ML20077H513 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Davis Besse |
Issue date: | 07/15/1983 |
From: | Briden D, Murray T, Wells C TOLEDO EDISON CO. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20077H510 | List: |
References | |
PROC-830715-01, NUDOCS 8308100724 | |
Download: ML20077H513 (14) | |
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EI 1300.00 4
l EI 1300.01 5
t EI 1300.02 4
EI 1300.03 4
4 EI 1300.04 4
EI 1300.05 4
EI 1300.06 4
EI 1300.07 4
T-7104 s
EI 1300.08 5
EI 1300.09 1
EI 1300.10 1
EI 1300.11 l'
II 1300,12 3
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l l
- l Revision 30 l
July, 1983 8308100724 830806
hDRADOCK 05000346
' l PDR
El 1300.06.0 1
Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station l
l Unic No. I 1
Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EI 1300.06 Operations Support Center Activation Record of Approval and Changes
l Prepared by C. J. Reed 5/30/80 Data Submitted by C. E. Wells 6/13/80 Section Head Date Recommended by MAN b /3 f6
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1 EI 1300.06.3 1.
PURPOSE To outline the personnel required for activation of the Operations Support Center (OSC) and their responsibilities and actions during an emergency at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station.
SCOPE Describes the actions of personnel assigned to the OSC when the Shift Supervisor or Emergency Duty Officer has required its activation.
REFERENCES 3.1 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan 3.2 Station Response to Emergencies EI 1300.00 3.3 Unusual Event EI 1300.02 3.4 Alert EI 1300.03 3.5 Site Emergency EI 1300.04 3.6 General Emergency EI 1300.05 3.7 Administrative Controls EI 1300.12 3.8 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan Telephone Directory 4.
DEFINITION 4.1 Operations Support Center (OSC) - An area in the Station in close proximity to the Control Room to which Station support 3l personnel report and await instructions from the Shift Supervisor, Emergency Duty Officer or Station Operations Manager.
5.1 The OSC is the lunchroom and the assembly area directly adjacent to the lunchroom on the 623' elevation of the Turbine Building.
5.2 The first Station management individual to arrive at the OSC shall inform the Control Room that the OSC is manned.
5.3 Maintenance Engineer 5.3.1 The Maintenance Engineer is the OSC Manager.
5.3.2 The alternate *for the Maintenance Engineer is either the Lead Maintenance Support Engineer or the-Lead e
I 3
EI 1300.06.4 and if persons are found missing, to initiate a search per AD 1827.16, Search and Rescue.
5.4.2 Only assigned personnel should assemble at the OSC.
5.5 Onsite Personnel 5.5.1 All onsite personnel NOT assigned specific actions or responsibilities for emergency response should assemble t
in areas designated in AD 1827.11 Assembly, Accountability, and Subsequent Evacuation.
5.6 Offsite Personnel 5.6.1 Station personnel whose emergency response is at the station and who are normally authorized non-escorted
access, will be admitted upon verbal communications with security.
5.6.2 Support group personnel requested to respond to the site will report to the Security Station located at the north end of the Davis-Besse Administration Building for subsequent assignment.
Personnel directed to the station, but who are normally granted escorted access, will be admitted unescorted upon written authorization from the Station Operations Manager.
Personnel directed to the station, but who are normally granted escorted a~ cess, will be admitted c
with an escort upon verbal authorization from the Shift Supervisor or EDO.
5.7 A record of activities of the OSC shall be maintained to the best ability of personnel present. Record disposition shall be in accordance with EI 1300.12, Administrative Controls.
5.8 Attachment 1 is a list of typical equipment that may be available in the Health Physics Monitoring Room proximity.
5.9 Additional equipment is available from the' Emergency Radiation Monitoring Equipment locker as indicated in Attachment 2.
This equipment is inventoried and maintained specifically for emergency use.
6.1 Interim emergency lighting will be supplied by flashlights located in the Emergency Medical Equipment Cabinet No. I located on the east wall of the 0.S.C.
5 EI 1300.06.4 EMERGENCY RADIATION MONITORING EQUIPMENT LOCKER CHECKLIST ATTACHMENT 2 LOCATION: 623' - Elevation, east side of Turbine Deck by entrance to the center stairway Designated for the Control Room / Operations Support Center Low volume air sampler SAM-2 (Operation described in AD 1850.05)
- PIC-6
- E-400 Particalate and silver zeolite filters
' l
- These instruments can be substituted with equivalent types.
EI 1300.12.3 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 l
l Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure El 1300.12 Administrative Controls Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by G. J. Reed 5/30/80 Date Submitted by C. E. Wells 6/13/80 Section Head Date Recommended by
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SR3 Chairma V bate t
QA Approved M
Quafity'A'ssurance Manager Date Approved by
/M b Station Superintendent Date Revision SRB QA Sta. Supt.
Recommendation Date Approved Date Approved Date j
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EI 1300.12.2 1.
PURPOSE To implement the administrative requirements of the DBNPS Emergency Plan.
SCOPE To outline the administrative requirements for maintaining the readiness of the Emergency Plan and'1mergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EI 1300 series).
DEFINITION Not Applicable 4.
REFERENCES 4.1 The Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan 4.2 Station Operations AD 1839.00 2
4.3 TED Corporate Radiological Emergency Response Procedures 4.4 Emergency Control Center Activation, EI 1300.08 4.5 Emergency' Supply Checklists, PT 5199.14 2
4.6 Fire Protection / Safety for Buildings Outside the Protected Area, AD 1810.02 4.7 Technical Support Center Activation, EI 1300.07 4.8 Operations Support Center Activation, EI 1300.06 4.9 Station Records Management, AD 1848.00 4.10 Control of Conditions Adverse to Quality, AD 1807.00 4.11 Reports Management, AD 1804.00 4.12 Records Retention Requirements, AD 1848.17 4.13 Public Relations Policy and Procedures Manual 4.14 Emergency Call System, AD 1827.17 4.15 Personnel Training Program, AD 1828.00 5.
EMERGENCY DUTY OFFICER AND OTHER KEY EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL (Administrative Non-Emergency Duties) 5.1 The Emergency Duty Officer shall be a member of the Nuclear Mission. A current list of personnel designated as Emergency
3 EI 1300.12.2 relieving personnel should come from off shift personnel NOT already involved with emergency actions.
6.2 Reliefs should take place during a period when conditions will allow a smooth transition between relieved and relieving personnel.
6.3 Relief scheduling will be accomplished as directed by the Station Operations Manager.
6.4 Reliefs shall be conducted in a controlled manner as conditions permit.
The essential information form, or the appropriate EI checklist should be reviewed prior to turnover.
2 b.
When facility Managers change, they must verbally announce it so that all personnel in the facility are aware of the
- change, c.
All status boards must be up-to-date prior to releasing i
l l
All turnovers are logged in the appropriate facility log books.
ENTRY CONTROL YURING AN EMERGENCY 7.1 Support group personnel reporting to the Station during an 2
emergency assemble at the Radiological Testing Laboratory (RTL) located on the first floor at the north end of the Administration Building.
7.2 Personnel assigned to enter the Station site will pass through a guarded gate.
i 7.3 Authorized entry to the Station during an emergency will be determined by:
Any Station employee normally authorized nonescorted access will be admitted upon verbal communications from the employee to security personnel that the employee was directed to enter the Station, or b.
Written direction from the Station Operaticas Manager (or designee thereof) to security personnel to admit a person NOT normally granted nonescorted access with an escort, or c.
Verbal communications from the Shif t Supervisor, or the EDO to admit a person NOT normally granted nonescorted access for emergency response purposes. Such visitors must be escorted by security or Station personnel at all times while on the site.
I l
5 EI 1300.12.2 10.1.2 The Emergency Planning Supervisor will then incorporate appropriate comments in accordance with existing administrative procedures.
10.2 The Emergency Planning Supervisor shall update and reissue all necessary Letters of Agreement and Mutual Aid Agreements on an annual basis.
2 10.3 The Emergency Planning Supervisor is responsible for the distribution and maintenance of the DBNPS Emergency Plan Telephone Directory.
EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 11.1 Emergency Control Center 11.1.1 The emergency equipment. located within the ECC is identified in Attachment 1 to EI 1300.08, Emergency Control Center Activation.
11.1.2 The emergency equipment is inventoried and maintained in accordance with PT 5199.14, Emergency Supply Checklists.
2 11.1.3 Fire protection and detection equipment located within the ECC is maintained and tested in accordance with AD
'1810.02, Fire Protection / Safety for Buildings outside
the Protected Area.
11.2 Technical Support Center 11.2.1 Emergency equipment for use in the TSC is identified in Attachment I to EI 1300.07, Technical Support Center Activation.
11.2.2 The emergency equipment is inventoried and maintained in accordance with PT 5199.14, Emergency Supply Checklists.
11.3 Operations Support Center 11.3.1 Emergency equipment for use in the OSC is identified in Attachment 1 to EI 1300.06, Operations Support Center Activation.
11.3.2 The emergency equipment is inventoried and maintained in accordance with PT 5199.14, Emergency Supply Checklist.
11.4 Radiological Testing Laboratory 2
11.4.1 The emergency equipment located within the RTL is i
7 EI 1300.12.2 maintain a chronological log of the activities of the center.
This log shall be maintained under the direction of the individual responsible for directing the centers activities. Entries should include notations of plant status, directions given or received, recommendations made to outside organizations, etc.
12.2 Each communicator shall maintain a record of all communications received or transmitted. These entries may be summaries of conversations, however, data reports and directives should be as specific as possible.
12.3 Records of emergencies shall be maintained and disposed of in accordance with Station Records Management, AD 1848.00 and Record Retention Requirements, AD 1848.17.
TRAINING 13.1 Training on the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures should be a coordinated effort between the Emergency Planning Group and the Nuclear Training Department.
13.2 Actual training requirements are outlined in Section 8 of the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan.
13.3 Special case training situations (e.g., news media personnel, the genefal public, etc.) will be handled by various depart-2 ments within TED as coordinated by the Emergency Planning Group.
9 EI 1300.12.3 Emergency Medical Equipment Cabinet 1 (cont'd) 623' Level Trubine Building (Lunchroom)
Demand valve resuscitator and aspirator unit Adult Hope II resuscitator O'2 double sphere unit Full length backboard Short backboard Hare traction leg spling Stretcher Shovel Axe l
CPR Board Hot stick l
Bolt cutters Crowbar Thermal gloves Sterile Water (Pint bag) 0.S.C. Flashlights (8) and D-Cell batteries (24)
Sky Geni Decent Device (100' nylon line) 12 foot nylon anchoring lines (2)
Rescrue belts with, locking rings (2)
Oval locking rings' Full body harness Safety belt, one D-Ring Stretcher basket bridle Lanyards (2)
First Aid Case Towel Blanket (s)
Paper sheets (non-sterile)
Cloth sheet (non-sterile)
Wood splints Cervical collar (medium)
Cervical collar (large) 30x10" trauma dressing 36x99" burn sheets NOTE:
Emergency Medical Equipment is maintained in accordance with PT 5199.14. Inventories are subject to change and should be maintained sufficient to effectively administer first aid.
Page 2 of 2
11 EI i300.12.3 0
Emergency Medical Equipment Cabinet 3 Administration Building (Lobby)
Blue Trauma Kit Upper Trays Thermometer Seizure bite stick Alcohol prep pads Oval eye pads Penlights Ice Paks Ammonia Inhalants Triangle Bandages 3" Elastomull 4" Elastomull Upper Compartment 5x9" abdominal Topper sponges 4x4" 10"x2.5' Trauma Dressing Fracture strap kit Tracheal Suction Catheter Wrist Restraints Snakebite Kit Kerlix Rolls (sterile) 3" gauze wrap (not sterile)
Econo-shears 2 1/2" gauze wrap (not sterile) 3" elastic bandage Umbilical cord clamps 6" elastic bandage First aid cream 1/2" roll adhesive tape Ring cutter 1" roll adhesive tape 5 1/2" Killy Forceps 2" roll adhesive tape 7 1/4" Scissors Bottom Compartment Burn & Trauma Dressing,18x24" - arm Burn & Trauma Dressing, 24x31" - leg Disposable Blanket Cervical Collar - large Cervical Collar - small Sterile Burn Sheet (60x99"/ disposable)
Box of 6 air splints - full leg, 1/2 leg, foot / ankle, full arm, 1/2 arm, hand / wrist Box of 6 oral airways, various sizes Jaw spreader l
Silver Swaddler (infant blanket)
Ste thos cope Aneroid Sphygmomanometer NOTE:
Emergency Medical Equipment maintained in accordance with PT 5199.14. Inventories are subject to change and should be maintained sufficient to effectively administer first aid.
4 Page 1 of 2
13 EI 1300.12.3 Emergency Medical Equipment Medical Treatment Room Cabinet 1 Surgical Sutures (4-0) Cuticular 662G Surgical Sutures (000) Cuticular H 882G Reflex Hammer Straight Safety Razor w
Hair Clippers 2" Roll Adhesive Tape
1/2" Roll Adhesive Tape 1" Roll Adhesive Tape Scissors Finger Ring Cutter 4" Elastic Wrap 2" Elastic Wrap Disposable Syringes Resuscitator Arm Splint Cabinet 2 Sphygmonanometer Eye Wash Irrigator Flashlight Tincture Benzoin 19 Gage Scalp & Small Vein Set Extra Large Bandaids 21 Gage Scalp & Small Vein Set Plastic Kidney Tray Intravenous Injection Set Combine Dressing Martin Laryngectomy Tube, Size 8 Finger Splint Tape Martin Laryngectomy Tube, Size 10 Triangular Bandage 2 BU, Trachex Tube Bandaids 2 AU, Trachex Tube Velcro Tourniquet Sterile Cotton Tipped Applicator Oval Eye Pads Sterile Tongue Depressor 2"x2" Gauze Pads Rubbing Alcohol 4"x4" Gauze Pads NOTE:
Emergency Medical Equipment is mainta,ined in accordance with PT 5199.14. Inventories are subject to change and should be maintained sufficient to effectively administer first aid.
w, Page 1 of 2
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h' 15 EI 1300.12.3
Emergency Medical Equipment
'g First Aid Kits
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16 Unit Kit s
J 1/2" Adhesive Tape-Triangu'lkt' Bandages 9 Eye Dressing Kit' 1" Adhesive Bandages s
Antispetic Soap Swabs Knuckle cave.rlets Sting Kill Swabs Fingeytip Bandages
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First Aid C' ream g N
?." Compress Bandages Poison Ivy Solution
/*" Comprd?s Bandages
.x 3
Tweezers 313" Gau'4e Pads, N-ag#
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Knuckle Coverlets 2" Gauze Bandages.f 3'
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- Cut Fingertip Bandages c
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y 3"x3" Sterile Gauze, Pads Sting' Rill j
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First Aid Creaa 1" Adhesive Tape
.. Poidon Ivy Solution
Merthiolate Swabs Tweezers
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Triangular Bandages
' Eye Cup 04s
Eye Dressing Kits Eye V,=sh Solution' s
2" Compress Bandages
,Tosqrniquet 4" Compedss Bandages s
Emergency Medica 3 Equipment is st ntained,in accordance with PT 5199.14,.
Inven%ories are subject to change and should bp maintained to effectively administer'first aid.-
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