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DPO-2006-002: DPO Milestones and Timeliness Goals
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/18/2006
DPO-2006-002, FOIA/PA-2007-0162
Download: ML071150218 (1)


DPO-2006-002: Oconee ECCS Sump Screens


This DPO raises concerns about new ECCS sump screens at the Oconee facility. The submitter contends that the new sump screens can be impacted by jet impingement from an RCS cold leg break (LOCA) and that the licensee should be required to perform an analysis (per GDC-4) prior to installation.

Assigned to: Jim Dyer, NRR OD DPO Milestones and Timeliness Goals N DPO Milestone Timeliness Actual Goals Date Individual submits DPO (NRC Form 680) None 05/12/2006 DPOPM screens and accepts DPO 8 CDs 05/12/2006 DPOPM assigns DPO to OD or RA 5 CDs 05/22/2006 OD or RA establishes DPO Panel1 14 CDs 06/02/2006 DPO Panel meets with submitter 2 8 CDs 07/20/2006 DPO Panel collects, reviews, and evaluates information 30 - 90 CDs 07/20/2006 08/15/2006 DPO Panel writes report 30 CDs In Process OD or RA comments on DPO Panel report 10 CDs submitter comments on DPO Panel report DPO Panel evaluates comments and either revises 7 CDs report or declares original report final OD or RA issues DPO Decision 21 CDs TOTAL CDs (from acceptance of DPO) 130 - 190 CDs 08/19/2006-11/18/2006 -.

1Given the scope of the concerns, the NRR, OD established one DPO Panel to address DPO-2006-002 and DPO-2006-003.

2 Unanticipated scheduling issues delayed the meeting with the submitter.

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