IR 05000353/1989004

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Insp Rept 50-353/89-04 on 890109-0212.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Startup Testing Activity,Preservice Insp Program,Rcpb Piping,Nuclear Review Board & Plant Operations Review Committee Activity & QA Stop Work Order
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1989
From: Linville J, Williams J
Shared Package
ML20247C482 List:
50-353-89-04, NUDOCS 8903300202
Download: ML20247C504 (13)


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. S'. NUCLEAR. REGULATORY COMMISSION-REGION I-m Report No. 89-04 Docket No. 50-353-License-No. CPPR-107 Cat'egory A/B


Licensee: ' Philadelphia- Electric Company Correspondence Control' Desk P.O. Box'7520 Philadelphia, PA" 19101-Facility Name: Limerick Generating Station, Unit-2

' Inspection Conducted: January 9 to February 12, 1989 I

. Inspectors: 'R. A..Gramm,' Senior Resident Inspector, Unit 2 R. L. Fuhrmeister, Resident Inspector, Unit 2


H. W..Kerch, Senior Reactor Engineer, DRS

,R, A. McBrearty, Reactor Engineer, DRS Reviewed by:.. ..




. Wi'1 Tiams, P o "ect Engineer Date e tor Projects ction 2A Approved by: , , J M

'Jame . L W ille, ChtJf Date/

R or Projects Sect' ion 2A

.i inspection Summary: Report for Inspection Conducted January 9, 1989 to February 12, 1989 (Report No. 50-353/89-04)

Areas Inspected: . Routine inspection by the '.esident inspectors and 2 region-based spe::ialists of work activities, procedures, and records relative to startup test activity, Pre-Service Inspection (PSI) program, reactor coolant pressure boundary piping, Nuclear Review Board and Plant Operations R

Review Committee activities, and a Quality Assurance stop work order. The


. report covers 231 inspector hours.

I Results: . Preoperational testing was conducted ir a::cnrdance with applicable test procedures. Difficulties with instrumentation and the corrective actions were noted during Reactor Protection System testing. One unresolved item was generated with respect to certification tests used by vendors for PSI inspector I DR ADOCK 050 g 3

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Page; M 1.0 S u mm a ry . c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


L2.0 . Plant Inspection' Tours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . :3 !

3.0 - Licensee Action' on Previously Identified Items. . . . '. . . . . . 4 !



4.0 Three' Mile _ Island Action Plan Items ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




3 . 5.0. Startup. Test Activities . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L9 6.0 Review of NDE Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11L 7.0 : Reactor l Coolant' Pip'e Records .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11'

8.0 Safety _ Committee Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 9.0 Electrical Panel Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


10.0 Allegation Followup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 11,0'Asstrance of Qualit . . . .......... ........ 13


12'.0' Meetings with Licensee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13



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  • g DETAILS 1.0 Summary Fifteen NRC open items were reviewed, and 14 were closed (sections 3.and '

4). ,Startup test activities associated with preoperational testing of Redundant Reactivity Control System, Reactor Protection System, Standby Gas Treatment System, and the Control Rod Drive System were witnessed-(Section 5). Training and qualification of personnel in the Pre-Service Inspection program were reviewed (Section 6). Meetings of the Nuclear-Review Board and Plant Operations Review Committee were monitored


(Section 8). Issues surrounding a QA Stop Work order on energizing Unit '

electrical cables were reviewed (Section 9). The inspectors examined the


circumstances surrounding a worker concern regarding rigging practices (Section 10).

2.0 Plant Inspection Tours The inspector' observed in progress work activities, completed work, and plant several areas during inspection tours. Work was examined for defects and compliance with regulatory and licensee requirements.,

Particular note was taken of the presence of quality control inspectors and quality control evidence such as inspiction records, material identification, nonconforming material identification, housekeeping and equipment preservation. The inspector interviewed craft supervision, craft and quality control personnel in the work areas. Observations are noted below:


The inspector monitored the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)

and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling system validations conducted by

General Electric (GE) during the week of February 6, 1989. GE representatives had a concern about the use of undamped Rosemount 1153 transmitters for flow measurement as they are very sensitive and tend to respond to process flow noise. It'was also noted that work associated with Field Deviation Disposition Report (FDDR)

HH2-9064 will need to be performed again, as the previously modified HPCI turbine stop valve bonnet was transferred to Unit 1. Several minor inconsistencies in instrument sensing lines were noted involving

ocal high points. It was determined that both systems generally conform to the GE design inten The inspector reviewed the Apparent Discrepancy Notification (ADN)

System. Several ADNs were reviewed for handling of the technical concern. The inspector was informed that quality assurance personnel were performing a detailed review of the ADNs issued to i date. This process' was reviewed further by the Unit 1 inspecto '


The inspector observed reassembly operations on the Main Steam l Isolation Valves (MSIVs). Quality control and field engineering were present to monitor the work activities. The associated work package

' documentation was complet .

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' Licensee Action on Previous 1 dentified Items (92700, 92701,'92702, 36100)~

. t. . (Closed) Construction ~ Dei sciency: Report (81-00-12): Excessiv voltage . drop in circuits. The inspector reviewed the following-documentation:


PECo Significant Deficiency Report (SDR) 52, dated October 22, 1981


Bechtel Letter BLP-29117, dated May~3, 1983


Management Corrective Action Report (MCAR-1) No. 29


Engineering Memo to Field (EMF) 10735 and 10807


Bechtel Drawing E-1420 Sheets 1 and 2 This deficiency. involved the potential.inoperability of Class 1-E equipment due to excessive voltage drops in the cabling. The affected circuits were corrected by increasing conductor sizes and the control power transformer size as appropriate. In addition, drawing E-1420 was issued to document maximum allowable circuit lengths for various combinations of voltage, current, conductor size and control transformer size. This item is close (Closed) Construction Deficiency (83-00-04): Motor Operated Valve (MOV) tandem torque. switches. The inspector reviewed:

- Bechtel procedure FM-4

- MOV rework documentation

- Bechtel Field Inspection Report LR00259

'The rework ' procedure for Unit 2 safety related MOVs was written to require the removal of the top switches in the tandem torque switch assemblie The inspector confirmed through review of documentation that all safety related MOVs have been processed through the rework program. This .

close (Closed) Construction Deficiency Report (84-00-05): Crushed floats in scram discharge volume float switches. The inspector reviewed the following documentation:


PECo Significant Deficiency Report (SDR) 136 -


Field Deviation Disposition Request (FDDR) HH2-6249


Quality Control Inspection Records (QCIRs) 2M558-12-62-1 and 2M-55B-13-62-1 Two Unit I float switches failed when their floats were crushed during hydrostatic testing at 1920 psig. General Elect ric determined that the switches would withstand pressures up to 1600 psig satisfactorily, but that the floats often collapsed at pressures over 1800 psig. Maximum hydrostatic test pressure for Unit 2, as documented on the QCIRs was 1590 psig. This item is close .

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' (Closed). Construction Deficiency'(86-00-01) Westinghouse'


, supply breakers ' shunt trip coil damage. The following documents were


'- PECO QA Surveillance Check' Report 2E-283-PEC0 procedure FE-29 .

- Bechtel work package E-30-0109 . .

- Quality Control Inspection Reports-2AC248-26-2 and 2BC248-26-2 i

Seve'ral actions were taken to prevent the shunt trip coil-failures that occurred due to a manufacturing defect in combination with improper operation of the breaker. Warning labels.were affixed to the breaker panels which state the circuit breaker'should not be c'losed when the: shunt trip coil tripped light. is on. 'A test procedure was generated to test the circuit breakers to ensure the absence of mechanical binding.. A design change was implemented to assure the-trip coil is not energized beyond its monentary rating. . The indica-ting lights.~ for the tripped signal were replaced with a mon visible

, type. Based upon the corrective actions to' preclude recorrence, this

. item is close (Closed) Construction Deficiency (87-00-01): Computer Aided Design and Dufting (CADD) drawings. The inspector reviewed'the following-documents:

- PECO memo from Hunger to Pavlides (December 14,1987) 1

- PECO Finding Reports ILF-001, ILF-002, 2G-600, 2G-696, 2C-381

- PECO Sur've111ance Check report ILC-100

- Bechtel letters BLP-40598, BLP-40291, BLP-41345, BLP-39959,-

BLP-40408, BLP-41218, BLP-41887

- Bechtel Quality Action Request F-549,


- Bechtel Engineering procedure EDPI-4.4 All Unit l'and Unit 2 Piping and Instrument Diagrams-(P& ids) were reviewed and the errors were analyzed. The P& ids were corrected and

. reissued. The associated Quality Assurance Diagrams (QADs) were ;

reviewed, corrected and reissued. PECO engineering performed additional reviews of the issued drawings to ensure the accuracy of the corrected drawings. Procurement actions were reviewed by the licensee to assure that erroneous component quality lev 0 designation of the QADs had not affected procurement documents. The licensee reviewed construction work packages and inspection to ensure that the drafting errors had not affected any work act1dties. The corrected P& ids were incorporated into the FSAR as appropriate. The Bechtel.CADD drawing issuance review instructions were enhanced. The Bechtel QA manual was revised to require special engineering proce-dures to be used for conversions (i.e. handrawn to CADD) of design documents. The inspector met with the CADD supervisor.and discussed the program revisions, operator training, QA audit results, and


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(: observed the svstem operation and techniques for drawing revision Laccuracy verificatio Based upon the licensee actions this item is close (Closed) Construction Deficiency (87-00-02): Electrical penetration-overcurrent protectio Bechtel engineering identified four types of-electrical circuits that were not provided with redundant overcurrent-i protection. The following documents were-reviewed by the inspector:

- Bechtel Management. Corrective Action Request (MCAR-38)


-- Project Change Notice 20326

- Bechtel Work Packages E-30-0349, E30-0235, E25-0086

- General Electric Field Deviation Disposition HH2-6183 The licensee reviewe'd all other circuits passing through contaianint penetrations and assured adequate overcurrent protection.was provide The inspector verified through review of design and construction documentation that the: requisite redundant overcurrent protection has been provided on the discrepant circuits. This item is close g. '(Closed) Violation (87-11-09): -Undersized raceway support skewed fillet welds. The-inspector reviewed the following:

- Bechtel letters BLP-40920, LTC-16340, BLP-41595

- PECO letter RLB-20647

- Bechtel Nonconformance Report 12547

.. - PECO QA Finding Report IN-573 '

- PECO Nonconformance Reports QA-L-017 and QA-L-026

- Bechtel Engineering Instruction ECI-100-  ;

- Bechtel Calculation 99.13.22

- Selected pages from Bechtel Specification E-140 Bechtel Quality Control performed additional reinspection of raceway supports that had been originally inspected by the individual who had accepted the undersized skewed fillet weld. Additional undersized .j skewed fillet welds were identified and dispositioned by engineering I as acceptabl Engineering reviewed the use of skewed fillet welds in Unit 2 raceway l supports. The support designs were generally found acceptable based l upon the fact that the skewed fillet welds were not made since l necessary additional weldments provided the structural integrit )

Additional training was performed for the Unit 2 quality control


inspectors. A further sampling reinspection and engineering analysis concluded that the Unit I and common area raceway supports are structurally adequate. The inspector reviewed selected engineering calculations used to support the accept-as-is disposition Based upon the reinspection, reanalysis, and licensee QC inspector training this item is close l




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h .' (Closed) Construction' Deficiency Report-(88-00-01): Wiring problems in DC Motor Control Centers.(MCCs). The inspector reviewed th following documentation: o



Evaluation.for Deportability --SDR #221-2


- PECo Letter, Kemper to Russell, dated Feb~ruary .23, 1988


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Bechtel'Nonconformance Report (NCR) No. 12622


Bechtel NCR No. 12709 Several Westinghouse DC Motor. Control Centers were supplied'with-internal cubicle. wiring'which did not conform with design drawing All the affected cubicles were rewired in accordance with the design

drawings. This item is close .i . (Closed) Violation (88-12-01)
-Inadequate Procedures for emergency diesel 1 generator refurbishment. The following documentation was reviewed:


PECo QA Finding Report 612




Startup Change Request (SCR) 2MS-069


Bechtel Letter F321123


Call Letter,' Jung to Mourer, dated August 22, 1988


Field Change Request (FCR) No. ME-1205-M


PEco QA Finding Report 2M-730


The inspector determined that the Diesel Generator Operation and Maintenance Manual was revised to include methods to be used for resurfacing of. bearing journals, type of lapping compound to be used and procedure for removal of residual lapping compound. .This item is closed.

l j . (Closed)' Unresolved (88-15-01): Documentation of deportabilit reviaws. The inspector reviewed the following:

- PEC0 QA instruction QAI.15-4

- PECO QA finding reports 2N-618, 2N-627, 2N-620 and 2N o19 p The QA instruction was revised to require.that a deportability review log be maintained for startup documents. The log requires that a i brief statement be made for cases justifying no further deportability ' required. The licensee reviewed schematic drawings for ten other throttling type valves and confirmed the. connection drawings and field wiring were correct. PECo instruction QAI 10 was revised to expand tne definition of a nonconformenc Two startup admini-t strative procedures were amended to provide clarification on proper use of startup nonconformance tracking documents. The inspector' u additionally reviewed selected startup findings and the deportability logs. This item is close m-- __-_ __m_u.___-..- . - _ - - _ - _ _

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k. . '(Closed) Unresnived Item (88-17-01): Change. required to test procedure. The inspector reviewed the following documentation:


FSAR Section 5.4.6. 'PECo'QA Finding Report 2N-625 .





Preoperational Test Change Notice-(TCN)-001 to_Preoperational Test Procedure 2P5 The inspector verified that TCN-001 corrected the FSAR reference for-the acceptance criteria for resetting the electrical trip of th Reactor Core Isolation Cooling trip-throttle valve. This item is -

L close , (Clo' sed) Unresolv'ed Item (88-19-01): Documentation discrepancies associated with reactor vessel closure head stud calibration standard The subject ultrasonic calibration standards were previously determined to be acceptable for their intended use, but the related documentation was inadequate in that it did not reflect the as-fabricated condition of the standard Nonconformance Report (NRC) No.13746 and various related Field Inspection Reports' and Field Change Requests were examined by the

. inspector to ascertuin that the as-fabricated information was documented by the licensee to meet' applicable ASME code

. requirements. This item is closed, (Closed) Violation (88-25-01): Redundant' Reactivity Control feed-water pump runback logic. The inspector reviewed PECO QA Finding Report 2N-663 and General Electric Field Deviation Disposition Request (FDDR) HH2-6630 and Bechtel- QC Inspection Record 20C41-25-2 The' field wiring change was implemented and inspected for the feed-

water. pump runback function. General ~ Electric reviewed.310 Unit 1 FDDRs, that had been previously identified as applicable for Unit 2, to ensure incorporation into the Unit 2 design. An additional.five instances of failure to incorporate FDDRs were identified which

involved four documentation and one wiring problem which required I issuance of Unit 2 FDDRs. Based upon the General Electric review and incorporation of outstanding ' items into the Unit 2 design, this item is close .0 Three Mile Island Action Plan Items (25401B) (Closed) I.A.2.3: Administration of training program The inspector reviewed:

- PECO Administrative procedure A-50

- PECO procedure NTS-I-401 The PECO program requires that instructors that teach plant systems, transient and simulator courses shall be senior reactor operator certifie This item is close :_-____-________-____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ - ._____ _ --

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, '(0 pen) I.C.1:.Short term accident procedures. The inspector reviewed '

. controlled binders'for Transient' Response Implementation Procedures-(TRIPS) and found the Unit 2 ' procedures have'not yet been issue The inspector ascertained through discussions with cognizant licensee

' personnel that all Unit 2 TRIPS are -approved but have' not been . issued pending' preparation.'of the associated flow charts and electrical l

. jumpers for the control room. 'This item remains ope .0 'Startup Test Activities (70315, 70432, 70311, 70317, 70344, 35301) Redundant Reactivity Control System (RRCS)'2P-58.2. The inspector witnessed portions of the logic testing'of the'RRCS. Testing was well controlled-and-properly documented. Quality Organization personnel were in attendance as necessary to verify restoratio b .- Reactor Protection System (RPS), 2P-5 The inspector witnessed portions of the response time testing of the scram channels for nuclear-boiler instruments. -Initially, problems were experienced with the response time test set which were related to electronic

. noise in the reference signali. This difficulty was. ultimately resolved by providing additional grounding and testing continued satisfactoril The inspector observed Control Rod Drive (CRD) testing performed in accordance with Technical Test (TT) 1.12. The following rods were observed during testing: 26-31, 18-43, 22-47, 30-07, 34-31, 54-15, 14-11, 14-51, and 26-3 The testing involved notching and continuous drives for rod insertion and withdrawal. Associated indication such as the overtravel alarm and rod position indications were verified, Portions of the Logic Functional Testing (LFT) were observed for the Residual Heat Removal Service Water (RHRSW) system. Valves HV-51-2F014B and HV-12-211 were checked for stroke times and control switch

' functional verifications, Portions of the Standby Gas. Treatment (SBGT) preoperational test 2P-70.1 were observed. During performance of Step the expected alarm did not occur becaua two handswitches had been repositioned after the test engineer had performed the pre-test switch position verification Licensee investigation identified

, that control room operations personnel had repositioned the switches to conform with the standard lineup of the system during a shift change. The inspector expressed concern relative to test configura- ,

tion control since the test engineer was not aware of the switch l Startup management recognized the necessity for


repositionin control of Unit 1 equipment during Unit 2 testing and decided to

! utilize caution tags to designate items such as the. switches that d l impact obtaining valid test results Training was provided to i



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'10 ] I startup personnel and shift operations personnel concurred in the use:

of the. tags. The conduct:of the 2P-70.1 test briefings for shift-personnel were observe The licensee,had identified plans to take cre'it d for preoperational test ' conduct in lieu of initial . system surveillance testing. The inspector-was informed that fourty eight tests are involved. These surveillance were similarly fulfilled by alternate test conduct:on Unit Administrative Procedure A-223, " Procedure for Verification and~ Documentation of Performance of Surveillance Requirements by Other Than Surveillance Test" was reviewed by the inspector. Alter .

nate tests are evaluated for compliance to the' Technical Specifica-tion acceptance criteria and reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee. Based upon the appropriate reviews that will be performed for substitute surveillance test methodologies, this approach was found acceptabl The inspector was informed that the preoperational. test of the condensate' demineralized 2P-39.1, would be reperformed. The Test Review Board (TRB) Chairman indicated that the conduct of out of sequence testing had made it difficult to reconstruct-the test  !

configuration based upon the test results packag J h'. The inspector reviewed the following documents related to preopera-tional test 2P-59.1, " Containment Isolation and Nuclear Steam Suppl l Shutoff":




- FSAR Table 14.2-4

- Preoperational Test Procedure 2P-5 FSAR Section 7.6.1 and 7.3.1. GE Specification 22A2271AY Section B4. GE Elementary Diagram 791E401TR The inspector verified proper test procedure format, adequacy of test acceptance. criteria, technical completeness of test instructions, and proper testing of isolation valve logi The inspector identified no areas of concer .0 Review of NDE Examinations (73051)

An on site NRC review was performed on January 17 and 18, 1989 of PEco quality audits of General Electric (GE) NDE services. This included a visit to the GE Quality Assurance Department at King of Prussia, Pennsylvania to review NDE specific examinations that are administered to NDE personnel for certification. The examinations that were reviewed had been administered to personnel who performed NDE ASME Section XI exami-nations at Limerick The following was disclose The cover sheet on GE specific examinations describes the tests as

"open book." The inspectors found that Ultrasonic Level II Certification Examination Test No. 189 is given as an open book examination and the 25 questions in the provided procedure (IL3UMCP) ,

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+ 13 provide the answers to a11.25 questions in the examinatio '

Paragraph 8.3 of SNT-TC-1A 1980 requires this examination to be closed book.. Also, SNT-TC-1A Interpretation'77-5 indicates there is a closed book portion'to the specific examinatio Theinspectorsalsolfoundthatspecificexaminationsgivento.NDE L personnel are.not based on.the specific-codes or standardsL L  : applicable to Limerick Unit 2 such as ASME Section XI,- 198 .Instead, the specific examinations are based on-numerous standards-including some not commercialfnuclear power station These items are considered unresolved pending' licensee's action and NRC



review. (89-04-01)LThe licensee-acknowledged these observations and stated that interpretati_ons would be sought from the SNT-TC-1A interpre-tation panel-to determine the-acceptability of these issue ,

7.0 Reactor Coolant Pipe Records (49055)

..The inspector selected the following piping' isometrics review:

- DBA-206-1 High Pressure' Coolant. Injection

- VRR-2RS-2B Reactor Recirculation Suction

- DCA-204-3-Residual. Heat Removal i- DCA-205-3 Residual Heat Removal

- APE-2MS-LC. Main Steam

- SP-DCA-285-E2 Reactor Recirculation Drain

- VRR-2RD-2B Reactor Recirculation Discharge The associated Bechtel quality records were reviewed. These included:

pipe fabrication quality control inspection reports, valve disassembly and-reassembly QC reports, flanged joint inspection reports, inprocess rework notices, pipe cleanliness verifications, and nondestructive


examination records. The records were complete, legible and readily retrievable. The inspector had no concern .0 Safety Committee Activities


The inspector observed a meeting of the Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC) which was called to evaluate the cable separation i

issues on control room panels. The latest separation problems were identified during the final Quality Control (QC) inspection of the Unit 2 cable spreading room for turnover to operations. It was noted that the other areas within the Protected Area Boundary (PAB),

which had not been final inspected, did not have common panels which could lead to similar difficultie The 18 cables identified were corrected by minor adjustments of the sleeving previously installed on the cables. This issue is addressed further in section I l

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The inspector observed portions of the Nuclear Review Board (NRB)

meeting held February 2, 1989. The NRB reviewed the. plant staff response to, and the corrective actions for_a dropped new fuel assembly in the Unit 2 spent fuel storage pool as well as startup test schedule and status, and significant findings of the Readiness Verification Program. The NRB-is performing its role effectivel .0 Electrical Panel Wiring I The inspector was informed that a pECO QA stop work had been imposed on the energization of Unit 2 cables in common panels on January 12, 198 The inspector subsequently had several meetings with licensee personnel to gain additional facts about this problem. This area is also discussed in Unit 1 Inspection Report 50-352/88-2 In August, 1988 the licensee had identified that final separation inspec-tion reports for common electrical panels could not be found. Sampling inspections were performed that initially found no discrepant condition As the common panel inspections progressed, electrical separation problems were identified and corrected as appropriat Expedited quality control separation verification inspections were performed on the common panel PECO QA Finding Report 2S-192 was issued in December,1988 on this subject and a deportability evaluation was initiated in January 198 The root cause of the problem appears to be the fact that Unit 1 final separation inspection requirements were mistakenly deleted from a turnover exception list tracking mechanism. PEC0 QA developed a set of


additional actions to ensure the integrity of the site program The inspector will review this area during future inspection .0 Allegation Followup (RI-89-A-008) An anonymous allegation was received by the NRC that improper rigging practices were used in the drywell area such that equipment was suspended from small bore piping without authorization. The inspector toured the 277 foot elevation and confirmed that a biological shield wall plug was suspended from a non-safety related pipe support. Discussions with Bechtel QC indicated they were aware of the problem and that some j items had been removed from the piping, that a craft training session had .

been performed to reiterate rigging control requirements and that QC and l engineering had done a walkdown to identify any other rigging problems in !

that plan The inspector was provided Balance of Plant Condition Report I (B0PCR) M-3194 to document the improper rigging from the non-safety related support. The inspector was later informed that NCR S-432M was issued since a safety related support was found in a similar situatio The preliminary j i

disposition to the NCR was rejected by PECO QA because of inadequate j corrective action scop The inspector will follow the licensee actions !

related to the safety related aspects of this proble j l


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11.0 Assurance of'Ouality The TRB directive to re perform a condensate demineralized preoperational system test' based upon ambiguous test results is clear evidence that the . :

board is functioning properly in its independent technical review ro'le.- .

(Section 59 ) l i

The licensee developed a new approach to control Unit 1 equipment configuration to support Unit 2 testing based upon initial problems l j

during common system testin (Section Se) l While observing control room activities a visit of the PECO president was noted.- This presence of senior management indicates a personal accountability for nuclear plant matter . During control room observation on ' January 27, 1989 the inspector noted some confusion due to the large number of personnel involved with cable termination activities to support SBGT testing. The shift supervisor promptly took measures to remove unnecessary personnel from the control

. are Strong involvement of senior QA management was noted in the resolution of the common panel electrical wiring problems (Sections 8.0 and 9.0)

12.0 Meetings with Licensee (307038)

The inspector attended a meeting on February 7,1989,- between PECo per-

, sonnel from Chemistry and Nuclear Engineering and members of the Region I Maintenance Team Inspection regarding corrosion of the Emergency Service Water. system piping. It was stated by Engineering that the corrosion is fairly typical of the attack of carbon steel by oxygenated water, and that chemical treatment of the cooling tower water should help to minimize the corrosion. Numerous small-bore lines are being replaced due to signifi-cant blockages. Engineering also described the current program for minimizing cooling towe'r debris generation and transport into-the system ;

The inspectors discussed the issues and findings in this report with members of the licensee's staff on a weekly basis, and at an exit meeting; ;

held on February 10, 1989. Based on discussions held with license repre-


sentatives on February 10, 1989, it was determined that this report does not contain information subject to 10 CFR 2.790 restriction !





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