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Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/2003
From: Grobe J
Download: ML030920644 (13)


March 31, 2003 MEMORANDUM TO: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel FROM: John A. Grobe, Chairman, Davis-Besse Oversight Panel /RA/


MINUTES OF INTERNAL MEETING OF THE DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL The implementation of the IMC 0350 process for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was announced on April 29, 2002. An internal panel meeting was held on March 25, 2003. Attached for your information are the minutes from the internal meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and the Open Action Items List.

Attachments: As stated cc w/att: H. Nieh, OEDO J. Dyer, RIII J. Caldwell, RIII K. Coyne, NRR D. Thatcher, NRR DB0350

MEMORANDUM TO: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel FROM: John A. Grobe, Chairman, Davis-Besse Oversight Panel


MINUTES OF INTERNAL MEETING OF THE DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL The implementation of the IMC 0350 process for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was announced on April 29, 2002. An internal panel meeting was held on March 25, 2003. Attached for your information are the minutes from the internal meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and the Open Action Items List.

Attachments: As stated cc w/att: H. Nieh, OEDO J. Dyer, RIII J. Caldwell, RIII K. Coyne, NRR D. Thatcher, NRR DB0350 DOCUMENT NAME: C:\ORPCheckout\FileNET\ML030920644.WPD To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box:"C" = Copy without enclosure "E"= Copy with enclosure"N"= No copy OFFICE RIII RIII RIII NAME DPassehl/klg /RA DPassehl JGrobe Acting for/ CLipa DATE 03/31/03 03/31/03 03/31/03 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

MEETING MINUTES: Internal IMC 0350 Oversight Panel Meeting Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station DATE: March 25, 2003 TIME: 1:00 p.m. Central ATTENDEES:

J. Grobe W. Dean M. Phillips C. Lipa J. Jacobson G. Wright J. Hopkins D. Passehl C. Thomas Agenda Items:

1. Plant Status and Inspector Insights C. Thomas provided a briefing on current plant activities.
2. Update on Organizational Effectiveness and Human Performance Inspection G. Wright provided an update on the organizational effectiveness and human performance inspection. Geoff stated that he expects to get additional inspection resources to help in assessing the safety culture and safety conscious work environment portion of the inspection. Geoff mentioned that the licensee had a good meeting onsite last week when the licensees consultant provided her preliminary assessment to the licensee on their safety culture. Geoff expects to be onsite next week to plan the next portion of his inspection.
3. Update on Corrective Action Team Inspection J. Grobe provided an update on the corrective action team inspection. The team is experiencing difficulty in conducting its inspection due to the licensees corrective action program being cumbersome for tracking closure of corrective action documents and because many corrective action documents were not ready for review, contrary to information provided earlier by the licensee.
4. Discuss Methodology for Closure of Restart Action Matrix (RAM) Items The Panel agreed that the closure of RAM items will be conducted by consent.

Specifically, RAM item closure forms will be provided to Panel members several days in advance of the regular Panel meeting for members review. The Panel will then approve closure of items by consent.

5. Discuss Criteria for Allegations Requiring Resolution Prior to Restart of the Plant M. Phillips discussed criteria for resolving allegations prior to restart of the plant. The Panel agreed that the the criteria for requiring an allegation to be closed prior to restart should include whether the concern involves the operability of a component required to

be operable per the plant Technical Specifications. After some discussion the Panel decided to table this discussion until the next regular Panel meeting.

NEW ACTION ITEM - M. Phillips to research historical criteria for allegations requiring to be resolved prior to restart for other plants that have had similar problems resulting in extended shutdowns.

In addition, the Panel determined that all licensee requests for extensions to investigations of allegations be approved by the Panel.

6. Discuss Licensing Issues NEW ACTION ITEM - J. Hopkins took action to provide input to the resident inspector report (IR 03-04) regarding Restart Checklist Items 1.a, "Penetration Cracking and Reactor Pressure Vessel Corrosion; 6.a, "Verification that Relief Requests A8 and A12 regarding the Shell to Flange Weld (previously submitted by letter dated September 19, 2000) is not Impacted by the Midland RPV Head; 6.e, "Reconciliation Letter that Demonstrates How the New Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Correlates With the ASME Code and QA Index for Section III and Section XI - Commitments; and 6.f, "Verification Letter of Technical Specification Pressure/Temperature Curves for New Vessel Head - Commitment."

ACTION ITEM 136 UPDATE - The Panel discussed Action Item 136, "NRR acceptance of NOP/NOT criteria and method." The Panel determined that the staff should be polled after the April 4, 2003, meeting in Headquarters. The Panel also determined that the meeting should address whether a rational basis exists that the bottom head is not leaking, and whether a critical flaw size will not appear during the next operating cycle.

7. Discuss Action Items The Panel discussed the list of open action items. The Panel directed that Action items 164, 172, 173, 177, and 182 be closed due the actions being accomplished or the action is already encompassed in another existing open action item.

Item 164 - Discuss the need for a Chilling Effect Letter with Bruce Berson.

Discussions with B. Berson and Lisamarie Jarriel, no chilling effect letter is needed at this time.

Item 172 - Create a Schedule Letter to Replace/notify That Annual Assessment Letter and End of Cycle Public Meetings Are Not Occurring.

Closed to Item 166, "Once DRS has developed a draft CY-2004 baseline inspection schedule for Davis-Besse (in conjunction with the upcoming regional inspection planning meeting), DRS will present this to the 0350 panel for review."

Item 173 - Prepare an OSHA MOU letter based on email dated 2/6 from Bilik.

Form was provided to R. Lickus.

Item 177 - Research IMC0620 and determine what agency policy re: placing inspection plans on ADAMS, including when (e.g., before or after conduct of inspection) does the plan need to be posted.

Inspection Plans are generally posted as nonpublic and nonsensitive in ADAMS per ADAMS guidance documents.

Item 182 - Add a new concern to the RAM to address control rod drive test.

Concern was added to the RAM.

8. Discuss Abnormal Occurrence Report The Panel discussed a question from Headquarters regarding whether the Davis-Besse containment sump issue, described in Licensee Event Report 2002-005.

NEW ACTION ITEM - C. Lipa took action to research the criteria for abnormal occurrences and report to the Panel.

9. Discuss/Update Milestones and Commitments The Panel reviewed and discussed upcoming milestones and commitments. No new items were identified.

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 24a Discuss making Panel Discuss by June 30, after safety information related to significance assessment complete; HQ/licensee calls publicly 6/27 - Invite Bateman to panel mtg.

available To discuss what else is needed to closeout the CAL (i.e. quarantine plan); 7/2 - NRR not yet ready to discuss; 7/16 - See if procedures have changed on CAL closeout -

does JD need to send letter?; 7/18

- Discussed - is there an applicable regional procedure?; 8/6 -

Discussed. Need to determine the final approach on the core removed from the head and the final approach on the head before the quarantine can be lifted; 8/22 -

Revisit action item after letter sent to licensee confirming plans with old vessel head (head may be onsite longer than originally anticipated); 8/29 - Memo to be sent to Region, with a letter to go out next week; 10/01- Discussed.

1) Conduct NRC staff survey-due 10/7 2)Memo to NRR - due 10/11
3) Region to issue letter; 11/07-Letter required from NRR on head quarantine status; 11/19 - Letter in draft; 01/03 - A. Mendiola to look at phone conference writeups on quarantine decision making to determine if they can be released to the public; 01/07 - discussed; 01/21 - discussed; 01/31- A.

Mendiolas action; 02/11 -

Completion of Licensee Phase 3 sampling plan required; 02/21 -

17.5 Rem to cut samples, Less samples may be required

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 54a Review TSP amendment D. Pickett 7/9 - Discussed. Will wait for and advise the panel on response from licensee; 7/16 -

the need for a TIA on Discussed - added action item 54b; Davis-Besse (7/2) 8/6 - Sent to the licensee on 7/22 and a response is due by 8/22; 8/22 - Discussed - need to check if response has been received; 8/27

- Received response - DRS is reviewing - will fax to NRR for 54b; 8/29 - Discussed, DRS report of response to be issued to panel prior to item 54b; 10/1-Discussed.

DRS coordinating with NRR 11/07-Discussed - On hold for draft with specific information; 12/10 - B.

Dean believed B. Bateman thought a calculation for sufficient volume of TSP was completed to technical specification value. However questions whether the calculation was to technical specification or actual TSP level remain; 01/03 -

Item under NRR review.

Calculation completion expected on Jan 17. Allegation issue in RIII domain; 01/07 - Allegation Item #3 under NRR Review for Resolution; 01/21 - Item #3 is under Region III control for final letter, holding for NRR input; 02/11 - Writeup for NRR input provided 4 answers, going back to reviewer to ensure specific tasking is clear to answer allegation concerns. Action item 54c created; 02/21 - Allegation at 242 day mark. Effective expression of due date required 54c In relation to action item A. Mendiola 02/11 - Address first meeting in 54a - Assess method to March ensure Technical Specifications are adequate for a cycle, administrative controls vs.

amending technical specifications (02/11)

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 73 Send feedback form on Lipa 8/6 - Generate feedback after IMC 0350 procedure to Mendiola panel meetings reduced to once IIPB (8/6) per week; 8/29 - Discussed - no change; 10/1 - Discussed; 11/7 -

D Passehl sent email to C Carpenter and D Coe indicating that we would be able to perform a review of the draft IMC 0350 during the first quarter of 2003; 12/3- discussed; 01/03 - 2 parts, short part- C. Lipa with P. Harris, long part- B. Dean; 01/07 - 2nd larger response will require meeting between all parties; 01/21

- Communications with P. Harris; 01/31-Meeting with P. Harris on Feb 4; 02/11 - Many concerns identified by the panel for inclusion; 02/21 - July 1 due date for larger input.

97 Bulletins 2002-01 and NRR 11/07 - Discussed, further 2002-02 response and research and discussion required; acceptance (9/5) 01/07 - RAI response expected Mid February; 01/31- On track; 02/11 - New Orders will supercede BL2002-01 and BL2002-02 responses with the exception of the BL2002-01 Boric Acid Corrosion program information request; 02/21 - Licensee RAI response delayed. Both Order and BL2002-01 Boric Acid Corrosion program responses to be tracked as RAM items.

126 Review Davis- Strasma Besse/Vessel Head 02/11 - Checked, but revisiting Degradation web site item; 02/21 - Web site being content for ease of use by reassessed.

the public. (11/07)

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 127 Decision of the extent of W. Dean 12/10 - Completion date the needs for resolution of requested; 12/19 - Discussed -

the technical root cause Est. delivery Jan. 31st, put in Jan-(11/19) Feb report 03-02; 01/31 - On track; 02/21 - J. Hopkins has the review.

Through comprehensive review, A.

Hiser determined OI concerns did not effect the technical root cause.

Attachment of Technical Root Cause Review on next Inspection Report 132 Consolidate RAM (12/19) C.Lipa/ Due Fri 1/17; 01/31 - Item open; A.Mendiola 02/11 - working; 02/21 - to determine the need for ONE list.

133 12/29 Taping of debate J.Collins/ 01/03 - Licensee to deliver tape to D.Simpkins J. Strasma; 02/24 - Tape sent 136 NRR acceptance of NOP W. Dean 01/07 - Item discussed. Meeting criteria and method summary of November 26, 2002 (01/03) meeting has notation of NRR staff impressions of test plan. Once drafted, issue will be surveyed to staff to determine if consensus is correct; 01/21 - Meeting summary to discuss Flus System, Test agreement, and future inspections; 1/31 - T. Chan fwd to J. Hopkins; 2/11 - J. Jacobson questions need to be folded in (chem-wipes); 2/21

- Polling of staff discussed; 2/24 -

Polling of staff by March 7; 3/25 -

Staff to be polled after 4/4/03 meeting in headquarters, and meeting should address whether a rational basis exists that the bottom head is not leaking, and whether a critical flaw size will not appear during the next operating cycle.

138 Evaluate the effectiveness A. Mendiola, 01/31 - Ongoing; 02/21 - New EDO of the Comm Plan (01/07) C. Lipa Comm Plan for Crisis Update, A.

Mendiola to review for inclusion.

143 Prepare a special J. Jacobson 02/21 - date to be determined inspection plan for the NOP test. (01/09)

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 145 Prepare a special D. Passehl 02/21 - date to be determined inspection plan for the restart readiness team inspection. (01/09) 147 Generate a list of items to D. Passehl 01/31 - working; consider after restart as 02/11 - Include dates and well as transition back to deadlines to Manual Chapter 0350 the normal 0350 when restart inspections planner terminating the 0350 Panel. The items should include plans to augment inspection of corrective actions, inservice inspection, and safety culture monitoring.

(01/09) 149 SRI to coordinate with S. Thomas 01/31 - open; 02/11 - Documented GWright inspection of items in Resident Inspection corrective actions that Report; 02/21 - Good have been completed by communications noted; the resident staff. The Documentation in IR03-02 intent is to find ways to allow GWrights inspection to take credit for what the resident staff already accomplished. (01/09) 150 SBurgess to develop a S. Burgess position paper on the state of plant risk when the plant attains Mode 4 for the first time. The purpose is to support NRC scheduling of major inspections until closer to Mode 2. (01/09) 154 Marty has action to M. Farber 02/21 - Date to be determined followup by 1/21 with licensee to understand licensees actions to address common mode failure issues (i.e., topical issues) and brief Panel.

Then develop inspection plan to address topical issues. (01/09)

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 156 Read Generic Safety J. Hopkins 01/21 - Determine status of GSI-Issue-191, "Assessment of 191; 02/21 - Check GL98-04 Debris Accumulation on response on coatings. Draft GL PWR Sump Pump and Draft Reg Guide needs review Performance" (01/09) for DB relevance; 02/24 - Request Response Review and Program Implementation to GL98-04; 03/04

- activity to be reassigned to Reactor Engineer who will close sump LER 162 Modified Containment P. Lougheed 02/21 - Factor into ILRT plan Walkdown List assessment to look into effects on ILRT and NOP/NOT tests. (01/21) 163 Flag Allegations requiring M. Phillips 02/11 - All of them require action.

action prior to restart Resolve with one letter including (01/21) Item 164; 02/21 - Develop criteria for Allegations considered Restart Items. Criteria needs Panel approval.

164 Discuss the need for a M. Phillips 01/31 - Pre-work and then ARB; Chilling Effect Letter with 02/11 - Resolve with one letter Bruce Berson (01/21) including Item 163; 02/21 - Draft letter with C. Lipa, emailed to Panel for review; 3/25 - No chilling effect letter at this time. - closed.

166 Once DRS has developed Panel 02/11 - currently in planning; 02/21 a draft CY-2004 baseline - inspection schedule letter due as inspection schedule for soon as possible; 03/04 - in final Davis-Besse (in conjunction with the upcoming regional inspection planning meeting), DRS will present this to the 0350 panel for review. (01/31) 172 Create a schedule letter to 02/11 - Panel determined that replace/notify that annual Annual Assessment letter and End assessment letter and end of Cycle public meetings not of cycle public meetings occurring; 3/25 - Closed to item are not occurring (02/11) 166.

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 173 Prepare an OSHA MOU S.Thomas 02/21 - D. Simpkins working; 3/25 -

letter based on email closed.

dated 2/6 from Bilik (2/18) 174 Review 2/4 transcript for R. Lickus Mr. Witts recommendations (2/18) 175 LER licensee commitment J. Hopkins 02/21 - Attempt to get by end of on Containment Air Cooler February; 03/04 - Licensee wrote Supplement for 01/31/03 CR to address missed commitment (02/21) 176 Determine which C. Lipa inspection will cover containment coatings (03/04) 177 Research IMC0620 and D. Passehl 03/25 - Inspection plans generally determine what agency posted as nonpublic &

policy re: placing nonsensitive in ADAMS - closed.

inspection plans on ADAMS, including when (e.g., before or after conduct of inspection) does the plan need to be posted. (03/04) 178 Determine the type of C. Lipa backlog assessment that will be performed and by whom. Two attributes need to be considered: (1) the capability of the licensee to manage the backlog in an operating environment; and (2) the impact of the backlog on equipment reliability.


Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 179 Provide answer to S. Thomas questions and document in next inspection report:

1} Did NRCs O350 Panel review FirstEnergys analysis to forego inspection and testing of two of the four reactor coolant pumps to assure compliance with technical specifications and regulatory requirements?

(RAM Item E-23)

2) If so, what were the NRC findings? (RAM Item E-24) (03/04) 180 Draft a memo to NRR D. Passehl (Tad Marsh) to include in response to AMS RIII 0014 (Kucinich Petition) that RIII reviewed the petition and there are no new technical issues.

(03/04) 181 Provide an e-mail to the M. Phillips AAA re: chilling effect letter not needed and request her concurrence in that decision (3/18) 182 Add a new concern to the M. Phillips 3/25 - closed.

RAM to address control rod drive test (3/18) 183 Research historical criteria M. Phillips for allegations requiring to be resolved prior to restart for other plants that have had similar problems (3/25) 184 Provide input to the J. Hopkins resident inspection report (IR 03-04) regarding Checklist Items 1.a.; 6.a.;

6.e.; & 6.f. (3/25)

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 185 Research the criteria for C. Lipa abnormal occurrences and report to the Panel. (3/25)