IR 05000128/2002001

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Lists Observations & Comments from NRC & Eg&G 850128-0201 Audit of Facility Environ Qualification of Equipment.Review Continuing.Evaluation Will Be Included in Sser
Person / Time
Site: River Bend, 05000128 Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1985
From: Noonan V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20132C778 List:
NUDOCS 8503120029
Download: ML20132C772 (4)





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a WASHINGTON. D. C. 20555 l

4, * . * * s/ l FEB 2 81985 l l



MEMORANDUM FOR: Albert Schwencer, Chief l Licensing Branch No. 2 i


Division of Licensing i l

FROM: Vincent S. Noonan, Chief .

Equipment Oualification Branch

Division of Engineering SUBJECT

, ,

Plant Name: River Bend Station Docket No.: 50-458 Licensing Stage: OL Applicant Responsible Branch: Licensing Branch No. 2 Project Manager: E. Weinkam r Review Status: Review Continuing



During the week of January 28 thru February 1,1985, the NRC staff and its consultants from EG&G Idaho Audited the equipment qualification files of River Bend Station. The staff and its consultants audited a total of 12 files that '

contained qualification information for equipment located in a potentially ,

harsh environment. As a result of the audit, the;.following are observations and connents made by the staff and its consultants at an exit interview held at River Bend Station on January 31,1985 (list of attendees attached).

1. A description of the River Bend Station (RBS) maintenance and surveillance -

program for all equipment within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49 must be included in the equipment qualification (EQ) submitta .

2. Some parameters of concern were reviewed but were not documented by the reviewer (e.g. leakage current on conax penetrations). The applicant must review RBS entire EQ program to assure that all parameters of concern are ,.


adequately tested, meets the requirements of RBS, and are properly documented i

in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.4 '3. Qualification by similarity is unacceptable if the similarity analyses does not meet the requirements of paragraph (f) of 10 CFR 50.49. The applicant must review the RBS EQ program to identify all equipment qualified by similart$y, and assure that qualification of the identified equipment is in compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49(f).



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-2-4. The test reports did not always identify the tested equipment adequately, so the applicability of the test report to plant equipment could not be established in all files audited. The applicant must review the RBS EQ )

program to assure that an auditable link has been established between plant i equipment and tested equipmen The following comments are specific to individual Summary Reference Numbers (SRN) as indicated. However, the applicants must update all files to incorporate these comments where applicabl (SRff-241211-1) Conax Electrical Penetration There is no evidence in the file to indicate that a review of leakage current has been conducted. The applicant committed to acquire leakage current data, review it for acceptability and include it in EQ file (SRN-228212-1) Limitorque Valve Actuator (inside containment)

, Aging calculations did not include abnormal temperature transients due to a loss of off site power. The applicant committed to establish a generic


procedure for qualified life determination in this event. This procedure must be included in the updated Environmental Qualification Document (EDQ)

scheduled for submittal to the NRC in February 1985. Applicant must also notify the staff that the greese relief valves on these valve actuators are installed correctl (SRN-228212-2) Limitorque Valve Actuator (outside containment with paramount motors)

The applicant attempted qualification by two methods. The first method



attempted to establish similarity between the installed paramount motor and a


tested motor by another manufacturer. This approach is inadequate to ,

demonstrate similarity. The second method relied on a test report that had ,

insufficient data to show that a paramount motor was actually tested. This was also considered inadequate. The applicant committed to demonstrate proper qualification or replace the actuator ^

(SRN-228218-3) Asco Solenoid Valve During the plant walkdown it was found that the Asco valve inspected may not be installed in accordance with the manufactureres recommendations. Applicant must obtain installation instructions applicable to explosion proof valves and verify proper installatio l l

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-3-(SRN-247481-1) Rosemount Transmitters _


l System component evaluation work (SCEW) sheets must be updated to reflect pressure and temperature indicated in test report. Accuracy requirements on SCEW sheet must be updated to include the actual specified and demonstrated accuracies calculated for station requirements and demonstrated by analyse (SRN-247411-2) Mercury / Buchanan Terminal Boards An auditable link between the test report and terminal boards must be establishe In addition to the six files noted above, the following were also audite SRN-247529-2 Endevco Primary Position Element SRN-241240-1 Okonite 600V Control Cable SRN-237160-1 Westinghouse Pump Motor SRN-211161-1 Power Systems Division, Hydrogen Igniter Assembly SRN-SO5B Namco Limit Switch r SRN-505A Shaffer MSIV. Actuator Our evaluation of the applicant's EQ program, including the results of the


audit, will be provided as input to a future SER Supplemen &

Vincent S. Noonan, Chief Equipment Qualification Branch Division of Engineering _


cc: V. Noonan A. Schwencer -

R. LaGrange E. Werkam R. Bergen J. Fehringer H. Walker i

EQ Section i







Name Company Rick King GSU William G. Culp SWEC John Fehringer NRC/INEL Harold Walker NRC Richard Borgen NRC/INEL Arie Blum SWEC

J. E. Booker GSU John Propson _

GSU W. J. Cahill, J GSU Sr. Jim Deddens GSU T. C. Croune GSU Mgr. QA P. F."Tomlinson GSU Dir. OQA Laszlo Illy SWEC William T. Tucker SWEC


Leo Waldron SWEC Ashok Bhuta -



R. B. Stafford GSU Joe Booty SWEC John Hamilton GSU R. W. Helmick GSU

! L. Schell GSU S. Clarke SAW PTO -


H. P. Williams GE L. W. Rougeux GSU

J. A. Mancil . GSU i

R. L. Anderson NMPC/NYSEG -

W. H. Benkert GSU/QAE

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