IR 05000318/1978022

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IE Inspec Rept 50-318/78-22 on 780925-29 & 1017-18 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Incl:Steam Generator Inspec Prog & Insvc Inspec (Isi)Activities
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/07/1978
From: Ebneter S, Mcbrearty R
Shared Package
ML20062G461 List:
50-318-78-22, NUDOCS 7812280319
Download: ML20062G465 (8)


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, Region I Report No. * 50-31'8/78-22




, Docket No. 50-318



License No. DPR-69 Priority --

Category C

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company


P. O. Box 1475 i Baltimoredaryla'nd 21203


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Facility N6me: Ca; vert' Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2 '


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inspection at: Lusby, Maryland 4 1, " '


! Inspection conducted: September 25-29, 1978; October 17-18, 1978 i Inspectors: Y- L f>Lurv$ H)6 l7E'

l R.A.McBrearty,Reac)frInspector 'dath signed .




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Approved by: () l '


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' S. D. Ibneter, Acting Chief', Engineering date signed

Support Section N RC & ES Branch  !

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c, 9 inspection Summary:

  • / Inspection on September 25-29 and_0ctober 17-18,1978 (Report No 50-318/78-22)_

' ' 3 '. >hreas In!,pected Routine, announced inspection of the Steam Generator Inspection Program

/ Q^ and Inservice Inspection (ISI) Activities.' This included observation of eddy current

- % eNamination of Steam generator tubes, review'of ISI program and associated procedures

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and observation of ISI work in progress. The inspection involved 39 inspector-hours

  • Q\ - I on site,by one regional ba' sed NRC inspector.,  ;

,; Results: No items, of noncompliance were identified.

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Region I Form 12 i l

(Rev. April 77) ,.d m

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> .. DETAILS Persons Contacted Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

  • R. E. Denton, Supervisor, Technical Support
  • R. M. Douglas, Chief Engineer T. Forgette, ISI OA Auditor
  • T. L. Syndor, Performance Engineer (.ISI)

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Southwest Research Institute


H. Diaz, QA Engineer ,

3 T. Mayces, Team Leader -

I' S. Richter, Inspection Engineer


* denotes those present at the exit intervie ' .
Inservice Inspection (ISI) Activities l ISI Program The inspector reviewed the licensee's ISI Program which was developed for the first ten year inspection interval from April 1,1977 to April 1,1978. This program was prepared to meet the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel o Code,Section XI,1974 Edition through suniner 1975 Addend ,

The ten year plan identifies the. components to be examined and l specifies the method, extent and frequency of examinatio The plan also identifies the items requiring examination b.- during each forty month period of the inspection interva Prior to the current refueling outage a plan was developed to identify al1~ the items which would be examined, including method and extent of examination,'during the outag The inspector found that the ten year program met the require-ments of the ASME Code,Section XI,1974 Edition through summer 1975 Addenda as modified by the Facility Technical Specificatio ISI Implementing Procedures ,


i The inspector reviewed the following Baltimore Gas and Elec-tric Company (BG&E) and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)



NDE Procedures:


SwRI-NDT-200-1, Revision 42, dated July 1978, entitled ,

" Liquid Penetrant Examination - Color Contrast Method."




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-- SwRI-NDT-300-1, Revision 14, dated June 1978, entitled

" Dry Powder Magnetic Particle Examination."


SwRI-NDT-600-3, Revision 46, dated June 1978, entitled

" Manual Ultrasonic Examination of Pressure Piping Welds."


SwRI-NDT-800-17, Revision 17, dated July 1978, entitled

"Special Procedure for Manual Ultrasonic Examination of .

Austenitic Components with High Acoustic Attenduation Properi ties. "

. SwRI-NDT-800-36, Revision 15, dated January 1978, entit-


led " Manual Ultrasonic Examination of Thin wall Piping Welds."




SwRI-NDT-900-1, Revision 42, dated July 1978, entitled

! " Visual Examination of Nuclear Reactor Components by l Direct or Remote Viewing."


l --

BG&E-NDE-5.700, Revision 4, dated September 3, 1976,

{ entitled " Visual Examination of Welds."



BG&E-NDE-5.701, Revision 2, dated September 16, 1976,


entitled " Visual Examination of Valves."


BG&E-NDE-5.702, Revision 4, dated December 29, 1976, entitled " Visual Examination of Pipe Systems and Attached





BG&E-NDE-5.704, Revision 0, dated February 2, 1977,


( ', entitled " Visual Examination of Nuclear Reactor Compon-ents."

l ~

l The above procedures were considered with respect to the

.1 requirements of the ASME B&PV Code,Section XI and Section V,

1974 Edition through suniner 1975 Addenda and the Facility


Technical Specification. In addition, NDT-200-1, NDT-300-1, and NDT-800-36 were reviewed for technical adequacy. This

, included, but was not limited to, the parameters described


below for the ultrasonic, magnetic particle and liquid pene-


trant method.

l Ultrasonic Examination (1) The type of apparatus including frequency range is specifie (2) The extent of coverage, beam angles and transducer size are specified.


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(3) Calibration requirements are specified and consis-tent with the ASME Cod (4) The reference level for monitoring discontinuities is defined and scanning gain setting is consistent with the applicable ASME Cod (5) Acceptance limits are consistent with ASME,Section X b. Magnetic Particle Examination -

(1) The examination is to be done by the continuous metho ( ',



(2) Adequate material surface preparation is specifie l (3) The dry particles provide good color contrast with the backgroun .

(4) The examination ~ is conducted with sufficient overlap to achieve 100% coverage and two separate examinations are made with field directions perpendicular to each othe (5) Acceptance criteria are spacified or referenced and are consistent with the applicable ASME Code Sectio c. Liquid Penetrant Examination l (' (1) The penetrant, penetrant remover and developer are identified and consisti:nt with the applicable ASME j Cod j (2) Examination surface preparation is specifie (3) Penetrant materials used for the examination of nickel based alloys and austenitic stainless steel are required to be analyzed for sulfur content and total halogens and the specified limits are consis-


tent with the applicable ASME Cod '

(4) The specified examination surface temperature range is consistent with the penetrant manufacturer's recommendations and is within the range of 60*F to 125* (5) The method for removal of excess penetrant is spect-fied and does not permit flushing the examination surface with penetrant remover.

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The inspector noted that SwRI ultrasonic examination proce-dures NDT-600-3 and NDT-800-17 contain provisions for per-forming examinations using test frequencies not specified in i

Section V or Section XI of the ASME Code.


On September 27, 1978 the inspector interviewed SwRI repreten-

tatives concerning the apparent conflict. The inspector stated that such deviations are permitted by the code if justification for the deviation is provided. The inspector

was informed that, up to that time. all ultrasonic examina-


tions had been done using a test frequency of 2-25 MHz as - -

specified in the ASME Ccde. The inspector was informed also that the question would be referred to the SwRI Home Offic (l Prior to the exit meeting on October 18, 1978, in response to the inspector's question, the inspector was informed by the SwRI representative on site that weld number 30 RC-21A-7 in the reactor coolant loop and welds in the pressurizer surge

' line were examined using a test frequency of 1.0 MHz and that i

safety injection system 12 inch piping welds were examined using a test frequency of 1.5 MHz -

To justify the use of 1.5 MHz, the following was provided by the licensee for the inspector's review:


SwRI Document Number. 17-5298(7) dated September 29, 1978


' on the use of 1.5 MHz search units for the examination of austenitic pipin ..


Report prepared by Southwest Research Institute and

(~* entitled " Detailed Analysis of the Fundamental Ultrasonic

Response Data from Stainless Steel Stress Corrosion Crack i i Specimens."


Report prepared by Battelle-Columbus Laboratories for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and entitled

" Investigation into the Performance Characteristics of

, Three Experimental Ultrasonic Transducers."

l The above reports each address the problem of detecting stress


corrosion cracks in austenitic stainless stee ; After a review of the above listed documents the inspector had


no further questions on the use of the 1.5 MH z for the detection of intergranular stress corrosion cracks in austenitic stainless steel.


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The inspector requested from the licensee the following:

(1) Documentation which will demonstrate that test frequen-cies of 1.5 Mz and 2.25 Mzare equally capable of detecting the various types of defects found in weld (2) Documentation to justify the use of 1.0 mzfor examin-ation of the pressurizer surge line welds and reactor coolant loop weld number 30 RC-21A-7 at Calvert Cliffs Unit The requested documentation was not available at the time of ' -

this inspection and the inspector stated that this item is considered unresolved pending availability and NRC evaluation

/] of the requested documentation. ( 78-22-01 ~. )

j Observation of NDE In Progress I

i The inspector observed the liquid penetrant examination of the


following safety injection system welds:

j --

Weld Number 2 SI-2005-5, Pipe to Pip Weld Number 2 SI-2005-11 Pipe to Valve Number SI-11 The examination was performed using solvent removable, visible dye penetrant by individuals certified to NDE Level I and NDE Level II in the liquid penetrant method. The welds were


examined in accordance with penetrant examination procedure NDT-200- . b The inspector observed the longitudinal beam ultrasonic exam-ination of weld number 30 RC-21A-1, a nozzle to transition


piece weld in the reactor coolant loop cold leg. The examin-


ation was done by a team composed of one NDE Level I and one t


NDE Level II individual. The inspector's observations included initial instrument calibration, examination of the weld and base material at a test frequency of 2.25 m z, and recording

of test results in accordance with UT procedure NDE-600- The inspector found that the penetrant and ultrasonic examin-


ations were done by properly qualified personnel using certi-fied and calibrated equipment. Applicable procedural require-ments were me No items of noncompliance were identified.

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, Eddy Current Examination of Steam Generator Tubes An examination of selected tubes in number 21 and number 22 steam generator was performed by Baltimore Gas and Electric Comapny (BG&E) personnel to satisfy the requirements of the Facility Tech-nical Specification. Zetec, Inc. was contracted to evaluate and interpret test dat The inspector observed the Eddy Current Examination of the fol-lowing tubes in number 22 steam generator:

, ,LINE R0W _ . . _

1 72 7s '

1 74

A 1 78
1 80

I 1 84 1 92


The exar.inations, which inculded 325 tubes in each steam generator, were done in accordance with BG&E procedure NDE-5.500, Revision 3, dated August 28, 1978, entitled "The Eddy Current Examination of Steam Generator Tubes." Data were evaluated with respect to regula-tory guide 1.83 and the Facility Technical Specificatio A test frequency of 400 KHz was used to perform the tube examin-ations. Examination personnel were qualified to NDE Level I and NDE Level II and the Zetec, Inc. data evaluator was qualified to

NDE Level II '

('. The inspector observed that data were collected as the test probe was withdrawn from each tube and was recorded on magnetic tape and



a strip chart recorder. The test system was calibrated using Inconel


600 'calibraction standards, serial number 25, heat number 6707 and

serial number 42, heat number 6586 supplied by Zetec, In No items of noncompliance were identifie
Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is


required in order to ascertain whether they are acceptable items, item of noncompliance, or deviations. Unresolved items disclosed during the inspection are discussed in Paragraph 2 . m J

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5. Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representatives (_ denoted in Para-

graph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on October 18, 197 t The inspector sumarized the purpose and scope of the inspection
and the finding ,

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