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Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test,June 1991
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/20/1991
From: Baxa D
Shared Package
ML20082T478 List:
NUDOCS 9109190004
Download: ML20082T480 (29)


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T. i ?. R S F O ff ~ PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR 1 i GENERATING PLANT 1 r L ~ RedLWing, Minnesotai m - UNITSL1 AND:2i 4 v f L. y {.9 j o r ,L.,.',,, -_f .l .:), f.". - MINNEAPOUS e ST. PAUL- 'l p., .1-:. s, y

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- ANT M&A j n r- - 3 1: = s .s t: UNIT 1. . :i? I REACTOR CONTAINMENT BUILDING H D ' ~ < INTEGRATED LEAK RATE TEST JUNE 1991 y I ~' NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA i '*4% Tw d mie-ese dr-m ---a a n e __+=rea,_se-__ w


ILRT Unit 1 Page 2 of 17 l 1.0 _S_UMM A RY_ The periodic Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) of Prairie Island Unit 1 Containment i was completed June 21, 1991. This leakage rate test was performed in accordance with Prairie Island Technical Specification 4.4.A,10CFR50 Appendix J, and ANSI N45.4-1972. In addition, ANSI 56.8-1981 Mass Point calculation technique was used to analyze the data. The test was performed at reduced pressure, P, equal to 23 psig. After initial t pressurization of the containment the stabilization period was begun. The pressure drop during stabilization was underestimated, resulting in a short repressurization of the containment. Upon reaching a higher pressure the containment was allowed to stabilize for approximately four hours followed by a 24 hour containment integrated Leakage Rate Test. Shortle 'ter the ILRT the supplemental test commenced to verify the accuracy of the 'lype A test. For a reduced pressu,e test,0.75 L as determined during preoperational testing, is t 0.11569 wt%/ day. The 1991 ILRT on Unit 1 containment yielded a least squares curve fit L. of 0.0433 wt%/ day and a corresponding 95 percent upper confidence t level L. of 0.0459 wt%/ day. A valve lineup penalty of 0.0113 wt%/ day must be t added to L. 95% UCL. The final AS LEFT leakage rate at UCL including all t penalties is 0.0597 wt%/ day while the AS FOUND leakage rate is 0.0667 wt%/ day (reference appendix C). 2.0 DESIGN INFORMATION 2.1 Containment Vessel Design The design parameters of the Unit 1 containment vessel have previously been described in references 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.6. 2.2 ILRT Instrumentation Svstem The integrated Leakage Rate Test Instrumentation System is designed to monitor containment parameters and calculate a leakage rate using the absolute method. Data read from the transducers is entered directly into a Hewlett Packard Model 1000 computer for reduction and analysis. Details of the test system are described in reference 6.6. For the leakage rate test twenty-six resistance temperature detectors (RTD), ten humiters, one precision pressure gauge and one flow meter were used.

ILRT Unit 1 Pag 3 3 of 17 2.3 JLRT Pressurization System The containment was pressurized using Atlas Copco air compressors, after coolers and air dryers connected to Prairie Island's pressurization line. All alr i released from containment for the leakage rate test was vented to the Auxiliary Building and hence monitored by the Auxiliary Building ventilation radiation monitoring system. In addition, continuous air monitors (CAM) were positioned at the localized release path. 3.0 PRE-TEST CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 ILRT Instrumentation All instrumentation utilized during the ILRT was calibrated by vendors whose Quality Assurance Programs were verified by Northern States Power Company. These instruments, all calibrated within six months of the test date, have calibration certification traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Sensor calibration correction factors were then derived from the calibration curves. Though not reauired by Technical Specifications, the containment fire detection system was temporarily modified by installing 12 photoelectric fire detectors in place of the existing ionization type. This was performed to avoid spurious fire alarms during periods when the containment was pressurized. No fire alarms were received during the duration of the test. During the ILRT containment pressure was monitored by Control Room personnel via the containment wide range pressure channels. The six safeguards containment pressure channels were defeated by opening the test jack switches in the analog protection racks. 3.2 Ventina and Draininn Criteria The following criteria was used to determine the ILRT valve lineup: A. From 10CFR50 Appendix J:

1. "Those portions of the fluid systems that are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary and are open directly to the containment atmosphere uder post-accident conditions and become an extension of the boundary of the containment shall be opened or vented to the containment atmosphere prior to and during the test."
2. " Portions of closed systems inside containment that penetrate containment and rupture as a result of a loss of coolant accident shall be vented to the containment atmosphere."

'ILRT / Unit 1 Pago 4 of 17 I

3. "All vented systems shall be dralned of water or other fluids to the extent necessary to assure exposute of the system containment isolation valves to containment air test pressure and to assure they will be subjected to the post-accident differential pressure."
4. " Systems that are required to maintain the plant in safe. condition during the test shall be operable in their normal mode, and need not be vented."
5. " Systems that are normally filled with water and operating under post-accident conditions, such as the containment heat removal system, need not be vented."

B. Other Criteria: l

1. All isolation valves which shut automatically on a safeguards signal, which are shut manually as a part of the post-accident safeguards sequence, or which are normally shut during power operation (except

- venting lineups) shall be shut during the ILRT.

2. Unes penetrating containment are to be vented to the outside atmosphere if, they are normally or potentially vented during power operation or if they could be vented after some phase of the safeguards sequence. Normally closed systems outside of the containment shall also be vented unless they are Seismic Class 1.

C. Pressure vessels inside containment vented to containment atmosphere during the ILRT:

1. RCS via Pressurizer Vent
2. Reactor Coolant Drain Tank 1
3. Pressurizer Relief Tank
4. Power Operated Relief Valve Accumulators (2 trains)
5. No.11 & 12 St Accumulators
6. No.11 & 12 Steam Generator Snubber Accumulators Monitor Calibration Gas Bottles
7. Containment H2 D. Electrical penetration venting The electrical penetrations were depressurized to 1015 psig prior to the ILRT. Any penetration indicating greater than 15 psig would require investigation. During the ILRT, no electrical penetrations were observed to be greater than 15 psig. The nitrogen supply to the electrical penetrations and the airlock electrical penetrations were isolatea and vented to atmosphere.

L l' l

ILRT Unit 1 Paga 5 of 17_ - E. Water. level in the following equipment is recorded before and after the ILRT:

1. Reac'or Coolant Drain Tank-

.2. Pressurizer Relief Tank

3. Containment Sump A
4. Containment Sump B 5._11 & 12 Steam Generator
6. Pressurizer During performance of the June ILRT the level in Sump A increased 11-inches. This change in volume _ (0.0025 wt%) will be included as an added' penalty in the final leak rate reported.

3.3-Local Leak Rate Testina Proaram The local leak rate test program was performed during each refueling outage as required by:10CFR50, Appendix J and Prairie Island Technical Specification 4.4.A.. A summary of Type B and C test results, obtaineci since the last ILRT report was submitted, are in Appendices A, and B.. The 1991 final results. reflect the as-left c'onditions of containment after the 1991 Unit 1 Type A test. Local leak rate valve repairs are summarized in Appendix C._ The acceptance criteria for type B & C test are as follows: ' A.sif the total leakage of all iocal leakage testing exceeds 60% of L., repairs and retests shall be' performed to reduce leakage below that value. B.' Total leakage past isolation valves in systems in the Auxiliary Building Special Ventilation'Zoe (ABSVZ) shall be less than 0.1 wt%/ day at P.. C. Total leakage past isolation valves in systems exterior to both the ABSVZ and _the' Shield Building shall be less than 0.01 wt%/ day at P,. - D. Airlock leakage shall be less than 1% of the L, at 10 psig for the door innergasket tests and less than 5% of the L, at 46 psig for overall airlock tests. 3.4 : Containment inspection A general inspection of the accessible interior _and exterior surfaces of the containment and related components was performed prior to the ILRT as required by 10CFR50,-Appendix J, Section V. There was no evidence of. structural degradation. The inspection revealed no pressurized containers, fire ' hazards or containment wall growth interferences. In general, the containment was very clean. The annulus area was also inspected for wail growth interferences; none were found.

1 ILRT Unit 1 Page 6 of 17 4.0 CONDUCT OF ILRT 4.1 Acceptance Criteria of Tvoo A Test The leakage rate, Lt at reduced pressure P, is calculated as follows: t L - 0.25 6 if 6 s 0.7 t L., L., L - 0.25 P-1/2 if y,,_ g 0.7 t P. L., For acceptable ILRT, the measured leak rate, L. SHALL be less than 0.75 L. t t Based upon preoperational test data (reference 6.2): 0.0087 wt%/ day L. t 0.0141 wt%/ day L., Ynerefore, 6 Qu0087 - 0.6170 L., 0.0141 Since 0.6170 < 0.7, Lt - 0.25 wt%/ day 6 L., or L - 0.25 wt%/ day (0.6170) - 0.15426 wt%/ day t Then L. shall be less than 0.75 (0.15426) = 0.11569 wt%/ day t 4.2 - Type A Test and Verification Test Results and Conclusions The Unit 1 Type A test and the Verification test were performed using the Mass Point Calculational Technique. The test data displayed acceptable results after five hours of testing using the Mass Point Technique. The ieast squares lee sge rate, L., at the final data point after 24 hours of data collection was t 0.0 33 wt%/ day with a corresponding L. at the 95 percent upper confidence t level equal to 0.0459 wt%/ day. After the completion of the Type A test a supplemantal test was performed to verify the validity of the Type A test measurements. A superimposed leak rate Lo = 1.17Le was initiated for the verification test. The test was performed for six hours. The composite leakage rate exhibited very good correlation to the acceptance band: 0.16188 wt%/a, s Lc s 0.25900 wt%/,y 4 Figure 1 through 8 display the results and parameters for the test period. Table 1 and Table 2 provioe the applicable test data.

ILRT Unit 1 Page 7 of 17 5.0 - SPECIAL TESTING 5.1 Shloid Buildina Testina Section IV, paragraph B of 10CFR50, Appendix J, "Special Testing Requirements" and Technical Specification 4.4.A.6 require testing of multiple barrier containments. Unit 1 Shield Building is functionally tested at quarterly intervals according to NSP Surveillance Procedure SP 1073. The Shield Building is functionally tested when each redundant trali, of the special ventilation system is tested to determine if it meets drawdown performance computed for the test condition with 75% of the Shield Building inleakage specified in Technical Specification Figure TS 4.4.1. None of these quarterly tests on Unit 1 Shield Building have failed to meet the acceptance criteria due to Shield Building degradation. 5.2 Auxiliary Buildina Testinn Technical Specification 4.4.A.6 requires retesting of the Auxiliary Building -Special Ventilation Zone (ABSVZ). Leak tightness of the ABSVZ is verified at quarterly intervals when each redundant train is run to determine if it can produce an acceptable negative pressur, in the zone within six minutes with an opening in the boundary of at least ten square feet. None of these quarterly tests have failed to meet the acceptance criteria.


6.1 Unit 1 Reactor Containment Buildina Intearated Leak Rate Test. Juiv.1973 Transmitted by letter dated October 4,1973, from Mr. L.O. Mayer, NSP, to Mr. J.F. O' Leary, Directorate of Ucensing, USAEC. 6.2 Supplement No.1 to Unit 1 Reactor Containment Buildina Intearated Leak Rate Test. July 1973 Transmitted by letter dated June 6,1974, from Mr. L.O. Mayer, NSP, to Mr. J.F. O' Leary, Directorate of Ucensing, USAEC.

ILRT Unit 1 Page 8 of 17 6.3 Unit 1 Reactor Containment Buildina Intearated Leak Rate Test. Qctober.1980 Transmitted by letter dated December 22, 1981, from Mr. L.O. Mayer, NSP, to Director, NRR. 6.4 Unit 1 Reactor Containment Buildina Intearated Leak Rate Test. - Eebruary 1985 - Transmitted by letter dated June 11, 1985, from Mr. D. Musolf, NSP, to Director, NRR. 6.5 Unit 1 Reactor Containment Buildina Intearated Leak Rate Tesi September 1988 Transmitted by letter dated December 1988 from Mr. D. Musolf, NSP, to Director, NRR. a. I

M L' ILRT Unit 1 Page 9 of 17 APPENplX A s,N Typo B and C Test Results - 1990 Refueling Outago Each penetration listed tolow is testod according to Survollianco Proceduro 1072 and Technical Specliication Tablo 4.4-1. The comt;!ned leakage for all components subject to Typo B and C tests shall be loss than 0.60 wt% / day. The combined


looktpo for components in the ABSVZ shall be loss than 0.10 wt% / day. The o combined leakage for components designated EXTERIOR shall bo loss than 0.01 wt% / day. The values listed are as lett leakage rates in SCCM. Values in brackets indicato as found leakago rates in SCCM prior to maintenanco. Soo Appendix C for repair Summary. U [ ABSVZ_i>ENEiPiTION3 m


lPon. jg; ? 'l - ' N o.' F9notration Typo insig a;ute,ido -Max 1 Pressurizer Rollof Tank C 1 1 1 San 1plo to GA 4 Primary Vent Hoedor C i 10 10 5 Reactor Coolant Drain Tank C 7 [10] 26 lG0] 20 [80) Pumn Dischargo 11 Lotdown Line C '14 5 252 [8] 345[345] 12 Char 0lnq Lino C 14 21 21 13A No.11 RCP Seal Water C 0 2 a Pupply 13C No.12 F P Seal Water C 1 0 1 Supply 14 PCP Seal Water Return C 12 [0] 8 [0] 12 [0] 15 Pressurizer Stm Sample C 0 5 5 16 Prossurizer Liquid Ompt C 0 5 6 17 Loop B Hot lod Sample C 1 1 1 16 fuel Tiansfer Tubo B b 8 19 Servico Air 0 3 4 4 21 Reactor Coolant 0:aln Tank C 6[3] 5[0] G[3] Gas to GA 22 Cntml Air Samplo la C 0 1 1 23 Cotml Air Sample Out C 0 15 15 25A Cntml Pur00 Exhaest B 3 3 250 Cntml Purgo Supply B 2 2 2e Cr.tmt Sump "A" D!sch C 0 [12] 1[9] 1 [12] 270 Firo Protection B 1 520 520

ILRT Unit 1 Pago 10 of 17 7m z,, - ,_._,.m fABSVZ PENETRATIONS" s r v.- 7 ! Pen.w in .V ) No.L l dN Penstistion; Typej "Inside ? iOutside # 5 Max:t < 1 a,c-27 LRT Prossuro B 11 11 C-1 instrument 27 ILRT Pressure B 9 9 C-1 Instrument 29A Internal Containment Spray C 35,000 [9] 35000 [9] 29B Internal Containment Spray C 12500 [26] 12500 [26] 30A Containment Sump B C 6000 6000 l Suction Lino 338 Containment Sump B C 350 350 Suction Lino 4:!C Containm7nt Heating B 4 16 16 Stoem 42F Containtnont Heating B 0 0 0 Condensato 42F Containment Heatlo B 1 0 1 Condonsato 44 ILRT Prossurization 0 0 1 1 45 Reactor Mako Up to C 405 2 405 l Pressurizer Rollef Tank 498 Domin Water B 5 20 20 i t ~ ? l


g m l i Pen.? Type: Inside-Outside Max i ' No. !, Penetration 2 Prossurizer Re af Tarik N2 C 1 6 6 Supply 20 instrument A r C 85 3 85 31 N2 to Accumt.1 tor C 11-11 42A Post LOCA HYL lontrol Air C 0 [23] S3(2) S3 [23) Supply 50 Post LOCA HYD Cornrol Air C 1 [22] 3[3] 3 [22] Supply. i .f l a. t---

lLRT Unit 1 Page 11 of 17 ~ > ANNULUS PENETRATIONS


Ponotration Typo insido Outsido-Max 34 Electrical Ponctrallons B 578 578 41A Containment Vacuum C 8 400 400 Breaker 41B Containment Vacuum C 0 000 600 Breaker 42A Post LOCA flydrogen Air C 2 [1401 0 [140] 9 [140] Vent 42B In Servico Purgo Supply B 0 0 43A In Servico Purgo Exhaust B 0 0 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen Air C 3 [70] 2 [70) 3 [70] Vent GA 11 Steam Line Bc! lows B 8 3 8 GB 12 Steam Lino Bellows B 1 1 1 7A 11 Feedwater Lino Bellows B 7 5 7 70 12 Feodwater Lino Dollows B 3 3 8A 11 Steam Generator B 5 16 16 Blowdown Bellows 80 12 Steam Generator B 2 5 5 Blowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out Dollows B 6 2 6 10 Residual lleat in Bellows B 4 7 7 11 Letdown Lino Ballows B 7 130 130 ': 0 Fuci Transfer Tabo Nilows P 7 5 7 Equipment Hatch B 23 23 Personnel Airlock 1005 [1350] 1005,1350] Aalntonance Airlock 1005 [1800) 1005(1800)

ILRT Unit 1 Page 12 of 17 APPENDIX B Type B and C Test Results - 1991 Refueling Outage Each penetration listed below is tested according to Surveillance Proceduro 1072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. The values listed are as left leakage rates in SCCM. Values in brackets indicate as found leakage rates in SCCM prior to maintenance. See Appendix C for repair Summary, e - _e.. me. m _ s ~.,m' .,--o, -,,d (AB8VZ PENETRATlONS( ~ m: fene


'*E d +No? Penetration 1 1Typ'en ilnsidel 00tsidet MaxJ Pathway # ~m-dPenaltyi: ba, % = a.w, mm. am n m, a o, a 1 Pressurizor Rollof C 10[0] 8 0 10 [0] 3 0 O Tank Samplo to GA 23 psig 3[0] 4,0, 4[0] 3 0 3A Deadwolght Testor 8 2 2 2 0 4 Primary Vent Heador C 8 8 8 8 8' 5 Reactor Coolant Drn C 11 [6] 9 [14) 11 14] 9' 6' 1" Tnk Pump Dischargo 23 psig 4[3] 2[4] 44) 2 3 11 Lotdown Line C 10 5100 5100 10 0 12- . Char 0ing Lino C 420 150 420 150 0 13A No.11 RCP Seal C 16 60 60 16 0 Water Supply 130 No.12 RCP Seal .C 2 30 30 2 0 Water Supply - 14. RCP Seal Wator C 80 0.l 270.4I 270

4) 80 0

0 Return 23 psig 58 0' 132; 0) 132.0) 58 0 '15 Prossurizer Ulm C 2 0 2 0 0 Samplo 10 Piossurizor Liquid C 0 0 0 0 0 Smpt 17 Loop B Hot Log C 7 10 10 7 0 Samplo 18 Fue, Jransfer Tubo 0 21 21 21 0 19-Servico Alt. B 3 30 30 3 0 21 Reactor Coolant Drn C 14 15 15 11 0 Tank Gas to GA: 22 Cntmt.Alr Samplo in C 2 4 4 2 0 23 Cntml Air Sample Out C 0 0 0 0 0 5A-Cntml Purge Exhanst B 10 10 10 0 2 250 Cntml Pur00 Supply 0 15 15 15 0

ILRT Unit 1 i Page 13 of 17 s, > r7, -ww m u-w # seg g%,

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g,e .s,y s m.. s.-n y m -w e g. gw ! AB8VZ PENETRATIONS - 7' p .1 j jj ....m


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[No. sPenetration; iTyper > insides EOutside: 1 Man MPathwayj iPenalty8 ; b 10 [5] 12 16) 12 16] 10 5) 0 26 Cntml Sq p "A Disch 23 psig 6[2] 5 8] 6 8] 5[] 278 Fire Protection 0 165 3 165 3 0 i l 27 ILRT Prossuro B 0 0 0 0 C-1 Instrument j 27 ILRT Prossure B 28 28 28 28 + C-1 Instrument 29A intornal Conialnmeni O 3700 [16500) 700 [1000) 3700 [16500) 700l1000) 3700* i 23 psig 2800 [12500] 140 [750) 2800 [12500) 140 [750) 610"/2800* 29B Internti Containment C 1020 [1000) 300 [675) 1020 [1000] 300[675] 1020' Spray-23 ps!g 800 [850) 121 [0] 800 [850] 121l0) 800' 30A Containrnent Sump B C 2130 [6800) 2130 [6800) 2130 [6800] Suction Line 23 psig 2250[3300) 2250 [3300] 2250 [3300] 1050" 30B Containment Sump B C 250 [2201 250[220] 250 [220] Suction Line 23 psig 2[170) 2 [1/0) 2 [170) 168" 42A Post LOCA 612 0 5 1 5 1 0 Control 42C Containment Heating B 15 10 15 10 0 Steam 4 2 F-1 -- Containment Heating B 5 4 5 4 0 Condensato 42F-2 Containment Heating B 4 5 5 4 0 i Condensato i 44 ILRT Pressurization B 10 50 50 10 0 45 Reactor Make Up to C 550 8 550 8 0 i Pressurizer Rollef Tnk 498 Domin Water B 0 2 2 0 0 50 Post LOCA H2 C 2 0 2 0 0 i Conti01 l t i t s I i } .~. a.uc, .. a.. ca.,aa _ _ _..-._,. _ _._ _ __ _ ___ ___ _ _._._ _ _

ILRT Unit 1 Page 14 of 17 .n c ~ IEXTERIOR PEhETRATIONS - 4 o IPen.- l Min; $No-iPenetration Type' InsideL ' Outside: -MaxL i thwayJ iPenalty - Pe = u 2 Pressurizer Rollof C 12 9 12 0 0 Tank N; Supply 20 Instrument Air C 75 2 75 2 0 31 N2 to Accumulator C 60 60 60 0 42A Post LOCA HYD C 5 1 5 1 0 Control Air Supply 50 Post LOCA HYD C 2 0 2 0 0 Control Air Supply n. l ANNULUS-PENETRATIONS t L - K Min) .q l IPen.' M_ _ v Maxj - Patliwfy Jenaltyy [No. - Penetration! jType _Inside1 @utside. 3 34 Electrical Ponotrations B 830 830 830 0 l 41A Containment Vacuum C 14 500 .JO 14 0 Breaker i 410 Containment Vacuum C 4 200 200 4 0 Breaker i 42A-1 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 50 60 60 50 0 Air Vent [ 42A-2 Post LOCA Hydro 0cn C 5 23 23 5 0 Air Vent 42B in Service Purgo B 9 9 9 0 Supply 43A In Servico Purgo B 30 30 30 0 Exhaust t l 50-1 Post LOCA Hydro 0cn C 11 12 12 11 0 Air Vent 50-2 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 2 16 16 2 0 Air Vent GA 11 Steam Lino B 2 0 2 0 0 Bellows 6B-12 Steam Lino il 0 0 0 0 0 Bollows j 7A 11 Feedwater Lino B 2 2 2 2 0 Bellows f 70 12 foodwater Line B 4 3 4 3 0 Bellows 8A 11 Steam Generator B 5 24 24 5 0 Blowdown Bellows i 1

ILRT Unit 1 Page 15 of 17 i yme_ ., w e N aw w. v- ~p w-.. s av ~ - .s 5 x x v uq a z a.T e 6-19 % ' r e. ' ] j { ANNULUS;PENETRATIONSjgy

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  • s 4

+Wt.1 w pfe e-89,p y v op % g ! Pen.o f Min j l ~~' s l 8 No.

Penetration %. Type,. ',
Inside :

? Outside! .. Maxi < Pathwayi SPenaltyB w ~. w-- n - ~ -c. i n-~ 80 12 Steam Generator D 7 0 7 0 0 Ulowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out B 0 0 0 0 0 Bollows 10 Rosidual Heat in B 7 4 7 4 0 Bollows 11 Lotdown Lino Dollows D 4 14J 140 4 0 18 Fuel Transfor Tubo B 2 8 8 2 0 Dollo <s Equipment Hatch 8 15 15 15 0 Personnel Airlock B 2631[3102) 2631 [3162] 2031 l3162] 0 23 psig 3885[2381) 3885 [2381l 3885 [2381] Maintenanco Alttock B 3212 [2625) 3212 [2625] 3212 [2625] O 23 psig 3862 [2840] 3862 l2840] 3862 [2840]

  • B + C Total Penalty - 4728 SCCM @ 46 psig (0.0182 wt% @ 46 psig)

" Total Ropair Penalty - 1829 SCCM @ 23 psig (0.0113 wi% @ 46 psig) B + C Penalty Calculations: 4728 cc x 1Ft3 x 100wt% x 60 min x 24 Hr - 0.0182 wt% @ 46 psig = 0.0113 wt%/ day @ 23 psig min 28317cc 1.32x100 f t3 Hr day day Total Repair Penalty Calculations: 1829 cc x 1Ft3 x 100wt% x D.0 min x 24 Hr x (60.7)- 0.0113 wth @ 46 psig - 0.0070 wt%/ day @ 23 psl0 - min 28317cc 1.32x106 f t3 Hr day 37,7 day Sump A Lovelincreaso Ponalty - 0.0025 wt%/ day Using the abovo penalties the 1991 as found typo A UCL leakage rato - (0.0459 + 0.0113 + 0.0070 4 0.0025) wt%/ day - 0.0667 wt%/ day < 0.11569 wt%/ day - 0.75 Lt @ Pt ~.

ILRT Unit 1 Page 16 of 17 APPENDIX _Q Type B and C Test Summary i IREFUEON'G. MEN - l ! OUTAGE-N O. -- PENETRATION ~


o ~ m. 1990 5 Reactor Coolant Drain Replaced valve body Tank Pump Discharge diaphragm; air motor diaphragm 1990 11 Letdown Line Replaced valvo Internals l 1990 14 RCP Seal Water Return Performed preventive maintenance on motor actuator 1990 21 RCDT Gas to G.A. Performed preventive maintenance on motor actuator 1990 26 Cntmt Sump A Disch Replaced Valvo Internals 1990 29A Internal Containment Spray Addition of new LLRT t i test valves 1990 298 Internal Containment Spray Addition of new LLRT test valvas 1990 42A Post Loca Hyd. Control Performed preventive Ah Supply maintenance on motor actuator 1990 42A Post Loca Hyd. Control Performed preventive Air Vent maintenance on motor l actuator 1990 50 Post Loca Hyd. Control Performed preventive Air Supply maintenance on motor actuator 1990 50 Post Loca Hyd. Control Performed preventive L Air Vent maintenance on motor actuator 1991 1 PRT to GA Valve internals l replaced 1991 5 RCDT Pump Disch Adjust locknuts / apply locktite to nuts 1991 14 RCP Seal Water Return Performed preventive maintenance on motor actuator l-

ILRT t Unit 1 1 Page 17 of 17 ) cry gpr a :-yger.] 23 ew' N '; +# Pr *pg e m.nyvnnynywyrp.pygyvyymwK$ yg 9:**?c77*y?:qpme:j#fnyn.4 %, rf *+vl. +( . L. M.3 g j !REFUEUNGg EPEN; -a jy 1SUMMARM ?p l YOUTAGEsc 1.jNOb m *? PENETRATIONsw.s.:s:aa w a m w:u au m w a w l 1991 26. Cntmt Sump A Disch Performed preventive maintenance on motor actuator j 1991 29A Internal Containment Spray Performed preventivo maintenance on motor l 5 actuator ) -1991 29B Internal Containment Spray Performed preventive maintenance on motor actuator 1991 . 30A Cntmt Sump B Suct Performed preventive. maintenance on motor actuator 1991 308 - Cntml Sump B Suct - Performed preventive-maintenance on motor actuator T 4 ? l i i l I i r 1. .r--,m ..-r,. 7 +-r, ,...m,,,,.%,m, w_, ,,,__.s., .ew,. p yr.,%,_,cyy-.,-,,..,,-v,r--_w,,y-g.,-,,,,---.,..- y~-e.c.,.---p..-_-,.gm..

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i ' TABLE 1 ANS 56.8 Integrated Leahage Rate Calculations l l Filet june. set l -NSP.PINGP Unit-1, ILRT 1991 l l Data Analysts Window l Start Times 16:30: 0 Date 1721991 End Times 16: 30: 0 Dates 1731991 l i i ( Data Analysis Frequency - 900 seconds j i i 1 DELTA TIME PRRSSURE TEMP LSF UCL OMEGA l 0.0000 39.2990 79.2838 0.0000 0.0000 299799.6879 .i .1900 39.1969 79.2933 0.0000 0.0000 299796.7500 L <000 -39.2937 79.2291 .1993 1.1164 299787.2812 . '. '9 0 0 39.2911 79.2044 .1902 .3494 299781.6879 i 1.0000 39.2888 79.1803 .1827 .2970 299778.9000 i 1.2900 39.2861 79.1998 .1892 .2340 299771.9062 j 1.9000~ 39.2841 79.1339 .1812 .2126 299769.4062 j L 1 7900 39.2829 -79.1121 .1949- .1920 299772.09??- l 2.0000 39.2008 ??.0940 .1443 .1747 299767.0000 l 2.2900 39.2791 79.0798 .1362 .1619 299764.9312 1 -2.9000 39.2769 79.0980 .1398 .1962 299798.4379 ~ -- 2 '. 79 0 0 ' 39.2749 - .79.0411 .1410 .1987 299790.9379 i 3.0000 39.2732 79.0236 .1401 .1949 299790.9000 i 13.2900 39.2723 79.0070 .1330 .1476 299792.7812 3.9000 39.2711-78.9916 .1299 .1404 299792.0312 -{ 3.7900-39.2692 78.9778 .1229 .1399 2997t.6. 3129 - l '4.0000 39.2689 78.9628 .1148 .1288 299791.4379. '4.2900 39.2681 78.9489 .1063 .1214 299792.9937 l 4.9000 39 2663 76.9349 .1016 .1199 299747.4062 r 4.7900L 39.2646 78.9208 .0990 .1120 299743.0937 i 9.0000 -39.2637 78.9102 .0961 .1082 299742.4379 J 9;2900 39.2616! 78.9011 .0970- .1081 299732.7187- [ '9.9000< 39.2607 -78.8882 .0964 .1069 299733.3790 [ 9.7900 - 39.2998 78.8763 .0951 .1044 299733.0000 1 6.0000 -39.2988 18.8691 .0937 .1024 299731.6879- + =6.2900 39.2977 78.8927- .0923 .1004 299730.0937 s 6'9000-39.2968 78.8407 .0903 .0980-299730.4062 6,7500 '39.2996 78.8283 .0887 .0961 299728.0000 .7,0000 39.2946-78.8132 .0866 .0937 299729.2290-i =7.2900-39.2939 78.8029 .0048 .0917 299726.8437 -7.9000-39.2913 78.7Y49 .0892 .0917 299716.1962 7.7900 39.2910


.0846 .0906 299718.9629 i 8.0000 39.2900_ 78.7747 .0839 .0896 -299716.9687 i 8.2900 39 2490 78.7622 .0831 .0889 299?16.2900 8.9000 -39.2474 78.7922 .0830 .0881-299710.4379 i i8.7900-39.2466 78.7392 .0823 .0872 299712,0000 ?9.0000 ~ .39.2498 78.7293 .0814 .0861 299711.4687 i 9.2900 39.2491 78.7169 .000i 0847 299712.8790 9.5000 39,2434 78,7077 .0798 .0842 299709.9000 .9'.7900 39,2427 78.6989 .0792 .0834 299709.9629 L o .. z

i AHS 96.8 Intograted Leakage Rate Calculations Filet June. set NSP-PINGP Unit-1, ILRT 1991 Da t a Ana lys is IJindow Start Times 16: 30: 0 Date 1721991 ) End Times 16:30: 0 Date 1731991 Data Analysis Frequency 900 seconds ' DELTA TIME PRESSURE-TEMP LSF UCL OMEGA 10.0000 39.2419 70.6863 .0783 .0824 299709.937$ 10.2900 39.2409- /8.6773 .0776 .0816 299703.7900 10.9000-39.2400 78.6671~ .0768 .0007 299703.1962


39.2390-73.6949 .0760 .0798 299702.1290-

11.0000 39.2381 78.6497_

.0793 .0789-299700.2812 j 11'.2900 39.2374 78.6378 .0749 .0781 299699.7812-211.9000 39.2364 7G.6272 .0739 .0773 299698.0937 J 11.7900 -39.2391 78.6186 .0734 .0767 299693.9937 '12.0000 39.2338-78.6098 .0730 .0762 299691.9629-12.2900. 39.2326 78.9966 .0728 .0760 299687.8790 i 12.9000 39.2320 .78.9902 .0726 .0796 299686.8437 ) .12.7900 39.2319 '78.9800 .0721 .0790 299688.6962 1 13.0000 39.2310 78.9700 .0714 .0743 299690.0937 13i2900 39.2299 78.9608 .0708 .0737 299687.2812 13.9000 39.2293 78.9476 .0700 .0728 299689.7900 13.7500 -39.2283 _78.9400 .0694 .0722 290606.1290 14.0000 39.2279_ 78.926) .0689 .0714 299688.2900 i 14.2900-39.2262 78.9189 -.0680 .0700 299683.2187 -14.5000 39.2296-78.9093 .0674 .0701 299684.0312 ~ 14.7900 39.2249-78.4969 .0666 .C694 299689.0000 16.0000 39.2248-78.4873 .0696 .0609 299689.1879 '19.2900 39.2238 78.4779 - .0646 .0679 299687.-1962 l 19.9000 39.2239 78.4676 .0636 .0666-299689.9687 19.7900 39.2221- ?8.4929 .0626 .0696 299687.7812 16.0000 39.2212 78.4431 .3617 .0648 299686.4062 8.4313 .0611 .0641 299600.9629 .16.2900 39.2194 7 16.9000' 39.2189 78.4153 .0603 .0633 299684.-4062 16.7900 35.2187 78.4063 .0993 .0624 299687.9937 17;0000 39.2183 78.3989 .0983 .0614 299688.4062 17.2900-39.2174 78.3887 .0973 .0609 299687.4379 y L 17.5000 39.2174 78.3710 .0960 .0994 299696.2900 t L 17.7900-39.2191 78.3690- .0953 .0987 299682.0629 18.0000 39.2139_ 78.3996 ,0947 .0980 299680.9000 J18;2900 139.2127 78.3419 .0941 ,0974 299679.3129 18.9000 39.2129 -78.3326 .0934' .0966 299682.9000


.39.2107 78.3212- .0929 . 661 299679.7813 19.0000 39.2099 78.3129 .0929 .0956 299674.4062 19.2900 -39.2088 78.3000 .0921 .0992 299673.7187 19.9000 39.2001' 78.2911 .0916 .0947 299673.1290 L 19,7900 39.2072 78.2798 .0912 .0942 299672.3437 L i I + 1. ~

Alls 96.8 Integrated Leakaga Rate Calculations- -Files june. set 14SP Pit 4GP Unit-1, ILRT 1991 . Data Analysis Liindow S t a r t. T t ine : 161301 0 Datei 1721991 End 1ime: 16830: 0 Dete: 1731991 'Date' Analysis Frequency 900 seconds DELTA TIME PRESSURE TEt1P LSF UCL Of1EG A - 20.0000 39.2079 78.2/22 0906 0936 299677.6290 20.2900 39.2063 78.2984 0900 0930 299677.0000 20.9000 39.2097 78.2492 0494 0924 299677.0629 20.7900 39.2043 78.2401 0490 0919 299672.7900 21.0000 39.2039 78.2307 0489 09:4 299671.8129-21.2900 39.2029 78.2216 0482. 0910 299669.6290-3 21.9000-39.2017 78.2173-0 4 ~79 0906 299666.4379 - i 21.7900 39,2022-78.2099 0474-0901 2'J 9673. 4 062 22.'0000 -39.2014 78.2009 0469 0496 299672.2900-22.1900 39.2008 78.1894 0463 0491 299673.7812 i 22.9000: 39.1996-78.1822 0499 0466 299669.9313 22.7900- .39.1994 78.1798 0499 0481 299671.3437 23,0000-39.1990 78.1690 0449 0476 299673.7900 i 0449 0471 299670.7812 23.2900 39.1982 78.1994 23.5000 39.1972 78.1901 0441 0467 299668.9487 23.7900 39.1964 78.1436 0437 0463-299666.9687 24.0000-39.1962 78.1409 0433 0499 - 299667.0000 i d -,e-e =w

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-=-ar wesw-ev arew ew--' a.e* w - e mw-3 o.m, a -wa <e aturm--=e w 'e e. e ar--e m iercee.-e.ewf w + = we- - =e. ce , mer-. -me-e,, ---r ese m-st y-% e,e t v-r ver de w---e ce r -n ve v-"+

-TABLE 3 d-A145 96.8 Integrated Leakage Rate Calculations Files J une. se t' NSP PlHGP-Unit-1, ILRT 1991 - f ' Dat a Ana lysis tJindow - l Start times 17 01 0 Datet 1731991 End Timot 22:30s 0 Dates 1731991 ^ 1Deta Analysis Frequency 900- sec o ids DEt.TA TIME PRESSURE TEMP LSF UCL OMEGA O.0000 -39.1934 -78.1228 0.0000 0.0000 299697.0629 2900. 39.1926 78.1140 0.0000 0.0000 299699.6879 l -.9000 39.1912 78.1082 .1419 .9899 299649.4062 7900 39;1897 70.0994 .1743 .2630-299643.4379 i fl.0000- -39.1887 78.0930 .1698 .2112 299640.2387 1.2900 39.1877 78.0890 .1699 .1941 299639.4379 '1.9000 !)9.1862 78.0831 .1799 .1996 299628.3129 . 1.7900 -39.1891 -70.0793. .1898 .2019 299622.7$00 2.0000 39.1843 78.0736 .1826 .1993. 299620.2187 2.2900 39.1823 L70.0662 .1906 .2037 299610,9000 2.9000 39.1819 78.0619 .1862 .1977 299610.9937 - 2.7900 39.1806 -78.0949 .1946 .1942 299604.8790 3.0000

  1. 9.1788 70.0901

.1891 .1989 -299999.3790 3.2900 39.-1784- .78.0462 .1874 .1999 299994.9629-3.9000 39.1773 78~0389 .1894 .1927 299990.9000 3.7900= 39.1799 78.0338 .1899 .1910' 299983.7187 4.0000 .39.1748 70.0304 .1860 .1916 299978.0312 - 4.2900: 39,1734 78.0244 .1871 .1922. 299971'.9062 - 4.9000 39.1726 78.0229 .1876 .1921 299967.3437 4.7900 39.1713 78.0190 .1889 .1932 299963.9000 1 9.0000_ _ 39.1709 78.0108 .1880 .1919 299999.2900 9'.2900- '39.*692 70.0094 .1886 .1923-299991.1290 ' 9.9000 .39.1684-78.0013 .1879 .1910 299949.9687 t f W w +e-%-n- ,, e r w nwen e .r mwew w.- we.=-w 3 e, c. s _.. ,imi.-%mi.-.._,,+-..- w m,-.,,w.,w-, ,~e,--. wen.,r,cye,s t w ee-em q v T-z}}