information, including a copy of the laboratory certification showing the laboratory certification number, related to the residuals use and disposal activities for the time period set forth in Chapter 62-640, F.A.C., for at least three years from the date of sampling or measurement;
e. A copy of the current permit;
f. A copy of the current operation and maintenance manual as required by Chapter 62-600,. F.A.C.;
g. A copy of the facility record drawings;
h. Copies of the licenses of the current certified operators; and PA File No. FLAI 18753-004-DW3P/NR 8

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA1 18753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

i. Copies of the logs and schedules showing plant operations and equipment maintenance for three years from the date of the logs or schedules. The logs shall, at a minimum, include identification of the plant; the signature and certification number of the operator(s) and the signature of the person(s) making any entries; date and time in and out; specific operation and maintenance activities; tests performed and samples taken; and major repairs made. The logs shall be maintained on-site in a location accessible to 24-hour inspection, protected from weather damage, and current to the last operation and maintenance performed.


VI. SCHEDULES Section VI is not applicable to this facility.

VII. INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS This facility is not required to have a pretreatment program at this time. [62-625.500]


1. The permittee shall apply for renewal of this permit at least 180 days before the expiration date of the permit using the appropriate forms listed in Rule 62-620.910, F.A.C., including submittal of the appropriate processing fee set forth in Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C. The existing permit shall not expire until the Department has taken final action on the application renewal in accordance with the provisions of 62-620.335(3) and (4), F.A.C. [62-620.335(1)-(4)]
2. Florida water quality criteria and standards shall not be violated as a result of any discharge or land application of reclaimed water or residuals from this facility. [62-610.850(1)(a)and (2)(a)]
3. In the event that the treatment facilities or equipment no longer function as intended, are no longer safe in terms of public health and safety, or odor, noise, aerosol drift, or lighting adversely affects neighboring developed areas at the levels prohibited by Rule 62-600.400(2)(a), F.A.C., corrective action (which may include additional maintenance or modifications of the permitted facilities) shall be taken by the permittee. Other corrective action may be required to ensure compliance with rules of the Department. Additionally, the treatment, management, use or land application of residuals shall not cause a violation of the odor prohibition in Rule 62-296.320(2), F.A.C. [62-600.410(8) and 62-640.400(6)]
4. The deliberate introduction of stormwater in any amount into collection/transmission systems designed solely for the introduction and conveyance of domestic/industrial wastewater; or the deliberate introduction of stormwater into collection/transmission systems designed for the introduction or conveyance of combinations of storm and domestic/industrial wastewater in amounts which may reduce the efficiency of pollutant removal by the treatment plant is prohibited, except as provided by Rule 62-610.472, F.A.C. [62-604.130(3)]
5. Collection/transmission system overflows shall be reported to the Department in accordance with Permit Condition IX. 20. [62-604.550] [62-620.610(20)]
6. The operating authority of a collection/transmission system and the permittee of a treatment plant are prohibited from accepting connections of wastewater discharges which have not received necessary pretreatment or which contain materials or pollutants other than normal domestic wastewater constituents:
a. Which may cause fire or explosion hazards; or PA File No, FLA 118753-004-DW3P/NR 9

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA118753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

b. Which may cause excessive corrosion or other deterioration of wastewater facilities due to chemical action or pH levels; or
c. Which are solid or viscous and obstruct flow or otherwise interfere with wastewater facility operations or treatment; or
d. Which result in the wastewater temperature at the introduction of the treatment plant exceeding 40TC or otherwise inhibiting treatment: or
e. Which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes that may. cause worker health and safety problems.


7. The treatment facility, storage ponds, rapid infiltration basins, and/or infiltration trenches shall be enclosed with a fence or otherwise provided with features to discourage the entry of animals and unauthorized persons. [62-610.518(1)] [and 62-600.400(2)(b)]
8. Screenings and grit removed from the wastewater facilities shall be collected in suitable containers and hauled to a Department approved Class I landfill or to a landfill approved by the Department for receipt/disposal of screenings and grit. [62-701.300(1)(a)]
9. The Permittee shall provide verbal notice to the Department as soon as practical after discovery of a sinkhole within an area for the management or application of wastewater, wastewater residuals (sludges), or reclaimed water. The Permittee shall immediately implement measures appropriate to control the entry of contaminants, and shall detail these measures to the Department in a written report within 7 days of the sinkhole discovery. [62-4.070(3)]
10. The permittee shall provide adequate notice to the Department of the following:
a. Any new introduction of pollutants into the facility from an industrial discharger which would be subject to Chapter 403, F.S., and the requirements of Chapter 62-620, F.A.C. if it were directly discharging those pollutants; and
b. Any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants being introduced into that facility by a source which was identified in the permit application and known to be discharging at the time the permit was issued.

Adequate notice shall include information on the quality and quantity of effluent introduced into the facility and any anticipated impact of the change on the quantity or quality of effluent or reclaimed water to be discharged from the facility.



1. The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations and restrictions set forth in this permit are binding and enforceable pursuant to Chapter 403, Florida Statutes. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and is grounds for enforcement action, permit termination, permit revocation and reissuance, or permit revision. [62-620.610(1)]
2. This permit is valid only for the specific processes and operations applied for and indicated in the approved drawings or exhibits. Any unauthorized deviations from the approved drawings, exhibits, PA File No. FLA1 18753-004-DW3P/NR 10

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA1 18753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

specifications or conditions of this permit constitutes grounds for revocation and enforcement action by the Department. [62-620.610(2)]

3. As provided in Subsection 403.087(6), F.S., the issuance of this permit does not convey any vested rights or any exclusive privileges. Neither does it authorize any injury to public or private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor authorize any infringement of federal, state, or local laws or regulations. This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other Department permit or authorization that may be required for other aspects of the total project which are not addressed in this permit. [62-620.610(3)]
4. This permit conveys no title to land or water, does not constitute state recognition or acknowledgment of title, and does not constitute authority for the use of submerged lands unless herein provided and the necessary title or leasehold interests have been obtained from the State. Only the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund may express State opinion as to title. [62-620.610(4)]
5. This permit does not relieve the permittee from liability and penalties for harm or injury to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property caused by the construction or operation of this permitted source; nor does it allow the permittee to cause pollution in contravention of Florida Statutes and Department rules, unless specifically authorized by an order from the Department. The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge, reuse of reclaimed water, or residuals use or disposal in violation of this permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. [62-620.610(5)]
6. If the permittee wishes to continue an activity regulated by this permit after its expiration date, the permittee shall apply for and obtain a new permit. [62-620.610(6)]
7. The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the facility and systems of treatment and control, and related appurtenances, that are installed and used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit. This provision includes the operation of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systems when necessary to maintain or achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit. [62-620.610(7)]
8. This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit revision, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any permit condition. [62-620.610(8)]
9. The permittee, by accepting this permit, specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel, including an authorized representative of the Department and authorized EPA personnel, when applicable, upon presentation of credentials or other documents as may be required by law, and at reasonable times, depending upon the nature of the concern being investigated, to:
a. Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility, system, or activity is located or conducted, or where records shall be kept under the conditions of this permit;
b. Have access to and copy any records that shall be kept under the conditions of this permit;
c. Inspect the facilities, equipment, practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit; and
d. Sample or monitor any substances or parameters at any location necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules.

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FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA 118753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.


10. In accepting this permit, the permittee understands and agrees that all records, notes, monitoring data, and other information relating to the construction or operation of this permitted source which are submitted to the Department may be used by the Department as evidence in any enforcement case involving the permitted source arising under the Florida Statutes or Department rules, except as such use is proscribed by Section 403.111, Florida Statutes, or Rule 62-620.302, Florida Administrative Code. Such evidence shall only be used to the extent that it is consistent with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and applicable evidentiary rules. [62-620.610(10)]
11. When requested by the Department, the permittee shall within a reasonable time provide any information required by law which is needed to determine whether there is cause for revising, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit, or to determine compliance with the permit. The permittee shall also provide to the Department upon request copies of records required by this permit to be kept.

If the permittee becomes aware of relevant facts that were not submitted or were incorrect in the permit application or in any report to the Department, such facts or information shall be promptly submitted or corrections promptly reported to the Department. [62-620.610(11)]

12. Unless specifically stated otherwise in Department rules, the permittee, in accepting this permit, agrees to comply with changes in Department rules and Florida Statutes after a reasonable time for compliance; provided, however, the permittee does not waive any other rights granted by Florida Statutes or Department rules. A reasonable time for compliance with a new or amended surface water quality standard, other than those standards addressed in Rule 62-302.500, F.A.C., shall include a reasonable time to obtain or be denied a mixing zone for the new or amended standard. [62-620.610(12)]
13. The permittee, in accepting this permit, agrees to pay the applicable regulatory program and surveillance fee in accordance with Rule 62-4.052, F.A.C. [62-620.610(13)]
14. This permit is transferable only upon Department approval in accordance with Rule 62-620.340, F.A.C.

The permittee shall be liable for any noncompliance of the permitted activity until the transfer is approved by the Department. [62-620.610(14)]

15. The permittee shall give the Department written notice at least 60 days before inactivation or abandonment of a wastewater facility and shall specify what steps will be taken to safeguard public health and safety during and following inactivation or abandonment. [62-620.610(15)]
16. The permittee shall apply for a revision to the Department permit in accordance with Rules62-620.300 and the Department of Environmental Protection Guide to Wastewater Permitting at least 90 days before construction of any planned substantial modifications to the permitted facility is to commence or with Rule 62-620.325(2) for minor modifications to the permitted facility. A revised permit shall be obtained before construction begins except as provided in Rule 62-620.300, F.A.C. [62-620.610(16)]
17. The permittee shall give advance notice to the Department of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with permit requirements. The permittee shall be responsible for any and all damages which may result from the changes and may be subject to enforcement action by the Department for penalties or revocation of this permit. The notice shall include the following information:
a. A description of the anticipated noncompliance;
b. The period of the anticipated noncompliance, including dates and times; and
c. Steps being taken to prevent future occurrence of the noncompliance.

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FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA118753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.


18. Sampling and monitoring data shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with Rule 62-4.246, Chapters62-160 and 62-601, F.A.C., and 40 CFR 136, as appropriate.
a. Monitoring results shall be reported at the intervals specified elsewhere in this permit and shall be reported on a Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR), DEP Form 62-620.910(10), or as specified elsewhere in the permit.
b. If the permittee monitors any contaminant more frequently than required by the permit, using Department approved test procedures, the results of this monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the DMR.
c. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall use an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified in this permit.
d. Except as specifically provided in Rule 62-160.300, F.A.C., any laboratory test required by this permit shall be performed by a laboratory that has been certified by the Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Certification Program (DOH ELCP). Such certification shall be for the matrix, test method and analyte(s) being measured to comply with this permit. For domestic wastewater facilities, testing for parameters listed in Rule 62-160.300(4), F.A.C., shall be conducted under the direction of a certified operator.
e. Field activities including on-site tests and sample collection shall follow the applicable standard operating procedures described in DEP-SOP-001/01 adopted by reference in Chapter 62-160, F.A.C.
f. Alternate field procedures and laboratory methods may be used where they have been approved in accordance with Rules62-160.220 and 62-160.330, F.A.C.


19. Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule detailed elsewhere in this permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date. [62-620.610(19)]
20. The permittee shall report to the Department any noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within five days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain: a description of the noncompliance and its cause; the period of noncompliance including exact dates and time, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance.
a. The following shall be included as information which must be reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> under this condition:
1. Any unanticipated bypass which causes any reclaimed water or effluent to exceed any permit limitation or results in an unpermitted discharge,
2. Any upset which causes any reclaimed water or the effluent to exceed any limitation in the permit, PA File No. FLAI 18753-004-DW3P/NR 13

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLAI 18753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

3. Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation for any of the pollutants specifically listed in the permit for such notice, and
4. Any unauthorized discharge to surface or ground waters.
b. Oral reports as required by this subsection shall be provided as follows:

I. For unauthorized releases or spills of treated or untreated wastewater reported pursuant to subparagraph a.4 that are in excess of 1,000 gallons per incident, or where information indicates that public health or the environment will be endangered, oral reports shall be provided to the Department by calling the STATE WARNING POINT TOLL FREE NUMBER (800) 320-0519, as soon as practical, but no later than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the discharge. The permittee, to the extent known, shall provide the following information to the State Warning Point:

a) Name, address, and telephone number of person reporting; b) Name, address, and telephone number of permittee or responsible person for the discharge; c) Date and time of the discharge and status of discharge (ongoing or ceased);

d) Characteristics of the wastewater spilled or released (untreated or treated, industrial or domestic wastewater);

e) Estimated amount of the discharge; f) Location or address of the discharge; g) Source and cause of the discharge; h) Whether the discharge was contained on-site, and cleanup actions taken to date; i) Description of area affected by the discharge, including name of water body affected, if any; and j) Other persons or agencies contacted.

2. Oral reports, not otherwise required to be provided pursuant to subparagraph b. 1 above, shall be provided to the Department within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances.
c. If the oral report has been received within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, the noncompliance has been corrected, and the noncompliance did not endanger health or the environment, the Department shall waive the written report.


21. The permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under Permit Conditions IX. 18.

and 19. of this permit at the time monitoring reports are submitted. This report shall contain the same information required by Permit Condition IX. 20 of this permit. [62-620.610(21)]

22. Bypass Provisions.
a. Bypass is prohibited, and the Department may take enforcement action against a permittee for bypass, unless the permittee affirmatively demonstrates that:

PA File No. FLA 118753-004-DW3P/NR 14

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1,2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA1 18753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

1. Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage; and
2. There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance; and
3. The permittee submitted notices as required under Permit Condition IX. 22. b. of this permit.
b. If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice to the Department, if possible at least 10 days before the date of the bypass. The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of learning about the bypass as required in Permit Condition IX. 20. of this permit. A notice shall include a description of the bypass and its cause; the period of the bypass, including exact dates and times; if the bypass has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the bypass.
c. The Department shall approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effect, if the permittee demonstrates that it will meet the three conditions listed in Permit Condition IX. 22. a. 1.

through 3. of this permit.

d. A permittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause reclaimed water or effluent limitations to be exceeded if it is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the provisions of Permit Condition IX. 22. a. through c. of this permit.


23. Upset Provisions
a. A permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that:

I. An upset occurred and that the permittee can identify the cause(s) of the upset;

2. The permitted facility was at the time being properly operated;
3. The permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Permit Condition IX. 20. of this permit; and
4. The permittee complied with any remedial measures required under Permit Condition IX. 5. of this permit.
b. In any enforcement proceeding, the permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof.
c. Before an enforcement proceeding is instituted, no representation made during the Department review of a claim that noncompliance was caused by an upset is final agency action subject to judicial review.


PA File No. FLAI 18753-004-DW3P/NR 15

FACILITY: Progress Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Units 1, 2 & 3 WWTF PERMIT NUMBER: FLA118753 PERMITTEE: Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Executed in Hillsborough County, Florida.

Jeffry S. Greenwell, P.E.

Water Facilities Administ Southwest District Office PA File No. FLAI 18753-004-DW3P/NR 16

Hydrology H-4

1. NPDES Permit
2. See Maps Provided in Response to H-3
3. Conditions of Certification

Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building Jeb Bush 2600 Blair Stone Road Colleen M.Castille Governor Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Secretary NOTICE OF PERMIT CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED hi the Matter of an Application for Permit by:

Progress Energy Florida Crystal River Plant Units 1,2 and 3 DEP File.# FL0000159-009-AI-1 S/NR 15760 West Powerline Street Crystal River, FL34428 Attention: Mr. Michael Olive Enclosed is Permit FL0000159, issued under Section 403 .0885, Florida Statutes, and DEP Chapter 62-620, Florida Administrative Code, authorizing wastewater discharge fi-nm the PEF Crystal River Units 1,2A3., Citrus County to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class III marine water.

Any party to this order (pennit) has the rightto seek judicial review of the permit under Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, by the~filing of a Notice of Appeal under Rules 9.110 and 9.190, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, with the Clerk of the Department of Enviror-nental Protection, Office of General. Counsel, Mail Station 35; 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 323 99*3000 and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by'the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice .ofappeal must be filed within thirty days after this notice is filed with the clerk of the Department.

Executed in Tallahassee, Florida.

STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Director Division of Water Resource Management 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 (850),245-8336 "More Protection, Less Process" Printed on reqyded paper.

Progress Energy Florida Crystal River Units 1, 2 and 3 Page 2 of 2 Facility TID Number FLOOO 159 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned duly designated deputy agency clerk hereby certifies that this NOTICE.OF PERMIT and all copies were mailed beforeý the close of business on / - , to the listed persons.

[Clerk Stamp]

FILLNG AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, ,under Section 120.52 (9). Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.

(Clerk) (Date)

Copies furnished to:

Chairman, Board of Citrus County Commissioners Michael Shrader, PEP Yanisa Angulo, P.E. DEP SWD Tampa Betsy Hewitt, DEP Tallahassee


Crystal River Units 1,2,&3 Power Plant The following, minor corrections have been made to the proposed permit. None of these corrections alter any of the limitations for discharge-to waters of the state.

1. Typographical Errors in the Proposed Permit: The Department and the Permittee noted several minor typographical errors which are not itemized below. The Department has corrected these errors, which were non-substantive and did not affect any permit limitations or monitoring requiiements.
2. Permittee Comments The Permittee requested the following minor corrections to the permit.

Condition I.A.9: The. Permittee pointed out that that pH limitation for Internal Outfall I-OFE. in the Draft and Proposed permits (6.5 to 8.5) was incorrect, and should be 6.0 to 9.0, which is the appropriate Technology Based Effluent Limitation (TBEL) pursuant to 40 CFR Part 423.12, and is consistent with the previous permit. The Department concurs, and corrected the limitation in the permit.

Condition I.E.14: The Permittee requested that the Department clarify the requirement regarding the Amertap condenser cleaning system at Unit 3, by stating in the condition that any substantive changes to the cleaning ball devices or retrieval system must be approved by the Department. This would enable the facility to make minor mechanical repairs that do not potentially impact discharge without requiring specific approval. The Department concurs and has revised the condition in the permit.

3. Department Comment Condition I.E.17.: The Department added this condition, which was erroneously omitted from the draft and proposed permits,. and authorizes the continued use of biocides and chemical additives that were approved for use in the previous permit renewal and its revisions. The condition does not authorize, the use of any new biocides or chemical additives.



PA FILE NUMBER: FL0000159-009 -IW IS/NR Progress Energy Florida ISSUANCE DATE: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1, 2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 EXPIRATION DATE: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY:

Mr. Michael Olive Manager FACILITY:

Progress Energy Florida Crystal River Plant Units 1,2 and 3 15760 West Powerline Street Crystal River, FL 34428 Citrus County Latitude: 280 58' 2" N Longitude: 82' 41' 49" W This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes (F.S.) and applicable rules of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), and constitutes authorization to discharge to waters of the state under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The Permittee is hereby authorized to operate the facilities shown on the application and other documents attached hereto or on file with the Department and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows:

Operation of an industrial wastewater treatment and disposal system to serve the referenced facility. The facility consists of two fossil fuel units (Units I and 2) and a nuclear fuel unit (Unit 3). These units have a combined maximum permitted daily discharge flow of 1,898 MGD and a total name plate rating of 1,854.8 MW. The facility discharge consists of once-through condenser cooling water, treated nuclear auxiliary cooling water, treated coal pile rainfall run off, intake screen washwater, and treated non-radioactive waste/radiation waste.

The radioactive component of the discharge is regulated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission under the Atomic Energy Act and not by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Water Act.


Wastewater treatment at the facility consists of the following: filtration and or other biocide treatment of once-through non-contact condenser cooling water (OTCW); neutralization, settling, filtration and/or oil/water separation for low volume wastes and metal cleaning wastes..


Surface Water Discharge:

An existing discharge of OTCW to the site discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class III marine water, via Outfall D-011, located approximately at latitude 28' 57'30.8" N, longitude 82' 42' 00.7" W.

An existing discharge of OTCW to the site discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class III marine water, via Outfall D-012, located approximately at latitude 280 57'31.2" N, longitude 82' 42' 03.0" W.

PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL-0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 An existing discharge of OTCW to the site discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class III marine water, via Outfall D-013, located approximately at latitude 28" 57'30.9" N, longitude 82' 41' 54.9" W.

An existing discharge of intake screen washwater to the site intake canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class III marine water, via Outfall D-091, located approximately at latitude 280 57'24 " N, longitude 82'42

'0.4" W.

An existing discharge of intake screen washwater to the site intake canal thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class

[II marine water, via Outfall D-092, located approximately at latitude 280 57'23.2 " N, longitude 82'42 '01.9" W.

An existing discharge of intake screen washwater to the site intake canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class III marine water, via Outfall D-093, located approximately at latitude 280 57'21.6 " N, longitude 82'41

'56.2" W.

An existing discharge from the ash pond to the site discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class LII marine water, via Outfall D-OC 1, located approximately at latitude 280 57'34.7 " N, longitude 82'42 '28.8" W.

An existing discharge from the wastewater pond system to the site discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class III marine water, via Outfall D-0C2, located approximately at latitude 280 57'31.0 " N, longitude 82042 '32.4" W.

An existing discharge of Nuclear Services and Decay Heat Seawater System effluent to the site discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class III marine water, via Outfall D-OOF, located approximately at latitude 28' 57'31.2 " N, longitude 82'41 '55.4" W.

An existing discharge of Coal Pile runoff (Units I and 2) to an adjacent salt marsh, a Class III marine water, via Outfall D-OH, located approximately at latitude 280 57' 08.8 " N, longitude 82042 '12.7" W.

Existing discharges of OTCW from the Helper Cooling Tower system to the site discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class III marine water, via Outfalls D-071 and D-072, located approximately at latitudes 280 57' 34.5 " N, longitude 820 42 '32.0" W, and 280 57'35.8 " N, longitude 82' 42 '48.5" W, respectively.

An existing discharge of intake screen washwater to the site discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, a Class III marine water, via Outfall D-094, located approximately at latitude 28" 57'34.4 " N, longitude 82'42

'30.4" W.

Internal Discharges An existing discharge from internal outfall I-FG Regeneration Waste Neutralization Tank to Outfall D-OOF.

An existing discharge from internal outfall I-FE Laundry and Shower Sump Tank effluent to Outfall D-OOF.

Stormwater Discharges Existing discharges of stormwater from plant areas to the site intake and discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico via Outfalls D-100, D-200, D-300, D-400, D-500. and D-600.

IN ACCORDANCE WITH: The limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions as set forth in Part I through Part VIII on pages 3 through 28 of this permit.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428

1. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements A. Surface Water Discharg~es
1. During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge once-through non-contact condenser cooling water (OTCW) from Outfalls D-011, D012, D-013 to the site discharge canal thence the Gulf of Mexico: Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Monitoring Requirements Discharge Limitations Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Daily Daily Average Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Maximum Minimum Frequency Point FIoiN (MGD) See item I.A.3. Report -- Continuous Pump logs 1.2 TFF-2 Chlorination Duration See item lA.. -- -- 2/Week Pump logs EFF-IA (MINUTES)

EFF- I B EFF-IC Oxidants, Total 0.01" Report -- 2/Week Multiple Grabs EFF-IA Residual (MG/L) EFF- IB EFF-IC Temperature (F), Water Report Report -- Continuous Recorder INT-I lintakel (DEG.F)

Temperature (F), Water 96.5, See item. Report -- Continuous Recorder EFF-3D 4

IDischargel (DEG.F) I.A.4.

Temp. Diff. between Report Report -- Continuous Recorder INT I, Intake and Discharge EFF 3D (DEG.F)

2. Effluent samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in permit condition I.A.1 and as described below:

Sample Point Description of Monitoring Location EFF-2 At combined circulating water pumps.

ELF- IA Outlet corresponding to individual condenser for Unit I EFF- 1B Outlet corresponding to individual condenser for Unit 2 EFF-IC Outlet corresponding to individual condenser for Unit 3 Flow is monitored by pump logs and/or valve position (during flow reduction season).

2 Monitoring and reporting values [or temperature, pump status and/or valve position shall be recorded at ten minute intervals.

Limitations and monitoring requirements for total residual oxidants (TRO) and time of TRO discharge for outfalls D-OI I, D-0 12, and/or D-013 are applicable only at times when OTCW is being chlorinated 4Thermal discharge from this facility is subject to the requirements of Rule 62-302.520(l), F.A.C.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FLOO00159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 Sample Point Description of Monitoring Location INT-I Intake at Unit 1, See item 7 EFF-3D At the bulkhead line which is near the down stream end of the site discharge canal.

3. Combined OTCW discharge from Units 1, 2 and 3 shall not exceed 1,897.9 MGD during the period May 1st through October 31st of each year, or 1,613.2 MGD during the remainder of the year.
4. The discharge temperature monitored at Sampling Point EFF-3D shall not exceed 96.5 0 F as a three hour rolling average.
5. Discharge of TRO from the condenser of each unit shall not exceed a maximum of 60 minutes in any calendar day, except as follows. TRO may be discharged from one or more individual condensers via outfalls D-01 1, D-012, D-013, provided that TRO discharge concentration is monitored continuously by recorder(s). Additionally, the maximum instantaneous TRO concentration at each outfall (D-01 1, D-012, or D-013) shall not exceed 0.01 mg/1.
6. Multiple grab samples shall consist of grab samples collected at the beginning of the period of chlorination discharge, and once every 15 minutes, thereafter. In addition, one grab sample shall be collected at the end of the period of chlorine discharge. The "period of chlorine discharge" refers to all chlorination conducted during a 24-hour period.
7. In the event of an equipment failure of the temperature monitor or recorder at [NT-1, temperature shall be monitored by similar instrumentation at either INT-2 or INT-3, which are the intakes for Units 2 and 3, respectively. In such a situation, the Permittee shall maintain records of the change in monitoring location for the monitoring period.

8, Intake screen washwater may be discharged from Outfalls D-091, D-092, and D-093 without limitation or monitoring requirements.

9, During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge laundry and shower wastewater from Internal Outfall I-OFE to outfall D-OOF. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Daily Average Daily Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Maximum Minimum Frequency Point Flow (MGD) Report Report -- I/Per Batch Calculation EFF-4 Oil and Grease (MG/L) 15.0 20.0 -- I/Per Batch Grab EFF-4 Solids, Total Suspended 30.0 100.0 -- I/Per Batch Grab EFF-4 (MG/L) pH (SU) -- 9.0 6.0 I/Per Batch Grab EFF-4 Number of Batches Report Report -- Monthly Log EFF-4

10. Effluent samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in permit condition I.A.9 and as described below:


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FLO000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 Sample Point Description of Monitoring Location EI'FF-4 The sample port from the laundry and shower sump tank treatment system, but prior to mixing with any other waste stream.

it. The discharge of metal cleaning wastes through this outfall is not authorized.

12. During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge process wastewater frlom Outfall D-OC I Ash Pond and D-0C2-Wastewater Pond System discharges (Unit 1 and 2 combined) to the site discharge canal thence to the Gulf of Mexico. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Daily Average Daily Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Maximum Minimum Frequency Point Flow (MGD) Report Report Daily, when Calculation EFF-5 discharging EFF-6 Oil and Grease (MG/L) -- 5.0 -- Weekly Grab EFF-5 EFF-6 Solids, Total Suspended 30.0 100.0 -- 3/Week Grab EFF-5 (MG/L) EFF-6 Arsenic, Total -- 50.0 -- Monthly Grab EFF-5 Recoverable (UG/L) EFF-6 Cadmium, otal -- 9.3 -- Monthly Grab EFF-5 Recoverable (UG/L) EFF-6 Chromium, Total -- 50.0 -- Monthly Grab EFF-5 Recoverable (UG/L) EFF-6 Copper, Total -- 3.7 -- Monthly Grab EFF-5 Recoverable (UG/L) "- E.

EFF-6 Lead, Total Recoverable -- 8.5 -- Monthly Grab EFF-5 (UG/L)

EFF-6 Iron, Total Recoverable -- 0.3 -- Monthly Grab EFF-5 (MG/L) EFF-6 Mercury, Total -- 0.025 -- Monthly Grab EFF-5 Recoverable (UG/L) EFF-6 Nickel, Total -- 8.3 -- Monthly Grab EFF-5 Recoverable (UG/L) EFF-6 Selenium, Total -- 71 -- Monthly Grab EFF-5 Recoverable (UG/L) EFF-6 PIJ Standard Units Report Report Monthly Grab INT-I 5

PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8,2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Daily Average Daily Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Maximum Minimum Frequency Point PH Standard Units, 8.5 6.5 Monthly Grab EFF-5 EFF-6 Zinc, Total Recoverable -- 86.0 -- Monthly Grab EFF-5 (UG/L) EFFI6

13. Effluent samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in permit condition I.A. 12 and as described below:

Sample Point Description of Monitoring Location INT-I Intake at unit I EFF-5 Discharge from the ash pond prior to mixing with the receiving water.

EFF-6 Discharge from wastewater pond system prior to mixing with the receiving water.

14. Limitations and monitoring are required only when the ash pond is discharging via D-OCI and/or the wastewater pond system is discharging via D-0C2.
15. During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge process wastewater from Outfall D-OOF- Nuclear Services and Decay Heat Seawater System effluent [includes discharges from outfall I-FE - Laundry and Shower Sump Tank; (LSST) outfall I-FG -Secondary Drain Tank (SDT); effluent from the Evaporator Condensate Storage Tank (ECST);

and effluent from the Condensate System (CD) to the site discharge canal and thence the Gulf of Mexico. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below.

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Daily Daily Average Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Maximum Minimum Frequency Point Flow (MGD) Report Report Hourly Recorder or INT-/A calculation Oil and Grease (mg/I) 20 15 Weekly, when Grab EFF-7B discharging (CD and ECST)

Oil and Grease (mg/I) 5.0' Weekly, when Grab EFF-7 discharging (CD and ECST)

Flow IECSTI (MGD) Report Report Daily, when Recorder or EFF-713 discharging Calculation Flow lCD Systeml Report Report Daily, when Recorder or EFF-713 (MGD) discharging Calculation Solids, Total Suspended 100.0 30.0 Weekly, when Grab EFF-7B (CD and ECST) (MG/L) discharging 1 Monitoring requirements are only applicable if the discharge from I-FE and I-FG, the CD discharge or the ECST (following adequate mixing )

exceeds the daily maximum limitation of 20.0 mg/l or a minimal dilution rate of 4 to I is not achieved as determined by the operator and recorded in logs maintained onsite for inspection by the Department.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) D)aily Daily Average Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Maximum Minimum Frequency Point Solids, Total Suspended 100.0- 30.0 Weekly, when Grab EFF-7 (CID and ECST)ID-00FI discharging (MG/L)

Copper, Total 3.7" Report Daily, when Grab EFF-7 Recoverable (UG/L) discharging Iron, Total Recoverable 300.0. Report Daily, when Grab EFF-7 (UG/I,) discharging Total Iron, LBS/MG of Report 8.345.4" Daily, when Grab EFF-713 Metal Cleaning Waste discharging generated Total Copper, LBS/MG Report 8. 34 5 "S Daily, when Grab EFF-7B of Metal Cleaning discharging Waste generated 5

Ilydrazine, MG/L Report ---- Per Occurrence Grab EFF-7B Hlydrazine, MG/L 0.34136- ---- Daily, when Calculation EFF-7 discharging 5

Flydroquinone, MG/L Report Per Occurrence Grab EFF-713 Hydroquinone, MG/L 0.-2-'6----- Daily, when Calculation EFF-7 discharging Total Ammonia (as N), Reporf Per Occurrence Grab EFF-7B MG/L Total Ammonia (as N), 0.0475'6 Daily, when Calculation EFF-7 discharging MG/L Morpholine, MG/L Report ----- Per Occurrence Grab EFF-7B Morpholine, MG/L 1.78-56 ------ Daily, when Calculation EFF-7 discharging

- Monitoring requirements only applicable if the discharge from I-FE and I-FG, the CD discharge or the ECST (following adequate mixing) exceeds the daily maximum limitation of 100.0 mg/I or a minimal dilution rate of 4 to I is not achieved as determined by the operator and recorded in logs maintained onsite for inspection by the Department.

3 Limitations and monitoring requirements lbr total iron of MCW, total copper of MCW, total recoverable copper and total recoverable iron are applicable only on any calendar day in which metal cleaning waste is discharged in the effluent from 1-FG the Evaporator Condensate Storage Tank and/or the Condensate System.

4 Limitations apply to the effluents from outfall I-FG, ECST and the Condensate System.

5Limitations apply to the ESCT, CD or I-FG discharge. containing steam generator lay up chemicals. One grab sample shall be taken from any batch potentially containing >1.0 mg/I of hydrazine, based on the operator's knowledge of the process. The measured concentrations of hydrazine, hydroquinone, ammonia and morpholine shall be reported monthly on the DMR.

6 The limitations apply at D-0F. Calculation shall be used to determine the concentration of hydroquinone, hydrazine, ammonia and morpholine at D-OF.

D-OF concentration (rag/I) = (measured concentration (mg/l)) (discharge flow)*

flow to D-OF

  • The calculation could apply to any batch which potentially contains >1.0 mg/I of hydrazine.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 IDischarge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Daily Daily Average Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Maximum Minimum Frequency Point PH1, Standard Units Report Report Daily, when Grab INT-7A discharging PH , Standard Units 8.5 6.5 Daily, when Grab EFF-7 discharging Spectrus CTI1300, See item l.A. 18 EFF-7 MG/L_

Spectrus CT' 1300 Report Report Report I/Application Grab EFF-7 (MG/L)

Whole Effluent 'oxicity Sec item l.A. 19 EFF-7 (ACUTE) vSe_____1

16. Effluent samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in permit condition I.A.15 and as described below:

Sample Point Description of Monitoring Location INT-7A Intake flow at the combined water intake pumps.

EFF-3D At the bulkhead line which is near the down stream end of the site discharge canal.

EFF-7 Prior to mixing with site discharge canal.

EFF-7B Prior to discharge to outfall D-OOF

17. Monitoring for pH in the combined discharge (D-OF) is required only during periods when I-FG and/or CD is discharging. If no discharge from I-FG or CD occurs, sampling shall be during next discharge of I-FG and/or CD into the combined discharge at D-0F.
18. Spectrus CTI300 shall be used only in accordance with the following procedures:

a.) There will be an interval of at least 21 days between any two successive applications, unless more frequent applications are requested in writing and approved in writing by the Department within 14 days of receipt of the request.

b.) CT1300 may be applied at a rate not to exceed 4.5 mg/l through the Unit 3 service water system. No application period may exceed 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br />, unless approved in writing by the Department.

c.) Progress Energy will record and retain the following information of each CTI300 treatment

1. time of initiation and completion of treatment,
2. mass and concentration of CT1300 during the test period, and
3. results of toxicity testing, if applicable.

d.) When toxicity testing is required, PEF will submit the information specified in Condition I.A.16.d. above to the Department within fourteen days of receipt.

19. The permittee shall initiate the series of tests described below beginning within 60 days of the issuance of the permit to evaluate whole effluent toxicity of the discharge from Outfall D-OOF. All test species, procedures and quality assurance criteria used shall be in accordance with Methods for Measuring Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms, 5 "hed. EPA-821-R-02-012, or the most current edition.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 The control water and the effluent used will be adjusted to an appropriate salinity using artificial sea salts as described in EPA-821-R-02-012, Section 7.4.2., or the most current edition. The appropriate tests salinity shall be determined as follows:

When the salinity of the effluent is between I and 7 parts per thousand (ppt), the following salinity adjustment shall be used in the test of 100% effluent. For the Americamysis (Mysidopsis) bahia bioassays, the effluent and the control (0% effluent) shall be adjusted to a salinity of 7+1 ppt for the 100% effluent test using artificial sea salts. No salinity adjustment shall be done for the Menidia beryllina bioassay test of the 100% effluent.

When the salinity of the effluent is greater than 7 parts per thousand, no salinity adjustment shall be made and the test shall be run at the effluent's salinity for both species.

A standard reference toxicant quality assurance (QA) acute toxicity test shall be conducted concurrently or no greater than 30 days before the date of the "routine" test, with each species used in the toxicity tests. The results of all QA toxicity tests shall be submitted with the discharge monitoring report (DMR). Any deviation from the bioassay procedures outlined herein shall be submitted in writing to the Department for review and approval prior to use.

a. (1) The permittee shall conduct 96-hour acute static renewal toxicity tests using the mysid shrimp, Americamysis (Nysidopsis) bahia, and the inland silverside, Menidia beryllina. All tests will be conducted on four separate grab samples collected at evenly-spaced (6-hr) intervals over a 24-hour period and used in four separate tests in order to catch any peaks of toxicity and to account for daily variations in effluent quality.

(2) If control mortality exceeds 10% for either species in any test, the test for that species (including the control) shall be repeated. A test will be considered valid only if control mortality does not exceed 10% for either species. If, in any separate grab sample test, 100% mortality occurs prior to the end of the test, and control mortality is less than 10% at that time, that test (including the control) shall be terminated with the conclusion that the sample demonstrates unacceptable acute toxicity.

b. (1) The toxicity tests specified above shall be conducted once every two months until 6 valid bimonthly tests are completed. These tests are referred to as "routine" tests. Upon the completion of six valid tests which demonstrate that no unacceptable toxicity (as defined in d. 1.) has been identified, the permittee may petition the Department for a reduction in monitoring frequency.

(2) Results from "routine" tests shall be reported according to EPA-821-R-02-012, Section 12, Report Preparation (or the most current edition), and shall be submitted to:

Florida Department of Environmental Protection Southwest District Office 3804 Coconut Palm Drive Tampa, Florida 33619-8378 (3) Results from "routine" tests shall be reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) as follows:

i. If greater than 50% mortality occurs in any of the four separate grab sample tests for the test species, "<100" (less than 100% effluent) should be entered on the DMR for that test species.

ii. If 50% or less mortality occurs in all four separate grab sample tests for the test species, ">100" (greater than 100% effluent) should be entered on the DMR for that test species.

iii. For each of the additional tests required, the calculated LC50 value should be entered on the DMR for that test species.

c. (1) All "routine" tests shall be conducted using a control (0% effluent) and one test concentration of 100% final effluent.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 (2) Mortalities of greater than 50% in any sample of 100% effluent in any "routine" test or an LC50 of less than 100% effluent in any additional definitive test will constitute a violation of these permit conditions and Rule 62-4.244(3)(a), F.A.C.

d. (1) If unacceptable acute toxicity (greater than 20% mortality in any grab sample of 100% effluent) is determined in a "routine" test, the permittee shall conduct three additional tests on each species indicating acute toxicity. The first additional test will include four grab samples taken as described in al. and run as four separate definitive analyses. The second and third additional definitive tests will be run on a single grab sample collected on the day and time when the greatest toxicity was identified in the "routine" test. Results for each additional test will include the determination of LC50 values with 95% confidence limits.

(2) Each additional test shall be conducted using a control (0% effluent) and a minimum of five dilutions:

100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5% and 6.25% effluent and a control (0% effluent). The dilution series may be modified in the second and third test to more accurately identify the toxicity, such that at least two dilutions above and two dilutions below the target toxicity and a control (0% effluent) are run.

(3) For each additional test, the sample collection requirements and the test acceptability criteria specified in section a. above must be met for the test to be considered valid. The first test shall begin within two weeks of the end of the "routine" tests, and shall be conducted weekly thereafter until three additional, valid tests are completed. The additional tests will be used to determine if the toxicity found in the "routine" test is still present.

(4) Results from additional tests, required due to unacceptable toxicity in the "routine" tests, shall be submitted in a single report prepared according to EPA-821-R-02-012, Section 12, or the most current edition and submitted within 45 days of completion of the third additional, valid test. If the additional tests demonstrate unacceptable toxicity, the permittee will meet with the Department within 30 days of the report submittal to identify corrective actions necessary to remedy the unacceptable toxicity.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428

20. During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge process wastewater from Internal Outfall I-OFG to Outfall D-OOF Regeneration Waste Neutralization Tank. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Limitations Monitoring Requirements Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Daily Average Daily Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Maximum Minimum Frequency Point f'low, (MGD) Report Report -- I/Batch Calculated EFF-8 Copper, Total -- 8.345' -- I/Batch Grab EFF-8 Recoverable, lbs/MG Iron, rotal Recoverable -- 8.345 -- I/Batch Grab EFF-8 lbs/MG Oil and Grease, (MG/L) 15.0 20.0 -- I/Batch Grab EFF-8 Total Suspended Solids, 30.0 100.0 --- I/Batch Grab EFF-8 MG/L PtIt, Standard Units -- 9.0 6.0 I/Batch Grab EFF-8

21. Effluent samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in permit condition I.A.20 and as described below:

Sample Point Description of Monitoring Location EFF-8 At outfall I-FG prior to mixing with outfall D-OOF

22. During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting through the expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge stormwater from Outfall D-OOH- Coal Pile Runoff (Units I and 2) to the marshy area (wetlands) west of the coal pile storage area. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Limitations Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Discharge Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Monthly Daily Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Average Maximum Minimum Frequency Point Flow (MGD) Report Daily, when Calculated EFF-9 discharging Solids, Total Suspended 50.0 Daily, when Grab EFF-9 (MG/L) See cond. 24 discharging Arsenic, Total 50. Daily, when Grab EFF-9 Recoverable (UG/L) discharging Cadmium, Total 9.30 Daily, when Grab EFF-9 Recoverable (UG/L) discharging Chromium, Total 50.0 Daily, when Grab EFF-9 Recoverable (UG/L) discharging I _ I I The limitation is applicable only when metal cleaning waste is discharged through outfall I-OFG 11

PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8,2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Monthly Daily Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Average Maximum Minimum Frequency Point Copper, Total 3.7 Daily, when Grab EFF-9 Recoverable (UG/L) discharging Iron, Total Recoverable 0.3 Daily, when Grab EFF-9 (MG/L) discharging Lead, Total Recoverable 8.5 Daily, when Grab EFF-9 (UG/L) discharging Mercury, Total 0.025 Daily, when Grab EFF-9 Recoverable (UG/L) discharging Nickel, Total 8.30 Daily, when Grab EFF-9 Recoverable (UG/L) discharging Selenium, Total 71.0 Daily, when Grab EtFF-9 Recoverable (UG/L) discharging Zinc, Total Recoverable 86.0 Daily, when Grab EFF-9 (UG/L) discharging Vanadium, Total Report -- Daily, when Grab EFF-9 Recoverable (PPM) discharging P1i(SU) 8.5 6.5 Daily, when Grab [NT-3B discharging P11(SU) 8.5 6.5 Daily, when Grab EFF-9 discharging

23. Effluent samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in permit condition I.A.22 and as described below:

Sample Point Description of Monitoring Location EFF-9 Point of discharge from the treatment system prior to entering wetlands area.

INT-3B Intake at Unit 2

24. The treatment system (coal pile storage area) shall be capable of containing a 10 year, 24-hour (10Y 24H) rainfall event. The limitation for total suspended solids of 50 mg/I shall apply only to discharges resulting from rainfall less than a 10-year 24 -hour rainfall event.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FLOO00159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428

25. During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge once-through non-contact cooling water from Outfalls D-071 and D-072 Helper Cooling Tower to the site discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Daily Daily Average Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Maximum Minimum Frequency Point Intake Flow (MGD) Report Report -- Continuous Pump logs INT-IOA Oxidants, Total 0.01' Report -- Continuous Recorder EFF-10B Residual (MG/L)

TRO-Discharge Time 60.0, see cond. -- -- Continuous Recorder EFF-10 B (MIN/DAY) I.A.28.

pHl(SU) Report -- Report Quarterly Grab INT- 10A PHi (SU) 8.5 -- 6.5 Quarterly Grab EFF-10B

26. Effluent samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in permit condition I.A.25 and as described below:

Sample Point Description of Monitoring Location INT-10A Common Intake for all helper cooling tower intake pumps EFF-10A At Outfall D-071 from helper cooling towers I and 2 to the site discharge canal.

EFF-10B At Outfall D-072 fiorm helper cooling towers 3 and 4 to the site discharge canal.

27. Cooling towers shall be operated as necessary to ensure that the discharge temperature at Sampling Location EFF-3D does not exceed 96.5 F as a three-hour rolling average.
28. TRO may be discharged from either or both Outfalls D-071 and D-072 at the same time TRO is discharged from Outfalls D-0 11, D-012, and D-013, provided that TRO discharge from either D-071 or D-072 does not exceed a maximum instantaneous concentration of 0.01 mg/I.
29. Monitoring requirements are only applicable during periods of discharge.
30. During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge intake screen wash waste water from Outfall D-094 to the site discharge canal thence the Gulf of Mexico without limitation or monitoring requirements.
31. During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge stormwater from Outfalls D-100, D-200, D-300, D-400, and D-500 to the site discharge canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico without limitation or monitoring requirements.
32. During the period beginning on the issuance date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge storm water from Outfall D-600 Plant Area to the site intake canal and thence to the Gulf of Mexico. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

I Limitations and monitoring requirements for TRO and time of TRO discharge for outfall D-071 and outfall D-072 are not applicable for any calendar day in which chlorine is not added.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Parameters (units) Daily Daily Daily Monitoring Sample Type Sample Maximum Minimum Frequency Point Flow (MGD) -- Report Monthly, when Calculated EFF-600 discharging Total recoverable iron Report Monthly, when Grab EFF-600 (UG/L) discharging

33. Effluent samples shall be taken at the monitoring site locations listed in permit condition I.A.32 and as described below:

Sample Point Description of Monitoring Location EFF-600 Prior to discharge from Outfall D-600 to the intake canal.

34. Stormwater from No. 2 Fuel Oil Tank Diked Petroleum Storage or Handling Area
a. Permittee is authorized to discharge stormwater from diked petroleum storage or handling areas, provided the following conditions are met:
b. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:
1. The facility shall have a valid SPCC Plan pursuant to 40 CFR 112.
2. In draining the diked area, a portable oil skimmer or similar device or absorbent material shall be used to remove oil and grease (as indicated by the presence of a sheen) immediately prior to draining.
3. Monitoring records shall be maintained in the form of a log and shall contain the following information, as a minimum:

a.) Date and time of discharge, b.) Estimated volume of discharge, c.) Initials of person making visual inspection and authorizing discharge, and d.) Observed conditions of storm water discharged.

4. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts and no discharge of a visible oil sheen at any time.
35. As specified above, sampling for the storm water discharge shall be conducted once per discharge event.
36. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.
37. The discharge shall not cause a visible sheen on the receiving water.

B. Underground Injection Control Systems This section is not applicable to this facility.

C. Land Application Systems The land application system for this facility is regulated under separate Department Permit FLA0169690 14

PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 D. Other Methods of Disposal or RecyclinlZ There shall be no discharge of industrial wastewater from this facility to ground or surface waters, except as authorized by this permit.

E. Other Limitations and Monitoring and Reporting, Requirements

1. The sample collection, analytical test methods and method detection limits (MDLs) applicable to this permit shall be in accordance with Rule 62-4.246, Chapters62-160 and 62-601, F.A.C., and 40 CFR 136, as appropriate. The list of Department established analytical methods, and corresponding MDLs (method detection limits) and PQLs (practical quantification limits), which is titled "Florida Department of Environmental Protection Table as Required By Rule 62-4.246(4) Testing Methods for Discharges to Surface Water" dated June 21, 1996, is available from the Department on request. The MDLs and PQLs as described in this list shall constitute the minimum acceptable MDL/PQL values and the Department shall not accept results for which the laboratory's MDLs or PQLs are greater than those described above unless alternate MDLs and/or PQLs have been specifically approved by the Department for this permit. Any method included in the list may be used for reporting as long as it meets the following requirements:

The laboratory's reported MDL and PQL values for the particular method must be equal or less than the corresponding method values specified in the Department's approved MDL and PQL list;

b. The laboratory reported PQL for the specific parameter is less than or equal to the permit limit or the applicable water quality criteria, if any, stated in Chapter 62-302, F.A.C. Parameters that are listed as "report only" in the permit shall use methods that provide a PQL, which is equal to or less than the applicable water quality criteria stated in 62-302 FAC; and
c. If the PQLs for all methods available in the approved list are above the stated permit limit or applicable water quality criteria for that parameter, then the method with the lowest stated PQL shall be used.

Where the analytical results are below method detection or practical quantification limits, the permittee shall report the actual laboratory MDL and/or PQL values for the analyses that were performed following the instructions on the applicable discharge monitoring report. Approval of alternate laboratory MDLs or PQLs are not necessary if the laboratory reported MDLs and PQLs are less than or equal to the permit limit or the applicable water quality criteria, if any, stated in Chapter 62-302, F.A.C. However, where necessary, the permittee may request approval for alternative methods or for alternative MDLs and PQLs for any approved analytical method, in accordance with the criteria of Rules62-160.520 and 62-160.530, F.A.C.

2. Parameters which must be monitored as a result of a surface water discharge shall be analyzed using a sufficiently sensitive method in accordance with 40 CFR Part 136.
3. Monitoring requirements under this permit are effective on the first day of the second month following permit issuance. Until such time, the permittee shall continue to monitor and report in accordance with previously effective permit requirements, if any. During the period of operation authorized by this permit, the permittee shall complete and submit to the Southwest District Office Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) in accordance with the frequencies specified by the REPORT type (i.e., monthly, toxicity, quarterly, semiannual, annual, etc.) indicated on the DMR forms attached to this permit. Monitoring results for each monitoring period shall be submitted in accordance with the associated DMR due dates below.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FLO000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8,2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 REPORT Type Monitoring Period DMR Due Date On DMR Monthly or First day of month - last day of month 2 8th day of following month Toxicity Quarterly January 1 - March 31 April 28 April 1 - June 30 July 28 July 1 - September 30 October 28 October 1 - December 31 January 28 Semi Annual January I-June 30 July 28 July 1- December 31 January 28 Annual January 1-December 31 January 28 DMRs shall be submitted for each required monitoring period including months of no discharge.

The permittee shall make copies of the attached DMR form(s) and shall submit the completed DMR form(s) to the Department at the address specified below:

Florida Department of Environmental Protection Wastewater Compliance Evaluation Section, Mail Station 3550 Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400

4. Unless specified otherwise in this permit, all reports and notifications required by this permit, including twenty-four hour notifications, shall be submitted to or reported to the Southwest District Office at the address specified below:

Southwest District Office 3804 Coconut Palm Drive.

Tampa, Florida 33619-8378 Phone Number-(813) 744-6100 FAX Number - (8,13) 744-8198 (All FAX copies shall be followed by original copies.)

5. All reports and other information shall be signed in accordance with requirements of Rule 62-620.305, F.A.C
6. The permittee shall provide safe access points for obtaining representative samples which are required by this perm it.
7. If there is no discharge from the facility on a day scheduled for sampling, the sample shall be collected on the day of the next discharge
8. There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds.
9. Discharge of any product registered under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act to any waste stream which ultimately may be released to waters of the State is prohibited unless specifically authorized elsewhere in this permit. This requirement is not applicable to products used for lawn and agricultural purposes or to the use of herbicides if used in accordance with labeled instructions and any applicable State permit.

A permit revision from the Department shall be required prior to the use of any biocide or chemical additive used in the cooling system or any other portion of the treatment system which may be toxic to aquatic life. The permit revision request shall include:


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428

a. Name and general composition of biocide or chemical
b. Frequencies of use
c. Quantities to be used
d. Proposed effluent concentrations
e. Acute and/or chronic toxicity data (laboratory reports shall be prepared according to Section 12 of EPA document no. EPA/600/4-90/027 entitled, Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters for Freshwater and Marine Organisms, or most current addition.)
f. Product data sheet
g. Product label The Department shall review the above information to determine if a substantial or minor permit revision is necessary. Discharge associated with the use of such biocide or chemical is not authorized without a permit revision by the Department. Permit revisions shall be processed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 62-620, F.A.C.
10. Discharge of any waste resulting from the combustion of toxic, hazardous, or metal cleaning wastes to any waste stream which ultimately discharges to waters of the State is prohibited, unless specifically authorized elsewhere in this permit.
11. Any bypass of the treatment facility which is not included in the monitoring specified in LA, I.B, I.C, or L.D, is to be monitored for flow and all other required parameters. For parameters other than flow, at least one grab sample per day shall be monitored. Daily flow shall be monitored or estimated, as appropriate , to obtain reportable data. All monitoring results shall be reported on the appropriate DMR.
12. The Permittee shall continue compliance with the facility's Manatee Protection Plan approved by the Department on May 15, 2002.
13. -Combined Waste Streams In the event that waste streams from various sources are combined for treatment or discharge, the quantity of each pollutant or pollutant property attributable to each controlled waste source shall not exceed the specified limitation for that waste source (ref. 40 CFR Section 423.15(k);1974).
14. Condenser Maintenance Program a.) The permittee is authorized to use SIDTEC, a mechanical on-line condenser maintenance service program at Units 1 and 2.

b.) The permittee is authorized to use the existing Amertap Condenser Cleaning System at Unit 3, or an equivalent system. However, any substantive change to the cleaning ball devices or ball retrieval system is subject to approval by the Department..

15. The permittee shall develop a Plan of Study (POS) for seagrass monitoring pursuant to the schedule in Item VI.2, including a proposed implementation schedule, for continued monitoring of seagrass recovery. The Department will review the evaluation plan and implementation schedule for revision, as needed
16. The Permittee shall develop an evaluation plan in accordance with Rule 62-302.520(1), F.A.C., pursuant to the schedule in item VI. 3, including a proposed implementation schedule, designed to determine any effects on biological communities from the heated water discharge to Crystal Bay. The plan shall address monitoring of submerged grasses, benthic macroinvertebrates, and other aquatic species as appropriate, and shall include reporting requirements. The evaluation plan shall incorporate existing data developed by the Permittee and available data other sources as well as any additional monitoring to be conducted by the Permittee, if necessary.

The Department will review the evaluation plan and implementation schedule for revision, as needed.

17. The Permittee is authorized to use the following previously approved chemical additives and biocides: Spectrus CT-1300, Dianodic DN2140, Spectrus NXL 103, Spectrus NX1 100, and Foamtrol AF1440.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 II. Industrial Sludge Management Requirements This section not applicable to this facility.

III. Ground Water Monitoring Requirements This section is not applicable to this facility.

IV. Other Land Application Requirements Land application requirements for this facility are regulated by separate Department permit FLA016960.

V. Operation and Maintenance Requirements A. Operation of Treatment and Disposal Facilities

1. The permittee shall ensure that the operation of this facility is as described in the application and supporting documents.
2. The operation of the pollution control facilities described in this permit shall be under the supervision of a person who is qualified by formal training and/or practical experience in the field of water pollution control.

B. Record keeping Requirements:

1. The permittee shall maintain the following records on the site of the permitted facility and make them available for inspection:
a. Records of all compliance monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, including, if applicable, a copy of the laboratory certification showing the certification number of the laboratory, for at least three years from the date the sample or measurement was taken;
b. Copies of all reports, other than those required in items a. and f. of this section, required by the permit for at least three years from the date the report was prepared, unless otherwise specified by Department rule;
c. Records of all data, including reports and documents used to complete the application for the permit for at least three years from the date the application was filed, unless otherwise specified by Department rule;
d. A copy of the current permit;
e. A copy of any required record drawings;
f. Copies of the logs and schedules showing plant operations and equipment maintenance for three years from the date on the logs or schedule.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 VI. Schedules

1. A Best Management Practices Pollution Prevention (BMP3) Plan shall be prepared and implemented in accordance with Part VII of this permit and the following schedule:

Action Item Scheduled Completion Date I Continue Implementing Existing BMP3 Plan Issuance Date of Permit

2. Within three months after issuance of this permit, the Permittee shall meet with the Department to discuss the content of a Plan of Study (POS) for a seagrass study in accordance with the requirements of Item I.E.15, and shall submit the POS within six months of issuance of this permit.
3. Within six months after issuance of this permit, the Permittee shall meet with the Department to discuss the content of a Plan of Study (POS) for biological monitoring in accordance with the requirements of Item I.E.16, and shall submit the POS within twelve months of issuance of this permit.
4. The permittee shall achieve compliance with the other conditions of this permit as follows:

Operational level attained Issuance Date of permit

5. No later than 14 calendar days following a date identified in the above schedule(s) of compliance, the permittee shall submit either a report of progress or, in the case of specific actions being required by an identified date, a written notice of compliance or noncompliance. In the latter case, the notice shall include the cause of noncompliance, any remedial actions taken, and the probability of meeting the next scheduled requirement
6. The permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR part 125.9(a)(1) and (2) no later than upon submittal of a timely application for permit renewal, submitted pursuant to the requirements of condition VII.C.

of this permit.

VII. Other Specific Conditions A. Specific Conditions Applicable to All Permits

1. Drawings, plans, documents or specifications submitted by the permittee, not attached hereto, but retained on file at the Southwest District Office, are made a part hereof.
2. Where required by Chapter 471 (P.E.) or Chapter 492 (P.G.) Florida Statutes, applicable portions of reports to be submitted under this permit, shall be signed and sealed by the professional(s) who prepared them.
3. This permit satisfies Industrial Wastewater program permitting requirements only and does not authorize operation of this facility prior to obtaining any other permits required by local, state or federal agencies.

B. Specific Conditions Related to Construction This section is not applicable to this facility.

C. Duty to Reapply

1. The permittee shall submit an application to renew this permit at least 180 days before the expiration date of this permit.
2. The permittee shall apply for renewal of this permit on the appropriate form listed in Rule 62-620.910, F.A.C.,

and in the manner established in Chapter 62-620, F.A.C., and the Department of Environmental Protection 19

PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 Guide to Wastewater Permitting including submittal of the appropriate processing fee set forth in Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C.

3. An application filed in accordance with subsections 1. and 2. of this part shall be considered timely and sufficient. When an application for renewal of a permit is timely and sufficient, the existing permit shall not expire until the Department has taken final action on the application for renewal or until the last day for seeking judicial review of the agency order or a later date fixed by order of the reviewing court.
4. The late submittal of a renewal application shall be considered timely and sufficient for the purpose of extending the effectiveness of the expiring permit only if it is submitted and made complete before the expiration date.

D. Specific Conditions Related to Best Manapement Practices/Pollution Prevention Conditions I. General Conditions In accordance with Section 304(e) and 402(a)(2) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) as amended, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq., and the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§ 13101-13109, the permittee must develop and implement a plan for utilizing practices incorporating pollution prevention measures. References to be considered in developing the plan are "Criteria and Standards for Best Management Practices Authorized Under Section 304(e) of the Act," found at 40 CFR 122.44 Subpart K and the Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment Manual, EPA/625/7-88/003.

a. Definitions (1) The term "pollutants" refers to conventional, non-conventional and toxic pollutants.

(2) Conventional pollutants are: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids, pH, fecal coliform bacteria and oil & grease.

(3) Non-conventional pollutants are those which are not defined as conventional or toxic.

(4) Toxic pollutants include, but are not limited to: (a) any toxic substance listed in Section 307(a)(l ) of the CWA, any hazardous substance listed in Section 311 of the CWA, or chemical listed in Section 313(c) of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986; and (b) any substance (that is not also a conventional or non-conventional pollutant except ammonia) for which EPA has published an acute or chronic toxicity criterion.

(5) "Pollution prevention" and "waste minimization" refer to the first two categories of EPA's preferred hazardous waste management strategy: first, source reduction and then, recycling.

(6) "Recycle/Reuse" is defined as the minimization of waste generation by recovering and reprocessing usable products that might otherwise become waste; or the reuse or reprocessing of usable waste products in place of the original stock, or for other purposes such as material recovery, material regeneration or energy production.

(7) "Source reduction" means any practice which: (a) reduces the amount of any pollutant entering a waste stream or otherwise released into the environment (including fugitive emissions) prior to recycling, treatment or disposal; and (b) reduces the hazards to public health and the environment associated wilh the release of such pollutant. The term includes equipment or technology modifications, process or procedure modifications, reformulation or redesign of products, substitution of raw materials, and improvements in housekeeping, maintenance, training, or inventory control. It does not include any practice which alters the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics or the volume of a pollutant through a process or activity which itself is not integral to, or previously considered necessary for, the production of a product or the providing of a service.

(8) "BMP3" means a Best Management Plan incorporating the requirements of 40 CFR § 122.44, Subpart K, plus pollution prevention techniques associated with a Waste Minimization Assessment.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 (9) "Waste Minimization Assessment" means a systematic planned procedure with the objective of identifying ways to reduce or eliminate waste.

2. Best Management Practices/Pollution Prevention Plan The permittee shall develop and implement a BMP3 plan for the facility which is the source of wastcwatcr and storm water discharges covered by this permit. The plan shall be directed toward reducing those pollutants of concern which discharge to surface waters and shall be prepared in accordance with good engineering and good housekeeping practices. For the purposes of this permit, pollutants of concern shall be limited to toxic pollutants, as defined above, known to the discharger. The plan shall address all activities which could or do contribute these pollutants to the surface water discharge, including process, treatment, and ancillary activities.

The BMP3 plan shall contain the following components:

a. Signatory Authority & Management Responsibilities The BMP3 plan shall be signed by the permittee or their duly authorized representative in accordance with rYue 62-620.305(2)(a) and (b). The BMP3 plan shall be reviewed by the plant environmental/engineering staff and plant manager. Where required by Chapter 471 (P.E.) or Chapter 492 (P.G.) Florida Statutes, applicable portions of the BMP3 plan shall be signed and sealed by the professional(s) who prepared them.

A copy of the plan shall be retained at the facility and shall be made available to the Department upon request.

The BMP3 plan shall contain a written statement from corporate or plant management indicating management's commitment to the goals of the BMP3 program. Such statements shall be publicized or made known to all facility employees. Management shall also provide training for the individuals responsible for implementing the BMP3 plan.

b. BMP3 Plan Requirements (1) Name & description of facility, a map illustrating the location of the facility & adjacent receiving waters, and other maps, plot plans or drawings, as necessary; (2) Overall objectives (both short-term and long-term) and scope of the plan, specific reduction goals for pollutants, anticipated dates of achievement of reduction, and a description of means for achieving each reduction goal; (3) A description of procedures relative to spill prevention, control & countermeasures and a description of measures employed to prevent storm water contamination; (4) A description of practices involving preventive maintenance, housekeeping, recordkeeping, inspections, and plant security; and
c. Waste Minimization Assessment The permittee is encouraged but not required to conduct a waste minimization assessment (WMA) for this facility to determine actions that could be taken to reduce waste loadings and chemical losses to all wastewater and/or storm water streams as described in Part VLI.D.3 of this permit.

If the Permittee elects to develop and implement a WMA, information on plan components can be obtained from the Department's Industrial Wastewater website, or from:


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 PO. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Industrial Wastewater Section, Mail Station 3545 Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 (850) 245-8589 (850) 245-8669 -- Fax

d. Best Management Practices & Pollution Prevention Committee Recommended:

A Best Management Practices Committee (Committee) should be established to direct or assist in the implementation of the BMP3 plan. The Committee should be comprised of individuals within the plant organization who are responsible for developing the BMP3 plan and assisting the plant manager in its implementation, monitoring of success, and revision. The activities and responsibilities of the Committee should address all aspects of the facility's BMP3 plan. The scope of responsibilities of the Committee should be described in the plan.

e. Employee Training Employee training programs shall inform personnel at all levels of responsibility of the components &

goals of the BMP3 plan and shall describe employee responsibilities for implementing the plan. Training shall address topics such as good housekeeping, materials management, record keeping & reporting, spill prevention & response, as well as specific waste reduction practices to be employed. Training shall also disclose how individual employees may contribute suggestions concerning the BMP3 plan or suggestions regarding Pollution Prevention. The plan shall identify periodic dates for such training.

f Plan Development & Implementation The BMP3 plan shall be implemented upon the effective date of this permit, unless any later dates are specified in this permit. If a WMA is ongoing at the time of development or implementation it may be described in the plan. Any waste reduction practice which is recommended for implementation over a period of time may also be identified in the plan, including a schedule for its implementation.

g. Submission of Plan Summary & Progress/Update Reports (1) Plan Summary: Not later than 2 years after the effective date of the permit, a summary of the BMP3 plan shall be developed and maintained at the facility and made available to the Department upon request. The summary shall include the following: a brief description of the plan, its implementation process, schedules for implementing identified waste reduction practices, and a list of all waste reduction practices being employed at the facility. The results of WMA studies, as well as scheduled WMA activities may be discussed.

(2) Progress/Update Reports: Annually thereafter for the duration of the permit progress/update reports documenting implementation of the plan shall be maintained at the facility and made available to the Department upon request. The reports shall discuss whether or not implementation schedules were met and revise any schedules, as necessary. The plan shall also be updated as necessary and the attainment or progress made toward specific pollutant reduction targets documented. Results of any ongoing WMA studies as well as any additional schedules for implementation of waste reduction practices may be included.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FLO000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 (3) A recommended timetable for the various plan requirements follows:

Timetable for BMP3 Plan:


Progress/Update Reports 3 years, and then annually thereafter The permittee shall maintain the plan and subsequent reports at the facility and shall make the plan available to the Department upon request.

h. Plan Review & Modification If following review by the Department, the BMP3 plan is determined insufficient, the permittee will be notified that the BMP3 plan does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of this Part. Upon such notification from the Department, the permittee shall amend the plan and shall submit to the Department a written certification that the requested changes have been made. Unless otherwise provided by the Department, the permittee shall have 30 days after such notification to make the changes necessary.

The permittee shall modify the BMP3 plan whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance, which has a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to waters of the State or if the plan proves to be ineffective in achieving the general objectives of reducing pollutants in wastewater or storm water discharges. Modifications to the plan may be reviewed by the Department in the same manner as described above.

E. Specific Conditions Related to Existing Manufacturing. Commercial, Mining. and Silviculture Wastewater Facilities or Activities I. Existing manufacturing, commercial, mining, and silvicultural wastewater facilities or activities that discharge into surface waters shall notify the Department as soon as they know or have reason to believe:

a. That any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in the discharge, on a routine or frequent basis, of any toxic pollutant which is not limited in the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following levels (1) One hundred micrograms per liter, (2) Two hundred micrograms per liter for acrolein and acrylonitrile; five hundred micrograms per liter for 2,4-dinitrophenol and for 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol; and one milligram per liter for antimony, or (3) Five times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application.
b. That any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in any discharge, on a non-routine or infrequent basis, of a toxic pollutant which is not limited in the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following levels (1) Five hundred micrograms per liter, (2) One milligram per liter for antimony, or (3) Ten times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application.


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 F. Reopener Clause

1. The permit shall be revised, or alternatively, revoked and reissued in accordance with the provisions contained in Rules62-620.325 and 62-620.345 F.A.C., if applicable, or to comply with any applicable effluent standard or limitation issued or approved under Sections 301(b)(2)(C) and (D), 304(b)(2) and 307(a)(2) of the Clean Water Act (the Act), as amended, if the effluent standards, limitations, or water quality standards so issued or approved:
a. Contains different conditions or is otherwise more stringent than any condition in the permit/or;
b. Controls any pollutant not addressed in the permit.

The permit as revised or reissued under this paragraph shall contain any other requirements then applicable.

2. The permit may be reopened to adjust effluent limitations or monitoring requirements should future Water Quality Based Effluent Limitation determinations, water quality studies, DEP approved changes in water quality standards, or other information show a need for a different limitation or monitoring requirement.
3. The Department may develop a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) during the life of the permit. Once a TMDL has been established and adopted by rule, the Department shall revise this permit to incorporate the final findings of the TMDL.

V11i. General Conditions

1. The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations and restrictions set forth in this permit are binding and enforceable pursuant to Chapter 403, F.S. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of Chapter 403, F.S., and is grounds for enforcement action, permit termination, permit revocation and reissuance, or permit revision. [62-620.610(1), F.A.C.]
2. This pennit is valid only for the specific processes and operations applied for and indicated in the approved drawings or exhibits. Any unauthorized deviation from the approved drawings, exhibits, specifications or conditions of this permit constitutes grounds for revocation and enforcement action by the Department. [62-620.610(2), F.A.C.]
3. As provided in Subsection 403.087(6), F.S., the issuance of this permit does not convey any vested rights or any exclusive privileges. Neither does it authorize any injury to public or private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor authorize any infringements of federal, state, or local laws or regulations. This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other Department permit or authorization that may be required for other aspects of the total project which are not addressed in this permit. [62-620.610(3), F.A.C.]
4. This permit conveys no title to land or water, does not constitute state recognition or acknowledgment of title, and does not constitute authority for the use of submerged lands unless herein provided and the necessary title or leasehold interests have been obtained from the State. Only the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund may express State opinion as to title. [62-620.610(4), F.A.C.]
5. This permit does not relieve the permittee from liability and penalties for harm or injury to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property caused by the construction or operation of this permitted source; nor does it allow the permittee to cause pollution in contravention of Florida Statutes and Department rules, unless specifically authorized by an order from the Department. The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge, reuse of reclaimed water, or residuals use or disposal in violation of this permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. [62-620.610(5), F.AC.]
6. If the permittee wishes to continue an activity regulated by this permit after its expiration date, the permittee shall apply for and obtain a new permit. [62-620.610(6), F.A.C.]


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000 159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428

7. The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the facility and systems of treatment and control, and related appurtenances, that are installed and used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit. This provision includes the operation of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systems when necessary to maintain or achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit. [62-620.610(7),

F.A. C.]

8. This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit revision, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any permit condition. [62-620.610(8), F.A.C.]
9. The permittee, by accepting this permit, specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel, including an authorized representative of the Department and authorized EPA personnel, when applicable, upon presentation of credentials or other documents as may be required by law, and at reasonable times, depending upon the nature of the concern being investigated, to a, Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility, system, or activity is located or conducted, or where records shall be kept under the conditions of this permit;
b. Have access to and copy any records that shall be kept under the conditions of this permit;
c. Inspect the facilities, equipment, practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit; and
d. Sample or monitor any substances or parameters at any location necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules.

[62-620.610(9), F.A.C.]

10. In accepting this permit, the permittee understands and agrees that all records, notes, monitoring data, and other information relating to the construction or operation of this permitted source which are submitted to the Department may be used by the Department as evidence in any enforcement case involving the permitted source arising under the Florida Statutes or Department rules, except as such use is proscribed by Section 403.111, Florida Statutes, or Rule 62-620.302, F.A.C. Such evidence shall only be used to the extent that it is consistent with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and applicable evidentiary rules. [62-620.610(10), F.A.C.]
11. When requested by the Department, the permittee shall within a reasonable time provide any information required by law which is needed to determine whether there is cause for revising, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit, or to determine compliance with the permit. The permittee shall also provide to the Department upon request copies of records required by this permit to be kept. If the permittee becomes aware of relevant facts that were not submitted or were incorrect in the permit application or in any report to the Department, such facts or information shall be promptly submitted or corrections promptly reported to the Department. [62-620.610(11), FA.C.]
12. Unless specifically stated otherwise in Department rules, the permittee, in accepting this permit, agrees to comply with changes in Department rules and Florida Statutes after a reasonable time for compliance; provided however, the permittee does not waive any other rights granted by Florida Statutes or Department rules. A reasonable time for compliance with a new or amended surface water quality standard, other than those standards addressed in Rule 62-302.500, F.A.C., shall include a reasonable time to obtain or be denied a mixing zone for the new or amended standard. [62-620.610(12), F.A.C.]
13. The permittee, in accepting this permit, agrees to pay the applicable regulatory program and surveillance fee in accordance with Rule 62-4.052, F.A.C. [62-620.610(13), F.A.C.]
14. This permit is transferable only upon Department approval in accordance with Rule 62-620.340, F.A.C. The permittee shall be liable for any noncompliance of the permitted activity until the Department approves the transfer. [62-620.610(14), F.A.C.]
15. The permittee shall give the Department written notice at least 60 days before inactivation or abandonment of a wastewater facility and shall specify what steps will be taken to safeguard public health and safety during and following inactivation or abandonment. [62-620.610(15), F.A.C.]


PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FLO000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428

16. The permittee shall apply for a revision to the Department permit in accordance with Rule 62-620.300, F.A.C.,

and the Department of Environmental Protection Guide to Wastewater Permitting at least 90 days before construction of any planned substantial modifications to the permitted facility is to commence or with Rule 62-620.325(2), F.A.C., for minor modifications to the permitted facility. A revised permit shall be obtained before construction begins except as provided in Rule 62-620.300, F.A.C. [62-620.610(16), F.A.C.]

17. The permittee shall give advance notice to the Department of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with permit requirements. The permittee shall be responsible for any and all damages which may result from the changes and may be subject to enforcement action by the Department for penalties or revocation of this permit. The notice shall include the following information:
a. A description of the anticipated noncompliance;
b. The period of the anticipated noncompliance, including dates and times; and
c. Steps being taken to prevent future occurrence of the noncompliance.

[62-620.610(17), F.A.C.]

18. Sampling and monitoring data shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with Rule 62-4.246, Chapters62-160 and 62-601, F.A.C., and 40 CFR 136, as appropriate.
a. Monitoring results shall be reported at the intervals specified elsewhere in this permit and shall be reported on a Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR), DEP Form 62-620.910(10).
b. If the permittee monitors any contaminate more frequently than required by the permit, using Department approved test procedures, the results of this monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the DMR.
c. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall use an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified in this permit.
d. Any laboratory test required by this permit shall be performed by a laboratory that has been certified by the Department of Health (DOH) under Chapter 64E-1, F.A.C., where such certification is required by Rule 62-160.300(4), F.A.C. The laboratory must be certified for any specific method and analyte combination that is used to comply with this permit. For domestic wastewater facilities, the on-site test procedures specified in Rule 62-160.300(4), F.A.C., shall be performed by a laboratory certified test for those parameters or under the direction of an operator certified under Chapter 62-602, F.A.C.
e. Fields activities including on-site tests and sample collection, whether performed by a laboratory or a certified operator, must follow the applicable procedures described in DEP-SOP-001/01 (January 2002).

Alternate field procedures and laboratory methods may be used where they have been approved according to the requirements of Rules62-160.220,62-160.330, and 62-160.600, F.A.C.

[62-620.610(18), F.A.C.]

19. Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule detailed elsewhere in this permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date. [62-620.610(19), F.A.C.]
20. The permittee shall report to the Department's Southwest District Office any noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within five days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain: a description of the noncompliance and its cause; the period of noncompliance including exact dates and time, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance.
a. The following shall be included as information which must be reported within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> under this condition:

(1) Any unanticipated bypass which causes any reclaimed water or effluent to exceed any permit limitation or results in an unpermitted discharge, 26

PERMITTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration date: May 8, 2010 St. Petersburg, FL 34428 (2) Any upset which causes any reclaimed water or the effluent to exceed any limitation in the permit, (3) Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation for any of the pollutants specifically listed in the permit for such notice, and (4) Any unauthorized discharge to surface or ground waters.

b. Oral reports as required by this subsection shall be provided as follows:

(1) For unauthorized releases or spills of untreated or treated wastewater reported pursuant to subparagraph a.4 that are in excess of 1,000 gallons per incident, or where information indicates that public health or the environment will be endangered, oral reports shall be provided to the Department by calling the STATE WARNING POINT TOLL FREE NUMBER (800) 320-0519, as soon as practical, but no later than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the discharge. The permittee, to the extent known, shall provide the following information to the State Warning Point:

(a) Name, address, and telephone number of person reporting; (b) Name, address, and telephone number of permittee or responsible person for the discharge; (c) Date and time of the discharge and status of discharge (ongoing or ceased);

(d) Characteristics of the wastewater spilled or released (untreated or treated, industrial or domestic wastewater);

(e) Estimated amount of the discharge; (0 Location or address of the discharge; (g) Source and cause of the discharge; (h) Whether the discharge was contained on-site, and cleanup actions taken to date; (i) Description of area affected by the discharge, including name of water body affected, if any; and j) Other persons or agencies contacted.

(2) Oral reports, not otherwise required to be provided pursuant to subparagraph b(1) above, shall be provided to Department's Southwest District Office within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances.

c. If the oral report has been received within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, the noncompliance has been corrected, and the noncompliance did not endanger health or the environment, the Department's Southwest District Office shall waive the written report.

[62-620.610(20), F.A.C.]

21. The permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under Conditions VIII. 18 and 19 of this permit at the time monitoring reports are submitted. This report shall contain the same information required by Condition VIII. 20. of this permit. [62-620.610(21), F.A.C.]
22. Bypass Provisions.
a. Bypass is prohibited, and the Department may take enforcement action against a permittee for bypass, unless the permittee affirmatively demonstrates that:

(1) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage; and (2) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance; and (3) The permittee submitted notices as required under Condition VIII.22.b. of this permit.

b. If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice to the Department, if possible at least 10 days before the date of the bypass. The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of learning about the bypass as required in Condition VIII.20. of this permit. A notice shall include a description of the bypass and its cause; the period of the bypass, including exact dates and times; if the bypass has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the bypass.


PERMiTTEE: PERMIT NUMBER: FL0000159 Progress Energy Florida Issuance date: May 9, 2005 Crystal River Units 1,2, and 3 P.O. Box 14042 Expiration d&te: May 8, 20.10 St. Petersburg, FL 34428

c. The Department shall approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effect, if the pernmttee demonstrates that it will meet the three conditions listed in Condition VfI,.22 a. (1) through (3) of this permit.
d. A pernittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause reclaimed water or effluent limitations to be exceeded if it is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the prov'ision of Condition VL1.22,a, through c. of this permlit.

f62-620.610(22), A. C.]

23. Upset Provisions
a. A penrittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that-(1) An upset occurred and that the permittee can identify the caUse(s) of the upset;

.(2) Thepermitted facility was at the time being properly operated;

'(3) The permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Condition V1II.20. of this permit; .and (4) -The permittee complied with any. remedial measures requited under Condition VIII.5. of this permit.

b. In any enforcemenit proceeding, the permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof.
c. Before an enforcement'proceeding is instituted, no representation made during the Department review of a claim that noncompliance was caused by an upset is final agency action subject to judicial review.

[62-620.610(23), FA. C.]

Executed in Tallahassee,. Florida.


ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Director Division of Water Resource Management 2600 Blair StoneRoad Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 (850) 245-8336 28