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02/19/2013 Slides from Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, External Flood Reevaluation
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/2013
Duke Energy Carolinas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Boska J P
Download: ML13053A060 (9)


Fukushima External Flood Flood Reevaluation NRC HeadquartersOne White Flint North Rockville, MDFebruary 19, 2013 Oconee Nuclear Station DukeAttendees Duke AttendeesDaveBaxterVPRegulatoryProjectCompletion Dave Baxter , VP , Regulatory Project CompletionDean Hubbard, Oconee External Flood Licensing Manager Dana Jones, Oconee Fukushim a Engineering SupervisorGeorge Attarian, Duke Energy Fukushima Flooding ManagerAndrew Miller, Senior Engineer -AMEC/ERIN JoeBelliniAssociateAMEC Joe Bellini , Associate AMEC 2 AgendaOverview Agenda OverviewIntroductions and Opening RemarksFloodingIntegratedAssessmentUpdateFlooding Integrated Assessment UpdateNRC and FERC feedbackAction Item Review 3

Flooding Integrated Assessment Update Update Inte grated Assessment Preliminar y ScheduleJanuary -Team kickoffFebruary -Peer Review team lead identified gyMarch -Hazard Reevaluation completed & identification of controlling flood parametersMay -Evaluation of existing flood protection completeJuly -Evaluation of protection/mitigation completeAugust -Protection/mitigation strategy & mod scope determinedStbCltfitdftfIAS ep t em b er -C omp l e t e fi rs t d ra ft o f IAOctober -Expected submittal of the IA to the NRC 4

Flooding Integrated Assessment Update Update Floodin g Hazard Reevaluation U p dateFlooding Hazard Reevaluation Due 3/12/13Dam Failure EvaluationUdtiJ282011SftElti gpU p d a ti ng J anuary 28 , 2011 S a f e t y E va l ua ti onOvertopping and Seismic failure not considered credibleAssuming Sunny Day Failure with piping as the failure mechanismUSGS 2008 Seismic

, mean seismic hazard curves for 1

, 5 , 10 Hz , and ,,,,PGA.10-4 w/ Uniform Hazard Response Spectrum (UHRS).Xu& Zhang (2009) -Breaching Parameters for Earth and RockfillDams2 D Anal y sis in p ro g ressypgLocal Intense PrecipitationHMR-51/52 basis for rain eventSitltifiliSit e resu lt s i n fi na l rev i ew 5 Flooding Integrated Assessment Update UpdateIntegratedAssessmentAssumptionsTimely NRC review of Hazard ReevaluationUJLD ISG 201205tfittdt Integrated Assessment AssumptionsU se JLD-ISG-2012-05 t o per f orm i n t egra t e d assessmen tTwo flooding hazards of significance are Dam Failure & LIP ffProtection will preserve key sa f ety f unctionsPlant modes: 1 through 6 (6 for one of three units)Evaluation Process -Scenario-Based Evaluation 6

Flooding Integrated Assessment Update UpdateOpenAreastobeAddressedTimely response to pending FAQ'sSeismicdamfailureanalysiscriteria Open Areas to be AddressedSeismic dam failure analysis criteriaFlood Duration -Stable state maintained indefinitely ConceptualModificationsproposedforprotectionConceptual Modifications proposed for protectionFERC -Board of Consultants 7

Flooding Integrated Assessment Update UpdateRegulatoryfeedbackNRC Regulatory feedbackNRONRRFERC 8 ActionItems Action Items Action ItemsCurrent -(none for first meeting)New items 9