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 Issue dateTitleTopic
LD-98-009, Forwards 3 Copies of Amend X to CESSAR-Design Certification (DC) Sys 80+ Std Plant Ssar Which Is Reprint of CESSAR-DC That Incorporates Revs Made to Approved Design Matl in Dcd. All CESSAR-DC Pages Designated Except for Listed Info13 March 1998Forwards 3 Copies of Amend X to CESSAR-Design Certification (DC) Sys 80+ Std Plant Ssar Which Is Reprint of CESSAR-DC That Incorporates Revs Made to Approved Design Matl in Dcd. All CESSAR-DC Pages Designated Except for Listed InfoProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20149J71023 July 1997Requests That R Simard Be Removed from Service Lists & R Bell Be Added to Svc Lists,Due to Recent NEI Reorganization
LD-97-020, Requests That Errata Be Corrected in Errata Amend to Sys 80+ Design Certification Rule.Memo from Egan & Assoc to C Brinkman Which Lists Errata,Basis for Correction & Suggested Corrections Encl13 June 1997Requests That Errata Be Corrected in Errata Amend to Sys 80+ Design Certification Rule.Memo from Egan & Assoc to C Brinkman Which Lists Errata,Basis for Correction & Suggested Corrections EnclOperating Basis Earthquake
LD-97-015, Informs That ABB-CE Has Completed Review of Effective Page Listing & Sys 80+ Design Control Document Revs Dtd Jan 19977 May 1997Informs That ABB-CE Has Completed Review of Effective Page Listing & Sys 80+ Design Control Document Revs Dtd Jan 1997
LD-97-014, Transmits Final Version of Sys 80+ Design Control Document (DCD)30 April 1997Transmits Final Version of Sys 80+ Design Control Document (DCD)
LD-96-062, Requests Authorization to Conduct Narrowly,Focused Review of Design Certification Rule for Sys 80+ Before Sending of Office of Fr for Publication18 December 1996Requests Authorization to Conduct Narrowly,Focused Review of Design Certification Rule for Sys 80+ Before Sending of Office of Fr for Publication
LD-96-060, Forwards Rev to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document13 December 1996Forwards Rev to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document
LD-96-042, Submits Misleading Statement by BNL on C-E Reactor Coolant Pump Seals.Statement Correction Listed26 September 1996Submits Misleading Statement by BNL on C-E Reactor Coolant Pump Seals.Statement Correction ListedProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20128P49823 September 1996Forwards Proposed Rule Language for 3 Design Certifications Discussed at 960827 NRC BriefingBackfit
ML20128N60016 September 1996Provides Addl Info in Response to Several Questions Raised by Commission During 960827 Briefing on Design Certification RulemakingSafe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Exemption Request
LD-96-029, Forwards Finalized Package of Six Draft Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document.Changes Will Be Formally Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document at Conclusion of Design Certification Rulemaking25 July 1996Forwards Finalized Package of Six Draft Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document.Changes Will Be Formally Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document at Conclusion of Design Certification RulemakingStress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
Fuel cladding
LD-96-028, Submits Addl Draft Changes for Staff Review & Approval. Changes Listed on Attached Table W/Details Shown on Encl Design Control Document Pages17 July 1996Submits Addl Draft Changes for Staff Review & Approval. Changes Listed on Attached Table W/Details Shown on Encl Design Control Document PagesStress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
Fuel cladding
LD-96-024, Transmits Finalized Package of Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document27 June 1996Transmits Finalized Package of Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control DocumentBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
LD-96-021, Submits Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document as Requested by for Staff Review & Approval11 June 1996Submits Changes to Sys 80+ Std Plant Design Control Document as Requested by for Staff Review & Approval
ML20107G14517 April 1996Transmits CEOG Task 931 Survey Questionnaire-CEA Insertion Experience W/High Burnup Fuel Mgt
ML20101P12315 March 1996Expresses Appreciation for Opportunity on 960308 to Brief Commission on Views on Design Certification Rules, Particularly W/Respect to Issue of Applicable Regulations
LD-95-026, Requests Addl Explanation of Probablistic Risk Assessment. Request for Clarification & Does Not Impact Conclusions of Evaluation Already Reported in FSER6 October 1995Requests Addl Explanation of Probablistic Risk Assessment. Request for Clarification & Does Not Impact Conclusions of Evaluation Already Reported in FSERProbabilistic Risk Assessment
LD-95-040, Forwards ABB-CE Proposed Statement of Considerations to Accompany ABB-CE Proposed Rule,Presented in Form of Complete Rulemaking Package5 September 1995Forwards ABB-CE Proposed Statement of Considerations to Accompany ABB-CE Proposed Rule,Presented in Form of Complete Rulemaking PackageProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Operating Basis Earthquake
Incorporated by reference
License Renewal
Exemption Request
ML20092D25623 August 1995Forwards Correction to Comment 20 Re Proposed Design Certification Rules for Standardized Advancement Reactors. Last Line of Text May Have Been Lost Due to Word Processing Error
ML20092D28723 August 1995Forwards Correction to Comment 19 Re Proposed Design Certification Rules for Standardized Advanced Reactors. Last Line on First Page May Have Been Lost Due to Word Processing Error
ML20085G27114 June 1995Proposes to Respond to RAIs on GE TR NEDE-32177P, Tracg Computer Code Qualification, Dtd Jan 1993 in Three Groups as Indicated in Attachment
ML20082G55110 April 1995Provides Documents & Info Requested in NRC Audit (950407- 950410) Re Rv Fabrication
LD-95-015, Transmits Corrected Page for Incorporation Into Sys 80+ DCD Revs27 March 1995Transmits Corrected Page for Incorporation Into Sys 80+ DCD Revs
LD-95-013, Transmits Supplementary Revs for Incorporation Into DCD & Affidavit.Changes Resolve Inconsistencies Identified by NRC & by ABB-CE24 March 1995Transmits Supplementary Revs for Incorporation Into DCD & Affidavit.Changes Resolve Inconsistencies Identified by NRC & by ABB-CEUltimate heat sink
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Nondestructive Examination
Pressure Boundary Leakage
LD-95-011, Forwards Rev Pages for Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Margin Bar Adjacent to Change & Rev Date Will Be Added to Revised DCD Page17 March 1995Forwards Rev Pages for Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Margin Bar Adjacent to Change & Rev Date Will Be Added to Revised DCD PageHot Short
Ultimate heat sink
Fire Barrier
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Fuel cladding
Liquid penetrant
LD-95-003, Provides Addl Info on Removal of Auxiliary Throttle Seal Coolers from Reactor Coolant Pumps,In Response to NRC Questions from Review of Sys 80+ Design Control Document3 March 1995Provides Addl Info on Removal of Auxiliary Throttle Seal Coolers from Reactor Coolant Pumps,In Response to NRC Questions from Review of Sys 80+ Design Control Document
LD-95-007, Forwards Revised Sys 80+ Design Control Document22 February 1995Forwards Revised Sys 80+ Design Control Document
LD-95-006, Forwards mark-up Pages Identifying Revs Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Revs Provided in Response to Comments Provided by NRC & as Result of Changes Identified by ABB-CE & Discussed W/Nrc16 February 1995Forwards mark-up Pages Identifying Revs Incorporated Into Sys 80+ Design Control Document. Revs Provided in Response to Comments Provided by NRC & as Result of Changes Identified by ABB-CE & Discussed W/Nrc
LD-95-001, Forwards Rev 2 to Technical Support Document for Amend to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accident Under NEPA for Plants of Sys 80+ Design6 January 1995Forwards Rev 2 to Technical Support Document for Amend to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accident Under NEPA for Plants of Sys 80+ Design
NRC-94-4383, Comments on Review of Draft NUREG-1512 for Proprietary Info27 December 1994Comments on Review of Draft NUREG-1512 for Proprietary Info
LD-94-072, Provides Justification for Tier 2 Seismic & Valve Testing Expirations16 December 1994Provides Justification for Tier 2 Seismic & Valve Testing ExpirationsStroke time
LD-94-073, Forwards Sys 80+ Design Control Document, Vols 1-2416 December 1994Forwards Sys 80+ Design Control Document, Vols 1-24
LD-94-071, Transmits Addl Input to System 80+ Design Control Document15 December 1994Transmits Addl Input to System 80+ Design Control DocumentSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Nondestructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
Tornado Generated Missile
Seismically rugged
Feedwater Heater
Control of Heavy Loads
Turbine Missile
Overspeed trip
Water hammer
Control Room Habitability
LD-94-069, Forwards marked-up CESSAR-DC Figure 5.1.2-2 Re Proposed Design Change to Remove RCP Seal Coolers8 December 1994Forwards marked-up CESSAR-DC Figure 5.1.2-2 Re Proposed Design Change to Remove RCP Seal CoolersBoric Acid
ML20078N8961 December 1994Forwards Copy of Ltr NFBWR-94-033
LD-94-065, Submits Proposed Language Related to Tier 2 for Sys 80+ Design Certification Rule28 October 1994Submits Proposed Language Related to Tier 2 for Sys 80+ Design Certification Rule
LD-94-063, Forwards Rev 1 of Technical Support Document for Amends to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accidents Under NEPA for Plants of Sys 80+ Design10 October 1994Forwards Rev 1 of Technical Support Document for Amends to 10CFR51 Considering Severe Accidents Under NEPA for Plants of Sys 80+ Design
ML20072T26930 August 1994Advises That Industry Intends to Comment in Opposition to Applicable Regulations Approach & Proposed Text of Applicable Regulations in Design Certification Rulemaking Proceeding for Both ABWR & Sys 80+Backfit
LD-94-059, Forwards Draft Notice of Issuance of EA & Draft Fonsi, Together W/Supporting Draft Proposed EA for Consideration,W/ Respect to Draft EA NRC Producing for Proposed Sys 80+ Design Process22 August 1994Forwards Draft Notice of Issuance of EA & Draft Fonsi, Together W/Supporting Draft Proposed EA for Consideration,W/ Respect to Draft EA NRC Producing for Proposed Sys 80+ Design ProcessUltimate heat sink
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
License Renewal
ML20072B96412 August 1994Requests That Author Name Be Added to Sys 80+ Service List. Author Counsel to Westinghouse in AP600 Design Certification
ML20072E3569 August 1994Requests Addition of Author Name to Sys 80+ Svc List
ML20073E17225 July 1994Forwards Rept Entitled, Analysis of Ex-Vessel Steam Explosions for Combustion Engineering Sys 80+ Using Gtsf Computer Code. Provides Comments on Central,Outer & Multiple Instrument Tube Failures
LD-94-054, Forwards Errata to Sys 80+ Certified Design Matl,In Response to Editorial & Word Processing Errors21 July 1994Forwards Errata to Sys 80+ Certified Design Matl,In Response to Editorial & Word Processing Errors
LD-94-052, Requests That Service List for Docket 52-002 Be Updated in Accordance W/Encl Listing,Due to Changes in Position Titles, Affiliations & Organizations.Correspondence on Docket 52-002 Should Be Addressed to Listed Address20 July 1994Requests That Service List for Docket 52-002 Be Updated in Accordance W/Encl Listing,Due to Changes in Position Titles, Affiliations & Organizations.Correspondence on Docket 52-002 Should Be Addressed to Listed Address
LD-94-053, Seeks Confirmation of Vendor Understanding of NRC Fee Regulations in 10CFR170 as Pertaining to Sys 80+ Design Certification Rulemaking as Set Forth in Encl20 July 1994Seeks Confirmation of Vendor Understanding of NRC Fee Regulations in 10CFR170 as Pertaining to Sys 80+ Design Certification Rulemaking as Set Forth in Encl
LD-94-048, Forwards Certified Design Matl Related to Design Reliability Assurance Program & Corresponding Errata Pages for CESSAR-DC (Section 1.0,17.3 & 19.15) Amend W,To Resolve NRC Comments Received by Telcon Over Past Two Wks12 July 1994Forwards Certified Design Matl Related to Design Reliability Assurance Program & Corresponding Errata Pages for CESSAR-DC (Section 1.0,17.3 & 19.15) Amend W,To Resolve NRC Comments Received by Telcon Over Past Two Wks
ML20077F4118 July 1994Forwards Technical Evaluation Rept Entitled, an Analysis of Core Meltdown Accidents in CE Sys 80+ Plant Using Melcor
LD-94-047, Forwards Replacement Page for System 80+ Emergency Operations Guidelines28 June 1994Forwards Replacement Page for System 80+ Emergency Operations Guidelines
LD-94-046, Submits Sys 80+ Design & Operational Features Re Deviations from Regulations27 June 1994Submits Sys 80+ Design & Operational Features Re Deviations from Regulations
LD-94-044, Forwards Revised Combustion Engineering Standard Safety Analysis Rept - Design Certification,Amend W & Affidavit20 June 1994Forwards Revised Combustion Engineering Standard Safety Analysis Rept - Design Certification,Amend W & AffidavitAffidavit