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2003 Final RO Reference Exam
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 09/03/2003
From: Gody A
Operations Branch IV
To: Overbeck G
Arizona Public Service Co
50-528/03-301, 50-529/03-301, 50-530/03-301 50-528/03-301, 50-529/03-301, 50-530/03-301
Download: ML032260469 (65)


1 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 41007EK202 Importance 2.60 2.80 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • The Secondary Operator notices that the turbine fails to automatically trip, and initiates a trip by depressing the TRIP pushbutton.
  • The same operator notices that the Generator Output Breakers are closed, and immediately trips them using the appropriate control switches and pushbuttons.

These operator actions will result in ...

A. a loss of both NAN-S01 and NAN-S02.

B. an auto-start of both Diesel Generators.

C. an auto start of "A" Diesel Generator only.

D. a fast bus transfer of NAN-S01 and NAN-S02.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L10413 Given plant conditions following a reactor trip, describe the consequences of manually opening the Main Generator OCBs before they could open automatically Reference Id: Q61809 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

From Bank Q# 8601 Distracter B & C are not correct, the DG's will auto start on the Rx Trip signal but not based on input from the Main Gen Brkr.

Distracter D would normally occur following a normal Generator Trip but will NOT occur if manually tripped.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the interrelations between a reactor trip and the following: Breakers, relays and disconnects

2 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 42008AA106 Importance 3.60 3.60 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Safety Injection Actuated
  • PZR Pressure is 1800 psig and slowly DECREASING
  • RCS Temperature is 550 F and slowly DECREASING
  • S/G NR Levels are 1% and slowly INCREASING
  • RDT Pressure is 3 psig and STABLE
  • S/G Pressure's are 1000 psig and STABLE
  • PZR Level is 28% and RISING
  • Containment Temperature is 140°F and slowly RISING
  • Containment Pressure is 8 psig and STEADY
  • Containment Humidity is INCREASING Which ONE of the following could be the cause of the above conditions?

A. RCS leak from a cold leg.

B. S/G Safety Valve failed open.

C. RCS Safety Valve failed open.

D. Pressurizer steam space leak.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L89862 As an operating crew mitigate a Steam Space LOCA Reference Id: Q61761 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Modified Bank Question Comment:

Modified from INPO Bank Q# 1080.

K/A Topic Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Pressurizer Vapor Space Accident: Control of PZR level

3 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 41009EK303 Importance 4.10 4.40 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 2 is experiencing a small-break LOCA.
  • The Unit is at 100% power.
  • All systems and controls are in a normal lineup.

Based on these conditions, which ONE of the following describes what will happen as RCS pressure DECREASES as a result of the LOCA?

A. When RCS pressure reaches 1937 psia on three of four pressurizer pressure instruments, a Reactor trip and SIAS signal will be generated in both protection trains, and both Reactor trip breakers will open.

B. When RCS pressure reaches 1837 psia on three of four pressurizer pressure instruments, a Reactor trip and SIAS signal will be generated in one protection train, and one Reactor trip breaker will open.

C. When RCS pressure reaches 1937 psia on two of four pressurizer pressure instruments, a Reactor trip and SIAS signal will be generated in one protection train, and one Reactor trip breaker will open.

D. When RCS pressure reaches 1837 psia on two of four pressurizer pressure instruments, a Reactor trip and SIAS signal will be generated in both protection trains, and both Reactor trip breakers will open.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L10169 Given indications of RCS or a Steam Generator Tube Leak, describe the basic procedure methodology, including Reactor Trip is thresholds, Reference Id: Q61810 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 5 (5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

PPS logic is established such that redundant protection is established requiring 2 of 4 transmitter inputs to cause a RPS trip condition.

INPO Q# 10497 K/A Topic Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the small break LOCA: Reactor trip and safety initiation

4 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 41011EK202 Importance 2.60 2.70 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • The reactor has been manually tripped
  • A Large-break LOCA has occurred.
  • The LOCA procedure has been implemented.

Complete the following statement:

The operators are required to trip ALL RCPs ...

A. if a MSIS actuation occurs.

B. if a CIAS actuation occurs.

C. if a loss of seal injection flow occurs.

D. if subcooled margin is less than 24 °F.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L10450 Given a Loss of Coolant condition determine the major mitigating strategies contained in 40EP-9EO03 Reference Id: Q61762 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 5 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

From Bank Distracters B & C are not in of themselves RCP trip criteria.

Distracter A is not a valid post trip RCP trip criteria.



40EP-9EO01, SPTAs K/A Topic Knowledge of the interrelations between the Large Break LOCA and the following: Pumps

5 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 42022AK103 Importance 3.00 3.40 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 at 100 % power
  • Charging Pump selector switch is in the "1-2-3" position
  • PZR level is LOWERING At which of the following Pressurizer levels would you FIRST expect the Standby Charging Pump to be operating due to an auto start?

A. 19%

B. 29%

C. 38%

D. 43%

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L75112 Describe the automatic features associated with the Pressurizer Level Control System operation of the Charging pumps.

Reference Id: Q61101 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 8 (8) Components, capacity, and functions of emergency systems.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Distractors are all incorrect PZR levels that could correspond to the STBY or Normally Running Charging Pump auto start or stop.



40OP-9CH01, CVCS Normal Operations K/A Topic Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to Loss of Reactor Coolant Pump Makeup: Relationship between charging flow and PZR level

6 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 42026AA206 Importance 2.80 3.10 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at 100% power

The logic circuitry is designed to protect the generator stator windings from high temperatures by causing a turbine trip in ____seconds.

A. 50 B. 60 C. 70 D. 90 Answer: C Learning Objective:

L78654 Describe the automatic functions associated with the Stator Cooling System.

Reference Id: L21063 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Distractors A, B, & D are incorrect times.

Answer C is based on giving the operator a chance to restore cooling water by starting the STBY pump from the Control Room.




Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Loss of Component Cooling Water: The length of time after the loss of CCW flow to a component before that component may be damaged.

7 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 42027AA215 Importance 3.70 4.00 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • The plant is operating at 100% power.
  • RCS pressure is 2250 psia.
  • Pressure control channel selector, RCN-HS-100 is positioned to "100X".
  • Pressurizer heater control level trip channel selector, RCN-HS-100-3 is selected to "BOTH".

PZR pressure transmitter "100Y" failing high will result in:

A. all pressurizer heaters energizing.

B. all pressurizer heaters de-energizing.

C. the SBCS valves receiving an auto permissive signal.

D. the SBCS valves receiving an auto modulation signal.

Answer: C Learning Objective:

L75344 Describe the response of the Pressurizer Pressure Control System to a failure of an input transmitter.

Reference Id: Q3412 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Distractors A & B are incorrect. PZR press is selected to the non-affected pressure input therefore this would not affect the PZR heater control circuit.

Distractor D, SBCS will modulate open as designed.



PV Simplified Control & Logic Drawings Direct from bank K/A Topic Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunctions: Actions to be taken if PZR pressure instrument fails high

8 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 41029EA202 Importance 4.20 4.40 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Reactor power at 104% full power and STEADY.
  • Pressurizer pressure at 2390 psia and RISING slowly.
  • Containment pressure is 2.6 psig and RISING.

Based on the current plant parameters, which ONE of the following identifies the correct alarm window that should be lit.

A. "RPS INIT" is in ALARM B. "SPS CH TRIP" is in ALARM C. "VAR OVR PWR CH TRIP" is in ALARM D. "LO SG 1 LVL CH PRE-TRIP" is in ALARM Answer: A Learning Objective:

L77371 Describe the Supplementary Protection System including its function, instrumentation, bases, and setpoint (as described in the Technical Requirements Manual).

Reference Id: Q13734 Difficulty: 5.00 Time to complete: 5 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

Answer A, a RPS trip should have initiated at 2383 psia on "Hi Pzr Press Channel Trip".

Distractor B is NOT correct. The SPS trip alarm of 2414 has not been reached.

Distractor C, the VOPT setpoint has not been reached (110%).

Distractor D, the Low SG level pre-trip at 47.1% WR has not been reached.



Board 5A-alarm panel K/A Topic Ability to determine or interpret the following as they apply to an ATWS: Reactor trip alarm

9 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 41038EA127 Importance 3.80 3.90 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 was at 100% power when a Steam Generator Tube Leak occurs on S/G #1.
  • The plant has performed the operations necessary to minimize the release to the environment per the "Excessive RCS Leakrate" Abnormal Operating Procedure.
  • The Unit is subsequently tripped due to an increase in S/G tube leakage.

Which ONE of the following correctly states the status of the SBCS?

A. SBCS is not available.

B. All SBCS valves are available.

C. Only SBCS valves 1007 & 1008 are available.

D. All SBCS valves except 1007 and 1008 are available.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L11219 Given indications of an RCS break diagnose a SGTR Reference Id: Q61766 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: New Comment:

The guidelines of the AOP would have disabled SBCS valves 1007 and 1008, as these would allow release directly to the environment.



40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive RCS leak rate, Appendix C, Minimize release to the environment.

K/A Topic Ability to operate and monitor the following as they apply to a SGTR: Steam dump valve status lights and indicators

10 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 244 Importance 4.00 4.30 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • The plant is running at 100%
  • The "B" DG is tagged out
  • A loss of the grid occurs
  • A unit trip occurs
  • The "A" DG output breaker does not close due a PBA-S03 fault Which ONE of the following conditions currently exists?

A. Blackout B. LOOP ONLY C. Single bus LOP ONLY D. LOOP and single bus LOP ONLY Answer: A Learning Objective:

L56397 Given conditions of a Blackout identify whether or not entry into the Blackout EOP is appropriate L11790 As the Control Room Supervisor direct the actions of an Operating Crew in the mitigation of a Blackout L61422 Given conditions of a blackout and appropriate reference material describe the mitigation strategy used during a blackout Reference Id: Q14363 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Distractor B, C, & D do not match the definition for blackout condition. (i.e. loss of vital busses PBA-S03, PBB-S04)

Technical reference: 40DP-9AP13, Blackout Tech Guideline K/A Topic Ability to recognize abnormal indications for system operating parameters which are entry-level conditions for emergency and abnormal operating procedures

11 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 2123 Importance 3.90 4.00 Rating:

Given the following conditions:

  • Unit 1 is operating at rated power.
  • PNA-D25 has been de-energized to permit replacement of one of its circuit breakers and is now ready to be returned to service.

As a minimum, which ONE of the following must be performed prior to reenergizing PNA-D25 to prevent a possible reactor trip?

A. Set the CEAC 1 INOP flag in CPC's "B", "C" and "D".

B. Set the CEAC 2 INOP flag in CPC's "B", "C" and "D".

C. Bypass PPS channel "A" CREFAS and FBEVAS parameters.

D. Bypass PPS channel "B" CREFAS and FBEVAS parameters.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L11082 Given a loss of PN describe why it is necessary to bypass all trip bistables for the affected PPS channel Reference Id: Q61781 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

INPO Q# 1431 Last NRC Exam: PV 3/24/1997 Technical


40AO-9ZZ13, Loss of Class Instrument or Control Power, Sect. 4.

K/A Topic Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation

12 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 42065AA206 Importance 3.60 4.20 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at 50% power
  • The crew is experiencing problems controlling feedwater flow.
  • Instrument Air pressure is 40 psig and SLOWLY DECREASING.
  • Letdown Line Isolation valves indicate INTERMEDIATE.

Which ONE of the following actions should be taken?

A. Trip the reactor and go to SPTAs.

B. Align nitrogen supply to the ADVs.

C. Secure service air to non-vital loads.

D. Commence a power reduction to hot shutdown.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L56770 Identify who decides when a reactor trip is required.

Reference Id: Q61783 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

10CFR Category: CFR5541 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating 10CFR5543 5 procedures for the facility.(5) Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Modified Bank Question Comment:

Distractors B, C & D are steps for attempting to survive a slow loss of air pressure which is not true for the given conditions.

Modified from INPO Q# 3216 Technical


40AO-9ZZ06, Loss of Instrument Air, Sect. 3, step 1.

K/A Topic Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Loss of Instrument Air:

When to trip reactor if instrument air pressure is de-creasing

13 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 2 K/A # 42028AK202 Importance 2.60 2.70 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is operating at rated power.
  • Pressurizer LEVEL SETPOINT CONTROL (RCN-LIC-110) is in LOCAL-AUTO set at 52%.
  • The LEVEL CONTROL SELECTOR CHANNEL X/Y switch is selected to Channel Y.
  • A large leak develops on the variable leg of LT-110Y.

You should expect CHANNEL Y indicated level to...

A. increase and pressurizer heaters to energize.

B. decrease and pressurizer heaters to energize.

C. increase and pressurizer heaters to deenergize.

D. decrease and pressurizer heaters to deenergize.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L75122 Describe the response of the Pressurizer Level Control System to a failure of a Pressurizer Level Transmitter.

Reference Id: Q28264 Difficulty: 3.50 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Modified Bank Question Comment:

Level control selected to "Y" causes PLCS to see a low level causing less letdown and an increase in Channel "X" (real) level. Heaters de-energize "seeing" a low level in channel "Y".



PV Simplified Control System Drawings & Logic Diagrams, pg 35 PZR Level Control System Functional Logic Diagram.

Modified from Bank Q# 8691 K/A Topic Knowledge of the interrelations between the Pressurizer Level Control Malfunctions and the following: Sensors and detectors

14 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 2 K/A # 2410 Importance 3.00 3.10 Rating:

A reactor startup is in progress when the high counts per second alarm occurs in the control room. Which ONE of the following best describes the cause of the alarm and the required operator action?

A. Reactor power is at 10 E-4% and the high log power trip should be bypassed.

B. This is an expected alarm at 2000 cps and the Control Channels should be de-energized.

C. Reactor power is increasing too fast and the reactor should be manually tripped before an automatic trip occurs.

D. This is an expected alarm at 2000 cps and the high voltage to the Startup detectors should be de-energized.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L75653 Explain the operation of the Start-Up Channels under normal operating conditions.

Reference Id: Q3733 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

This is a normal alarm that is received on Startup that reminds the operator to denenergize the Startup detectors to preserve their use and to switch to the Control Channels.



40OP-9ZZ03, Reactor Startup, Sect. 2, Step 2.1.

K/A Topic Knowledge of annunciator response procedures

15 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 2 K/A # 42051AA202 Importance 3.90 4.10 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • The Main Generator is presently operating at 380 Mwe.
  • Backpressure is noted to increase to 7.3" HgA on the 'C' shell and INCREASING.

Based on these conditions, the operating crew...

A. must immediately trip the reactor.

B. can continue operating indefinitely.

C. must reduce backpressure to 4" HgA or less in one hour.

D. must reduce backpressure to 5" HgA or less in one hour.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L10016 Given a Main Turbine load and Condenser Backpressure describe the required operator response to changing Main Turbine load and Condenser Backpressure ,if any Reference Id: Q9104 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

10CFR Category: CFR5541 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating 10CFR5543 5 procedures for the facility.(5) Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Answer "A" is the correct procedurally-directed action.

Distractors B, C, & D are procedure actions if the trip criteria had not been acheived already.



40AO-9ZZ07, Loss of Vacuum, Appendix G, Reactor Trip Criteria, Condition 4 K/A Topic Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Loss of Condenser Vacuum: Conditions requiring reactor and/or turbine trip

16 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 2 K/A # 42059AK304 Importance 3.80 4.30 Rating:

The following plant conditions exist:

  • CRS is implementing the SGTR Optimal Recovery Procedure
  • CRS directs minimizing the radioactive release to the environment Which ONE of the following describes why two condensate demins are placed in service?

A. Prevent activity spread to the CST.

B. Prevent contamination of the non-ruptured SG.

C. Minimize spreading of activity to the Auxiliary Boiler.

D. Collect the activity that has been released to the condenser.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L76976 Given a SGTR event the crew will perform required actions of SGTR ORP Reference Id: Q61785 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

10CFR Category: CFR5541 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating 10CFR5541 5 procedures for the facility.(5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Distractor A, B are potential concerns but are unavoidable. Distractor C is not normally an alignment for condensate water.



40DP-9ZZ14, Contaminated Water Management, Section 3.3, Step 3.3.1.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Accidental Liquid Radwaste Release: Actions contained in EOP for accidental liquid radioactive-waste release

17 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 2 K/A # 44A16AK12 Importance 3.00 3.40 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • 3 charging pumps are operating.
  • Seal injection flow is 24 gpm.
  • Seal bleed off flow is 9.4 gpm (total).
  • Letdown flow has been ISOLATED.
  • RCS temperature is STABLE.
  • RU-142 (all channels) are in alarm.
  • RU-139 (SG #1) is in alarm.

Based on these conditions, the operating crew is required to:

A. isolate seal bleedoff.

B. trip the reactor immediately.

C. commence a plant shutdown.

D. trip the reactor if leakrate increases by 10 gpm.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L10169 Given indications of RCS or a Steam Generator Tube Leak, describe the basic procedure methodology, including Reactor Trip is thresholds, Reference Id: Q61789 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

10CFR Category: CFR5541 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating 10CFR5543 5 procedures for the facility.(5) Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Modified Bank Question Comment:

Other Distractors are procedurally correct, however the most limiting condition is to trip the Rx due to excessive leak rate above makeup capability.

Modified from Bank Q# 8817.

Techinical Referece: 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive RCS leakrate, Sect. 3, step 3.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the (Excess RCS Leakage) Normal, abnormal and emergency operating procedures associated with (Excess RCS Leakage).

18 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 34003K201 Importance 3.10 3.10 Rating:

A loss of which ONE of the following power supplies will result in the de-energization of the reactor coolant pumps?

A. Class 4.16 KV B. Class 13.8 KV C. Non-Class 13.8 KV D. Non-Class 4.16 KV Answer: C Learning Objective:

L67246 Explain the operation of the Reactor Coolant Pumps under normal operating conditions.

Reference Id: Q7260 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 1 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

RCPs are powered from the 13.8 KV non-vital busses.



40AO-9ZZ12, Degraded Electrical Power, Section 18.0, Loss of NAN-S01.

K/A Topic Knowledge of bus power supplies to the following: RCPS

19 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 31004A302 Importance 3.60 3.60 Rating:

Which ONE of the following valves will go closed when the temperature out of the Regenerative Heat Exchanger reaches 450 °F?

A. Letdown control valves LV-11OP & Q.

B. Outside containment letdown isolation valve UV-523.

C. Upstream containment letdown isolation valve UV-515.

D. Downstream containment letdown isolation valve UV-516.

Answer: C Learning Objective:

L65886 Describe automatic functions associated with the Letdown Isolation valves to include the following:

  • Letdown Line to Regen Heat Exch Valve (CHB-UV-515)
  • Letdown Line to Regen Heat Exch Contianment Isolation Valve (CHA-UV-516)
  • Regen Heat Exch to Letdown Heat Exch Containment Isolation Valve (CHB-UV-523)

Reference Id: Q7431 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

The Upstream Isolation Valve UV-515 goes closed on high regenerative heat exchanger outlet temp.

The Downstream Isolation Valve UV-516 goes closed on a SIAS or CIAS signal.

The Letdown Isolation Valve UV-523 goes closed on Low NC flow to the letdown heat exchanger or a CIAS signal.

The Letdown Control Valves do not respond to these signals.



40AO-9ZZ05, Loss of Letdown, Appendix E, Supplementary Information.

K/A Topic Ability to monitor automatic operation of the CVCS, including: Letdown isolation

20 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 31004K617 Importance 4.40 4.60 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Plant conditions require boration.
  • RCS pressure is 2230 psia.
  • RWT level is 65%.

Which ONE of the following Charging Pump alignments is available for boration given the above conditions?

A. Suction to the RWT through CHE-UV-536.

B. Alternate suction to the RWT through CH-V327.

C. Suction to the RWT through CHN-UV-514, ensuring a BAMP pump is operating.

D. Suction to the RWT through CHN-UV-514, ensuring the Boric Acid Makeup filter is bypassed.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L58916 Given plant conditions choose which emergency boration flowpath would be selected Reference Id: Q61790 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Distractors A, C, & D are not viable flow paths if RWT level is below 73%.



40AO-9ZZ01, Emergency Boration, Sect. 4.0, step 2.1, Appendix B, step 5.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the effect of a loss or malfunction on the following CVCS components: Flow paths for emergency boration

21 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 33006A202 Importance 3.90 4.30 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Tcold 150°F.
  • Pressurizer manway is off.
  • No equipment is out of service.

In accordance with the procedure, which ONE of the following pump(s) should be used for makeup to the RCS?

A. CS B. CH C. HPSI D. LPSI Answer: C Learning Objective:

L56270 Given the LMFRP is being performed, the RATs, and specific plant conditions determine which success paths should be chosen Reference Id: Q61792 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 5 10CFR Category: CFR5541 5 (5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

The HPSI pump is the only SI pump that is capable of providing at least 100 gpm to each Cold leg. Unless the alignment path is changed to CS. This would not be in accordance with the LMFRP.



LMFRP K/A Topic Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the ECCS; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Loss of flow path

22 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 33010A401 Importance 3.70 3.50 Rating:

Which ONE of the following identifies the relationship between the PPCS Master Controller and the PPCS spray valve controller?

As the PPCS master controller output ramps from _______ output, the spray valve controller output ramps from 0% to100%.

A. 0% to 50.5%

B. 0% to 100%

C. 33.5% to 50%

D. 50% to 78%

Answer: C Learning Objective:

L75245 Describe the Control Room controls associated with the Pressurizer Spray Valve Controller including it's indications.

Reference Id: Q3109 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

The master controller sends a 33.5 to 50% output signal to the spray valve controller.



PV Simplified Control System and Logic Diagrams Drawings, pg. 34.

PPCS STM/Volume 43, pg.7.

K/A Topic Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: PZR spray valve

23 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 37012K501 Importance 3.30 3.80 Rating:

Which ONE of the following could cause the CPC calculated value of DNBR to INCREASE?

A. Grid frequency decreases slightly.

B. Pressurizer pressure increases by 15 psi.

C. Reg Group 5 rods are withdrawn 10" to the ARO position.

D. Power is increased by dilution with rods remaining at the ARO position.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L78284 Explain how DNBR is calculated in the Core Protection Calculators.

Reference Id: Q61793 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 5 10CFR Category: CFR5541 5 (5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

DNBR=Heat Flux to cause DNB / Actual Heat Flux Pressurizer Pressure signal inputs directly into this calculation. If pressure goes up, DNBR goes up.

The other conditions listed do not cause a direct affect on calculated DNBR.



72OP-9SB02, CPC/CEAC Operations K/A Topic Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as the apply to the RPS: DNB

24 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 2420 Importance 3.30 4.00 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Pressurizer level is 20% and STEADY.
  • Pressurizer Pressure is 1810 psia and SLOWLY DECREASING.
  • RCS Subcooling indicates 30°F.
  • Containment pressure is 2 psig.
  • SG #1 pressure is 1,040 psia and STABLE.
  • SG #2 pressure is 1,040 psia and STABLE.
  • SG #1 level is 80% WR.
  • SG #2 level is 80% WR.
  • Containment temperature is 171°F and INCREASING.
  • Containment humidity is 42% and INCREASING.
  • Containment sump level is 22 inches.
  • Containment radiation alarms are present on the Radiation Monitoring System.
  • All ESFAS Actuations required have occurred.

Based on the above given conditions, the Primary Operator should...

A. throttle Safety Injection, all throttle criteria are met.

B. NOT throttle Safety Injection, SG level criteria is NOT met.

C. NOT throttle Safety Injection, RCS subcooling criteria is not met for "harsh conditions".

D. NOT throttle Safety Injection, Pressurizer level criteria is not met for "harsh conditions".

Answer: C Learning Objective:

64439 Describe the use of cautions and notes in the EOPs.

Reference Id: Q61795 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

Answer C is the only correct answer since the only "Harsh Condition" value exceeded impacts subcooling.



40DP-9AP08, LOCA Tech Guideline, Sect. 7.0 pg.13.

Standard appendix 2, SI Throttle Criteria, page 3 of 3 to be provided during examination.

K/A Topic Knowledge of operational implications of EOP warnings, cautions, and notes

25 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 32013K601 Importance 2.70 3.10 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is operating in Mode 5 with SDC in service.
  • The 'A' LPSI pump is operating.
  • Due to a RWT level instrument failure, an inadvertent Train 'A' RAS occurs.

Based on these conditions, what actions, if any, are necessary to maintain and/or restore the plant to a stable condition?

A. No actions should be necessary, since the RAS is only Train 'A'.

B. OVERRIDE and START the 'A' LPSI pump and restore SDC to service.

C. OVERRIDE and OPEN the LPSI injection valves to restore SDC to service.

D. OVERRIDE and OPEN the minimum recirc valves to restore minimum flow protection for the 'A' LPSI pump.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L77169 Describe what will automatically initiate a Recirculation Actuation Signal (RAS) and its function.

Reference Id: Q61796 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

A RAS Train 'A' signal will trip the 'A' LPSI Pump. It will have to be overriden and restarted to restore SDC flow.



40AO-9ZZ17, Inadvertent PPS-ESFAS Actuations, Section 7.0 RAS, step 2.c.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the effect of a loss or malfunction on the following will have on the ESFAS:

Sensors and detectors

26 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 35022K302 Importance 3.00 3.30 Rating:

Given the following plant condition:

  • A "Loss of Cooling Water" AOP has been entered due to a loss of NCW pumps.
  • A small break LOCA subsequently occurs.
  • The CRS has declared "harsh" containment conditions.

Which ONE of the following describes the impact on plant instrumentation and crew response?

These conditions adversely impact the accuracy of ...

A. instruments whose transmitters are located inside containment and the operators should use the values in brackets.

B. instruments whose transmitters are located inside containment and the operators should use the values NOT in brackets.

C. the Presurrizer level instruments only, whose transmitters are located inside containment and the operators should use the values in brackets.

D. the Steam Generator Level instruments only, whose transmitters are located inside containment and the operators should use the values NOT in brackets.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L10469 Given conditions of a LOCA or ESD and containment parameters describe how the containment is cooled Reference Id: Q61797 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

This condition affects all transmitters located inside containment and is referenced by procedures through the use of brackets around key parameters.



40DP-9AP08, LOCA Tech Guideline, Section 7.0 Note preceding step 1.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the CCS will have on the following:

Containment instrumentation reading

27 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 35026A102 Importance 3.60 3.90 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 has experienced a large break LOCA
  • Containment temperature is 270°F and INCREASING slowly
  • Containment pressure is 7 psig and INCREASING slowly
  • 4.16 KV Class PBB-S04 has a 86 lockout present due to a ground.
  • The CRS enters the LOCA EOP and determines that the Safety Function for "Containment Temperature and Pressure Control" is NOT met.

Which ONE of the following is correct regarding the loss of "Containment Temperature and Pressure Control" Safety Function and the action that is required?

The Containment Temperature and Pressure Control Safety Function, CTPC-1 for the use of the Containment Fans is NOT being met due to...

A. high Containment Pressure, Containment Spray header flow should be increased to greater than 3750 gpm to enable CTPC-2 for Containment Spray to be met.

B. high Containment Pressure, Containment Spray header flow should be increased to greater than 4350 gpm to enable CTPC-2 for Containment Spray to be met.

C. high Containment Temperature, Containment Spray header flow should be increased to greater than 4350 gpm to enable CTPC-2 for Containment Spray to be met.

D. high Containment Temperature, Containment Spray header flow should be increased to greater than 3750 gpm to enable CTPC-2 for Containment Spray to be met.

Answer: C Learning Objective:

L11217 Given conditions of LOCA or ESD analyze Containment Temperature and Pressure Control to determine if the SFSC acceptance criteria is satisfied Reference Id: Q61801 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 5 (5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

CTPC-1 is not being met due to Containment Temperature being to high.

CTPC-2 will be met if Spray Header Flow is increased to 4350 gpm.



40EP-9EO09, Functional Recovery, pg. 21 CTPC Safety Function criteria.

K/A Topic Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with operating the CSS controls including: Containment temperature

28 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 35026K101 Importance 4.20 4.20 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • A Design basis (LOCA) Loss of Coolant Accident occurred 90 minutes ago.
  • All safety injection systems have operated as designed.

Which ONE of the following is the suction source for the Containment Spray pump?

A. Recirculation sump ONLY B. Refueling Water Tank ONLY C. Recirculation Sump and RWT D. Spent Fuel Pool and Recirculation Sump Answer: A Learning Objective:

L65084 Describe the design basis associated with SI system Reference Id: Q61803 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 5 10CFR Category: CFR5541 2 (2) General design features of the core, including core structure, fuel elements, control rods, core instrumentation, and coolant flow.

10CFR Category: CFR5541 (2) General design features of the core, including core structure, fuel 2CFR5541 9 elements, control rods, core instrumentation, and coolant flow.(9)

Shielding, isolation, and containment design features, including access limitations.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

The RWT is functionally designed to provide ~20 minutes of water during DBA LOCA scenario. A RAS signal will generate on low RWT level and the operators will assure that the only source of water at this point is recirc from the containment sump.



40DP-9AP08, LOCA Tech Guideline, Instruction step 50.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the CSS and the following systems: ECCS

29 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 34039A302 Importance 3.10 3.50 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Reactor has tripped from 100% power.
  • Pressurizer level is 10% and DROPPING.
  • Steam generator levels DECREASED to 36% wide range (they were never lower) and are now INCREASING.
  • AFB-P01 is feeding both SGs.
  • Containment pressure is 7.4 psig and RISING.
  • Safety Injection and Containment Isolation actuations have occurred.

Which ONE of the following states the additional engineered safety features actuation(s) present assuming all systems functioned as designed?

A. Main Steam Isolation.

B. Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation.

C. Containment Spray Actuation and Main Steam Isolation.

D. Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation and Containment Spray Actuation.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L76810 List the parameters and setpoints that will cause PPS actuation.

Reference Id: Q14667 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 5 (5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

The High Containment Press MSIS setpoint is reached at > 3 psig.

AFAS does not occur until < 25% WR.

Containment Press must be > 8.5 psig for CSAS.



41AL-1RK5B; AFAS, CSAS, & MSIS window alarms.

K/A Topic Ability to monitor automatic operation of the MRSS, including: Isolation of the MRSS

30 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 34059K304 Importance 3.60 3.80 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 has tripped from 100% power.

Which ONE of the following describes the plant response to continued Dryout conditions in both steam generators?

A. RCS temperature and pressure will decrease, Safety Injection will actuate.

B. RCS temperature and pressure will increase, Pressurizer Safety Valves will lift.

C. Steam Generator temperature and pressure will increase, Steam Generator Safety Valves will lift.

D. Steam Generator pressure will increase and temperature will decrease. Steam Generator Safety Valves will NOT lift.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L10495 Given conditions of LOAF determine the RCS response (temperature and pressure) as Steam Generator dryout occurs Reference Id: Q61807 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Dryout conditions in the SG will cause RCS temperature to increase due to loss of its heat sink. This will cause a corresponding increase in RCS pressure and could therefore cause primary safeties to lift.

SG pressure can not increase if no water is present in the associated SG.



40DP-9AP11, LOAF Tech Guideline, Section 3.0, step 3.1.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the MFW will have on the following:


31 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 34059K402 Importance 3.30 3.50 Rating:

What setpoints and coincidence is required for a Reactor Power Cutback to occur on a loss of feedpump event? (Plant power was raised in accordance with the plant procedures)

A. Reactor power is increased to 78% with one control oil pressure switch on either feedpump less than 75 psig.

B. Reactor power is increased to 55% with one control oil pressure switch on both feedpumps less than 55 psig.

C. Reactor power is increased to 78% with two control oil pressure switches on one feedpump less than 75 psig.

D. Reactor power is increased to 55% with two control oil pressure switches on both feedpumps less than 55 psig.

Answer: C Learning Objective:

L24484 Describe the automatic initiation of a RPCB to include the following:

  • Large Load Reject Reference Id: Q2618 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Two control oil pressure switches provide the necessary input to each feedpump to cause a feedpump trip. By procedure, the operator manually selects the RPCB subgroups at 74%

power. If he did not do this, only a setback would occur. The rods would not drop.



42AL-2RK6A, FWPT A Trip Alarm Response.

PV Simplified Control System and Logic Diagram Drawing, Reactor Power Cutback Simplified Drawing, pg.59 K/A Topic Knowledge of MFW design feature(s) and/or interlock(s), which provide for the following:

Automatic turbine/reactor trip runback

32 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 34061K414 Importance 3.50 3.70 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • S/G #2 Level 26% WR.
  • S/G #1 Pressure 900 psia.
  • S/G #2 Pressure 1110 psia.

If both S/G Levels DECREASED to < 25% WR, which ONE of the following statements would be correct?

Auxiliary feed would automatically feed...

A. only S/G #1.

B. only S/G #2.

C. both S/Gs because of low S/G levels.

D. only S/G #1 until S/G #2 pressure equals 950 psia, then both.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

78319 Describe the System Response to a Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation Signal.

Reference Id: Q13038 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 5 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Only the higher press SG will be fed under an AFAS condition. This will ensure a faulted SG is not fed.



42AL-2RK5B, SG 2 > SG 1 PRESS CH TRIP Alarm Response, pg.


K/A Topic Knowledge of AFW design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following:

AFW automatic isolation

33 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 36062K201 Importance 3.30 3.40 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is operating at normal operating pressure and temperature.
  • The Normal Supply Breaker to PBA-S03L trips OPEN due to a breaker failure (86 lockout present).

Which ONE of the following components is NOT available due to plant configuration?

A. Normal Chiller 'A' B. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 'A' C. Battery Room 'A' Normal Exhaust Fan D. Containment Pre-Access Air Filtration Unit 'A' Answer: A Learning Objective:

L74463 Explain the operation of Switchgear PBA-S03 and PBB-S04 under normal operating conditions.

Reference Id: Q61808 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

From INPO Bank Q# 13912 Last NRC Exam: PV 11/18/96 Technical


40AO-9ZZ12, Degraded Electrical Power, PBA-S03 Loads, pg. 37.

K/A Topic Knowledge of bus power supplies to the following: Major system loads

34 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 36063A101 Importance 2.50 3.30 Rating:

On loss of station AC power, the PK system will provide at least _______ hours of 125 VDC power to its connected loads.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 8 Answer: B Learning Objective:

L74194 Discuss the purpose and conditions under which the 125 VDC Class IE Power System is designed to function.

Reference Id: Q19026 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 5 (5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

The class 1E station batteries have adequate capacity to supply and maintain a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> service capability.



32ST-9PK03, 18 Month ST of Station Batteries, Sect. 1.0 Objectives, pg. 3.

K/A Topic Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the DC electrical system controls including: Battery capacity as it is affected by discharge rate

35 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 36064K402 Importance 3.90 4.20 Rating:

The Diesel Generator is running in EMERGENCY MODE after a loss of power (LOP). What trips are enabled to protect the Diesel Generator?

A. Low lube oil pressure, overspeed, generator differential.

B. Excess engine vibration, low lube oil pressure, overspeed.

C. Overspeed, reverse power, turbocharger low lube oil pressure.

D. Main bearing high temperature, turbocharger bearing failure, generator differential.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L75068 List and Describe the Emergency Mode Shutdowns associated with the Diesel Generators.

Reference Id: Q10613 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Only Answer A contains all items that are able to trip the DG when operating in the Emergency Mode.



41AL-1RK1Z, DG A High Priority Trouble alarm.

K/A Topic Knowledge of ED/G system design feature(s) and/or inter-lock(s), which provide for the following: Trips for ED/G while operating (normal or emergency)

36 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 42056AK301 Importance 3.50 3.90 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • A LOCA occurs on Unit 3 at 100% power.
  • A Loss of Offsite Power subsequently occurs.
  • The 'A' Diesel Generator starts and connects to its respective bus.
  • The BOP-ESFAS sequencer only functions in the "LOP-only" mode (MODE 3).

Which ONE of the following describes a legitimate concern for this situation?

A. The HPSI loop injection valves must be opened before starting the 'A' HPSI pump.

B. The 'A' Spray Pond pump must be started manually to support Diesel Generator operation.

C. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump AFN-P01 will start automatically and overload the bus if an AFAS is received.

D. Loads should be started with sufficient time delay between them to prevent overloading the diesel generator.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

65061 Explain how the Load Sequencer changes between the different modes of operation.

Reference Id: Q61811 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 4 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

INPO Bank Q# 1493 Last NRC Exam: PV 03/24/1997 Technical


40OP-9SA01, BOP/ESFAS Modules Operation K/A Topic Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Loss of Offsite Power: Order and time to initiation of power for the load sequencer

37 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 35007K101 Importance 2.90 3.10 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
  • REAC DRN LOOP TRBL Alarm is lit on B03.
  • RDT Level is 53%.
  • An overpressure condition subsequently occurs that causes the Pressurizer Safety to lift and stick open.
  • REAC DRN TK PRESS HI alarm is received on B03.

Which ONE of the following completes the description of the Reactor Drain Tank System operation under this condition?

A. The RDT will release its contents to Containment.

B. The RDT is automatically vented to the Gaseous Radwaste System.

C. Containment Pressure or Temperature will NOT INCREASE until the RDT is manually vented to Containment.

D. The RDT can NOT be manually vented to the Containment. Containment Pressure or Temperature will NOT INCREASE.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L68040 Explain the operation of the Reactor Drain Tank (CHN-X02) under normal operating conditions.

Reference Id: Q61812 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 2 (2) General design features of the core, including core structure, fuel elements, control rods, core instrumentation, and coolant flow.

10CFR Category: CFR5541 (2) General design features of the core, including core structure, fuel 2CFR5541 9 elements, control rods, core instrumentation, and coolant flow.(9)

Shielding, isolation, and containment design features, including access limitations.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

The RDT isolation valves automatically shut at 10 psig increasing pressure and can not be manually overridden to vent at that point. A 20" rupture disc set at 120 psid protects the RDT from stuck open PZR safety valve and relieves to containment. The tank can be manually vented if press is >10 psig to containment through PASS. However, this does not have enough capacity to handle a stuck open PZR safety.



40AL-9RK3A, RDT Press High Alarm Response.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the PRTS and the following systems: Containment system

38 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 38008A102 Importance 2.90 3.10 Rating:

Given the following plant conditons:

  • Unit 3 is operating at 100% power.
  • Air Temperature is 115 degrees.
  • Circulating Water Temperature has risen 20 degress over the last 8 hrs.

Which ONE of the following describes the method by which the plant is assured that the Turbine Cooling Water System maintains the Turbine Cooling Water System temperatures within specification?

A. The Plant Cooling Water Pump discharge valve is throttled.

B. The Standby Turbine Cooling Water pump automatically starts.

C. The Plant Cooling Water Heat Exchanger outlet valve is throttled.

D. The Turbine Cooling Water Heat Exchanger outlet and bypass valves are manually adjusted.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

82259 Explain the operation of the TC Water Heat Exchangers under normal operating conditions Reference Id: Q7628 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 5 (5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Distractor A & C are incorrect, these valves are not throttled to control TC water loads.

Distractor B is incorrect, the STBY TC Pump will not auto start to control temperature.



41OP-XTC01 (X is the associated unit number), step

K/A Topic Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with operating the CCWS controls including: CCW temperature

39 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 37073K503 Importance 2.90 3.40 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
  • An ALERT/HIGH alarm is received on RU-155D RCS LETDOWN monitor.

Assuming that the alarm is valid, high radiation levels could exist in all the following areas EXCEPT the:

A. 'B' HPSI Pump Room B. Deboration Ion Exchanger Room C. Volume Control Tank (VCT) Room D. West Mechanical Penetration Room Answer: A Learning Objective:

66723 Given a Radiation Monitor number and name describe the purposes and sample points of the Radiation Monitors at PVNGS Reference Id: Q61813 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 5 (5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Modified Bank Question Comment:

All of these areas except HPSI Pump Room 'B' contain letdown flow paths that would be directly impacted by high rad levels. HPSI pump room does not contain any letdown flowpaths and would be adequately shielded to protect workers.

Modified from INPO Q# 1348.



74RM-9EF41, Radiation Monitoring System Alarm Response, pg 54

& 73.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the operational implications as they apply to concepts as they apply to the PRM system: Relationship between radiation intensity and exposure limits

40 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 34076A401 Importance 2.90 2.90 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit is at 100% power.
  • TCW pump TCN-P01A is in service.
  • A Loss of 4.16KV bus E-NBN-S01 occurs.

Which ONE of the following describes how this affects the Turbine Cooling Water System?

A. The Control Room operator must manually start TCN-P01B.

B. No affect, since TCN-P01A is powered from 4.16KV bus NBN-S02.

C. TCN-P01B will auto start when discharge pressure decreases to 55 psig.

D. TCN-P01A is load shed, then sequenced back on when the DG picks up the bus.

Answer: C Learning Objective:

N59765 State the power supplies to the Turbine Cooling Water pump motors.

L74172 Describe the automatic start feature associated with the Turbine Cooling Water Pumps.

82258 Explain the operation of the Turbine Cooling Water pumps under normal operating conditions Reference Id: Q3820 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Answer C is correct, the STBY Pump will auto start on low hdr press of 55 psig if power is available.

Distractor B is incorrect, TCN-P01A is powered from NBN-S01.

Distractor D is incorrect, the pumps are not load shed but time delayed to restart if power is lost to both pumps and subsequently restored.



41AL-1RK7A, TCW HDR PRESS HI-LO, pg. 105.

K/A Topic Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: SWS pumps

41 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 34076K105 Importance 3.80 4.00 Rating:

Which ONE of the following provides cooling to the Emergency Diesel Generator turbochargers?

A. Spray Pond Water B. Essential Chill Water C. Nuclear Cooling Water D. Essential Cooling Water Answer: A Learning Objective:

L65124 Describe how the SP System supports the operation of the following systems:

  • Essential Cooling Water System (EW)
  • Diesel Generator System (DG)
  • Nuclear Cooling Water (NC) 67255 Describe the interface between the Spray Pond system and its support/supported systems.

67255 Describe the interface between the Spray Pond system and its support/supported systems.

Reference Id: Q15906 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 1 10CFR Category: CFR5541 8 (8) Components, capacity, and functions of emergency systems.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

While all of the listed system provide cooling medium to various heat loads throughout the plant, only the Spray Pond Water system provides cooling to the DG turgochargers.



40OP-9DG01, Emergency Diesel Generator A, Section 3.7 Shutdowns pg. 8.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause- effect relationships between the SWS and the following systems: D/G

42 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 38078A301 Importance 3.10 3.20 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Offsite power has been lost.
  • A valid alarm is received on alarm window 7B01B, "INST AIR HDR PRESS LO".
  • Instrument air header pressure is 89 psig and dropping.

Which ONE of the following describes the next expected plant response?

A. Pressurizer main spray valves fail closed.

B. Letdown containment isolation valves fail closed.

C. Nitrogen backup valve opens to maintain header pressure.

D. Reactor Coolant Pump seal injection control valves fail open.

Answer: C Learning Objective:

L76596 Describe the automatic functions associated with the Instrument Air System.

Reference Id: Q61814 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Nitrogen Backup valve opens at 85 psing decreasing.

INPO Bank Q# 1478 Last NRC Exam: PV Exam 3/24/97 Technical



K/A Topic Ability to monitor automatic operation of the IAS, including: Air Pressure

43 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 31001K502 Importance 2.90 3.40 Rating:

A control rod (CEA) is withdrawn from a fully inserted position to the center of the core, its Differential worth will:

A. increase because poison concentration decreases as the control rod approaches core center.

B. increase because relative neutron flux increases as the control rod (CEA) approaches core center.

C. decreases because the fuel concentration decreases at the center of the core due to high burnup in that region.

D. decrease because moderator density decreases, causing more neutron leakage as the control rod approaches core center.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

6192005K105 Define control rod worth, differential control rod worth, and integral control rod worth.

Reference Id: Q16187 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 1 10CFR Category: CFR5541 5 (5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Differential Rod Worth (DRW) - Reactivity worth per unit change in rod position. As the rod approaches the center of the core it will enter a region of higher neutron flux and therefore its reactivity worth per unit change in rod position will increase.



Reactor Theory Fundamentals K/A Topic Knowledge of the following operational implications as they apply to the CRDS: Definitions of differential rod worth and integral rod worth; their applications

44 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 2311 Importance 2.70 3.20 Rating:

The control room operators are responding to a Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR). In order to cool down the RCS for SG maintenance the operators dump steam to the condenser using the intact SG. This method of RCS cooldown is preferred over dumping steam through the intact SG's ADVs because it minimizes....

A. radiological releases.

B. RCS subcooling requirements.

C. shrink experienced by the RCS.

D. thermal shock to the reactor vessel.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L11239 Given the SGTR EOP is being performed and a cooldown to less than 550°F is required describe how and at what rate the cooldown will be performed Reference Id: Q61817 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 13 (12) Radiological safety principles and procedures.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

The main reason for performing the RCS cooldown to the main condenser if available is to minimize the offsite release potential.

The other distractors are potentially valid items to note but are not design bases factors.

INPO Bank Q# 20936 Technical


40DP-9AP09, SG Tube Rupture Tech Guideline, Instruction Step 9, pg. 17.

K/A Topic Ability to control radiation releases

45 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 34002A403 Importance 4.30 4.40 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • RCS temperature is 535°F.
  • RCS pressure is 1050 psia.
  • All Four RCPs are operating.
  • Containment is HARSH.

With respect to the RCPs, the CRS should direct which ONE of the following and why?

A. Trip all 4 RCPs to establish single phase natural circulation conditions.

B. Trip all 4 of the RCPs to mitigate the effects of saturated conditions in the RCS.

C. Leave all 4 RCPs running to help prevent an uncontrolled cooldown from occurring.

D. Trip 2 of the RCPs in opposite loops as part of the trip 2 leave 2 strategy for a SIAS condition.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L56480 Given a copy of the P/T curves explain the purpose and bases of the LOWER SUBCOOLING LIMIT CURVE (Minimum Subcooled).

Reference Id: Q61820 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

The conditions given indicate a loss of subcooling (i.e. saturated conditions) and therefore all 4 RCPs should be tripped.

Distractor A is incorrect, the RCPs are NOTstopped to establish single phase NC but NC will be established following the RCP pump trip.

Distractor C is incorrect, the pumps should not be left running.

Distractor D is incorrect, the plant is beyond the Trip 2, Leave 2 strategy at this point.

Need Appendix 2 Curves available as handout.



40DP-9AP17, Standard Appendices Tech Guideline, Appendix 2, Figures, Lower Subcooling Limit Curve Basis.

K/A Topic Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Indications and controls necessary to recognize and correct saturation conditions

46 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 011G2132 Importance 3.40 3.80 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • A small feedline break inside containment has resulted in containment temperature increasing from 100 °F to 160 °F.

Which ONE of the following describes how and why the increase in containment temperature will affect the indicated pressurizer level?

A. Indicated level will be HIGHER than actual level because the reference leg fluid density decreases.

B. Indicated level will be LOWER than actual level because the reference leg fluid density decreases.

C. Indicated level will be HIGHER than actual level because the elevated containment temperature causes flashing in the reference leg.

D. Indicated level will be LOWER than actual level because the elevated containment temperature causes flashing in the reference leg.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L75087 Describe the function of the Pzr Level Transmitters input to the Pressurizer Level Control System Reference Id: Q61821 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

INPO Bank Q# 2578 Technical


PLCS STM, Volume 42, pg 6 & 7.

K/A Topic Ability to explain and apply all system limits and precautions

47 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 38034A102 Importance 2.90 3.70 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 2 is Mode 6
  • Preparations for lifting the Upper Guide Structure (UGS) are being made
  • The Fuel transfer tube quick closure device and PCN-V118 are OPEN
  • Refuel Pool level is 131' 9"
  • Fuel Canal level is 131' 8" and SLOWLY LOWERING In accordance with the procedure, which ONE of the following states the correct control room guidance for this condition?

A. Proceed with direction to raise the UGS.

B. Close PCN-V118, Fuel Transfer Tube Isolation.

C. Raise Fuel Canal Level to match Refuel Pool Level.

D. Lower Spent Fuel Pool Level to match Fuel Canal Level.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L97324 State the requirements for RV water level during refueling.

Reference Id: Q61824 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 5 (5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

The UGS lift can not proceed with these conditions. IAW the "Outage GOP", PCN-V118 and the quick closure device can not both be opened unless water level is >131 ft., 10 in.



40OP-9ZZ23 App. W step 31.

40OP-9ZZ23 step 11.19 K/A Topic Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with Fuel Handling System operating the controls including: Water level in the Refueling canal

48 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 2111 Importance 3.00 3.80 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is operating at 80% power.
  • Engineering informs the operating crew that there is a problem with Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker (RTCB) #1 which will impact its ability to open.

Based on these conditions, the operating crew is required by Tech Specs to open...

A. RTCB #1 OR #3 immediately.

B. RTCB #1 OR #3 within one hour.

C. RTCB #1 AND #3 immediately.

D. RTCB #1 AND #3 within one hour.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L89772 Given a set of plant conditions apply the one hour or less actions statements of T.S. 3.3 Reference Id: Q28235 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5543 2 (2) Facility operating limitations in the technical specifications and their bases.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

T.S. 3.3.4 gives the option of opening the affected RTCB or the other one in that train within 1 hr.



T.S. 3.3.4 Action B, Required Action and Completion Time.

K/A Topic Knowledge of less than one hour technical specification action statements for systems

49 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 38086K503 Importance 3.10 3.40 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • A fire has been detected in Fire Zone - 42A "Train A (Channel C) Electrical Penetration Room on the 100' of the Auxiliary Bldg.
  • The fire brigade team is in the area and is currently fighting a major electrical fire with water spray.

Which ONE of the following operational considerations describes how the plant protects the electrical loads supplied from this area?

A. The control room shuts down equipment in this Fire Analysis Area and in the two adjacent areas.

B. The control room orders all safe shutdown equipment in this Fire Analysis Area immedately deenergized.

C. The Fire Brigade Leader orders all impacted safe shutdown equipment in this Fire Analysis Area deenergized.

D. The control room reviews loads supplied from this room and deenergizes potentially affected equipment as necessary.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L75388 Describe the Cardox Sub-system of the Fire Protection System.

Reference Id: Q61826 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5543 5 (5) Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

There are no all inclusive actions in the 40DP-9ZZ19 for a fire. It it based on CRS review of loads in the area.



40DP-9ZZ19, Operational Consideration due to a Plant Fire, Introduction, pg. 2.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the operational implication of the following concepts as they apply to the Fire Protection System: Effect of water spray on electrical components

50 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 221 Importance 3.70 3.60 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • A reactor startup is in progress after a two week mid-cycle outage.
  • The ECC has the following data:

ECRP -500 pcm......... Group 3 at 90 inches ECRP......................... Group 4 at 74 inches ECRP +500 pcm........ All Rods Out

  • Criticality is achieved and verified with Group 3 at 70 inches withdrawn.

What is the required operator response?

A. Trip the reactor and emergency borate.

B. Insert regulating group rods to their lower group stop.

C. Insert regulating group rods to their lower group stop and emergency borate.

D. Insert rods as necessary to hold at the current power level and take critical data.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L11018 From memory describe the required actions if criticality is achieved below the ECRP - 500 pcm position but above the PDILs Reference Id: Q61828 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Criticality is achieved before the ECRP -500 position, but above the PDILs. Therefore, IAW the Startup procedure the reg group rods need to be inserted to their lower stop. The other distractor choices are based on different rod position relative to the ECRP or plant configuration.



40OP-9ZZ03, Reactor Startup, Appendix C - Early Criticality Response, Step 1.2.

K/A Topic Ability to perform pre-startup procedures for the facility, including operating those controls associated with plant equipment that could affect reactivity

51 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 2212 Importance 3.00 3.40 Rating:

For a Surveillance Test that was aborted, the...

A. paperwork can be immediately discarded.

B. acceptance review will be completed, noting that the ST is incomplete.

C. acceptance review will be completed only after the complete performance of the ST.

D. paperwork is maintained, however, the acceptance review is not required to be performed.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L10517 Given that an ST is being performed and is aborted describe what must be done when an ST is aborted Reference Id: Q10019 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Aborted ST criteria from memory. A normal acceptance review will be completed noting that the ST is incomplete.



73DP-9ZZ14, Surveillance Testing, Step, Aborted ST.

K/A Topic Knowledge of surveillance procedures

52 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 033G2230 Importance 3.50 3.30 Rating:

Which ONE of the following is true regarding Spent Fuel Pool Cooling as related to Control Room Board or Recorder indications?

A. Spent fuel pool levels are available.

B. Spent fuel cooling flow is available.

C. Spent fuel pool temperature is available.

D. Pump bearing temperatures and alarms are available.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L77410 Describe the Control Room indications associated with the PC system.

Reference Id: Q28587 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Alarms for Distractors A, B, & C are provided in the control room but no direct readings are available. The spent fuel pool level can be monitored visually from a remote camera but not on the CR Board. The only one listed that has applicability is the PC pump alarms located on Board 7B.




K/A Topic Knowledge of RO duties in the control room during fuel handling such as alarms from fuel handling area, communication with fuel storage facility, systems operated from the control room in support of fueling operations, and supporting instrumentation

53 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 2230 Importance 3.50 3.30 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 2 is Mode 6
  • Fuel movement is in progress from Containment to the Fuel Building
  • A valid Low Fuel Pool Gate Seal Air System Pressure Alarm is annunciated on B07
  • The Auxiliary Operator reports that the Cask Loading Pit Gate Seal pressure is reading 30 psig Which ONE of the following is the correct communication and guidance for this condition?

A. Inform the LSRO of the potential for loss of Spent Fuel Pool Level and enter 40AO-9ZZ06, Loss of Instrument Air.

B. Inform the LSRO of the potential for loss of Spent Fuel Pool Level and enter 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water.

C. Inform the Containment Coordinator of the potential for loss of Fuel Pool Level and enter 40AO-9ZZ06, Loss of Instrument Air.

D. Inform the Containment Coordinator of the potential for loss of Fuel Pool Level and enter 40EP-9EO11, Lower Mode Functional Recovery.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

27406 State the shift crew requirements during refueling operations.

Reference Id: Q61941 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: New Comment:

Distractors C & D are inccorrect, the Refueling SRO or Limited SRO is assigned the refueling activities responsibility.

Distractor B is incorrect as the guidance for low gate seal press is contained in the Loss of Instrument Air Procedure. The Loss of SFP level or Cooling directs the operator to Loss of Instrument Air.



41AL-1RK7B, FP GATE SEAL A/S PRESS HI/LO K/A Topic Knowledge of RO duties in the control room during fuel handling such as alarms from fuel handling area, communication with fuel storage facility, systems operated from the control room in support of fueling operations, and supporting instrumentation

54 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 231 Importance 2.60 3.00 Rating:

During an emergency situation the Emergency Coordinator has the authority to allow a worker to exceed

_______ limits to protect valuable property.

A. 10 CFR 19 B. 10 CFR 20 C. 10 CFR 55 D. 10 CFR 100 Answer: B Learning Objective:

L92080 Identify the Emergency Coordinator's responsibilities associated with Emergency Exposure.

Reference Id: Q61829 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 13 (12) Radiological safety principles and procedures.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: New Comment:

10 CFR 100 limits apply to offsite doses.

10 CFR 19 & 55 are plant related CFRs but not for E-Plan.



EPIP-01, STSC Actions, Step 2.6, Dose Limit Determination.

K/A Topic Knowledge of 10 CFR: 20 and related facility radiation control requirements

55 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 239 Importance 2.50 3.40 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • The radioactive effluent release permit for a containment refueling purge is current.
  • Core alterations are in progress.
  • Containment refueling purge is stopped.
  • It is desired to restart the containment refueling purge.
  • The current time is within the time constraints of the release permit.

Which ONE of the following identifies the requirement(s) to restart the containment refueling purge?

A. Re-verify Containment Integrity is established per LCO 3.9.9.

B. Re-perform the channel functional tests for RU-37 and RU-38.

C. Perform ASME Section XI tests on refueling purge isolation valves.

D. Notify Radiation Monitoring Group to evaluate the restart of the purge.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L57226 Given that a gaseous radiological release is in progress define Operations responsibilities Reference Id: Q61830 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5543 4 (4) Radiation hazards that may arise during normal and abnormal situations, including maintenance activities and various contamination conditions.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

INPO Bank Q# 13974 Last NRC Exam: PV 11/18/96 Technical


40OP-9CP01, Containment Purge System, Sect. 5.0, Venting Containment, Step 5.1.4.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the process for performing a containment purge

56 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 2418 Importance 2.70 3.60 Rating:

The Blackout Optimal Recovery Procedure directs the crew to place all charging pumps in PTL (Pull to Lock) to...

A. provide for controlled restoration of RCP seal flow.

B. prevent inadvertent dilution on restoration of injection flow.

C. ensure that pump suction source is aligned prior to restart.

D. ensure pumps are not immediately anti-pumped on restoration of power.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L10536 Given conditions of a Blackout state the reason that all Charging Pumps are placed in PTL L11790 As the Control Room Supervisor direct the actions of an Operating Crew in the mitigation of a Blackout L61430 State the reason that all Charging Pumps are placed in PTL during a blackout.

Reference Id: Q9794 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Placing the Charging Pump in Pull to Lock ensures controlled restoration of seal flow on recovery of power. The other conditions could exist only if the operator had realigned the charging system.



40DP-9AP13, Blackout Tech Guideline, Step Number 6, pg. 10.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the specific bases for EOPs

57 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 2448 Importance 3.50 3.80 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Valve 1001 is open 40%, controlling steam header pressure at approximately 1170 psia.
  • The Secondary Operator inadvertently opens an ADV, causing steam header pressure to rapidly drop by 50 psia.

Based on these conditions, you should expect the MODULATE PERMISSIVE light to...

A. extinguish immediately.

B. extinguish in approximately 15 seconds.

C. remain on, with SBCS valve 1001 remaining at its present position.

D. remain on, with SBCS valve 1001 throttling closed to approximately 10% open.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L65645 Describe how the SBCS generates its demand and permissive setpoints.

  • Reactor Power Cutback System
  • Control Element Drive Mechanism Control System Reference Id: Q61832 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5543 5 (5) Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

The Modulate Permissive signal does not allow the bypass valves to "quick close" through the use of a 15 sec. timer. All open valves would close at that time.



PV Simplified Control System and Logic Diagram Drawings, SBCS, pg. 37.

K/A Topic Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and operation of system, and understand how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions

58 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 37017A402 Importance 3.80 4.10 Rating:

Which ONE of the following is a relationship between QSPDS and the B02 post accident monitor recorders?

A. The B02 post accident monitor recorders provide class input to the QSPDS computer for subcooled margin calculations B. QSPDS sends an output to the B02 post accident monitor recorders to display information concerning pressurizer pressure C. The B02 post accident monitor recorders provide class input to the QSPDS computer for saturation margin calculations D. QSPDS sends an output to the B02 post accident monitor recorders to display information concerning core exit thermocouple temperature.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L76570 State which QSPDS parameters are recorded in the Control Room.

Reference Id: Q12025 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

QSPDS feeds the signal to B02. This makes A & C incorrect.

B is incorrect, Post Accident Monitoring recorders do not display PZR Press. but do display CETs.



40OP-9SH01,QSPDS User's Guide, step 4.1.3, pg. 5.

K/A Topic Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Temperature values used to determine RCS/RCP operation during inadequate core cooling (i.e., if applicable, average of five highest values)

59 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 38075A202 Importance 2.50 2.70 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 & 2 are operating at 100% power.
  • Unit 3 is in MODE 6.
  • Unit 1 Circirculating Water Pump 'A' and 'B' both trip on an overcurrent condition.

Which ONE of the following statements best describes the status of the Circulating Water System and the procedure(s) required to mitigate the circumstances related to the affected unit, if any?

A. Unit 1 CW Pump 'A' & 'B' discharge valves close. 40AO-9ZZ03, "Loss of Cooling Water" is entered for Unit 1 & 2.

B. Unit 1 CW Pump 'A' & 'B' discharge valves close. 40AO-9ZZ03, "Loss of Cooling Water" is entered for Unit 1 only.

C. Unit 1 CW Pump 'A' & 'B' discharge valves close. 40AO-9ZZ07, "Loss of Condenser Vacuum" is entered for Unit 1 only.

D. Unit 1 CW Pump 'A' & 'B' discharge valves remain open. 40AO-9ZZ07, "Loss of Condenser Vacuum" is entered for Unit 1 only.

Answer: C Learning Objective:

L56165 Determine if the Loss of Condenser Vacuum procedure should be entered.

66932 Describe the automatic interlocks associated with the Circulating Water Pumps and the Discharge MOVs.

Reference Id: Q61825 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 4 10CFR Category: CFR5543 5 (5) Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.

10CFR Category: CFR5543 (5) Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate 5CFR5541 5 procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.(5)

Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Modified Bank Question Comment:

The CCW discharge valves with auto close on trip of the CCW pump. The Loss of Cooling Water contains no guidance for CCW loss.

Modified from INPO Q# 20640 Technical


40AO-9ZZ07, Loss of Condenser Vacuum, Sect. 4.0, step 1, pg. 6.

K/A Topic Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the circulating water system; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Loss of circulating water pumps

60 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 2123 Importance 3.90 4.00 Rating:

In accordance with 02DP-0ZZ01, Verification of Plant Activities, which ONE of the following is REQUIRED for "physical verification" of throttled valve position?

A. The manipulator and verifier work together. The valve is positioned by the manipulator only.

B. The manipulator and verifier work together. The valve is positioned by BOTH the manipulator and verifier.

C. The manipulator and verifier work independently. The valve is positioned by the manipulator only.

D. The manipulator and verifier work independently. The valve is positioned by BOTH the manipulator and the verifier.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L57342 Determine whether or not concurrent verification is required.

Reference Id: Q61834 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

To physically check a throttled valve requires "concurrent verification". The manipulator and verifier will work together but the valve is only checked once.



02DP-0ZZ01, Verification of Plant Activities, Sect. 4.0, step 4.1.4.

K/A Topic Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation

61 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 42062AK303 Importance 4.00 4.20 Rating:

Given the following conditions:

  • Unit 1 is operating at rated power.
  • EW Train A is in the process of being aligned to NC due to a problem with both NCW pumps.
  • Each RCP has about 375 gpm of cooling water flow indicated on B04.
  • An operator is standing by in the Train A SDC Heat Exchanger room to throttle the EW outlet of the SDC Heat Exchanger using EWA-HCV-53.

Based on the above conditions, you should direct the operator to throttle EWA-HCV-53:

A. open to increase the EW pump's flowrate.

B. closed to divert more flow to the NCW system.

C. closed to reduce the heat load on the EW Heat Exchangers.

D. open to overcome the increased head loss that the NCW places on the EW system.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L10108 Given a loss of NC describe how flow to the RCPs is increased after EW has been cross tied L65468 Describe the Nuclear Cooling Water Priority loads that can be supplied by the Essential Cooling Water system.

L76813 Given a Loss on Nuclear Cooling Water cross connect "A" EW to NC N76946 Describe the interface between the Essential Cooling Water system and its support/supported systems.

Reference Id: Q8300 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

10CFR Category: CFR5541 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating 10CFR5541 5 procedures for the facility.(5) Facility operating characteristics during steady state and transient conditions, including coolant chemistry, causes and effects of temperature, pressure and reactivity changes, effects of load changes, and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment: Distractors A & D provide more flow to the EW system and therefore degrade cooling flow to the RCPs.

Distractor C would increase the heat load on the EW Heat Exchangers not decrease.



40AO-9ZZ0, Loss of Cooling Water, Sect. 4, Appendix A, Cross-connect EW to NC, step 8.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Loss of Nuclear Service Water Guidance actions contained in EOP for Loss of nuclear service water

62 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 42040AA104 Importance 4.30 4.30 Rating:

Given the following conditions:

  • Unit 1 tripped from 100% full power.
  • SPTA's are in progress
  • SIAS, CIAS, and AFAS-1 have initiated.
  • A Steam Line break has been identified on S/G #1.

Which ONE of the following correctly addresses the MINIMUM actions required by the ESD procedure to isolate the steam line header for this ESD event?

A. Ensure a MSIS has actuated.

B. Close the ADVs and the Economizer FWIVs on #1 S/G.

C. Close the ADVs and the Economizer FWIVs on both S/Gs.

D. Ensure MSIVs and the MSIV Bypass Valves on the affected S/G are closed.

Answer: A Learning Objective:

L11202 Given conditions of an ESD describe the mitigating strategy outlined in the ESD EOP Reference Id: Q61767 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 4 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

Distractors B, C, & D are part of the mitigation strategy for ESD but are not the MINIMUM required to isolate the leak.



40EP-9EO05, ESD K/A Topic Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Steam Line Rupture:

Isolation of all steam lines from header

63 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 42015AA208 Importance 3.40 3.50 Rating:

The unit is at 100% power and the following plant conditions exist for 1A RCP:

Board Annunciators in alarm:


Board Indications:

  • Nuclear Cooling water flow (NCN FI 475) - 420 gpm
  • Upper Thrust bearing temperature - 248°F
  • Lower Journal bearing temperature - 185°F
  • Upper Journal bearing temperature - 195°F
  • Number 1 Seal inlet pressure - 2255 psig
  • Controlled bleedoff flow - 6 gpm.

Based on these indications the crew should:

A. begin a plant S/D.

B. manually trip the reactor, then trip RCP 1A.

C. stop all but one normal chiller, ensure its NC valve closes.

D. continue plant operations at 100% power, increase monitoring of RCP parameters.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

12076 Given conditions of rising RCP motor or bearing temperatures describe the potential damage that high motor or bearing temperatures can have Reference Id: Q61764 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 5 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Distractor A would have been the preferred option if a Rx Trip setpoint had not been reached.

Distractor C & D are options if continued operation were allowed.



40AO-9ZZ04, RCP Emergencies K/A Topic Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Reactor Coolant Pump Malfunctions (Loss of RC Flow): When to secure RCPs on high bearing temperature

64 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 2120 Importance 4.30 4.20 Rating:

Which ONE of the following should be performed if the 125 VDC Normal Battery Charger fails?

A. Align that train's inverter rectifier to perform the required battery charger function.

B. Place the swing battery charger in service to replace the normal battery charger's function.

C. Declare that train 125 VDC Vital system inoperable and commence plant shutdown.

D. Align the maintenance supply to power that trains vital 120 VAC class power supply loads directly.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L11080 Given plant conditions determine if the Loss of Class Instrument or Control Power AOP should be executed Reference Id: Q61782 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

INPO Q# 1102 Last NRC Exam: Callaway 1 02/24/97 Technical


40OP-9PK01 K/A Topic Ability to execute procedure steps.

65 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 2 K/A # 42005AA101 Importance 3.60 3.40 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 reactor operating at 101% full power.
  • Pressurizer pressure 2430 psia and RISING.
  • Manual trip buttons on control board B05 have been depressed.
  • CEA positions can not be confirmed by using the CEAC CRT.
  • SPTAs are in progress.

The Control Room should confirm CEA position through the use of which ONE of the following:

A. Lower Electrical Limit B. Reactor Trip phase current lights C. CEAC digital display on CPC modules D. Verification of decreasing Reactor power Answer: A Learning Objective:

L10406 Given a reactor trip describe the EOP expectation concerning checking CEA positions Reference Id: Q61784 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

Answer A is the easiest, most time efficient method of verifying individual CEA positions.

Distractor B is more time consuming and should not be used per EOP Operations Expectations.

Distractors C & D do not provide individual CEA position.



EOP Operations Expectations, STPTA Step 2 K/A Topic Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Inoperable / Stuck Control Rod: CRDS

66 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 2 K/A # 42069AK203 Importance 2.80 2.90 Rating:

In Modes 1-4, Containment integrity is maintained, while operating the 140 containment access airlock, by which ONE of the following:

A. Administrative requirements maintain one door closed.

B. A mechanical interlock prevents opening the second door until the first is closed.

C. Both doors may be open but only for equipment entry and only for brief periods of time.

D. A pressure interlock prevents opening the inside containment door with a D/P of >.5 psig.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

L89786 Given a set of plant conditions determine whether or not the LCOs of 3.6 are satisfied Reference Id: Q61787 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: New Comment:



T.S. 3.6.2 K/A Topic Knowledge of the interrelations between the Loss of Containment Integrity and the following: Personnel access hatch and emergency access hatch

67 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 34005K201 Importance 3.00 3.20 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • A loss of ALL offsite power has occurred.
  • Diesel Generator 'B' has started and responded as expected.

Which ONE of the following describes the operation of the LPSI Pump 'B'?

A. LPSI Pump 'B' should have restarted as soon as DG 'B' output breaker closed.

B. LPSI Pump 'B' should have restarted 13 seconds after DG 'B' output breaker closed.

C. LPSI Pump 'B' is NOT running. Manual restarting of the pump would be necessary.

D. LPSI Pump 'B' is NOT running. It will restart automatically when the Load Sequencer is reset.

Answer: C Learning Objective:

L74423 Describe how the Class IE Electrical Distribution System supports the operation of the following systems:

  • Essential Cooling Water System
  • Chilled Water System
  • Essential Chilled Water System
  • Chemical and Volume Control System
  • Pressurizer Pressure Control System
  • Diesel Generator support equipment
  • Fuel Pool Cooling System Reference Id: Q61791 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Modified Bank Question Comment:

The LPSI pump will not auto restart on a Loss of Offsite Power with power restored by the Diesel Generator to the buses. The operator will be required to restart the pump manually.

The Load Sequencer does not pick this up unless a SIAS condition is present.

INPO Bank Q# 19355 Technical


PV Simplified Control Logic Diagram or 36MT-9SA02, BOP ESFAS Load Sequencer Module Functional Test, Step 4.9.8 for Mode 3 Loss of Offsite Power, Step 4.8.4 for Mode 2 LOP with SIAS condition.

K/A Topic Knowledge of bus power supplies to the following: RHR pumps

68 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 34056A204 Importance 2.60 2.80 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is in Mode 3
  • Condensate Long-Path Recirculation is IN PROGRESS
  • CDN-PO1B is IN OPERATION with the suction valves from both Hotwell Sections OPEN
  • Both suction valves remain OPEN
  • CDN-P01A and CDN-P01C are available (miniflow headers filled)
  • Hotwell Section 1 Level Transmitter LSLL-85 failure results in a CDN-P01B Trip on Low Hotwell Level (Assume the Transmitter remains 'failed')

Which ONE of the following provides a lineup to restore Long-Path Recirculation? (Assume no additional operator action is taken)

A. CDN-P01A from Hotwell Section 2 B. CDN-P01B from Hotwell Section 2 C. CDN-P01A from Hotwell Section 1 D. CDN-P01C from Hotwell Section 2 Answer: A Learning Objective:

L67440 Describe the following four Condensate System flowpaths:

  • Normal Line-up
  • Condensate Pump Miniflows
  • Long Path Recirc Line-up
  • Condensate Overboard Line-up Reference Id: Q61806 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 4 10CFR Category: CFR5543 5 (5) Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Last NRC Exam: 2001 RO question K/A Topic Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the Condensate System; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those mal-functions or operations: Loss of condensate pumps

69 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 37015A304 Importance 3.30 3.50 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • U1 Reactor power is 100%.
  • A channel check is being performed to compare Indicated power to COLSS Calorimetric power (JSCALOR).

Complete the following statement:

If Reactor power is _____ then Calorimetric Power and all Indicated Power levels must agree within A. less than 20%, + or - .5%

B. less than 80%, + or - .5%

C. greater than or equal to 20%, + or - 2.0%

D. greater than or equal to 80%, + or - 2.0%

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L75661 Explain the operation of the Control Channels under normal operating conditions.

Reference Id: Q61822 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: New Comment:

When Rx power is between 20% to 80%, the NI power levels must be no less than 0.5%

below Actual power and no higher than 10% above Actual power. Above 80% the lower limit is > or + to 2% Actual power or = to > 2% above Actual power.

Only D meets these guidelines.

Technical Guideline: 40ST-9ZZM1, Operations Mode 1 Surveillance Logs, page 100.

K/A Topic Ability to monitor automatic operation of the NIS, including: Maximum disagreement allowed between channels

70 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 2 Group 1 K/A # 35103K302 Importance 3.80 4.20 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
  • A large, audible in-leakage is reported at the equipment hatch to containment seal.

Which ONE of the following describes the action to be taken?

A. Quantify the in-leakage so the exact amount is known.

B. Reduce power to less than 50% until the leak is repaired.

C. Restore structural integrity IMMEDIATELY or be in HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

D. Restore containment integrity within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> or be in HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L89786 Given a set of plant conditions determine whether or not the LCOs of 3.6 are satisfied Reference Id: Q61818 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

A loss of containment integrity as listed in T.S. 3.6.1 has occurred. This is a 1 hr T.S. item.

Distractor A is referring to the Surveillance requirement for testing to identify leakage that is already identified in the given information.

Distractor B & C are combinations of criteria from TS 3.6.1 and TS 3.6.2 for Containment Air Locks, however neither is entirely correct.



T.S. 3.6.1 INPO Bank Q# 1262 K/A Topic Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the containment system will have on the following: Loss of containment integrity under normal operations

71 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 2 K/A # 41074EK107 Importance 2.80 3.20 Rating:

In the event of "Inadequate Core Cooling" due to the Core being uncovered, the operator should restore inventory to a core covered condition as indicated by __________ or __________ on the CETs.

A. saturation or subcooling B. subcooling or vaporization C. saturation or superheating D. subcooling or superheating Answer: A Learning Objective:

L61243 Discuss the bases of the superheat value limit provided in the LOCA EOP.

Reference Id: Q61868 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

10CFR Category: CFR5541 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating 10CFR5541 8 procedures for the facility.(8) Components, capacity, and functions of emergency systems.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

Subcooling and not superheated (i.e. saturated) conditions would indicate that effective core heat removal is occurring.



40DP-9AP08, LOCA Tech Guideline, Contingency Action 37.2, pg.


K/A Topic Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the Inadequate Core Cooling: Definition of saturated steam

72 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 2 K/A # 42067AK102 Importance 3.10 3.90 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at 100% power and stable.
  • A fire has been confirmed in the 'A' class switchgear room.
  • The 'A' charging pump is in the fire analysis area (FAA).
  • The 'A' and 'B' Charging Pumps are running.
  • Charging flow is 88 gpm.

40DP-9ZZ19 "Operational Considerations due to a Plant Fire", provides the following information for charging pump 'A':

Appendix R concern Positive RCS inventory and pressure control by deenergizing 'A' charging pump.

Action Disable A DG on local control panel DGA-B01 DG CR Open NAN-S04A CR handswitch Open NAN-S03A CR handswitch Which ONE of the following specified actions is MANDATORY and must be performed immediately in accordance with the procedure?

A. Immediately stop the 'A' charging pump from the Control Room.

B. Immediately defeat the 'A' DG locally and deenergize the PBA-S03.

C. Immediately direct the AO to defeat the 'A' DG. Tailboard that if required open the normal supply to PBA-SO3.

D. No immediate action is required by the procedure. The CRS will alert the Primary Operator to monitor 'A' charging pump and charging flow.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L57499 Describe what is meant by an Impacted SS/D Function and how the procedure mitigates this impact.

Reference Id: Q61884 Difficulty: 4.00 Time to complete: 4 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

10CFR Category: CFR5541 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating 10CFR5541 8 procedures for the facility.(8) Components, capacity, and functions of emergency systems.

Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: Bank Question Comment: The procedure notes that the CRS will determine which if any actions are to be taken per this procedure.



40DP-9ZZ19, Operational Considerations due to a Plant Fire, Introduction.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to Plant Fire on Site: Fire fighting

73 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 1 Group 1 K/A # 42025AA103 Importance 3.40 3.30 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • LPSI Train 'B' is operating providing SDC flow.
  • The "ERFDADS SDC Low Flow" Alarm is received.
  • The Primary Operator notices that the LPSI 'B' pump is no longer operating.
  • The cause is unknown at this time.
  • RCS level is 102 feet and steady.

Which ONE of the following methods is correct for restoring SDC flow?

A. Restart the Train 'B' LPSI pump.

B. Place the Train 'A' LPSI in service on SDC.

C. Place the Train 'A' CS pump in service on SDC.

D. Place the Train 'B' CS pump in service on SDC.

Answer: B Learning Objective:

56506 Given the LMFRP is being performed and HR is in progress outline the major steps used to control Core and RCS heat removal in HR (LMFRP)

Reference Id: Q61885 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 7 (7) Design, components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: New Comment:

Distractor A would not be allowed until the cause is known.

Distractors C & D both list Containment Spray Pumps which are not listed as the priority action for an ERFDADS alarm and would take longer to align than the Train 'A' LPSI Pump.



40OP-9SI01, Appendix F - Response to ERFDADS SDC Low Flow Alarm.

K/A Topic Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Loss of Residual Heat Removal System: LPI pumps

74 This Exam Level RO Appears on: RO EXAM SRO EXAM Tier 3 K/A # 245 Importance 2.90 3.60 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1 reactor is at 100% power
  • Both Nuclear Cooling Water pumps are lost due to electrical problems
  • 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water is just being initiated when the reactor trips due to an unrelated problem The CRS should observe the following hierarchy for procedure usage in this condition:

A. Immediately exit 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water and GO TO 40EP-9EO01, SPTAs.

B. Immeditately exit 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water and GO TO 40EP-9EO02, Reactor Trip.

C. Continue to use 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water in conjunction with 40EP-9EO02, Reactor Trip.

D. Use 40AO-9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water in conjunction with 40EP-9EO01, SPTAs as long as crew manning is sufficient to support this activity.

Answer: D Learning Objective:

L10343 Given that an ORP is being implemented describe the use of an AO or OP when the reactor trips or when performing an EOP Reference Id: Q61886 Difficulty: 2.00 Time to complete: 2 10CFR Category: CFR5541 10 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures for the facility.

10CFR Category: CFR5541 (10) Administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency operating 10CFR5543 5 procedures for the facility.(5) Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency situations.

Cognitive Level: Memory Question Source: Bank Question Comment:

Continued use of non-EOP activities is beneficial to plant recovery in this condition along with normal SPTAs.



40DP-9AP16, Emergency Operating Procedure Users Tech Guide, Sect. 27.0, Use of Abnormal and Operating Procedures.

K/A Topic Knowledge of the organization of the operating procedures network for normal, abnormal, and emergency evolutions

75 This Exam Level RO Appears on: Tier 2 Group 2 K/A # 34041K418 Importance 3.40 3.60 Rating:

Given the following plant conditions:

  • U1 is at 100% power.
  • SBCS master controller is in "LOCAL MANUAL".
  • SBCS valves 1001 and 1004 have manual permissives given.
  • SBCS valve 1001 has a 30% manual output signal in anticipation of rapid unloading.
  • All other SBCS valves are OFF.

Given these conditions, without any operator action, which ONE of the following is correct if a large load reject occurs at this time?

A. SBCS valve 1001 fails closed.

B. All SBCS valves will modulate open.

C. The reactor will trip with a turbine trip.

D. The turbine will trip without a reactor trip.

Answer: C Learning Objective:

L65640 Discuss the purpose and conditions under which the Steam Bypass Control System is designed to function.

Reference Id: Q61921 Difficulty: 3.00 Time to complete: 3 Cognitive Level: Comprehension / Analysis Question Source: New Comment:

The SBCS design is not sufficient to handle a large load reject with potentially only two valves available. The Reactor would trip with a turbine trip.

K/A Topic Knowledge of SDS design feature(s) and/or interlock(s), which provide for the following:

Turbine trip Cognitive Level Summary Number of questions linked: 75 Percentage Memory 30 40 Comprehension / Analysis 45 60 Question Source Summary Number of questions linked to source: 75 Percentage New New 17 23 Modified INPO Bank Modified 1 PV Bank Modified 6 Total Modified 7 7 Bank Bank Not Modified 51 68