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Final Status Survey, Final Report Phase II, Appendix A15, Survey Unit Release Record 9806-0000, Southeast Landfill (Subsurface of 9835), Book 16 of 16
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Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/2005
From: Keyes C, Wager J
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
CY-05-040 9806-0000
Download: ML050880184 (199)


I-I-I-I Final Status Survey Final Report Phase 11 Appendix A1 5 Survey Unit Release Record 9806-0000, Southeast Landfill (Subsurface of 9535)February 2005 0 CYAPCO FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 Prepared Ir .9 S ineer RECORD Date: PL\ I- I b Reviewed B Approved By: Date: c Ai Date: 2/7/6F Revision 1 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION


3 2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS ..........................


3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) ..............................................

6 4. SURVEY DESIGN .....................................................



12 6. SURVEY RESULTS ....................................................

13 7. QUALITY CONTROL ...................


15 8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS ..................................................

15 9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS ....................................................




.17 14.1 Attachment 1 -Figures (6 pages including cover)14.2 Attachment 2- Sample and Statistical Data (175 pages including covers)Revision 1 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD 1. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION Survey Unit (SU) 9806-0000, (Southeast Landfill Area) is designated as Final Status Survey (FSS) Class A and consists of approximately 5,130 m 2 (1.3 acres)of uninhabited, undeveloped land located 0.81 miles from the center of the Haddam Neck Plant (HNP) Containment Building (see Attachment 1, Figure 1).Survey Unit 9806-0000 is the subsurface (greater than 15cm in depth) component to the FSS evaluation of the land area of Survey Area 9535. A Class 3 survey unit (9524-0000) encompasses the Survey Area 9806 in whole. The SU 9806-0000 is located north of the pistol range. The area is between Dibble Creek and the Salmon River. It is 45 meters upgrade from and east of the creek and separated from the Salmon River by a tall, sandy, tree-lined ridge. The topography of the area has changed considerably as a result of material and spoils removal from the area. The debris piles are gone, materials removed and the area graded. Most of the area is sand based, although trenching identified some large rock masses.The reference coordinates associated with SU 9806-0000 are E048 through E055 by S128 through S134 (see License Termination Plan Section 5.4.4). The reference coordinates provide the maximum dimensions of a rectangle containing this survey unit. Some areas contained in this rectangle may not be part of this survey unit. The boundary of the survey unit was defined using a Global Positioning System (GPS).The historical files indicate that, in the past, vehicle barriers were used to restrict public access to the land space of Survey Area 9535. The landfill, due to its proximity to the road and relatively level surface, was a convenient place to dispose truckloads of construction materials and debris during plant construction and operation.

Occasionally small amounts of miscellaneous material were mixed in with fill material.

The area has a rhomboid shape that was fenced and posted,"Caution, Radioactive Materials", after the discovery of radioactive soil there.Following the remedial action and remedial action surveys, the fence and posting were no longer necessary and removed (refer to HP Technical Support Document (TSD) CY-HP-0154).

Non-radiological remediation was performed in the landfill area in 2003 using cleanup criteria specified by the Regulatory Affairs group (refer to memorandum RA-CY-03-058, CY). The scope for this project was the physical investigation and cleanup of the landfill to include the removal of all manmade materials, other than unpainted concrete, from the area. Blast rock also remained in the area.2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS The survey unit was classified in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-10,"Survey Unit Class~ification

". The historical information and scoping results provide sufficient data to designate SU 9806-0000 as Class A in April 2004.The "Classification Basis Summary" conducted for SU 9806-0000 consisted of: Revision 1 3 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD a) A review of the 1OCFR50.75(g)(1) database, b) A review of the "Initial Characterization Report" and "Historic Site Assessment Supplement, " c) Historic and current survey records review, d) Personal interviews, e) Visual inspections and a "walk down." A review of the IOCFR50.75(g)(1) database identified several radiological events pertinent to the classification of this survey unit.a) ACR 97-0450, 7/17/1997

-Contaminated material found outside the protected area. As part of the Site Characterization Survey, contaminated material and soil were identified in the rifle area. During the implementation of a scoping survey, elevated activity was detected in the landfill adjacent to the rifle range. A subsequent investigation identified two locations of fixed contamination, insulation material and a concrete block.b) ACR 97-0785, 9/24/1997

-Follow-up to ACR 97-0450. An assessment of the soil indicates that the amount of radioactivity counted in the soil may exceed the limits of IOCFR20.2203(a)(3)(ii).

c) Results of Scoping Survey, 9/1/1998 -Results of scoping surveys performed for decommissioning characterization data.d) Duratek Shooting Range, 12/7/1999

-Characterization survey to determine the extent and magnitude of plant related radionuclides within the Shooting Range Landfill.A review of the "Initial and Supplemental Characterization Reports, " "Historic Site Assessment Supplement," as well as the previous "Classification Basis Summaries" provided no additional information pertinent to classification.

A survey plan was initiated and executed in late 1997 to determine existing conditions and obtain radiological data for scoping. Radiological results from the initial scoping surveys indicated the presence of both Co-60 and Cs-137 in soil.The site characterization group performed radiological surveys of the landfill area with confirmatory surveys conducted by Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Engineering (ORISE). The initial characterization surveys were completed in 1997. Two distinct areas of elevated radioactivity were identified during this characterization study (refer to Attachment A, Figure 2). Results of the radiological survey and ground penetrating radar survey established the size of the landfill area to be approximately 5,000 square meters and an approximate depth of 3 meters. Some contaminated materials were identified during the scoping survey and were removed.Revision 1 4 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD A characterization study was performed in 1999 to determine the extent and magnitude of the plant-related radionuclides in the area.' The maximum reported concentrations were 1.OpCi/g and 14.7pCi/g, for Co-60 and Cs-137 respectively.

One composite sample comprised of media from the three locations exhibiting the highest contamination levels was processed for 10 CFR 61 analyses at an off-site laboratory.

Co-60 and Cs-137 were the only plant-related radionuclides reported for the off-site analysis results.A remedial action plan was developed and implemented for SU 9535-0001, starting July 30, 2003, and completing October 21, 2003, based on the final results of the radiation survey and the sample results. Remedial action work was performed under Work Plan and Inspection Record (WP&IR) N2. 24265-000-GEN-9535-1002-000.

Soil remediation was followed by remedial action surveys conducted under survey and sampling work plan BCY-SSWP-03-07-003 and subsequent addendums.

Soil was removed by an excavator and placed in containers for eventual transport and disposition.

About forty (40) B-25 containers of soil (approximately 4000 ft 3) were removed from the area. Items removed from the pit (e.g., blocks of concrete) were surveyed for contamination in accordance with health physics procedures.

No materials were found to exceed the radiological release criteria for unrestricted use.Three (3) samples collected during the remedial action were analyzed off-site for the full suite of Easy-to-Detect and Hard-to-Detect (HTD) radionuclides.

The gamma spectroscopy results reported Cs-137 at 52.9 pCi/g and Co-60 at 2.21 pCi/g.The HTD analyses identified Sr-90, Ni-63 and C-14 as well. Radiation surveys in the remediation area did not identify elevated areas of activity.

Samples collected and analyzed following remediation did not identify plant-related radioactivity other than low-levels of Cs-137. The six (6) soil sample results for Cs-137 and Co-60 from the final remedial action survey are provided in Table 1.Table 1 -Basic Statistical Quantities for Cs-137 and Co-60 Derived from the Final Remedial Action Data Set Parameter Cs-137 (pCi/g) Co-60 (pCi/g)Minimum Value: 0.0835 0.00149 Maximum Value: 0.408 0.0156 Mean: 0.211 0.00715 Median: 0.182 0.00487 Standard Deviation:

0.121 0.00615 Measurement standard deviation of the weighted 0.0727 sum('): (I) MARSSIM Section 1.11.3 eq. (1-17) describes the use of the measurement standard deviation of the weighted sum when measured concentrations of the various radionuclides are assumed to be uncorrelated (i.e., there is no fixed ratio between the concentrations).

Shooting Range Landfill Characterization Survey Report; December 1999.Revision 1 5 Revision 1 5 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD A review of the soil relocation files shows that soil and spoils were transported in the general vicinity of the shooting range as early as 1976. Specific details relevant to date or time period and exact location of placement were not available.

Recent excavation and trenching were performed in this survey unit for the purposes of removing materials and spoils (e.g., concrete, asphalt, metal, etc.).Radiological surveys for contamination have not identified radioactive material on these items.Personnel interviews with HNP veteran personnel were conducted during the historical site assessment to ascertain the history of the Southeast Landfill.Individuals responding to the questionnaire stated that spoils originating from construction activities such as new building construction, addition to existing buildings and general site maintenance and repairs were brought to the shooting range landfill.A Final Status Survey Engineer (FSSE) performed a visual inspection and"walkdown" in April 2004. The visual inspection and walkdown did not conclude any observations impacting the classification of the survey unit.This survey unit is not considered impacted by radioactive contamination in groundwater based on location, topography and current hydrogeologic sampling data. Justification for this conclusion will be provided in the site release final report.At the time of FSS, the dose impact from groundwater contamination was not considered.

Characterization analyses results provide sufficient data to conclude that FSS sample results will be a small fraction of the 25 mrem/year Derived Concentration Guideline Value (DCGL). However, the past use of the shooting range area for the deposition of materials and spoils, the uncertainty of location where these items were placed and the remedial action performed in SU 9535-0001, warrants the Class A designation which is consistent with procedural guidance.3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQOs)The primary objective of the Final Status Survey Plan (FSSP) was to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in SU 9806-0000 did not exceed the release criteria specified in the License Termination Plan (LTP), was below the 10 mrem/yr Administrative Level DCGLs and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).FSS design and planning endorsed the use of the Data Quality Objective (DQO)process as described by the LTP, Procedure RPM 5.1-11, "Preparation of Final Statius Survey Plans" and the "Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Revision I 6 Revision 1 6 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Investigation Manual," (MARSSIM).

A summary of the main features of the DQO process is provided herein.The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis.

Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition.

The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis.

Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection.

In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria.

Rejection of the null hypothesis would satisfy the release criteria objective of the FSS.The DQO process determined that Cs-137, Co-60, Sr-90, Ni-63 and C-14 would be the radionuclides of concern during the FSS process for SU 9806-0000.

To provide conservatism, the Base Case DCGLs for radionuclides in soil were reduced by 60% to establish the Administrative Level DCGLs. As described by the LTP, Equations 5-9, a surrogate relationship was developed for HTD radionuclides (Sr-90, Ni-63 and C-14) to Cs-137. In the computation of the surrogate DCGL the 95% upper bound surrogate ratios was used to account for the variability and level of uncertainty in the data. Given multiple radionuclides were assumed to be present the "unity rule" or "sum of the fractions" as described by LTP, Equation 5-32, was used to show compliance with the release criteria.Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest relative to the DCGL. Survey instrument response checks were performed before issue and after the instrument had been used. Control and accountability of survey instruments were maintained to assure the quality and prevent the loss of data.Laboratory DQOs and analysis results were reported as actual calculated results.Results reported as less than Minimum Detectable Concentration

(<MDC) would not be accepted for FSS. Sample report summaries included unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result and uncertainty of two standard deviations (2a), laboratory data qualifiers, units and the required and observed MDC (Table 2).Revision I 7 Revision 1 7 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 2 -FSS DCGL Values and Required Minimum Detectable Concentrations Radionuclide Base Case Soil Administrative Required MDC DCL(~l)~ Level DCGL Required M3C DCL(~/)(pCi/g)

(2)(plg(3 H-3 4.1213+02 1.65E+02 1.65E+0I C-14 5.6613+00 2.26E+00 2.26E-0 I Mn-54 1.74E+01 6.9613+00 6.9613-01 Fe-55 2.74E+04 1.1 OE+04 1.1013+03 Co-60 3.8113+00 1.5213+00 1.52E-01 Ag-108m 7.14E+00 2.8613+00 2.86E-01 Ni-63 7.23E+02 2.8913+02 2.89E+0l Sr-90 1.5513+00 6.20E-01 6.20E-02 Nb-94 7.1213+00 2.85E+00 2.85E-0O Tc-99 1.26E+01 5.04E+00 5.04E-0l Cs-134 4.67E+00 1.87E-+00 1.87E-01 Cs-137 7.91E+00 3.16E+00 3.1613-01 Eu-152 1.0 IE+O 1 4.04E+00 4.0413-01 Eu-154 9.29E+00 3.72E+00 3.72E-01 Eu-155 3.92E+02 1.57E+02 1.57E+01 Pu-238 2.96E+01 1.18E+01 1.1813+00 Pu-239/240 2.6713+01 1.07E+01 1.07E+00 Pu-241 8.70E+02 3.48E+02 3.48E+0 l Am-241 2.58E+01 1.03E+01 1.03E+00 Cm-243/244 2.901E+01 1.166E+01 1.1 6E+00 (1) -The Base Case DCGLs for soil are specified by the LTP in Chapter 6.(2) -The Administrative Level DCGL was 40% of the Base Case DCGL.(3) -The Required MDC was 10% of the Administrative Level DCGL.4. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. To assist the FSSE when preparing survey plans for FSS, guidance is provided in Procedure RPM 5.1-11. By design, the FSSP meets the ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP.Survey design did not include scan surveys. The LTP does not require scan surveys to be performed in subsurface survey units.Six (6) data points were used to determine the radiological concentration variability in this survey unit. The population data set was from soil samples that were collected during the final remedial action survey, and were located within the boundaries of Survey Area 9535.Revision I 8 Revision 1 8 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Radionuclide-specific analyses of soil samples collected from this survey unit have identified radionuclides Cs-137, Co-60, Sr-90, Ni-63 and C-14 to be present.The data collected prior to FSS indicated that the remaining fifteen radionuclides listed in Table 2 would not be present in quantities greater than 5% of the applicable "Base Case" DCGL in this survey unit at the time of FSS. It was unlikely that the aggregate concentration of the remaining radionuclides would exceed 10%; therefore, only Cs-137, Co-60, Sr-90, Ni-63 and C-14 were used in the survey planning of SU 9806-0000.

The use of the 5% and 10% rule is consistent with the development of surrogate ratio DCGLs as described in the LTP.Since multiple radionuclides were assumed to be present, the "unity rule" or "sum of the fractions" was used to demonstrate compliance with the release criteria.Therefore, the Operational DCGL is considered to be "1 ." Surrogate relationships will be used to relate Easy-to-Detect concentrations to Sr-90, C-14 and Ni-63. Cesium-137 will be the surrogate for the three HTDs radionuclides.

Cobalt-60 was considered as a surrogate for the activation products C-14 and Ni-63. However, the remedial action data indicates that Co-60 will likely be reported at concentrations below the minimum detection criteria and will not provide a meaningful relationship.

Therefore, Cs-137 is considered acceptable as the surrogate since it is likely to be the only Easy-to-Detect radionuclide of concern present in sufficient quantities at the time of FSS. The surrogate ratios were determined from data obtained during the remedial action of the landfill.

The reduced Cs-137 surrogate DCGL was 2.82 pCi/g.In a Class A area a DCGL Elevated Measurement Comparison (DCGLEMC) is calculated.

The DCGLENC represents the dose to an individual from a small area of residual contamination.

The calculated DCGLEMC was 7.16 pCi/g for Cs-137 and 1.98 pCi/g for Co-60.The Sign Test was selected as the non-parametric statistical test. The use of the Sign Test did not require the selection of a background reference area, which simplified survey design and implementation.

This approach was conservative since it included background Cs-137 as part of the sample set.The sample design required thirty-one (31) subsurface soil samples. The number of samples for a Class A survey unit is defined in the LTP, Section,"Residual Radioactivity in Subsurface Soils. -For the FSS, three (3) biased soil samples were incorporated in the survey design.The basis for this professional judgment decision was historical documentation review and process knowledge.

Although Procedure RPM 5.1-11 only specified that 5% of the samples be selected for HTD analysis, two (2) soil samples or 6% were randomly selected for HTD radionuclide analysis using the Microsoft Excel "RANDBETWEEN" Revision I 9 Revision 1 9 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD function.

Each sample shall receive a full suite analysis of the radionuclides specified in the LTP, Table 2-12, "Radionuclides Potentially Present at Haddam Neck Plant".The implementation of survey specific quality control measures as referenced by Procedure RPM 5.1-24, "Split Sample Assessment for Final Status Survey", included the collection of two (2) soil samples for "split sample" analysis by the off site laboratory.

These locations was selected randomly using the Microsofl Excel "RANDBETWEEN" function.

The number of quality control samples was determined to be 7% of thirty-one (31) samples, rounded up to the next whole number.The locations of the soil samples were determined using Visual Sample Plan (VSP) in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-14, "Identifying and Marking Surface Sample Locations for E-SS." Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) created VSP for the United States Department of Energy. Input parameters included a systematic grid spacing consisting of a triangular pitch pattern, and a random starting point which is appropriate for a Class A survey unit.The sample locations were determined using AutoCAD-Lte, a commercially available plotting software, and utilized the Connecticut State Plane Coordinate System. The FSSP specified the use of a GPS to locate soil sample locations.

The GPS coordinates for the thirty-one (31) SMLs designed for the non-parametric statistical testing are provided in Table 3.Revision 1 10 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 3 -Sample Measurement Locations (S L) with Associated GPS Coordinates.

Designation Northing Easting 9806-0000-00 IF 236322.8857 673048.6895 9806-0000-002F 236322.8857 673094.0284 9806-0000-003F 236283.6211 672980.6811 9806-0000-004F 236283.6211 673026.02 9806-0000-005F 236283.6211 673071.359 9806-0000-006F 236283.6211 673116.6979 9806-0000-007F 236244.3564 673003.3506 9806-0000-008F 236244.3564 673048.6895 9806-0000-009F 236244.3564 673094.0284 9806-0000-01OF 236244.3564 673139.3674 9806-0000-011 IF 236205.0917 673026.02 9806-0000-012F 236205.0917 673071.359 9806-0000-013F 236205.0917 673116.6979 9806-0000-014F 236205.0917 673162.0368 9806-0000-015F 236165.8271 673003.3506 9806-0000-016F 236165.8271 673048.6895 9806-0000-017F 236165.8271 673094.0284 9806-0000-018F 236165.8271 673139.3674 9806-0000-019F 236165.8271 673184.7063 9806-0000-020F 236126.5624 673026.02 9806-0000-021F 236126.5624 673071.359 9806-0000-022F 236126.5624 673116.6979 9806-0000-023F 236126.5624 673162.0368 9806-0000-024F 236087.2977 673003.3506 9806-0000-025F 236087.2977 673048.6895 9806-0000-026F 236087.2977 673094.0284 9806-0000-027F 236087.2977 673139.3674 9806-0000-028F 236048.033 673026.02 9806-0000-029F 236048.033 673071.359 9806-0000-030F 236048.033 673116.6979 9806-0000-031 F 236048.033 673162.0368 In a Class A survey unit the Investigation Level for soil sample results is a measurement greater than the DCGLENIC.In a Class A survey unit the median concentration is expected to be below the Lower Boundary of the Gray Region (LBGR). A Prospective Power Curve was generated using COMPASS, a software package developed under the sponsorship of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) for implementation of the MARSSIM in support of the decommissioning license termination rule (10 CFR 20, Subpart E). The Prospective Power Curve was run with the design parameters of a Class I surface soil survey unit. The evaluation of subsurface soil survey units is outside the scope of MARSSIM and is not the Revision I 11 Revision I 11 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD design function of COMPASS. The resultant Prospective Power Curve showed adequate power for the survey design. The final remedial action survey data of this survey unit indicated the mean concentrations of Co-60 and Cs-137 are well below the LBGR. Table 4 provides a synopsis of the FSS design.Table 4 -Synopsis of the Survey Design Feature Design Criteria Basis Based on AutoCAD and Survey Unit Size 5,130 m 2 Visual Sample Plan calculations As per LTP Section Number of Measurements 31 Type I (a) and Type 11 (P) are 0.05 Grid Spacing 19.9 m Based on triangular grid Interval Spacing 17.2 m Based on triangular grid DCGL Operational DCGL applied to DCGL I field data (1)Scan Survey Coverage N/A Subsurface survey unit of 9535 Scan Investigation Level N/A Subsurface survey unit of 9535 (I) The Operational DCGL was based on achieving an administrative level that was 40°/o of the soil DCGL and assuming no impact from radioactive contamination in groundwater or from buried concrete debris.5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Final status survey field activities were conducted under Work Plan and Inspection Record (WP&IR) 24265-000-GEN-9535-01017-000.

The WP&IR package included a detailed FSSP, job safety analysis, job planning checklist and related procedures to be used for reference.

Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and the safety aspects of the survey.The "Daily Survey Journal" was used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the FSS. Survey activities occurred between June 16 and June 29, 2004.Using the GPS the SMLs were identified and marked with surveyor's flags. The presence of clean fill and large rocks in this survey unit made sample collection by direct push impractical.

The direct push method uses hydraulic machinery to ram a thin walled tube into the soil to recover a sample. Direct push collection would have only been effective to a below grade surface (bgs) depth of approximately one to one and a half meters before reaching refusal. Relocating the sample locations would have been time consuming with little chance of success in obtaining a viable sample. The sample plan required the use of test pit excavations to obtain sufficient sample to achieve the objective of the survey.Revision I 12 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD The test pit was dug to the required depth, 3 meters, and the soil media collected in one continuous motion from 9 feet bgs to 0.5 feet bgs. This was consistent with the approach described by the LTP since the sample was homogenized over the entire depth of sample collection.

Thirty-one (31) subsurface soil samples were collected and packaged in accordance with the FSS design and the Procedure RPM 5.1-3, "Collection of Surface and Subsurface Soil, Shoreline Sediment, Asphalt and Liquid Samplesfor Scoping, Characterization and Final Status Survey." Soil samples were controlled, transported, stored, and transferred to the off site laboratory using Chain-of-Custody (COC) protocol in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-5,"C/ain of Custody for Scoping, Characterization and Final Status Survey Samples." Two (2) samples, 9806-0000-005F and 023F, were randomly selected and sent to the off site laboratory for HTD radionuclide analysis.Three (3) biased samples were collected, 9806-0000-032F through 034F, and sent to the off site laboratory for gamma spectroscopy analysis.

See Attachment 1, Figure 5 for a visual depiction.

Two (2) "split samples", 9806-0000-021F/FS and 029F/FS, were collected for analysis by the off site laboratory.

6. SURVEY RESULTS The offsite laboratory employed for the radiological analyses of samples was General Engineering Laboratories, LLC (GEL), Charleston, South Carolina.

The laboratory processed and analyzed the thirty-one (31) samples taken for non-parametric statistical testing; the associated duplicates and biased samples using gamma spectroscopy.

Gamma spectroscopy analysis was performed at the required MDC. The results of gamma spectrometry analysis for all of the samples indicated Cs-137 at levels consistent with concentrations of Cs-137 found in soil at off site locations within the vicinity of the HNP (Health Physics TSD BYC-HP-0063). For the thirty-one (31) soil samples for the Sign Test, the maximum reported Co-60 fraction of the Administrative 10 mrem/yr DCGL (f-DCGL) was<2%. A summary of the sample results is provided in Table 5.Revision I 13 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 5 -Summary of Soil Sample Results Sample Number Cs-137 Co-60 f-DCGL(')9806-0000-001 0.024 -0.001 0.008 9806-0000-002 0.126 0.000 0.045 9806-0000-003 0.043 -0.007 0.011 9806-0000-004 0.004 0.008 0.007 9806-0000-005 0.284 0.011 0.108 9806-0000-006 0.370 0.020 0.144 9806-0000-007 0.028 0.026 0.027 9806-0000-008 0.384 0.016 0.147 9806-0000-009 0.047 0.010 0.023 9806-0000-010 0.079 0.008 0.034 9806-0000-011 0.084 0.024 0.046 9806-0000-012 0.183 0.005 0.068 9806-0000-013 0.000 0.005 0.003 9806-0000-014 0.069 -0.002 0.023 9806-0000-015 0.017 -0.008 0.001 9806-0000-016 0.097 -0.009 0.028 9806-0000-017 0.028 0.001 0.010 9806-0000-018 0.291 0.010 0.109 9806-0000-019 0.059 0.009 0.027 9806-0000-020 0.015 -0.004 0.003 9806-0000-021 0.062 0.013 0.031 9806-0000-022 0.081 0.009 0.035 9806-0000-023 0.138 0.001 0.050 9806-0000-024 0.039 -0.002 0.012 9806-0000-025 0.056 0.014 0.029 9806-0000-026 0.090 -0.010 0.026 9806-0000-027 0.063 -0.003 0.020 9806-0000-028 0.029 -0.006 0.006 9806-0000-029 0.017 -0.012 -0.002 9806-0000-030 0.038 0.009 0.019 9806-0000-031 0.145 0.002 0.053 (1) f-DCGL-fraction of the Operation DCGL.The off site laboratory processed two (2) samples, 9806-0000-005F and 023F, for HTD analysis as required by the sample plan. Depending on the radionuclide and the measurement method, the requested analyses included alpha spectroscopy, gas proportional counting and liquid scintillation.

The only HTD radionuclide resulting in an identifiable quantity was C-14 (see Table 6). Sample analysis results did not exceed the Investigation Level; therefore, no further actions or investigations were required.Revision I 14 Revision I 14 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 6 -Ilard-To-Detect Samples Results in pCi/g Sample Number C-14 pCi/g DCGLc.1 4 f-DCGL t 1 9806-0000-005F 0.247 2.260 0.109 9806-0000-023F 0.202 2.260 0.089 (1) f-DCGL -fraction of the radionuclide specific Administrative Level DCGL.Three (3) biased samples, 9806-000-032F through 034F, were analyzed by gamma spectroscopy at the off site laboratory.

The analysis was performed to the required MDCs. Sample results ranged from <1% to 3% of the Operational DCGL, well below the Investigation Level. No further actions or investigations were required.

Results are summarized in Table 7.Table 7 -Biased Sample Results Sample Number Cs-137 pCilg Co-60 pCi/g f-DCGL 9806-0000-032F 0.096 0.004 0.037 9806-0000-033F 0.000 0.005 0.003 9806-0000-034F 0.007 0.000 0.002 7. QUALITY CONTROL The off site laboratory processed the split samples and performed gamma spectroscopy analysis.

Seven percent (7%) of the soil samples were selected for analysis, which exceeds the 5% minimum required by the LTP. The data were evaluated using the USNRC acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure 84750 as detailed in Procedure RPM 5.1-24. There was acceptable agreement between field split results. The sample analysis vendor, General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, maintains quality assurance and quality control plans as part of normal operation.

Refer to Attachment 2 for data and data quality analysis results.8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS No investigations were performed in this survey unit. All soil sample measurements were below the Investigation Levels.Revision I 15 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD 9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS No radiological remediation was performed in this survey unit as a result of the FSS. Prior to FSS, remedial action and Remedial Action Surveys were conducted.

Soil remediation was followed by Remedial Action Surveys conducted under survey and sampling work plan BCY-SSWP-03-07-003 and two subsequent addendums.

Soil was removed by an excavator and placed in containers for eventual transport and disposition.

About forty (40) B-25 containers of soil (approximately 4000 ft 3) were removed from the area. Items removed for the pit (e.g. blocks of concrete) were surveyed for contamination in accordance with health physics procedures.

The materials were found to exceed the radiological release criteria for unrestricted use. Health Physics Department TSD BCY-HP-0078, "ALARA Evaluation of Soil Remediation in Support of Final Status Survey," has determined that remediation beyond that required to meet the release criteria to be unnecessary and that the remaining residual radioactivity in the soil was ALARA.10. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN There were no changes from the FSSP. There were no FSSP Addendums created.11. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA)The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-23, "Data Quality Assessment," for completeness and consistency.

The sampling design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve. The Retrospective Power Curve was generated using COMPASS. The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared the results with the original assumptions of the DQOs. All soil sample results were less than the release criteria.

Therefore, the Sign Test shows that the survey unit passes FSS.Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and sample collection were consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly designated as Class A.The preliminary data review consisted of converting the data into units relative to the release criteria (i.e., pCi/g) and calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation).

The Cs-137 range of the data is about 3.73 standard deviations.

The maximum result is less than 14% of the administrative surrogate DCGLc,-1 3 7.Statistical analyses reveal four positive outliers.

This could be attributed to natural variations of environmental soil sampling with inductions from topographical and geological features.

The total range of the sample results is consistent with concentrations of Cs-137 found in soil at offsite locations within the vicinity of the HNP. None of the samples exceeded 22% of the Operational DCGL.Revision I 16 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD The Co-60 range of data was about 3.91 standard deviations.

Statistical analyses reveal two positive outliers.

None of the samples exceeded 2% of the Administrative Level DCGLC, 6 0.In addition to the average level of contamination, each individual sample point in SU 9806-0000 is less than the release criteria as defined by the Operational DCGL. Evaluation of soil sample results using the DCGLEMC is not required.

By default all results would be less than the DCGLENIC.12. ANOMALIES Soil sample 9806-0000-005F and 023F yielded a positive identification of C-14 at approximately 10% of the Administrative Level DCGL. The highest combined fraction of the Operational DCGL of the samples with C-14 identification was in sample 9806-0000-005F resulting in less than 22%. Additionally, Cs-134 was identified in sample 9806-0000-033F with a contribution of less than 1.5%. The C-14 and Cs-134 results did not impact the proper release of SU 9806-0000.

13. CONCLUSION Survey Unit 9806-0000 has met the DQOs of the FSS. For this survey unit, the ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP wvere achieved.The Elevated Measurement Comparison and remediation were not required.The sample data passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected.Evaluation of the data shows that none of the FSS design radionuclides or HTD soil concentration values exceeded the Operational DCGL of "I" or unity. No large anomalies were observed in the graphical representation of the data. The survey unit was properly classified as Class A. The Retrospective Power Curve generated using COMPASS shows adequate power was achieved.This survey unit is not considered impacted by radioactive contamination in groundwater based on location, topography and current hydro-geologic sampling data as referenced in Health Physics Technical Support Document (TSD) CY-HP-0193, "Assessment of Existing Groundwater Dosefor Phase II Release Areas of the Final Status Survey Report".14. ATTACHMENTS 14.1 Attachment I -Figures 14.2 Attachment 2 -Sample and Statistical Data Revision I 17 Revision I 17 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 1 Figures (5 Pages) m m -m m m -m m m m -m m m m M 8~ " f It .,{ A\ /}1 e 9806-Notes C-9 1j Figure 1&Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9806-0000 Final Status Survey

-MM MmM Mi m -m m 0 Sample Location= Areas excavated during2003 zdiological zimedfadon Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9806-0000 Final Stus SurwvyDesigD m m M -M m m m m m m m m m M 0. 0793 w\\J 0.0694 9sample 71 (Locaton 0 05 C Aas excavaxed duing 2003 radiological Notes Cs-137 Sample'Results minpCilg Negaive Cs-137 0 0151SampleResults oa remnotplototd 0.0285X \w Connetcut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9806-000 Final Stus Survey Desi Au 2004 CHum-137PostiggPlot Cn3 Mm --m -m m -m m M m m m m -M 0.00835 Sample 05 Location 0. = Armas exrcavate\durig 2003 radiologica 0.009 mediaton 0. 00at0~- o\Notes Co-60 Sample/0 Resulty inpCg Negative Co-60 Sample Resadts am notploted Connectcut Yankee Atomic Power Company Daic 9806-0000 Final Staus Survey DesigngstOO Co ha t-60 Post g Plot Ags20 m m m M m --M- ---m m m m m m m M Lemd Sample Loction Io3 Aras excavated during2003 Adiological zemediaton Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9806-O0 Final Stus Survey Judgemenal Samples CO!

SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD I ..." .I , t -r. , " Attachment 2 Sample and Statistical Data (175 pages including covers)

SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD.., ...Attachment 2a Gamma Spectroscopy Data (148 Pages)

Table Of Contents Case Narrative


1 Chain Of Custody".;.".'.........................

4 Cooler Receipt Checklist


12 Radiological Analysis ..................................................

2 3 Sample Data Summary ..........................................

41 Quality Control D ata ............

132 h I 1'. , CASE-I NARRATIVE CONNECTICUT YANIEE RE: Soils PO# 002332 Work Order: 116342 SDG: MSR#04-2096 C .' ...., I ..116342001 116342002 116342003 116342004 116342005 116342006 116342007 116342008 116342009 116342010 116342011 116342012 116342013 116342014 116342015 116342016 116342017 116342018 116342019 116342020 116342021 116342022 9806-0000-020F 9806-0000-021F 9806-0000-021FS 9so6-0000-009F 9806-0000-014F 9806-0000-019F 9806-0000-031F 9806-0000-012F 9806-0000-013F 9806-0000-015F 9806-0000-017F 9806-0000-018F 9806-0000-022F 9806-0000-025F 9806-0000-026F 9806-0000-027F 9806-0000-033F 9806-0000-030F 9806-0000-029F 9806-0000-029FS 9806-0000-028F 9806-0000-001r 116342023 116342024 116342025 116342026 116342027 116342028 116342029 116342030 116342031 116342032 116342033 116342034 116342035 116342036 116342037 116342038 116342039 116342040 116342041 116342042 116342043 9806-0000-007F 9806-0000-OlOF 9806-0000-024F 9806-0000-016F 9806-0000-O11F 9806-0000-008F 9806-0000-003F 9806-0000-002F 9806-0000-004F 9906-0000016F-f2 a do o o o6 F 9806-0000-032F ,t44 (/g,/oC 9806-0000-034F 9806-0000-022F DEP S 9806-0000-033F DEP S 9806-0000-030F DE1P S 9806-0000-029F DEP S 9806-0000-028F DEP S 9806-0000-023F 980G-0000-023F DEP S 9806-0000-OOSF 9806-0000-005IF 9806-0000-024F 9806-0000-016F 9806-0000-01 IF 9806-0000-OOSF 9S06-0000-003F 9806-0000-002F 9806-0000-004F 9806-0000006F 9806-0000-032F 9806-0000-034F 9806-0000-022F DEP S 9806-0000-033F DEP S 9806-0000-030F DEP S 9S06-0000-029F DEP S : 9806-0000-028F DEP S 9806-0000-023F 9806-0000-023F DEP S 9806-0000-005F 9806-0000-005F.

Items of Note: There are not items to note.Case Narrative:

Sample analyses were conducted using methodology as outlined in General Engineering Laboratories (GEL) Standard Operating Procedures.

Any technical or administrative problems during analysis, data review, and reduction are listed below by analytical parameter.

Analytical Request: Thirty-two soil samples were analyzed for FSSGAM, seven samples were analyzed for FSSGAM and Sr-90, and four soil samples were analyzed for FSSALL.Internal Chain of Custodv: Custody was maintainedi for all of these samples.Data Package: The enclosed data package contains the following sections:

Case Narrative, Chain of Custody, Cooler Receipt Checklist, Laboratory Certifications, and Radiochemistry.

I certify that this data package is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or a designee, as verified by the following signature.


LLC a Member of THE GEL GROUP, INC.RO. Box 30712

  • Charleston, SC 29417
  • 2040 Savage Road (29407)Phone (843) 556-8171
  • Fax (BA3) 766-1178

( ( I I( I ( I ( (. -, [' (7 F-Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-RS 104-003-Attaclhment B-CY-00 1 Major I

( ( F~ -U I f I , ( -( -, ( -Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-00 I Major I I v4,i4Lz 7 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2004-00144 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 7/860-267-2556


Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyse Reqeste ; 9,.. i :<.Contact Name & Phone: Comments,.

-.;7t.Media Sample. Containe.JackMcCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext.3024 Media Sape Contaier --. .McatyCode Type .Size- TIQ 7(1 i-t General Engineering Laboratories Code &Type , .-.:T. .2040 Savage Road .o....Charleston, SC 29407 (843-556-8171)

Sarah Kozlik Cj3I C12 C/Priority.

(0 30 D. E] 15 D. 0 7 D. 5.Other. Ws.,.Sample Designation Date Time --Comment. Preservatlon

.La S.a la i h 9806-0000-009F 6/29/2004 0920 TS G BP X -.~$ 9806-0000-014F 6/29/2004 0955 TS G BP X -----Zf.1 9806-0000-019F 6/29/2004 1030 TS G BP X ---' ... *;9806-0000-031F 6/29/2004 1315 TS G BP X ----,; @ -._._i______.__

.<* ~*.___________

== ==_ -. zii>g~ -NOTES: PO I: 002332 MSR #: 04-2096 LTP QA El Radwaste QA O Non QA Samples Shipped Via: 0 Fed Ex LI UPS Ql Hand 1) Relinqui e Date/Time 2 ceived By Dat IT'me cXc 5- 0'3) Relinqu bed By "Date/Time

4) Received By Dnte une S -Iritertal;Contain'er,'

.Cifstody.Seat Intact?-.ttly efIife?., ~ ;,.,_ :. N O. .::. : .0 Other..Bill of Lading #

I F ( -, I[- ( I , C, I f [--- or -,- (I- -f , , Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-001 Major&A- _ ..: 'I :.:. U

( F ( (f l (- (GP]FC' -( :' 7(7*?-GGGR-R5 104-003-Attachment B-CY-001 Major Health Physics Procedure I -. ( -' 7* C- C C C C. ~.. (I ( ' ( I ( .. (.- , r, Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-RS104-003-AttaclhmentB-CY-001 Major I I 1i <(I2 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2004-00141 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 .,b, 860-267-2556

__^Project Name
Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested Itb Contact Name & Phone: ...., .,......Jack McCartly 860-267-2556 Ext. 3024 Mede a S'ple Container_______________________)__l_l_

Code Type Size- ., General Engineering Laboratories Code &Type ..'-' -2040 Savage Road C D Time _ _Charleston, SC 29407 (843-556-8171)

-'~...:.Sarh Koz9 D -En c ........Priority.

0 30 D. E 15 D. 11 7 D -D ..Other: .__ _ _ _--at-onDate Tim Comment, Preservation

~ti 9806-0000-033F 6/22/2004 0920 TS G BP X ....r.9806-0000-033F DEP S 6/22/2004 0930 TS G BP X X 9806-0000-032F 6/2212004 0955 TS G BP X ---.-.-£,i.t 9806-0000-03OFDEP S 612212004 1140 TS G BP X --X -S 1,9806-0000-029F 6/220 00 TS ( BP X -----.______9806-0000-029F DEP S 6/22/2004 1050 TS G BP X ---X -g69806-0000-029FS 6/22/2004 1050 TS G3 BP X -- -219806-0000-028F 6/2212004 1115 TS (3 BP X --_________.9806-0000-028F DEP S 6/22/2004 1110 TS G BP x --X -.p i..NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR#: 04-2096 Z LTP QA E Radwaste QA El Non QA 1) Relin is Date/Time

2) RecedBy .Date/Time 4t 7/txl O7/3) Relin is ed B ate/Time 4) Received By Datetrime Samples Shipped Via: .[9 FedEx I UPS O Hand Q Other Bill of Lading A T e. ;:p ...? D eg*-. C..Custody.Seated?.;

t C u sto d y Se M Intc ii X1:.'.,.,-

  • !:~ 2 i_;- '1 Nz; L -...

( 1 [ ( f I I [ I I , I I I I I (Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5 I04-003-Attachment B-CY-O01 Major I- -" ( ,- -f. f (. I r, (. , I ' , ( -, -( ...(- -, Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5 I 04-003-Attachment B-CY-00 I Major I I (O 3 4T' -7 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 200400146 362 lnjun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 3 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested

= LaOy.s, .Contact Name & Phone: ' 4.General Engineering Labboratories Code. ' Typ -.lack McCnrt~hy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3024 Cod ToeSdz.ic, a Spl Con..c_ j t Code & Type : ; g -' -* .g 2040 Savage Road Codee tP r:.'-Charleston, SC 29407 (843-556-8171

.a :; .I.; : Priority..

.03 0D.O] IS D.U El 7D..Otler ' .Sample Designation Date Time -)Comment, Preservation dDbS a 'cti': ( /9806-0000-1F 6/16/2000 1020 Ts G BP XO__,______.__, ______:,__.,___

9806-0000-005F 6/1612000 1115 TS G BP X ----_9806-0000-005EF 6/16/2000 1115 TS G BP X __________

9806-0000-007F 6/16/2000 1325 TS G BP X___________

9806-0000-.ioF 6/16/2000 1425 Ts -BP X ----., x..5)Relnuse By Datetrime o2 Receivpd ByDate/Time:'

*-.1;- -,- ~ sj- __________________________


.,-, El Othe 3) V qui ed By Date/Time

4) Received By Date/Time


2 n0 Bill of Lading 0 5) Relinquished By Date/Time

6) Received By Date/Time

~4 I I k

  • Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services CY-ISC-SOW-001 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List Date/Time Received:

A SDGH: 'v'- )kA ) ) R Work OrderNumber:

-Shipping Container lID: MID o'j i'-I Chain of Custody# vrO NA 1. Custody Seals on shipping container intact? Yes &. No [ ]2. Custody Seals dated and signed? Yes [q'No [ ]3. Chain-of-Custody record present? Yes [/ No [3 4. Cooler temperature

5. Vermiculite/packing materials is: Wet [3 Dry [ ] .tJ veil t 6. Number of samples in shipping container:_

_7. Sample holding times exceeded?

Yes [ No '8. Samples have:l/ tape hazard labels custody seals -appropriate sample labels 9.. Samples are: in good condition leaking_ broken -have air bubbles 10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? Yes [ ] No 1'11. Description of anomalies (include sample numbers): Sample Custodian/Laboratory:

Date: _Telephoned to. On By 1-7 S&NP.JL ECIP.& IRtIEWFR o "h XLYL WC ULMJVA n vMeceived:

Le6eivea By: -A re 0-#Tple Reciipt terla' C S -.4, a9 amments/QuaMers (Re iiiNon-&niarming7temsj S L-Z:Z,eontainers received intact sols bmkm ed CCnWntT lcaMn other (dc=be)and sealed?t T= lotsb Samples re ' ing cold dtvice S"W qum CM..2preservation within (4 fl- 2 Q7.Record methoci Chain of custo documents Pincludedwith shipment?containers intact and d=jtdwmUh=

kzl=,- cmtdn et oU=-(d =U)4 sealed?Samples requirin chemical preservation at p Oer pH?VQA- vials free of heq#ace BYs and =Wners affeac&6 srple (defined as < 6mmbubble)?

Samples received withia holding Ws and tests &fftcttd:-

7 time? .Y Sample ID's an Coc ma S=plc ID's and ==InM aftte&-on bottles?ate & time on Smple ID's Weeted:.CQC)z6tFh date 9 time on bottles?Number'of c: S=Ple Mrs Affteted:1 ont ers received 10 match numb;%dicated an COC?COC forpxlis Properly sip'ed in relinciWshed/receiveA seeflons'?

Additional Cornmenti' M EIN Ms lets I M Men El Him IC M-00 RM Date-C .4 1 .,.i , -.-. ---, ..... .., .-... -..'. '.

uonnecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services CY-IS C-SQ W-OO01 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List-en .I rt .I;).Date/Time Received:

Ij.Ce 7 t' 9v Y .) " SDG#: DM gQ Work Order Number. ¶ I (nY--Shippingo5ntainerI:Aftk I. MI, Chain of Custody { f C<1. Custody Seals on shipping container intact? Yes [] No 2. Custody Seals dated and signed? Yes [3 No [I 3. Chain-of-Custody record present? Yes [ ]No (4/4. Cooler temperature R'4.5. Vermiculite/packing materials is: Wet [ Dry [ ] d J J 6. Number of samples in shipping container:

5 7. Sample holding times exceeded?

Yes [( No tV 8. Samples have:--tape hazard labels custody seals _-appropriate sample labels 9. Samples an:, Ji iD good condition leakinglbroken have air bubblesl 10. Were any anomalies identified in samp le receipt? Yes []No / -11. Description of anomalies (include sample numbers): Sample Custodian/Laboratory:, Telephoned to:-on By.IC:

JBT g SALE RECEPT & REVIEW FORM :* .* .. ., ' .! .** '!. '. *X _' *us]lent: .- * *xWReceived:

By * ..* :- 'pl iin ,r-e .io '.t Sample Redeipt Criteria C.. .n Qafl -ers (Required orNon 1 Shipping containers received intact .d AppcaCbk-jals broken dm~Sed cimazh 1tw. mbl r(desoibe) and sealed? , Sl~~s l~~gg Cid i. _ _- :lslclmlrTcnp device scial# ice bugs .buic; lec ........ .no...............

Sa~erequiring cod drY .*12 preservation within (4 *2 C) ...-. ..-.C .* ...C*_ Record preservation method.Chain of custody documents

..- .: included with shipment?

..* * * : /Ssample containers intact and -_ic l. .cter oth.(d.csik) sealed?5 Samples requiring chenical..

Samp IDUs, COntaines nffcczcdhd cbsmvcd pH:*preservation at proper :IH: 6 VOAvials free of headspace:

_ -SlPXBsfldcaln ffedd .* .:a,. .(defined as < 6mmbubble)?

._ _..7- amle..rceve ithiai holding lerds nd te$sts~c .*__ tiue?SUVz* tOs t~aiin ii affected.8Sample JD's on COC matchlD's

..: on bottles? ._ .:_ D9ate &: time onl.COC match dateB i Su sa... *_ time onbottles? .m/ --::. .Number of containers rcceived _ saffcctet

....1match number indicated on CCC? ...COC form is properlysignedin

_ *relinquisbed/receivea sections'

  • * *.: A Bill ,Trackg It's, &A dditional Comments I es_ _ N." '.-IPM (oir PMA) review of Receiving Rad classificafianc~kZ~:,.2 .z..LZ-..Zjiil

~ 1 ... Date

---Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services CY-ISC-SOW-001 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List A Po. -Date/Time Received:

I t'I I b 'tU SDG#: ( a -'Work Order Nuziber \ Vr-Shipping Co ir : l 0' hain of Custody#.1. Custody Seals on shipping container intact?2. Custody Seals dated and signed?3. Chain-of-Custody record present?4. Cooler temperature

5. Verraiculite/paclcing materials is: .6. Number of samples in shipping container.

7 7. Sample holding times exceeded?R OOlO Yes Yes Yes[vNo [ ][M'NO[]&No [J z'No tJ-Wet[] Dry[] 3JoJI--Yes [ ] No i4 8. Samples have: ' tape ..._ h..azard labels custody seals -appropriate sample labels 9. Samples arc:_I in good condition leaking broken have air bubbles 10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? Yes f ] No 11. Description of anomalies (include sample numbers): Sample Custodian/Laboratory-.

Telephoned to: _ _: __ -Date:.0On By.I d C ,. S AMRP L E R E CEd : gg t6 MIM to 0 A!/I.Swpple:R Pt Criteria

ciminents/OuaMers (Re4t&iaidi Non-conro ItelIlS), Z AppUczbL-X=lSbr0k=

dam2gedemlalner sliippingeontainersremivedintact and sealed?Samples cold.- .-,.. ' , .'preservation wi!hip (4 it- 2 Q 7 Record method.Circk T=p device saw 0 :.-"'Z bills blue Ice dry vcae.. -.I Chain of custody documents

'.3 included with Lbkment? , ....-...I 11 '. .'. :-'e'e; ..-I -" , .t -.... ..7 S containers intact and I ,sealed? -C.irclc Applicable:

scab bmk &=Std c=L-dncr kiLing coahaer othcr(describc)

--: ..-. .- -.--, '.1 I .: ...A",.... , I I ....Z ISamples raquhing chemical.preservation ait properPH?11.Sample IM6 epopMen Affected and abstmed pM x .W ... -...., ... 1.A, VOA. vials free of Peace ..

-_ , ...II§=- -s andmWW" affected... I :-.'I ....: I Samples received wiffih h.olding 7.time? ..Sample ID's on COC match M's 8 on bottles? --' ..,.& time on.CQC =tch date &9 I time on bottles?Ids and lests affccle&Sample Urs nd containen affectest Sample Irs Affected.Sample IUS afreac&Number of contain 10 match number in C? .'.COC form is pro Si' ed in .11 YeA sectioni?

-.I r , _ ._Vs.'&. :. J..I -.. : : -Ad onal Comments-

-" I I: t ...R OM) Ice, ffl-aafEN

2 151 -W.affiffinfln N WIEWilli 4, MRITIJO S i .4 W., mliIN0111 I" EMOM10 els PM (6r PMA) review of Receivina Rad classification
, -;;P- --_..... ...... : -1. ., .., : I -.I ...., : '. -.'... -L -'- ..... ., , .. .... : '. ., ...

uonnecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services Figure 1. Sample Check-in List CY-ISC-SOW-001 Date/Time Receivcd:

7' 2. O SDG#: Work Order Number: \ \Shipping ContainbrID:

nq% 2.... n&3 ChainofCustody#-

0I91V 1. Custody Seals on shipping container intact? Yes Ip4 No [3 2. Custody Seals dated and signed? Yes [M No [ J 3. Chain-of-Custody record present? Yes t/No [2]4. Cooler temperature 2N 61 5. Vermiculite/packing materials is: Wet [ Dry []6. Number of samples in shipping container Cl 7. Sample holding times exceeded?

Yes [ No 4 w 10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt?11. Description of anomalies (include sample numbers): Yes [ I No M'Sample Custodian/Laboratory:.

Telephoned to: _Date:-On By...B_e SAMP.LE RECEJIPT & REVIEW FORM I S1M 5,1S1+tOR\0 ~~. .* .1 ..:*. ..-. ,-. ;.*:- ;** ---* * * ---: * *. .-.*PbS use only *.. : *. : :* **_ .. _ -~ _ _'_'__.'__

__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _wiate~eceivea:

nwp ..*** ...1fI AY epeireiiW.cdnormbdT R~eeiae By: -E a-, IN Samiple' Recept Criteria ..nimmnts/Quail rs (Requlid o~nCnami~tms Shpigcontainers received inta .Cirdc Applicable seals bDkca damgcd cmftaiflr Jckaldlgcoat*=

olbhr(describe) and sealed?>_Samples requiring cold preservationivwithin (4 if- 2 C)7 Record preservation method.Circle Temp device serial t. Icc bags ahtr(des mibd)blue Ice d noe. ._ .-Chain of custody documents included with shipment?-* .4-Circcle Applicble:

sel redwatanenn ra ngcawcamtiw otherr(describe) 7 Sample containers intact and sealed?--4 Samples requiring chemical preservation at proper pH?I I Sample af" =d m obscvnd pKb 4-4 4 --4.VOA vials free of headspace (defined as < 6mm bubble)?I1 Sapl z nd ctnLaneneaffected

.7 Samples received within holding time?Sample lD's on COC match ID's 18 on bottles?/I ds and icsut affecta.Sample IDs and contalnusw affec&e .Sample 1D's allecle&Sample MrD's afele&Date & time on COC match daH time onbottlees?

I-I 4" -jI Number of containers repdnved 1match number indicdon COC?_ ..__ _COC form is pr erly signed in relinquished/

ceived sections?-r Air Bill ,Tracking Vs, &Additional Comments-a I I -lTi~n~ It i MO g 1 L%., I ME W.3rAcr FM.1 57r-eeM"P, V oacoly . AN -P- ..-- -r I 6 m ad classification:

___ -_Initials

-* Date: t * ...* *I X.1+/-V+/- qur r.ylftj rc0viCw 0s +/-eceiving

+/-x Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services CY-ISC-SOW-0o0 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List.1 _ _-I. 1 Date/Time Received:

1 l'X If\ 85 SDG#: ((9 Cr c Work OrderNumberj.

\ \ Y-k<.-Shipping Container ID:fItc 6L .. 1 9 in of Custody#.1. Custody Seals on shipping container intact?2. Custody Seals dated and signed?3. Chain-cf.Custody record present?4. Cooler temperature

-o. t 5. Vermiculite/packing materials is: ;6. Number of samples in shipping container:

7. Sample holding times exceeded?-: .1 -, Yes ETNo I J Yes &4'No [ ]Yes &A No [ 3 Wet [ I Dry [ ]du oVJC Yes [ ] No [r4 8. Samples have:-tape _hazard labels custody seals ppropriate sample labels 9. Samplesare:

/in good condition leaking broken have air bubbles 10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? Yes ( ] No 11. Description of anomalies (include sample numbers): Sample Custodian/Laboratory:

Date: Telephoned to. On By

.6--AAPT~~iREEW R4VIW. R%In.O M -2 .o .**.* .. I* ROME fec~eiveid 1y: * -.Y: .--..: ....Sampiefleceipt Criteria'.

B .__ *, ,4.-:.-.1 aI z4 4 .. ., .': ..I-I~-a-I-

-UzlI-Shipping containers received intact .CirclecApplicnble:

cabrok dimged cttai IlUgcPM otr(descnibe)

_ anid. sealed? _ * --* -Samples requriCiorcle Tbe hilc yk nn:quipll ring cold It ._ _ _ Clepdevlce scnal Ice bagK blue lcet .I Ce SM.. -c..2 preservation within (4 41-20)? .2o desmc).*Rc0donreservatibnmethod.

1I Chain of custoy documents

.included with shipment?Sample cotanes ntctan Apo,61c. scab broken dainaed cotauner Icaihng coui~nc ather (desenibe) 4 a pecontainers intact and ...Cce~l e1 mi h e sealed? ._S amples requiring chemical ..ple !Is cpanennrs affectrd nod observd piL__ re servation, at proper pa? ______________________

VOA vials free of headqpace (de5ned as <6mbubbe)?

y/, SnmPle ID's and =tainioea affedcd:..I ... ...- ., -...1 .1 -,...-I._ _Samples received within holding time? :. .7_, _Sample ID's on.COC match f)'s on bottles? * .*IWs nod tests affecteik

...Saraple Mr's sad continirs affccted:..

Smle Mrs afreVted:

..... * .* ._ __Date & time on.COC matdate &time on bottles? /Numoberof conta received-.O fr proprSi gined in F Sample I's nffected:, .:*.. .-.:..-.9 Air ',Trcfig Vs'A al Commenti'

  • .4.. ....


ANALYSIS PncP. )3 nf 147

-I -C." Radiochemistry Case Narrative Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. (YANK)SDG MSR1#04-2096 Method/Analvsis Information Product: Analytical Method: Prep Method: Dry Soil Prep OL-RAD-A-021 Method: Analytical Batch Number Prep Batch Number Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number.Alphaspec Arn241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep 351778 347344 347331 Sample ID 116342040-116342041 1 16342042.I 16342043 1200669596 1200669599 1200669597 1200669598 Client ID 9806-0000-023F 9806-0000-023F DEP S 9806-0000-OOSF 9806-0000-005F Method Blank (MB)Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Matrix Spike (MS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-0 II REV# 13.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Quality Control (OC) InformatIon:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342040 (9806-0000-023F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Pnon.94 nf 147 Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-preplRe-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch.Ounlirler Information

-: Manual qualifiers were not required.! t ,'-,o'w' .'Method/Analvsls Information Product: Analytical Method: Prep Method: Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Analytical Batch Number.Prep Batch Number: Dry Soil Prep GLRAD-A-021 Batch Number Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-i I-RC Modified Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep 351779 347344 347331 Sample ID 116342040 116342041 116342042 116342043 1200669600 1200669603 1200669601 1200669602 Client ID 9806-0000-023F 9806-0000-023F DEP S 9806R0000-005F 9806-0000-0051F Method Blanik (MB)Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)11 6342040(9806-0000-023F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Matrix Spike (MS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-0 II REV# 13.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Page 25 of 147 qunlity Control (OC) Inrormntion:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342040 (9806-0000-023 F).QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information

.., All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-preplRe-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Inrormntion:

NCR Documentntion Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch.Ounlifier Information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analvsis Information Product: Analytical Method: Prep Method: Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Analytical Batch Number Prep Batch Nurnber Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-i -RC Modified Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep 351780 347344 347331 Sample ID 116342040 116342041 116342042 116342043 1200669604 1200669607 1200669605 1200669606 Client ID 9806-0000-023F 9806-0000-023FDEP S 9806-0000-005F 9806-0000-OOSIF Method Blank (MB)Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Matrix Spike (MS)SOP Refcrence Ba~ndA 7nf 14.7 Pmcedure.for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 5.Calibration Information:

..I ..Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been meL Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ounlitv Control (OC Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342040 (9806-0000-023F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Rc-preplRe-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Manual Integration No mranual integrations were performed on data in this batch.Ounlifier infortration Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Annlvsls Information Producte Analytical Method: Prep Method: Analytical Batch Number: Prep Batch Number Gnmma,Solld-FSS CAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived EML HASL 300,45.2.3 Dry Soil Prep 347732 347329 Pnce 97 nf 147 Sample IDC -Client ID 116342001

' 9806-0000-020F 116342002 9806-0000-021F 116342003 9806-0000-021FS 116342004 9806-0000-009F 116342005 9806-000-014F 116342006 9806-O000-019F 116342007 9806-0000-031F 116342008 9806-0000-012F 116342009 9806-0000-013F 116342010 9806-0000-O1SF 116342011 9806-0000-017F 116342012 9806-0000-01BF 116342013 9806-0000-022F 116342014

'C, .-V' 9806-0000-025F 116342015 9806-0000-026F 116342016

,, 9806-0000-027F 116342017 9806-0000-033F 116342018 9806-0000-030F 116342019 9806-0000-029F 116342020 9806-0000-029FS 1200659838 Method Blank (MB)1200659840 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)1200659839 116342001(9806-0000-020F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)SOP Rererence Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data mre controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-013 REV 10.Cnlibrntlon Information:

Callbratlon Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Qualitv Control (OC) Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342001 (9806-0000-020F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technienl Information:

PnaP QR nflA.7 Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparatlon Information

' *All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prep!Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated far this SDG.Ounlirier Information Qualrifer Reason -- Analyte Sample Ul Data rejected due to low abundance.

Cesiurn-134 116342007'. _.,.__.,____

116342009 116342010 116342011 116342013 116342014 116342015 116342016 116342018.-__ _ ._ .116342019 116342020 Cesium-137 116342017 U! ata rejected due to no valid peak. ismuth-212 116342005_esium-134 1200659839 Cesium-137 116342020 Method/Analysls Information Product: Analytical Method: Prep Method: Analytical Batch Number.Prep Batch Number.Sample ID Cli 116342021 98C 116342022 98(116342023 98(116342024 98(116342025 98(116342026 98(116342027 98(116342028 98(116342029 98(116342030 98(Gamma,SoIld-FSS CAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived EML HASL 300,4.52.3 Dry Soil Prep 348602 347330 cnt ID)6-0000-028F




)6-0000-024F 06.0000-01 6F 36-0000-01 IF 36-0000-008F


)6-0000-002F Pnee 29 of 147 116342031 116342032 116342033 116342034 116342035 116342036 116342037 116342038 116342039 116342040 1200662009 1200662011 1200662010 9806-0000-004F 9806-0000006F 9806-0000-032F 9806-0000-034F 9806-0000-022F DEP S 9806-0000-033F DEP S 9806-0000-030F DEP S 9806-0000-029P DEP S 9806-0000-028F DEP S 9806-0000-023F Method Blank (MB)Lnboratory Control Sample (LCS)I 16342021(9806-0000-028F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)E , .' ....SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled byiGeneral Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 10.Calibration Inrformation:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). -Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ounlity Control (OC) Information:

Blank Informauton The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342021 (9806-0000-028).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-preplRe-nnnlysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced Pnar. An nf 147 SOP or contractunl documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.-ualilicrinforrnatlon Qualifier Rcason Analyte Sample Ul Data rejected due to low abundance.


[16342021__1 116342025 116342026 116342028 116342029___ 116342030_ ,_ _116342031

-__ 116342032.,__ 116342033 116342036..__ 116342040_ 7_ _.,, 1200662010 Ul Data rejected due to no valid peak. Bismuth-212 116342037-Europiurn-155 116342023 116342037 MethodlAnnlvsis Information Product: Analytical Method Prep Method: Analytical Batch-Nur Prep Batch Numnber Sample ID 116342041 116342042 116342043 1200662012 1200662014 1200662013 nber Gammi,Solld-FSS CAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowvth Waived EML HASL 300,45.2.3 Dry Soil Prep 348607 347331 Client ID 9806-0000-023F DEP S 9806-0000-005F 9806-0000-OSIF Method Blank (MB)Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)116342041(9806-0000-023F DEP S) Sample Duplicate (DUP)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-013 REV# ID.Calibrntion Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Samplc Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the sarne geometry as the calibration standards.

Pae 31 of 147 Ounlity Control (OC) Information:

Blank Information Thc blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.t. .4... .. -...:.,. 'If- ...-.,Y,- -i, .:-- : Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342041 (9806-0000-023F DEP S).QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Ttme All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Ounlifler information Qualirier Reason Analyte Sample VI Data reec-ted due to low abundance.

isruth-212 116342041 Dt dsium-134 116342043 Ccsiurn-137 1200662012 L_ ead-212 1200662012 Ul___ -Data rejected due to no valid peak. Ccsium-134 116342042__ _ I__Cobalt-60 1200662013 Mcthod/Analysis Information Product: Analytical Method: Prep Method Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Analytical Batch Number Prep Batch Number.Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number GFPC, Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS EPA 905.0 Modified Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep 350467 347333 347330 Sample ID 116342033 116342034 116342035 116342036 116342037 Clicnt ID 9806-0000-032F 9806-0000-034F 9806-0000-022F D£P S 9806-0000-033F DEP S 9806-0000-03OF DEP S Pnv i2). nf 147 116342038 116342039 116342040 116342041 116342042 116342043 1200666500 1200666503 1200666501 1200666502 9806-0000-029F DEP S 9806-0000-028F DEP S 9806-0000-023F, 9806-0000-023FDEP S 9806-0000-OOSF 9806-000D0051F Method Blank (MB)Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)116342033(9806-0000-032F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)116342033(9806-0000-032F)

Matrix Spike (MS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance wvith GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 8.Calibration Information:

, P. ....Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.-Standards Inrormatlon Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ounlity Control (OC) Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342033 (9806-0000-032F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prepIRe-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprcp or reanalysis.

Cbemical Recoveries All chemical recoveries meet the required acceptance limits for this sample set.Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced Page 33 of 147 SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Ounlifier information Manual qualifiers were not required.seithod/Analvsls Information Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Batch Number: 352224 Sample ID Client ID 116342040 9806-0000-023F 116342041 9806-0000-023FDEP S 116342042 9806-0000-005F 116342043 9806-0000-005WF 1200670658 Method Blank (M.B)1200670661 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)1200670659 116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP) A;1200670660 116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Matrix Spike (MS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with CGL-RAD-A-005 REV#I 11.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solutionCs) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ouality Control (OC) Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designntcd QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342040 (9806-0000-023F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Page 34 of 147 Sample Re-prep/Re-annlysis Sample 1200670659 (9806-0000-023F) was recounted due to a negative result greater than three times the error.Sarmple 116342043 (9806-0000-0051) was recounted due to high MDA.Miscellaneous Informution:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Oualifier Information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analvsls Information Product: Liquid Sclnt Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-l, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep OL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number 350332 Prep Batch Number 347344 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number 347331 Sample ID Client ID 116342040 9806-000023F 116342041 9806-0000-023FDEP S 116342042 9806-0000-005F 116342043 9806-0000-OOSIF 1200666164 Method Blank (MB)1200666167 Lzbporatory Control Sample (LCS)1200666165 116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200666166 116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Matrix Spike (MS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 2.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

-Oualitv Control (OCI Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Pame 35 of 147

.. Designated QC wa use Thc following sampie was'usedforQC:Il6342040(9806-000C023F).

' QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Intormation All prcparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-prep[Re-analysls Sample 1200666166 (9806-0000-023F) was recounted due to low/high recovery.Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentntion"'

Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Ounlifier information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Annlysis Information Product: Analytical Method: Prep Method: Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method Analytical Batch Number.Prep Batch Number Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Nunber: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS DOE RESL Ni-l, Modified Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep 350333 347344 347331 Sample ID 116342040 116342041 116342042 116342043 1200666168' 1200666171 1200666169 1200666170 Client ID 9806-0000-023F 9806-0000-023F DEP S 9806-0000-005F 9806-0000-OOSIF Method Blank (MB)Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)116342040(9806k000-023F)

Matrix Spike (MS)SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 6.Calibration Information:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been meL Pnre 3f6 of 147 Standards Information

, Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used bfdore the expiration datc(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

qunlitv Control (OC) information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342040 (9806-0000-023F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. --Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-preplRe-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.'.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Oucllifer Information Manual qualifiers were not required.Method/Analvsis Informntion Product: LSC, Tritlum Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Batch Number 352226 Sample ID Client ID 116342040 9806-0000-023F 116342041 9806-0000-023F DEP S 116342042 9806-0000-005F 116342043 9806-0000-0051F 1200670662 Method Blank (MB)1200670665 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)1200670663 1 16342040(9806-0000-023F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200670664 116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Matrix Spike (MS)SOP Reference Page 37 of 147 Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrativ has been analyzed in accordance with OL-RAD-A-002 REVtY 9.Cnlib rntion Inforrmrition:

Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ounlity Control (OC) Information:

.W. A.;,; ;- ~ .2.K- : Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342040 (9806-0000-023F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been mes for these analyses.Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples 116342041 (9806-0000-023F DEP S) and 1200670663 (9806-0000-023F) were recounted due to the quench number being outside the calibration range.Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate ftom referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Ouallfier Information Manual qualifiers were not required.MethodlAnalysis Information Product: Liquid Sclnt C14, Solid All,FSS Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 349787 Sample ID Client ID 116342040 9806-0000-023F Paae 38 of 147 116342041

v. 9806-0000-023F DEP S 116342042

.9806-0000-005F 116342043 9806-00MO-0051F.

1200664891 MethodBlankoi(MB) 1200664894 Laborhtory Control Sample (LCS)1200664892 116342040(9806-0000-023F)

Sample Duplicate (DUP)1200664893 1 16342040(9806-0000-0231F)

Matrix Spike (MS)SOP Rcference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 7.Calibration Inrormation:

Calibration Intbrmation All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ouality Control (OC) Information:

Blank Inrormatlon The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 116342040 (9806-0000-023F).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time.Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses.Sample Re-preplRe-analysis None'of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents.

An NCR was not generated for this SDG.Ounllnler Information Manual qualifiers were not required.Pave 39 of 147 Certification Statemfent ail;Where the analytical method been performed nider NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requiremients of the NELAC standard unless othervise nioicd in the analytical case narrative.

,: .--. :--- ;.i * .; .: .-- .-. :: :...Revues Validation:

.;GEL requires all analytical data to be verified by a qualified data validator.

In addition, all data designated for CLP or CLP-like packaging wvil receive a third level validation upon completion of the data package.The following data validator verified the lnrormation presented In this case narrative:

f1 C(9 r15g 1 M Reviewer: Page 40 of 147

-# told e -I a#8< E* ; , i A. * ,# , M- ma 5 P J Ace-s^:e;? -> :'.;;'. 1^C.i's T;x...: .SAMPLE DATA


Page 41 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage FRoad Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Anaysis Company: ConaticutYankee Atomic Power Address: HiddamNeckPlant 362Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeclc Prmjcct Soils PO# 002332 V..Report Date: August S,2004 Page 1 or 2 Client Sample ID: SnmpleID: Matzix: CollectDat:

Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture 9806 OoDD-020F 116342001 23-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 5.2%iercct. YANK00504 Vlen .YANlC 0 0 1 Vol. Recv_ , Parnmeter Qualil er Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Tune BatchMId.Rnd Gamma SpecAnalysis OammaSolld-FSS CAM & ALL fSS2261ngromwh Waived Actinium-228 0.710 O1-0.155 0.0425 +1-0.152 Americlum-241 U -0.00235 +/-0.0906 0.0773 +/-0.0888 Bismuth-212 0.457 +/-0.237 0.0975 +/-0.232 Bismuth-214 0592 +/-00919 om34 +1-0.090 Ccstun-134 U 0.0326 +/-0.0308 0.0163 +l-0.0302 Cesium-137 U 0.0151 +1-0.024 0.0117 4/-0.0235 Cobalt-60 U -0.00364 +1-0.0161 0.0131 41-0.0153 Europium-1S2 U -0.0348 +1-0.0372 0.0319 4/-0.0365 Eurapium-154 U 0.0536 4-0.0514 0.0469 +1-0.0504 Eurapium-15S U 0.0064 +1-0.0435 0.0402 +/-0.0427 Lead-212 D.720 4/-0.0774 0.019 +/-0.0758 Lcad-214 0.671 +40.0828 0.0235 41-0.0811 Manganese-54 U -000588 +1-0.016 0.0128 +1-0.0156 Nioblum-94 U 4.00522 +1-0.014 0.0115 +1-0.0137 Potssium-40 12.3 +1-1.14 0.101 +1-1.12 Radlumn226 0.592 +1-0.0919 0.0234 +1-0.090 Silver-108m U 0.00164 +1-0.0125 0.0112 +1-0.0123 Tballium-208 0.261 +d-0.0417 0.0112 +1-0.0408 0.091 0.159 027 0.0493 0.0343 0.0249 0.0287 0.0667 01OO 0.0826 0.0394 0.0491 0.0273 O.Q243 0.226 0.0493 0.0234 0.0237 pCig pCVg pCUg pC/g pC/g PCVg pcigs pC~g pCVg pC/fg pC/g pCt/g pClg pC11g pC11g SRB 07J25D/4 1603 3477321 The roulvling Prep Methods were performed-Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 The followlng Analytical Methods were performed Method Description MiMi 07108104 1135 347329 1 EML HASL300.45.23 Notes: The Qualifiers In this report are defined as follows: B Target nnalyte was detected in the sample ns wll as the associated blbn BD Flag forrestts below the MDC or a fag for low tr recovety.

1. .1 ...-I z.: .f-GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Comapany:

ConnecticutYankee Atomic Power Address: Raddamn Neck Plant 362 Injun HollowRoad East Hanmpton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr.PeteHollknbeck Projtct Soils PM#002332* ReportDale:

August5,2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: SamplelD):

98060000-02OF 116342001 Project YANK00504 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.:.. %. ..Parameter Qualifler Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalWystDate Time Batch Mtd.E Concentration of the target annlyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceed.J Indicaes an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection lirnit, but les3 than the reporting lmitL U Indicates the targe nalyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.UI Uncertnin identficadon forgamma spectmscDpy.

X Lab-specifc qualifier-please see case native, data summary package or contact your prJect manager for detalls.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weightbasis.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct nny questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Koz1ik Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 -www.gelcom Certificate of Analysis Company: ConneCtcut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Iladd= Neck Plnt 362 Ijkut HollowRoad East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck PwJlect Soils PO# 002332 Client Sanple ID: Sample ID: Matrux Collect Date: ReceiveDate:



s -* .Report Date: August 5,20D4 Page 1 of 2 9806-0000-O21F Piiect YANK00504 116342002 ClnentI& YANKOO1 Soil Vol. Recy.: 23-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 7.14%Parameter Qualifier Reslt UnctaInty LC IPU MDA units DP AmnlystDote T7me BatciMWtd.

Rnd Gamrn Spec Analysbs GarrmavSotld-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waied Actinium-228 0500 +1-0.167 Arneidicum-241 U 0.0375 +1-0.0682 Bisruth-212 0.443 -+/1.221 Bismuth-214 0563 t1-0.0869 Cesium-134 U 0.016B +1-0.029S Casium-137 0.0622 +1-0.0223 Cobult-60 U 0.0133 +J10D194 Euiopium-152 U -0.0388 +1-0.0412 Europium-154 U -0.0206 41-0.0608 Europsum-155 U 0.0525 1-0.0617 Lead-212 0.622 41-0.0663 Lend-214 0.621 +1-0.0839 Manganese-54 U 0.00674 +410.0179 Nioblum-94 U 0.00778 +1.0144 Potassium-40 10.4 +1-1.00 Rndium-226 0.563 +1-0.0869 Silver-lOSm U -S0105 41-0.0229 Mmallum-208 0.202 +1-0.036 0.0465 +/-0.164 0.0557 +-0.0668 0.0977 +4-0.217 0.0236 +1t-.0852 0.0185 4-0.0289 0.0139 4-0.0219 0.0171 +1-0.019 0.0322 4"-0.0403 0.0413 +1-0.0596 0.0354 +1-0.0605 0.0198 41-0.0649 0.0232 +/-O.OS22 0.0151 +10.0175 0.0125 4-0.0141 0.115 +1-0982 0.0236 +1-0.0852 0.0107 W-0.0126 0.0132 +4-0.0353 0.0999 0.115 0.209 0.050 0.039 0.0294 0.0368 0.0675 0.0898 0.0732 0.041 0.0486 0.0321 0.0265 0257 0.050 0.0227 0.0279 PO~g pCl~g pCUg PCag POsg PCag pCIJg pcllg pCi/g pCl/g spCig pCVg pCl/g pCI/g pCUg pCi/g pCUg SRB 07/2504 1604 3477321 Tbe following Prep Methods were performed__ Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep B3tcb Dry Soil Prep Dy Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 MIMI 07/08/04 1135 347329 The following Annlytical Methads were performed-Method Description I EML HASL 300,452.3 Notes: Thc Qualifics in this report am defined as follows: B Trget analyte was detectd in the sample ns wel as the associated blank.BD Flag for results below thc MDC or n flag for low tracer recovery.E Concentration ofthe taget analyte exceeds the instnment calibraion range.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 -www gel corn Certificate of Analysis , 1 -CDmpany: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: HaddamNeckcPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Holienbcck ProNecd Soils PO# 002332 RcportDate:

August5,2004 Page 2 of 2 Prpicc YAN 5OOS04 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Rcy 0- 0 Client Sample D: Samplc ID: 9806.ODD-021F 116342002 rmtrQ r et A, .. Ut A Parameter Quatmer Result Uncertanty LC TPU MDA I Unlts DF AnalstDate Time ButchMtd.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimuned value. The result was greater than the detection limlt, but less than the reporting lrmiL U Indicacts the target analyte was analyzed for but not deteted above the detecdon limit UI Uncertainidentficationforgammaspectoscopy.

X Lab-specific quallfier-plcase see case narrative, data summ package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample Is reported on a dry weight basis.lhis data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to yourProject Manager, Sarnh Kozik.Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Flood Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171

s ,., Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticetYankre Atomic Power Address: HnddamNeckPlant 362 Inun Hollow Rond East Hainpton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr.Pete Hollenbeck Pmuect Solls PON 002332 RepozrtDatc August5,20D4 Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID: Sam el1D: Matrix: CollectDate:

Receive Date: Collector Moisture 9806-0000-02IFS 116342003 Soil 23-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 7 ',q, Pr YANK00504 Cl.lnrtc YAN}COO Yo1. Rcev.: ,.LC TPU MDA Untts DF AnalystDate rwie BatchMtd Parameter QualIMer Result 'E Rad CamanaSpecAnlysis GammoSofld-FSS CGM &ALL FSS226Jngrvwtlz Waziyed Actinlam-228 0547 Arnrriciua-241 U 0.00169 Bismnuth-212 OA46 Bismutb-214 0.621 Cesuo-134 U 0.0309 Cesium-137 0.0676 Cobalt-l U 0.0144 Europlum-152 U 0.0157 Eurmpium-154 U 0.0119 Europlum-155 U 0.0284 Lead-212 0.618 Lead-214 0.735 Mmngancsc-54 U 0.0232 NlMblum-94 U -0.00501 Potussium-40 14.0 Rndlum-226 0.621 Sllver-lOm U 0.00755* Thallium-208 0.219 Uneerlalnty 41-0.183 4+-0.0208+t-0.230+1-0.103 4+0.0392+4-0.034 4-0.0199+t-0.0454+t-0.0576+1-0.0367 4*-0.0696 4-O0.090+1-0.0199+1-0.0158 41-124+1-0.103+/-0.0141+/-0.m92 0.0536 +1-0.179 0.0196 +/-0.0204 0.125 +1-0.225 0.0276 +t-0.101 0.0193 +t-.Q03&4 0.0152 +1-0.0333 0.0178 +1-Q0195 0.0358 +1-0.0445 0.0493 +/-0.0565 0.M39 +1-0.036 0.0201 +1-0.0682 0.0247 41-0.082 0.0163 4410195 0.0133 41-0.0155 0.114 1-1.21 0.0276 +l-0.101 0.012S 1-(.0138 0.0148 4/-0384 0.114 0.0402 0.265 0.058 0.0407.0321 0.0382 0.0746 0.106 0.0696 0.041S 0.0516 o045 0 0281 0.25 0.05B 0.0261 0.0312 PUB/pCl/g pCV9 PCi/g p~ilk pCi/g pcLIg pa/g pC14 pCilg pCI/g pCI'g PCi/g pC11g pcl/g pCi/g pCl/g po~z SRB 07t2S/04 1604 347732 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date TIme Prep Bateh DrySoilPrep DVySoilPrepGL-RAfl-A-021 MIMI C7/08/04 1135 347329 The following Analytical Meihods wern permormed Method Description I EL HASL 300,45.23 Notes: Tbe Qunlifiers in this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected In the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Fng for results below the MDC or a flag for low tacer rccovey.E Concentration or th target analyte exceeds the instrent calibration range.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 55S-8171 -www.geLcom

'-, .7 , ..-.I .I r ..1, .1 Certificate of Analysis Company: Conncticut Yanee AtomicPower Addrtss: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Iqjun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Con=ct Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils P0# 002332 ReportDatc.*

August5.2004 Page 2 of 2 ClientSampleM:

SampleDm: 9806-0000-o2lFS 116342003 biMclc% YANSM11 Client SD: YANKOOI Vol Recv.:.-s ... -... .Parameter Qualiler Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA UnIts DF AnalytDate Tlme BatchMtL-H Analytical holding timeexceeded.

I Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed forbut not detected above the detection limiL U1 Uncertain identification for gamma spechtrocopy.

X Lab-speci!ic qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.-h Sarnple preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed In aceordance with General Engineering Laoratodes, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah KozMl Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom

.' Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address HaddamNeckPlant 362 lnJun HollowRoad East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Holenbeek Projct Sois P0'002332


AugustS5 2004 Page I of 2 Client Sample ID: Sample M: Mathri ColectDate:

Receive Date: Colcaon Moisture: 9806-0000-009F 116342004 Soil-.29-JUN-04-07-JUL-04 Client 2-- .- -. -?.75%Prpiect YANK00504 ClientiD:

YANK00l Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uacerlnty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time BatchMtd.RadGnmmaSpecAnIlysls CammaSolid-FSS CAM &ALL FS 226 Ingrowfh Waived Acdnlutn-228 0541 +1-0.166 Americiaun-241 U 0.0502 +1-0.124 Bismuth-212 0.264 +14-0197 Bismutb-214 0527 +1-0.0816 Ccstum-134 U 0.0329 4-0.0245 Ceslum-137 0.0471 +1-0.0329 Cobalt-60 U 0.00996 4+-0.0189 Europlum-lS2 U -0.011 +1-0.0418 Europlum-154 U .0378 41-0.0518 Europlum-15S U 0.020 1-0.0o467 Lad-212 0.513 +J-0.0657 LzAd214 0.619 +1-0.0937 Manganese-54 U 0.0132 +t-0.0169 Nioblum-94 U 0.0127 +44015 Potassium-40 11.6 +1-1.24 Radium-226 0.527 +1-0.0316 Silver-lOom U -0.00245 1/-0.0135 Th3allum-208 0.177 +/-0.0362 0.0442 0.0983 0.105 0.025 0.0179 0.0144 0.0167 0.0342 0.0468 0.043 0.0206 0.0246 0.015 0.0135 0.112 0025 0.0117 0.0123+I-0.163+1-0.121+/-0194+/-0.080+t-0.024 R0.0323+I-0.0185+/-0.041+1-0.0508+/400458+l-Q0644+1-Q0918+/-0.0166+1-0.0147*1-1.22+1-0.080+/-0.0133+1-0.0355 0.096 0204 0.22S 0.0532 0.038 0.0306.0365 0.07Z 0.1m 0.089 0.0429 0.0518.032 0.0286 0.255 0.0532 0.0249 0.0264 PCi/8 PCVSg pcLlg PCI/k pCi/g;P CI/g pCi/g pC11g pCVg pCI~g SRB 07/25104 1605 347732 1 The rolowlng Prep Methods were perfarmed-Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry SoilPrep GL-RAD-A-021 MMIm 07/08104 1135 347329 The following Analyticna Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL300, Notes: Te Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows !B Target analyte was detected in the sample as weD as the associated blank.BD Fog for results below thc MDC or a flag for low tracer rovery.E Concenrtion of the target mnalyte exceeds the instrument calibrahion rangec GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charteston SC 29407 -(843) 5568171

-r. b.-.8 b..Certificate of Aihlysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Addrcss: Haddam Neck Plant 362 lnjun Hollow Road East Hamptoa, Connecticut 06424 Contnct Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Sois PO# 0O2332 ReportDate:

Aust 5,2004 Page 2 oF 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-0000-009F 116342D04 ro jecL YANK00504 CM MlnD: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.-Paramcter Quallller Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA UziS 'DF Anal'ystate Time BatlhMtd.H Analytical holding timeexceeded.

J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was malyzcd for but not detected abov the detecon lirt UI Uncerain identification for gamm spectroscopy.

X La-specific qualifier-please see case narative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This dita report has been prepared and reviewed In accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah KoziL Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 55658171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yanee Atomic Powver Addrcss: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road EastHampton, Connecticut 06424 Contacr Mr. Pem Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 ReportDatc:

August5,20M4 Poge 1 or 2 Client SarnpleD: Saunle ID:... " 11.. -. Matrix: .'~~ --': -CollectDate:-

t -. -:* Receive Date: Collector Moisturec t W.i -9806-0000-014F Project YANKOO054 116342005 Vl YANK0c Soil Vol.Rucr 29-JUN-04 07-JUL04 Client 7.7%Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC WU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time BatehMuL.Rad Gnamma Spec Analysts GammaSolid-FSS GAf & ALL FSS 226 Ingrawth l~oived Acthlum-22S 0.461 Americium-241 U 0.0186 Bismutb-212 U 0.00 Ul Blsmuth-214 0510 ,Ccslum-134 U 0.0189 Cesiun-137 0.0694 Cobalt-60 U -0.0018 Eurpilum-152 U -0.0185 Europltm-1S4 U 0.0185 Europium-l55 U 0.0139 Lead-212 0505 Lead-214 0.498 Manganese-S4 U -0.00381_ Nioblum-94 U O.OD66 Potasslum-40 10.8 Rndium-226 0510 Silver-108M U 0.0175 Tbnllium-208 0.141+t-0.143 0.0552 +-0.140 0.119+/-0.0229 0.0217 +1-0.0224 0.0447+1-0.249 0.116 +/-0.244 0.250+1-0.0986 0.0263 +J-0.0966 0.0562+1-0.0243 0.0204 +1-0.0239 0.0433 4I0.0293 0.0165 +/-0.0287 0.035+1-0.0194 0.0164- +1-0.019 0.036+t-O.D439 0.0374 +/-0.043 0.0786+I-.0573 0.0507 +/-0.0561 0.110+1-0.0375 0.036 +1-0.0368 0.0696+1-0.0619 0.0192 +/-0.0607 0.040+/-0.0862 0.0267 +/-0.045 0.056./-0.0169 0.0141 +1-0.0165 0.0305+1-0.0164 0.0147 +/-0.0161 0.0313+1-1.02 0.128 +14.997 0.289+1-0.0986 0.0263 +1-0.0966 0.0562.g10.0148 0.0137 +1-0.0145 0.02S8+/-0.0445 0.0142 +J-0.0436 0.0303 pCl/gI pCYg pci/g pcl/g pcl/g pCi/s pcilk pCI/g PCI/S SRB 07/25/04 1605 347732 1 The folowiong Prep Methods were performed-Method Description Analyst Date I1me Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soll Prep GLRAD-A-021 MIM1 07103/04 1135 347329 1Tbe following Analytleial Methods wereperfonned Method Description I EML HASL 30D0 45.2.3 J Notes: The Quallfiers in this report arm defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flag for results below thebMDC or a flag forlow tracerrecovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-171 Certificate of Anflysis -I- _.- .I.Comnpany:

ConnecticutYankee Atomic Power Addrcss: HaddamNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Prowjce Soils PON 002332 ReportDate:

August S.2004* ..e, 3. :r..I ..Project'cl ent YD Vol. Recv.Page 2 of 2 Clent Sample ID: SampleID: 9806-Oooo-014F 116342005 YANROS044 YANKOO1 Par er Quaer Rsult Uncertainty LC TPU MDXW r ,Units DP AnadystDate Tlme BDnI6MWL E Concentation ofthe arget analyte exceeds the instrument calibradon range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.I Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.UI Uncertain identification forgamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.b Sample preparation or preservation bolding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratores, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any quesdons to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozilk.Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chareston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171

..V * .Certificate of Analysis Company: Connccdcut Yankee Atomic Power Addmss: HaddaroNeckPlant 362 l3un Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pcte Hollenbeck projct: SoUsPOtO02332 ReportDate:

AugustS.2004 Page I of 2 pricct YANK00504

-Client D: YANKOOI Vol. RecvClient Sample ID: Samnle ID: Mat=x CollectDate:

Receive Date: Collector Moistare: 9806-0000-019F 116342006 Soil 29-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 559Nq , L -.a t c h ..d .LRC TPUI bMA units DF AnlstDate Tllme Batch Mid.Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty Rnd Gaminz Spec Analysls GammaSatid-FSS GAM &AL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.467 +1-0.138 Axneridcum-241 U 0.00917 +1-OOS17 Bismsuth-212 U 0.320 +1-Q285 Bismuth-214 0.351 +/-0.0881 Cesiun-134 U 0.0077 +/-0.0344 Ceslmn-137 0.0585 +t-0.051 Cobalt-60 U 0.00944 +1-0.024S Eumpium- 152 U 0.00462 4-10.0552 Europlum-154 U -0.0384 +/-0.0673 Europium-l55 U 0.00376 +1-0.QOS!-

Lead-212 039D +1-0.0654 Lead-214 0.452 +1-0.102 Manganese-54 U 0.0197 41-0.0206 Nloblurn-94 U -0.00469 +1-0.0213 Potassium-40 9.71 +1-1.07 Rodiznu-226 0.351 +/-0.0881 Silver-108m U 0.00102 +1-0.0181 7hMIJUiM-208 0.142 +1-0.0546 0.0636 0.0429 0.155 0.0365 0.0245 0.0185.0.0189 0.0491 0.0518 0.0491 0.0259 0.035 0.0176 0.0174 0.1LS4 0.0365 0.0158 0.0175+/-0.135+1-0.0507+/-0279+-0.0863+1-0.0337+/-0.050+1-0.0241+t-0.0541+1-.0659+1-0.0538+t-0.0641+/-0.100./-0.0202+1-0.0209+t1l.05+1-0.0863+/-0.0178+1-0.0535 0.138 0.0881 0.331 0.0773 Q0522 0.0396 0.0419 0.103 0.115 0.101 0.0539 0.0733 0.0382 0.0371 0.349 0.0773 0.0334 0.0374 pcl/g Pcl/g pCiYg pc1/g.pu~g pC'd9 pci/g SRB 07/25/04 1605 347732 1 The following Prep Methods wre performed Method Description Analyst Date Time PrepBatch Dry Soi Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 MiMI 07108104 1135 347329 Tbe following Anulydeal Methods were pefornied Method Description I EML HASL 300,435.23 Notes: The Qualifirs in this report ar defined as follows: B Tnrgct analyte wns detectcd in thc sample as well as the associated blank BD Flag for resuls below the MDC or a flag for low tracer recovery.E Conceatration of the target analyto exceeds the instnrment calibration range.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savago Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -wwwgeLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: HaddamNcckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Holcnbeck Project: Solls PO 002332 Client Samplc ID.SampleID: ReportDatc.

August S,2094 Page 2 of 2 9806-0000-019F 116342006 ProCect YANK00504 Client ID. YANKOOI VoL Recv.::.*: Parameter Qualifer Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch Mtd.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicatesan estimated valu h result was grenaer than the detection lUmit, but less than the reportng limiL U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit UI Uncertain identificadon for gamma spectroscopy.

X L b-speciflc qualifler-plense see case narativc, data summary package or contactyourproject manager for detail.h Sample preparalion or preservadton holding time exceedecd Tbe above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please durct any questions to your Project Manager. Sarah Kozilk Revew l by Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC*2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (543) 556-8171

.. *SI JI Certificate of Analysis-,, I. -l'Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Addre=s: Haddm NeckPlant 362 Inrjun Hollow Road East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PON 002332 ReportDatat August5.2004 Page 1 oF 2 Client Sample ID: SanRleID: Matnx Receive Date Col~ector%@.9806-0000-031F 116342007 Soil 29-JUN-04 07-JL-04 Client I -Proiect: YANK00504 ClientD: YANK001 Vol. Recv.-.rmOeUerQ .e e.sult. U).Un a T aralmeter Quller Result Uncertalaty LC- TPU MDA Units Dr AryslDate Time Bxkh Mf&Rad Gamma SpecAnalysis GammaSolid-FSS CAM& ALLFSS226Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.497 Americium-241 U -0.00502 Bismuth-212 0368 Bismuth.214 0.416 *Cesium-134 U 0.00 Ul Cesium-137 0.145 Cobak-60 U 0.00202 Europium-152 U 0.0126 Europiumn-154 U -0.0149 Europium-155 U 0.000123 1ed-212 0.477 Lead-214 0505 Manganesc-54 U -0.00599 Nlobium-94 U 0.0126 Potasslum-40 9.87 Rsdlifm226 0.416 Silver-108m U -0.00306 Thnlilum-208 0.126 , 4+-0.101+I-O.38-40139 4+0.0659 Q0.018+1-0.0286+/-0.0221+1-0.0308+/-0.0353+1-0.0335+J-O.0501+/.0.068+1-0.0118+/-0.0114+/-0.843+1-0.0659+/-O.DO99+1-0.0252 0.0315 +1-0.0986 0.0369 +/-0.0378 0.075 +1.0.136 0.0169 +4100646 0.0116 +4-0.0176 0.00928 +r-o.m0 0.0102 41-0.0118 0.0277 41-0.0302 0.0287 +t-0.0346 0.0308 +/-0.0328 0.0155 +1-0.0491 0.0183 41-0.0666 0.00962 +t10.0115 0.00922 +1-.0111 0.0882 +1-0.826 0.0169 +/-0.0646 0.00839 +/-0.0097 0.00906 +1-0.0247 0.0667 0.0758 0.157 O.0353 0.0243 0.0195 0.0218 0.0573 0.0611 0.0632 0.032 0.0379 0.0202 0.0193 0.190 0.0353 0.0175 0.019 pci/g pCilg pcl/PCICg PCl/j palg pcllg pcvg PC/g PCI/g pci,, Palg SRB 07t25104 1606 347732 1 The Mowing Prep Methods were performed Method Description

-Analyst Date Time PrepBalch Dqy Soil Prep Dry Soll Prep GLRAD-A-021 MiMI 07/08/04 1135 347329 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 .EMLHASL300,4.523 Notes: The Qualificrs in this report arc defined as follows: B Target analyte DwS detected in the sample as well ns the nssociated blank.BD Ping for results below the MDC or a nflg for low tacer recovery.

-GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadeston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Cericate of Analysis I " Company: Connectcat Yankee Atomnic Power Address: HMMmN eckPlunt 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pee Hollenbeck Project: Solis PON002332 RepcrtDate:

August5,2004" "I 'IPage 2 ot 2 Proiect YANKD0504 Client YANKOOI Vol. Recy.: Client Sample 11 Sample 1D: 9806-0000-031F 116342007 Parameter Quallnet Resnli Uncertainty LC '? MDA -iMUnits DF AnalystDale Time 1aithMid.E Conceniration of the tarsget analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.I Indicates an estimated value. Tbe result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting Uimit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.UT Uncertain identficatdon forgamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narradve, data summazy package or contnct your projcct manager for detils.h Sample preparation orpmservation holding time exceeded The above sample Is reported oa a dry weght basis.This data report has beea prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Ptojct Manager, Sarah Kozlk Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES,.LLC 2040 Savage Road Chareston SC 29407 -(843) 555-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankle Aornic Powcr Addres: H:DM Neck Plant 362 Ijifn Hallow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Coo=cL Mr. Pate Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 ReportDatm AugustS,2004 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matnx: CollectDate:


CoUector Moisture: Parameter Qualller Result U-nd GawmaSpecAnalysis Gamma,Sold-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 InSrowth Waived Acinlum-228 0.614 Amerlcicm-241 U 0.0462 Bismuth-212 0.483 Bismuth-214 Q664 Ceslum-134 U O.O0559 Cesium-137 0.183 Cobalt-60 U 0.00489 Europium-152 U 0.000157 Europium-154 U 0.0085 Europitm-15S U 0.0369 Lead-212 0.511 Lead-214 0.604 Manganesc-54 U 0.00943 Niobium-94 U -0.00393 Potassium-40 12.0 Radium-226 0.664 Silver-108M U 0.00945 bnlIiuMO-208 0.218 9806-0000-012F PFoject YANIC-15004 116342008 ClicntI):

YANKOO1 Soil Vol. Recv.17-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 6.72%Page I of 2 t] " fr"_. , 4C ;_.-'I -a t; C. C -I X < *,-t.-Y wk* M ;S , Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time BatchMtd.+ o0222+M-.0618+t-0288+/-0.136+t-0.0426+/-D.0568+1-0.0327+1-0.0714 1-O.0813+1-0.0661.1-0.0918.41-0.128+1-0.023+-0.0245+/-1.28+1-0.136+/-0.0215+/-OD577 0.0759 +1-0.217 0.0508 +1-0.0605 0.178 +-0.282 0.0404 +/-0.133 0.027 +/-0.0417 0.022 +t-O.QSS7 0.0238. +1-0.032 0.0545 +t-0.070 0.0679 1-0.0797 0.0586 .-0.0648 0.0456 +l-Q.0899 0.0399 .1-0.126 0.0246 54-0.0274 OD198 +1-0.024 0.178 +1-1.25 0.0404 +/-0.133 0.0189 +/-0021 0.0212 +1-0.0565 0.164 0.104 0379 0.0857 0.0576 0.047 O.0S22 0.114 0.148 0.21 0.0933 0.OB33 0.0525 o.0422 0A02 Q0857 0.0397 0.0452 pCIg pCVg pCilg pCilg pCUg pcilg pCUg pCUg pCi~g pci'g palk pcl/g pCis PCV&SRB 0712f04 1702 3477321 The following Prep Methods were performed Method DescripUon Analyst Date Time PIp Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry SoilPrep GLeRAD-A-021 MiMi 07/08/M4 1135 347329 The rollowing Analytical Methods were performed Method DescripUon I EM llHASL 300, 4523 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: B Target annlyte was detected in the sample as wll as the associated blank-BD Flag for results below the MDC or a fa for low tracer recovery.E Concentatioa of the iarget analyte excecds the instrument calibtion range.

6+ O: ,.siee ORs -Xk: s s: j.-GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 55648171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddn Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Soils P#002332 Report Datc: August 5,2004 Page 2 oF 2 Client Sample iD: Sample ID: 9806-0000-012F 116342008 Pect YAMICD&504 CllentD: YANIC001 Vol. Recv.: ParamCttr Qualer Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Unils DF AnalystDate TIIme Blatch Mt H Analytical holding time exceeded J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection linait, but less than the reporting lirtiL U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detcction lUit.U1 Uncertain identificabon for gammaspectoscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary pacrkage or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceded.7le above sample is reported on a dry weiht basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed In accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah KozL.Reviewed by

-.1 -, " ! " -GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 294D7 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis..I Company: Conacclcut Yankee Atomic Power Address: HaddaNlckPlunt 362Ijun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr.PcteHolenbcck Projec

  • Soils P0# 002332 ReportDate:

AugustS, 2004 Page I of 2 ClientSample ID: Sample ID: Matrix:~-- tCollectDate:


Colector: Moish=9806-0000-013F 116342009 Soil ,; t 1,17-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client.:s<'j'-7

.' 4.38%Pr iecL YANK00504 Client 1. YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Quallner Result Uncertality

_ Rad Gaa Spe Anabsls GammaSolld-FSS CAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrmvth Waived Actinium-228 0366 +/-0.073 Ameuicium-241 U 0.0443 +1-0.0506 Bismnuth-212 0.200 ,.i-9-0.101 Bismuth-214 0.280 +1-0.0393 Ccslum-134 U 0.00 +1-0.0147 LC TPU MDA Urlts DF AnalystDate TIme Datchltd.0.0194 0.0336 0.0395 0.0106 0.00678+/-0.0715+1-0.0496+/.0987+1-0.0385+/.0.144 Ul Cesium-137 Cobalt-60 Earopium-152 Europium-154 EziropluM-ISS Lead-212 Lad-214 Manganesc-54 Nloblum-94 SPotnsslum40 Radiumn-226 SUver-108m Thallium-208 U -0.000483 U 0.00505 U -0.00779 U 0.00456 U 0.0122 0336 0341 U 0.0046 U 0.00104 14.6 0280 U -0.009M3 0.102+1-0.00623


+t-0.0178+/10.0215+1-0.0264 41-0.0326+1-0.0421/-0.0114+/-0.00577

+/-1.1 1+1.0.0393+1-0.00583

+/-0.0179 0.005384tl0.00611 0.0058641400755 0.0152 +1-0.0174 0.0184 +1-0.0211 OM02 +1-0.0259 0.00963 +1-0.032 0.0107 +/-0.0412 0.0057 +1-0.0112 0.005+1-0.00566 0.0471 +1-1.08 0.0106 +1-0.0385 0.00494 4-0.00572 0.00543 41-0.0176 0.0401 0.06B3 0.0814 0.0218 0.0139 0.0111 0.0122 0.0311 0.03S1 0.041 0.0196 0.0218.0.0117 0.0103 0.099 0.0218 0.0101 0.0112 pCi/pCI/g pcllk Fag pCug pCl~g pC/g pCstg pCilg pCVg pcug pCUg pcilg pCI/g pCi/g SRB 07126104 1849 347732 1 Ihe fo1odng Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Tlme PrepBatch Dry Soil Prep Dry Scil Prep GLRAD-A-021 MIMI 07/08/04 1135 347329 The following Anolytical Methods were performed 1i Method Descrfptlon I EML HASL 300.4.523 Notes: Inc Qualifiers In this report arm defined as follows: B Target analyte was dected in the sample as wel as the associated blank.BD Fng for results below the MDC or a flag for low tmcerrecovety.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chauieston SC 29407 -(843) 555-8171 Certificate of Aialysis Compmny: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Nck Plant 362 Inun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr.PcteHollenbeck Projct: Soils P0# 002332 S.-Rcport Datc: August 5,2004 Page 2 of 2 Prolect YANKOOS04 CIlent ID: .-YAI}COO1 VOL RCCV_Client Sample D: SamplellD:

9806-0000-013F 116342009 Paramefer Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC .TPU -MDA `-UnltsV:.

DF AnalystDate Tine BatchMtd.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instnimeat calation range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.I Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but 1ess than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.UI Uncerain identification for gamrna spectroscopy.

_.~ X Lb-specific quallfier-please seecase narradve, data summary package or contact your project manager for defl-s.h Sample preparation or presevation holding timec xccedcd.The above sample Is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlik._ uau2 Cby Reviewed by

---GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 555-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut YankeC Atomic Power Address: Haddam NeckPlant 362 INun Hollow Road EBat Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Contact MIr. Pete Hoalenbeck Project: Soils PO# 00332 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: CollectDate:

Receive Dnte: Collector Mostue=Report Dale: August 5. 2004 Page 1 of 2 roject: YANKOO504 lient ID. YANKOOl VoL Recv.: , I.- .;, .~.;9806-0000-015F 116342010 Soil 17-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 12.5%; I E :. ...', .,.-,.Par-meter Quntllfer Result Unceriainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analystl)2te Time ZatchMtd.Rad Ganuna Spec Analysts GammaSolid-FSS GAM &ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Acsinium-228 0.725 Americium-241 U 0.00984 Bismuth-212 0.538 Bismuth-214 0.649 Cesitmn-134 U 0.00 Ul Cusimn-137 U 0.0168 Cobalt-60 U -0.00761 Europium-152 U -0.0016 Europium-154 U -0.0429 Europium-1S5 U 0.0623 Led-212 0.713 led.214 0.689 Mangantse-54 U 0.0152 Niobium 94 U 0.00347 Potassium-40 11.2 Radium-226 0.649 Silver-108m U 6.780E-05 Thnllium-208 0211+/-0.143+1-0.0433 4+-0.168 4-0.0854 0.0389 4/-0.141 0.041 +/-0.0424 0.0726. +4-0.165 0.0189 41-0.0837+1-0.0239 0.0143 +/40234+/-0.0198 0.0129 .+-0.0194+/-0.0132 0.0104 +1-40129 4/-0.035 0.0305 +/-0.0343+1-0.0439 0.0341 +1-0.043+/-0.039 0.0367 +1-0.0383+/-0.0687 0.0192 +1-0.0673+/-0.0819 0.0208 +/1408M+/-0.0143 0.0127 +W-0.014+/-0.0119 0.0103 +1-0.0117+1-0949 0.0961 +1-0930+-0.0854 0.0189 +1-0.0837+/-0.011 0.00935 +1-0.0107.+/-0.0379 0.0105 +/-0.0371 0.0818 0.084 0.153 0.0396 0.0299 0.0268 0.0223 0.0631 0.0722 0.0753 0.0394 0.0432 0.0265 0.0216 0.207.0396 0.0195 0.022 pCVg pCvg pCllg pCjig pCiUg pcrg pCig pCi/g pci/g pcirg pCi/g pCIg pCI/g pCI/g pcyg pCVg pC11g PUS~SRB 07/31104 1452 347732 1..,. .....Tlhe following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time PrepBatch DrzySoilPrcp DrySoil Prep GL-RAD-A.021 MJMI 07/08104 1135 347329 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300.4.5.23 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: B Target nnalyte was detected in the sample as well ns the associated blank.BD Flag for results below the MDC or a flag forlow trcer recovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 558.171

-.. I .I ..;.I .Certlecate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atotic Power Address: HaddamNechPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr.Pcte Hollenberk Prjc=c Solls P# 002332 ReportDate August 5,2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ED: Sample ID: 9806O000-015F 116342010 Proiect: YANK00504 ClientlD:

YANK00I VoL Recv.-Parnmeter Qunlifier Result Uncertnty LC TPU MDA units DF AnalystDate Time Batch Mtd&E Concentration of the target analyto exceeds the Instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting uinitL U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection liit IJI Uncertain identification for gamma specoscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data surommy packageor contact your project manager for details.h' Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above saunple Is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozilk.Revicw by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 7 .....;. I .Certificate of Aialysis.Company: Connecticut Yankec Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East HaD pton. Connecticut 06424 Contact: Me. Pete Holleubeck ReportDate:

August5,2004 Page I of 2 Project: Solls PO# 002332 Clicnt Sample ID-S =ple ID: Matft Collect Dat: Receive Date: CoUector: Molstur 9806-0000-017F 116342011 Soil 17-JUN-04.".<-. .- t0?U-04 Client 9.08%Prpicctc YANKOOSO04 Client D: YANKWI Vol. Rec.: Pnrneter Oualliler Rest -Uncertainty LC TN! NDA Units DF AnalvstDIfa Tlme lhfchMtdr Rud Gaz nnSpecAnalysts GamnaSo1d-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 2261ngrowth Waved Acddnlu-22S 0.574 Ameidcum-241 U .0.0183 Blsmutih-212 0359 Blsnrth-214 0.606 Cestam-134 U o00 UI Ceslum-137 0.0275 Cobalt-60 U 0.000838 Europlum-152 U -0.0178 Euruplum-154 U 0.015 Europium-SS U 0.064S Lzad-212 0.648 Lcad-214 0.673 Mangnese-54 U 0.0148 Mobium-94 U 0.0092 PotassumA40 12.9 Radium-226 0.606 Silver- 105m U 0.00202 nalflin-203 0.195 4/-1124+1-0.0892+1-0174+410879+1-0.0179+/-0.0188+/-0.0131+--0.0366+1-0.0374+1-0.0576+1-0.0662+1.0.0828 4-0.0148+140118+/-1.11+10.0879+1-0.0117+/-D352 0.0372 0.0717 0.0824 0.0204 0.0136+/-0.122+l Q.0874+/-0.170+1-0862+4-0.0175 0.0112 +1-0.0184 0.011 +1-0.0128 0.030`7 /.0.359 0.0342 +1-0.0366 0.0417 +/-0.0564 0.0186 +/-0.0649 0.0214 +/-0.0812 0.013 +1-0.0145 0.0104 +1-0.0115 0.0922 +/-1.08 0.0204 +-/0.0862 0.00996 +1-0.0115 0.00984 +l.0M34S 0.0786 0.147 0.173 0.0426 0.0284 0.0235 0.0236 0.0635 0.0727 0.0854 D.038i 0.0443 D.D272 0.0218 0.200 0.0426 0.0207 0.0207 pCi/g PCak Palk pC rg pCVg PCYS pC tg pC it pCltg Palk pcl/g pCVg POCg pcvlg PCVg SRB 0713v04 1452 347732 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Tihn Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 MiMI 07/08/O4 1135 347329 The rollowing Analytical Methods were performed Method Description

.-1 EMLHASL300.4.523 Notes: The Qualifies in this report are defined as follows: B Tnger analyte was detected in the sample as well as the assodiaed blan... BD Flag for results below the MDC or a flag for low tracer recovey.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(B43) 555-8171 -www.geeLcom

.-I ., .Certificati of Aiialy'sis Company: ConnectcutYankee Atomic Power Address: Haddarn Neck Plant 361 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contaet Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Prqject Soils POP 002332 Rcport Date: AugustS 2004: t ..Page 2 of 2 Prplcct -' YANK00504 C~liet I: YANK00l Vol. Recv..Client Sample 1D: Sample ID: 9806-X0X0-017F 116342011 Parameter Qualfler Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Unitr" "DF AmalystDate Time BatchMtd.E Concentration of the target anlyte exceeds the instnzment calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. Ihe result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit U Indicates the target anlyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.UI Uncertain idendfication forgamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-speific qualifier-please seecrase narrativc, data sumwary package or contactyourprojectmanagerfordetals.

h Sample preparation or preservaion bolding time exceeded.The above samnple Is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah KozhL Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556.8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atonic Power Addres: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road EAst Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete H ollenbeck Prvjple Soils PO# 002332 Report Dae: August5.2004 Page I oF 2 PtpiecL YANKO0504 ChentlD YANK001 Vol. Rec.-: Client Samplc 11: Sample 1D Matrx: CollectDate:

Receive Dale: Collector.

Moisture: Parameter Quaifier .Result U_ Red Gru Spec Analysts Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS2Z6Ingrvwth Waived Actinium-228 05S2 Americum-241 U 0.0218 Bismutb-212 0.474 Bismuth-214 0.491 Cesium-134 U 0.0138 Cesium-137 0.291*Cobalt-60 U 0.0095S Europlum-152 U -0.0128 Europium-154 U -0.0231 Europium-1SS U 0.0558 Lzad-212 0551 Lead-214 0520 Manganese-54 U 0.0127 Nioblum-94 U 0.00358 Potnsslum-40 12.Radium-226 OA91 Silver-IOBm U -0.00386 Thnlliurn-209 0.181 9806-OOOL-01 BF 116342012 Soil 17-JUN-04 07-JULU04 Client I -n rUcertalanty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnlystDate Time BatchbMtd.

+4-0.26+0.083+14.175+4.0756+1-0.0145+1-0.0401+4-0.015+1-0.0391+/-0.0419+1.0.0445+/-0.0596+140.0701+/-0.0139+/-0.0113+4-1.04+J-0.0756+/-0.0112+/-0.0302 0.036 +/-0.124 0.0676 +1-0.0814 0.0819 +/-0.171 0.0195 +1-0.0741 0.0129 +/-0.0142 0.010 +14-0.0393 0.0132 +1-0.0147 0.0289 +1-0.0383 0.034 ./-0.0411 0.0403 +4,0.0436 0.0184 41-0.0585 0.0214 +1-0.0687 0.0123 +1-0.0136 0.00985 +140.0111 0.0949 4/-1.02 0.0195 41-0.0741 0.0093 +/-0.011 0.0103 41-0.0296 0.076 0.138 0.172 0.0408 0.027 0Q0211 0.0279 0.0598 0.0722 0.0827 0.0378 0.0443.0257 0.0206 0.20S 0.0408 0.0194 0.0216 pCL/g pCi/g pcilg pcl/g pC112 pcl/g pCi/g pCVg pCVg pCitg pcvg pCWg SRB 08101104 1832 347732 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Dnte Time Prep Batch Dry Soll Prep Dry Soll Prep GL-RAD-A-021 MKMI 07/08104 1135 347329 Thre ollowing AnaDqytcn Methods were performed Method DescripUon I EML HASL 300.4523 Notes: T'e Qualifiers in this report nr defined as foows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well rs the associaed blankl BD Flag forresults below the MDC ora flag forlow tracrrecovery.

E Concentration of the tarpet analyte exceeds the instrument c;libration range GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171

_ ; 1 ....4- .. 'Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecrlcut Yankee Atomic Power Address : Haddam Neck Plant 362 njun Hollow Ronad.EastHampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Haolenbeck

-Project Solls POD 002332* ReportDate:

August5,2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 98060000-01SF 116342012 Prpiect YANKIC004 Colent ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv--Parameter QunMer Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Unlits DF AnalystDate TIme Batch Mld.H Analytical holding time exceeded.I Indicates an estimated Yalue. Thc result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.Ul Unscerain identification forgam spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrtivc, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservadon holding time cxceedcd.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed In accordance with GeneralEngineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozrlil Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysi5s Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Addtss: Haddam NeckPlant 362 aun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecdcut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollcbeck Project Soils PON 002332 ReportData August5,2004 Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID Samrle ID: Mal CollectDate:

Receive Dalc Collector.

Moisre: ...Parameter Qualiffer Result U_ Rad GammaSpec Analysis C maSelid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Wabed Actinium-722 0.513 Americium-241 U 0.00502 Bismuth-212 0259 Bismuth-214 0.494 Cesium-134 U 0.00 UI Cesium-137 0.0811 Cobalt-60 U 0.00906 Europium152 U 100996 Europlum-154 U -0.00903 Europiun-155 U 0.0376 Lead-212 0.589 Lead-214 0520 Manganese-54 U -.0111 Nioblum-94 U 0.000546 Potassium-40 12.2 Radium-226 0.494 Silver-10am U -0.00432 Thallium-208 Q175.'06-0000-022F

.116342013.Soil 21-JUN-04 s 0 {7-JUL-04 Client-< VIM Roicct YANK00504 ClientlD:

YANKOOI Vol. Recv-.Incertalnty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch MtL 41-0.127+I-0.0465+1-0.171 41-0.075+40.0191+1-0.023+1-0.0136+1-0.0318+/-0.0365 40.0371+1-0.0581+/-0.0702+1-0.0135+1-0.0112+1-1.03+1-0.075+1-0.0106+1-0.03D8 0.0319 +1-0.125 0.0398 +/-0.0455 0.0812 .1-0.167 X.0193 +1-0.0735 0.0136 +/0.0187 0.0105 +1-0.0226 0.0119 +1-0.0133 0.02S2 +-0.0312 0.030 +1-a5a8 0.0347 +1-0.0364 0.017 +1-0.0569 0.0199 +1-0.0688 0.0107 +140132 0.00961 +1-0.0109 0.0859 W-1.00 0.0193 +1-0.0735 0.00888 +W-0.0104 0.0104 +/-0.0302 0.0796 0.0816 0.170 0.0402 0.0284 0.022.0253 0.0585 0.0639 0.0711 0.035 0.0412 0.022S 0.0201 0.186 0.04m 0.0185 0.0216 PCl/g PC14g pcilk pll/g pCVg SRB 08/O0104 1833 347732 1 pcilg pCVg PCI/g pCl/g PCIIg PCl/pcISg The foilowlg Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL1RAD.A-021 MImi 07/08104 1135 347329 The follawing Anal cnal Methods were p1erormed Method Description I EMLHASL300,4.S23 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as weU as the associated blank BD }:ag for results below the MDC or a flag for low tracer recovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 C *, tf t -t ..Certificate of Anbid yis .-..I .i ;1' ".-~ ..Compnny: Connecticut Yunkre Atomic Power Address: HaddamNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Rnad EastHampton, Conneciicut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 ReportDate:


.I *Page 2 of 2 client Sample 1D: Sample D: 9806-00004022F 116342013 Project: YANK00504 Client ID: YANKOOI Vnol RPEv. -Parameter Qualfer Result UncertaInty LC TPEJ .-MNDA .Units .., DFr ,AnalystDate Time Batcd Mtd.,,*, *, , -i;4 E Concentration of the target mnalyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding tim exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.UI Uncertain identficanionforgammaspectrospy.

X Lab-speific qunlifier-pleasese case narative, data sumrary package or contactyour projectmanagerfordetails.

h Sample preparation or preservadon holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weightbasis.

.This data report has bcen prepared and reviewed In accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operadng procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozilk.Reviewed by-_ r w*-,

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysls Company: Concticut Yanke Atomic Powcr Address: HaddamNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Eampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete lHoflenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 ReportDate:

August 5, 2004 Page i or 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrw Collect Date: ReceiveDate:

CdlecZt Moisture: 9806-000-025F Proiect: YANK00504 116342014 ClientlID:

  • YANKDOI Soil Vol. Recv: 21-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 6.09%Parmdeer Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TFU bDA Units DF AnnlaytDate Time BatchMttL.Rad Gamma SpecAnalysis GammnaSald-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 In g rawth Waived Acdtnium-228 0.654 Americium-241 U 0.0335 Blsautb-212 0.477 Bismuth-214 0:643 Cesium-134 U 0.00 U'Ceslum-137 0.0555 Ccbalt-60 U 0.0138 Emroplum-152 U -0.0=2 Europlum-154 U 0.0122 Europiumn-SS U 0.0336 Lead-212 0.603 Lead-214 0.711 Manganese-54 U 0.00521 Niobium-94 U 0.00816 Poium-40 14.4 Radiurn-226 0.643 Silver-losm U -0.00714 4 Thallium-208 0.191+1-0.120+/-.022 4+/0.160+/-0.0769+/-O.OI9+1-0.016+1-0.0225+1-0.0279+1-0.0351+1-0.040B+/-0.OS7+1-0.081+1-0.0133+1-0.0103+1-1.07+/-0.0769/-D.OD987+1-0.0258 0.0337 +/-Ol17 0.0393 +/-0.0218 0.0683 +1-0.157 0.0162 +/-0.0754 0.012 +1-0.0187 0.00869 +/-0.0157 0.00964 +1-0.022 0.0237 +/-0.0274 0.0293 1-0.0344 0.0278 +1-0.040 0.0157 4/-0.0559 0.0175 41-0.0794 0.0102 +-0.013 0.0092 4/-0.0101 0.0752 41-1.05 0.0162 W-0.0754 0.00792+1-0.00967 0.010 +410.0253 0.0708 0.0804 0.143 0.0338 0.0249 0.0182 0.0206 0.0489 0.0621 OS67 0.0321 0.0361 0.0213 0.0191 0.164 OM38 0.0164 0.0208 PCL/g PCI/g PCI/g -PCJ/z Pcilg PCi~g pCl/g pCl/g POuk pCl/g pCl/g Pall;PCLug 1p0/g PCiig pcl/g pcl/g Palk SRB 08/D1/04 2257 347732 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Ab'st Date Time Prep Batch Dry SoRl Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 MiMi 07108/04 1135 347329 1 M A %tn.#IRAn. -nM~~nl -s~nr-ma I_ Method Description I EMLHASL300,4.5.23 Notes: I The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected In the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flag for results below the MDC or a lag ror low tcer recovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171

.. 'i w .....,--.; ...I ..I Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankcc Atomic Power Address: HaddarnNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road*ast Hampton. Coneccticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pcte Holenbeck Praject Soils POJ 002332 ReportDatc:

August 5. 2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: SampleID: 9806-O000-025F 116342014 Prpjet: YANKD0504 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.Parameter

'- -QualDIIer Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA units DF AnalystDate Time BatchMtd.E Concenration of the target analyte exeeeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time excded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicales the target analyte was nnolyzed forbut not detected above the detection limit UI Unceriain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-pleasc sec case narratve ta sumsmary package or contact your project manger fordetlils.

h Sample preparation or preservation holding time above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordan=c with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Koz~ll)4 QC erw_ Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(B43) 556-8171 Certificate of AAnilysis

Company: ConnecticutYankee Atomic Power Address: HaddamNeckPlant 362 lajun HoUow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contazt Mr. Petc Hollenbeck Project Soils PON 002332 ReportDate:

August5.2004 Page I of 2 Client Sanmple ID-Sample ID: Matanx: CoUect Datc-Receive Datec C1llector.

~~ ~Moisture:

..Parameter Qualifier Result U Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GawnaSolid-FSS GAM &ALL FSS 226 Ingruwth Waived Actinium-228 0.550 Americium-241 U -0.0923 Blsmuth-212 0.429 Blsmutb-214 0543 Ceslum-134 U .0.Q0 U'Ccrslum-137 0.0904 Cobalt-60 U o.a0969 Europium-152 U -0.0265 Europium-154 U 0.0051S Eurapium-155 U 0Q0412 Lead-212 0.578 Led-214 0.627 Mangpnse-54 U 0.011 Nloblum-94 U 0.002272 Pocassiux-40 10.9 Radlum-226 0543 Sllver-10m U -0.00193 7lartum-209 0.12 9806-0000-06P 116342015 Soil 21-JUN-04 r 0eJUit04 Client 5.9, -...Project YANY-0504 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv-.lncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnlystDate Tlzme Batch Mtd.+/-0.125 0.0366 +/-0.122+1-0.122 0.0743 41-0.119+1-0.221 0.0812 +1-0216+1-0.0744 0.0195 "41-0.073+1-0.0187 0.0126 +/-0.0183+/-0.0256 0.0116 +/-0.02S+1-0.0135 0.0105 +1-0.0132+/-0.0314 0.0266 +/-0.0308+1-0.0413 0.0348 +1-0.0405 W-0.0497 0.0355 +/.0.0487+t-0.0592 0.0172 +1-0.058+1-0.0802 0.0205 +/-0.0786+1-0.0126 0.0112 +W-0.0123+"-.0116 0.00978 +/-0.0114+14946 0.0951 +/10.927+1-0.0744 0.0195 +1.0.073+1-0.0108 0.00928 +1-0.0106+b-0.0325 0.0105 +1.0318 0.077 0Q152 0.170 0.0405 0.0262 0.0241 0.0225 0.055 0O.736 0.0725 0.0353 0.0423 0.0235 0.0204 0.205 0.0405 0.0193 0.02lB pC/g pCE1g pCi/g PC1g pcug pCi/g pCUg pCI/g pC/g pcl/g pcilg pC/g pC~g pC~g PC116 SRB 08/01)04 2257 347732 1; Te followlng Prep M thods wrere performed Method Descriptlon Analyst Date Time Prep Btch Dry SoUPrep Dry Soil Prep GLRAD-A-021 MJM1- 07/081D4 1135 347329 i .The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Deserlption I EML HASL 300.4.52.3 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was delected in the sample as weD nas be associated blanX.BD Flag for results below the MDC or a flag for low tracer recovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom

.: Certificate Of Analisis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atonuc Power Address: HaddamNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road EastHampton, Connecticut06424 Contact Mr. Pcte Hollenbeck Project: Sois POt 002332'1/4I -1'. , ReportDate AugustS,2004

--- \, Paze 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: 6amplel]: 9806-O000026F 116342015 Pmiect: YANK00504 Client D:) YANKlOOl -: Vol. Recy.: *--Parameter Quulifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF 4AinlyDate Tune Batch Mtd.E Concentraion of the target annalyte xceds the ins ent calibradon range, H Analytical holding time exceedcd.1 Indicates an estimated value. Ibo result was greater than the detection Ulmit4 but less thmn the reporting limiLt.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limiL llI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-pleaseecase narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for dets.h Sample preparation or prserationholding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineesing Laboratories, !tC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Poject Manager, Sarah Kozlkc: 3CA) s Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadeston SC 29407 -(843) 556.8171 Cerficate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Hnddam Ncck Plant 362 Ijun Hollow Road East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pde Hollenbeck Project Soils PO# 002332 Report Dat: August S. 2004 Page I of 2 Client Sample ID: Samele D: Matrix: Collct Date: Receive Date: Collector M,;-'Z 9806-0000-027F 116342016 Soil 21-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client A Wff Prpiect YANK00504 Ctent ID: YANK0Ol Vol. Recv.: IVQlieUnI UMA Uits .D Dat_Parnmeter Qualifer Result Uncerlainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Thne BlatehMtd2.

ad Gamma SpecAnalysis Gnmma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actalurn-228 0.411 Amercium-241 U -0.0153]Bismuth-212 0371 Bismuth-214 0.43B Cesium-134 U 0.00 UM Cesiu-137 0.0629 Cobalt-60 U -0.00292 Europlum-152 U -0.0171 Europium-154 U -0.002S9.Europium-155 U 0.0234 Lead-212 OA98 lead-214 0510 Mangancsn-54 U -0.00585 Niobium-94 U -0.000745 d Potassium-40 124 Rndiumn-226 0.438 Silver-108m U 0.00127 d Thallium-208 0.152+1-0.103 0.0333 +/-0.101 .0697+1-0.0465 0.0385 +/40.0456 0.0785+/-0.167 0.0722 +/-0.163-0.150+1.0.0672 0.0163 +/40659 0.0338 pCvg p~i4 pCI/5 pCt/g pcl/g SRB 08M01M04 2257 347732 1+4-0.019 0.0113 +J10187 0.0235+1-0.02S 0.0101 +/-Q0245 0.021+1-0.0123 0.0102 +/-0.0121 0.0216+/-0.0276 0.0236 +/-0.027 0.0487 41-0.0373 0.0314 /4.0365 0.0661+4.0299 0.0273 +1-0.0293 0.0558+/0.0505 0.0141 +1-0.0495 0.0288+1-0.0662 0.0169 +1-0.0649 0.0348+1-0.0123 0.0102 +1-0.0121 0.0213 4-0.00954 0.00821+1-0.00935 0.0171+10.972 0.082 +1-0952 0.176+1-0.0672 0.0163 +1-0.0659 0.0338 W-0.00937 0.00808+4..0918 0.0167./-.M54 0.0924 +/-0.0249 0.0192 pCb/g pCl/g PCI" pcvg pCi/g pCi/g pCI/g M.. V5lw Pr tt.A.. .. -.ene --Method Deserption Anablst Date TIme Prep Batch DrySoilPrep Dry SoilPrep OL-RAD-A-021 MiMi 07/08/04 1135 347329 The Wolwonlag Analytical Methods were performed I Method DescripUon 1 EMLHASL300,4.5.23 Notes: The QualifIers In this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detccted In the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flag for resuls below the MDC or n flag for low tracer rccovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company: CoaneatleutYankac Atomic Powe Addres: Haddama Neck Plant 362 Injun Hallow Road East*Hapton.

Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. PeM Holenbeck Project Soils PO# 002332 Clent Sample ID: Sample]]:.C t: -fc t o. ....;, Ceriicate of Aiiily sis ReportDat::

AugustS,2004 Page 2 of 2 9806-0000-027F 116342016-proieeL YANK00504 ClientDL.

YANK001 Vol. Recv., Parameter

.QuallQcr Result Unceainty LC TPU MDA units DF AnDjystDnte TIme Batch kW E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instnrnent calibration range.H Anlytical holding tiae exceeded.I Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyta was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limtL UI Uncertnia identificadion for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifer-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your pmject manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding tine exceeded.The above sample I reported on a dry weight basis.This data rport has been prepared nad reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating prorcedures.

Please direct any questions to your ProJect Manager, Sarah Kozlilc Reviewed by-^ _ r I JX GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Crfiflcate f Anayis , ...; I, o ,I: .:_ ... .1 .II 11 Company: ConnecticutYmnkee Atomlc Power Addres: Haddam Neck Plant 362lnjunHlloflwRoad East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr.Pete Hoflenbeck PiRoect: Soils PO4 002332 Client Sample ID: Same IED: Man Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector Moisture: I V ..i- --Report Date: August5, 2004-. .I.~9806-40000-033F 116342017

.:.SoBl 22-JUN-04 07-JUL-D4 V,' -0 Client 5.76% " Page I of 2 PrpicLe YANKOOS04 Client 1D YANKOO1 Vol. Recv.Parnmeter Qualifier Result V Rnd Gamma SpecAnalysis Gnma.Solid-FSS CAM&AUL FSS2261ngrmvoh Waived Actinlum-228 0504 Americium-241 U -0.0105 Blsmuth-212 0.419 Bismuth-214 0.603 Cesium-134 0.0268 Ccsium.137 U 000 Ut Cabalt-60 U 0.00492 -Europlum-152 U -O.0327 huropium-154 U -0.0205 Europium-155 U 0.0221 Lcad-212 0.597 Lead-214 0.714 Mangancse-54 U 0.00266 Nlobium-94 U 0.00444 *t Pctassuzm-40 12.2 Radium-226 0.603 Silvecr-10m U 0.00387 -Thallium-208 0.195 Ineertalnty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Tfie Bateh Mid... I ..l .+/-0.0843+/-0.0292 W4a134+W-0.0767+1-0.0154+1-0.0143+1-0.00884


+/-917+1-0.0767.4I.00751+1-0.0271 0.0228 40-.0826 O.0274 +1-0.0286 0.0538 +/-0.131 0.0132 +1-0.0752 0.00918 +1-0osi 0.00678 +1.0.014 0.0076+1-0.00866 0.0199 +t40224 0.0232 +14-0282 0.0243 +/-0.0258 0.0121 +1-0.0512 0.0141 +/-00728 0.W825 +14/.0095 0.00681 +1-0.00762 0.0627 +1-0.898 0.0132 +1-0.0752 0.00654+1-0.00736 0.D0689 +1-0.0266 0.0474 OD559 0.111 0.0271 0n.01 0.014 0.0159 00408 Q0483 0.0494 0.0246 0.0288 0.017 0.014 0.132 M271 0.0134 0.0142 pC1g pCi/g pCi/i pCVg pCi/g pC1lg pci/g pC1/g pCl/g pCVg pCi/g pcili pCi1g SRB 08/01104 2258 347732 1 The followln Prep Metbods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time PrepDatch DrySoflPrcp DrySoUPrepGL-RAD-A-021 Mi1M 07/08/04 1135 347329 The rollowtrD Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EMLHASL.3W0,4.53

! Notes:_be Qualifiers in this report arc defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flag for results below the MDC or a nflag for low ter recovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis '.----.I .Company: ConnecticurYankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project." Sols POP 002332 Report Datc: August 5,2004;: : Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID Sample ID: 9806-OOOD-033F 116342017 Prpiec YANKOOS04 ClDent I: YANKOOI Vol. Recv 0 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AU2lpjsDnter Time atach Mld.E Concentration of the target analyte excwd tb iastrnuetcalDibton range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The msrut was greater than the detecdon limit butless than the reporting limiL U Indcates the target analyte ws analyzed for but not detected ubove the detection limit.UI Uncertain identificadon forgamma spectmrcopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-pleas:e see case narative, data summary package or contact your pmject manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sanple is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratodes, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlik.Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Addres: HaddamNeckPlant 362 Injun Holow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. PeteHollenbeck Project Soils PO#002332 Report Date: August 5. 2004 Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID: Sarpie ID: Matrx CollectDnt=

Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: 9806-0000-030F 116342018 Soil 22-lUN-04 07-JUL-04 Clieat 4.68%ProjecL YANK00504 Cient ID: YANK00 VoL Recv: Paameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch Mtd.RdCammatpSpecAnlysls GammaSoaid-SS GAU AUL FSS 226 Inrmwth Waived Actlnium-228 0.479 +1-0.108 Ameridcium-241 U -0.0135 4-0.0443 Bismuth-212 0355 +1.0.167 Bismuth-214 0.558 +-0.0819 Cesiutn-134 U 0.00 +-0.0192 Ul Cesium-137 0.0375 +1-0.0158 Cobalt-60 U 0.00851 +1-0.014 Buropium-152 U QD0166 +1-0.0336 Europium154 U :0.0377 +/-0.042 Europium-155 U 0.0147 +4-0.039 Lead-212 0555 +-0.0555 Lcad-214 0.652 +/-0D795 Mangancsc-54 U Q.00966 +/-0.014 4lobl=m-94 U 0.000807 +/-0.0125 Potasslum-40 12.1 +1-1.01 Radi=m-226 0.558 +/-0.0819 Silver-108m U -0.00853 tJ-0.011 Thalium-208 D.164 +J-0D355 0.0346 +1-0.106 0.0408 +/-0.0434 0.0755 +1-0.164 O.12 +1-00803 0.013 +1-00188 0.00786 +1-0.0155 0.0121 +1-0.0137 0.0298 +1-0.0329 0.0325 +/-0.0411 0.0353 +1-0.0383 0.020 +/-0.0544 0.020 +1-0.078 0.0122 +/-0.0137 0.0107 +/-0.0122 0.0979 +1-0.987 0.0212 +/-0.0803 0.00886 +/-0.0107 0.011 +1-0.0348 0.0734 0.038 0.159 0.0441 0.0272 0.0168 0.0259 0.0617 0.0692 0.OMS 0.0411 0.0416 0.0255 0.0222 0.211 0.0441 0.0185 0.023 pC1g pCig pCig pCLIg pclg pCig pCllg pCi/g pClg palg pCl/g pCIg pcl/g pCUg pCI/g pCi/g SRB 002/04 1359 347732 1 The fcllowing Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch hy Soll Prcp Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-02I MiMi 07108/04 1135 347329 The rollowing Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 EMLHASL300,45.2.3 Nots:-The Qualifiers in this eport am defined as follows: B Target analyte was dctected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flag forresults below the MDC or a flagforlow bt rrecovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company: Connectict Yankee Atomic Powei Address: HaddarnNecklPlant 362 Xajunliolow Road East Hampton, Coraacatcut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Proect .Sails PON 002332 Client Sample ID: Sample I: Cer : tifa .o. AI Certificate' of Abnalvsiis ReportDate:

August5, 2004 Page 2 of 2.9806-0000-030F 116342018 Proiect YANK00504 Client 1D. YANK001 Vol. Recy.: Paraneter ,QUD er Result Uncertainty LC TFU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch Mtd.vA.. >,,, E Concentration of the target nalytr exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time excecded J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting linkL U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.Ut Uncertain identfication for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample Is reported on a dry weight basis.Whis data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineerng Laboratories, LLC stdard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Pioject Manager, Sarah Kozlik.Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 555-171 Certificate'of AIalysis 1. .1;. I -f..I Company: ConnectlcutYankeeAtomnicPbwer Address: HaddamNedcPjant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Report Date: August 5,2004 Pr*1 Soils P0# 002332 Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID: SarnileID:

MNWx: CollectDatc:

Receive Date: Collector.

Moisture: 9806D0000-029F


-. : Soil 22-JUN-04 07- 0I-' -07;JUL-04 Client 6.18%-' -, 1...s ProkcL YANK00504 ClifnltID YANKOGI Vol. Recv.: pnrzueter Quallfer Result Uncertainly LC TPU h2DA Units DF AnalsfDate Time PatdcMfL Rad Gama Spee Analysis Ganmu4SolitdFSS GAM & ALL FS Z26 Ingrvwth Waived Actniaum-228 0.566 +t-0.192 Ameicium-241 U -0.0273 +J-0.0562 Bismuth-212 0.446 +t-0381 Bismuth-214 0.711 +t-0.132 Cesium-134 U 0.00 4 0.0402 U!Ceslum-137 U 0.017 +1-0.0537 Cobalt-60 U -0.0116 +41-0.02 Europlum-152 U -0.0431 +1.0.0607 Euoplurm-154 U 0.0205 t1-0083S Eurplum-ISS U O.0304 +/-0.0669 Lead.212 0.610 41-0.0872 Lead-214 0.669 +J-0.121 Manganese-S4 U 0.0113 +1-0.0276 Nloblum-94 U 0.0386 +1-0.0373 Potasslum40 12.5 +1-127 Radium-226 0.711 +1-0.132 Silver-108m U -0.00629 +1-0.0217 ThblIlum-209 0.221 +1-0.0603 0.0781 +W-0.188 0.168 0.0499 +1-0.055 0.102 0.176 +14-0.374 0375 0.0381 +41-0.130

.8- 0.031 0.0289 4+-.0394 .Q0612 0.0262 +1-0.0527 0.0175 +t".0266 0.0508 +1-0.0595 0.0711 +t.0.021 0.0595 +t-0.0655 0.0321 +1-0.0aS4 0.0415 +/-0119 0.0245 +/-0.0271 0.0224 +/-0.0365 0.172 +-1.24 0.0381 +/41.130 0.0183 +1-0.0213 0.022 +1-0.0591 0.0552 0.0395 0.106 0.154 0.122 0.0664.*0.0864 0.0522 0.0474 0.389 0.081 0.0385 0.0467 pCI/g pclgg PCiD'g pCilg pCI/g PU/S pCilg pCl/g SRB 08102/04 1400 347732 1 The folowtng Prep Metbods wvere perforned Method Description Analyst. Date Time PrepDutch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 MImI 07/08104 1135 347329 The following Analifical Methods were performed Method Descriptofn 1 EMLASL 300. 4.523 Notes: The Qualifien in Ibis rport are defined as follows: B Targetanalytewas detcted in the sample as weU as the associatedblankL BD Flag forrrsults below the MDC or a flag for low tmacerrcovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Rioad Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analys Company: Connecicut Yankee Atomic Power Address: HaddamrNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 ContacL: Mr.Pen Hollenbeck Project Soils PO# 002332.: -,..I..rI11.p ..'.. 1.ReponrDat.

AugustS,2004 Page 2 of 2 8; ...P tDiec YANKOQ504 CL :YANKOO *;Vol. Recvy.I:.

C Client Sample 1D.Samplelfl:

9806-0000-029F 116342019 Parameter QunIUer Result Uncerlainty LC TPU DIDA Unlts .DF AiWystDate .TIme BatchMtd.E Conccntion of thc arget analyte exceeds the instrument calibtidon range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.

-I Indicates an estimated valoue The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limiL UI Uncertnidentificatonforgammnspectroscopy.

X Lob-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summry paclage or contact your project mannager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample Is reported on a dry weight basis. *This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlk.Reviewed by n_- _ 7n _r I A7 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chafeston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Conectcut Yankee Atornic Power Addrss: HaddamnNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East HRPton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Sois P# o 332 ReportDale:

August 5,2004 Page I of 2 Client Sample 1D SmnplelD: Matrix: ColectDalc.Receive Date: MCollecto molsture 98060000-029FS 116342020 Soil 22-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 631%Ppiect YANK-OSO4 Chent ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.-Prameter Qualifier Result 'Uncertainty C. .t DF .e LC I U NMA Ulnits DF AnalystDate Time Battb bitd.RadGmmaSpecAnn~ystS GmrSolWd-FSS GAM &ALL FSS 2265 ngrowth Waived Actdnium-722 0.659 Amcium-241 U -0.022 Blsmutl-212 0.468 Blsuoth.214 0.690 Ceslum-134 U 0.00 Ut Ccsium.137 U 0.00 U1 Cobalt-60 U 0.00299 Europium-152 U 0.0247 Europium-1S4 U 0.0285 Europium-155 U 0.0275 L1ad-212 0520 Lead-214 0.754 Mangamese-54 U -0.00411 Mobium-94 U 0.0142 Potassi=m40 11.1 Radium-226 0.690 Sflver-O1m U 0.023 Thnllium-208 0.214+1.0206+t-0.0569 4/-0369+W-0.154+t-0.0531 0.0792 +1-0202 0.0503 +/10.0557 0.152 +t.362 0.0411 +/.0.052 0.0314 +/-0.02+1-0.0529 0.0225 +1-0.0518+1-.M68+/-0.0609+t-0.0765+1-0.0672+/-0.0999+1-0.118 41-0.0276+/-0.0268+1-131 4/-0.154+/-0.0223.1.0.0657 0.0195 +/-O.0263 0.0541 +1-0.0597 0.066 +1-0.075 0.0594 +/-0.0659 0.0414 +/-0.0979 0.0364 +1-0.116 0.0234 +1-0.0271 0.0229 +J-0.0262 0.211 +1-l29 0.0411 +/-0.151 0.022 +1-0.08 0.0249 +1-0.0644 0.170 0.103 0328 0.087 0.0664 0.0479 0.0436 0.113 0.144 0.122 0.085 0.0763 0.0501 0.0483 0.468 0.087 0.0424 0.0525 pcllg pCVg pCilg pCVg pcig pCVg pCVg pCVg pCl~g pCVg PCI/I pCUg pC/g pCi/g SRB OB12J04 0946 34T1321 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Bateh Dry Son Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 MJMi 07/08/04 1135 347329 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Descriptlon 1 EMLHASL300,45323 Notes: The QuaUlia In this report r doned as rOuow3: B Targct analytc was detected in the sample as well as the associated binic.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chareston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company: ConnallcutYanbeeAtoralcPower Address: Haddam~eckPlant 362 Irnjun Hollow Road East Hampn,.Connectcu06424 Contac: Mr. Pete Hallebeck Pwlect. _P0 2 Client Sample 04: Samplc 1..f,;; -,t o s DerdS~ie" of Analysis -, -ReportDate:

AuguitS,2004 Page 2 of 2 9806-0000-029FS 116342020 Proict YANK00504 ClientID:

YANKOOi VoL-Recv .Prameter Qualwiier Result iUncertaLnty LC TPU MDA Units DF ArmaystDate imte DatchbMtd.

BD Rag forresults below teMDC or a flag for low tracerrcovcy.

E Concantration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated Yalue. The result was greater than the detection limits but less than the reporting limit.U Indicats the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detecion limit.UI Uncertainideanticationforgammaspectroscopy.

X Lab-specific quadlicj-Aieasee casc narrnlive, data summar package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation

& priservation holding time exceedcd.The above sample is reported On a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed In accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah KCozlik Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis'Company: ComnecticutYankee AtoralePower Address: Haddm NeckPlant 362 InJun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Prject Soils PON O332 Repa2rtnte:

August 5. 2004 Page I of 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrax: CollectDate:

Receive Date: Collector Moish=re: Parameter Quallfier Reslt t-ad Gamrna Spec Anallsb Gamma,Salid-FSS GAM &ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Walied Actidum-228 0.665 A- d iclum-241 U O.Q375 Bismuth.212 0.408 Blsmuth-214 0513 Cesium-134 U 0.00 Ul Cesium-137 0.0285 Cobalt-60 U .0.00555 Europium-152 U -0.0244 Europium-154 U -0.024 Europlum-155 U 0.0866 Lead,212 0703 Lzad-214 0.682 Maeganese-54 U 0.00979 Nloblum-94 U -0.00617 Potsslusm40 143 Radlum-225 0.513 Sllver-108m U -.00276 Tballmu-208 0.211 9806-0000-0281 116342021 Soil-22-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client I ;.;-' Prpiesg YANKDO504 ,- ". ClientM>.

YANKOOI Vol. Recv.:..-7 ,.A.$Ct'*Uncerlalnty LC TPU .. MDA Unltt DF AndlystDate Time Batch Mtd.r>l{ ..- -.+/M0.147+/-0.116+1-0105+1-0.0824+/-0.0301+/-0.0183+1-0.0148+"-0.0455+/-0.044 44.0.0668+/-.0701+/-0.0871+/-0.0147+1-0.0131+/-1.21+1-0.0824+t-0.0126+1-0.0385 0.0401 +/-0.144 0.0847 0.0731 +410.114 0.150 0.0962 +1-0201

  • 0.201 0.026 +1-0.0808
tl <01)5OO39 0.0151 4m-0.95 -o0.0314 0.0111 tt-0.018 0.012 +1-0.0145 om25 +/-0.0446 0.0353 1-040431 0.0428 +1-0.0655 0.0195 +1-0.0687 0.023 +1-0.0853 0.0113 .1-0.0144 0.0108 +1/0.012B 0.091 4-1.19 0.026 +/.0.0803 0.0104 4-0.0124 0.0112 +1-0.0378.. '. ..0.0232-'. '0.02.57 0.0674 0.0753 0.0878 0.0402 0.0477 0.0238 0.0225 0.199 0.0539 0.0216 0.0235 pug pCi/g PCwg pCl/g PCVK pCig PCug PCVg pCVg pcig Pat pCitg PCV8 PCug Pat/pCitg Pclg SRB 0720/D04 1003 348602 1 Tibe followng Prep Methods were performed Method Description

.Aalyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 MhMI 07104 I i40 347330 The rolowlng Analydcnl Methods were performed Method DescrIption I EML HASL 300.45.23 i Notes: The Qualifiers in thit report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected in thc sample as wcI uas the associated blanr.BD Flag for rsults below the MDC or a flag for low trerecovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 -www.gelcom Certificate of Analysis.-1-,- 0 .. ..I -.. ;I..:. .I I. , Company: Connecticut Yanke= AtomIc Power Address: Hdm NeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contnct: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck PrqoeQc Soils P 002332 Report Date: AuVIst 5,2004 Page 2 of 2 ProM ie YANK00504 Client ID: YANKOOI ...Vol. Recv.: ."" ..Client Sample ID.Sample ID: 9806-000-028F 116342021 Parameter Quahller Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units, DF AnalystDate Time' BatndMl&..*...-, ., .~ Z E Concentadon of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calib rtioange.H Analytical holding time exceededs 1 Indicates an estimated valuc The rsult was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting linizL U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.UI Uncertain identification forgamma spectroseopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please sce casenaratve, data sumrnmaryackcge orcontactyourprojectmanager fordetails.

h Sample preparadon orprsevation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Tlis data report bas been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedurs.

Please direct any questions toyour Project Manager, Sarah lozlc Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 555-8171 Certificate of Analysis.t , .4..I , , .. , ,m ..Company: Conneaicut Yankee AtomicPower Address: HfddmnNcckPinat 362 lnjun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollcabeck Prajeet SofsPO 002332 Client Sample ID: SamnleD: Matnx Collc Date: Receive Date: Collector.

Moisture: ReportDate:

August5,2004 Page I of 2 9806-) 0IF 2iect YANKO05O4 116342022 Volt.ftlb:

YAN.: 01 Soil 16-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 9.07%Parameter Qualfifer Result U.Rad Gomma Spec Analys GammanSolld-F3S CAM& ALL FSS226fngrowzh Wached Acrtnlum-228 0.608 Arnerlcium-241 U -0.00513 Bismuth-212 0312 Bismuth-214 0-544 Ceslnm-134

.U 0.0242 Caium-137 U 0.0237 Cobalt-60 U -0.000591 Europlum-152 U 0.0303 Europinm-154 U -0.0396 Europlum-IS5 U 0.0497 Lead-212 0576 Lead-214 0.601 Maanese-54 U 0.00392.Niobium-94 U 4000172 Poassium-40 12.0 Rdiurm-226 0.544 Silver-lOam U 0.00612 allilum-208 0.134 acertalvity LC TPU MDA units DF AnalystDate Time BatchMtlL 4/-0.123 0.0384 +1.0.121+0.0487 0.0403 4/-0.0478+1/0.144 0.0901 +1-0.142+1-0.0861 0.0197 +1-0.0844+1-0.0195 0.0138 +P-0.0191 4-0.0205 0.0119 +1.0.0201 4/-0.0141 0.0116 +1-0.0138 4/-0.0332 0.0298 +1-Q0325+1-0.0415 0.0318 +1-0.0407 41-0.0398 0.0366 +1.0.039+/-0.0603 0.0187 ;/-0.0591+"/-0D825 0.020 +1-0.0809 4/-0.0145 0.0123 +r-0.0142 W/-0.0121 0.0102 -W-0.0118+/-1.01 0.0968 41-0.988 4/.0.0861 0.0197 +1-0.0844 410.0115 0.00993 +10.0112+1-0.0343 0.0101 +/-0.0336 0.0811 0.OS28 0.189 0.0412 0.0248 0.0619.0.0679 0.0752 0.0386 0.0417 0.0257 0.0213 0.210 0.0412 0.0207 0.0212 Ptl/g pCl/g pCVg pCi/g pCigk pcivz PCUg pCIVg pci/g IPCiS pC/g pCVg pC1/g SRB =7/2X04 1004 348602 1 The rollowing Prej Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time PrMp Batch DySoilPrep Dry Soil P=p GL-RAD-A-021 MIMi 07/08104 1140 347330 The following Analydcal Methods were performed Method DescrIption Lb 1 EML HASL 300. 4.5.23 ,7 Notes:!: e Qualifiers In this report am defined as follows: B Target analyte Was detected In the sample as well as the assocted blanlk.BD Flag for results below the MDC or a Ilag for low racer recovery.E Concentralion of the target analyte cxceeds the instument calibradon range.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Fload Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of AnalYSiS Company: ConnecticutYankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road EastHampton.

Connctdcut 06424 Contact. Mr. Pete HoUenbeck Prject: Soils PO# 002332* RcportDatc:

AugustS,2004 Page 2 oF 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-0000-OO1F 116342022 PToiec YANK00504 Client D: YANKCOI Vol. Recv Parameter Quailller Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDnte Tlme Battbhld..H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed forbut not detected above th detecdton limiL Ul Uncalin identificatioa for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample Is reported on a duy weight basis.* Tts data report has bcen prepared and reviewed In accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlik.Reviewed by Pncri RS nf 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.gelom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomkc Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hamptcn, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pet Hollenbeck Project Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: CollectDate:

ReceiveDate-CoUector Moisture: Report Date: August 5,2004 Page I oF 2 9806000-00 piec YANK005O4 116342023 Cicint ID: YANKOOI Soil Vol. Recv-16-JUN.04 07-JUL.04 Client 7.52%Parameter Qualifier Result U Rod Gamma Spec Analysis GaommaSold-FSS GAM &ALL F:SS 226lngrowth Waived Acdtnium-228 0.772 Amcrdclum-241 U 0.0367 Bismuth-212 0.766 Blsmuth-214 0.710 Cesium-134 U 0.0352__ Cesum-137 U 0.0276 Cobalt-60 U 0.0261 Earoplum-152 U 0.0202 Europlum-154 U -0.0402 Europlum-lS5 U 0.00_ Ul Lead-212 0.751 Ld-214 0.691 Maganese-54 U 0.0148 Nlobiunn-94 U -O.O10 Patnsslum-40 11.2 Radium-226 0.710 Sliver-lOm U 0.000829 Thalflum-208 0.236 Uncertainty LC ffU MDA Unils DF AnnlystDate Tnme Batch Mtd.+1-0.188 0.0658 +1-0.184 0.139+I-0.0309 0.0272 t.4.0303 0.0556+1f0370 0.154 iJ-0362 0.323+1-0.116 D.0353 +1-0.114 0.0738+/-0.0359 0.242 +1-0.0351 0.0505+1-0.032 OD191 +f-0.0314 0.0399+-0.0251 0.m22 +/-0.0246 0.0471 41-0.049 0.044 +/-0.048 0.0914+.-0.0728 0.0566 +1-0.0714 0.121+/.0.0779 0.0409 +1.0.0764 0.084+1-o.090 0.055 -40.0852 0.0526 41-0.106 0.0328 +/-0.104 0.068+/-0.0289 0.0194 +/-0.0284 0.0408+1.0.0198 0.0157 +/-0.0194 0.0331+1-1.06 0200 +1-1.04 0.428*1-0.116 OM53 +4-0.114 0.0738+1-0.0182 0.015O +1-0.0179 0.0329+1-0.0491 0.0205 +/-00481 0.0427 pC/g pa/f Pcug pCl/g pcl/g pCUg pCVg POIg pCag pCal Pscu pCiig pC11g pcl/g pCi/g SRB 07u20o4 1436 3486021 The blowing Prep Methods were performed Descriptlon Analyst Date

  • TIme Prep Btch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GE-RAD-A-021 MImi 07iV/04 1140 347330 The following Analytical Methods were performed Meftod Description 1 EMLHASL300.4.523 L Notes: The Qualifiers in this report =re defined as follows: B Target axlyte was detcted in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flag for results below Ihe MDC or a nng for low tmccr recovety.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 55t-8171 Cerficate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pdie Hollenbeck PRmect: Soils PM 002332 Client Sample II: Sample ID: Report Date: August 5, 2004 Page 2 of 2 98064O0007F 116342023 Project YANYO00504 Client tD: YANKOOI VoL Recv Paranmeer Qualifier Rtsult Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate 71me Batch Mid.E Concentration of dre target anglyte exceeds the instrmnent calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting linit.U lndicates the turget analyte was analyzed for but not dtected above the detection limiL Ul Uncertain Identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please wee case narrative, data sumnry package Dr cotallt your project manager for dcails.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample Is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah }Coilk Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadieston SC 29407 -(843) 555-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticutYankee Atomic Power Address: Hnd- Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hmpton. Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: SoUs PO1 002332 Client Sample ID: SampleID: Mantrx Collect Date Receive Date: Colector.Moistu=RcportDate:

August 5,2004 Page I of 2 9806-0000-D01F 116342024 Soil 16-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 7.35%Pro ect YANX005D4 Client ID: YANK001 Val. Remv.: Parameter Quallfier Result U Rad GaamnaSpecAnalysis GammeASoaid-FSS CAM &ALL FS 226 lnrwth Waived Actinlum-228 0.616 Ammicitun-241 U 0.00943 Bismuth-212 0.481 Bismuth-214 0.522 Ceslum-134 U 0.040 Ccsiurn-137 0.0793 Cobalt-60 U 0.00835 Europlum-S12 U -0.0412 Eusrpium-154 U -0.013 Eumupium-155 U Q.0294 Lend-212 0.536 Lend-214 0.563 Manganese-54 U 0.00811 Niobium.94 U 0.00149 Potassium40 115 Radium-226 0.522 Silver-108M U 0.00261 TbaIllm-208 0.191 Lictrtalnty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDote Time Batch Mid.+40.176 0.0539 41-0.173+1-o.m47 0.0226 +/-0.M42 40717 0.131 +1-0.271+0.0975 0.027 +1-0.0956+1-0.0459 0.15 +1-0.0449+1-.0304 0.0155 +1-0.0297+1-0.0213 0.0189 +1-o.M00+1-0.0446 0.0362 +1-0.0437+1-0.0608 0.0507 +1-0.0596+/-0.0399 0.0357 +-o.m.91+1-0.0657 0.0215 +1-0.0644+1-0.0829 0.0275 +/10.0813+1-0.0263 0.0188 4/-0.0258+1-0.0181 0.0158 +1-0.0178+/-1.07 0.121 +1-1.05+1-0.0975 0.027 +410.0956+/-0.0161 0.0137 +4-0.0157+1-0.0474 0.0161 +1-0.0465 0.117 0.0467 0.280 0.0579 0.0457 0.0333 0.0414 0.0763 0.111 0.0739 0.0448 0.0579 0.0401 0.0335 0279 0O.579 0.0291 0.0344 pcvg PCVg pCI/g PCiJ/g pcUg pCiLg pCitg pCi/g pCVg pCUg PUS pCi~g Palg pCi/g SRB 07120/04 1437 348 I:re rollowng Prep Methods wer performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch MIMI 07/08V04 1140 347330-Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-21 The followIng Analytical Methods were performed I Method Description I EML HASL300,4.5.23 I Notes:_ The Qualifiers in this report ar defined as follows: B Target analyte was dtecwmd In the samplc as well as the asociated blank.! 3BD FlagforresultsbclowtheC oraflagforlowttm~rcrrcoveay.

E Concentration of the target andlyte exceeds the instrument calibration range..nnl .r *A A GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 555-B1il

  • Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticutYankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Nedc Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road'East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Soils PO# 002332 ReportDate.

August5,2004 Page 2 of 2 Cient Sample ID: SamplelD: 9806-O0OO-OIF 116342024 Prpict YANK00504 Cleatll: YANK 1Ol Vol. Recv.*Parameter QuAtlfer Result Uncertainty LC TU MDA Unils DF AnalystDate 7ime DtCh ML&H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit. but less than the reporting limiL U Indicates the target annlyte was analyzed forbut not detected above the detection limiL UI Uncrtain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-ple sce case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedure.

Please direct any questions to yourProject Manager, Sarah Kozlik.0 C L Q vC3 Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomlc Power Addess: Haddaun NeckPlant 362 Iniun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Projec Soils P0 002332 ReportDate:

AugustS,2004 Page 1 or 2 Client Sample ID: Sample]]: Matrin CollcctDate:

Receive Date: Colector: Moisturc: 9806-0000-024F 116342025 Soil 28-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 1133%Pr ectL YANK00504 Clhent ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.-Parnmeter QunDDler Result Uncerlalnty LC T1PU MDA Units DF Ana1ystDate Time Batch Mtd.Rad Gamm= Spec Analysls G Gwnma.5otld-FSS GAM & ALL F55 226 lagrmevh Waived ActIn-228 Ameridclum-241 Bismuth-212 Bismuth-214 Ccsium-134 Cesium-137 Cobalt.60 Europiumt152 Europiuo-154 Eutropium-S5S Lead-212 Lead-214 Manganese-54 Nloblum-94 Potasslum-40 Rndium-226 SUver-108m Thalium-208

.0.677 U 0.021 0.418 0.555 U 0O.+1-0.147+40.0839+0.143+/-0.0843+t40.0179 Ur 0.0387 +14/.0305 U -0.00219 +/-0.0128 U 0.00963 41-0.03S U -0.00941 +/-0.0397 U 0.0458 +t-0.0491 0.645 +1-0.0644 0.703 +1-0.0904 U -0.0125 +1-0.0136 U 0.0m27. +J.0.612 13.1 4+-1.10 0.555 +t-o0843 U -0.0114 +1-0.0143 0157 +t-0.0337 0.0369 .1-0.144 0.0679 +1-0.0822 0.0785 +1-0.140 0.0203 +1-0.0826 0.0138 .1-0.0175 0.0103 +t-0.0299 0.0106 +1-0.0125 0.0311 +14.0351 0.03 +/-0.0389 0.086 +/-0.0481 0.0185 +/-0.0631 0.0211 +t-0.0886 0.0107 +1-0.0133 0.0106 +/-0.0118 0.094 +t-1.03 0.0203 +1-0.0826 o.WP91 +10014 0.00998 +/-0.033 0.0779 0.139 0.165 0.0423 0.0287 0.0216 0.0227 0.0644 0.0701 0.0793 0.038 0.0436 0.0225 0.022 0.2m 0.0423 0.0206 0.0209 pCW9 pCi/g pCilg pCVg pC'dg pCU1 pCitg pCV9 SRB 07M20/04 1437 348602 1* The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Tlme Prep Batch DrySoilPrep DrySoilPrepGLRAD-A-021 MYMI 07108104 1140 347330 The rollowing Analytial Methods were performed Method Description 1 EML IMSL 300 4.5.23 Notes:-e Qunlifiers in ths report re defted as folows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flag for results below the MDC or a flag for low tracer rccovery.-a r .An GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadieslon SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analsis Company: ConnecticutYankee Alornic Power Addrem: HaddmnlNeckPlant 362 mIi Hlollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pcte Hollenbeck Prnject: SoUsPOl 002332 Client Sample ID: SamplelDl:

Report DaIte August S.2004 Page 2 of 2 9806-0000-024F 116342025 Prolect YANKOOSO4 ClhInt ID: YANKWIl Vol. Recv.-Parameter QuaUfiler Result UncertaInty LC TPu MDA Units DF AnalystDale Time DatchlMd.E Concentradon of th target anrdyt exc the insument calibrion range.H Analytical holding time exceeded 1 Indicates an estimated value. The result was grear than the detection limit, but less thIn the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed forbutnot detected above the detection limiL UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lub-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.T1e above sample Is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed In accordance with General Engineerng Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlik A i Cb f Reviewed by_ _ P ._

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 --(843) 555-171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticutYntkee AtomicPower Address: Haddam Neck Plitt 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 ContDcle Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils P4# 002332 ReportDate:

Augusr5,2004 Page I of 2 Client Sample ID: SampleID: Matrix: CollectDatc:

Receive Date: Collector:

Moisture: Parameter Qufier Result U bd Gamma SpecAnalysis G=maSoJid-FSS GAM &AL FSS226Ingruwth Waived Acinlun-228 0.597 Americuim-241 U -0.011 Bsmnutb-212 0,477 Blsmuth-214 0.605 Ceslum-134 U 0.00 Vl1 Ceshum-137 0.0966 Cobalt-60 U -0.0094 Europlam-1S2 U -0.00408 Earoplum-154 U 0.00267 Europium-155 U 0.0728 Lead-212 0.626 1cad-214 O.22 Mangancse-54 U -0.00713 Nioblum-94 U 0.000816 Potnsslumn40 14.5 Radium-226 0.505 Suver-108m U 0.00103 ThniUM-209 0.179 9806-0000-016F agiect YANK00504 116342026

.YANK001 Soil Vol. Recvy.28-lJN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 7.01%rncernriity LC tPI MDA Units DF AnalystDate Tnie Batz Mbhd.4D0.124 0.036 +/-0.121 4/-0.0446 0.0418 +1-0.0437-W-0.199 0.0783 +4-0.195+1-0.0865 0.0201 +1-0.0847+1-0.0248 0.0143 +1-0.0243+1-0.0292 0.0134 +1-0.0286+1-0.0138 0.0108 +1.0.0135+1.0.,338 0.0294 +"-0.0331+1-0.0465 0.0337 +1-0.0456+40.0409 a0386 +W-0.0401 40.0609 0.0176 +J-O.0597+1-0.0869 0.0201 4-0.0O51+14013S 0.0109 +1-0.d;32+1-0.0114 0.00979 +1-10112+1-1.18 0.096 +1-1.16+1-0.065 0.0201 +1-0.0947+1-0.0116 0.00993 +/-0.0114 4/-D.M312 0.0102 +1-0.0306 0.0759 0.0857 0.164 0.0419 0.0Q96 0.0278 0.0231 0.0608 Q0713 0.0789 0.0363 0.0417 0.0229 0.m00 0CD07 0.041l 0.0206 0.0213 pcllg paig SRB 0712D4 1437 348602 1 pci/g pO11g pcllg PCI/A pClvg pcllg pCIvg P~l/g The following Prep Methods eric performed Method Destription Analyst Date Tlme Prep Batch DrySollPrep DrySolPrep GL-RAD-A-021 MMI 07/05/04 1140 347330 The following AVAlycal Methods were performed Method Description EMIL HASL30D,4.5L3 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report a= defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD lag for results below the MDC or a flag forlow tracer recovery.

---GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 -www.gel.corn

  • Certificate of Analysis Company: Connectlcut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam NeckPlant 362 tnjun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: SolsPON002332 ReportDate:

August5, 2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: SampleID: 9806-0000-01SF 116342026 Proiect YANKOQ5D4 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualffqer Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AmlystDate Tlme Batch Mid.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding timc exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit Ul Uncertainideatificationforgmammspectroscopy.

X Lb-specific qualifier-plee see case narative, data summay pacage or contact your project manager for det h Samnple preparadon or preservatdon holding time excceded.The above sample is reported an n dry weight basis.ThIs data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineeringlaboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozik Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleslon SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: HaddnmNeck Plant 3621njun Hollow Road EastHampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pctce Holflebeck Project: Solls PO# 002332 Reprt Date: August5S, 2004 Page 1 oF 2 Cicnt Sample ID: SampleID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector Moistur=: Parameter Qunallfer Result U_RnadGararaSpecAnayl GamSoUd-FmSS GeA ALL FSS 226 In growth Waived Actiniumt-228 0.531 L Americiun-241 U 0.000742 Bismuth-212 0.600 Bismuth-214 0.613 Cesium-134 U 0.02S9 Cetium-137 0.0841 Cobalt-60 U 0.024 Earopium-152 U -0.0767 Europium-154 U .0.0334 Europium-155 U 0.0174 Lead-212 0.590 Lxad-214 0.543 Mangancsc-54 U 0.00496 Nioblum-94 U 0.00703 Potassiun-40 11.9 Radium-225 0.613 Silver-108nm U 0.000773 Tballium-208 0.185 9806-0000-O1IF Proect YANX}0504 116342027 CicntlD: YANK001 Soil Vol. Recv.: 28-JUN.04 07-JUL-04 Client 5.17%ncertainty LC TPLU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time EatehlMld.

+1-0.155 0.0749 +t.0t152+J-0.0518 0.D476 +J-0.0508+1-0337 0.159 +/-0331+1-0.126 0.0396 +/.0.124+/-0.028a 0.0258 4/-0.0282+1-0.0464 0.0206 +41-0.0455 41-0.0249 0.0229 +140.0244+1-0.0582 0.0473 4+10.0571+1-0.0762 0.0601 +1-0.0747+1-0.0623 0.0559 +-0.061+1.0.0813 0.0299 +1-0.0796+1-0.096 0.0365 41-0.0941+1-0.0262 0.023 +1-0.0257+1-0.023 0.D196 41-0.0225+/-1.26 0.153 41-1.23+1-0.126 0.0396 +1-0.124+1-0.0201 0.0174 +1-0.0197+1-0.0539 00205 +1-0.0528 0.161 0.0974 0339 0.0837 0.0548 0.0439 0.050 0.0991 0.131 0.115 0.0618 0.0763 0.0489 0.0415 0347 0.0B37 0.0367 0.0434 Pag Palk PCg pcig Pa/g pCilk PC11'PCag PCag PCvg Pat Park PC~g pCqg PO'g SRB 07c12004 1438 348602 1 The rolowing ErEp Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Bateh-DrySoilPrrp Dy Soll Prep GLAUAD-A-021 MImi 07/08/04 1140 347330 The rollowing Analytical Methods were performed Method Descripton 1 EML HASL 300. 45.2.3 I Nowe: K Mm Qualifiers in this report a defined as follows: B rger analyt w5s dcteccd In ath anplc ns wcUl a thc mnodatrd blank.BD flag for results below the MDC ora flag forlow tracer recovcry.E Concentraton of the target nnalyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.-_ _ P w. -

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-B171 Certificate of Analysis Company: ConneczcutYankeeAtomlcPower Addrcss:**

HnddamNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road* East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr.PetcHollenbeck Project: SoilsPO#002332 RepartDale AugustS,2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-0000-011F 116342027 mroecl YANK0OSO4 Client 1D: YANK001 Vol. Recv Parameter Quallller Result Uncertlanty LC TPU MDA UnJ3s DF Anal'stDate Time B31chMId.H Analytical holding time exceededZ J Indicates tin estimated value. Tbc result was greater than the detection LUilt, but less than Ohe reporting limitL U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.UI Uncertain ident1fcation for gamma spcetroscopy.

X Lnb-specific qualer-pleasc sec ase narrative, data summnay package or contact your prqject manager for dctails.h Sample prcparadon or prescrvation holding time exceedd.*The above sample is reported on a dry wdight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed In accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC.standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlik.Reviewed by-r s .A GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chiuleston SC 29407 -(843) 5568171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam NeckPlant 362 Inun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact r. Pete Hollenbeck Project Sols PO 002332 Client Sample ID: SampleIl):

Matnx: Collect Dab: ReceiveDate:

Collector Moisture: ReportDatc:

August5.2004 Page I or 2 9806-0000-008F Prpiec: YANK00504 116342028 Clent : YANK001 Soil Vol. Reev.28-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 7.29%Parameter Qoulllfer Result U Rd Gamma SpecAnalyss GammSolid-FSS GAM & AL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinfum-122 0.652 Americlum-241 U -0.000539 Blsoauth-21Z U 0.0937 Bisnuth-214 0542 Cesium-134 U D.00: Ul Cesium-137 0384 Cobalt-60 U 0.0163 Europium-152 U 0.0178 Europlum-154 U 4M0231.Europlum-lS U 0.0343 Lead-212 0.590 Lead-214 0.597 Manjancsc-54 U 0.00468 Nlobium-94 U 0.00554 Potassium-40 11.8 Radium-226 0542 Silver-108m U -0.0032S Thallfum-208 0.173 Incertlalty LC Tru MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time BDtCh Mtd.+1-0.167+1-0.0931+1-246+t-0.0985+1-0.0316+1-0.0518+t-0.0183+1-0.0458+t-0.0585+/-0.D495+0.0692+40.089+-0.0186+1-0.0162.

+1-1.11+1-0.098S+1-0.0168+1-0.039 0.0537 +1-0.164 0.0602 +1-0.0912 0.101 +1-0.241 0.0262 +1-0.096S 0.019 +1-0.031 0.0153 +t-0.0507 0.0167 +/-0.0179 0.0403 +1-0.0449 0.0474 +/-0.0573 0.0445 +1-0.0485 0.0224 +1-0.0678 0.0291 +1-0.0872 0.0159 +W-0.0182 Q0.141 +1-0.0158 0.139 +1-1.08 0.0262 +1-0.0965 0.014 +1-0.0165 0.0141 +14-0.032 0.114 0.124 0.216 0.0553 0.040 0.0322 0.0362 0.0839 0.102 0.0914 0.0464 0.0606 0.0337 0.0298 0.306 0.0553 0.0294 0.0297 pcvg pCilg pcu/g pCilg pCD/g pcmg PVcg pcvg yCl/g pCllg PCI/g PClkg pC1/g pCi~g pC/s pcl/g SRB 07/2nt04 1537 348602 1 The fotlowing Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Tlme Prep Batch DrySoy l Prep DrySoil Prep GL-RAD-A-021

.MImi 07105/04 1140 347330 The following Analyticnl Methods were performed Method Description I &EML HASL 300,45+/-3 Notes: The Qunhilicrs In this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected In the samplc as well as the associated blnk BD Flag for rcsults below the MDC or a flag for low tracer recovery.% _1-r It A7-GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleslon SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 lnjun Hollow Road East Harmpton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hoa~nbeck Project: Sois PO# 002332 Report Date: August 5.2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample D Sample 1D: 9806-00000&8F 116342028 Proiect YANK00504 I YANKR0.Vol. Recv.-Par2retcr Qualler Result Untertainty LC TrPU MDA Units DF AudystDate Time DatchMtd.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded I Indicates an estimated value. Te result was greater than the detection limit, but less than tho reporting limit U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above thc detection limiL UI Uncertainidentificationforgammaspectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please seecase naratdve, datasummary package or contactyour projectmanager for dcis.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.Tec above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Enginerin lboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your ProjectManager, Sarah Kozlk R .ee% cJb Rznciwed by_ -N r A _

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Addsus: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbecke PjecLt: Soils PO# 002332 ReportDate:

AugustS.2004 Page I of 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matnx: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collectwr Moisturc Paramcter Qualliler Reslwt U Rad Gam Spec Analysis Gwwmn.SolId-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waoied Actinlum-228 0.722 Ammiclum-241 U -0.0417 Bismuth-212 0.477 B1smutb214 0.686 Cesium-134 U 0.00 Ul Cesium-137 0.0431 Cobalt-60 U .0.00173 Europium-152 U 0.0112 Eurnplum-154 U 0.016 Europlumr-155 U 0.014B Lead-212 0.823 Lena-214 0.782 Manganese-54 U 0.0122 Nlobium-94 U 0.00814-Potasslum-40 13.5 Rndiun-226 0.686 SIlver-108m U -0.0105 Thaflium-208 0.226 9806-0000-003F 116342029 Soil 28-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 11.6%Pr iecL YANK00504 Cliet ID: YANKOO1 VoL Reci'.:[ncertanty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst)ate Time BatrhMtd.+1-0.166 0.0402 +/-0.163+1-0.110 0.0858 +1-0.108+1-0214 0.0892 +1-0209+1-0.0971 0.0226 +1-0.0951+1-0.0202 0.015 +1-0.0198+1-0.024S 0.0125 +1-0.0243 41-0.0145 0.0119 +1-0.0143+/-0.0387 0.0339 +1-0.038+t-0.044 0.0375 +1-0.0431+1-0.0609 0.0423 +1-0.0597.1-0.0797 0.0193 +1-0.0781+1-0.0952 0.024 +/-0.0933+1-0.0172 0.0123 +1-0.0169+1-0.0127 0.0108 +1-0.0124+1-1.14 0.0902 +1-1.12+1-0.0971 0.0226 +1-0.0951+"-.0128 0.0105 41-0.0125 4-0.0361 0.0112 +-0.0354 0.0847 0.175 0.187 0.047 0.0312 O.026 0.0255 0.0698 0.0796 0.0862 0.0396 0.0495 0.0257 0.0226 0.297 0.047.0217 0.0234 pCVg pC/g pcvg pCVg pCI/s pCVg pC/g pC11g PC1/g pCL/g pCl1g pCVg Palk pCUg pcvg pC/g pCitg pCtg.SRB 07C20/04 2001 34S602 I nhe following Prep Methods were performed Method Deserdption Analyst Date Time Prep Batch DrySoilPrep DySoilPrepOL PAD-A-021 MiMI 07/0/D4 1140 347330 The following Ansalytcl Methods were performed Method Description EMlD HASL 300.452.3 Notes: The Qualifiers in ths report are defined as follows: B Target nnalyte was detected in the sample as well asthe ssociated blnk BD Flag for resul below the MDC or a flag for low tracer rccovery.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 555-8171 -wwwgeLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankcc Atomic Power Address: HaddamrNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Const: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Soils POM 002332 Client Sample 1D: SampielD: Report DatC August 5, 2004 Page 2 of 2 9806-0000-003F 116342029 Prpicctt YANKOOSO4 Cl.ent R:- YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time lhatch Mld.E Concentradon ofthe targetanalyte exceeds theinstnnnentcalhbmtionsange.

H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. lhe result was greater than the detction limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target tualyte was analyzed for but not detccted above the detection limiL Ul Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specfic qualifier-please a5e case narradve, data surmnary package or contnt your projectmanager for details.h Sample preparation or preservado holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weiht basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed In accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC.standard operatng p edurs. Please direct any questions to your ProjectManager, Sarah KoziL Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Addrcss: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road E=st Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Holleabeck Project Soils PO# 002332 Report Datc August5, 2004 Page 1 of 2 Client Sample MD: SamleID: MD=t: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector Moisture: 9806-0000-002F 116342030 Son 28-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 6.45%Pr Iect YANK00504 CMent ID YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: P eter Qualifier Result Uncrlainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time BatcbMtd.Rnd Gamma Spec Analysis CGamnmaSolld-FSS A& ALL FSSZ26Ingrowth Waived Actinlum-228 0.538 Axncclum-241 u 0.0145 Bisnuth-212 0.356 Bistouth-214 0A82 Cesium-134 U 0.00 Vl-Cesium-137 0.126 Cobalt-50 U -0.000238 Europlum.

152 U -0.00501 Europium-154 U 0.004S4 Europlum-15S U 0.0493 Lead-212 0.611 Lcad-214 0519 Manganese-54 U 0.00634 Niobium-94 U 0.00307 Potassiumn40 10.7 RPdlum-226 0.482 Silver-108m U 0.00415 *Thallium-208 0.176 41-0.115 0.0327 +.-.113+41-0.0659 0.057 41-0.0646 t-Q0.167 0.0695 +/41163+/-0.0687 0.0189 4-0.0674+*-0.0225 0.0122 4/-0.0221+/-0.0237 0.0101 ./-0.0232+/-0.0I22 0.0101 41-0.0119+I-0.G305 0.0254 +W-0.0299+1-0.0383 O.0328 *1-0.0381+/-0.0323 0.0306 4-0.0317+/-0.0719 0.0159 0.0705+1-0.0687 0.0179 +1-0.0673+1-0.0121 0.0103 ./-0.0118+1-0.0106 0.00903 4.40103 41.0.946 0.0839 +M-0.927+/-0.0687 0.0189 +t-0.0674 1-0.0095D 0.00861 1-10.0094 41-0.0293 O.0D904 +1-0.0292 0.0593 0.117 0.146 0.0394 0.025S 0.0211 0.217 Q0525 0.0697 0.0625 0.0326 0.M72 0.0215 0.0189 0.183 0.0394 0.0179 0.0189 paig pc/g pc/g palg pCUg PCag pcl/g pCig PC~g pC1/g Palk PUS pCUg pcI/i pCI/g SRB 071204 2001 348602 1 The folowing Prep Methods wer performed Method Description Analyst Date Time PrepDalch DqySo0lPrep DrySailPrepGIORAD-A-021 MImi 07/0U/04 1140 347330 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300,45.23 Notes: lhe Qunlifiers in this report ar defined as follows: B Target analyta was detected iD the sample as wel ns the associated blanI.BD FIag for results below the MDC or a flag forlow tracerrecotvxy.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecicut Yankcc Atomic Power Address: Haddam NeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Sols POW 002332 Report Date: August S, 2004 Page 2 oF 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-0000-002F 116342030 Proicc YANKOO504 CUecntID:

YANC001 VnI vfro Parameter Qualitler Resut Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnlystDate T1me Batch Mtd.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.*H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limiL U Indicates the tUrget analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limiL Ill Uncertain idcntification for gamma spechtoscopy.

X Lab-spccific qualifier-please as e narrative, data summary package or contact your prject manager for detnils.h Sample preparation orpreservation holding tine excecded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been preparcd and reviewed in nccordance with General Engineering Lnboratories, LLC standard operating procedurs.

Pleasec direct any questions to yourProjectManager, Sah Kozilk.Reviewid by_ _. .,_

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(B43) 556-6171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connctlcut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 1njurn Hollow Rnad East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Cont=c Mr. Pete Hofleabeck Pxqjecc Solls POO 002332 Report Data: August 5,2004 Page I of 2 Client Sample ID: SampleD): Marx: Collect Date: Receive Datc Colector Moistre: 9806-0000-004F Proict YANKoo5a4 116342031 ClientID:

YANKC001 Soil Vol. Rccvr 28-UN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 6.76%Parameter Qualier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalysiDate Tlme Badli Mtd..Rad GamaSpecAUalysis Gamn=,Sobld-FSS CAM & ALL fSS 226 Ingrovsth Waived Acdntum-225 0.652 Araneicium-241 U -O.0973 Biswutli-212 0.447 Blsmuth-214 D.603 Ceslum-134 U 0.00* U1 Ccslum-137 U 0.00409 Cobalt-60 U 0.00801 Europlum-tS2 U .0.0115 Europlums154

.U -0.00329 Europium-15S U 0.0354 Lead-212 0.648 Lead-214 0.692 Manganese-54 U 0.0148 Nlobilum-94 U 0.00265 Potasslum-40 11.7 Radium-226 0.603 Silver-1O0m U 0.0036 4 Th=llum-208 0.207+1-0.124+/-0.063+/-0.176+/-0.0754+1-0.022S+1-0.011O+-0.0213+/40.024+/-0.0391+/10.0332+l-0.066B+/-0.0804+1-0.0119+1-0.0107+1.1.03+1-0.0754+1-0.00936

+l-0.0293 0.0312 +1-0.122 0.077 +1-0.0618 0.0728 +-/0.173 0.0178 +1-0.0739 0.0125 +1-0.0223 0.0101 +/-0.0116 0.0103 +1-0.0209 0.0247 +/-O.0Z79.0316 +/-0.0373 0.0303 +1-0.0325 0161 4-0.0655 0.017 +1-0.0788 0.00943 +1-0.0116 0.00904 +/-0.0105 0.0727 +1-1.01 0.0178 +/.0.0739 0.00826 +1-O.0O917 0.00946 /-0.02S7 0.0658 0.11I 0.026 0.021 0.022 0.051 0.0668 0.0618 Q033 0.0351 0.0198 OD188 0.159 0.037 0.0171 0.0197 Pa/g pCilg Pcitg pCi/g pCUg pCl/g PC1/g pcl/g pCL'g PCi'PCIVz SRB U7U21V04 2036 348602 1 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry SoDlPrep DrySollPrepGL-RAD-A-021 MiMI 07/OS04 1140 347330 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Descrlption 1 EML HASL 300,4523 Notes: T-he Qualifiers in this report are defined ns follows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flag for results below the MDC or a fag for low trereovery.

r^_ 1-' t1 -C I A7 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 5564171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecdcutYankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Conrmcticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Soils POi 002332 Report Datc: August 5.2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-0000-004F 116342031 Proiect YANK00504 Client 2D: YANKO01 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualliftr Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalysiDate Tlme BafthMtd.E Concentration of the tuget analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded 1 Indicates an estimated value. lbe result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limiL UI Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data sununary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operaing procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager. Sarah Kozlik.Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chauleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticutYYankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contct Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Projec Soils POP 002332 Client Sample I: Samxnle ID: Matrmx: Collect Dnlc Receive Date: Collector:

Moistue: Rcport Datc: August 5,2004 Page 1 of 2 9806-0000006F ProMect YANK00504 116342032 ClienttID:

YANKOOI Soil Vol. Rccv.-28-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 9.3%Parametcr Qunifler Resuit V]L- Bd Gammna SpecAnalysls Camm4zSalid-FSS CAM & ALL FSS Z26 Ingrwtrh IncertaInty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Tlme DafebMid.Waived Actinium-228 Amerclum-241 Bismuth-212 Bisnuth-214 Cesium-134 Cesium-137 Cobak-60 Europium-5lZ Europium-154 Europlum-lSS lead-212 Lead-214 M* nganese-54 Nlobium-94 Potassium.40 Radium-226 SlIver-108m Thalilum-208 0.592 +/-0.126 0.038 +1-0.124 0.0798 U 0.010 +/-0.093 0.0593 +1-0.0912 0.121 0.390 +/-0.222 0.091 4/-0.217 0.190 0.582 +/-0.0839 0.0215 +/-0.0822 0.0447 U 0.00 +1-0.0236 0.0142 +/-0.0232 0.0296 Ul 0370 +/-OOS18 0.0116 4/-0.0507 D.0242 U 0.0195 +1-0.014 0.0129 +/-0.0237 0.0271 U -0.0121 +/-0.040 0.0341 +1-0.0392 0.0702 U 0.0285 +1-0.0449 0.0347 +/-0.044 0.0733 U 0.0607 +/-00531 0.038 +/-0.052 0.Z77s 0.704 +1-0.0801 0.022 +4-0.0785

  • 0.045 0.675 +1-0.0894 0.0238 +/4.0876 0.0491 U -0.00525 +/-0.0143 0.0118 t/-0.014 0.0246 U 0.0041 +/-0.0124 0.0108 +/-0.0121 0.0224 11.3 +1-0.866 0.0967 +/-0.849 0.207 0.582 +1-0.0839 0.0215 +-0.0822 0.0447 U -0.095 +/-0.D137 0.0113 +/-0.0135

.0233 0.221 +/.0402 0.0113 +/-0.0394 0.0235 palg pClg pFlg pCUg pCvg pCI1g pcig pClg pCi/g pC/g pCIJg pCilg pCilg patg pC11g pCL~g pQrg SRl3 07/20'04 2040 348602 1 The rollowingPrp Methods were performed Method Descriptian Analyst Date TIme Prep BDatch DrySoilPrep DMySoilPrepGLARAD-A-021 MiMI 07108/04 1140 347330 The following Analytical Methods were performed L Method Description I EMILHASL 300.4.5.23 i Notes: The Qualifiers In this report arr defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected In the sample as wel as thc asociated blank BD Flag for results below the MDC or a flag for low cr recovcry.

GENERAL ENGINEERiNG LABORATORiES, LLC GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 5568-171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yanlee Atomic Power Address: HaddamlieckPlnnt 3621njunHollow Rond East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Cont2ct Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Soils PO# 002332 ReportDate:

August 5,2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-0000006F 116342032 CProiect YANK00504 Clent&D: YANKOOI Vol. Recv-Pararoter Qualiller Result Uncertalnty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Mme Datchdbtd E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.I Indicate an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected abovc the detection limit.Ul Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please wee case narrative, data sumnmany packnge or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample ls reported on a dry weght basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordancc with Genera] Engineering Laboratouies, LLC standard operatdng procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlik Q Cti oC Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 55568171 -wavw.geLcom Certificate of Analysis-Company: Connecdcut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road EAst Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Conlact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Prject Soils PO# 002332 ReportDate:

August5,2004 Page I of 2-Client Sample ID: SarnilelD:

Matrix: CollectDate:

Receive Dat: Collecton Moistur: 9806-0000-032F 116342033 Soil 23-JUN-04 07-JUL04 Client 5.69%Pro jc YANK00504 Client ID. YANKOOl Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualer Resut 11_Rd Gm= SpecAnnlysls Gamrm4Sto1d-FSS CAM & AL FSS 226Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.464 Americium-241 U -0.000B79 Bismuth-212 0275 Blsmush-214 0.463 Cesium-134 U 0.00; Ul Cesiun-137 0.0963 Cobalt-60 U 0.00477 Europium-152 U 40.0317 Europium-154 U -0.0386 Europium-155 U 0.0279 Lead-212 0.479 Lcad-214 0549 Manganese.54 U 0.00945 Nlobium-94 U 0.000406 4 Potasslum-40 11.7 Radlum-226 0.463 SUver-108m U -0.000756 4 Iballium-208 0.129 Rad Gas Flow Proportlonal Counllng Incerilanty LC TPU -MDA Unilts DF AnalystDate Time BatchMtL+1-0.111 0.0317 +/-0108+W-0.078 0.0625 +4-0.0765 W40.156 0.0674 +/-0.153+1-0.0621 0.017 +-0.0609+1-0.0193 0.00915 +1-0.0189+1-0.0213 000832 +1"0.0209+-0.0105 0.0921 +1-0.0103+1-0.0282 0.0226 uI-0.0276+1-0.0364 0.0284 +1-0.0S7+J-0.0419 0.028 4/-0.041+1-0.0518 0.0145 +/-0.0507+1-0.0611 0.0171 +1-0.0667+1-0.0108 0.00949 4-0.0105/-0.00952 0.00816+/.0.00933

+1-1.09 0.0749 .+1-L06+1-0.0621 0.017 +-.0609 1-0.00W79 0.00783 +100862+/-0.0228 0.00837 +1-0.0223 0.0667 0.128 0.141 0.0354 0.0193 0.0174 0.0197 0.0469 0.0604 0.0575 0.0297 0.053 0.0199 0.017 0.163 0.0354 0.0163 0.0175 0.0254 pcilg pCVg pCi/g pCVg pCI/g pCL/g Palk pC(/g pci'g pCVg pCVg p Ci/g pCig pCl/g pCUg pCUg SRB 07n104 2041 3486021 GFPC, Sr9a zaZUd-ALL FSS Strntiun-90 U 0.00694 +1-0.0119 0.0117 +1-0.012 pCltg HOBI 07n24/04 0837 350467 2; .he following Prep Mehods were performed Method Descriptlon

-Ash Soll Prep Ash Soil Prep. GL-RAD-A-021B

  • DIy Soil Prep D* Soll Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Ayst Date BSWI 07/09/04 MJIU1 07/08/04 Time Prep Balch 1444 347333 1140 347330 i-The following Analytical Methods wre performed Method DescripUon ZMLHASL300,4.5.23 EPA 905.0 Mad"lied 2 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadeston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.gelcom Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticutYankce Atomic Power Address: THaddamNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenlbcck Project SailsPON 002332 Rcpon Date: Angust5, 2004 Page 2 of 2 Prpiect YANK}C504 Chteat ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.Client Sample ID: SampleID: 9806-0000-032F 116342033 rarnaeter Qualifler Result 13.certainty LC TPU MDA UnIts DF AralystDate Tane IBatchjItd.

fas^rrrmor repnvpr TeSt :1Prnvrrv9r Acrcntnble rImuft--. .ub^.gs, ,." , , _ .; -X CaxrierfTracer Rcovery GOFP C, iS90, soid-ALL FSS 83 (25%-12S%)

Notes: The QUlifiers in this report arn defined as floows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as wcll as the associated blank.BD Flag for rsults below the MDC or a flag for low traccr reovery.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the Instrwment calibration range.H Analytical bolding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limiL Ul Uncertain identification for gmma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please sce case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample prepamadonS or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a ciy weight basis.Tis data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Pleasedirect any questicAs to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlik.Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC-GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chardeston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticutYankee Atomic Power Address: HaddamcNcckPlant 362 Injun HollowRoad East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Con=zct hMr. Pete Hollenbeck Pnrject Soils POY 002332 Client Sample 11: Sample ID: Mn: CollectDatc:



Moisture Rcport Dat= August 5, 2004 Page I of 2 9806-0000-034F 116342034 Soi 23-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 3.29%Prpiect YANKOD5D4 Caeut ID: YANKOD1 Vol. Recv.: Parametcr Qualifler Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnnlystDate Thae llatabMtd.

_Rad Gammn Spec Analysis GammaSotid-FSS GAK & ALL FSS 226 1ngrowth Waived Actinlum-228 0.551 Americium-241 U -0.0233 Blsmuth-212 0319 Bismutb-214 0.499 Ceslum-134 U 0.0219 Cesium-137 U 0.0073 Cobalt-60 U -0.000307 Europium-152 U -0.0174 Europium-154 U -0.DI56 Europium-155 U 0.0523 Lead-212 0.498 Lead-214 0539 Manganese-54 U 0.00088 Nloblum-94 U 0.00068 -Potasslum40 13.4 Radium-226 0.499 Silver-108m U -0.00353 llium-208 0.156 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Countling GFPC Sr90, aolid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0182__tl-O.lll 0.0318 1-0.109 0.0668+/-0.0432 0.0399 +1-0.0423 0.0Q13+1-0.160 0.069 +10.157 0.144+1-0.0627 0.0162 +/-0.0615 0.0336+I-0.021 0.012 40.0206 0.0249+1-0.0143 0.00983 /.0.14 0.0204+/-0.0122 0.0103 +"-0.012 0.0218 W/-0.0285 0.0245 41-D.028 0.0504+10.0389 0.0321 +1-0.0381 0.0676+1-0.0313 0.0292 +1-0.0307 0.0596+1-0.0512 0.0151 4+-0.0502 0.0309+1-0.0625 0.0202 +1-0.0613 0.0415+1-0.0114 0.00969 +1-0.0111 O.20 l-0.00978 0.00849+1-0.00959 0.0177+1-1.04 0.0797 +1-1.02 0.172+1.0.0627 0.0162 +/-0.0615 0.0336.1-0.00974 0.00823 +1-0.00954

-0.017+-10.0266 0.00894 l.0.0261 0.0186+/-0.014i 0.0136 +1-0.0156 0.0292 pci/g PCi/g pCVg pCi/g pCi/g pCIlg PCf/g.pC11g pci/g pCi/g pci/g pCi/g pci/c Palkc pcI/g PCiVg SRB 0712U/04 2044 348602 1 HOBI 07124/04 0337 350467 2 The folowilng Prep Methods were performed Method Descriltfon Analyt Date Time Prep Batch Ash Soil Prep Ash Soil Prep, GLRAD-A-021B Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-M21 The rollowing Analytical Methods were performed Methodl Description 1 EMLHASL300.4a5.24 3 Z EPA 905.0 Modified BSW1 MiMI 07/09104 07/08104 1444 114D 347333 347330_ e n- r ,a- ,

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-1171 Cerificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee AtomicPower Address: HaddazNcckPlant 362 Injun Hollow lRoad EastHanpton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Prqoect: SoalskO# 002332 Report Date: AugUst5, 2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-O000-034F 116342034 Pirct YANKOOS04 Clicnt ID: YANKOOI Vol. Rccv.Parrnmeter Qualiler Result Vncertalnty LC TPU MDA units DF AnalystDate Time IatdlMtd._ Surrogntsflracerrecovery Test CarriTrxacerRecoveiy GEP Rtecreq% AcceptableUmIts

<, Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS 79 (25%*-12S%)

Notes: Thc Qualifiers In this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flag for results below the MDC r a flag for low tracer recovery.E Concentration of the target azalye exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded I Indicates an estimated value. Ihe result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting llmin U Indicates the ltaet analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.-Uncertainidentifcationforgammaspectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary pa:kage or contact your project manager for details.h Sample prepamtion orpresaton holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.-his data rcport bhs been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Picnsc direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlik.Reviewed by 4'I _r I A7f GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Rload Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 555-6171 Certificate of Analysis Company: CaonecticutYanket Atomic Power Address: HaddamNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hompton. Connecticut 06424 Contactl Mr. Pete Holcnbeck Project Soils PO#f 002332 ReportDate:

August5, 2004 Page I of 2 Client Sample ID: SanmleID: Matrx: CollectDate:

Receive Date: Collector.

9806-0000-022FDEP S 116342035 Soil 21-JUN-04 07-JUIL-04 Client'7 K .-, Procct YANK00504 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recr.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Rod Gamma Spec Analysts Gamma.Sotid-FSS CAM & ALLFSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actiaium-228 0.641 +1-0.134 0.0431 +/-0.131 0.0898 Amencium-241 U -0.00226 +1-0.0213 0.0183 +/-0.0209 0.0372 Bismuth-212 0386 +1-0.245 0.0983 +1-0.240 0.204 Bismuth-214 0.674 +40.091 0.0243 +1-0.0S91 0.0501 Ceslam-134 U 0.0203 +1-0.0346 0.0163 +1-0.0339 0M37 Cesium-137

  • 0.104 -0.030 0.0134 +1-0.0294 0.0277 Cobalt-60 U -0.00116 +1-0.0167 0.0136 +/-0.0164 0.0284 Europium-l52 U -0.0186 +1-0.0347 0.0304 +/-0.0341 0.0624 Europiumn154 U -0.00463 +J-0.0497 0.0404 +/-0.0487 0.0845 Earopium-155 U 0.039 +10.0472 0.0277 +/-0.0462 0.0564 Lead-212 0.642 +1-0.0705 0.0186 +/-0.0691 0.0379 Lead-214 0.694 +1-0.0S67 0.0228 +1-0.0849 0.0467 Mmagonese-54 U 0.0166 +14.0165 0.0147 +/-0.0162 0.0304 Niobium-94 U -0.000396

+1-0.0135 0.0114 +1-0.0135 0.0236 Pctassium-40 11.8 +1-0.936 0.116 +1-0.917 0.246 Radiuum-226 0.674 +1-0.091 0.0243 +1-0.0891 0.0501 Sllvcr-108m U 0.00297 +/-00123 0.0108 +1.0.012.

0.0222 Thallium-208 0.224 +1 0.0381 0.013 +1-0.0373 0.0268 had Gas Flow Proportlonal Countiog GFPC Sr90, solid-AL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00551 +/-0.00935 0.00892+/.0.00947 0.0192 Units DF AnastDate Time Batch N11A.pCl/g pc~lg PC14g pCL/g PCVg pCI/g pCl/g pci/g pCi/g pcllg pCVg pCf/g pCilk SRB 07/20D4 2044 348602 1 HOBI 07/24104 1502 350467 2=M V-*nuns M .., -. -^r f Method Descriptlon Analyst Date Tlme Prep Batch I i Ash Soll Prep Ash Soil Prep, GL-RAD-A-021B I Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A.021 BSWl MlMI 07/09104 07/08104 1445 347333 1140 347330-The following Analytical Methods wer performed Method Description 1 EMLHASL300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modlncd_ I. -.

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: laddam NeckPlant 362 njun Hollow Road East Hanpton, Connecticut 064Z4 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: Sample ED: Report Datc August:5$2004 Page 2 of 2 9806O0004O22FDEP S 116342035 ,O;nCD YANKOO504 MVin~eD YANKOO1 Parameter Qualfler Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA units DF AnalystDate Time alrbWMtd.Surroatefrrncer recovery Test Carrierlraccr Recovery GFPM Recovery?.

Acceptable Limts C, Sr9M. solid-ALL FSS 80 (25¶-12S%)

Notes: The Qualifiers in this repor are defincd as follows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associaied blan.BD Flagfor rsults below theMDCora flagforlow traesrrecovery.

E Concentration of the target annalyte exceeds the instrurncnt calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.3 Indicates an estimated value. Tbe result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target 3nalyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection lirmiL Ul Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Ib-specific qlificr-pleaesee case nartive, data summary paccage or contact your project manager for detals.h Sample preparatio or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is rcported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlic Reviewed by_n _ _ -.1 IIr -I A -r^

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 5564171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecicutYankee Atomic Power Address: HaddamNeck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr.Pete Hollcnbeck Projec: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Mafnfi CoflcstDate ReceiveDate:

Collectot Moisture ReportDate AugustS, 2004 Page I of 2 9806-0000-033FDEPS Proiect: YANlD0504 116342036 Client ID: YANK001 Sol] Vol. Rcv-.22-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 4.89%7 Parameter.

Quallfler Result Uncertnty LC TPU MDA Unlts DF AnalystDate Tlme intchMtd.Rad Gamma SpecAnalysis Gammq,SolJd-FSS GAM & ALL FSS226 Ingrwth Waived Acdnium-228 0.447 Americium-241 U -0.00717> Bis5nuth-212 0.250 Blsmuth-214 0.451 Ceslum-134 U 0.00 L Ccsium-137 0.0296 Cobalt40 U -0.00122 Europium-152 U -0.0296 Europlum-154 U 0.00608 Europium-15 U 0.0254 Lead-212 0.478 Lead-214 0.463 Manganese-54 U 0.00525 Nloblum-94 U 0.00412 Potasslum-40 11.0 Rzdium-226 0.451 StIver-108am U 0.00109 j Thaliusm-208 0.157_ Rad Gns FlowProporiloenl Counting GFPC, Sr90 solid-ALL FSS Stronatum-90 U -0.00354 4--4-0.108 0.0433 +10.106 0.0908+/-0.0175 0.0147 +1-0.0171 0.0301+4./183 0.0872 +.-0.180 0J83.1-0.0728 0.019 +1-0.0713 0.0396+/-0.0273 0.0144 44-0.0268 0.0299+/-0.0194 0.011 +/-0.019 0.023+1-0.0141 0.012 +1-0.0138 0.0256+/-0.0O78 0.0231 +/-0.0272 0.048+1-0.0398 0.0346 +/-0.039 0.0735+1-0.0351 0.023 +1-0.0344 0.0472+1-0.0515 0.0135 +I-0.050S 0.0278+1-0.0604 0.0189 +1-0.0592 0.0391+1-0.013 0.0114 +1-0.0128 0.024+/-0.0121 0.0108 +/-0.0119

.0224+1-0.876 0.102 +1-0.859 0.220+1-0.0728 0.019 +1-0.0713 0.0396+1-0.0103 O.W0888 +1-0.0101 0.0185+1.037 0.00995 +/-.0331 0.0208/-0.00901

.0.00954+1-.00907 0.0204 pcl/g pcl/g pC/g p6i/g pOrg pCUg pcL'g-Pclg pCig pa/g.Pcilg pCilg pCUg pCi/g paig pa/g pCl/g SRB 07r2LY04 2047 348602 1 pclg HOBI 07/24/04 1503 350467 2 The following PrepMcthods were performed Method Descrptlon Analyst Date Time Prep Batch f L Ash Soil P=p Ash Soil Prep, GL-RAD-A-021B.Dry Soil Prep Dry Soll Prep CL4AD-A-021 BSWI MRVU 07/09/04 1445 347333 07/08/04 1140 347330 I The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Descriptlon 1 2 EML HASL 300.45-2.3 EPA 905.0 Modificed GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Ynkee Atomic Power.Address: Haddan Neck Pkant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Soils POD 002332 ReportDate AugustS,204 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-000O-033F DEP S 116342036 Piect: YANK05O4 ChMent 1D: YANK001 VoL Reecv.-Paraseter Qualifer Result Uncertainty LC 7PU MDA units DF AnalystDate Time BatchMitd Surrogatermacer recovely Test CariertfrracrRecovery GEPC, Sc Recovery%Acceptable Lmits 90, solid-ALLFSS 81 (25%-125%)

Notes: The Qualifiers in this report nre defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected in the sarple as wel as the associated blank.BD Flag for results below the MDC or a flag for low tracer recovey.L E Concentration of the target analyte cxceeds the Instrument calibration rangc H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. he result was greater then the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates tbe target analyte was nnalyzed for but not detected above the detection limiL Ul Uncertin identification forgainun spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifer-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Pmject Manager, Sarah Kozlik.Reviewed by Doe mt 1 1q nF 17 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 -www.gelcom Certifcate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contactr Mr. Pete Holleobeck Project: Soils PON 002332 Client Sample ID: Samplc ID: Matrwx: CollectDatct Receive Datc: Collector.

Moisture: ReportDate:

August 5.2004 Page 1 of 2 9806-0000-030F DEP S Proiect YANK005 4 116342037 Client II: YANKOOI So1 2 VoL Ruer.: 22-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 client 2.64%Panrmeter QOulifler Result Uncertalnty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Batch Mtd&! ERd Gummna Spec Anaysls Camma.Solld-FSS CAM & AZ Waived Actinium-228 Americium-241

's Bissnulh-212 L FSS 226 Ingrowth Blsruth-214 Cesium-134

,_ Cesiumr-137 Cobalt-60 Europium-152 Europium-l54 Europium-1S5 Lead-212 Lead-214 Manganese-54 Mobium-94 Potassium-40 Rndium-226 Silver-lOm Thnllium-208 Rnad GnsFlowlProportional C GFPC Sn90o olld-ALL FSS Strntflum-90 0.467 41-0.138 0.0515 41-0.136 0.109 U 0.0245 +/-0.0364 0.m05 +/-0o57 0.0622 U

  • 0.00 +1-0381 0.103 +1-0373 0.217 Ul 0.382 +/-O.OS63 0.0271 +1-0.065 0.0564 U 0.0219 +1-0.0208 0.0157 +10.0204 0.033 U 0.0136 +1-0.0375 0.0146 +1-0.0368 0.0305 U 0.00774 +/-0.0159 0.0138 +1-0.0156 0.0296 U 0.00496 +1-0.0387 0.0343 +/-0.0379 0.0708 U 0.0086 +1-0.037 0.0448 +-0.0527 0.0951 U 0.00 41-0.0515 0.036 +1-0.050S 0.0735 Ul 0.414 +1-0.0563 0.0194 +/-0.0552 0.0398 0372 +1-0.0653 0.024 *1-0.064 0.0496 U -0.011 41-0.0159 0.0131 41-0.0156 0.077 U 0.0027 +1-0.0158 0.0135 +1-0.0155 0.0282 10.4 +1-0.943 0.123 4/-0924 0.276 0.382 +/-0.0663 0.0271 +1-0.065 0.0564 U 0.00697 +1-0.0135 0.012 +1-0.0132 0.0249 0.139 /-0.0355 .0.0134 1/-0.0348 0.028 OuntDng U 0.00538 +1-0.00945 0.00911.+-0.00954 0.0194 pCag pCVg pCilg SRB 07/20104 2047 34B602 1 pCi/g pCI/S pCr-g pCi/g pCig pCi/g PCIg pCllg pc[/s pCL'g pCI/g pci/g pCI/g pCi/g pClg pCb/g HOBI 07/2404 1503 3504672 The followine Preo Methods were performed i.j Method Descriptlon Analyst Date TIme Prep Batch Ash Sol Preo Ash Soil Prep. GLRAD-A-21B BSWJ 07/09/04 1445 347333 Dzy Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Mebl 071081D4 1140 347330 L The fouowlng Aalytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300.4523 EPA 905.0 Modified'n -It A -V tA7 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2D40 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 55"8171 Certifcate of Analysis Company: ConnecutYanked Atomic Power Address: Hadda NeckPlant 362 Injun Hallow Road East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Contsct Mr. Pate Hollenbeck Prmject Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample 11: SamplelD: ReportDate:

August 5,2004 Page 2 of 2 9806-O000-030FDEP S 116342037 Prpjec: YANK00504 Chient YANK001 VoL Recv.Parameter Qualifier Result Uncerainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnnlystDate Time BlajCh MtL r .f. V. A .tt V- 1-~n~Lvcr iP J1L~I&WW L.IUJ_Caier/Tracer Recovery GFP(C, Sc9O, solid-ALL SS 90WTC7j (25%-1 AIU 90 (25%-125%)

_ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _Notes: The Qualifiers In this report are defined as follows: 13 Target analyte was detcted in the sample as wel ns the associated blank.B1D Flag for results below the MDC or flag for low tracer recovery.E Concentration of the target anlyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded..

J Indicales an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed forbut not detected above the detection limiL UI Uncertain idcatification forgamrnma spescopy.X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narradve, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sarmple is reported on a dry weightbasis.

This data report has been prepared and reviewea in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Poject Manager, Sarah KozIC Reviewed by PnaC, 1 1 nf 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charieston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 -www.gIl.cOm Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticutYnnme Atomic Power Addrcsu: HaddamNeck Plant 362Injun HollowRoad East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Petw Holenbeck Project Soils POP OD332 Client SamIplc ID: Sarnmle E: Matru CollectDatc Receive Date: Collector Moisture: Report Datce August S. 2004 Page 1 of 2 9806-0000.29FDEPS Projeet YANK00504 116342038 CLicntl: YANKi01 Soil Vol. Recv 22-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 6.66%Parumeter Quallfer Resut U Rald Gamma SpecAnalty3S GammauSolld-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingruwth Waived Actiniusn-228 0.434 Americlum-241 U -0.0091 Bismuth-212 0.200 Bismuth-214 0.403 Cesium-134 U 0.0251 Cesium-137 U 0.000476 Cobalt-60 U -0.000906 Europium-152 U Q0174 Europiuum154 U 0.0349 EuropiuM-S5 U 0.0437 lznd-212 0.434 Lead-214 OA91 Manganesc-54 U 0.000294 Nloblum-94 U 0.00198 PotasslumA40 12.4 Radlum-226 0.403 Silver-l08m U 0.00415 Thallium-208 0.134 Rad Gas Flaw Proportional Counting GFPC, SM, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00633 4 Uncerdinty LC TPU MDA Unlts DF AntlystDate Tfime BatchMId.+t-0.0994 0.0396 +1-0.0974+/-0.0541 0.0472 +-0.053+/-0.152 0.0726 +1-0.149+1-0.0602 0.0188 +1-0.059+1-0.0212 0.0129 +t-00208+t-0.0114 0.00982 +/-0.0112+/-0.0132 0.0111 +1-0.013+/-OM3 0.0287 +t-D.0324+1-0.0412 0.0369 +/-0.D403+I-0.0328 0.0298 +1-0.0322+1-0.0363 0.0174 +1-0.0356+1-0.0567 0.0197 +/-O.Q556+1-0.0124 0.0104 tJ-0.0121+/J-Q.OII

.0.095 +1-0.0109+1-0.615 0.103 +/-0.603+/-0.0602 0.0188 +1-0.059+1-0.0II 0.00978 +1.0.0113+/-0.0309 0.00978 +1-0.0303/-0.00932 0.008S5+/-0.00946 0.0833 0.o966 0.153 0.0392 0.0269 0.0206 0.0237 0.0594 0.0781 D.0609 0.0357 0.0408 OD219 0.020 0222 0.0392 0.0203 0205 0.0189 pCilg pcilg pCi/g pCilg pcl/g pclyg pcl/g pCVg pC?/g pci/g pCi/g pCilg pcl/g SRB 07/2004 2106 348602 1 HOBI 07/24104 1505 350467 2*U U UU;C & SA Wl. U*Metbod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Ash Soil Prep Ash Soil Prep. GL-RAD-A-021B i Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep OL-RAD-A-021 BSW1 MUM1 07/09/04 1445 347333 07/08/04 1140 347330 The following Analytlcal Methods were perforned! Method Description I EMLHMASL300.45.23 2 EPA 905.0 ModIfed GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(543) 556-8171 -www.gel.corn Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Coninecdcut 06424 Contaca Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils P0# 002332 ReportDate:

August 5.2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-O00O-029F DEP S 116342038 Proct YANK00504 ClientlD:

YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualiiler Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA units DF AnalystDnte Time DatchMtiL SurrogatelrucerreCovry Test CarierfrracerRecovery GFP(Reun e% Acceptable LmIts', Sr9M, solid-ALL FSS 86 (25%-125%)

Notes: The Qualifis in this report awe defined as follows: B Target nnalyte was deected in the sample ns well as the associated blank.1D Flag for rsts below the MDC or a nflg forlow tracerrecovry.

' E Concentration of the target nnalyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.1 Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting lirniL U Indicates the target nnalyte was analyzed forbut not detected above the detection limiL UI Uncertain identification for ganmn spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-please see case narrative, data sunmamy paclnge or contact your project -nager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The nbove sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlik.Reviewed by_ .._ .._

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Soils PO# 002332 ReportDowtc AugustS,2004 Page 1 of 2 Client Sanple ID: Sarnple ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Daet!Collector.

Moisture: Parameter Quallfier Result Rod Gaamrn Spec Analysls G;ammaSolid-FSS GAM& AL FSS2261nagrow Waiyed Actdnium-228 01328 Americium-241 U 0.00263 Bismuth-212 0205 Bismuth-214 0.374 Ceslum-134 U 0.0164 Cesium-137 U 0.00502_ Cobalt-60 U -0.00612 Europium-lS2 U -0.00723 Europlum-154 U 0.00255 Europium-l55 U 0.0137 Leae-212 0337 Lzad-214 0.422 Mangannese.4 U 0.00518 Niobium-94 U 0.0124 Potassium-40 14.7 Radium-226 0.374 Silvcr-108m U -0.0027 Thallium-208 0.101 Rnd Gas flow Proportional Counting GFPC Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Struntiur-90 U -0.00336 9806-0000-028F DEP S 116342039 Soil 22-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 3.63%a Prtoect: YANK00504 Clint ID: YANKOO1 Vol. Racv.: Uncertainty LC IPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate TIme iatch Mid.W/-0.0873

.0.0322 4+-0.0856+-90.0422 0.0401 +/-0.0414*/-0.178 0.066 +/-0.174 41-0.060 0.015 +/-.0588 41-0.0131 0.0116 +1-0.0129+4-0.0115 0.0095 +41-0.0113

+/-0.0122 0.00958 +1-0.0119+1-0.0259 0.0229 +/-O.M54+1-0.0383 0.032 +/-0.0375 4-0287 0.066 +1-.M081+/.0387 0.0136 +/-0.038+1-0.057 0.0172 +4-0.0559+410113 0.0101 +J-0.0111+/-0.0106 0.00941 +/.0104 41-1.12 0.0762 4/-1.00+1-0.060 0.015 +/-0.0588+-0.00888 0.00766 +/-0.0087+1-0.0252 0.00924 +/-0.0247 0.0681 0.0821 0.139 0.0314 0.0243 0.0208 0.0206 Q0.475 0.0677 0.0545 0.0279 0.0357 0.0211 0.0196 0.166 0.0314 0.016 0.0193 pClg.pCUg pCL/g 7-PCL'g.PCVg pCi/g PCVg pcl/g pCl/g pCi/g pCUg pcilg pcug Pauk pcl/g pCi~g Fc11g pals pCl/F PCug9 SRB 720/04 2107 3486021 HOBI OMUI04 IS0 350467 2+I-0.00897 0.00948 +/-0.00902 0.0203 The followine Pren Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Ash Soil Prep Ash Soil Prep, OL-RAD-A-021B Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GLRAD-A-021 BSWI MiMI 07/09/D4 1445 347333 07/08/04 1140. 347330 The following Analytical Methods were performed I Method_ I Description a EML HASL 300.4.53 EPA 905.0 ModUled GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankec Atomic Power Address: Haddam Ncck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Raad East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Cont=fl Mr. Pete Hollcrbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date August S. 2004 Page 2 of 2 Client Samnple ID: SamplecI):

9806-Q000-028FDEP S 116342039 Prpiect YANK00504 Clent ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualllier Result Uncertinty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time ZatchMtda Surrognterrracer recovery Test CarrierfrracerRecovery GFPM Recovery%

AeceptableLlmlts 82 (25%-125%)

1C, Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Notes: Ihc Quaiificrs In this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well Ls thc associated blank.BD Flag for results below the C or a flag for low tracer recovery.E Concentration of the target analytc exceeds the instrmnnent calibration rangc.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed forbut not detcted above the detection limit.UI Uncertain identification for gamma specscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-pleasc see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservntion holding time cxceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.Ihis data report has been prepared and reviewed In accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operadng procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Prject Manager, Sarah KozMlk Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticutYankee Atomic Power Address: *Haddam NcckPlant 362 InJun Hollow Road* EastHampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pcte Hollenbeck ProwJcr Soils P0# 002332 ReportDate:

AugustS,2004 Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID: SampleID: Mahtx CollectDate:

Receive Date: Collector.

Moistre: 98065-023F 116342040 Soil 21-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 4.28%Pro ject YANK00504 Client ID: YANK001 VoL Recv-Pnenet..e nunl~ftpr Rpvll Un1 tAlnttv LC TPU MDA Unlts DF Annlystl)2te Time BDtchMtd.RndAtphaSpecAnlyspls AlphaspecAm241, Cm, SolidlAU ESS Amcrlcium-241 U 0.0618 +1-0.0896 Curium-242 U -0.0186 ..-0.021 Curium.2431244 U -0.0345 +1-.0878 Alphaspec P, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U 0.0118 +1-0.0471 Plutoulum-239/240 U 0.00 +1-0.0445 LiquiddScLntPu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -0.112 +1-7.98 Rad Gamma SpecAnalysis

-GwmmaSolid-FSS GAMA & ALL FSS 226 Ingrovrh -Waived Actiniumn-228 .A68 +1-0.0962 Ameicium-241 U 0.0146 +1-0.0453 Blsmuth-212 0391 +IA133 Blsmuth-214 0515 140.0687 Ccsium-134 U 0.00 +-0.0217 U'Ceslum-137 0.138 +10.0273 Cobalt-60 U 0.00134 +1-0.0117_ Europium-152 U -0.0174 +1.0.0267 Europlum-154 U -0.00477 +1-0.038 Europium-1SS U 0.00402 +1-0.0257 Lead-212 0.428 +1-0.0433 Lzad-214 0.567 +1-0.0649 Manganesc-54 U 0.0177 +1-0.0139 NMobium-94 U 0.0D216 +1-0.00974 Potassiur-40 12.6 +1-0993 Ridium-226 0.515 +1-0.0687 Silver-lOm U -0.00518 +1-0.00937 Thallium-208 0.115 +1-0.0236 Rad Gas Flow Proportlinal Counting GFPC, SrO, sotid-ALL FSS Strontlum-90 U -0.00382 +1-0.00929 Rad Liquid Sclntilntlon Analysit SC, Tritium DMor, Solid-ITDrMZALL FSS Triddum U 0.0969 +/-420 0.0563 +14.0899 0.0509 +/-0.0211 0.110 +1-0.0879 0.0366 +1I0.0471 0.00 +.10.0445.

6.70 +/.7.98 0.0341 +1-0.0943 0.0367 +1-0.0444 0.0667 +1-0.131 0.0162 +1.0.0673 0.0113 +10.0213 0.00865 +1-0.0268 0.00972 +40.0114 0.0217 +1-0.0262 0.0313 +1-0.0372 0.0239 +1-0.0252 0.0126 +1.00424 0.0163 +1400636.00974 +1-0.0136 0.00827 +1-0.0095S 0.0824 -4/-0.973 0.0162 +1-0.0673 0.00701+1-0.00919 0.00865 +1-0.0231 0.00983+1-0.00934 0.172 0172 0.280 0.135 0.0616 pCtg pCltg pCifg pCstg pClg JASI 07m27/04 1643 35177B I JASI 0127/04 130 351779 2 JASI 07i29/04 1129 351780 3 SR13 07120/04 2107 3486024 13.7 pCi/g.0715 0.0751 0.140 0.0337 0.0235 0.0181.0207 0.0448 0.066 0.0489 0.0258 0.0337 0.0204 0.0173 0.178 0.0337 0.0146 0.018 0.0209 pCilg pCitg pci/a pCUg pCi/g pcikg pCitg pCtg pCltg pci/g pCitg pcirg pC~tg 9 C1/g pCitg HOBI 07/24/04 1506 350467 5 352 +1-4.20 7.05 pCilg lL.331 Ot128tO 0341 352226 6 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040-Savage Road Chadfeton SC 29407 -(843) 556-5171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddam NeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connectict 06424 Contact: Mr.Pete Hollenbeck Proiect Soils POD 002332 ReportDate:

August 5,2004 Page 2 of 3 ClientSample ID: Snmple IO: 9806-0000-023F 116342040 Prct YANK00504 Client lD: YANKOOI Vol. Recv-Parameter Qualllcr Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDte TIme batch Mid.Rad Uquld Scintillation Analysis LiquidSdnt C14, SoldAILFSS Carbon-14 UqUcidSnt FeSS, Solid-ALFSS Iron-55 U Liquid Sc NW63. Solid-ALL FSS NlckclS63 U Liquid Scint TM9 Solid-ALL FSS Technctiun-99 U 0.202 +/-0.110 0.0875 4/-0.110 0.179 pC1/g-263 +1-32.6 15.9 +1-32.6 330 4/-7.77 6.44 +/-7.77 333 palg PD 07/29/04 2031 349787 7 JLBI 07/26104 0407 3503328 JLBI 07/22/04 0415 350333 9 DAJI 08/01/04 1024 352224 10 132 pCi/g 0.473 pCi/g 0.0987 41-0.278 0.231 /-0.278 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Ash Soil Prep Ash Soil Prep, &L-RAD-A-021B BSWI 07/09/04 1443 347344 Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep LRAD-A-021 MiMi 07108104 1143 347331 The following Analytica Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL.300,Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL,300,Pu-I-RC Modified 4 EMLHASL300,445.23 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 8 DOE RESLFe-l, Modified 9 DOERESLNI-1,Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300.

Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogatetrracer recovery Test Recovery%

AeeeptableLbnits Americium-243 Plutonlum-242 Caricrfrccr Recovery CarrierTrrocer Recovery CnrrerfT=Cr Recovc Carreftrracer Recovery Aiphaspec Am241, Cm, Soad All Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Liquid Scint Pu241. Solid-ALL FS GE:PC, Sr9D, solid-ALLFSS Llquld Sctnt FeS5. Solld-ALL FS Liquld Scnt N163. Solld-ALLPS 94 94 8B 84 EB 84 (25%-125%)



GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 555-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: ConecticutYaniee Atomic Power Address: HaddamNcckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hanpton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PON 002332 RcporDatz:

August5,2004 Page 3 of 3 Client Sample 1: Samp]cID: 9806-0000-023F 116342D40 Proiec YANKO0S04 Clie.ntiD:

YANKOO1 Vol. Recy: Parameter Quallfler Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDatc Time Batch Mtd.CarrerlTraccrRecovery Liquid Sclatlc99.

Solid-ALL FS 71 Notes: The Qualifiers In this rcport are defined as follows: B Targetanalyte was deteted In the sample as well as the assoclated blank.9D nlag for results below the MDC or a flag for low tracer recovery.E Concentradon of the taret analyte exceeds the instrument calibron range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detecdon limiLl*UI Uncertainidendfimationforgamnmspectroscopy.

1 X lbspcificqanid er-pleasesoor a speenomsve,datasummary package orcontactyourprojectmanagerfordetails.

h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weght basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlk.Reviewcd by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnectlcutYankee Atomic Power Address: HaddamNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Conlact: Mr. Pcte Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Report Date August5,2004 Pagc I of 3 CLjent Sample ID: Sample]D: Matux Collect Date: Receive Date: CoUector: Moisture: 9806-000-023FDEPS 116342041 Soil 21-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 4.6%Projct: YANK00504 CinentI. YANKOO0 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qu1I"ller Iesult Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AmalystDate Time Batch Mtd..Rad Alpba Spec Analysts AlphaspecAm24l.

Cmi SoIALLFSS Americium-241 U 0.118 Curium.242 U 0.0197 Curi=-243f744 U 0.0311 Alphaxpec Pi4 Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.0406 Plutonlum-2391240 tt 0.0241 ILtqutdScltPu241, Solid-ALLFSS Plutonium-241 U -5.61 Rnd Gamma Spec Analysis GamnuSolid-FSS CAM & ALL FSS 226 InSrowth lValved Actinlum-228 0.457 Amnricium-241 U -0.0751 Bismuth-212 U 0.00* Ul Bismuth-214 0.445 Ceslum-134 U 0.0134 Ceslum-137 0.0649 Cobal-60 .U -0.00333 Europlum-152 U -0.0106 Europium-1S4 U -0.0213 Eurapium-15S U 0.073 Lead-212 0.441 Lxz&214 0.535 Mangantse-54 U 0.D0625.Nlobium-94 U -0.00897 PotassiumA4 13.2 Radium-226 0.445 L Silvcr-108m U -0.0024 Thallium-208 0.125 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90. .olid-AL fSS Strontium-90 U -0.00202 4 Rod Liquld ScintillatIon Analysts LSC Titium Dirt, Sold-IITD2,ALL FSS Tritium U -0.124+1/0.118 0.0667 +1-0.119+4.0.0521 0.0295 +1-0.0522+1-0.105 0.098 +1-0.105 0.193 0.129 0256+/-030I 0.0729 +1-0.0303 0211+/-0.0473 0.00 +1-0.0474 0.0654+1-SAD 7.19 +1-8.41 143.+J-0.106 0.0319 +1.0.104 0.0678.1-0.0821 0.0631 +1-0.0804 0.130+/-0.108 0.100 +1-0.106 0.209+I/0.0737 Q019 +/.0.0722 0.0398+1-0.0144 0.0128 +J-0.0141 0.0268+1.0.0166 0.011 +1-0.0163 0.0229+1-0.0138 0.0114 +/-0.0135 0.0243+1-0.0332 0.0282 1-0.0326 0.058S+t-0.0385 0.0312 +10.0378 0.0664+1-O.522 0.0371 +/-0.0511 0.0761+1-0.0513 0.0182 +1-0.0503 0.0375+J-0.0708 0.020 +1-0.0694 0.0416+I0.0134 0.0116 +/-0.0131 0.0243+1-0.0112 0.00914 +-0.011O 0.0192+1-1.12 0.0888 +1-1.10 0.193+/1.0.737 0.019 +1-0.0722 0.0398+1-0.0112 0.00937 +/-0.011 0.0195+/r.0m74 0.0106 +-0.0268 0.0221 pcUg pCU8g pClg pCilg pCVg pC/g pCilg pC/g Pa/s pCi/g pCVg pCI/g pCVg pCi/g pCi/g pCVg pClg pcl/g p Cl/g IAS1 07727/04 1643 351778 1 JASI 0727/04 1303 3517792 JASI 07/29/041201 3517803 SRB 08/03104 1726 34607 4 I/-.00765 0.00801 +10.00767 0.0172 pCilg HOBI 07/24/04 1506 350467 5+1-5.36 451 +1-536 9.02 pClg 11D1 08/0304 1738 352226 6 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Concc tlcutYankc Atomic Power Address: HaddamnNeckPlant 362 Iojun Hollow Rnad East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PON 002332 Client Sample MD: SanpleD: Report Datc: August 5,2004 Page 2 oF 3 9806-0000-023FDEPS 116342041 Projcot: YANKIO5-04 Client II: YANK001 Vol. Racv.-Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Ulits DF AnalystDate Time DatehMid.Bad Liquid SclntillaUon Analysis Llqutd ScW C14, Solid All FSS Carbon-14 U 0.180 LuiduScirniFec5S Solid-ALL FSS lron-55 U -169 Liquid Scint 63, Sold-ALL FSS Mckel-63 U 6.15 Liquid Scnt Tc99. Solld-ALL FSS Technedurn-99 U 4.185+/-0.112 41-33A 0.0398 41-0.112 159 41-33.4 0.184 pC1g 333 pC1/g 18.7 pcd/g PD 07/29104 2104 349787 7 JLBI 07126104 0439 350332 8 JLB I 07/22/04 0502 350333 9 DAJI 08/01/04 1057 352224 10 41-11.1 9.14 *1-11.1 4t-0305 0.260 41-0.305 0533 PCLg The follo!0ng Prep Mefihods were performed Metbod Descriplion Analyst Date Thne Prep Batch Ash Soil Prep Ash Soil Prep, GL-RAD-A-021B BSW1 07109/04 1443 347344 DrySoDiPrep DrySoilPrepGL-RAD-A-021 MiMi 07/08/04 1143 347331 The following AnalytIcal Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300.

Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300.

Pu-I I-RC Modified 3 .DOE EML HASL300, Pu- 1-RC Modifled 4 EMLHASL300,45.2.3 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 .EPA EERF C-01 Modified 8 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 9 DOE RESL Ni-A, Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300.

Tc-02-RC Modified Surrvgtle/Trncerrecovery Test Recarery%

Acceptable Limits Arnedcinum-243 Plutonium-242 CarrieTrfccr Recovery U-CarriedtracerRecovery, Catcdrneecr Recovay Corder/Tracer Recovery Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Sold ALL Alphasper Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Liquid ScintPu24l, Solld-ALLFS GFPC, Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Liquid SclatFeSS.

SoUd-ALL FS Liquid Scint Ni6. SoWd-ALL PS 94 91 81 BB 91 1s (25%-125%)



GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 555-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Hnddam Neck Plant 362 Izjua Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pcte Hollenbeck ProJec Soils PON 002332 Report Datc. August 5.2004 Page 3 or 3 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-0000O23FDEP S 116342041 Prolcct YANKD0504 QientID YANK001 Vol. Recv-Parameter QunUfler Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA UnIts DF AnalystDate 71me Batchrbltd.

CarhraccrRecovery Liquid ScintTM9, Solid-ALLFS 63 Notes: Tbe Qual s; tis report ar deined as follows: B Target analyze was detected In the sample s weU as the associated blankl BD Flag for results blow the MDC or a flag forlow tracer recovery.E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrunent calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded I Indicates an estimated value. Te result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.! UI Uncertainidentificationforgamma spectroscopy.

L X Lab-speific qualifier-please see casc oarradve, data summasy package or contact your project manager for details.h Samnple preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above saraple Is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratorics, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozilik.Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.gelcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomalc Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr.Pctc Holenbeck Project: Soils POf 002332 Client Sample ID.SnmpleID: Matrix: CollectDate:

Receive Datec CoUcctor Moisture: ReportDate:

August 5,2004 Page I or 3 9806&0000-005F Protect: YANK00504 116342042 Client]]D:

YANKOO1 Soil Vol.Recv.16-JUN-04 07-JUL,04 Client 8.57%Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU_ RndAlpba SpecAnalysi AlphaspecAm%241.

Cm Solid ALL FSS Ammdclum-241 U -0.0476 +1-0.0587 0.079B +/-0.0587 Curium,-242 U 0.00946 +1-0.0899 0.0892 41-0.0899 L Curium-243124 U -0.10 +/-0.0724 0.13D 4-0.0735 Aiphaspec Pu, Solid-AU F3S Plumnium-238 U -0.0114 +1-0.0491 0.0382 4/-0.0491l Plutonu-2391240 U 0.0237 +1-0.0464 0.00 t4-0.0465.LiquidScntPu241,Sol1id-ALLFSS Plutorlztm-241 U -9.1 +/-7.63 6.63 +1-7.67 Rnd Gamma Spec Analysis GamnaSolid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 2261ngrovth MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time BatchMid.Waived* Acdnilum-228 Amerjidum-241

! Bismuth-212 Bismuth-214 Ccslurn-134 0.644 4-0.148 0.0394 +1-0445 U -0.0161 41-0.0453 0.0438 +1-0.0473 0.472 *+-0.234 0.0902 +1-0229 0.667 41-0.0986 0.0218 +1-0.0967 U 0.00 4.m023 0.0118 +40.026 UlT 0.227 0.258 0.327 0441 0.0642 13.6 0.0832 0.090 0.189 0.0455 0.0249 0.0271 0.0273 0.0678 0,0687 0.0743 0.0397 0.046 0.0251 0.0232 0.220 0.0455 0.0215 0.0268 0.0198 pC/g pCig pCVg pC/g pCVg.pC~z pCI/g Palk pC/g pCig pCdg JASI C7/27/04 1643 3517781 JAS1 07/27/04 1303 3517792 JASI 077t2904 1232 3517803 SRB 08/03/04 1727 348607 4 Cesium-137 0.284 +1-0.0439 0.013 +40.043 Cobalt-60 U 0.0108 +1-0.0146 0.012B 4/-0.0143 Eumpium-1.52 U -O.D442 +1-0.0383 0.0327 +-0.0375 Eumpium-1S4 U -0.0487 +1-0.0428 0.0321 +1-0.0419 Europium-iS5 U 0.0391 +1-0.0539 0.0361 41-0.052S Ltad-212 0.644 41-0.0663 0.0193 +1-0.065_

  • d-214 0.787 +1-0.0903 0.0222 +1-0.08B5 Mangmn-54 U 0.00225 +/-0.0142 0.0119. +/-0.0139 Nioblum-94 U 0.00882 +1-0.0127 0.0111 +/-0.0124 Potasslum-40 11.9 +4-0.997 10_ +40.977 Rndlum-226 0.667 +/4.0986 0.0_18 +/-O.0967 Silver-108ra U -0.00117 4/-0.0123 0.0103 41-0.0121 Tballium-208 0.171 +-.0.031 0.0129 41.0.0304 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting CFPC, Sr90. solid-ALL FSS SLrontlum-90.

U 0.00165 +1-0.00928 0.00929 +1-0.00929 Pad Liquid Sdcntllatlon Analysis LSC TMr=iiw Disr, Solld-h7D2,ALL FSS Tritium U -1.6 +1-4.09 350 +14.09 pC11g pC/g pCl/g pCVg pCVg pCilg pCU/g pCUg pci/g pCL/g pCVg HOBI 07n24r04 1506 350467 S 7.00 pCilk lLB 07128/04 04453522266 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: HaddamNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact: Mr.PeteHollenbeck ProjectL Soils P0002332 ReportDatec August5,2004 Page 2 of 3 Prpect YANKOO5O4 Client D. YANKOOI Vol. Racv v Client Sample ID: Sample ID.: 9806-0000-0D5F 116342042 Parameter Qualliler Result UncertaInty LC TPU &DA Units DF AnastDate Time Datchbitd.

Rad Liquid SdntillaUon AnalSIs LiqutidScrt CH, SoIdAUFSS Carbon-14 0247 i/-0.115 quid Scmn FeSS, Sotd-ALL FSS Iron-55 U -19.8 +1-26.0 LqutddScln W N63, Soid-L FSS Nickc1-63 U 7.48 +1-.89 Liqud Scin Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U -0.0423 +1-0.261 0.Q903 +1-.115 12.7 4/-26.0 8.12 +/-9.S9 0220 +40261 0.185 26.4 PCvg PC'/g PD 07/29/04 2136 349787 7 JIM 1 07126/04 0604 350328 JLBI 07t2MD4 0549 350333 9 DAJI 01D01/04 1130 35222410 16.6 0.450 pCr-g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Aalyst Date Time Prep hatch Ash Soil Prep Ash Soil Prep, GL-RAD-A-021B BSWI 07/09/04 1443 347344 DrySo0lPrep DrySoilPmp OL-RAD-A-021 MiMi 07/08/04 1143 347331 The folowing Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-0-RC Modlified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HAStr300.

Pu-i I-RC Modified 4 EMLHASL3DW,4.523 5 EPA905.0Modified 6 EPA906.0Modified 7 EPAEERFC-O1 Modified 8 .DOERESLFc-1, Modified 9 DOERESLMN-1,Modlfied 10 DOE EML HASL-300,Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/raeerrecovery Test Recover-y%

AcceptableLinilts I Ancriclumn-243 AVph Plutonlum-242 Amph Carrler uccrRecoycry Llquo CafrfriracerRecoycry GFK Carr/erzrrcer Recovery Llqul CanierfracerRecove:y Liqul aspec Am241, Cm, Solid All aspecPu, Solid-ALLFSS d Sclnt Pu241. Solid-ALL FS:, Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS d SdntFeSS.

Solid.ALLFS id SclntNi63, Solid-ALLFS 89 92 3 86 ss 71 (25%-125%)



.^_ ..r.. A GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom

  • Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecut Ycnkec Atomic Power Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 njun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Prolect: Soils PO# 002332 ReportDate:

August S,2004 Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-0000-0051F 116342042 Procect YANKID504 client ID: YANKOO1 Vol. Recv.: Paranmetr Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Tune Dutlch Mtd.CarricrflccrrRcovery Liquid ScintTc99, Solid-ALL FS 77 Notes: The Qualifiers In this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected In the samplc as wel Uas the associntd blank.BD Flag forresults below the MDC or a g forlow raerrcovery.

E 'Concentmrtion of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range.H Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed forbut not detected abovc the detection limit.UI Uncertain idcntificadon for gamma spectmscopy.

X iLb-specifie qualifier-please see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time excecded.The above sample Is reported on a dry welght basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operting procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlick Reviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.gelcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Addnss: Haddam Neck Plant 362Lnjun HollowRood East Hampton. Connecticut D6424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project* Soils PON 002332 Report Datc August 5; 2004 Page I oF 3 Client Sample ID: Samn1e 1D: Matnx: CollectDate.

Receive Date: Collector.

Mois6rc: 9806-0000-005IF PLP YANKOOSM4 116342043

  • ljet ID: YANK001 Soil Vol. RecvC 16-JUN-04.07-JUL-04 Client 2.75%Parameter Quallfier Result Uncertainty LC TPU Rid Alpba Spec Aulysis AlphaiupecAm241.

C, Soid AU FSS Amncricium-241 U 0.101 +4-0.153 0.119 +1-0.153 Curirn-242 U -0.024 +1-0.0271 0.0657 +1-.0M Curium-243t244 U -0.112 +1-0.102 0.159 +-0.103 Alphaspec Pu Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.023 +1-0.052 0.0545 i.-0.052 PluLonium-239/240 U 0.0124 +J-0.0495 0.M85 +1-0.0495 Liquid Scint PU241. So[WiA FSS PlutonIum-241 U -3.62 +1-6.92 5.90 +1-6.93 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gwmm4Sollid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth W davd MDA Units DF Anolystate Time BatchMtdL Actinium-228 Amedcilum-241 Bismuth-212 Bismuth-214 Cesium-134 Cesium-137 Cobalt-60 L Europium-152 Earopium-154 Europium-155 Lcad-212 Led-214 Manganese-54 Niobium-94 IPotasshm-40 I Rniwau-2226 i- Silver-lOSm Thallium-208 0.515 +R-0.141 0.044 +R-.138 U 0.0203 41-0.0814 0.0784 +1-0.0798 0.374 +/-0.162 0.100 +1-0.159 0.471 +-0.0706 0.021 +/-O.0692 U 0.00 +/-0.0437 0.0167 41-0.0429 Ut U 0.0086 +1-0.0142 0.0126 +1-0.0139 U -0.00628 +1-0.016 0.0128 41-0.0157 U .00309 +1-D0362 0.0326 4-.0354 U -0.00805 41-0.0485 0.0402 +1-0.0476 U 0.00554 +1-0.0433 0.0401 +1-0.0425.

0565 +/-0.0671 O.19 41.0.0657 0.508 +/-0.0714 0.025 +1-0.070 U -0.0105 +/-0.0159 0.0125 +1-0.0156 U 0.013 +-0.0136 0.0122 +41-0.0133 17.0 +/-152 0.111 41.1.A9 0.471 +/-0.0706 0.021 +1-0.0692 U 0.00251 +/-0.0125 0.0112 +W-0.0122 0.179 +1-O.0373 0.0119 +1-0.0365 0.313 0.221 0.394 0.174 0.142 12.1 0.0939 0.161 0.212 0.0444 0.0351 0.0266 0.028 0.0679 0.0868 0.0825 0.0452 0.052 0.0266 0.0257 0.246 0.0444 0.0234 0.0251 pCllg pCL1 pCi/g pCl/g pCl/g pC'ug pC1g pCI/9 pCI/g pCu'g pCig pC0g pC11g pcyg pcwg pCilg pCi/g pC11g PCI"S pCi/g pCVg JASI 07127/04 1643 351778 1 JASI C07/2704 1303 3517792 JASI 07/2lO4, 1304 3517803 SRB 08/03D04 1938 34S6074 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, S90, solid-ALL FSS Stroatita-90 U -0.0 Rnd Liquid SdntllnaUon Analysts LSL Trkim Dim, Sold-TD2ALLFSS Tritium U -C 0891 +/-0.0101 0.011 41-0.0103 0.0233 pCIg HOBI 07/24104 1506 350467 5).895 +1-3.48 2.96 +1-3A8 5.92 pCg/JLBI 07=8104, 0517 3522266 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charteston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticutYankec AtomicPower Address: HaddamnNcckPlant 362 1njun Hollow Roand East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Conlact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Solls PO# 002332 Report Date: August 5. 2004 Page 2 of 3* Client Sample ID: SampleID: 9806-0000-W5TF 116342043 pict: YANK00504 Client I. YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units -DF AnalysDAte Time Batch Mtd.Rad LiquidScdntlllatlon Analysis Liquid Scint C14. SolidA1 FSS I Carbon-14 U 0.179 Lquid Scit FeSS, Solid-ALL FSS Irmn-55 U -1S Liquid Scint N163, Solid-ALL FSS icli-63 U 7.13 LquidScinet c99. Solid-ALL FSS Tcchnct=-99 U .0.238+/-0.110 0.0877 W-0.110 0.180 22.7 PCI'g pCi/g+/-22.0 10.9 +1-22.0+1-7.23 5S90 +1-7.23 410.330 0.198 +1-0 330 PD O7129104 2208 349787 7 JLBI 07/26/04 0636 3503328 JLBI 07/22/04 0636 350333 9 DA1I 08103t04 181035222410 12.1 pCI/g OA4I pCLg T'e following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date 7ime Prep Batch Ash Soil Prep Ash Soil Prep, GL-RAD-A021B BSWI 07/09/04 1443 347344 DrySoilPrep Dry KilPrepGL-RAD-A-021 Mhll 07108/04 1143 347331 The following Aualyflll Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Arn-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL 1 300, Pu-Il-RC Modified 4 EMELHASL300.4.5123 S EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPAEERFC-OlModified S DOERESLFe-1,Modified 9 DOERESLNI-1.Modifird 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surregatdrracer ireoiery Test Reovey5% AcceptableLimlls Amtnicium-243 Plutonjun-242 CarrierTracer Recovery Carierfarrccr Recovery Cnrrler r r .Remvery CarrieiTracer Recovery Alphspec Am241, Cm, Solid AU AIphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Liquid Sciat Pu24 1, Solid-ALL FS GFPC, StO, solid-ALL FSS Liquid Scint FcSS. SoUd-ALL FS Liquid Sclot N163, Solld-ALL FS 88 85 92 83 B2 78 (25%-125%)



GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: Haddar Neck Plant 362 Injun Holoow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Conact: Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: Sample ED: ReportDate:

August5,2004 Page 3 of 3 9806-0000-0051F 116342043 Pmiect YANK00504 Client 1): YANKOOI VoL.Recv.:

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC 1WEU MDA Units DF AnalystDnte Time DatchdMld.

CarierrracerRecovery Liquid ScintTc99, Solid-ALL FS 47 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flng for results below the MDC or a flag for low tracet ccovery.E Concenration oF the target analyte exceeds the insinment calibration range.L H Analytical holding time exceeded.I Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detecton limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicates the targe analyte was analyzed forbut not detected above the ddection lim3L Ul Uncertainidentificationforganmnaspectroscopy.

K x Lb-speciic qualifier-please see case narrative, data suammay package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample prepration or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample Is reported on adry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Profect Manager, Sarah Kozlik.Reviewed by QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pnc.-p 119. nf 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom QC Summar Client: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hallow Road East Hampton, Connecticut Contact: Mr.PeteHollenbeck Workorder 116342 Revort Date: August S, 2004 Page 1 or is i I L l jnblr cn.-T. TnT.;# IMMM.RT'rM 1D.-v A.],#nne. r;-.-= M l.- flhI. I. A Sf *. t. SW --Rad Alpha Spec L Batch 35177S L QC1200669597 116342040 DUP Ameridum-241 i_ Curium-242 Curium-243/244 QC1200669599 Amcricium-241 LCS Curium-242 Curium-243/244 U 0.0618 Uncert +1-O.0896 TPU: +1-0.0899 U -0.0186 Uncert +/-0.021 TPU: +I 0.Q21 I U -0.0345 Uncert: +1-0.0878 TPU: +/-0.0879 10.7 Uncert: TPU: Uncn: TPU: 13.8 Uncert: TPU: Uncerc TPU: Uncern TPU: Uncert TPU: U 0.147+1-0.151+1-0.152 U -0.00862+1-0.0169+1-0.0169 U 0.00246+1-0.0947+1-0.0947 IIA+1-1.07+1-1.77 U -0.0317+1-0.0278+1-0.0281 13.4+1-1.16+/-2.03 U 0.0487+1.0.084+1-0.0843 U 0.0487+/1.00674+1.0.0677 U 0.00859+1400891+/.0.0891 pCO/g 82 pCVg NIA pCVg NIA pCVg (0* -100%) IASI 07127104 17:12 (0%- I00)(0% -100%)107 (75%-125%)

pCVg pClg 97 (75%-1256)

L QC1200669596 MB Arneridcium-241 Curium-242 Curium-243/244 QC1200669598 116342040 MS Americium-241 Curium-242 Curium-243/244 LBatch 351779 QC1200669601 116342040 DUP Plutonium-238 pCi/g 07127/04 16:43 pCUg pCIg 10.6 U 0.0618 Uncert: +1-0.0896 TPU: +1-0.0899 U -0.016 Uncert: +1-0.021 TPU: +1 0.0211 13.6 U -0.0345 Uncert: +1 0.0878 TPU: +/-0.0879 U 10.0+1-0.979+1-158 0.0301+/-0.0847+1.0.0848 12.9+1-1.11+/-1.93 pCIg 94 (75%-125%)

07/27/04 17:12 pCi/g pClg 95 (75%-125%)

U 0.0118 U 0.0122 pCVg 3 (0% -100%) JASI 07127104 13:03 Page 133 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleslon SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.gel.ccm OC Summary Workorder.

116342 Page 2 or 15 IL Pnrmnume NOMI Sainple Qual PC Units RPD% REC% Rlangc Anist Date Time Red Alpha Spec Batch 351779 Plutonium-239n240 QC1200669603 LCS Plutonium-238 PluLonium-239/240 QC12WD669600 MB Plutonium-23S Plutonium-239r240 QC1200669602 116342040 MS Plutonium-238 Plutonium-239/240 Uncert: +/-0.0471 TPU: +/-O.D471 U 0.00 Uncert: +/-.0445 TPU: +1-0.0445 Uncertn TPU: 9.56 Unccrt: TPU: Uncert TPU: Unceut TPU:+I-.0487+-0.0W87 U 0.0235+1-0.0461+1-0.0461 U 0.108+/-0.105+1-0.106 10.8+1-0.997+I-IA6 U -0.00616+1-0.0121+1-0.0121 U 0.0647+1-0.0888+1-0.089 U 0.0256+140.0864+1-0.0865 930+/-0.920+1-130 pCi/g 0 (0%- 100%)pCig (75%-125%)

pCOLg 113 (75%-125%)

PCL/g PCl/g U 0.0118 Uncen: +I-0.0471 TPU: +1-0.0471 9.41 U 0.00 Uncc +1-0.0445 TPU: +1-0.0445 PUSr (75%-125%)

pCi/k 99 (75%-125%)

Batch 351780; QC1200669605 1 Plutonium-241 I 16342040 DUP U -0.112 Uncern: +1-7.98 TPU: +1-7.98 U 1.25+/-7.92+1-7.92 pCVg N/A (0%-100%)

JASI 07/29/0414:07 QC1200669607 LCS I Pluionium-241 142 Unccrt TPU: 124+1-1 I.!+1-IS.!pC/g 87 [75%-125%)


! .Plutonium-241 MN Uncet: TPU: U -6.72+1-7.64+1-7.66 pCiVg 079104 15.09 07/29104 13:35 07/29/04 14:38 QC1200669606 116342N40 MS Plutonium-241 141 U Unccn.TPU:-0.112+1-7.98+1-7.98 117+1-10.2+1-14.0 pC/g .83 (75%-1257.)

Rud Gamma Spec Batch 347732 QC1200659s39 116342001 DUP Actinium-228 0.710 Uncert +1-0.155 0.686+1-0.104+1-0.102 pCilg 3 (0% -100%) SR.B 08102/04 1E:05 Page 134 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171

! Workorder.

116342.Parmnnme QC Summary Page 3or is Sumple Oual OC Units RPDS 1EC% Rnpne AnIst flnte Time NONI End Gammn Spiec Mech 347732 Arrddiurn-241 j Bsmuth-212

Bismuth-214 Cesium-134 Cesium-137 Cobalt-60 Europium-152 Europium-154~ Europium-1SS LeId-212 Lcad-214 Marngncse-54 Nioblum-94 Poinssium40 Radium-226 Silver-lOSm TPU
4Q0.152 U .0.00235 U 0.00205 Uncert: +/-0.0906

+/-0.0238 TPU: +1-0.0888

+1-0.0233 0.457 0.419 Uncen: +14.237 +1-0.108 TPU: +/-0.232 +1-0.106 0.592 0.578 Uncet: +1-0.0919

+1-0.0705 TPU: +/-0.090 +1-0.O69 u 0.0326 UUlI 0.00 Unceni +1-0.0308

+/-0.0169 TPU: +1-0.0302

+1-0.0165 U 0.0151 0.0201 Uncen +1-0.024 +/-0.0093 TPU: +l0om35 +1-0.00912 U -0.00364 U 0.00275 Uncert +1-0.0161

+/-O.D95 TPU: +1-0.0158

+/-0.00682 U -0.0348 U 0.00471 Uncert: +1-0.0372

+t-0.018 TPU: +1-0.0365

+10.0176 U 0.0536 U -0.0285 Uncert: +1-0.0514

+1-0.023 TPU: +1-0.0504

+1-0.0226 U 0.0064 U 0.0319 Uncer +1.0.0435

+1-0.0318 TPU: +I-O.W427

+140312 0.720 0.714 Uncert: +1-0.0774

+1-0.0579 TPU: +1-0.0758

+1-0.0568 0.671 0.671 Uncr +/-0.0828

+1-0.0655 TPU: +1-0.011 +1-0.0642 U -0.0058 0.020B Uncert: +/I0.016 +t-0.0196 TPU: +1-0.0156

+1-0.0192 U -0.00522 U 0.00214 Uncenr: +/-0.014 +1-0.00647 TPU: +1-0.0137

+1-0.00634 12.3 13.3 Uncer: +1-1.14 +1-0.966 TPU: +/-1.12 +1-0.947 0.592 0.578 Uncert: +1-0.0919

+1-0.0705 TPU: +/-Q.090 +1-0.069 U 0.00164 U 0.00298 Unccrn! +1-0.0125 41-0.006 pcvg pCl/g pcl'g p Ci/g.pCl'g pcilg pcilg pCilz pCi/g pCIlg pCVg pCVg pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi/g NtA 9 2 31 28 NIA NIA N/A 133 i 0 N/A W/A 8 2 58 (0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0% -I 00%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0% -100%)(0%- 10070)(0% -20%)(0% -20%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0% -20%)(0%- 100%)(0% -100%)Page 135 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Rcad Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 QC Summary Workordcr:

116342 Page 4 or 1S L Parmname

  • NONI Snmple Qual OC Units RPD% RECM Range AnIst Date Time Rarl Gummn Spec Bath 347732 Thallium-203 QC1200659840 LCS Actinium-228 Americium-241 Bismuth-212 Bismulh-214 Cesium-134 Cobalt-60 Europium-152 L Europium-154 Europium-155 Lrad-2 12 Lead-214 NMangamese-54 TPU: +/-0.0123 0.261 Unccrt: 4/-0.0417 TPU: +/-0.0408+/-0 .00588 0.208 pCdg 23+/-0.0254+1-0.0249 (09- 1005)Unecrt.TPU: 23.4 Unccn TPU: Unccrc TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU: 9.22 Unecrt.TPU: 14.1 Uncu1 TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncen TPU: Uncert: TPU: Uncert TPU: U -0OO254+/-Q813+/-0.797 23.9+1-2.08 4/-2.04 U 0.578+/-1.45 U 0.0368+/ 0344+1-0.338 U 0.0677+/.0249+, 10244* 10.0+1-120+1-1.18 14.4 41-.23+1-120 U -0.179+/-0.402+/-0.394 U 0341+1-O416+/4-408 U 0.234+/-0462+I.0.452 U 0.0519+1-0.22B+/-0.224 U -0.00889+/-0308+1-0.302 U 0.199+/.0.202+1-0.197 U -0.00168+/-0.177+1-0.173 U -0.254 pCi/07/27104 17:46 PCl/102 (75%-125%)

pcilg pCV&109 (7576-125%)

102 (75%o-125%)

pCL/g PCL/g PCI/g P~ilg Uncert TPU: L Nlobium-94 Uncer: TPU: Potassium40 Paze 136 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadeston SC 29407 -(b43) 55"8171 I Workorder 116342 Rod Gamma Spec tc 347732 QC Summ Samole ouQl Page s or 15 OC Units RPD7. RFCq 0 Rnnee Anist Date Time NOM Radium-226 Silver-108m Thallium*208 QC1200659838 NM Actinium-228 Arncicium-241 Bismuth-212 L Bismuth-214 Cesium-134 Cesium-137 Cobalt 60 Europium-152 K Europium-154 L_ Europiwn1 I55 Lrd-212 Lcad-214 Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncen: TPU: Uncenr TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncertn TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncen: TPU: Uncert TPU: Unccrt: TPU: Uncenr TPU: Uncent TPU: Uncenr: TPU: Unccrtc TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU:+1.1.62+/-1.58 U 0.0368+1-0.344+/-0.338 U -0.0876+1-0.156+1-0.153 U 0.0166+/-0.194+1-0.190 U 0.0694+1-0.0613+1-0.0601 U -0.00176+1-0.0563+J-0.0552 U 0.0363+1-0.120+1-0.118 U 0.0316+1-0.0332+1-0.0325 U 0.00495+1P0.0175+/-0.0172 U -0.000615+1-0.015)+1-0.0149 U 0.015+1-0.0343+1-0.0336 U -0.00472+1-0.0408+1-0.040 U 0.0226+1-0.0467+1-0.0457 U .0.00154+1-0.038+1-0.0372 U 0.0229+/-0.0267+1-0.02 62 U 0.019+1-0.0324+4-0.0318 pCilr pCilg pCilg (75%,-125%)

pCIyg PCylg pCi/g pCVg pCilg PCL'g PCVg PCVZ pCilg pCilg PCI/g pCilg 08/02104 11:22 Pane 137 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savaga Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Workorder:

116342 Pnrmnnme Rnd CnMMM2 Spec Bttch 347732 Mangmnesc-54 Niobium-94 Potnssium40

_ Radium-226 LSilver-lOSm Thallium-208 aitch 348602 QC1200662010 116342021 DUP Actinium-228 Ancricium-241 Bismuth-212 Bismutlh-214 Cesium-134 Cesium-137 Cobalt-60 Europium-152 Europium-154 Europium-155 QC Summary Pnge 6or 15 50mnt,5 Quni QC Units RPDci 1 RECr, Rnnze Anist Date Time NONM Uncert TPU: Unccrt.TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncrt: TPU: Uncert: TPUJ: Uncert: TPU: U 0.0144+t-0.0171+-/0.0168 U 0.0152+t 0.0175+1-0.0172 U D.210+1-0361+/-0.353 U 0.0316+/-0.0332' +1-0.0325 U -0.0137+1-0.0142 4+-0.0139 U 0.00989+I-0.0232+t-0.0228 pCi/9 pcilg pcl/g 0.665 0.734 Uncert +1-D.147 +t-0.131 TPUI: +1.0.144 +t-0.128 U 0.0375 U -0.0391 Uncerc +I/-0.116

+1-0.0466 TPU: +/-0.114 1-0.0457 0.40 0.590 Uncet: +t-0.205 +1-0.254 TPU: +1-0.201 +1-0.248 0.513 0.652 Uncet +1/0.0824

+1-0.0762 TPU: +1-0.0S8 +1-0.0747 UUW 0.00 UUl 0.W0 Uncert: +1-0.0301

+1-0.0176 TPU: +/-0.0295

+1-0.0172 0.0285 0.0359 Uncert +1-0.0183

+/-0.0226 TPU: +/-0.018 +/-O.0221 U -0.00555 U 0.0145 Uncert: +1-0.0148

+140.0_27 TPU: +1-0.0145

+1.0.0222 U -0.0244 U -0.000827 Uncert +1/0.0455

+1-0.0316 TPU: +/-0.0446

+1-0.031 U -0.024 U 0.0201 Uncert: +-O.W4 +1-0.0426 TPU: +1-0.0431

+/-0.0417 U 0.0866 U 0.0335 pCltg 10 pCi/g NIA pCi/g 36 pCig 24 pC!/g 35 pCl/g 23 pCig N/A pCilg NIA pCig N/A pCilg 88 (0%- 100%) SRB 07/2010420-02 (0% -100)(0%- 100M)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0% -100%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0% -100%)Page 138 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Workorder:

116342 Parmnume Rndl Gamma Spec Batch 348603 Lcad-212_ Lead-214 Mangancsc-54 Niobium-94 Potassium-40 L, Radium-226 Silver-108m Thlibum-208 QC1200662011 LCS Actinium-228 Amcricium-241 Bismuth-212 Bismuth-214 Ccsium-134 Ccsium-137

-CobalJ-60 QC Summary Page 7 of 15 Samnic ounl OC Units RPD% REC% iRnnwe Anist Date Time NONM Unccre +1-0.0668

+1-0.0329 TPU: +-0.0655 +1-0.0323 0.703 0.688 Unccrt +/-0.0701

+J-0.0641 TPU: +1-0.0687

+1-0.0628 0.682 0.708 Unccrt +41-0.071

+1-0.0865 TPU: +/-0.0853

+/-0.0848 U 0.00979 U 0.0138 Uncert: +/-0.0147

+/-0.0179 TPU: +1-0.0144

+1-0.0176 U -0.00617 U 0.0013 Uncert +/-OD131 +/-0.0107 TPU: +/-0.0128

+1-0.0105 14.3 135 Uncert +1-1.21 +/-1.05 TPU: +/-1.19 4/-1.03 0.513 0.652 Unccrt +/-0.0824

+/-0.0762 TPU: +1.0.0808

+/-0.0747 U -0.00276 U 0.00833 Unc=t: +/-0.0126

+/-0.0106 TPU: 4/-0.0124

+1-0.0104 0.211 0.217 Uncert +/-0.0385

+/-0.0299 TPU: +/-0.0378

+/-0.0293 U -0.257 UncMt' +/-Q.517 TPU: +/-0.507 23A 25.1 UnMee +1-2.86 TPU: +1-2.80 U 0.864 Unccrt: +/40.99 TPU: +1-0.979 U 0.231 Uncest +I-0.409 TPU: +1-0.400 U -0.0348 Uncert: +1-0.159 TPU: +1-0.156 9.23 9.97 Uncer: +/-0.833 TPU: +/-0.817 14.2 14.8 Uncen: +/-1.15 TPU: +1-1.13 pCi/g 2 pCi/g 4 pCtig 34 pCV/g N/A pCI/g 6 pCt/i 24 pCVg NIA pC1g 3 (0% -20%)(0% -20%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0% -20%)(0%- 100%)(0%- I00%)(0%- 100%)PCI/i PCt/g PCVg, 07/2W04 19-53 107 (75%-125%)

108 (75%-125%)

104 (75%-125%)

Page 139 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chatleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Workorder:

116342 Parmnnume Rod Gamma Spec Bach 348602 Europium-152 Europium-154 Europium-155.Lesd.212 Lead-214 Mangntse-54 Nioblum-94 Potassium.40 Radlum-226 Silver-108m Thallium-209

-QC1200662009 NB Acdinium-228 Arncridum-241 Bismuth-212 Bismumh-214 Ccsium-134 NOM Uncen: TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncerc TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncerct TPU: Uncert TPU: Unccrt: TPU: Uncent TPU: Uncert.TPU: Uncert TPU Uncert TPU Uncet TPU Unelt TPU: Unncrt: TPU UncertL OC Summary Page 8 or 15 Sample Qual QC Units RPD5o REC% Range Anlst Date Time U 0.0265 pCVg+/ 0289+/-0.283 U -0.114 pCi0g+/-0.364+/-0356 U 0.200 pCVig+/-0.297+/-0.291 U -0.0146 pCUg+140.154+1-0.151 U 0.0305 pCVg+1-0.203+1-0.199 U -0.0788 pC0/g+1-0.149+1-0.146 U -0.0863 pCI/g+1-0. 11 8+1-0.115 U 0.974 .pCT/g 41-1.30 1: +1-1.28 U 0.231 pCUg (75%-125%)

+1-0.409+/-0.400 U 0.0136 pCi/g+/-0.109+/-0.107 U 0.0171 pCi/g+/-0.124+/-0.122 U 0.0333 pCVg 071/2I14 10:11+/-0.1 Is+/-0.116 U -0.00141 pCI/g+1-0.0298+1-0.0292 U 0.0693 pCVg+/-0.204+/-0.200 U 0.0575 pCUg+/-0.08S5+1-0.0848 U 0.0208 pCUg+/-0.0307 Paze 140 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.gel.corn OC Summary Workorderz 116342 Page 9 or 15 Parmnnme-Rad Gamma Spec Batch *- 348602 NOIV SnmnlL nunl QC Unis RID%, RP RIr. RInnrf Anisl Dntc Time Cesium-137 TPU: Uncet TPU: Cobalt-60 UnecrL TPU: Europium-152 Uncert: TPU: Europlum-154 Uncert TPU: L Europium-155 iLed-212 Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU: Unceni TPU: Lcad-214+1-0.0301 U -0.00337+1-0.0265 41-0.026 U 0.0157+1-0.0_65+1-0.026 U 0.0121+/.0.0602 1-0.059 U -0.00593+1-0.0805+1-0.0789 U 0.0282+1-0.0499+/-0.0489 u 0.0205+/.0.0524+I1-0.054 U -0.026+/-0.0739.1-0.0724 U -0.00178+/-0.0_771

+-0.0266 U 0.00691+/-0.0255+1-.025 U 0.224+1-0.267+/-0262 U 0.0575+t-0.0365+/.0.0348 U 0.00574+1-0.0219+1-0.0215 U 0.0326+1-0.0278+1-0.0272 PC119 pci/g PCi/g PCUZ PCVg Mangancse-54 Uncent TPU:__ Niabium-94 , Pclassium-40 Uncert: TPU: Unccre: TPU: Radium-226 Unert -TPU: Silvcr-lOSm

_ Thallium-208 Batch 348607 QC1200662013 116342041 DUP Actinium-228

% Amcricium-241 Uncet TPU: Uncene TPU: 0.457 0.439 Uncert +1-0.106 +1-0.124 TPU: +1-0.104 +I-Q121 U -0.0751 U -0.024 Uncer +1-0.0321

+1-0.0619 TPU: +1-0.0804

+-0.0606 pCi/g 4 pCi/g N/A (0% -100%) SR.B 08/03/04 22:41 (0%- I00%)Page 141 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Workorder:

116342 Parmname Rnd Canma Spec 9xch '348607 Bismuth-212 Bismuth-214 Ccsium-134 Ceslum-137 Cobalt-60 Europium-152 Eurcpium-154 Europium-155 Lezd-212 Lend-214 Manganese-54 L Niobium-94 Potassium-40 Radiun-226 Silver-108m Thallium-208 OC Summary rage 10 Or 15 Sample Qua! OC Units RPD% REC% ]Rnnae AnIst Date Time NOMI WUl 0.00 0.216 Uncert +1-0.108 +1-0.151 TPU: 4/-0.106 +1-0.148 0.445 0.404 Unccrtn +l.037 +/-0.0804 TPU: +1-0.0722

+1-0.0788 U 0.0134 U 0.0238 Uncert: +1-0.0144

+/-0.0237 TPU: +1-0.0141

+1-0.0232 0.0649 0.116 Uncert +/-0.0166

+/-0.0269 TPU: +1-0.0163

+1-0.0263 U -0.00333 UU1 0.00 Uncrt +/-0.0138

+/10.0296 TPU: +1-0.0135

+1-0.0291 U -0.0106 U 0.0159 Uncert: +1-0.0332

+1-0.0398 TPU: +1.0.0326

+1-0.039 U -0.0213 U 0.0132 Uncert: +1-0.0385

+1-0.0548 TPU: +1-0.0378

+/-0.0537 U 0.0573 U 0.0181 Uncert: +1-0.0522

+/-0.0393 TPU: +/-0.05 I +1-0.0385 0.441 0.398 Uncert 4+-0.0513

+/-0.0524 TPU: +/-Q0.503

+/-0.0513 0.535 0.533 Uncert: +/-0.0708

+1-0.0782 TPU: +/0.0694 +1-0.0767 U 0.00625 U -0.00446 Uncert: +1-0.0134

+1.0.0152 TPU: +/-0.0131

+-0.0149 U -0.00897 U 0.00133 Uncert: +/-0.0112

+/-0.0144 TPU: +1-0.011 +40.0141 13.2 12.6 Uncert: +/-1.12 +/-1.09 TPU: +/-1.10 +/-1.06 0.445 OA04 Uncert: +1-0.0737

+1-0.0804 TPU: +I-0.0722

+1-0.0788 U -0.0024 U 0.0085 Uncer: +1-0.0112

+/-0.0134 TPU: +1-0.011 +/-0.0131 0.125 0.154 Uncert: +1-0.0274

+/-0.0299 TPU: +/-0.0268

+1-0.0293 pCte 18 pCUg 10 pCi/g 56 pCl/g 57 pCi/g NIA pCi/g N/A pCi/g N/A pCI/g 104 pCi/g 10 pCI/g 0 pCL/g N/A pCi/g N/A pCig 4 pCIg 10 pC!/g NIA pCiVg 21 (0%- 100%)(0% -100%)(0% -100%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0% -20%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0% -20%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)(0%- 100%)Page 142 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(643) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Workorder.

116342 Parnname RaCZ LnmM SpcC Batch 348607 QCI700662014 LCS LActinium-228 Americium-241 Bismuth-212 Bismuth-214 L Cesium-134 Cesium-137 Cobalt-60 Europlum-l 52 L Europiun.154 Europium-lS5 Lzad-2 12 Lmad-214 Maniganese-54 Nicbium-94 Potassium-40 Rrdium-226 QC Summary Page l1 Or 15 Sanmnpl UDtI QC Units IOnD97 R[:C% Rnntwe Anst Dntu! Timc Rpm Uncere TPU: 23.4 Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU: Unccrt: TPU: Uncert: TPUJ: 9.23 Uncere TPU: 14.2 Uncere TPU: Uncert TPU: Unccrt TPU: Uncertn TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU: Unceru TPU: UncerL TPU: Unccnrt TPU: Uncert TPU: U 0.286 pCig+1-0.414+1-0.406 243 pi/g+1-2.47+1-2.42 U 0.279 pC0g+1-0.741+1-0.726 U 0.108 pCUg+1-0.177+1-0.173 U 0.0932 pCig+410.107+1-0.105 9.95 pCig./.0.905+1-0.837 15.0 pCig+1-1.17+/- 1.14 U 0.0498 pCCIg+1-0.250+1-0.245 U -0.0396 pCi/g+1-0.212+1-0.208 U -0.0146 pci/g+1-0.315+1-0308 U 0.0317 pClg+1-0.140+1-0.137 U 00778 pCIg+I-0.176+1-0.172 U .0.0269 pci/g+1-0.102+1-0.0996 U .0.0209 pCOg+1-0.0903+1-0.0885 U 0.128 pCig+1-0.831+1-0.814 U 0.10Q pCi/g+/-0.177+1-0.173 O8/0414 10:15 104 (75%-125%)

108 (75%-125S')

106 (75%.125%)


Page 143 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 NVarkorder:

11634'Parmname Rad Gammn Spec Batch 348607 Silvcr-lOSm TimIium-20o QC120066'012 MD Actinium-228 Americium-241

' Bismuth-212 Bismuth-214 Cesium-134 Ccsium-137 Cobalt-60 Europium-152 Europium-154 Europium-155 L Lcad-212 Lead-214 Mangaese-54 Nicbium-94 QC Summ Sample oual larv Page n or 15 QC Units RPD% REC% Rnnge Anist Date Time NOM Uncert TPU: Uncer: TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncere TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncere TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncere TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncert TPU: Uncen TPU: Uncert TPU: Unccre TPU: Uncrrt U -0.W012 4/-0.0906 41-0.0888 U 0.0339+1-0.090O+/-0.0889 U 0.160+/-0.121 4-0.119 U -0.0301+1-0.0509+/-0.0499 U 0.0876+1-0.244+/-0.239 U 0.0162+1-0.0826+4/0.081 U -0.00552+/-0.0263+./0.0258 UUi 0.00+/-0.051+/-0.050 U 0.0157+I-0.0262+1-0.0257 U -0.00206+/-0.0807+1-0.079 U 0.0W71+1-0.0687+/-0.0673 U -0.0115+1-0.0653+r-0.064 UUI O.0+/-0.0496+I-0.0486 U 0.0416+/-0.0807+/-0.0791 U .0D114+/-0.0292+I-0.0286 U 0.000372+1-0.0259 P Ci/i Pcl/g pCl/g.PCi/g PCiLg PCt/g PCi/g pa/g PCVg pCI/g FCV8 08/03/04 19:41 Page 144 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadeston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom QC Summary Workorder:

116342 Page 13 or 15 i Parmname NON! Sample Oual QC Unils RPD71 REC% Range Anist Date Time GRd Camma Spec Batch 34t607 TPU:_ PotassiumAO Unccrt: TPU.: Rndium-226 Unceut TPLU: 41-0.0253 U 0.100+t-0385+/-0.378 U 0.0162+/ 0.0826+/-0.081 U -O.00634+/-0.0252 41.0.0247 U 0.0343+1-0.0322+1-0.0315 PCi/vCV8 pCi/B;Silver-108m Uncnr: TPU: Thallium-208

_ Radi Gas Flow Balch Uncert: TPU: 350467 QC1200666501

Stronlium-90 I .QC1200666503 I Strontium-90 116342033 DtJP LCS U 0.00694 Uncert: +1.0.01 19 TPU: +1-0.012 U-0.0162+1-0.00982

+/.Q0107 2.10 Uncert: TPU: 2.22+1-0.0632+1-0.610 pCI/g NIA pCi-g pCVg pCVg (0% -100%) HOBI 106 (75%-125%)

07n24t)4 15:06 07/24O04 15:07 QC1200666500 MD Strontium-90 QC1200666502 116342033 NIS Strontium-90 Uncert: TPU: U -0.0103 41-0.0099 41-0.0103 07/24/04 15.D6 4A2 U Uncert: TPU: 0.00694+1-0.0 19+I.-012 4AO+1-0.125+I-1.15 99 (75%-125%)

Raod Liquid Sdtntllatlon Batch 349787 QC12W0664892 116342040 DUP Carbon-14 0.202 Uncert: +/-Mlo10 TPUJ: +/-010 U 0.0934+/-0.107+/-0.107 pCilg 73 pCVzg (O%- 100%) PD 0729t0423:12 97 (75%-125%)

07/30/4 00:16 QC1200664894 Carbon-14 LCS L_ QC1200664891 MO Carbon-14 L QC1200664893 116342040 MS Carbon. 14 438 Uncert: TPU: 4.25+/-0.197+1-0.208 Uncert: TPU: U 0.0661+/-0.112+/-0.112 pClg 07129/04 22.40 07129/D4 23.44 4.27 0.202 Uncet: +-0.110 4.50+/-D.197+1-D.209 PCi/g 100 (75%-125%)

Page 145 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 555-8171 WVorikorder.

116342 Parimname Rnod Uquld Sdntillttllan Batch 349787 Batch 350332 QC1200666165 116342040 DUP lron-55 QC1200666167 LCS lron-55 QC1200666164 NIB Iron-5S L QC1200666166 116342040 MS Iron-55 Batch 350333.QC1200666169 116342040 DUP Nickel-63 QC1200666171 LCS Nickel-63 QC1200666168 M8 L Nikel~e-63 QC120D66170 116341040 MS Nicke1-63 Batch 352224 QC1200670659 116342040 DUP_Technetium-99 QC1200670661 LCS.Tcchnetium-99 QC1200670653 MB.Technctium-99 QC1200670660 116342040 MS NOM TPU Uncere TPU QC Summary Page 14 or 15 Sampe MQua QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time+1-0.110 u -26.3 U -33.4 pCl/g NIA (0%-100%)

3L81 07126/0407:40

+t/32.6 41-21.7+1-32.6 W1-21.7 I 82.6 Uncert: TPU: Uncert TPU: 142 U Unc=TPU: Uncert: TPU: 383 Uncert: TPU: Uncct: TPU: 645 U Uncert: TPU: U uncert: TPU: 16.2 Uncen TPU: Uncenr TPU:-26.3+1-32.6+1-32.6 3.30+1-7.77+1-7.77 3.30+1-7.77+1-7.77 0.0987+1-0278+1/0.278 63.4+1-213 t1-21.5 U -8.72 4/-182 41-182 144+1-38.8+1-39.5 U 11.8+1-8.39+1-.40 385+1-13.9+1-15 S U 8.11+1-7.20+1-7.21 599+1-27.1+/-29.1 U 0.0537+1-0270+1.0270 14.7+1-0.482+1-0.603 U -0.109+1-0239+1-0239 pCVg pCI/g pCit/g 77 (75%-125%)

Pc~lg pCIlg pCi/lg PCI/g pCI/g pc1/g pCi/g 102 (75%-125%)

0 (0%-100%)

JLB I 101 (75%-12S%)

92 (7S%-125%)

07/2104 08:43 07/2610 07.08 081041 04:34 07/22/04 08:11.07122/040932 07/22)04 0723 07/22/04 08:45 08/0204 22:39 08/01104 14:14 08/01104 12:35 0 (0% -100%) DAJI 91 (75%-125%)

Page 146 of 147 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 QC Summary W-nL-4-er 111/;7U1 1 ---... S..- Page Isor 15 Parmname NOhl Sample QuDI QC Units RPDSv RECM 0 Rlng~e Anist Date Time Rali Liquid Sdnztillation 1a3ch 353124 Tcchnettum-99 16.7 U Uncert TPU: 0.0987+1.0278+1-0.278 17.1 41-41655 4-0.779 pC0g 102 (75%-125%)

Bwuch 35=6 QCl 200670663 Tritium 11 6342040 DUP U 0.0969 Uncert: 41-4.20 TPU: +4/-20 U -4.7+1-7.54 41-7.55 pCilg NMA (0%-100%)

ILBI 079/M08:48 QC1200670665 LCS-Tritium QCI700670662 MIB" Tritium QC1200670664 116342040 MS-Tritium 55-7 Unc=r.TPU: 49-5+1-5.35+I-5.96 pCiUB 89 (75%-125%)

07/28'040724 Uncert.TPU: U 0.522 4 1-3.42 41-3A42 PCUlB 071281W05:48 70.0 U Unccrt TPU: 0.0969 41-4.20+1-4.20 63.5 1-6.66+1-7.42 pC0/91 (75%-125%)

07128 40652 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: L B Target analyte was detected in the sample as well as the associated blank.BD Flag for results below the MDC or a flag for low tracer recovery.E Concentration oa the target analyte excceds the Instrument calibration ran=e.H Analytical holding lime exceedcd.J Indiates an estimated value. The result was greater than thc detection limit, but less than the reporting limiL U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.UlJ Uncertain Idcntification for gamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifier-plicase see case narrativc.

data summary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample prcparation or preservation holding imc exceeded.N/A Indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of4 or more.-*- Indicates analyte is a surrogate compound.A The Relativc Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) Is evaluated against the acceptcnrc criteria when the sample Is greater than five times (SX) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value Is less than 5X the RL, a control limit or+I- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP resultL For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements oa the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.Pane 147 of 147 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2b Hard-To-Detect Data (Pages 6)

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 555-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankec Atomlc Powcr Address: Haddam Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project SoiIS PO002332 Rcport Dte: August 5.2004 Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID: Samnple ID: Matnx: CollectDate:

Receive Date Collector:

Moisture 9806-0000-005F 116342042 Soil 16-UN-04 07-IUL-04* Client B.57%Proect: YANK00504 Client 1D: YANKOO1 VoLRezv.-Parameter Rad Alpba SpecAnalygsb Qualilfer Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDnte Time BntchMid.AlphaupecAm24).

Cn SoWidALL FSS Anericium-241 U -0.0476 +1-0.0587 0.0798 +1-0.057 Curium-242 U 0.00946 +1-0.0899 0.0892 +-0.0899 Curium-243t244 U -0.10 +1-0.0724 0.130 +/-0.0735 Alphaspec Pu Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.0114 +t-0.0491 0.0382 +t-0.0491 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.0237 +t-0.0464 0.00 +-0.0465 UqidScint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonlun-241 U -9.1 +/-7.63 6.63 +t-7.67 Rad Gatnmn Spec Analysis: GammaSolid-FSS GAM &ALL FSS22 Ingrowth Waived Acdnium-228 0.644 +1-0.148 0.0394 +t-0.145 Americdum-241 U -0.0161 +1-0.0483 0.0438 140.0473 Bismuth-212 0.472 41-0.234 0.0902 +t-0229 Bismuth-214 0.667 +1-0.0986 0.0218 +t-0.0967 Ccsium-134 U 0.00 +1-0.023 0.0118 I /+4.0226 Ul Cesium-137 0.284 +t-0.0439 0.013 +t-0.043 Cobalt-60 U 0.0108 +/-0.0146 0.0128 +t-0.0143 Europium-152 U -0.00442 +t-0.0383 0.0327 +t-0.0375 Europium-154 U -0.0487 +/-0.0428 0.0321 +t-0.0419 Europium-155 U 0.0391 4+-0.0539 0.0361 +1-0.0528 Lend-212 0.644 +1-0.0663 0.0193 +1-0.065 Lead-214 0.787 +t-0.0903 0.0222 4+-0.0885 Manganese-54 U 0.00225 +/-0.0142 0.0119. +t-0.0139 Nioblun-94 U 0.00882 +4-0.0127 0.0111 +4-0.0124 Potasslumn-40

.11.9 +-O.997 0.02 +1-0.977 Radlum-226 0.667 +1-0.0986 0.0218 +t-0.0967 Silver-lOgm U -0.00117 41-0.0123 0.0103 +/-0.0121 Thallium-208 0.171 +t-0.031 0.0129 +t-0.0304 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Stroctium-90

-U 0.00165 +1-00928 0.00929+/-0.00929 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis iSC; Triwn Dist, Solld-B7D2,ALL FSS Tritium U -1.6 I/4.09 350 +14.09 0.227 pClg 0.258 pCilg 0327 pcl/g 0.141 0.0642 pCjg pC11g.JASI 07/m7/04 1643 351778 1 JASI 07C27/D4 1303 3517792.ASI 07t29/04 12323517803 SRB 08/03/04 1727 34B607 4 13.6 pCL/g 0.0832 0.090 0.189 0.0455 0.0249 0.0271 0.0273 0.0678 0,0687 Q0.743 0.0397 0.046 0.0251 0.0232 0.220 0.0455 0.0215 0.0268 0.0198 pCag pClg pCitg pCUg pCilg P Cig pCl/g pcEVg pCl/g pClig PCi/g PCUg pCl/g pCi/g pcllg pCI/g pCl/g HOBI 07/24/04 1506 350467 5 7.00 pCi/g 70lL13 07128/04 04453522266 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Comnpany:

Connecicut Ynanke Atomic Power Address: HaddaraNeckPlant 362Injun HollowRoad East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Soils POW 002332 Rcport Date August S 2004 Page 2 of 3 Project: YANK00504 Client D. YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Client Sample D: Sample ID: 9806-0000-005F 116342042 Parameler QunalOer Result Uncertalnty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnlystDate Time BatchMtd.Rad liquid Scintillation Analypls Liquid Scint C14, SoadAUl.FSS Carbon-14 0.247 Uquid Scinr Fc5S Solid-ALL FSS Iron-S5 U -19.Liquid Scit MN63, Sotid-ALL FSS Nicket-63 U 7.48 Liqdd Scntc99, Solid-ALLFSS Techaedum-99 U -0.0423+/-0.115 0.0903 +/-0.115+1-26.0 12.7 W-26.0+1-9.89 8.12 +/-9.89+/-0.261 0.220 +1-0261 0.185 264 16.6 OA50 pClig pcr/g pci/g pCilg PD 07/29104 2136 349787 7 JLBI 075W04 0604 350328 JLB1 07204 0549 3503339 DAM OB101/04 1130 352224 10 The foUowig PrepMethods mere performed Method Descriptlon A=alyst Date Time Prep Batch Asb Sail Prep Asu Soil Prep, GL-RAD-A-021B BSWI 07/09/04 1443 347344 DrySoelPrep DrySoilPrcpOL-RAD-A-021 MiMI 07/08/04 1143 347331 The rollowdng Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-0S-RC Modified 2 DOE EMLL HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300.

Pu-I 1-RC Modified 4 EML HASL 300.4.52Z3 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 8 DOERESLFe-1, Modified 9 DOERESLN-1.

Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300,Tc-02-RC Modified Suirrogateiracer recovery Test Recovery%

Acceptable Limits I-Areericum-243 Plutonlun-242 Carrier/TraccrReovery Carrier/TrncerRecoyemy CaMerfrrac>r Rrcoveiy CarrierTrncer Recovery Alphaspec Am241, Cmr Solid ALL AlphaspecPu.

Solid-ALLFSS Liquid Scint Pu241. Solid-ALL FS GEPC, Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Ltquld Sint Fc55. Sotld-ALL FS Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 89 92 03 86 Sa 71 (151T.-125%)



GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.gel.camr Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnecticutYankee Atornic Power Address: Haddasn Neck Plant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hnmpton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PO#0 02332 ReportDate:

AugusnS,2004 Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID: Sample ID: 9806-0000-005F 116342042 Proiect YANK00504 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Remv.: Parameter Qu2lfecr Result Uncerlainty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate

'une DalchMtd.CarrierfracerrRecovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 77 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: B Target analyte was detect d In the sample as well as the associated blank.ED Flag for results below the MDC or a flag for low trcer recovery.E *Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration rangc.H Annlyticnl holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The msult was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limit.U Indicatus thetarget analytcwas analyzed forbutnotdetcted above the detection limiL UI Uncertain identificadon forgamma spectroscopy.

X Lab-spedfic qualifier-please see case naratdve, data summary package orcontactyourprojectmanager fordetails.

h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceede.*The above sample Is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Lnboratories,-LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlk Reee b Rcviewed by GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charlaston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.golxcom Certificate of Analysis Company: ConnentcutYnnkeeAlUonicPower Address: *Haddanm NeckPlant 362 InJun Hollow Road EastaH=pton.

Conneccut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project Soils POt 002332 Client Sample ID: SarnleID: Matrvc Collect Date: Receive Datc Colector.Moisture: Parameter Qualifier Resull Uncerlaint)

LRndAlpha SpecAnalysls AiphaspecAm24!, CGn SoldALL FSS Arnericium-241 U 0.0618 +1-0.0896 Curium-242 U -0.0186 +t-0.021 Curium-243/244 U -0.0345 +1-0.0878 Alphaspec Pu4 Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U 0.0118 +1-0.0471 Plutoalum-2391240 U 0.00 +1-0.0445 Liquid ScintNP24, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -0.112 +/-7.98 Rad Gamma Spec Analyss -GammASolld-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrawvth

-Waived Actinium-228 0.4658 +/-0.0962 Amenciurn-241 U 0.0146 +1-0.0453 Bismuth-212 0391 4.4.133 Blsmuth-214 0515 +1-0.0687 Cesium-134 U 0.00 +1-0.0217 Ul Cestum-137 0.13S +1-0.0273 L Cobalt-60 U 0.00134 +1-0.0117 Europium-152 U -0.0174 +J-0.0267 Europlum-154 U -0.77 4-0.038 Europium-ISS U 0.00402 +1-0.0257 Lead-212 0.428 +1-0.0433 Lead-214 0567 +1-0.0649 MinganesL-54 U 0.0177 +1-0.0139 Niobium-94 U 000216 4-0.00974 Potassium40 12.6 +1-.993 Rndium-226 051S +1-0.0687 Stiver-108m, U 40.0051S +I-O 0937 Thallium-208 0.115 +1-0.0236 Rnd Gas Flow Proportional Counting L CFPC, Sr9O. solldX-ALL FSS StrntioiuA90 U -0.00382 +/-0.00929 Rand Llquld Scbntluationl Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist Soiid-FfIDZZALLFSS Trrldum U 0.0969 +-4.20 ReportDate:

AugustS,2004 Page 1 of 3 980640000-023F 116342040 Soi 21-JUN-04 07-JUL-04 Client 428%Proect YANKO0504 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Re"v.: FLC TP~U MDA Units DF Ana1l'3tDote Tbme Dotel~id~.

0.0563 +1-00899 0.0509 +/-0.0211 0.110 4-0.0879 0.0366 +1-0.0471 0.00 +1-0.0445

-6.70 +1-7.98 0.0341 +1-0.0943 0.0367 +1-0O444 0.0667 /-0.131 0.0162 +1-0.0673 0.0113 4/-0.0213 0.00865 +1-0.0268 0.00972 *J-0.0114 0.0217 +1-0.0262 0.0313 +1-0.0372 0.0239 +1-0.0252 0.0126 *1-Q0424 0.0163 +1-M0636 0.00974 +1-0.0136 0.00827 +1-0.0095 0.0824 +1-0.973 0.0162 +1-0.0673 0.00701+1-0.00919 0.00865 +1-0.0231 0.00983 +/-0.00934 0.172 pCi/g 0.172 pCY&g 0.280 pCilg 0.13S 0.0616 pCl/g Pakg IASI 07/2/4 1643 351778 1 JASI 07tZ7/04 130 351T7792 JASI 07/29/04 11293517803 SRB 07120404 2107 348602 4 13.7 pCi/g 0.0715 0.0751 0.140 0.0337 0.0235 0.0181 0.0207 0.0448 0.066 0.0489 0.0258 0.0337 0.0204 0.0173 0.178 0.0337 0.0146 0.018 0.0209 pCilg pCi/g pCit pCI/g palg pClkg pCL'g PCi/g pejg HOBI 07/24104 1506 350467 5 3.52 +1-4.20 7.05 pCulg RMI OU28104 0341 352226 6 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040Savago Road Chadeston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Addrss: HaddainNeckPlant 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Contact Mr. Pete Hollenbeck Project: Soils PON 002332 Report Date: August 5,2004 Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID: Snmple ID: 9806&0 023F 116342040 Proect YANK00504 ClientlD:

YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncetaltnty LC TPU MDA Units DF AnalystDate Time Dateh Mid.Rtad LlquId SclntillnUton Analysis Liquid Scint C14. Solid AltFSS Carbon-14 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U Liquid Sc NW63, Sotid-ALL FSS Nlckrl.63 U Liquid Scint T9, Solid-ALL FSS Technetiun-99 U 0202 +t-0.110 0.0875 +/-0.110 0.179 pCi1g-263 +1-32.6 15.9 41-32.6 3.30 41-7.77 6.44 +1-7.77 0.0987 +1-0278 0.231 +1-0278 333 pCl/g PD 07n29104 2031 349787 7 JLBI 07n604 0407 3503328 TLB 071/22/04 0415 350333 9 DAlI 08/Oil04 1024 352224 10 13.2 0.473 pC WS pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Desciption Analyst Dnte Time Prep Batch Asb Son Prcp Ash Soil Prep, GLRAD-A-021B BSW1 07109t04 1443 347344 Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GLRAD-A-021 MIMI 0710B/04 1143 347331 The following Analytkal Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML .HASL-300, Ain05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300.Pu-II-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL,300,Pu-l I-RC Modified 4 EML HASL 300, 4.523 5 EPA 905.0 Mordified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 8 DOERESLFe-lModified 9 DOE RESLNI-l.Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-3DO, Tc-02-RC Modified SurragatefTracer recovery Test RecovMry AcceptbTeLlniits Amn iciurm-243 Plutonlum-242

CauvierTraccrRtcoveq Carierfrracer Recovery Cnffter/1rrcer Rccavery Carricr/Tracer Recovery Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL Alpbaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS LJquid SCnat FeSS. Solid-ALL FS Liqud Sdcnt N163, Solid-ALLFS 94 94 88 84 BB 84 (2596%125%)



GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Cnnccdcut Yankee Atomic Power Address: HaddauNleckPlant 362Injun Hollow Road East Hanmpton, Conecticut 06424 Contact: Mr. PMte Hollenbeck Project Soils PO# 002332 PcportDate:

August5.2004 Page 3 of 3 Client Sample D: Samplc ID: 9806-0000-023F 116342040 Pro ect YANK00504 Clicnt I): YANKOOI Vol. RZcY.:* Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU NDA Units DF AnalystDate llme Batch Mtd._ CarrierfrraccrRecovery Liquid ScinTc99, Solid-ALLFS 71 Notes: lbe Qualificrs in this report are defined as follows-B Target analyte wns detected in thc sample as wela as the assoclated blamk BD Flng for results belov the MDC or n flng for low tracer recovery.E Concentration oF the target anlyte exceeds the instrument calibrtion range.H{ Analytical holding time exceeded.J Indicates an estimated value. The result was greater than the detection limit, but less than the reporting limniL U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detecdon limit UI Uncertain identification forgammaspectroscopy.

X Lab-specific qualifer-please see case narative, datasunmuary package or contact your project manager for details.h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis.This data report has been prpared and reviewed in accordance with Gencral Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures.

Please direct any questiDons to your Project Manager, Sarah Kozlik.Revicwcd by SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2c Split Sample Assessment Forms (2 Pages)

Connecticut Yankee Decommissioning Project Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPR-GGGR-R5124-000 Attachment A Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Survey Survey Unit Area#: 9806 Unit #: 0000 Name: Southeast Landfill Sample Plan or WPIR#: 24265-000-GEN-9535-01017-000 SML #: 9806-0000-021 Sample


Comparison of split samples collected from sample measurement location #21 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by an off-site vendor laboratory.

The standard sample was 9806-0000 021F, the comparison sample was 9806-0000-02IFS.

STANDARD l COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable (Y/N)Value Error Range Value Error Ratio .-Cs-137 6.22E-02 1.12E-02 6 0.5 2 6.76E-02 1.70E-02 1.09 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: N/A Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used to assess split samples.Resolution Agreement Range 4 7 0.50 2.00 8 15 0.60 1.66 16 50 0.75 1.33 51 200 0.80 1.25> 200 0.85 1.18 Performed By: Date: Reviewed By: Date: t/< S- ~~7- /,p WPIR -Work Plan and Inspection Record SML- Sample Measurement Location designation

/Page I of I Connecticut Yankee Decommissioning Project Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPR-GGGR-R5124-000 Attachment A Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Survey Survey Unit Area#: 9806 Unit #: 0000 Name: Southeast Landfill Sample Plan or WPIR#: 24265-000-GEN-9535-01017-000 SML #: 9806-0000-029

.1 Sample


Comparison of split samples collected from sample measurement location #29 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by an off-site vendor laboratory.

The standard sample was 9806-000(029F, the comparison sample was 9806-0000-029FS.

STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable (YIN)Value Error Range Value Error Ratio Cs-137 1.70E-02 2.69E-02 I NONE 0.00E+00 2.65E-02 0.00 N Ra-226 7.1 lE-0I 6.60E-02 11 0.6 1.66 6.90E-01 7.70E-02 0.97 Y K-40 L.25E+01 6.35E-01 20 0.75 1.33 1.18E+01 6.60E-01 0.94 Y 4 9 9 4 .4 .4 4 4..4 9 9 .4 .9 .9 9 4.___ ______ I I .1 .1 £ I _______ J. __________

Comments/Corrective Actions: Reported cesium- 37 concentrations were too low to effectively perform comparison.

Performed split sample comparison using potassium-40 (K-40)and radium-226 (Ra-226).

Potassium40 and radium-226 comparisons satisfactory.

_ _Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used to assess split samples.Resolution Agreement Range 4 7 0.50 8 15 0.60 16 50 0.75 51 200 0.80> 200 0.85 2.00 1.66 1.33 1.25 1.18 Performed By: A- A WPIR -Work Plan and Inspection Record SML -Sample Measurement Location designation JV Page I of I SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2d Preliminary Data Review Form (2 Page)

Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5123-000-Rev.CY-OOO Attachment B Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5 I 23-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment B Preliminary Data Review Form -Samples for the Sign Test Survey Unit: Survey Unit Name:.-Classification:

_i Survey Media: Type of Survey: Type of Measurement:

-~ Number of Measurements:

Operational DCGL: 9806- 0000 Southeast Landfill A Soil Final Status Survey Radionuclide Specific 31 1 BASIC STATISTICAL QUANTITIES Cs-137 Cc Minimum Value: -4.83E-04

-1.1 Maximum Value: 3.84E-01 2.6]Mean: 9.64E-02 4.64 Median: 6.22E-02 4.85 Standard Deviation:

1.03E-01 9.6: Measurement standard deviation 3.71 E-02 of the weighted sum"':)-60 6E-02 lE-02 iE-03)E-03 iE-03 NUMBER 9806-0000-OOIF 9806-0000-002F 9806-0000-003F 9806-0000-004F 9806-0000-005F 9806-0000-006F 9806-0000-007F 9806-0000-008F 9806-0000-009F 9806-0000-OlOF 9806-0000-01 IF 9806-0000-012F 9806-0000-013F 9806-0000-014F 9806-0000-015F 9806-0000-016F RADIONUCLIDE CONCENTRATION (pCi/g)Cs-137 Identified?

Co-60 Identified?

2.37E-02 N -5.91 E-04 N 1.26E-01 Y -2.38E-04 N 4.31 E-02 Y -1.73E-03 N 4.09E-03 N 8.01E-03 N 2.84E-01 Y 1.08E-02 N 3.70E-01 Y 1.95E-02 N 2.76E-02 N 2.61 E-02 N 3.84E-01 Y 1.63E-02 N 4.71 E-02 Y 9.96E-03 N 7.93E-02 Y 8.35E-03 N 8.41 E-02 Y 2.40E-02 N 1.83E-01 Y 4.89E-03 N-4.83E-04 N 5.05E-03 N 6.94E-02 Y -1.80E-03 N 1.68E-02 N -7.61 E-03 N 9.66E-02 Y -9.40E-03 N (1) MARSSIM Section 1.11.3 eq. (1-17) describes the use of the measurement standard deviation of the weighted sum when measured concentrations of the various radionuclides are assumed to be uncorrelated (i.e., there is not a fixed ratio between the concentrations)

Performed By --Independent Review: Date: 2 7-egZs i Date: ,7/7 *-

Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5123-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment B Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5 I 23-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment B Preliminary Data Review Form -Samples for the Sign Test-:Survey Unit: Survey Unit Name: Classification:

Survey Media: Type of Survey: Type of Measurement:

Number of Measurements:

Operational DCGL: 9806- 0000 Southeast Landfill A Soil Final Status Survey Radionuclide Specific 31 1 NUMBER 9806-0000-017F 9806-0000-018F 9806-0000-019F 9806-0000-020F 9806-0000-021F 9806-0000-022F 9806-0000-023F 9806-0000-024F 9806-0000-025F 9806-0000-026F 9806-0000-027F 9806-0000-028F 9806-0000-029F 9806-0000-030F 9806-0000-031 F Cs-137 2.75E-02 2.91 E-01 5.85E-02 1.51 E-02 6.22E-02 8.11E-02 1.38E-01 3.87E-02 5.55E-02 9.04E-O2 6.29E-02 2.85E-02 1.70E-OZ 3.75E-02 1.45E-01 RADIONUCLIDE CONCENTRATION (pCi/g)Identified?

Co-60 Identified?

Y 8.88E-04 N Y 9.58E-03 N Y 9.44E-03 N N -3.64E-03 N Y 1.33E-02 N Y 9.06E-03 N Y 1.34E-03 N Y -2.19E-03 N Y 1.38E-02 N Y -9.69E-03 N Y -2.92E-03 N Y -5.55E-03 N N -1.16E-02 N Y 8.51 E-03 N Y 2.02E-03 N Performed By:__ __ _Independent Review 7 Date: 2 d5 Date: 2 //7 /1,t 5 SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2e Graphical Representation of Data (4 Pages)

Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-000 Attachment C Frequency Plot For Cesium -137 Survey Unit: Survey Unit Name: Mean: 9806-0000 Southeast Landfill 9.636E-02 pCi/g 14 12> 10 a)AL 8 2 0-0.03 0.03 0.09 0.15 0.21 0.27 0.33 0.39 Upper End Value (pCilg)Upper End Observation Observation Value Frequency Frequency-0.03 0 0%0.03 9 29%0.09 -12 39%0.15 5 16%0.21 1 3%0.27 0 0%0.33 2 6%0.39 2 6%Total 31 100%Prepared By: Date: 745/ 9 -, Reviewed By: Date: ) //7 /,-7 ;-r""/

Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-000 Attachment C Frequency Plot For Cobalt -60 Survey Unit: 9806-0000 Survey Unit Name: Southeast Landfill Mean: 4.643E-03 pCi/g 10>1 8 --0)Upper End Value (pCi4g)lb N Upper End Observation Observation Value Frequency Frequency-0.011 1 3%-0.005 4 13%0.001 8 26%0.007 4 13%0.013 8 26%0.019 3 10%0.025 2 6%0.031 1 3%Total 31 100%4:1Prepared By: Date: 2-7-e5'Reviewed By: RB: Date: -7? //7, § Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-000 Attachment C Helt Phsc-Poeue-----0GPGGRR 2-e.Y-0 tacmn Quantile Plot For Cesium -137 Survey Unit: 9806-0000 Survey Unit Name: Southeast Landfill Mean: 9.64E-02 pCilg 0.45-_0.40 -E 0.35 -.e 0.30 --c0.25---0 00 0 --60-80 -10 Pc0.15-g (%)00.05-,-r-0.00 * .. ,-0.05--0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage(%

Cs-1 37 Rank Percentage

-4.83E04 1 0 %4.09E403 2 3 %1.51E-02 3 7 %1.68E402 4 10 %1.70E-02 5 13 %2.37E402 6 17 %2.75E402 7 20 %2.76E402 a 23 %2.85E402 9 27 %3.75E402 10 30 %3.87E-02 I1 33 %4.31E402 12 37 %4.71E-02 13 40 %5.55E-02 14 43 %5.85E-02 15 47 %6.22E-02 16 50 %629E402 17 53 %6.94E-02 18 57 %7.93E-02 19 60 %8.11E402 20 63 %8.41E-02 21 67 %9.04E-02 22 70 %9.66E-02 23 73 %1.26E401 24 77 %1.38E401 25 80 %1.45E-01 26 83 %1.83E-01 27 87 %2.84E-01 28 90 %2.91E401 29 93 %3.70E-01 30 97 %3.84E401 31 100 %Prepared By: lo,, Reviewed By: I Date: Z 0 Date: X //7h c, Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-000 Attachment C Quantile Plot For Cobalt -60 Survey Unit: 9806-0000 Survey Unit Name: Southeast Landfill Mean: 4.64E-03 pCi/g 0.030 --0.025 --0.020 --EL 0.015 -.2 0.010-t~0.005 -w0.000 -..0 -0.005---0.015--0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage(%

Co-60 Rank Percentage

-1.16E02*9.69E-03-9.40E-03-7.61 E-03-5.55E403-3.64E-03-2.92E403-2.19E403-1 .BOE03-1 .73E-03 45.91 E.04 2.38E04 8.88E.04 1 .34E-03 2.02E-03 4.89Eg03 5.05E-03 8.01E-03 8.35E-03 8.51 E403 9.06E-03 9.44E-03 9.58E-03 9.96E-03 1.08E-02 1.33E-02 1.38E402 1.63E-02 1 .SE-02 2.40E402 2.61 E-02.0 %3 %7 %10 %13 %17 %20 %23%27 %30 %33%37 %40 %43 %47%50 %53 %57 %60 %63%67%70 %73%77 %80 %83 %87 %90 %93 %97 %100 %Prepared By: Reviewed By: Date: 2-Date: 1;k t )I i4., .b- .CP, ___ r _t --

SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2f Sign Test Calculation (1 Page)

Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-RS 12 1-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment B Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5 12 1-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment B Sign Test Calculation Sheet For Multiple Radionuclisdes Survev Unit Number: 9806-0000---- ----Survey Unit Name: Southeast Landfill WP&IR#: 24265-000-GEN-9535-01017-000 Classification:

A TYPE I (a error):O.05 TYPE I (J3 error):0.05 Radionuclides:

Cs-137 Co-60 Unity Survey Design DCGL (pCi/g): 2.82 1.52 "o1 " Results Cs-137 2.37E-02 1.26E-0 I 4.31 E-02 4.09E-03 2.84E-0 1 3.70E-0 I 2.76E-02 3.84E-01 4.7 1E-02 7.93E-02 8.4 1E-02 1.83E-0O-4.83E-04 6.94E-02 1.68E-02 9.66E-02 2.75E-02 2.91E-0O 5.85E-02 1.5 1E-02 6.22E-02 8.1 lE-02 1.38E-01 3.87E-02 5.55E-02 9.04E-02 6.29E-02 2.85E-02 1.70E-02 3.75E-02 1.45E-01 Results Co-60-5.9 IE-04-2.38E-04-1.73E-03 8.01 E-03 1.08E-02 1.95E-02 2.61 E-02 1.63E-02 9.96E-03 8.35E-03 2.40E-02 4.89E-03 5.051E-03-1.80E-03-7.61E-03-9.40E-03 8.88E-04 9.58E-03 9.44E-03-3.64E-03 1.33E-02 9.06E-03 1.34E-03-2.19E-03 1.38E-02-9.69E-03-2.92E-03-5.55E-03-1.16E-02 8.5 1E-03 2.02E-03 Ws 8.02E-03 4.45E-02 1.411E-02 6.72E-03 1.08E-0O 1.44E-01 2.70E-02 1.47E-0O 2.33E-02 3.36E-02 4.56E-02 6.81 E-02 3.15E-03 2.34E-02 9.5 1E-04 2.8 1E-02 1.03E-02 1.09E-01 2.70E-02 2.96E-03 3.08E-02 3.47E-02 4.98E-02 1.23E-02 2.88E-02 2.57E-02 2.04E-02 6.46E-03-1.60E-03 1.89E-02 5.27E-02 I-Ws 9.92E-0 I 9.55E-01 9.86E-01 9.93E-0 1 8.92E-0 I 8.56E-0 l 9.73E-0 I 8.53E-0l 9.77E-0 I 9.66E-0 1 9.54E-0 I 9.32E-0 l 9.97E-0l 9.77E-Ol1 9.99E-01 9.72E-O1 9.90E-0 I 8.91E-01 9.73E-0 l 9.97E-0 1 9.69E-0 1 9.65E-0 l 9.50E-0 I 9.88E-0 l 9.71 E-0 I 9.74E-0I 9.80E-0 I 9.94E-0 I I .OOE+00 9.81E-0I 9.47E-0 1 Sign 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 Number of Positive Differences (S+): 31 Critical Value: 20 Survey Unit: Meets Acceptance Criterion e'l-ef, Performed By: Independent Review:--p -- -V Date: Date: ,/7 LI SOUTHEAST LANDFILL SURVEY UNIT 9806-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2g COMPASS DQA Surface Soil Report With Retrospective Power Curve (4 Pages)£ I I I DQA Surface Soil Report Assessment Summary Site: Planner(s):

Survey Unit Name: Report Number: Survey Unit Samples: Reference Area Samples: Test Performed:

Judgmental Samples: Assessment



050207 FSS Cs 2.82 Co 1.52 Eric S Keyes SU 9806-0000 1 31 0 Sign Test Result: 0 EMC Result: Reject Null Hypothesis (Survey Unit PASSES)Not Performed Not Performed U I I I I I I Retrospective Power Curve*2 1 1 0.9= 0.8 a.i 0.7 i 0.6** 0.5 ta;=~0.4 I 0.3 A. 0.2 Ii 0.1 E a---1 I _.a I i l , I I --___i I: 4- --___I. I.0 _ =0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Uuity Rule Suwm-aRaties, iwchdlug backgrunil

--Prospective Power

  • 1-beta --- -Actual Power-LBGR --Estkated Power-DCGL -- -Retrospective Power 1.2 Oc5;Of",I"-;, "" 1 -5 7 -S COMPASS 2/9/2005 Page 1 COMPASS Y-'.- -2/9/2M0 /, Page 1 DQA Surface Soil Report Survey Unit Data NOTE: Type = 'S' indicates survey unit sample.Type = 'R' indicates reference area sample.Sample Number 9806-0-001 9806-0000-002 9806-0-003 9806-0000-004 9806-0000-005 9806-00-006 9806-0 -007 9806-000008 9806-0 -009 9806-0000-010 9806-0000-011 9806-0000-012 9806-0000-013 9806-0000-014 9806-0000-015 9806-0000-016 9806-0000-017 9806-0000-018 9806-000019 9806-000020 9806-0000-021 9806-0000-022 9806-0000-023 9806-0000-024 9806-0000-025 9806-0000-026 9806-0000-027 9806-0000-028 9806-0000-029 9806-0000-030 9806-0000-031 Type S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Co-60 (pCLtg)0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 0.01 0-0.01-0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01-0.01 0-0.01-0.01 0.01 0 Cs-137 (pCl/g)0.02 0.13 0.04 0 0.28 0.37 0.03 0.38 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.18 0 0.07 0.02 0.1 0.03 0.29 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.08 0.14 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.14 CONIPA;S0LO.

Page 2 MYW# DQA Surface Soil Report Modified Data (Unity Rule SOR)NOTE: Type = "S" indicates survey unit sample.Type = "R" indicates reference area sample.Sample Number 9806-0000-001 9806-0000-002 9806-0000-003 9806-0000-004 9806-0000-005 9806-000006 9806-0000-007 9806-0000-008 9806-0000-009 9806-0000-010 9806-0000-011 9806-0000-012 9806-0000-013 9806-0000-014 9806-000015 9806-000-016 9806-000-017 9806-0000-018 9806-000019 980640000-020 9806-0000-021 9806-0000-022 9806-0000-023 980640000-024 9806-0000-025 9806-000026 9806-0000-027 9806-0000-028 9806-000029 9806-0000-030 98064000-031 Type S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S.S S S S S S S S S S Sum-af-Ratios (SOR)0.01 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.11 0.14 0.03 0.15 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0 0.02 0 0.03 0.01 0.11 0.03 0 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0.02 0.05 AS COMPASP vI.O.0 2912005Pag Page 3

'LJ' DQA Surface Soil Report Basic Statistical Quantities Summary Statistic Sample Number Mean (SOR)Median (SOR)Std Dcv (SOR)Hligh Value (SOR)Low Value (SOR)Survey Unit 31 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.15 0.00 Background N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DQO Results N=13 0.08 N/A 0.04 N/A N/A COMNP§ ,Vl.0.0/ .11219,70of- Page 4