ML11242A079 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | San Onofre ![]() |
Issue date: | 03/25/2008 |
From: | - No Known Affiliation |
To: | Office of Information Services |
References | |
FOIA/PA-2011-0157 | |
Download: ML11242A079 (4) | |
'-V Action Request Print: 080301117 Status CLOSED Inprant ro Saftyr Priority/Urgency:
3C AR Restraint:
0.0 Def. Tag Hung? No Sig Code: 3 Operable Determination:
Y Lcoar/Edmr Flag: Project Code: LCO Nomel Flag: N Committee Closure Required: Originated by:F(b)(6)
Pax: Org: M5000 Dept: M5210 on: 3/25/2008 06:28:24 AR Duedate: Last updated by: on: 3/26/2008 10:00:06 MRC Review Date: 3/28/2008 Description (General Tab)WHILE PERFORMING WEEKLY DISCOVERED LOW VOLAGE AT BATTERY 2B008 121.29 VDC VERIFIED CHARGER OUTPUT SAT AT 132 VDC ATTEMPTED TO CHECK VOLTAGE AT BATTERY SIDE OF BATTERY BREAKER BATTERY VOLTAGE RETURNED TO SAT VALUE 131.5 NEED TO VERIFY BATTERY BREAKER CONNECTION TO BATTERY Equipment (General Tab)Tvpe ID CRC Functional Description EQ-MEL S21806EB007 125VDC STATION BATTERY 2D1 EQ-MEL S21806EB008 125VDC STATION BATTERY 2D2 EQ-MEL S21806EB009 125VDC STATION BATTERY 2D3 EQ-MEL S21806EB010 125VDC STATION BATTERY 2D4 EQ-MEL S31806EB007 125VDC STATION BATTERY 3D1 EQ-MEL S31806EB008 125VDC STATION BATTERY 3D2 EQ-MEL S31806EB009 125VDC STATION BATTERY 3D3 EQ-MEL S31806EB010 125VDC STATION BATTERY 3D4 Assignment Tab Assignment 1 -(MO) Maintenance Order 2 -(MO) Maintenance Order 3 -(MO) Maintenance Order 4 -(RPT) Reportability Assessment 5 -(EOC) Extent of Condition 6 -(MO) Maintenance Order 7 -(MO) Maintenance Order 8 -(MO) Maintenance Order 9 -(MO) Maintenance Order 10 -(MO) Maintenance Order 11 -(MO) Maintenance Order 12 -(MO) Maintenance Order 13 -(ACE) Apparent Cause Evaluation 16 -(FS) Field Support 17 -(OTH) Other Assignment 18- (OTH) Other Assignment 19 -(TND) Trending Assignment 14 -(TND) Trending Assignment 15 -(FS) Field Support Approvals Tab Reference Assignee 2008031721000 (b)(6)2008031729000 t 2008031755000 4hr report, TS initil Or12 2008031771000 1 2008031772000 1 2008031773000 2008031774000 2008031775000 2008031776000 2008031777000 2B008 BATTERY Immidiate AcUon MT8028 M530C M530C M530C R3000 L3300 M530C M530C M530C M530C M530C Ml11C M530C M810C M800C T4100 M100C M810C M810C N4200 Status CLOSED REJECTED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Forecast Due Date 3/25/2008 3125/2008 3/25/2008 3/31/2008 4/24/2008 4/11/2008 3/26/2008 3/26/2008 3/26/2008 3/27/2008 3/25/2008 3/26/2008 3/25/2008 3/26/2008 3/26/2008 3/27/2008 3/25/2008 3/26/2008 3/26/2008 3/27/2008 6/20/2008 6/20/2008 4/4/2008 5/26/2008 5/26/2008 5/15/2008 4/16/2008 5/14/2008 Pri 2A 3C 3C 3B 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3A 3C 3C 3C 3C 3B 3C ACE, SI, EFC, EL-Clock reset' (b)(6)Outgoing OE2660i Userid Timestamp (b)(6) 6/3/2008 13:07:00 613/2008 13:07:00 5/28/2008 07:44:21 5/28/2008 07:01:38 Comments AR assignment
- 13 -ACE closed.Action Request Final Assignment Closed.AR assignment
- 4 -RPT closed.AR assignment
- 18 -OTH closed.Page I Action Request 080301117 Information Only Page 1 Action Request 080301117 Information Only
@Ae~tion Request Print: 080301117 Userid.(b)(6)Timestamo 502/2008 11:02:30 4/29/2008 07:28:24 4/26/2008 09:46:43 4/26/2008 09:46:03 4/25/2008 10:05:36 4/25/2008 10:05:10 4/24/2008 11:23:04 4/23/2008 07:36:07 4/23/2008 07:31:50 4/22/2008 13:47:50 4/22/2008 13:47:20 4/21/2008 13:02:18 4/21/2008 12:56:04 4/15/2008 10:21:51 4/15/2008 10:19:45 4115/2008 09:23:01 4/1512008 09:21:08 4/14/2008 16:41:12 4/12/2008 18:11:18 4/12/2008 17:33:22 4/12/2008 17:18:23 4/12/2008 10:56:10 4/12/2008 10:55:35 4/12/2008 10:54:58 4/11/2008 22:12:42 4/11/2008 08:54:46 4/10/2008 14:23:28 4/9/2008 15:16:57 4/9/2008 15:10:13 4/9/2008 15:07:23 4/7/2008 13:59:13 4/7/2008 13:57:01 4/7/2008 13:56:26 4/7/2008 10:32:38 4/7/2008 10:03:15 4/1/2008 09:42:13 3/28/2008 13:19:21 3/28/2008 08:32:39 3/27/2008 15:54:41 3/26/2008 10:33:33 3/26/2008 10:00:08 3/26/2008 10:00:08 3/26/2008 10:00:01 3/2612008 09:47:59 3/26/2008 09:47:42 3126/2008 08:22:24 3/26/2008 08:19:42 3/26/2008 08:17:01 3/26/2008 08:11:14 3/26/2008 08:02:40 3/26/2008 02:55:16 3/26/2008 02:22:47 3/26/2008 01:08:40 Comments AR assignment
- 17 -OTH closed.AR assignment
- 19 -TND closed.AR assignment
- 10 -MO dosed.AR assignment
- 6 -MO dosed.AR assignment
- 3 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 1 -MO closed.Created Assignment Type: TND from RCE/ACE/RCT process OTH assignment created.OTH assignment created.AR assignment
- 12 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 7 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 6 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 10 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 3 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 1 -MO dosed.AR assignment
- 7 -MO dosed.AR assignment
- 12 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 10 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 3 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 7 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 12 -MO dosed.AR assignment
- 11 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 9 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 8 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 6 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 1 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 15. -F closed.AR assignment
- 11 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 9 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 8 -MO dosed.AR assignment
- 6 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 9 -MO closed, AR assignment
- 11 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 16 -FS closed, AR assignment
- 8 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 14 -TND closed.FS assignment created.FS assignment created.TND assignment created.AR assignment
- 3 -MO dosed.Resp Org was changed by (b)(6) from to M5000 AR Owner was changed b___ from "tol(b)(6)
Sig Code was changedb (b)() .rom 4 to 3-MRC Review Date was changed by! (b)(6) from 3/26/2008 to 3/28/08 ACE assignment created.AR assignment
- 1 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 10 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 12 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 7 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 5 -EOC closed.AR assignment
- 3 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 11 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 9 -MO closed.Action Request 080301117 Information Only Page 2 Action Request 080301117 Information Only Page 2
.Action Request Print: 080301117* Action Request Print: 080301117.-Rua-(b)(6)Notes Tab Timestamp 3/26/2008 01:03:35 3/25/2008 16:11:59 3/25/2008 15:05:29 3/25/2008 10:31:51 3/25/2008 10:31:33 3/25/2008 10:31:21 3/25/2008 10:31:10 3/25/2008 10:30:55 3/25/2008 10:30:43 3/25/2008 10:30:30 3/25/2008 10:29:52 3/25/2008 10:29:34 3/25/2008 10:29:26 3/25/2008 10:29:17 3/25/2008 10:28:45 3/25/2008 10:28:37 3/25/2008 10:28:18 3/25/2008 09:30:52 3/25/2008 09:30:52 3/25/2008 09:28:26 3/25/2008 09:27:46 3/25/2008 09:27:13 3/25/2008 09:22:59 3/25/2008 08:45:31 3/25/2008 07:25:22 3/25/2008 06:37:22 3/25/2008 06:32:59 Comments AR assignment
- 8 -MO closed.AR assignment
- 1 -MO dosed.MRC Review Date was changed by: (b)(6) from "to 3/26/08 Equipment ID b31806EB010 added to AR.Equipment ID S31806EB009 added to AR.Equipment ID S31806EB008 added to AR.Equipment ID S31806EB007 added to AR.Equipment ID S21806EB010 added to AR.Equipment ID S21806EB009 added to AR.Equipment ID S21806EB007 added to AR.MO assignment created.MO assignment created.MO assignment created.MO assignment created.MO assignment created.MO assignment created.MO assignment created.MO 2008031729000 REJECTED.AR assignment
- 2 -MO rejected.EOC assignment created.RPT assignment created.Operable flag was changed by (b-; .. from N to Y Operable flag was changed by! from X to N MO assignment created. [_ _MO assignment created.MO assignment created.Action Request Created Action Request 080301117 Information Only Page 3 N Action Request 080301117 Information Only Page 3 Action Request Print: 080301117 User ID:[(b)(6)
Time: 3/25/2008 09:25:30 Text: Indicate One:___ This is an Initial Functionality Assessment (IFA)X This is an Immediate Operability Determination (IOD)1. Deficiency Identification and the Affected Equipment B008 loose connection to Battery Breaker (Bus)2. For an IFA: Identify the Specified Function(s)
For an IOD: Identify the Specified Safety Function Provide DC Power post accident to support all DC required loads for Train B 3.
_ Functional I Operable X Nonfunctional
/ Inoperable Basis (provide discussion):
Battery was not connected properly to bus causing failure of weekly surveillance
- 4. Extent of Condition (Required for Inoperable)
EOC Created (YES or NO) ? Yes Describe other train / unit findings (if performed):
User ID Time: 3/25/2008 09:27:10 Text: The Battery connection was retorqed and the Quarterly Battery Surveillance was performed on the battery satisfactory.
Battery was declared operable at 0850.ACE generated per ARC review as this loose connection almost led to a plant shutdown.
I(b)(6) 1126/08 User I (b)(6) 1 MTime; 3/27/2008 15:59:23 Text: f AR 080301117 (U2/3 125VDC station battery low voltage) 3126/08 Action , ACE assignment to maintenance.
Outgoing OE assignment.
Station dock reset NS-1. Not noteworthy.
References Tab End of Print Date Printed: 8/5/2008 11:29:57 Action Request 080301117 Information Only Page 4 Action Request 080301117 Information Only Page 4