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Responds to from Scientists & Engineers for Secure Energy Re Extreme Delay in Issuing Cp.Public Interest Served by Extensive Review of Application
Person / Time
Site: 05000471
Issue date: 10/10/1978
From: Shapar H
To: Kline R
Shared Package
ML20062A555 List:
NUDOCS 7810160009
Download: ML20062A549 (2)


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{ Docket No. 50-471 Mr. Robert V. Kline Department of Physics - ,

Lyman Laboratory of Physics Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Dear Mr. Kline:

Your letter of September 15, 1978 to Chairman Hendrie concerning the licensing of Pilgrim Unit No. 2 has been referred to me for a reply.

I want to thank you for expressing your concerns about the licensing proces s . I recognize that this proceeding has been pending for some time; however, I believe that the public interest has been served by the extensive review that this application has received.

I want to ascure you the NRC Staff is moving as expeditiously as pos-sible to complete the hearing procese associated with licensing of Pilgrim Unit No. 2. Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as

' amended, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Energy Re-organization Act of 1974, this agency is required to carefully consider the public health and safety and environmentalimpacts associated with the licensing of a nuclear power plant. In the instant case, the review necessary to =ake all the findings recuired by the governing statutes ,

for various reasons, has been lengthy. However, I am confidant that the end result will reflect the review contemplated by the Congress and desired by the public relying on this agency to protect it.

Your letter referred to the ongoing review of abernative sites. I would like to Inform you that the NRC Staff is now in the process of completing its review of alternative sites which was ordered by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board. This review should be completed by

. November,1978.

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Mr. Robert V. Kline ,

The NRC Staff is also currently reviewing the Applicants' financial qualifications . As you may know, the utility industry over the last few years has been experiencing financial constraints. The Staff is therefore carefully scrutinizing the financial plans submitted by the Applicants to determine if they are reasonable.

-_ In your letter-you expressed concern about the economic cost and environmentalimpact of alternative forms of power generation to meet the projected dimand for electric power in the New England region. The Staff in its Final Environmental Statement and in testi- '

many before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board concluded that Pilgrim Unit No. 2 is needed in the mid-1980's and is the preferable economic and envircamental alternative to a coal- or oil-fired power plant.

Again, I want to thank you for your letter. If my Staff may be of any assistance to you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely ,

l tioward F. Shapa Executive Legal Director cc: Pilgrim Service List

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