3F0910-01, CFR 50.46 Notification of Change in Peak Cladding Temperature for Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis

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CFR 50.46 Notification of Change in Peak Cladding Temperature for Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/08/2010
From: Cahill S
Progress Energy Florida
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML102530447 (4)


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RC Progress Energy Energy Crystal River Nuclear Plant Plant Docket No. 50-302 50-302 Operating License No. DPR-72 Ref:

Ref: 10CFR50.46 10CFR50.46 September 8, 2010 September 2010 3F0910-01 U.S. Nuclear Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001



Crystal River Unit 3 - 10 CFR 50.46 Notification Crystal Notification of Change Change in Peak Cladding Cladding Temperature Temperature for Small Break Loss Of Coolant Coolant Accident Accident Analysis Analysis



Crystal Crystal River Unit 33 to NRC letter, 3FI209-13, 3F1209-13, dated December December 30, 2009, "Crystal River Unit 3 - 10 CFR 50.46 Notification "Crystal Notification of Change Change in Peak Cladding Temperature Temperature for Small Break Loss of Coolant Coolant Accident Accident Analyses"

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.46(a)(3)(ii),50.46(a)(3)(ii), Florida Florida Power Corporation (FPC), doing business as Progress Energy Florida, Inc., hereby provides provides notification notification of a change in peak clad temperature temperature (PCT) of greater than 50 degrees Fahrenheit Fahrenheit (OF)

(OP) in the Crystal River Unit 3 (CR-3)

(CR-3) Small Small Break Break Loss of Coolant Accident (SBLOCA) (SBLOCA) analysis.

This notification is due to an estimated adjustment 225 0 F, adjustment that results in a significant change, by 225°P, to the PCT for the SBLOCA analysis analysis reposted in the above referenced referenced submittal. The new PCT is 1535°F 1535'F for the upcoming Cycle 17 SBLOCA analysis. The Large Break Loss of Coolant Coolant Accident (LBLOCA) PCT continues to remain at 1994°F. Additional details Accident details are provided in the attachment attachment to this letter. The resulting maximum PCT for both analyses remains remains within the 2200°F limit of 10 2200'F 10 CFR 50.46.

This correspondence correspondence contains no new regulatory commitments.

If you have any questions regarding regarding this submittal, please contactcontact Mr. Dan Westcott, Superintendent, Licensing Superintendent, Licensing and Regulatory Programs at Programs (352) (352) 563-4796.

Sinc(3;U~)~ ~CaklJ Sincerely,"A/;

k-r Ste~?:;~ill Step en J. Cahill K, Director Engineering Engineering Nuc ear Crystal River Nuclear Nuclear Plant SJC/pdk SJC/pdk



Summary Summary of Changes to EvaluationEvaluation Models Models and Peak Cladding Cladding Temperature Temperature for Large BreakBreak Loss of Coolant Analysis and Small Break Loss of Coolant Analysis xc: NRR Project Manager Manager Regional Administrator, Region II Senior Senior Resident Inspector Resident Inspector Florida, Inc.

Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Crystal River Nuclear Plant Plant 15760 W. Power Line Street Street Crystal River, FL 34428 34428



CRYSTAL RIVER RIVER UNIT 3 DOCKET NUMBER /LICENSE NUMBER DPR-72 NUMBER 50-302 !LICENSE Attachment Attachment Summary Summary of Changes to Evaluation Evaluation Models and Peak Cladding Temperature for Large Break Loss of Coolant Analysis and Small Temperature Break Break Loss of Coolant Analysis

S. Nuclear U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission Attachment Attachment 3F0910-01 3F0910.,01 Page 1 of2 of 2 Summary Evaluation Models and Peak Cladding Temperature Summary of Changes to Evaluation Temperature forfor Large Break Loss of Coolant Analysis and Small Break Loss of Coolant Analysis Pursuant Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.46(a)(3)(ii),

50.46(a)(3 )(ii), Florida Power Corporation Corporation (FPC), doing business as Progress Progress Energy Inc., hereby provides notification of a change in peak clad temperature Energy Florida, Inc.,

(PCT) of greater greater than 50 degrees Fahrenheit (OF) in the Crystal River Unit 3 (CR-3)

Fahrenheit caF) (CR-3) Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident Accident (SBLOCA) analysis.

Reference Reference 1 below below describes an error correction correction that resulted in a significant significant change to. the PCT change to PCT for the Cycle 17 SBLOCA analysis. AREV AREVA A found that the Axial Axial Power Shape used in the SBLOCA analysis was not the worst power shape that could be attained by the CR-3 reactor reactor core. A bounding bounding End of Cycle axial power shape was generated, generated, resulting in a higher PCT than reported reported in Reference 2. This was documented documented in the CR-3 Corrective Corrective Action Program under Nuclear Nuclear Condition Report (NCR) 415689 and in AREVA CR (Condition Report) 2010-4150.

This results in a SBLOCA SBLOCA PCT change to 1535°F and no change for the Large Large Break Loss of of Coolant Accident Accident (LBLOCA) PCT of 1994°F for Cycle 17. Because Because the PCT of both analyses remains remains within the 2200°F 2200'F limit of 10 CFR 50.46, 50.46, a reanalysis reanalysis is not required.


1. Letter Letter from AREVA AREVA to CR-3, CR-3, AREVA-FAB 10-542,10-542, dated August 9, 2010, "10 "10 CFR 50.46 LOCA Report of EM Error Correction 2010-4150: EOC SBLOCA Correction (AREVA CR 2010-4150: SBLOCA axial power shape)"


2. Crystal River Unit 3 to NRC letter, 3F1209-13, 3F1209-13, dated December 30, 2009, "Crystal "Crystal River River Unit 3 - 10 CFR 50.46 Notification Notification of Change in Peak Cladding Temperature Temperature for Small Break Break Loss of Coolant Accident Analyses" Analyses"

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission Commission Attachment Attachment 3F091O-01 3F0910-01 of22 Page 2 of Cycle CyCle 17 Summary The following tables provide the corrected corrected peak clad temperature temperature (PCT) results for Small Break (SB) and Large Break (LB) Loss of Coolant (SB) Coolant Accidents (LOCAs)

(LOCAs) for Cycle 17.

CR-3 LB LOCA PCT Change Summary Cycle 17 Full Core of Mark-B-HTP Assemblies ofMark~B-HTP Delta PCT PCT Previously Reported Reported PCT N/A 1994 0 F 1994°F (10 CFR 50.46 Notification dated (10 December 30, 2009)

Cumulative Change OaF 0°F Sum of absolute magnitude of changes OaF 0°F CR-3 SB LOCA PCT Change Summary Cycle 17 Full Core of Mark-B-HTP Mark-B-HTP Assemblies Assemblies Delta PCT PCT Previously Reported PCT N/A 13 10°F 1310°F (10 CFR 50.46 Notification (10 dated dated December 30, 2009) 2009)

AREVA CR 2010-4150 and CR-3 NCR 225 0F 1535 0 F 225°F 1535°F 415689: Analysis Analysis changes due to non conservative axial power conservative power shape Cumulative Change 225 0F 225°F Sum of absolute magnitude 0F magnitude of changes changes 225 225°F