ML061320206 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Salem, Seabrook, Haddam Neck, Yankee Rowe, FitzPatrick |
Issue date: | 02/15/2006 |
From: | Croulet D Entergy Nuclear Operations |
To: | Noggle J NRC/FSME |
References | |
FOIA/PA-2006-0140 | |
Download: ML061320206 (7) | |
James N!ogle - FW: MONITORING WELL STATUS-FEBRUARY 15, 2006-0600 Pa 1
"Croulet, Donald" <dcroule a!>
"Conroy, Pat" <>, "Cox, Mark R" <>,
"Bowman, Greg " <GBowm9O @>, "Janicki, John" <JJanick @>,
"'James Noggle"' <>, "'Timothy Rice"' <>, "PRICE, ERNEST JR"
<>, "Robert Oliveira (" <>
2/15/06 8:57AM
FW: MONITORING WELL STATUS-FEBRUARY 15, 2006-0600 From: Sachatello, Ronald Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:09 AM To: Rutkoske, Michael; Jones, T. R.; Skonieczny, John; Drake, Richard; Nuta, Dragos A; Deeds, Paul; Bode, Paul M.; English, Christopher; Peters, James; Sandike, Steven; Wilson, Daniel; English, Christopher; Croulet, Donald; Jones, T. R.; Durfee, Michael; Hinrichs, Gary; Lavera, Ron; Thiery, Al; Bode, Paul M.; Evers, Bob; McMullin, Kathy; ''; 'David Winslow'; Loope, Dennis; Burns, Thomas; Colville, Richard; Colville, Howard J.; Daniele, John C.; Tamburi, Robin M.; Kulaga, Joe; Morin, Kenneth Cc: Axelson, William L; Mayer, Don; Sachatello, Ronald
Conducted Tritium Workshop February 14, 2006 with:
Salem Brookhaven National Laboratory Connecticut Yankee Yankee Rowe Seabrook Station Arcadis CH2Mhill GZA
MONITORING WELL STATUS (Feb 15, 2006-0600 hours)
Well Number MW-111 MW-30 MW-31 MW-32 MW-33 MW-34 MW-35 MW-36 MW-37 Location Status Transformer Yard U-2 SFB MOB side walk U-2 SFB Alley Way Transformer Yard Transformer Yard Transformer Yard U-2 Turbine Bldg U-2 Turbine Bldg Baseline Sample PT In service In service In service In service In service In service In service Developed Next Sten Sampled (02/07/06)
Continue to sample Install permanent Packer Most recent sample Sampled 02/07/06 Sampled 02/07/06 Sampled 02/07/06 Sampled 02/07/06 Sampled 02/07/06 Sampled 02/07/06 Sampled 02/10/06 Sampled 02/10/06 NEM to take samples Current Results e
238,000 pCi/L Raw Water (no Packer)
Highest Packer Water:
Low Flow Samples:
33,100 pCi/L 17,700 pCi/L 214,000pCi/L 174,000 pCi/L 84,500 pCi/L 26' =20,000 pCi/L 41'=47,500 pCi/L 53'=22,400 pCi/L Highest Historical Value) 302,000 pCi/L (11/10/05) 399,000 pCi/L (11/18/05) 601,000 pCi/L (1 1/22/05) 511,000 pCi/L (02/07/06) 33,100 pCi/L (02/07/06) 17,700 pCi/L (02/07/06) 242,000 pCi/L (0 1/27/06) 212,000 pCi/L) (01/27/06) 104,000 pCi/l (01/27/06) 47,500 pCi/L (02/10/06)
MW-38 South U-3 Boundary In service Continue periodic sampling Split Sample MW-38 Results:
NY State Result: 701 pCi/l (12/08/05)
Fitzpatrick Result:.985 pCi/l (12/08/05)
Non Split-Fitzpatrick Results only Fitzpatrick Result: N.D.
Fitzpatrick Result: 1008 pCi/l (01/10/06)
Fitzpatrick Result: 758 pCi/L (01/19/06)
Fitzpatrick Result: 1,444 pCi/L( 0 1/25/06)
Well Number Location Status Next Step Current Results (Highest Historical Value)
MW-40 MW-48 MW-39 MW-46 MW-42 MW-47 MW-41 MW-45 MW-44 MW-51 Lot above Sewer Plant Furthest South Well U1 SFB /U3 RWST U-3 Transformer Yard U-I CTMTJU-2 Diesel Area West side of U-1 South of U-3 RWST U3 between Aux and SFB U3 North of SFB South, upgradient to MW-40 Well developed Well developed Well completed Casing in 7' and grouted Needs to be relocated Vacuumed to 7' Casing in 15' and grouted Needs to be relocated Vacuumed to 7' Vacuuming in progress Count samples Count samples Develop well Drill well Begin drilling Drill well
CURRENT WELL STATUS Phase I Wells MW-30 MW-31 MW-32 MW-33 MW-34 MW-35 MW-36 MW-37 MW-38 Status Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Phase II Wells Sequence (see note below)
Status (Feb 15. 2006)
- MW-40
- MW-48
- MW-42
- MW-46
- MW-41 MW-43 MW-44 MW-45 MW-47 MW-49 MW-50 MW-51 MW-52 South of Unit 1 Fuel Storage Building Parking Lot above Sewerage Plant Furthest Southerly Property Boundary West of Unit 2 RWST West of Unit 3 PAB Sump South of Unit 3 RWST South of Unit 3 Tank Pit and RWST North of Unit 3 Fuel Storage Building Between Unit 3 Fuel Storage Building/PAB West of Unit 1 Fuel Storage Building West side of Unit 3 Discharge Canal East side of Unit 3 Discharge Canal Southern property hill north of MW-40 Northern property boundary (developing)
(in service)
(in service)
(needs relocation)
(vacuumed-ready to drill)
(vacuumed-ready to drill)
(needs relocation (Vacuum completed)
(Ready to vacuum)
(Ready to vacuum)
(vacuumed-ready to drill)
(Location not established)
- Note:
Wells numbering 39, 40, 48, 42, 46 are priority wells at this time and may be drilled, developed, and sampled in a changing sequence within this subset based on depth of well considerations, equipment setup options, engineering paperwork delivery, and development status.
(Activity in pCi/L)
11/22/05 12/13-16 12/19/05 12/30/05 01/06/06 01/13/06 01/20/06 01/27/06 01/30/06 464,000-601,000 119,000-319,000 MW-31:
4,061 4,030 656-2,160 7910 MW-32:
3,720 7,110-11,110 MW-33:
142,000 63,900 42,300 296,000 199,000 121,000 76,000 192,000 220,000 147,000 80,500 212,000 189,000 159,000 95,400 113,000 232,000 131,000 97,800 199,000 226,000 211,000 104,000 119,000 242,000 212,000 38,700 Recounting MW-35:
Most recent Split Sample results: 985 (Fitzpatrick 12/08/05))
701 State of New York (12/08/05)
Most recent Fitzpatrick results:
Not detected (Fitzpatrick 12/30/05) 1,008 (Fitzpatrick 01/10/06) 758 (Fitzpatrick 01/19/06) 1,440 (Fitzpatrick 01/25/06)
MW-30 MW-31 MW-32 MW-33 MW-34 MW-35 MW-36 MW-ill 511,000 33,100 17,700 214,000 174,000 84,500 47,500 (at 41')
238,000 (02/07/06)
Unit 2 Storm Drain UJan 19, 2006 (PCibl)
Jan 24, 2006 MH2 (U-2 riverfront)
MH3 (North end of U-2 Turbine)
MH4 (Entrance to U2 Transformer Yard)
MHS (U-2 Aux Feed Bldg)
M116 (U2 Transformer Yard)
MH7(U2 Transformer Yard)
MH8 (U2 Transformer Yard)
MH12 (U2 Riverfront)
MH14 (U2 Riverfront)
CB 15 (U2 Riverfront)
ND 2,240 3,780 3,570 18,600 3,840 3,210 ND ND (river front)
ND (river front)
ND (river front)
ND (river front)
Unit 3 Storm Drain Manholes taken Jan 19, 2006 (pCi/1):
A2 (Near U-3 RWST)
A4 (Near U-3 RWST)
A6 (Near U-3 RWST)
B5 (Entrance to 3 Transformer Yard)
El (Unit 3 Roadway to Security Post)
E2 (Unit 3 Roadway to Security Post)
E2B (Unit 3 Roadway to Security Post)
E3 (Unit 3 Roadway to Security Post)
E3A (Unit 3 Roadway to Security Post)
ND 1,190 686 3,320 ND ND ND ND ND
TREND COMPARISON Unit 3 Storm Drain Locations 01/19/06 01/17/06 01/12/06 A2 U3 RWST ND A4 U3 RWST 1,190 A6 U3 RWST 686 B 1 U-3 Transformer Yard 5010 4530 B3 U-3 Transformer Yard 4650 6280 B4 U-3 Transformer Yard 3600 3180 B5 U-3 Transformer Yard 3,320 B6 U-3 Transformer Yard ND B7 U-3 Transformer Yard 2690 2510 B8 U-3 Transformer Yard ND Cl U-3 North of Service Bldg 867 997 D2 U-3 South of Service Bldg ND ND E4 U-3 Access Road to Command Post ND El U3 Access Road to Command Post ND E2 U3 Access Road to Command Post ND E2B U3 Access Road to Command Post ND E3 U3 Access Road to Command Post ND E3A U3 Access Road to Command Post ND E4A U-3 Access Road to Command Post ND E5 U-3 Access Road to U3 Command Post ND ESA U-3 Access Road to U3 Command Post ND E6 U-3 Access Road to U3 Command Post ND E7 U-3 Access Road to U3 Command Post ND