LD-91-060, Forwards Response to NRC 910808 Request for Addl Info on CESSAR Design Certification

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Forwards Response to NRC 910808 Request for Addl Info on CESSAR Design Certification
Person / Time
Site: 05200002
Issue date: 11/27/1991
From: Erin Kennedy
LD-91-060, LD-91-60, NUDOCS 9112100107
Download: ML20086H872 (21)


. . - . - , , . . - - . . - - . - - . .. ---- - . - -


ABB ASEA BROWN BOVE Al November 27,1991 LD 91-060 Docket No.'52-002-U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Response to NRC Requests for Additional Information


NRC Letter, Materials and Chemical Engineering Branch RAls, T V. Wambach (NRC) to E. H. Kennedy (C-E), August 8,1991

Dear Sirs:

-The reference requested additional information for the NRC staff review of the Combustion Engineering Standard Safety Analysis-Report - Design Certification (CESSAR DC). Enclosure I to this letter provides our responses to a number of these questions, and Enclosure 11 contains proposed changes to CESSAR DC.

Ecclosure Ill; provides a list of questions to which responses will' be provided separately.

Should you have any' questions on the enclosed material, please contact me or Mr. -

Ritterbusch of my staff at (20P 35-5206. .


b E. H._ Kennedy A nager Nuclear Systems Licensing EHK:!w-


- As Stated

- cc
P. Lang (DOE Germantown)

J. : Trotter (EPRI) .

l', . T. . Wambach (NRC) l- , s. 9)Y,e L

{bb ib - ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power .., I l

$1. 0) o$


1 Enclosure I to LD-91060 4 l


Question 281.37 The applicant's-response to NRC question 281-8 jndicated CESSAR-DC conformance to EPRI-NE-5056-SR, dated June 1984, "PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines." However, Section 10.3.5,-Amendment E, does not indicate that the CESSAR-DC design provides system features which facilitate compliance with the EPRI secondary Water chemistry require-ments. CESSAR-DC should reference the latest revision of EPRI guidelinbs (EPRI NP-623s, dated December 1988, "PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines Revision 2."

e Response 281.37 System design features which facilitate compliance with EPRI report NP-6239, PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines, Revision 2 are summatized in the first paragraph of Section I

10. 3. 5.1. - In particular, "(s] team generator secondary side i

, water chemistry control is accomplished by: l l

A.- Close control of the feedwater to limit the amount I of impurities which can be introduced into the steam )

i generator. i B. = Continuous blowdown of the-steam generator to reduce-the concentrating effects of the steam generator.

C. Chemical addition to establish and maintain an 3, environment which minimizes system corrosion.

D. Preoperational cleaning of the feedwater system.

E. Minimizing feedwater oxygen content prior to entry into the steam generator."

Each of these system design features, in turn, is further

. described in subsequent paragraphs of Sections and Reference is also made to detailed descriptions of these features in other-sections of CESSAR-DC (e.g., the condensate cleanup system in Section 10.4.6, and the steam generator blowdown system in Section 10.4.8).

Since this information was judged by the NRC staff to meet the acceptance criteria for non-plant specific details of a water chemistry program as specified in Branch Technical Position MTEB 5-3 (see NUREG-0852, Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Final Design of the Standard Nuclear Steam Supply Reference System CESSAR System 80,,-Section 10.3.1),

C-E believes this information is sufficient for approval of CECSAR-DC.

This information was inadvertently omitted in the response

9 to NRC question 281-8. C-E had interpreted this question as only seeking conformance to the chemistry limits established by-the EPRI guidelines, anc not as questioning the way in which compliance with these limits will be attained.

Finally, in accordance with C-E's commitment to the EPRI PWR ocondary Water chemistry Guidelines (Revision 2, dated

' December 1988; EPRI report NP-6239), Section will be revised to state:

Operating chemistry limits for secondary-side steam generator water, feedwater and condensate (as extracted from PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines, Revision i

,2, EPRI renort NP-6239, dated December 1988) are given j fn Tables 10.3.5-1, 10.3.5-2, and 10.3.5-3. '

i 1

I l

4 21Lc!Ltign 201. 3 g Table 10.3.5-1 is not consistent with EPRI NP-6239 since it does not indicato abnormal limits for pil (<9.0 copper free system and <8.5 and >9.2 for mixed system) and sulfato (20-100 ppb). The normal pit values are not consistent with EPRI HP-6239 (8.5-9.2 mixed system and >9.0 for copper froo systoa). Please justify those discropancies. ,

Ra2RQtig_c _2 81. 31 Table 10.3.5-1 will be revised to be consistent with the FPRI E}ill Secondarv Water chtmistrv GMidelines IM.YifLUd1_2.

(EPR1 report NP-6239, dated December 1980). In particular, the normal pil for a mixed system will be speciflod as 8.5-9.2, with action required only if experience shows increased coppor transport at pit >9.2. The pil for a coppor-free ayutom vill- be- speciflou as 19.0, and the abnormal range for sulfate will be specified as20-100 ppb.

No abnormal-pH range will be specified sinco no power reduction or immediato shutdcwn limit exists for secondary steam generator water Al. This is consistent with the EPRI guidelinos, which ha.u no Action Lovel 2 or 3 values for steau gon' tor pH. ,

f h

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Q92DLAQ'h 131112 i l

The applicant's response to NRC question 201-9 doon not 1 include abnormal limits for foodwater. EPRI report NP-6239 '

indicatos abnormal limits for feedWater pil (<9.3 copper-froo system and <0.0 >9.2 mixed systom), (dissolved) 0 (<5 ppb),

copper (> ppb), iron (<20 ppb) and hydrazine (>3 x 2 (0 3)' '

2 Those should bo included in Tablo 10.3.5-2. ,


)1geppage 201.39 With the exception of the modifications detailed below, ,

Tablo 10.3.5-2 is correct and consistent with EPRI NP-6239.

In particular, EPRI Action Lovel 1 values correspond to the limits of C-E's normal operating specifications. Action Level 2 values correspond to the limits of C-E'o abnormal operating specifications. Action Level 3 values correspond to C-E's immediate shutdown limits.

In accordanco with thoso definitions, exceeding C-E's normal oporating limits for steam generator foodwater invokon the corrective actions asucciated with EPRI Action Level 1.

Excooding any abnormal oporating limits would invoke the correctivo actions associated with Action Level 2. As EPRI has only specified Action Level 1 values for steam generator feodwater in Np-6239, it is only necessary to specify normal operating limits for feedwater. Tablo 10.3.5-2 is thoroforo correct in its omission of any abnormal feodwater limits.

However, in accordance with changes made to the foodwater chemistry raquiremonts as a result of Revision 2 to the EPRI PWR Secondarv Water Chemistry Guidelinen (EPRI Np-6239), C-E will modify Table 10.3.5-2 to indicato correctivo action is required for mixed system pit only if plant experienco shows increased copper transport at pil>9.2. The normal operating specification for the pl! of a copper-free system will be revised to 29.3 also as a result of the EPRI guidelines.

Finally, the normal hydrazine operating specification will not be revised to (23 x [O )) as C-E belloves 20 ppb to be the minimum acceptable lov31 in order to ac::ommodato minor fluctuations in condensato dissolved oxygon. This decision agrees with the noto accompanying the foodwater hydrazino specification in the EPRI guidelines (Noto c to Table 2-4a of NP-6239).

. ._ - ._ _ .. ._ ._. ,_. _ _ , . . _ _ . ~ . .

...___.~_- .-.-. _ . . - . . - . - - . . - . . . . - . . . ~ - . - - - . - . - - . . . . - . .

QROM10R_23.1.d2 Boction should indicate EPHI PWR secondary water chemistry guidelines (normal and action lovels) fort

a. cold shutdown /wot layup (RCS<200 F) steam generator samplo,
b. heat-up (RCS>200 F to <5% reactor powor) steam generator blowdown samplo,
c. heat-up (RCS>200 F to <5% reactor povor) foodwater samplo, and
d. heat up (RCS>200 F <5% reactor power) foodwater samplo, ,

are implemented into plant-specific water chemistry programs as stated in tno applicant response to NRC Question 281-10.

Pannonan_23.L.iQ -

Table 10.3.5-1 will be revised to includo steam generator water opgrating chemistry limits for cgld shutdown /wot layup (RCS$210 F) , and plant hoatup (RCS>210 F to $5% reactor powor) . Table 10.3.5-2 will be revised to includo fgodwater operating chemistry limits for plant heatup (RCS>210 F to 55% reactor power) . The digtinction.botween cold shutdown and heatup ig chosen as 210 F, instead of the EPRI guideline value of 200 F, .to provido consistency with the definition of plant operating modos in CESSAR-DC Chaptor 16, Technical Specifications.


= '. t Q1tgstion 23 M _G Section utates the CVCS is designed to maintain the reactor coolant chemistry within appropriate technical specification limitu. This section should reference the recommendation of EPRI fiP-7077, dated Novenbor 1990, "PWR Primary Water Chnmistry Guidelines Revision 2."


i Critoria u of Section. Will be revised to stato, <

"The CVCS is designed to maintain the reactor coolant '

chemistry within the limits defined in EPRI report NP-7077, P}{.R Primary Water Chetn10.tIY_fdLif1Clines t Revision 2 (dated November 1990), and repeated in Table 9.3.4-1."

i 6

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4 Question 281.47 Tabic is not consistent with EPRI NP-7077 in the following areas:

a. Ucactor coolant makeup limits do not include reactive ailica, aluminum, magnesium, total calcium and magnesium and oxygen limits,
b. Primary water limits do not include sulfate and silica limits,
c. Primary water limits do not include action levels for
1. Cold shutdown (reactor <250 F)
2. Startup (reactor suberitical and >250 F)
3. Power operation (reactor critical)

Table should be revised to incorporate these NP-7077 recommendations.

Response.281.47 The reactor coolant makeup water chemistry information in Table 9.3.4-1 will be deleted since it repeats information provided by Table 9.2.3-1, " Primary & Secondary Makeup Water Limits". Table 9.2.3-1 will be revised to include aluminum, magnesium, total calcium and magnesium, and oxygen limits.

In addition to deletion of the reactor coolant makeup water information, Table 9.3.4-1 will be revised to include the sulfate, startup and cold shutdown reactor coolant chemistry limits contained in EPRI report NP-7077, PWR Primary Water Chemistry Guidelines: Revision 2, dated November 1990. No silica operating limits will be included as silica is used as a diagnostic parameter to indicate ion exchange resin exhaustion. This is consistent with the EPRI guidelines.

IInclosure 11 to I.D 91060 i

l l




,- -e -ev=- r--

C E S S A R ElMiric m o

\, IABIE 9 d a l Pal M A RL AtiD_$ E @!iD AR1] AKillP W Al[RJ 1 H_11$_

B pli 6.0 to 8.0 Conductivity less than LL u mhe /cn 0,00 Chloride less tha p-@

o.w >

fluoride Less tha 4 ppch

.v .,

Suspended S lids less that G-3 ppm revtive.

Silici (&44E) Les

,s than

=, 0.01 ppm

$&n be thw 0.oe (pA

( $MA Leg th w o,0o5 p p v;m L.xs em MY [pq

)h Cabe pin he Aw o @ (p ny' m /,,c4 k m 0,@ ((A klan sm y bwYnmoo'.[p c

les16m 0 wt y.

o J Les (k m 0.\ y

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k Arnendment B March 31, 1988

CESSAR ER!%mou nm M Z Bt. ,r % f D. The CVCS is designed to supply mahoup wctor or accept lotdown due to power decreance or incroauco:

1. The system is designed for lot step power increanos bet.voon 15% and 90% of full poWor and 10% stop power decreases betwoon 100% and 25% full power, as well as for ramp changos of 15% of full power por minute betwoon 15 and 100% power.
2. The Volume Control Tank (VCT) is sized with sufficient -

capacity to accommodate the inventory change resulting from a full to zero . power decrease with no makeup system operation, assuming that the VCT loval is initially in the normal operating level band.

C. Tho CVCS provides a means for - maintaining activity in-the-RCS within the appropriate technical specification limit, assuming a one percent failed fuel conAltion and continuous full power operatior s byLptkp.iotfN(r A DA7o A.Glaus*. 64 uM h& rip)04!<ma !Q,,,c ._.

The CVCS in designo D.- T. ntal .

reactor coolant chemistry within the limits spect i ble 9.3.4-1. B I E. Letdown- and ' charging portions of the . CVCS are designed to withstan'd the design transients defined in. Table 9.3.4-2 3'

-without any adverse effects, as applicable.

F. The CVCS has the capacity to receivo and process all excess reactor coolant generated during all normal and anticipated B modes of operation. Excess coolant generated during typical plant operations is shown in Table 9.3.4-3.


G, The CVCS is designed to provide 30-gpm of filtered flow to the reactor coolant pump seals and to accept a- 20 gpm I-controlled bloodoff flow.

H. Components of . the CVCS . - are designed in accordance with 3 applicable standards or codes as shown in Table 9.3.4-4.

Safety _ classes and. seismic-' classes 'aro shown on Figuro 9.3.4-1 Sheets-1 through 4, and-in Section-3.2. I I. The CVCS activo valves are given in Tabic 9.3.4-7. Refer also :to Section' -3.11-- for environmental design ' criteria applicable to CVCS valves.

J. The' CVCS is designed to operate with no boric acid-concentration above ,the point .where precipitation could occur. The- boric acid ' batching tank and discharge lines, I and the boric a'cid concentrator discharge line to the SWMS li Amendment-I 9.3-31 December 21, 1)90

...__m.,_.___,,,..,_._,_. _.~_ . . _ - , - mm

. CESSAR E!ancuiou k

TAHLE 9.3.4-1 3 7


REM 5tA CuaM' OPERATING LIMITS 4,0 o"CTOP C^^! "'T ."*"[!'r WAT Eb WaWslV N4 1/ \

fdk}/ d s'9un

.0 8

'l B

i tforJg(f < 0. '5"p -

dpe d o s < .05 m '


2.^ PT !"."".' WAIG - gg i gg Pre Core flot Infllal Core Load Y ower W#

_, Analysis functionals (1) and Criticality _ Operation _ M i'

pH (77'F) 3.8 - 10.4 4.5 - 10.5 4.5 - 10.5 I Conductivity (2) (2) (2) llydrazine 30-50 ppmI3) _

30-50 ppmI3) 1.5 x 0xygen ppm (4)

(max. 20 ppm)

/mont 0-50 ppm 0-50 ppm 0-2 ppm 1 Olssolved Gas (5)

Lithium 1-2 ppm 0.2-2.2 ppm - 2.2 ppm Hydrogen (6) 0 (STP)/kg Oxygen 0.1 ppm 50.1 ppm IS) $0.1 ppm i

Suspended Soli 0.35 ppm, <0.35 ppm, 2 ppm max.43) <0.35 ppm,gg).

2 ppm max. 2 ppm max.(8)

Chloride 50.15 ppm 50.15 ppm 50.15 ppm-Fluoride 50.15 ppm 50.15 ppm 50.15 ppm i Boron < Refueling < Refueling < Refueling tration Toncentration Concentration S er 5$r 0":"d":" u, #R;

~ ~

- .. . . - - - _ . - . - ~ _ - . . .. , .- -- - . . _ - . . . . --- . - . . - _ . .

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l l

1 Q/R 281.47 INGERT TO S!!EET 1 OF TAHI.E_9_.3.4-J, Shutdown and Analysis Refueling _

pli ( 77 F) 3.8 - 10.5 conductivity (2)

Ilydrazino ---

Ammonia (10) 0 - 2 ppm Dissolved Gas (10 cc STP/kg(!! 0) 2 Lithium ---

Ilydrogen <5 cc STP/kg(H OI 2

Oxygen ---

Suspended Solids ---

chloride 10.15 ppm Fluoride 10.15 ppm Boron 1 Refueling concentration sulfate 10.1 ppm

CESSAR naincmou 0h 20\.%

TABLE 9.3g'ont'd)

(Sheet 2 of 2)

REN.M ceAM' OPlilATING LIMITS NOTES: (1) Special hot conditioning limits:

Temperature >350*F for 7-10 days (2) Consistent with pH additive concentration.

(3) Hydrazine is maintained at 30-50 ppm any time the RCS is less than 150*F.

(4) Prior to exceeding 150*F during heatup or below 400'F during cooldown.

(5) Prior to a depressurization shutdown, reduce total gas to

<10cc(STP)/kg 2(H 0) to limit the possibility for explosive mixtures.

(6) During the transition from post-core to operating, hydrogen ' '

should be maintained in the 15 to 25cc(STP)/kg (H,0) range to minimize degassing requirements in case the reactbr plant must be shutdown and depressurized.

(7) Hydrogen should be <5cc(STP)/kg (H2 0) before securing the reactor coolant pumps.

(8) The abnormal condition of 0.35 to 2.0 ppm is permitted for up to 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> to allow for crud burst conditions. B (9) N __ __

{(ii) @s gendar k *A Ew p.b A W ,.

~ n -

Amendment B March 31, 1988


'd,/R 261.M l D


DETAILEDSTARTUPANDPOWEROPERATIONSPECIFICATIONS") I AD.ginii Ranoe Eqrnal Abnormal Immediate Shuldown pH 4.5 - 10.5 -- -

Conductivity (Q -- --

Hydrazine, ppm 1.5 x 0 - --

(max.28ppm) ppm

  • Anunonia ld) , ppm 0-2 - --

Lithium, ppm 0.2-2.2") k - --

Hydrogen CC (STP) H /kg H O 2 2 Power Operation 20 - 50 15 - 25 55 Startup 15 - 25 -- --

. Oxygen, ppm 10.1 >0.1 >1.0 Suspended Solids,(d) ppm 10.35 - --

' Chloride, ppm 50.15 >0.15 >1.5 Fluoride, ppm 50.15 >0.15 >l.5 Boron, ppm < Refueling -- --

Concentration CD S4A ,y s.oS -- --

Notes: b. Consistent with additive concentrations.

d. This parameter is used for rapid problem diagnosis, e.

Consistent with p g k W m enq p. .

1, This table expands upon operation specifications as depicted in c.

u., *. .-ag in u$ug.


~ -

. _m k 2M Secondary water chemistry is baned on the zero molids treatment method. This method employs the use of volatile additives to maintain system pli and to scavenge dissolved oxygon which may be present in the focowater.

A noutralizing amine is added to establich and maintain alkaline conditions in the foodtrain. Neutralizing amines which can be used for pli control are ammonia, morpholino, and cyclohoxylamine.

Ammonia should be used in plants employing condensate polishing to avoid rosie fouling. Although the amines are volatile and will not concentrate in the steam generator, they will reach an equilibrium lover which will establish an alkaline condition in the steam generator.

Ilydrazine is added to scavengo dissolved oxygen which may be present in the foodwater.- Ilydrazine also tends to I

promote the

-formation of a ~ protective oxido layer on metal surfaces by keeping these layers in a reduced chemical stato.

Both the p!! agent and hydrazine can be injected continuously at the discharge headers at the condensate pumps or condonsato domineralizer,_

if installed. These chemicals are added as necessary for chemistry control, and can also be added to the 1 upper steam generator feed line when no . ,

-ss Operating chemistry limits for seconda team generator water, feedwater and condensat re given in Tab 11s 10_. 3 . 5 - 1, 102 3._5-2 1 and 10.3.5-3*


un 2 M %APMb MWM dqGEOM E ,

The limits stated are divie mm, CPt.\tMee -


NH.ty);avd.%ur osimdl yabovimr%s) 1 1

l anu immediate shutdown. The liinits provide: high quality.  ;

chemistry control and yet permit operating flexibility. The -

normal chemistry conditions can be maintained by _any plant operating with little or no condenser- leakage. The abnormal i steam - generator limits are suggested to permit operaticna with minor system fault conditions until tho?affected component can be  ;

isolated and/or . repaired. The immedia.to shutdown limits represent chemistry conditions at which continued operation could E

. result in severe steam generator corrosion damage.

The' following procedures are recomr: ended for protection against=

secondary system and steam generator corrosion: A A. When the normal range is exceeded, imacdiato investigation of _the prob'em should be initiated, sampling frequency increased to the abnormal level (at least twice per 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shift) and blowdown increased ' to ~ one percent of the main steaming rate. Tho - problem should be corrected and the parameter (s) returned to the normal range within one week.-

Amendment E-10.3-19 December 30, 1988 '

__ , _ . ~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ , _ _ _ _ . _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ .

CESSAR nihuou  ;

1 Q/R zet.% i, m90

  1. IARM_1x "4


, HE9EnhPl.Jtinti_ GENERATOR

___ . WATER _ -

(-- Norma ,l,VoSCLQMbN%

Abnormal Va riable. - _ Dngpiilgtto Lipita pH (mixed systom) (2) 8. 5 - 9 rg $ ,

A (copper-free) ,

Cation conductivity (3) s 0.8 pmhos/cm 'O.8-2.0 pmhos/cm Silic s 300 ppb r-Chloride 5 20 ppb 20-100 ppb Sodium I4) s 20 ppb 20-100 ppb Sulfato s 20 ppb 75 ~ 00


NOTES (1) Normal specifications are those which should be _ maintained by continuous steam _g enerator blowdown during propor operation of secondary systems.

(2) A mixed - system is any secondary system containing copper alloy components.

, ~ (3) If the immediato shutdown liidit of 7.0 pmhos/cm is exceeded, j the unit should be shut down within four hours.

(4) If the immediate shutdown limit of 500 ppb is exceeded, the '

unit-should be shut down within four hours.

, -(5)- -In plants where condensate polishers - are in operation, the pH of a copper-free system can bo' controlled to a value of 2. _A 8.8, with action required at < 8.8.

-- ~ , , . m . c -- , , _

(f*) hcN tu j.ceh & t'.iptLut., Ows, ieacM/b }a Nhs.f 1 Y > 't. t .

(4 'N#, y3 e it, M Amendmont E-December 30, 1988

, .- c?

Q/R 281.40 s p/

INSimT 'lU TABLE 10.,3. 5--1 Variable Wet Layup Startup I I pH_(mixed system)(2) >9.8 8.5 - 9.2 (copper freo) >9.8 >9.0 Cation Conductivity (3) ----

12.0pmhos/cm Silica I7I ---- ----

Chlorido 11000 ppb 1100 ppb Sodium I4I 11000 ppb 1100 ppb Sulfato 11000 ppb 1100 ppb

!!yd ra r.ino 75 - 200 ppm ----

112( Ver pressure) >5 psig ----

Dissolved Oxygen 1100 ppb (8) 15 ppb NOTES: (1) through (7) sco prior page.

(8) Oxygen value applies to steam generator fill source.

(9) Startup values shall be mot prior to exceeding 5%

reactor power.


+ -r---- ee-= , , , - - we.- 4 e, n--m, -en e' aswar-vrwn,-,,---w- -r--s,m-- - - ,

r CESSAR nainemou

_n , ,'

0 Zb\.Y ' O Th11hD_L0a)ah-l y OffilhTING C11ElilSTRY LIMITp NR Fl@}iATEB A.

III 6tsek Hormal YAriable ,jp bu* . A p m L U .qAi l etta 6 pH

[ '5) ,

a. Mixed system ~~ 8.8 - 9.
b. Copper-freo system 'k (b 9. 3 ' ,

Conductivit (Intensiflod cation)I4) --

5 0.2 umhos/cm Hydrazin & ') v (00 t 20 ppb Dissolved oxygen 6 Rob M i s S ppb Sodium I4) , , , ,

s 3 ppb Iren- , , , , , , , _

s 20 ppb A' Copper (2) s 2 ppb NOTES (1) Normal cpecifications are those which should be maintained during proper operation of secondary syr' ems.

(2). Analysic not required for copper-f rco systems.

(3) In plants where condensato polishers are it: operation, the pH of a copper-free system can be controlled to a value of 2 9.0, with action required at < 9.0. ,

(4) Conductivity and sodium are diagnostic paramotors. Theco values were set as a means of adtirossing steam purity

' concerns. .It is realized that lower values will -be needed to moet blowoown limitations in Tablo 10.3.5-1. Feodwater g sodium valuca of <<1 ppb are rcquired to- meet steam i generator water quality. Likewise, cation conductivity l~ values <<0.2 are generally required. to meet steam generator l

t. .


_ , -quali n _ty .-w w -

n- .

l- (85) Actw Ap ok cy6t:<c d%S LWet'#A opt k!'q'N U gMT4 (Q & hptua. \M ap% b bdMe4 ftMea5A'. doMttv\ dl 04 MMA dMA Mt^ N@

  1. ^

l (N 6hAsg d u e a glj d <A k f d > ZIO y f b l 4 M f '5 6 6 3 .

b*^ Amendment E (Q }l m Ak k p*Me k (Ak engd U %4 b g\s cw k eda %Ad 44 de,c deM N %h*4 f December 30, 1988




!!nclosure til to LD.91060 r

DULELONS FOR WillCll RESl'ONSES WILL BE l'ROVIDED SEl%11ATIiLY 252.02 281.48 252.03 281.49 252N 252.05 252.06 252.07 252.08 252.09 252.10 252.11 252.12 252.13 252.14 252.15 281.35 281.36 281.41 281.42 281.43 281.44 281.45

- - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _