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Final Status Survey Final Report - Phase III, Book 5 of 8, Appendix A4, Survey Unit Release Record 9527-0003, East Mountain Side
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/2006
From: Mccarthy J, Randall D
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
9527-0003, CY-06-065
Download: ML061360384 (137)


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l7 Final Status Survey Final Report Phase IlI-Appendix A4 Survey Unit Release Record 9527-0003, East Mountain Side CI May 2006 CYAPCO FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE RECORD EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 r4z -"-Prepared By: Reviewed By.Approved By: FSS Engineer a, o2ts FSS Engineer TecbLical Support Manager Date: i Date: I-/& -.0 Date: 6l -O 4 Revision 0 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION


3 2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS ...........................


3 3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) ............................................

5 4. SURVEY DESIGN ....................................................



10 6. SURVEY RESULTS ....................................................

1 1 7. QUALITY CONTROL ....................................................

15 8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS .................................................

16 9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS ....................................................


.17 13. CONCLUSION...................................................................................


.18 14.1 Attachment 1 -Figures (7 pages including cover)14.2 Attachment 2 -Sample and Statistical Data (111 pages including covers)Revision 0 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION Survey Unit 9527-0003 (East Mountain Side) is designated as Final Status Survey (FSS) Class 2 and consists of 8,200 m (2.03 acres) of uninhabited open land located approximately 0.16 miles from the reference coordinate system benchmark used at Haddam Neck Plant (HNP) (see Attachment 1, Figure 1). A fence bounds the unit to the east, south and west. A Class 2 Survey Unit, 9527-0002 bounds the survey unit to the north. The survey unit comprises wooded terrain with some steep rock ledge and rock outcroppings within the interior.The reference coordinates associated with this survey unit are E014 through E022 by S067 through S076 (refer to License Termination Plan (LTP) Section 5.4.4). The reference coordinates provide the maximum dimensions of a rectangle containing this survey unit. Some areas contained in this rectangle may not be part of this survey unit. The boundary of the survey unit was defined using a Global Positioning System (GPS).A review of the historical files indicates two (2) events potentially impacting this survey unit. Contamination was found in 1980 in uncontrolled areas including the East Mountain Side (refer to Plant Information Report PIR 80-37).Recently, tank farm tent material with low-level fixed contamination was found on the East Mountain Side (refer to Condition Report CR 05-0244).

This material was found in another survey unit of 9527. Walkdowns of the remaining East Mountain side did not identify more tent material.

The single piece of tent material was found in survey unit 9527-0005 along the fence and about one hundred (100) feet from the nearest boundary of 9527-0003.

In Section of the LTP, Equation 5-1 expresses the total dose contribution from three (3) components; soil contribution, existing groundwater contribution and future groundwater contribution.

The survey data results for this release record address the dose contribution due to soil as provided in LTP Equation 5-1. This survey unit is considered impacted by existing groundwater radioactive contamination as the survey unit is within the capture zone perimeter for an affected monitoring well. The dose contribution from the existing groundwater contamination will be addressed later and will be included to show compliance with site unrestricted release criteria as required by the LTP. This survey unit is not considered impacted by future groundwater radioactive contamination, as there are no underground structures, systems or components containing residual radioactive material within the groundwater saturated zone in the area. The dose contribution from future groundwater, the third component of Equation 5-1, is therefore zero.2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS The survey unit was classified in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-10,"Survey Unit Classification. " The historical information, scoping analyses and characterization results provided sufficient data to designate Survey Unit 9527-0003 as Class 2 in September 2005.Revision 0 3 Revision 0 3 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD The "Classification Basis Summary" conducted for Survey Unit 9527-0003 consisted of: a) A review of the 10CFR50.75 (g) (1) database, b) A review of the "Initial Characterization Report" and the "Historic Site Assessment Supplement, " c) Historic and current survey records review, d) Visual inspections and a "walkdown." A review of the 10CFR50.75 (g) (1) database report identifies six (6) documents associated with or relating to this survey area.a) Event PIR 80-37: Contamination was documented to be present in an area outside the restricted area. Small areas of low-level contamination were found on the facility grounds through routine survey in a normally non-radioactive area. The areas were cleaned up in 1980.b) Radiological Assessment Branch (RAB) memo NE-83-RA-1374 (September 1983): Results of a contamination survey outside the southeast RCA boundary has identified plant related activity in an adjacent survey area to 9527. According to the memo the source could have been the events described by PIR 80-37.c) Adverse Condition Report ACR 97-0994: Soil sample analysis identified plant related radioactivity on hillside east of plant (in another survey unit of 9527).d) Scoping Survey Report 1998: Results of scoping samples performed for decommissioning characterization data. Cesium-137 was the predominate radionuclide found in this survey unit during the scoping survey. No other plant-related radionuclides were identified in this survey unit.e) Event CR 05-0244: Tank farm material with low-level fixed contamination was found on the East Mountain Side in another survey unit of 9527. The single piece of tent material was found in Survey Unit 9527-0005 along the fence and about five hundred fifty (550) feet from the nearest boundary of 9527-0003.

f) Memo ISC 05-045: Periodic surveillance following final status survey.Surveillance is required periodically by the LTP to ensure the radiological condition does not significantly change from the FSS results. The memo documents no negative change in the radiological status.A review of the "Initial and Supplemental Characterization Reports" as well as the previous "Classifi cation Basis Summaries" provided no additional information pertinent to classification.

Revision 0 4

-EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD A characterization survey plan was initiated and executed by Site Closure personnel in April 2005 to determine existing conditions and obtain radiological data for Final Status Survey (FSS). No areas of elevated radioactivity were identified in the survey unit.Fifteen (15) samples were collected and analyzed on-site using gamma spectroscopy.

The concentrations of Cs-137 found in the soil were for the most part consistent with those concentrations in wooded areas determined from off-site locations as documented by Health Physics Technical Support Document (TSD) BCY-HP-0063, "Background Cs-137 Concentration in Soil." One (1) sample had a positive detection for Co-60 at a concentration of 1.29-01 pCi/g. The values for Cs-137 and Co-60 are provided in Table 1.Table 1 -Basic Statistical Quantities for Cesium-137 and Cobalt-60 from the Characterization Survey Parameter Cs-137 (pOcg) Co-60 (pC1/g)Minimum Value: 3.1 IE-01 -6.84E-03 Maximum Value: 1.1 8E+00 1.29E-01 Mean: 6.53E-01 2.17E-02 Median: 6.46E-01 1.28E-02 Standard Deviation:

2.52E-01 3.29E-02 The FSS Engineer performed a visual inspection and walkdown during September 2005 to assess the physical condition of the survey unit, evaluate access points and travel paths and identify potentially hazardous conditions.

Assessment of the groundwater impact is discussed in Section 13. The classification basis shows that the expected residual radioactivity in the survey unit would be below the site remediation criteria and are consistent with procedural guidance, thereby sufficient to justify the final designation as Class 2.3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO)FSS design and planning used the Data Quality Objective (DQO) process as described by the LTP, Procedure RPM 5.1-11, "Preparation of Final Status Survey Plan, " and the "Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual" (MARSSIM).

A summary of the main features of the DQO process are provided herein.The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis.

Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition.

The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis.

Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection.

In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria.

Rejection of the null Revision 0 5 Revision 0 5 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD hypothesis would satisfy the release criteria objective of the FSS. Probabilistic sampling is a preferred method to select a sample so that each item in the population being studied has a known likelihood of being included in the sample. Probabilistic sampling might include simple random sampling where every sample has the same chance of being included, or systematic random sampling where samples are arranged in some order and a random starting point is selected.The primary objective of the Final Status Survey Plan (FSSP) was to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in Survey Unit 9527-0003 did not exceed the release criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).A fundamental precursor to survey design is to establish a relationship between the release criteria and some measurable quantity.

This is done through the development of Derived Concentration Guideline Values (DCGLs). The DCGLs represent average levels of radioactivity above background levels and are presented in terms of surface or mass activity concentrations.

Chapter 6 of the LTP describes in detail the modeling used to develop the DCGLs for soil (called Base Case Soil DCGL), existing groundwater radioactivity and additional future groundwater radioactivity from building basements and footings.A reduction to the Base Case Soil DCGLs provided in Chapter 6 of the LTP must be performed to ensure compliance with the release criteria of twenty-five millirem (25 mrem) in a year Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) when all three pathways (soil, existing groundwater and future groundwater) are potentially present. Chapter 5 of the LTP shows a compliance formula, Equation 5-1, for including the total dose from the three media. The reduced DCGL is called the Operational DCGL whose relationship to the Base Case Soil DCGL is shown by Equation 5-3 of the LTP. The Base Case Soil DCGL for Cs-137 and the DCGLs for all the other radionuclides potentially present in soil were administratively reduced by about 70% to ensure compliance with the 25 mrem in a year TEDE criterion (Table 2).Table 2 -Radionuclide Specific Base Case Soil DCGL, Operational DCGLs-and Required Minimum Detectable Concentrations RadionucliIde Base Case Soil Operational DCGL Required MDC I/DCGL (pC(g2(') (ilg) 2 (pCi/g)(3 H-3 4.12E+02 1.32E+02 1.65E+0l C-14 5.66E+00 1.81 E+O0 2.26E-01 Mn-54 1.74E+O 1 5.57E+00 6.96E-0 I Fe-55 2.74E+04 8.77E+03 1. I OE+03 Co-60 3.81E+00 1.22E+00 1.52E-01 Ag-108m 7.14E+00 2.28E+00 2.86E-01 Revision 0 6 Revision 0 6 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Table 2 -Radionuclide Specific Base Case Soil DCGL, Operational DCGLs and Required Minimum Detectable Concentrations Radionuclide Base Case Soil Operational DCGL Required MDC Ni-63 7.23E+02 2.3 IE+02 2.89E+01 Sr-90 1.55E+00 4.96E-01 6.20E-02 Nb-94 7.12E+00 2.28E+00 2.85E-01 Tc-99 1.26E+01 4.03E+00 5.04E-01 Cs-134 4.67E+00 1.49E+00 1 .87E-01 Cs-137 7.91E+00 2.53E+00 3.16E-01 Eu-152 1.01E+01 3.23E+00 4.04E-01 Eu-154 9.29E+00 2.97E+00 3.72E-01 Eu-155 3.92E+02 1.25E+02 1.57E+01 Pu-238 2.96E+01 9.47E+00 1.18E+00 Pu-239/240 2.67E+01 8.54E+00 1.07E+00 Pu-241 8.70E+02 2.78E+02 3.48E+O1 Am-241 2.58E+01 8.26E+00 1.03E+00 Cm-243/244 2.90E+01 9.28E1+00

1. 16E+00 (1) The Base Case Soil DCGLs for soil are specified by the LTP in Chapter 6 (2) The Operational DCGL is equivalent to achieving 8 mrem per year TEDE (3) The required MDC was 12°/e of the Operational DCGL Another important facet of the DQO process is to identify the radionuclides of concern and determine the concentration variability.

Fifteen (15) samples were collected and analyzed during characterization as discussed in Section 2. The samples were collected through biased sampling over a simple grid design.Characterization did not include analyses for Hard to Detect (HTD)radionuclides.

Cesium-137 was found to be the predominate radionuclide of concern. Cobalt-60 was included in the survey design based on the 1997 scoping survey results. The mean and variability of Cs-137 and Co-60 in soil in this survey unit was determined during characterization.

Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest relative to the DCGL. Survey instrument response checks were to be performed before issue and after the instrument had been used. Control and accountability of survey instruments was to be maintained to assure the quality and prevent the loss of data.Laboratory DQOs and analysis results were to be reported as actual calculated results. Results reported as less than Minimum Detectable Concentration

(<MDC) would not be accepted for FSS. Sample report summaries were to include unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result, and uncertainty of two standard deviations, laboratory data qualifiers, units, and the required and observed MDC.Revision 0 7 Revision 0 7 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD 4. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. To assist the FSS Engineers when preparing survey plans for FSS, guidance is provided in Procedure RPM 5.1-11,"Preparation of Final Status Survey Plans". By design, the FSSP meets the ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP. The FSSP uses an integrated sample design that combines scanning surveys and sampling which can be either random or biased.Fifteen (15) data points from characterization were used to determine concentration variability.

The samples were collected through biased sampling over a simple grid design. The DQO process determined that Cs-137 and Co-60 would be the radionuclides of concern in 9527-0003 (refer to Section 3). The sum of fractions or unity rule will be used with the individual Operational DCGLs because multiple radionuclides (Cs-137 and Co-60) are considered in the survey design. Other radionuclides identified during FSS would be evaluated to ensure adequate survey design.Surrogate DCGLs were not required for this survey unit based on process knowledge from FSS of nearby adjacent areas and via screening under LTP Section Radionuclide screening or de-selection is a process where an individual radionuclide or aggregate may be considered insignificant and eliminated from the FSS. The criteria for de-selection are concentrations less than 5% for individual radionuclides and less than 10% for aggregates The Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) did not apply to this survey unit since discrete, elevated areas of contamination were not expected.The Sign Test was selected as the non-parametric statistical test. The use of the Sign Test did not require the selection or use of a background reference area, which simplified survey design and implementation.

This approach was conservative since it included background Cs-1 37 as part of the sample set.The number of soil samples for FSS was determined in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-12, "Determination of the Number of Surface Samples for Final Status Survey. " The Lower Bound of the Gray Region (LBGR) was set in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-11 to 0.79 to maintain the relative shift (A/d) in the range of I and 3. A Prospective Power Curve was generated using COMPASS, a software package developed under the sponsorship of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) for implementation of the MARSSIM in support of the decommissioning license termination rule (10 CFR 20, Subpart E). The result of the COMPASS computer run showed adequate power for the survey design. Survey design specified fifteen (15) surface soil samples for non-parametric statistical testing.The grid pattern and locations of the soil samples were determined using Visual Sample Plan (VSP) in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-14, "Identifying, and Marking Surface Sample Locations for Final Status Survey." Visual Revision 0 8 Revision 0 8 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Sample Plan was created by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for the United States Department of Energy. A systematic triangular grid pattern with a random starting point was selected for sample design, which is appropriate for a Class 2 area.Sample locations were identified using AutoCAD-Lt, a commercially available plotting software package with coordinates consistent with the Connecticut State Plane System. These coordinates were integrated with a GPS to locate sample locations in the field. Sample Measurement Locations for the design are listed with the GPS coordinates in Table 3.Table 3 -Sample Measurement Locations with Associated GPS Coordinates Designation Northing Easting 9527-0003-001F 237066.59 669086.55 9527-0003-002F 236929.20 669086.55 9527-0003-003F 236860.50 669046.89 9527-0003-004F 236860.50 669126.21 9527-0003-OOSF 236791.81 669007.23 9527-0003-006F 236791.81 669086.55 9527-0003-007F 236791.81 669165.88 9527-0003-008F 236723.11 669126.21 9527-0003-009F 236723.11 669205.54 9527-0003-OlOF 236723.11 669284.86 9527-0003-01 IF 236654.41 669165.88 9527-0003-012F 236654.41 669245.20 9527-0003-013F 236654.41 669324.52 9527-0003-014F 236585.72 669284.86 9527-0003-01SF 236585.72 669364.19 A minimum of two (2) judgmental or biased samples were to be collected at locations selected by FSS Supervision based on professional judgment and observation during characterization and walkdowns to determine areas having the potential for residual radioactivity (e.g., runoff and collection, area disturbance).

The number of judgmental samples represented 13% of the number of samples that would be used for non-parametric statistical testing.Although Procedure RPM 5.1-11 only specified that 5% of the samples be selected for HTD analysis, three (3) soil samples or 20% of the number of samples that would be used for non-parametric statistical testing were randomly selected for HTD radionuclide analysis using the Microsoft Excel"RANDBETWEEN" function.

Each sample would be sent off-site for a full suite analysis of the HTD radionuclides specified in the LTP, Table 2-12,"Radionuclides Potentially Present at Haddam Neck Plant." The implementation of survey specific quality control measures as referenced by Procedure RPM 5.1-24, "Split Sample Assessment for Final Status Survey, " included the collection of two (2) soil samples for "split sample" analysis by the Revision 0 9 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD off-site laboratory.

These locations were selected randomly using the Microsoft Excel "RANDBETWEEN" function.

The number of quality control soil samples was determined to be 13% of fifteen (15) samples, rounded up to the next whole number.The LTP specifies that scanning will be performed in a combination of systematic and judgmental measurements for a Class 2 land area and cover 10%to 100% of the area. The fraction of scanning coverage was determined during the DQO process with the total amount and location(s) based on the likelihood of finding elevated activity during FSS. Approximately 25% of the survey unit was to be scanned based on the characterization survey and sampling results.For this Class 2 survey unit, the "Investigation Level" for area scanning and soil sample measurement results are those levels specified in LTP, Table 5-8,"Investigation Levels." Table 4 provides a synopsis of the survey design.Table 4 -Synopsis of the Survey Design Feature Design Criteria Basis Survey Unit Land Area 8,200 in 2 Based on AutoCAD-Lt and ,_ Visual Sample Plan calculations Type 1 and Type 2 errors were 0.05, sigma was 0.103, the Number of Measurements 15 LBGR was adjusted to 0.79 to maintain Relative Shift in the range of 1 and 3, Relative Shift was 2 Grid Spacing 25.1 Based on triangular grid Interval Spacing 21.7 Based on triangular grid Operational DCGL 2.53 pCi/g Cs-137 Administratively set to achieve 1.22 pCi/g Co-60 8 mrem in a year TEDE Scan Survey Area Approximately 25% The LTP reqfuires

>10% area Coverge o theareacoverage for Class 2 Survey Coverage of the area Units.Level Detectable over Based on achieving the background Operational DCGL 5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Final status survey field activities were conducted under Work Plan and Inspection Record (WP&IR) 2005-0054.

The WP&IR package included a detailed FSSP, job safety analysis, job planning checklist and related procedures for reference.

Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and the safety aspects of the survey. The "Daily Survey Journal" was used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the FSS.Survey activities occurred September I through September 9, 2005.Revision 0 10 Revision 0 10 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD The scan areas were marked out and scanned for elevated readings (see Attachment 2 for Scan Area Results).

Scanning was performed with an Eberline E-600 using a SPA-3 sodium iodide detector.

The E-600 was operated in the rate-meter mode and used with audio response.

The probe was positioned as close to the ground as possible and was moved at a scan speed of about 0.5 meters per second.Using GPS coordinates, sample measurement locations were identified and marked with a surveyor's flag for identification.

At each sample measurement location, a one (1) meter radius around the sample flag was scanned for elevated radiation levels.Fifteen (15) surface soil samples were collected and packaged in accordance with Haddam Neck Plant (HNP) Procedure RPM 5.1-3, "Collection of Sample Media for Final Status Survey" and FSS design. Samples were controlled, transported, stored, and transferred to the off-site laboratory using Chain-of-Custody (COC) protocol in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-5, "Chain of Custodyfor Final Status Survey Samples. " Three (3) samples (9527-0003-003F, 9527-0003-007F and 9527-0003-01OF) were randomly selected for HTD radionuclide analysis by the off-site laboratory.

Two (2) biased soil samples (9527-0003-016F and 9527-003-017F) were taken. These samples were analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by the off-site laboratory.

The implementation of survey specific quality control measures included the collection of two (2) samples (9527-0003-008F and 9527-0000-01 IF) for "split sample" analysis by the off-site laboratory.

6. SURVEY RESULTS The seventeen (17) sample measurement locations identified in the FSS plan were scanned about a one (1) meter radius for elevated radiation levels. Table 5 provides an overview of the scan area survey. Scan area results are provided in Attachment 2.Table 5- Scan Area Results for Sample Measurement Locations Sample Highest Logged Ato ee Measurement Reading Action Level Above Action Level Location (kcpm)1 13.3 14.4 No 2 16.3 17.6 No 3 20.2 20.3 No 4 21.0 25.5 No 5 28.5 38.7 No 6 41.5 44.7 No Revision 0 I1I EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Table 5- Scan Area Results for Sample Measurement Locations Sample Highest Logged Action Level Measurement Reading (kcpm) Above Action Leve Location (kepm)7 19.8 22.0 No 8 38.4 44.4 No 9 18.7 20.4 No 10 19.1 22.4 No 11 36.0 40.8 No 12 18.6 22.3 No 13 18.2 21.7 No 14 17.6 21.1 No 15 16.7 18.8 No 16 33.3 42.1 No 17 27.5 30.1 No (1) FSS sample plans require movement ofthe sample measurement location to the area within the I meter radius yielding the response above the action level Twenty-two (22) areas were scanned for elevated radiation levels. Several elevated areas were identified.

Table 6 provides an overview of the scan area survey. Scan area results are provided in Attachment 2.Table 6- Scan Area Results Highest Elevated Scan Logged Action Reading Investigation Area Reading Level kcpm) Identification Sample (kcpm)(I)None -no 1 16.2 18.0 elevated areas None identified None -no 2 17.3 18.0 elevated areas None identified None -no 3 19.0 20.0 elevated areas None identified None -no 4 20.5 23.0 elevated areas None identified None -no 5 20.5 23.7 elevated areas None identified None -no 6 19.8 29.5 elevated areas None identified Revision 0 12 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Fahla fx QRan AV.. Remn-ds Highest Elevated Scan Logged Action Reading Investigation Area Reading Level(kcpm)

Identification Sample (kcpm) (1)None -no 7 23.5 25.3 elevated areas None._ identified None -no 8 21.6 30.3 elevated areas None identified None -no 9 38.0 41.3 elevated areas None identified 10 54.1 54.7 ER-02-15-1 9527-0003-018F None -no 11 21.3 21.7 elevated areas None identified None -no 12 19.5 21.0 elevated areas None identified None -no 13 19.0 21.5 elevated areas None identified None -no 14 20.4 20.5 elevated areas None identified None -no 15 19.2 28.3 elevated areas None identified None -no 16 18.2 20.2 elevated areas None identified 17 15.8 16.7 SC-03-10-0 None (2)None -no 18 16.5 18.3 elevated areas None identified None -no 19 18.1 20.0 elevated areas None._ identified None -no 20 20.1 26.2 elevated areas None identified Revision 0 13 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Table 6- Scan Area Results Highest Elevated Scan Logged Action Reading Investigation Area Reading Level(kcpm)

Identification Sample (kepm) (1)None -no 21 21.1 31.6 elevated areas None identified None -no 22 35.5 42.5 elevated areas None identified (1) ER and SC are nomenclature associated with the barcodes used in the field where ER stands for Elevated Reading and SC refers to Scan (2) Refer to Section 8 The off-site laboratory employed for the radiological analyses of samples was General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, Charleston, South Carolina.

The laboratory analyzed the fifteen (15) samples taken for non-parametric statistical testing, the associated duplicates, and the biased samples using gamma spectroscopy.

Gamma spectroscopy analysis was performed to the required MDC. Gamma spectroscopy results identified some radionuclides meeting the accepted criteria for detection (i.e., a result greater than two standard deviations uncertainty).

Cesium-137 was identified in all of the fifteen (15) samples.Cobalt-60 was identified in eight (8) of the fifteen (15) samples. The mean of the results of gamma spectrometry analysis for each of the samples indicated Cs-137 at levels slightly higher than the concentrations of Cs-137 found in soil at off-site locations within the vicinity of the HNP as presented in the Health Physics TSD BCY-HP-0063.

Sample analysis did not indicate any anomalies requiring further investigation.

A summary of the sample results is provided in Table 7.Table 7- Summary of Soil Sample Results Cs-137 Co-60 Fraction of the Sample Number pCiug pCi/g Operational DCGL 9527-0003-OOIF 6.09E-01 1.55E-02 0.253 9527-0003-002F 5.75E-01 7.25E-03 0.233 9527-0003-003F 8.41E-01 3.86E-02 0.364 9527-0003-004F 1.83E+00 6.03E-02 0.773 9527-0003-005F 3.61 E-0 1 2.23E-02 0.161 9527-0003-006F 5.09E-01 2.26E-03 0.203 9527-0003-007F 6.35E-01 1.53E-02 0.264 9527-0003-00SF 1.62E+00 4.03E-02 0.673 9527-0003-009F 8.04E-0 1 O.OOE+00 0.318 9527-0003-OIOF 1.28E+00 2.73E-02 0.528 9527-0003-01 IF 1.21E+00 4.53E-02 0.515 9527-0003-012F 9.49E-01 3.90E-02 0.407 9527-0003-013F 1.69E+00 5.26E-02 0.711 Revision 0 14 Revision 0 14 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Table 7- Summary cf Soil Sample Results Sample Number Cs-137 Co-60 Fraction of the Sample Number pCIg pCIg Operational DCGL (1 9527-0003-014F 9.92E-01 2.94E-02 0.416 9527-0003-015F 5.50E-01 3.1 IE-02 0.243 (1) The Operational DCGLs are 2.53 pCi/g for Cs-137 and 1.22 pCi/g for Co-60 used in conjunction with the unity rule The off-site laboratory also processed three (3) samples for HTD analysis as required by the sample plan. The requested analyses included alpha spectroscopy, gas proportional counting, and liquid scintillation depending on the radionuclide and the measurement method. All analyses met the required MDC. Table 8 lists the results for those radionuclides meeting the accepted criteria for detection (i.e., a result greater than two standard deviations uncertainty) in more than one sample.Table 8-Hard-to-Detect Samle Results Sample Sr-90 c14 Tc-9 Operational (Pci/g) (PclIg) (PCl/g) Level (1)9527-0003-003F 3.82E-03 1.25E-01 3.96E-01 0.140 9527-0003-007F 1.60E-02 -4.21E-02 2.01E-01 0.047 9527-0003-OIOF 2.42E-02 1.09E-01 6.04E-0I 0.207 (1) The Operational DCGLs are 0.496 pCi/g for Sr-90, 1.81 pCi/g for C- 14 and 4.03 pCi/g for Tc-99 used in conjunction with the unity rule Two (2) biased samples were collected at locations selected by FSS Supervision based on professional judgment and observation.

Gamma spectroscopy analysis was performed by the off-site laboratory to the required MDC. None of the samples exceeded 52% of the Operational DCGL. No further action or investigations were required (see Table 9).Table 9- Biased Sample Results Cs-137 Co-60 Fraction of the Sample Number pCig pCl/g Operational DCGLO 9527-0003-016F 1.12E+00 8.85E-02 0.515 9527-0003-017F 1.21E+00 2.31 E-03 0.480 (1) The Operational DCGLs are 2.53 pCi/g for Cs-137 and 1.22 pCi/g for Co-60 used in conjunction with the unity rule 7. QUALITY CONTROL The off-site laboratory processed the split samples and performed gamma spectroscopy analysis.

Thirteen percent (13%) of the samples were selected for analysis, which exceeds the 5% minimum required by the LTP. The data were evaluated using USNRC acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure 84750 as detailed in HNP Procedure RPM 5.1-24, "Split Sample Assessment for Revision 0 15 Revision 0 15 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Final Status Survey." There was acceptable agreement between field split results.The sample analysis vendor, General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, Charleston, South Carolina, maintains quality control and quality assurance plans as part of normal operation.

Refer to Attachment 2 for data and data quality analysis results.8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS One (1) localized area was found to verifiably exceed the investigation level during the scan area survey. A sample was collected from that location and was analyzed on-site using gamma spectropscopy.

The analysis results for Cs-137 and C-60 are shown in Table 10.Table 10- Con irmatory Sample Results Cs-137 Co-60 Fraction of the Sample Number pCI/g _ pClgk Operational DCGL 9527-0003-18F 9.91E-01 7.84E-02 0.456 (1) The Operational DCGLs are 2.53 pCi/g for Cs-137 and 1.22 pCilg for Co-60 used in conjunction with the unity rule Additional scanning was performed in one (1) small location in February 2006 to obtain additional data relevant to the DQOs. The scanning was performed over an area of about six hundred square feet (600 ft 2). No elevated readings were identified.

9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS Historically, no remedial action as described by MARSSIM Section 5.4 was performed in this survey unit prior to or as a result of the FSS. Health Physics TSD BCY-HP-0078, "ALARA Evaluation of Soil Remediation in Support of Final Status Survey, " determined that remediation beyond that required to meet the release criteria to be unnecessary and that the remaining residual radioactivity in soil was ALARA.10. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN Several HTD radionuclides were reported in concentrations exceeding the 5%and 10% rule for de-selection.

Therefore, the individual Operational DCGLs for these radionuclides were included into sample design to demonstrate compliance with the unity rule and ensure adequate survey design in accordance with the DQOs. The result of the COMPASS computer run showed adequate power for the revised survey design. The revised survey design maintained the original fifteen (15) surface soil samples for non-parametric statistical testing.Revision 0 16 Revision 0 16 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD 11. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA)The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-23, "Data Quality Assessment, " for completeness and consistency.

The sampling design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve. The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. The Sign Test shows that the survey unit passes FSS.Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and sample collection were consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly designated as Class 2.The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation).

The range of the data, about 2.9 standard deviations, was not unusually large.The difference between the mean and median was 14% of the standard deviation.

The difference is enough to indicate skewness in the data. The data was represented graphically through posting plots, a frequency plot, and a quantile plot. The frequency plot shows slight positive skewness as confirmed by the calculated skew of 0.5 and some bimodality probably due to the differences in terrain and the collection of runoff.All data, assessments, and graphical representations are provided in Attachment 2.12. ANOMALIES No anomalies were noted.13. CONCLUSION Survey Unit 9527-0003 has met the final DQOs of the FSS. The ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP were achieved.

Elevated Measurement Comparison and remediation was not required.The sample data passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected.Graphical representation of data indicates significant positive skewness as that is probably due to the differences in terrain and the collection of runoff. The Retrospective Power Curve generated using COMPASS shows adequate power was achieved.

The survey unit was properly designated as Class 2.As discussed in Section 1, the survey data results for this release record address the dose contribution due to soil as provided in LTP Equation 5-1. This survey unit is considered impacted by existing groundwater radioactive contamination as the survey unit is within the capture zone perimeter for an affected monitoring well. The dose contribution from the existing groundwater contamination will be addressed later and will be included to show compliance with site unrestricted release criteria as required by the LTP. This survey unit is Revision 0 17 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD not considered impacted by future groundwater radioactive contamination, as there are no underground structures, systems or components containing residual radioactive material within the groundwater saturated zone in the area. The dose contribution from future groundwater, the third component of Equation 5-1, is therefore zero.14. ATTACHMENTS 14.1 Attachment 1 -Figures 14.2 Attachment 2 -Sample and Statistical Data Revision 0 18 Revision 0 18 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Attachment I Figures (6 pages)

Reference Coordinate Syptem Benchmark Narthing -236594.38

/ Easting -668136.14-N Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Figure 1 Site Map With Reference To Survey Unit 9527-0003 i$2 9 Legend& Sample Location 4 Stone wall e I e 3 e 9 0- 27 54 Fe~1 e 6 9 12 8 e 11 e Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9527-0003 Final Status Survey Design LSton Stone 1.83 0 27 54 1.28 1.696k Nots Rwpoftdceium-137 O~iM&aMaonsmPCi~g 0.84 0.80 0.51 1.62 1.21 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9527-0003 Final Status Survey Cs-137PostingPlot tea Q)1.Legend oO Stone I0 0 27 54 Fec 0 0 Notas B-kommdmaged firm 132 krpm to 519 kpm as detamded by an B-600 with SPA-3 Pbd Re1sto Table 6for Wmam wagnt5 0 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9527-0003 Final Status Survey Scan Areas Legend& Sample Location 17 e 0 27 54 a Fee 18 NoWns 16 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9527-0003 Biased and Confirmatory Sample Locations EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2 Sample and Statistical Data EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2a Sample Data (81 Pages)

TABLE OF CONTENTS General Narrative


1 Chain of Custody ...................

4 Cooler Receipt Checklist


8 Radiological Analysis ..................

11 Sample Data Summary ..................

25 Quality Control Data ..................

68 General Narrative Page 1 of 77 CASE NARRATIVE For CONNECTICUT YANKEE RE: Soils PO# 002332 Work Order: 145417 SDG: MSR #05-2244 October 10, 2005 Laboratory Identification:

General Engineering Laboratories, LLC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30712 Charleston, South Carolina 29417 Express Mail Delivery and Shipping Address: 2040 Savage Road Charleston, South Carolina 29407 Telephone Number: (843) 556-8171 Summary: Sample receipt The samples for the Soil Project for work order 145417 arrived at General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, (GEL) in Charleston, South Carolina on September 14, 2005. All sample containers arrived without any visible signs of tampering or breakage.

Although, the samples did contain live ants which, was documented on the Sample Receipt and Review form. The chain of custody contained the proper documentation and signatures.

The laboratory received the following samples: Sample ID Client Sample ID 145417001 9527-0003-008-F 145417002 9527-0003-008-FS 145417003 9527-0003-011-F 145417004 9527-0003-011-FS 145417005 9527-0003-012-F 145417006 9527-0003-013-F 145417007 9527-0003-014-F 145417008 9527-0003-015-F GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC a Member of THE GEL GROUP INC.P.O. Box 30712 -Charleston, SC 29417

  • 2040 Savage Road (29407)Page 2 of 77 Phone (843) 556-8171 -Fax (843) 766-1178 Sample ID 145417009 145417010 145417011 145417012 145417013 145417014 145417015 145417016 145417017 145417018 145417019 Client Sample ID 9527-0003-016-F 9527-0003-017-F 9527-0003-001-F 9527-0003-002-F 9527-0003-004-F 9527-0003-005-F 9527-0003-006-F 9527-0003-009-F 9527-0003-003-F 9527-0003-007-F 9527-0003-010-F Items of Note: Live ants were present in the samples.Case Narrative:

Sample analyses were conducted using methodology as outlined in General Engineering Laboratories (GEL) Standard Operating Procedures.

Any technical or administrative problems during analysis, data review, and reduction are listed below by analytical parameter.

Analytical Request: Sixteen soil samples were analyzed for FSSGAM.Three soil samples were analyzed for FSSALL Internal Chain of Custody: Custody was maintained for all the samples.Data Package: The enclosed data package contains the following sections:

Case Narrative, Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation and all analytical fractions.

I certify that this data package is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or a designee, as verified by the following signature.


LLC a Member of THE GEL GROUP INC.PO Box 30712 -Charleston, SC 29417

  • 2040 Savage Road (29407)Phone (843) 556-8171
  • Fax (843) 766-1178
  • Page 3 of 77 Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation Page 4 of 77 S.0 to'V..Ct)0 0 0 0 C)0)-0 o0 0C C)0 0;Z o0 0 z 4-4 0 0 UU A4 ci 00 CU'U.o~'0 i En.00 uCl..V; .4Q CA Ca-0-iz~-4 --. ---0Z).0 0 I 0 2 E I U.R zs0 ON t,.S 0 q!O2 mi_ _ -i i t I I I I 0 ~~~11SSd A_ 1SSA X X X X X X X X X X-8h o goo o o o CA Po-.2*0000000000 w co w W iA ci co)r~ i a 0C 0 z 0 CY, co I 4 Ct)C1 C>0 0 z~O4 U)C4 0 OL Z:;IL 4)%0.1 4m No 10)U)0 4)rf 18 ,.5 in.0 0 0)A4 I O--)%0o%(D !o_. _0 o ell o 'I o "T S V, -m m n e)%n 4: dd D Z r, O M (n V-r). fJ)4)I. @oa --)a c-o O kn VE 0 C I_4---zz_m \ 0i0 Ch 0%I0%I0% I _0,a ; a % ( 5e m -0e C S .'a 0 a a 0)U)4)I CA z 4 4 Ct)Id-h 0%w ci)00 8'A CO)0 0 0 Ca 0%If 0, 8 t-Pi, I'.9%C4.9 0 Co 0 0%en 0 o, tl o,%n 9 N Sd-0%9 C'.'in)a%'0 9 en f-h 0%Nl 9 cd-h 0%m.0)U)0*I'-... ....I I.&.Page 5 of T7 Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-001 Major----Chain of Custody Form Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 No. 2005-00391 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Contact Name & Phone: Pete HoUenbeck 860-267-2556 Ext. 3923 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State): General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 ATT: Cheryl Jones ( 843-556-8171)


Z 30 D. [I 14 D. 0 7 D.Other: Analyses Requested Lab Use Only-, -I --I Comments: Media Code Simple Code Container Size.&Type Code Sample Designation Date Time Comment, Preservation Lab Sample ID 9527-0003-001-F 9/6/05 1425 TS G BP X l l9527-0003-002-F 9/6/05 1430 TS G BP X ---9527-0003-003-F 9/6/05 1435 TS G BP X _9527-0003-004-F 9/6/05 1440 TS G BP X = = =_=9527-0003-005-F 9/6/0S 1440 TS G BP X -9527-0003-006-F 9/6/05 1455 TS G BP X --9527-0003-007-F 9/6/05 1450 TS G BP X = =9527-0003-009-F 9/6/05 1500 TS _G BP X 9527-0003-010-F 9/6105 1505 TS G BP = X = =NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 05-2244 Z LTP QA a Radwaste QA: Non QA Samples Shipped Via: (D FedEx O UPS O Hand O Other 79/2A o/9 700 7 Bill of Lading #Internal Container Temp.: _ Deg. C Custody Sealed?YE9" NO Custody Seal Intact?Yff NO 1)Rd 3d Date/Time l2)Rogvdy/I Dat&ernie 3)§(elinquished By 'Date~irnm

4) Re ivdBy D'ate/Time Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services CY-ISC-SOW-001 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List Date/Time Received:

9//Y/o: 9X5 SDG#: M25iie-O.-

24Jg Work Order Number
-/ 15 Y l7 Shipping Cdntainer ID:LZZ D1B4FLi7W7 Chain of Custody# 2WS *v o3'1' f 1 1. Custody Seals on shipping container intact? Yes °1o0 2. Custody Seals dated and signed? Yes Ho 3. Chain-of-Custody record present? Yes 1 No []4. Cooler temperature 25 5. Vermiculite/packing materials is: Wet [ ] Dry -'6. Number of samples in shipping container:

_7. Sample holding times exceeded?

Yes J4 1 o [ I 8. Samples have: tape _ hazard labels-.ody seals _____appropriate sample labels 9. Samples are:_L,~rgood condition leaking____broken Jl___have air bubbles 10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? Yes [1 No I1. Description of anomalies (include sample numbers): Sample Custodian/Laboratory:

Date4,&L.5 I TrI~lno fIjJIUH r A,..'n t. .JL -wL;jj1jiV1m;U gm. n L$Y A.Page 7 of 77 COOLER RECEIPT CHECKLIST Page 8 of 77 SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM a PM nu mily Client: I Ikd SDGIARCOCIWark Order: -45,7 Date Received:

qPM(A) Review (aesure nonF sre resoled prior to sgning: Received By: ._/_ _Sample Receipt Criteria Coents/Qualif Requked for Non-ConformIng Items)_ Shipping containers received intact Circle Applicable:

seals broken damaged container laking container odier (describe) and sealed? I Samples requiring cold Circle Coolant ice bags ble ice dry Ice ooher describe)2 preservation within (4 +/- 2 C)?_Record preservation method. ___L__Chain of custody documents included with shipment?

_Sample containers intact and _itleApplicable:sealsbroket damagedcontainer leakicontsiner o= er(describe) sealed? '_ Samples requiring chemical ample ID's. containers affeced and observed pH: preservation at proper pH?_ VOA vials free of headspace

__ ample ID's and containers affected: (defined as < 6mm bubble)?Are Encore containers present?7 (If yes, immediately deliver to VOA laboratory)

_ Samples received within holding Id's and tests affected: ti m e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o Sample ID's an COC match JID's ample ID's and container aSifected:

on bottles? __ Date & time on COC match date M _ l's affected: 10 & time on bottles? _Number of containers received Sample IDM affected: 1 match number indicated on COG? /2 COC form is properly signed in relinquished/received sections? -j-Air Bill ,Tracking

  1. 's, &14 Additional Comments-.... ..........

I 1..RSO RAD Receipt _______ff.__

V I> x2 a+/-mbachgrouudis obsered on sawles i4eiitli4 4.~4a .-i..regulated/non-radioaclive", ontact the Radiation Sa ropforfrhe

.....- ... ... .. --- iravesoga3don.


l ... lca.i .on? -MximumCounts Observed&:

ii P.:.. Rguated? =._cotnme-

- -- --.-_ p... ........ .. .... .. S c IMateria?

If y~s, co~nlat Waste_ M lnager orB ES MaNrger. _PM (or PMA) review of Hazard classification:

Initials Date: I 0 E,* w I~ I f-A arG -, ML I I Iat k SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM iaH CONTINUATION FORM qro7,E(W0' gen ^SdA~~lMeLvan a 2.'!.Page 10 of 77 RADIOLOGICAL ANALYS IS Page 11 of 77 Radiochemistry Case Narrative Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. (YANK)SDG MSR#05-2244 Method/Analysis Information Product: Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 467822 Prep Batch Number: 463017 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 463013 Sample ID Client ID 145417017 9527-0003-003-F 145417018 9527-0003-007-F 145417019 9527-0003-010-F 1200948302 Method Blank (MB)1200948303 145417017(9527-0003-003-F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200948304 145417017(9527-0003-003-F)

Matrix Spike (MS)1200948305 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-01 I REV# 14.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ouality Control (OC) Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 145417017 (9527-0003-003-F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information Page 12 of 77 All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch.qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analysis Information Product: Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-i I-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 467823 Prep Batch Number: 463017 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 463013 Sample ID Client ID 145417017 9527-0003-003-F 145417018 9527-0003-007-F 145417019 9527-0003-010-F 1200948313 Mcthod Blank (MB)1200948314 145417017(9527-0003-003-F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200948315 145417017(9527-0003-003-F)

Matrix Spike (MS)1200948316 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-0 11 REV# 14.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ouality Control (OC) Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Page 13 of 77 Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 145417017 (9527-0003-003-F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Sample 1200948314 (9527-0003-003-F) was recounted due to high negative area.Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch.Oualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I l-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 467827 Prep Batch Number: 463017 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 463013 Sample ID Client ID 145417017 9527-0003-003-F 145417018 9527-0003-007-F 145417019 9527-0003-010-F 1200948317 Method Blank (MB)1200948318 145417017(9527-0003-003-F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200948319 145417017(9527-0003-003-F)

Matrix Spike (MS)1200948320 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-035 REVS 7.Calibration Information:

Page 14 of 77 Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Quality Control (OC) Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 145417017 (9527-0003-003-F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch.qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analysis Information Product: Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS Analytical Method: EML HASL 300, Prep Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 463112 Prep Batch Number: 463010 Sample ID Client ID 145417001 9527-0003-008-F 145417002 9527-0003-008-FS 145417003 9527-0003-011-F 145417004 9527-0003-01 1-FS Page 15 of 77 145417005 9527-0003-01 2-F 145417006 9527-0003-013-F 145417007 9527-0003-014-F 145417008 9527-0003-015-F 145417009 9527-0003-016-F 145417010 9527-0003-017-F 145417011 9527-0003-001-F 145417012 9527-0003-002-F 145417013 9527-0003-004-F 145417014 9527-0003-005-F 145417015 9527-0003-006-F 145417016 9527-0003-009-F 145417017 9527-0003-003-F 145417018 9527-0003-007-F 145417019 9527-0003-01 0-F 1200936934 Method Blank (MB)1200936935 145417001(9527-0003-008-F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200936936 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-0 13 REV# 10.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Oualitv Control (OC) Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 145417001 (9527-0003-008-F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Page 16 of 77 Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Additional Comments The relative percent difference for Bi-214 and Ra-226 failed precision requirements for duplicate 1200936935 (9527-0003-008-F).

However, when the relative error ratio is calculated for both isotopes (1.85444 for each)precision is demonstrated.

Qualifier information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample U _ Data rejected due to interference.

Europium-155 145417015 X Manganese-54 145417005 145417017 UT Data rejected due to low abundance.

Cesium-134 145417001_ __ _145417007

_==__XA= ____X__ 145417008____===___145417009 145417010 145417014 145417015 145417016 145417017 Cobalt-60 1200936935 145417016 Europium-155 145417008 Niobium-94 145417003 Silver-108m 145417014 UT Data rejected due to no valid peak. Americium-241 145417002 Cobalt-60 145417002 Potassium-40 1200936934 Method/Analysis Information Product: Analytical Method: Prep Method: Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Analytical Batch Number: Prep Batch Number: Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS EPA 905.0 Modified Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep 467346 463017 463013 Sample ID 145417017 145417018 145417019 1200947126 1200947127 1200947128 1200947129 Client ID 9527-0003-003-F 9527-0003-007-F 9527-0003-010-F Method Blank (MB)145495001(9802-0000-OORA-SBIV)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)145495001(9802-0000-OORA-SBIV)

Matrix Spike (MS)Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)Page 17 of 77 SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 9.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Quality Control (QC) Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 145495001 (9802-0000-001RA-SBIV).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-preplRe-analysis Samples 1200947126 (MB) and 1200947127 (9802-0000-001 RA-SBIV) were recounted due to a negative result greater than three times the error.Chemical Recoveries All chemical recoveries meet the required acceptance limits for this sample set.Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Page 18 of 77 Analytical Batch Number: 464785 Sample ID Client ID 145417017 9527-0003-003-F 145417018 9527-0003-007-F 145417019 9527-0003-010-F 1200941136 Method Blank (MB)1200941137 145417018(9527-0003-007-F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200941138 14541701 8(9527-0003-007-F)

Matrix Spike (MS)1200941139 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-005 REV# 12.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ouality Control (OQC) Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 145417018 (9527-0003-007-F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Oualifier information Page 19 of 77 Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-i, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 464797 Prep Batch Number: 463017 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 463013 Sample ID Client ID 145417017 9527-0003-003-F 145417018 9527-0003-007-F 145417019 9527-0003-010-F 1200941150 Method Blank (MB)1200941151 145258021(9801-0000-Z2X 3-04) Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200941152 145258021(9801-0000-Z2X 3-04) Matrix Spike (MS)1200941153 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 3.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Oualitv Control (00 Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 145258021 (9801-0000-Z2X 3-04).QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Page 20 of 77 Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.qualifier Information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-i, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 464799 Prep Batch Number: 463017 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 463013 Sample ID Client ID 145417017 9527-0003-003-F 145417018 9527-0003-007-F 145417019 9527-0003-010-F 1200941154 Method Blank (MB)1200941155 145258021(9801-0000-Z2X 3-04) Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200941156 145258021(9801-0000-Z2X 3-04) Matrix Spike (MS)1200941157 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 7.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ouslity Control (00 Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 145258021 (9801-0000-Z2X 3-04).QC Information Page 21 of 77 All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Oualifier Information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analvsis Information Product: LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 467508 Sample ID Client ID 145417017 9527-0003-003-F 145417018 9527-0003-007-F 145417019 9527-0003-010-F 1200947551 Method Blank (MB)1200947552 145495003(9802-0000-003RA-SBIV)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200947553 145495003(9802-0000-003RA-SBIV)

Matrix Spike (MS)1200947554 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 10.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Oualitv Control (OC) Information:

Blank Information Page 22 of 77 The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 145495003 (9802-0000-003RA-SBIV).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples 1200947553 (9802-0000-003RA-SBIV) and 1200947554 (LCS) were recounted due to low/high recovery.Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid A1l,FSS Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 464786 Sample ID Client ID 145417017 9527-0003-003-F 145417018 9527-0003-007-F 145417019 9527-0003-010-F 1200941140 Method Blank (MB)1200941141 145417017(9527-0003-003-F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200941142 145417017(9527-0003-003-F)

Matrix Spike (MS)1200941143 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 8.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Page 23 of 77 Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ouslity Control (00 Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 145417017 (9527-0003-003-F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-preplRe-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Oualifier Information Manual qualifiers were not required.Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

Review Validation:

GEL requires all analytical data to be verified by a qualified data validator.

In addition, all data designated for CLP or CLP-like packaging will receive a third level validation upon completion of the data package.The following data validator verified the information presented In this case narrative:

Rw Reviewer: Page 24 of 77 SAMPLE DATA


Page 25 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report for YANKOOI Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co.Client SDG: MSR#05-2244 GEL Work Order: 145417 The Qualifiers In this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.< Result is less than amount reported.> Result is greater than amount reported.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.P The response between the confirmation and the primary columns is >40% Different.

R Sample results are rejected.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UT Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound.Z Paint Filter qualifier:

Particulates passed through the filter. No free liquids were observed.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Cheryl Jones.Reviewed by Page 26 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Report Date: October 13, 2005 Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0003-008-F Prgiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 145417001 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 07-SEP-05 Receive Date: 14-SEP-05 Collector Client Moisture:

12.4%Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch P Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSS GAM& ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.969 +1-0.286 0.0951 +/-0.280 0.202 pCi/g MJH I 10/04/05 2340 463112 1 Americium-241 U 0.0305 +/-0.051 0.0435 +/-0.050 0.089 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.605 +/-0.546 0.240 +/-0.535 0.504 pCi/g Bismuth-214 1.13 +/-0.178 0.057 +/-0.174 0.119 pCi/g Cesium-134 WTll 0.00 +/-0.064 0.0369 +/-0.0627 0.0773 pCilg Cesium-137 1.62 +/-0.180 0.032 +/-0.176 0.067 pCilg Cobalt-60 U 0.0403 +/-0.040 0.0355 +/-0.0392 0.0756 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0406 +/-0.0963 0.0778 +/-0.0944 0.161 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0161 +/-0.122 0.0855 +/-0.120 0.184 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0816 +/-0.0838 0.0706 +/-0.0821 0.145 pCi/g Lead-212 0.894 +/-0.119 0.0416 +/-0.117 0.0857 pCi/g Lead-214 1.11 +/-0.192 0.0528 +/-0.188 0.110 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.018 +/-0.0408 0.0342 +/-0.040 0.0717 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00549 +/-0.0351 0.0293 +/-0.0344 0.0613 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.17 +/-1.13 0.233 +/-1.11 0.511 pCi/g Radium-226 1.13 +/-0.178 0.057 +/-0.174 0.119 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00168 +/-0.0371 0.030 +/-0.0364 0.0622 pCi/g Thalliun-208 0.323 +/-0.083 0.031 +/-0.0813 0.0648 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 27 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13,2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-008-F 145417001 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANKO1204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.Ul Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 28 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-008-FS 145417002 TS 07-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 10.7%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch ]Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSSGAM&

ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.989 +/-0.230 0.0722 +/-0.225 0.156 pCi/g MJHI 10/04105 2341 463112 Americium-241 UUI 0.00 +1-0.0476 0.0317 +1-0.0467 0.0651 pCi/g Bismuth-212 1.06 +/-0.348 0.165 +/-0.341 0.353 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.936 +1-0.147 0.0439 +1-0.144 0.0926 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0318 +/-0.033 0.0285 +1-0.0324 0.0604 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.37 +1-0.132 0.0242 +/-0.130 0.0511 pCi/g Cobalt-60 UUI 0.00 +/-0.0781 0.0227 +/-0.0766 0.0498 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0433 +/-0.0785 0.064 +/-0.0769 0.133 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0337 +/-0.088 0.0748 +/-0.0863 0.162 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0449 +/-0.0672 0.0567 +/-0.0658 0.116 pCi/g Lead-212 0.959 +/-0.128 0.0347 +/-0.125 0.0717 pCi/g Lead-214 1.05 +/-0.166 0.0471 +l-0.162 0.0979 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.00751 +/-0.0289 0.0247 +/-0.0283 0.0525 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00932 +/-0.0267 0.021 +/-0.0261 0.0445 pCilg Potassium-40 8.47 +1-1.09 0.189 +1-1.07 0.423 pCi/g Radium-226 0.936 +/-0.147 0.0439 +1-0.144 0.0926 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.0146 +/-0.0283 0.0228 +/-0.0277 0.0475 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.353 +/-0.0792 0.0226 +/-0.0776 0.0479 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TC1 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 29 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-008-FS 145417002 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANKOI20O4 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batchl E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 30 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-011-F 145417003 TS 07-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 9.88%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch I Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.712 +1-0.141 0.0506 +/-0.138 0.107 pCi/g MJH1 10/04/05 2341 463112 1 Americium-241 U 0.0335 +1-0.105 0.0875 +/-0.103 0.180 pCilg Bismuth-212 0.553 +/-0.241 0.113 +1-0.236 0.238 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.961 +1-0.0854 0.0271 +1-0.0837 0.0569 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0267 +/-0.0348 0.0181 +/-0.0341 0.0379 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.21 +/-0.0631 0.0167 +/-0.0619 0.0348 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.0453 +/-0.0377 0.015 +/-0.0369 0.0322 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0158 +1-0.0497 0.0423 +/-0.0487 0.0877 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0344 +/-0.0582 0.0446 +/-0.0571 0.0953 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0798 +/-0.0672 0.0491 +/-0.0658 0.101 pCi/g Lead-212 0.882 +/-0.0611 0.0275 +/-0.0599 0.0566 pCi/g Lead-214 1.08 +1-0.0915 0.0292 +/-0.0896 0.0607 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0148 +/-0.0184 0.0135 +/-0.018 0.0285 pCi/g Niobium-94 UUW 0.00 +/-0.0227 0.0132 +/-0.0222 0.0277 pCi/g Potassium-40 14.9 +/-0.786 0.114 +/-0.770 0.250 pCi/g Radium-226 0.961 +/-0.0854 0.0271 +/-0.0837 0.0569 pCi/g Silver-108m U -6.080E- +/-0.0161 0.0136 +/-0.0158 0.0284 pCi/g 05 Thallium-208 0.276 +/-0.0354 0.0142 +/-0.0347 0.0299 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.Page 31 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-011-F 145417003 Proiect: YANK01204 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch?BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.Ul Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 32 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector Moisture: 9527-0003-011-FS 145417004 TS 07-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 10.9%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANKOOI Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch b Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM& ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.658 Americium-241 U 0.00577 Bismuth-212 0.408 Bismuth-214 0.833 Cesium-134 U 0.0478 Cesium-137 1.05 Cobalt-60 U 0.0425 Europium-152 U -0.025 Europium-154 U -0.0209 Europium-I 55 U 0.0679 Lead-212 0.782 Lead-214 0.949 Manganese-54 U 0.032 Niobium-94 U 0.0126 Potassium-40 11.6 Radium-226 0.833 Silver-108m U 0.000114 Thallium-208 0.259+1-0.183+1-0.0245+1-0.264+/-0.139+/-0.0319+/-O.1I1I+1-0.0258+/-0.0554+/-0.0732+/-0.0626+/-0.100+/-0.127+/-0.0276+/-0.0196+/-1.10+/-0.139+/-0.0193+1-0.0613 0.0568 0.0209 0.134 0.0308 0.0251 0.0175 0.0242 0.0441 0.0579 0.0339 0.0215 0.032 0.0176 0.0168 0.139 0.0308 0.0166 0.0165+/-0.179+/-0.024+1-0.258+/-0.136+/-0.0312+/-0.108+/-0.0253+/-0.0543+/-0.0718+/-0.0613+/-0.098+/-0.125+/-0.027+/-0.0192+/-1.08+/-0.136+/-0.0189+1-0.060 0.122 0.043 0.285 0.0653 0.0528 0.0371 0.0518 0.092 0.125 0.0701 0.0448 0.0668 0.0376 0.0356 0.313 0.0653 0.0347 0.0351 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g MJHI 10/10105 1126 463112 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TC1 09/15105 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 33 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-01 1-FS 145417004 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch ?E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 34 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13,2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-012-F 145417005 TS 07-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 9.95%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch I Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamnma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.726 +/-0.200 0.0806 +/-0.196 0.175 pCi/g MJHI 10/10105 1127 463112 1 Americium-241 U 0.0206 +/-0.0365 0.0308 +1-0.0358 0.0635 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.634 +/-0.391 0.160 +/-0.383 0.346 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.838 +/-0.136 0.0403 +1-0.133 0.0861 pCilg Cesium-134 U 0.0404 +1-0.0433 0.0277 +/-0.0425 0.0594 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.949 +/-0.108 0.025 +/-0.105 0.0531 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.039 +/-0.034 0.0317 +/-0.0334 0.0685 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0194 +1-0.0715 0.054 +/-0.0701 0.114 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0401 +/-0.0925 0.0775 +/-0.0907 0.169 pCi/g Europium-lS5 U 0.0508 +/-0.0589 0.049 +/-0.0577 0.102 pCi/g Lead-212 0.703 +/-0.0905 0.0302 +/-0.0887 0.0629 pCi/g Lead-214 0.854 +/-0.140 0.0385 +/-0.137 0.0811 pCi/g Manganese-54 UUI 0.00 +/-0.0448 0.0211 +/-0.0439 0.0458 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0065 +/-0.0256 0.021 +/-0.0251 0.0449 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.19 +/-1.12 0.193 +/-1.10 0.438 pCi/g Radium-226 0.838 +/-0.136 0.0403 +/-0.133 0.0861 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.0211 +/-0.0229 0.0195 +/-0.0224 0.0411 pCi/g Tballium-208 0.274 +/-0.0645 0.0243 +/-0.0632 0.0516 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 35 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-012-F 145417005 Proiect: YANK01204 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch l%E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 36 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-013-F 145417006 TS 07-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 10.3%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch I Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM& ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.750 +1-0.195 0.0709 +/-0.191 0.152 pCi/g MJHI 10/10/05 1159 463112 1 Americium-241 U 0.0235 +/-0.0415 0.0322 +/-0.0406 0.0658 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.740 +/-0.358 0.149 +/-0.351 0.318 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.748 +/-0.122 0.0365 +/-0.120 0.0772 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0254 +/-0.0281 0.0244 +/-0.0275 0.0518 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.69 +/-0.149 0.0208 +/-0.146 0.0441 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.0526 +/-0.0498 0.0207 +1-0.0488 0.0451 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0203 +/-0.0689 0.0579 +/-0.0675 0.120 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0197 +/-0.0804 0.0647 +/-0.0788 0.140 pCi/g Europium-1SS U 0.0256 +/-0.060 0.0516 +/-0.0588 0.106 pCi/g Lead-212 0.783 +/-0.109 0.034 +/-0.107 0.0701 pCi/g Lead-214 0.919 +/-0.157 0.0424 +/-0.154 0.0881 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.00172 +/-0.0283 0.0206 +/-0.0277 0.0439 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0149 +/-0.0236 0.0184 +/-0.0231 0.039 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.8 +/-1.13 0.188 +/-1.11 0.415 pCi/g Radium-226 0.748 +/-0.122 0.0365 +/-0.120 0.0772 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00858 +/-0.024 0.0206 +/-0.0235 0.0429 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.282 +/-0.0571 0.0208 +/-0.056 0.0438 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 37 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-013-F 145417006 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty, LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch I E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 38 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13,2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector Moisture: 9527-0003-014-F 145417007 TS 07-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 12%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch x Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSSGAM&

ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.990 Americium-241 U 0.0764 Bismuth-212 0.654 Bismuth-214 1.05 Cesium-134 UlU 0.00 Cesium-137 0.992 Cobalt-60 U 0.0294 Europium-152 U -0.0465 Europium-154 U -0.014 Europium-155 U 0.0463 Lead-212 0.986 Lead-214 1.22 Manganese-54 U -0.00829 Niobium-94 U 0.0133 Potassium-40 11.8 Radium-226 1.05 Silver-108m U 0.00581 Thallium-208 0.294+1-0.152+/-0.115+/-0.314+/-0.107+/-0.0292+/-0.0632+/-0.0293+/-0.0508+/-0.056+1-0.0604+/-0.0658+/-0.0953+1-0.021+1-0.017+1-0.760+1-0.107+/-0.0178+/-0.0431 0.055 0.0961 0.111 0.0287 0.0208 0.0158 0.0206 0.0419 0.0441 0.0541 0.0274 0.0316 0.0172 0.0144 0.153 0.0287 0.0152 0.016+/-0.149+/-0.113+/-0.308+1-0.105+/-0.0286+/-0.062+/-0.0287+1-0.0498+/-0.0549+/-0.0592+/-0.0645+/-0.0934+/-0.0206+1-0.0167+/-0.745+1-0.105+/-0.0174+/-0.0422 0.116 0.198 0.234 0.060 0.0435 0.0331 0.0435 0.0871 0.0945 0.111 0.0564 0.0655 0.0362 0.0303 0.330 0.060 0.0316 0.0334 pCi/g pCi/g pci/g pci/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pci/g pci/g pci/g pCi/g pCifg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g MJHIl 10/10/05 1201 463112 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 39 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-014-F 145417007 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch I E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.Ul Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 40 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-015-F 145417008 TS 07-SEP-05 14-SEP-S5 Client 11.4%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch I Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.959 +/-0.173 0.0444 +1-0.170 0.0939 pCi/g MJHI 10/10105 1202 463112 1 Americium-241 U -0.00712 +/-0.0584 0.0518 +/-0.0573 0.106 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.583 +/-0.297 0.109 +/-0.291 0.228 pCi/g Bismuth-214 1.04 +/-0.142 0.0279 +1-0.139 0.0581 pCi/g Cesium-134 lUI 0.00 +1-0.0342 0.0192 +/-0.0336 0.0399 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.550 +1-0.0676 0.0131 +/-0.0662 0.0274 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0311 +/-0.0179 0.0155 +/-0.0176 0.0328 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0257 +1-0.0466 0.0381 +/-0.0456 0.0788 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0316 +/-0.0585 0.0433 +1-0.0573 0.0918 pCi/g Europium-155 UUI 0.00 +/-0.0814 0.048 +1-0.0798 0.0981 pCi/g Lead-212 1.02 +1-0.104 0.0229 +/-0.102 0.047 pCi/g Lead-214 1.07 +/-0.130 0.0265 +/-0.128 0.0549 pCi/g Manganese-54 U-0.000186

+/-0.0193 0.0157 +/-0.0189 0.0328 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00168 +1-0.0157 0.0129 +/-0.0154 0.0269 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.7 +1-0.975 0.124 +/-0.955 0.268 pCi/g Radium-226 1.04 +/-0.142 0.0279 +/-0.139 0.0581 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.000447 +/-0.0158 0.013 +1-0.0155 0.027 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.286 +1-0.0485 0.0146 +1-0.0476 0.0305 pCilg The following Prep AMethods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 41 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Report Date: October 13, 2005 Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-015-F 145417008 Proiect: YANK01204 Client ID: YANKOOI Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch i E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 42 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector Moisture: 9527-0003-016-F 145417009 TS 07-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 6.49%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch?Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSS GAM& ALL FES Actinium-228 0.833 +/-0.210 0.071 +/-0.206 0.155 pCi/g MJHI 10/10/05 1713 463112 1 Americium-241 U 0.0183 +/-0.103 0.0882 +/-0.101 0.182 pCilg Bismuth-212 0.479 +/-0.325 0.157 +/-0.319 0.338 pCilg Bismuth-214 0.752 +/-0.113 0.0395 +/-0.111 0.084 pCi/g Cesium-134 UUI 0.00 +/-0.0389 0.0276 +/-0.0381 0.0587 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.12 +/-0.0873 0.0208 +/-0.0856 0.0445 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.0885 +/-0.0523 0.0203 +/-0.0512 0.0456 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00156 +1-0.065 0.0553 +/-0.0637 0.116 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0179 +/-0.0746 0.0636 +/-0.0732 0.141 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0755 +/-0.071 0.0621 +/-0.0696 0.128 pCi/g Lead-212 0.922 +1-0.0748 0.0311 +/-0.0733 0.0648 pCi/g Lead-214 0.816 +/-0.120 0.0418 +/-0.118 0.0876 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.0077 +/-0.0256 0.0199 +/-0.025 0.0432 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0045 +/-0.0239 0.0192 +/-0.0234 0.041 pCitg Potassium-40 10.6 +/-0.994 0.153 +/-0.974 0.356 pCilg Radiurn-226 0.752 +/-0.113 0.0395 +/-0.1 11 0.084 pCilg Silver-108m U 0.0187 +/-0.0236 0.0209 +/-0.0232 0.0439 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.257 +/-0.0583 0.0206 +/-0.0572 0.0441 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD 1Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 43 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-016-F 145417009 Proiect: YANK01204 Client ID: YANKOOl Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch!E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.Ul Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 44 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Report Date: October 13, 2005 Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-017-F 145417010 TS 07-SEP-O5 14-SEP-05 Client 7.26%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch P Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.991 Americium-241 U 0.0558 Bismuth-212 0.741 Bismuth-214 0.948 Cesium-134 UUI 0.00 Cesium-137 1.21 Cobalt-60 U 0.00231 Europium-152 U 0.0249 Europium-154 U 0.0408 Europium-1S5 U 0.0411 Lead-212 1.01 Lead-214 1.10 Manganese-54 U 0.0154 Niobium-94 U 0.0397 Potassium-40 12.0 Radium-226 0.948 Silver-108m U -0.00558 Thallium-208 0.308+/-0.226+/-O. I0 1+/-0.311+/-0.140+1-0.0437+/-0.117+1-0.030+/-0.0685+/-0.0828+/-0.0742+1-0.119+1-0.160+1-0.0264+1-0.0404+1-1.25+/-0.140+/-0.0245+1-0.0566 0.0711 0.0906 0.160 0.0398 0.0285 0.0221 0.0248 0.0587 0.0716 0.0646 0.0323 0.0383 0.0228 0.0221 0.201 0.0398 0.020 0.0196+/-0.222+/-0.0989+/-0.304+/-0.138+/-0.0429+/-0.114+/-0.0294+1-0.0671+/-0.0811+/-0.0727+/-0.117+/-0.156+/-0.0259+/-0.0396+/-1.22+/-0.138+/-0.0241+/-0.0554 0.153 0.187 0.340 0.0842 0.0602 0.0469 0.0539 0.123 0.155 0.133 0.0669 0.0802 0.0485 0.0465 0.444 0.0842 0.0419 0.0417 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g MJHI 10/10/05 1714 463112 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 45 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-017-F 145417010 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANKOOI Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch 1 E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 46 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Report Date: October 13,2005 Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0003-001-F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 145417011 Client ID: YANK00I Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 06-SEP-05 Receive Date: 14-SEP-05 Collector:

Client Moisture:

13.6%Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch ?Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSS GAM& ALL FSS Actinium-228 1.05 Americium-241 U 0.0926 Bismuth-212 0.904 Bismuth-214 1.13 Cesium-134 U 0.0397 Cesium-137 0.609 Cobalt-60 U 0.0155 Europium-152 U 0.025 Europium-154 U -0.0391 Europium-155 U 0.0512 Lead-212 1.21 Lead-214 1.25 Manganese-54 U 0.00598 Niobium-94 U 0.0014 Potassium-40 12.6 Radium-226 1.13 Silver-108m U -0.00077 tballium-208 0.352+/-0.216+/-0.139+/-0.312+/-0.150+/-0.0261+/-0.0773+/-0.0223+/-0.0659+/-0.0709+/-0.0651+/-0.130+/-0.152+/-0.0257+/-0.0233+/-1.29+/-0.150+/-0.0187+/-0.0626 0.0658 0.113 0.137 0.0318 0.0231 0.0187 0.0195 0.0482 0.0548 0.0572 0.0278 0.0363 0.0203 0.0167 0.176 0.03 18 0.0158 0.0169+/-0.212+/-0.136+/-0.306+/-0.147+/-0.0255+1-0.0758+/-0.0218+/-0.0646+/-0.0695+/-0.0638+/-0.128+/-0.149+/-0.0252+/-0.0228+/-1.26+/-0.147+/-0.0184+/-0.0614 0.140 0.233 0.291 0.0672 0.0488 0.0394 0.0424 0.100 0.119 0.118 0.0574 0.0754 0.043 0.0353 0.385 0.0672 0.0331 0.0358 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g MJHI 10/10/05 1715 463112 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 47 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-001-F 145417011 Proiect: YANK01204 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch f E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.Ul Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 48 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-002-F 145417012 TS 06-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 8.13%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANKOOI Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch 1%Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM& ALL FSS Actinium-228 1.33 Americium-241 U -0.0426 Bismuth-212 1.42 Bismuth-214 1.18 Cesium-134 U 0.0815 Cesium-137 0.575 Cobalt-60 U 0.00725 Europium-152 U -0.0393 Europium-154 U 0.067 Europium-155 U 0.0639 Lead-212 1.19 Lead-214 1.20 Manganese-54 U 0.000401 Niobium-94 U 0.025 Potassium-40 10.7 Radium-226 1.18 Silver-108m U 0.00536 Thallium-208 0.398+/-0.307+/-0.0522+/-0.557+/-0.173+/-0.0591+/-0.0805+/-0.034+/-0.088+/-0.101+/-0.0805+/-0.159+/-0.171+/-0.0377+/-0.0322+/-1.23+/-0.173+/-0.0312+/-0.0833 0.0871 0.0429 0.210 0.0495 0.0397 0.0274 0.0286 0.0722 0.0794 0.0687 0.0389 0.0548 0.0274 0.0276 0.244 0.0495 0.0262 0.0275+/-0.300+/-0.0511+/-0.546+/-0.169+/-0.0579+/-0.0788+/-0.0333+/-0.0863+/-0.0986+/-0.0789+/-0.156+/-0.168+/-0.0369+/-0.0315+/-1.20+/-0.169+/-0.0305+/-0.0816 0.189 0.088 0.448 0.105 0.0837 0.0584 0.0628 0.151 0.174 0.141 0.0808 0.114 0.0588 0.0585 0.544 0.105 0.055 0.0584 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pCilg pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g MJHI 10/10/05 1715 463112 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: B BD Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 49 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-002-F 145417012 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch D E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.Ul Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 50 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-004-F 145417013 TS 06-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 19.1%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch N Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSSGAM

& ALL FSS Actinium-228 1.12 Americium-241 U -0.0318 Bismuth-212 1.03 Bismuth-214 0.980 Cesium-134 U 0.0174 Cesium-137 1.83 Cobalt-60 U 0.0603 Europium-152 U -0.0226 Europium-154 U -0.0517 Europium-lS5 U 0.0359 Lead-212 1.13 Lead-214 1.17 Manganese-54 U 0.0159 Niobium-94 U 0.0141 Potassium-40 9.76 Radium-226 0.980 Silver-108m U 0.017 Thallium-208 0.327+/-0.247+1-0.152+/-0.394+/-0.162+/-0.0402+1-0.124+/-0.0781+/-0.0987+/-0.094+1-0.0907+/-0.107+/-0.147+/-0.0383+/-0.0349+1- 1.14+/-0.162+/-0.0361+/-0.0815 0.0944 0.114 0.201 0.0544 0.0335 0.0308 0.029 0.0764 0.0716 0.076 0.0468 0.051 0.0283 0.0259 0.217 0.0544 0.0288 0.0305+1-0.242+/-0.149+/-0.386+1-0.158+/-0.0394+/-0.121+/-0.0765+/-0.0967+/-0.0921+/-0.0888+1-0.105+1-0.144+/-0.0376+/-0.0342+1-1.12+1-0.158+/-0.0354+/-0.0799 0.205 0.236 0.433 0.115 0.0715 0.0653 0.0642 0.160 0.160 0.157 0.0967 0.107 0.061 0.0553 0.496 0.115 0.0603 0.0645 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g MJHI 10/10/05 1716 463112 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09115/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 51 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, hG GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-004-F 145417013 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch ?E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 52 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Report Date: October 13, 2005 Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-005-F 145417014 TS 06-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 5.26%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch 1 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.812 +/-0.204 0.0599 +1-0.199 0.130 pCi/g MJHI 10/10/05 1716 463112 1 Americium-241 U -0.00449 +/-0.0968 0.0753 +/-0.0949 0.156 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.571 +/-0.257 0.134 +/-0.252 0.289 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.597 +/-0.0979 0.0335 +/-0.096 0.0713 pCi/g Cesium-134 UUI 0.00 +/-0.0424 0.0219 +/-0.0415 0.0469 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.361 +/-0.050 0.0174 +/-0.049 0.0373 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0223 +/-0.0215 0.0201 +/-0.021 0.0442 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0671 +/-0.0533 0.0481 +/-0.0522 0.101 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00352 +/-0.067 0.0551 +/-0.0657 0.121 pCi/g Europium-ISS U 0.0657 +/-0.0554 0.0525 +/-0.0542 0.109 pCi/g Lead-212 0.852 +/-0.0652 0.0267 +/-0.0639 0.0556 pCi/g Lead-214 0.847 +/-0.0929 0.0336 +/-0.091 0.0707 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0216 +/-0.0348 0.0167 +/-0.0341 0.0363 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00176 +/-0.0197 0.0165 +/-0.0193 0.0353 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.82 +/-0.883 0.195 +/-0.S65 0.429 pCi/g Radium-226 0.597 +/-0.0979 0.0335 +/-0.096 0.0713 pCi/g Silver-108m UU1 0.00 +/-0.0392 0.0173 +/-0.0384 0.0365 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.271 +/-0.0465 0.0198 +1-0.0456 0.042 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 53 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-005-F 145417014 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK00I Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch N E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 54 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Report Date: October 13, 2005 Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-006-F 145417015 TS 06-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 8.68%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch A Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSS GAM& ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.965 Americium-241 U 0.00226 Bismuth-212 0.812 Bismuth-214 0.945 Cesium-134 UWI 0.00 Cesium-137 0.509 Cobalt-60 U 0.00226 Europium-i 52 U -0.0493 Europiur-154 U -0.0277 Europium-155 UUI 0.00 Lead-212 1.11 Lead-214 1.00 Manganese-54 U 0.020 Niobium-94 U 0.00397 Potassium-40 10.5 Radium-226 0.945 Silver-108m U 0.0101 Thallium-208 0.331+1-0.255+/-0.0308+/-0.393+/-0.147+/-0.0471+/-0.0738+/-0.0284+/-0.0646+/-0.0904+/-0.0673+/-0.138+/-0.146+/-0.047+/-0.0261+/-1.13+/-0.147+/-0.0217+/-0.0702 0.0797 0.026 0.162 0.0391 0.028 0.0228 0.0232 0.0497 0.0709 0.0414 0.0294 0.0405 0.0252 0.019 0.192 0.0391 0.0191 0.0219+/-0.250+/-0.0302+/-0.386+/-0.144+/-0.0461+/-0.0723+/-0.0278+/-0.0633+/-0.0886+1-0.0659+/-0.135+/-0.143+1-0.046+/-0.0255+/-1.10+/-0.144+/-0.0212+/-0.0688 0.172 0.0536 0.347 0.0832 0.0596 0.0485 0.0512 0.105 0.155 0.086 0.0612 0.0848 0.0538 0.0406 0.432 0.0832 0.0402 0.0464 pCi/g pci/g pci/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pci/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pci/g pCi/g pCi/g MlHI 10/10/05 1717 463112 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCl 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 55 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LIC GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-006-F 145417015 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch )E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 56 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-009-F 145417016 TS 06-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 7.74%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch 1i Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS Actinium-228 1.05 +1-0.178 0.0562 +/-0.174 0.120 pCilg MJH1 10/10/05 1717 463112 1 Americium-241 U 0.0271 +/-0.129 0.0989 +/-0.126 0.205 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.876 +/-0.385 0.127 +/-0.377 0.269 pCilg Bismuth-214 0.947 +/-0.0998 0.0326 +/-0.0978 0.0687 pCilg Cesium-134 UUI 0.00 +/-0.0391 0.0222 +/-0.0383 0.0467 pCilg Cesium-137 0.804 +/-0.057 0.0199 +/-0.0559 0.0417 pCi/g Cobalt-60 UUI 0.00 +/-0.0356 0.0212 +/-0.0349 0.0453 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.00478 +/-0.0539 0.0464 +/-0.0528 0.0969 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0154 +1-0.0601 0.0472 +/-0.0589 0.102 pCilg Europium-155 U 0.0822 +/-0.0685 0.0628 +/-0.0671 0.130 pCi/g Lead-212 0.998 +/-0.0723 0.0294 +/-0.0709 0.0608 pCi/g Lead-214 1.19 +/-0.112 0.0333 +/-0.110 0.0697 pCilg Manganese-54 U -0.00369 +/-0.0224 0.0187 +/-0.022 0.0396 pCilg Niobium-94 U 0.0029 +/-0.0193 0.0159 +/-0.019 0.0334 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.4 +/-0.872 0.153 +/-0.855 0.335 pCi/g Radium-226 0.947 +/-0.0998 0.0326 +/-0.0978 0.0687 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.0235 +/-0.0207 0.0155 +/-0.0202 0.0325 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.263 +/-0.0517 0.0181 +/-0.0507 0.0381 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1501 463010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Page 57 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-009-F 145417016 Proiect: YANK01204 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch A E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 58 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-003-F 145417017 TS 06-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 12.7%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANKOOI Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch ?Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm. Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 Curium-242 Curium-243/244 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 Plutonium-239M240 U U U 0.0905 0.0169 0.101+/-0.131+1-0.0673+1-0.129 0.0912 0.0524 0.0792+/-0.131+1-0.0673+/-0.129 U 0.0365 +/-0.0824 0.0563 +/-0.0825 U -0.133 +/-0.123 0.184 +/-0.124 Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -5.83 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS Actinium-228 1.15 Americium-241 U 0.0385 Bismuth-212 0.645 Bismuth-214 0.969 Cesium-134 UUI 0.00 Cesium-137 0.841 Cobalt-60 U 0.0386 Europium-1 52 U 0.0658 Europium-154 U 0.00216 Europium-155 U 0.0131 Lead-212 1.01 Lead-214 1.09 Manganese-54 UUI 0.00 Niobium-94 U 0.0047 Potassium-40 11.0 Radium-226 0.969 Silver-105m U 0.00166 Thallium-208 0.281 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00382 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U -0.611 Liquid Scint C14, SolidAll,FSS

+1-8.59 7.45 +/-8.62+1-0.229+/-0.0842+/-0.414+/-0.159+/-0.0326+/-0.111+/-0.0267+/-0.0746+1-0.0789+/-0.0712+/-0.118+/-0.155+/-0.0704+/-0.0239+/-1.13+/-0.159+/-0.0237+/-0.0618 0.0671 0.0717 0.155 0.0394 0.0269 0.0195 0.0243 0.0527 0.0636 0.0585 0.0302 0.0392 0.0195 0.0196 0.190 0.0394 0.019 0.0187+/-0.225+/-0.0825+/-0.405+/-0.156+/-0.032+/-0.109+/-0.0261+/-0.0731+/-0.0773+/-0.0697+1-0.115+/-0.152+1-0.069+/-0.0234+/-1.11+/-0.156+/-0.0232+/-0.0606 0.259 0.193 0.235 0.190 0.444 15.5 0.143 0.148 0.328 0.0827 0.0566 0.0412 0.0521 0.110 0.137 0.121 0.0627 0.0818 0.0416 0.0412 0.414 0.0827 0.0397 0.0396 0.0212 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g BJBI 10/08/05 1538 467822 1 BJBI 10/08/05 1538 467823 , BJBI 10/11/05 1047 467827 2 MJHI 10/10/05 17184631124 EXWI 10/06/05 2222 467346 5 BXFI 10/11/05 1352 467508 6+/-0.0107 0.0102 +/-0.0107+/-6.09 5.14 +/-6.09 10.7 pCi/g Page 59 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13,2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-003-F 145417017 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch h Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint C14, Solid All,FSS Carbon-14 U 0.125 Liquid Scint FeSS, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-5S U -33.6 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U -5.74 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 0396+/-0.106 0.0873 +/-0.106 0.177+1-50.1 34.4 +/-50.1 71.0+/-8.17 7.12 +/-8.17 14.9 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g SLNI 09/22/05 0752 464786 7 BXFI 09/24105 0410 464797 8 BXFI 09/24/05 1931 464799 9 BXFI 09/27/05 0500 464785 1+/-0.171 0.168 +/-0.171 0.348 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Ash Soil Prep Ash Soil Prep, GL-RAD-A-021B TCI 09/16/05 1531 463017 Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1456 463013 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- 1-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 EML HASL 300,4.5.23 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 8 DOE RESL Fe-l, Modified 9 DOE RESLNi-l, Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Americium-243 Plutonium-242 Carrier/Tracer Recovery Carrier/Tracer Recovery Carrier/Tracer Recovery Carrier/Tracer Recovery Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FE GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS Liquid ScintNi63, Solid-ALL FS Recovery%94 100 89 65 79 94 Acceptable Limits (150/-125

/%)(I 5/-125%)(25/o-125%)

(25O/o I25%)(I15°-125%)


Page 60 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-003-F 145417017 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch l Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 88 ( I 5%- I 25%)Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UT Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 61 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9527-0003-007-F 145417018 TS 06-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 10.3%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANKi01204 YANKOOI Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch]Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U -0.0321 Curium-242 U -0.00856 Curium-243/244 U 0.0636 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U 0.0239 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0578 Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -10.4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM& ALL FSS Actinium-228 0.694 Americium-241 U -0.0606 Bismuth-212 0.774 Bismuth-214 0.756 Cesium-134 U 0.0392 Cesium-137 0.635 Cobalt-60 U 0.0153 Europium-152 U 0.0997 Europium-154 U -0.0209 Europium-lS5 U 0.0424 Lead-212 0.929 Lead-214 0.959 Manganese-54 U 0.0157 Niobium-94 U 0.0086 Potassium-40 7.72 Radium-226 0.756 Silver-108m U 0.0113 Thalliurn-208 0.268 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting+/-0.0411+/-0.0719+/-O.1I1I 0.0792 0.0407 0.071+/-0.0414+/-0.072+/-0.110+/-0.0634 0.0358 +/-0.0634+t-0.105 0.143 +/-0.105+/-8.42 7.51 +/-8.53+/-0.181+1-0.144+/-0.353+1-0.107+/-0.0319+1-0.0858+/-0.0299+1-0.109+/-0.0813+/-0.0873+/-0.097+I-0.151+/-0.0355+/-0.0264+/-0.928+/-0.107+/-0.0287+/-0.0662 0.0828 0.117 0.159 0.0464 0.0291 0.0239 0.0262 0.0659 0.0652 0.0725 0.042 0.0499 0.0266 0.0225 0.231 0.0464 0.0239 0.0254+1-0.178+/-0.141+/-0.346+1-0.105+/-0.0312+/-0.0841+/-0.0293+/-0.107+/-0.0797+/-0.0856+/-0.0951+/-0.148+/-0.0348+/-0.0259+1-0.909+1-0.105+/-0.0282+/-0.0649 0.243 0.178 0.226 0.157 0.371 15.6 0.179 0.242 0.347 0.0988 0.0624 0.0514 0.0577 0.139 0.145 0.150 0.0874 0.105 0.0571 0.0481 0.513 0.0988 0.0506 0.0541 0.0234 9.93 pCi/g pci/g pci/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pci/g pci/g pCi/g pci/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pci/g pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g BJBI 10/08/05 1121 467822 BJIBI 10/08/05 1538 467823: BJBI 10111/05 1103 467827: MJHI 10110/05 1718 463112'EXWI 10/06/05 2222 467346 'BXFI 10/11105 1424 467508 (GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U Liquid Scint C14, Solid AUFSS.016 +/-0.0125 0.0112 +/-0.0125 2.79 +/-5.82 4.77 +1-5.82 Page 62 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-007-F 145417018 Proiect: YANK01204 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint C14, SolidAIlFSS Carbon-14 U -0.0421 Liquid Scint FeSS, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 8.63 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U -1.86 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL F. SS Technetiumn-99 U 0.201 Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch 1+/-0.0977 0.0826 +1-0.0977 0.167+/-59.0 39.7 +/-59.0 81.9+/-8.21 6.98 +/-8.21 14.6+/-0.170 0.178 +/-0.170 0.369 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g SLNI 09/22/05 0926 464786 7 BXFI 09/24/05 0427 464797 8 BXFI 09/24/05 1948 464799 9 BXFI 09/27/05 0517 464785 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Ash Soil Prep Ash Soil Prep, GL-RAD-A-021B Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 EML HASL 300, 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 8 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 9 DOE RESL Ni-l, Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analyst TCI TCI Date 09/16/05 09/15/05 Time 1531 1456 Prep Batch 463017 463013 Surrogate/Tracer recovery Americium-243 Plutonium-242 Carrier/Tracer Recovery Carrier/Tracer Recovery Carrier/Tracer Recovery Carrier/Tracer Recovery Alphaspec Am24I, Cm, Solid ALL Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FE GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS Recovery%87 85 88 49 75 95 Acceptable Limits (150/u125%)(I5-I125%)




(25%r 125%)Page 63 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-007-F 145417018 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANKO1204 YANKOOl Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch i CarrierfTracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 83 (I Y5-125%)Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.U1 Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 64 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Report Date: October 13, 2005 Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector Moisture: 9527-0003-010-F 145417019 TS 06-SEP-05 14-SEP-05 Client 14.6%Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch r Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U 0.0932 Curium-242 U 0.0359 Curium-243/244 U 0.0163 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.0668 Plutonium--239/240 U -0.0361 Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -2.67 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM& ALL FSS Actinium-228 1.25 Americium-241 U 0.0126 Bismuth-212 1.28 Bismuth-214 0.990 Cesium-134 U 0.0502 Cesium-137 1.28 Cobalt-60 U 0.0273 EuropiuS-152 U 0.0819 Europium-154 U -0.0586 Europium-155 U 0.0823 Lead-212 1.40 Lead-214 1.32 Manganese-54 U -0.0293 Niobium-94 U -0.0253 Potassium-40 12.6 Radium-226 0.990 Silver-108m U -0.00432 Thallium-208 0.455 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting+/-O.1I1I1

+/-0.0704+/-0.0649 0.0356 0.00 0.0505+/-0.112+/-0.0705+1-0.0649+/-0.153 0.190 +/-0.153+1-0.131 0.157 +/-0.131+/-8.66 7.38 +1-8.67+1-0.392+/-0.0631+/-0.607+/-0.220+/-0.0657+/-0.155+1-0.0488+/-0.1 10+/-0.143+/-0.105+/-0.170+/-0.219+/-0.0457+/-0.0394+1-1.50+/-0.220+/-0.0417+/-0.117 0.140 0.0527 0.339 0.0697 0.0482 0.0399 0.0422 0.0979 0.113 0.0872 0.0509 0.067 0.0352 0.031 0.367 0.0697 0.0334 0.0371+/-0.385+/-0.0618+/-0.595+/-0.215+/-0.0644+/-0.152+/-0.0478+/-0.108+/-0.140+/-0.103+/-0.166+1-0.215+/-0.0448+/-0.0387+/-1.47+/-0.215+/-0.0409+/-0.115 0.156 0.0973 0.186 0.471 0.404 15.4 0.298 0.108 0.712 0.147 0.102 0.084 0.0909 0.204 0.243 0.180 0.106 0.140 0.0751 0.0658 0.800 0.147 0.070 0.0782 0.0163 9.67 pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g BJBI 10/08/05 1121 467822 1 BJBI 10/08105 1537 467823 2 BJBlI 10/11105 1120 467827 3 MJHI 10/10/05 1719 463112 4 EXWI 10/06/05 2222 467346 5 BXFI 10/09/05 2119 467508 6 GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 0.C Rid Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U Liquid Scint C14, Solid AlFSS)242 +/-0.00947 0.00775 +/-0.00948 5.11 +1-5.78 4.63 +/-5.78 Page 65 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13, 2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-010-F 145417019 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANKE01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch A Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint C14, SolidAllFSS Carbon-14 U Liquid Scinf Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U Liquid Scim Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 0.109 +/-0.0981 0.0808 +1-0.0981+/-54.3 36.7 +1-54.3+1-8.34 7.22 +1-8.34 0.164 75.7 15.1 0.366 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g SLNI 09/22/05 1100 464786 7 BXFI 09/24/05 0444 464797 8 BXFI 09/24/05 2005 464799 9 BXFI 09/27/05 0534 464785 1 0.604 +/-.189 0.177 +/-0.189 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Ash Soil Prep Ash Soil Prep, GL-RAD-A-021B TCI 09/16/05 1531 463017 Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 TCI 09/15/05 1456 463013 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I l-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 EML HASL 300, 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 8 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 9 DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Americium-243 Plutonium-242 CarrierfTracer Recovery Carrier/Tracer Recovery Carrier/Tracer Recovery Carrier/Tracer Recovery Alphaspec Am24 1, Cm, Solid ALL Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL F8 GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS Recovery%81 89 91 67 75 92 Acceptable Limits (15°/1o250%)






Page 66 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date: October 13,2005 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9527-0003-010-F 145417019 Proiect: Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK01204 YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch 1 Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 83 (15%a-125%)

Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:** Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value.U Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.d The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Page 67 of 77 QUALITY CONTROL DATA'2 Page 68 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 OC Summary Client: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Renort Date: October 13,2005 Page 1 of 9 Workorder:

145417 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 467822 QC1200(A8303 Amiericium-241 145417017 DUP Curium-242 Curium-243/244 QC1200948305 LCS Americium-241 Curium-242 Curium-243/244 U 0.0905 Uncert: +/-0.131 TPU: +/-0.131 U 0.0169 Uncert: +/-0.0673 TPU: +/-0.0673 U 0.101 Uncert: +/-0.129 TPU: +1-0.129 12.6 Uncert: TPU: Uncert: TPU: 15.3 Uncert: TPU: U -0.0395+/-0.046+/-0.0463 U -0.00877+/-0.0172+/-0.0172 U 40.0306+/J0.030+/-0.0303 13.1+/-1.17+/-1.97 U -0.00664+/-0.013+/-0.013 15.2+/-1.26+1-2.22 U -0.0244+1-0.0544+/-0.0545 U -0.0136+/-0.0189+/-0.019 U 0.00+/-0.0544+/-0.0544 pCi/g N/A pCi/g N/A pCi/g N/A pCi/g (0% -100'/6) BJBI 10/08/05 15:38 (0%- 100%)(0%- 100%h)104 (75%/&-125%)

pCi/g pCi/g 99 (75%-125°/.)

QC1200948302 Amnericium-241 MB Uncert: TPU: Curium-242 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g Uncert: TPU: Curium-243/244 Uncert: TPU: QC1200948304 Americiuni-241 145417017 MS Curium-242 12.8 U Uncert: TPU: U Uncert: TPU: 15.7 U Uncert: TPU: 0.0905+/-0.131+/-0.131 0.0169+/-0.0673+/-0.0673 0.101+/-0.129+/4.129 U 11.8+/-1.13+/-1.82 0.00+/4.0631+/-0.0631 15.0+/-1.27+/-2.23 pCi/g 92 (75%-125%)

pCi/g Curium-243/244 pCi/g 96 (75%-125%)

Batch 467823 QC1200948314 145417017 DUP Plutonium-238 u 0.0365 U -0.0225 pCi/g N/A (0/a- 100I/.%) BJB1 10/11/05 14:16 Page 69 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 OC Summary Workorder:

145417 Page 2 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 467823 Plutonium-239/240 Uncert: +/-0.0824 TPU: +/-0.0825 U -0.133 Uncert: +/-0.123 TPU: +/-0.124 QC1200948316 LCS Plutonium-238 Plutonium-239/240 QC1200948313 MB Plutonium-238 Plutonium-2391240 QC1200948315 145417017 MS Plutonium-238 Uncert: TPU: 11.6 Uncert: TPU: Uncert: TPU: Uncert: TPU:+1-0.104+/-0.104 U 0.0673+/-0.0924+/-0.0926 U 0.0182+/-0.122+/-0.122 10.3+1-1.07+1-1.62 U 0.0229+/-0.0607+/-0.0607 U -0.113+/-0.108+/-0.109 pCi/g (75%-125%)

10/08/05 15:37 pCi/g N/A (0%/ -100%)pCi/g 89 (75%-125%)

pCi/g 10/08/05 15:38 pCi/g U 0.0365 Uncert: +/-0.0824 TPU: +/-0.0825 11.8 U -0.133 Uncert: +/-0.123 TPU: +/-0.124 U 0.0564+/-0.162+/-0.163 12.0+/-1.26+/-1.94 pCi/g (75%/-125%)

10/08/05 15:37 Plutonium-239/240 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%/o)

Batch 467827 QC1200948318 145417017 DUP Plutonium-241 U -5.83 Uncert: +/-8.59 TPU: +/-8.62 U-1.87+/-9.21+/-9.21 pCi/g N/A (0 0-100%) BJBI QC1200948320 LCS Plutonium-241 QC1200948317 MB Plutonium-241 131 Uncert: TPU: 101+/-12.1+/-17.7 pCi/g 78 (75'/o- 125S/%)10/11/05 11:54 10/11/05 12:28 10/11/05 11:37 10/11/05 12:11 Uncert: TPU: U -8.5+/-7.78+/-7.86 pCi/g QC1200948319 Plutonium-241 145417017 MS 133 U Uncert: TPU:-5.83+/-8.59+/-8.62 99.9+/-12.0+/-17.4 pCi/g 75 (750/o-125%)

Rad Gamma Spec Batch 463112 QC1200936935 145417001 DUP Actinium-228 0.969+/-0.286 Uncert: 0.812+/-0.215+/-0.211 pCi/g 18 (0%- 100%) MJHI 10/10/05 17:25 Page 70 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadeston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder:

145417 Page 3 of 9 Farmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC-/. Range Anist Date Tlme Rad Gamma Spec Batch 463112 Americium-241 Bismuth-212 Bismuth-214 Cesium-134 Cesiun-137 Cobalt-60 Europium-152 Europium-154 TPU: +/-0.280 U 0.0305 U -0.0231 pCilg N/A Uncert: +1-0.051 +/-0.146 TPU: +/-0.050 +/-0.143 0.605 0.468 pCi/g 26 Uncert: +/-0.546 +/-0.340 TPU: +/-0.535 +1-0.333 1.13 0.919 pCilg 21*Uncert: +1-0.178 +/-0.139 TPU: +/-0.174 +/-0.137 UUi 0.00 U 0.0135 pCi/g 148 Uncert: +/-0.064 +/-0.0296 TPU: +/-0.0627

+/-0.0291 1.62 1.55 pCi/g 4 Uncert +/-0.180 +/-0.138 TPU: +/-0.176 +/-0.135 U 0.0403 UUI 0.00 pCi/g 42 Uncert: +/-0.040 +/-0.0495 TPU: +/-0.0392

+/-0.0485 U -0.0406 U -0.00881 pCi/g N/A Uncert: +/-0.0963

+/-0.0632 TPU: +/-0.0944

+/-0.0619 u -0.0161 U -0.0262 pCi/g N/A Uncert: +/-0.122 +/-0.0624 TPU: +/-0.120 +/-0.0611 U 0.0816 U 0.0249 pCi/g 106 Uncert: +/-0.0838

+/-0.065 TPU: +/-0.0821

+/-0.0637 0.894 0.927 pCi/g 4 Uncert: +/-0.119 +/-0.119 TPU: +/-0.117 +/-0.116 1.11 1.02 pCi/g 8 Uncert: +/-0.192 +1-0.156 TPU: +/-0.188 +/-0.153 U 0.018 U 0.00343 pCi/g 136 Uncert: +/-0.0408

+/-0.0229 TPU: +/-0.040 +/-0.0225 U 0.00549 U 0.0198 pCi/g 113 Uncert: +/-0.0351

+/-0.0181 TPU: +/-0.0344

+/-0.0178 9.17 8.54 pCi/g 7 Uncert: +/-1.13 +/-0.994 TPU: +/-1.11 +/-0.974 1.13 0.919 pCi/g 21 Uncert: +/-0.178 +/-0.139 TPU: +/-0.174 +/-0.137 U -0.00168 U -0.00309 pCi/g N/A Uncert: +/-0.0371

+/-0.0213 (0%- 100%)(00/s -100%)(0%-I 20%/-)(0°% -200/.)(0%- 100%)(0%- 1000/o)(0%- 100%)(Off -100%)(0%/ 200/6)(0% -20%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0% -20%)(0%- 100%/e)(0°/e- 100%)Europium-155 Lead-212 Lead-214 Manganese-54 Niobium-94 Potassium-40 Radium-226 Silver-108m Page 71 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder:..

14W17T... .s I. Page 4of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date T1me Rad Gamma Spec Batch 463112 Thalliumn-208 TPU: +/-0.0364 0.323 Uncert: +/-0.083 TPU: +/-0.0813+/-0.0209 0.319+/-0.0622+/-0.061 pci/g I (00/o -100%/)QC1200936936 Actinium-228 Americium-241 LCS Uncert: TPU: 24.4 Uncert: TPU: Bismuth-212 Uncert: TPU: Bismuth-214 Uncert TPU: Cesium-134 Cesium-137 Uncert: TPU: 9.39 Uncert: TPU: 14.3 Uncert: TPU: Cobalt-60 Europium-152 U 0.998+/-1.01+/-0.993 24.3+/-0.972+/-0.952 U 1.18+1-1.61+/-1.58 U 0.00375+/-0.370+/-0.363 U 0.194+/4.243+10.238 10.1+/4.628+1-0.616 15.2+/-0.866+/4.848 U -0.197+/-0.426+1-.418 U 0.337+/-0.462+1-.452 U 4.148+1-4A65+/-0.456 U 0.295+/-0.228+1-0.223 U 0.014+/-0.305+/4.299 U 0.182+/-0.215+/-0.211 U -0.0783+/4.179+/-0.176 U 0.0345 pCi/g pCilg pCilg pCilg 10110105 11:27 pCilg pcilg 107 (75%-125%)

107 (75/,1 25ffo)pCi/g 100 (750/-125%)

Uncert: TPU: Europium-154 Uncert: TPU: Europium-155 Uncert: TPU: Lead-212 Uncert: TPU: pCilg pCi/g pCifg pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g Lead-214 Uncert: TPU: Manganese-54 Uncert: TPU: Niobium-94 Uncert: PU: Potassium40 Page 72 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadeston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder:

145417 Page 5 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Ranpe AnIst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 463112 Uncert: TPU: Radium-226 Uncert: TPU: Silver-108m Uncert TPU: Thallium-208 Uncert: TPU: QC1200936934 MB Actinium-228 Uncert: TPU: Americium-241 Uncert: TPU: Bismuth-212 Uncert: TPU: Bismuth-214 Uncert: TPU:+/-1.66+/-1.63 U 0.00375 pCi/g+/-0.370+/-0363 U -0.0313 pCi/g+/-0.167+/-0.164 U 0.0438 pCi/g+/-0.205+/-0.201 U 0.0454 pCi/g+/-0.053+/-0.0519 U -0.0224 pCi/g+/-0.075+/-0.0735 U 0.0816 pCi/g+/-0.141+/-0.138 U 0.0459 pCi/g+/-0.0533+/-0.0523 U -0.000772 pCi/g+/-0.0159+/-0.0156 U 0.00609 pCi/g+/-0.0171+/-0.0167 U 0.0144 pCi/g+/-0.00964

+/-0.00945 U 0.000976 pCilg+/-0.0443+/-0.0434 U 0.002 pCi/g+/-0.0455+/-0.0446 U -0.0285 pCi/g+/-0.037+/-0.0362 U 0.0217 pCi/g+/-0.0413+/-0.0405 U 0.022 pCi/g+/-0.0318+/-0.0312 10/10/05 17:19 (75%-12S%)

Cesium-134 Uncert: TPU: Cesium-137 Uncert: TPU: Cobalt-60 Uncert: TPU: Europium-152 Uncert: TPU: Europium-154 Uncert: TPU: Europium-lS5 Uncert: TPU: Lead-212 Uncert: TPU: Lead-214 Uncert: TPU: Page 73 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder:

145417 Page 6 of 9 : Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC°/. Range Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 463112 Manganese-54 Uncert: TPU: Niobium-94 Uncert: TPU: Potassium40 Uncert: TPU: U -3.220E-05

+/-0.0187+/-0.0183 U 0.00618+/-0.015+-0.0147 UUW 0.00+/-0.237+1-0.232 U 0.0459+/-0.0533+/-0.0523 U 0.00302+/-0.0167+/-0.0164 U 0.0256+/-0.0179+/-0.0175 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g PCilg Radium-226 Uncert: TPU: Silver-108m Uncert: TPU: Thallium-208 Uncert: TPU: Rad Gas Flow Batch 467346 QC1200947127 145495001 DUP Strontium-90 QC1200947129 Strontium-90 LCS U -0.00109 Uncert: +/-0.0095 TPU: +1-0.0095 1.18 Uncert: TPU: Uncert: TPU: QC1200947126 MB Strontium-90 QC1200947128 145495001 MS Strontium-90 U -0.00366+1-0.0076+/-0.0076 1.21+/4.0755+/-0.0836 U 0.00261+/-0.00407

+/4.00407 1.25+/-0.117+/-0.123 pCi/g N/A (0°/e- I100%/) 3-XWI pCi/g 102 (75%-125°/e) 10/12/05 19:34 10/07/05 19:14 pci/g 10/12/05 19:34 1.18 U Uncert TPU:-0.00109+/-0.0095+/-0.0095 pci/g 105 (75%/6-125%)

10/07/05 19:13 Rad Liquid Scintllatlon Batch 464785 QC1200941137 145417018 DUP Technetium-99 QC1200941139 LCS Technetium-99 QC1200941136 MB Technetium-99 U 0.201 Uncert: +/-0.170 TPU: +/-0.170 U 0.0721+/4.163+/-0.163 pci/g 0 (0%h- 100%) BXFI 09/27/05 06:25 09/27/05 07:00 12.7 Uncert TPU: 11.3+1-0.432+/-0.513 pci/g 89 (75°/,125%)

U 0.194 pCi/g 09/27/05 06:08 Page 74 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder:

145417 Page 7e1 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qua] QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 464785 Uncert: TPU:+/-0.146+/-0.146 QC1200941138 145417018 MS Technetium-99 12.7 U Uncert: TPU: 0.201+/-0.170+/-0.170 11.5+1-0.466+1-0.546 pCi/g 90 (75%-125%)

09/27/05 06:43 Batch 464786 QC1200941141 145417017 DUP Carbon-14 QC1200941143 LCS Carbon-14 QC1200941 140 MB Carbon-14 QC1200941142 145417017 MS Carbon-14 U 0.125 Uncert: +1-0.106 TPU: +/-0.106 U 0.0911+1-0.0952+1-0.0952 pCi/g 0 (0%/- 100%/) SLNI 09/22/05 15:41 6.80 Uncert: TPU: 6.48+1-0.162+1-0.191 pCilg 95 (75 0/6-125%)Uncert: TPU: U -0.0611+/-0.0937+/-0.0937 pCi/g 09/22/05 18:49 09/22/05 14:07 09/22/05 17:15 7.05 U Uncert: TPU: 0.125+1-0.106+1-0.106 6.07+1-0.171+/-0.196 pCi/g 86 (75%-125%)

Batch 464797 QC1200941151 Iron-55 145258021 DUP U -24.8 Uncert: +149.7 TPU: +1-49.8 U-7.41+1-57.3+/-57.3 pCi/g N/A (0% -100%h) BXFI 09/24/05 05:36 QC1200941153 LCS Iron-55 QC1200941150 MB Iron-55 QC1200941152 145258021 MS Iron-55 777 Uncert: TPU: 698+1-74.7+/-86.0 pCi/g 90 (751/6-125%)

Uncert: TPU: U 20.3+/-53.6+/-53.6 pCi/g 09/24/05 06:10 09/24/05 05:18 09/24/05 05:53 788 U Uncert: TPU:-24.8+/49.7+/49.8 737+/-75.1+/-87.7 pCi/g 94 (75%-125%/o)

Batch 464799 QC1200941155 145258021 DUP Nickel-63 QC1200941157 LCS Nickel-63 U 4.8 Uncert: +/-7.84 TPU: +/-7.85 U-2.29+1-8.07+/-8.07 pCi/g N/A (0%/ -1000h) BXFI 09/24/0520:55 577 Uncert: TPU: 532+/-23.8+1-30.0 pcilg 92 (750/*-125%)

09/24105 21:28 Page 75 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 55648171 QC Summary Workorder:

145417 Page 8 of 9 Parmnname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 464799 QC1200941154 MB Nickel-63 QC1200941156 145258021 MS Nickel-63 Uncert: TPU: U 0.688+/-8.18+/-8.18 pCi/g 09/24/05 20:38 09/24/05 21:11 582 U Uncert: TPU: 4.8+/-7.84+l-7.85 502+/-22.6+/-28.4 pCi/g 86 (75%-125%)

Batch 467508 QC1200947552 Tritium 145495003 DUP U 3.73 Uncert: +/-6.27 TPU: +/-6.27 U 5.48+l-5.58+/-5.58 pCi/g 0 (0% -I 00/o) BXFI 10/10/05 04:53 10/13/05 02:10 QC1200947554 LCS Tritium 3.03 Uncert: TPU: 2.43+/-0.368+/-0.370 pCi/g 80 (75%/-125%)

QC1200947551 MB Tritium Uncert: TPU: U 0.341+/-0.435+/-0.435 pCi/g 10/10/05 04:21 QC1200947553 145495003 MS Tritium 67.2 U Uncert: TPU: 3.73+l-6.27+/-6.27 50.9+/-9.06+/-9.10 pCi/g 76 (75°/,125%)

10113/05 01:38 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: B BBD E H J U Ud x d h Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.Results below the MDC or low tracer recovery.Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.Analytical holding time exceeded.Indicates an estimated value.Target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the MDL or LOD.Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.Page 76 of 77 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workorder:

145417 Page 9 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qua] QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time NIA indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more.** Indicates analyte is a surrogate compound.A The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than SX the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.Page 77 of 77 A--pexw 91912005 12:17:04PM PagceI of 3 Analysis Report for 9527-0003-018F Elevated Reading Investigatlon.

GAMMA SPECTRUMANALYSIS Sample Identiricatlon Sample Descriptlon Sample Type: 9527-0003.OIBF

Elevated Reading Investigation.
Final Status Survey Soil Sample Sample Size Facliy: 1.229E+03 grams: CY-FSS-Gamma Sample Taken On Acqulsition Started 91912005 111:25:00AM
919005 12:06:66PM Procedure Operator Detector Name Geonetry Live Time Real Tbne: Soil IL Marinelli: Rardo sosa: OET-04:I liter Marinelli Sand: 600C0 seconds: 600.5 seconds Dead Time: 0.08 %Peak Locate Threshold Peak Locate Range (n channels)Peak Area Range (In channels)Identification Energy Tolerance: 5.00:1-4096:100-4096: 1.000 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On Efficlency Calibration Used Done On Efficiency Calibration Description
41612005: liter Marinelli Sand Sample Number:1442 PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on : 912005 12:17:01PM Peak Analysis From Channel : I Peak Analysis To Channel : 4096 Peak Energy ROl ROI Net Peak Net Area Continuum Critical No. (key) start end Area Uncertainty Counts Level M m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 77.05 94.43 209.45 238.61 241.93 277.15 295.10 146 -183 -414 -473 -473 -550 -563 -160 194 424 487 467 55s 595 1.43E+02 2.21E+01 2.94E+01 2.11E+02 3.28E+01 2.61E+00 5.75E+01 24.60 29.64 14.08 15.50 24.08 1.38E+02 9.32E+01 9.75E+01 6.94E+01 9.89E+01 48.31 4.03E+02 35.63 2.98E+02 3.54E+01 2.89E+01 1.86E+01 1.60E+01 1.64E+01 1.27E+01 1. S9E+01 91912005 12:17:04PM Pagc2of3 Analysis Report for 9527-0003O018F Elevated Reading Investgation.

Peak No.Energy (keli7 RO/ RO1 NetPeak start end Area Net Area Uncertainty Continuum Counts Crilical Level 8 339.37 670 -681 4.73E+01 21.18 7.79E+01 1.37E+01 9 352.07 700- 710 9.86E+01 23.97 5.76E+01 1.17E+01 10 583.29 1160 -1171 4.55E+01 16.37 2.84E+01 8.10E+00 11 609.35 1214- 1223 7.63E+01 19.24 2.50E+01 7.38E+00 12 661.60 1315- 1327 1.80E+02 28.13 2.96E+01 8.40E1+00 13 911.29 1816- 1827 4.73E+01 15.34 1.71E+01 6.15E+00 14 969.82 1932 -1941 2.07E+01 11.89 2.02E1301 6.61E+00 15 1120.31 2234- 2242 1.65E+01 9.41 8.82E+00 4.20E+00 16 1460.84 2914- 2927 9.1SE+01 19.32 6.92E+00 3.93E+00 M -First peak In a mullIplet region m = Other peak In a multipiet region F = Fltted slnglet Errots quoted at 1.960 sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activlty Activity Confidence (pClgrams)

Uncertainty K-40 1.000 8.16E+00 1.74E+00 CS-137 1.000 9.91E-01 1.58E-01 TL-206 0.837 2.22E-01 8.04E-02 PB-212 0.640 9.37E-01 1.34E-01 BI-214 0.608 7.30E-01 1.70E-01 PB-214 0.874 7.33E-01 1.37E-01? -nudlde Is part of an undetermined solution X -nudide rejected by the interference analysis a = nuclide contains energy lnes not used In Weighted Mean ActivtMy Errors quoted at 1.960 sigma UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on :19)2005 12:17:01PM Peak Locate Fron Channel :1 Peak Locate To Channel : 4096 Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Rate (CPS) Peak Rate (Y) Uncertainty 2 94.43 3.6BE-02 -ri-23' Y 82.41 9912005 12:17:04PM Page 3 of Analysis Reportfor 9527a003-OIUF Elevated Reading Investigation.

Peak No.Energy (key)Peak Rate (CPS)Peak Rate (V.) Uncertainty 3 209.45 4.90E-02 Ac.12V 42.68 8 339.37 7.8BE-02 ,4t-.' 22.87 13 911.29 7.88E-02 4C-x2k 16.56 14 968.82 3.45E-02 4c-.I47 29.35 M = First peak In a multiplet region m = Other peak hI a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.960 sigma NUCLIDE MDA REPORT NuclIde LMbrary Used : GMMASPECApexRadtCY-FSS-GammaYlbrarFSS Sc1.NLB Nuctide Energy Y~eld(%.)

Une MDA Nuclide MDA ActvIty Dec. Level Name (keW (pCllgrams) (pCllgrams) (pCllgrams) (pCllgrams)

MW-54 834.83 99.98 1.46E-01 1.46E-01 5.41E-02 6.49E-02 CO-60 1173.22 100.00 1.11E-01 1.11E-01 -2.42E-02 4.50E-02 1332.49 100.00 1.83E-01 7.84E-02 7.94E-02 NB-94 702.63 100.00 9.34E-02 9.34E-02 -4.41E-02 4.00E-02 871.10 100.00 1.10E-01 -5.03E-02 4.67E-02 AG-108M 433.93 89.90 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 -3.02E-02 4.94E-02 614.37 90.40 1.88E-01 -2.47E-01 8.73E-02 722.95 90.50 1.46E-01 5.45E-02 6.55E-02 CS-134 563.23 8.38 1.21E+00 1.50E-01 4.14E-01 5.38E-01 569.32 15.43 5.79E-01 -2.46E-01 2.54E-01 604.70 97.60 1.82E-01 -2.80E-01 8.48E-02 795.84 85.40 1.50E-01 7.89E-04 6.61E-02 601.93 8.73 1.37E+00 -1.18E-01 5.98E-01+ CS-137 661.65

  • 85.12 1.07E-01 1.07E-01 9.91E-01 4.63E-02 EU-152 121.78 28.40 2.60E-01 2.60E-01 -3.09E-03 1.23E-01 344.27 26.50 3.36E-01 -8.01E-01 1.55E-01 1407.95 20.70 7.77E-01 6.81E-02 3.28E-01 EU-154 123.07 40.50 1.83E-01 1.83E-01 -5.46E-02 8.67E-02 723.30 19.70 6.84E-01 3.38E-01 3.07E-01 1274.45 35.50 4.16E-01 1.37E-01 1.76E-01 EU-155 86.54 30.90 4.22E-01 4.19E-01 1.27E-01 2.02E-01 105.31 20.70 4.19E-01 -5.98E-02 1.99E-01 AM-241 59.54 35.90 5.89E-01 5.89E-01 1.42E-01 2.79E-01+ -Nucilde Identified during the nucilde Identification
  • -Energy line found In the spectrum> = MDA value not calcutated Q = Half-tre too short to be abWe to perform the decay correctlon 6 firm L')1/7/6 £ EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2b Sample and Scan Area Data (9 Pages)

Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0003 SAMPLE LOCATION SCANS 9527-0003 Sample Name 9527-03-SL-00-01-0 9527-03-SL-00-02-0 9527-03-SL-00-03-0 9527-03-SL-00-04-0 9527-03-SL-00-05-0 9527-03-SL-00-06-0 9527-03-SL-00-07-0 9527-03-SL-00-08-0 9527-03-SL-00-09-0 9527-03-SL-00-10-0 9527-03-SL-00-1 1 -0 9527-03-SL-00-12-0 9527-03-SL-00-1 3-0 9527-03-SL-00-14-0 9527-03-SL41-1 5-0 9527-03-SL-00-16-0 9527-03-SL-00-1 7-0 Backgound (cpm)12800 15800 18400 23300 36000 41800 20000 41500 18500 20400 38000 20200 19700 19100 16900 39300 27700 Action Level (cPm)14415 17594 20336 25478 38708 44718 22018 44407 20441 22438 40782 22228 21703 21072 18755 42129 30075 Results (cDm)13300 16300 20200 21000 28500 41500 19800 38400 18700 19100 36000 18600 18200 17600 16700 33300 27500 Above AL Lon Date Log Time E600 SIN Probe SIN 09/06/2005 09/06/2005 09/06/2005 09/06/2005 09/06/2005 09/06/2005 09/06/2005 09/07/2005 09/06/2005 09/06/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 2:19 PM 2:24 PM 2:27 PM 2:29 PM 2:32 PM 2:36 PM 2:46 PM 1:33 PM 2:49 PM 2:53 PM 1:30 PM 11:22 AM 11:16 AM 11:20AM 11:18AM 1:39 PM 1:42 PM 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 AL -Action Level Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0003 9527-0003 SCAN AREAS I THROUGH 8 Sample Name 9527-03-SC-01-01-0 9527-03-SC-41-02-0 9527-03-SC-41-03-0 9527-03-SC-41-04-0 9527-03-SC-01-05-0 9527-03-SC-1-06-0 9527-03-SC-01-07-0 9527-03-SC-01-08-0 9527-03-SC-01-09-0 9527-03-SC-41-10-0 9527-03-SC-1-11-0 9527-03-SC-01-12-0 9527-03-SC-01-13-0 9527-03-SC-a1-14-0 9527-03-SC-01-15-0 9527-03-SC-01-16-0 9527-03-SC-01-17-0 9527-03-SC-1-18-0 9527-03-SC-01-19-0 9527-03-SC-01-20-0 9527-03-SC-01-21-0 9527-03-SC-41-22-0 9527-03-SC-41-23-0 9527-03-SC-a1-24-0 9527-03-SC-01-25-0 9527-03-SC-41-26-0 9527-03-SC-a1-27-0 9527-03-SC-01-28-0 9527-03-SC-a1-29-0 9527-03-SC-01-30-0 9527-03-SC-01-31-0 9527-03-SC-01-32-0 9527-03-SC-01-33-0 Backgound (cPm)14700 14600 14200 14600 14200 15200 15600 16200 16200 15200 15100 15000 15500 15200 14700 17200 18100 16200 19900 16400 19000 16800 19300 15300 18900 17500 16500 17100 18100 18100 17900 18900 19600 Action Level (cOm)16430 16324 15901 16324 15901 16960 17383 18016 18016 16960 16854 16748 17277 16960 16430 19072 20020 18016 21913 18228 20967 18650 21283 17065 20862 19388 18333 18966 20020 20020 19809 20862 21598 Results (cpm)14700 15100 14700 14800 15400 15800 15900 16200 15800 14400 15600 16100 15200 16400 15800 15500 15100 17300 16200 17000 15600 17200 16600 16600 14400 16400 15900 18500 15900 19000 16700 17400 17300 Above AL Loa Date Loa Time E600 SIN Probe SIN 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09107/2005 09107/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 8:25 AM 8:27 AM 8:29 AM 8:31 AM 8:36 AM 8:38 AM 8:39 AM 8:41 AM 8:42 AM 8:44 AM 8:46 AM 8:48 AM 8:51 AM 8:53 AM 8:55 AM 8:57AM 8:58AM 9:01 AM 9:02 AM 9:04AM 10:35 AM 10:38 AM 10:40 AM 10:42 AM 10:47 AM 10:48 AM 10:50 AM 10:51 AM 10:53 AM 10:54 AM 11:05AM 11:06AM 11:08 AM 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 AL -Action Level Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0003 9527-0003 SCAN AREAS 1 THROUGH 8 Sample Name 9527-03-SC-01-34-0 9527-03-SC-01-35-0 9527-03-SC-41-36-0 9527-03-SC-01-37-0 9527-03-SC-01-38-0 9527-03-SC-01-39-0 9527-03-SC-41-40-0 9527-03-SC-01-41-0 9527-03-SC-01-42-0

-9527-03-SC-01-43-0 9527-03-SC-01-44-0 9527-03-SC-01-45-0 9527-03-SC-41-46-0 9527-03-SC-01-47-0 9527-03-SC-01-48-0 9527-03-SC-01-49-0 9527-03-SC-01-50-0 9527-03-SC-01-51-0 9527-03-SC-01-52-0 9527-03-SC4-1-53-0 9527-03-SC4-1-54-0 9527-03-SC-01-55-0 9527-03-SC-01-56-0 9527-03-SC-01-57-0 9527-03-SC-01-58-0 9527-03-SC-01-59-0 9527-03-SC-01-60-0 9527-03-SC-01-61-0 9527-03-SC-01-62-0 9527-03-SC-01-63-0 9527-03-SC-01-64-0 9527-03-SC-01-65-0 9527-03-SC-41-66-0 Backgound (conM)17500 20500 18900 21100 19800 20900 20700 16600 18800 18300 16900 20100 18600 21600 17300 20900 21600 23600 25100 27200 24700 26900 28100 27900 25600 26700 27100 23200 25200 22700 25200 24100 25600 Action Level (Corn)19388 22543 20862 23173 21808 22963 22753 18439 20757 20231 18755 22123 20546 23697 19177 22963 23697 25792 27361 29554 26943 29241 30492 30284 27883 29032 29449 25374 27466 24850 27466 26316 27883 Results (cpm)18800 18400 19200 18500 19600 20500 20000 16400 18100 17200 17200 16200 17300 17800 18900 18200 20500 17800 18000 17500 17500 18400 19300 19500 19400 17200 19800 23500 20000 22100 22300 21700 20000 Above AL Loq Date Lon Time E600 SIN Probe SIN 09/0712005 0910712005 09/07/2005 09/0712005 0910712005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/0712005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/0712005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 11:10AM 11:11 AM 11:13AM 11:15AM 11:16AM 11:19AM 11:21 AM 1:28 PM 1:30PM 1:32 PM 1:38 PM 1:39 PM 1:41 PM 1:43 PM 1:45 PM 1:46 PM 1:48 PM 1:55 PM 1:57 PM 1:59 PM 2:00 PM 2:03 PM 2:04 PM 2:07 PM 2:10 PM 2:12 PM 2:14 PM 2:37 PM 2:39 PM 2:41 PM 2:42 PM 2:44 PM 2:45 PM 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 AL -Acon Level Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0003 9527-0003 SCAN AREAS 1 THROUGH 8 Sample Name 9527-03-SC-01-67-0 9527-03-SC-01-68-0 9527-03-SC-01-694 9527-03-SC-01-70-0 9527-03-SC-01-71-0 9527-03-SC-01-72-0 9527-03-SC-01 0 9527-03-SC-01-74-0 9527-03-SC-01-75-0 9527-03-SC-01-76-0 9527-03-SC-01-77-0 9527-03-SC-01-78-0 9527-03-SC-01 0 9527-03-SC-01-80-0 Backgound (corn)22400 26400 22400 29400 31100 30500 29100 23600 32200 27900 28900 29800 26600 35000 Action Level 24536 28719 24536 31847 33617 32992 31535 25792 34761 30284 31326 32264 28928 37670 Results 1400m 21400 21100 22500 19100 21500 21200 21300 20100 20700 21600 20400 19000 18800 19800 Above AL Loa Date Loa Time E600 SIN Probe SIN 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/0712005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 0910712005 09/07X2005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/0712005 09/07/2005 09/07/2005 09/07f2005 2:47 PM 2:47 PM 2:49 PM 2:50 PM 2:52 PM 2:53 PM 2:55 PM 2:57 PM 2:58 PM 2:59 PM 3:01 PM 3:02 PM 3:03 PM 3:05 PM 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 AL -Action Level Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0003 9527-0003 SCAN AREA 9 THROUGH 16 Sample Name 9527-03-SC-02-01-0 9527-03-SC-02-02-0 952743-SC-02-03-0 9527-03-SC-02-04-0 9527-03-SC-02-05-0 9527-03-SC-02-06-0 952743-SC-02-07-0 9527-03-SC-02-08-0 9527-03-SC-02-09-0 9527-03-SC-02-10-0 9527-03-SC-02-11-0 9527-03-SC-02-12-0 9527-03-SC-02-13-0 9527-03-SC-02-14-0 9527-03-SC-02-15-0 9527-03-ER-02-15-1 9527-03-SC-02-16-0 9527-03-SC-02-17-0 9527-03-SC-02-18-0 9527-03-SC-02-19-0 9527-03-SC-02-20-0 9527-03-SC-02-21-0 9527-03-SC-02-22-0 9527-03-SC-02-23-0 9527-03-SC-02-24-0 9527-03-SC-02-25-0 9527-03-SC-02-26-0 9527-03-SC-02-27-0 9527-03-SC-02-28-0 9527-03-SC-02-29-0 9527-03-SC-02-30-0 9527-03-SC-02-31-0 9527-03-SC-02-32-0 Backgound ICDm)41800 34700 33800 37800 37300 38500 38300 38500 39500 45400 50500 48400 52800 49500 51500 51500 52700 51700 53900 52900 52500 19000 17700 18500 18900 19800 19400 20000 19700 19500 20100 19900 18800 Action Level (cDm)44718 37358 36424 40575 40056 41300 41093 41300 42336 48441 53707 51540 56079 52675 54739 54739 55976 54945 57213 56182 55770 20967 19599 20441 20862 21808 21388 22018 21703 21493 22123 21913 20757 Results (cpm)26700 27900 27800 29200 33300 29600 30800 38000 32600 37200 36500 32900 34200 42300 43100 54100 33100 37800 40900 41000 42300 18200 18700 18100 19500 17400 20300 19500 21300 18200 20300 18300 18400 Above AL Loa Date Loa Time E600 SIN Probe SIN 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09108/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 8:48 AM 8:50AM 8:53AM 8:55AM 8:57AM 9:00AM 9:02AM 9:05AM 9:09AM 9:13AM 9:17 AM 9:21 AM 9:24 AM 9:29 AM 9:32 AM 1:26 PM 9:36 AM 9:38 AM 9:42 AM 9:47 AM 9:50 AM 10:06AM 10:09 AM 10:11 AM 10:13AM 10:15AM 10:17AM 10:19 AM 10:21 AM 10:25 AM 10:28AM 10:44 AM 10:46 AM 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 AL -Action Level Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0003 9527-0003 SCAN AREA 9 THROUGH 16 Samp~le Name 9527-03-SC-02-33-0 9527-03-SC-02-34-0 9527-03-SC-02-35-0 9527-03-SC-02-36-0 9527-03-SC-02-37-0 9527-03-SC-02-38-0 9527-03-SC-02-39-0 9527-03-SC-02-40-0 9527-03-SC-02-41 -O 9527-03-SC-02-42-0 9527-03-SC-02-43-0 9527-03-SC-02-44-0 9527-03-SC-02-45-0 9527-03-SC-02-46-0 9527 03-SC-02-47-0 9527-03-SC-02-48-0 9527-03-SC-02-49-0 9527-03-SC-02-50-0 9527-03-SC-02-51 -O 9527-03-SC-02-52-0 9527-03-SC-02-53-0 9527-03-SC-02-54-0 9527-03-SC-02-55-0 9527-03-SC-02-56-0 9527-03-SC-02-57-0 9527-03-SC-02-58-0 9527-03-SC-02-59-0 9527-03-SC-02-60-0 9527-03-SC-02-61 -O 9527-03-SC-02-62-0 9527-03-SC-02-63-0 9527-03-SC-02-64-0 9527-03-SC-02-65-0 Backgound (Cam)19100 19000 19500 18400 19000 18400 18100 17100 19600 18200 19000 19600 18600 18300 17900 19500 17000 18100 19000 18500 18600 18500 17700 18200 17900 18200 18400 18200 26600 24800 26000 26600 27000 Action Level (cpm)21072 20967 21493 20336 20967 20336 20020 18966 21598 20125 20967 21598 20546 20231 19809 21493 18861 20020 20967 20441 20546 20441 19599 20125 19809 20125 20336 20125 28928 27047 28301 28928 29345 Results 17600 19500 18900 19200 18300 18500 17300 18100 17000 18300 17500 17400 18300 18800 18700 19000 18000 18800 18900 20400 18400 17300 17600 17900 17100 18900 17700 18800 19000 18000 17400 17800 18400 Above AL Loa Date Loa Time E600 SIN Probe SIN 09/0812005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09108/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/0812005 09/0812005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 10:48 AM 10:50 AM 10:52 AM 10:53 AM 10:58 AM 10:59 AM 11:01 AM 11:03 AM 11:05AM 11:06AM 11:07AM 11:08 AM 11:10AM 11:12AM 11:13 AM 11:14 AM 11:15AM 11:17AM 1:56 PM 1:57 PM 1:59 PM 2:00 PM 2:02 PM 2:03 PM 2:05 PM 2:06 PM 2:07 PM 2:10PM 2:13PM 2:14 PM 2:16PM 2:18PM 2:19PM 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 AL -Action Level Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0003 9527-0003 SCAN AREA 9 THROUGH 16 Sample Name 9527-03-SC-02-66-0 9527-03-SC-02-67-0 9527-03-SC-02-68-0 9527-03-SC-02-69-0 9527-03-SC-02-70-0 9527-03-SC-02-71

-9527-03-SC-02-72-0 9527-03-SC-02-73-0 9527-03-SC-02-74-0 9527-03-SC-02-75-0 9527-03-SC-02-76-0 9527-03-SC-02-77-0 9527-03-SC-02-78-0 9527-03-SC-02-79-0 9527-03-SC-02-80-0 Backgound ICDm)29100 26000 27700 25900 27400 18300 17700 19500 17800 18400 17900 18900 15000 16400 15400 Action Level (cOm)31535 28301 30075 28197 29762 20231 19599 21493 19704 20336 19809 20862 16748 18228 17171 Results (cpmi 17300 19200 17700 15800 18800 18200 17000 16300 17500 15900 17400 15600 15100 14900 16600 Above AL Loa Date Loa Time E600 SIN Probe SIN 09/08=2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09108/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 2:21 PM 2:23 PM 2:25 PM 2:26 PM 2:28 PM 2:41 PM 2:43 PM 2:45 PM 2:46 PM 2:47 PM 2:50 PM 2:52 PM 2:54 PM 2:56 PM 2:59 PM 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 AL -Action Level Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0003 9527-0003 SCAN AREAS 17 THROUGH 22 Sample Name 9527-03-SC-03-01

-9527-03-SC-03-02-0 9527-03-SC-03-03-0 9527-03-SC-03-04-0 9527-03-SC-03-05-0 9527-03-SC-03-06-0 9527-03-SC-03-07-0 9527-03-SC-03-08-0 9527-03-SC-03-09-0 9527-03-SC-03-10-0 9527-03-SC-03-1 1 -0 9527-03-SC-03-12-0 9527-03-SC-03-13-0 9527-03-SC-03-14-0 9527-03-SC-03-15-0 9527-03-SC-03-16-0 9527-03-SC-03-17-0 9527-03-SC-03-18-0 9527-03-SC-03-19-0 9527-03-SC-03-20-0 9527-03-SC-03-21-0 9527-03-SC-03-22-0 9527-03-SC-03-23-0 9527-03-SC-03-24-0 9527-03-SC-03-25-0 9527-03-SC-03-26-0 9527-03-SC-03-27-0 9527-03-SC-03-28-0 9527-03-SC-03-29-0 9527-03-SC-03-30-0 9527-03-SC-03-31-0 9527-03-SC-03-32-0 9527-03-SC-03-33-0 Backgound (com)16000 16500 16600 15600 14600 15900 15000 14000 17800 13200 15500 15800 16500 16500 14700 16000 16300 16300 15000 17000 18800 18000 17500 18600 18400 18900 17800 17400 17800 18100 25100 24400 21600 Action Level (corm)17805 18333 18439 17383 16324 17700 16748 15689 19704 14840 17277 17594 18333 18333 16430 17805 18122 18122 16748 18861 20757 19915 19388 20546 20336 20862 19704 19283 19704 20020 27361 26629 23697 Results 15200 13000 14900 16800 14800 14300 15800 15300 15600 14900 16300 15200 15600 16500 15500 15200 16500 14100 16000 14900 18000 16400 15800 16200 16900 16100 16200 15200 15900 18100 18800 17600 18100 Above AL Lon Date Loc Time E600 SIN Probe SIN 0910812005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/08/2005 09/0812005 09/0912005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09f2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/0912005 09/0912005 09/0912005 09/09/2005 09/0912005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/0912005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 3:01 PM 3:03 PM 3:04 PM 3:05 PM 3:08 PM 3:09 PM 3:10 PM 3:12 PM 3:14 PM 3:16 PM 8:13 AM 8:15 AM 8:18 AM 8:20 AM 8:22 AM 8:24 AM 8:26AM 8:28AM 8:31 AM 8:32AM 8:37AM 8:38 AM 8:40AM 8:42 AM 8:44 AM 8:46 AM 8:48 AM 8:50AM 8:53AM 8:54AM 9:39AM 9:40AM 9:42 AM 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 AL -Acton Level Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0003 9527-0003 SCAN AREAS 17 THROUGH 22 Sampl~e Name 9527-03-SC-03-34-0 9527-03-SC-03-35-0 9527-03-SC-03-36-0 9527-03-SC-03-37-0 9527-03-SC-03-38-0 9527-03-SC-03-39-0 9527-03-SC-03-40-0 9527-03-SC-03-41-0 9527-03-SC-03-42-0 9527-03-SC-03-43-0 9527 0-SC-03-44-0 9527-03-SC-03-45-0 9527-03-SC-03-46-0 9527-03-SC-03-47-0 9527-03-SC-03-48-0 9527-03-SC-03-49-0 9527-03-SC-03-50-0 9527-03-SC-03-51

-0 9527-03-SC-03-52-0 9527-03-SC-03-53-0 9527-03-SC-03-54-0 9527-03-SC-03-55-0 9527-03-SC-03-56-0 9527-03-SC-03-57-0 9527-03-SC-03-58-0 9527-03-SC-03-59-0 9527-03-SC-03-60-0 Backgound (cor)22600 25100 24300 24000 20000 24900 23300 26300 26600 29400 31300 31500 29200.30500 32200 30700 31800 39700 35100 39500 37300 36400 34900 33800 31200 32600 32800 Action Level (corn)24745 27361 26525 26211 22018 27152 25478 28614 28928 31847 33825 34033 31639 32992 34761 33201 34345 42544 37774 42336 40056 39123 37566 36424 33721 35177 35385 Results icfmr1 18900 16900 18000 20100 17400 17200 15700 19600 20000 19400 19200 19200 21100 18400 18500 20000 20200 35500 34400 28600 29400 35400 26800 32000 28500 25800 24700 Above AL Loa Date Loa Time E600 SIN Probe SIN 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/0912005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 9:43AM 9:45AM 9:47 AM 9:48AM 9:50AM 9:52 AM 9:54 AM 9:56 AM 9:58 AM 10:00 AM 10:02 AM 10:04AM 10:07 AM 09/09/2005 10:08 AM 09/09/2005 10:10AM 09/09/2005 10:11AM 09/09/2005 10:13AM 09/09/2005 10:53 AM 09/09/2005 10:55 AM 09/09/2005 10:57 AM 09/09/2005 11:00 AM 09109/2005 11:02 AM 09/09/2005 11:04 AM 09/09/2005 11:07 AM 09/09/2005 11:09 AM 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 09/09/2005 09/09/2005 11:11 AM 11:13AM AL -Action Level EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2c Split Sample Assessment Forms (2 Pages)

.Health Physics Procedure

-... .24265 00-GPP-GGGR-R5124-000Rev.CY-O00 Attachment A -Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Area#: 9527 l Survey Unit #- 0003 l Survey Unit name: East Mountain Side Sample Plan or WPIR#: 2005-0054 SML#: 952740003-008 Sample


Comparison of split samples collected firom sample measurement location #8 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by off-site Vendor Laboratory.

The standard sample was 9527-0003-08F, the comparison sample was 9527-0003-008FS.

STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable Value Error Range Value Error Ratio (YN Cs-137 1.62 9.OE-2 18 0.75-133 137 6.6E-2 0.9 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: N/A Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used to assess split samples.Resolufion A mn a 4 -7 0.5 -2.0 8-15 0.6-1.66 16 -50 0.75-1.33 51 -200 0.80 -1.25>200 0.85-1.18 Performed By: l Date j RevldBy:3, w Date: 4eks -izLfdr I 7<- /j'I 3)6-1-1 Page 1 of 1

-ealth-Physics -Procedure

.-24265-000-PP-GGR-R5 1244 000 Rev.GY-000 Attachme~ntA -A .....Health Physics Procedure**

-24265-O00-GPP-GGGR-R5 124-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment A --Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Area#: 9527 l Survey Unit #: 0003 l Survey Unit name: East Mountain Side Sample Plan or WPIR#: 2005-0054 SML#: 9527-0003-011 Sample


Comparison of split samples collected fiom sample measurement location #11 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by off-site Vendor Laboratory.

The standard sample was 95270003-01 IF, the comparison sample was 9527-0003-01 lFS.STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable Value Error Range Value Error Ratio (Y/N)Cs-137 1.21 3.IE-2 38 0.75- 1.33 1.05 5.5E-2 0.9 Y ConmesCorrective Actions: N/A Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used to assess split samples.Rrsolti~on Areement Range 4 -7 0.5 -2.0 8 -15 0.6-1.66 16 -50 0.75 -1.33 51 -200 0.80 -1.25>200 0.85 -1.18 PaformdBy:

Date Review% By Date: Of,44r4- 1 37/O/126 1 l ~ I S-/U-m7 J Page 1 of I EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2d Preliminary Data Forms (2 Pages)


2005-0054 Survey Unit: 9527-0003 Survey Unit Name : East Mountain Side Classification:

2 Survey Media: Soil Type of Survey: Final Status Survey Type of Measurement:

Radionuclide Specific Number of Measuements:

15 W BASIC STATISTICAL QUANTTIES Cs-137 Co-60 Target Level (pCi/g): 2.53E+00 1.22E+00 Minimum Value: 3.61D-01 6.03E-02 Maximum Value: 1.83B+00 6.03E-02 Mean: 9.64EM01 2.84E-02 Median: 8.4AE-01 2.94E02 Standard Deviation:

4.662-01 1.81E202 Sr-90 4.96E-01 2.42E-02 2.42E-02 1.47E-02 1.60-02 1.03B-02 C-14 1.81E+00 1.25E-Ol 1252-01 6A0E-02 1.09E-0i 922E-0 Tc-99 4.03E+00 6.04E-01 6.042-01 4.00E-01 3.96E-01 2.02E-01 Sample Identification 9527-0003-OOIF 9527-0003-002F 9527-0003-003F 9527-0003-004F 9527-0003-005F 9527-0003-006F 9527-0003-007F Cs-137 Concentration (pCig)6.09E-01 5.75E-01 8.41E-01 1.83B+00 3.61E-01 5.092-01 6.35E-01 Co-60 Concentration (PCYS)1.55E-02 7.25-03 3.86E-02 6.03B-02 2.232-02 2.26E-03 1.53E-02 Report&Sx-90 Concentration 3.82EB-03 i Results C-14 Concentration (PcOI)Tl-99 Concentration (0C0g)1252-01 3.96B-01 Fraction of Target Level 0.253 0.233 0.539 0.773 0.161 0.203 0.322 1.60E-02 -4.21E-02 2.01E-01 Subrrdted by/Date) 1 of 2

'PRELMDZMARY DATA REVIBW FORM Sample Identification 9527-0003-OOBF 9527-0003-009F 9527-0003-OIOF 9527-0003-01 IF 9527-0003-012F 9527-00O3-013F 9527-0003-014F 9527-0003-015F Cs-137 Concentiation (PCi/9)1.6213+00 8.04E-01 1.28E+00 1.2113+00 9.49B-01 1.69*+00 9.92H-01 5.50E-01 Co-60 Concentration (Pci/g)4.03E-02 O.OOB+00 2.73E-02 4.53B-02 3.90E-02 5.26E-02 2.94E-02 3.11E-02 Repoted Riesults Sr-90 C-14 Concentration Concentration 2.421302 1.093-01 Tc-99 Cwilcenfraion (pCi4L)6.04B3-01 Fraction of Target Level 0.673 0.318 0.787 0.515 0.407 0.711 0.416 0.243 Reported results fbr the listed radionuclides did not always meet the accepted level of detection (Le, a result greater than two standard deviations uncertainty)

r 3/r/6/o J&-C I,6'laot 1-6-20F2 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2e Graphical Representation of Data (4 Pages)

Health Physics Procedure

-- ---- -(- --30G0R-R5123-000-Rev.CY.-001 AttacbmentC-

-FREQUENCY PLOT FOR CESIUM-137 Survey Unit: 9527-0003 Survey Unit Name: East Mountain Side Mean: 9.64E-01 pCi/g Upper End Observation Observation Value Frequency Frequency 0.361 1 7%0.590 3 20%0.619 3 20%1.047 3 20%1276 1 7%1.505 1 7%1.734 2 13%1.962 1 7%Totll: 15 100%Submitted By/Da*RevIewed By/lDate Page 1 of I

  • --Health Physics Procedure

---- -- -- GGGR-R5123-000-RevC-.Y-001--Attachnment C- -QUANTILE PLOT FOR CESIUM-137 Survey Unit: 9527-0003 Survey Unit Name: East Mountain Side Mean: 9.64E-01 pCi/g Quantile Plot For Ceslum-137 2.00E+00 1.80E.00 1.60E+00 i; 1 40E+00 llllll llllllll1 0 1.20E200 i i.OOE+00 8.OOE-01I 6.OOE-Oi 4.OOE-01 2.OOE-01 0.OOE+00 F .0 2 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage Cs-137 Rank Percetag 3.61E1-01 I 3%S.09E1-01 2 1 0%5.SOE-01 3 17%*5.75E-01 4 23%6.09E-01 S 03 6.35"IO 6 37%L0411-01 7 43%M.4E-01 a 50%9.49E-01 9 57%9.92E-01 10 63%12111400 11 WA%1.23E+00 12 77%1.62E4400 13 83%1.69E+00 14 90%A 1.833E+0 is 97%A SubiedB -BtadJ 3 -/4 -06 Reviewed By/Date Page 1 of 1 Health Physics Procedure-.

--(}- .--GGGR-R5123-000-Rev.CY-001 Attachment C--FREQUENCY PLOT FOR COBALT-60 Survey Unit: 9527-0003 Survey Unit Name: East Mountain Side Mean: 2.84E-02 pCi/g Frequency Plot For Cobalt-60 6-5-4 V.0-c= 3-mu iW 2-I1 0 0.000 0.008 0.015 0.023 0.030 0.038 0.045 0.053 Upper End Value (pCIIg)UprEd Oberation Obsevation Value Freqey Frequency 0.000 1 7ff 0.008 2 14%0.015 0 OY.0.023 3 21%0.030 2 14%0.033 1 7%0.045 3 21%0.053 2 14%Total: 14 100%SC0'-I- f7/r,, OZ'Submitted By/Dat6....... .. ....xt,~~3 7;4 a Reviewed By/Date Page 1 of 1


....._ ..GR-R5i23-00Rev.CY=00LAttachmentC

-.. ._.Survey Unit: Survey Unit Name: Mean: QUANTILE PLOT FOR COBALT-60 9527-0003 East Moumtain Side 2.84E-02 pCilg Quantile Plot For Cobalt-60 7.OOE-02 III I 6.OOE-02 min I 5.OOE-02 0 4.OOE-02 C.3.OOE-02 2.OOE-02 ml 1 I.OOE-02 O.OOE+00-l lllSl l0 ll 111 l8 M.0OE0-2.OOE-02-3.OOE-02 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage lin- R k PUcentwg O.OOE+00 2.26E.03 7.25E-03 1.3E.02 1.55E-02 2.23E-02 2.73E-02 294E-02 3.11E02 3.36E-02 390E42 4.03E-02 4.53E-02 5.26E42 6.03E402 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 it 12 13 14 is 3%IODA 17%30%37%43%50h/.57%63%70%a 77%83%900A 97%or 0'4x%Subnveed By/Date 3 Reviewed By/Date Page 1 of 1 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2f Sign Test Calculation (1 Page)

Connecticut Yankee Decommissioning Project Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-RS121-001 Attachment B, Rev. CY-001 MAJOR-Sign Test Calculation Sheet For Mbultiple Radiouuclides Surveyr Area Number: 9527 Surveyr UnitNumnber 0003 W R: 2005-0054 Survey Area~ame:

East Mountaiii S.d Classiiain 2 lTYPE I taz error): 0.05 I N: is Raincie:Cs-137 Co-60 l Sr-90 C-14 :Tc9 DCGL:. 2 03O I.220E+00 l 4.9601i 1.81E+00 4.03B+00 Results 1 Ressults3 Resul Ras 4' Results 5Ua Weighted 1 -WI Sign Radionuclide Radioauclide Redionuclide Radionuclide Radionuolide Sum (W.)(pc/g) (pCi/g) (pC/g) (pCi/og) (pci/g)_6.09B-01 1.55E-02 _ _ 0.253 0.747 +5.75E-01 725E_03 = 0.233 0.767 -8.41E-01 3.86B-02 3.82E-03 1.25E-01 3.96E-01 0.539 0.461 +1.83E+40 6.03E-02 0=773 o 0.227 +3.61B-01 2.23E-02 _ 0.161 0.839 +5.09E-0l 2.26E-03 _ 0.203 0.797 +6.35E-01 1.53B-02 1.60B-02 -4.21E-02 2.0E-01; 0.322 0.678 +1.62E+00 4.03E-02 0.673 0.327 +8.04E-01 _O.OOB+GO 0.318 0.682 +1.28E+00 2.73E-02 2.42E-02 1.09E01 6.04E-01 0.787 0.213 +1.21E+00 4.53U.02 0.515 0_485 ._+9.49E-01 3.90E.02 .OA07 0.593 +1.69B+00 5.26E-02 0.711 0.289 +9.92E01 2.94EU02 0.416 0.584 +5.50E-0l 3.11E-02 _ 0.243 0.757+Number of positive differences (S+): 15 1 critical Value: -Ii Survey Umit Y=AcceptancO Criterion Performed by: -oC Oe, Date: VCa°4 IndependentReview by: 7 3 Date: 3 -g/,-6JO Page 1 of 1 EAST MOUNTAIN SIDE SURVEY UNIT 9527-0003 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2g COMPASS DQA Surface Soil Report with Retrospective Power Curve (4 Pages)

.... ------.-4--^ ----. ................................................


--- .- -- ...... -.--... __ ---.__ ----. -_ _. __ --DQA Surface Soil Report --Assessment Summary Site: Planner(s):

Survey Unit Name: Report Number Survey Unit Samples: Reference Area Samples: Test Performed:

Judgmental Samples: Assessment



9527-0003 FSS (1)McCarthy (5 -East Mountain Side p19et'Ae/, e-a/1 15 0 Sign Test Result Not Performed O EMC Result: Not Performed Reject Nutt Hypothesis (Survey Unit PASSES)Retrospective Power Curve I t.E 7-I r_I 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 Os 0.5 03 02 0.1 0.--. rN _____l ___ .-'--- -I-- _ ->-* _ -I -_ -IL 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0A 0. 1.0 1.1.... .U IhyRule Sumnof-Ratins, hch dxin ackrowid--ProspedlvePower U 1-beta i--n ActualPower

-LBGR --Estkated Power-DCGL --- Retrospective Power 12 COMPASS v1.0.0 11M71200 Page I DQA Surface Soil Report Survey Unit Data NOTE: Tpe = S indicates surewy unit sample.Type = R" hdic reeence area sample.Sample Number 95274003-001F 9527-00,3,S42F 9527-0003-003F 9527-0003-004F 9s27-0003-005F 9527-0003-OSF 95274)003-007F 9527-003-008F 9527-0003-009F 9527-0003-01OF 9527-0003-OIIF 95274W3 012F 9527-0003-013F 9527-0003-014F 9527-0003-015F S S S S S S S S S S S S S C414 (pCUg)0 0 0.12 0 0 0-0.04 0 0 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 Co-s0 (pCQg)0.02 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 Cs-137 (pCUg)0.61 0.57 0.84 1.83 0.36 0.51 0.64 1.62 0.8 128 121 0.95 1.69 0.99 0.55 Sample Number 527-0003-001F 9527-0003-002F 9527-0003-003F S527-0003-004F 5274003-005F 9527-0003-006F 95270003-007F 9527-003-008F 95274X003-009F 9527-W03-010F S527-0003-OI1F 9527-,003,012F, 052740X03-013F 9527-0003-014F 9527-0003-015F Type S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SrY490 (pClIg)0 0 0 0 0 0 O.C2 0 0 0.02 0... -9. .,, 0 0 0 0 Tc49- (pCVg)0 0 04 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.6 0~0 0 0 0 COMPASS V1.0.0 111712006 PageR COM PASS v1.0.0 1M712W0 Page 2 DQA Surface Soil Report Modified Data (Unity Rule SOR)NOTE: Type -'S idcates suwme unit sample.Type = W hidlcafes reference area sample.Sample Number 9527-0003-O01F 1*27-.0003-00W 9527-0003-003F 9527-0003-004F 9527-0003-005F 95270003406F 952740003-007F 9527-0003-008F 9527-0003-COOW 9527.0003.011WF 9527-X)03-OIIF 952-0003-601 952-0003-013F 952-0003-014F 952-0003-015F Type S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sum-of-Ratios (SOR)025 023 0.54 0.77 0.16 02 0.32 0.67'0.32 0.79 0.52 0.41 0.71 0A2 0.24 COMPASS vl.0.0 111712005 Page 3 COMPASSAw.0.0 IlM712006 Page 3 DQA Surface Soil Report Basic Statistical Quantities Summary-+.'Statislc Survey Unit Background DQO Results Sample Number 15 N/A N=14 Mean (SOR) 0.44 NIA 0.57 Median (SOR) 0.41 NWA WA Std Dev(SOR) 022 WA 02 High Value (SOR) 0.79 NWA WA 1m Value (SOR) 0.16 NIA WA COMPASS .0.a IR7/06 Paqe4