DCL-04-051, Units I and 2, 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report

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Units I and 2, 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2004
From: Becker J
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
DCL-04-051, OL-DPR-80, OL-DPR-82 420DC-04.13
Download: ML041270045 (91)


Pacific Gas and Electric Company James R. Becker Diablo Canyon Power Plant Vice President-Diablo Canyon P0. Box 56 Operations and Station Director Avila Beach, CA 93424 B05.545.3462 April 30, 2004 Fax: 805.545.4234 PG&E Letter DCL-04-051 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Docket No. 50-275, OL-DPR-80 Docket No. 50-323, OL-DPR-82 Diablo Canyon Units I and 2 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report

Dear Commissioners and Staff:

Enclosed is the 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, submitted in accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.2. The enclosure contains material consistent with the objectives of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, and 10 CFR 50, Appendix l, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.

Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Bob Lorenz at (925) 866-5302.


~rely, Jms.


swh/1 81 3/R0246452 Enclosure cc:

Diablo Distribution cc/enc:

Larry Allen Edgar D. Bailey, DHS Roger W. Briggs Bruce S. Mallett David L. Prouix Girija S. Shukla A member of the STARS (Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing) Alliance Carlaway

  • Comanche Peak
  • Diablo Canyon
  • Palo Verde
  • Wolf Creek

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Diablo Canyon Power Plant Prepared by R. W. Lorenz D. L. Brownrigg E. A. Gedney B. Nekkab April 2004 Report No: 420DC-04.13



This report contains results from the operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) for Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) compiled for the period January 1, 2003, through December 31, 2003. This program is conducted in accordance with DCPP Program Directive CY2, "Radiological Monitoring and Controls Program," and RPLIDI 1, "Environmental Radiological Monitoring Procedure."

The results of the 2003 REMP showed no unusual findings from plant operations, and that the operation of DCPP had no significant radiological impact on the environment. Plant operations had no significant impact on airborne radioactivity in the environment. The ambient direct radiation levels in the DCPP environs did not change and were within the preoperational range. No plant related radionuclides were detected in surface water samples. The plant had no significant impact on surface water. Food crops sampled during their growing season and milk samples collected detected only naturally occurring radioactivity; and therefore, there was no impact from plant operation. Two out of 89 marine samples contained other than naturally occurring radionuclides. Cobalt-58 was detected in two algae samples collected from Diablo Cove. The cobalt-58 detected in these algae samples was slightly above detection levels. There is no reporting level for radionuclides detected in algae samples. Low concentrations of various plant related radionuclides have been detected in algae collected from Diablo Cove several times in the operational period. However, the detected radionuclide concentrations have been random and near the lower limits of detection. Therefore, there is no increasing trend of plant related radionuclides in algae collected from Diablo Cove.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc i

CONTENTS Page 1 I NTRODUCTION....................................................................


SAMPLING METHODS....................................................................

2-1 AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY....................................................................

2-1 DIRECT RADIATION....................................................................

2-1 WATER SAMPLES............





4-1 5


RESULTS AND DISCUSSION....................

6-1 AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY...................

6-1 DIRECT RADIATION....................................................................

6-6 WATER SAMPLES....................................................................

6-6 MARINE BIOLOGICAL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLES.........................................................

6-7 FOOD CROPS....................................................................

6-8 MILK.......

6-8 7


CONTENTS (Continued)


PROGRAM VARIANCE.....................

8-1 AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY......................................................................

8-1 MARINE AND TERRESTRIAL SAMPLES......................................................................

8-1 SUPPLEMENTAL SAMPLES......................................................................

8-1 STATE SPLIT SAMPLING PROGRAM..............................................

8-2 9 REFERENCES......................................................................

9-1 Appendix A:


ANALYTICAL RESULTS 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc iii

FIGURES Figure Page I

Units 1 and 2 Diablo Canyon off-site stations..............................................................

1-6 2

Units 1 and 2 Diablo Canyon on-site stations..............................................................

1-7 3

Units I and 2 Diablo Canyon Power Plant - land use census...................

5-4 4

Air particulates gross beta activities........................

6-2 5

Control Chart for Air Particulate Filters..............................................................

7-2 6

Control Chart for TLD data..............................................................

7-4 7

Control Chart for Co-58 Algae (Iridaea).................................

7-5 TABLES Table Page I

Summary of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program...............

1-2 2

Distances and Directions to Environmental Monitoring Stations................

14 3

Maximum Values for Lower Limits of Detection (LLD)..................................

3-2 4

Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples..........

6-8 A-1 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary - Airborne............

A-1 A-2 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary - Direct Radiation.........

A-2 A-3a Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary - Surface Water..........

A-3 A-3b Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary - Drinking Water..........

A-4 A-4 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary - Mussels............

A-5 A-5 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary - Fish................

A-6 A-6 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary - Algae..............

A-7 A-7 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary - Sediment............

A-8 A-8 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary - Food Crops...........

A-9 A-9 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary - Milk................

A-10 A-10 Analytics Performance Evaluation Program..............................................................

A-1I 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc iv

TABLES (Continued)

Table Page B-I State Cross-Check Results..............................................................

B-I B-2 Marine and Terrestrial Sample Data - Detected Nuclides...............................

B-4 B-3 Airborne Radioactivity..............................................................

B-5 B14 Environmental Dosimetry..............................................................

B-19 B-5 Land Use Census..............................................................

B-20 B-6 Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) Exceeded..............................................................

B-21 B-7 List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed.................

B-22 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc V

Section 1 INTRODUCTION Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) consists of two Westinghouse pressurized water reactors. Unit I began commercial operation in 1985, and Unit 2 began commercial operation in 1986. This report contains results from the operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) for DCPP compiled for the period January 1, 2003, through December 31, 2003. This program was designed to identify and quantify ambient radioactivity concentrations in the DCPP environs and to determine whether there were any significant increases in the concentration of radionuclides, attributable to plant operations, in the critical dose pathways from the environment to man. Also included in this report are the results of PG&E's Technical and Ecological Services (TES) participation in an external lab cross check program, a discussion of the TES results compared with the results from the State of California Department of Health Services (DHS) Sanitation and Radiation Laboratory (SRL) of the same or duplicate samples, and the current land use census of the plant environs conducted by plant personnel.

DCPP ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM The REMP was conducted in accordance with DCPP Program Directive CY2, "Radiological Monitoring and Controls Program," and RPL.IDI 1, "Environmental Radiological Monitoring Procedure."

The environmental media selected were based on the critical dose pathways of the radionuclides from the environment to man. They included the following: direct radiation, air, water, fish, and invertebrates.

Supplemental samples such as algae, local agricultural crops, and milk were also collected. The collection frequency of the samples from the different media is summarized in Table 1. The samples were collected by PG&E's DCPP personnel.

The sampling locations were determined by land use, site meteorology, and local demographics. The distances and directions to the environmental monitoring stations are listed in Table 2. The off-site and on-site stations are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 1-1

Table 1 Summary of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway Collection and/or Sample Sampling Locations(b)

Type of Analysis Frequency Direct radiation(a) 31 stations (MT I, WN 1, Garmna exposure Quarterly OSI, 5S1, 6SI, 8SI, 8S2, 5S3, 2DI, 4DI, SFI, IAI, 7D2, 7G2, 7C1, 7FI, OBI, 7DI, 4C1, OS2, IS1, 2S1, 3S1, 4SI, 7SI, 9SI, ICI, SCI, 3DI, 6DI, SF3)

Particulate filters 7 stations (MTI, OS2, 1SI, Gross beta, Weekly(C)

SFI, 7DI, 8SI, 8S2) gamma isotopic Quarterly composite Iodine cartridges 7 stations (MTl, OS2, ISI, Gamma for I-131 Weekly 5F1, 7DI, 8SI, 8S2)

Surface water 3 stations (DCM, 7C2, Gamma isotopic, Monthly OUT) tritium Drinking water 2 stations (DWI, 5S2)

Gamma isotopic, Monthly radioiodine, tritium Sediment Diablo Cove (DCM)

Gamrma isotopic Annually Rattlesnake Canyon (7C2)

Intertidal algae(d)

Diablo Cove (DCM)

Gamma isotopic Quarterly if Rattlesnake Canyon (7C2)

Available Kelp(d)

Diablo Cove (DCM)

Gamma isotopic Quarterly if Pacific Ocean North (PON)

Available Pacific Ocean South (POS)

Rattlesnake Canyon (7C2)


I station (5F2)

Gamma isotopic, Monthly radioiodine Table Notation:

(a) Three nTD badges are placed at each station.

(b) See Figures I and 2 for locations.

(c) Filters changed weekly or more frequently as required by dust loading; analyzed at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after filter change.

(d) Supplemental sample.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc I1-2

Table 1 (continued)

Summary of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway Collection and/or Sample Sampling Locations(b)

Type of Analysis Frequency Rockfish Diablo Cove (DCM)

Gamnma isotopic Quarterly if (Sebastes sp.)

Pacific Ocean North (PON)(d)

Available Pacific Ocean South (POS)(d)

Rattlesnake Canyon (7C2)

Perch Diablo Cove (DCM)

Gamma isotopic Quarterly if (Family Embiotocidae)

Pacific Ocean North (PON)(d)

Available Pacific Ocean South (POS)(d)

Rattlesnake Canyon (7C2)

Fish Fish Market at Avila Pier (7D3)(d)

Gannna isotopic Quarterly if (species unspecified)

Morro Bay Market (2FI)

Available Mussels Diablo Cove (DCM)

Gamma isotopic Quarterly if (Mytilus californianus)

Pacific Ocean North (PON)(d)

Available Pacific Ocean South (POS)(d)

Rattlesnake Canyon (7C2)

Red abalone(d)

Diablo Cove (DCM)

Gamma isotopic Semiannually if (Haliotis refescens)

Rattlesnake Canyon (7C2)

Available Food crops(d) 4 stations (5F2, 7G1, 7C1, 6CI)

Ganmna isotopic Monthly if available (6C1 is sampled quarterly)

Table Notation:

(a) Three lTD badges are placed'at each station.

(b) See Figures I and 2 for locations.

(c) Filters changed weekly or more frequently as required by dust loading; analyzed at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after filter change.

(d) Supplerental sarnple.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 1-3

Table 2 Distances and Directions to Environmental Monitoring Stations*

Radial Direction**

Radial Distance**

Station (True Heading)

From Plant Code(a)

Station Name (Degrees)


(Miles) 0SI Exclusion Fence-Northwest Corner 320 0.2 (0.1)

OS2 North Gate 320 0.8 (0.5) 1S1 Wastewater Pond 330 0.6 (0.4) 2SI Back Road-300 m North of Plant 0

0.3 (0.2) 351 Road NW of 230 kV Switchyard 23 0.6 (04) 4S1 Back Road between Switchyard 43 0.8 (0.5) 5S1 500 kV Switchyard 58 0.6 (0.4) 5S2 Diablo Creek Weir 65 1.0 (0.6) 5S3 Microwave Tower Road 70 1.0 (0.7) 6S1 Microwave Tower 94 0.8 (0.5) 7S1 Overlook Road 112 0.5 (0.3) 8S1 Target Range 125 0.8 (0.5) 8S2 Southwest Site Boundary (Sec. Met Tower) 128 1.8 (1.1) 951 South Cove 167 0.6 (0.4)

MTI Meteorological Tower 185 0.3 (0.2)

DCM Diablo Cove 270 0.3 (0.2)

WNI Northwest Guard Shack 290 0.3 (0.2)

IAI Crowbar Canyon 327 2.6 (1.6)

OB1 Point Buchon 325 5.8 (3.6)

ICI Montana de Oro Campground 336 7.5 (4.7) 4C1 Clark Valley Gravel Pit 45 9.3 (5.8)

SCI Junction Prefumo/See Canyon roads 64 7.5 (4.7) 6C1 Household garden (nearest site boundary) 97.5 7.2 (4.6) 7C1 Pecho Creek Ruins (Mello Farm) 120 6.6 (4.1) 7C2 Rattlesnake Canyon 124 7.5 (4.7) 2D1 Sunnyside School 10 11.0 (6.9) 3D1 Clark Valley 24 9.9 (6.2) 4D1 Los Osos School 36 12.2 (7.6) 6D1 Junction See Canyon/Davis Canyon roads 89 12.0 (7.5) 7D1 Avila Gate 118 10.6 (6.6) 7D2 Avila Beach 110 12.2 (7.6) 7D3 Avila Pier 120 11.0 (6.9) 2F1 Morro Bay (Commercial Landing) 0 17.4 (10.9) 5F1 SLO Zone 1 Substation 68 17.9 (11.2)

SF2 Cal Poly Farm 60 20.2 (12.6)

SF3 SLO County Health Department 70 20.3 (12.7) 7F1 Shell Beach 110 17.3 (10.8) 7G1 Arroyo Grande (Kawaoka Farm) 115 26.9 (16.8) 7G2 Oceano Substation 118 27.7 (17.3)

OUT Plant Outfall 270 0.3 (0.2)

DWI Drinking Water On-site PON Pacific Ocean North of Diablo Cove 305 2A (1.5)

POS Pacific Ocean South of Diablo Cove 145 1.3 (0.8)

  • Stations are shown in Figures I and 2.
    • The reference point used is the dome of Unit I containment.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 1-4

Table 2 (continued)

Distances and Directions to Environmental Monitoring Stations (a) Station Code (XYZ):

X - First number (0-9) represents the radial sector in which the station is located:

0 - Northwest 5 - East-northeast I - North-northwest 6 - East 2 -North 7 - East-southeast 3 - North-northeast 8 - Southeast 4 - Northeast 9 - South-southeast Y - Letter (S. A-H) represents the distance from the plant:

S - On-site A 2 miles from plant (but off-site)

B 4 miles from plant C 6 miles from plant D S8 miles from plant E - 8r10 miles from plant F 15 miles from plant G 20 miles from plant H - Greater than 20 miles from plant Z - Second number represents the station number within the zone.

Station Code (DCM. MTI. WNI. PON. POS. OUT. DWI):

The following stations do not follow the coding system: Diablo Cove Marine (DCM), Meteorological Tower (MTI), Northwest guard shack (WNI), Pacific Ocean North (PON), Pacific Ocean South (POS), Plant Outfall (OUT), and Drinking Water (DWI).

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReporLdoc l-5


~ss2 d^

.. d;.

.as 1 0_

  • 5F2 ERAf*-.-

A 2D1 A 3D1 0

z kt.,7 AD5F2 A IAI1 0

2 ils1A oimtyStto A 5C1 PCL DCb Canyo Power alant AT 6D1 A 7D2II.i NA 7Dry A 7FTM A

7 G5_

NAirPatiuatSSato SCLE06iloiclSaplnSSato

  • AialoCnyn oerPln Figure 1. Units 1 and 2 Diablo Canyon off-site stations.

97A33 o6-si1 9 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Repor.doc 1 -6

00IR ISI3S*A-058 2S1A-_. o 5S3A

/.i Wcowav PRTR

,P Miave PRTR shte Ba DCMO _.~

o eS BA MITI1 AN MVet Stokm 8SI^


%LEGEND A Dosfrnetry Staio

\\l*-/DW1O U

A Air Parliculate Ston 9

  • A iological Station Fmakuater 2 U I a Figure 2. Units I and 2 Diablo Canyon on-site stations.

2003 Annual Radiological Envimonmental Operating ReporLdoc 1-7

Section 2 SAMPLING METHODS This section summarizes briefly the various sampling methods.

AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY Air particulate and radioiodine sampling were performed weekly at six indicator stations:; MTI, 0S2, 1S1, 7D1, 8S1 and 8S2, and at one control station 5F1.

Constant flow air samplers were used to draw air through paper filters to collect air particulates, and through triethylenediamine (TEDA) impregnated charcoal cartridges to collect radioiodine. The air samplers were set at a flow rate of 1.5 cubic foot per minute and were located one meter above the ground.

Sample volumes were determined using gas meters which were installed downstream of the sample head.-

Beginning in mid-November, sample volumes were determined using flow rate and timer values.

At the end of the sampling period, the filter and cartridge were collected. All necessary data regarding the air volume readings on and off, run time, sampler time on and off, date of collection, and sampler location were recorded and submitted, along with the samples, to TES for analysis.

DIRECT RADIATION Direct radiation was measured at 31 stations in the vicinity of DCPP using Panasonic UD814 TLD badges.

These badges were replaced on a quarterly basis.

The field TLD badge packets were prepared by DCPP personnel. Control badges were carried with the field badges to measure any dose received during transit. The location, date, and time of exchange were recorded on the log sheet which accompanied the field badges.

WATER SAMPLES Water samples (drinking water and surface water) were collected monthly. Two 1-gallon plastic bottles of each water sample type were collected at their respective locations each month.

Surface water samples were collected at Diablo Cove (station DCM), Rattlesnake Canyon (station 7C2),

and at the plant outfall. Drinking water samples were collected from Diablo Creek Weir (station 5S2) located on-site and from the drinking water system at DCPP. After collection, the samples were securely sealed and labeled with sample type, location, date, time of collection, and the person performing the collection and sent to TES for analysis.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc 2-1

MARINE BIOLOGICAL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLES The REMP requires only one sample of rockfish (Sebastes sp.), one sample of perch (family Embiotocidae), and one sample of mussels (mytilus) from indicator station DCM and control station 7C2.

All other marine samples collected are considered supplemental. These supplemental marine samples included, but were not limited to, the following: intertidal algae, kelp, and market fish. The intertidal samples (algae and mussels) were collected quarterly during low tidal conditions. Kelp was collected quarterly from the offshore kelp bed in the vicinity of the plant. Quarterly samples of fish and an annual sample of ocean bottom sediment were collected from the plant environs by divers. Fish caught locally and purchased from the fish market were also analyzed. All samples were subject to unavailability due to seasonal fluctuations or unfavorable sampling conditions.

The samples were sealed in plastic bags immediately upon collection and labeled with sample type, location, date, time of collection, and individual performing the collection before they were sent to TES.

FOOD CROPS The REMP requires broadleaf vegetation to be collected in the nearest off-site locations of the highest calculated annual average ground level D/Q (dispersion parameter). There is no broadleaf vegetation available that satisfies this requirement. However, representative samples of food crops in season were collected monthly from supplemental stations: Cal Poly Farm (station 5F2), Kawaoka Farm in Arroyo Grande (station 7GI ), Mello Farm (station 7CI) along the site access road, and quarterly at a household garden (station 6C 1). The samples were collected, sealed immediately in plastic bags, labeled with sample type, sample location, collection date, time of collection, and the individual performing the collection, and sent to TES for analysis.

MILK There are no milking animals in the vicinity of the plant. However, supplemental samples of milk were collected monthly from Cal Poly Farm (station 5F2). Two 1-gallon plastic bottles of milk were collected each sampling period. Forty grams of sodium bisulfite preservative were added to each gallon of milk sample. The bottles were sealed and shaken thoroughly to distribute the preservative. They were labeled with sample type, sample location, date and time of collection, and the individual performing the collection, and sent to TES for analysis.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 2-2

Section 3 SAMPLE ANALYSES Samples received at TES were analyzed for radioactivity by standard methods as outlined in TES Work Instructions. The results of the analyses were reported at the 95 percent confidence level. All analyses were performed such that the lower limits of detection (LLDs), listed on Table 3, were achieved under routine conditions. The LLD is an a priori (before the fact) estimate of the activity concentration that can be practically achievable with a given measuring instrument, procedure, and type of sample. This value is not intended to be used as an a posteriori (after the fact) criterion for the presence of activity.

Background fluctuation, unavoidably small sample size, the presence of interfering nuclides or other uncontrollable circumstances may occasionally render these LLDs unachievable. In such cases, the contributing factors are identified and described in this report. A brief description of the analyses of the different sample types and the general method of counting is discussed below. See Table I for the summary of the type of analyses that were performed on the different sample media.

AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY The filter papers collected from the field were placed on individual planchets and counted for gross beta activity in a low-background, thin-window gas proportional counter. They were analyzed at least twenty-four hours after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay. Gamma isotopic analysis was then performed on quarterly composites of the filters to determine the activity concentration of gamma emitting isotopes.

Gamma isotopic analyses were also performed on the TEDA impregnated charcoal cartridges to determine the radioiodine concentration. The cartridges and filter papers were counted for a time period such that the LLDs were met.

DIRECT RADIATION Panasonic (UD814) TLD badges were used to measure the ambient radiation level. The TLD badges were annealed and packaged to be sent out in the field by plant dosimetry persormel. After field exposure, the TLD badges were processed on-site. The badges were calibrated using a NIST-traceable cesium-137 source.

2003 Annual Radiological Environnmntal Operating ReporLdoc 3-1

Table 3 Maximum Values for Lower Limits of Detection (LLD)(a)

Airborne Particulate Food Water or Gas Fish Milk Products Sediment Analysis (pCi/L)

(pCi/M3 )

(pCi/kg, wet)


(pCi/kg, wet)

(pCi/kg, dry)

Gross beta 4

1x10-2 H-3 2000 Mn-54 15 130 Fe-59 30 260 Co-58, 60 15 130 Zn-65 30 260 Zr-Nb-95 15 1-131 1(b) 7x10-2 1

60 Cs-134 15 5xl1-2 130 15 60 150 Cs-137 18 6x 1-2 150 18 80 180 Ba-La-140 15 15 Table Notation:

(a) The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with 95 percent probability with 5 percent probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.

For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation):

4.66 Sb LLD =

E x V x 2.22 x Y x exp (-Xt) where LLD is the lower limit of detection as defined (as pCi per unit mass or volume) sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute)

E is the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration)

V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume) 2.22 is the number of disintegrations per minute per picocurie Y is the fractional radiochernical yield (when applicable)

X is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide t is the elapsed time between sample collection (or end of the sample collection period) and time of counting The value of sb used in the calculation of the LLD for a detection system shall be based on the actual observed variance of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank samples (as appropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicted variance. In calculating the LLD for a radionuclide determined by gamma ray spectrometry, the background shall include the typical contributions of other radionuclides normally present in the samples (e.g.,

potassium-40 in milk samples).

(b) LLD for drinking water.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 3-2

WATER SAMPLES Gamma isotopic analyses were performed on all water sample types. To determine the activity concentration of gamma emitters, a known volume of the water sample was analyzed using a gamma spectrometer.

Tritium analyses were performed on drinking water and surface water. The water samples were distilled and analyzed for tritium using a liquid scintillation spectrometer. Iodine-131 analysis by ion exchange was also performed on each drinking water sample.

MARINE BIOLOGICAL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLES Only the edible portion of the fish and mussels were analyzed for gamma emitters. A weighed amount of the prepared sample was analyzed using a gamma spectrometer.

The kelp blades and the pneumatocyst were prepared separately for analysis. The weighed samples were then counted on the gamma spectrometer to determine the activity concentration of gamma emitters. The results reported were based on wet weight for the marine samples.

The sediment samples were first oven-dried before performing gamma isotopic analysis. The results reported for the sediment samples were based on dry weight.

FOOD CROPS The samples were placed in appropriate counting containers and analyzed to determine the gamma isotopic content. The results obtained were based on wet weight.

MILK A known volume of the milk sample was first analyzed on a gamma spectrometer to determine its gamma isotopic content. Stable iodine carrier was then added to the milk sample for determination of chemical recovery of subsequent separation. The total iodine was separated from the sample by passing the sample through an anion resin colurnn. The iodine was chemically extracted from the resin, precipitated as cuprous iodide and counted on the gamma spectrometer.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 3-3

Section 4 QUALITY CONTROL Routine quality control was performed throughout the year to ensure the accuracy of equipment and procedures used in determining the results. The TES radiological laboratory also participates in an external lab performance evaluation program and in the California State Cross-Check Program.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Branch Technical Position on Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs and the DCPP Interdepartmental Administrative Procedure, RP LIDl 1, Environmental Radiological Monitoring Procedure, requires that the TES laboratory participate in the Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory Intercomparison Study or equivalent program. At the end of 1998, the EPA ceased to operate their Intercomparison Study. For the years of 1999 through 2003, TES has participated in an equivalent program operated by Analytics, Inc. of Atlanta, GA. The TES participation has included all determinations (sample medium-radionuclide combination) offered by Analytics which match those as part of the REMP.

The results of TES participation in Analytics Environmental Cross Check Program for this year are shown in Appendix A, Table A-10. The agreement criteria are consistent with the guidance in NRC Inspection Procedure 84750, "Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring." Participation included analysis of:

  • gross alpha and gross beta emitters in water
  • gross alpha and gross beta emitters on particulate filter iodine-131 and gamma emitters in milk
  • tritium in water iodine-131 in charcoal cartridge gamma emitters in soil gamma emitters in vegetation gamma emitters in water For the December milk and water samples from the cross-check sample supplier (Analytics), the TES gamma spectrometry software reported Co-57 activity when none was supposed to be present. Also, the Cs-134 result for both samples was biased high, contrary to the usual low bias which is expected when the Cs-134 sumpeak correction is not applied. Subsequent investigation determined that a trace of 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc 4-1

Eu-152 (rather than Co-57) was present in the samples, and that the TES gamma spectrometry software had identified the 121.8 keV peak of Eu-152 as the 122 keV peak of Co-57.

Analytics was contacted to ascertain if these samples could have been contaminated with Eu-152. TES was informed that although Analytics did not analyze the final diluted sample that was distributed, no other participant in these cross-checks reported Eu-152 or Co-57. Also, TES determined that prior to the December samples, both the laboratory at Analytics and the TES laboratory had received an NIST cross-check sample which contained a relatively high concentration of Eu-152 and Cs-134. TES has concluded that both the December milk and water samples were contaminated (either in the Analytics laboratory or at the TES laboratory) with a fraction of the NIST sample.

For the June soil sample from Analytics, the TES gamma spectrometry software identified a peak at approximately 88 keV as Cd-109 activity, when no Cd-109 was supposed to be present. This peak could have been produced by Lead and/or Bismuth x-rays from naturally occurring radioisotopes normally present in soil. Since other gamma peaks for Cd-109 have lower (and less easily detectable) energies, the spectrum does not provide sufficient information to confirm the presence of Cd-109. Therefore, TES has concluded that Cd-109 should not be reported in soil samples unless at least one other peak in the spectrum can be identified as coming from Cd-109.

The 1998 state cross-check report, "California Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Surveillance Report,"

showed that there were no discrepancies between the results obtained by the state of California Sanitation and Radiation Laboratory (SRL) and TES. The table of TES results for the 2003 cross-check program can be found in Appendix B, Table B-1. The DHS has yet to issue a report for 1999 through 2002. Since TES has been informed that these reports have a low priority with DHS, TES requested and obtained the results from the SRL of their comparable analyses of duplicate and split samples from the DCPP environs. TES review of this data versus that of the TES laboratory for the year 2002 (the last full year of available data) showed that there continues to be good agreement between the two laboratories. TES intends to continue to perform our own comparison of the two laboratories data until the DHS resumes producing a cross-check report.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 4-2

Section 5 LAND USE CENSUS Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) radiation protection personnel conducted a Land Use Census in the vicinity of DCPP for 2003. The land use census is based on Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC),

Regulatory Guide 4.8, "Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", 10 CFR 50 Appendix I section IV. B. 3, and required by DCPP Program Directive CY2, "Radiological Monitoring and Controls Program."

DCPP IDAP RPl.IDI 1, "Environmental Radiological Monitoring Procedure", requires identification of the nearest milk animal, nearest residence, and the nearest broadleaf producing garden greater than 50 square meters (500 square feet) in each of the landward meteorological sectors within a distance of 8 kilometers (5 miles) of the plant. The census is conducted at least once per year during the growing season (between Feb 15 and Dec 1) for the Diablo Canyon environs.

The 2003 Land Use Census was conducted using GPS (global positioning), phone, face-to-face interviews, exploration, and data from the 2002 Land Use Census. Twelve individual landowners or tenants were contacted between June Yb and September 11', 2003. Two landowners were unavailable for contact.

No milk animals were identified within the first 8 kilometers (5 miles) of any sector.

The nearest residence, relative to all sectors, is a small trailer 1.93 kilometers (1.2 miles) northwest of the plant (occupied approximately I month per year). Ranchers use this trailer during cattle round-ups. The nearest residence in each sector is summarized in B-5.

The census identified one household garden greater than 50 square meters (500 square feet) that produces broadleaf vegetation. This garden is located in the East sector at 7.24 kilometers (4.5 miles) from DCPP Unit 1.

Much of the area outside the plant site boundary is used for rotational cattle grazing by four separate cattle operations. Various numbers of cattle or calves are sold to mass market at the end of each year.

Goats are allowed to graze within the plant site boundary for weed abatement. Some of the ranchers slaughter small numbers of cattle and goats for personal consumption.

The rancher in the northern cattle operation has about 50 cattle outside the plant site boundary and 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 5-1

utilizes the NW, NNW, N, and NNE sectors. About 50 calves are to be sold to mass market in 2003.

This rancher slaughtered 2 calves in 2003 for personal consumption. Additionally, he managed about 350 goats that were used for weed abatement in all landward sectors within the plant site boundary.

During 2003, approximately 80 goats are to be sold in mass-market auction. This rancher does not plan to slaughter any goats in 2003 for his personal consumption.

The rancher in the NNE cattle operation has about 100 cattle outside the plant site boundary. About 100 calves are to be sold to mass market in 2003. This rancher does not plan to slaughter any cattle for his personal consumption.

The rancher in the ENE cattle operation has about 80 cattle outside the plant site boundary. About 80 calves are to be sold to mass market in 2003. This rancher slaughtered one steer in 2003 for personal consumption.

The rancher in the southern cattle operation manages about 600 cattle outside the plant site boundary and utilizes the E, ESE, and SE sectors. Harris Ranch Beef Corporation owned these cattle and sold all of them to mass market in 2003. This rancher does not plan to slaughter any cattle in 2003 for personal consumption.

A farm is located on the coastal plateau, along the site access road, in the east-southeast (ESE) sector.

The farm starts at approximately 4.8 km and extends to 7.2 km (3 to 4.5 miles) from the plant. This commercial farm produces no broadleaf vegetation. The farm area is about 100 acres of land with 6 to 10 rotational plantings per year (not all 100 acres planted at any one time). Commercial crops consist of about 75% legumes (sugar peas) and 25% cereal grass (oat hay). Farm workers occupy this area during the day.

Two landowners take wild game for personal consumption in the NNE, NE, and ENE sectors between 4.83 to 8.0 kilometers (3 - 5 miles) from the plant. This wild game consists of approximately 2 deer and 4 wild pigs per landowner.

There is a California State Park Ranger Office in the north-northwest (NNW) sector at 7.483 kilometers (4.65 miles) from the plant. Approximately 3 people occupy this office during work hours, Monday thru Friday from 1000 - 1500.

There is a public campground located in the north-northwest (NNW) sector at Montana de Oro State Park at 7.387 kilometers (4.59 miles). This campground is near Spooner's Cove.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmnental Operating Report.doc 5-2

A total of 13 residences were identified within the 8-kilometer (5-mile) Radius of the plant, which were confirmed or appear to be occupied during 2003. Ownership for some of the properties were changed in the 2003 Land Use Census. Two abandoned structures are located in each of the NNW and NNE sectors.

Table B-S summarizes the nearest residences in each meteorological sector. Figure 3 shows the locations of the residences and gardens in the vicinity of DCPP.

2003 Annual Radiological Environntal Operating Repotdoc 5-3

NW UNITS I AND 2 DIABLO CANYON SITE 0 Gardens or Farm A Residences 970338M1anduse 02p N

0 1

2 3

4 5

SCALE IN MILES Figure 3. Units 1 and 2 Diablo Canyon Power Plant Land Use Census.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 5-4

Section 6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results for the DCPP REMP are listed in Appendices A and B. The +/- terms listed in the tables in the appendices are the uncertainties within the 95 percent confidence level. The tables in Appendix A present summaries of the results, formatted in accordance with current NRC guidelines (NRC Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979). Appendix A also includes the results of the performance evaluation studies. The tables in Appendix B contain analytical results of the individual samples which were supplied to the state laboratory. The LLD for the nuclides of interest listed in Table 3 were met for all analyses performed except for the sample listed in Table B-6. The LLD for iodine-13 1 was not met for this water sample due to the acidification of the sample prior to the separation of the iodine from the sample by ion exchange. This error in sample processing made the determination of iodine-131 content by ion exchange not possible. The sample was analyzed by gamma spectrum analysis, but this technique failed to achieve the required LLD for iodine-131. The water samples that are to be processed by ion exchange are now set aside prior to acidifying other water samples. The analytical results for the different sample types are discussed below. This discussion includes results from supplemental samples collected and analyzed. The reporting levels for radioactivity concentrations in environmental samples are listed in Table 4, page 6-8.

AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY Air particulates and radioiodine samples were collected weekly from six indicator stations (MTI, 0S2, 1S1, 7D1, 8S1, and 8S2) in the DCPP environs and one control station (5F1). A total of 364 air particulate filters and 364 iodine cartridges were collected and analyzed. The data collected for the air-sampling program is summarized in Appendix A, Table A-1.

Air Particulates Gross beta activity was detected in every weekly air particulate sample collected from all indicator and control stations. The range for the indicator stations was 0.004 - 0.047 pCi/m3 with a mean of 0.012 pCi/m3. The range for the control station was 0.004 - 0.042 pCi/in3 with a mean of 0.012 pCi/m3.

Comparison of the data showed that the mean values of gross beta activities for the indicator stations were consistent with those obtained for the control station. The gross beta activities detected at the air sampling stations are tabulated in Appendix B, Table B-3 and shown in Figure 4.

Gamma isotopic analyses were performed on quarterly composites of the air particulate filters from each station. All samples collected during the year contained only naturally occurring radioactivity.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc 6-1

Station OS2 Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (2003) nA


.04 E

.02 -

.01L.1 oi



<3 8

CM Station ISI Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (2003)



.04 E

.03 0.



.00 Figure 4. Air particulate gross beta activities.

99030803-0S2 and ISi 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 6-2

Station 5F1 Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (2003) nr%


.04 E




.008 O

(8 z

I 12 )

C 4 Station 7D1 Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (2003) nr_


.04 E


.03 Ca



.00 III.........

.2 Figure 4. continued.

9903o0o03-5F1 and ?D1 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc 6-3

Station 8S1 Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (2003)



.04 co, E03 0.



.00 a



cmJ Station 8S2 Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (2003)


.05 -

.04-E C.,

.02 -


.00 1 I

Hill 111111111111


a a,

aC a

Figure 4. continued.

990308103-8S1 and 8S2 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 6-4

Station MT1 Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (2003)


.05 -

.04 C.,

,E 03-la




,III I I I 11111 I I I I, II I§iIIil iIIII

- 1 1 ' ',...1....I..............

g 2

990308103-MT1 Figure 4. continued.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 6-5

Radioiodine A total of 364 iodine cartridges were analyzed for iodine-131. Iodine-131 was detected in two iodine cartridges which were collected during the week of February 5 - 12, 2003. The levels detected were just over our detection level and considerably below the required LLDs for iodine cartridges. The results were communicated with the plant staff, and plant Chemistry personnel confirmed that there had been a small iodine release during this week. The iodine release occurred during the initial breech of the reactor coolant system at the beginning of a refueling outage.

DIRECT RADIATION TLD badges from 31 stations were collected on a quarterly basis and processed. A total of 372 TLD badges were distributed to field locations (three TLD badges at each location) and processed. The quarterly average exposure level from all indicator stations ranged from 9.6 - 23.6 mR/qtr with a mean of 14.3 mRlqtr. The exposure level at the control station 5F1 ranged from 16.8 - 19.8 mRiqtr with a mean of 17.9 mR/qtr. The exposure levels for 2003 did not differ significantly from the previous year, or from the pre-operational data. They indicate that the operation of DCPP did not significantly affect the ambient radiation exposure levels in the plant environs. See Appendix A, Table A-2, for the TLD data summary and Appendix B, Table B4, for the individual station data.

On March 25, 2003, the configuration and location of dosimeter station 5F3 was modified. Previously, all of the dosimeter stations included a PVC dosimeter holder except for the station at 5F3. The TLD packet at this location had previously been placed within the air monitor shelter at this location. So that all field TLD packets would be exposed while within the same TLD enclosure, a PVC TLD holder was installed at this station.

The air monitoring shelter at 5F3 is located on a concrete patio that is below ground level and has concrete retaining walls on two sides. The standard PVC TLD holder was installed at ground level adjacent to one of the retaining walls. The TLD holder was placed such that the TLD packet would be approximately I meter above the surface of the ground during the exposure period. After the reconfiguration of this TLD station, the exposure measured at this station is approximately 25% less than the historic values for this station.

WATER SAMPLES A total of 60 water samples (24 drinking water samples, 36 surface water samples) were collected and analyzed. The results of the water samples collected from the indicator and control stations are summarized in Appendix A, Tables A-3 (a) and (b).

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report doc 6-6

Gamma isotopic and tritium analyses were performed on all water samples. No tritium or plant related gamma emitters were detected in any surface water sample or drinking water sample.

Iodine-131 analysis by ion exchange was also performed on all drinking water except for the sample collected at DWI in February. Iodine-131 was not detected in any drinking water samples. The water sample data indicates that the operation of DCPP did not have any significant impact on water in the plant environs.

MARINE BIOLOGICAL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLES A total of 91 marine biological and sediment samples were collected from the indicator, control and supplemental stations. They included 36 fish samples, 13 mussel samples, 40 algae samples, and 2 ocean bottom sediment samples. Table B-7 lists the marine samples collected for 2003. The results obtained from the indicator stations and control station are summarized in Appendix A, Tables A-4 to A-7. The individual samples and their detected nuclides are listed in Appendix B, Table B-2.

Abalone Red abalone were not collected in 2003. It is unlikely that abalone will be collected at DCPP in the future as the California Marine, Sport Fishing Regulations were amended on December 8, 2000 to state that no abalone can be taken south of San Francisco Bay.

California Mussels A total of 13 mussel samples were collected from stations DCM, 7C2, PON and POS. All samples contained only naturally occurring radioactivity.

Fish A total of 36 fish samples from stations DCM, 7C2, PON, POS and 7D3 were analyzed. All samples contained only naturally occurring radioactivity. The operation of DCPP had no detectable impact on fish in the plant environs.

Algae A total of 40 algae samples were collected from stations DCM, 7C2, PON, and POS. These samples are supplemental to the REMP. Two samples collected from DCM contained a small, but detectable level of cobalt-58. All other samples contained only naturally occurring radioactivity.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 66-7

Sediment An annual sample of ocean bottom sediment was collected from stations DCM and 7C2. Only naturally occurring radioactivity was detected in these samples. The data indicated no increasing trend in isotope concentration. The operation of DCPP had no detectable impact in ocean sediment in the plant environs.

FOOD CROPS A total of 38 vegetative samples were collected from four supplemental stations: Cal Poly Farm (station 5F2), Kawaoka Farm (station 7G1), Mello Farm (station 7C1), and a household garden (station 6C 1). All of the samples analyzed contained only naturally occurring radioactivity. The operation of DCPP had no detectable impact on food crops in the plant environs.

MILK A total of 12 monthly milk samples were collected from Cal Poly Farm, station 5F2. Iodine-131 was not detected in any of the samples. The samples contained only natural radioactivity. The operation of the plant had no detectable impact on this environmental medium.

Table 4 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples Airborne Particulate Water or Gas Fish Milk Food Products Analysis (pCiIL)


(pCi/kg, wet)


(pCi/kg, wet)

H-3 20,000 a)

Mn-54 1,000 30,000 Fe-59 400 10,000 Co-58 1,000 30,000 Co-60 300 10,000 Zn-65 300 20,000 Zr-Nb-95 400 1-131 2(b) 0.9 3

100 Cs-134 30 10 1,000 60 1,000 Cs-137 50 20 2,000 70 2,000 Ba-La-140 200 300 Table Notation:

(a) For drinking water samples. This is the 40 CFR Part 141 value. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 30,000 pCi/L may be used.

(b) If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 20 pCi/L may be used.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 6-8

Section 7 COMPARISON OF PREOPERATIONAL AND OPERATIONAL DATA Routine (annual) comparisons are performed on data collected for the radiological environmental monitoring program with the data collected during the preoperational period. DCPP began commercial operation in 1985. The preoperational data from the period from 1981 to 1984 are used as the preoperational baseline.

The data is analyzed using the combined Shewart-CUSUM control chart technique in which log-transformed radioactivity concentration or radiation exposure levels are compared over time. This technique assumes that the data distribution is log-normally distributed, and the log-transformed data is used in the control charts. First the data are standardized by subtracting the overall mean radioactivity level for the station from the current observation and then dividing by the overall standard deviation for that station. The control charts are used to test whether fluctuations in the standardized data are random or from a change in the concentration of a particular parameter. For air particulate gross beta activity and TLD measurements, the standardized difference between the indicator and control stations is trended on these charts.

Plant related radioactivity was detected in two sample media during 2003. Iodine was detected in air cartridge at two Stations during the same week. Co-58 was measured in two intertidal algae samples collected from DCM. The Shewart-CUSUM control charts for Co-58 in algae, air particulate gross beta activity, and TLD measurements are shown and discussed below. Shewart-CUSUM control chart is not utilized for iodine activity as there is no way that iodine can build up in the environment due to its short half-life. All other CUSUM charts showed basically flat data since the last time that the radioactivity type and sampled media contained a detectible result. Detectible results noted in the past are described in the past annual report(s) in which the detectible result was initially noted.

AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY Air Particulates The Shewart-CUSUM control chart for gross beta activities in air particulates (see Figure 5) showed that there is no increasing trend during the operational years (1985-2003), and that the range during the operational period remained within the preoperational range (1981-1984). The high gross beta activity in 1981 was attributed to fallout from Chinese atmospheric nuclear weapons testing.

2003 Annual Radiological EnviTonmental Operating ReporLdoc 7-1

DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Ann upl Report - 2003 Figure 5. Control Chart for Air Particulate Filters - Difference Between Indicator and Control Station Annual Means Standard Deviations8-6 4

CUSUU4mirnit 2

Background Meo,

-2 -6 CUSUM Va l ue Standardized X

-8 JAN80 JAN84 JAN88 JAN92 JAN96 JAN00 JAN04 DATE WCH%*AN AECOLOGICAL SERVICES 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 7-2

In 2003, only naturally occurring radioactivity was detected. The mean concentration of gross beta activity of the indicator stations was comparable to those of the control station. It can be concluded that the plant operations had no detectible impact on the air particulate medium.

DIRECT RADIATION The control chart for direct radiation measured by TLDs (see Figure 6) showed that there has been no increasing trend during the operational years. In past annual reports, the Shewart-CUSUM control chart for the TLD represented different comparisons. Until 1997, the chart compared the average of the indicator stations to the average of Stations 2F2, 4D1, and 5F1. After 1997 until this year, only value for SFI was used as the control value leaving the past data the same. This change was made since Station 2F2 was no longer monitored since PG&E no longer operated the Morro Bay Power Plant.

This year in order that the comparison compare like values throughout the comparison period, the past average value for the control stations has been replaced with the corresponding value for Station SFI for each year shown in the graph. Thus, this years control chart compares values from the average of the indicator stations with the values obtained at Station SFI for the entire period.

ALGAE SAMPLES Algae sampling is not a REMP requirement and is therefore considered a supplemental sample. There is no reporting requirement for radioactivity levels in algae. Two species of algae are normally collected from DCM quarterly when available. Several times during the operational period small concentrations of various plant related radioactivity have been detected in the algae. These radioactivity concentrations detected have been random in the past so one can conclude that there is no increasing trend in radioactivity concentrations in algae from Diablo Cove. Co-58 was measured in two Iridaea samples from DCM during 2003. The control chart for Co-58 in algae (Iridaea) is shown as Figure 7.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 7-3

DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM An nual Report - 2003 Figure 6. Control Chart for TLD Data - Difference Between Indicator and Control Station Annual Means Standard Deviations 8 -


CUSUM Limit 2

Background Mean






-8S t a n d a r d z e d X I JAN80 JAN84 JAN88 JAN92 JAN96 JAN00 JAN04 DATE TECH CA4 ANd ECOLOGICAL SERVICES Hea.h vsrs nn 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 7-4


-8 waundrdzedn J0 J8 J

A -8 CUSUM Value

-8 Standardized X JAN80 JAN84 JAN88 JAN92 JAN96 JAN00 JAN04 DATE aCoh ft AWCOLOGICM SERVICES 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 7-5

Section 8 PROGRAM VARIANCE The DCPP REMP includes both required and supplemental samples. This section describes the variances with the required samples.

AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY The mean percent availability for all on-site and off-site samplers was 99.6 percent. That is, on average, all samplers were up and running 99.6 percent of the time. Some sampling time (less than 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> each) was lost at station SFI and OS2 during the first week of the year due to power outages. At station 7D1, approximately 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of sampling was lost during the week of 3/19 - 3/26. At Station 5F1 approximately 84 hours9.722222e-4 days <br />0.0233 hours <br />1.388889e-4 weeks <br />3.1962e-5 months <br /> of sampling time was lost during the week of 8/20 due to a blown fuse in the sampler, and approximately 82 hours9.490741e-4 days <br />0.0228 hours <br />1.35582e-4 weeks <br />3.1201e-5 months <br /> of sampling was lost during the week of 8/27 due to a non-functioning cooling fan. At Station 5F1 approximately 97 hours0.00112 days <br />0.0269 hours <br />1.603836e-4 weeks <br />3.69085e-5 months <br /> of sampling time was lost during the week of 9/17. The malfunctioning sampler was replaced with another sampler during the weekly sample change.

MARINE AND TERRESTRIAL SAMPLES All marine samples were collected as scheduled (including allowable variation) except for the following:

mussel samples from Station PON were not collected during the second, third, and fourth quarters due to small size and small numbers of mussels available during these sampling periods. All terrestrial samples were collected as scheduled (including allowable variation) except for vegetation sample from Station 5F2 during February which were not available due to the season.

As mentioned earlier, the California Department of Fish and Game has issued regulations prohibiting the collection of abalone along the central and southern coast of California. PG&E considers it unlikely that collection of abalone will be allowed in the DCPP environs in the near future. Note that the sampling of abalone is supplemental to the REMP.

SUPPLEMENTAL SAMPLES As a supplement to the routine sampling program, sand samples were collected in February and December and well water samples were collected in August. These samples were analyzed using gamma spectrum analysis and tritium analyses for the water samples.

Sand was collected from Cayucos, Moonstone, San Simeon, and Avila Beaches (all beaches within San Luis Obispo County) during February. Cesium-137 was detected in the sand at San Simeon Beach at 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 8-1

13.8 +1-7.9 pCi/kg which is at the detection level for the gamma analysis technique used. The minimum detectible activity (MDA) for the other sand samples collected ranged from 13.3 - 14.9 pCi/kg for cesium-137. Other than the cesium-137, all other identified activity was due to naturally occurring radioisotopes. During December, duplicate samples of beach sand from Avila Beach and a sand sample from Cayucos Beach were collected. Cesium-137 was detected in the sand collected at Cayucos Beach at a level of 18.3 pCi/kg and one of the samples from Avila Beach at 12.6 pCi/kg. The other sample from Avila Beach had a MDA for Cs-1 37 of 15.1 pCi/kg. From the sand analyses this year and in 2002, the concentration of Cs-137 in beach sand in San Luis County appears to be in the range of 15 pCi/kg which is also the approximate MDA for the gamma analysis technique used. This level of Cs-137 is to be expected from global fallout and since the level detected in beach sand appears virtually the same both far north and 7 miles south of the site, the Cs-137 does not appear to be plant related.

Water samples were collected from two on-site wells during August 2003. These samples were also collected as supplemental samples. These samples were analyzed for tritium content. No tritium was detected in these samples.

STATE SPLIT SAMPLING PROGRAM All samples scheduled to be split with the California Department of Health Services Sanitation and Radiation Laboratory (SRL) were supplied to the state laboratory except for the fish sample collected from Station DCM during the third quarter. This sample was inadvertently disposed of prior to being shipped to the SRL laboratory.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc 8-2


1. DCPP Interdepartmental Administrative Procedure (IDAP), RPI.IDI 1, "Environmental Radiological Monitoring Procedure."
2. NRC Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979.
3. DCPP Program Directive, CY2, "Radiological Monitoring and Controls Program."

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc 9-1

Appendix A ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARIES 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReporLdoc

Table A-1 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Name of Facility Location of Facility Diablo Canyon Power Plant San Luis Obispo, California (County, State)

Docket No.

50-275 and 50-323 Report Period 1/1/03 - 12/31/03 Medium or Pathway Type and Total Lower Limit Indicator with All Indicator All Control Sampled Number of of Highest Annual Mean Locations Locations Number of (Unit of Analyses Detection(a)

Name, Distance Mean(b)



Reportable Measurement)

Performed (LLD) and Direction Range(b)



Occurrences Airborne Cartrdge (pCi/M3) 13i 1.4E-2(2/312)

None detected 0

(364) 9.OE-3-1.8E-2 Air Particulates Gross Beta Sta. 8S2 1.3E-2 1.2E-2(312/312) 1.2E-2(52/52) 0 (364) 1.1 mi., 1280 4.0E-3-4.7E-2 4.OE-3-4.7E-2 4.0E-3-4.2E-2 Gamma Isotopic None detected None detected 0


Table Notation:

(a) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 3.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

ND Radionuclides of interest other than naturally occurring were not detected.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc A-l

Table A-2 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Name of Facility Diablo Canyon Power Plant Docket No.

50-275 and 50-323 Location of Facility San Luis Obispo, California (County, State)

Report Period 1/1/03 - 12/31/03 Medium or Pathway Type and Total Lower Limit Indicator with All Indicator All Control Sampled Number of of Highest Annual Mean Locations Locations Number of (Unit of Analyses Detection(a)

Name, Distance Mean(b)



Reportable Measurement)

Performed (LLD) and Direction Range(b)



Occurrences Direct TLD Packet(c) 3 mR/qtr Sta. 5S1 Sta. 5F1 0

radiation (mR)

(372) 0.4 mi, 58° 23.5 mR/qtr 14.3 mR/qtr 17.9 mRlqtr (12/12)


(12/12) 23.2-23.6 mR'qtr 9.6-23.6 mRlqtr 16.8-19.8 mRlqtr 93.8 mR/yr 65.2 mR/yr 71.6 mR/yr (360/360) 40.0-93.8 mR/yr Table Notation:

(a) Sensitivity of TLD system.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

(c) 93 TLD packets are distributed quarterly at 31 locations.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc A-2

Table A-3a Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Name of Facility Diablo Canyon Power Plant Docket No.

Report Period 50-275 and 50-323 Location of Facility San Luis Obispo, California (County, State) 1/1/03 - 12/31/03 Medium or Pathway Type and Total Lower Limit Indicator with All Indicator All Control Sampled Number of of Highest Annual Mean Locations Locations Number of (Unit of Analyses Detection(a)

Name, Distance Mean(b)



Reportable Measurement)

Performed (LLD) and Direction Range(b)



Occurrences Surface water Gamma Sta. DCM Sta 7C2 0


Isotopic (36)

Sta. OUT

'Mn None detected None detected

'Fe None detectedNoedttd "co None detected None detected 0Co None detected None detected 65Zn None detected None detected "Zr None detected None detected "Nb None detected None detected 131j None detected None detected

"'Cs None detected None detected 3Cs None detected None detected

'4OBa-La None detected None detected None detected None detected Tritium Analysis (36)

Sta. DCM 3H 0.2mi, 2700 None detected None detected 0

Table Notation:

(a) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 3.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc A-3

Table A-3b Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Name of Facility Location of Facility Diablo Canyon Power Plant San Luis Obispo, California Docket No.

50-275 and 50-323 1/1/03 - 12/31/03 Report Period (County, State)

Medium or Type and Total Lower Limit Pathway Sampled Number of Of Locations Number of (Unit of Analyses Detection(a)

Name, Distance Mean(b)

Reportable Measurement)

Performed (LLD) and Direction Range(b)

Occurrences Drinking water Tritium (24)

Sta. 5S2, DWI None detected 0


Gamma Isotopic (24) 0 54Mn None detected 59Fe None detected 58Co None detected 60Co None detected 65Zn None detected 95Zr None detected 95Nb None detected 131I 2.9 (1/24)

None detected 134cs None detected 137cs None detected

'4Ba-La None detected Table Notation:

(a) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 3.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc A49

Table A4 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Name of Facility Location of Facility Diablo Canyon Power Plant San Luis Obispo, California (County, State)

Docket No.

Report Period 50-275 and 50-323 l/l/03 - 12/31/03 Medium or Pathway Type and Total Lower Limit Indicator Indicator All Control Sampled Number of Of Location(c)

Locations Locations Number of (Unit of Analyses Detection(a)

Name, Distance Mean(b)


Reportable Measurement)

Performed (LLD) and Direction Rangeb)


Occurrences Mussels Gamma Isotopic (8)

Sta. DCM Sta. DCM Sta. 7C2 0

(pCi/kg original) 0.2 mi., 2700 4 Mn None detected None detected 59Fe None detected None detected 55Co None detected None detected

'Co None'detected None detected

-5Nb None detected None detected 134CSNone detected None detected

'"Cs None detected None detected 1311 None detected None detected Table Notation:

(a) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 3-(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

(c) Only one station location for this sample type.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc A-5

Table A-5 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Sumnnary Name of Facility Location of Facility Diablo Canyon Power Plant San Luis Obispo, California Docket No.

Report Period 50-275 and 50-323 1/1/03-12/31/03 (County, State)

Medium or Pathway Type and Total Lower Limit Indicator Indicator All Control Sampled Number of of Location(C)

Locations Locations Number of (Unit of Analyses Detection(a)

Name, Distance Mean(b)


Reportable Measurement)

Performed (LLD) and Direction Range(b)


Occurrences Fish Gamma Isotopic (16)

Sta. DCM Sta. DCM Sta. 7C2 0

(pCi/kg original) 0.2 mi., 270° 54Mn None detected None detected 59Fe None detected None detected 58Co None detected None detected

'Co None detected None detected 6Czn None detected None detected 134cS None detected None detected

'"Cs None detected None detected 13 RNone detected None detected Table Notation:

(a) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 3.


Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

(c) Only one station location for this sample type.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc A-6

Table A-6 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Name of Facility Diablo Canyon Power Plant Docket No.

50-275 and 50-323 1/1/03-12/31/03 Location of Facility San Luis Obispo, California (County. State)

Report Period Medium or Pathway Type and Total Lower Limit Indicator Indicator All Control Sampled Number of of Location(¢)

Locations Locations Number of (Unit of Analyses Detection(a)

Name, Distance Mean(b)


Reportable Measurement)

Performed (LLD) and Direction Range(b)


Occurrences Algae*

Gamma Isotopic (24)

Sta. DCM Sta. DCM -

Sta. 7C2 0

(pCi/kg original) 0.2 mi., 2700 54Mn None detected None detected 59Fe None detected None detected 57 Co None detected None detected



None detected 6.3 -27.5 60Co None detected None detected 13IN None detected None detected nAgNone detected None detected

'3 7Cs None detected None detected Table Notation:

(a) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 3.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

(c) Only one station location for this sample type.

These samples are supplemental samples.

2003 Annual Radiolgical Environnental Operating Report.doc A-7

Table A-7 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Name of Facility Location of Facility Diablo Canyon Power Plant San Luis Obispo, California (County, State)

Docket No.

Report Period 50-275 and 50-323 1/1/03-12/31/03 Medium or Pathway Type and Total Lower Limit Indicator Indicator All Control Sampled Number of Of Location(c)

Locations Locations Number of (Unit of Analyses Detection(a)

Name, Distance Mean(b)


Reportable Measurement)

Performed (LLD) and Direction Range(b)


Occurrences Sediment Gamma Isotopic (2)

Sta. DCM Sta. DCM Sta. 7C2 0

(pCi/kg dry) 0.2 mi., 2700

` 4Mn None detected None detected "9Fe None detected None detected 58Co None detected None detected

'Co None detected None detected 6sZn None detected None detected 134Cs None detected None detected 13CS None detected None detected Table Notation:

(a) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 3.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

(c) Only one station location for this sample type.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc A-8

Table A-8 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary Name of Facility Location of Facility Diablo Canyon Power Plant San Luis Obispo, California (County, State)

Docket No.

50-275 and 50-323 Report Period 1/1/03-12/31/03 Medium or Pathway Type and Total Lower Limit Location with Sampled Number of of Highest Annual Mean Locations Number of (Unit of Analyses Detection(a)

Name, Distance Mean(b)


Reportable Measurement)

Performed (LLD) and Direction Range(b)


Occurrences Food crops*

Gamma Sta. 7CI, 7GI, 5F2, 0

(pCi/kg original)

Isotopic (38) 6Cl

'I None detected

"'3Cs None detected

,"Cs None detected Table Notation:

(a) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 3.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) neans 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

These samples are supplemental samples.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc A-9

Table A-9 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Sunmnary Name of Facility Location of Facility Diablo Canyon Power Plant Docket No.

50-275 and 50-323 1/1/03-12/31/03 San Luis Obispo, California (County, State)

Report Period Medium or Pathway Type and Total Lower Limit Sampled Number of of Location(C)

Number of (Unit of Analyses Detection(a)

Name, Distance Mean(b)

Reportable Measurement)

Performed (LLD)

And Direction Range(b)

Occurrences Milk*

'13I (12)

Sta 5F2, 12.6 mi, 600 None detected 0


Gamma Isotopic (12) 0 134cs None detected 137cs None detected

"'Ba-La None detected Table Notation:

(a) Unless specified, all required LLDs were met in accordance with Table 3.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthesis e.g., (10/12) means 10 samples out of 12 collected showed activity.

(c) Only one station location for this sample type.

ND: Radionuclides of interest other than naturally occurring were not detected.

These samples are supplemental samples.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc A-10

I Table A-10 Analytics Performance Evaluation Program(a)

Sample/Analysis Radionuclide Month TES Analytics Ratio Evaluation Milk/Gamma

.1-131 December 85 90

.94 Agreement Ce-141 December 199 202

.99 Agreement Cr-51 December 289 280 1.03 Areement Cs-134 December 205 135 1.52 No Agreement (c)

Cs-137 December 124 129

.96 Agreement Co-58 December 75 111

.68 Agreement Mn-54 December 181 173 1.05 Agreement Fe-59 December 109 102 1.07 Agreement Zn-65 December 209 197 1.06 Agreement Co-60 December 150 155

.97 Ageement Co-57 December 32 Water/Gamma Cr-51 June 221 213 1.04 Agreement Mn-54 June 185 166 1.11 Agreement Co-58 June 86 83 1.04-Agreement Fe-59 June 102 88

-1.16 Agreement Co-60 June 125 118 1.06 Agreement Zn-65 June 169 162 1.04 Agreement Cs-134 June 84 92

.91 Agreement Cs-137 June 217 206 1.05 Agreement Ce-141 June 269 253 1.06 Agreement I_ -131 June 100 81 1.23 Agreement Water/Gamma 1-131 December 59 61 0.97 Agreement Ce-141 December 185 189 0.98 Agreement Cr-51 December 245 262 0.94 Agreement Cs-134 December 141 127 1.11 Agreement Cs-137 December 124 121 1.02 Agreement Co-58 December 113 104 1.09 Agreement Mn-54 December 169 162 1.04 Agreement Fe-59 December 115 96 1.20 Agreement Zn-65 December 187 184 1.02 Agreement Co-60 December 149 145 1.03 Aeement Co-57 December 38 Soil/Gamma Mn-54 June


.204 1.04 Agreement Co-60 June


.145 1.05 Agreement Zn-65 June


.199 1.07 Agreement Cs-134 June


.113 1.17 Agreement Cs-137 June


.359 1.08 Agreement Ce-141 June


.310 1.08 Agreement Cr-51 June



.89 Agreement Co-58 June



.92 Agreement Fe-59 June


.108 1.01 Agre Cd-109 June 1.140


2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReporLdoc A-11

Table A-10 (Continued)

Analytics Performance Evaluation Program(a)

Sample/Analysis Radionuclide Month TES Analytics Ratio Evaluation Vegetation/Gamma Ce-141 December


.188 1.16 Agreement Cr-51 December


.261 1.31 Agreement Cs-134 December


.126 1.02 Agreement Cs-137 December


.121 1.10 Agreement Co-58 December


.103 1.02 Agreement Mn-54 December


.161 1.11 Agreement Fe-59 December


.095 1.12 Agreement Zn-65 December


.184 1.03 Agreement Co-60 December


.144 1.02 Agreement Sample/Analysis Radionuclide Month TES Analytics Ratio Evaluation Cartridge/Gamma 1-131 June 66 62 1.06 Agreement Water/Alpha Gross Alpha June 57 49 1.16 Agreement Water/Beta Gross Beta June 267 268 1.00 Agreement Water/Tritium Tritium June 11600 11953

.97 Agreement Particulate Filter Alpha December 13 19

.68 Agreement Particulate Filter Beta December 48 51

.94 Agreement Table Notation:

(a) All of the values shown are relative; therefore, the units for total activity or concentration levels are not shown.

(b) Agreement criteria from NRC Inspection Manual, Procedure 84750.

(c) Sample believed to be contaminated with another cross-check sample. See text, page 4-1 (d) False positive due to interference from Lead and Bismuth x-rays from natural radioactivity in soil sample. See text page 4-2.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc A-12

Appendix B ANALYTICAL RESULTS 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc

Table B-1 Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report State Cross-Check Results(a)

Gamma Activity K-40 Activity H-3 Sample pCi/L pCi/L Activity 1-131 Activity Sample Station No.

Collection Date Original Original pCIL pCiIL Drinkdng Water DWI 03A32 01/23/03 ND 24 +/- 34 ND ND 03B07 02/25/03 ND ND ND ND 03B77 03/19/03 ND ND ND ND 03C76 04/22/03 ND ND ND ND 03D37 05/20/03 ND 17 +/- 30 ND ND 03E60 06/25/03 ND ND ND ND 03F43 07/14/03 ND 15 +/- 35 ND ND 03G43 08/19/03 ND 17 +/- 27 ND ND 03G99 09/11/03 ND ND ND ND 03155 10/31/03 ND ND ND ND 03331 11/24/03 ND ND.

ND ND 03J93 12/16/03 ND ND ND ND Milk 5F2 03A33 01/23/03 ND 1351 +/- 138 ND 03B08 02/25/03 ND 1479 +/- 137 ND 03B73 03/18/03 ND 1417 +/- 131 ND 03C77 04/22/03 ND 1379+/- 135 a-ND 03D38 05/20/03 ND 1398 97 ND 03E61 06/25/03 ND 1433 +/-98 ND 03F44 07/14/03 ND 1295 112 ND 03G44 08/19/03 ND 1386+/- 107 ND 03H00 09/11/03 ND 1406 +/- 98 ND 03156 10/31/03 ND 1470+/- 116 ND 03J32 11/24/03 ND 1370 105 ND 03394 12/16/03 ND 142799 ND Table Notation:


Airborne radioisotope analyses for stations 5F1 and 7DI are located in Table B-3. Direct Radiation measuranerits for stations MTI, 4DI, 5F3, 7DI, and 7CM are located in Table B-4.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-I

Table 1B-1 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report State Cross-Check Results Gamma Activity K-40 Activity H-3 Sample pCi/L pCI/L Activity 1-131 Activity Sample Station No.

Collection Date Original Original pCi/L pCiIL Outfall Water OUT 03A30 01/23/03 ND 318 +/- 57 ND l

03B05 02/25/03 ND 347 +/- 42 ND 03B75 03/19/03 ND 331 +/- 67 ND 03C74 04/22/03 ND 338 +/- 52 ND l

03D35 05/20/03 ND 346 +/- 46 ND l

03E62 06/25/03 ND 346 +/- 47 ND 03F41 07/14/03 ND 313 +/- 32 ND l

03G45 08/19/03 ND 358 +/- 27 ND l

03G97 09/11/03 ND 354 +/- 47 ND 03153 10/31/03 ND 378 +/- 61 ND 03J29 11/24/03 ND 326 +/- 60 ND l

03J91 12/16/03 ND 323 +/- 37 ND Drinking Water 5S2 03A31 01/23/03 ND ND ND ND 03B06 02/25/03 ND ND ND ND 03B76 03/19/03 ND ND ND ND 03C75 04/22/03 ND ND ND ND 03D36 05/20/03 ND ND ND ND 03E59 06/25/03 ND ND ND ND 03F42 07/14/03 ND ND ND ND 03G42 08/19/03 ND ND ND ND 03G98 09/11/03 ND ND ND ND 03154 10/31/03 ND ND ND ND 03J30 11/24/03 ND ND ND ND 03J92 12/16/03 ND ND ND ND 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-2

Table B-1 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report State Cross-Check Results Gamma Activity K-40 Activity H-3 Sample pCi/L pCI/L Activity 1-131 Activity Sample Station No.

Collection Date Original Original pCi/L pCi/L Giant Kelp(b)

DCM 03C29 03/31/03 ND 7919 +/- 787 03E16 06/16/03 ND 7258 +/-466 03G73 08/25/03 ND 16200 +/- 1160 03J59 12/03/03 ND 12030 +/- 790 Vegetable Greens(b) 7G1 03A58 02/04/03 ND 3275 +/- 340 03D32 05/19/03 ND 4595 +/- 359 03G20 08/18/03 ND 5287 +/- 381 03168 11/05/03 ND 2658+/- 222 Fish(b)

DCM 03A92 02/06/03 ND 4383 +/- 465 03F07 06/25/03 ND 3605 +/- 288 03K33 01/05/04 ND 3016 +/- 223 Sediment(c)

DCM 03K39 01/05/04 ND 14160 980 Table Notation:

(b) Results reported in pCi/kg original sample.

(c) Results reported in pCi/kg dry sample.

2003 Annual Radiological Environnental Operating Report-doc B-3

Table B-2 Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Marine and Terrestrial Sample Data Detected Nuclides (Nonnaturally Occurring) - pCi/i 3 Air pCi/kg Algae Sta.

Collection SanI Description No.

Date No.

5Co "Co 1311 3 7 Cs 3H Iridaea DCM 3/13/03 03B71 2.75E+1+/-8.6E+O Iridaea DCM 6/3/03 03E01 6.3E+0+/-6.7E+O Air Particulate/Iodine MTI 2/5/03 -

03A76 1.8E-2+/-4.OE-3 Cartridge 2/12/03 Air Particulate/Iodine 8S I 2/5/03 -

03A79 9.0E-3+/-5.0E-3 Cartridge 2/12/03 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-4

Table B-3 Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station OS2 (pCi/m3)

Gross Beta Collection Period

'Volume (m3)

Counting Date Activity ZSigma Gamma Scan 12/31/02-01/08/03 01/08/03-01/15/03 01/15/03-01/22/03 01/22/03-01/29/03 01/29/03-02/05/03 02/05/03-02/12/03 02/12/03-02/19/03 02/19/03-02/26/03 02/26/03-03/05/03 03/05/03-03/12/03 03/12/03-03/19/03 03/19/03-03/26/03 03/26/03-04/02/03 04/02/03-04/09/03 04/09/03-04/16/03 04/16/03-04/23/03 04/23/03-04/30/03 04/30/03-05/07/03 05/07/03-05/14/03 05/14/03-05/21/03 05/21/03-05/28/03 05/28/03-06/04/03 06/04/03-06/11/03 06/11/03-06/18/03 06/18/03-06/25/03 06/25/03-07/02/03 07/02/03-07/09/03 07/09/03-07/16/03 07/16/03-07/23/03 07/23/03-07/30/03 07/30/03-08/06/03 08/06/03-08/13/03 08/13/03-08/20/03 08/20/03-08/27/03 08/27/03-09/03/03 09/03/03-09/10/03 09/10/03-09/17/03 498.8 01/23/03 460.6 01/24/03 450.0 02/03/03 449.5 02/04/03 485A 02/28/03 436.3 03/11/03 480.7 03/01/03 502.0 03/10/03 491.0 03/12/03 508.6 03/21/03 482.2 03/25/03 517.5 04/09/03 482.8 04/09/03 415.3 04/23/03 413.3 05/03/03 409.9 05/03/03 414.9 05/11/03 441.6 06/07/03 430.3 06/07/03 420.3 06/10/03 458.5 06/10/03 426.6 06/23/03 445.3 06/26/03 429A 06/27/03 448.8 07/02/03 444.1 07/11/03 433.2 07/15/03 443.5 08/07/03 442.0 08/08/03 441.0 08/15/03 461.9 08/15/03 433.7 08/22/03 443.9 08/27/03 442.6 09/06/03 444.2 09/10/03 436.0 09/16/03 292.3 10/03/03










































































.002 2003 Annual Radiological Environnental Operating Report.doc B-5

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station OS2 (pCilm3)

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (M3)

Counting Date Activity 2Sigma Gamma Scan 09/17/03-09/24/03 498.0 10/03/03


.002 09/24/03-10/01/03 452.1 10/10/03


.002 10/01/03-10/08/03 413.7 10/16/03


.002 10/08/03-10/15/03 275.0 11/05/03


.002 10/15/03-10/22/03 434.8 11/05/03


.002 10/22/03-10/29/03 445.3 11/10/03


.003 10/29/03-1 1/05/03 463.6 11/11/03


.001 11/05/03-11/12/03 458.0 11/18/03


.001 11/12/03-11/19/03 425.1' 12/10/03


.001 11/19/03-11/26/03 427.4' 12/15/03


.002 11/26/03-12/03/03 435.3' 12/16/03


.002 12/03/03-12/10/03 420.5' 12/19/03


.001 12/10/03-12/17/03 427.9' 12/23/03


.001 12/17/03-12/24/03 423.6' 12/31/03


.002 12/24/03-12/31/03 434.5' 01/07/04


.001 Gamma Activity on Filter Composites Counting Concentration Collection Period Date Nuclide (pCi/mn) 12/31/02-04/02/03 5/6/2003 ND 04/02/03-07/02/03 7/16/2003 ND 07/02/03-10/01/03 10/28/2003 ND 10/01/03-12/31/03 2/20/2004 ND Table Notation:

ND: Radionuclides of interest other than naturally occurring were not detected.

I Volume determined using flow rate and timer value.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-6

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station 151 (pCI/m3 )

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (m 3 )

Counting Date Activity 2Sigma Gamma Scan 12/31/02-01/08/03 01/08/03-01/15/03 01/15/03-01/22/03 01/22/03-01/29/03 01/29/03-02/05/03 02/05/03-02/12/03 02/12/03-02/19/03 02/19/03-02/26/03 02/26/03-03/05/03 03/05/03-03/12/03 03/12/03-03/19/03 03/19/03-03/26/03 03/26/03-04/02/03 04/02/03-04/09/03 04/09/03-04/16/03 04/16/03-04/23/03 04/23/03-04/30/03 04/30/03-05/07/03 05/07/03-05/14/03 05/14/03-05/21/03 05/21/03-05/28/03 05/28/03-06/04/03 06/04/03-06/11/03 06/11/03-06/18/03 06/18/03-06/25/03 06/25/03-07/02/03 07/02/03-07/09/03 07/09/03-07/16/03 07116/03-07/23/03 07/23/03-07/30/03 07/30/03-08/06/03 08/06/03-08/13/03 08/13/03-08/20/03 08/20/03-08/27/03 08/27/03-09/03/03 09/03/03-09/10/03 09/10/03-09/17/03 531.6 01/24/03 473.3 01/24/03 468.9 02/03/03 477.9 02/04/03 471.4 02/28/03 475.5 03/01/03 458.9 03/02/03 458.8 03/10/03 478.9 03/12/03 481.7 03/21/03 457.1 03/25/03 483.6 04/09/03 487.1 04/09/03 488.5 04/28/03 479.5 05/03/03 490.2 05/03/03 477.8 05/11/03 474.6 06/07/03 497.4 06/08/03 466.8 06/10/03 495.9 06/11/03 462.6 06/23/03 481.2 06/26/03 469.2 06/27/03 489.2 07/02/03 468.1 07/11/03 473.5 07/15/03 468.5 08/07/03 454.6 08/08/03 455.4 08/15/03 451.2 08/15/03 454.0 08/21/03 461.3 08/27/03 446.6 09/06/03 460.2 09/10/03 447.0 09/16/03 459.0 10/03/03










































































.001 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-7

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station lS1 (pCi/m3)

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (m3)

Counting Date Activity 2Sigma Gamma Scan 09/17/03-09/24/03 452.9 10/03/03


.002 09/24/03-10/01/03 465.1 10/10/03


.002 10/01/01-10/08/03 442.0 10/16/03


.002 10/08/03-10/15/03 461.8 11/05/03


.002 10/15/03-10/22/03 468.2 11/05/03


.002 10/22/03-10/29/03 451.9 11/10/03


.004 10/29/03-11/05/03 469.7 11/11/03


.002 11/05/03-11/12/03 459.3 11/19/03


.001 11/12/03-11/19/03 424.8' 12/10/03


.001 11/19/03-11/26/03 426.1' 12/16/03


.002 11/26/03-12/03/03 435.3' 12/16/03


.002 12/03/03-12/10/03 420.51 12/19/03


.002 12/10/03-12/17/03 427.9' 12/23/03


.001 12/17/03-12/24/03 424.6' 12/31/03


.002 12/24/03-12/31/03 433.5' 01/07/04


.001 Gamma Activity on Filter Composites Counting Concentration Collection Period Date Nuclide (pCi/M3) 12/31/02-04/02/03 5/6/2003 ND 04/02/03-07/02/03 7/16/2003 ND 07/02/03-10/01/03 10/28/2003 ND 10/01/03-12/31/03 2/20/2004 ND Table Notation:

ND: Radionuclides of interest other than naturally occurring were not detected.

I Volume determined using flow rate and timer value.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-8

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station 5Ff (pCi/m3)

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (m3)

Counting Date Activity 2Sigma Gamma Scan 12/31/02-01/08/03 01/08/03-01/15/03 01/15/03-01/22/03 01/22/03-01/29103 01/29/03-02/05/03 02/05/03-02/12103 02/12/03-02/19/03 02/19/03-02/26/03 02/26/03-03/05/03 03/05/03-03/12/03 03/12/03-03/19/03 03/19/03-03/26/03 03/26/03-04/02/03 04/02/03-04/09/03 04/09/03-04/16/03 04/16/03-04/23/03 04/23/03-04/30/03 04/30/03-05/07/03 05/07/03-05/14/03 05/14/03-05/21/03 05/21/03-05/28/03 05/28/03-06/04/03 06/04/03-06/11/03 06/11/03-06/18/03 06/18/03-06/25/03 06/25/03-07/02/03 07/02/03-07/09/03 07/09/03-07/16/03 07/16/03-07/23/03 07/23/03-07/30/03 07/30/03-08/06/03 08/06/03-08/13/03 08/13/03-08/20/03

  • 08120/03-08/27/03
    • 08/27/03-09/03/03 09/03/03-09/10/03 09/10/03-09/17/03 572.4 510.5 505.8 479.4 489.1 493.9 476.3 486.5 513.2 445.0 454A 468.2 454.8 399.5 420A 427.6 438.7 456.9 483.5 462.9 503.3 489.9 451.8 475.0 484.0 485.8 469.4-483.3 473A 478.3 518.4 465.7 473.4 231.1 194.6 421.0 450.2 01/23/03 01/24/03 02/03/03 02/03/03 02/28/03 03/01/03 03/01/03 03/10/03 03/12/03 03/21/03 03/24/03 04/08/03 04/09/03 04/22/03 05/03/03 05/03/03 05/10/03 06/07/03 06/07/03 06/09/03 06/10/03 06/23/03 06/26/03 06/27/03 07/02/03 07110/03 07/15/03 08/06/03 08/07/03 08/14/03 08/15/03 08/21/03 08/27/03 09/06/03 09/09/03 09/16/03 10/02/03










































































.001 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-9

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station SF1 (pCilm3)

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (M3)

Counting Date Activity 2Sigma Gamma Scan

  • 09/17/03-09/24/03 193.2 10/03/03


.002 09/24/03-10/01/03 448.7 10/10/03


.002 10/01/03-10/08/03 485.3 10/15/03


.002 10/08/03-10/15/03 510.9 11/04/03


.002 10/15/03-10/22/03 513.7 11/05/03


.002 10/22/03-10/29/03 488.5 11/10/03


.004 10/29/03-1 1/05/03 486.6 11/11/03


.002 11/05/03-11/12/03 485.5 11/18/03


.001 11/12/03-11/19/03 428.9' 12/10/03


.002 11/19/03-11/26/03 426.9' 12/15/03


.002 11/26/03-12/03/03 427.6' 12/16/03


.003 12/03/03-12/10/03 426.6' 12/18/03


.002 12/10/03-12/17/03 429.4' 12/23/03


.001 12/17/03-12/24/03 416.1' 12/30103


.002 12/24/03-12/31/03 412.2' 01/07/04


.001 Gamma Activity on Filter Composites Counting Concentration Collection Period Date Nuclide (pCi/m3) 12/31/02-04/02/03 5/5/2003 ND 04/02/03-07/02/03 7/15/2003 ND 07/02/03-10/01/03 10/27/2003 ND 10/01/03-12/31/03 2/2/2004 ND

  • Sampler stopped running
    • Sampler malfunction Table Notation:

ND: Radionuclides of interest other than naturally occurring were not detected.

Volume determined using flow rate and timer value.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-10

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station 7D1 (pCi/m3)

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (mn 3 ), Counting Date Activity 2Sigma Gamma Scan 12/31/02-01/08/03 01/08/03-01/15/03 01/15/03-01/22/03 01/22/03-01/29/03 01/29/03-02/05/03 02/05/03-02/12/03 02/12/03-02/19/03 02/19/03-02/26/03 02/26/03-03/05/03 03/05/03-03/12/03 03/12/03-03/19/03 03/19/03-03/26/03 03/26/03-04/02/03 04/02/03-04/09/03 04/09/03-04/16/03 04/16/03-04/23/03 559.7 01/23/03 488.9 01/24/03 511.6 02/03/03 476.4 02/04/03 487.9 02/28/03 498.5 03/01/03 473.2 03/01/03 519.5 03/10/03 518.9 03/12/03 481.8 03/21/03 505.8 03/25/03 331.5 04/08/03 353.9 04/09/03 466.8 04/23/03 487.6 05/03/03 379.6 05/03/03 04/23/03-04/30/03 04/30/03-05/07/03 05/07/03-05/14/03 05/14/03-05/21/03 05/21/03-05/28/03 05/28/03-06/04/03 06/04/03-06/11/03 06/11/03-06/18/03 06/18/03-06/25/03 06/25/03-07/02/03 07/02/03-07/09/03 07/09/03-07/16/03 07/16/03-07/23/03 07/23/03-07/30/03 07/30/03-08/06/03 08/06/03-08/13/03 08/13/03-08/20/03 08/20/03-08/27/03 08/27/03-09/03/03 09/03/03-09/10/03 09/10/03-09/17/03 393.2 419.9 442.2 439.7 486.7 472.4 492.1 457.7 488.3 469.3 494.0 503.5 423.8 468.9 494.3 489.7 513.7 501.4 477.0 451.4 466.9 05/10/03 06/07/03 06/07/03 06/09/03 06/10/03 06/23/03 06/26/03 06/27/03 07/02/03 07/10/03 07/15/03 08/06/03 08/07/03 08/14/03 08/15/03 08/21/03 08/27/03 09/06/03 09/09/03 09/16/03 10/02/03










































































.001 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc B-1I

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station 7D1 (pCi/m 3)

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (m3)

Counting Date Activity 2Sigma Gamma Scan 09/17/03-09/24/03 462.4 10/03/03


.002 09/24/03-10/01/03 467.2 10/10/03


.002 10/01/03-10/08/03 466.4 10/15/03


.002 10/08/03-10/15/03 461.8 11/04/03


.002 10/15/03-10/22/03 475.4 11/05/03


.002 10/22/03-10/29/03 451.9 11/10/03


.004 10/29/03-11/05103 465.3 11/11/03


.001 11/05/03-11/12/03 463.1 11/18/03


.001 11/12/03-1 1/19/03 428.4' 12/10/03


.001 11/19/03-11/26/03 427.1' 12/15/03


.002 11/26/03-12/03/03 426.4' 12/16/03


.002 12/03/03-12/10/03 428.1' 12/18/03


.001 12/10/03-12/17/03 429.2' 12/23/03


.001 12/17/03-12/24/03 424.1' 12/31/03


.002 12/24/03-12/31/03 433.0' 01/07/04


.001 Gamma Activity on Filter Composites Counting Concentration Collection Period Date Nuclide (pCi/M3 )

12/31/02-04/02/03 5/5/2003 ND 04/02/03-07/02/03 7/16/2003 ND 07/02/03-10/01/03 10/27/2003 ND 10/01/03-12/31/03 2/2/2004 ND Table Notation:

ND: Radionuclides of interest other than naturally occurring were not detected.

Volume determined using flow rate and timer value.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-12

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station 8S1 (pCi/m3)

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (m3)

Counting Date Activity 2Sigma Gamma Scan 12/31/02-01/08/03 01/08/03-01/15/03 01/15/03-01/22/03 01/22/03-01/29/03 01/29/03-02/05/03 02/05/03-02/12/03 02/12/03-02/19/03 02/19/03-02/26/03 02/26/03-03/05/03 03/05/03-03/12/03 03/12/03-03/19/03 03/19/03-03/26/03 03/26/03-04/02/03 04/02/03-04/09/03 04/09/03-04/16/03 04/16/03-04/23/03 04/23/03-04/30/03 04/30/03-05/07/03 05/07/03-05/14/03 05/14/03-05/21/03 05/21/03-05/28/03 05/28103-06/04/03 06/04/03-06/11/03 06/11/03-06/18/03 06/18/03-06/25/03 06/25/03-07/02/03 07/02/03-07/09/03 07/09/03-07/16/03 07/16/03-07/23/03 07/23/03-07/30/03 07/30/03-08/06/03 08/06/03-08/13/03 08/13/03-08/20/03 08/20/03-08/27/03 08/27/03-09/03/03 09/03/03-09/10/03 09/10/03-09/17/03 537.8 462.4 470.5 501.7 486.9 497.1 491.8:

497.4 497.6 512.3 496.8 506.3 511.4 499.2 499.5 470.5 464.8 468.3 482.2 458.3 479.3 452.7 474.8 457.9 450.3 430.2 423.3 430.7 480.5 467.0 475.8 476.6 484.3 482.5 478.5 464.7 471.4 01/23/03 01/24/03 02/03/03 02/04/03 02/28/03 03/11/03 03/01/03 03/10/03 03/12/03 03/21/03 03/25/03 04/09/03 04/09/03 04/23/03 05/03/03 05/03/03 05/10/03 06/07/03 06/07/03 06/09/03 06/10/03 06/23/03 06/26/03 06/27/03 07/02/03 07/10/03 07/15/03 08/06/03 08/07/03 08/15/03 08/15/03 08/21/03 08/27/03 09/06/03 09/10/03 09/16/03 10/02/03










































































.001 I-131: 9.OE-3 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-13

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station 8S1 (pCi/M3)

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (M 3 )

Counting Date Activity 2Sigma Gamma Scan 09/17/03-09/24/03 477.8 10/03/03


.002 09/24/03-10/01/03 465.0 10/10/03


.002 10/01/03-10/08/03 473.8 10/15/03


.002 10/08/03-1O/15/03 469.0 11/04/03


.002 10/15/03-10/22/03 498.2 11/05/03


.002 10/22/03-10/29/03 459.7 11/10/03


.004 10/29/03-11/05/03 472.6 11/11/03


.001 11/05/03-1 1/12/03 465.6 11/18/03


.002 11/12/03-11/19/03 422.8' 12/10/03


.002 11/19/03-11/26/03 426.1' 12/15/03


.002 11/26/03-12/03/03 435.3' 12/16/03


.002 12/03/03-12/10/03 420.5' 12/18/03


.002 12/10/03-12/17/03 429.21 12/23/03


.001 12/17/03-12/24/03 423.6' 12/31/03


.002 12/24/03-12/31/03 435.3' 01/07/04


.001 Gamma Activity on Filter Composites Counting Concentration Collection Period Date Nuclide (pCi/m3) 12/31/02-04/02/03 5/5/2003 ND 04/02/03-07/02/03 7/16/2003 ND 07/02/03-10/01/03 10/27/2003 ND 10/01/03-12/31/03 2/2/2004 ND Table Notation:

ND: Radionuclides of interest other than naturally occurring were not detected.

Volume determined using flow rate and timer value.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-14

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station 8S2 (pCi/m3)

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (m3)

Counting Date Activi*t 2Sigma Gamma Scan 12/31/02-01/08/03 01/08/03-01/15/03 01/15/03-01/22/03 01/22/03-01/29/03 01/29/03-02/05/03 02/05/03-02/12/03 02/12/03-02/19/03 02/19/03-02/26/03 02/26/03-03/05/03 03/05/03-03/12/03 03/12/03-03/19/03 03/19/03-03/26/03 03/26/03-04/02/03 04/02/03-04/09/03 04/09/03-04/16/03 04/16/03-04/23/03 04/23/03-04/30/03 04/30/03-05/07/03 05/07/03-05/14103 05/14/03-05/21/03 05/21/03-05/28/03 05/28/03-06/04/03 06/04/03-06/11/03 06/11/03-06/18/03 06/18/03-06/25/03 06/25/03-07/02/03 07/02/03-07/09/03 07/09/03-07/16/03 07/16/03-07/23/03 07/23/03-07/30/03 07/30/03-08/06/03 08/06/03-08/13/03 08/13/03-08/20/03 08/20/03-08/27/03 08/27/03-09/03/03 09/03/03-09/10/03 09/10/03-09/17/03 587.7 511.0 514.5 514.0 439.9 431.2 424.5 439.9 432.5 440.9 422.4 443.7 438.2 443.3 412.1 356.5 372.7 386.1 390.5 396.5 397.9 378.1 399.7 337.5 430.2 451.8 452.8 473.8 369.3 386.9 339.0 398.0 396.9 369.8 456.6 439.4 498.5 01/23/03 01/24/03 02/03/03 02/04/03 02/28/03 03/01/03 03/01/03 03/10/03 03/12/03 03/21/03 03/25/03 04/09/03 04/09/03 04/23/03 05/03/03 05/03/03 05/10/03 06/07/03 06/07/03 06/09/03 06/10/03 06/23/03 06/26/03 06/27/03 07/02/03 07/11/03 07/15/03 08/07/03 08/08/03 08/15/03 08/15/03 08/21/03 08/27/03 09/06/03 09/10/03 09/16/03 10/02/03










































































.001 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc B-15

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station 8S2 (pCi/m3 )

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (mi)

Counting Date Activity ZSigma Gamma Scan 09/17/03-09/24/03 447.1 10/03/03


.002 09/24/03-10/01/03 439.7 10/10/03


.002 10/01/03-10/08/03 444.5 10/15/03


.002 10/08/03-10/15/03 456.8 11/04/03


.002 10/15/03-10/22/03 468.3 11/05/03


.002 10/22/03-10/29/03 425.5 11/10/03


.005 10/29/03-11/05/03 443.8 11/11/03


.001 11/05/03-11/12/03 434.4 11/18/03


.002 11/12/03-11/19/03 428.4' 12/10/03


.002 11/19/03-11/26/03 427.1' 12/15/03


.002 11/26/03-12/03/03 426.1' 12/16/03


.002 12/03/03-12/10/03 429.2' 12/19/03


.001 12/10/03-12/17/03 428.1' 12/23/03


.001 12/17/03-12/24/03 425.6' 12/31/03


.002 12/24/03-12/31/03 432.2' 01/07/04


.001 Gamma Activity on Filter Composites Counting Concentration Collection Period Date Nuclide (pCi/M3) 12/31/02-04/02/03 5/5/2003 ND 04/02/03-07/02/03 7/16/2003 ND 07/02/03-10/01/03 10/28/2003 ND 10/01/03-12/31/03 2/20/2004 ND Table Notation:

ND: Radionuclides of interest other than naturally occurring were not detected.

I Volume determined using flow rate and timer value.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Opeating Report.doc B-16

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station MTI (pCi/m3)

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (m3)

Counting Date Activity 2SIgma Gamma Scan 12/31/02-01/08/03 01/08/03-01/15/03 01/15/03-01/22/03 01/22/03-01/29/03 01/29/03-02/05/03 02/05/03-02/12/03 02/12/03-02/19/03 02/19/03-02/26/03 02/26/03-03/05/03 03/05103-03/12103 03/12/03-03/19/03 03/19/03-03/26/03 03/26/03-04/02/03 04/02/03-04/09/03 04/09/03-04/16/03 04/16/03-04/23/03 04/23/03-04/30/03 04/30/03-05/07/03 05/07/03-05/14/03 05/14/03-05/21/03 05/21/03-05/28/03 05/28/03-06/04/03 06/04/03-06/11/03 06/11/03-06118/03 06/18/03-06/25/03 06/25/03-07/02/03 07/02/03-07/09/03 07/09/03-07/16/03 07/16/03-07/23/03 07/23/03-07/30/03 07/30/03-08/06/03 08/06/03-08/13/03 08/13/03-08/20/03 08/20/03-08/27/03 08/27/03-09/03/03 09/03/03-09/10/03 09/10/03-09/17/03 502.3 447.6 443.9 457.5 446.1 475.5 470.0 475.3 470.9 486.8 466.7 479.0 493.0 479.3 469.3 481.0 469.0 496.0 506.1 469.6 490.6 450.9 464.0 459.7 456.7 454.6 452.7 458.2 456.8 465.1 455.2 462.6 475.6 463.8 463.1 458.9 456.7 01/23/03 01/24/03 02/03/03 02/03/03 02/28/03 03/01/03 03/01/03 03/10/03 03/12/03 03/21/03 03/24/03 04/08/03 04/09/03 04/22/03 05/03/03 05/03/03 05/10/03 06/07/03 06/07/03 06/09/03 06/10/03 06/23/03 06/26/03 06/27/03 07/02/03 07/10/03 07/14/03 08/06/03 08/07/03 08/14/03 08/15/03 08/21/03 08/26/03 09/06/03 09/09/03 09/15/03 10/02/03










































































.001 1-131: 1.8E-2 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc B-17

Table B-3 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Airborne Radioactivity Station MTI (pCi/m 3 )

Gross Beta Collection Period Volume (m3)

Counting Date Activity 2Sigma Gamma Scan 09/17/03-09/24/03 459.3 10/03/03


.001 09/24/03-10/01/03 466.1 10/10/03


.002 10/01/03-10/08/03 461.4 10/15/03


.002 10/08/03-10/15/03 461.2 11/04/03


.002 10/15/03-10/22/03 468.4 11/05/03


.002 10/22/03-10/29/03 448.1 11/10/03


.004 10/29/03-11/05/03 472.1 11/11/03


.001 11/05/03-11/12/03 462.6 11/18/03


.001 11/12/03-11/19/03 430.4' 12/10/03


.002 11/19/03-11/26/03 427.1' 12/15/03


.002 11/26/03-12/03/03 433.0' 12/16/03


.002 12/03/03-12/10/03 421.8' 12/18/03


.001 12/10/03-12/17103 428.9' 12/22/03


.001 12/17/03-12/24/03 423.8' 12/30/03


.002 12/24/03-12/31/03 433.2' 01/07/04


.001 Gamma Activity on Filter Composites Counting Concentration Collection Period Date Nuclide (pCi/m3) 12/31/02-04/02/03 5/5/2003 ND 04/02/03-07/02/03 7/15/2003 ND 07/02/03-10/01/03 10/27/2003 ND 10/01/03-12/31/03 2/2/2004 ND Table Notation:

ND: Radionuclides of interest other than naturally occurring were not detected.

I Volume determined using flow rate and timer value.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-18

Table B4 Diablo Canyon Power Plan 2003 Annual Report Environmental Doismetry Quarterly Total (mR)


+/-la Annual Quarterly Station 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total Avg

  • 2cy MTI WN1 OSI 5S1 6S1 8S1 8S2 5S3 2DI 4DI SFI lAI 7D2 7G2 7C1 7F1 OB1 7DI 4CI OS2 ISI 2SI 3SI 4SI 7SI 9S1 lCI 5C1 3DI 6D1 5F3 21.5+/- 0.7 12.4 0.3 20.3 +/- 0.9 23.2 0.7 13.9 +/- 0.5 16.5 +/- 0.3 21.2 +/- 0.5 18.3i0.5 12.7 +/- 0.2 12.1+/-0.4 19.8 +/- 1.8 12.1 0.4 15.8i 0.3 17.1 +/-0.8 17.6i 0.3 17.2i 0.5 10.1 0.3 11.7 0.2 10.7 0.4 17.6 i 0.5 16.4A 0.6 16.8i 0.6 20.6 OA 18.6i 0.4 18.3 0.4 22.3 +/- 0.7 13.4+/- 0.3 16.0 0.5 12.8 0.3 15.3 0.5 21.6i 0.5 21.0 +/- 0.6 12.4 +/- 0.5 19.5 +/- 0.5 23.6 +/- 0.5 13.4 +/- 0.2 16.7 +/- 0.4 20.4 +/- 0.5 18.3 +/- 0.6 11.8 +/- 0.6 11.7 +/- 0.3 16.8 +/- 0.4 11.7 +/- 0.3 16.6 +/- O.4 16.8 +/- 0.6' 18.1 +/- 0.6 16.7 +/- 0.5 9.6 +/- 0.3 11.2+/- 0.4 10.6 +/- 0.5 16.4 +/-0.5 16.2 +/- 0.4 16.7 +/- 0.6 20.9 +/- 0.7 18.1 +/- 0.7 17.8 +/- 0.6 21.8 +/- 1.0 13.1+/-0.4 15.4 +/- O.4 12.5 i 0.3 13.2i 0.4 16.7i 0.5 20.8 +/- 0.6 12.1 +/-0.3 19.3 +/- 0.5 23.5 +/- 0.7 14.0+/- 0.3 16.3 +/-O.4 20.5 +/- 0.3 19.1 +/- 0.4 11.7 +/- O.4 12.1 +/- 1.1 17.1 +/- 0.5 11.8 +/- 0.2 16.8 +/- OA 16.9 +/- 0.5 17.8 +/- 0.3 16.7 +/- 0.6 9.8 +/- 0.3 11.6+/-0.4 11.0+/- 0.3 17.3 +/- 0.6 16.1 +/- 0.5 16.8 +/- 0.5 21.7 +/- 0.6 19.5 +/- 0.4 18.4+/- 0.5 22.9 +/- 0.7 13.2 +/- 0.6 16.4 +/- 0.3 12.5 +/- 0.3 14.2 +/- 0.5 16.4 +/- 0.5 21.9 +/- 0.9 12.6 +/- 0.3 20.0 +/- 0.3 23.5 +/- 0.9 14.1+/-0.5 16.7 +/- 0.4 20.9 +/- 0.5 19.0 +/- 0.6 12.2 +/- 0.3 12.1 +/- OA 17.9 +/- 0.6 12.0 +/- 0.3 16.8 +/- 0.6 17.4 +/-0.3 17.9 +/- 0.6 17.5 +/- 0.6 10.5 +/- 0.3 11.7 +/- OA 11.0+/- 0.5 17.7 +/- 0.5 16.3 +/- 0.4 17.0 +/- 0.5 21.2 +/- 0.5 19.3 +/-0.6 18.6 +/- 0.5 22.5 +/- 0.4 13.6 +/- 0.4 15.7 +/- 0.5 13.2 +/- 0.5 14.6 +/- 1.5 17.2 +/- 0.4 85.2 49.5 79.1 93.8 55.4 66.2 83.0 74.7 48.4 48.0 71.6 47.6 66.0 68.2 71.4 68.1 40.0 46.2 43.3 69.0 65.0 67.3 84.4 75.5 73.1 89.5 53.3 63.5 51.0 57.3 71.9 21.3 12.4 19.8 23.5 13.9 16.6 20.8 18.7 12.1 12.0 17.9 11.9 16.5 17.1 17.9 17.0 10.0 11.6 10.8 17.3 16.3 16.8 21.1 18.9 18.3 22.4 13.3 15.9 12.8 14.3 18.0 1.0 0.4 0.9 0.3

-0.6 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.4 2.7 OA 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.4 1.2 0.3 0.3 0.9 1.3 0.7 0.9 OA 0.9 0.7 1.8 4.9 Table Notation:

~' The exposure (mR) has been normalized for a standard quarter (i.e., for a 90-day period).

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-19

Table B-5 Land Use Census 2003 Distance in Kilometers (and Miles) from the Unit 1 Center Line to the Nearest Milk Animal, Residence, and Vegetable Garden Nearest Nearest Residence Vegetable 2 2 %

1 Degree (a)

Nearest Residence Azimuth Garden Radial Sector Milk Animal km (mi)

Degree km (mi)

NW None 1.93 (1.2) 319.5 None NNW None 2.41 (1.5)


331 None N

None None None NNE None 5.21 (3.2) 019.8 None NE None 7.89 (4.9) 036 None ENE None 7.08 (4.4) 063.5 None E

None 5.95 (3.7) 097.5 7.24 (4.5)(C)

ESE None None 5.31 (3.3) (d)

SE None None None Table Notation:


Sectors not shown contain no land (other than islets not used for the purposes indicated in this table) beyond the site boundary.

(b) This residence will remain as full-time residence for critical receptor calculations even though actual occupation is part-time. Reason is for conservative approach.

(C) The vegetable garden located in the East sector is located at the 098 azimuth degree. There is also a full time residence at this location.


The vegetable garden indicated is the commercial farm along the westward side of the site access road; however, it does not produce broadleaf vegetation.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-20

Table B 6 Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) Exceeded*

Sample Station No.

Date Collected 131I*

Drinking Water DW1 02/25/03 2.9E0 Table Notation:

  • Table lists all samples for which the lower limits of detection did not meet the values on Table 3.
    • Results are reported in pCi/L for liquids; in pCi/m3, for iodine cartridges; and pCi/kg, for fish and food crops.

2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating RxporLdoc B-21

Table B-7 Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03A00 Vegetative Greens (Cabbage) 7GI 1/2/2003 03A01 Vegetative Greens (Peppers) 5F2 1/2/2003 03A12 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MT1 1/8/2003 03A13 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5FI 1/8/2003 03A14 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 1/8/2003 03A15 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 1/8/2003 03A16 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 1/8/2003 03A17 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 0S2 1/8/2003 03A18 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge ISl 1/8/2003 03A21 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MTI 1/15/2003 03A22 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5F1 1/15/2003 03A23 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 1/15/2003 03A24 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8SI 1/15/2003 03A25 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 1/15/2003 03A26 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 0S2 1/15/2003 03A27 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge iSl 1/15/2003 03A30 Surface Water (Outfall)

OUT 1/23/2003 03A31 Drinking Water 5S2 1/23/2003 03A32 Drinking Water DW1 1/23/2003 03A33 Milk SF2 1/23/2003 03A36 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MT1 1/22/2003 03A37 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5F1 1/22/2003 03A38 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 1/22/2003 03A39 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 1/22/2003 03A40 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 1/22/2003 03A41 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 0S2 1/22/2003 03A42 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge ISi 1/22/2003 03A45 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MT1 1/29/2003 03A46 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge SF1 1/29/2003 03A47 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7DI 1/29/2003 03A48 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 1/29/2003 03A49 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 1/29/2003 03A50 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 0S2 1/29/2003 03A51 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge iSi 1/29/2003 03A52 Surface Water (Seawater)

DCM 1/29/2003 03A53 Surface Water (Seawater) 7C2 1/29/2003 03A54 Vegetative Greens (Snow Peas) 7C1 1/30/2003 03A57 California Mussel PON 1/30/2003 03A58 Vegetative Greens (Cabbage) 7G1 2/4/2003 03A59 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MTI 2/5/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-22

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03A60 03A61 03A62 03A63 03A64 03A65 03A71 03A72 03A73 03A74 03A76 03A77 03A78 03A79 03A80 03A81 03A82 03A83 03A84 03A85 03A86 03A87 03A88 03A89 03A90

03A91, 03A92 03A93 03A94 03A95 03A96 03A97 03B04 03B05 03B06 03B07 03B08 03B11 03B12.

03B13 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Sand (Cayucos Beach)

Sand (Moonstone Beach Cambria)

Sand (San Simeon Beach)

Sand (Avila Beach)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Perch Rockfish Perch Rockfish Perch Rockfish Perch Rockfish Vegetative Greens (Snow Peas)

Surface Water (Outfall)

Drinking Water Drinking Water Milk Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5F1 7DI 8S1 8S2 0S2 ISI MTI SFI 7D1 8SI 8S2 0S2 ISI:

MTI SFI 7D1 8S1 8S2 0S2 ISI PON PON DCM DCM POS POS 7C2 7C2 7CI OUT 5S2 DWI 5F2 MTI SFI 7D1 2/5/2003 2/5/2003 2/5/2003 2/5/2003 2/5/2003 2/5/2003 2/20/2003 2/20/2003 2/20/2003 2/20/2003 2/12/2003 2/12/2003 2/12/2003 2/12/2003 2/12/2003 2/12/2003 2/12/2003 2/19/2003 2/19/2003 2/19/2003 2/19/2003 2/19/2003 2/19/2003 2/19/2003 2/4/2003 2/4/2003 2/6/2003 2/6/2003 2/20/2003 2/20/2003 2/6/2003 2/6/2003 2/25/2003 2/25/2003 2/25/2003 2/25/2003 2/25/2003 2/26/2003 2/26/2003 2/26/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReporLdoc B-23

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03B14 03B15 03B16 031317 03B27 03B28 03B29 031330 031331 03B151 031352 031353 03B54 03B55 03B56 03B57 03B60 03B61 031362 03B63 031364 031365 03B66 031367 03B68 031370 03B71 03B72 031373 031375 03B76 03B77 031378 031379 031380 031381 031382 03B83 03B84 03C16 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Market Fish (Cod)

California Mussel Intertidal Algae (Iridaea)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Bok Choy)

Vegetative Greens (Snow Peas)

California Mussel Intertidal Algae (Iridaea)

California Mussel Milk Surface Water (Outfall)

Drinking Water Drinking Water Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Surface Water (Seawater) 8S1 8S2 0S2 1S1 7D3 7C2 7C2 DCM 7C2 MT1 SF1 7D1 8S1 8S2 0S2 1l1 MT1 5F1 7D1 8S1 8S2 0S2 lSI 7G1 7C1 DCM DCM POS SF2 OUT 5S2 DWI MT1 5F1 7D1 8S1 8S2 0S2 1l1 DCM 2/26/2003 2/26/2003 2/26/2003 2/26/2003 2/26/2003 2/26/2003 2/26/2003 3/3/2003 3/3/2003 3/5/2003 3/5/2003 3/5/2003 3/5/2003 3/5/2003 3/5/2003 3/5/2003 3/12/2003 3/12/2003 3/12/2003 3/12/2003 3/12/2003 3/12/2003 3/12/2003 3/11/2003 3/12/2003 3/13/2003 3/13/2003 3/13/2003 3/18/2003 3/19/2003 3/19/2003 3/19/2003 3/19/2003 3/19/2003 3/19/2003 3/19/2003 3/19/2003 3/19/2003 3/19/2003 3/27/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-24

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03C17 03C19 03C20 03C21 03C22 03C23 03C24 03C25.

03C26 03C27 03C28 03C29 03C30 03C31 03C32 03C33 03C34 03C35 03C38 03C39 03C40 03C41 03C42 03C43 03C44 03C52 03C53 03C54 03C55 03C56 03C57 03C58 03C64 03C65 03C66 03C67 03C68 03C69 03C70 03C71 Surface Water (Seawater) 7C2 Vegetative Greens (Cabbage)

SF2 Vegetative Greens (Rosemary) 6C1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MT1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge SF1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 0S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge IS1 Giant Kelp Blade DCM Giant Kelp Pneumatocyst DCM Bull Kelp Blade POS Bull Kelp Pneumatocyst POS Bull Kelp Blade 7C2 Bull Kelp Pneumnatocyst 7C2 Bull Kelp Blade PON Bull Kelp Pneumnatocyst PON Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MT1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge SF1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge OS2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge ISl Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MT1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge SF1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge OS2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge ISl Vegetative Greens (Peas) 7C1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MT1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5F1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge OS2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 1S1 3/27/2003 3/28/2003 3/28/2003 3/26/2003 3/26/2003 3/26/2003 3/26/2003 3/26/2003 3/26/2003 3/26/2003 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 3/27/2003 3/27/2003 3/31/2003 3/31/2003 4/2/2003 4/2/2003 4/2/2003 4/2/2003 4/2/2003 4/2/2003 4/2/2003 4/9/2003 4/9/2003 4/9/2003 4/9/2003 4/9/2003 4/9/2003 4/9/2003 4/17/2003 4/16/2003 4/16/2003 4/16/2003 4/16/2003 4/16/2003 4/16/2003 4/16/2003 2003 Annual Radiolgical Environmental Opeating Reportdc B-25

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03C72 03C73 03C74 03C75 03C76 03C77 03C80 03C81 03C82 03C83 03C84 03C85 03C86 03C88 03C89 03C92 03C93 03C94 03C95 03C96 03C97 03C98 03D04 03D05 03D06 03D07 03D08 03D09 03D10 03D53 03D54 03D55 03D56 03D58 03D59 03D60 03D61 03D62 03D63 03D64 Vegetative Greens (Cabbage)

Vegetative Greens (Cauliflower)

Surface Water (Outfall)

Drinking Water Drinking Water Milk Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Surface Water (Seawater)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Perch Rockfish Perch Rockfish Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7G1 5F2 OUT 5S2 DW1 5F2 MT1 SFI 7D1 8S1 8S2 0S2 ISl DCM 7C2 MT1 SF1 7D1 8SI 8S2 0S2 1S1 MT1 5F1 7D1 8S1 8S2 0S2 lSI POS POS 7C2 7C2 MTl 5F1 7D1 8S1 8S2 0S2 ISl 4/21/2003 4/21/2003 4/22/2003 4/22/2003 4/22/2003 4/22/2003 4/23/2003 4/23/2003 4/23/2003 4/23/2003 4/23/2003 4/23/2003 4/23/2003 4/28/2003 4/28/2003 4/30/2003 4/30/2003 4/30/2003 4/30/2003 4/30/2003 4/30/2003 4/30/2003 5/7/2003 5/7/2003 5/7/2003 5/7/2003 5/7/2003 5/7/2003 5/7/2003 5/9/2003 5/9/2003 5/9/2003 5/9/2003 5/28/2003 5/28/2003 5/28/2003 5/28/2003 5/28/2003 5/28/2003 5/28/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-26

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03D90 03D91 03D92 03D93 03D94 03D95 03D96 03D97 03D98 03D99 03E00 03E01 03E03 03E04 03E05 03E06 03E07 03E08 03E09 03E1 0 03EII 03E12 03E13 03E14 03E15 03E16 03E17 03E18 03E19 03E20 03E21 03E22 03E23 03E24 03E36 03E37 03E38 03E39 03E40 03E41 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Swiss Chard))

Market Fish (Rex Sole)

Market Meat (Beef)

California Mussel Intertidal Algae (ridaea)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Peas)

California Mussel Intertidal Algae (Iridaea)

California Mussel Giant Kelp Blade Giant Kelp Pneumnatocyst Bull Kelp Blade Bull Kelp Pneumatocyst Bull Kelp Blade Bull Kelp Pneumatocyst Bull Kelp Blade Bull Kelp Pneumatocyst Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MT1 5F17 7D1 8S1 8S2 0S2 lSl SF2 7D3 IAI DCM DCM DCM

-7C2 MT1 5FI 7131 8S1 8S2 0S2 1S1 7CI 7C2 7C2 POS DCM DCM POS POS 7C2 7C2 PON PON blk MTI SFI 7DI 8S1 8S2 6/4/2003 6/4/2003 6/4/2003 6/4/2003 6/412003 6/412003 6/4/2003 6/10/2003 6/10/2003 6/10/2003 6/3/2003 6/3/2003 6/16/2003 6/16/2003 6/11/2003 6/11/2003 6/11/2003 6/11/2003 6/11/2003 6/11/2003 6/11/2003 6/17/2003 6/17/2003 6/17/2003 6/16/2003 6/16/2003 6/16/2003 6/16/2003 6/16/2003 6/16/2003 6/16/2003 6/16/2003 6/16/2003 6/11/2003 6/18/2003 6/18/2003 6/18/2003 6/18/2003 6/18/2003 6/18/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmerntal Opating Report.doc B-27

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03E42 03E43 03E59 03E60 03E61 03E62 03E88 03E89 03E90 03E91 03E92 03E93 03E94 03F03 03F04 03F05 03F06 03F07 03F12 03F13 03F14 03F15 03F16 03F17 03F18 03F19 03F20 03F21 03F22 03F23 03F24 03F25 03F26 03F27 03F28 03F29 03F30 03F41 03F42 03F43 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Drinking Water Drinking Water Milk Surface Water (Outfall)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Lettuce)

Perch Rockfish Perch Rockfish Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Peas)

Vegetative Greens (Lettuce)

Vegetative Greens (Swiss Chard)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Surface Water (Outfall)

Drinking Water Drinking Water 0S2 lSI 5S2 DWI SF2 OUT MTI 5F1 7D1 8S1 8S2 0S2 ISI 7G1 PON PON DCM DCM mnsc MTI 5F1 7D1 8SI 8S2 0S2 5l1 7CI 7GI 5F2 msc MTI SF1 7D1 8SI 8S2 0S2 lS1 OUT 5S2 DWI 6/18/2003 6/18/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/27/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 6/25/2003 7/2/2003 7/2/2003 7/2/2003 7/2/2003 7/2/2003 7/2/2003 7/2/2003 7/2/2003 7/8/2003 7/8/2003 7/8/2003 7/9/2003 7/9/2003 7/9/2003 7/9/2003 7/9/2003 7/9/2003 7/9/2003 7/9/2003 7/14/2003 7/14/2003 7/14/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-28

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03F44 03F46 03F47 03F48 03F49 03F50 03F51 03F52 03F53 03F69 03F70 03F771 03F72 03F73 03F74 03F75 03F76 03F79 03F80 03F81 03F82 03F83 03F84 03F85 03F86 03F87 03F88 03F89 03F90 03F91 03F92 03F93 03F94 03F95 03F97 03F98 03F99 03G00 03G01 03G02 Milk Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Surface Water (Seawater)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Swiss Chard)

Perch Rockfish Perch Rockfish Perch Rockfish Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5F2 mnsc MTI SF1 7DI 8SI 8S2 0S2 Si msc MTI 5F1 7D1 8S1 8S2 0S2 1Sl DCM 7C2 rnsc MT1 SF1 7D1 8S1.

8S2 0S2 Is' 5F2 PON.

PON POS POS 7C2 7C2 MT1 5F1 7DI 8SI 8S2 0S2 7/14/2003 7/16/2003 7/16/2003 7/16/2003 7/16/2003 7/16/2003 7/16/2003 7/16/2003 7/16/2003 7/23/2003 7/23/2003 7/23/2003 7/23/2003 7/23/2003 7/23/2003 7/23/2003 7/23/2003 7/31/2003 7/31/2003 7/30/2003 7/30/2003 7/30/2003 7/30/2003 7/30/2003 7/30/2003 7/30/2003 7/30/2003 8/5/2003 8/4/2003 8/4/2003 7/24/2003 7/24/2003 7/24/2003 7/24/2003 8/6/2003 8/6/2003 8/6/2003 8/6/2003 8/6/2003 8/6/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-29

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03G03 03G04 03G05 03G06 03G07 03G08 03G09 03G10 03G11 03G12 03G13 03G14 03G1 5 03G20 03G21 03G22 03G23 03G24 03G25 03G42 03G43 03G44 03G45 03G46 03G47 03G51 03G52 03G53 03G54 03G55 03G56 03G57 03G58 03G60 03G61 03G62 03G64 03G65 03G66 03G67 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Market Fish (Rock Cod)

Perch Rockfish Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Lettuce)

California Mussel Intertidal Algae (Iridaea)

California Mussel Intertidal Algae (Iridaea)

California Mussel Drinking Water Drinking Water Milk Surface Water (Outfall)

Drinking Water Well #1 Drinking Water Well #2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Mixed Greens)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge IsI rnsc 7D3 DCM DCM msc MTI SF1 7DI 8SI 8S2 OS2 lSI 7Gl DCM DCM 7C2 7C2 POS 5S2 DWl SF2 OUT msc msc nisc MTI 5F1 7DI 8SI 8S2 OS2 iSi 6C1 DCM 7C2 msc MT1 5F1 7DI 8/6/2003 8/6/2003 8/11/2003 8/5/2003 8/5/2003 8/13/2003 8/13/2003 8/13/2003 8/13/2003 8/13/2003 8/13/2003 8/13/2003 8/13/2003 8/18/2003 8/14/2003 8/14/2003 8/14/2003 8/14/2003 8/14/2003 8/19/2003 8/19/2003 8/19/2003 8/19/2003 8/19/2003 8/19/2003 8/20/2003 8/20/2003 8/20/2003 8120/2003 8/20/2003 8/20/2003 8/20/2003 8/20/2003 8/22/2003 8/2512003 8/25/2003 8/27/2003 8/27/2003 8/27/2003 8/27/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-30

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03G68 03G69 03G70 03G71 03G72 03G73 03G74 03G75 03G76 03G77 03G78 03G79 03G86 03G87 03G88 03G89 03G90 03G91 03G92 03G93 03G97 03G98 03G99 03H100 03H01 03H02 031103 03H04 03H05 03H06 03H07 03H08 031109 03H1I1 03H12 03H13 03H18 03H19 031120 03H21 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Giant Kelp Blade Giant Kelp Pneumatocyst Bull Kelp Blade Bull Kelp Pneumatocyst Bull Kelp Blade Bull Kelp Pneumatocyst Bull Kelp Blade Bull Kelp Pneumatocyst Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Surface Water (Outfall)

Drinking Water Drinking Water Milk Vegetative Greens (Squash)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air 1'articulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Lettuce)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 8S2 0S2 ISI DCM DCM POS POS 7C2 7C2 PON PON mnsc MTI SF1 7DI 8SI 8S2 0S2 IsI OUT 5S2 DWI 5F2 5F2 mnsc MT1 5FI 7D1 8SI 8S2 0S2 Isl 7GI DCM 7C2 msc MT1 SFI 7D1 8/27/2003 8/27/2003 8/27/2003 8/27/2003 8/25/2003 8/25/2003 8/25/2003 8/25/2003 8/25/2003 8/25/2003 8/25/2003 8/25/2003 9/3/2003 9/3/2003 9/3/2003 9/3/2003 9/3/2003 9/3/2003 9/3/2003 9/3/2003 9/11/2003 9/11/2003 9/11/2003 9/11/2003 9/11/2003 9/10/2003 9/10/2003 9/10/2003 9/10/2003 9/10/2003 9/10/2003 9/10/2003 9/10/2003 9/16/2003 9/16/2003 9/16/2003 9/17/2003 9/17/2003 9/17/2003 9/17/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-3 1

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03H22 03H23 03H24 03H25 03H28 03H29 03H30 03H31 03H32 031133 03H34 03H35 031136 03H64 03H65 03H66 03H67 031168 03H69 03H70 031171 03H79 03H80 031181 03H82 031183 03H84 03H85 031186 031189 03H90 03H91 031192 031193 031194 03H95 03H96 031197 031198 03H99 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens ( Peas)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Garden Greens)

Vegetative Greens (Peppers)

Vegetative Greens (Cabbage)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 8S2 OS2 IS1 msc MT1 SF1 7D1 8SI 8S2 OS2 iSI 7CI msc MT1 5F1 7D1 8S1 8S2 OS2 isI msc MTI SF1 7DI 8S1 8S2 OS2 ISI 6CI 5F2 7G1 misc MT1 5F1 7D1 8SI 8S2 OS2 1Sl 9/17/2003 9/17/2003 9/17/2003 9/17/2003 9/24/2003 9/24/2003 9/24/2003 9/24/2003 9/24/2003 9/24/2003 9/24/2003 9/24/2003 9/30/2003 10/1/2003 10/1/2003 10/1/2003 10/1/2003 10/1/2003 10/1/2003 10/1/2003 10/1/2003 10/8/2003 10/8/2003 10/8/2003 10/8/2003 10/8/2003 10/8/2003 10/8/2003 10/8/2003 10/13/2003 10/14/2003 10/14/2003 10/15/2003 10/15/2003 10/15/2003 10/15/2003 10/15/2003 10/15/2003 10/15/2003 10/15/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-32

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

. Description Station No.

Collection Date 03121 03124 03125 03126 03I27 03128 03129 03130 03131 03141 03142 03145 03146 03147 03148 03149 03150 03151 03I52 03153 03154 03155 03I56 03I59 03160 03161 03162 03163 03164 03165 03166 03167 03168 03169 03197 03198 03199 03J00 03J01 03J02 Vegetative Greens (Peas) 7C1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank mnsc Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MT1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5FI Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 0S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge IS1 Surface Water (Seawater)

DCM Surface Water (Seawater) 7C2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank msc Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MTI Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge SF1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7Dl Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8Sl Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 0S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge ISI Surface Water (Outfall)

OUT Drinking Water 5S2 Drinking Water DWI Milk 5F2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank msc Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge M1I Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5F1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8SI Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 0S2 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge IS1 Vegetative Greens (Bell Peppers) 5F2 Vegetative Greens (Cabbage) 7G1 Vegetative Greens (Snow Peas) 7C1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank rnsc Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MTI Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5F1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 10/21/2003 10/22/2003 10/22/2003 10/22/2003 10/22/2003 10/22/2003 10/22/2003 10/22/2003 10/22/2003 10/28/2003 10/28/2003 10/29/2003 10/29/2003 10/29/2003 10/29/2003 10/29/2003 10/29/2003 10/29/2003 10/29/2003 10/31/2003 10/31/2003 10/31/2003 10/31/2003 11/5/2003 11/5/2003 11/5/2003 11/5/2003 11/5/2003 11/5/2003 11/5/2003 11/5/2003 11/5/2003 11/5/2003 11/5/2003 11/12/2003 11/12/2003 11/12/2003 11/12/2003 11/12/2003 11/12/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reportdoc B-33

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03J03 03J04 03J05 03J06 03J07 03J15 03J16 03J17 03J18 03J19 03J20 03J21 03J22 03J29 03J30 03J31 03J32 03J36 03J37 03J38 03J39 03J40 03J41 03J42 03J43 03J44 03J45 03J46 03J48 03J49 03J50 03J51 03J52 03J53 03J54 03J55 03J56 03J57 03J59 03J60 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Market Fish Surface Water (Seawater)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Surface Water (Outfall)

Drinking Water Drinking Water Milk Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Vegetative Greens (Bell Peppers)

Vegetative Greens (Cabbage)

Vegetative Greens (Snow Peas)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Surface Water (Seawater)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Giant Kelp Blade Giant Kelp Pneumatocyst 0S2 IS1 7D3 DCM 7C2 msc MTI SF1 7D1 8SI 8S2 0S2 1Sl OUT 5S2 DWI SF2 msc MTI SF1 7D1 8SI 8S2 0S2 ISI 5F2 7G1 7CI DCM 7C2 msc MTI SF1 7DI 8S1 8S2 0S2 1S1 DCM DCM 11/12/2003 11/12/2003 11/12/2003 11/12/2003 11/12/2003 11/19/2003 11/19/2003 11/19/2003 11/19/2003 11/19/2003 11/19/2003 11/19/2003 11/19/2003 11/24/2003 11/24/2003 11/24/2003 11/24/2003 11/26/2003 11/26/2003 11/26/2003 11/26/2003 11/26/2003 11/26/2003 11/26/2003 11/26/2003 12/2/2003 12/2/2003 12/2/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.doc B-34

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 0361 03J62 03J63 03J64 03J65 03J66 03J67 03368 03J69 03J77 03378 03J79 03J80 03J81 03J82 03J83 03J84 03J86 03J87 03J88 03J89 03J90 03J91 03J92 03J93 03J94 03J96 03J97 03J98 03J99 03K00 03K01 03K02 03K03 03K05 03K06 03K07 03K08 03K09 03KI0 Bull Kelp Blade Bull Kelp Pneumatocyst Bull Kelp Blade Bull Kelp Pneumatocyst Bull Kelp Blade Bull Kelp Pneumatocyst Sand (Cayucos Beach)

Sand ( Avila Beach, collected by SH)

Sand ( Avila Beach, collected by DN)

Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge California Mussel Intertidal Algae (Eridaea)

California Mussel Intertidal Algae (Iridaea)

California Mussel Surface Water (Outfall)

Drinking Water Drinldng Water Milk Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Air Particulate. Iodine Cartridge POS POS 7C2 7C2 PON PON msc MT1 5F1 7DI 8S1 8S2 0S2 iSI DCM DCM 7C2 7C2 POS OUT 5S2 DWI 5F2 msc MTI 5F1 7DI 8S1 8S2 0S2 lSl msc MT1 5F1 7DI 8S1 8S2 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/3/2003 12/5/2003 12/8/2003 12/8/2003 12/10/2003 12/10/2003 12/10/2003 12/10/2003 12/10/2003 12/10/2003 12/10/2003 12/10/2003 12/9/2003 12/9/2003 12/8/2003 12/8/2003 12/8/2003 12/16/2003 12/16/2003 12/16/2003 12/16/2003 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 12/24/2003 12/24/2003 12/24/2003 12/24/2003 12/24/2003 12/24/2003 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReporLdoc B-35

Table B-7 (Continued)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2003 Annual Report List of Marine and Terrestrial Samples Collected and Analyzed Sample No.

Description Station No.

Collection Date 03KI I Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge OS2 12/24/2003 03K12 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5l1 12/24/2003 03K15 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge Blank msc 12/31/2003 03K16 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge MTi 12/31/2003 03K17 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 5F1 12/31/2003 03K18 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 7D1 12/31/2003 03KI9 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S1 12/31/2003 03K20 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge 8S2 12/31/2003 03K21 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge OS2 12/31/2003 03K22 Air Particulate, Iodine Cartridge ISl 12/31/2003 03K31 Perch PON 12/19/2003 03K32 Rockfish PON 12/19/2003 03K33 Perch DCM 1/5/2004 03K34 Rockfish DCM 1/5/2004 03K35 Perch POS 1/5/2004 03K36 Rockfish POS 1/5/2004 2003 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Repm.doc B-36