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Final Status Survey, Final Report Phase II, Appendix A3, Survey Unit Release Record 9525-0000, Southeast Site Road, Book 4 of 16
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 02/18/2005
From: Keyes C, Wager J
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
CY-05-040 9525-0000
Download: ML050870443 (142)


--I I 1 .,-I Final Status Survey Final Report Phase 11 m i Appendix A3 Survey Unit Release Record 9525-0000, Southeast Site Road February 2005 CYAPCO FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE RECORD SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 FSS Engineer Prepared By: Date: Z. ,. qV-Reviewed Approved By: ISoneer ---f'S- c na "Z Date: Date: ___ _Revision I SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION


3 2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS ....................................................

3 3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) ..............................................

5 4. SURVEY DESIGN ....................................................



10 6. SURVEY RESULTS ...................................................

11 7. QUALITY CONTROL ...................................................

12 8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS ..................................................

13 9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS ...................................................




.16 14.1 Attachment I -Figures (5 pages including cover)14.2 Attachment 2 -Sample and Statistical Data (117 pages including covers)Revision 1 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD 1. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION Survey Unit (SU) 9525-0000, (Southeast Site Road) is designated as Final Status Survey (FSS) Class 3 and consists of approximately 3,556 m 2 (0.88 acres)section of asphalt-paved road with a steep grade located east of Haddam Neck Plant (HNP) site industrial area. The road area selected for the survey unit is approximately 1,400 meters in length, 2.5 meters wide, and runs in a north-south direction.

To the north, the road extends into adjacent property owned by Connecticut Light and Power Company. To the south, the road runs towards the Discharge Canal connecting with the Haul Road running along the canal. The boundaries for the survey unit start at the property owner demarcation near an electrical substation located east of the HNP, extends from side to side of the road, then terminates about 1,400 meters down the road-south, perpendicular from the northeastern boundary of Survey Unit 9521-0000.

On the west, Survey Units 9526-0000, and 9526-0001 bound 9525-0000.

On the east, Survey Units 9532-0000 and 9528-0000 bound the unit. The adjacent area topography ranges from flat areas to steep hillsides that are heavily wooded and overgrown with brush.The reference coordinates associated with SU 9525-0000 are E057 through E020 by S061 through S083 (see License Termination Plan Section 5.4.4). The reference coordinates provide the maximum dimensions of a rectangle containing this survey unit. Some areas contained in this rectangle may not be part of this survey unit. The boundary of the survey unit was defined using a Global Positioning System (GPS).The historical files indicate that at one time, the public was allowed to use the road to access the canal for recreational fishing purposes.

The area was heavily used by the public and debris piles consisting of old cans and bottles can still be found in some areas, mainly along the canal, from this time period.Survey Unit 9525-0000 is a "closed to the public," utility-access road exhibiting typical features.

The road was repaved in the past and patched in areas where degradation has occurred.

An inspection to support the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) project indicated that the asphalt thickness ranged from 1.5" to 5" (3.5 -12 cm). The road will be used after final status survey completion.

2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS The survey unit was classified in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-10,"Survey Unit Classijcation." The historical information and scoping results provide sufficient data to designate SU 9525-0000 as Class 3 in August 2001.The "Classijcation Basis Summary" conducted for SU 9538-0000 consisted of: a) A review of the 1OCFR50.75 (g) (1) database, Revision 1 3 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD b) A review of the "Initial Characterization Report" and "Historic Site Assessment Supplement, " c) Historic and current survey records review, d) Personal interviews, e) Visual inspections and a "walk down." A review of the lOCFR50.75 (g) (1) database report identified one document associated with this survey area. Plant Incident Report (PIR) 80-37 describes the discovery of radioactive particles found on the hillside and other areas of the site. The investigation into the incident concluded that the particles were most likely ejected from the primary vent stack as a result of several operational events in 1979. Isotopic analysis of the particles indicated that the short-lived fission products Ce-144 and Ru-106 dominated the particle radioactivity.

A comprehensive survey was performed in 1980 had identified contamination on the east hillside from the RCA boundary out to a distance of 200 meters.Following identification of the contamination, further surveys were conducted to a distance of 400 meters, with no additional plant related radioactivity identified.

A review of historic information indicates that the road was surveyed as part of this survey effort. No contamination was found on the Southeast Site Road.A review of the "Initial and Supplemental Characterization Reports " as well as the previous "Classifi cation Basis Sunmmaries" provided no additional information pertinent to classification.

A review of soil relocation files show that the road was resurfaced in 1985.There is no information indicating that impacted soil was mixed prior to paving.A Survey Sampling Work Plan (SSWP N2. BCY-SSWP-03-04-002) was developed and implemented during April 2003 to obtain the necessary data of sufficient data quality for Final Status Survey (FSS) planning purposes.Samples were taken of the asphalt and the underlying soil (i.e., soil under the asphalt).

Six (6) data points were used to determine the radiological concentration variability in this survey unit. No plant-related radioactive material was found in either the asphalt or the underlying soil other than low-levels of Cs-137, which was only identified in two (2) of the six (6) underlying soil samples. The reported Cs-137 analysis results for the six (6) asphalt samples show a mean concentration of 0.013 pCi/g, maximum concentration of 0.0197 pCi/g and standard deviation for sample measurements of 0.005746 (see Table 1). The concentrations of Cs-137 found in the underlying soil were well below those concentrations determined from off-site locations as documented by Health Physics Technical Support Document (TSD) BCY-HP-0063,"Background Cs-137 Concentration in Soil." Given the age and past use of the road, it is unlikely that the underlying soils will contain residual radioactivity associated with plant operation.

Revision I 4 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 1 -Basis Statistical Quantities for Cesium-137 from the Characterization Survey Parameter Cesium-137

____ ____ ____ ____(Pc ilg)Minimum Value: 0.004 Maximum Value: 0.020 Mean: 0.013 Median: 0.014 Standard Deviation:

0.006 Personnel interviews were conducted with CYAPCO personnel to ascertain when the road had originally been constructed and paved. Unfortunately, the individuals surveyed could not recall the date or time period. These individuals did recollect that CY permitted fisherman access to the Discharge Canal in the past. Several documents support this assertion and provide ample proof that the canal was receiving steady traffic from local fisherman.

Historic documents and photos point to the period between 1968 and 1971 as a potential starting point for the construction of the road. Although the photo clarity cannot confirm paving, it would seem practical to pave the road, especially near the substation, to minimize erosion and precipitation run-off.The Site Radiological Release Supervisor performed a "walkdown" of the area prior to classification.

The Southeast Site Road is a paved road with a relative steep grade. A review of the soil relocation files shows that the road was resurfaced in 1985. An inspection of road modification work to support the ISFSI project indicates that the asphalt thickness ranges from 1.5" to about 5".Several locations show evidence of localized asphalt "patching", which was probably performed in the past to repair the road.At the time of FSS, the dose impact from groundwater contamination was not considered.

The classification basis shows that the expected residual radioactivity in the survey unit would be below the site remediation criteria and are consistent with procedural guidance, thereby sufficient to justify final designation as Class 3.3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO)The primary objective of the Final Status Survey Plan (FSSP) was to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in Survey Unit 9525-0000 did not exceed the release criteria specified in the License Termination Plan (LTP), was below the 10 mrem/yr Administrative Level Derived Concentration Guideline Level (DCGL), and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).FSS design and planning endorsed the use of the Data Quality Objective (DQO)process as described by the LTP, Procedure RPM 5.1-11, "Preparation of Final Status Survey Plan," and the "Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Revision 1 5 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Investigation Manual" (MARSSIM).

A summary of the main features of the DQO process are provided herein.The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis.

Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition.

The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis.

Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection.

In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria.

Rejection of the null hypothesis would satisfy the release criteria objective of the FSS.The DQO process determined that Cs-137 would be the radionuclide of concern during the 9525-0000 FSS process. Additionally, to provide conservatism, the Base Case DCGLs for radionuclides in soil was reduced by 60% to establish the Administrative Level DCGL.Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest relative to the DCGL. Survey instrument response checks were performed before issue and after the instrument had been used. Control and accountability of survey instruments were maintained to assure the quality and prevent the loss of data.Laboratory DQOs and analysis results were reported as actual calculated results.Results reported as less than Minimum Detectable Concentration

(<MDC)would not be accepted for FSS. Sample report summaries included unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result and uncertainty of two standard deviations (2a), laboratory data qualifiers, units and the required and observed MDC (see Table 2).Revision I 6 Revision 1 6 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Table 2 -FSS DCGL Values and Required Minimum Detectable Concentrations Radionuclide Base Case Soil Administrative Level Required MDC DCGL (pC[/g) (') DCGL (pCi/g) (2) Wpi/g) (3)H-3 4.12E+02 1.65E+02 1.65E+01 C-14 5.66E+00 2.26E+00 2.26E-01 Mn-54 1.74E+01 6.96E+00 6.96E-01 Fe-55 2.74E+04 1.IOE-+04 1.1OE+03 Co-60 3.81E+00 1.52E+00 1.52E-01 Ag-108m 7.14E+00 2.86E+00 2.86E-01 Ni-63 7.23E+02 2.89E+02 2.89E+01 Sr-90 1.55E+00 6.20E-01 6.20E-02 Nb-94 7.12E+00 2.85E+00 2.85E-01 Tc-99 1.26E+01 5.04E+00 5.04E-01 Cs-134 4.67E+00 1.87E+00 1.87E-01 Cs-137 7.91E+00 3.16E+00 3.16E-01 Eu-152 1.O1E+O1 4.04E+00 4.04E-01 Eu-154 9.29E+00 3.72E+00 3.72E-01 Eu-155 3.92E+02 1.57E+02 1.57E+O1 Pu-238 2.96E+01 1.18E+01 1.18E+O0 Pu-239/240 2.67E+01 1.07E+01 1.07E+O0 Pu-241 8.70E+02 3.48E+02 3.48E+01 Am-241 2.58E+01 1.03E+01 1.03E+OO Cm-243/244 2.90E+01 1.16E+01 1.16E+OO (1) The Base Case DCGLs for soil are specified by the LTP in Chapter 6.(2) The Administrative Level DCGL is 40% of the Base Case DCGL.(3) The required MDC was 10% of the Administrative Level DCGL.4. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. To assist the Final Status Survey Engineers when preparing survey plans for FSS, guidance is provided in Procedure RPM 5.1-11. By design, the FSSP meets the ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP.The LTP specifies that the selection of the scan area size is judgmental for Class 3 areas. The fraction of scanning coverage was determined during the DQO process with the total amount, and location(s) based on the likelihood of finding elevated activity during FSS. The historic data supported the decision to scan 186.7 m 2 of 9525-0000.

The selection of two (2) land areas, Scan Areas 1 and 2 were based on the inspection tour of the area. These areas are located at corners of the road where collection of residual radioactivity is probable.

One of the scan areas is the nearest point on the Southeast Access Road relative to the Radiation Controlled Area of HNP (distance 0.22 miles). Elevated areas of Revision 1 7 Revision 1 7 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD residual radioactivity were not considered likely based on Historical Site Assessment data and survey unit inspection tours. Scan Area 1 is approximately 62.25 m 2 and Scan Area 2 is 124.4 m 2.Scans were also prescribed for a one (1)meter radius around each random and biased Sample Measurement Location (SML).Six (6) data points were used to determine the radiological concentration variability in this survey unit. The population data set included data from this SU collected during scoping and characterization.

Radionuclide-specific analyses of soil samples collected from this survey unit and adjacent land areas with similar history and physical characteristics have identified only a few radionuclides, principally Cs-137. The data collected prior to FSS indicated that the remaining radionuclides listed in Table 2 would not be present in quantities greater than 5% of the applicable Base Case DCGL in this survey unit at the time of FSS. It was unlikely that the aggregate concentration of the remaining radionuclides would exceed 10%; therefore, only Cs-137 was used in the survey planning of SU 9525-0000.

The use of the 5% and 10% rule is consistent with the development of surrogate ratio DCGLs as described in the LTP.The DQO process determined that Cs-137 would be the radionuclide of concern during the 9525-0000 FSS process. The Operation DCGL of 3.16 pCi/g for Cs-137 was used to demonstrate compliance with the release criteria.Surrogate DCGLs are not required for this survey unit because of the radionuclide specific analysis and radionuclide de-selection in accordance with the 5% and 10% rule.The Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) does not apply to this survey unit since discrete, elevated areas of contamination are not expected.The Sign Test was selected as the non-parametric statistical test. The use of the Sign Test did not require the selection or use of a background reference area, which simplified survey design and implementation.

This approach was conservative since it included background Cs-137 as part of the sample set.The number of soil samples for FSS was determined in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-12, "Determination of the Nuniber of Surface Samples for FSS. " Survey design specified fifteen (15) surface soil samples for the Sign Test non-parametric statistical testing.For the FSS, two (2) biased soil SMLs were selected in areas where contamination may collect, near corners and access/egress points along the road.Although Procedure RPM 5.1-11 only specified that 5% of the samples be selected for Hard-to-Detect (HTD) analysis, two (2) soil samples or 13% were randomly selected for HTD radionuclide analysis by using the Microsoft Excel "RANDBETWEEN" function.

Each sample would be sent for a full suite Revision I 8 Revision 1 8 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD analysis of the HTD radionuclides specified in the LTP, Table 2-12,"Radionuclides Potentially Present at Haddam Neck Plant." The implementation of survey specific quality control measures as referenced by Procedure RPM 5.1-24, "Split Sample Assessment for Final Status Survey," included the collection of two (2) soil samples for "split sample" analysis by the off site laboratory.

These locations were selected randomly using the Microsoft Excel "RANDBETWEEN" function.

The number of quality control soil samples was determined to be 13% of fifteen (15) samples, rounded up to the next whole number.The grid pattern and locations of the soil samples were determined using Visual Sample Plan (VSP) in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-14, "Identifying and Marking Surface Sample Locations for FSS." Visual Sample Plan was created by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for the United States Department of Energy. Random grid spacing with a random starting point was selected for sample design, which is appropriate for a Class 3 area.Sample location and scan areas were identified using AutoCAD-LtD a commercially available plotting software with coordinates consistent with the Connecticut State Plane System. These coordinates were integrated with a GPS to locate sample and scan locations in the field. Sample Measurement Locations for the design are listed with the GPS coordinates in Table 3.Table 3 -Sample Measurement Locations (SML) with Associated GPS Coordinates.

Designation Northing Easting'9525-0000-OOIF 236594.4 668136.1 9525-0000-002F 237849.6 670223.8 9525-0000-003F 238324 670249.2 9525-0000-004F 238647.7 670150.6 9525-0000-005F 236894.8 670024.5 9525-0000-006F 237413.2 670173.4 9525-0000-007F 237606.8 670212 9525-0000-008F 236861.5 670049.7 9525-0000-009F 237862.7 670225.2 9525-0000-OlOF 237306 670149.3 9525-0000-01 IF 238235.7 670266.5 9525-0000-012F 237214.9 670125.1 9525-0000-013F 236571.3 669904.4 9525-0000-014F 238246 670263 9525-0000-015F 236893.2 670032.8 For this Class 3 survey unit, the "Investigation Level" for area scanning and soil sample measurement results are those levels specified in LTP, Table 5-8,"Investigation Levels." Revision 1 9 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD The Lower Bound of the Gray Region (LBGR) was adjusted in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-11 to 0.99 of the Operational DCGL to maintain the relative shift (A/a) in the range of I and 3. In a Class 3 survey unit the median concentration is expected to be below the LBGR, in which case a Prospective Power Curve would be unnecessary and was not generated.

The mean concentrations for Co-60 and Cs-137 identified during the scoping and characterization indicate this assumption to be true.Table 4 provides a synopsis of the survey design.Table 4 -S nopsis of the Survey Design Feature Design Criteria Basis Based on AutoCAD and Survey Unit Size 3,556.4 in 2 Visual Sample Plan calculations Type I (a) and Type II (1 were 0.05; relative shift Number of Measurements 15 (A/a) set at 2 by procedure, the LBGR at 0.99.Grid Spacing Random and Appropriate design for Class Random Start 3 Area...Not appropriate design for Interval Spacing Not Applicable assr3prandosampling Class 3 random sampling DCGL 3.16 pCi/g Operational DCGL applied DCGL _Cs-137 to field data (l)Based on likelihood of Scan Survey Coverage 186.7 m2 finding elevated readings in (5.5%) this particular Class 3 survey unit a i Detectable over Based on achieving the background Administrative Level DCGL (I) The Operational DCGL was based on achieving an administrative level that was 40%h of the soil DCGL and assuming no impact from radioactive contamination in groundwater or from buried concrete debris.5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Final status survey field activities were conducted under Work Plan and Inspection Record (WP&IR) 24265-000-GEN-0000-00144-000.

The WP&IR package included a detailed FSSP, job safety analysis, job planning checklist and related procedures for reference.

Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and the safety aspects of the survey. The"Daily Survey Journal" was used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the FSS.Revision I 10 Revision I 10 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Survey activities occurred between April 30 and May 20,2003.The land areas, Scan Areas 1 and 2 were marked out using GPS coordinates consistent with the Connecticut State Plane System and scanned for elevated readings.

Scanning was performed with an Eberline E-600 using a SPA-3 sodium iodide detector.

The E-600 was operated in the rate-meter mode and used with audio response.

The probe was positioned as close to the ground as possible and was moved at a scan speed of about 0.5 meters per second.Using GPS coordinates, the SMLs were identified and marked with a surveyor's flag for identification.

At each SML, a one (1) meter radius around the sample flag was scanned for elevated radiation levels.Fifteen (15) surface soil samples were collected in random locations and packaged in accordance with HNP Procedure RPM 5.1-3, "Collection of Surface and Subsurface Soil, Shoreline Sediment, Asphalt and Liquid samples for Scoping, Characterization and Final Statuts Survey," and FSS design.Samples were controlled, transported, stored, and transferred to the off site laboratory using Chain-of-Custody (COC) protocol in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-5, "Chain of Custody for Scoping, Characterization and Final Status Samples. " Two (2) samples (009F and 012F) were randomly selected for HTD radionuclide analysis.Two (2) samples (002F and 006F) were collected for "split sample" analysis by the off site laboratory.

6. SURVEY RESULTS No elevated readings were identified during scanning the SMLs or in the Scan Areas (see Table 5). No further action or investigations were required.

All scan area results are provided in Attachment 2.Table 5- Scan Area Results Highest Investigation Elevated Scan Logged Level Reading Area Reading : ee edn Ae Rag (MDC-cpm)

Identification 1 8,460 10,500 9,780 10,800 .2 8,830 10,200 -10,900 11,400 Revision I 11 Revision 1 11 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD The off site laboratory employed for the radiological analyses of samples was STL-Richland, Richland, Washington.

The laboratory analyzed the fifteen (15)samples taken for non-parametric statistical testing, the associated duplicates and scan area samples using gamma spectroscopy.

Gamma spectroscopy analysis was performed to the required MDC. Cesium-137 was the only gamma-emitting radionuclide detected at statistically significant concentrations.

A summary of the sample results is provided in Table 6.Table 6- Summary of Soil Sample Results Sample Number pCilg f-DCGL 9525-0000-OO1F 0.022 0.007 9525-0000-002F 0.019 0.006 9525-0000-003F

-0.015 0 9525-0000-004F

-0.02 0 9525-0000-005F 0.004 0.001 9525-0000-006F 0.019 0.006 9525-0000-007F

-0.002 0 9525-0000-008F 0.008 0.003 9525-0000-009F 0.049 0.015 9525-0000-O0OF

-0.005 0 9525-0000-011F 0.0048 0.002 9525-0000-012F 0.027 0.009 9525-0000-013F

-0.02 0 9525-0000-014F 0.009 0.003 9525-0000-015F 0.02 0.007 (1) f-DCOL-fraction of the Administrative Level UCUL The off site laboratory processed the two (2) selected samples (003F and 007F)for HTD analysis including alpha spectroscopy, gas proportional counting and liquid scintillation depending on the radionuclide and the measurement method.Strontium-90 was the only HTD radionuclide reported at statistically significant concentrations in the two (2) samples. In combination with the other detected nuclides (Cs-137), the maximum f-DCGL in the sample set was 0.385 of the Administrative Level DCGL (SML 009F). This result is well below the investigation level (see Table 6 and Table 7). No further action or investigations were required.Table 7-Hard-to-Detect Sample Results pCi/g Sample Number -Sr-90 f-DCGL(')9525-0000-009F 0.23 0.37 9525-0000-012F 0.05 0.07 (I) f-IGl)fraction of the Administrative Level DCGL Revision I 12 Revision I 12 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Two (2) biased samples were analyzed by gamma spectroscopy at the off site lab (see Table 8). The results of gamma spectrometry analysis for the two (2)samples indicated Cs-137 at levels below laboratory observed MDC. All were reported below the required MDC. No further action or investigations were required.Table 8-Biased Sample Results Sample Number Cs-137 pCi/g f-DCGL(')9525-0000-016F 0.009 0.03 9525-0000-017F

-0.0449 (I) f-DCGL-fraction of the Administrative Level DCGL 7. QUALITY CONTROL The off site laboratory processed the split samples and performed gamma spectroscopy analysis.

Thirteen percent (13%) of the samples were selected for analysis, which exceeds the 5% minimum required by the LTP. The data were evaluated using United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC)acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure 84750 as detailed in Procedure RPM 5.1-24. There was acceptable agreement between field split results. The sample analysis vendor, STL-Richland, Richland, Washington maintains quality assurance and quality control plans as part of normal operation.

Refer to Attachment 2 for data and data quality analysis results.8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS No investigations were performed as the result of FSS in Survey Unit 9525-0000.9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS Historically, no remediation was performed in this survey unit prior to or as a result of the FSS. Health Physics TSD BCY-HP-0078, "ALARA Evaluation of Soil Reniediation in Support of Final Status Survey," determined that remediation beyond that required to meet the release criteria to be unnecessary and that the remaining residual radioactivity in soil was ALARA.10. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN The change made from the LTP, prior to this FSS, was a decrease in the concentrations for the Base Case DCGLsoil.

The LTP presents DCGLs that correspond to a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) of 25 mrem/yr. This survey unit was evaluated against Administrative Level DCGLs that correspond to 10 mrem/yr.Revision 1 13 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD The required MDC for sample 009F HTD Sr-90 analysis could not be reasonably achieved.

The DQOs recognized that certain analytical methods might not meet MDC requirements (e.g., "high" radiation screening limitations).

The MDCs were set at 4% of the soil DCGL to be as far below the DCGL as practical.

In accordance with the LTP, a value at 10% of the soil DCGL would have been the desired level of sensitivity with up to 50% of the DCGL being acceptable.

Review of the data shows that the lab reported Sr-90 MDC was 50%below the maximum level of sensitivity specified by Section 5.5 of the LTP (i.e., <50% of the applicable soil DCGL) and are therefore acceptable.

Strontium-90 sample results were well above the reported MDC and considered valid.Vendor laboratory analysis for sample 009F used a smaller aliquot than required by the analytical method. The lab used a small aliquot due to a "high" radiation screen. Using a sample with a "high" screen would affect counting and analytical techniques if the normal sample aliquot were used. However, the laboratory control sample, batch blank, sample and sample duplicate results are within acceptance limits for the lab quality control.11. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA)The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-23, "Data Quality Assessment," for completeness and consistency.

The sampling design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve. The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. All sample results were less than the release criteria.

Therefore, the Sign Test shows that the survey unit passes Final Status Survey.Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and sample collection were consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly designated as Class 3.The preliminary data review consisted of converting the data into units relative to the release criteria (i.e., pCi/g) and calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation).

The initial data review consisted of reviewing the analytical data for the fifteen (15) asphalt samples and comparing results to the reported and required MDC.The values for Cs-137 were below the laboratory reported MDC and well below required MDC. Sample 9525-0000-009F was considered as a "positive" result for Cs-137, exceeding two standard deviations (2ca). The highest calculated fraction of the DCGLc.1 3 7 for this sample was 1.5%.Revision I 14 Revision 1 14 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD The range of the data was about one standard deviation (lIa). The difference between the mean and median was 3.25% of the standard deviation.

The data is slightly skewed positive.

An increase in the variability was indicated by the fact that the standard deviation was greater than design. This expected increase results from more locations being sampled, thus affecting the variability.

The data was represented graphically through posting plots, a frequency plot and a quantile plot. When the data is displayed in a cumulative frequency distribution, the data is distributed around the low mean concentration of 0.00729 pCi/g Cs137. This distribution is typical of an area with very low to no detectable levels of contamination.

All data, assessments and graphical representations are provided in Attachment 2.12. ANOMALIES All data is considered valid including negative values, zeros, values reported below the MDC and values reported with uncertainties greater than standard deviations(2a)

.Some radionuclides have been reported at low concentrations that are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level, but with a relatively high level of uncertainty.

Gamma spectroscopy results identified several radionuclides meeting the accepted criteria for detection (i.e., a result greater than two standard deviations uncertainty

-2a). Cesium-134 and Am-241 were frequently identified in sample results. The offsite laboratory data qualifier unit shows that these radionuclides were analyzed for and the result was less than the MDC. These very low-level"detections" may be attributed to false positive noise at the lower limit of the measuring technique.

Hard-to-Detect analyses results identified Sr-90 in sample 9525-0000-012F as meeting the accepted criteria for detection (i.e., a result greater than two standard deviations uncertainty-2a).

However, the reported laboratory blank Sr-90 value for this sample was 10% greater than the analytical results. When compared, the sample statistical values are almost identical to the blank values (results, count error, MDC, and yield). This very low-level "detection" may be attributed to false positive noise at the lower limit of the measuring technique and analytical uncertainty.

The Sr-90 value compares favorably with research conducted in other regional areas concerning fallout resultant from nuclear testing in the past as referenced in EPRI Technical Report 1003030,"Determining Background Radiation Levels in Support of Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants. " These HTD radionuclides do not represent quantities that would increase the requisite number of samples for non-parametric statistical sampling or cause the survey unit to fail to meet the release criteria.

Sample analysis did not indicate any anomalies requiring further investigation.

Revision 1 15 Revision 1 15 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD 13. CONCLUSION Survey Unit 9525-0000 has met the DQOs of the Final Status Survey. For this survey unit, the ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Section 4 of the LTP was achieved.

Elevated Measurement Comparison and remediation was not required.The sample data passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected.Evaluation of the data shows that none of the FSS design radionuclides or HTD soil concentration values exceeded the Operational DCGL or unity. No large anomalies were observed in the graphical representation of the data. The survey unit was properly designated as Class 3. The Retrospective Power Curve generated using COMPASS shows adequate power was achieved.This survey unit is not considered impacted by radioactive contamination in groundwater based on location, topography and current hydro-geologic sampling data as referenced in Health Physics TSD CY-HP-0193, "Assessment of Existing Groundwater Dose for Phase II Release Areas of the Final Status Survey Report. " 14. ATTACHMENTS 14.1 Attachment 1 -Figures 14.2 Attachment 2 -Sample and Statistical Data Revision I 16 Revision 1 16 r SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD 1 T 7 Attachment 1 Figures (4 pages)Revision 1 I bJAf 7 e Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Site Map With Reference To Survey Unit 9525-0000 CI(

-m m m -m m m m m m m m m m m -Area 2 LadW 9 Notes 0526-0001 I..-Scan Area I&Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9525-0000 Final Status Survey Design C02Z m m m M m m m m -m m m m m m m m m m Scan Area 2 0 I\., I\Notes Negative values notposted 1 (GConnecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9525-000O Final Status Survey Cesium-137Posting Plot GC03~

M M -M M M M M M m m -m m m M M M M Scan Area 2 Lead S = SampleLOCat~in I.Notes Neatve vawles notpOasd Cs-137= Cessum-37 Sr-90= StzWdum-90 Md0Le tndw Mimm D~abe Cnbb 1,1,1 Scan Area I-9525-0000-017F

\ <ADC&Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9525-0000 Final Status Survey Biased and Hard-to-Detect, ing Plot Co L SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2 Sample and Statistical Data SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD I Attachment 2a Gamma Spectroscopy Data (64 Pages)

Analytical Data Package Prepared For Bechtel CT Yankee Project Radlochemical Analysis By STL Richland 2800 G. W. Way, Richland Wa, 99352, (509)-3 75-3131.Assigned Laboratory Code: STLRL Data Package Contains Pages Report No.: 22966 SDG No. Order No. Client Sample ID (List Order) Lot-Sa No...23085 9525-0000-001 F 9525-0000-002 F 9525.0000-002 FS 9525-0000-003 F 9525-0000-004 F 9525-0000-005 F 9525-000-006 F 9525-0000-006 FS 9525-0000-007 F 9525-0000-008 F 95250000-009 F 9525-0000-010 F 9525-0000-011 F 9525.0000-012 F 9525-0000-013 F 9525-0000-014 F 9525-0000-015 F 9525-0000-016 F 9525-0000-017 F J3F020131

-7 J3F020131-1 J3F020131-2 J3F020131-19 J3F020131-13 J3FD20131-10 J3F020131-8 J3F020131-9 J3F020131-15 J3F020131.6 J3F020131-11 J3F020131-4 J3FO201 31-12 J3F020131-16 J3FO20131-18 J3F020131..3 J3F020131-14 J3F020131-5 J3F020131-17 Work Order FPQXFIAA FPQW51AA FPQW61AA FPQXWMIAA FPQXMIAA FPQXJ1AA FPQXGIAA FPQXHIAA FPQXPIAA FPQXE1AA FPQXKIAA FPQXAiAA FPQXL1AA FPQXQIM FPQXTIAA FPQW91AA FPQXNIAA FPQXC1AA FPQXRIAA Report DB JD 9FPQXF10 9FPQW510 SFPQW610 9FPQXW10 9FPQXM10 9FPQXJI0 9FPQXG10 9FPQXH10 9FPQXP10 9FPQXE10 9FPQXK10 9FPQXA1 0 9FPQXLI0 9FPQXQIO 9FP0XT1 0 9FPQW910 9FPQXNI 0 9FPQXC10 9FPQXR1D Batch No.3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 3154249 STL Rlchland rp1STLRchTIdte r3.73-_ STL RICHLAND I ELFS STL Certificate of Analysis Bechtel Power Corporation 362 njun HollowRoad East Hampton, CT 06424 June 30,2003 Attention:

Alan Heter Date Received in Lab : May 30, 2003 Sample Type Nineteen (19) Asphalt SDG Number : 23085 Project Name/Number

Haddam Neck Decommissioning COC Number 2003-00123 Purchase Order Number 24265-FSB-S-00552-AC CASE NARRATIVE I. Introduction On May 30, 2003, nineteen asphalt samples were received at the STL Richland (STLR) laboratory for radiochemical analysis.

Upon receipt, the samples were assigned the STLR identification numbers as descnbed on the coverpage of the Analytica]

Data Package report form. These samples were assigned to Lot Number J3F02013 1.II. Sample Receipt The samples were received in good condition and no anomalies were noted during check-in.m11. Analytical Results/Methodology The analytical results for this report are presented by laboratory sample ID. Each set of data includes sample identification information, analytical results and the appropriate associated statistical errors.The requested analysis was: Gamma Spectroscopy Gamma Spec by method RICH-RC-5017 Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc.STL Richland

  • 2800 George Washington Way, Richland, WA 99352 Tel 509 375 3131 Fax 509 375 5590
  • A pat d Swen I c_ STL RICHIAND 2 Bechtel Power Corporation June 30,2003 Page 2 IV. Quality Control The analytical result for each analysis performed includes a minimum of one laboratory control sample (LCS), and one reagent blank sample analysis.

Any exceptions have been noted in the "Comments" section.QC and sample results are reported in the same units.V. Comments Gamma Spectroscopy Gamma Spec by method RICH-RC-5017:

The samples were dried, ground, and sieved for analysis.

The samples were allowed to reach equilibrium during a 10 day in-growth as per client direction.

The following results may be false positives as the key-line activity is greater than the MDA but the identification of the radionuclide was rejected by the abundance criteria of the software: Isotopes:

Affected Samples: TI-208, Bi-214, Pb-214, Ra-226, Ac-228 FPQW5 n1-208, Bi-214, Ra-226, Ac-228 FPQW5dup, PQXEFPQXGFPQXMFPQXRFPQXW T1-208, Bi-214, Pb-214, Ra-226 FPQXJ Bi-214, Ra-226, Ac-228 FPQW9,FPQXC,FPQXF,FPQXT T1-208, Bi-214, Ac-228 FPQXAFPQXHFPQXL Bi-214, Pb-214, Ra-226 FPQXK 11-208, Bi-214, Ra-226 FPQXPFPQXQ Bi-214, Ra-226 FPQW6 11-208, Ac-228 FPQXN The following results may be false positives as the non-identified peak at the key-line area was calculated using the radionuclide factors: Isotopes:

Affected Samples: Tl-208, Pb-212, Pb-214 FPQW6, FPQW9, FPQXC, FPQXF Pb-212, Pb-214, Ra-226 FPQXA, FPQXH, FPQXL Pb-212, Pb-214 FPQW5dup, FPQXE, FPQXG, FPQXM, FPQXN, FPQXQ, FPQXT Pb-212, Ac-228 FPQXJ TI-208, Pb-212 FPQXK Pb-212 FPQW5, FQQXP Except as noted, the LCS, sample duplicate, batch blank and sample results are within required limits._ STL RICHLAND 3 Bechtel Power Corporation June 30,2003 Page 3 I certify that this Certificate of Analysis is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager, or a designee as verified by the following signature.

Reviewed and approved: 'ProjectManagei'

-STL RICHLAND 4 Drinking Water Method Cross References DRINKING WATER ASTM METHOD CROSS REFERENCES Referenced Method Isotope(s)

STL Richland's SOP number EPA 901.1 Cs-134, 1131 RICH-RC-5017 EPA 900.0 Alpha & Beta RICH-RC-5014 EPA 903.1 Ra-226 RICH-RC-5005 EPA 904.0 Ra-228 RICH-RC-5005 EPA 905.0 Sr89/90 RICH-RC-5006 ASTIM D2460 Total Radium RICH-RC-5027 Standard Method 7500-U-C & ASTM D5174 Uranium RJCH-RC-5058 EPA 906.0 Tdtium RICH-RC-5007 NOTE: The Gross Alpha LCS Is prepared with Am-241 (unless otherwise specified In the case narratie)The Gross Beta LCS Is prepared with SrN-90 (unless otherwise specifed In the case narrative)

  • .r Uncertainty Estimation STL Richland has adopted the internationally accepted approach to estimating uncertainties described in "NIST Technical Note 1297, 1994 Edition".

The approach, "Law of Propagation of Errors", involves the identification of all variables in an analytical method which are used to derive a result. These variables are related to the analytical result (R) by some functional relationship, R -constants

  • (x,yz,...).

The components (x,yz) are evaluated to determine their contribution to the overall method uncertainty.

The individual component uncertainties (u) are then combined using a statistical model that provides the most probable overall uncertainty value. All component uncertainties are categorized as type A, evaluated by statistical methods, or type B, evaluated by other means. Uncertainties not included in the components, such as sample homogeneity, are combined with the component uncertainty as the square root of the sum-of-the-squares of the individual uncertainties.

The uncertainty associated with the derived result is the combined uncertainty (u) multiplied by the coverage factor (1,2, or 3).When three or more sample replicates are used to derive the analytical result, the type A uncertainty is the standard deviation of the mean value (S/vn), where S is the standard deviation of the derived results. The type B uncertainties are all other random or non-random components that are not included in the standard deviation.

The derivation of the general "Law of Propagation of Errors" equations and specific example are available on request STL Richland-. _.STL RICHILND 5 Report Definitions.-.

, Action Lev An agreed upon activity level used to trigger some action when the final result is greater than or equal to the Action Level. Often the Action Level is related to the Decision Limit.Batch The QC preparation batch number that relates laboratory samples to QC samples that were prepared and analyzed together.Bias Defined by the equation (ResultlExpected)-l as defined by ANSI N1330.COC No Chain of Custody Number assigned by the Client or STL Richland.Count Error (#s) Poisson counting statistics of the gross sample count and background.

The uncertainty is absolute and in the same units as the result. For Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) the batch blank count is the background.

Total Uncert (#s) All known uncertainties associated with the preparation and analysis of the sample are propagated to give a measure uConmbined ofthe uncertainty associated with the result, u, the combined uncertainty.

The uncertainty is absolute and in the Uncertatnty.

same units as the result.g (6s), Coverage The coverage factor defines the width of the confidence interval, 1, 2 or 3 standard deviations.

  • Factor CRDL (RL) Contractual Required Detection Limit as defined in the Client's Statement Of Work or STL Richland "default!, nominal detection limit. Often referred to the reporting level (RL)Lc Decision Level based on instrument background or blank, adjusted by the Efficiency, Chemical Yield, and Volume associated with the sample. The Type I error probabilityIs approximately5%.

Lc=(1.6450 Sqrt2*(BkgrndCnt/BkgrndCntMinySCntMin))

  • (ConvFct/(Eff*Yld*Abn*Vol)
  • IngrFct).

For LSC methods the batch blank is used as a measure of the background variability.

Lc cannot be calculated when the background count is zero.Lot-Sample No The number assigned by the LIMS software to track samples received on the same day for a given client. The sample number is a sequential number assigned to each sample in the Lot.MDCIMDA Detection Level based on instrument background or blank, adjusted by the Efficiency, Chemical Yield, and Volume with a Type I and 11 error probability of approximately 5%1e. MDC -(4.65 *Sqrt((BkgrndCntiBkgrndCntMinySCntMin)+


  • (ConvFct/(Eff
  • Yld
  • Abn
  • Vol)
  • IngrFct).

For LSC methods the batch blank is used as a measure of the background variability.

Primary Detector The instrument identifier associated with the analysis of the sample aliquot.Ratio U-234/1U-238 The U-234 result divided by the U-238 r esult. The U-234AU-238 ratio for natal uranium in NIST SRM4321C is 1.038.Rst/MDC Ratio of the Result to the MDC. A value greater than I may indicate activity above background at a high level of confidence.

Caution should be used when applying this factor and it should be used in concert with the qualifiers asociated with the result.Rst/TotUcert Ratio of the Result to the Total Uncertainty.

If the uncertainty has a coverage factor of 2 a value greater than I may indicate activity above background at approximately the 95% level of confidence assuming a two-sided confidence interval.

Caution should be used when applying this factor and it should be used in concert with the qualifiers associated with the result.* Report DB No Sample Identifier used by the report system. The number is based upon the first five digits of the Work Order Number.RER The equation Replicate Error Ratio -(S-D)1[sqrt(TPUs 2+TPWd)] as defined byICPT BOA where S is the original sample result, D is the result of the duplicate, TPUs is the total uncertainty of the original sample and TPUd is the total uncertainty of the duplicate sample.SDG Sample Delivery Group Number assigned by the Client or assigned by S Richland upon sample receipt.Sum Rpt Alpha The sum of the reported alpha spec results for tests derived from the same sample excluding duplicate result where l* Spec Rst(s) the results are in the same units.Work Order The LIMS software assign test specific identifier.

Yield The recovery of the traceradded to the sample such asPu-242 used to trace aPu-239/40 method.STL Rlchland STL RICHLAND 6 Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 SDG No: 23085 Client Id MDC or Batch Work Order Parameter Result.- Uncertaliny( 2s) Qual Units Yield MDA CRDL RER2 3154249 E901.1 9525-0000-001 F FF'QXFIAA ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-1 34 CESIUM-1 37 EUROPIUM-1 52 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 TilALLIUM-208 3.122-01-3.53E-03 3.43E-02 2.05E-01 2A41E-01 2.22E-02 2.24E-02 2.18E-02 6.53E-02 2.98E-02-3.52E-03 6.011E+00 2.70E-03-9.97E-03 1.97E-01 2.53E-01 2A1E-01 1.04E-41 4- 1.8E-1+- 1.72-02+- 4.5E-02+- 3.5E-01+- 1.2E-01+- 2.7E-02+- 2.7E-02-2.2E-02-6.6E-02+- 7.9E-02+- 5AE-02+- 12E+00+- 2.6E-02+- 2.1E-02+- 1.1E-01+- 9.9E-02+- 1.22-01 4 4.6E-02 u pC1/g U pclg U pCi/g U pCIa U pCIIg U pCUg U pC1fg U pCIg U pClg U pCI/g U pClg pC/g U pCl/g U pClg pCI/g pCUg U pC/g pCIIg u pall U pCIrg u pCI/g U pClIg U pcllg U pacg U pCi/g U pCIg U pCI/g U pCI/g U pCI/g pCilg U pCI/g U pCUg pClg U pCllI U pClg 2.92E-01 2.98E-02 2.86E-01 8.02E-02 1.03E+00 6.86E-01 1.70E-01 5.93E-02 1.50E-0i 5.48E-02 1.90E-01 4.58E-02 320E-01 1.27E-01 4.04E-01 1.60E-01 3.70E-01 9.57E-02 1.57E+01 4.29E-01 4.92E-02 6.96E-01 3.72E-02 2.85E-01 6.83E-02 8.98E-02 1.70E-01 4.18E-02 3.52E-01 5.16E-02 2.86E-01 9525-0000-002 F FPQW51M ACTiNIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-21 4 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-1 52 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-1 55 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 5.39E-01 -1.8E-01-1.80E-02

+- 3.12-02-2.92E-01

+- 3AE-01 3.34E-01 +- 5.1E-01 5A1E-01 +- 1.5E-01 1.90E-03 4 3AE-02 2.26E-02 +- 4.1E-02 1.96E-02 +- 4.1E-02-1.422-1 +- 1.12-01-5.53E-02


-14AE-01 2.25E+00 +- 1.1E+00-1.45E-02

+- 3.82-02 1.32E-02 +- 3.3E-02 3.02E-01 +- 1.1E-01 4.68E-01 +- 1.22-01 5.412-01 4- 1.52-01 5.58E-01 9.62E-01 2.17E-01.6A6E-02 7.66E-02 7.60E-02 1.67E-01 2.01E-01 228E-01 1.03E+00 1.50E-01 1.90-01 3.202-01 4.04E-01 3.70E-01 1.57E+01 5.64E-01 6.57E-02 6.96E-01 6.26E-02 2.85E-01 9.17E-02 1.96E-01 2.17E-01 STL Richland rptSTLRchSaSum mary2 V4.03 A97 RER2 -Replicate Error Ratio -(S.Dyfsqrl(sq(TPUs)+xq(TPUd))J as defined by ICPT BOA.U Qual -Anailyzd for, but the result Is les than the MddlMdzrrotal Uneert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nudlde.STL RICHILAND 7 Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 Client Id Batch Work Order Parameter 3154249 E901.1 9525-0000-002 F FPQW51M THALUUM-208 9525-0000-002 F DUP FPQW51AC ACTINIUM-228 AG-1 08M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUh-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-1 54 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40

--MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THALLIUM-208 9525-0000-002 FS FPQW61M AC1ANiUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTI-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-1 55 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 SDG No: 23085 MDC or R3suit+-Uncertalnty( 2s) Qual Units Yield MDA CRDL RER2 1.70E-01 +- 5.0E-02 3.29E-01 1.63E-02 9.20E-02 3.30E-01 3.86E-01 2.63E-02 1.22E-02 1.1 6E-02-6.08E-02 6.36E-03 5.81 E-02 6.92E+00-1.39E-02 1.79E-02 4.94E-01 5.55E-01 3.86E-01 1A3E-01 3.27E-01-4.31E-03-2.23E-01 7.012-01 3.49E-01-1.54E-02-1.37E402 2.98E402-3.64E202 4.57E-02-1.82E-02 6.06E+00-1.52E-03-1.05E-02 2A1E-01+- 1.9E-01+- 2.7E-02+ 1.8E-01+- 4.6E-01-1.4E-01+- 3.9E-02+- 3.7E-02+ 3.5E-02+- 9.OE-02+- 8.6E-02+- 8.7E-02+- 1AE+00+- 3.02-02-3.2E-02+- 1.3E-01+- 1.62-01-14AE01-7.4E-02+- 1.52-01+- 3.0E-02-3.2E-01 4- 4.8E-01+- 1.OE-01+- 2.9E-02+- 3.9E-02+- 3.5E-02-1AE401+- 1.0E-01-1.22-01-1.2E+00-3.2E402+- 3.1E-02+- 1.2E-01 U pC/g U pCVg U pCvg U pCi/g U pClg U pCVg U pCUg U pCvg U pC/g U pCIg U pC/g U pC/g pCIg U pCig U pCog pCvg pCIg U pCI/g U pCi/g U pC/g U pCI/g U pCilg U pCIls U pClg U pC11g U pCil U pC/g U pCvg U pCI/g U pCig pCi~g Ui pCi/g U pCUg pUlIg pCl/g 9.69E-02 353E-01 5.09E-02 3.22E-01 9.05E-01 2.22E-01 7.88E-02 7.03E-02 6.47E-02 1.51 E-01 1.67E-01 1.59E-01 5.25E-01 5.20E-02 6.27E-02 9.88E-02 1.06E-01 2.22E-01 1.06E-01 2.86E-01 1.03E+00 1.5OE-01 1.90E-01 3.20E-01 4.04E-01 3.70E-01 1.57E+01 6.96E-01 2.85E-01 3.052-01 5.10E-02 2.86E-01 527E-01 1.03E+00 9.47E-01 1.83E-01 5.03E-02 1.50E-01 6.70E-02 1.90E-01 6.62E-02 3.20E-01 1.53E-01 4.04E-0 1 2.OOE-01 3.70E-01 2.06E-01 1.57E+01 4.53E-01 5.72E-02 6.96E-01 5.35E-02 2.85E-01 1.02E-01 1.10E-01 3.30E-01 +- 1.5E-01 STL Richland rptSTLRchSaSun mary2 V4.03 A97 RER2 -Replicate Error Ratlo- (S-Dysqrt(sq(TPUsq(TPUd))I as defined by ICPT BOA.U Quml -Amalyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdsrrdafTotui Uncert or gamma scan software did not identiry the nucitde.STL RICHLAND 8 Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 SDG No: 23085 Client Id MDC ar Batch Work Order Parameter Resuit+-Uncertalnty( 25) Clual Units Yield MDA CROL RER2 315424S E901.1 9525-0000-002 FS FPQW61M RADIUM-226 THAUIUM-208 9525-0000-003 F FPQXWIM ACTINIUM-228

-AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-1 37 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-1 54 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THAWUM-208 9525-0000-004 F FPQXM1M ACTINIUM-228 AG-1osM AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 3A9E-01 +- 1.0E-01 1.58E-01 +- 6.0E-02 U pCilg pcI/g 1.83E-01 5.57E-02 3.70E-01 8.76E-03 3.80E-02 6.01E-01 2.52E-01 7.011E-03 2.93E-02-1.51E-02-7.05E-02 4.47E-02 2AIE-02 3.95E+00-1A1E-02-7.40E-03 2.84E-01 2.86E-01 2.52E-01 1.23E-01+- 1.8E-01+- 2.5E-02 4- 5.4E-02+- 4.82-01+- 1.82-01 4 3.2E-02+- 3.5E-02 4- 3.12-02 4- 8.4E-02+- 9AE-02+- 7.1E-02+- 1.22+00+- 3.1E-02+- 2.72-02 4- 8.9E-02+- 1.5E-01+- 1.8E-01+- 6.3E-02 U pCVg U pCVg U pCVg U pCIg U pCUg U pCig U pCvg U pCVg U pCVg U pCVg U pCUg pCi/g U pCilg U pCUg pCVg pCI/g U pCUg U pCIg 3.42E-01 4.65E-02 2.86E-01 8.66E-02 1.03E+00 9.58E-01 2.06E-01 6.32E-02 1.50E-01 7.02E-02 1.90E-01 5.32E-02 3.20E-01 1.39E-01 4.04E-01 1.90E-01 3.70E-01 1.26E-01 1.57E+01 4.9BE-01 5.47E-02 6.96E-01 4.91 E-02 2.85E-01 1.00E-01 9.77E-02 2.06E-01 8.86E-02 5.00E-01 6.77E-03 4.08E-02 3.65E-01 3A2E-01-1.57E 02 2.522-02-2.84E-02 5.86E-02-1.74E-02 1.79E-03 5.10E+00-1.25E-02 8.13E-03 3.34E-01+- 2.2E-01+- 3.0E-02+- 5.72-02 4- 5.2E-01+- 1.3E-01+- 4.0E-02+- 4.1E-02+- 3.5E-02+- 9.7E-02+- 8.6E-02+- 7A4-02+- 1.2E*00+- 3.1E-02 4- 3.42-02+- 1.1E-01 U pc/g U pcI/g U pCi/g U pCUg U pClg U pCUg U pCVg U pCVg U pC/g U pCi/g U pCi/g pCi/g U pCvg U pCIg pCIg 3.97E-01 5.36E-02 2.86E-01 9.74E-02 1.03E+00 9.972-01 2.06E-01 6.98E-02 1.502-01 7.97E-02 1.90E-01 5.78E-02 3.20E-01 1.80E-01 4.04E-01 1.59E-01 3.70E-01 1.29E-01 1.57E+01 4.47E-01 5.41 E-02 6.96E-01 6.33E-02 2.85E-01 1.00E-01 STL Rlchland rptSTLRchSaSum mary2V4.03 AST RER2 -Replicate Error Ratio -(S-D)/taqrt(sq(rFUs)+sq(TPUd))I as defined by ICPT BOA.U Quel -Analyzed ror, but the result Is lea than the MddiMda!rTtal Uncert or gsmma scan software did not Identlry the nucllde.STL RICHLAND 9 Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 SDG No: 23085 Client Id MDC or Batch Work Order Parameter Result+-Uncertainty( 2s) Qual Units Yield MDA CRDL RER2 3154249 E901.1 9525-0000-004 F FPQXMIAA LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THALUUM-208 4.52E-01 3A2E-01 1.82E-01-o 1AE-01+- 1.3E-01 4- 9.1E-02 9525-0000-005 FPQXJIM ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUrH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-1155 POTASSIUMAO0 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-2112 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THALUUM-208 4.89E-01 4- 1.9E-01 1.51 E-03-3.98E-02 4.52E-01 2.93E-01-7.86E-04 3.67E-02 3.93E-03 2.86E-02-2.77E-02 4.53E-02 5.59E+00 7.84E-03-7.74E-03 3.11E-01 2.792-01 2.93E-01 1.08E-01+- 2AE-02+- 8.22-02+- 4.7E-01+- 1.2E-01+- 3.8E-02+- 3.5E-02+- 3.1E-02+- 8.1E-02+- 9.02-02+- 7.3E-02+- 1.22+00+- 3.3E-02+- 2.62-02+- 9.8E-02+- 1.3E-01+- 1.2E-01+- 5.2E-02 pCUg U pCI/g U pC1g pCig U pcilg U pClg U pCilg U paIg U pCIg U pC/g U pCiVg U pC/g U pC/g U pClg pCVg U pClg U pC/g pCisg U pCig U pCIlg U pCt 1.09E-01 2.062-01 1.09E-01 1.57E-01 4.32E-02 1.40E-01 9.30E-01 1.972-01 7.09E-02 7.24E-02 5.78E-02 1A8E-01 1.61E-01 1.32E-01 5.17E-01 6.32E-02 4.70E-02 9.95E-02 1.75E-01 1.97E-01 8.93E-02 2.86E-01 1.03E+00 1.50E-01 1.90E-01 3.202-01 4.04E-01 3.70E-01 1.57E+01 6.96E-01 2.85E-01 9525-0000-006 F FPQXGIAA ACnNIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-1 55 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 1.81E-01 1.93E-03-7A6E-02 2.76E-01 221E-01 2.12E-02 1.69E-02 1.87E-02-5.44E-02 6.84E-03 1.59E-02 4.61E+00 2.76E-03-1.20E-02 4- 1.8E-01+- 2.4E-02+- 1.62-01+- 4.1E-01+- 9.42-02+- 2.9E-02+- 3.2E-02+- 2.9E-02+- 7.32-02+- 9.4E-02+- 7.4E-02+- 12E+00+- 2.8E-02+- 2AE-02 U pCirg U pCilg U pCi/g U pCl/g U pCl/g U pCig U pClg U pCVg U pClg U pC/g U pCiIg pCig U pCIg U pciug 2.91E-01 4.24E-02 2.86E-01 2.60E-01 1.03E+00 8.05E-01 1.71 E-01 6.142-02 1.50E-01 6.27E-02 1.90E-01 5.532-02 3.20E-01 1.18E-01 4.042-01 1.79E-01 3.702-01 1.32E-01 1.57E401 5.55E-01 5.29E-02 6.96E-01 4.13E-02 2.852-01 SiT Richiand rptSTLRch~aSurn mary2 V4.03 A9T RER2 -Replicate Error Ratio -(S-DYltqrt(sq(TPUs)#iq(TPUd))I as dtfined by ICPT BOA.U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result tIns than the MdclMdalTotal Uncert orgamma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.STL RICHLAND 10 Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No., Cllent Sample ID.Date: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 SDG No: 23085-Client Id MDC cr Batch Work Order Parameter Result+-Uncertainty( 2s) Qual Units Yield MDA CRDL RER2 3154249 E901.1 9525-0000-006 F FPQXGIAA LEAD.212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THALUUM-208 9525-0000-006 FS FPOXIAM ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-1 37 EUROPIUM-1 52 EUROPIUM-1 54 EUROPIUM-1 55 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THALLUM-208 9525-0000007 F FPOXPIM ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT.60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM40 MANGANESE-54 3.33E-01 2.95E-01 2.21E-01 1.15E-01+- 1.OE-01+- 1.0E-01+- 9.4E-02+- 4.6E-02 pCl/g pC1g U pCl/g U pClg 8.78E-02 9.34E-02 1.71E-01 8.32E-02 3.24E-01-1.86E-02-2.96E-02 9.77E-01 3.74E-01-1.88E-02 2.45E-02 2.77E-02 1.33E-02 4.40E-02 2.71E-02 6.87E+00 1.46E-02 2.17E-02 4.30E-01 3.62E-01 3.74E-01 1.98E-01 3.48E-01 1.38E-02-2.35E-01 3A9E-01 3.60E2-1-5.32E-04 2.70E-02-1.99E-03-1.05E-01-1.14E-02-3.61E-02 6.09E+00 1.03E-02 4- 1.5E-01+- 2.7E-02+- 5.3E-02+- 5.22-01+- 1.5E401 4- 2.9E-02-4.2E-02+- 3.8E-02 4- 8.7E-02+- 1.02-01+- 8AE-02+- 1AE+00+- 3.3E-02+- 2.92-02+- 1.2E-01 4- 1.52-01+- 1.52-01+- 7.2E-02+- 1.62-01+- 3.22-02+- 3.6E-01+- 5.6E-01+- 1.0E-01+- 3.62-02 4-4.2E-02 4- 3.5E-02+- 1.3E-01-1.2E-01+- 1.3E-01+- 1.3E+00 4- 3.92-02 U pCllg U pC/g U pCUg U pcilg U pclg U pCvg U pC/g U pCfg'U pCVg U pC/g U pC/g pCI/g U pClg U pClg pcllg U Pa/g U pC;/g U poilg U Pc/g U pCig U pa11g U pcIg U pCig U pCtg u pa/g U patsI U pCI/g U 1CI/g pCI/g U pa/g 3.12E-01 4.46E-02 8.97E-02 1.07E+00 2.09E-01 4.82E-02 8.10E.02 7.16E-02 1.56E-01 1.99E-01 1.47E-01 5.96E-01 6.44E-02 5.90E-02 1.11E-01 1.07E-01 1.19E-01 1.04E-01 2.86E-01 1.03E+00 1.50E-01 1.90E-01 3.20E-01 4.04E-01 3.70E-01 1.57E+01 6.96E-01 2.85E-01 3.24E-01 5.72E-02 2.86E-01 6.002-01 1.03E+00 1.04E+00 2.02E-01 6.772-02 1.50E-01 8.01E-02 1.90E-01 6.27E-02 3.20E-01 1.84E-01 4.04E-01 2.12E-01 3.70E-01 2.18E-01 1.57E+01 7.16E-01 7.23E-02 6.96E-01 STL Richland rptSTLRchSaSum rnary2 V4.03 A.37 RER2 -Replicate Error Ratio -(S-Dylsqrt(sq(TPUs)+sq(TPUd))Is defined by ICPT BOA.U Qoal -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdcdMdalTotal Uncert or gamnu sean sortware did not identify the nedide.STL RICHLAND 11 Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 SOG No: 23085 Cllent Id MDC or Batch Work Order Parameter Result+-Uncertainty( 2s) Qual Units Yield MDA CRDL RER2 3154249 ES01.1 9525-0000-007 FPQXPIAA 9525-0000-008 FPQXEIM NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-21 4 RADIUMI-226 1HALLIUM-208 F ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH111212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUMI-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-1 54 EUROPIUM-1 55 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THALIWUM-208 1.81E-02 4A2E-01 4.20E-01 3.61 E-01 1.75E-01 2.64E-01 1.88E-02-4.51 E-03 6.60E-01 3.58E-01 1.97E-03 1.82E-02 7.95E-03-2.78E-02-7.64E.02-3.18E-02+- 32E-02+- 1.6E-01+- 1.4E-01+- 1.0E-01+- 6AE-02 4- 1.7E-01+- 2.02-02+- 7.8E-02+- 42E401+- 1.3E-01+- 2.3E-02+- 3.02-02+- 2.9E-02+- 7.6E-02 4- 7.9E-02 4- 6.42-02 6.89E+00 +- 1.3E+00 U pCUl pCl/g U pCIg U pCi/g U pCIg U pCig U pCIlg U pCvg U pCVg U pC/g U pCvg U pC/g U pCVg U pCI/g U pCig U pCIg pClg U pCUg U pCUg pC1lg pCI/g U pCIg U pCVg U pCvg U pCVg U pC/g U pCdg U pC/g U pC/g U pCvg U pCUg U pC$g U pCig U pCIg 627E-02 2.85E-01 9.75E-02 1.92E-01 2.022-01 1.06E-01 2.97E-01 3.99E-02 2.86E-01 1.38E-01 1.03E+00 8.65E-01 1.87E-01 4.57E-02 1.50E-01 5.96E-02 1.90E-01 5.44E-02 3.20E-01 128E-01 4.04E-01 1 21E-01 3.70E-01 1.06E01 1.57E+01 3.34E-01 4.38E-02 6.96E-01 3.96E-02 2.85E-01 9.63E-02 9.25E-02 1.87E-01 9.15E-02 3.91 E-01 526E-02 2.86E-01 7.12E-01 1.03E+00 1 .12E+00 2.22E-01 6A8E-02 1.50E-01 9.05E-02 1.90E-01 7.87E-02 320E-01 1.63E-01 4.04E-01 2.16E-01 3.70E-01 2.41E-01 1.57E+01 9525-W000-009 F FPQ AKIM ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-1 37 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155

-8.94E-03-3.43E-03 4.04E-01 3.84E-01 3.58E-1 1.52E-01 3.98E-01-1.51E-02 4.66E-01 5.31 E-01 4.37E-01-2.95E-03 2.65E-02 4.86E-02-2.43E-01-4.38E-02 1.75E-02+- 2.5E-02+- 2.1E-02+- 1.0E-01+- 9.7E-02 4- 1.32-01+- 5.BE-02+- 2.0E-01+- 3.1E-02+- 4.02-01+- 5.92-01+- 1.312-0+- 3.52-02 4- 4.9E-02+- 4.0E-02+- 1.3E-01+- 12E-01+- 1.4E-01 POTASSIUM-40 6.61E+00 +- 1.42+00 pCVg 7.39E-01 STL Richland RER2 -Replicate Error Ratio -(S-Dyisqrt(sq(TPUs)+si(TPUd))f as defined by ICPT BOA.rptSTLRchSaSum U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is len than the MddMdalTotsl Uncert orgamm sean software did not Identiy the nuclde.mary2V4.03 AS7 STL RICHLAND 12 Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method. Batch No., Client Sample lD.Date: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 SDG No: 23085 Client Id MDC or Batch Work Order Parameter Result+-Uncertalnty( 2s) Qual Units Yield MDA CRDL RER2 3154249 E901.1 9525-0000-009 F FPQXKIM MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 T1HALLIUM-208 9525-0000-010 F FPQXAIAA ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUMA40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THALLIUM-208 9525-0000-011 F FPQXLIM ACT1NIUM-228 AG-S108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM.137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155 3.11E-02 9.37E-03 3.47E-01 4.16E-01 4.37E-01 1.81E.01 3.03E-01 8.77E-03 6.98E-02 2.13E-01 4.06E-01-1.54E-02 1.54E-02-5.75E-03 8.77E-02-7.16E-02 2.25E-02 7.13E400 1.86E-02 9.02E-04 4.54E-01 3.97E-01 4.06E-01 1.61E-01 3.28E-01 1.26E-02-6.91E-02 6.38E-01 4.32E-01-3.05E-02 3.20E.02 4.75E-03-4.22E-02-5.62E-02 6.24E-03+- 4.3E-02 4- 3.3E-02+- 1.2E-01+- 1.62-01+- 1.32-01+- 6.1E-02+- 2.0E-01 4- 2.52-02+ 5.9E-02 4 5AE-01 4- 1.2E-01+- 3.32-02 4- 4.1E-02+- 3.62-02+- 9.6E-02+- 1.0E-01+- 7.9E-02+- 1.5E+00+- 3.2E-02+- 2.62-02 4- 1.12-01-1.1E-01+- 12E-01+- 6.6E-02+- 1.9E-01+- 2.5E-02+- 1.7E-01+- 4.8E-01-1.2E-01+- 4.0E-02+- 3.8E-02+- 3AE-02+- 8.1E-02 4- 9.3E-02+- 9.4E-02 U pClg U pCI/g pCig U pCvg U pCIg pC/g U pClg U pCIg U palg U pCl/g U pClg U pClg U pClg U pC/g U pCUg U pC/g U palg pClg U pClg U pCig pClg pCig pC/g U pCtg U pCUg U pCvg U pC/g U pClg U pCl1g U pCvg U pC/g U pC/g U pCl/g U pClg U pCIg 8.28E-02 6.96E-01 6.29E-02 2.85E-01 1.13E-01 2.08E-01 2.22E-01 6.34E-02 3.30E-01 4.66E-02 2.86E-01 9.57E-02 1.03E2+00 9.892-01 2.05E-01 5.74E-02 1.50E-01 7.65E-02 1.90E-01 6.30E-02 320E-01 1.60E-01 4.04E-01 1.65E-01 3.70E-01 1.38E-01 1.57E+01 421 E-01 627E-02 6.96E-01 4.88E-02 2.85E-01 1.12E-01 1.03E-01 1.172-01 1.03E-01 3A0E-01 4.70E-02 2.86E-01 2.87E-01 1.03E+00 9.73E-01 2.17E-01 6.58E-02 1.50E-01 7.54E-02 1.90E-01 6.14E-02 320E-01 1.38E-Ot 4.04E-01 1.59E-01 3.702E-01 1.64E-01 1.57E+01 STL Rlchland rptSTLRchSaSum rnary2 V4.03 A97 RER2 -ReplIcte Error Rtio -(SDyisqrt(sq(TPUs)+sq(TPUd))l as deined by lCTR BOA.U Qual -Anslyzed for, but the result Iless than the Mdc/Mdarrotul Uncert or gpmmscn soware did not Identify tke nudide.STL RICHLAND 13 Sample Results Summary STl Riceland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 SDG No: 23085 Client Id MDC or Batch Work Order Parameter Result+-Uncertainty( 29) Qual Units Yield MDA CRDL RER2 3154249 E901.1 9525-0000-011 F FPQXLIAA POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-228 ThALLUM-208 9525-0000-012 F FPQXQIAA ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-21 2 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THAWUM-208 9525-0000-013 F FPQXTAM ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 5.94E*00 IM9E-02 5.89E.03 4.54E-01 4.70E-01 4.32E-0I 1.70E-01 2.24E-01-6.79E-03-2.08E-01 3A45E-01 4.06E-01 1.98E-02 6.27E-02 2.71 E-02-A12.4-011

-1.01 E-02 5.1 6E-02 6.75E+00 2.76E-02-I1.28E-02 3.54E-01 4.06E-01 4.06E-01 I1.63E-01+- 1.3E+00-3.9E-02+- 2.7E-02+- 1.2E-01+- 1.4E-01+- 1.2E-01+- 5.7E-02+- 1.6E-01+- 3.0E-02+- 3.2E-01+- 5.2E-01+- .1E-01+- 2.4E-02+- 3.8E-02+- 3.5E-02+- 1.3E-01+- 1.OE-01+- 1.3E-01+- 1.4E+00 4- 3.7E-02 4- 3.4E-02-1.2E-01 4 1.6E-01+- 1.1E-01+- 6.4E-02 pCI/g U pollg U pClg pCVg pCilg pCi/g u pCils u pCIIg U pCI/g U pcg U pCig U pCig U pCVg U pCig U pCig U pCl/g U pCIlg U pal/g pC/g U pClg U pC/g pClg pclg U pCIg U pCIg 5.03E-01 7.24E-02 6.96E-01 5.09E-02 2.85E-01 8A46E-02 9.59E-02 8.9E-02 9.9012-02 3.1OE-01 5.10E-02 2.86E-01 5.36E-01 1.03E400 9.71E-01 1.94E-01 5.47E-02 1.50E-01 7.94E-02 1.90E-01 6.69E-02 3.20E-01 1.72E-01 4.04E-01 1.88E-01 3.70E-01 2.23E-01 1.57E+01 6.12E-01 7.13E-02 6.96E-01 5.85E-02 2.85E-01 9.29E-02 1 .22E-01 1.94E-01 9.74E-02 3.41E-01 7.17E-03-8.87E-02 6.13E-01 2.96E-01 2.72E-02-3.20E-03-2.56E-02-4.57E-02 I1.67E-02+- 2.0E-01 4- 2.7E-02+- 1.7E-01+- 4.6E-01+- 1.2E-01+- 2.9E-02+- 3.3E-02+- 3.2E-02+- 8.5E-02+- 1.E-01 U pCis U pCfg U pClg U pCIg U pCIg U pCi/g U pCUg U pCi/g U pCIg U pCl/g 3.49E-01 4.87E-02 2.86E-01 2.73E-01 1.03E+00 9.51E-01 1.99E-01 6.52E-02 1.50E-01 6.01 E-02 1.90E-01 5.19E-02 3.20E-01 IA5E-01 4.04E-01 2.09E-01 3.70E-01 STL Richland RER2 -Replicate ErrorRstio

-(S-DYt[sqrt(sq(rPUs)+sq(TUd))j as defined by ICPT BOA.rptSTLRchSaSum U Qua! -Anlyzed ror, but the result ii less thrn the idc/MdalTota lUnert or gmmsean software did not identify the nuclde.mary2Y4.03 A97 STL RICHULND 14 Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Dato: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 SDG No: 23085 Client Id MDC or Batch Work Order Parameter Result+- Uncertainty( 2s) Qual Units Yield MDA CRDL RER2 3164249 E901.1 9525-000-013 F FPQXTIAA EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THALLIUM-208 9525-000-014 F FPOW91M ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTIHi-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-I 34 CESIUM-1 37 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THAllIUM-208 9525-0000-015 F FPQXNA1M ACTINIUM-228 AG-1 08M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COEALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152

-7.74E-02 4.24E+00-8.80E-03 7.73E-03 3.22E-01 3.78E-01 2.96E-01 9.32E-02 2.26E-01-1.51E-02 8.15E-02 5A9E-01 1.61E-01 2.98E-02 2.36E-03 B.91E-03 6.09E-03-7.96E-02 4.57E-02 7.57E+00 2.29E-02-6.58E-03 2.87E-01 3.68E-01 1.61 E-01 1.25E-01 3.05E-01 lA6E-02 1.13E-03 5.69E-01 2.25E-01-9A7E-03 2.18E-02 2.12E-02-7.91E-02+- 9.0E-02-1.2E+00-2.9E-02+- 2.8E-02 4- 9.7E-02+- 1.3E-01-1.2E-01+- 4.3E-02 4- 1.9E-01+- 2.7E-02 4- 1.7E-01 4 5.OE-01+- 1.3E-01+- 3.9E-02+- 3.9E-02+- 3.1E-02-8.6E-02+- 8.7E-02 4- 9.5E-02 4- 1.6E+00 4- 3.45-02 4- 3.5E-02 4- 9.7E-02 I- 1AE-01 4 1.3E-01+ 6.4E-02+- 1.8E-01 4- 1.7E-02+- 7.9E-02+- 3.6E-01 4- 8.6E-02+- 2.72-02+- 2.9E-02-2.65-02+- 7.1E-02 U pCi/g pc/g U pCVg U pCvg pCVg pCVg U pCVg U pC/g U pC/g U pCOJg U pClg U pclg U pCilg U pCIg U pCI/g U pcIg U pCvg U pCIg U pCIg pCig U pCi/g U pCvg pCUg pClg U pCig pCUg U pCI/g U pcl/g U pC/g U pCIg U pC1rg U pClg U pC11g U pCvg U pCilg 1.48E-01 4.914-01 5.22E-02 5AOE4-02 9.82E-02 9.15E-02 1.99E-01 8.81 E-02 1.57E+01 6.96E-01 2.85E-01 3.30E-01 4.51E-02 2.86E-01 3.04E-01 1.03E+00 9.96E-01 1.935-01 8.10E-02 1.50E-01 7.18E-02 1.902-01 5.78E-02 3.20E-01 1.56E-01 4.04E-01 1.39E-01 3.70E-01 1.71E-01 1.57E+01 5.58E-01 6.70E-02 6.96E-01 6.23E-02 2.85E-01 9.31E-02 1.15E-01 1.93E-01 5.84E-02 2.88E-01 3.50E-02 2.86E-01 1AOE-01 1.03E+00 7.76E-01 1.69E-01 4.88E-02 1.502-01 5.86E-02 1.90E-01 5.18E-02 3.20E501 1.10E-01 4.04E-01 STL Richland RER2 -Repitcate Error Ratio (S-DYlsqrt(sq(TPUs)+sq(TPUd))I as defined by ICPT BOA.rptSTLRchSaSum U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result is les than the Mdc/Mdarrotal Uncert er gsmem sean softwaredid not IdenUtfy he nudide.mary2V4.03 A97 STL RICHLAND is Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 SDG No: 23085 Clilnt Id MDC or Batch Work Order Parameter Result+- Uncertainty( 2s) Qual Units Yield UDA CRDL RER2 3154249 E901.1 9525-0000-015 F FPQXNlAM EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THALLIUM-208 9525-0000-016 F FPQXCIM ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134

  • CESIU&I-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUIU-226 THALLIUM-208 9525-0000-017 F FPQXR1M ACTINIUM-228 AG-108M AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 3.84E-02 1.93E-02 5.86EI00-8.83E-03 1.31E-02 2.94E-01 2.95E-01 2.25E-01 1.31E-01+- 8.0E-02+- 6.7E-02+- 1.2E+00+- 3.0E-02+- 2.4E-02 4- 9.1E-02+- 9.8E-02 4- 8.6E-02+- 5.0E-02 2.39E-01-2.95E-02 5.76E-03 3.63E-01 3.56E-01-2.03E202 2.08E-02 9.16E-03-7.002-03-6.1 6E-02 1.74E-02 5.27E+00 2.35E-02 8.84E-03 2.73E-01 3.58E-01 3.56E-01 1.03E-01 4.54E-01-9.05E-03-5.77E-02 3.73E-01 2.92E-01*6.39E-04 2.85E-02-4A9E-02-1AE-01+- 2.3E-02+- 7.1E-02 4- 3.8E-01 4 1.1E-01+- 3.0E-02+- 3.5E-02+- 2.9E-02+- 6.8E-02+- 9AE-02+- 5.9E-02 4 1.1E+00-3.2E-02-2.2E-02+- 9.3E-02+- 1.2E-01 4- 1.E-01 4 5.1E-02 4- 1.8E-01-2.4E-02+- 9.1E-02-5.2E-01-1.2E-01+- 3.3E-02+- 3.9E-02 4- 32E-02 U pCIlg U pC/g pCI/g U pcVg U pCl/g pCVg pCig U pCllg U pCI/g U pCI/g U pC/g U pC/g U pCI/g U pCig U pC/g U pCllg U pCI/g U pC17 U pCUg pC/g U pCug U pCl/g pCl/g pClg U pC/g pCl/g U pCug U pCVg U pC/g U pCvg U pCfg U pC/g U pCvg U pCis 1.632-01 3.70E-01 1.18E-01 1.57E+01 3.94E-01 5.31E-02 6.96E-01 4.90E-02 2.85E-01 9.85E-02 9A9E-02 1.692-01 8.08E-02 2.71E-01 3A5E-02 2.86E-01 124E-01 1.03E+00 7.57E-01 1.8112-01 4.99E-02 1.50E-01 6.78E-02 1.90E-01 5.49E-02 3.20E-01 121 E-01 4.042-01 1.57E-01 3.70E-01 1.06E-01 1.57E+01 5.65E-01 6.31E-02 6.96E-01 4.38E-02 2.85E-01 7.36E-02 9.06E-02 1.81E-01 4.96E-02 3.82E-01 428E-02 2.86E-01 1.53E-01 1.03E+00 1.01E+00 1.98E-01 6.23E-02 1.50E-01 7.80E-02 1.902-01 4.56E-02 320E-01 STL Richland RER2 -Replicate Error Ratio -(S-Dytsqrt(sq(TPUs9)sq(TPUd))j as defined by ICPT BOA.rptSTLRchSaSum U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the Mdc/Mdarrotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nudide.mary2V4.03 A97 STL RICHLAND 1 16 Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 30-Jun.03 Report No.: 22966 SDG No: 23085 Cllent Id MDC or Batch Work Order Parameter Result-Uncertainty( 2s) Qual Units Yield MDA CRDL RER2 3154249 E901.1 9525-0000-017 F FPQXRIAM EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-154 EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM.40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUN-226 THALLIUM-208 No. of Results: 360 2.64E-02 2.44E-02 6.32E-03 5.81E+W0-2.35E-03 4.08E-02 2.68E-01 3.80E-01 2M2E-01 1A2E-01+- 8.7E 02+- 1.1E-01+- 7.8E-02+- 1.3E+00+- 3.2E-02 4- 3.2E-02+- 1.0E-01+- 1AE-01+- 1.2E-01+- 6.1 E202 U pCIrg U pCils U pCIg pCIg U pCIIg U pCI/g pC/g pCig U pCl/U pCi/g 1A3E-01 4.04E-01 2.202-01 3.70E-01 1.36E-01 1.57E+01 5.42E-01 5.95E-02 6.96E-01 4.83E-02 2.85E-01 1.19E-01 1.07E-01 1.98E-01 9.93E-02 STL Rlchland RER2 -Replicate Error Rto -(SD)/psqrt(sq(TPUS)sq(TPUd))I as defined by ICPT BOA.rptSTLRchSaSum U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the bVdc/bIdalTrtal Uncert or gamma scan software did net IdenUtiry the nuclide.mary2V4.03 A97 STI. RICHLAND 17 QC Results Summary STL Richland STLRL Ordered by Method, Batch No, QC Type,.Date: 30-Jun-03 Report No.: 22966 SDG No.: 23085 Batch WorkC Order Parameter Result+-Uncertalnty C 2s) Qual Units Yield Recovery Blas MDCtMDA E901.1 3154249 BLANKQC FPTE61M A I I E E_ C E E E F A L L F 3154249 LOS FPTE61AC C kCTINIUM-228 kG-l08M WEMECIUM-241 31SMUTH.212)ISMUTH.214

'OBALT.60 ,ESIUM-134


OTASSIUM-40 AANGANESE-54 f10BIUM-94.EAD.212.EAD-214 MAIUM-226 1-ILLIUM-208 1.83E-02 4-1.2E-01 7.63E-03 +-2.2E-02-7.97E203


+-4.IE-01 1.17E.02 +-6.8E-02 4.97E-03 4-3.1 E-02 3.33E-02 4-3.5E.02-2.25E-02

+-3.1E-02-9.42E.05 7.7E-02-1.35E-02

-1.0E.01 4.37E-03 +-5.6E-02-3.35E-01 4.7.0E-01-1.61E-02

+-2.9E-02 1.84E-02 +-2.8E-02 1.69E.02 +- 4.5E-02 4.55E-02 +-5.4E-02 1.60E-02 +-6.7E202-1.55E-02

+-3.2E-02 U pCVg U pCLg U pCI1g U pClg U pCVg U pC/g U pCVg U pCVg U pCVg U pCVg U pCig U pC1lg U pCUg U pCVg U pCL'g U pCVg U pCVg U pCttg pCIg 2.39E-01 4.18E-02 1.19E-01 6.97E-01 129E-01 6.35E-02 7.36E-02 5.28E-02 lA1E-01 1.94E-01 9.99E-02 1.57E+00 4.89E-02 5.91E-02 8.06E-02 1.06E-01 1.29E-01 5.80E-02 5.58E-02 CESIUM.137 1.10E+00 +-1.8E-01 110% 0.1 No. of Rosults: 19 STL Rlchland Bias -(Result/Expected)-I as defined by ANSI N13.30.rptSTLRchQcSum U Quil -Anilyzed for, but the result Is less than the MddMdsjTotxl Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identifry the nudide.maryV4.03 A97 STL RICHLAND 18 V I I I' ( (I f I I'1 (j (- ( ( -FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG:. 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-7 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-001 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 511512003 1:37:00 PM Received Date: 61212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA. Rpt Unit, Yield RstIMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Alquot Prdmaqy Parameter Qual Error ( 2 a) Uncert(2 s) Action Lev Le CRDL(RL) RstrrotUcetd Prep Date Size Size Detector etch: 3154249 E901.1 Wortk Order. FPQXFIM Report DB ID: 9FPQXF10 ACTINIUM-228 3.12E-01 U 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 2.92-01 pCVg (1.1) 6119103 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 (3.5) 9 AG-10M -3.53E-03 U 1.7E-02 1.7E-02 2.98E-02 pCVg -0.12 6/19/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8S1 2.86E-01 -0.42 9 AMERICIUM-241 3.43E-02 U 4.5E-02 4.5£-02 8.02E-02 pCVg 0.43 6/19/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 1.03E+00 (1.5) 9 BISMUTH-212 2.05E-01 U 3.5E-01 3.5E-01 6.86E-01 pCVg 0.3 6119/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8S1 (1.2) 9 BISMUTH-214 2.41E-01 U 1.22-01 1.22-01 1.70E-01 pCl/g (1.4) 6/19/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 (4.) 9 COBALT-S 2.22E-02 U 2.7E-02 2.7E-02 5.93E-02 pCVg 0.37 6/19/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 1.50E-01 (1.6) 9 CESIUM-134 2.24E-02 U 2.7E-02 2.7E-02 SA8E-02 pC/g 0.41 6/19/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 1.90E-01 (1.7) 9 CESIUM-13i 2.18E-02 U 2.2E-02 2.22-02 4.58E-02 pCitg 0.48 6/19/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 3.20E-01 (2.) 9 EUROPIUM-152 6.53E-02 U 6.62-02 6.6E-02 1.27E-01 pCl/g 0.51 6/19/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 4.04E-01 (2.) 9 EUROPIUM-154 2.98E-02 U 7.92-02 7.9E-02 1.60E-01 pCVg 0.19 6/19/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 3.70E-01 0.75 9 tL Rtchland MDCIMDA.Le

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Eflfclency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRch5amplo U Qual Analyzed for, but th result ii less than the MdclMdaTotal Unceft or gamma scan software did not Identily the nucilde.1.03 A97 ED to0 I( (I I ( , V * -c H 3-FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS 8DG: 2AO85 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Par, EUR POT MAN NI L L R No. ol Lab Name: STL Rlchland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-7 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-001 F Result C amuter Qual Errc'OPIUM-155

-3.52E-03 U 5A'ASSIUM.40 6.01E+00 1.2 GANESE-54 270E03 U 2 OBIUM-94 -9.97E-03 U 2.1 EAD-212 1.97E-01 1.1 EAD.214 2.53E-01 9.ADIUM-226 2.41-01 U I kWUM-208 1.04E-01 4.f ount ir (2 a)4E-02 2E+00 6E-02 1 E-02.E-01.E-02 2E-01.E .02 Total Uncert(2 s)5AE-02 1.2E+00 2.6E-02 2.1VE02 1.E-01 9.9E.02 1.2E-01 4.6E-02 MDCIMDA. Rpt Unit. Yield RstIMDC.MDCIMDA. Rpt UnIt. Yield Rst/MDC, Action Lev Le CRDL(RL) RatflbtUcert 9.57E-02 pCVg -0.04 1.57E+01 -0.13 429E-01 pCI/g (14.)(10.2)4.92E-02 pCIg 0.05 6.96E-01 0.21 3.72E-02 pCVg -0.27 2.85E-01 -0.93 6.83E-02 pClg (2.9)(3.6)8.98E-02 pCVU (2.8)(5.1)1.70E-01 pCVg (1.4)(4.)4.18E-02 pCig (2.5)(4.5)Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/1512003 1:37:00 PM Received Date: 61212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prep Date Size Size Detector 6/19103 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 9 6/19103 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1.611903 1:13a 20V GR8$6/19/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 9 6119103 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 6 6/19/03 11:13 a 260.0 GER8$1 g 611903 1:13a 26.0 GRB$_._I'Results:

18 Comments: rL Richland MDCIMDALc

.Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blenk, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.STLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result 5 less than the Mdc/MdelTotal Uncart or arnma scan softwre did not identify the nuclde.1.03 A97 0 I f I (Il(( (:n H H FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-1 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-002 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 511512003 9:40:00 AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA. Rpt Unit, Yield RsUIMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error (2 s) Uncert(2 s) Action Lev Le CRDL(RL) RstiTotticert Prop Date Size Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder:

FPQW51AA ReportDB ID: 9FPQW510 ACTINIUM-228 5.395-01 U 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 3.52E-01 pCVg (1.5) 6/I 9/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 (5.8) 9 AG-108M -1.80E-02 U 3.1 E-02 3.1E-02 5.16E.02 pCI/g -0.35 6/19103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 2.86E-01 -(1.2) 9 AMERICIUM-241

-2.925-01 U 3.4E-01 3AE-01 5.58E-01 pCIg -0.52 6119/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 1.03E+00 -(1.72 9 BISMUTH-212 3.34E-01 U 5.1E-01 5.11E-01 9.62E-01 pCiIg 0.35 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 (1.3) 0 BISMUTH-214 5.41 E-01 U t.5E-01 1.5E-01 2.17E-01 pCVg (2.5) 6/10103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 (7.3) 0 COUALT-60 1.90E-03 U 3.4E02 3.4E-02 6.46E-02 pCl~g 0.03 6/19103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 1.502-01 0.11 9 CESIUM-134 2.26E.02 U 4.1E-02 4.1E-02 7.66E-02 pC!/g 0.3 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2S1 1.90E-01 (1.1) 9 CESIUM-137 1.96E-02 U 4.112-02 4.1E-02 7.60E-02 pClg 0.26 6/1 9/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 3.20E-01 0.95 9 EUROPIUM-152

-1.42E-01 U 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 1.67E-01 pCig -0.85 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2S1 4.04E-01 -(2.5) 9 EUROPIUM-154

-5.53E-02 U 1.2E-01 1.2E-01 2.01E-01 pCIg -0.28 6/19103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 3.70E-01 -0.95 9 rL Richland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, DecisIon Level based on Instrunent background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efflclency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLFtchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdafTotal Uncert orgarma scan software did not Identity the nucUde.1.03 A97 I I I I I VU I. .I I I If I V -H FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Pan EUR POT MANI Nil U LI THA No. of Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-1 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000.002 F Result C ameter Qual Erro OPIUM.155

-8.24E-02 U 1.A ASSIUM-40 2.25E+00 1.1 GANESE-54 1.45E-02 U 3.MBlUM-94 1.32E-02 U 3.3 EAD-212 3.02E-01 1.1 EAD-214 4.68E-01 U 1.2 DIUM226 5.41 E-01 U 1.5 2LLIUM.208 1.70E-01 U 5.0:ount)r (2 3)E-01 E+0D IE-02 IE-02 E-01!E-01 iE-01 IE-02 Total Uncert(2 a)1.41E-01 1.1E+O0 3.8E-02 3.3E-02 1.1E-01 1.2E-01 1.512-01 5.O1E-02 MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield Action Lev La CRDL(RL) I 2.28E-01 pCIg 1.57E+01 5.64E-01 pCUg 6.57E-02 pCVg 6.96E-01 6.26E-02 pCVg 2.85E-01 9.17E-02 pCUg i.96E-01 pCVg 2.17E-01 pClg 9.691E-02 pCUg RstlMDC.Ist/TotUcert

-0.36-(1.2)(4.)(4.1)-0.22-0.77 0.21 0.8 (3.3J (5.3)(2.4J (7.6)(2.5)(7.3J)(1.8)(6.8)Date: 30-Jun-03 Collectfon Date: 5115/2003 9:40:00 AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total So Aliquot Primary Prep Date Size Size Detector 6)19103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2S1 9 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1.9 6119/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 Results: 18 Comments: FL Rlchland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by tha'sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSampla U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software dId not Idontify the nucilde.1.03 A97 I' I ( ;r I I I ' I 1 [ '. '(I I ( ' I I -'Hd FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966.COC No.: Lab Name: STL Rlchland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-2 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-002 FS Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/15/2003 9:40:00 AM Received Date: 61212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, 8atch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt UnIt YIeld Rst/MDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error ( 2 5) Uncrt(2 S) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RaUTotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 Work Order: FPQW61M Report DB ID: 9FPQW610 ACTINIUM-228 3.27E-01 U 1.5E-01 1.5E-01 3.05E-01 pClg (1.1) 6/19103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 (4.3) 9 AG-10aM -4.31E-03 U 3.0E-02 3.0E-02 5.10E-02 pCVg -0.08 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 2.86E-01 -0.29 9 AMERICIUM-241

-2.23E-01 U 3.2E-01 3.2E-01 5.27E-01 pClg -0.42 6/19103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2S1 1 .03E+00 -(1.4) a BISMUTH-212 7.01E-01 U 4.8E-01 4.8E-01 9.47E-01 pCVg 0.74 6119103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 (2.9) g BISMUH-I214 3.49E-01 U 1.0E-01 1.0E-01 1.83E-01 pCi/g (1-9) 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 (6.8) 9 COBALT-60

-1.54E-02 U 2.9E-02 2.9E202 5.03E-02 pCUg -0.31 6/19103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 1.50E-01 -1.1) 9 CESIUM-134

-1.37E-02 U 3.92-02 3.9E-02 6.70E-02 pCl~g -0.2 6/19103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2S1 1.90E-01 -0.7 9 CESIUM-137 2.98E-02 U 3.52-02 3.5E-02 6.62E-02 pCUg 0.45 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 3.20E-01 (1.7) g EUROPIUM-152

-3.64E-02 U 1.42-01 1.4E-01 1.532-01 pCVg -0.24 6119/03 11:08 a 2803 GER2$1 4.04E-01 -0.54 9 EUROPIUM-154 4.57E-02 U 1.OE-01 1.OE-01 2.00E-01 pClg 0.23 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 3.70E-01 0.89 g 1. Richland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency.

Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for but the result is lessthan the Mdc/MdalTotal Uncert orgamma scan software did not Identifythe nuclida.1.03 AsT

(.- ( ii- ( '. .( ( V F r f U .V (7, (. U .~-. ( 7 t-i H Par EUR POT MAN Nli L RA THA No. of Lab Name: STL Rlchland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131.2 Client Sample ID: 9525-.0000002 FS Result Count ameter Qual Error ( 2 s)tOPIUM-155

-1.82E-02 U 1.22-01 ASSIUM-40 6.06E+00 1.2E+O0 GANESE-54

-1.52E-03 U 3.2E-02 OBIUM.94 -1.05E-02 U 3.1 E-02 EAD-212 2.41E-01 1.2E-01 EAD-214 3.30E-01 1.5E-01 DIUM-226 3.49E-01 U 1.OE-01 LLIUM-208 1.58E-01 6.0E-02 Total Uncert(2 s)1.2E-01 1.2E+00 3.2E-02 3.1E-02 1 .2E-01 1.5E-01 1.OE-01 6.OE-02 FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SOG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No..: MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield Action Lev tc CRDL(RLI 2.06E-01 pCIIg 1.57E+01 4.53E-01 pClg 5.72E-02 pCVg 6.96E-01 5.35E-02 pCIlg I 2.85E-01 1.02E-1 pCI/g 1.10E-01 pClg 1.83E-01 pC/g 5.57E-02 pClg RstUMDC, I RstlTottcert

-0.09-0.3 (13.4)(10.)-0.03-0.1-0.2-0.68 (2.4)(4.1)(3.(4.5)(1.9)(6.8)(2.8)(5.3)Collectlon Dato: 5115/2003 9:40:00 AM Received Date: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Allquot Primary Prep Date Size Size Detector 6/19103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 9 6119103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 9 6119(03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2S1 9 6/19(03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 9 6/19103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2S1 6/1 9/03 1 1:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 9 6/19103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 g Date: 30-Jun-03 Results: 18 Comments: 1. Richland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficlency, Yield, and Volume.ISTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result IS llss than the MdclMdajTotal Uncert or gamma scan softv~are did not Identify the nucilde.*03 A97 EJ

( ( ( r.. ( ( U I ( ( [ ( U f ( .( ( .t.CI, I-3 H FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-19 Client Samplo ID: 9525-0000-003 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 511412003 1:55:00 PM Received Date: 61212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Result Count Total MDOCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstIUMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Prlmary Parameter Qual Error (2 s) Uncert(2 a) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RsUtTotUcert Prep Date SIze Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder FPQXWINM RepoftDB3ID:

9FPOXWIO ACTINIUM-228 3.70E-01 U 1.8E-01 1.BE-01 3.42E-01 pC/g (1.1) 6119103 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 (4.1) J AG-108M 8.76E-03 U 2.5E-02 2.5E-02 4.65E-02 pCUg 0.19 6/19/03 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 2.862-01 0.7 9 AM-ERICIUM-241 3.80E-02 U 5.4E-02 5.4AE02 8.66E-02 pCUg 0.44 6119103 10:02 p 246.8 GER5S1 1 .03E+00 (1.4) g BISMUTH-212 6.01E-01 U 4.8E-01 4.8E.01 9.58E-01 pCVg 0.63 6119/03 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 (2.5J g BISMUTH-214 2.52E401 U 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 2.06E-01 pCVg (1.2) 6119103 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 (2.8) 9 CO8ALT-40 7.01E-03 U 3.2E-02 3.2E-02 6.32E-02 pCVg 0.11 6119103 10:02 p 246.8 GER5S1 1.50E-01 0.44 9 CESIUM-134 2.93E-02 U 3.5E-02 3.5E-02 7.02E-02 pCI/g 0.42 6119103 10:02 p 246.8 GER5S1 1.90E-01 (1.7) 9 CESIUM-137

-1.51E.02 U 3.1E-02 3.1E-02 5.32E-02 pCVg -0.28 6119/03 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 3.20E-01 -0.97 9 EUROPIUM-152

-7.05E-02 U 8.4E-02 8.4E-02 1.39E-01 pCIg -0.51 6119103 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 4.04E-01 -(1.7) g EUROPIUM-154 4.47E-02 U 9.4E-02 9AE-02 1.90E-01 pCtfg 0.24 6119/03 10.02 p 246.8 GER5$1 3.70E-01 0.95 9 rL Richland MDCIMDALc

  • Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSampl U Qual-Analyzedfor, butthe resultI lessthantheMdelMdalTotal Uncertorgammascan sftwaredid nottdentifythenuclide.

1.03 A97 ul I I' .. ((I .I(

  • I I' * (-FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Par, EUR POT MAN Mis L L THA No. of Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-19 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-003 F Result C tmeter Quad Erro OPItuM.155 2.41 E-02 U 7.1 ASSIUM-4O 3.95E+00 1.2 GANESE-54

-1.41E-02 U 3.1 OBIUM-94 -7.40E-03 U 2.7 EAD-212 2.84E-01 8.9 EAD-214 2.86E-01 i.5 DIUM-223 2.52E-01 U i.8 1LLIUM208 1.23E-01 U 6.3 ount r ( 2 )E-02 2E400 E-02 7E-02 9E-02 E-01 8E-01 E-02-Total Uncert{2 5)7.1E-02 1.2E+00 3.1E-02 2.7E-02 8.9E-02 1.5E-01 1.8E-01 0.3E-02 MDCjMDA, Rpt Unit, Action Lev Lc 1.26E-01 pCig 4.98E-01 pCI/g 5A7E-02 pCVg 4.91E-02 pCI/g 1.00E-01 pCig 9.77E-02 pCVg 2.06E-01 pCVg 8.86E-02 pClg Yield RstnMDC, CRDL(RL) RsUTotUcert 0.19 1.57E+01 0.66 (7.9)(6.7)-0.26 6.96E-01 -0.9-0.15 2.85E-01 -0.54 (2.8)(6.3)(2.9)(3.8)(1.2)(2.8)(1.4)(3.9)-Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/14/2003 1:55:00 PM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Crient Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prep Date Size Sit Detector 6119/03 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 9 6/19/03 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 9 6/19/03 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 6/19103 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 g 6/19/03 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 9 6/19/03 10 02 p 246.8 GER5$1 g 6119103 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 9 6J19/03 10:02 p 246.8 GER5$1 9-I I Results: 18 ..Comments: FL Richland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adqusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the rosult Is less than thU MdcIMdalTotal Uncert or gamm scan software did not Identify the nuclidn.1.03 A97 i a%

I ( ( ( I (I f 1 -FORM I H Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-13 Client Sample ID: 9525.0000-004 F SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5119/2003 10:27:00 AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Result Parameter*tch: 3154249 E901.1 ACNIUM-228 5.00E-01 AG-loM 6.77E-03 AMERICIUM-241 4.0BE-02 BISMUTH-212 3.65E-01 BISMUTH-214 3A2E-01 COBALT-60

.1 .57E-02 CESIUM-134 2.52E-02 CESIUM-137

-2.84E-02 EUROPIUM152 5.86E-02 EUROPIUM-154 .1.74E-02 Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield Rst1MDC, Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert 2 s) Action Lev Le CRDL(RL) RailTottlcert Work Order FPOM1M Report DB ID: 9FPQXM10 U 2.2E-01 2.2E-01 3.97E-01 pCVg (1.3)(4.7)U 3.0E-02 3.0E-02 5.36E-02 pCUg 0.13 2.86E-01 0.46 U 5.7E-02 5.7E-02 9.74E-02 pCVg 0.42 1.03E+00 (1.4)U 5.2E-01 5.2E-01 9.97E-01 pCig 0.37 (1.4)U U.3E.01 1.3E-01 2.06E-01 pCVg (1.7)(5.1)U 4.OE-02 4.0E-02 6.98E-02 pClg -0.23 1.502-01 -0.79 U 4.1 2-02 4.1 E-02 7.97E-02 pCVg 0.32 1.902-01 (1.2)U 3.5E-02 3.5E-02 5.78E-02 pCig .0.49 3.20E-01 -(1.6)U 9.7E-02 9.7E-02 t.80E-01 pCUg 0.33 4.04E-01 (1.2)U 8.6E-02 8.6E-02 1.592-01 pCJg -0.11 3.70E-01 -0.41 Analysis, Prep Date Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Total Sa Aliquot Primary Size Size Detector 6/19/03 06:02 p 6/19/03 06:02 p 6/19/03 06:02 p 6/19103 06:02 p 6/19/03 06:02 p 6/19103 06.02 p 61t9103 06:02 p 6/19103 06:02 p 6/19/03 06:02 p 6/19/03 06:02 p 236.0 GER5$1 9 236.0 GER5$1 9 236.0 GER5$1 9 236.0 GER5$1 g 236.0 GER5$1 9 236.0 GER5$1 9 236.0 GER5$1 9 236.0 GER5$1 9.236.0 GERS$1 9 236.0 GER5$1 9 I. Richland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.iSTLRchSampie U Qual -Analyzd for, but the result b less than the MdcludalTotal Uncert or oamma scan software did not Identify the nuelido.603 A97 tM-3 I ( ( ( '. I I I f ( V FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG-: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3FO20131-13 Client Sample ID: 9525.0000.004 F Result C Parameter Qual Enrc EUROPIUM-155 1.79E.03 U 7.4 POTASSIUM-40 5.10E+00 1.2 MANGANESE-54

-1.25E-02 U 3.1 NIOBIUM-94 8.13E.03 U 3A LEAD-212 3.34E-01 1.1 LEAD-214 4.52E-01 1.4 RADIUMv-226 3.42E-01 U 1.<THALUUM-20a t.82E-01 U 9.1 No. of Results: 18 Comments: 'aunt Total°r (2 S) Uncert(2 )4E-02 7.4E-02 E400 1.2E+00 IE-02 3.1E-02 IE-02 3.4E-02 IE-01 1.IE-01 IE-Ot 1AE-01 IE-01 1.3E-01.1E-02 9.1E42 MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit.Action Lev Lc 1.29E-01 pCltg 4A7E-01 pC/g 5A1E-02 pCI/g 6.33E.02 pClg 1.00E-01 pCltg 1.09E-01 pClhg 2.06E-01 pCVg 1.09E-01 pCVg Yield RsUMDC CRDL(RL) RstlTotUc 0.01 1.57E+01 0.05 (11.4)(8.4)-0.23 6.96E-01 -0.81 0.13 2.85E-01 0.49 (3.3)(6.2)(4.1)(6.3)(1.7)(5.1)(1.7)(4.J Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5119/2003 10:27:00 AM Received Date: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primaty ert Prep Date Size Size Detector 6/19/03 06:02 p 236.0 GER5$1 9 6/1 9103 08:02 p 236.0 GER5$1 9 6119103 06:02 p 236.0 GER5$1 9 6/19/03 06:02 p 236.0 GER5$1 9 6119103 06-02 p 236.0 GER5$1 9 6/19/03 06:02 p 236.0 GER5$1 9 6/19/03 06:02 p 236.0 GER5$1 9 6/19/03 06:02 p 236.0 GER5$1 L Richland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, DecisIon Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample EfficIency, Yield, and Volume.STLRchSarple U Qual .Analyzed for, but tho result Is less than the MdcludalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identfy the nuclde..03 A9T t)CD I ' I 1'IIr l I I *En H FORM I Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-10 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000.005 F SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/15/2003 2:22:00 PM Received Date: 61212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Rcsult Count Total MDCIMDA. Rpt Unit, Yield Rst/MDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error(2S)

Uncert(2 a) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) Rst/TotUccrt Prep Date Sliz Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 Work Order. FPQJ1M Report DB ID: 9FPQX)10 ACTINIUM-228 4.83E-01 1.9E-01 1.9E-01 1.57E-01 pCU/g (3.1) 6119103 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 (5.1) g AG-108M 1.51E-03 U 2.4E-02 2AE-02 4.32E-02 pCtlg 0.03 6119103 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 2.86E-01 0.13 9 AMERICIUM-241

-3.98E-02 U 8.2E-02 8.2E-02 1.402-01 pCVg -0.28 6119/03 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 1.03E+00 -0.97 9 BISMUTH-212 4.52E-01 U 4.7E-01 4.7E-1' 9.30E-01 pCl/g 0.49 6119/03 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 (1.9) g BISMUTH-214 2.93E-01 U 12E-01 1.2E-01 1.97E-01 pCi/g (1.5) 6/19103 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 (4.9) g COBALT-60

-7.86E-04 U 3.8E-02 3.8E-02 7.09E-02 pCi/g -0.01 6/19/03 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 1.50E-01 -0.04 8 CESIUM-134 3.67E-02 U 3.5E-02 3.5E-02 7.24E-02 pCI/g 0.51 6119103 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 1.90E-01 (2.1) 9 CESIUM 137 3.93E-03 U 3.1E-02 3.1E-02 5.78E-02 pCI/g 0.07 6/19103 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 3.20E-01 0.25 g EUROPIUM-152 2.86E-02 U 8.1E-02 8.1E-02 1.48E-01 pCVg 0.19 6119/03 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 4.04E-01 0.71 9 EUROPIUM-154

-2.77E-02 U 9.0E-02 9.OE-02 1.61E-01 pCilg -0.17 6/19103 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 3.70E-01 -0.62 9 1. Richland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSYLRchSumpla U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result ic less than the Mdc/NdaiTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identif the nuclide.L03 A97 T0 r V (' ( (- ,. .FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23O85 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Pan EUR POT MAN Nil Li RA No. of Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-10 Client Sample ID: 9525-000-005 F Result C imeter Qual Erro OPIUM-155 4.53E-02 U 7.3 ASSIUM-40 5.59E+00 1.2 GANESE.54 7.84E-03 U 3.3 2BIUM-94 -7.74E-03 U 2.6 EAD-212 3.11E-01 EAD-214 2.79E-01 U DIUM-226 2.93E-Ot U 1 QLLIUM-208 1.0BE-01 U S.2 ount.r ( 2 S)E-02 E+00 3E-02 6E-02 oE-02 IE-01 2E-01 2E-02 TOta Uncsrt(2 s)7.3E-02 1 .2E+00 3.E-02 2.61E-02 9.8E-02 1 .3E-01 1.2E-01 5.2E2-02 MDCIMDA. Rpt Unit, Yield Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL)1.32E-01 pCig 1.57E+01 5.17E-01 pCUg 6.32E-02 pClg 6.96E-01 4.70E-02 pCig 2.85E-01 9.95E-02 pCVg 1.75E-01 pCVg 1.97E-01 pCilg 8.93E-02 pCilg Rst/MDC, Rst/Tot~cert 0.34 (1.2)(10.8)(9.2)0.12 0.47-0.16-0.59 (3.1)(6.4)(1.6)(4.2)(1.5)(4.9)(1.2)(4.2)Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/15/2003 2:22:00 PM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Tolal Sa Aliquot Primary Prop Date Size Slze Detector 6/19103 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 9 6/19103 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 9 6119103 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 9 6119103 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 9 6119103 02:14 p 238.9 GER7$1 9 6/19/03 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 9 6/19/03 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 0 6/19/03 02:14 p 236.9 GER7$1 9 I I Results: 18 Comments: 1. Richland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Deljcton, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adJusted by the sample Efficiency, Yleld. and Volume.t1STIRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result I less than the Mdc/ndalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.L03 A97 w 0 f f ~ f .f -I r.. ( (* (. I ( I. ( * ( c: (. ( (FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23685 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-8 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-006 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collecton Date: 511512003 2:05:00 PM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit. Yield RstMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert(2 a) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RstITotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder.

FPOXGIAA Report DBID: 9FPQXG10 ACTINIUM-228 1.81E-01 U 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 2.91E-01 pClIg 0.62 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 (2.1) 9 AG-108M 1.93E-03 U 2AE-02 2.4E-02 4.24E-02 pClg 0.05 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 2.86E-01 0.16 9 AMERICIUM%241

-7A6E-02 U 1.6E-01 1.6E-01 2.60E-01 pClg -0.29 6/19/03 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 1.03E+00 -0.95 9 BISMUTH212 2.76E-01 U 4.E-01 4.1E-01 8.05E-01 pClg 0.34 6119/03 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 (1.3) g BISMUTI-1-214 2.21E-Ot U 9.4E-02 9.4E-02 1.71E-01 pCIg (1.3) 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 (4.7) 9 COBALT-60 2.12E-02 U 2.9E-02 2.9E-02 6.14E-02 pC/g 0.34 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1.1.50E-01 (1.6) g CESIUM-134 1.69E-02 U 3.2E-02 3.2E-02 6.27E-02 pCIg 0.27 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 1.90E-01 (1.) 9 CESIUM 137 1.87E-02 U 2.9E-02 2.9E-02 5.53E-02 pCVg 0.34 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 3.20E-01 (1.3) 9 EUROPIUM-152

-5A4E-02 U 7.3E-02 7.3E-02 1.18E-01 pC/g -0.46 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4S1 4.04E-01 -(1.5) g EUROPIUM.154 6.84E-03 U 9.4E-02 9AE-02 1.79E-01 pCVg 0.04 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4S1 3.70E-01 0.15 9 tL Rlchland MDCIMDALc

-DetectIon, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficlency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample UQual -Analyzed for, but the result I less than the Mdc/MdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan *oftware did not Identify the nuelide.1.03 A97 I f --I ( I ..f ( I- I .F FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-8 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-006 F Parameter EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THAWUM-208 No. of Results: 18 Result 1.59E-02 4.61 E+00 2.76E-03-1.20E-02 3.33E-01 2.95E-01 2.211E-01 1.152-01 Comments: Count Total Qual Error ( 2 3) Uncet(2 s)U 7.4E-02 7.4E-02 1 .2E+00 1.25+00 U 2.8E-02 2.8E-02 U 2.42-02 2.4E-02 1.0E-01 1.0E-01 1.02-01 1.0E-01 U 9.41E-02 9.4E-02 U 4.6E-02 4.6E-02 MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit 1 Action Lev La 1.32E-01 pCVg 5.55E-01 pCI/g 5.29E-02 pCVU 4.13E.02 pCVg 8.78E-02 pCVg 9.34E-02 pC/g 1.71E-01 pClg 8.32E-02 pCI/g Yield RsDMOC, CRDL(RL) RstlTotUcert 0.12 1.57E+01 0.43 (8.3)(7.8)0.05 6.96E.01 0.19-0.29 2.852-01 -0.99 (3.8)(6.5)(3.2)(5.8)(1.3)(4.7)(1.4)(5.)Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5115/2003 2.05:00 PM Received Date: 61212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prep Date Size Size Detector 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 0 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 g 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4S1.9 619103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 g 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 9 6/19/03 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 9 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 9 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 9 1. Rlchland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficlency, Yield, and Volume.tSflRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the rcsult is less than the MdcMdarTotal Uncert or gamma scan sofwar did notlIdentify the nuclide.L03 A97

( .I ' ( ' ( .I f ' ' ' I -(. ...( -I -( .f ' ( .- ( -(-- -FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 ReportNo.:

22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-9 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-006 FS Result Count Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/1512003 2:05:00 PM Received Date: 61212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prep Date Size SIze Detector MDCII'ADA.

Rpt UnIt, Yield RstIMDC, Parameter atch: 3154249 ACTINIUM-228 AG-1OBM AMERICIUM-241 BISMUTH-212 BISMUTH-214 COBALT-60 CESIUM-134 CESIUM-137 EUROPIUM-152 EUROPIUM-1 54 Qual Effor ( 2s)TOWa Uncert(2 a)MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstlMDC, Action Lev Le CROL(RL) RslbotUcert FPQXHiM Report DB ID: 9FPQX0iO E901.1 3.24S-01 U-1.85E-02 U-2.96E-02 U 9.77E-01 U 3.74E-01 U-1.88E-02 U 2.45E-02 U 2.77E-02 U 1.33E-02 U 4.40E-02 U Work Order 1.5E-01 2.7E-02 5.3E-02 5.2E-01 1.5E-01 2.92-02 4.2E-02 3.BE-02 8.72-02 1.02-01 1.5E-01 3.12E-01 pCVg 2.72-02 5.3E-02 5.2E-01 1.5E-01 2.9E-02 4.2E-02 3.8E-02 8.7E-02 1.0E-01 4A6E-02 pCVg 8.97E-02 pCig 1.07E200 pCVg 2.09E-01 pCVg 4.82E-02 pClg 8.10E-02 pCVg 7.16E-02 pCI/g 1.56E-01 pClg 1.99E-01 pClg 2.86E-01 1.03E+00 1.50E-01 1.90E-01 3.20E-01 4.04E-01 3.70E-01 (t.)(4.2)-0.42-(1.4)-0.33-(1.1)0.92 (3.8)(1.8)(5.2)-0.39-(1.3)0.3 (1.2)0.39 (1.5)0.09 0.31 0.22 0.88 6119103 02:13 p 6119103 02:13 p 6119103 02:13 p 6119103 02:13 p 6119/03 02:13 p 6/19/03 02:13 p 6119103 02:13 p 6119103 02:13 p 6/19103 02:13 p 6119103 02:13 p 251.9 Q 251.9 9 251.9 g 251.9 9 251.9 9 251.9 9 251.9 9 251.9 9 251.9 9 GER5$1 GER5$1 GER5$1 GER5$1 GER5$1 GER5$1 GER5$1 GER5$1 GER5$1 251.9 GER5$1 9 1. Rlchland MDCIMDA.Lc

.Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Effclency, Yield, and Volume.WSTLRchSatmple U Qual -Analyzod for, but the result Is ass than the Mdc/lUdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nucld..L03 A97

( ( I I ( ( ( (U ( I ( -I r -([FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS Date: 30-Jun-03 Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-9 Client Sample ID: 9525-00004006 FS I Parameter EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE*54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-228 THALWUM-208 No. of Results: 18-Result Qual 2.71E-02 U 6.87E+00 1.46E-02 U 2.17E-02 U 4.30E-01 3.62E-01 3.74E-01 1.98E-01 U Count Error ( 2 s)8.42-02 1.42+00 3.3E-02 2.9E-02 1.2E-01 1.5E-01 1.5E-01 7.2E-02 Total Uncert(2 s)8AE402 1.4E+00 3.3E-02 2.9E-02 1.2E-01 1.5E401 1.5E-01 7.2E-02 SDG: 23085 Collection Date: 511512003 2:05:00 PM Report No.: 22966 Received Date: 61212003 10:30:00 AM COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by ClIent Sample ID, Batch No.MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RsUMDC, Analysts, Total Sa AlJquot Primary Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RstrrotUcert Prep Date Size size Defector 1.47E-01 pCVg 0.18 6119103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 1.57E+01 0.64 g 5.962-01 pCIIg (11.5) 6119103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (9.7) 9 6.44E-02 pCVg 0.23 6/19(03 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 6.96E-01 0.87 9 5.90E-02 pCI/g 0.37 6/19103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 2.85E-01 (1.5) 9 1.11E-01 pCVg (3-9) 6/19103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (7.4) 9 1.07E-01 pCtg (3.4) 6/19/03 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (4.8) 9 1.19E-01 pClg (3.2) 6119103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (5.2) 9 1.04E-01 pCVg (1.9) 6/19103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (5.5) 9 Comments: 1L Rlchland MDCIMDALc

-Detoction, Decision Level based on Instniment background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency.

Yield, and Volume.ISTLRchSample U Qual Analyzed for, but the result Is lee, than thu MdcfmdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nucilda.L03 AST rnI ( f(( I. I I (I' ( U'-3 H FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-15 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000.007 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5119/2003 1:34:00 PM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstIMD3C, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error (2 s) UncOrt(2 a) Action Lev LC CRDL(RL RstlTotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detector latch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder.


9FPQXPIO ACTINIUM-228 3.48E-01 U 1.6E-01 1.6E-01 3.24E-01 pCi/g (1.1) 6/19103 06:02 p 251.4 GER2$1 (4.4) 9 AG-IoCM 1.38E-02 U 3.2E-02 3.2E-02 5.72E-02 pCI/ 0.24 6/19/03 06:02 p 251.4 GER2$1 2.86E-01 0.87 9 AMERICIUM-241

-2.35E-01 U 3.6E-01 3.6E-1 6.00E-01 pClg -0.39 6/19103 06:02 p 251.4 GER2$1 1.03E+00 -1.3) 9 BISMUTH-212 3.49E-01 U 5.6E-01 5.6E-01 1.04E+00 pC/g 0.34 6/19/03 06:02 p 251.4 GER2$1 (1.2) J 1ISMUTH-214 3.602-01 U 1.0E-01 1.OE-01 2.02E-01 pCig (1.8) 6119103 06:02 p 251.4 GER2$1 (6.9) g COBALT-60

-5.32E-04 U 3.6E-02 3.6E-02 6.77E-02 pClg -0.01 6119/03 06:02 p 251.4 GER2$1 1.50E-01 -0.03 9 CESIUM-134 2.70E-02 U 4.2E-02 4.2E-02 8.01E-02 pCig 0.34 6119/03 06:02 p 251.4 GER2S1 1.90E-01 (1.3) 9 CESIUM-137

-1.99E-03 U 3.5E-02 3.5E-02 6.27E-02 pClg -0.03 6/19103 06:02 p 251.4 GER2S1 3.20E-01 -0.11 9 EUROPIUMt152

-1.052-01 U 13E-01 1.3E-Oi 1.84E-01 pClg -0.57 6/19103 06:02 p 251.4 GER2$1 4.04E-01 -(1.7) 9 EUROPIUM-154

-1.14E-02 U 1.22-01 1.2E-01 2.12E-01 pCVg -0.05 6/19/03 06:02 p 251.4 GER2S1 3.70E-01 -0.2 g iL Richland MOCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level basod on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRcdSample U Cual -Analyzed for, but the result Is ess than the Mdc/MdalToI lUncert or gamma scan softwar did not identf lthe nuclide.1.03 A97 Un rI I ( ( .V I I(I I I 1 (r rn'-3 H:n 3 Par EUF POT MAN Nll RA THA No. of Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3FD20131-15 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-007 F Result Count ameter Qual Efror ( 2 s)!OPIUM-155

-3.61E-02 U 1.3E-01*ASSIUM40 6.09E+00 1.3E+O0 GANESE-54 1 .03E-02 U 3.9E-02 OBIUM-94 1.81 E-02 U 32E-02 EAD-212 4.42E-01 1.6E-01 EAD-214 4.20E-01 U IAE-01.DIUM-225 3.61E-01 U 1.OE-01 ILUUWM208 1.75E-01 U 6AE-02 Tobal Uncartl2 8)1.3E-01 1.3E+00 3.9E-02 3.2E-02 1 .6E-01 i.4E-01 1.0E-01 A.4E.02-FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield ActIon Lev Lc CRDL(RLj 2.18E-01 pCi/g 1.57E+01 7.16E-01 pClg 7.23E-02 pCldg 6.96E-01 6.27E-02 pCI/g 2.85E-01 9.75E-02 pCVg 1.92E-01 pCl/g 2.02E-01 pCVg 1.06E-01 pC/g RsUMDC, I RstrrotUcert

-0.17-0.56 (8.5)(9.3)0.14 0.53 0.29 (1.1)(4.5)(5.5)(2.2)(6.2)(1.8)(6.9)(1.7)(5.4)-Date: 30-Jun-03 Collecton Date: 5119/2003 1:34:00 PM Received Date: 61212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aflquot Primary Prep Data Size Size Detector 6/19103 06:02 p 251A4 GER2$1 6/19/03 06:02 p 251.4 GER2$1 g 6119/03 06:02 p 251.4 GER2S1 g 6/19/03 06:02 p 251.4 GER2S1 9 6119103 06:02 p 251.4 GER2S1 6119/03 06:02 p 251.4 GER2St 9 6/19103 06:02 p 251A GER2$1 9 6/19103 06:.02 p 251.4 GER2$1 g 6119/03 06:02 p 251.4 GER2$1 0 9 0 Results: 18.. .._Comments: 1L Rlchland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, Decision Lovel based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by tho sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSampe U Clual Analyzed for, but the result is less than the MdclmdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software dId not identIfy the nuclide.1.03 A97 I r r F I r f I ' f .I I , f ( I [.' I f-H FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-6 Client Sample ID: 9525.0000-008 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/15/2003 1:24:00 PM Received Date: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstlMDC, Analysts, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert(2 s) Action Lev Le CRDL(RL) Rstl~otUcert Prep Date SIXo Size Detector etch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder FPOXEIAA ReportDBID:

9FPQXE10 ACTINIUM-228 2.64E-01 U 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 2.97E-01 pCVg 0.89 6119103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 (3.1) 9 AG-108M 1.88E-02 U 2.OE-02 2.0E-02 3.99E-02 pCVg 0.47 6/19103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 2.86E-01 (1.9) 9 AMERICIUM.241

-4.51E-03 U 7.8E-02 7.8E-02 1.38E-01 pC/g -0.03 6119/03 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 1.03E+00 -0.12 9 BISMUTH-212 6.60E-01 U 42E-01 4.2E-01 8.65E-01 pCVg 0.76 6119103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 (3.2) 9 BISMUTH-214 3.58E-01 U 1,3E-01 1.3E-01 1.87E-01 pCVg (1.9) 6119/03 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 (5.6) 9 COBALT-60 1.97E-03 U 2.3E-02 2.3E-02 4.57E-02 pCVg 0.04 6119103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 1.50E-01 0.17 g CESIUM-134 1.32E-02 U 3.0E-02 3.0E02 5.96E-02 pCIg 0.31 6/19103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 1.90E-01 (1.2) 9 CESIUM.137 7.95E-03 U 2.92-02 2.9E-02 5.44E-02 pCIlg 0.15 6119103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7S1 3.20E-01 0.55 9 EUROPIUM-152

-2.78E-02 U 7.6E-02 7.6E-02 i.28E-01 pClg -0.22 6119103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 4.04E-01 -0.73 9 EUROPIUM-154

-7.64E-02 U 7.9E-02 7.9E-02 1.21 E-01 pCVg -0.63 6119/03 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 3.70E-01 (1.9) 8 rL Richland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficlency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncort or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.1.03 A97 w(

I .: (I V C C I r (F .C, ( .( U -C. -(I (:-In i H 0 Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-6 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-008 F Result C Parameter Qual Ero EUROPIUM-155

-3.18E-02 U 6.4 POTASSIUM-40 8.89E+00 1.3 MANGANESE-54

-8.94E-03 U 2.5 NIOBIUM.94

-3A3E-03 U 2.1 LEAD-212 4.04E-01 1.0 LEAD-214 3.84E-01 9.7 RADIUM-226 3.58E-01 U 1.3 THALUUM-208 1.52E-01 U 5.8 No. of Results: 18 Comments: ount r (2 s)E-02 E+00 E-02 E-02 OE 01 7E-02 E-01 E-02 Total Uncert(2 s)6.4E-02 1.3E+00 2.5E&02 2.1E-02 1.OE 01 9.7E.02 1.3E-01 5.8E-02 FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit Yield Action Lev LC CRDL(RL)1.06E-01 pCUg 1.57E+01 3.34E-01 pCIIg 4.38i-02 pClg 6.96E-01 3.96E-02 pC/g 2.85E-01 9.63E-02 pC/g 9.25E-02 pC/g 1.87E-01 pCIg 9.15E-02 pCI/g.Date: 30-Jun-03 Rst/MDC, RsatTotUcert

-0.3-0.99 (20.6)(10.3)-0.2- (4.2)(8.)(4.2)(7.9)(1-9)(5.6)(1.7)(5.2)-Collection Date: 511512003 1:24:00 PM Received Date: 6/212003 10:30:00 AM Matrbix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prep Date Size size Detector 6/19103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7S1 9 6/19103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 6119103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 9 6/19/03 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 9 6119/03 11:12 a 278.1 GER7S1 6119/03 11:12 a 278.1 GER7S1 9 6/19103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 9 6119103 11:12 a 278.1 GER7$1 g I rIL Richland MDCIMDA 1 LC -Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adiusted by the sample Efciency, Yleld, and Volume.STI-RchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result is ess than the MddudalTotal Uncert or amma scan software did not Idnuty the nuclide.103 ASr I -- ( ..( -' I I-. ( ( (: (I I V. ( i (I* .-H FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 ReportNo.:

22966 COC No.: Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/15/2003 2:35:00 PM Received Date: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Lab Name: STL Richfand Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131

-11 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-009 F Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstIM1DC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error ( 2s) Uncert(2 a) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RstrrotUcert Prep Data Size Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder FPQXK1AA Report DB ID: 9FPQX10 ACTINIUM-228 3.98E-01 U 2.02-01 2.OE-01 3.91E-01 pCl/g (1.) 6/19103 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 (4.) 9 AG-108M -1.512-02 U 3.12-02 3.1E-02 5.26E-02 pClJg -0.29 6119103 02:15 p 231.8 GER2S1 2.86E-01 -0.97 9 AMERICIUM-241 4.66E-01 U 4.0E-01 4.02-01 7.12E-01 pCVg 0.65 6119/03 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 1.03E+00 (23) 9 BISMUTH-212 5.31E-01 U 5.9E-01 5.92-01 1.12E+00 pCVg 0.47 6/19103 02:15 p 231.8 GER251 (1.8) 9 BISMUTH-214 4.37E-01 U 1.32-01 1.3E-01 2.22E-01 pCVg (2.) 6/19/03 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 (6.5) g COBALT-60

-2.95E-03 U 3.52-02 3.5E-02 6A8E-02 pClg -0.05 6119/03 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 1.50E-01 -0.17 9 CESIUM-134 2.65E-02 U 4.9E-02 4.9E-02 9.05E-02 pCI/g 0.29 6/19103 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 1.90E-01 (1.1) 9 CESIUM-137 4.86E-02 U 4.OE-02 4.OE-02 7.87E-02 pCVg 0.62 6/119/03 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 3.20E-01 (2.4) 9 EUROPIUM-152

-2.43E-01 U 1.3E-01 1.3E-01 1.63E-01 pCVg -(1.5) 6/19103 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 4.04E-01 -(3.7) g EUROPIUM-154

-4.38E-02 U 12E-01 1.2E-01 2.162-01 pCI/g -0.2 6/19/03 02:15 p 231.8 GER2S1 3.70E-01 -0.71 9 1. Rlchland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncart or gamma scan software did not Idontify the nuelide.1.03 A97 w)

(I -f -I .( .( .' ' f, -'. , (-- --Par, EUR POT MAJN NOl U U RA THA Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-11 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000.009 F Result C ameter Qual Erro OPIUM*155 1.75E-02 U 1.4 ASSIUM-40 8.61E400 1.4 GANESE-54 3.11E-02 U 4.3 DBlUM-94 9.37E-03 U 3.3 EAD.212 3A7E-01 1.2 EAD-214 4.16E-01 U 1.6 DIUM-226 4.37E-01 U 1.3 LLIUM-208 1.81E-01 6.1 Ount ,r ( 2 a)E-01 E400*E-02 E-02 E-01 E.O1 E-01 E-02 Total Uncert(2 1.AE-01 1 .4E+00 4.3E.02 3.3E-02 1.2E-01 1.6E-01 1.3E-01 6AIE-02 FORM I SAMPLE RtSULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit. Yield Rs a) Action Lev La CRDL(RL) Rstf 2A1 E-Oi pC11g 1.57E+01 7.39E-01 pCVg 8.28E-02 pCg I 6.96E.01 6.29E-02 pCI/g 2.85E-01 1.13E-01 pCVg 2.08EO01 pCIg 2.22E-01 pC/g 6.34E-02 pCig stMDC, roluca 0.07 0.25 (9.)r9.4)0.38 r1.4)0.15 0.57 r3.1)r5.7)(2.)pS.3)(2.)t6.5)r2!9)(5.9)__At Collection Date: 5/15/2003 2:35:00 PM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrbi: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prop Date Size S12e Detector 6119103 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 9 6119103 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 02:15 p 231.8 GER2SI 9 6119/03 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 6119103 02.15 p 231.8 GER2$1 6119103 02:15 p 231.8 GER2$1 9 6/1 9103 02:1 5 p 231.8 GER2$1 9 Date: 30-Jun-03 No. of Results: 18 Comments: it. Richland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on instrument background or blank, acqusted by the sample. Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdafrotal Uncrt or gamma scan software did not identlfr the nucide.L03 A97 I t. -f ( 1 FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-4 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-010 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 51151200310:24:00 AM Received Date: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Total MDC MDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstIMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error (2s) Uncer1(2 s) Action Lev Le CRDL(RL) RslrotUcert Prep Date Size Sizc Detector etch: 3154249 E901.1 Work Order. FPXAIAA Report DB ID: 9FPXA10 ACnNIUM-228 3.03E-01 U 2.OE-01 2.0E-01 3.30E-01 pCVg 0.92 6/19103 11:13 a 259.5 GERSS1 (3.1) 5 AG-108M 8.77E-03 U 2.5E-02 2.5E-02 4.66E-02 pClg 0.19 6/19103 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 2.86E-01 0.69 9 AMERICIUM-241 B.98E-02 U 5.9E-02 5.9E-02 9.57E-02 pClg 0.73 6/19103 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 1.03E+00 (2.4) 9 BISMUTH-212 2.13E-01 U 5.4E-01 5AE-01 9.89E-01 pCig 0.22 6119103 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 0.79 9 BISMUTH-214 4.08E-01 U 1.2E-01 1.2E-01 2.05E-01 pCl1g (2.) 6119103 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 (6.7) 9 CO8ALT-60

-1.54E-02 U 3.3E-02 3.3E-02' 5.74E-02 pClg -0.27 6/19103 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 1.50E-01 -0.93 9 CESIUM-134 1.54E-02 U 4.1E-02 4.1E.02 7.65E-02 pCVg 0.2 6119/03 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 1.90E-01 0.76 1 CESIUM-137

-5.75E-03 U 3.6E-02 3.6E-02 6.30E-02 pClg -0.09 6/19/03 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 3.20E-01 -0.32 9 EUROPIUM-152 8.77E-02 U 9.BE-02 9.6E.02 1.60E-01 pC/Vg 0.55 6/19103 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 4.04E-01 (1.8) .g EUROPIUM-154

-7.16E-02 U 1.0E-01 1E-01 1.65E-01 pCVg -0.43 6119/03 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 3.70E-01 -(1.4) 9 IL Rlchand MODCMDALc

-Detection, DecisIon Lewl based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Effcllency, Yield, and Volume.STITRchgample U Qual

  • Analyzed for, but the result I ess than the MdeIdalTataI Uncert or namma scan software did not Identify th nucilde.1.03 A9T F f- f .- ( [ F F F r F I I ---F F rF- -rn F3-Pan EUR POT MAN, N11 LI RA TFV Lab Name: STL Richiand Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-4 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-010 F Rosult C ameter Qual Erro OPIUM-155 225E-02 U 7.9 ASSIUM40 7.13E+03 1.51 GANESE-54 1.86E-02 U 3.2 26IUM-94 9.02E-04 U 2.6 EAD-212 4.54E-01 1.1 EAD.214 3.97E-01 1.1 UDIUM-226 4.06E-0I1 1.2 tLIUM-208 1.61 E-01 U 6-ount r (25)E-02 E+00 2E-02 E-02 E-01 E-01 2E-01 6-02 Total Uncert(2 s)7.9E-02 1.5E+00 3.2E.02 2.6E-02 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 1.2E-01 6.62-02-FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: MDCIMDA. Rpt Unit, Yield Actlon Lev Lc CRDL(RL]1.38E-01 pCVg 1.57E+01 42112-01 pCLIg 627E-02 pCI/g 6.96E-01 4.88E-02 pCUg 2.85E-01 1.12E-01 pClg 1.03E-01 pCIg 1.17E-01 pCVg 1.03E-01 pCIIV Date: 30-Jun-03 RstlMDC, RstUTotUcort 0.16 0.57 (16.9)(9.7)0.3 (1.2)0.02 0.07 (4.)(8.)(3.9)(6.9)(3.5)(6.7)(1.6)(4.9)Collection Date: 5/1512003 10:24:00 AM RecOIvOd Dato: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prop Data Size Slze Detector 6119103 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 9 6/19/03 11:13 a 2595 GER5$1 9 6/1 9103 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 g 6119/03 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 9 6/19103 11:13 a 259.5 GER5S1 0 6119/03 11:13 a 259.5 GER5$1 9 6/19103 11:13 a 259.5 GERSS1 9 6/19103 11:13 a 259.5 GER5S1 g No. of Results: 18 Comments: t Richland MDCIMDA.Le

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.ISTLRchSampl U Quas -Analyzed for, but the result is less than the Mclc/MdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not idenUfy tho nuclide.L03 AD7 I [ I I f ( ( (' .( ' (I V ( , (-- , (--FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 511912003 10:11:00AM Received Date: 6/212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Lab Name: STIR Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-12 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-011 F Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstlMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primaly Parameter Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert(2 s) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RsUTotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detector itch: 3154249 E901.1 Work Order. FPMIAA Report DB ID: 9FPQXL10 ACTINIUM-228 3.282-01 U 1.9E-01 1.9E-01 3.40E-01 pCIg 0.97 6/19103 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1* (3.4) 9 AG-108M 1.26E-02 U 2.5E-02 2.5E-02 4.70E-02 pC/g 0.27 6/19/03 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 2.862-01 0.99 9 AMERICIUM-241

-8.912-02 U 1.72-01 1.7E-01 2.87E-01 pCVg -0.24 6/19/03 06:01 p 262 GER4$1 1.03E+00 -0.8 9 BISMUTHW212 B.38E-01 U 4.8E-01 4.8E-01 9.73E-01 pCig 0.66 6119103 06:01 p 262.9 GER4S1 (Z 6) 9 BISMIJTH-214 4.32E-01 U 1.2E-01 1.2E-01 2.17E-01 pCI/g (2J 6/19103 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 (7) 9 CODALT-60

-3.05E-02 U 4.0E-02 4.0E-02 6.58E-02 pCIg -0.46 6/19/03 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 1.50E-01 -(1.5) 9 CESIUM-134 3.20E-02 U 3.8E-02 3.8E-02 7.54E-02 pC/g 0.43 6/19/03 0601 p 262.9 GER4$1 1.90E-01 r1.7J 9 CESIUM.137 4.75E-03 U 3.4E-02 3AE-02 6.14E-02 pCIg. 0.08 6/19/03 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 3.20E-01 0.28 9 EUROPIUM-152

-4.22E-02 U 8.1E-02 8.1E-02 1.38E-01 pCVg -0.31 6/19/03 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 4.04E-01 -(.) g EUROPIUM-154

-5.62E-02 U 9.3E-02 9.3E-02 1.59E-01 pCUg -0.35 6119/03 06:01 p 2629 GER4$1 3.70E-01 -(1.2) 9'L Richiand MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficlency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRch9ample U Qual -Analyzed for, but th result is tean than th MdclMdalTots!

Uncert or gamma scan ofware did not identfythea nuclide.1.03 A97 w I ' I ' I .j r ' ( I ' I I ( ' I ( .I r ' ( -I- -FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Par, EUR POT MAN~ml L L RA TW No. of Lab Name: STL Rlchland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-12 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000.011 F Result C arneter Qual Erro%OPIUM-155 o.24E-03 U 9A ASSIUM-40 5.94E+00 1.3 GANESE.54 1.90E-02 U 3.9 OBIUM-94 5.89E-03 U 2.7 EAD-212 4.54E-01 1.2 EAD.214 4.70E-01 1A DIUM-22B 4.32E-01 1.2 iWUM-208 1.70E-01 U 5.7 ount r (2 2 )E-02 E+00 9E.02 7E-02 2E-01 4E-01!E-01 7E-02 Total Lincsrt(2 a)9A4E-02 1 .3E+00 3.9E-02 2.7E-02 I1.2E-01 1.4E-01 1.2E-01 5.7E-02 MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit,) Action Lev Le 1.64E431 pCt/s 5.03E-01 pCVg 7.24E-02 pCVg 5.09E-02 pCVg BA.6E-02 pClg 9.59E-02 pCig 8.99E-02 pCUg 9.90E-02 pCUg-Yield RsUMDC, CRDL(RL) RstUTotcert 0.04 1.57E+01 0.13 (11.8)(8.8)0.26 6.96E-01 0.98 0.12 2.85E-01 0.44 (5.4)(7.7)(4.9)(6.8)(4.8)(7.)(1.7)(6.)-Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5119/2003 10:11:00 AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sampla ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prep Date Slze Size Detector 6/19103 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 9 6/19/03 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 9 6119103 06:01 p 262.9 GER4S1 9 6/19103 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 g 9 6119103 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 6119/03 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 9 6/19/03 06:01 p 262.9 GER4$1 g I I Results; 18 Comments: rL Richland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, DecisIon Level based on Instrument background or blank, adQusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSI-ReSarmpte U Qual -Analyzed for, but tha result Is less than the MdelMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuelide.1.03 A97

( I'(I' * , (*j C.*I. ((, (I. (." (7. (7. -(V .. ( .(H FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SOG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/1912003 1:46:00 PM Received Date: 61212003 10:30:00 AM Matri;X SOIL Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131416 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000.012 F Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstIMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error ( 25) Uncert(2 a) Action Lv Le CRDL(RL) RstlTotUcert Prep Date Sike Size Detector itch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder FPOXQIAM Report DB ID: 9FPOXQ10 ACTINIUM-228 2.24E-01 U 1.6E-01 1.6E-01 3.10E-01 pCL'g 0.72 6/19103 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 (2.9) 9 AG-10sM -8.79E-03 U 3.0E-02 3.0E.02 5.10E-02 pCUg -0.13 6119103 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 2.86E-01 -0.46 9 AMERICIUM-241

-2.08E-01 U 3.2E-01 3.2E-01 5.36E-01 pCUg -0.39 6/19/03 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 1.03E+00 -(1.3) 9 BISMUTH-212 3.45E-01 U 5.2E-01 5.2E-01 9.71E-01 pCI/g 0.35 6/19103 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 (1.3) 9 BISMUTH-214 4.06E-01 U 1.1E2-01 1.1E-01 1.94E-01 pCVg (2.1) 6119/03 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 (7.2) 0 COBALT-80 1.982-02 U 2AE-02 2.4E02 5A7E-02 pCl/g 0.36 6/19103 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 1.50E-01 (1.6) 9 CESIUM-134 6.27E-02 U 3.8E-02 3.8E-02 7.94E-02 pCig 0.79 6119103 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 1.90E-01 (3.3) g CESIUM.137 2.711E-02 U 3.5E-02 3.5E-02 6.69E.02 pCVg 0.41 6/19/03 09:57 p 253.8 GER2S1 3.20E-01 (1.6) 9 EUROPIUM-152

-1.44E-01 U 1.3E-01 1.3E-01 1.72E-01 pCVg -0.83 6/19/03 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 4.04E-01 -(2.2) 9 EUROPIUM-154

-1.01E-02 U 1.0E-01 1.0E-01 1.88E-01 pCUg -0.05 6119/03 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 3.70E-01 -0.2 9 rL Richland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is les than the Mdc/MdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.1.03 A97 U'

( .. (* F ( [II F I I I[ (*' (- .. I --par EUF Po-I MAN Nl L TR No. ol Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-16 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000W012 F Result C ameter Qual EM tOPIUM-155 5.16E-02 U 1.3'ASSIUM-40 6.75E+00 1.4 IGANESE-54 2.76E-02 U 3.OBIUM-94 -1 .28E-02 U 3.4 LEAD-212 3.54E-01 1., LEAD-214 4.06E-01 U OIUM-220 4.062-01 U 1.1 IAULUM-208 1.53E-01 U 6.Count ir ( 25)3E-01.E+00 7E-02.E-02.E-01 3.2-01 I E-01 4E-02 Total Unwdr(2 a)U.E-01 I1.4Ee00 3.7E.02 3.4E-02 1.2E2-01 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 6A4E.02-FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstJMDC, Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RstrotUcert 2.232-01 pCUg 0.23 1.57E+01 0.81 6.12E-01 pCVg (1t.)(9.6)7.13E-02 pCIg 0.39 6.96E-01 (1-5)5.85E-02 pCVg -0.22 2.85E-01 -0.76 9.29E-02 pCVg (3.8)(5.9)1.22E-01 pCI/g (3.3)(5.1)1.94E-01 pCUg (2.1)(7.2)9.74E-02 pCVg (1.7)(5.1)--Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 511912003 1:46:00 PM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Analysts, Total Sa Aliquot Primauy Prep Date Size SIze Detector 6119103 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 g 6119/03 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 9 6/19103 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 9 6119103 09:57 p 2538 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:57 p 253.5 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:57 p 253.8 GER2S1 9 6/19103 09:57 p 253.8 GER2$1 9!Results:

18 Comments: fL Rlichland MDCIMDALc

.Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efflclency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRehSample U Qual -AnalZyed for, but the result Is less than the MdcIMdalTotaI Uncert or gamma scan software did not identify the nucilde.1.03 AST -,

I ' [ ' (1 ' ((((((I ( I I HU FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Rlchland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-18 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000.013 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 511412003 1:35:00 PM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RsUMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error (2 s) Uncert(2 a) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RstiTotticert Prop Date Size Slze Detector atch! 3154249 E901.1 Workrdern FPQXTIAM ReportDBID:

9FPXTI10 ACTINIUM-228 3.41 E-01 U 2.OE-01 2.OE-01 3.49E-01 pCl/g 0.98 6/19103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 (3.4) g AG-108M 7.17E-03 U 2.7E-02 2.7E02 4.87E-02 pClIg 0.15 6119103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 2.86E-01 0.54 9 AMERICIUM.241

-8.87E-02 U 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 2.73E-01 pClg -0.32 6119/03 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 1.03E+00 -1.1) 9 BISMUTH-212 6.13E-01 U 4.6E-01 4.6E-01 9.51E-01 pCVg 0.64 6/19/03 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 (2.6) 9 BISMUTHZ214 2.86E-01 U 1.2E-01 1.2E-O1 1.99E-01 pCUg (1.5) 6/19/03 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 (5.) 9 COBALT.6O 2.72E-02 U 2.9E-02 2.9E-02 6.52E-02 pCig 0.42 6/19103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 1.50E-01 (1.9) 9 CESIUM-134

-3.20E-03 U 3.3E-02 3.3E-02 6.01E-02 pClIg -0.05 6119/03 10:01 p 245.8 GER4SI 1.90E-01 -0.19 9 CESIUM-137

-2.56E-02 U 3.2E-02 3.2E-02 5.19E-02 pCVg -0.49 6/19103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 3.20E-01 -(1.6) 9 EUROPIUM.152

-4.57E-02 U 8.5E-02 8.5E.02 1.45E-01 pCUg -0.32 6119/03 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 4.04E-01 -(1.1) 9 EUROPIUM-154 1.67E-02 U 1.11E-01 1.AE01 2.09E-01 pCVg 0.08 6/19103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 3.70E-01 0.31 9 IL Rlchland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficlency, Yield, and Volume.4STTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not ldentlfy the nuclide.1.03 A9T-4 I .I ( I I I I I I 1 I II I I H FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22968 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131

-18 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-013 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5114/2003 1:35:00 PM Received Date: 6t212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RsUIJDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Prlmary Parameter Qual Error (2S) Uncerl(2 s) Action Lev Le CRDL(RL) Rst/TolUcert Prep Date SiZn Size Detector EUROPIUM-155

-7.74E-02 U 9.02-02 9.OE-02 1.48E-01 pCI/g -0.52 8/19/03 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 1.575+01 -(1.7) 9 POTASSIUM-40 4.24E+00 1.2E+00 1.2E+00 4.91E-01 pClg (8.6) 6119/03 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 (7.2) 9 MANGANESE-54

-8.80E-03 U 2.92-02 2.9E-02 5.22E-02 pClg -0.17 6/19103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 6.96E-01 -0.6 g NIOBIUhF94 7.73E-03 U 2.8E-02 2.8E-02 5AOE-02 pCl/g 0.14 6/19103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 2.85E-01 0.55 9 LEAD-212 3.22E-01 9.7E-02 9.7E-02 9.825-02 pCVg (3.3) 6119103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 (6.6) 9 LEAD-214 3.785-01 1.3E-01 1.3E-01 9.15E-02 pCVg (4.1) 6/19103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 (5.9) 9 RADIUM-226 2.96E-01 U 1.2E-01 1.2E-01 1.99E-01 pC/g (1.5) 6/19103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4S1 (5.) 9 THAWUM-208 9.32E-02 U 4.3E-02 4.3E-02 8.81E-02 pCUg (1.1) 6/19103 10:01 p 245.8 GER4$1 (4.4) 9 No. of Results: 18 Comments: IL Richland MDCIMDA.Lc Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficlency, Yield, and Volume.4STLRcSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdcjMdalTotal Uncert or oamma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.1.03 A97

( ( ( I I I I I I I I I f I'-3 FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-3 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000.014 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/151200310:10:00 AM Received Date: 6/212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Ailquot Primary Parameter Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncerl( z s) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RstlTotUcort Prep Date Size Size Detector itch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder FPQW91AA Report DB ID: 9FPQW910 ACTINIUM-228 2.26E-01 U 1.9E-01 1.9E-01 3.30E-01 pClg 0.69 6119103 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 (2.4) 9 AG.108M -1.51E-02 U 2.7E-02 2.7E02 4.51E-02 pCI/g -0.33 6119103 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 2.86E-01 -(1.1) g AMERICIUM-241 8.1 5E-02 U 1.7E-01 1.7E-01 3.04E-01 pClg 0.27 6119/03 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 1.03E+00 0.96 g BISMUTH-212 5A4E-01 U 5.OE-01 5.0E-01 9.96E-01 pCVg 0.55 6/19103 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 (2.2) 9 BISMUTH-214 1.61E-01 U 1.32-01 1.3E-01 1.93E-01 pCVg 0.83 6119/03 11:11 a 237.1 GER451 (2.5) .COBALT-60 2.98E-02 U 3.9E-02 3.9E-02 8.102-02 pCVg 0.37 6119/03 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 1.50E-01 (1.5) 9 CESIUM-134 2.36E-03 U 3.9E-02 3.5E-02 7.18E-02 pCI/g 0.03 6/19/03 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 1.90E-01 0.12 3 CESIUM-137 8.91E-03 U 3.1E-02 3.1E-02 5.78E-02 pCVg 0.15 6/19/03 11:11 a 237.1 GER4S1 3.20E-01 0.58 EUROPIUM-152 6.09E-03 U 8.6E-02 8.6E-02 1.56E-01 pCilg 0.04 6/19103 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 4.04E-01 0.14 9 EUROPIUM-154

-7.96E-02 U 8.7E-02 8.7E-02 1.39E-01 pCVg -0.57 6/19/03 11:11 a 231.1 GER4$1 3.70E-01 -(1.8) 9 1. Richland MDCfMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is loss than tho MdclMdaITofal Uncort or gamma scan software did no Identify he nuclide.L03 A97 I I ' r .I C. ' (. ' 1. ' (' ' C.H I:-'H Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-3 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-014 F Parameter EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 TKAWUM-208 No. of Results: 18 Result.4.57E-02 7.57E400 2.29E-02-6.58E-03 2.87E-01 3.68E-01 1.511E-01 1 .25E2-0i-Qual U U U U Count Error ( 2 s)9.5E-02 1.6E+00 3.4E-02 3.5E-02 9.7E-02 1AE-01 1.3E-01 6.4E.02 Total Uncert(2 s)9.5E-02 l.6E5+00 V.E-02 3.5E-02 9J7E-02 IA4E-01 1.3E-01 6.4E-02-FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG. 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield Action Lev Lc CRDL(RLJ 1.71E-01 pClg 1.57E+01 5.58E-01 pCig 6.70EO02 pCig 6.96E-01 6.23E02 pCI/g 2.85E-01 9.31E-02 pCWg 1.15E-01 pCVg 1.93E-01 pCig 5.84E-02 pCVg RstIMDC,) RstrrotUcert 0.27 0.96 (13.6)(9.5)0.34 (1.4)-0.11-0.37 (3.1)(5.9)(3.2)(5.3)0.83 (2.5)(2.1)(3.9)Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/15/200310:10:00AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prep Date Size Size Detector 6/19/03 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 9 611 9103 1 1:11 a 237.1 GER4S1 9 6/19/03 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 9 6/19103 11:11 a 237.1 GER4S1 9 6119103 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 9 6119/03 11:11 a 237.1 GER4S1 9 6/19103 11:11 a 237.1 GER4$1 I Comments: rL Rlchland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficlency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the Mdc/MdarTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Idontity the nuide.1.03 A97 0 I UII '-H 1-FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-14 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-015 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5119/200310:41:00AM Received Date: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RsUMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error (2s) Uncert(2 s) Action Lav Lc CRDL(RL) RstlTolUcert Prep Date Size Size Detector itch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder FPO1IAM Report 0B ID: 9FPQXN10 ACTINIUM-228 3.05E-01 U 1.8E-01 1.82-01 2.88E-01 pClg (1-1) 6/19103 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 (3.4) 9 AG-108M 1.46E-02 U 1.7E-02 1.7E-02 3.50E-02 pCfg 0.42 6/19/03 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 2.86E-01 (1.7) 9 AMERICIUM-241 1.13E-03 U 7.9E-02 7.9E-02 1.40E-01 pCI/g 0.01 6119103 06:01 p 276.1 GER7S1 1.03E+00 0.03 g BISMUTH-212 5.69E-01 U 3.6E-01 3.6E-01 7.76E-01 pCUg 0.73 6119103 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 (3.1) g BISMUTH-214 2.25E-01 U 8.6E-02 8.6E-02 1.69E-01 pCIg (1.3) 6/19103 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 (5.2) 9 COBALT-60

-9.47E-03 U 2.7E-02 2.7E-02 4.88E-02 pCjg -0.19 6/19/03 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 1 .50E-01 -0.69 9 CESIUM-134 2.18E-02 U 2.9E-02 2.9E-02 5.B6E.02 pCVg 0.37 6/19/03 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 1.90E-01 (1-5) 9 CESIUM.137 2.12E-02 U 2.6E-02 2.6E-02 5.182-02 pCVg 0.41 6/19/03 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 3.20E-01 (1.7) g EUROPIUM-152

-7.81E.02 U 7.1E-02 7.1E-02 1.10E-01 pClg -0.72 6/19/03 06:01 p 278.1 GER7$1 4.04E-01 -(2.2) 9 EUROPIUM-154 3.84E-02 U 8.0E-02 8.0E-02 1.63E-01 pCl/g 0.24 6/19/03 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 3.70E-01 0.97 9 1. Rlchland MDCIMDALc

-DetectIon, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank 1 adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTI-RchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is lee than tha MdciMdalTotl Uncert or oamma scan softwre did not identify the nuelide.1.03 A97 Ln I I I I I tn F3g tq, Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-14 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-015 F Parameter EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM40 MANGANESE-54 N1O81UM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-228 THALLIUM-208 No. of Results: 18 Result Count Qual Error ( 2 s)1.93E.02 U 6.7E.02 5.86E+00 1 .2E+OO-8.83E-03 U 3.0E-02 1.31E-02 U 2.4E-02 2.G4E-01 9.1 E-02 2.95E-01 9.8E-02 2.25E-01 U 8.62-02 1.31 E-01 U 5.0E-02 Comments: Tolal Uncert(2 s)6.7E-02 1.2E+O O 3.OE-02 2.4E-02 9.1E.02 9.8E-02 6.6E-02 5.OE-02-FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit. Yield Actlon Lev Le CRDL(RL 1.18E-01 pCVg 1.57E+01 3.94E-01 pCVg 5.3112-02 pCl/g 6.96E-01 4.90E-02 pCVg 2.85E-01 9.85E-02 pCVg 9.49E-02 pCI/g 1.69E-01 pCI/g 8.08E-02 pCig Rst1MDC,) RstlTotUcert 0.16 0.58 (14.9)(9.4)-0.17-0.59 0.27 (1.1)(3.)(6.4)(3.1)(6.)(1.3)(5.2)(1-6)(5.2)Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/19/2003 10:41:00 AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prep Date Size Size Detector 6/19/03 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 9 6/19103 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 9 6/19/03 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 9 6/19/03 06:01 p 276.1 GER7$1 9 6/19/03 08:01 p 278.1 GER7$1 9 6/19/03 06.01 p 276.1 GER7$1 9 6/19/03 06:01 p 276.1 GER7S1 9 6/19/03 06:01 p 276.1 GER7S1 9 I I 1L Richland MDCIMDALe

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.ISTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not identify the nuclld.L03 A97 Ln No I ( ( I I I (I I I ' 'FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-5 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-016 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/15/2003 10:36:00 AM Received Date: 6/212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Cllent Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Total MDCjMDA. Rpt UnIt, YIeld RsiUMDC, Analysis, Total Sa AIquot Prlmary Parameter Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert( 2 a) Action Lae bc CRDL(RL) RstlrotUcert Prop Date Size Size Detector alch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder:


9FPOXCiO ACTINIUM-228 2.39E-01 U 1AE-01 1.AE-01 2.71E-01 pClg 0.88 6119/03 11:12 a 272.8 GER6$1 (3.4) g AG-10aM -2.95E-02 U 2.32-02 2.3E.02 3A5E-02 pCVg -0.86 6119/03 11:12 a 2728 GER6$1 2.86E-01 -(2-6) g AMERICIUM-241 5.78E-03 U 7.1E-02 7.1E-02 1.24E-01 pCifg 0.05 6119103 11:12 a 272.8 GERB$1 1.03E+00 0.16 9 BISMUTH-212 3.63E-01 U 3.8E-01 3.8E-01 7.57E-01 pCig 0.48 6/19/03 11:12 a 2MB GER6$1 (1.9) 9 BISMUTH-214 3.58E-01 U 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 1.81E1-01 pCVg (2.) 6/19103 11:12 a 272.8 GER6$1 (6.7) 9 COBALT-60

-2.03E-02 U 3.0E-02 3.0E-02 4.99E-02 pCt/g -0.41 6/19/03 11:12 a M.8 GER6$1 1.50E-01 -(1.3) 9 CESIUM-134 2.08E-02 U 3.52-02 3.5E-02 6.78E-02 pCVg 0.31 6/19103 11:12 a 272.8 GER6$1 1.902-01 (1.2) g CESIUM-137 9.162-03 U 2.9E-02 2.9E-02 S.492-02 pCUg 0.17 6119103 11:12 a 2728 GER6$1 3.20E-01 0.62 9 EUROPIUM-152

-7.00E-03 U 6.8E-02 6.8E-02 1.21 E-01 pCig -0.06 6/19/03 11:12 a 272.8 GER6$1 4.04E-01 -0.21 .EUROPIUM-154

-6.16E-02 U 9.42-02 9.4E-02 1.57E-01 pCVg -0.39 6/19103 11:12 a 22.8 GER6S1 3.70E-01 -(1.3) 9 nL Richland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRch9ample U Qual -Analyzed for, but tho rsult i less tn the MdcMdalTotal Uncort or gamma scan softa did not idenUfy th nucllde.103 A97

( I I' I ( I. ( ( [ I ' I ( 1 I ' (F-3 tH H Lab Name: STL Rlchlanc Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-5 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-01 Result Parameter Qual EUROPIUM.155 1.74E.02 U POTASSIUM40 5.27E+00 MANGANESE-54 2.35E-02 U NIOsIUM-94 8.84E-03 U LEAD-212 2.73E-01 LEAD-214 3.58E-01 RADIUM-226 3.562-01 U THALLUUM-208 1.03E-01 No. of Results: 18 Comments: FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 16F COCNo.: Count Total MDCIMDA. Rpt Unit, Ylell Error(2s)

Uncet(2 s) ActionLev

.Lc CRDL(5.9E-02 5.9E-02 1.06E-01 pCU3 1.57E+1.1E+00 1.IE+00 5.65E-01 pCVg 3.2E-02 3.2E-02 6.31E-02 pCVg 6.96E.(2.2E-02 2.2E-02 4.38E-02 pCIg 2.85E4 9.3E-02 9.3E-02 7.36E-02 pCVg 1.22-01 1.2E-01 9.06E-02 pCVg 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 1.81E-01 pCIg 5.1 E-02 5.1E-02 4.96E-02 pCIg Date: 30-Jun-03 d Rst/MDC, RLU Rst/lotUcert 0.16 01 0.59 (9.3)(9.2)0.37*0 (1.4)0.2 31 0.8 (3.7)(5.9)(4.)(6.2)(2.)(6.7)(2.1)(4.)-Collection Date: 5115/2003 10:36:00 AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prop Date Size Size Detector 6/19103 11:12 a 272.8 GER6$1 9 6/19103 11:12a 272.8 GER6$S 9 6119/03 11:12 a m.6 GER6S1 9 611 9103 11:12 a 27.8 GER6S1 9 6119103 11:12 a 272.8 GER6$1 9 6119103 11:12 a 272.8 GER6$1 0 6/19/03 11:12 a 272.8 GER6$1 5 6(19103 11:12 a 272.8 GER6$1 0 1 Richland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, DecisIon Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.ISTLRchSampto U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdcIMdaiTotal Uncert or Darnma sean software did not IdenUfy the nuclide.%03 A97 Un I .tI I I I.' C I I I I C. F'-4 H FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-17 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-017 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 511912003 2:16:00 PM Received Date: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrbi: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Total MDCjMDA, Rpt Unit. Yield RstUMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert(2 s) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RstTotUcert Prep Date SIze Size Detector itch: 3154249 E901.1 Work Order: FPQXR1AA Report DB ID: 9FPQXR10 ACTINIUM-228 4.54E-01 U 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 3.82E-01 pCVg (1.2) 6/19/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 (5) 9 AG-108M -9.05E-Y3 U 2.4E-02 2AE-02 4.28E-02 pClg -0.21 6/19/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7S1 2.86E-01 -0.74 9 AMERICIUM-241

-5.77E-02 U 9.1 E-02 9.1E-02 1.53E-01 pCVg -0.38 6/19/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 1.03E+00 -1.3) a BISMUTH-212 3.73E-01 U 5.22-01 5.2E-01 1.012+00 pCVg 0.37 6119103 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 (1.4) J BISMUT-214 2.92E-01 U 1.2E-01 1.2E-01 1.98E-01 pClg (1.5) 6/19/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 (5.1) 9 COBALT-60

-8.39E-04 U 3.3E-02 3.3E-02 6.23E-02 pCig -0.01 6/1903 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 1.50E-01 -0.04 9 CESIUM-134 2.85E-02 U 3.9E-02 3.9E-02 7.80E-02 pCIlg 036 6/19/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7S1 1.90E-01 (1.5) 9 CESIUM-137

-4.49E-02 U 3.22-02 3.2E-02 4.56E-02 pCVg -0.98 6/19/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 3.20E-01 -(2.8) g EUROPIUM-152 2.64E-02 U 8.7E-02 8.7E-02 1.43E-01 pCVg 0.18 6/19/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 4.04E-01 0.6 0 EUROPIUM-154 2.44E-02 U 1.1E-01 1.1E201 2.20E-01 pCl/g 0.11 6/19/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7S1 3.70E-01 0.43 9 1. Richland MDCIMDALc

-Deteton, Decision Levol based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by tho sampl Eficlecy, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U a -ua yid for, but the result s less than the Mdc/MdalTotal Uncrt or ammai scan software did not IdenUfy the nuclid.L03 A97 n.n'

( F I. I .I tf jC .F .I V. -Li (7*'-3 H FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS Sbd: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-17 Client Sample ID: 9525.0000-017 F Parameter EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD.214 RADIUM-226 THALLIUM-208 No. of Results: 18 Result Qual 6.32E-03 U 5.81E+00-2.35E-03 U-4.08E-02 U 2.68E-01 3.80E-01 2.92E-01 U 1.42E-01 U Comments: Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt UM Error ( 2 s) Uncert(2 s) Actlon Lev Lc 7.8E-02 7.8E-02 1.36E-01 pCl1g 1.3E+00 1.3E+00 5.42E-01 pClg 3.2E412 3.2E-02 5.95E-02 pCVg 3.2E-02 3.2E-02 4.83E-02 pCUg t.OE-01 1.0E-01 1.19E-01 pClIg 1AE-01 1.4E-01 1.07E-01 pClIg 1.2E-01 1.2E-01 1.9BE-01 pCIg 6.1E-02 6.1E-02 9.93E.02 pCI/g Yield R tMDC, CRDL(RL) RstrrotUcert 0.05 1.57E+01 0.16 (10.7)(8.8)-0.04 6.96E-01 -0.15-0.84 2.85E-01 -(25)(2.3)(5.1)(3.5)(5.5)(1.5)(5.1)(1.4)(4.6)-Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 511912003 2:16:00 PM Received Date: 62122003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Eatch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Prep Date Size Size Detoccor 6/19103 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 9 6119/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 9 6/19103 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 9 6/19/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 9 6/19103 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 6/19103 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 g 6119/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 9 6/19/03 09:58 p 225.9 GER7$1 9_...... ..... _ ... ._ ._IL Richland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume, ASTLRchSamplI U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result is less than the MdeiMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.4.03 A97 tn (I ( I I I.. ( -( (' ( ( I l. ( I I:-'H FORM 11 DUPLICATE RESULTS SD6: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-1 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-002 F DUP Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/15/2003 9:40:00 AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Result, Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt UnitL RstlMOC, Analysbs, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Orlg Rst qual Error ( 2 5) Uncert( 2 s) Action Lev CRDL Yield RsUtTotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 Work Order: FPQW51AC ReportDBID:

FPQW51CR Orig Sa DB ID: 9FPQW510 ACTINIUM-228 3.29E-01 U 1.9E-01 1.92-01 3.53E-01 pCVg 0.93 6119103 09:14 a 250.1 GER4$1 5.39E-01 U RER2 1.6 (3.5) 9 AG-108M 1.63E-02 U 2.7E-02 2.7E-02 5.09E-02 pCVg 0.32 6119/03 09:14 a 250.1 GER4$1-1.80E-02 U RER2 1.7 2.86E-01 (1.2) 9 AMERICIUM-241 9.20E-02 U 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 3.22E-01 pCtg 0.29 6/19103 09:14 a 250.1 GER4$1-2.92E-01 U RER2 2.0 1.03E+00 (1-) 9 BISMUTH.212 3.30E-01 U 4.6E-01 4.6E-01 9.05E-01 pCVg 0.36 6/19/03 09:14 a 250.1 GER4S1 3.34E-01 U RER2 0.0 (1.A) 9 BISMUTH-214 3.86E-01 U 1.4E-01 1.4E-01 222E-01 pCVg (1.7) 6119103 09;14 a 250.1 GER4$1 5.41E-01 U RER2 1.5 (5.6) 9 COBALT.60 2.63E-02 U 3.9E-02 3.92-02 7.88E-02 pCVg 0.33 6/19/03 09:14 a 250.1 GER4$1 1.90E-03 U RER2 0.9 1.50E-01 (1.4) g CESIUM-134 1.22E-02 U 3.7E-02 3.7E-02 7.03E-02 pCVg 0.17 6/19103 09:14 a 250.1 GER4$1 2.26E-02 U RER2 0.4 1.90E-01 0.66 g CESIUM.137 1.16E-02 U 3.5E-02 3.5E-02 6A72-02 pCVg 0.18 6/19/03 09:14 a 250.1 GER4$1 1.96E-02 U RER2 0.3 3.20E-01 0.66 a EUROPIUM-152

-5.08E-02 U 9.02-02 9.02-02 1.51E-01 pCUg -0.4 6/19/03 09:14 a 250.1 GER4$1-1A2E-01 U RER2 1.1 4.04E-01 -(1.3) 9 EUROPIUM-154 6.36E-03 U 8.6E-02 8.6E-02 1.672-01 pClg 0.04 6/19/03 09:14 a 250.1 GER4$1-5.53E-02 U RER2 0.9 3.70E-01 .0.15 9 EUROPIUM-155 5.81E-02 U 8.7E-02 8.72-02 1.592-01 pClg 0.36 6/19103 09:14 a 250.1 GER4$1-824E-02 U RER2 1.7 1.572+01 (1.3) 9 IL Richland RER2 -Replicate Error Rtio -(S-Dyfsqrt(sqcFPUs)sq(rPUd))j a deflned by CPT BOA.tSTLRchDupV4.O MDqMDALc-Detteonu,Deelou Leye based on lustrument btlcgrouad orblink adjusted by the sample Efdecey. Yield, andVolume.

A97 U Qual -Ansalyed frr but the rexult is les thatn the MdelMdalTottl Uncert or amma cia software did not Identity the nudidt.Un-.1 (I I ( II I I ' I. ( -(* ' I-Par F M No. o Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131.1 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-002 F DUP Result Count ramoter Ordg Rst Qual Error ( 2 s) U'OTASSIUM-40 6.92E+00 1.4E+00 1 2.25E+00 RER2 5.2 ANGANESE-54

-1.39E-02 U 3.0E-02-1A5E-02 U RER2 0.0 NIOBIUM.94 1.79E-02 U 3.2E-02 1.32E-02 U RER2 0.2 LEAD-212 4.94E.01 1.3E-01 3.02E-01 RER2 2.2 LEAD-214 5.552-01 I.6E-01 4.68E-01 RER2 0.9 RADIUM-225 3.86E-01 U 1.4E-01 5A1E-01 U RER2 1.5 THALLUM-208 1.43E-01 U 7.4AE02 1.70E-01 U RER2 0.6 Total ncert( 2 s)E.42+00 3.02-0 3.2E-02 1.3E-01 1.62-01 1.4E-01 7.4E-02-FORM 11 DUPLICATE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: MOCIMDA. Rpt Unit Rst/l Action Lev CRDL Yield RstITol 5.25E-01 pCVg (13 (9.1 5.20E-02 pCI/g -0.: 6.96E-01 -°-6.27E-02 pCVg 0.Z 2.85E-01 (1.9.88E-02 pClg (5 (7.'1.06E-01 pClg (5.(7.2.22E-01 pC11g (1.(5.1.062-01 pCVg (1.(3.UDC, MUcrt.2)6)27.92.!9 1)7)2)1)7)6)4)9)Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: Received Date: Matrbc.5/15/2003 9:40:00 AM 6/2t2003 10:30:00 AM SOIL Total Sa Aliquot Sire Si2 I Analysis, Prep Date 6/19/03 09:14 a 6/19103 09:14 a 6/19103 09:14 a 6/19/03 09:14 a 6/19103 09:14 a 6/19/03 09:14 a 6119103 09:14 a 6119103 09:14 a Primary Detector 250.1 9 250.1 9 250.1 9 250.1 9 250.1 9 250.1 9 250.1 9 GER4$1 GER4$1 GER4$1 GER4$1 GER4$1 GER4$1 GER4$1-f Results: 18 Comments: rL Richland RER2 -Repilcate Error Ratio -(S.Dylsqrt(sq(IrUs)+sq(TPUd))I

  • s dtlined by lCPT BOA.tsTLRchDupV4.o MDClMDA.Le

-Detfettian Decision Level based on Instrument baetlcound or blank, adjusted by the sample fmdency, Yield, end Volume.A97 U Qual -Analyzed for, but the rcsult Is las than the MWdMdarrotal Unctrt or pnmma scan software did not Identily the nucidL I r I I (. I I I I ( C .I H FORM 11 BLANK RESULTS Date: 30-Jun-03 Lab Name: STL. Richland Matrix: SOIL SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 Count Total MODCIMDA.

Rpt Unit, Rat/MOC, Analysts, Total Sa Aliquot Pri mary Parameter Result Qual Error (2 s) Ulncert( 2 a) La CRDL Yield PstlTotUctrt Prop Date Slme Size Detector itch: 3154249 E901.1 Work Order:. FPTE61AA Report DO lD: FPTE61AB AC71NIUM-228 1.8312-02 U 1.2E-01 1.2E-01 2.39E-01 pCilg 0.08 6120103 12:24 p 200.0 GER6$1 0.31 9 AG-108M 7.83E-03 U 2.2rE-02 2.2S-02 4.18E-02 pCI/g 0.18 6I20/03 12:24 p 200.0 GER6SI 2.86E-01 0.7 9 AMER[CtUM-241

-7.97E.03 U 7.OE-02 7.OE-02 1.1912-01 pCVg -0.07 5120103 12:24 p 200.0 GER6$1 1.03E+00 -0.23 0 BISMUTH-212

-2.24E-01 U 4.112.01 4.1E-01 6.97E-01 pCilg -0.32 6120/3 1 2:24 p 200.0 GERM$.(1.1) 0 BISMUTh-214 1.17E-02 U 6.8E-02 6.812.02 1.29E-01 pCl/g 0.09 012003 12:24 p 200.0 G2-R8$1 0.34 g COBALT-60 4.97E-03 U 3.1E-02 3.1 E-02 6.35E-02 pCIlg 0.08 6120/03 12:24 p 200.0 GER6$1 l.50E-01 0.32 g CESIUM-134 3.332-02 U 3.512-02 3.5E-02 7.36E-02 pCl~g 0.45 6120103 12:24 p 200.0 GER6$1 1.90E-01 (1.9) g CESIUM-137

  • 2.25E.02 U 3.1 E-02 3.1 E-02 5.28E.-02 pCl~g -0.43 6120/03 12:24 p 200.0 GERSSi 3.20E-01 -(1.4) g EUROPIUM-152

-9.42E-05 U 7.7E-02 7.71E-02 1.41E-01 pCi/g 0. 6/20103 12:24 p 200.0 GER6$1 4.04E-01 0. g EUROPIUM-154

-1.35E-02 U 1.0E-a1 1.OE-01 1.9412-01 pCi/g -0.07 6/20/03 12:24 p 200.0 GER6$1 3.70E-01 0.026 g EUROPIUJM.155 4.37E-03 U 5.6E2-02 5.6E-02 9.99E-02 pClvg 0.04 6)20/03 12:24 p 200.0 GER6$1 1.57E+01 0.16 9 POTASSIUM-40

-3.35E5-01 U 7.0E-01 7.OE-01 1.57E+00 pCiII -0.21 6/20/03 12:24 p 200.0 GER6$1-0.95 9 1. Richland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTL.RchBltank U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result is less then the Mdc/Md&rrotxl Uncert or pamma. acem software did not Identify the nuclide.%O3 A97 I I I I I I I I I'FORM If BLANK RESULTS Date: 30-Jun-03 Lab Name: Matrix: STL Richland SOIL SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 Aliquot Parameter MANGANESE-54 N101311.194 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADiUM-226 THA.LUUM-208 No. of Results: 18 Result-1 .61 E.02 1.84E-02 I1.69E-02 4.55E-02 I1.60E-02-1 .55E-02-Quni U U Li U U U Count Error ( 2 5)2.9E-02 2.8E-02 4.5E-02 5.4E-02 6.7E-02 3.2E-02 TOWa Umc.rt(2 5)2.9E-02 2.8E.02 4.5E-02 5A4E.02 V.E.02 3.2E-02 ii IDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Rat/MDC, Analysis, Tot Lc CRDL yield RstITotUcert Prep Date S 4.89E-02 pCig -0.33 6120103 12:24 p 6.96E-01 -(1.1)5.91 E-02 pClg 0.31 6/20103 12:24 p 2.85E-01 (1.3)8.06E-02 pCig 0.21 6/20103 12:24 p 0.75 1.06E-01 pCVg 0.43 6/20/03 12:24 p (1.7)1.29E-01 pC11g 0.12 6/20/03 12:24 p 0.47 5.80E-02 pCIIg -0.27 6120/03 12:24 p.0.97 al Sa 1re Aliquot Size 200.0 9 200.0 9 200.0 9 200.0 9 200.0 9 200.0 9 Primary Detector GER6$1 GER6$1 GER6S1 GER6$1 GER6$1 GER6$1-Comments: rL Richhand MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchBlank U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdcIadrTotil Uncert or p mma scan software did not Identity the nucIlde.1L03 A97 I I I I '. I ' I ' I I I I -H FORM 11 LCS RESULTS Data: 30-Jun-03 Lab Name: STL Rlchland Matrix: SOIL SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 Count Tobl Report Expected Recovery, AnalysIs, Aliquot Primary Parameter Result Qual Error (2 a) Uncort(2 a) MDCIMDA Unit Yield Expected Uncert Bias Prop Date Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder:

FPTE61AC Report DB ID: FPTE61CS CESIUM-137 1.10E+00 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 5.58E-02 pCVg 1.00E+00 3.5E-02 110% 6/20103 10:34 a 200.0 GER7$1 Rec Limits: 70 130 0.1 9 No. of Resuits: 1 Comnmnents:

rL Richland Bls -(Resuit/Expected)-l as defined by ANSI N1330.tSTLRchLcs 1.03 A97 a'H

( l' .' ( ( ' (rn~"51 mans r'7.20.f.: ( I ( i *. (** ( ' -C F3 inecticut Yankee Decommissioning Project A -11 __ AA *( I -' 1 131 anI,-~I --1 -24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5104-003Attachment A Pane I of 1 I nnt lrrocedure a_ -I o ' v

  • I L-r -I r Bechtel Power Corporation Chain of Custody Form COC No: 2003-00123 362 Injun Hollow Road P.O. #: 24265-FSB-S-005S2-AC East Hampton, CT 06424 Activity Code: 24265.200.034AA3 Eas HapoC_62 Lab Use Only Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning

--L UeOnty Contact Name: Jack McCarthy Phone: 1-860-267-3024 E?nalytical Lab (Name, City, State): _31TL Richland, S 1800 George Washington Way i r lichland, WA 99352 Attention:

Barb Gillespi U4 O 509-375-3131

> 'o Priority:

Z 30 D. E 15 D. 0 7 D. Lr ther _ E 3ample Designation Date Time X Coment, Lab Samplem Ell ZPreservation

)525-0000.002 F & FS 05/15/2003 0940 D. Johnson D3 AS G BP 2 BFSSGAM F/PO W.51 FQ IA/')525-0000-014 F 05115/2003 1010 E.Tones Er AS G BP I BFSSGAM F VW W9)525-0000-010 F 05/15/2003 1024 J Degostin AS G BP I BFSSGAM 3525-0000-016 F 05/15/2003 1036 E. Torres El AS BI BFSSGAM)52540000-008 F 05/15/2003 1324 D. Johnson ID AS I B? BFSSGAM 3525-0000-001 F 05/15/2003 1337 G. Baskette %'5 AS G BP _ BFSSGAM ________f 1525-0090-006 F & FS 05/15/2003 1405 E. Torrs cr AS G BP 2 BFSSGAM ER_)___ FRX H)525-0000-005 P 05/15/2003 1422 G. Baskette AS G B? 1 BFSSGAM ______3525-0000-009 F 05/15/2003 1435 D. Joh son 6 AS G BP I1 BFSSGAM K-_________

2) ReceiV y/ DatelTime Samples Internal Container_ _ _ _ _ _ _ /g 0 /5 a7 / Shipped Via: Temp.: Deg. C I) Rel ~irie~4) R I -¶ Iatclfime.

Fed Ex l :s 06 El UPS CustodySealed?

R)R inquished By DateTime 6) Rece ed By DatcTime O Hand Y C] N0)Relinquished By Date/Time

8) Received By Date/Time C] Other 0 Custody Seal Intact?b I5 Y Q N o Bill of Lading #htel 0a z.J

( ( ( (j (j necicu Yake QzL rl69?P necticut Yankee Decommnissioning Project..-1 'n-A.-( (( (( .9. (F ( -U7' -24265 O00-GPP-GGGR.-RS104-003Attachment A Page 1 of 1 I ILLL Pg1r ofUU1r1 lechtel Power Corporation Chain of Custody Form COC No: 2003-00124 62 lnjun Hollow Road P.O. #: 24265-FSB-S-00552-AC last Hampton, CI 06424. Activity Code: 242659200-O34AA3

'roject Name: Haddam Ne&kDe'commissioning.

' Lab Use Only.ontygit.Name:

Jack McCarthy Comments: 'lome.: l.$M-O267-3Q24:.

.-.-LnEliPcal Lab, City, State): Th Richlapd.*;

800 .corgc Washington Way U.ichlaiM,-WA 99352 Attention:

Barb Gillespi >, c- $09-375-3131

s. e oh O'riority:

N 30-D. El 151:). El 7 D. U z .o.-)ther. .m m.t La 1 fE ample Designation Date Time Z Comment, Lab Sample m 525-00o00011 F 05/19/2003 1011 E.Ton-es E AS G BP 1 BPSSGAM F__X Lv 525-0000-004 F 05/19/2003 1027 G. Basketie 't5 AS G BP i BFSSGAM 525.0000-015 P 05/19/2003 1041 D.Johnson AS G BP 1 BFSSGAM F 525-0000-007 P 05/19/2003 1334 E Tones E-r AS G BP 1 BFSSGAM 525-0000-012 P 05/19/2003 1346 G. B askette AS 0 BP I BFSSGAM 525-0000-017 P 05)19/2003 1416 D. Jonson AS 0 BP 1 BFSSGAM .K_ __ _ ____ _ _ _A_2) Recceiryl B atelTime .Samples Internal Container u1 /d, /Q Shipped Via: Temp.: Deg. C elt tw fr. DateEUime 6 a CUPS Custody Sealed?'Relfnquished By batte/Ime

6) Received gy DatefTime rl Hand Y 0 NoC Relinquished By Date/Time
8) Received By Datefrime

_ Other~.S /4S ~ ._Custody Seal Intact?Bill of Lading #-Tql3 91I5q tel a'w

( I (_ r_ -I ( I L' -( f I ( ( -necticut Yankee Decommissioning Project itel Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5104-003 Attachment A I PagelIoflI lechtel Power Corporation Chain of Custody Form COC No: 2003-00122 62 Injun Hollow Road P.O. #: 24265.FSB-S-00552-AC

ast Hampton, CT 06424 Activity Code: 24265-200-034AA3

'roject Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Lab Use Only'ontact Name: Jack McCarthy Comments: 'hone: 1-860-267-3024

  • nalytical Lab (Name, City, State): TL Richland.

PC.800 George Washington Way ichland, WA 99352 Attention:

Barb Gillespi U C.)9-375-3131 Po*riority:

Z 30 D. 0 15 D. 0 7 D. U Ither CA___O~ .ample Designation Date Time C s CommPent, Lab Sample D__ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ En___ ____ Preservation 9525-0000-013 F 05/14/2003 1335 G. Bastte AS G BP I BFSSGAM _____9525-0000-003 F 05114/2003 1355 D. Johnson Or AS G BP I BFSSGAM F__ _ _ ____2) Recei ed Datelrime Samples Internal Container__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -A ~ ~ -~ I T Y/'7 I Shipped Via: Temp.: -Deg. C Reliq h3 4 q a 9 f, 0 t ) e6 C tooef'm~;.~

FedEx/3 o ~ %1A kafwIN /LE UPS Custody Sealed?IRefinquished By Dale/Tinme

6) Received By Date/Time El Hand Y El N Q]iRelinquished By Datefrime
8) Received By Datefrime ElOther Custody Seal Intact?..Bill of Lading#.___13 q. .., ._-2)ceyd'rt DttieSmlsJternlotle SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2b Hard-to-Detect Data (29 Pages)

Analytical Data Package Prepared For Connecticut Yankee Haddam Neck Decommissioning Radiochemical Analysis By STL Richland 2800 G.W. Way, Richland Wa, 99352, (509)-375-3131.

Assigned Laboratory Code: STLR Data Package Contains ___Pages Report No.: 25187 SDG No. Order No.Client Sample ID (Llst Order) Lot-Sa No.25129 9525-0W00-009F(FPQXK) 9525.G0W0-009F(FPQXK) 9525-OOO0-009F(FPQXK) 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK) 9525-0000-009F(FPOXK) 9525-0000-009F(FPOXK) 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK) 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK) 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK) 9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ) 9525.0000-012F(FPQXQ) 9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ) 9525-0000-012F(FPOXQ) 9525-0000-012F(FPCXQ) 9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ) 9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ) 9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ) 9538-0000-012F01 (FRM3E)9538-0000-012F01 (FRM3E)9538-0000-012F01(FRM3E) 9538-000G-012F01(FRM3E) 9538-0000-012F01(FRM3E) 9538-0000-012F01 (FRM3E)9538-0000-012F01 (FRM3E)9538-0000-012F01 (FRM3E)953800000-011 F(FRM44)J4B050367-3 J48050367-3 J4B050367-3 J48050367-3 J4B050367-3 J4B050367-3 J48050367-3 J4B050367-3 J4B050367-3 J4B050367-4 J4B050367-4 J4B050367-4 J4B050367-4 J4B050367-4 J48050367-4 J4B050367-4 J4S050367-4 J4B050367-2 J4B050367-2 J4B050367-2 J46050367-2 J4B050367-2 J4B050367-2 J4B050367-2 J4B050367-2 J4B050367-1 Work Order F86X11AG F86X11AH F86X11AE F86X11AJ F86X11 AC F86X11AA F86XIlAF F86X11AK F86X1I AP F86021AE F86021AF F86021AD F86021AG F86021AC F86021AA F86021AK F86021AN F86W41AG F86W41AH F86W41AE F86W41AC F86W41AA F86W41AF F86W41AK F86W41AN F856C1AF Report DB II)9F86X110 9F86X110 9F86X110 9F86X110 9F86X110 9F86X110 9F86X110 9F86X110 9F86X110 9F860210 9F860210 9F860210 9F860210 9F860210 9F860210 9F860210 9F860210 9F86W410 9F86W410 9F86W410 9F86W410 9F86W410 9F86W410 9F86W410 9F86W410 MF85C10 Batch No.4037328 4037329 4037330 4037332 4037333 4037334 4037336 4037339 4041404 4037328 4037329 4037330 4037332 4037333 4037334 4037336 4041404 4037328 4037329 4037330 4037333 4037334 4037336 4037339 4041404 4037328 STL RIchland rplSTLRdhMtle v3.73 1 STL RICHLAND Report No.: 25187 SDG No. Order No. CUentSampleED(ListOrder)


Work Order Report DB ID Batch No.25129 95380000G-0 1F(FRM44)

J4B050367-1 F856C1AG SF856C10 4037329 953800000-011F(FRM44)

J40050367-1 F856C1AD 9F856C10 4037330 953800000-0 1F(FRM44)

J48050367-1 F856C1AC 9F856C10 4037333 953800000-011F(FRM44)

J46050367-1 F856C1AA 9F856CW 0 4037334 953800000-O011F(FRM44)

J4B050367-1 F856C1AL 9F856C10 4037336 953800000-011F(FRM44)

J4B050367-1 F856C1AJ 9F856C10 4037339 953800000-011 F(FRM44) J4B050367-1 F856C1AP 9F856C10 4041404 STL Richland rptSTLRchTItle Y3.73 2 STL. RICHLAND

==mm B31-:131 STL STL Richland 2800 George Washington Way Richland, WA 99352 Certificate

'of Analysis Tel: 509 375 3131 Fax: 509 375 5590 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 362 Injun Hollow Road East Hampton, CT 06424 March 16,2004 Attention:

Pete Hollenbeck Date Received in Lab February 5, 2004 Number of Samples Eight (8)SDG Number 25129 Project Name/Number

HaddamrNeckDecommissioning COC Number E-mail request Purchase Order Number 002133 LTP QA MSR : 04-0307 CASE NARRATIVE 1. Introduction On February 5. 2004, STL-Richland received a request to analyze eight soil samples that had already been received at the STL Richland (STLR) laboratory.

Upon receipt, the samples were assigned the STLR identification numbers as described on the cover page of the Analytical Data Package report form.The samples were assigned to Lot Number A4B050367.

BI. Sample Receipt The samples were received in good condition and no anomalies were noted during check-in.III. Analytical Results/Metliodology The analytical results for this report are presented by laboratory sample ID. Each set of data includes sample identification information, analytical results and the appropriate associated statistical errors.The requested analyses were: Alpha Spectroscopy Americium-241 by method RICH-RC-5080 Curium-243/244 by method RICH-RC-5080 Plutonium-238, -239/240 by method RICH-RC-5010 Gas Proportional Counting'Strontium-90 by method RICH-RC-5006 Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc.3 STh RICHLAND Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company March 16,2004 Page 2 Liquid Scintillation Counting Carbon-14 by method RICH-RC-5022 Iron-55 by method RICH-RC-5074 Nickel-63 by method RICH-RC-5069 Plutonium-241 by method RICH-RC-5010 Technetium-99 by method RICH-RC-5078 Tritium by method RICH-RC-5037 Gamma Spectroscopy Gamma by method RICH-RC-5017 IV. Quality Control The analytical result for each analysis performed includes a minimum of one laboratory control sample (LCS), and one reagent blank sample analysis.

Any exceptions have been noted in the "Comments" section.QC and sample results are reported in the same units.V. Comments Americium-241 by method RICH-RC-5080:

Sample 9525-0000-012F failed due to a low tracer recovery of 4%. The sample will be reanalyzed and reported upon completion.

Except as noted, the LCS, batch blank, sample and sample duplicate results are within acceptance limits.Curium-243/244 by method RICH-RC-5080:

Sample 9525-0000-012F failed due to a low tracer recovery of 4%. The sample will be reanalyzed and reported upon completion.

Except as noted, the LCS, batch blank, sample and sample duplicate results are within acceptance limits.Plutonium-238.

-239/240 by method RICH-RC-5010:

The LCS, batch blank, sample and sample duplicate results are within acceptance limits.Strontium-90 by method RICH-RC-5006:

Sample 9525-0000-009F MDA does not meet the CRDL. A small aliquot was taken due to a high radiation screen. Except as noted, the LCS, batch blank, sample and sample duplicate results are within acceptance limits.Carbon-14 by method RICHI-RC-5022:

The LCS, batch blank, sample and sample duplicate results are within acceptance limits.4 STL RICHLAND Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company March 16,2004 Page 3 Iron-55 by method RICH-RC-5074:

Samples 9525-000-09F has a tracer yield of 138% due to matrix effect (indigenous iron in the soil). Except as noted, the LCS, batch blank, sample and sample duplicate results are within acceptance limits.Nickel-63 by method RICH-RC-5069:

The LCS, batch blank, sample and sample duplicate results are within acceptance limits.Plutonium-241 by method RICH-RC-5010:

The LCS, batch blank, samples and sample duplicate results are within acceptance limits.Technetium-99 by method RICH-RC-5078:

The LCS, batch blank, samples, sample duplicate and are within acceptance limits.Tritium by method RICH-RC-5037:

Samples 9538-0000-01 iF and 9538-0000-012F01 were previously dried in order to run the gamma analysis therefore the H-3 analysis is unable to be run. Sample 9525-0000-09F and 9525-0000012 F are asphalt samples and were therefore leached with dead water and the dead water was counted for I1-3. The LCS, batch blank, sample and sample duplicate results are within acceptance limits.Gamma by method RICH-RC-5017:

The samples that were requested to be analyzed as four separate samples were previously dried, ground, and analyzed as two samples. There was no way to analyze these samples as four separate samples therefore the gamma analysis was not run.I certify that this Certificate of Analysis is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager, or a designee as verified by the following signature.

Reviewed and approved: Theresa H. Kallsen Project Management Assistant 5 S.STL RICHLAND Drinking Water Method Cross References DRINKING WATER ASTM METIIQOD CROSS REFERENCES Referenced Method Isotope(s)

STL Richland's SOP number EPA 901.1 Cs-134, 1-131 RICH-RC-5017 EPA 900.0 Alpha & Beta RICH-RC-5014 EPA 903.1 Ra-226 RICH-RC-5005 EPA 904.0 Ra-228 RICH-RC-5005 EPA 905.0 Sr89/90 RICH-RC-5006 ASTM D2460 Total Radium RICH-RC-5027 Standard Method 7500-U-C & ASTM D5174 UranIum RICH-RC-5058 EPA 906.0 Tritium RICH-RC-5007 NOTE: The Gross Alpha LCS Is prepared with Am-241 (unless otherwisepecified in the case narratwe)The Gross Beta LCS Is prepared with SrN-90 (unless otherwise specified In the case narrative)

Uncertainty Estimation STL Richland has adopted the internationally accepted approach to estimating uncertainties described in "NIST Technical Note 1297, 1994 Edition.'

The approach, 'Law of Propagation of Errors", involves the identification of all variables in an analytical method which are used to derive a result. These variables are related to the analytical result (R) by some functional relationship, R = constants

  • f(xyz,...).

The components (xyz) are evaluated to determine their contribution to the overall method uncertainty.

The individual component uncertainties (ua) are then combined using a statistical model that provides the most probable Vverall uncertainty value. All component uncertainties are categorized as type A. evaluated by statistical methods, or type B, evaluated by other means. Uncertainties not included in the components, such as sample homogeneity, are combined with the component uncertainty as the square root of the sum-of-the-squares of the individual uncertainties.

The uncertainty associated with the derived result is the combined uncertainty (uj) multiplied by the coverage factor (1,2, or 3).When three or more sample replicates are used to derive the analytical result, the type A uncertainty is the standard deviation of the mean value (S/vn), where S is the standard deviation of the derived results. The type B uncertainties arc all other random or non-random components that are not included in the standard deviation.

The derivation of the general "Law of Propagation of Errors' equations and specific example arc available on request.STL Rlchland rntGeCerllnto v3.7d 6 STL RICHLAND

--Report Definitions Action Ley Batch Bias COC No Count Error (Vs)Total Uncert (#s)uCombined Uncrtainaly.(Is), Coverage Factor CRDL (RL)Lc Lot-Sample No MDCjMIDA, Primary Detector Ratio U-2341U-238 I RsUTWDC Rst/TotUcert Report DB No RER SDG Sum Rpt Alpha!SpecRt(s)

I Work Orderl Yield An agreed upon activity level used to trigger some action when the final result is greater than or equal to the Action Level. Often the Action Level is related to the Decision Limit.The QC preparation batch number that relates laboratory samples to QC samples that were prepared and analyzed together.Defined by the equation (Result/Expected)-l as defined by ANSI N13.30.Chain of Custody Number assigned by the Client or STL Richiand.Poisson counting statistics of the gross sample count and background.

The uncertainty is absolute and in the same units as the result. For liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) the batch blank count is the background.

All known uncertainties associated with the preparation and analysis of the sample are propagated to give a measure of the uncertainty associated with the result, u. the combined uncertainty.

The uncertainty is absolute and in the same units as the result Ile coverage factor defines the width of the confidence interval, 1, 2 or 3 standard deviations.

Contractual Required Detection Limit as defined In the Client's Statement Of Work or STL Richland "default" nominal detection limit. Often referred to the reporting level (RL)Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the Efficiency, Chemical Yield, and Volume'.associated with the sample. The Type I error probability is approximately 5%. Lc=(1.645 0 Sqrt(2*(BkgrndCnt/BkgrndCntMinYSCntMin))

  • (ConvFct/(Eff*YidtAbnVol)
  • IngrFct).

For LSC methods the.batch blank is used as a measure of the background variability.

Lc cannot be calculated when the background count is zero.The number assigned by the LIMS software to track samples received on the same day for a given client. The sample number is a sequential number assigned to each sample in the Lot.Detection Level based on instrument background or blank, adjusted by the Efficiency, Chemical Yield, and Volume with a Type l and 11 error probability of approximately 5%. MDC = (4.65 *Sqrt((BkgrndCnt/BkgmdCntMinYSCntMin)

+ 2.71/SCotMin)

  • (ConvFct/(Eff
  • Yld
  • Abn
  • Vol)
  • tngrFct).

For LSC methods the batch blank is used as a measure of the background variability.

The instrument identifier associated with the analysis of the sample aliquot.The U-234 result divided by the U-238 result. The U-234/U-238 ratio for natural uranium in NtSTSRM 4321C is 1.038.Ratio or the Result to the MDC A value greater than I may indicate activity above background at a high level of confidence.

Caution should be used when applying this factor and it should be used in concert with the qualifiers associated with the result.Ratio of the Result to the Total Uncertainty.

If the uncertainty has a coverage factor of 2 a value greater than I may indicate activity above background at approximately the 95% level of confidence assuming a two-sided confidence interval.

Caution should be used when applying this factor and it should be used in concert with the qualifiers associated with the result.Sample Identifier used by the report system. Ihe number is based upon the first five digits of the Work Order Number.The equation Replicate Error Ratio = (S-D)I[sqrt(TP1Js 2 + TPUd 2)] as defined by ICPT BOA where S is the original sample result, D is the result of the duplicate.

TPUs is the total uncertainty of the original sample and TPUd is the total uncertainty of the duplicate sample.Sample Delivery Group Number assigned by the Client or assigned by STL Richland upon sample receipt.The sum of the reported alpha spec results for tests derived from the same sample excluding duplicate result where the results are in the same units.The LIMS software assign test specific identifier.

The recovery of the tracer added to the sample such as Pu-242 used to trace a Pu-239/40 method.S.TL Richland rotGenerallafo v3.72 7 STL RICHLAND Sample Results Summary ST Rlchland STLR Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 16-Mar-04 Report No.: 25187 SDG No: 25129 Client Id MDC or Batch WorkOrder Parameter Result+.Uncertalnly( 2s) aual Units Yield MDA CROL RER2 4037329 FBXZ 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK)

F86Xt1AH FE-55 9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ)

F86021AF FE-55 9538.0000-012F01(FRM3E)

F86W41AH FE-55 953800000-01 1 F(FRM44)F856C1AG FE-55 953800000-011 F(FRM44) DUP F856C1AN FE-55_~ 4037330 CMUD 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK)

F86X11AE SR-90 9525-0000-01 2F(FPOXO)F86021AD SR-90 9538-0000-012F01 (FRM3E)F86W41AE S.R-90 9538-0000-012F01(FRM3E)

DUP: F86W41AL SR-90 953800000-011 F(FRM44)f856C1 AD SR-Do 4037339 RICHRC5O8o 9525-0000-009F(FPOXK)

F86X1IAK AM-241 CM-242 CM-243/244 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK)

DUP F86X11AN AM-241 CM-242 CM-2431244 9538-0000-012F01(FRM3E)

F86W41AK AM-241 CM-242 CM-243/244 953800000-01 1F(FPRM44)

F856C1AJ AM-241 CM-242 CM-243/244 1.73E+01 +- 1.78E+01-4.76E+00

+- 2.97E+01-5.62E+00

+- 8.24E+00-1.20E+01 -k- 1 .37E+01-9.32E+00

+- 1.23E+01 2.30E-01 +- 1.02E-01 4.56E-02 +- 1.84E-02 5.77E-02 +- 2.41E-02 U pCUg 138% 2.98E+01 1.10E+03 U pCIg 63% 5.85E+01 1.10E+03 U pCVg 109% 1.57E+01 1.1OE+03 U pCUg 64% 2.22E+01 1.1 0E+03 U pCVg 70% 2.09E+01 1.10E+03 pCVg 63% 1.56E-01 6.00E-02 J pClg 68% 2.81E-02 6.002-02 J pCVg 52% 3.71E-02 6.00E-02 5.82E-02 +- 2.36E-02 1.09E-01 +- 3.00602 1.18E-02 +- 2.37E-02 4.09E-02 +- 8.21E-02-2.43E-03

+ 4.89E-03 2.41 E-02 + 3.45E-02-8.36E-03

+- 1.68E-02 o.OOE+00 +- 3.05E.02 1.34E-02 +- 2.14E-02 0.00E+00 -5.62E-02 6.11E-03 -1.56E-02 J pCUg 54% 3.53E-02 6.00-E02 pCVg U pCVg U pCVg U pCVg U pCLg U pCVg U pCVg U pC'g U pCig U pCvg 50% 3.49E-02 6.00E-02 68% 3.20E-02 '1.03E+00 68% 1.11 E-01 68% 5.83E-02 1.16E+00 69% 327E-02 1.03E+00 69% 2.00-E01 69% 3.37E-02 1.16E+00 68% 3.56E102 1.03E+00 68% 6.22E-02 68% 3.66E-02 1.16E+00 1.652-02 +- 2.36E-02 0.00E+00 +- 6.27E-02 o.OOE+00 +- 2.08E-02 U pCVg U pCVg U pClg 65% 224E-02 1.03E+00 65% 6.94E-02 65% 2.30E-02 1.16E+00 4041404 RICHRC5010 STL Richland RER2 -RepUcate Error Ratio .(S.DYtsqrt(sq(TPUs)+sqClTUd))Ias definedby rCP BOA.rptSTLFchSaSum Qual No U qualer has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Limit. RL (CRDL) or Report Value b Estimaed.mary2 V4.07 A97 U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the Mdc/MdafTotal Uncert or gr- scan software did not eatify the nudide.8 STL RICHLAND

  • Sample Results Summary STL Richland STlR Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 16-Mar-04 Report No.: 25187 SDG No: 25129 Client Id MDC or Batch WorkOrder Parameter Result4-Uncertatnty( 2s) Oual Units Yield MDA CRDL RER2 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK)

F86X1 1AP PU-238 PU239/40 9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ)

F86021AN PU-238 PU239/40 9538-0000-012F01(FRM3E)

F86W41AN PU-238 PU239/40 9538-0000412FO1(FRM3E)

DUP F86W41AP PU-238 PU239/40 953800000-01 1 F(FRM44)_F856C1AP PU-238 PU239140 4037328 RICHRCS069 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK)

F86X11AG NI-63 9525.0000-012F(FPQXQ)

F86021AE NI-63 9538-0000-012FO1 (FRM3E)F86W41 AG Ni-63 953800000-011F(FRM44)

F856C1AF NI-63 953800000-011 F(FRM44) DUP F856C1AM NI-63 4037332 RICHRC5037 9525-0000-409F(FPOXK)

F86XI1AJ H-3 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK)

DUP F86X11AL H-3 9525-WOOO-012F(FPQXQ)

F86021AG H-3 4037333 RICHRCS078 9525-0000.009F(FPOXK)

F86X11AC TC-99 9525-o000-009F(FPOXK)

DUP F86X11AM TC-99 9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ)

O.OOE-OO +- 2.71E-02 1.10E-02 + 2.21E-O2 O.OOE+00 +- 1.39E-02-1.13E-03

-2.27E-03 U pCfg U pClg 61% 3.00E-02 1.18E+00 61% 2.98E-02 1.07E+00 U pClg 58% 1.54E-02 1.18E+00 U pCvg 58% 2.71 E-02 1.07E+00 O.OOE+00 +- 1.29E-02-1.05E-03

+- 2.10E-03 4.84E-03 +- 1.24E-02-3.61 E-03 + 4.22E-03 0.00E+00 + 1.26E-02 5.1 OE-03 +- 1.02E-02 U pCl/g U pCVg U pCi/g U pCfg U pCig U pCL'g 64% 1.42E-02 1.18E+00 64% 2.50E-02 1.07E+00 56% 2.90E-02 1.18E+00 56% 3.80E-02 1.07E+00 64% 1.39E-02 1.1 8E+OO 64% 1.38E-02 1.07E+00 1.16E+00 + 3.912+00 3.92E-01 -3.72E+00 3.83E+00 + 4.03E+00 2.39E-01 v 4.22E+00 4.61E+00 + 4.50E+00-3.11 E-02 +- 1 28E+00 1282E-01 1.28E+00-4.80E-01

+ 1.23E+00-6A2E-02 +- 1A7E-01-1.86E-01

+- 1.46E-01 U PCIIg 97% 5.67E+00 2.89E+01 U pC/g 95% 5.71E+00 2.89E+01 U pC/g 93% 5.53E+O0 2.89E+01 U PCVg 84% 6.26E+00 2.89E+01 U PCVg 85% 6.15E+00 2.89E+01 U pCVg 100% 3.02E+00 1.65E+01 U pC/g 100% 2.97E+00 1.65E+01 U pC/g 100% 2.95E+0O 1.65E+01 U pCVg 100%Mo 2.40E-01 5.04E-01 U pCi/g 100% 2.50E-01 5.04E-01 STL Richland RER2 RepUcale Error Ratio -(S-Dylsqrt(sq(TPUs)+sqcrpUd))

as defned by ICPI B0A.rptSTLRchSaSum U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Li less hun the MddMdatotal Uncert or gama scan softwre did not identify the nucide.mary2 V4.07 A97 9 9 STh RICHLAND Sample Results Summary STL Richland STLR Ordered by Method, Batch No., Client Sample ID.Date: 1 6-Mar.04 Report No.: 25187 SDG No: 25129 Client Id Batch Work Order Parameter 4037333 RICHRCS078 9525-0000.012F(FPOXQ)

F86021AC TC-99 9538-0000-012F01 (FRM3E)FB6W41AC TC-99 953800000-011 F(FRM44)F856C1AC TC.99 4037334 RICHRC5022 9525.0000-009F(FPQXKI F86X11AA C-14 9525-0000-01 2F(FPQXO)F86021M C-14 9525-0000 012F(FPOXQ)

DUP F86021AM C-14.9538-0000-012F01 (FRM3E)F86W41M C-14 953800000-01 1 F(FRM44)F856C1M C-14 4037336 RICHRC5010 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK)

F26X11AF PU-241.9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ)

F86021AK PU-241 9538-0000.012F01(FRM3E)

F86W41AF PU-241 -9538-0000-012FO1(FRM3E)

DUP F86W41AM PU-241 953800000-01 1F(FRM44)F856CIAL PU-241 No. of Results: 55 MDC or Result.-Uncertalnty( 2s) Qual Units .Yield MDA CRDL RER2 2.38E-02-5.40E202 6.66E-02 4.05E-02-7.23E-03 1.66E-02 4.98E-02 4A8E-02 1.90E-01-2.52E-01-2.63E-01 2.54E-02 3.49E-01+- 1.49E501+- 1.54E-01+- 1.61 E-01+- 7.64E-02+- 7.52E-02+- 7.58E202 4- 7.65E-02+- 7.64E402+- I35E+0O+- 6.71E-01+- 6.21E-01+- 7.24E-01+- 6.35E-01 U pCl'g U pCVg U pCVg U pCVg U pCfg U pCIg U pClg U pCVg U pCUg U pCVg U pCVg U pCVg U pCVg 100%10 0MG 100%/a 100%100%1000/a 100%100%61%58%64%56%64%* 2.35E-01* 2.54E-01 2.56E-01'1.39E-01 1.39E-01-1.39E-01 1.38E-01 1.38E-01 2.41E+00'1 .23E+00 1.14E+00 1.30E+00 1.11 E+00 5.04E-01 5.04E-01 5.04E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 3.48E+01 3.48E+01 3.48E+01 3.48E+01 3.48E+01 STL Richland RER2 -Replicate Error Ratio (S-Dy[sqrt(sqTPUs+sqCTPUd))I deflned by 1CPT BOA.U Qual. Analyzed for, but the result is less tn the Mdc/MdalTotal Uneert or gama scai software did not identity the nucide.rptSTLRchSaSum mary2V4.07 A97 10 STL RICHLAND QC Results Summary STL Richland STLR Ordered by Method. Batch No. 0c Type..Date: 16-Mar-04 Report No.: 25187 SDG No.: 25129 Batch Work Order Parameter Result +-Uncertainty ( 2s) Cual Units Yield Recovery Blas MDCJMDA FBXZ 4037329 BLANK QC FB7RF1 M FE-55 4037329 LCS F87RFlAC FE-55 CMUD 4037330 BLANK QC F87RK1M SR-90 4037330 LCS F87RKIAC SR-90 RICHRC5080 4037339 BLANK 0C F87VF1AA AM-241 CM-242 CM-243/244 4037339 LCS -F87VF1AC AM-241 RICHRC5010 4041404 BLANK 0C F9DGE1M PU-238 PU239/40 4041404 LCS F9DGE1AC PU239140 RICHRCSC69 4037328 BLANK aC F87RCI M NI-63 4037328 LCS F87RC1AC NI-63 RICHRCS037 4037332 BLANK 0C F87RXIAA H-3 4037332 LCS F87RXIAC H-3 RICHRC5075 4037333 MATRIX SPIKE F86021AL TC-99 4037333 BLANK QC F87R1 1M TC-99 4037333 LCS F87R11AC TC-99-4.31E+00

+-5.48E+O0 5.38E+01 +- 1.24E+01 5.06E-02 +-1.78E-02 5.14E-01 +-8.27E-02 U pCl/g J pClg J pCVg pCVg 78%74%1.01 E+01 84% -0.2 1.05E+01 74% 2.55E.02 68% 111% 0.1 2.69E-02 O.OOE+00 +- 2.70E-02*7.63E-03 f- 1.53E-02-4.54E-03

+- 6.49E203 4.95E+00 +- 1.OOE+00 U pCVg U pCL/g U pCVg pClg 43%43%43%63%2.98E-02 1.E2E-01 6.41 E-02 109% 0.1 1.93E-02 O.OOE+00 +-1 .35E-02 0.00E+00 +- 1.34E-02 4.54E-01 +- 1.33E-01 1.86E+00 +-4.13E+00.

4.81E+02 +-7.61E+01


+- 1.22E-01 6.43E+00 +-4.18E-01 2.33E+01 +- 1.54E+00-9.99E-02

+-1.51E-01 1.29E+01 +- 9.17E-01 U pCIg U pCI/g J pCU/9 U pCVg pClg U pCVg J pCVg pC/g U pCVg J pCUg 61%61%54%89%80%100%100%100%w 100%100°h 1.49E-02 1.49E-02 98% 0.0 3.03E-02 6.33E+00 94% -0.1 7.68E+00 3.OOE-01 90% -0.1 3.05E-01 91% -0.1 2.37E-01 2.50E-01 95% 0.0 2.52E-01 RICHRCS022 4037334 BLANK QC F87R71AA C-14 4.66E-02 +-7.66E-02 U pC/g 100% 1.39E-01 4037334 LCS STL Richland Blas -(ReltExpected) 1as defned by ANSI N1330.rptSTLRchOcSum J Qual -No Ufc qualifier his been aiped and the result h below the Reporting llmit, RL (CRDL) or Report Value Is Estimated.

mary V4.07 A97 U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result is less than the MddIMdaFota1 Uncert or pmma scan software did not Identify the nuclde.11 11 STL RICHLAND QC Results Sumrmary STL Richland STLR Ordered by Method, Batch No, QC Type,.Date: 16-Mar-04 Report No.: 25187 SDG No.: 25129 Batch Batch Work Order Parameter F87R71AC C-14 RICIHRC5O1O 4037336 BLANK QC F87R91AA PU-241 4037336 LCS FB7R91AC PU-241 No. of Results: 22 Result+-Uncertainty ( 2s)2.76E+00 +- 1.54E-01 2.16E-01 +-6.81E-01 2.16E+01 +-2.19E+00 Cual Units pCVg Yield 100%Recovery Blas 102Yo 0.0-1JOCIMDA 1.39E-01 U pCVg 61% 120E+DO J pCVg 64% 92% -0.1 1.36E+00 STL Richland Blas .(Result/Expected).1 as defined by ANSI N3.30.rptSTLRch~cSum J Qual -No Uj< qualifier has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Limit, RL (CRDL) or Report Value is Estimated maryV4.07 A97 U Qual .Analyzed for, but the result Is less than It MdelMd4Total Uncert or gana scan software did not Identify the nuclde.12 STL RICHLAND f I ( .U.r F I' I ( r ( .l FORM I Date: 16-Mar-04 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: Lot-Sample No.: Client Sample ID: STL Richland J48050367-3 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK)

SDG: Report No.: COC No.: 25129 25187 Collection Date: Received Date: Matrix: 5/15/2003 2:35:00 PM 2/5/2004 3:00:00 PM SOIL Haddam Neck Decommissioning Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No Result Count Total MDCjMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot PrImar Parameter Cual Error ( 2 s) Uncert 2 s) Action Lev Le CRDL(RL) RstlrotUcert Prep Date SIze Size Detecth Batch: 4037328 NI-63 SICHRCS069 1.165+00 U.Batch: 4037329 FE-55 FBXZ 1.73E+01 U WorkOrder F86XIlAG ReportDBID:

9F86X110 2.32E+00 3.91E+00 5.67E+00 pCVg 97% 0.2 2.75E+00 2.89E+01 0.59 WorkOrder:

F86X1tAH ReportDBID:

9F86X110 1.78E+01 2.98E+01 pCVg 138% 0.8 tA1E+01 1.10E+03 (1.9)Work Ordern F86X11AE Report DB ID: 9F86Xl10 9.34E-02 1.02E-01 1.562-01 pCVg 63% (1.5)7.19E-02 6.002-02 (4.5)WorkOrdern F86Xt1AJ ReportDBID:

9F86X110 1.19E+00 1.28E+00 3.02E+00 pCVg 100% -0.01 1.39E+00 1.65E+01 -0.05 3/5104 08:56 p 0.0789 LSG G 3/5/04 09:27 a 0.2366 G LSC!Batch: 4037330 w SR-go CMUD 2.30E-01 3/3104 09:07 a 1.98 G GPC2 Batch: 4037S32 RICHRC5037 H-3. -3.11 E-02 U 3/7104 02:26 p 5.013 G LSC.Batch: 4037333 Tc>99 RICHRC5078

-6.42E-02 U WorkOrder F86X11AC 1.01E-01 1.47E-01 2.40E-01 Work Order F86X1 1AA 5.93E-02 7.64E-02 1.39E-01 Reporlt DB ID: 9F86X10 Batch: 4037334 RICHRC5022 C-14 4.05E-02 U pCVg 100/ -0.27 1.15E-01 5.04E-01 -0.87 ReportDB ID: 9F86X110 pCI/g 100% 0.29 6.81E-02 2.26E-01 (1.1)3/12/04 06:51 a 5.2 G LSC 3/4/04 04:03 a 5.004 G-.LSC Batch. 4037338 PU-241 RICHRC5010 1.90E-01 U Work Order: F86X1 IAF 1.00E+00 1.35E+00 2.41E+00 Report DBID: 9F88X110 pCVg 61% 0.08 1.15E+00 3.48E+01 0"a 2/28/04 06:42 a 1.0 G LSC I.USTL Rlchland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, DecisIon Level based on Instrumentbackground orblank, adjusted bythosampleEfIelency, Yleld, and Volume.n rptSTLRchSample J Qual -No Ul< qualifier has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Limit. RL (CROL) or Report Value Is Estimated.

V4.07 A97 U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the LMdclMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuclide.

I (. f* -* f* r- I I~ ( [ I .( I ( .(( .FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 25129 Report No.: 25187 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-3 Client Sample ID: 9525-000G009F(FPQXK)

Haddam Neck Decommissioning Result Count Total Parameter Qual Error( 2 s) Uncert(2 s)Batch: 4037339 RICHRC5080 Work Order AM-241 1.18E-02 U 2.36E-02 2.37E-02 CM-242 4.09E-02 U 8.17E-02 8.21E-02 CM-243/244

.2.43E-03 U 4.87E-03 4.89E-03 HBatch: 4041404 RICHRC5010 WorkOrder PU-238 0.00E+00 U O.OOE+00 2.71E-02 PU239/40 1.102-02 U 2.20E-02 2.21E 02 No. of Results: 12 Comments: Date: 16-Mar.04 Collection Date: 5/1512003 2:35:00 PM Received Date: 2/5/2004 3:00:00 PM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total So Aliquot Primar Prep Date Size Size Detectc MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield Rst/M0C, Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RsttrotUcert F8GX IAK Report DB ID: 9F86X110 320E-02 pC/g 68% 0.37 1.03E+00 1.1.11 E-01 pCVg 68% 0.37 1.5.83E-02 pCVg 68% -0.04 1127E-02 1.16E+00 -1.F86X11AP ReportDBID:

9F86X110 3.00E-02 pCVg 61% 0.1.18E400 0.2.98E-02 pCVg 61% 0.37 1.07E400 1.3204 07:34 p 3/04 07:34 p 3/04 07:34 p 1.1 G 1.1 G 1.1 G ALP1,'ALP1,'ALPI: 2/25/04 04:17 p 2/25/04 04:17 p 1.0 G 1.0 G ALP4 AILP4* STL Rlchland MDCiMDALc

-DetectIon, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.-rptJTLRchOample I Qual -No UlJ qualiffer has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Umit. RL (CRDL) or Report Value Is Estimated.

pV4.07 AS7 U O ual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the Mdc/MdarTotal Uncert or gamma scan sonware did not Identify the nucilde.

(f (' * (.* F I' t F (1.I .F V- ( V V FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS Date: 16-Mar.04 Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 25129 Collection Date: 5/19/2003 1:46:00 PM Received Date: 215/2004 3:00:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-4 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-012F(FPQXC)

Haddarlm Neck Darnmmitksninna Report No.: 25187 COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Samole ID. Batch No Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield Rst/MDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primar Parameter Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert(2 a) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) Rat/rotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detcctc Batch: 4037328 RICHRCS569 WorkOrder:

F86021AE ReportDBID:

9F860210 NI-83 3.92E-01 U 2.25E+00 3.72E+00 5.71E+00 pCVg 95% 0.07 315104 09:27 a 02503 LSC 2.77E+00 2.891E01 021 G Batch: 4037329 FBXZ Work Order. F86021AF Report DO ID: 9F860210 FE-55 -4.76E+00 U 2.97E+01 5.85E+01 pCi/g 63% -0.08 315/04 08:56 p 0.0626 LSC, 2.76E+01 1.10E2i03

-0.32 G Batch: 4037330 CMUD WorkOrder F86021AD ReportDBID:

9F860210 H SR-90 4.56E-02 J 1.66E-02 1.84E-02 2.81E-02 pCL/g 6B% (1.6) 3/3/04 09:07 a 9.98 GPC3 1.29E-02 6.00E-02 (4.9) G Batch: 4037332 RICHRC5037 WorkOrder.

F86021AG ReportDOBID:

SF860210 H-3 -4.80E-01 U 1.15E+00 1.23E+00 2.95E+00 pCig 100% -0.16 317/04 03:51 p 5.005 LSC: 1.36E+00 1.65E+01 -0.78 G Batch: 4037333 RICHRC5078 Work Order: F86021AC Report DB ID: SF860210 TC-99 2.38E-02 U 1.02E-01 1.49E-01 2.35E-01 pClIg 100% 0.1 3112/04 06:51 a 5.3 LSC'1.132-01 5.04E-01 0.32 G Batch: 4037334 RICHRC5022 Work Order. F86021M Report DB ID: 9F860210 C.14 -7.23E-03 U 5.85E-02 7.52E-02 1.39E-01 pCVg 100% -0.05 314/04 04:03 a 5.005 LSC!6.82E-02 2.26E-01 -0.19 G Batch: 4037338 RICHRC5010 WorkOrder:

F86021AK Report B ID: SF860210 PU-241 -2.52E-01 U 4.96E-01 6.71E-01 1.23E+00 pCVg 58% -0.21 2/28/04 06:42 a 207 ISC;rn 5.88E-01 3.48E+01 -0.75 G.poSlTL Richland HJ tSTLRchSarnple MDCIMOA,Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted bythe sample Eftfclency, Yield, and Volume.J Oual -No Ul< qualifier has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Umit, RL (CRDL) or Report Value In Estimated.

U Qual -Analyzed tor, but the result Is less than the Mdc/MdaiTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nucilde.

I V .C -~f'f (V ... I F~*- I ; Cl; '.' (-FORM I SAMfpE RESULTS Date: 16-Mar-04 Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-4 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ)

Hwtda4im marie necmmIsqslninn SDG: 25129 Report No.: 25187 COC No.: Collection Date: 5/19/2003 1:46:00 PM Received Date: 2/5/2004 3:00:00 PM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No Result Count Total -MDCjMDA, Rpt UnIt, Yield RstlMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primat Parameter Oual Error( 2 s) Uncert(2 s) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RsUfltUcert Prep Date Size Size Detecth Batch: 4041404 PU-238 PU239140 RICHFIC5010 O.OOE+00 U Work Order F86021AN Report DB ID: 9F860210 0.OOE+00 1.39E-02 1.54E-02 pCVg 58%1.18E+00 2.26E-03 2.27E-03 2.71E-02 pCltg 58% -5.89E-03 1.07E+00 O.0.0.04-1.2/25104 04:18 p 2/25/4 04:18 p.2.07 G 2.07 G ALP4 ALP4-1.13E-03 U No. of Results: 9 Comments:~tSTL. Rlchland MDCJMDALc

-DetectIon, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample EffIciency, Yield, and Volume.H STLRch~arple J Qual -No Ul< qualifier has been assigned and the restilt Is below the Reporting Limit. RL (CRDL) or Report Value Is Estimated RV4.07 A97 U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the Mdc/MdarTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuclde.

r r ' .[ I I I; 1 r (*

  • I...! I I 7 F;~FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 25129 Report No.: 25187 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-2 Client Sample ID: 9538-0000-012F01(FRM3E)

Date: 1 6-Mar.04 Collection Date: 6/11/2003 10:49:00 AM Received Date: 2/5/2004 3:00:00 PM Matrix: SOIL Haddam Neck Decommissioning_

Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No Result Count Total MOCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RsUMODC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot PrImar Parameter Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert( 2 s) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) Rst/ltotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detectt Batch: 4037328 RICHRC5069 WorkOrdcen F86W41AG Report DB ID: 9F86W410 Nl-83 3.83E+00 U 2.34E+00 4.03E+00 5.53E+O0 pCVg 93% 0.69 3/5/04 09:27 a 0.2507 LSC!2.68E+00 2.89E+01 (1.9) G Batch: 4037329 FBXZ WorkOrder; F86W41AH ReportD81ID:

9F86W410 FE-55 -5.62E+00 U 8.24E+00 1.57E+01 pCVg 109% -0.36 3/5/04 08:56 p 0.1254 LSC 7.39E+00 1.1OE+03 -(1.4) G Batch: 4037330 CMUD WorkOrder:

F86W41AE nnnrtfl~nfID.

OF8AWA41-4 SR-90 5.77E-02 J 2.20E-02 2A41E-02 3.71 E-02 pCVg 52% (1.6)1.71 E-02 6.OOE-02 (4.8)3t3/04 0s:07 a 10.0 GPC, I Batch: 4037333 RICHRCS078 Work Order. F86W41AC Report DB ID: 9F86W410 TC-99 -6.40E-02 U 1.07E-01 1.54E-01 2.542-01 pCl/ 100% -0.21 3112104 06:51 a 5.0 LSC 1.22E-01 5.04E-01 -0.7 G Batch: 4037334 RICHRCS022 WorkOrder F86W41AA ReportDBID:

9F86W410 C-14 4.98E-02 U 5.93E*02 7.65E-02 1.38E-01 pCVg 100% 0.36 314/04 04:03 a 5.007 LSC 6.79E-02 2.262-01 (1.3) G Batch: 4037336 RICHRC5010 WorkOrder F86W41AF ReportDBID:

9F86W410 PU-241 -2.632-01 U 4.60E-01 6.21E-01 1.14E+00 pCVg 64% -023 2(28/04 06:42 a 2.01 LSC 5.47E-01 3.48E+01 -0.85 G Batch: 4037339 RICHRCS080 WorkOrder:

F86W41AK ReportPBID:

9F86W410 A'AM-241 1.34E-02 U 2.12E-02 2.14E-02 3.56E-02 pCVg 68% 038 3/2104 07:34 p 2.0 ALPI 0 7.74E-03 1.03E+00 (1-3) G H at L. ICflI1and rptsTL~lchSampie V4.07 AD7 1AUqIMUA.LC

.usemcuon, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.J Cunt -No Ul-c qualifIer has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Umit, RL (CROL) or Report Value Is Estimated.

U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the Mde/MdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nucllde.

(.. -I ( -( --' ( "'( .- -( .( ... I ..( -.( -( '. ( FORM SAMPLE RE!Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 25 Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-2 Report No.: 25* Client Sample ID: 9538-O000-012F01(FRM3E)

COC No.: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit.Parameter Qual Error( 2s) Uncert(2 s) Action Lev Lc CM-242 0.00E+OO U O.OOE+00 5.62E.02 6.22E-02 pCVg CM-243t244 6.11 E-03 U 1.56E-02 1.56E-02 3.66E-02 pCVg 7.95E-03 Batch: 4041404 RICHRC5010 WorkOrder F86W41AN Repo PU-238 O.OOE+00 U O.OOE+00 1.29E-02 1.42E-02 pCVg co PU2340 -1.05E-03 U 2.09E-03 2.1 OE-03 2.50E.02 pCVg 5.44E-03 No. ofResults:

11 Comments: SULTS 129 187 Yield Rst/MOC, CRDL(RL) RstUTotUcert 68% 0.0.68% 0.17 1.16E+00 0.78 rtDB ID: 9F86W410 64% 0.1.18E+00 0.64% -0.04 1.07E+00 -1.Date: 16-Mar-04 Collection Date: 6t11t2003 10:49:00 AM Received Date: 21512004 3:00:00 PM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primar Prep Date Size Size Detectc 3/2104 07:34 p 2.0 ALP1.3/2/04 07:34 p 20 ALP1.G--2/25/04 12:39 p 2/2504 12:39 p 201 G zo0 G ALP4 ALP4* USTL RIchland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adiusted bythe sample EfficIency, Yield, and Volume.H r rptsTLfnch9amp1, J Cual -No Ul< qualifier has been asslanad and the result Is below the Reportino Umit, RL (CRDL) or Report Value In Estimated.

EiV407 AS7 U qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nucllde.

( ( I* I( [- f -*.(* f. I* [( .( **- (* ~ [I ~FORM I Date: 16-Mar-04 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 25129 Collection Date: 6/10/2003 10:35:00 AM Received Date: 2/5/2004 3:00:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-1 Client Sample ID: 953800000-011F(FRM44)

Report No.: 25187 COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Haddam Neck Decommissioning Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpl Unit, Yield Rst/MDC, Analysts, Total Sa Altiquot Primar Parameter Qual Error (2 s) Uncerl(2 s) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) RsVTotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detectc Batch: 4037328 RICHRC5069 WorkOrder:

F8S6C1AF Report DB ID: 9F856C10 Nl-63 2.391E-01 U 2.51 E+00 4.22E+00 6.26E+00 pCVg 84% 0.04 3/5104 09:27 a 0250 LSC!3.03E+00 2.89E+01 0.11 G Batch: 4037329 FBXZ WorkOrder F856CIAG ReportDB ID: 9F856C10 FE-55 -1.20OE+01 U 1.37E+01 2.22E+01 pCVg 64% -0.54 3/5/04 08:56 p 0.1252 LSC.1.05E+01 1.10E+03 -(1.8) G Batch: 4037330' SR-9o CMUD 1 .09E-01 WorkOrder.

F856C1AO Report DBID: 9F856C10 2.48E-02 3.00-E02 3.49E-02 pCVg 50% (3.1)1.58E-02 B.OOE-02 (73)3/3/04 09:07 a G GPC2 Batch: 4037333 RICHRC5078 TC-99 6.66E-02 U WorkOrder:

F856C1AC ReportDBID:

9F85BC10 1.11-E01 1.61E-01 2.56E-01 pCVg 100% 0.26 1.23E-01 5.04E-01 0.83 3/12/0406:51 a 5.0 G LSCI Batch: 4037334 RICHRC5022 WorkOrdeh F856C1AA Report DB ID: 9F856C10 C-14 4.48E.02 U 5.93E-02 7.64E-02 1.38E-01 pCVg 100% 0.32 314/04 04:03 a 5.005 LSC!6.79E-02 2.26E-01 (1.2) G Batch: 4037336 RICHRC5010 WorkOrdern F856CMAL ReportD)BID:

9F856C10 PU-241 3A9E-01 U 4.69E-01 6.35E-01 1.11 E+00 pCig 64% 0.32 2/28/04 06:42 a 2.07 LSC.5.30E-01 3.48E+01 (1.1) G Batch: 4037339 RICHRC508v Workrfrden~r FBS5CIAJ Rno rt 0P I ADAf-In AM-241 1.65E-02 U 2.34E-02 2.36E-02 2.24E2-02 pCL'g 65% 0.74 1.03E+00 (1.4)3/2/04 07:33 p t01 G ALPI:.tiSTL Richland H rptSTLRChSample

V 4.07 A97 MOCIMDA,Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Etriciency, Yield, and Volume.J Oual -No Ul qualifier has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Limit. RL (CROL) or Report Value Is Estimated.

u Qual

  • Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the Mdc/MdarTotaI Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identfy the nuclide.

.I ( ( ( F ( , r. f, .I 1 I I .I: FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 25129 Report No.: 25187 COC No. : Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-1 Client Sample ID: 953800000-011F(FRM44)

Haddam Neck Decommissioning Result Count Parameter Qual Error( 2s)CM-242 O.OOE+00 U O.OOE+00 CM-24Y244 O.OOE+OO U O.OOE+W0 Date: 16-Mar-04 Collection Date: 6/10/2003 10:35:00 AM Received Date: 2/5/2004 3:00:00 PM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot PrImar Prep Date Size Size Detectc 312104 07:33 p 201 ALPU1 G 3/2/04 07:33 p 2.01 ALP19 G Total Uncert(2 s)6.27E-02 2.08E-02-MDCIMDA. Rpt Unit Action Lev Lc 6.94E-02 pClg 2.30E-02 pCVg.Yield Rst CRDL(RL) RstIT 65%65%/1.16E+00 port DB ID: 9F856C10 64%1.18E+00 64% 1 1.07E+00 MDC, otUcert 4041404 PU-238 I PU239/40 RICHRC5010 0.00E+00 U 5.1OE-03 U 0.00E+00 1.02E-02 Work Order.1.26E-02 1.02E-02 F8S5C1AP 1.39E-02 pCVg 1.38E-02 pCVg 1.2125104 12:38 p 2125104 12:38 p 2.07 G G07 G ALP4 ALP4 No. of Results: II Comments: 0n.STL Richiand MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.H tSTLRchSmpe J u -No Ul qualifier has been assigned and the result i below the Reporting Llmit. RL (CRDL) or Report Value hEstimated.

4 C.07 A97 U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdcfMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not identifythe nuclide.

I I ( ((I' ' ( ' , I ' I f ( .' (- ' (' ( C ( -, FORM II Date: 16-Mar-04 DUPLICATE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Rlchland SDG: 25129 Collection Date: 5/15/2003 2:35:00 PM Received Date: 2/5/2004 3:00:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-3 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-009F(FPQXK)

DUP Report No.: 25187 COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Result, Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Rst/MDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Orig Rst Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert( 2 s) Action Lev CRDL Yield Rst/TotUeert Prep Date Size Size Detector Batch: 4037332 H-3 RICHRC5037 1 .28E-01-3.1 iE-02 Work Order F86X11AL 1.28E+00 2.97E+00 U 1.20E+00 Report DR ID: F86X11LR pCVg 100% 0.04 1.65E+01 0.2 Orig Sa DB ID: 9F86X110 3/7/04 03:08 p 5.021 G LSC3 U RER2 0.2 Batch: 4037333 RICHRCS078 TC-99 -1.86E-01-6.42E-02 Wor U t.01E-01 1 U

  • RER2 1.2 icOrder. F86X1lAM 1.46E-01 2.60E-01 Report DB ID: F86XI I MR pCVg 100% -0.74 5.04E-01 -(2.5)Orig Sa DS ID: 9F86X110 3/12/0406:51 a 5D G LSC4.t 1- Batch, 4037339 AM-241 CM-242 CM-2431244 RICHRCS08O 2.41 E-02 1.18E-02-8.36E-03 4.09E-02 0.OOE+00-2.43E-03 Work Order F86X1 IAN Report U 3.42E-02 3.45E-02 3.27E-02 pClig U RER2 0.6 1.03E+00 U 1.67E-02 1.68E-02 2.00E-01 pCVg U RER2 1.2 U O.OOE+00 3.05E-02 3.37E-02 pCig U RER2 0.2 1.16E+00 DB ID: F86X1INR 69% 0.74 (1.4)69% -0.04 3/204 3/204 69%Orig Sa DB ID: 9F86Xl10- p 1.04 G 07:34 p 1.04 G 07:34 p 1.04 G Ala Spec Result Sin a 1.GE-02 31204 ALP128 ALP128 ALP128 No. of Results: 5 Comments:* 4STL hle and H4rptSTLOeh~uV4.
  • 7A97 RER2 Replicate Eror Ratio a (S Dysqrt (q(lPUIJ+sq(lrUd))]

as defined by rCPT BOA.MDCiMDAJLc


Decision Level buased an Istument bacrkound or blank, adjusted by the sample Efflcdency, Yield, and Volume.U Qual .Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the Mdei/Mdarotal Uncert orgamma scan software did not tdentify the nuclide.

.r I '. I -V r ~ (' -(- -(' I I I- 8 ( 1 [: I FORM II Date: 16-Mar-04 DUPLICATE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J46050367-4 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-012F(FPQXQ)

DUP SDG: 25129 Report No.: 25187 COC No.: Collection Date: 5/19/20031:46:00 PM Received Date: 2/52W04 3:00:00 PM Matrix: SOIL Result, Count Total MDCIMDA. Rpt Unit, Rst/MOC, Analysts, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Orig Rst Oual Error ( 2 a) Uncert( 2 a) Action Lev CRDL Yield RstrotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detector Batch: 4037334 RICHRCS022 WorkOrder:

FB8621AM ReportDBID:

FS6021MR OrdgSa DB ID: SF860210 C-14 1.66E-02 U 5.89E-02 7.58E-02 1.39E-01 pCilg 100% 0.12 3/4/04 04:04 a 5.002 LSC5-7.23E-03 U RER2 0.4 2.26E-01 0.44 G No. of Results: I Comments: p mST Richland RER2 -RepUcate Error Ratio = (S-D~isqrt(sq(TP~s)+sq(TPUd)))

as defined by ICPf BOA.HrptSTLRchDupV4.0 MDCJMDALe

-Detectlon, Decion Level based on Insument background or bank, adlusted by the saple Etfdeny Yeld, and Volume.$7 A97 U Qual -Analyzed for but the result is les thian the MddMdarWotal Uncert orgam2 san softwre did not identify he nudide.

I f '. -f I. ' 'j r I. (* I r*. f~ I .f *I. ( Fr U-~-FORM II Date: 16-Mar-04 DUPUCATE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Rtchland SDG: 25129 Collection Date: 6/11/2003 10:49:00AM Received Date: 2/5/2004 3:00:00 PM Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-2 Client Sample ID: 9538-0000-012F01(FRM3E)

DUP Report No.: 25187 COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Result, Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Rst/MDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Orig Rst Coal Error ( 2 ) Uncer(2 s) Action Lev CRDL Yield RsttrotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detector Batch: 4037330 CMUD WorkOrder:

F86W41AL Report DB ID: F86W41LR OrIg Sa DS ID: 9F86W410 SR-9o 5.82E.02 J 2.14E-02 2.36E.02 3.53E-02 pCVg 54% (1.6) 3/3/04 09:07 a 10.02 GPC2C 5.77E.02 J RER2 0.0 6.OOE-02 (4.9) G Batch: 4037338 RICHRC5010 WorkOrder:

F86W41AM ReportDBID:

FBSW41MR Orig SaD B ID: 9F86W410 PU-241 2.54E-02 U 5.36E-01 7.24E-01 1.30E+00 pCVg 56% 0.02 2128/04 06:42 a 2.02 LSC7-2.63E-01 U RER2 0.6 3.48E+01 0.07 G WBatch: 4041404 RICHRC5010 Work Order F86W4tAP Report D0ID: F86W41PR Orig Sa D810: 9F86W410 PU-238 4.84E-03 U 1.23E-02 1.24E-02 2.90E-02 pCVg 56% 0.17 2/25/04 12:39 p 202 ALP45 o.00E+00 U RER2 0.5 1.18E+00 0.78 G PU239140 -3.61E-03 U 4.17E-03 4.22E-03 3.80E.02 pCVg 56% .0.1 2/25/04 12:39 p 202 AUP45-1.05E-03 U RER2 1.1 1.07E+00 *(1.7) a Alifa Spec Result Sun l1.2E.03 No. of Results: 4 Comments:.1:OSTI.Ricfliafd Hr~tSTLRch~upV4.0 RERZ -RepUcate Error Ratio -(S-D)Irsqrt(sqfrPUs)+sq(aPUd))

as defned by JCPT BOA.MDtMDA,Lc

-Detection, Delsion Level based on Intr*Ument background or blan adjusted by the sample Eficdency, Yleld, and Volume.J QUal -No UTJ qualilfer has been assigned and the result Is below the Reporting Unit, RL (CRDL) or Report Value Is Estimated.

U Qual -Analyzed tor, but the result Is less than the hrdcMdmjotal Unccrt or gamma scan sortware did not identity the nuclide.

S. I ( -( "I (,-I' t. 7, C 1; ( *FORM 11 Date: 16-Mar-04 DUPLICATE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-1 Client Sample ID: 953800000-011F(FRM44)

DUP SDG: 25129 Report No.: 25187 COC No.: Collection Date: Received Date: Matrix: 6/10/2003 10:35:00 AM 2/5/2004 3:00:00 PM SOIL Result, Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, RstlMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Orig Rst ual Error ( 2 s) Uncert( 2 ) .ActIon Lev CROL Yleld Rst/TatUcert Prep Date Size Size Detector Batch: 4037328 Nl63 RICHRC5069 4.61E+00 2.39E-01 U 2.59E+00 U RER2 Work Order F856ClAM 4.50E+00 6.15E+00 1.4 Report DB ID: F856CIMR pCi/g 85% 0.75 2.89E+01 (2.1)Orfg Sa DB 10: 9F866C10 315/04 09:27 a 0250m G LSC5 Batch: 4037329 FE-55 Work Order. F856C1AN-9.322+00 U 1.232+01 2.09E+01-1.20E+01 U RER2 0.3 Report D1 ID: F8S6C1NR pCVg 70% -0.45 1.101O+03

  • (1.5)OrIg SaDB ID: 9F856C10 3/5/04 08:56 p 0.1253 G LSC7--------.N f ,A No. of Results: 2 Comments: , 67 STL Rlchbnd RER2 -Replicate Error Ratio n (S.D)sqrt(sqTPUs)+sq(TPUd))j as defined by iCrBOA n rptSTLRchDupV4.0 MDCIMDATe

-Detection, Dedslon Level based an Instrument background or blank adjusied by the temple Emdency, Yield, and Volume.7 A97 U QuaI -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MddIMdaTotal Uncert or gamma scn software did not Identif the nudide.

(( ( I (. F I'(: (. ' 1 ( .. 1Date: 1 6-Mar-04 FORM II BLANK RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richiand Matrix: SOIL SDG: 25129 Report No.: 25187 Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Rst/MDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Result Qual Error (Y2 ) Uncert( 28) Lc CRDL Yield RstlTotUcert Prep Date Size Slze Detector Batch: 4037334 RICHRC5022 WorkOrder F87R71M ReportDBID:

F87R71AB C-14 4.66E-02 U 5.95E-02 7.66E.02 1.39E-01 pCVg 100% 0.33 3/4/04 04:03 a 5.0 LSCS 6.83E-02 2.26E-01 (1.2) G Batch: 4037328 RICHRC5069 WorkOrder F87RC1AA Report DO ID: F87RC1AB NI-63 1.86E+00 U 2.50E+00 4.13E+00 6.33E+00 pCVg 89% 0.29 3/5/04 0927 a 025 LSC5 3.07E+00 2.89E+01 0.9 G Batch: 4037339 AM-241 RICHRC5080 0.002+00 U WorkOrder F87VF1AA Re O.OOE+00 2.70E-02 2.98E-02 pCVg 1.03E+00 1.53E-02 1.53E-02 1.82E-01 -pCllg CM-242 CM-243/244

-7.63E.03 U-4.54E.03 U ort D8 ID, F87VF1AB 43% 0.0.43% - 43% -0.07 I(1.4)3/2/0407:35 p 3/2/04 07:35 p 3.97E-02 6.42E-03 6.49E-03 6A1 E-02 1.67E-02 pC~g 1.16E+00 2.0 G 2.0 G 2.0 G A1P131 ALP131 ALP131 3&/0407:35 p Batch: 4041404 RICHRC5010 WorkOrder F9DGE1M ReportDBID:

F9DGEIAB PU-238 0.002+00 U 0.002+00 1.35E-02 1.49E-02 pCVg 61% 0. 2/2504 09:05 p 2.0 ALP41 1.18E+00 0. G PU239/40 0.002+00 U O.OOE+00 1.34E-02 1.49E-02 pCVg 61% 0. 2/25/04 09:05 p 2.0 ALP41 1.07E+00 0. G Batch: 4037336 RICHRC5010 WorkOrder:

F87R91AA ReportDBID:

F87R91AB PU-241 2.162-01 U 5.04E-01 6.81E-01 1.20E+00 pCVg 61% 0.18 2/28/0406:42 a 2.0 LSC7 5.76E-01 3.48E+01 0.63 G'Batch: 4037333 RICHRCS578 WorkOrder:

F87RI1M ReportDBID:

F87R11AB El , :STI.Rlchland HrptSTLfch13nk V4.07 A87 MDCIMDALc*

Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.U Qua] -Analzed for, but the result Is less than the Mdc/Mdatrotal Uncert or ga2 san software did not Identify the nuedide.

(- I( (-- ( ( f. -( ( -I O M! FORM 11 ( .(-.* .( --I , .Date: 16-Mar-04 BLANK RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland Matrix: SOIL SDG: 25129 Report No.: 25187 Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Rst/MDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Result Qual Error(2s)

Uncert(2 s) Le CRDL Yield RstlTotUcert Prep Date Size Size Detector TC-99 -9.99E-02 U 1.04E-01 1.51E-01 2.50E-01 pCVg 100% -0.4 3/12/04 06:51 a 5.0 LSC4 1.20E-01 2.00E+01 .(1.3) G Batch: 4037332 FICHRC5037 WorkOrder F87RXIM Report DB ID: F87RXlAB H-3 -8.46E-02 U 1.1 3E-01 1.22E-01 3.OOE-01 pCVg 100% -0.28 317/04 01:01 p 10.0 LSC3 1.38E-01 1.65E+01 -(1.4) G Batch: 4037330 CMUD Work Order F87RKIM Report DS ID F87RKIAB 3/3/0 0--.07 a 10.0 SR-90 5.06E-02 J 1.54E.02 1.78E-02 2.55E-02 pCVfg 1.182-02 6.00E-02 74% (2.)(5.7)3/T04 09:07 a 10.0 G GPC3B bi ....on Batch: 4037329 FE-55..FBXZ-4.31 E+00 U Work Order. F87RF1M 5.48E+00 1.01E+01 pCVg Report 0D IDt F87RF1AB 78% -0.43 3/504 08:56 p 025 G LSC7 4.75E+00 1.10E+03-(1.6)No. of Results: 12 Comments:* poSTL.RIchland HrptSTLRch~ank R V4.07 A97 MDCJMDA,Lc*

Detection, DecisIon Level based on Instrument background or blank adjusted by the sample Effilclency, Yield, and Volume.J Qual -No Uqc qualifier has been assIgned and the result Is below the Reporting Llmit, RL (CRDL) or Report Valdu Is Estimated.

U Qual -Analyzed ror, but the result Is less than the MdcdUdatrotal Uncert or gamma sean software did not Identify the nudide.

I , ( - (,.- (- , ( .( .-( .( -(, -( -, (,-- (- f--FORM 11 LCS RESULTS Date: 16-Mar-04 Lab Name: STL Richland SDG: 25129 Matrix: SOIL Report No.: 25187 Count Total Report Expected Recovery, Analysis, Aliquot Primary Parameter Result Qual Error ( 2 s) Uncert( 2 s) MDCIMDA Unit Yield Expected Uncert Bbs Prep Date Size Detector Batch: 4037334 RICHRC5022 WorkOrder F87R71AC Report DB ID: F87R71CS C- 4 2.76E+00 9.37E02 1.54E-01 1.39Eo01 pCig 100% 2.71E+00 8.74E-02 102% 3/4/04 04:03 a 5.0 LSC5 Rec LimIts: 70 130 0.0 G Batch: 4037328 RICHRCS069 WorkOrder F87RC1AC Report DB ID: F87RC1CS NIl63 Batch: 4037339 AM-241-4 4.81E+02 RICHRC5080 4.95E+00 9.61 E+00 3.75E-01 7.61t+01 7.68E+00 pCig WorkOrder F87VFIAC 1.00E+00 1.93E-02 pCig 80% 5.09E+02 1.71E+01 94%Rocl mits: 70 130 -0.1 Report DB ID: F87VFICS 63% 4.552+00 1.53E-01 109%Rec Limits: 70 130 0.1 3/5/04 09:27 a 0.25 G 2.0 G LSCS 312/04 07:36 p ALP132 a Batch: 4041404 RICHRCS010 WorkOrder F9DGE1AC Report DB ID: F9DGE1CS PU23V40 4.54E-01 1.07E-01 1.33E-01 3.03E-02 pCig 54% 4.61E-01 2.33E-02 98% 2/25/04 09:06 p 20 ALP43 Rec Limits: 70 130 0.0 G Batch: 4037336 RICHRC5010 WorkOrder:

F87R91AC Report D 0ID: F87R91CS PU-241 2.16E+01 1.11E+00 2.19E+00 1.36E+00 pClg 54% 2.34E+01 1.06E+00 92% 2128/04 06:42 a 2.0 LSC7 Rec Limits: 70 130 -0.1 G Batch: 4037333 RICHRCS078 Work Ordcf: F87R11AC Report DB ID: F87R1`CS TC-99 1.29E+01 3.28E-01 9.17E-01 2.52E-01 pCig 100%h 1.36E+01 3.04E-01 95% 3/12/04 06:51 a 5.0 LSC4 Rec Umits: 70 130 0.0 G Batch: 4037332 RICHRCS037 Work Order F87RXIAC Report DO ID: F87RXICS tl-3 8.43E+00 3.62E-01 4.18E-01 3.052-01 pCig 100% 7.15E+00 2.46E-01 90% 3/7/04 01.44 p 10.0 LSC3 Rec Llmits: 70 130 -0.1 0 UE Batch: 4037330 CMUD WorkOrder:

F87RK1AC Report OSID: F87RKlCS HSTL Richland Bias .(Resulllpected)-l as defind by ANSI N13.30.rptSTLRchLcs V4.07 A97

(. I I ( ((t ' (( (I ( 1. ( 1 FORM II LCS RESULTS Date: 16-Mar-04 Lab Name: Matrix: STL Richland SOIL SDG: 25129 Report No.: 25187 Count Total Report Expected Recovery, Analysis, Aliquot Primary Parameter Result Qual Error(2s)

Uncert(2 a) MOC[MDA Unit Yield Expected Uncert Bias Prep Date Size Detector SR-90 5.144E-01 3.62E-02 8.27E-02 2.69E-02 pCW9 68% 4.63E-01 5.63E-03 111% 3304 09:07 a 10.0 GPC3C Rec Limits: 70 130 0.1 G Batch: 4037329 FBXZ WorkOrder:

F87RF1AC Report OB ID: F87RFlCS FE-55 5.38E+01 1.24E+01 1.05E+01 pCLIg 74% 6.37E+01 3.39E+0a 84% 3/5/04 08;56 p 0.25 LSC7 Rec Ulrnts: 70 130 -0.2 G No. of Results: 9 Comments: tj£ STL Rlchlxnd Bias -(Restl/Erpected).1 as defined by ANSI N13.30.rptSTLRchLcs V4.07 A97

( ' ( -, -., -f --- -(.- -r ( -- -(- --.- (-.-.- -Li> -(.~...(( ' FORM II Date: 16-Mar-04 MATRIX SPIKE RESULTS Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J4B050367-4 SDG: 25129 Report No.: 25187 Matrix: SOIL SpikeResult, Count Total Rpt Unit, Rec- Exp- Exp Analysis, Aliquot Primary Parameter Orig Rst Qual Error (2 s) Uncert(2 s) MDCIMDA CRDL Yield overy ected Uncert Prep Date Size Detector Batch: 4037333 RICHRC5078 WorkOrden F88021AL ReportDBID:

f86021LW Orig Sa DBID: 9F860210 TC-99 2.33E+01 4.16E-01 1.54E+O0 2.37E-01 pCVg 100% 90.96% 2.56E+01 ;.75E-01 3/12104 06:51 a 5.3 LSC4 2.38E.02 RER2 G No. of Results: 1 Comments: to-H aL. fMlI1"Anu rptSTLRchMs V4.07 A97 nlr

  • tReplicate Error Rauo a (S iJY)sqr(sq(TPUs).sq(PUd))J as defined by ICPT BOA.Bias -(Result/Expected)o1 as defined by ANSI N13.30.

SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2c Sample and Scan Area Data (2 Pages)

Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9525-0000 9525-0000 SCAIN AREA REPORT Background Action Levil Log E-600 Survey Location (Cpm) Level (ressding Log Date Time SN Probe SIN___________

___________(Cp m ) (g o s c m 9525-00-002-BC-O001

-0 10000 5/20/2003 9:33:00 1106 1004 952s-00-002-SC-0001 10000 11427 8950 5/20/2003 9:36:00 1106 1004 9525-004002-SC-0002 10000 11427 10900 5/20/2003 9:39:00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SC-0002 10000 11427 8840 5/20/2003 9:39:00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SC-0003 10000 11427 10500 5/20/2003 9:45:00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SC-ao4 10000 11427 10400 5/20/2003 9:5L00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SC-ooo5 10000 11427 10500 5/20/2003 9:53:00 1106 1004 9525-00-001-BC-0001

-0 9460 5/20/2003 10:15:00 1106 1004 9s25-00-001-SC-0001 9460 10848 9620 5/20/2003 10:18:00 1106 1004 9525-00-001-SC-0002 9460 10848 9200 5/20/2003 10:22:00 1106 1004 9525-00-001-SC-0003 9460 10848 9780 5/20/2003 10:24:00 1106 1004 9525-00-001-13C-0002

-0 9160 5/20/2003 10:28:00 1106 1004 952s-00-001-SC-0004 9160 10526 8460 5/20/2003 10:30:00 1106 1004 9525-00-001-SC-000s 9160 10526 8540 5/20/2003 10:31:00 1106 1004 9525-00-001-SC-0006 9160 10526 8950 5/20/2003 10:33:00 1106 1004 9525-00-00243C-0003

-0 9800 5/20/2003 10:36:00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SC-0007 9800 11213 9080 5/20/2003 10:38:00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SC-0008 9800 11213 9110 5/20/2003 10:40:00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SC40009 9800 11213 9170 5/20/2003 10:42:00 1106 1004 9s2s500-002-BC-0004

-0 8830 5/20/2003 10:43:00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SC-0010 8830 10171 9010 5/20/2003 10:45:00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SC-001 1 8830 10171 9820 5/20/2003 10:47: 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SC-0012 8830 10171 9400 5/20/2003 10:49:00 1106 14 Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9525-0000 9525-0000 SAMPLE AREA SCANS-030514

& 030519 Background Action Level Reading Log E-600 Probe Survey Location (cpm) (cpm) (gross Log Date Time S/N S/N____ ____ ____ cp m ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9525-00-013-BL-0001

_ _0 7930 5/14/2003 13:22:00 1106 1004 9525-00-013-SL-0001 7930 9201 8800 5/14/2003 13:23:00 1106 1004 9525-00-003-BL-0001

-0 7300 5/14/2003 13:25:00 1106 1004 9525-00-003-SL-0001 7300 8519 7590 5/14/2003 13:27:00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-BL-0001

-0 7660 5/14/2003 13:30:00 1106 1004 9525-00-002-SL-0001 7660 8909 810 5/14/2003 13:32:00 1106 1004 9525-00-014-BL-0001

-0 6990 5/14/2003 13:34:00 1106 1004 9525-00-014-SL-0001 6990 8183 6870 5/14/2003 13:36:00 1106 1004 9525-00-010-BL-0001

-0 7240 5/14/2003 13:37:00 1106 1004 9525-00-010-SL-0001 7240 8454 7750 5/14/2003 13:38:00 1106 1004 9525-00-016-BL-0001

-0 7920 5/14/2003 13:40:00 1106 1004 9525-00-016-SL-0001 7920 9190 7760 5/14/2003 13:42:00 1106 1004 9525-00-008-BL-0001

-0 8260 5/14/2003 13:44:00 1106 1004 9525-00-008-SL-0001 8260 9557 8980 5/14/2003 13:45:00 1106 1004 9525-00-001-BL-0001

-0 7870 5/14/2003 13:46:00 1106 1004 9525-00l001-SL-0001 7870 9136 7860 5/14/2003 13:48:00 1106 1004 9525-00-006-BL-0001

-0 8110 5/14/2003 13:50:00 1106 1004 9525-00-006-SL-0001 8110 9395 8110 5/14/2003 13:52:00 1106 1004 9525-00-005-BL-0001

-0 8700 5/14/2003 13:54:00 1106 1004 9525-00-005-SL-0001 8700 10031 8040 5/14/2003 13:59:00 1106 1004 9525-00-009-BL-0001

-0 9330 5/14/2003 14:01:00 1106 1004 9525-00-009-SL-0001 9330 10709 9430 5/14/2003 14:03:00 1106 1004 9525-00-011-BL-0001

-0 9670 5/14/2003 14:05:00 1106 1004 9525-00-011-SL-0001 9670 11073 10400 5/14/2003 14:06:00 1106 1004 9525-00-004-BL-0001

-0 8710 5/14/2003 14:09:00 1106 1004 9525-00-004-SL-0001 8710 10042 8190 5/14/2003 14:10:00 1106 1004 9525-00-015-BL-0001

-0 9090 5/14/2003 14:11:00 1106 1004 9525-00-015-SL-0001 9090 10451 8510 5/142003 14:13:00 1106 1004 9525-00-007-BL-0001

_ _0 8270 5/14/2003 14:14:00 1106 1004 9525-00-007-SL-0001 8270 9568 7750 5/14/2003 14:15:00 1106 1004 9525-00-012-BL-0001

-0 9290 5/14/2003 14:19:00 1106 1004 9525-00-012-SL-0001 9290 10666 9120 5/14/2003 14:20:00 1106 1004 30519 9525-00-017-BL-0001 0 9320 5/19/2003 14:10:00 1106 I 1004 9525-00-017-SL-0001 9320 10698 9690 5/19/2003 14:12:00 1106 1004 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2d Split Sample Assessment Forms (10 Pages)

Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5124-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment A Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5 124-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment A Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Area#: 9525 Survey Unit #: 0000 Survey Unit name: Southeast Site Road Sample Plan or NVPIR#: 24265-000-GEN-0000-00144-000 ISML#: 9525-0000-006/FS Sample


Comparison of split sample measurement location #06 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by off-site Vendor Laboratory.

STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable Value Error Range Value Error Ratio (Y/N)pCi/g pCi/g Pb-212 3.33E-01 0.05 6.66 0.5-2.0 4.30E-01 0.06 1.29 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: N/A Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used to assess split samples.Resolution Agreement Rang 4-7 0.5-2.0 8-15 0.6-1.66 16 -50 0.75 -1.33 51 -200 0.80 -1.25>200 0.85 -1.18 Per melyl Date f; Reviewed By: Date: Page I of I Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5124-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment A Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5 I 24-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment A Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Area#: 9525 lSurvey Unit #: 0000 ISurvey Unit name: Southeast Site Road Sample Plan or XVPIR#: 24265-000-GEN-0000-00144-000 lSML#: 9525-0000-002F/FS Sample


Comparison of split sample measurement location #02 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by off-site Vendor Laboratory.

STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable Value Error Range Value Error Ratio (Y/N)PCilg pCilg __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _Pb-212 3.02 E-0 0.055 5.49 0.5-2.0 2.4 E-0 0.06 0.798 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: N/A Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used to assess split samples.Resolution Aigeement Range 4 -7 0.5 -2.0 8 -15 0.6 -1.66 16 -50 0.75 -1.33 51 -200 0.80 -1.25>200 0.85 -1.18 Pe j b Date Reviewed By: Date: I, 4 , I Page 1 of I

' I( I [( I I I. ( r FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: I I I I Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5115/2003 9:40:00 AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Lab Name: STL Rlchland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-1 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-002 F Ordered by CHlnt Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit. Yield RstIMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error (2 a) Uncert(2 a) Action Lev Le CRDL(RL) RatsTotUcert Prep Date size Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 Work Order FPQW51M Report DB ID: 9FPQW51O ACTINIUM-228 5.39E-01 U 1.8E-01 I.8E-01 3.52E-01 pCig (1.5) 6/19103 09:10 250.1 GER2$1 (5.8) g AG-lO1M -1.80E-02 U 3.1E-02 3.E-02 5.16E-02 pCVg -0.35 6/19103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 2.86E-01 -(1.2) 9 AMERICIUM-241

-2.92E-01 U 3.4E-01 3AE-01 5.58Er-1 pCVg -0.52 6119103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 1.03E+00 -(1.7) 9 BISMUTH-212 3.34E-01 U 5.1E-01 5.1E-01 9.62E-01 pCVg 0.35 6/19103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2S1 (1.3) 9 BISMUTH.214 5.412-01 U 1.5E-01 1.SE-01 2.17E-01 pCVg (25) 6/19103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2S1 (7.3) 9 COBALT-60 1.90E-03 U 3.42E02 3AE-02 6A6E-02 pCVg 0.03 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 1.502-01 0.11 9 CESIUM-134 2.26E-02 U 4.12-02 4.1E-02 7.66E-02 pCIg 0.3 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2S1 1.90E-01 (V.1) 9 CESIUM-137 1.96E-02 U 4.1E-02 4.1E-02 7.60E-02 pCVg 0.26 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 3.20E-01 0.95 9 EUROPIUM-152

-1.42E-01 U 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 1.67E-01 pCVg -0.85 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 4.04E-01 -(2.5) 9 EUROPIUM-154

-5.53E-02 U 1.2E-01 1.2E-01 2.01E-01 pClg -0.28 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2S1 3.70E-01 -0.95 9 rL Richland MDCIMDALc

  • Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the Mdc MdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan soffware did not ldontlf the nucide.1.03 A97 H

[ ' I [( ( I I ( f ' (I I ( ( ( (F3 H V Pat EUF P01 N R TH No. o Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-1 Client Sample ID: 9525.0000.002 F Result C ameter Qual EIrr tOPIUM-155

-824E-02 U 1A rASSIUM40 2.25E+00 1.1 IGANESE.54

-1.45E-02 U 3.1 IOBIUM-94 1.32E-02 U 3.'.EAD-212 3.02E-01 1.,.EAD-214 4.68E-01 U 1.;kDIUM-226 5.41E-01 U 1.!ALLIUM-208 1.70E-01 U 5.1 ount or (2 a)IE-01 E+OO 3E-02 3E202.1E-01 2E-01 SE-01 OE-02 Total Uncert(2 5)1.4E-01 1.1E+00 3.8E-02 3.3S-02 1.1E-01 1.2E-01 1.5E-01 5.0E-02-FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield Action Lev Lc CRDL(RL) R 2.28E-01 pCVg 1.57E+01 5.64E-01 pCVg 6.57E-02 pCUg 6.96E-01 6.26E-02 pCVg 2.85E-01 9.17E-02 pCVg 1.96E-01 pCVg 2.172-01 pCI/g 9.69E-02 pCVg_ _RstIMDC, stVTotUcert

-0.36-(1.2)(4.)(4.1)-0.22-0.77 0.21 0.8 (3.3)(5.3)(2.4)(7.6)(2.5)(7.3)(1.8)(6.8)-Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date. 5/15/2003 9:40:00 AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa AlIquot Pramaty Prep Date Size Size Detector 6119103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2S1 9 6/19103 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 6/19.03 09:10 a 250.1 GER2$1 9 f Results: 18 Comments: IL Richland MDCIMDA.Lc

-Detectlon, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficlency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the mult Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software dId not Identifl the nucilde.1.03 A97 N, I I I I I I I I I I I I' ( I I'FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Date: 30-Jun-03 Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-2 Client Sampte ID: 9525-0000-002 FS Collection Date: 511512003 9:40:00 AM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered bp Client Sample ID. Batch No.Result Count Total MOCIMDA, Rpt UnIt. Yield RsUtfDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error (2 s) Uncert(2 s) Action Lev Le CRDL(RL) RstltotUcert Prep Date Sk2e SIze Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 Work Order. FPQW61M Report DB ID: 9FPOW610 ACTINIUM-228 3.27E-01 U 1.5E-01 1.5E-01 3.05E-01 pCVg (1.1) 6119103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 (4.3) 9 AG-108M -4.31E-03 U 3.OE-02 3.02-02 5.10E-02 pC/g -0.08 6/19103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 2.86E-01 -0.29 g AMERICIUM-241

-2.23E-01 U 3.2E-01 3.2E-01 5.27E-1 pCCUg -0.42 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 1.03E+00 -(1.4) g BISMUTH-212 7.01E-01 U 4.8E-01 4.8E-01 .9.47E-01 pCL/g 0.74 6/19/03 1 108 a 280.3 GER2$1 (29) 9 BISMUTH-214 3.49E-01 U I.OE-01 I.OE-01 1.83E-01 pCIg (1.9) 6/19J03 11 08 a 280.3 GER2$i (6.8) 9 COBALT-60

-1.54E-02 U 2.9E-02 2.9E202 5.03E-02 pCUg -0.31 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2S1 1.502-01 -1.I) 9 CESIUM-134

-1.37E-02 U 3.9E-02 3.9E-02 6.70E-02 pCI/g -0.2 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 1.90E-01 -0.7 9 CESIUM-137 2.98E-02 U 3.5E-02 3.5E-02 6.62E-02 pCIg 0.45 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 3.20E-01 (1.7) 9 EUROPIUM-152

-3.64E-02 U 1.4E-01 1.4E-01 1.53E-01 pCVg -0.24 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 4.04E-01 -0.54 9 EUROPIUM-154 4.57E-02 U 1.0E-01 1.0E-01 2.002-01 pCVg 0.23 6119103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 3.70E-01 0.89 9 1L Rlchland MDCIMDALc

-DetectIon, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTL.RchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is lew than the MdcIMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nuctide.1.03 A97

-I C ' ( C I" I C.. I" C.(.C( .(*. U I. ..Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-2 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-002 FS Parameter EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM226 THALLUM-208

... ...No. of Results: IS Result Qual-1.82E-02 U 6.06E+00-1.52E-03 U-1.05E-02 U 2.41E-01 3.30E-01 3.49E-01 U 1.58E-01 Comments:-Count Error ( 2 a)1.2E-01 1.2E+00 3.2E-02 3.1E-02 1 .2E-01 1.5E-01 1.OE-01 6.OE-02 Toaln Uncert(2 s)11.21E-01 1 .2E+00 3.2E-02 3.E-02 1 .2E-01 I .5E-01 I .OE-01 6.OE-02 FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: MOCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield Action Lev Le CRDL(RLJ 2.06E-01 pCVg 1.57E+01 4.53E-01 pC/g 5.72E-02 pCVg 6.96E-01 5.35E-02 pCVg 2.85E-01 1.02E-01 pCI/g 1.10E-01 pCi/g 1.83E-01 pCVg 5.57E-02 pCVg Date: 30-Jun-03 RstUMDC, RstrrotUcert

-0.09-0.3 (13.4)(10.)-0.03-0.1-0.2-0.68 (2.4)(4.1)(3.)(4.5)(1.9)(6.8)(2.8)(5.3)Collectlon Date: 5/1512003 9:40:00 AM Received Date: 6/212003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Prlmuzy Prep Date Size Size Detector 6119103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 9 6119103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 9 8119/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2S1 9 6/19103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 9 6119103 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$1 9 6/19/03 11:08 a 280.3 GER2$I 9 I I 1. Richland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrwnent background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.lSTLRchSampTe U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result is less than the Mdc/MdalTotal Uncorltor gamma scan software did not identify the nuclide.%03 A97 tj I I (I (. I I ( I i ( .. (I t FORM I SAMPLE RESI SDG: 230E Report No.: 2296 COC No.: JLTS Date: 30-Jun-03 Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-8 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000.006 F Parameter EUROPIUM-155 POTASSIUM-40 MANGANESE-54 NIOBIUM-94 LEAD-212 LEAD-214 RADIUM-226 THALUUM-208 No. of Results: 18 Result Qual 1.59E-02 U 4.61E+W0 2.76E-03 U-1.20E202 U 3.33E-O1 2.95E-01 2.21 E-01 U 1.152-01 U-Count Total Error ( 2 s) Uncet(2 s)7.4E-02 7.4E-02 1.2E+00 1.2E+00 2.82-02 2.8E-02 2.42-02 2AE-02 1.01E-01 I.OE-01 1.02-01 1.0E-01 9.4E-02 9.4E-02 4.62-02 4.6E-02 MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Action Lev Lc 1.32E-01 pC/g 5.55E-01 pCVg 529E-02 pCVg 4.13E-02 pCVg 8.78E-02 pClg 9.34E-02 pClg 1.71E-01 pCVg 8.32E-02 pCig i5 CollectIon Date: 5115/2003 2:05:00 PM;6 Received Date: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Yield RstiMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary CRDL(RL) RsUrotUcert Prep Date SIze Size Detector 0.12 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 1.57E+01 0.43 9 (8.3) 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 (7.8) g 0.05 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 6.96E-01 0.19 .9-0.29 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4S1 2.85E-01 -0.99 9 (3.8) 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 (6.5) 9 (3.2) 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$i (5.8) 9 (1.3) 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 (4.7) 9 (1.4) 6/19/03 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 (5.) 9 I I Comments: 'L Richland MDCiMDA.Lc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adlusted by the sample Efclency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSample U Qual Analyzed for, but the result is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan software did not identify the nuciide...

1.03 A97 w I (I I 'I ( ' ( ' I (FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-8 Client Sample ID: 95255-0000-006 F Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5/15/2003 2:05:00 PM Received Date: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Ordered by Client Sample ID. Batch No.Result Count Total MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstMODC, Analysts, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Eror (2 s) Uncert(2 a) Action Lv Le CRDL(RL) RstlTotUcert Prep Dato Size Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder.


9FPQXG10 ACTINIUM-228 1.81E-01 U 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 2.91E-01 pClg 0.62 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 (2.1) g AG-10BM 1.93E-03 U 2AE-02 2.4E-02 4.24E-02 pCVg 0.05 6119/03 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 2.86E-01 0.16 9 AMERICIUM-241

-7A6E-02 U 1.6E-01 1.6E.01 2.60E-01 pClg -0.29 6/19103 02.07 p 275.0 GER4$1 1.03E+00 -0.95 9 BISMUTI+212 2.76E-01 U 4.1 E-01 4.1E-01 8.05E-01 pCVg 0.34 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 (1.3) S BISMUTH-214 2.21E-01 U 9AE-02 9.4E-02 1.71E-01 pCig (1.3) 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4S1 (4.7) a CO8ALT-60 2.12E-02 U 2.9E-02 2.9E-02 6.14E-02 pCig 0.34 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 1.50E-01 (1.5) 8 CESIUM-134 1.69E-02 U 3.2E-02 3.2E-02 6.27E-02 pCig 0.27 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4S1 1.90E-01 (1.) g CESIUM137 1.87E-02 U 2.9E-02 2.9E-02 5.53E-02 pCig 0.34 6/19103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 3.20E-01 (1.3) 9 EUROPIUM.152

-5A4E-02 U 7.3E-02 7.3E-02 i.18E-01 pCVg -0.46 6119103 02:07 p 275.0 GER4$1 4.04E-01 -(1.5) g EUROPIUM-154 6.84E-03 U 9.4E-02 9.4E-02 1.79E-01 pCi/g 0.04 6/19/03 02:07 p 275.0 GER451 3.70E-01 0.15 5 IL Rlchland MDCIMDALe

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.tSTLRchSampie U Qual -Analyed for, but the result I less than the MdclMdalTotai Uncert or gamma scan software did not Identify the nueilde..1.03 A97 w H-I I I I I I I I I I-.Par EUF POT MAN L TR No. ol Lab Name: STL Richiand Lot-Sample No.: J3FO20131-9 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-006 FS Result Count ameter Qual Error ( 2 s)tOPiUM-155 2.71E-02 U 8.4E-02*ASSIUM40 6.87E+00 1.4E+00!GANESE-54 1.46E-02 U 3.3E-02 OBIUM-94 2.17E-02 U 2.9E-02 EAD-212 4.30E-01 1.2E-01 LEAD-214 3.62E-01 1.5E-01 ADiUM-223 3.74E-01 1.5E-01 ALLIUM-208 1.98E-01 U 7.2E-02!Results:

18 Comments: Total Uncert(2 s)8AE-02 I AE+00 3.3E-02 2.9E-02 1.2E-01 .I.5E-01 1.5E-01 7.2E-02-FORM I Date: 30-Jun-03 SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 CollectIon Date: 5/15/2003 2:05:00 PM Report No.: 22966 ReceIved Date: 612/2003 10:30:00 AM COC No.: Matrix: SOIL Ordered by ClIent Sample ID, Batch No.MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RstlMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Action Lev Le CRDL(RLj RsttrotUcart Prep Date Size Size Detector 1.47E-01 pCVg 0.18 6119103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 1.57E+01 0.64 g 5.96E-01 PCVg (11.5) 6119/03 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (9.7) 9 6.44E-02 pCVg 0.23 6119103 02.13 p 251.9 GER5$1 6.96EO01 0.87 g 5.90E-02 PCig 0.37 6/19/03 02:13 p 251.9 GER5SS 2.85E-01 (1.5) 9 1.112-01 pCVg (3.9) 6119103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (7.4) 0 1.07E-01 pCVg (3.4) 6/19103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (4.8) 9 1.192-01 pCvg (3.2) 6/19/03 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (5.2) 9 1.04E-01 pCI/g (1-9) 6119103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (5.5) g L Rlchland MDCIMDALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume.ISTLRchSample U Qual -Analyzed for, but the result Is less than the MdclMdalTotal Uncerl or gamma scan softare dId not IdonUfy the nuclida.L03 A97 w I I .(((I I I I I I I I I I FORM I SAMPLE RESULTS SDG: 23085 Report No.: 22966 COC No.: Date: 30-Jun-03 Collection Date: 5115/2003 2:05:00 PM Received Date: 6/2/2003 10:30:00 AM Matrix: SOIL Lab Name: STL Richland Lot-Sample No.: J3F020131-9 Client Sample ID: 9525-0000-006 FS Ordered by Client Sample ID, Batch No.Result Count Tobl MDCIMDA, Rpt Unit, Yield RsIMDC, Analysis, Total Sa Aliquot Primary Parameter Qual Error (2 s) Uncert(2 s) Action Lev Lc CRDL(RLJ RstlTotUcert Prop Date Size Size Detector atch: 3154249 E901.1 WorkOrder FPXAA1M Report DB ID: 9FPQXH10 AcnMUM-228 3.24E-01 U 1.5E-01 1.5E-01 3.12E-01 pCVg (1.) 6119103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (4.2) 9 AG-1OSM -1.86E-02 U 2.7E-02 2.7E-02 4A6E-02 pCVg -0.42 6/19103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5S1 2.86E-01 -(1.4) 9 AMERICIUM-241

-2.96E-02 U 5.3E-02 5.3E-02 8.97E-02 pCVg -0.33 6119103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 1.03E+00 -1.1) g BISMUTTH-212 9.77E-01 U 5.2E-01 52E-01 1.07E+00 pCI/g 0.92 6119103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (3.8) g BISMUTH-214 3.74E-01 U 1.5E-01 1.5E-01 2.09E-01 pCIlg (1.8) 6/19(03 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 (5.2) 9 COBALT-60

-1.88E.02 U 2.9E-02 2.9E-02 4.82E-02 pCVg -0.39 6/19103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 1.50E-01 -(1.3) 9 CESIUM-134 2.45E-02 U 4.2E-02 4.2E-02 8.10E-02 pCVg 0.3 6/19103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 1.90E-01 (1.2) g CESIUM-137 2.77E-02 U 3.8E-02 3.8E-02 7.16E-02 pCVg 0.39 6/19103 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 3.20E-01 (1.5) g EUROPIUM-152 1.33E-02 U 8.7E-02 8.7E-02 1.56E-01 pC/g 0.09 6/19/03 02;13 p 251.9 GER5$1 4.04E-01 0.31 g EUROPIUM-154 4.40E-02 U i.OE-01 1.0E-01 1.99E-01 pCig 0.22 6/19/03 02:13 p 251.9 GER5$1 3.70E-01 0.88 9 1L Richland MDCIMOALc

-Detection, Decision Level based on Instrument background or blank, adjusted by the sample Efficiency, Yield, and Volume..ISTLRchSample U ual -Analyzed for, but the result is less than the MdcIMdalTotal Uncert or gamma scan softwar did not identify the nuclide.103 A97 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2e Preliminary Data Review Form (1 Page)

Heath Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5123-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment B PRELIMINARY DATA REVIEW FORM Survey Unit: 9525-0000 Survey Unit Name: Southeast Site Road Classification:

3 Survey Media: Soil-Type of Survey: Final Status Survey Type of Measurement:

Radionuclide Specific Number of Measurements:

15 Operational DCGL (pCi/g) 3.16pCi/g BASIC STATISTICAL QUANTITIES Cs-137 C, Minimum Value: -2.56E-02 Maximum Value: 4.86E-02 Mean: 7.29E-03 Median: 7.95E-03 Standard Deviation:

2.01E-02 NUMBER 9525-0000-001 9525-0000-002 9525-0000-003 9525-0000-004 9525-0000-005 9525-0000-006 9525-0000-007 9525-0000-008 9525-0000-009 9525-0000-010 9525-0000-011 9525-0000-012 9525-0000-013 9525-0000-014 9525-0000-015 RADIONUCLIDE CONCENTRATION (pCi/g)Cs-137 Identified?

2.18E-02 N 1.96E-02 N-1.51E-02 N-2.48E-02 N 3.93E-03 N 1.87E-02 N-1.99E-03 N 7.95E-03 N 4.86E-02 Y-5.75E-03 N 4.75E-03 N 2.71E-02 N-2.56E-02 N 8.91E-03 N 2.12E-02 N Sub itted by/ te Rviewed by/Date j .c ,-/2AkLZ9 1 of I SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2f Graphical Representation of Data (2 Pages)

Health Phvsics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5123-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment C Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5 123 -000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment C Survey Unit: Survey Unit Name: DATA QUANTILE PLOT 9525-0000 Southeast Site Road Quantile Plot For Cesium- 137 0.0500-0 0000 -0.0300 -0.0200 -0.00 0.0100 -o.o 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Percentage Cs-137 Rank Percent3ge

-0.0256 1 3%-0.0248 2 10%-0.0151 3 17%-0.0058 4 23%-0.0020 5 30%0.0039 6 37%0.0048 7 43%0.0080 8 50%0.0089 9 57%0.0187 10 63%0.0196 11 70%0.0212 12 77%0.0218 13 83%0.0271 14 90%0.0486 is 97%0 .., Submitted By/Date t ~d B/ate I Page 3 of 4 PRELIMINARY DATA REVIEW FORM Survey Unit: 9525-0000 Survey Unit Name: Southeast Site Road Frequency Plot For Cesium-137 ocan): ,r.,e,,r 2-t,, 0 U Upper End Value (pCi/g)Observation Observation Upper End Value Frequency Frequency 4.01 3 20%0 6 40%0.01 0 0%/0 0.015 2 13%0.02 2 13%0.025 1 7%0.03 0 0%0.035 0 0%0.04 0 0%0.045 1 7%0.05 0 0%0.055 0 0%0.06 0 0%/0 Sum=15 100%< -b D.._-17 I 116, -I I- P , t .-t,- -,fdv-16'weW/DRe-I of 1 SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2g Sign Test Calculation (1 Page)

Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5121-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment B Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5 121 -000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment B Sign Test Calculation Sheet For A Single Radionuclide Survey Unit Number: 9525-000 Survey Unit Name: Southeast Site Road WP&IR#: 24265-000-GEN-0000-00144-000 Classification:

3 TYPE I (cc error): 0.05 TYPE II (I error): 0.05 Radionuclide:

Cesium-137 Survey Design DCGL (pCi/g): 3.16 Results (pCilg) DCGL -Results Sign 2.18E-02 3.14 1 1.96E-02 3.14 1-1.5 IE-02 3.18 1-2.48E-02 3.18 1 3.93E-03 3.16 1 1.87E-02 3.14 1-1.99E-03 3.16 1 7.95E-03 3.15 1 4.86E-02 3.11 1 4.86E-02 3.11 1-5.75E-03 3.17 1 4.75E-03 3.16 1-2.56E-02 3.19 1 8.91E-03 .. 15 1 2.12E-02 3.14 1 Number Of Positive Differences (S+): 15 Critical Value: I1 Survey Unit: Meets Acceptance Criterion Performed By:__ _Independent Review By Date: /. Al Cl Date: 2 //7,A </Page I of I SOUTHEAST SITE ROAD SURVEY UNIT 9525-0000 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2h COMPASS DQA Surface Soil Report with Retrospective Power Curve (2 Pages)

DQA Surface Soil Report Assessment Summary Site: Planner(s):

Survey Unit Name: Report Number: Survey Unit Samples: Reference Area Samples: Test Performed:

Judgmental Samples: Assessment



9525-0000 CE DAVIS Southeast Site Road 1 15 0 Sign Test Result: Not Performed 0 EMC Result: Not Performed Reject Null Hypothesis (Survey Unff PASSES)Retrospective Power Curve¶2 1 a as IO_m 0.8 U-0.7 I't 0.6 ts 0.5 i 0.4 0.3 C- 02 b 0.1 a0 0 i_ __ I _= I 0.0 0.5 1.0 15. 2.0 2.5 3.0 Soil Cxcenfratla (p0CIg), inclulhlg ackwkg wd--Prospective Power

  • 1-beta --- -Actual Power-LBGR --Estimated Power-DCGL --- Retrospective Power 3.5 k _. -- ,. %co-5-COMPASS vl.O.0 11412005 Page 1 COMPASS v1.0.0/t 1/4J2O05 Page 1

@~ DQA Surface Soil Report Survey Unit Data NOTE: Type = S' Indicates survey unit sample.Type = 'R1 Indicates reference area sample.Sample Number 9525-0000-001 F 9525-0000-002F 9525-0000-003F 9525-0000-004F 9525-0000-005F 9525-0000-006F 9525-0000-007F 9525-0000-008F 9525-0000-009F 9525-0000-01 OF 9525-0000-011 F 9525-0000-012F 9525-0000-013F 9525-0000-014F 95250000-015F Sv-S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Cs4I37 (pCUg)0.02 0.02-0.02-0.02 0 0.02 0 0.01 0.05-0.01 0 0.03-0.03 0.01 0.02 Basic Statistical Quantities Summary Statistic Sample Number Mean (pCig)Median (pClg)Std Dev (pCVg)High Value (pCVg)Low Value (pCI/g)COMPASS v1.0.0 Survey Unit 15 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.05-0.03 Background N/A N/A N/A NUA N/A N/A DQO Results N=16 0.01 N/A 0.0057 N/A N/A/' 1J4J2005 Page 2