Letter Sequence Approval |
MONTHYEARML0302806812003-01-27027 January 2003 Columbia Generating Station, Issuance of Amendment 184, Elimination of Requirements for Post Accident Sampling System Project stage: Approval 2003-01-27
[Table View] |
MONTHYEARIR 05000397/20240032024-11-12012 November 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000397/2024003 ML24298A2092024-11-0606 November 2024 – Alternative Requests 5IST-01 (RP01), 5IST-02 (RP02), and 5IST-03 (RP03) – Fifth Interval Inservice Testing Program ML24234A0292024-11-0505 November 2024 Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Related to License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Plan (EPID L-2024-LLA-0011) - Letter GO2-24-110, Summary of Changes and Analysis for Revision 45 of Plant Procedures Manual 13.4.1, Emergency Notification2024-11-0404 November 2024 Summary of Changes and Analysis for Revision 45 of Plant Procedures Manual 13.4.1, Emergency Notification GO2-24-100, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Request for Fourth Ten-Year Interval Inservice Testing2024-11-0404 November 2024 Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Request for Fourth Ten-Year Interval Inservice Testing GO2-24-109, Summary of Changes and Analysis for Revision 42 of Plant Procedures Manual 13.8.1, Emergency Dose Projection System Operations2024-11-0404 November 2024 Summary of Changes and Analysis for Revision 42 of Plant Procedures Manual 13.8.1, Emergency Dose Projection System Operations ML24290A1142024-10-17017 October 2024 CGS FPTI 2024011 GO2-24-088, Supplement to Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Columbia Emergency Plan2024-09-24024 September 2024 Supplement to Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Columbia Emergency Plan GO2-24-051, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-592, Revise Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) Instrumentation Requirements2024-09-23023 September 2024 Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-592, Revise Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) Instrumentation Requirements ML24247A1572024-09-12012 September 2024 Withholding Determination Letter for Presentation Materials for Energy Northwest Pre-application Meeting 8-9-2024 ML24255A1012024-09-12012 September 2024 Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure Energy Northwest Regulatory Engagement Plan, Revision 0 GO2-24-082, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Columbia Emergency Plan2024-09-10010 September 2024 Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Columbia Emergency Plan IR 05000397/20240052024-08-22022 August 2024 Updated Inspection Plan for Columbia Generating Station (Report 05000397/2024005) IR 07200035/20244012024-08-19019 August 2024 Security Baseline Inspection Report 07200035/2024401 IR 05000397/20244022024-08-13013 August 2024 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000397/2024402 IR 05000397/20240022024-08-0909 August 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000397/2024002 GO2-24-060, Reply to a Notice of Violation, EA-21-170 and EA-23-0542024-07-30030 July 2024 Reply to a Notice of Violation, EA-21-170 and EA-23-054 GO2-24-070, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Fifth Interval Inservice Testing Program2024-07-29029 July 2024 Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Fifth Interval Inservice Testing Program GO2-24-063, Notification of Extension to Columbias Fourth 10-Year Interval Inservice Testing Program Plan2024-07-15015 July 2024 Notification of Extension to Columbias Fourth 10-Year Interval Inservice Testing Program Plan IR 05000397/20240122024-07-10010 July 2024 – Safety Conscious Work Environment Issue of Concern Follow-up Inspection 05000397/2024012 ML24180A1482024-06-28028 June 2024 Notification of an NRC Fire Protection Baseline Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000397/2024011) and Request for Information IR 05000397/20244202024-06-27027 June 2024 – Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000397 2024420 Cover Letter GO2-24-057, Notice of Readiness for Supplemental Inspection2024-06-19019 June 2024 Notice of Readiness for Supplemental Inspection ML24099A2232024-06-12012 June 2024 Issuance of Amendment No. 275 to Adopt TSTF-230, Revision 1, Add New Condition B to LCO, RHR Suppression Pool Cooling GO2-24-056, Relief Request for the Columbia Generating Station Fourth Ten-Year Interval Inservice Testing2024-06-11011 June 2024 Relief Request for the Columbia Generating Station Fourth Ten-Year Interval Inservice Testing ML24128A2242024-05-31031 May 2024 Issuance of Amendment No. 274 to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-584, Eliminate Automatic RWCU System Isolation on SLC Initiation GO2-24-049, 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report2024-05-13013 May 2024 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report GO2-24-050, Annual Environmental Operating Report2024-04-30030 April 2024 Annual Environmental Operating Report IR 05000397/20240012024-04-24024 April 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000397/2024001 GO2-24-042, 2023 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report2024-04-22022 April 2024 2023 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML24089A2282024-04-15015 April 2024 – Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action License Amendment Request to Revise Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan ML24074A4532024-04-11011 April 2024 Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure GO2-24-044, Voluntary Response to Regulatory Issue Summary 2024-012024-04-11011 April 2024 Voluntary Response to Regulatory Issue Summary 2024-01 IR 05000397/20244012024-04-0202 April 2024 – Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000397/2024401 (Cover Letter Only) IR 05000397/20244032024-03-28028 March 2024 Request for the Cybersecurity Baseline Inspection, Notification to Perform Inspection 05000397/2024403 GO2-24-034, Supplement to License Amendment Request to Revise Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan2024-03-20020 March 2024 Supplement to License Amendment Request to Revise Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan ML24058A0692024-03-14014 March 2024 Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Amendment Request for Emergency Plan GO2-24-041, Level of Financial Protection - Annual Reporting Requirement2024-03-12012 March 2024 Level of Financial Protection - Annual Reporting Requirement ML24044A0492024-03-12012 March 2024 Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 (EPID L-2023-LLE-0064 (Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping and Suspicious Activity Reporting)) GO2-24-036, Presentation Information for Pre-Application Meeting Regarding Columbia’S Replacement Steam Dryer Evaluation Approach for Extended Power Uprate2024-03-11011 March 2024 Presentation Information for Pre-Application Meeting Regarding Columbia’S Replacement Steam Dryer Evaluation Approach for Extended Power Uprate GO2-24-039, Report of Changes or Errors in Emergency Core Cooling System Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis Models Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.462024-03-11011 March 2024 Report of Changes or Errors in Emergency Core Cooling System Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis Models Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.46 ML24047A0422024-03-0707 March 2024 Issuance of Amendment No. 273 Renewed Facility Operating License and Technical Specification Clean Up IR 05000397/20230062024-02-28028 February 2024 Annual Assessment Letter for Columbia Generating Station (Report 05000397/2023006) IR 05000397/20253012024-02-14014 February 2024 Notification of NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination 05000397/2025301 GO2-24-004, License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Plan2024-01-30030 January 2024 License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Plan GO2-24-003, Relief Requests for the Columbia Generating Station Fifth Ten-Year Interval Inservice Testing2024-01-29029 January 2024 Relief Requests for the Columbia Generating Station Fifth Ten-Year Interval Inservice Testing IR 05000397/20230042024-01-29029 January 2024 Integrated Inspection and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Report 05000397/2023004 and 07200035/2023001 05000397/LER-2024-001, Failure to Track Operability of Requirements of Transversing In-Core Probe Valves2024-01-22022 January 2024 Failure to Track Operability of Requirements of Transversing In-Core Probe Valves GO2-24-014, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Supplement to Request for Exemption from Enhanced Weapons, Firearms Background Checks, and Security Event Notifications Implementation2024-01-15015 January 2024 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Supplement to Request for Exemption from Enhanced Weapons, Firearms Background Checks, and Security Event Notifications Implementation ML24011A1522024-01-10010 January 2024 March 2024 Emergency Preparedness Exercise Inspection-Request for Information 2024-09-24
[Table view] Category:License-Operating (New/Renewal/Amendments) DKT 50
MONTHYEARML24099A2232024-06-12012 June 2024 Issuance of Amendment No. 275 to Adopt TSTF-230, Revision 1, Add New Condition B to LCO, RHR Suppression Pool Cooling ML24128A2242024-05-31031 May 2024 Issuance of Amendment No. 274 to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-584, Eliminate Automatic RWCU System Isolation on SLC Initiation ML24089A2282024-04-15015 April 2024 – Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action License Amendment Request to Revise Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan ML23288A0002023-12-0707 December 2023 Issuance of Amendment No. 272 to Adopt TSTF-541, Revision 2, Add Exceptions to Surveillance Requirements for Valves and Dampers Locked in the Actuated Position ML23083B4012023-04-27027 April 2023 Issuance of Amendment No. 271 to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-580, Provide Exception from Entering Mode 4 with No Operable RHR Shutdown Cooling ML23013A0812023-03-15015 March 2023 Issuance of Amendment No. 270 Revision to Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF 505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times-RITSTF Initiative 4B ML22340A6892022-12-20020 December 2022 Regulatory Audit Summary in Support of Review for LAR to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-505, Rev. 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative 4B ML22308A0962022-12-15015 December 2022 Issuance of Amendment No. 269 License Amendment to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69, Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, Systems and Components for Nuclear Power Reactors ML22263A4452022-11-23023 November 2022 Issuance of Amendment No. 268 to Revise Technical Specification 3.4.11 RCS Pressure and Temperature (P/T) Limits ML22098A0642022-05-0909 May 2022 Issuance of Amendment No. 267 to Adopt Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) 546, Revision 0, Revise APRM Channel Adjustment Surveillance Requirement ML21293A1642022-01-13013 January 2022 Issuance of Amendment No. 266 License Amendment Request to Remove License Condition 2.C.(34) and Revise License Condition 2.C.(35) ML21273A1672021-11-22022 November 2021 Issuance of Amendment No. 265 Adoption of TSTF-439, Eliminate Second Completion Times Limiting Time from Discovery of Failure to Meet an LCO ML21053A3162021-03-0303 March 2021 Issuance of Amendment No. 264 to Revise Technical Specification to Adopt Traveler TSTF-582, Revision 0, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control (RPV WIC) Enhancements ML21005A1782021-01-25025 January 2021 Issuance of Amendment No. 263 to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-566, Revise Actions for Inoperable RHR Shutdown Cooling Subsystems Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process ML20302A0262020-12-15015 December 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 262 to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR ML20242A0022020-09-0404 September 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 261 Revise Technical Specification 3.8.7, Distribution Systems - Operating (Exigent Circumstances) ML20135H0842020-06-29029 June 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 260 Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-563, Revision 0, Revise Instrument Testing Definitions to Incorporate the Surveillance Frequency Control Program ML20136A3472020-06-22022 June 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 259 Revise Technical Specifications Per TSTF-529, Revision 4, Clarify Use and Application Rules ML20125A0802020-05-12012 May 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 258 Changes to Technical Specification Limiting Conditions for Operation 3.8.4 and 3.8.7 (Exigent Circumstances) ML20113E9842020-05-0404 May 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 257 to Extend Implementation Date for Amendment No. 255 Control Room Air Conditioning System (Exigent Circumstances) ML20037A7332020-03-10010 March 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 256 Removal of License Condition 2.C.(11)and Attachment 3 from the Renewed Facility Operating License ML19337C3682020-02-0606 February 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 255 Control Room Air Conditioning System ML19234A0162019-08-26026 August 2019 Issuance of Amendment No. 254 Change to Technical Specification 3.8.7, Distribution Systems - Operating (Exigent Circumstances) ML19063A5792019-06-20020 June 2019 Issuance of Amendment No. 253 Renewed Facility Operating License and Technical Specification Clean-Up ML18317A0052018-11-27027 November 2018 Correction to Safety Evaluation Pages 5 and 24 for Amendment No. 199 Dated November 27, 2006 Related to Alternative Source Term ML18283A1252018-11-0808 November 2018 Issuance of Amendment No. 252 Update Appendix B to Renewed Facility Operating License to Incorporate the 2017 Biological Opinion ML18255A3502018-10-30030 October 2018 Issuance of Amendment No. 251 Revision to the Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-542, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control ML18100A1992018-05-0202 May 2018 Issuance of Amendment No. 249 Change to Technical Specification 3.5.1 ECCS - Operating (CAC No. MG0015; EPID L-2017-LLA-0277) ML17290A1272017-10-30030 October 2017 Columbia Generating Station - Issuance of Amendment No. 245 Re: Request for a One-Time Extension of the Residual Heat Removal Train A Completion Time (CAC No. MF8794; EPID L-2016-LLA-0016) ML17188A2302017-08-28028 August 2017 Issuance of Amendment No. 244 Emergency Action Level Scheme Change to Nuclear Energy Institute 99-01, Revision 6 ML17187A2572017-07-24024 July 2017 Columbia Generating Station - Issuance of Amendment No. 243 Re: Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF 545, Revision 3 (CAC No. MF8148) ML0531303192017-07-0505 July 2017 Current Facility Operating License NPF-21, Technical Specifications, Revised 11/01/2017 ML17131A0712017-06-27027 June 2017 Columbia Generating Station - Issuance of Amendment No. 242 Re: Reduction of Reactor Steam Dome Pressure Specified in the Technical Specification 2.1.1, "Reactor Core SLs (Safety Limits)" (CAC No. MF8116) ML17095A1172017-05-11011 May 2017 Columbia Generating Station - Issuance Of Amendment No. 241 Re: Measurement Uncertainty Recapture (CAC No. MF8060) ML17052A1252017-03-0909 March 2017 Issuance of Amendment No. 240 Request to Modify Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement and Safety/Relief Valve Setpoint Lower Tolerance ML16357A6462017-01-31031 January 2017 Issuance of Amendment No. 239, Adopt Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF)-522, Revision 0, Revise Ventilation System Surveillance Requirements to Operate for 10 Hours Per Month ML16253A0252016-11-0303 November 2016 Issuance of Amendment No. 238, Adopt Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF-425, Revision 3, Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative 5b ML16020A0312016-02-16016 February 2016 Issuance of Amendment No. 237, Adopt TSTF-427, Revision 2, Allowance for Non Technical Specification Barrier Degradation on Supported System Operability, Using Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process ML15216A2662016-02-0303 February 2016 Issuance of Amendment No. 236, Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF-423, Revision 1, Technical Specifications End States, as Part of Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process ML15154A8002015-06-11011 June 2015 Issuance of Amendment No. 235, Extension of Implementation Period for Amendment 232 Changing Technical Specification Table, Function 7, Scram Discharge Volume Water Level - High (Exigent Circumstances) ML15098A2542015-05-11011 May 2015 Issuance of Amendment No. 234, Request to Revise Technical Specification to Change Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio Values ML15076A1222015-04-15015 April 2015 Issuance of Amendment No. 233, Request to Revise Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement Related to the Ultimate Heat Sink ML15063A0102015-03-27027 March 2015 Issuance of Amendment No. 232, Request to Revise Technical Specification Table Function 7, Scram Discharge Volume Water Level - High ML15042A4642015-03-27027 March 2015 Issuance of Amendment No. 231, Request to Revise License Condition Related to Approval of Revised Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule ML15030A5012015-02-0101 February 2015 Issuance of Amendment No. 230, Revise Technical Specifications for One-Time Extension of Completion Time Required Actions Related to Residual Heat Removal System B Inoperability (Emergency Circumstances) ML14335A1892015-01-0707 January 2015 Redacted, Issuance of Amendment No. 229, Revise Emergency Core Cooling Systems Surveillance Requirements for Low Pressure Core Spray and Low Pressure Coolant Injection Pump Flows ML14290A3602014-11-12012 November 2014 Issuance of Amendment No. 228, Request to Adopt Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF)-535, Revision 0, Revise Shutdown Margin Definition to Address Advanced Fuel Designs ML14010A0302014-02-11011 February 2014 Issuance of Amendment No. 227, Request to Adopt Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF)-477, Revision 3, Adding an Action Statement for Two Inoperable Control Room Air Conditioning Subsystem ML13317B6232014-01-31031 January 2014 Redacted - Issuance of Amendment No. 226, Technical Specification Changes to Support Installation of GE Hitachi Power Range Neutron Monitoring System; Implementation of Arts/Mellla ML13030A4572013-03-0101 March 2013 Correction to Amendment Letter and Safety Evaluation Pages for Amendment No. 225, Administrative and Editorial Changes to Technical Specifications Related to Change in Software and to Adopt TSTF-GG-05-01 Revision 2 Writer'S Guide 2024-06-12
[Table view] Category:Safety Evaluation
MONTHYEARML24298A2092024-11-0606 November 2024 – Alternative Requests 5IST-01 (RP01), 5IST-02 (RP02), and 5IST-03 (RP03) – Fifth Interval Inservice Testing Program ML24128A2242024-05-31031 May 2024 Issuance of Amendment No. 274 to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-584, Eliminate Automatic RWCU System Isolation on SLC Initiation ML24047A0422024-03-0707 March 2024 Issuance of Amendment No. 273 Renewed Facility Operating License and Technical Specification Clean Up ML23288A0002023-12-0707 December 2023 Issuance of Amendment No. 272 to Adopt TSTF-541, Revision 2, Add Exceptions to Surveillance Requirements for Valves and Dampers Locked in the Actuated Position ML23143A1202023-06-27027 June 2023 Request Number 4ISI-11 to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Regarding Alternate Examination of Reactor Vessel Welds ML23083B4012023-04-27027 April 2023 Issuance of Amendment No. 271 to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-580, Provide Exception from Entering Mode 4 with No Operable RHR Shutdown Cooling ML23013A0812023-03-15015 March 2023 Issuance of Amendment No. 270 Revision to Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF 505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times-RITSTF Initiative 4B ML22308A0962022-12-15015 December 2022 Issuance of Amendment No. 269 License Amendment to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69, Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, Systems and Components for Nuclear Power Reactors ML22263A4452022-11-23023 November 2022 Issuance of Amendment No. 268 to Revise Technical Specification 3.4.11 RCS Pressure and Temperature (P/T) Limits ML22109A0922022-05-18018 May 2022 Correction Letter - Approval for Alternate Disposal Procedures for the Continued Onsite Disposal of Cooling Tower and Spray Pond Sludge in the Existing Sediment Disposal Area ML22098A0642022-05-0909 May 2022 Issuance of Amendment No. 267 to Adopt Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) 546, Revision 0, Revise APRM Channel Adjustment Surveillance Requirement ML22004A1852022-03-11011 March 2022 Approval for Alternate Disposal Procedures for the Continued Onsite Disposal of Cooling Tower and Spray Pond Sludge in the Existing Sediment Disposal Area ML21293A1642022-01-13013 January 2022 Issuance of Amendment No. 266 License Amendment Request to Remove License Condition 2.C.(34) and Revise License Condition 2.C.(35) ML21273A1672021-11-22022 November 2021 Issuance of Amendment No. 265 Adoption of TSTF-439, Eliminate Second Completion Times Limiting Time from Discovery of Failure to Meet an LCO ML21081A1502021-03-25025 March 2021 Approval for Request to Use a Provision of a Later Edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI ML21053A3162021-03-0303 March 2021 Issuance of Amendment No. 264 to Revise Technical Specification to Adopt Traveler TSTF-582, Revision 0, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control (RPV WIC) Enhancements ML21005A1782021-01-25025 January 2021 Issuance of Amendment No. 263 to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-566, Revise Actions for Inoperable RHR Shutdown Cooling Subsystems Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process ML20302A0262020-12-15015 December 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 262 to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR ML20282A7322020-10-27027 October 2020 Proposed Alternative Request No. 4ISI-08 Applicable to the Fourth Inservice Inspection Interval ML20242A0022020-09-0404 September 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 261 Revise Technical Specification 3.8.7, Distribution Systems - Operating (Exigent Circumstances) ML20203K8762020-07-22022 July 2020 Correction to Reduction in Commitment to the Operational Quality Assurance Program Description (EPID L-2020-LLQ-0003 (COVID-19)) ML20181A4452020-07-0707 July 2020 Reduction in Commitment to the Operational Quality Assurance Program Description (EPID L-2020-LLQ-0003)(Covid-19) ML20135H0842020-06-29029 June 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 260 Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-563, Revision 0, Revise Instrument Testing Definitions to Incorporate the Surveillance Frequency Control Program ML20136A3472020-06-22022 June 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 259 Revise Technical Specifications Per TSTF-529, Revision 4, Clarify Use and Application Rules ML20125A0802020-05-12012 May 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 258 Changes to Technical Specification Limiting Conditions for Operation 3.8.4 and 3.8.7 (Exigent Circumstances) ML20113E9842020-05-0404 May 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 257 to Extend Implementation Date for Amendment No. 255 Control Room Air Conditioning System (Exigent Circumstances) ML20037A7332020-03-10010 March 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 256 Removal of License Condition 2.C.(11)and Attachment 3 from the Renewed Facility Operating License ML19337C3682020-02-0606 February 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 255 Control Room Air Conditioning System ML19350B5792020-01-0202 January 2020 Generation Station - Safety Evaluation Regarding Implementation of Hardened Containment Vents Capable of Operation Under Severe Accident Conditions Related to Order EA-13-109 (CAC No. MF4383; EPID L-2014-JLD-0045) ML19063A5792019-06-20020 June 2019 Issuance of Amendment No. 253 Renewed Facility Operating License and Technical Specification Clean-Up ML18317A0052018-11-27027 November 2018 Correction to Safety Evaluation Pages 5 and 24 for Amendment No. 199 Dated November 27, 2006 Related to Alternative Source Term ML18283A1252018-11-0808 November 2018 Issuance of Amendment No. 252 Update Appendix B to Renewed Facility Operating License to Incorporate the 2017 Biological Opinion ML18255A3502018-10-30030 October 2018 Issuance of Amendment No. 251 Revision to the Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-542, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control ML18100A1992018-05-0202 May 2018 Issuance of Amendment No. 249 Change to Technical Specification 3.5.1 ECCS - Operating (CAC No. MG0015; EPID L-2017-LLA-0277) ML17333A8882018-02-22022 February 2018 Safety Evaluation Regarding Implementation of Mitigating Strategies and Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation Related to Orders EA-12-049 and EA-12-051 ML17318A0422017-11-20020 November 2017 Relief Request No. 3ISI-17 from the Requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (CAC No. MF8923; EPID L-2016 LLR-0005) ML17290A1272017-10-30030 October 2017 Columbia Generating Station - Issuance of Amendment No. 245 Re: Request for a One-Time Extension of the Residual Heat Removal Train A Completion Time (CAC No. MF8794; EPID L-2016-LLA-0016) ML17188A2302017-08-28028 August 2017 Issuance of Amendment No. 244 Emergency Action Level Scheme Change to Nuclear Energy Institute 99-01, Revision 6 ML17187A2572017-07-24024 July 2017 Columbia Generating Station - Issuance of Amendment No. 243 Re: Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF 545, Revision 3 (CAC No. MF8148) ML17131A0712017-06-27027 June 2017 Columbia Generating Station - Issuance of Amendment No. 242 Re: Reduction of Reactor Steam Dome Pressure Specified in the Technical Specification 2.1.1, "Reactor Core SLs (Safety Limits)" (CAC No. MF8116) ML17095A1172017-05-11011 May 2017 Columbia Generating Station - Issuance Of Amendment No. 241 Re: Measurement Uncertainty Recapture (CAC No. MF8060) ML17046A5072017-02-16016 February 2017 Relief Request for Alternative 4ISI-07 Applicable to the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Program Interval ML16357A6462017-01-31031 January 2017 Issuance of Amendment No. 239, Adopt Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF)-522, Revision 0, Revise Ventilation System Surveillance Requirements to Operate for 10 Hours Per Month ML17018A0822017-01-24024 January 2017 Relief Request for Alternative 4ISI-05 Applicable to the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Program Interval ML16292A8722016-11-0303 November 2016 Relief Request 4ISI-06, Use of Code Case N-666-1 on Socket Welded Connections Requiring Repair Due to Vibration Fatigue, Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval ML16295A2122016-10-31031 October 2016 Relief Request 4ISI-02, Use of Code Case N-795 Following Repair/Replacement Activities, Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval ML16263A2332016-10-0505 October 2016 Relief Request 4ISI-04, Reduced Percentage Requirements for Nozzle to Vessel Welds and Inner Radius Exams, for the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval ML16175A4602016-06-24024 June 2016 Relief Request 4ISI-03, Relief from ASME Code Requirements to Allow Use of Existing Procedures That Implement Repair/Replacement Activities, for the Fourth 10-Year ISI Interval ML16020A0312016-02-16016 February 2016 Issuance of Amendment No. 237, Adopt TSTF-427, Revision 2, Allowance for Non Technical Specification Barrier Degradation on Supported System Operability, Using Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process ML15216A2662016-02-0303 February 2016 Issuance of Amendment No. 236, Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF-423, Revision 1, Technical Specifications End States, as Part of Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process 2024-05-31
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January 27, 2003 Mr. J. V. Parrish Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest P.O. Box 968 (Mail Drop 1023)
Richland, WA 99352-0968
Dear Mr. Parrish:
The Commission has issued the enclosed Amendment No. 184 to Facility Operating License No. NPF-21 for the Columbia Generating Station. The amendment consists of changes to the Technical Specifications (TS) in response to your application dated October 22, 2002.
The amendment deletes TS 5.5.3, "Post Accident Sampling System (PASS)," and thereby eliminates the requirements to have and maintain the PASS at Columbia Generating Station.
The amendment also addresses related changes to TS 5.5.2, "Primary Coolant Sources Outside Containment," and License Condition 2.C.(13), "Post Accident Sampling."
A copy of the related Safety Evaluation is also enclosed. The Notice of Issuance will be included in the Commissions next biweekly Federal Register notice.
/RA by S Dembek for/
Brian Benney, Project Manager, Section 2 Project Directorate IV Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-397
- 1. Amendment No. 184 to NPF-21
- 2. Safety Evaluation cc w/encls: See next page
ML030280681 NRR-058 OFFICE CLIIP LPM PDIV-2/PM PDIV-2/LA PDIV-2/SC NAME WReckley:rkb BBenney EPeyton SDembek DATE 12/23/02 12/20/02 12/18/02 1/3/03 DOCUMENT NAME: C:\ORPCheckout\FileNET\ML030280681.WPD Columbia Generating Station cc:
Mr. Rodney L. Webring (Mail Drop PE04) Mr. Dale Atkinson (Mail Drop PE08)
Vice President, Nuclear Generation Vice President, Technical Services Energy Northwest Energy Northwest P.O. Box 968 P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352-0968 Richland, WA 99352-0968 Mr. Albert E. Mouncer (Mail Drop PE01) Thomas C. Poindexter, Esq.
Vice President, Corporate Services/ Winston & Strawn General Counsel/CFO 1400 L Street, N.W.
Energy Northwest Washington, DC 20005-3502 P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352-0968 Mr. Bob Nichols Executive Policy Division Chairman Office of the Governor Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council P.O. Box 43113 P.O. Box 43172 Olympia, WA 98504-3113 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 Ms. Lynn Albin Mr. D. W. Coleman (Mail Drop PE20) Washington State Department of Health Manager, Performance Assessment P.O. Box 7827 and Regulatory Programs Olympia, WA 98504-7827 Energy Northwest P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352-0968 Ms. Christina Perino (Mail Drop PE20)
Manager, Licensing Energy Northwest P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352-0968 Regional Administrator, Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-4005 Chairman Benton County Board of Commissioners P.O. Box 190 Prosser, WA 99350-0190 Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 69 Richland, WA 99352-0069
- 1. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that:
A. The application for amendment by Energy Northwest (licensee) dated October 22, 2002, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act) and the Commissions regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commissions regulations; D. The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and E. The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commissions regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.
- 2. Accordingly, Facility Operating License No. NPF-21 is hereby amended by deleting License Condition 2.C.(13) as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment. In addition, the license is amended by changes to the Technical Specifications as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment, and paragraph 2.C.(2) of Facility Operating License No. NPF-21 is hereby amended to read as follows:
(2) Technical Specifications and Environmental Protection Plan The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No. 184 and the Environmental Protection Plan contained in Appendix B, are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications and the Environmental Protection Plan.
- 3. The license amendment is effective as of its date of issuance and shall be implemented within 60 days of the date of issuance.
Stephen Dembek, Chief, Section 2 Project Directorate IV Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Changes to the Facility Operating License and Technical Specifications Date of Issuance: January 27, 2003
ATTACHMENT TO LICENSE AMENDMENT NO. 184 FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-21 DOCKET NO. 50-397 Replace the following pages of the Facility Operating License and Appendix A Technical Specifications with the attached revised pages. The revised pages are identified by amendment number and contain vertical lines indicating the areas of change. The corresponding overleaf pages of the Appendix A Technical Specifications are provided to maintain document completeness.
REMOVE INSERT Operating License Operating License 6 6 Technical Specifications Technical Specifications 5.5-2 5.5-2 5.5-3 5.5-3
(10) Thermal-Hydraulic Stability (Section 4.4.4, SER)
Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, the licensee shall provide for NRC staff review and approval a revised stability analysis.
(11) Shield Wall Deferral (Section 12.3.2, SSER #4, License Amendment #7)
The licensee shall complete construction of the deferred shield walls and window as identified in Attachment 3, as amended by this license amendment.
(12) Alternate Remote Shutdown System (Section, SSER #1)
Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, the licensee shall install, test, and have operable the alternate remote shutdown system.
(13) Deleted.
(14) Fire Protection Program (Generic Letter 86-10)
The licensee shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in Section 9.5.1 and Appendix F of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) for the facility thru Amendment #39 and as described in subsequent letters to the staff through November 30, 1988, referenced in the May 22, 1989 safety evaluation and in other pertinent sections of the FSAR referenced in either Section 9.5.1 or Appendix F and as approved in the Safety Evaluation Report issued in March 1982 (NUREG 0892) and in Supplements 3, issued in May 1983, and 4, issued in December 1983, and in safety evaluations issued with letters dated November 11, 1987 and May 22, 1989 subject to the following provision:
The licensee may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the Commission only if those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.
Amendment No. 1,7,67, 184
By application dated October 22, 2002, Energy Northwest (the licensee) requested changes to Facility Operating License NPF-21 and the Technical Specifications (Appendix A to Facility Operating License No. NPF-21) for the Columbia Generating Station. The proposed changes would revise the license and technical specifications (TSs) by eliminating the requirements to have and maintain the post accident sampling systems (PASS).
In the aftermath of the accident at Three Mile Island (TMI), Unit 2, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) imposed requirements on licensees for commercial nuclear power plants to install and maintain the capability to obtain and analyze post-accident samples of the reactor coolant and containment atmosphere. The desired capabilities of the Post Accident Sampling System [or Station] (PASS) were described in NUREG-0737, "Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements." The NRC issued orders to licensees with plants operating at the time of the TMI accident to confirm the installation of PASS capabilities (generally as they had been described in NUREG-0737). A requirement for PASS and related administrative controls was added to the TS of the operating plants and was included in the initial TS for plants licensed during the 1980s and 90s. Additional expectations regarding PASS capabilities were included in Regulatory Guide 1.97, "Instrumentation for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants To Assess Plant and Environs Conditions During and Following an Accident."
Significant improvements have been achieved since the TMI accident in the areas of understanding risks associated with nuclear plant operations and developing better strategies for managing the response to potentially severe accidents at nuclear plants. Recent insights about plant risks and alternate severe accident assessment tools have led the NRC staff to conclude that some TMI Action Plan items can be revised without reducing the ability of licensees to respond to severe accidents. The NRCs efforts to oversee the risks associated with nuclear technology more effectively and to eliminate undue regulatory costs to licensees and the public have prompted the NRC to consider eliminating the requirements for PASS in TS and other parts of the licensing bases of operating reactors.
The staff has completed its review of the topical report submitted by the Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Owners Group (BWROG) that proposed the elimination of PASS. The justifications for
the proposed elimination of PASS requirements center on evaluations of the various radiological and chemical sampling and their potential usefulness in responding to a severe reactor accident or making decisions regarding actions to protect the public from possible releases of radioactive materials. As explained in more detail in the staffs safety evaluation (SE) for the topical report, the staff has reviewed the available sources of information for use by decisionmakers in developing protective action recommendations and assessing core damage.
Based on this review, the staff found that the information provided by PASS is either unnecessary or is effectively provided by other indications of process parameters or measurement of radiation levels. The staff agrees with the owners group that licensees can remove the TS requirements for PASS, revise (as necessary) other elements of the licensing bases, and pursue possible design changes to alter or remove existing PASS equipment.
In its letter dated November 30, 2000, the BWROG submitted for the NRC staff's review Topical Report NEDO-32991, "Regulatory Relaxation for BWR Post Accident Sampling Stations (PASS)," for eliminating PASS requirements from BWRs. The NRC staff's SE for the BWROG topical report is dated June 12, 2001 (ADAMS Accession Number ML011630016). The BWROG proposed that relaxation of the PASS requirements be incorporated into the standard technical specifications by submitting TSTF-413.
The NRC staff prepared this SE relating to the elimination of requirements on post accident sampling for BWRs and solicited public comment (66 FR 66949, dated December 27, 2001) in accordance with the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Program (CLIIP). The use of the CLIIP in this matter is intended to help the NRC to efficiently process amendments that propose to remove the PASS requirements from TS. Licensees of nuclear power reactors to which this SE apply were informed (67 FR 13027, dated March 20, 2002) that they could request amendments conforming to the SE, and, in such requests, should confirm the applicability of the SE to their reactors and provide the requested plant-specific verifications and commitments.
3.0 EVALUATION The ways in which the requirements and recommendations for PASS were incorporated into the licensing bases of commercial nuclear power plants varied as a function of when the plants were licensed. Plants that were operating at the time of the TMI accident are likely to have been the subject of confirmatory orders that imposed the PASS functions described in NUREG-0737 as obligations. The issuance of plant-specific amendments to adopt this change, which would remove PASS and related administrative controls from TS, would also supercede the PASS specific requirements imposed by post-TMI confirmatory orders.
The technical evaluations for the elimination of PASS sampling requirements are provided in the safety evaluation dated June 12, 2001, for BWROG Topical Report NEDO-32991. As described in its safety evaluation for the topical report, the staff finds that the post-accident sampling requirements for the following may be eliminated for BWR plants:
- 1. Reactor coolant dissolved gases.
- 2. Reactor coolant hydrogen.
- 3. Reactor coolant oxygen.
- 4. Reactor coolant chlorides.
- 5. Reactor coolant pH.
- 6. Reactor coolant boron.
- 7. Reactor coolant conductivity.
- 8. Radioisotopes in the reactor coolant.
- 9. Containment hydrogen.
- 10. Containment oxygen.
- 11. Radioisotopes in the containment atmosphere.
- 12. Suppression pool pH.
- 13. Chlorides in the suppression pool.
- 14. Boron in the suppression pool.
- 15. Radioisotopes in the suppression pool.
The staff agrees that the sampling of radioisotopes is not required to support emergency response decisionmaking during the initial phases of an accident because the information provided by PASS is either unnecessary or is effectively provided by other indications of process parameters or measurement of radiation levels. Therefore, it is not necessary to have dedicated equipment to obtain this sample in a prompt manner.
The staff does, however, believe that there could be significant benefits to having information about the radioisotopes existing post-accident in order to address public concerns and plan for long-term recovery operations. As stated in the safety evaluation for the topical report, the staff has found that licensees could satisfy this function by developing contingency plans to describe existing sampling capabilities and what actions (e.g., assembling temporary shielding) may be necessary to obtain and analyze highly radioactive samples from the reactor coolant system (RCS), suppression pool, and containment atmosphere. (See item 4.1 under Verifications and Commitments.) The contingency plans for obtaining samples from the RCS, suppression pool, and containment atmosphere may also enable a licensee to derive information on parameters such as hydrogen concentrations in containment and the pH of water in the suppression pool.
The staff considers the sampling of the suppression pool to be potentially useful in confirming calculations of pH and confirming that potentially unaccounted for acid sources have been sufficiently neutralized. The use of the contingency plans for obtaining samples would depend on the plant conditions and the need for information by the decisionmakers responsible for responding to the accident.
In addition, the staff considers radioisotope sampling information to be useful in classifying certain types of events (such as a reactivity excursion or mechanical damage) that could cause fuel damage without having an indication of a loss of reactor coolant inventory. However, the staff agrees with the topical reports contentions that other indicators of failed fuel, such as radiation monitors, can be correlated to the degree of failed fuel. (See item 4.2 under Verifications and Commitments.)
In lieu of the information that would have been obtained from PASS, the staff believes that licensees should maintain or develop the capability to monitor radioactive iodines that have been released to offsite environs. This information would be useful for decisionmakers trying to assess a release of and limit the publics exposure to radioactive materials. (See item 4.3 under Verifications and Commitments.)
The staff believes that the changes related to the elimination of PASS that are described in the topical report, related SE, and this proposed change to TS are unlikely to result in a decrease in the effectiveness of a licensees emergency plan. Each licensee, however, must evaluate possible changes to its emergency plan in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q) to determine if the change decreases the effectiveness of its site-specific plan. Evaluations and reporting of changes to emergency plans should be performed in accordance with applicable regulations and procedures.
The staff notes that containment hydrogen concentration monitors are required by 10 CFR 50.44 and are relied upon to meet the data reporting requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Section VI.2.a.(ii)(3). The staff concludes that these hydrogen monitors provide an adequate capability for monitoring containment hydrogen concentration during the early phases of an accident. The staff sees value in maintaining the capability to obtain grab samples for complementing the information from the hydrogen monitors in the long term (i.e., by confirming the indications from the monitors and providing hydrogen measurements for concentrations outside the range of the monitors). As previously mentioned, the licensees contingency plan (see item 4.1 under Verifications and Commitments) for obtaining highly radioactive samples will include sampling of the containment atmosphere and may, if deemed necessary and practical by the appropriate decisionmakers, be used to supplement the safety-related hydrogen monitors.
The elimination of the TS and other regulatory requirements for PASS also requires the elimination of Operating License Condition 2.C.(13), which relates to PASS (reactor coolant dissolved gas grab sampling capability). The change is included in the licensees application to revise the TS in order to take advantage of the CLIIP. The staff has reviewed the changes and agrees that the revisions are necessary due to the removal of the TS section on PASS. The changes do not revise technical requirements beyond that reviewed by the NRC staff in connection with the supporting topical reports or the preparation of the TS improvement incorporated into the CLIIP.
The TS includes an administrative requirement for a program to minimize to levels as low as practicable, the leakage from those portions of systems outside containment that could contain highly radioactive fluids during a serious transient or accident. The program includes preventive maintenance, periodic inspections, and leak tests for the identified systems. PASS (process sampling) is specifically listed in TS 5.5.2 as falling under the scope of this requirement. The applicability of this specification depends on whether or not PASS is maintained as a system that is a potential leakage path.
The licensee has stated that a plant change might be implemented such that PASS would not be a potential leakage path outside containment for highly radioactive fluids (e.g., the PASS piping that penetrates the containment might be cut and capped). The modification would not be made during the implementation period for this amendment. The licensee has proposed to add the following phrase to the reference to process sampling in TS 5.5.2:
"(the program requirements shall apply to the Post Accident Sampling System until such time as administrative controls provide for continuous isolation of the associated penetration(s) or a modification eliminates the potential leakage path(s))."
The above phrase would make clear that TS 5.5.2 remains applicable to the PASS as long as it is a possible leakage path and reflects that the actual modification of the piping system may be scheduled beyond the implementation period for this amendment. Requirements in NRC regulations (10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J) and other TS provide adequate regulatory control over the licensees modification to eliminate PASS as a potential leakage path. Following the modification to eliminate PASS as a potential leakage path, the licensee may elect (in order to maintain clarity and simplicity of the requirement) to revise TS 5.5.2 to remove the reference to PASS, including the phrase added by this amendment.
4.0 Verifications and Commitments As requested by the staff in the notice of availability for this TS improvement, the licensee has addressed the following plant-specific verifications and commitments.
4.1 Each licensee should verify that it has, and make a regulatory commitment to maintain (or make a regulatory commitment to develop and maintain),
contingency plans for obtaining and analyzing highly radioactive samples of reactor coolant, suppression pool, and containment atmosphere.
The licensee has verified that it has contingency plans for obtaining and analyzing highly radioactive samples from the RCS, suppression pool, and containment atmosphere. The licensee has committed to maintain the contingency plans within its plant procedures. The licensee has implemented this commitment.
4.2 Each licensee should verify that it has, and make a regulatory commitment to maintain (or make a regulatory commitment to develop and maintain), a capability for classifying fuel damage events at the Alert level threshold (typically this is 300 FCi/ml dose equivalent iodine). This capability may utilize the normal sampling system and/or correlations of radiation readings to radioisotope concentrations in the reactor coolant.
The licensee has verified that it has a capability for classifying fuel damage events at the Alert level threshold. The licensee has committed to maintain the capability for the Alert classification within its plant procedures. The licensee has implemented this commitment.
4.3 Each licensee should verify that it has, and make a regulatory commitment to maintain (or make a regulatory commitment to develop and maintain), an I-131 site survey detection capability, including an ability to assess radioactive iodines released to offsite environs, by using effluent monitoring systems or portable sampling equipment.
The licensee has verified that it has an I-131 site survey detection capability, including an ability to assess radioactive iodines released to offsite environs, by using effluent monitoring systems or portable sampling equipment. The licensee has committed to maintain the capability for monitoring iodines within its plant procedures. The licensee has implemented this commitment.
The NRC staff finds that reasonable controls for the implementation and for subsequent evaluation of proposed changes pertaining to the above regulatory commitments are provided
by the licensees administrative processes, including its commitment management program.
Should the licensee choose to incorporate a regulatory commitment into the emergency plan, final safety analysis report, or other document with established regulatory controls, the associated regulations would define the appropriate change-control and reporting requirements.
The staff has determined that the commitments do not warrant the creation of regulatory requirements, which would require prior NRC approval of subsequent changes. The NRC staff has agreed that NEI 99-04, Revision 0, "Guidelines for Managing NRC Commitment Changes,"
provides reasonable guidance for the control of regulatory commitments made to the NRC staff.
(See Regulatory Issue Summary 2000-17, Managing Regulatory Commitments Made by Power Reactor Licensees to the NRC Staff, dated September 21, 2000 [ADAMS Accession Number ML003741774].) The commitments should be controlled in accordance with the industry guidance or comparable criteria employed by a specific licensee. The staff may choose to verify the implementation and maintenance of these commitments in a future inspection or audit.
In accordance with the Commission's regulations, the Washington State official was notified of the proposed issuance of the amendment. The State official had no comments.
The amendments change a requirement with respect to the installation or use of a facility component located within the restricted area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20 and change surveillance requirements. The NRC staff has determined that the amendment involves no significant increase in the amounts and no significant change in the types of any effluents that may be released offsite, and that there is no significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure. The Commission has previously issued a proposed finding that the amendment involves no significant hazards consideration, and there has been no public comment on such finding (67 FR 78518). Accordingly, the amendment meets the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b) no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the issuance of the amendments.
The Commission has concluded, based on the considerations discussed above, that: (1) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner, (2) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations, and (3) the issuance of the amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.
Principal Contributor: W. Reckley Date: January 27, 2003