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Licensee Slides for 2/28/13 Meeting Via Conference Call with Luminant Generation Company, LLC, (TAC Nos. MC4676 and MC4677)
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/2013
From: Seawright J
Luminant Generation Co
To: Singal B K
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Singal B K
Shared Package
ML13059A180 List:
TAC MC4677, TAC MC4776
Download: ML13059A181 (17)


CPNPP GSI-191 ClosureFebruary 28, 2013 1

Purpose of the MeetingPurpose of the Meeting*To open plant specific discussions with the NRC regarding strainer testing "The licensee will discuss the Generic Safety Issue 191 (GSI-191) pump strainer test protocols for bypass and head loss testing and related topics for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 d2Thliiidithdlttt an d 2. Th e li censee i s cons id er ing a repea t h ea d l oss t es t t o include newly identified debris source (fiberglass tape) and would like to discuss the data extrapolation methods from previous

testin g to determine if the additional testin g is needed."

gg 2 BackgroundBackground*CPNPP Strainer Testing -Generic Letter 2004-02 Supplemental Response, ER-ESP-001, Rev. 2, October 13, 2009


  • AldenLabsPrototypeStrainerFlumeTestingMarch2006
  • Alden Labs Prototype Strainer Flume Testing , March 2006*Alion Science and Technology Debris Transport Testing, August 2006*Alden Labs Strainer Flume Testing, March 2008NRCLetterdatedApril192010[ML100950564]
  • NRC Letter dated April 19 , 2010 [ML100950564]*"The NRC staff has no further questions for CPNPP, Units 1 and 2, at this timeregarding completion of corrective actions or GL 2004-02. This conclusion is based on the staff's evaluation of your submittals, with emphasis on your responses to an NRC staff request for additional information dated July 15, 2009."3 BackgroundBackground*NEI Debris Preparation Protocol (January 30, 2012) [ML120481052 and ML120481057] *PCI Strainer Test Protocol *SFSS-TD-2011-001 Rev. 0, SURE-FLOW SUCTION STRAINER


RESOLUTION, February 13, 2012

  • Plant Specific Decisions and Hold Points
  • CPNPPisevaluatingbypasstestinginatankversusaflume CPNPP is evaluating bypass testing in a tank versus a flume*Contingent on a suitable test protocol and appropriate precedent 4

Comparison to Recent TestingComparison to Recent Testing*Strainer Bypass Test Protocol -Tank Test Precedents

  • MHI(minimalfiber,LDFG)

MHI (minimal fiber, LDFG)*STP (high fiber, LDFG)

  • Others ?StrainerBpassTestProtocolFlmeTestPrecedent
  • Strainer B y pass Test Protocol -Fl u me Test Precedent*Point Beach (Nukon, LDFG, Mineral wool, Cal-Sil, Asbestos)*CPNPP Plant s p ecific debris issues (lead blanket covers and p(Glass 69 tape
  • Lead blanket covers were included in previous testing*Glass 69 tape has not been tested (discovered after previous testing)*Similar to tapes and lead blanket cover materials previously 5 tested
  • Quantity is much less than previously tested materials Fibrous DebrisFibrous Debris*Latent Fiber (surrogate -treated as Nukon)*Low Density Fiber Glass (surrogate -treated as Nukon)
  • Min-KFabric(surrogate


-Kfabric)Min K Fabric (surrogate shredded Min K fabric)*Lead Blanket Covers Gl69T*Gl ass 69 T ape ZOI Fibrous Debris Preparation: Processing, Storage and Handlin g, Rev. 1 , Januar y 2012 (aka NEI Debris Pre p aration g,,y(p Protocol) *Suitable for LDFG 6*Not suitable for lead blanket covers, Min-K or Glass 69 tape Typical-twoorthreela yersofBlanketCover:AlphaMaritexibl y1'x4'Lancs40lbhightemperatureld F iberg l assFabricimpregnatedwithsiliconel ea dshieldingblankets rubber 7 WCAP-16727-NP Debris 8

Processed thruProcessedthruchipper/shredder 9

Headloss test -drain down without flow 10Test 4 Headloss Headloss test -drain down complete Settled fines on top of interceptor interceptor 11Test 4 Headloss Tin powder and 1/64th inch paint chips can be seen on the debris interceptor.

Headloss test -drain down complete Heavier debris load on bottom half 12Test 4 Headloss Test 4 Head Loss Extrapolation Curve Exponential -07497 ft 0.7497 ft.Last 75 minutes of 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> test 13 Head Loss Head Loss*The extrapolated debris head loss for 30 days (T=2,592,000 sec) using the exponential curve fit is 0.7497 ft of wate r*The maximum total strainer head loss due to the design basis debrisloadextrapolatedto30daysat212

°Fis155feet debris load extrapolated to 30 days at 212 F is 1.55 feet. *This extrapolation showed a conservative minimum NPSHa margin of 5 feet at 30 days.*Transport testing of intact tapes and labels showed settling before the strainer.*Head loss testing assumed 200 sq. ft. of blocked strainer (approx.

5%)14 Gl 69 TSth69Gl Gl ass69T ape S co t c h 69 Gl ass Cloth Electrical Tape is a white glass tape with a high temperature thermosettingsiliconeadhesive thermosetting silicone adhesive 15 Glass 69 TapeGlass 69 Tape*There are similarities between the Glass 69 tape and the blanket covers (e.g. embedded fiber in chemical and tem p erature (gp resistance materials)*Comanche Peak is considering using the same debris preparation methodfortheGlass69tapeaswasusedfortheblanket covers method for the Glass 69 tape as was used for the blanket covers*An alternative could be to use an equivalent quantity of Nulkonas a surrogate for the tape *Transport testing for blockage and head loss could be performed separately or as part of an integrated head loss test 16 Options Options*Perform Bypass Testing in a Tank*Plant specific debris issues*Limited precedent

  • Protocols critical to acceptable results
  • SeparatetransporttestingrequiredforGlass69tape Separate transport testing required for Glass 69 tape *Perform Bypass Testing in a Flume*CFD requiredUdtdtliiiddd
  • U n d ers t oo d pro t oco l , pr i or exper i ence, i ssues a dd resse d.*Prototypical
  • Conservative
  • Would include trans p ort and head loss testin g of Glass 69 pg tape*. Questions and/or Comments?